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红景天提取物毒理学安全性评价发布时间:2021-11-30T05:34:28.283Z 来源:《医师在线》2021年30期作者:马婷翟涛[导读] 目的进行红景天提取物毒理学安全性评价。
马婷翟涛绵阳师范学院四川绵阳 621000【摘要】目的进行红景天提取物毒理学安全性评价。
1.2实验动物 SPF级昆明种小鼠,体重25~35g,SPF级健康离乳SD大鼠,体重180~220g,雌雄各半。
2 试验方法2.1急性经口毒性试验:采用限量法,选用SPF级健康离乳SD大鼠20只,雌雄各半。
热带农业科技Tropical Agricultural Science &Technology 2024,47(1):6-10牛油果主要病虫害及其防治毛加梅,黄建,付小猛,杨虹霞,郭俊,王自然,岳建强*(云南省农业科学院热带亚热带经济作物研究所,云南保山678000)摘要摘要::概述世界各地牛油果的主要害虫种类(蝇类、蛾类、蚧类、螨类,半翅目和鞘翅目类)、主要病害种类(根腐病、炭疽病、疮痂病等真菌性病害以及细菌性软腐病和溃疡病)和病虫害防治现状。
关键词关键词:鳄梨;害虫;病害;防治中图分类号:S667.9文献标识码:A文章编号:1672-450X (2024)01-0006-05Main Diseases and Insect Pests of Avocado and the ControlMAO Jiamei,HUANG Jian,FU Xiaomeng,YANG Hongxia,GUO Jun WANG Ziran,YUE Jianqiang *Institute of Tropical and Subtropical Cash Crops,YAAS,Banshan 678000,ChinaAbstract:The major pest species (flies,moths,scale,mites,hemiptera and coleoptera ),major disease species (fungal diseas-es such as root rot,anthracnose,scab,and bacterial soft rot and canker )and pest control status on avocados in the world were summarized.In recent years,the planting area of avocado has expanded rapidly in China.This paper puts forward some measurements against avocado diseases and pests from the perspective of scientific and rational orchard selection,strengthening inspection and quarantine,rational seed selection,and selecting appropriate control methods.words Key words::Persea americana ;insects;diseases;control————————————收稿日期:2023-06-25基金项目:云南省重大科技专项计划(202202AE090004);保山市科技计划项目(2018kj03)作者简介:毛加梅(1987-),女,助理研究员,主要从事果树病虫害研究工作。
·糖尿病与并发症·糖尿病新世界 2024年2月DOI:10.16658/ki.1672-4062.2024.03.185沙库巴曲缬沙坦联合达格列净对2型糖尿病肾病患者的疗效分析李海东江苏如东洋口医院肾内科,江苏如东226407[摘要]目的探讨2型糖尿病肾病(Diabetic Nephropathy, DN)患者治疗中合用沙库巴曲缬沙坦与达格列净的临床疗效和对肾功能指标的影响。
治疗后,两组尿素氮、血肌酐、24 h尿蛋白定量均呈下降趋势,肾小球滤过率呈升高趋势,且观察组改变更明显,差异有统计学意义(P均< 0.05)。
[关键词] 沙库巴曲缬沙坦;达格列净;2型糖尿病;肾病;肾功能[中图分类号] R4 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1672-4062(2024)02(a)-0185-05Efficacy of Sacubactril Valsartan Combined with Dapagliflozin in Patients with Type 2 Diabetic NephropathyLI HaidongDepartment of Nephrology, Yangkou Hospital, Rudong, Jiangsu Province, 226407 China[Abstract] Objective To investigate the clinical efficacy and effect of sacubactril valsartan and dapagliflozin on renal function in patients with type 2 diabetic nephropathy (DN). Methods 68 patients with type 2 DN admitted to Yangkou Hospital of Rudong from January 2022 to January 2023 were selected as the study objects and were divided into con⁃trol group and observation group by random number table method, with 34 cases in each group. The control group was given single treatment of daglipzin, and the observation group was given combined treatment of daglipzin and sakuba⁃tril valsartan. The clinical effects, and renal function indexes, blood glucose changes, and oxidative stress indexes of the two groups were compared. Results The total effective rate of the observation group was higher than that of the control group, and the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). After treatment, fasting plasma glucose (FPG) and glyeosylated hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) in both groups decreased, and the increase were more significant in the ob⁃servation group, and the difference was statistically significant (all P<0.05). After treatment, blood urea nitrogen (BUN), serum creatinine (Scr) and 24-hour urinary protein quantity (24 hUTP) in both groups showed a decreasing trend, the glomerular filtration rate showed an increasing trend, and the change was more obvious in the observation group, and the difference was statistically significant (all P<0.05). After treatment, total antioxidant capacity (T-AOC), superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione peroxidase (GSH-PX) in both groups showed an increasing trend, and the [作者简介]李海东(1976-),男,本科,主任医师,研究方向为肾小球肾炎、糖尿病肾病。
1. IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/TREPARATION AND THE COMPANY/UNDERTAKING3.HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION4. FIRST AID MEASURESMATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETProduct name:Supplier:Tel:EMERGENCY OVERVIEW: May cause skin irritation and/or dermatitisPrinciple routes of exposure: Inhalation: Ingestion: Skin contact: Eye contact:SkinMay cause irritation of respiratory tract May be harmful if swallowed May cause allergic skin reaction Avoid contact with eyesStatements of hazard MAY CAUSE ALLERGIC SKIN REACTION.Statements of Spill of Leak Label Eliminate all ignition sources. Absorb and/or contain spill with inert materials (e.g., sand, vermiculite). Then place in appropriate container. For large spills, use water spray to disperse vapors, flush spill area. Prevent runoff from entering waterways or sewers.General advice:POSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTSInhalation:Skin contact:Ingestion:Eye contact:Protection of first – aiders:Medical conditions aggravated by exposure: In the case of accident or if you fell unwell, seek medical advice immediately (show the label where possible).Move to fresh air, call a physician immediately.Rinse immediately with plenty of water and seek medical adviceDo not induce vomiting without medical advice.In the case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water and seek medical advice.No information availableNone knownSuitable extinguishing media:Specific hazards:Special protective equipment for firefighters:Flash point:Autoignition temperature:NFPA rating Use dry chemical, CO2, water spray or “alcohol” foam Burning produces irritant fumes.As in any fire, wear self-contained breathing apparatus pressure-demand, MSHA/NIOSH (approved or equivalent) and full protective gearNot determinedNot determinedNFPA Health: 1 NFPA Flammability: 1 NFPA Reactivity: 0Personal precautions: Environmental precautions: Methods for cleaning up: Use personal protective equipment.Prevent product from entering drains.Sweep up and shovel into suitable containers for disposalStorage:7. HANDLING AND STORAGE5.FIRE-FIGHTING MEASURES6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURESRoom temperature Handling:Safe handling advice: Incompatible products:Use only in area provided with appropriate exhaust ventilation.Wear personal protective equipment.Oxidising and spontaneously flammable productsEngineering measures: Respiratory protection: Skin and body protection:Eye protection: Hand protection: Hygiene measures:Ensure adequate ventilation.Breathing apparatus only if aerosol or dust is formed. Usual safety precautions while handling the product will provide adequate protection against this potential effect. Safety glasses with side-shieldsPVC or other plastic material glovesHandle in accordance with good industrial hygiene and safety practice.Melting point/range: Boiling point/range: Density: Vapor pressure: Evaporation rate: Vapor density: Solubility (in water): Flash point:Autoignition temperature:No Data available at this time. No Data available at this time. No data available No data available No data available No data available No data available Not determined Not determinedStability: Stable under recommended storage conditions. Polymerization: None under normal processing.Hazardous decomposition products: Thermal decomposition can lead to release of irritating gases and vapours such as carbon oxides.Materials to avoid: Strong oxidising agents.10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITY9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATIONConditions to avoid: Exposure to air or moisture over prolonged periods.Product information Acute toxicityChronic toxicity:Local effects: Chronic exposure may cause nausea and vomiting, higher exposure causes unconsciousness.Symptoms of overexposure may be headache, dizziness, tiredness, nausea and vomiting.Specific effects:May include moderate to severe erythema (redness) and moderate edema (raised skin), nausea, vomiting,headache.Primary irritation: Carcingenic effects: Mutagenic effects: Reproductive toxicity:No data is available on the product itself. No data is available on the product itself. No data is available on the product itself. No data is available on the product itself.Mobility:Bioaccumulation: Ecotoxicity effects: Aquatic toxicity:No data available No data available No data availableMay cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment.12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONSWaste from residues/unused products:Contaminated packaging:Waste disposal must be in accordance with appropriate Federal, State and local regulations. This product, if unaltered by use, may be disposed of treatment at a permitted facility or as advised by your local hazardous waste regulatory authority. Residue from fires extinguished with this material may be hazardous.Do not re-use empty containers.UN/Id No:Not regulated14. TRANSPORT INFFORMATIONDOTProper shipping name: Not regulatedTGD(Canada)WHMIS hazard class: Non - controlledIMDG/IMOIMDG – Hazard Classifications Not ApplicableIMO – labels:15. REGULATORY INFOTMATION International Inventories16. OTHER INFORMATIONPrepared by: Health & SafetyDisclaimer: The information and recommendations contained herein are based upon tests believed to be reliable.However, XABC does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness NOR SHALL ANY OF THIS INFORMATION CONSTITUTE A WARRANTY, WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, AS TO THE SAFETY OF THE GOOD, THE MERCHANTABILITY OF THE GOODS, OR THE FITNESS OF THE FITNESS OF THE GOODS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Adjustment to conform to actual conditions of usage maybe required. XABC assumes no responsibility for results obtained or for incidental or consequential damages, including lost profits arising from the use of these data. No warranty against infringement of any patent, copyright or trademark is made or implied.End of safety data sheet。
转基因食品成分检测技术研究进展候吉超,吴 斌,姜 蕾,宋晶晶,任小娜,王 东*(喀什大学 生命与地理科学学院,新疆帕米尔高原生物资源与生态重点实验室,新疆喀什 844000)摘 要:随着转基因技术的发展及应用,转基因作物品种和食品种类不断增加,给人们带来经济利益的同时,也存在安全方面的争论。
