Some Studies and Lessons Learned from Ad Hoc
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从错误中学习Learning From Mistakes英语作文从错误中学习Learning From Mistakes英语作文(精选14篇)在学习、工作乃至生活中,大家都经常接触到作文吧,作文是从内部言语向外部言语的过渡,即从经过压缩的简要的、自己能明白的语言,向开展的、具有规范语法结构的、能为他人所理解的外部语言形式的转化。
你写作文时总是无从下笔?以下是小编为大家收集的从错误中学习Learning From Mistakes英语作文,希望能够帮助到大家。
从错误中学习Learning From Mistakes英语作文篇1We all make mistakes which are inevitable. What makes mistakes worse is failure to correct your own mistakes. While making mistakes is good, repeating mistakes is definitely not. Apart from correcting your own mistakes, we should learn from the mistakes as well.错误不可避免,最糟糕的`是我们不纠正自己的错误。
You can only learn from you admit you have made one. As soon as you start blaming other people, you distance yourself from any possible lesson that could be learned from it. Admission of mistake, even if only privately to yourself, make learning possible by moving the focus away from blaming yourself and towards understanding. Wise people admit their mistakes easily. They know progress accelerates when they do. On the other hand, for many reasons admitting mistakes is difficult. This is why some people consider that people can learn nothing from mistakes. We are educated in school, in our families, or at work to feel guilty about failure and to do whatever we can to avoid mistakes. This sense of shame combined with the inevitability of setbacks when attempting difficult things explains why many people give up ontheir goals: they are not prepared for the mistakes and failures they will face on their way to what they want.你可以只从你已经承认的错误中学习,一旦你开始责备别人,你就会使自己远离那些可能从中学到东西的可能性。
I NTRODUCTIONAs the revenues from voice tend to diminish,high competition forces mobile operators (MOs)to seek new revenue generating sources through innovation in services and technologies. The commercialization of femtocells was investigated in 2008 (through tenders, technical trials, and business models) by MOs worldwide. Femtocells or femto access points (FAPs) are miniature base stations connected to an MO’s network via a broadband connection (e.g., asymmetric digital subscriber line [ADSL]), typically designed for use in residential or small office/home office (SOHO) environments [1–3].For MOs, femtocells may constitute a solu-tion to:•Increase mobile usage indoors — and thus revenues — by combining coverage/capacity enhancements with inexpensive voice ser-vices•Offer innovative data services (music/photo/video download/synchronization, mobile TV, etc.), thus making the mobile phone competitive with a fixed phone, PC, and/or TV•Offer fixed-mobile convergence (FMC) inresponse to WiFi/voice over IP (VoIP),Homezone, and UMA offerings.In addition, femtocells may contribute to:•Churn reduction (e.g., by “capturing” all the members of a family)•Operational expenditure (OPEX) savings on the (macro) backhaul network (due to traffic offload)•Capital expenditure (CAPEX) savings since no new base stations or capacity expansions are needed.End-user benefits from the introduction of fem-tocells, apart from better coverage and inexpen-sive voice tariffs within the “femto zone,” may include “one-phone-one-number-one-bill” and the same services indoors and outdoors.An MO, prior to commercial introduction of femtocells, has to address a considerable list of issues such as possible interference with the macro network [4], impact on the core network,security concerns, interoperability, regulatory/electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) concerns,use of service level agreements (SLAs) for quali-ty of service (QoS) guarantees (especially for voice) over the broadband connection, and avail-ability of platforms/features and packages to be offered.The aim of this article is to investigate whether femtocells may add value to the user and operator. The analysis is based on certain decision making factors (both technical and commercial) that will be assessed according to the experience gained through a request for pro-posals (RFP), a technical trial, and a custom-made investment-revenues analysis tool.The structure of the article is organized as follows. We present generic factors affecting theintroduction of new services/technologies. We investigate the potential exploitation of femto-cells based on the findings derived from certain projects run within COSMOTE in 2008. Finally,we draw some concluding remarks.F ACTORS A FFECTING N EW S ERVICES ’/A PPLICATIONS ’I NTRODUCTIONThe level of adoption and success of a new mobile technology and/or service or application depends on the value offered to both the user and the MO. On the user’s side, value is offered by innovative services and applicationsIEEE