关键词:转基因食品;检测技术;研究进展Research Progresses in Detection Technologies for TransgenicFood IngredientsHOU Jichao, WU Bin, JANG Lei, SONG Jingjing, REN Xiaona, WANG Dong*(College of Life and Geographic Sciences, Kashi University, Key Laboratory of Biological Resources and Ecology of Pamirs Plateau in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, Kashi 844000, China) Abstract: With the development and application of transgenic technology, the varieties of transgenic crops and foods are increasing. While genetically modified foods bring economic benefits to people, there are also safety disputes. It is extremely urgent to develop new transgenic detection technology. In this paper, the research progress of transgenic protein and nucleic acid detection technology is reviewed, and the advantages and disadvantages of different detection methods are described, in order to provide more ideas for the research and development of rapid and high-throughput detection technology of transgenic products.Keywords: transgenic food; detection technology; research progress随着世界人口的高速增长,“全球粮食危机”已经成为全世界关注的焦点,而转基因技术的诞生为解决“全球粮食危机”带来了希望[1-2]。
Multiple Effect Distillation Processes for Sea Water DesalinationS IDEM / ENTROPIE is the world leader in sea water desalination through low temperature distillation processes such as:•Multiple Effect Distillation (MED)•Multiple Effect Distillation with Thermal Vapour Compression (MED-TVC)•Multiple Effect Distillation with Mechanical Vapour Compression (MED-MVC)BASICS ON THE MED PROCESSAn MED evaporator consists of several consecutive cells (or effects) maintainedat decreasing levels of pressure (and temperature) from the first(hot) cell to thelast one (cold).Each cell mainly consists in a horizontal tubes bundle.The top ofthe bundle is sprayed with sea water make-up that flows down from tube totube by gravity (see sketch 1).Heating steam is introduced inside the tubes.Since tubes are cooled externallyby make-up flow,steam condenses into distillate (fresh water) inside the tubes.At the same time sea water warms up and partly evaporates by recovering thecondensation heat(latent heat).Due to evaporation sea water slightlyconcentrates when flowing down the bundle and gives brine at the bottom ofthe cell.The vapour raised by sea water evaporation is at a lower temperaturethan heating steam.However it can still be used as heating media for the nexteffect where the process is repeated.The decreasing pressure from one cell tothe next one allows brine and distillate to be drawn to the next cell where theywill flash and release additional amounts of vapour at the lower pressure.This additional vapour will condense into distillate inside the next cell.This process is repeated in a series of effects (Multiple Effect Distillation)(see sketch 2with 3 effects).In the last cell,the produced steam condenses on aconventional shell and tubes heat exchanger.This exchanger,called “distillatecondenser”is cooled by sea-water.At the outlet of this condenser,part of thewarmed sea-water is used as make-up of the unit,the other part is rejected tothe sea.Brine and distillate are collected from cell to cell till the last one from where they are extracted by centrifugal pumpsThe thermal efficiency of such evaporator can be quantified as the number of kilos of distillate produced per one kilo of steam introduced in the system.Such number is called the Gain Output Ratio (GOR).The GOR of the evaporator in sketch 2 can be enhanced by addition of a thermo-compressor between one of the cells and the hot ing LP or MP steam this static compressor will take part of the vapour raised in one of the cells and recycle it into higher pressure vapour to be used as heating media for the first one.Sketch 3shows the typical arrangement of an MED evaporator with thermocompression (MED-TVC).Whereas the GOR of the evaporator in sketch 2 would be in the range of 3 (using LLP steam) the GOR of sketch 3 would rather reach 6 (using LP or MP steam).When no steam is available,it is still possible to use the MED process with a Mechanical Vapour Compressor (MED-MVC).In such case the vapour is recycled from the cold cell to the hot one by means of a centrifugal compressor driven by an electrical engine (Sketch 4).The electrical consumption of such system is in the range of8to15 kWh/m3.Due to current limitation in compressors technology the maximum capacity of MED-MVC units is 5000 m3/day.SEA WATER DISCHARGESketch 1Non-heatedseawaterDistilledwaterProducedSteamBrineSteamintroduced> Very low electrical consumption (1.5 kWh/m3)compared to other thermal processes such as Multi Stage Flash (MSF) or membrane processes (Reverse Osmosis)> Operate at low temperature (< 70C°) and at low concentration (<1.5)to avoid corrosion and scaling> Produce steadily high purity distillate> Do not need complex pre-treatment of sea water and tolerant to variations of sea water conditions> Are highly reliable and simple to operate> Reduce civil works cost thanks to reduced foot print> Are simple to install with the packaged unit mounted on skids and delivered ready for use,after simple installation> Have a low maintenance cost(No rotating parts except low pressure pumps)> Operate 24 hours a day with minimum supervision> Ideal for coupling with power plants,steam can be used at any pressure from 0.35 to 40 bar abs > Can be adapted to any heat source including hot water> Allow very high thermal efficiencies and savings in fuel costs> Range up to 15 MIGD(68 000m3/day)MED-MVC> Range up to 5000 m3/day> Are environmentally clean:100% electrical process (no external heat source)> Have high energy efficiency:electrical energy consumption ranging from 8 to 15 kWh/m3> Sea water consumption is reduced with only make up water necessary> A complete range of standard MED-TVC and MVC units is availablesource:MEDLow or medium Pressure (LP or MP) steam (over 2 bar a):MED-TVCCapacity:2 x 216 m3product water per dayCapacity:3 x 2400 m3/d Capacity:1440 m3/dayCapacity:4 x 12300 m3/d Capacity:2 x 2500 m3/dayCapacity:4 x 9 000 m3/dayCapacity:3 x 13 330 m 3/dayCapacity:2 x 16 500 m 3/dayCapacity:2x 22 700 m 3/dayMED-TVC Process>Client:General Electric Company of Libya (GECOL)>Site:Tobruk (Libya)>Number of cells:6>Contract date:1997>Particulars:The first large MED plant in Libya for municipal application.GOR 9,75.MED-TVC Process>Client:Abu Dhabi Water and Electricity Authority (ADWEA)>Site:Umm Al Nar Power Station (Abu Dhabi)>Number of cells:6>Contract date:1998>Particulars:Fed with 2,75 bar abs LP steam recovered from the power plant.A steam transformer is used to keep distillate free from any hydrazine contamination.GOR 7,9.MED-TVC Process>Client:Sharjah Electricity and Water Authority (SEWA)>Site:Layyah Power Station (Sharjah UAE)>Number of cells:5>Contract date:1999>Particulars:Combined with the power plant,these units are fed with MP steam at 16 bar abs through a steam transformer.GOR 8,4.Capacity:1 x 36 368 m3/day (GOR 8,4).The largest MED unit in the world with a compact design that al-lows this 8 MI GD MED-TVC unit to fit into the space allocation of a 5 MI GD MSF plant.Fed with 2,75 bar abs LP steam recovered from the power plant through steamCapacity:14 x 17 143 m3/day15 MIGD MED-TVC unit LP Steam @ 3 bar abs GOR 9.5ENTROPIEIndustrial unitsSIDEM and ENTROPIE are part of VEOLIA WATER SOLUTIONS &TECHNOLOGIES,one of the world's leader in the design andconstruction of water treatment facilities for municipal and industrialapplications,with more than 1.5 billion turnover,and present inmore than 50 countries with more than 6 000 employees.collaboration schemeElectricity Authority (UAE)Alstom (France)Aluminium of Bahrain(Bahrain)Aqualectra (Curacao)Aramco (KSA)Chiyoda (Japan)Electricité de France (France)Endesa (Spain)Enersur (Peru)OCP (Morrocco)QAFCO (Qatar)QP (Qatar)Rasgas (Qatar)Saipem (France)Saline Water ConversionCorporation (KSA)Sharjah Electricity and WaterAuthority (UAE)Shell (Holland)E NTRO P I E SASSIDEMLarge municipal plants。
化妆品中亚硫酸盐和亚硫酸氢盐类的测定离子色谱法11 范围本标准规定了化妆品中亚硫酸盐和亚硫酸氢盐类含量的离子色谱测定方法。
12 规范性引用文件下列文件对于本文件的应用是必不可少的。
GB/T 601 化学试剂标准滴定溶液的制备13 原理试样中的亚硫酸盐及亚硫酸氢盐经乙腈提取、离心及净化后,以氢氧化钾溶液为淋洗液,阴离子交换柱分离,电导检测器检测。
14 试剂除另有规定外,所用试剂均为分析纯,实验用水为超纯水,电阻率为18.2 MΩ·cm。
亚硫酸钠标准品(sodium sulfite,分子式:Na2SO3,CAS NO: 7757-83-7):纯度需进行校正,校正方法见附录A。
甲醛(HCHO,含量37.0 %~40.0 %):优级纯。
二氧化硫标准储备溶液(1000 g/mL):准确称取适量的亚硫酸钠(折合成二氧化硫100.0 mg),置于100 mL容量瓶中,加入适量水使溶解,立即加入1.5 mL甲醛,并用水稀释至刻度,摇匀。
0~4 ℃下避光保存,有效期1个月。
二氧化硫标准使用液(10 g/mL):移取二氧化硫标准储备溶液1.0 mL于100 mL 容量瓶中,用水稀释至刻度,摇匀。
15 仪器和设备离子色谱仪:配电导检测器。
离心机:转速不低于6000 r/min。
分析天平:感量0.1 mg、0.01 g。
具塞比色管:10 mL。
尼龙滤膜:0.22 μm。
C18柱(1.0 mL),或性能相当者,使用前依次用5 mL甲醇(色谱纯)、10 mL 水活化,放置30 min后使用。
16 分析步骤试样处理称取2 g(精确至0.01 g)样品,置于10 mL具塞比色管中,加入甲醛1 mL,用乙腈稀释至刻度,涡旋混匀2 min,以6000 r/min转速离心5 min。
企业现有生产人员31人,巡检工采用四班两运转、白班制,年工作天数为330 d 。
1.2 评价内容及方法通过职业卫生调查的方法,调查企业生产工艺过程及各个生产环节存在的职业病危害因素、职业病防护设施设置及使用情况、个体防护用品使用管理、职业健康监护及职业卫生管理情况等内容;评价工人主要职业病危害因素接触水平及职业病防护设施设置的合理性与有效性,明确本项目是否满足国家和地方对职业病防治方面的相关要求。
1.3 评价依据根据《中华人民共和国职业病防治法》《工业企业设计卫生标准》《工作场所有害因素职业接触限值》《化工企业安全卫生设计规范》《工作场所物理因素测量》等作为检测、评价的规范、标准依据,对建设项目进行职业病危害控制效果评价。
0 引言液氧广泛应用于冶炼工艺、化学工业、国防及医疗保健行业。
1 内容与方法1.1 评价对象本项目拥有21 000 Nm 3/h 氧气空分装置4套,设置液氧储罐,主要供给周边市场生产用气,产品有氧气、氮气等液态气体某空气压缩分离厂职业病危害控制效果评价朱在洪,王雪,郑刚超,黄金勇(浙江中一检测研究院股份有限公司,浙江 宁波 315048)摘要:文章对氮气、氧气空压生产系统某厂项目所采取的职业病防护设施及控制效果进行评价,了解在生产过程中产生的主要职业病危害因素,为氮气及氧气空压生产企业的职业病防治提供可靠依据。
生态毒理学报Asian Journal of Ecotoxicology第15卷第4期2020年8月V ol.15,No.4Aug.2020㊀㊀基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(21507161);海军装备部基金资助项目(16A307)㊀㊀第一作者:李珂娴(1981 ),女,硕士,助理研究员,研究方向为辐射安全控制和毒理学,E -mail:4534566673@ ㊀㊀*通讯作者(Corresponding author ),E -mail:552417745@DOI :10.7524/AJE.1673-5897.20190304002李珂娴,方晶晶,江璐,等.低浓度甲硫醇亚慢性暴露对大鼠肺组织的影响[J].生态毒理学报,2020,15(4):177-183Li K X,Fang J J,Jiang L,et al.Effects of subchronic exposure to low concentration methylmercaptan on lung tissue in rats [J].Asian Journal of Ecotoxi -cology,2020,15(4):177-183(in Chinese)低浓度甲硫醇亚慢性暴露对大鼠肺组织的影响李珂娴1,方晶晶1,*,江璐1,徐新宏1,乔江波21.海军军医大学海军特色医学中心,上海2004332.海军核化安全研究所,北京100077收稿日期:2019-03-04㊀㊀录用日期:2019-05-27摘要:本实验利用低浓度甲硫醇亚慢性暴露模型,研究甲硫醇低剂量慢性暴露的肺毒性效应,为该物质对健康损伤的评价及制订有效防治措施提供参考㊂大鼠在(1.0ʃ0.2)mg ㊃m -3甲硫醇下暴露30d ㊁每天暴露6h ,考察了肺组织湿干重比㊁血清生化指标㊁肺组织病理及免疫组化指标,分析了暴露对肺组织水通道蛋白(AQP4)和基质金属蛋白酶(MMP -9)的表达影响㊂研究表明,低浓度甲硫醇亚慢性暴露对大鼠肺组织产生一定损害,湿干重比显著增加,组织损伤程度随暴露时间增加呈现加重趋势,暴露组的肺组织中AQP4表达下调,MMP -9表达上调,提示暴露可能造成肺气肿或者哮喘等呼吸道疾病㊂关键词:甲硫醇;肺组织;慢性毒性;水通道蛋白;金属基质蛋白文章编号:1673-5897(2020)4-177-07㊀㊀中图分类号:X171.5㊀㊀文献标识码:AEffects of Subchronic Exposure to Low Concentration Methylmercaptan on Lung Tissue in RatsLi Kexian 1,Fang Jingjing l,*,Jiang Lu 1,Xu Xinhong 1,Qiao Jiangbo 21.Naval Medical Centre,Naval Military Medical University,Shanghai 200433,China2.Naval Nuclear and Chemical Safety Research Institute,Beijing 100077,ChinaReceived 4March 2019㊀㊀accepted 27May 2019Abstract :In this study,the pulmonary toxicity of low -dose chronic exposure to methylmercaptan was studied by using the subchronic exposure model of Sprague -Dawley (SD)rats,which could evaluate toxic effect caused by this substance and propose effective prevention and treatment measures.Rats were exposed in methylmercaptan at (1.0ʃ0.2)mg ㊃m -3for 30d and 6h per day.After exposure,the ratio of wet to dry weight of lung tissue,serum bi -ochemical parameters,pathology of lung tissue and immunohistochemical parameters were studied.The effects of exposure on the expression of aquaporin and matrix metalloproteinase in lung tissue were analyzed.It was found that subchronic exposure to low concentration of methylmercaptan caused adverse effect to the lung tissues of rats,including the significant increase of the wet/dry lung weight ratios.The degree of tissue damage increased with prolonging of the exposure time.The expression of AQP4of the exposure groups in the lung tissues were down -regulated,while the expression of MMP -9was up -regulated,suggesting that exposure may cause respiratory disea . All Rights Reserved.178㊀生态毒理学报第15卷ses such as emphysema or asthma.Keywords:methylmercaptan;lung tissue;chronic toxicity;aquaporin;matrix metalloproteinase㊀㊀恶臭污染是城市生活垃圾处理和工业发展中最为普遍和亟待解决的城市环境问题之一㊂甲硫醇(CH3SH)属于一种恶臭化合物,用于制造业等工业中,因其具有很强的气味,可添加到天然气中,以帮助检测泄漏㊂在填埋场的空气中广泛检测到硫化合物,包括甲硫醇(CH3SH)㊁二甲基硫醚(CH3SCH3)㊁二甲基二硫醚(CH3SSCH3)和硫化氢(H2S),这些硫化合物的浓度为1.1~464μg㊃m-3,具有一定毒性和刺激性,对人类健康构成威胁[1]㊂甲硫醇在厌氧环境中产生,在沉积物和垃圾污水中浓度很高㊂此外,甲硫醇在葡萄酒和奶酪等食品中以低浓度存在㊂接触甲硫醇等还原硫化物的工人表现出血红素合成酶活性降低[2]㊂一些研究表明,经高浓度含硫化合物暴露后,工人患气流阻塞㊁刺激性职业性哮喘的几率增加了,并有可能因缺血性心脏病而死亡的几率也有所增加[3]㊂长时间接触恶臭污染会影响呼吸和中枢神经系统[4]㊂一旦甲硫醇进入呼吸系统,会直接通过进入血液系统代谢㊂甲硫醇与红细胞和蛋白质结合并反应生成硫代磺胺嘧啶,该物质进一步氧化代谢形成硫代硫酸盐和硫酸盐㊂甲硫醇代谢成硫酸根离子的半衰期约为9.6h㊂甲硫醇毒性的决定因素是空气中的浓度㊁个体的呼吸速率以及暴露于污染空气的时间;其高浓度暴露会引起肺损伤,抑制中枢神经系统,并导致呼吸中枢系统麻痹,严重时引起昏迷和死亡㊂甲硫醇对呼吸系统的主要毒作用机制是其能够与细胞色素C氧化酶结合,并抑制其活性,从而造成细胞的 化学窒息 ㊂甲硫醇对神经系统的毒作用机制主要是抑制脑钠(Na+)和钾(K+)-AT-Pase活性,其神经系统毒作用机制与氰化物和硫化氢相似[5]㊂关于甲硫醇的毒性研究多集中在高浓度的急性毒作用方面,低浓度亚慢性毒性研究较少㊂Tansy等[6]将SD大鼠暴露于3.9㊁33.3和111.7mg㊃m-3甲硫醇气体中3个月,观察其亚慢性毒性,任何一组均未发生死亡㊂最明显的现象是体重下降和血清生化指标的变化,但脏器的重量没有变化,暴露后的大鼠氧气消耗有所下降,病理检查和切片结果表明,肺部结构改变,肝脏有结节病变,胆小管有炎性细胞,该浓度的慢性暴露对肝功能有一定影响㊂本实验利用低浓度甲硫醇亚慢性暴露模型,进一步观察甲硫醇染毒后大鼠肺组织的病理学变化特点,分析暴露对血液生化及肺组织水通道蛋白和基质金属蛋白酶的表达影响,探讨甲硫醇低剂量慢性暴露的肺毒性效应,为该物质对健康损伤的评价及制订有效防治措施提供参考㊂1㊀材料与方法(Materials and methods)1.1㊀动物暴露模型的制备实验开始时选用体重(160ʃ20)g的健康雄性和雌性SD大鼠㊂SD大鼠随机分为对照组(C组:雄性n=15,雌性n=15)和甲硫醇暴露组(T组:雄性n= 15,雌性n=15)㊂在(21ʃ1)ħ和50%湿度的环境下饲养在不锈钢丝笼内(170mm(W)ˑ294mm(D)ˑ176mm(H)),每笼5只大鼠㊂让大鼠适应性饲养7d,并记录各组大鼠的初始体重㊂随后大鼠在0.6 m3动态染毒暴露装置(8050D型,合普工贸有限公司,天津,中国)中进行甲硫醇染毒实验㊂将98mg㊃m-3的标准气瓶(海洲特种气体有限公司,上海,中国)减压后用空气稀释送入暴露室㊂用便携式仪器实时监测甲硫醇气体浓度(Konor JA903型,科尔诺电子科技有限公司,深圳,中国),甲硫醇暴露浓度为(1.0ʃ0.2)mg㊃m-3㊂暴露方案为亚慢性暴露30d㊁每天暴露6h㊂为了尽量减少暴露期间喂养行为可能带来的差异,对照组和实验组在暴露期间被剥夺食物㊂每组的水供应都配备有标准塑料饮水瓶和不锈钢饮水嘴,在饮水嘴内有一钢球,以便最大限度地减少甲硫醇的溶解㊂暴露10㊁20和30d后分批处死大鼠,收集肺组织和血液样本㊂1.2㊀试验方法1.2.1㊀肺组织湿干重比肺湿重与干重之比被用来衡量肺水肿㊂暴露30d后采集并称量大鼠肺右下叶的新鲜组织,并放入80ħ烘箱中干燥72h㊂然后对干燥的组织进行称重,以确定湿干重量比㊂1.2.2㊀血清生化指标在多聚甲醛麻醉下,心脏穿刺采集血样,在4ħ以4000r㊃min-1离心10min,所得血清在-20ħ保存,使用全自动生化分析仪(Advia2120i,西门子诊断公司,美国)测定小鼠血清18个指标,分别是总蛋白(STP)㊁白蛋白(ALB)㊁白蛋白/球蛋白(A/G)㊁总胆红素(TBIL)㊁直接胆红素(DBIL)㊁丙氨酸氨基转移酶(ALT)㊁碱性磷酸酶(ALP)㊁天门冬氨酸氨基转移酶(ASTm)㊁. All Rights Reserved.第4期李珂娴等:低浓度甲硫醇亚慢性暴露对大鼠肺组织的影响179㊀天冬氨酸转氨酶(AST)㊁乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)㊁肌酐(CREA)㊁尿素(UREA)㊁葡萄糖(GLU)㊁尿酸(UA)㊁半胱氨酸蛋白酶抑制剂C(CysC)㊁肌酸激酶(CK)㊁肌酸激酶同工酶(CK-MB)和血管紧张素转换酶(ACE)㊂1.2.3㊀肺组织病理切片切除肺组织并用多聚甲醛溶液快速固定,进行组织病理学检查㊂固定24h后,将脱水盒放进吊篮里于脱水机内进行酒精梯度脱水,将浸好蜡的组织于包埋机内进行包埋并于-20ħ冷冻工作台(JB-L5,武汉俊杰电子有限公司,中国)冷却修整㊂将修整好的蜡块置于石蜡切片机上切片,片厚4μm㊂摊片机上将组织展平,用载玻片将组织放进60ħ烘箱内烘烤,用苏木精和伊红(HE)染色㊂组织病理学照片使用光学显微镜(Olympus®BX50,奥林巴斯有限公司,日本)获得㊂1.2.4㊀肺组织免疫组化染色通过组织免疫组化染色分析肺组织内水通道蛋白(AQP4)和基质金属蛋白酶-9(MMP-9)的表达情况㊂组织切片置于盛满乙二胺四乙酸抗原修复缓冲液的修复盒中,于微波炉内进行抗原修复㊂自然冷却后将玻片置于磷酸盐缓冲溶液(PBS)中,在脱色摇床上晃动洗涤3次,每次5min㊂切片放入3%过氧化氢溶液,室温避光孵育25min,将玻片置于PBS 中在脱色摇床上晃动洗涤3次,每次5min㊂滴加3%牛血清白蛋白(BSA)均匀覆盖组织,室温封闭30 min,在切片上滴加用PBS按一定比例配好的一抗,切片平放于湿盒内4ħ孵育过夜㊂滴加二抗覆盖组织,室温孵育50min㊂切片稍干后在圈内滴加新鲜配制的显色液,自来水冲洗切片终止显色㊂显微镜镜检,图像采集分析,阳性为棕黄色,阳性细胞计数通过ImageJ2X软件计算(Wayne Rasband,美国国立卫生研究院),取5个独立的样本计数的平均值㊂1.2.5㊀统计分析暴露组与对照组之间的数据首先判断方差是否均匀或分布是否正态,方差均匀或分布正态采用双尾t检验,否则采用非参数检验㊂分析中使用的软件是SPSS(version21,IBM Inc.,美国)㊂如果P< 0.05,则认为差异具有统计学意义㊂2㊀结果(Results)2.1㊀肺组织干湿重比暴露30d后,肺水肿程度和肺内皮通透性由肺湿干重比决定㊂与对照组相比,暴露组湿干重显著增加,4组之间比率值不同,如图1所示㊂雄性暴露组湿干重比(4.52ʃ0.31)显著高于雄性对照组(4.09ʃ0.05)(P<0.01),雌性暴露组湿干重比(7.83ʃ4.47)显著高于雌性对照组(5.31ʃ0.26)(P<0.05)㊂图1㊀肺组织的干湿重比(W/D)注:C代表对照组,E代表暴露组;*P<0.05㊁**P<0.01,n=5㊂Fig.1㊀Wet and dry weight ratio(W/D)of lung tissueNote:C represents control group;E represents exposure group;*P<0.05,**P<0.01,n=5.2.2㊀大鼠血液生化指标雄性和雌性大鼠的血清生化试验结果如表1所示㊂这些参数与肝功能㊁肾功能和心血管功能有关㊂亚慢性甲硫醇暴露后,除UREA㊁GLU㊁CK-MB和ACE外,各时间点(10㊁20和30d)其余血清生化指标水平均无明显变化㊂而UREA㊁GLU㊁CK-MB和ACE的变化只在10d和20d时观察到,在30d时没有发现对照组和暴露组之间的差异,推断为生物体自身保护的一种补偿性变化㊂2.3㊀组织病理学研究对照组肺组织的肺泡囊㊁肺泡和细支气管正常,肺泡囊无充血或塌陷的迹象(图2(a)1㊁(b)1㊁(a)2㊁(b) 2㊁(a)3和(b)3),暴露组则有明显变化㊂大鼠暴露于甲硫醇10d后,细支气管出现明显的杯状细胞㊂甲硫醇暴露刺激肺组织,导致细支气管内出现明显突起的杯状细胞,终末细支气管收缩,虽部分肺泡囊仍清晰,肺泡和肺叶间隔可见,但肺泡充血,红细胞㊁纤维蛋白和单核细胞渗出,肺泡壁增厚,尤其是在雌性暴露组(图2(c)1和(d)1)㊂暴露20d后,肺泡壁进一步增厚并充满红细胞,出现纤维蛋白㊁单核细胞和少量淋巴细胞渗出物,雌性暴露组情况比雄性暴露组更加严重(图2(c)2和(d)2)㊂暴露30d后暴露组的肺泡气道阻塞,腺体增生,中性粒细胞浸润㊁水肿和. All Rights Reserved.180㊀生态毒理学报第15卷间质浸润进一步加剧,这与气管和支气管周围大量炎性渗出物有关,肺泡周围也观察到这些渗出物,整体结论是甲硫醇暴露导致支气管肺炎和刺激性肺水肿(图2(c)3和(d)3)㊂该结果与肺组织湿干重比变化规律相对应㊂2.4㊀肺组织免疫组化相关蛋白指标变化免疫组化法结果如图3所示,甲硫醇亚慢性暴露后,大鼠肺组织中AQP4表达水平明显下调,所有暴露组与对照组均有显著性差异(n=5,*P<0.05),甲硫醇亚慢性暴露影响AQP4表达,从而进一步影响肺内液体转运及血气屏障通透性㊂甲硫醇亚慢性暴露30d后大鼠肺组织MMP-9表达水平明显上调,所有暴露组和对照组均有显著性差异(n=5,*P<0.05)㊂3㊀讨论(Discussion)水通道蛋白(AQPs)是一种位于细胞膜上的蛋白质(内在膜蛋白),在细胞膜上组成 孔道 ,可控制水在细胞中的进出,是广泛分布于动植物细胞膜上的具有高度选择性的水通道特异小分子跨膜蛋白质家族㊂AQPs广泛分布于机体组织细胞中,参与水的分泌㊁吸收及细胞内外水的平衡㊂而器官的许多生理功能都有水分子的参与,同时许多脏器疾病如肺水肿涉及肺内水运动平衡的紊乱[7]㊂血气屏障及肺表面活性物质是肺内液体转运的屏障㊂肺泡与肺部表1㊀甲硫醇暴露不同阶段SD大鼠血清生化指标水平Table1㊀Serum biochemical index values of SD rats at different stages of exposure to methylmercaptan指标Parameter10d20d30d对照Control暴露Exposure对照Control暴露Exposure对照Control暴露ExposureSTP/(g㊃L-1)54.5ʃ2.0752.1ʃ2.4053.0ʃ2.4154.6ʃ5.3264.5ʃ8.0561.0ʃ2.83ALB/(g㊃L-1)26.6ʃ1.3724.8ʃ1.6025.17ʃ1.3026.00ʃ2.8327.00ʃ2.5526.67ʃ0.82 A/G0.95ʃ0.080.92ʃ0.100.87ʃ0.060.85ʃ0.050.72ʃ0.070.78ʃ0.08TBIL/(mg㊃L-1) 1.82ʃ0.31 1.28ʃ0.560.95ʃ0.33 1.28ʃ0.35 1.17ʃ0.58 1.40ʃ0.72DBIL/(mg㊃L-1)0.73ʃ0.150.80ʃ0.480.52ʃ0.330.53ʃ0.230.55ʃ0.340.75ʃ0.53ALT/(IU㊃L-1)66.1ʃ12.271.1ʃ14.759.8ʃ10.465.1ʃ24.472.8ʃ36.868.2ʃ14.2ALP/(IU㊃L-1)234ʃ45.5244ʃ66.7203ʃ65.4203ʃ28.8159ʃ66.4197ʃ68.4ASTm/(IU㊃L-1)42.6ʃ20.234.3ʃ12.233.4ʃ15.638.7ʃ13.430.00ʃ8.3832.0ʃ5.66AST/(IU㊃L-1)160ʃ42.9160.8ʃ52.6150.67ʃ52.7232ʃ176164.50ʃ48.50179ʃ29.5LDH/(IU㊃L-1)783ʃ2761107ʃ2571107ʃ6771750ʃ716975ʃ2751053ʃ107CREA/(mg㊃L-1)32.0ʃ2.1032.6ʃ2.2532.8ʃ3.3533.5ʃ3.9437.1ʃ4.2737.3ʃ4.59UREA/(mmol㊃L-1) 5.77ʃ1.31 5.02ʃ0.37 5.42ʃ0.25 6.22ʃ0.46** 6.62ʃ0.90 6.45ʃ0.67GLU/(mg㊃L-1)12.0ʃ1.4514.2ʃ1.33*12.5ʃ1.9713.4ʃ7.0413.5ʃ3.7012.8ʃ2.21UA/(μmol㊃L-1)101ʃ16.194.5ʃ21.2109ʃ35.0132ʃ76.3168ʃ71.6120ʃ22.6CysC/(mg㊃L-1)0.18ʃ0.040.12ʃ0.060.13ʃ0.010.14ʃ0.010.11ʃ0.040.11ʃ0.03CK/(IU㊃L-1)3043ʃ20584130ʃ22932097ʃ12932223ʃ7072641ʃ14793908ʃ1876CK-MB/(IU㊃L-1)852ʃ305928ʃ390721ʃ1931196ʃ264**671ʃ286760ʃ104ACE/(IU㊃L-1)287ʃ26.9250ʃ21.5*200ʃ34.2201ʃ26.7259ʃ44.0258ʃ18.2注:STP表示总蛋白,ALB表示白蛋白,A/G表示白蛋白/球蛋白,TBIL表示总胆红素,DBIL表示直接胆红素,ALT表示丙氨酸氨基转移酶,ALP表示碱性磷酸酶,ASTm表示天门冬氨酸氨基转移酶,AST表示天冬氨酸转氨酶,LDH表示乳酸脱氢酶,CREA表示肌酐,UREA表示尿素,GLU表示葡萄糖,UA表示尿酸,CysC表示半胱氨酸蛋白酶抑制剂C,CK表示肌酸激酶,CK-MB表示肌酸激酶同工酶,ACE表示血管紧张素转换酶;数值表示为平均值ʃSEM,n=10;*P<0.05㊁**P<0.01,与对照组相比㊂Note:STP stands for serum total protein;ALB stands for albumin;A/G stands for albumin/globin;TBIL stands for total bilirubin;DBIL stands for directbilirubin;ALT stands for serum total protein;ALP stands for alkaline phosphatase;ASTm stands for aspartate aminotransferase isoenzyme;AST stands foraspartate aminotransferase;LDH stands for lactate dehydrogenase;CREA stands for creatinine;UREA stands for carbamide;GLU stands for glucose;UAstands for uric acid;CysC stands for Cystatin C;CK stands for creatine kinase;CK-MB stands for creatine kinase isoenzymes;ACE stands for angiotensinconverting enzyme;values are expressed as meanʃSEM,n=10;*P<0.05,**P<0.01,compared with control group.. All Rights Reserved.第4期李珂娴等:低浓度甲硫醇亚慢性暴露对大鼠肺组织的影响181㊀图2㊀对照组和暴露组肺组织的病理学特征注:苏木精-伊红(H&E)染色(ˑ200)㊂Fig.2㊀Histological appearances of the lung tissue of control and exposure groupsNote:Hematoxylin and eosin (H&E)stain (ˑ200).图3㊀暴露30d 后肺组织中AQP4和MMP-9的变化(ˑ200)及定量分析注:*P <0.05㊁**P <0.01,n =5㊂Fig.3㊀Changes of AQP4and MMP -9in lung tissue (ˑ200)and quantitative analysis after 30d of exposureNote:*P <0.05,**P <0.01,n =5.. All Rights Reserved.182㊀生态毒理学报第15卷毛细血管紧密相连,由肺泡表面液体层㊁Ⅰ型肺泡细胞与基膜㊁薄层结缔组织㊁毛细血管基膜与内皮组成血气屏障,有助于气体快速扩散;肺表面活性物质由肺泡Ⅱ型上皮细胞分泌,是一种复杂的脂蛋白,分布于肺泡液体分子层表面,具有降低肺泡表面张力的作用,能维持大小肺泡容量的相对稳定,阻止肺泡毛细血管中液体向肺泡内滤出至肺组织中㊂因此,肺组织内血气屏障的存在与肺泡表面活性物质一起构成了肺内液体转运的屏障,保护肺组织免受损伤㊂AQPs的表达还受生长因子㊁炎性介质的调节㊂病毒感染致肺炎及脂多糖致肺损伤时,肺组织中AQP1和AQP5表达下调,AQPs参与水或其他分子跨膜转运的分子生物学机制是参与肺水调节的基础[8-10]㊂各种肺损伤及肺内积液常伴有肺内水运动的紊乱及AQPs的改变,因此,研究水通道蛋白与肺脏疾病及肺内水运动的平衡关系对毒物暴露效应具有重要意义㊂有研究发现,在缺氧时星形胶质细胞内AQP4表达较对照组明显减少,而复氧后蛋白表达升高并因时间延长明显增加[11]㊂Yamamoto等[12]也有相似的研究结果,缺氧条件下,星形胶质细胞内AQP4蛋白的表达减少低于正常表达㊂甲硫醇暴露组大鼠AQP4表达显著降低,由此推测,暴露导致肺部产生缺氧环境,在此条件下,AQP4蛋白的表达减少,导致了肺泡-毛细血管间水转运障碍,可能进一步导致液体在肺泡腔㊁肺间质的积聚㊂细胞外基质(ECM)位于上皮或内皮细胞下层或结缔组织细胞周围,为组织㊁器官甚至机体的完整性提供支持并参与相关生理活动,其成分主要是一些多糖和蛋白质,或蛋白多糖㊂ECM除了具有连接㊁支持㊁保水㊁抗压及保护等物理学作用,在细胞的基本生命活动中发挥着全方位的生物学作用㊂ECM组成的变化常常与疾病的发生发展有紧密联系[13-15]㊂气道基底膜增厚是哮喘气道重塑的特征性改变,肺组织上皮的ECM蛋白大量沉积是哮喘气道重塑的重要组成部分㊂基质金属蛋白酶(MMPs)是一组Zn或Ca依赖的ECM降解酶㊂MMPs对降解细胞外基质有着主导作用㊂MMPs在支气管哮喘患者气道炎症及组织重塑中发挥重要作用㊂许多研究者对支气管哮喘患者的诱导痰液㊁支气管肺泡灌洗液(BALF)㊁肺活检标本以及体外培养的巨噬细胞进行了MMPs检测分析,其MMP-9产生明显增高㊂MMP-9主要来源于嗜酸细胞㊁巨噬细胞和中性粒细胞㊂MMP-9可降解Ⅳ型胶原㊁纤维连接蛋白等ECM,MMP-9正常释放可以维持ECM稳定[16]㊂若其比例失衡,则ECM沉积使上皮下纤维化[17]㊂Bar-baro等[18]通过研究呼出气冷凝液中MMP-9表达与第一秒用力呼气容积等的相关性证实,MMP-9在不同的哮喘表型中有不同程度的释放,随哮喘及气道重塑的加重而增加并在哮喘急性发作时表达进一步增加,可作为哮喘持续气道重塑的标志物㊂MMP-9表达与哮喘患者肺功能成负相关,提示MMP-9可用于评估哮喘严重程度㊁监测气道重塑㊂哮喘早期也可通过检测MMP-9来评估气道重塑,并作为哮喘预测性生物标志物㊂免疫组化法结果显示,甲硫醇亚慢性暴露30d后大鼠肺组织和海马组织中MMP-9表达水平明显上调㊂肺组织病理切片和湿干重比变化规律和上述结果相互印证,肺组织切片可观察到支气管㊁血管周围炎性细胞浸润,暴露诱导了气道/肺部炎症㊂中性粒细胞分泌氧自由基㊁炎症因子㊁炎症介质和各类蛋白酶,包括弹性蛋白酶㊁基质金属蛋白酶等,可促进炎症形成和肺泡破坏㊂上述这些结果提示了毒物进一步引发肺气肿或者哮喘等呼吸道疾病的可能性㊂低浓度甲硫醇亚慢性暴露对大鼠肺组织的产生一定损害,湿干重比显著增加,组织损伤程度随暴露时间增加呈现加重趋势,肺泡气道阻塞,腺体增生,中性粒细胞浸润㊁水肿和间质浸润进一步加剧,暴露组的气管和支气管周围有大量炎性渗出物,暴露组的肺组织中AQP4表达下调,MMP-9表达上调,提示暴露可能导致肺气肿或者哮喘等呼吸道疾病㊂通讯作者简介:方晶晶(1978 ),博士,副研究员,硕士生导师,主要研究方向为密闭环境化学有害物质检测及控制㊂参考文献(References):[1]㊀Fang J J,Yang N,Cen D Y,et al.Odor compounds fromdifferent sources of landfill:Characterization and source i-dentification[J].Waste Management,2012,32(7):1401-1410[2]㊀Tenhunen R,Savolainen H,Jappinen P.Mortality fromasthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease amongworkers in a soft paper mill:A case referent study[J].British Journal of Industrial Medicine,1983,46:192-195 [3]㊀Torén K,Hagberg S,Westberg H.Health effects of work-ing in pulp and paper mills:Exposure,obstructive airwaysdiseases,hypersensitivity reactions,and cardiovasculardiseases[J].American Journal of Industrial Medicine,1996,29(2):111-122. 