Communications Magazine • September 2009A BSTRACTThere is a continuous pursuit by mobile oper-ators (MOs) to improve indoor coverage in order not only to improve voice quality but also to enable higher data rates in home/office envi-ronments. Indoor coverage improvement, in con-junction with inexpensive (voice) offerings, will enable MOs to compete with and take away voice-call-related revenues from fixed network PTTs and/or VoIP operators. Femtocells consti-tute a promising solution to address all of the above. In this article we present our experience from our extensive study and trials of early (pre-standard) femtocell solutions that were available in the 2007–2008 timeframe.George Korinthios, Elina Theodoropoulou, Niki Marouda, Ioanna Mesogiti, Eftychia Nikolitsa, and George Lyberopoulos, COSMOTE — Mobile Communications S.A.Early Experiences and Lessons Learned from Femtocellsscrambling code), interference with the macronetwork [4] and other closely located FAPscould be mitigated. Otherwise:•For a 2G-femto network, a different set ofBCCH frequencies shall be allocated forthe femto network than that utilized in themacro network to avoid co-channel inter-ference between femto-macro layers. Trialresults indicated that co-channel interfer-ence between neighboring FAPs can beparticularly intense (no call establishment)in distances less than 4 m in an open spaceenvironment, whereas no adjacent channelinterference was observed (either FAP-FAPor FAP-macro).•For a 3G-femto network, if utilization of aseparate carrier is not possible, the scram-bling codes allocated to FAPs shall be dis-tinct from those allocated to the macronetwork.In terms of mobility and service continuitysupport, there are the following alternatives forthe operator:•Adjustment of macro and femto networkcell reselection parameters so that userequipment is automatically camped onFAPs once detected1•Exploitation of hierarchical cell structure(HCS) to achieve prioritization of the fem-tocell layer over the macro one•Definition of a separate PLMN-ID (forexclusive use by the femto network)•Introduction of equivalent PLMN feature,which, unlike the case of a separate PLMN-ID, does not require any UE SIM modifica-tionIn the 2G-femto trial, COSMOTE adoptedthe vendor’s recommendation on the use of asecond PLMN-ID. This approach providedinherent support of rove-in and rove-out of thefemto network, by means of searching for thepreferred HPLMN (femto network) or anallowed VPLMN (COSMOTE), respectively.The trial results indicated that the time requiredfor the rove-in procedure (macro->FAP) mayvary from a couple of seconds up to six minutes(i.e., the minimum timer value that can be set atSIM for periodic search of the HPLMN), whilethe rove-out procedure (FAP->macro) requiresa few seconds up to a couple of minutes to becompleted, during which the femto subscriberremains “out of coverage,” experiencing serviceunavailability.On the operator’s side, the implementation ofa dedicated second PLMN-ID for femtocellsnecessitates considerable effort, including:•Request for a new PLMN code (femtoPLMN-ID) from the local regulatoryauthority•Massive replacement of SIM cards for all(existing) subscribers who become femtousers2•Establishment of new international roamingagreements (for the new IMSI series)3•Activation of additional features on corenetwork elementsIn addition, it shall also be investigatedwhether the core network nodes to be connectedto the FGW need to be upgraded (softwareand/or hardware) so as to support the FGWinterfaces. A 3G-FGW, for example, may sup-port standard Iu-CS/Iu-PS interfaces over IPtoward the core network, while a 2G-FGW maysupport a Gb over IP interface to the SGSN. Inaddition to network element upgrades, band-width upgrades on specific interfaces (backhaul,backbone, “routes” to the Internet) might berequired. The expected traffic on these inter-faces can be assessed by means of a dimension-ing study.Integration— In the context of COSMOTE’s2G-femto trial, the integration tasks included IPinterconnection tasks like FQDN to IP mappingwithin DNS4and configuration of a DHCP serv-er to provide IP addresses to FAPs, connectivitytasks like time-division multiplexing (TDM) andGb over IP links between FGW-MSC/SGSN (for2G-femto), SS7 links between AAA-HLR host-ing femto subscribers and/or FAPs (SIM-basedauthentication), in order for users to have accessto all services provided to ordinary subscribers(SMS, MMS, WAP, Internet, voice mail, infor-mation services, etc).The adoption of the second PLMN imple-mentation necessitated:•The activation of the “multiple PLMNs”feature at all MSCs/SGSNs•New femtocell PLMN definition, along withPLMN-specific