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第30卷第5期2023年10月水土保持研究R e s e a r c ho f S o i l a n d W a t e rC o n s e r v a t i o nV o l .30,N o .5O c t .,2023收稿日期:2022-08-04 修回日期:2022-08-30资助项目:包头师范学院高层次人才引进科研启动资助项目(B T T C R C Q D 2020-011);包头师范学院自然科学类一般项目(B S Y K J 2021-Z Y 02);包头师范学院自然科学类重点项目(B S Y K J 2022-Z Z 01);内蒙古自治区重点研发和科技成果转化计划项目(2022Y F D Z 0027);国家自然科学基金项目(4196700);包头师范学院高层次引进人才科研启动基金(01108022/008);国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目(41901009);内蒙古自治区自然科学基金项目(2021B S 04004) 第一作者:魏亚娟(1994 ),女,内蒙古赤峰人,博士,讲师,主要从事荒漠化防治研究㊂E -m a i l :w e i y a ju a n 0305@163.c o m 通信作者:党晓宏(1987 ),男,陕西合阳人,博士,副教授,博士生导师,主要从事荒漠化防治及荒漠地区碳汇研究㊂E -m a i l :d a n gx i a o -h o n g1986@126.c o m h t t p :ʊs t b c y j .p a p e r o n c e .o r gD O I :10.13869/j.c n k i .r s w c .2023.05.027.魏亚娟,解云虎,党晓宏,等.吉兰泰盐湖防护体系不同防护功能区大气降尘特征及其影响因素[J ].水土保持研究,2023,30(5):201-208.W E IY a j u a n ,X i e y u n H u ,D A N GX i a o h o n g ,e t a l .C h a r a c t e r i s t i c s a n d I n f l u e n c i n g F a c t o r s o fA t m o s ph e r i cD u s t f a l l i nD i f f e r e n t P r o t e c t i v e F u n c t i o n A r e a s o f J i l a n t a i S a l tL a k eS ys t e m [J ].R e s e a r c ho f S o i l a n d W a t e rC o n s e r v a t i o n ,2023,30(5):201-208.吉兰泰盐湖防护体系不同防护功能区大气降尘特征及其影响因素魏亚娟1,2,解云虎1,党晓宏2,3,郭靖4,刘美萍1,吴昊5(1.包头师范学院资源与环境学院,内蒙古包头014030;2.内蒙古农业大学沙漠治理学院,呼和浩特010018;3.包头市林业和草原局,内蒙古包头010010;4.内蒙古包钢稀土钢板材厂,内蒙古包头014010;5.内蒙古自治区气象科学研究所,呼和浩特010051)摘 要:[目的]探讨吉兰泰盐湖防护体系对大气降尘的控制效应,为吉兰泰盐湖防护体系大气降尘物质的来源及其运移方式提供理论依据㊂[方法]利用降尘缸法采集了不同防护功能区(流沙固阻带㊁封沙育草带㊁防风阻沙带和盐湖防护林带)1年内2m 降尘样品,并利用称重法和激光粒度仪对其大气降尘量㊁机械组成及其影响因素进行分析㊂[结果](1)吉兰泰盐湖防护体系大气降尘主要由极细砂和细砂物质组成㊂流动沙垄㊁流沙固阻带㊁封沙育草带㊁防风阻沙带和盐湖防护林带极细粒和细砂物质的总含量分别为88.44%,96.68%,75.53%,77.00%和68.14%㊂(2)流沙固阻带㊁封沙育草带㊁防风阻沙带和盐湖防护林带的降尘量较流动沙垄分别减小22.40%,53.10%,48.05%和24.85%,不同防护功能区滞尘效应大小依次为:防风阻沙带>盐湖防护林带>封沙育草带>流沙固阻带>流动沙垄㊂(3)3 5月为大气沉降高峰期;12月至次年2月为大气沉降较弱期;而6 11月为大气沉降最弱期㊂降尘量主要集中于春冬两季,占年降尘量的77.52%~87.04%㊂(4)平均风速㊁扬沙日数㊁大风日数㊁沙尘暴日数和降雨量是影响降尘量的主要气象因子,平均风速㊁扬沙日数㊁大风日数㊁沙尘暴日数为盐湖防护体系降尘提供了动力条件,降雨量抑制了降尘量增加㊂[结论]盐湖防护体系各防护功能区降尘物质绝大部分来源于局域物质和区域物质,气象因子和植被特征的综合效应共同决定大气降尘量㊂关键词:降尘;气象因子;盐湖防护体系;小气候;固沙植物;吉兰泰中图分类号:P 425.5+5 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1005-3409(2023)05-0201-08C h a r a c t e r i s t i c s a n d I n f l u e n c i n g F a c t o r s o fA t m o s p h e r i cD u s t f a l l i n D i f f e r e n t P r o t e c t i v eF u n c t i o nA r e a s o f J i l a n t a i S a l tL a k e S ys t e m W E IY a j u a n 1,2,X i e y u n H u 1,D A N G X i a o h o n g 2,3,G U OJ i n g 4,L i u M e i p i n g 1,W uHa o 5(1.D e p a r t m e n t o f R e s o u r c e a n dE n v i r o n m e n t ,B a o t o uN o r m a l C o l l e g e ,B a o t o u ,I n n e rM o n g o l i a 014030,C h i n a ;2.C o l l e g e o f D e s e r t C o n t r o l S c i e n c e a n dE n g i n e e r i n g ,I n n e rM o n g o l i aA g r i c u l t u r a lU n i v e r s i t y ,H o h h o t 010018,C h i n a ;3.B a o t o uF o r e s t r ya n dG r a s s l a n dB u r e a u ,B a o t o u ,I n n e rM o n g o l i a 010010,C h i n a ;4.I n n e rM o n g o l i aB a o t o uS t e e lR a r eE a r t hS t e e lP l a t eC o .,L t d .,B a o t o u ,I n n e rM o n g o l i a 014010,C h i n a ;5.M e t e o r o l o g i c a lS c i e n c e I n s t i t u t e o f I n n e rM o n go l i a ,H o h h o t 010051,C h i n a )A b s t r a c t :[O b j e c t i v e ]T h e a i mo f t h i s s t u d y i s t o e x p l o r e t h e a t m o s ph e r i c d u s t f a l l c o n t r o l e f f e c t o f t h e J i l a n t a i s a l t l a k e p r o t e c t i o n s y s t e mi n o r d e r t o p r o v i d e a t h e o r e t i c a l b a s i s f o r s o u r c e a n d t r a n s p o r tm o d e o f a t m o s ph e r -i c d u s t s u b s t a n c e s i n t h e J i l a n t a i s a l t l a k e p r o t e c t i o n s y s t e m.[M e t h o d s ]I n t h i s s t u d y ,2ma t m o s ph e r i c d u s t -Copyright ©博看网. All Rights Reserved.f a l l s a m p l e sw e r e c o l l e c t e d f r o md i f f e r e n t p r o t e c t i o n z o n e s(f i x i ng shi f t i n g-s a n d z o n e,f e n c i n g d u n e f o r g r a s s r e c o v e r y z o n e,p r e v e n t i n g w i n d a n d s t o p p i n g s a n d z o n e a n d s a l t l a k e p r o t e c t i o n f o r e s t z o n e)f o r1y e a r u s i n g t h e d u s t f a l l c y l i n d e rm e t h o d,a n da t m o s p h e r i cd u s t f a l l,m e c h a n i c a l c o m p o s i t i o na n d i t s i n f l u e n c i n g f a c t o r s w e r e a n a l y z e db y u s i n g w e i g h i n g m e t h o d a n d l a s e r p a r t i c l e s i z em e t e r.[R e s u l t s](1)T h e a t m o s p h e r i cd u s t-f a l l o fJ i l a n t a is a l tl a k e p r o t e c t i o ns y s t e m w a s m a i n l y c o m p o s e do fv e r y f i n es a n da n df i n es a n d.T o t a l c o n t e n t s o f v e r y f i n e s a n da n d f i n e s a n d i nf i x i n g s h i f t i n g-s a n dz o n e,f e n c i n g d u n e f o r g r a s s r e c o v e r y z o n e, p r e v e n t i n g w i n d a n d s t o p p i n g s a n d z o n e a n d s a l t l a k e p r o t e c t i o n f o r e s t z o n ew e r e88.44%,96.68%,75.53%, 77.00%a n d68.14%,r e s p e c t i v e l y.(2)C o m p a r e dw i t h s h i f t i n g s a n d y l a n d,a t m o s p h e r i c d u s t f a l l i n t h e f i x i n g s h i f t i n g-s a n dz o n e,f e n c i n g d u n e f o r g r a s s r e c o v e r y z o n e,p r e v e n t i n g w i n da n ds t o p p i n g s a n dz o n ea n ds a l t l a k e p r o t e c t i o n f o r e s t z o n e r e d u c e db y22.40%,53.10%,48.05%a n d24.85%,r e s p e c t i v e l y.T h em a g n i t u d e o f d u s t r e t e n t i o ne f f e c t i no r d e rw a s:p r e v e n t i n g w i n da n ds t o p p i n g s a n dz o n e>s a l t l a k e p r o t e c t i o nf o r e s t z o n e>f e n c i n g d u n e f o r g r a s s r e c o v e r y z o n e>f i x i n g s h i f t i n g-s a n dz o n e>s h i f t i n g s a n d y l a n d.(3)T h e p e a k p e r i o do f a t m o s p h e r i c d e p o s i t i o nw a s f r o m M a r c h t o M a y;t h ew e a k e r p e r i o do f a t m o s p h e r i cd e p o s i t i o nw a s f r o m D e c e m b e rt on e x tF e b r u a r y;a n dt h e w e a k e s t p e r i o do fa t m o s p h e r i cd e p o s i t i o n w a sf r o m J u n et o N o v e m b e r.T h ea t m o s p h e r i cd u s t f a l lm a i n l y c o n c e n t r a t e di ns p r i n g a n d w i n t e r,a c c o u n t i n g f o r77.52%~87.04%o f t h ea n n u a l d u s t f a l l.(4)A v e r a g ew i n ds p e e d,b l o w i n g d u s td a y s,s t r o n g w i n dd a y s,s a n d s t o r md a y s a n d r a i n f a l l we r em a i nm e t e o r o l o g i c a lf a c t o r s a f f e c t i ng th e a m o u n t o f d u s t-f a l li n g a m o u n t.A v e r a g ew i n d s p e e d,b l o w i n g d u s t d a y s,s t r o n g w i n dd a y s a n d s a n d s t o r md a y s p r o v i d e dd r i v i n g c o n d i t i o n s f o r d u s t f a l l i n s a l t l a k e p r o t e c t i o n s y s t e m,a n d t h e a m o u n t o f r a i n f a l l s u p p r e s s e d t h e a m o u n t o f d u s t f a l l.[C o n c l u s i o n]M o s t o f a t m o s p h e r i c d u s t s u b s t a n c e s i nd i f f e r e n t p r o t e c t i v e f u n c t i o n a r e a s o f J i l a n t a i s a l t l a k e s y s t e mc a m e f r o ml o c a l a n d r e g i o n a l s u b s t a n c e s,a n da t m o s p h e r i cd u s t f a l lw a sj o i n t l y d e t e r m i n e d b y c o m p r e h e n s i v ee f f e c t so f m e t e o r o l o g i c a l f a c t o r s a n dv e g e t a t i o n c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s.K e y w o r d s:a t m o s p h e r i cd u s t f a l l;m e t e o r o l o g i c a l f a c t o r s;s a l tl a k e p r o t e c t i o ns y s t e m;m i c r o c l i m a t ee f f e c t;s a n d-f i x i n gp l a n t s;J i l a n t a i大气降尘是指在空气环境条件下,粒度直径大于10 u m的颗粒物质依靠自身重力自然降落到地面㊂当颗粒物质小于10u m时,可通过雨水冲刷降落到地面[1]㊂大气降尘过程是地球表层地 气系统物质交换的一种形式,对环境具有较好的表征作用[2]㊂通过对大气降尘强度㊁性质㊁组成和沉降速率进行正确监测,可以判断其策源地㊁运移路径和方式[3]㊂因此,探究大气降尘对大气环境区域近地层沙尘物质具有重要意义㊂近年来,对大气降尘的研究较多㊂就研究内容而言,对大气降尘主要集中于对大气重金属污染[4-5]㊁生态风险[6-7]和健康风险[8]的研究;就研究区域而言,对大气降尘的研究多集中在人口密集的城市和重污染的矿区,目的是探究大气降尘的分布特征㊁化学组成及其影响因素㊂但是,众所周知大气中的沙尘物质主要来源于沙漠地区或者干旱地区的风蚀物质㊂因此,探究沙源附近的降尘物质具有重要的意义㊂吉兰泰盐湖面积为102.4k m2,每年开采量约100万t,是我国最大的内陆盐湖之一和湖盐生产基地㊂但是,由于盐湖深居荒漠区,地表组成物质疏松,极易在风力作用下就地起沙㊂自20世纪50年代末,乌达 吉兰泰铁路通车后,盐湖资源开采规模日益扩大,人口剧增,导致7万h m2的天然梭梭遭到破坏,风沙危害直接威胁盐湖,10k m2多的盐湖有不同程度积沙,其中1.67k m2已积沙1m左右,对采盐生产和食盐纯度带来极大困难㊂为了防止风沙进一步入侵盐湖,保证盐业生产的稳产高产已为当务之急㊂为此,自1983年开始,盐湖北部建立起了东西长约18 k m,南北宽约1k m的防沙林带[9]㊂自北向南构成了流沙固阻带㊁封沙育草带㊁防风阻沙带和盐湖防护林带的 四带一体 综合立体防护体系㊂吉兰泰盐湖防护体系的建立对保护吉兰泰盐湖和铁路免受乌兰布和沙漠风沙活动侵袭起着至关重要的作用㊂吉兰泰盐湖防护体系的建立降低了风速,阻断了风沙的输移,同时改变了地表形态㊁对沙尘具有一定削减作用,是固定流沙㊁控制盐湖沙害的重要植被措施[10]㊂而且,盐湖防护体系的营建改变了风沙活动方式,随着防护体系营建时间延长,逐渐由风蚀㊁沉积向风沙沉降方向转变㊂202水土保持研究第30卷Copyright©博看网. All Rights Reserved.然而,盐湖防护体系不同部位由于植被盖度及植被组成差异,使其不同部位滞尘量㊁粒度组成在时空分布上存在一定差异[11-12]㊂这主要是因为防护体系通过工程措施和植被措施增加了地表粗糙度,导致近地面气流阻力增加,此时不仅增大了地表起动风速,而且削弱了气流的携沙能力和侵蚀能力[13]㊂鉴于此,本研究通过对不同防护功能区为期1a的连续实地观测,分析盐湖防护体系不同功能区大气降尘变化规律㊁空间分布和机械组成,从而揭示吉兰泰盐湖防护体系大气降尘物质的来源及其运移方式㊂该研究对评价吉兰泰盐湖防沙治沙技术措施取得的净化空气环境成效具有重要指导意义㊂1研究方法1.1研究区概况本研究以吉兰泰盐湖防护体系为研究区,其位于内蒙古阿拉善左旗吉兰泰盐湖北部(105ʎ47'08ᵡ 105ʎ37'38ᵡE,39ʎ46'58ᵡ 39ʎ48'95ᵡN),海拔在960~ 1030m㊂该区域属于典型的大陆性干旱荒漠气候,降雨量为138.6mm,降雨主要集中在7 9月,占全年降雨量的91.77%㊂年均潜在蒸发量为3006mm,极端最高气温为40.4ħ,年均气温为8.6ħ,极端最低气温为-31.2ħ㊂年日照时数为3316h,无霜期为160d㊂多年平均风速为3.6m/s,最大风速为24.0 m/s㊂风力多集中在4~5级左右㊂年平均大风日数34d,扬沙日数为82d㊂主风向为西北风㊂该区域地势平坦,无人为活动干扰㊂土壤类型为盐碱土㊁风沙土,地表土壤疏松,土壤发育程度较低,土壤养分贫瘠㊂植被包括:沙米(A g r i o p h y l l u ms q u a r r o s u m)㊁白刺(N i-t r a r i a t a n g u t o r u m)㊁苦豆子(S o p h o r aa l o p e c u r o i d e s)㊁芦苇(P h r a g m i t e s a u s t r a l i s)和披针叶野决明(T h e r m o p s i s l u p i n o i d e s)㊁花棒(H e d y s a r u ms c o p a r i u m)㊁沙枣(E l a e-a g n u sa n g u s t i f o l i a)㊁梭梭(H a l o x y l o n a mm o d e n-d r o n)㊁沙拐枣(C a l l i g o n u m m o n g o l i c u m)㊁沙拐枣(C a l l i g o n u m m o n g o l i c u m)㊁新疆杨(P o p u l u sa l b a v a r.p y r a m i d a l i s)㊂1.2研究方法1.2.1样地布设盐湖防护体系位于吉兰泰盐湖北部,近36年来对盐湖周边相继开展生物措施(防护林建设)㊁工程防护措施(P L A沙障和麦草沙障)的营建和补充完善等工作已基本完成㊂在盐湖周边原有的流动沙垄㊁丘间低地等下垫面条件下,保留天然植被,并通过人工拉平沙垄㊁铺设机械沙障㊁封育㊁人工造林等活动,自盐湖由外向内建成了流沙固阻带㊁封沙育草带㊁防风阻沙带和盐湖防护林带的 四带一体 综合防护体系,盐湖防护体系各防护功能区基本情况如表1和图1所示㊂表1不同防护功能区基本情况样地地理位置地貌特征植被状况/特征种类盖度/%土壤类型流沙固阻带105ʎ43'12ᵡ 105ʎ43'48ᵡE,39ʎ46'00ᵡ 39ʎ48'36ᵡN草方格沙障㊁P L A沙障,规格多为1mˑ1m㊂沙米㊁白刺<10风沙土封沙育草带105ʎ43'36ᵡ 105ʎ43'48ᵡE,39ʎ48'36ᵡ 39ʎ48'48ᵡN半固定沙丘,分布有白刺灌丛沙堆,沙面质软,沙堆高度0.5~2m㊂白刺为主,其他植被有芦苇㊁苦豆子和披针叶野决明㊂20风沙土防风阻沙带105ʎ43'48ᵡ 105ʎ43'58ᵡE,39ʎ48'48ᵡ 39ʎ48'54ᵡN地面起伏较小,沙面有结皮沙枣㊁梭梭㊁沙拐枣㊁花棒㊁新疆杨58风沙土盐湖防护林带105ʎ43'58ᵡ 105ʎ43'59ᵡE,39ʎ48'54ᵡ 39ʎ48'57ᵡN地面起伏较小,沙面有结皮沙枣㊁花棒㊁梭梭㊁柽柳,地物有芦苇等45风沙土㊁盐碱土图1不同防护功能区现场图1.2.2降尘物质采集风沙观测期间,降尘量采用集尘缸法进行测定㊂在不同防护功能区选取与主风向(N W)大致平行的风沙沉降观测断面,每个观测断面分别在北方㊁西南方和东南方各布设1组降尘装置㊂每组降尘装置分别由降尘固定支架和降尘缸组成,降尘缸设置高度为2m,降尘缸内壁光滑,高度为30c m,内壁直径为15c m㊂降尘采用监测时间为2017年3月1日至2018年2月28日,各功能区的降尘量按月时间尺度进302第5期魏亚娟等:吉兰泰盐湖防护体系不同防护功能区大气降尘特征及其影响因素Copyright©博看网. All Rights Reserved.行收集㊂同时,在不同防护功能区运用 S 取样法取表层0 2c m和地下30c m土壤,每个功能区取10个重复,均匀混合后最为一份土壤样品㊂根据吉兰泰地区气候特征,春㊁夏㊁秋和冬四季的划分依次为3 5月㊁6 8月㊁9 11月和12 次年2月㊂降尘采用网格干沉降法进行收集[14],每月收集1次㊂每次观测结束后,用毛刷将缸内沙物质清扫,并装入4号塑封袋㊂同时,用记号笔进行标记,带回实验室去除样品中的植物叶片㊁昆虫等杂质后,在温度为105ħ的干燥箱中进行烘干处理后,再用电子天平(0.001g精度)进行称重并计算降尘量㊂M=m sˑ104(1)式中:M为降尘量(g/m2);m为降尘缸收集沙尘的净重(g);s为降尘缸口面积(c m2),s=πr2;r为降尘缸口半径(c m)㊂大气降尘按照分级标准根据美国制土壤分类标准[15],粒径分级标准共分为7级,分别为砾石(>2000μm)㊁极粗砂(1000~2000μm)㊁粗砂(500~1000μm)㊁中砂(250~500μm)㊁细砂(100~250μm)㊁极细砂粒(50~100μm)㊁粉粒(2~50μm)和黏粒(<2μm)㊂1.3数据处理用E x c e l2013对试验数据进行前期整理㊂然后,运用S P S S20.0对降尘量与气象因子进行相关分析;运用O r i g i n2021对降尘量与气象因子进行回归分析㊂2结果与分析2.1不同防护功能区降尘粒度特征由表2可知,盐湖防护体系不同防护功能区地表沉积物粒度组成存在较大差异㊂在流动沙垄㊁流沙固阻带和封沙育草带,主要以细砂和中砂为主,分别占沙粒总量的70.35%,76.83%和84.41%㊂在流沙固阻带和封沙育草带的细砂较流动沙垄分别增加34.64%和66.29%,中砂分别减少18.60%和30.65%㊂在防风阻沙带和盐湖防护林带,其粒度组成主要以极细砂和细砂为主,分别占到沙粒总量的78.00%和77.68%,较流动沙垄增加㊂在防风阻沙带和盐湖防护林带的极细砂和细砂较流动沙垄分别增加63.61%和64.28%㊂在防风阻沙带和盐湖防护林带,无粗砂和极粗砂的存在㊂总体而言,与流动沙垄相比,盐湖防护体系各功能区由外向内粒度组成趋于细化㊂不同防护功能区降尘粒度存在一定差异㊂各防护功能区降尘粒度主要由极细砂和细砂物质组成㊂流动沙垄㊁流沙固阻带㊁封沙育草带㊁防风阻沙带和盐湖防护林带极细粒和细砂物质总含量分别为88.44%,96.68%, 75.53%,77.00%和68.14%,而粉粒物质含量分别为3.33%,3.34%,17.99%,22.97%和31.88%,说明降尘物质随盐湖防护距离越近逐渐趋于细化㊂与地下30c m土壤机械组成相比,流动沙垄㊁流沙固阻带和封沙育草带土壤黏粒㊁粉粒㊁极细砂和细沙含量均有不同程度降低近地表,而中砂㊁粗砂和极粗沙均有不同程度增加㊂而在防风阻沙带和盐湖防护林带变化与之相反㊂说明在流动沙垄㊁流沙固阻带和封沙育草带为大气中提供了沙尘物质;在防风阻沙带和盐湖防护林带能够有效抑制地表风蚀,具有滞尘作用㊂2.2降尘量空间分布特征由图2可知,不同月份防护功能区月降尘量总体表现为:流动沙垄>流沙固阻带>盐湖防护林带>封沙育草带>防风阻沙带㊂而且,月降尘量从1月开始上升到4月达到最大值,然后逐渐下降到7月份最小值后又逐渐缓慢上升㊂由此可知,3 5月为大气沉降高峰期;12月至次年2月为大气沉降较弱期;而6 11月为大气沉降最弱期㊂流沙固阻带㊁封沙育草带㊁防风阻沙带和盐湖防护林带的年降尘量分别295.39t/(k m2㊃m o n),125.27t/(k m2㊃a),123.53 t/(k m2㊃a)和180.53t/(k m2㊃a)㊂流沙固阻带㊁封沙育草带㊁防风阻沙带和盐湖防护林带的年降尘量较流动沙垄分别减小26.90%,69.00%,69.43%和55.33%,说明了吉兰泰盐湖防护体系对沙尘具有一定的滞尘作用㊂降尘量主要集中于春冬两季,占到年降尘量的77.52%~87.04%㊂可见,盐湖防护体系不同防护功能区降尘量存在较大差异㊂2.3主要气象因子对降尘量的影响机制2.3.1研究区不同月份气象因子及其与大气降尘之间的相关关系由表3可知,平均风速㊁扬沙日数㊁大风日数和沙尘暴日数最大值均出现在4月㊂而降雨量最大值出现在7月,为45.4mm,初步断定降雨对大气降尘有一定抑制作用㊂通过对气象因子分析发现,2017年3月至2018年2月,吉兰泰荒漠绿洲过渡带扬沙日数㊁大风日数和沙尘暴日数分别为33d, 59d和19d㊂而扬沙㊁大风和沙尘暴主要发生于春冬两季,分别占到全年总发生量的93.94%,91.53%和73.68%;降雨主要集中在5月㊁6月㊁7月,占全年降水量的62.19%㊂而且,这段时间降雨有利于植物生长,对防止风蚀有一定抑制作用㊂402水土保持研究第30卷Copyright©博看网. All Rights Reserved.表2 不同防护功能区大气降尘和近地表粒度特征位置类型机械组成/%流动沙垄流沙固阻带封沙育草带防风阻沙带盐湖防护林带黏粒2.471.892.002.190.99粉粒13.1214.极细砂20.4915.0911.8617.284.64地下30c m细砂59.1371.2561.3567.0646.07中砂4.797.7718.677.2233.75粗砂0.极粗砂0.黏粒1.171.811.904.202.89粉粒7.718.694.5412.3613.65极细砂10.739.938.9219.1119.42近地表细砂36.7549.4861.1158.8958.26中砂33.6027.3523.035.435.78粗砂9.022.510.220.000.00极粗砂1.990.黏粒0.000.006.480.000.00粉粒3.333.3417.9922.9731.88极细砂39.0938.6450.6551.2832.57大气降尘细砂49.3858.0224.8825.7235.57中砂8.粗砂0.极粗砂0.图2 不同季节各防护功能区的降尘量研究发现,大气降尘不仅与植被盖度和植被高度等植被生长状况有关,还与扬沙㊁浮尘等气象因子的持续时间和强度有关㊂由表4可知,不同防护功能区降尘量与平均风速㊁扬沙日数和大风日数在0.01水平上呈显著正相关(p <0.01),与沙尘暴日数和降雨量在0.05水平上分别呈显著正相关和负相关㊂这充分说明了平均风速㊁扬沙日数㊁大风日数㊁沙尘暴日数和降雨量是影响降尘量的主要气象因子,平均风速㊁扬沙日数㊁大风日数㊁沙尘暴日数有利于降尘增加,而降雨量抑制大气降尘㊂表3 不同月份气象因子月份平均风速/(m ㊃s-1)扬沙日数/d 大风日数/d 沙尘暴日数/d 降水量/mm14.00504.223.76700.234.291564.644.5111751.25301012.862.901120.972.200045.4820019.392.30115.4103.323223.2112.70000.0123.85930.0表4 不同防护功能区降尘量与气象因子之间的相关关系气象因子流动沙垄流沙固阻带封沙育草带防风阻沙带盐湖防护林带平均风速0.725**0.701*0.696*0.707*0.723**扬沙日数0.848**0.826**0.819**0.823**0.848**大风日数0.862**0.847**0.842**0.846**0.864**沙尘暴日数0.648*0.634*0.624*0.640*0.646*降雨量-0.447*-0.421*-0.419*-0.443*-0.451*注:*表示在0.05水平上显著相关;**表示在0.01水平上显著相关㊂502第5期 魏亚娟等:吉兰泰盐湖防护体系不同防护功能区大气降尘特征及其影响因素Copyright ©博看网. All Rights Reserved.2.3.2 研究区气象因子与大气降尘量的回归关系 由表5可知,气象因子与降尘量的拟合关系不同㊂各防护功能区降尘量与平均风速呈幂函数关系,其幂指数均大于2.9,说明随着风速强度逐渐增大,大气降尘量逐渐增大;降尘量与扬沙日数和大风日数呈多项式函数关系,说明随着扬沙和大风持续时间越长,降尘量增加幅度逐渐增大㊂降尘量与沙尘暴日数呈一次线性函数关系,说明沙尘暴持续时间影响着大气降尘量,沙尘暴持续时间越长,大气降尘越大㊂降尘量与降雨量呈指数函数关系,且x 的系数为负值,说明随着降雨量的增加,大气降尘量逐渐减小,降雨对大气降尘有一定抑制作用㊂表5 降尘量与主要气象因子的回归分析防护功能区气象因子拟合函数R 2p关系平均风速y =0.982x 2.9020.702<0.002幂函数扬沙日数y =0.878x 2-0.531x +18.3520.8050多项式流动沙垄大风日数y =0.793x 2+1.610x +14.8140.769<0.001多项式沙尘暴日数y =10.097x +17.6880.420<0.02线性降雨量y =36.408e -0.048x 0.3807<0.05指数平均风速y =0.662x 2.9640.747<0.003幂函数扬沙日数y =0.769x 2-2.205x +13.5680.7970多项式流沙固阻带大风日数y =0.173x 2+0.783x +10.9430.753<0.002多项式沙尘暴日数y =7.594x +12.5920.403<0.03线性降雨量y =24.981e -0.04x 0.3134<0.05指数平均风速y =0.302x 2.9070.729<0.003幂函数扬沙日数y =0.331x 2-1.022x +5.8910.7900多项式封沙育草带大风日数y =0.074x 2+0.295x +4.7870.745<0.002多项式沙尘暴日数y =3.129x +5.4850.389<0.03线性降雨量y =10.369e -0.036x 0.2755<0.05指数平均风速y =0.301x 2.9010.721<0.002幂函数扬沙日数y =0.320x 2-0.958x +5.8180.7940多项式防风阻沙带大风日数y =0.074x 2+0.263x +4.7880.755<0.002多项式沙尘暴日数y =3.133x +5.3340.410<0.02线性降雨量y =11.376e -0.049x 0.4194<0.05指数平均风速y =0.389x 3.0160.724<0.002幂函数扬沙日数y =0.425x 2-0.888x +8.0300.8140多项式盐湖防护林带大风日数y =0.095x 2+0.659x +6.4200.776<0.001多项式沙尘暴日数y =4.654x +7.6760.418<0.02线性降雨量y =16.335e -0.05x 0.4069<0.05指数3 讨论大气降尘是指直径大于10u m 的颗粒物依靠自身重力沉降到地面的固体颗粒物[8]㊂通过对大气降尘的测定,可以了解降尘的组成㊁沉降速率和强度,进而判断大气降尘的来源㊂运移方式和路径[16]㊂本研究发现,4种防护功能区降尘粒度主要以细砂和极细砂为主,且随着距离流动沙垄越远,细砂和极细砂含量逐渐减小,粉粒含量逐渐增加,该研究结果与陈新闯等[16]对乌兰布和沙漠的研究结果相同㊂但是与毛东雷对新疆策勒绿洲 沙漠过渡带大气降尘粒度相悖,其研究结果表明大气降尘沙尘物质以粗粉砂和极粗粉砂为主㊂这可能与测定高度和风速强度有关㊂因为气流携带的沙物质距离地面越高越细,反之亦然[17]㊂新疆策勒绿洲 沙漠过渡带地表植被盖度仅为5%,加之降雨量仅为35.10mm ,为风沙活动频繁,为地表风蚀创造了条件㊂研究表明,降尘物的粒度可以反向推测降尘物的来源[16]㊂当降尘粒度直径小于20u m 时,降尘物质来源于远源物质,粒度直径在20~70μm ,降尘物质来源于区域物质,粒度直径大于70μm 来源于局地物质[18]㊂因此,盐湖防护体系各防护功能区降尘物质可能绝大部分来源于局域物质和区域物质,少量来源于远源物质㊂但是,不同地区其气候条件㊁地形条件和植被类型存在一定差异㊂该结果有待于进一步论证㊂闫德仁等研究表明,直径>500μm 的颗粒物主要以蠕移的方式输送,直602 水土保持研究 第30卷Copyright ©博看网. All Rights Reserved.径大于70u m小于500u m的颗粒物主要以跃移方式输送,直径小于70u m的颗粒物主要以悬移方式[19]㊂本研究中,各防护功能区降尘粒度直径在2~ 250μm,说明研究区大气降尘物质主要通过跃移方式和悬移方式进行输送,且距离流动沙垄越远,通过悬移方式输送的颗粒物质越多㊂这主要因为直径相对较大的颗粒物质进入到风沙流中更容易沉降到地面,而直径相对较小的颗粒物质更容易输送到更远的地方㊂本研究中,不同防护功能区地表土壤机械组成由外向内逐渐趋于细化,说明盐湖防护体系能有效抑制地表起尘[20]㊂研究地表机械组成与风沙活动密切相关,且大于0.1mm的沙粒是主要的降尘物㊂因此,不同防护功能区土壤均具有提供沙尘的能力㊂本研究中,不同防护功能区大气降尘量在180.53~ 404.11t/(k m2㊃a),该研究结果显著小于党晓宏等[21]对乌兰布和沙漠东南缘不同下垫面的研究结果相悖,其研究结果表明,当降尘测定高度为2m时,不同下垫面的降尘量介于380.53~914.43t/(k m2㊃a)㊂我认为风动力和物质来源是造成这种差异的主要原因㊂盐湖防护体系的建立改变了局部流场分布㊂而且,盐湖防护体系内的机械沙障㊁灌丛沙堆和人工植被通过增大地表粗糙度,分解了近地表风力强度,减弱了携沙气流的携沙能力和侵蚀能力[22-23]㊂大气降尘量由大到小依次为:流动沙垄>流沙固阻带>盐湖防护林带>封沙育草带>防风阻沙带,该研究结果与高君亮等[24]和李晋昌等[25]分别对乌兰布和沙漠东北部和中国北方东部地区大气降尘的研究结果一致㊂这说明吉兰泰盐湖防护体系具有减少降尘的作用,这主要与不同防护功能区地表植被生长状况有关㊂由于降尘物质主要来源于风沙流的水平运移㊂流动沙垄植被盖度较低,其风沙流较大,输沙能力较强,导致沙粒吹送到更高㊁更远的距离[11]㊂通过年降尘量与植被高度和植被盖度进行回归分析发现,年降尘量与植被高度和植被盖度呈一元函数关系,且函数小于1,表示年降尘量随着植被高度和植被盖度而逐渐降低(图3)㊂盐湖防护体系的建立增加了植被盖度和植被高度㊂同时改变了林内小气候,改变了下垫面的状况,增加了地表粗糙度,对风力有一定分解作用,减缓风力对地表的侵蚀作用,从而到达抑制地表起尘量[24,26-27]㊂图3年降尘量与植被高度和植被盖度之间的关系环境因子是影响大气降尘的重要因子[28-29]㊂本研究中,降尘主要集中于春冬两季,占全年降尘量的77.52%~87.04%㊂这主要与平均风速㊁扬沙日数㊁大风日数和沙尘暴日数等气象因子有关㊂春冬季节由于冷空气和蒙古气旋活动频繁,导致大气层不稳定,造成风沙天气出现频率较高[30]㊂因此,春冬两季发生平均风速大小㊁扬沙日数㊁大风日数和沙尘暴日数明显大于夏秋两季㊂而且,春冬两季地表缺乏地表覆盖,为沙尘释放创造了条件[8]㊂在夏秋两季属于植物生长季,地表植被生长增加了地表粗糙度,能够减弱风力和拦截沙粒运动,从而减小起尘量[7]㊂加之夏秋两季降雨量明显大于春冬两季,在一定程度上抑制了大气降尘㊂研究中还发现,流沙固阻带㊁封沙育草带㊁防风阻沙带和盐湖防护林带的年降尘量较流动沙垄分别减小26.90%,69.00%,69.43%和55.33%㊂可见,盐湖防护体系有一定的滞尘作用㊂当风沙流由流动沙垄吹向盐湖防护体系时,灌木和乔木对风沙流有一定的阻碍作用㊂在本研究中,扬沙日数和大风日数均与降尘量呈二次函数关系,该研究结果与党晓宏等[21]对乌兰布和沙漠不同下垫面的研究结果相同㊂而平均风速㊁沙尘暴日数和降雨量与降雨量分别呈幂函数㊁一元线性函数和指数函数关系,该研究结果党晓宏等[21]对乌兰布和沙漠不同下垫面的研究结果相同相悖,其研究结果表明,平均风速㊁沙尘暴日数与降尘量呈二次多项式函数关系㊂其原因有待于进一步研究㊂4结论(1)吉兰泰盐湖防护体系降尘主要由极细砂和细砂物质组成㊂流动沙垄㊁流沙固阻带㊁封沙育草带㊁防风阻沙带和盐湖防护林带极细粒和细砂物质的含量分别为88.44%,96.68%,75.53%,77.00%和68.14%㊂702第5期魏亚娟等:吉兰泰盐湖防护体系不同防护功能区大气降尘特征及其影响因素Copyright©博看网. All Rights Reserved.。
亚细亚酸对兔未成熟肺缺血再灌注损伤的保护作用闫宪刚;仇万山;贾兵【期刊名称】《中国循证儿科杂志》【年(卷),期】2013(8)2【摘要】目的观察亚细亚酸对兔未成熟肺缺血再灌注损伤的保护作用.方法选用15 ~ 21日龄新西兰白兔60只,分为5组:假手术组,对照组,亚细亚酸低、中和高剂量组,每组各12只.建立单肺缺血再灌注模型,肺门阻断1 h后,开放再灌注4 h.亚细亚酸低、中和高剂量组分别于术前3 d给予亚细亚酸7.5、15和30 mg·kg-1,假手术组仅开胸不阻断肺门,对照组不予干预.术毕收集肺组织,光镜和电镜观察肺组织病理和超微结构改变.测定肺组织丙二醛(MDA),细胞毒性活性氧(ROS)-HR、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)和谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(GSH-PX)水平.Western Blot检测髓样生化因子(MyD)88和核转录因子(NF-κB)水平.ELISA法检测IL-1β、TNF-α水平.结果①亚细亚酸中和高剂量组肺缺血再灌注损伤明显减轻,光镜下肺泡与肺泡间隔肿胀程度明显轻于对照组,肺泡腔渗液减少,出血少见.电镜下可见肺泡上皮与血管内皮细胞脱落明显减少.②亚细亚酸中和高剂量组较对照组肺组织MDA,ROS-HR水平明显降低,SOD及GSH-PX水平明显升高;各时点的IL-1β、TNF-α水平也有不同程度下降,特别是再灌注后的2 h和4 h(P<0.05);肺组织中MyD88和NF-κB表达显著下降.③亚细亚酸中和高剂量的保护效果较好.结论亚细亚酸对未成熟肺缺血再灌注损伤有一定的保护作用,其机制与清除氧自由基和减轻全身炎性反应有关.%Objective The aim of the study was to examine whether asiatic acid could attenuate ischemia-reperfusion( I/R ) induced lung injury in infant rabbits. Methods 60 New Zealand white rabbits aged from 15 to 21 dayswere subjected to sham operation, I/R, low dose asiatic acid plus I/R, medium dose asiatic acid puls IR, and high dose asiatic acid puls I/R. I/R was induced by clamping the right pulmonary hilum for 1 hour and then removal of the clamp for 4 hours. Asiatic acid was given 3 days before operation by 7.5mg, 15, 30 mg · kg- 1respectively. Production and expression of free radical species-hydroxyl radical ( ROS-HR ), malondialdehyde ( MDA ), superoxide dismutase ( SOD ), glutathione peroxidase ( GSH-PX ), myeloid differentiation factor-88( MyD-88 ), and muclear factors-κB( NF-κB ) in the lung tissue wer e also evaluated. And temperature, hemodynamics, blood gases and neutrophil count were measured 2 hours after reperfusing. In addition, serum levels of interleukin-1 β and tumor necrosis factor-α were measured during the ischemia-reperfusion process. Results The infant lungs in asiatic acid middle and high dose groups had less neutrophil infiltration, edema, swelled alveolar epithelial and endothelial cells under light and electron microscopes. ②Compared wtih I/R group, asiatic acid reduced the production of ROS-HR and MDA and improved the activities of GSH-PX and SOD markedly, siginificantly decreased the serum levels of interleukin- 1β and tumor necrosis factor-α at 4 h time point after reperfusion, as well as the MyD88 and NF-κB of lung were siginificantl y decreased( P <0. 05 ).③Asiatic acid middle and high dose groups had good effect of attenuating I/R. Conclusions Asiatic acid pretreatment reduced the lung damage induced by I/R in the infant rabbits.【总页数】5页(P149-153)【作者】闫宪刚;仇万山;贾兵【作者单位】复旦大学附属儿科医院心血管中心,上海,201102;复旦大学附属儿科医院心血管中心,上海,201102;复旦大学附属儿科医院心血管中心,上海,201102【正文语种】中文【相关文献】1.利多卡因对兔肺缺血再灌注损伤的保护作用 [J], 肖央;彭博2.钙通道激动剂BayK8644在兔肺缺血再灌注损伤中的保护作用 [J], 张航;刘思档;王昕;张春芳3.黄芪对兔肺缺血再灌注损伤保护作用的病理观察 [J], 姚华宁;邹积俊;张家衡4.限制性液体复苏对失血性休克孕兔肺缺血再灌注损伤的保护作用 [J], 王晨虹;涂新枝;张铨富;余艳红;龚时鹏;胡冬煦5.不同剂量丙泊酚对兔肺缺血再灌注损伤的保护作用 [J], 刘波; 张利佳; 郭宇峰; 高静因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