parameters, at allMSCs/SGSNs and HLR(s)•The activation of the “National Roaming”feature at all MSC/SGSN nodes, along withthe appropriate configuration, in order torestrict the usage of the femto HPLMNonly to femto subscribers and force femtosubscribers to use COSMOTE’s macro net-work while roaming out of FAP coverage•New IMSI analysis (for the IMSI/GPRSattachment of femto subscribers) at allMSCs/SGSNs•Definition of the femto location/routingareas at all MSCs/SGSNs•Number Portability Registrar update withentries for the new femto IMSI series andfemto MSISDN ranges pointing to therespective HLR(s)The HLR/AuC(s) were configured with theIMSI and authentication data for the FAPembedded SIM cards and the femto subscriberSIM cards. In addition, the Alias-IMSI featurewas activated at the HLR to support mapping oftwo IMSIs to a single MSISDN.Provisioning of a Femto User and/or FAPSIM Card— Femtocells necessitate mutualauthentication/certification between the FAPand FGW. Depending on the FAP vendor, thisis done using either standard SIM/USIM authen-tication or a hard protected built-in module(e.g., authentication chip). In case of SIM/USIMauthentication, FAP SIMs shall include —among other data — the following information:IMSI, Ki, certification authority (CA) root cer-tificate, and the FQDN of the FGW. SIM-specif-ic information shall also be configured in theHLR.5To bypass the international roaming agree-ments requirement (due to the second PLMNimplementation) COSMOTE investigated andIEEE Communications Magazine • September 2009implemented “dual-IMSI subscribers SIMs”;provided by an undisclosed SIM vendor. The dual-IMSI SIMs, by utilizing a purpose-built applet at power-on, enabled the use of femto-IMSI whenever a subscriber roams within the allowed PLMNs in “home country” (femto HPLMN or roaming in COSMOTE’s network),whereas the “COSMOTE” PLMN IMSI is used only when the subscriber is roaming abroad, thus eliminating the need for new roaming agree-ments for the new IMSI series.The dual-IMSI SIM shall be provisioned with a single authentication key (Ki) for both IMSIs along with SIM-specific algorithms to enforce the desired functionality. For the realization of the dual-IMSI SIM concept, the HLR shall sup-port mapping of two IMSIs to a single MSISDN,made possible through the alias-IMSI feature.Proper operation of the dual-IMSI SIM card (location update within FAP, macro, and foreign network) was verified through numerous tests.Integration Charging/Provisioning/OSS Sys-tems — The majority of 2G/3G-femto solutions rely on the core network elements to generate call detail records (CDRs), which are subse-quently sent to the existing billing system. Theimplementation of a special charging plan forfemto services may force operators to perform a number of tariff-related modifications within their existing billing system. Modifications should allow for tariff differentiation of transactions performed by femto subscribers between the femto and macro networks or between FAPs.The femto solution itself, however, should sup-port the generation of location-specific informa-tion (unique identifiers) within CDRs according to which tariffs shall be applied. In the 2G-femto trial, tariff differentiation between the femto and the macro was enforced by means of a unique location area assignment to FAPs.A femto solution may incorporate its own provisioning system or be integrated into an existing one. A separate provisioning system will need to be integrated into third party (existing)business support systems like customer relation-ship management (CRM, northbound) and to third party network elements (HLR or AAA,southbound). Prior to any integration, an opera-tor should verify interface compatibility and pro-ceed with the necessary adaptations (if required).The integration of an interactive voice recogni-tion (IVR) system or SMS to the femto provi-sioning system would require additional (integration) effort.Integrating a femto solution in an existing provisioning system is considered less complicat-ed. The procedures used for the provisioning of services to ordinary subscribers shall apply to femto subscribers as well. As a result, only a few amendments to existing procedures may be anticipated.Finally, FGW support (fault management,network statistics, traffic monitoring) in the existing operating system support (OSS) shall be investigated.P ROFITABILITY /P AYBACKFemto-related investment (CAPEX/OPEX)depends on the cost of the femto platform,FAPs, existing network upgrades, O&M/support services, rental and installation (for “public” use of FAPs), labor, advertising/marketing, user acquisition/retention, interconnection/termina-tion fees, FAPs distribution, and so on, while revenues greatly depend on the number of femto subscribers (or FAPs), average revenue per user (ARPU) (based on monthly fee, extra call min-utes), and so on.As far as femtocell deployment is concerned,an MO should take into account certain tariffing restrictions arising from similar packages (e.g.,home zone) of either the same operator or the competition and exploit possible opportunities,for example:•Offer FAPs as a fixed-telephony-like alter-native, to address the greatest possible mar-ket share —individuals or families/SOHO,small to medium enterprises (SMEs), users in public areas (malls, restaurants, cafes,etc.)