三硝基甲苯对斑马鱼半致死浓度和致畸率的测定お摘要:采用半静态法在室内测定了三硝基甲苯(TNT)对斑马鱼的单一急性毒性,结果显示三硝基甲苯24 h-LC50=3 711.33μg?L????-1??。
??关键词:三硝基甲苯(TNT);斑马鱼;半致死浓度;致畸率;孵化率???お?1 引言??2,4,6-三硝基甲苯(TNT)是一种军事和民用广泛应用的含能材料,用量居首位???┆?,具有高毒性和致变性,它可通过呼吸系统、消化系统及皮肤而进入生物体内,导致血相改变、紫绀、白内障、正铁血红蛋白血症和中毒性肝炎等。
??斑马鱼(??Danio rerio??,俗称zebra fish)是常见的暖水性(21~32 ℃)观赏鱼,鲤科,个体小(4~5cm),是标准实验生物之一,其作为生态毒理学的实验动物模型广泛应用于环境毒理试验研究中???┆?。
斑马鱼作为模式生物,可以通过检测乙酰胆碱酯酶的活性、谷胱甘肽S-转移酶的活性、P450酶系(属于单加氧酶(??monooxygenase??),又称为多功能氧化酶(??mixed function oxidase??)、羟化酶(??hydroxylase??),因其还原态的吸收峰在450nm处,故名。
安赛科公司的总裁兼首席执行官Ariel Katz博士说。
1.安赛科:世界创新认知营养的领导者——访安赛科公司首席科学家 Yossi Kam,市场总监 Ram Shemer,上海代表处生物活性配料部销售经理欧海 [J], 赵辉;宿志红
2.安赛科K·REAL唯一可维持正常血压的纯磷虾油 [J], 申海鹏
3.正常人心钠素,环磷腺苷,环磷鸟苷,钠和血压... [J], 许昌泰;王育敏
4.赛科公司“5·12”苯罐燃烧爆炸事故敲响安全警钟市安委办要求深刻吸取教训严守安全底线 [J],
5.正常人心钠素、环磷腺苷、环磷鸟苷、钠和血压、心率昼夜变化的研究 [J], 许昌泰;王育敏
【摘要】@@ 虾制品肉鲜昧美、高蛋白、低脂肪,是营养价值较高的水产食品,也是我国最重要的出口水产品之一.但虾捕获后放置过程中会出现黑斑、黑箍,尤其是头、尾、附肢等部位,虾黑变是评定虾质量的主要指标,会影响虾的商品等级和价格.【总页数】2页(P31-32)
1.出口果脯中亚硫酸盐的限量要求与检测方法研究 [J], 王志宏;罗晓;倪永付;苏远科
2.盐酸苯海索-Ce(Ⅳ)荧光法检测虾中亚硫酸盐含量 [J], 张静;马占玲;汪莹;李宁宁;陈思;励建荣
3.离子色谱法测定魔芋精粉、虾中亚硫酸盐 [J], 黄惠玲;王玉健;徐莉;纪少凡;黄海民;林正锋;蔡伟凯
4.虾及其冻品中亚硫酸盐检测方法的改进及含量分析 [J], 张瑞玲;朱兰兰;段文佳;周德庆
5.国内外虾类产品兽药残留限量标准比对分析 [J], 刘琳;龚娅萍;朱汉鑫;李真;郑蔚然
REQUISITION NO. 3000101527SCHEDULE "D"SAFETY, HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTSTABLE OF CONTENTSGENERAL PROVISIONS1. COMPLIANCE WITH SAFETY, HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTALREQUIREMENTS2. DEVIATION FROM SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS3. FAILURE TO COMPLY4. SAUDI ARAMCO ASSISTANCESECTION I - SAFETY AND HEALTH REQUIREMENTS:1. LOSS PREVENTION PROGRAM2. WORK PERMITS3. WELDING AND CUTTING EQUIPMENT4. PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT5. TOOLS AND PORTABLE POWER TOOLS6. CARTRIDGE OPERATED TOOLS7. LADDERS8. SCAFFOLDING9. ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS AND EQUIPMENT10. CRANES AND RIGGING EQUIPMENT11. MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT12. SAUDI ARAMCO PLANT OPERATIONS13. TRANSPORTATION14. INJURY AND DAMAGE REPORTING15. EXCAVATIONS16. WORK OVER OR ADJACENT TO WATER17. FIRE PREVENTION18. FORMWORK19. IONIZING RADIATION20. FIRST-AID FACILITIES21. EXPLOSIVES22. ABRASIVE BLASTING AND PAINTING/COATING23. ASBESTOS24. TRAFFIC AND PEDESTRIAN CONTROL25. CONTRACTOR CAMPSSECTION II - ENVIRONMENTAL AND SANITARY REQUIREMENTS:1. INTRODUCTION2. APPLICABLE SAUDI ARAMCO ENGINEERING REQUIREMENT3. WASTE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM4. WATER SUPPLY PROTECTION5. WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT6. SPILL CONTROL7. SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT8. AIR POLLUTION MITIGATION9. NOISE CONTROLSCHEDULE "D"SAFETY, HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS GENERAL PROVISIONS1. COMPLIANCE WITH SAFETY, HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTALREQUIREMENTSCONTRACTOR and all CONTRACTOR employees, agents and subcontractors shall comply at all times with all applicable Saudi Arab Government safety,health and environmental regulations and all SAUDI ARAMCO GeneralInstructions (G.I.s), and other related rules and regulations. Specifically,CONTRACTOR shall comply with the provisions of the SAUDI ARAMCOConstruction Safety Manual (CSM), SAUDI ARAMCO Construction SafetyManual Handbook (CSMH), sections I & II of this Schedule and all other suchrelated requirements, specifications and standards as are made known toCONTRACTOR by SAUDI ARAMCO. In case of conflicting requirements, themost stringent requirement shall apply.CONTRACTOR shall have available at the WORK site the most current copy of the SAUDI ARAMCO Construction Safety Manual and all applicable SAUDIARAMCO G.I.s, Handbooks, and Engineering Standards. CONTRACTOR may request, from the Company Representative, copies of those SAUDI ARAMCOstandards, rules and regulations which are applicable to this contract.Additionally, CONTRACTOR shall comply with all applicable SAUDI ARAMCOOperations or Refinery Instruction Manuals. For offshore WORK,CONTRACTOR shall comply with Producing Department's OperationsInstruction Manual (O.I.M. Number 1.519) and Marine Department's latestupdated version of the "Basic Marine Vessel Specifications and Requirements."CONTRACTOR shall also take or cause to be taken any additional measuresunder the direction of the Company Representative to prevent the injury or death of any person, or any damage or loss of property, loss of process, or damage to the environment during CONTRACTOR's performance of the WORK.SAUDI ARAMCO reserves the right to monitor and inspect any WORK Site, lay down yard, fabrication yard, clinic, camp and dining facility (on or off SAUDIARAMCO property) for compliance with the above referenced Safety, Health and Environmental Requirements.2. DEVIATION FROM SAFETY, HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTALREQUIREMENTSAny deviation by CONTRACTOR from SAUDI ARAMCO's (or other applicable)safety, health and environmental requirements (or rules and regulations) shall be approved, in advance, in writing by the Company Representative.3. FAILURE TO COMPLYShould CONTRACTOR fail to comply with any of the requirements of thisSchedule "D", SAUDI ARAMCO reserves the right to notify CONTRACTOR ofthis situation. Upon receiving such notification, CONTRACTOR shallimmediately take all necessary corrective actions. Any corrective action shall,unless provided otherwise in this Contract, be taken at CONTRACTOR'sexpense. If CONTRACTOR fails to take prompt corrective action, the Company Representative may direct CONTRACTOR to suspend all or part of the WORKpursuant to Schedule "A" until satisfactory corrective action has been taken.Costs incurred by CONTRACTOR as a result of such WORK suspension shallbe solely CONTRACTOR's responsibility, and any resultant CONTRACTORperformance delays shall not be deemed excusable hereunder.4. SAUDI ARAMCO ASSISTANCECONTRACTOR may request assistance from SAUDI ARAMCO with respect tothe implementation of its Safety, Health and Environmental Requirements. The Company Representative (or the Company Representative‟s designated party or parties) may provide assistance to the CONTRACTOR by explaining good safety and sound environmental practices, pointing out unsafe conditions, and byapplying experience and judgment, to assist CONTRACTOR in improving safety and to safeguard the environment. Such assistance by SAUDI ARAMCO shall in no way relieve CONTRACTOR of its responsibilities as set forth in this Schedule "D".END OF GENERAL PROVISIONSSECTION I - SAFETY AND HEALTH REQUIREMENTS:1. LOSS PREVENTION PROGRAMCONTRACTOR shall prepare and submit a Loss Prevention Program with a job-specific Hazard Identification Plan (HIP), as described in section I-1.3 of theSAUDI ARAMCO Construction Safety Manual, to the Company Representative for approval no later than fifteen (15) working days before starting WORK.CONTRACTOR shall ensure full implementation of the Program.CONTRACTOR shall appoint a qualified full-time Safety Supervisor (who issubject to SAUDI ARAMCO approval), fluent in spoken and written English, tocoordinate the Loss Prevention Program. He is to be provided with a dedicated means of transportation. The name, qualifications, service vehicle type, phone number, and address of the Safety Supervisor shall be submitted to theCompany Representative for approval and concurrence. The Safety Supervisor shall be frequently present at the WORK site while CONTRACTOR personnelare working.The Program shall outline specific essential measures to be taken by CON-TRACTOR to prevent human injuries, property/equipment damage, loss ofprocess, or damage to the environment and to ensure compliance with thisSchedule "D".The Program shall be organized and implemented by each craft or crew super-visor. It shall include a specific plan to hold a documented ten-minute safetydiscussion, organized and implemented by each craft or crew supervisor at least one day in each working week. These meetings shall be monitored byCONTRACTOR‟S management and key s taff personnel.2. WORK PERMITSCONTRACTOR shall obtain a WORK Permit (SAUDI ARAMCO form 924-1through 924-4) for any WORK to be carried out during each shift in any SAUDI ARAMCO specified "Restricted Area" or as may be required by the CompanyRepresentative. It shall be CONTRACTOR's responsibility to ascertain, inadvance, whether the WORK area is designated a Restricted Area. TheCompany Representative can give guidance on Restricted Area locations.CONTRACTOR shall only provide qualified and certified craft personnel toexecute and/or supervise WORK. WORK Permit courses are provided by theLoss Prevention Department. The certificates of all SAUDI ARAMCOcontractors shall be approved by the proponent organization superintendent.Supervisory personnel or other qualified staff must always be present at theWORK Site while any WORK is in progress. All WORK Permit procedures shall be carried out by CONTRACTOR in accordance with SAUDI ARAMCO G.I.2.100, Work Permit System. Other G.I.s may apply as well, such as G.I. 2.102,Pressure Testing Safely, G.I. 6.012, Isolation, Lockout and Use of Hold Tags,and G.I. 2.709, Gas Testing Procedure - Using 3-In-1 Gas Monitor. Also seesection II-1 of the SAUDI ARAMCO Construction Safety Manual, titled “WorkPerm it System.”3. WELDING AND CUTTING EQUIPMENTAll welding and cutting equipment shall comply with best industry standards, and be maintained in good condition. All CONTRACTOR welders or weldingoperators shall be qualified and certified per Saudi Aramco EngineeringProcedures SAEP-321, SAEP-322, SAEP-323, SAEP-324, and SAEP-1101 to1117 for the WORK they will be doing. (Also see section II-5 of the SAUDIARAMCO Construction Safety Manual, titled “Welding, Cutting, and Brazing.”) 4. PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT (PPE)CONTRACTOR shall, as a minimum, provide, maintain and enforce the use ofthe items of personal protective equipment (PPE) listed in section I-9, “Personal Protective Equipment,” of the SAUDI ARAMCO Construction Safety Manual, andG.I. 6.020, Personal Flotation Devices for Work On, Over or Near Water; G.I.6.021, Safety Requirements for Abrasive Blast Cleaning; G.I.7.027, CraneSuspended Personnel Work Platforms; G.I. 8.001, Safety Requirements forScaffolds; G.I. 8.002, Safety Spectacles; and G.I. 8.005, Protective (Safety)Footwear. SAUDI ARAMCO requires "special" personal protective equipment to be used for any operation involving chemical handling, tetraethyl lead, asbestos, abrasive blasting, painting/coating or other hazardous/toxic material.CONTRACTOR shall comply with these requirements and all PPE requirements stipulated by the manufacturer of the hazardous/toxic material. Specifications of all PPE to be used by the CONTRACTOR shall be included in theCONTRACTOR‟S Loss Prevent ion Program submitted for review.5. TOOLS AND PORTABLE POWER TOOLSTools shall be equipped with proper safeguards and used only in applications for which they were designed. Portable power tools shall be of the double insulated type or three-wire grounded type, and shall not be rated or used at a voltageexceeding 125 volts (see section II-10.3, “Power Tools, General,” of the SAUDIARAMCO Construction Safety Manual). All electrical outlets servicing thesepower tools shall be protected by Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters (GFCIs) which meet SAUDI ARAMCO standards (also see section 9 of this Schedule). All tools (including portable power tools) shall be free from any defect and maintained in a good operating condition. SAUDI ARAMCO reserves the right to reject, remove from site or destroy tools and portable power tools found to be defective or ofsubstandard quality. “Homemade”, including “Shop-made”, tools are strictlyprohibited.6. CARTRIDGE OPERATED TOOLSCartridge operated tools shall be used only with the prior written approval of the Company Representative. CONTRACTOR shall ensure that only cartridge tools meeting SAUDI ARAMCO standards are used and maintained in good condition, in compliance with section II-10.5, “Cartridge Operated Tools,” of the SAUDIARAMCO Construction Safety Manual. (Also see G.I. 2.100, Work PermitSystem).No person shall operate, clean, maintain, or repair any cartridge tool unlesscertified by the cartridge tool manufacturer or an equivalent qualificationacceptable to SAUDI ARAMCO. Documentation of certification shall be in thepossession of the person on the WORK Site at all times as proof of qualification.7. LADDERSCONTRACTOR shall ensure that only metal, fiberglass, or timber laddersmeeting SAUDI ARAMCO standards are provided and used for ingress to andegress from WORK places, where other means of ingress and egress are notavailable. (See section II-9, “Elevated Work Areas, Ladders and Scaffolds,” ofthe SAUDI ARAMCO Construction Safety Manual and the SAUDI ARAMCOScaffold Safety Handbook).8. SCAFFOLDINGCONTRACTOR shall ensure that all scaffolding WORK and materials are infull compliance with the requirements of GI 8.001, Safety Requirements forScaffolds, and the SAUDI ARAMCO Scaffold Safety Handbook, includingcompliance with the required “safety factor of 4” against failure.9. ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS AND EQUIPMENTAll material and equipment used in temporary electrical installations shall meetSAUDI ARAMCO standards, including SAUDI ARAMCO Construction SafetyManual requirements (section IV-1, “Electricity”). CONTRACTOR shall ensurethat all 125 volt, single phase 15 and 20 ampere receptacle outlets, which arenot part of the permanent wiring of any building or structure, shall have Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters (GFCIs) for personal protection.10. CRANES AND RIGGING EQUIPMENTCONTRACTOR shall ensure that all lifting devices and every part thereof,including all equipment used for anchoring or fixing such devices, shall be ingood mechanical operating condition, free from any defect, and constructed ofmaterials with a specified strength suitable for the intended use. CONTRACTOR shall also ensure that such lifting devices are properly inspected, maintained,and affixed with SAUDI ARAMCO certification stickers. All chains, hooks, slings, shackles and other equipment on a lifting device used for raising or loweringshall be of a SAUDI ARAMCO approved type and maintained in good condition.All cranes and elevating/lifting equipment shall be inspected and certified bySAUDI ARAMCO before being permitted to operate on SAUDI ARAMCOprojects (see G.I. 7.030, Inspection and Testing Requirements ofElevating/Lifting Equipment).All mobile heavy equipment and crane operators shall possess a valid Kingdom of Saudi Arabia specific heavy equipment operator's license and be certified bySAUDI ARAMCO to operate such equipment (see G.I. 7.025, Mobile HeavyEquipment Operator Testing and Certification). Riggers that are certified bySAUDI ARAMCO shall be provided for all lifts (see G.I. 7.028, Crane Lifts: Types and Procedures).All lifting WORK shall be per G.I. 7.028 and IPT‟s Crane and Rigging Handbook.Also see G.I. 2.702, Electrical Safety for Boom or Derrick-type HoistingEquipment; G.I. 7.024, Marine and Offshore Crane, Hoist, and RiggingOperations, G.I. 7.026, Cranes and Heavy Equipment Accident ReportingProcedures, G.I. 7.027, Crane Suspended Personnel Platform Operations(Manbasket); and G.I. 7.029, Inspection, Use and Maintenance of Below-the-Hook Lifting Equipment for Cranes, and section III-1, “Cranes and LiftingEquipment,” and section III-2, “Slings and Lifting Gear (Rigging),” of the SAUDIARAMCO Construction Safety Manual for additional related requirements.11. MECHANICAL EQUIPMENTCONTRACTOR shall ensure that all mechanical equipment provided ismaintained in good condition.All moving parts of any equipment shall be securely guarded to prevent accessto these parts by persons working on or passing through the WORK Site. (Also see section III-3, “Mechanical Equipment,” of the SAUDI ARAMCO Construction Safety Manual.)12. SAUDI ARAMCO PLANT OPERATIONSCONTRACTOR shall ensure that CONTRACTOR's personnel and the personnel of its subcontractors do not open or close any valves, or operate any electricalswitches or any other equipment in SAUDI ARAMCO plant facilities without theprior approval of SAUDI ARAMCO, and only under the direct supervision of theSAUDI ARAMCO supervising operator or plant foreman. (Also see section II-1, “Work Permit System,” of the SAUDI ARAMCO Construction Safety Manual andG.I. 2.100, Work Permit System).13. TRANSPORTATIONCONTRACTOR shall ensure that passengers shall travel only in vehicles that are provided with passenger seats. This requirement shall apply for travel to andfrom any WORK Site, and at the WORK Site itself. Seat belts shall be installed for all seats and used in all vehicles carrying personnel (except in the case ofbuses where seat belts are mandatory only for the driver).The towing of small equipment, such as compressors, welding machines, etc., is allowed, but only after the equipment is properly and safely connected to the tow vehicle (i.e. all safety pins, safety chains, shackles and brake/indicator lights are in place). The towing speed of the vehicle shall not exceed 40 kilometers perhour at any time within Saudi Aramco facilities and project sites. For highwaytravel, such equipment shall not be towed, but shall be carried in a flat bed truck, etc.CONTRACTOR shall comply with all pertinent requirements of the Saudi ArabGovernment traffic regulations for transporting materials and supplies (see G.I.1183.215, Transporting Explosives in Company Owned/Leased/Rented MotorTransport Vehicles, G.I. 6.030, Traffic and Vehicle Safety, and section I-13,“Transportation,” of the SAUDI ARAMCO Construction Safety Manual).14. INJURY AND DAMAGE REPORTINGCONTRACTOR shall ensure that an immediate oral report and preliminarywritten report is made to the Company Representative in the case of all:- Fatal injuries or illnesses- Injuries requiring medical attention which result in lost time- Damage over SR10,000 to CONTRACTOR's plant or equipment- Damage, in any amount, to SAUDI ARAMCO equipment or property- Fires- Damage and all accidents involving cranes and heavy equipment (G.I.7.026, Cranes and Heavy Equipment Accident Reporting Procedures).For accidents resulting in CONTRACTOR employee fatality, serious injury toCONTRACTOR employee(s), or damage to SAUDI ARAMCO equipment orproperty, a written report (including Saudi Aramco Form 6437 where applicableshall be submitted promptly to the Company Representative. In addition, SAUDI ARAMCO may convene an engineering review or investigation committee inaccordance with the requirements of G.I. 6.001, Notification Requirements forIncidents (Including Fires); and G.I. 6.003, Guide for Committees InvestigatingMajor Incidents and Engineering Reviews of Other Incidents.CONTRACTOR shall maintain, in a format approved by the Company Represen-tative, a current record showing all:- WORK Injuries- Fires- Incidents or property damage over SR10,000- Motor vehicle accidents (MVA)- Incidents involving damage to SAUDI ARAMCO equipment and property - Damage and all