•Offer simple packages that may allow all members/employees to share a certain amount of free voice call minutes per month or customized packages offering dif-ferentiated sub-packages for each family member/employee•Provide competitive services bundles (voice/non-voice applications: SMS, WAP/MMS, Mobile TV, VoD, etc.) with attrac-tive/affordable pricingResults from our own Investment-Revenues Analysis Tool, incorporating all the above men-tioned parameters, indicate that the FAP price strongly affects the subsidization costs, thus becoming a crucial parameter for the profitabili-ty of extensive deployments [7]. It is envisaged that initially, femtocells will be utilized for oper-ator coordinated coverage extension purposes (e.g., public hotspots, malls) rather than mass market offerings.T IMEFRAME FOR I MPLEMENTATIONFrom the technical viewpoint, a typical imple-mentation project for the commercial launch of a 2G/3G-femto solution, including delivery of equipment, design, and installation/integration/acceptance testing would last for three to four months, depending on hardware availability (platform/FAPs), lead times, power/space avail-ability, and SIMs availability.At the time of the RFP, all 3G vendors offered proprietary solutions (in terms of the FAP-FGW interface), while most of them stated that commercial availability was expected at the end of 2008 or early 2009. Due to the absence of standards, wide market adoption and economies of scale could not be achieved at that time (lim-ited variety and volume availability of FAPs, lack of homogeneity in terms of supported capabili-ties). 2G-femto solutions are commercially avail-able today by a limited number of suppliers offering their own brands of FAPs.Technology immaturity and unavailability of a fully standardized implementation (based on the Iuh interface), including FAPs from various manufacturers, may strongly affect MOs’ strate-gic decisions regarding solution adoption and time to market.Finally, the operator should not underesti-mate the time required for the preparation and provisioning of commercial offerings, since the provision of femto services is quite different than that of traditional mobile ones.R EGULATORY I SSUESSince femtocells are in essence base stations, public concern regarding the levels of RF radia-tion may appear. According to 3GPP TS25.104, the maximum output power of FAPs should range between 17–20 dBm (without/with trans-mit diversity or multiple-input multiple-output [MIMO]). In addition, FAPs must comply with the guidelines for human exposure to electro-magnetic emissions issued by the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protec-tion (ICNIRP) and other relevant regulatory authorities.Given the low output power of FAPs, they could be considered to have the same level of radio frequency (RF) exposure risk as WiFi access points, commonly used in home/office environments, thus facilitating wide market adoption. In this context, MOs could be relieved of reporting (to a regulator) femto base station locations and functional characteristics (e.g.,operating frequency, output power, antennapolarization).V ENDOR/P LATFORM S ELECTIONSimultaneous support of 2G and 3G by the samefemto platform is neither currently supportednor foreseen. As such, an operators’ first choiceshould be between 2G- and 3G-femto alterna-tives. It is worth noting that 2G-femto solutionsaddress the whole subscriber base, thus savingthe operator from replacement/subsidizationcosts; however, a 2G/3G handset owner with suf-ficient 3G coverage at the home/office, uponinstalling a 2G-femto, will no longer enjoy3G/HSPA services, unless a 3G-only network ismanually selected.Femtocell vendor selection takes into accounta plethora of requirements regarding solutionarchitecture, functionality of femto platform andFAPs, range and roadmap/evolution of femtoproducts, NMS/charging/provisioning require-ments, cost efficiency, and vendor experienceand knowledge. An operator’s typical wish listregarding femto platform