accidents involving cranes and heavy equipment (G.I.7.026, Cranes and Heavy Equipment Accident Reporting Procedures).This record shall be available for inspection at all reasonable times and shall be submitted to SAUDI ARAMCO upon request. (Also see section I-3, “AccidentInvestigation, Analysis and Reporting,” of the SAUDI ARA MCO ConstructionSafety Manual).15. EXCAVATIONSCONTRACTOR shall ensure that all excavation WORK is carried out according to the requirements of G.I. 1021.000, Street and Road Closure: Excavations,Reinstatement and Traffic Controls; SAES-A-114, Excavation and Backfill; andsection II-2, “Excavations, Trenching and Shoring,” of the SAUDI ARAMCOConstruction Safety Manual.16. WORK OVER OR ADJACENT TO WATERAdequate lifesaving and rescue equipment shall be provided by CONTRACTOR on every seagoing vessel, and at every WORK Station where WORK is beingcarried out over or adjacent to water. Appropriate personal flotation devicesshall be used by CONTRACTOR's personnel working over water as prescribed in SAUDI ARAMCO G.I. 6.020, Personal Flotation Devices for Work On, Over orNear Water. (Also see section VI-2, “Marine Operations,” of the SAUDIARAMCO Construction Safety Manual).17. FIRE PREVENTIONCONTRACTOR shall provide and maintain in good working order suitable firefighting equipment per the provisions of section I-11.8, “Emergency Equipment,”of the SAUDI ARAMCO Construction Safety Manual. All CONTRACTORpersonnel shall be properly trained in the use of such equipment. Storage,laydown and fabrication yards shall be laid out in accordance with SAUDIARAMCO Standards (SAES-B-017; SAES-B-019) and NFPA 231 with respect to the spacing of rows, fire lanes and compatibility of material. Also see G.I.1781.001, Inspection, Testing and Maintenance of Fire Protection Equipment;G.I. 1787.000, Report of Fire, Emergency or False Alarm; and section I-11, “FirePrevention,” of the SAUDI ARAMCO Construction Safety Manual.18. FORMWORKCONTRACTOR shall ensure that all formwork supports are structurally soundand constructed to SAUDI ARAMCO standards. As far as practical, steel unitsshall be used.Where the WORK requires a timber supporting structure, the timber used shallbe of suitable quality and adequate strength. CONTRACTOR shall obtain priorwritten approval from the Company Representative before any timber supporting structure is erected.CONTRACTOR shall ensure that prior to any concrete being placed into anysupported formwork structure, approval shall be obtained from the CompanyRepresentative (see section II-12, “Concrete, Concrete Forms, and Shoring,” of the SAUDI ARAMCO Construction Safety Manual).19. IONIZING RADIATIONCONTRACTOR shall ensure that any radioactive source used is incompliance with the provisions of SAEP-1141, Industrial Radiation Safety; G.I.150.003, Ionizing Radiation Protection; and section IV-2, “Ionizing Radiation,”of the SAUDI ARAMCO Construction Safety Manual. CONTRACTOR shallimplement safe working procedures for all operations involving radioactivematerials, ensure that all employees using this equipment have a valid "SaudiAramco Radiographer Permit" and are aware of the mandatory precautions tobe taken against ionizing radiation hazards. Radiation Safety Procedure(s)shall be prepared by the CONTRACTOR and approved by the SAUDIARAMCO Inspection Department Radiation Safety Officer (RSO) or hisassistant. These procedure(s) shall be consistent with SAUDI ARAMCOprocedures and with King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology(KACST) regulations. The Contractor shall have an RSO who is licensed byKACST. The CONTRACTOR shall notify the Inspection DepartmentRadiation Safety Officer and the Company Representative immediately in theevent of an incident involving radioactive materials or ionizing radiationproducing equipment.20. FIRST-AID FACILITIESCONTRACTOR shall provide and maintain adequate first-aid facilities at theWORK Site in accordance with Articles 134 and 135 of the Saudi Arab Laborand Workmen Law. When CONTRACTOR employs 50 or more workmen at aWORK Site, CONTRACTOR shall provide a qualified and certified nurse, with a current CPR and First-Aid Certificate, and a dedicated emergency vehicle(ambulance), properly supplied (including stretcher) and marked, to transportinjured personnel to the nearest healthcare facility (see section I-8, “First Aid,” of the SAUDI ARAMCO Construction Safety Manual and G.I. 150.002, FirstAid/CPR Training and First Aid Kits – Remote Areas). The names, qualifications,and certificates of the certified nurse(s) shall be submitted to the CompanyRepresentative before WORK begins.21. EXPLOSIVESCONTRACTOR shall promptly advise the Company Representative of anyrequirement for the use of explosives.CONTRACTOR shall comply with the General Rules and Requirements for the Handling and Use of Explosives issued by the Saudi Arab Government Ministry of Interior and all SAUDI ARAMCO requirements for explosives contained insection II-6, “Explosive Materials,” of the SAUDI ARAMCO Construction Safety Manual and G.I. 475.001, Blasting Near Existing Facilities.22. ABRASIVE BLASTING AND PAINTING/COATINGCONTRACTOR shall comply with SAUDI ARAMCO requirements on abrasiveblasting and painting/coating contained in G.I. 6.021,Safety Requirements forAbrasive Blast Cleaning; and section II-11, “Paints and Coatings,” of the SAUDI ARAMCO Construction Safety Manual. Per G.I. 6.021, section 8.1, the use ofsilica sand for abrasive blast cleaning is prohibited (except as noted).23. ASBESTOSAny construction or demolition work involving asbestos shall be done inaccordance with G.I. 150.001, Asbestos Hazard Management, and section II-4, “Asbestos and Other Fibers,” of the SAUDI ARAMCO Construction SafetyManual. At least 4 weeks prior to starting asbestos construction or demolitionwork, an Asbestos Removal Plan shall be submitted to Company Representative for review by SAUDI ARAMCO.24. TRAFFIC AND PEDESTRIAN CONTROLAny construction work which will affect vehicle or pedestrian traffic in any wayshall be done in accordance with the Saudi Arab Government Ministry ofCommunication Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices and SAUDIARAMCO G.I. 1021.000, Street and Road Closure: Excavations, Reinstatement and Traffic Controls.25. CONTRACTOR CAMPSPrior to the commencement of any contractual activity at any site, CONTRAC-TOR shall obtain, through the Company Representative, the required Land UsePermit (LUP) in accordance with G.I. 2.716, Land Use Permit Procedures; G.I. 2.718, Contractor Sites Allotment Procedure; and SAUDI ARAMCO Form 8037. The LUP application shall include drawings of proposed CONTRACTOR camp facilities. Additionally, a Letter of Undertaking for CONTRACTOR site allocation shall be signed and all stipulated conditions stated therein shall be complied with by CONTRACTOR.CONTRACTOR shall ensure that any CONTRACTOR camp facility provided for CONTRACTOR personnel and SAUDI ARAMCO employees meets the provisions of Saudi Arabia's Labor and Workmen Law and SAUDI ARAMCO Safety, Health and Environmental Requirements. (Also see section I-7, “Site Planning and Housekeeping,” of the SAUDI ARAMCO Construction Safety Manual, the SAUDI ARAMCO Sanitary Code, Section II of this Schedule “D”, and G.I. 151.006, Implementing the SAUDI ARAMCO Sanitary Code). SAUDI ARAMCO reserves the right to inspect all CONTRACTOR camp facilities, on or off SAUDI ARAMCO property, to ensure compliance with applicable laws and SAUDI ARAMCO standards.Prior to occupancy and permanent connection of utilities, CONTRACTOR's camp facilities shall be subject to inspection by SAUDI ARAMCO Company Representative, Loss Prevention Department, Fire Protection Department, Environmental Protection Department, and the Medical Services Organization, and shall meet all applicable safety, fire and health standards. Any additional concerns generated during the inspection shall be brought to the attention of CONTRACTOR for resolution or action as needed (see G.I. 2.718, Contractor Sites Allotment Procedure).SAUDI ARAMCO reserves the right to periodically re-inspect any camp facility to ensure that all SAUDI ARAMCO safety, health and environmental requirements are being complied with.END OF SECTION ISECTION II - ENVIRONMENTAL AND SANITARY REQUIREMENTS:1. INTRODUCTIONThis section covers various Environmental and Sanitary standards applicableduring the handling, treatment and disposal of liquid and solid wastes generated in the course of SAUDI ARAMCO construction projects, both onshore andoffshore. This applies to both construction sites and CONTRACTOR campslocated on/or above SAUDI ARAMCO controlled land.2. APPLICABLE SAUDI ARAMCO AND/OR OTHER ENGINEERINGREQUIREMENTS2.1 All SAUDI ARAMCO and/or other engineering requirements referred toherein shall be the current issue and shall be furnished to CONTRACTORby the Company Representative, upon request. Company Representativewill assist CONTRACTOR to obtain other (non-SAUDI ARAMCO)engineering documents.2.2 If current SAUDI ARAMCO and/or other engineering requirements do notcover a specific situation, CONTRACTOR shall contact the CompanyRepresentative for guidance and resolution.2.3 When specific circumstances render a particular SAUDI ARAMCOSanitary Code requirement impractical, a grant of variance may berequested in writing from Preventive Medicine Services, as established inSection 5.0 of GI 151.006, Implementing the SAUDI ARAMCO SanitaryCode.3. WASTE MANAGEMENT PROGRAMConcurrent with the preparation of the initial WORK Schedule, CONTRACTORshall prepare and submit for review to the Company Representative a “WasteManagement Program” that details sources and disposal methods for all liquidand solid wastes. This Program shall be in accordance with the recommenda-tions of the "Project Environmental Assessment" (if available) prepared for theproject to outline the basic environmental framework for the project execution.CONTRACTOR shall appoint a qualified Environmental Coordinator to coordi-nate the Program. The name and address of the Environmental Coordinatorshall be submitted to the Company Representative no later than the Program'ssubmittal.。