features may include:•Support of simultaneous voice and data ses-sions•Network access policy (open, closed, groupmode)•Deployment options (same or other PLMN/carrier)•Mobility support (FAP<->2G/3G reselec-tion/handover, FAP<->FAP handover)•Service (voice over data) prioritization•Emergency calls (femto user, all users, pre-emption of a normal call)•Active system presentation (location indica-tion via PLMN-ID, SMS, MM_info, CBS)•FAP auto-configuration (frequency, scram-bling code, CPICH) and self-optimization•FAP lock capability (SIM, FQDN, ADSL,CGI/LAI)•Air interface synchronization (macro net-work, NTP/clock server)•Security and authentication (IPsec IKEv2,EAP-SIM, EAP-AKA, FAP serial numberciphering)•FAP management (remote softwareupgrade, TR-069, fault/performance man-agement)•Auto-fallback to macro in case of failure•Access overload controlHowever, both the RFP and trials indicatedthat as of mid-2008 the femtocell solutions werestill not ready for full-scale commercial deploy-ment. This was justified by the following facts:•The pre-commercial 2G solution trialed didnot support ciphering, closed and groupaccess modes, automatic femtocell plan-ning, a backup mechanism for air interfacesynchronization where no macro coverageexists, macro<->FAP handover, emergencycalls originated from non-femto users,ADSL and macro network (CGI or LAI)lock.6•The majority of 3G vendors did not sup-port: high-capacity FAPs (suitable for enter-prise use), HSUPA, WB-AMR, open andgroup access modes, 2G/3G macro->FAPhandover, FAP<->FAP cell reselectionand handover, user prioritization, active callre-direction to macro, emergency calls forunregistered user, FAP locks (ADSL,FQDN based), self-optimization (incl. SC,frequency and output power), as well asauto-fallback to macro in case of failure,domain specific access control, access/bar-ring, access overload control.•All 3G-femto vendors offered proprietarysolutions with respect to the FAP-FGWinterface (GAN Iu (UMA), proprietaryand/or standard Iu/IP implementation),putting certain restrictions on the varietyand volume availability of FAPs.In addition, we observed differences amongthe vendors’ implementations regarding the fol-lowing features/capabilities:•HSDPA implementation (e.g., dynamicpower allocation or semi-static code alloca-tion, proportional-fair and/or Round-Robinscheduling)•Support of multi-RAB combinations (e.g.,1CS+1PS, 2PS, 1CS+2PS, 3PS, etc. wherePS can be DCH or HS-DSCH)•Authentication (SIM/USIM-based or hard-coded information within a chip)•FAP<->2G/3G macrocell reselection (viaparameterization or HCS)•UL/DL Interference estimation (path lossinformation, CPICH auto-configuration)while major shortcomings may be identified inthe support of macro->FAP handover; arduousmanual definition of every single FAP (FAPCell-ID, RNC-ID, scrambling codes, etc.) in2G/3G macro neighbor lists.Femtocell solutions necessitate the establish-ment of IPsec tunnels between the FAP andFGW over which traffic/signaling/OAM traffic isencrypted, while the IKEv2 and IPsec EAP pro-tocols offer confidentiality. All vendors supportnormal core network authentication proceduresbetween UE and the MSC/HLR. Air interfaceciphering and integrity protection is not support-ed by all FAP manufacturers, but the imperativeto utilize ordinary handsets and UE SIMs forIEEE Communications Magazine • September 2009accessing the FAPs forces them to use ordinary UMTS (Kasumi-based) encryption and integrity protection algorithms UEA1 and UIA1, respec-tively.Access to FAPs can be restricted utilizing closed mode, where selected users/MSISDNs per FAP can be serviced, and/or group mode, where only selected users/MSISDNs may access a cer-tain FAP group. Closed/group modes are not supported by all vendors.Mutual authentication/certification between FAPs and FGWs can be based on dedicated FAP SIM/USIM (EAP-SIM/EAP-AKA),7hard-coded authentication chips built in the FAP, dig-ital certificates stored in FAPs’ SIM, software coded authentication certificates pre-stored in FAPs’ Operating System or MAC addresses.Depending on FAPs capability (embedded SIM,built-in chip, etc.) the operator may be forced to support more than one authentication/certifica-tion options.M ARKETABILITYFor MOs, femtocells constitute an attractive solution for indoor coverage improvement, andmay offload macro network traffic and/or offer inexpensive voice and data services. However,investment in core network infrastructure (and possible FAPs subsidization) is required; macro network planning can be affected, while SLAs may be required to guarantee QoS. End-user benefits may include quality of experience improvements (voice, data), inexpensive voice tariffs within the femto zone, “one-phone-one-number-one-bill,” and the same services indoors and outdoors. The end user, however, is required to pay for a broadband connection to the Inter-net (which s/he may already own) and possibly for the FAP equipment; it depends on the oper-ator’s strategy.The same architectural approach with femto-cells is implemented by UMA/GAN. Although UMA/GAN is considered a mature and com-mercially available standards-based technology,for quite long time, wide market adoption has not been achieved yet since it necessitates the use of purpose-built UMA/GAN handsets.Besides femtocells and UMA, other technolo-gies could be exploited (repeater-like solutions,fixed wireless terminals) presenting similar capa-bilities and functionalities [5, 6]. Although not directly comparable, each solution addresses dif-ferent technical and commercial issues. More specifically:•Repeater-like solutions may boost indoor coverage, for both voice and data, without requiring core network infrastructure.•FWT could be considered as a means to extend indoor coverage for data services only (via WiFi and Ethernet interfaces),while voice/fax services are provided via plain old telephony service (POTS) inter-faces.However, since both solutions reuse macro network resources, network expansions could be envisaged for extensive use. Home-zone tariffing may by applied to both of the above solutions,while — in contrast to femtocells — neither of them is functional in areas with no macro net-work coverage (at least –110 dBm required).C ONCLUSIONSOur as well as other operators’ involvement and experience with pre-standard femtocell solutions has revealed some of their early draw-backs that restrained them from massive-scale commercial launches. However, the accumulat-ed experience from all these trials as well as the recent standardization activities in 3GPP/3GPP2 will lead to a new generation of stan-dardized femtocell solutions and raise the expectation for commercial market success for operators and vendors alike. It is envisaged that initially, femtocells will be utilized for coordi-nated coverage extension purposes (e.g., public areas) and niche markets (high-value customers,enterprise packages), rather than mass market commercial offerings. Upon the advent of stan-dardized 3G-femto solutions, the increase of competition at FAP level (models, volume availability, cost reduction) will contribute to the extensive commercialization of femtocells,which will be further boosted by the introduc-tion of LTE home Node-Bs.R EFERENCES[1] 3GPP TR 25.820, “3G Home NodeB Study Item Techni-cal Re p ort.”[2] 3GPP TS 22.220, “Service Requirements for HomeNodeBs (UMTS) and eNodeBs (LTE).”[3] 3GPP TS 25.467, “UTRAN Architecture for 3G HomeNode B (HNB); Stage 2 UTRAN Architecture for 3G Home NodeB (HNB).”.[4] Femto Forum, “Interference Management in UMTS Fem-tocells,” htt p :///femto/Files/File/Interference_Management_in_UMTS_Femtocells.p df,Dec. 2008.[5] A. Kaul, “The Role of DAS, Picocells and Femtocells inNext Generation In-building Coverage: Com p lementary or Com p etitive?,” Next Gen. Networks Conf., Bath,U.K., A p r. 2009.[6] C. Fenton, “What are the Real O p tions for O p erators toAchieve Cost Effective In-Building Coverage?,” Next Gen. Networks Conf., Bath, U.K., A p r. 2009.[7] J. R. Luening, “Femtocell Economics,” GSMA MobileWorld Conf., Barcelona, Feb. 2009.[8] K.-J. Krath, “Key Factors to the Success of NGMN,” LTEWorld Summit, Berlin, May 2009.B IOGRAPHIESG EORGE K ORINTHIOS graduated from the Physics De p artment of the University of Athens (UoA) in 1994. In 1996 he received his M.Sc. in telecommunications from the Physics De p artment and the De p artment of Informatics and Telecommunications of UoA. In 2002 he received his VLSI architectures for broadband communications sys-tems from UoA. From 1996 to 2002 he worked as a senior research associate in the Electronics Laboratory of the Physics De p artment of UoA and the Telecom Laboratory of the Electrical Engineering De p artment of the National Tech-nical University of Athens, actively involved in numerous research p rojects. Since 2002 he has been working with COSMOTE. He is the author of several scientific p a p ers in the fields of design and im p lementation of high-s p eed p ar-allel VLSI architectures for traffic scheduling/p olicing com-p onents for Broadband systems.E LINA T HEODOROPOULOU is a graduate of the Physics De p art-ment of UoA. In 1994 she received her M.Sc. in radioelec-trology and electronics from the same university. She has worked with two Greek mobile o p erators (1994–1997Telestet Hellas, 1998–p resent COSMOTE, the leading mobile o p erator in Greece). From 1994 to 2000 she was involved mainly in radio network p lanning, while as a sec-tion manager for New Technologies and S p ecial Projects (2000–2005), she was res p onsible for, among other areas,the radio p lanning of the COSMOTE network for the Athens Olym p ics in 2004. Since 2005 she has been section manager for New Access Network Technologies in COS-。
LESSONS LEARNED FROM THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE INTEGRATED COASTAL ZONE MANAGEMENT PROJECT IN THE ERONGO REGIONINTRODUCTION:The introduction of the ICZM project in the Erongo Region has been one of the Namibian Governments efforts to ensure wise utilization of natural resources of the coastal zone by Namibians and visitors. This was because the Government of Namibia realized the fragile conditions of the coastal zone and the need to preserve it from destruction.However, what the Government didn’t rea lize is, first the magnitude of the work involved in the actual implementation of the project, and the success thereof; secondly, the commitment by the Ministry of Regional Local Government and Housing to assign some of the staff at Regional level to participate in the project on adhoc basis, was a mere oversight on the Government site. For reason that, the newly established Regional Councils are still in the process to find their feet (i.e. shortage of staff), and therefore could hardly meet the required expectation.Despite the limitations encountered, the Erongo Regional Council welcomed the implementation of the project with open arms. Furthermore, the Central Namib is the most accessible portion of the Namibian coastline with established roads rail links and other infrastructure. The coastal portion of the Erongo region comprised the National West Coast Recreation Area and the Municipalities of Walvis Bay, Swakopmund, Henties Bay and the Peri-urban area of Wlotzkasbaken. Interspersed along the 250-kilometre stretch of beach are tourism camps run by Namibia Wildlife Resorts and the Cape Cross Seal Reserve managed as from June 2000 by the Directorate of Resource Management. An increase in tourism activities especially those with significant environmental impact together with mining, aquaculture and increase industrial and human population growth has led to a concern for the continued environmental integrity of the region. Attempts were made in the past to develop a plan that was called “Guidelines for the Development of the Central Namib”. All the relevant stakeholders were invited to give their input during the workshops and in the production of the final report in 1987.This was the first attempt at getting diverse disciplines together to think in an integrated fashion. However, the MET believe that it was a little premature as many line Ministries, local authorities and other stakeholders were not yet prepared to share. It however made the implementation of the ICZMP more acceptable when it was firstintroduced the years later. Indeed the first Logical Framework Analysis workshops held during the project preparation phase in Walvis Bay in 1995, the rift between the various stakeholders became obvious and the need for the project more apparent.This discussion will focus on the lessons learned from the two major stakeholders, the Erongo Regional Council and the Ministry of Environment and Tourism.Lessons Learned from the Erongo Regional Council:1.Environmental protection in Namibia mainly focussed onanimal protection and fishing of protected species, thus, coastalzone management was a new phenomenon by the majority ofNamibians since the coastal activities were mainly associatedwith tourist and the non-white Namibians. However, with theimplementation of the ICZM project in Erongo Region, it becameclear to Regional Council (predominantly black) that a needexist to protect and control activities on the coast frompermanent damage.2.That there is an urgent need to re-direct and council some sportactivities already in place between Walvis Bay andSwakopmund and between Swakopmund and Henties Bay.Also to carefully scrutinize applications for sport relatedactivities on the coast.3.It is important that he present measures to control themovement of tourist vehicles along the coast especially betweenWalvis Bay and Swakopmund be kept in check from destruction.Also monitoring must be increased so that the offenders can bebrought to book.4.Research has shown that the law is not on the side of thoseinstitutions set up by Government to protect environment – as aresult, officials assigned to carry out protection cannotapprehend culprits. Thus, Government’s commitment does notend at the signing of agreements, but also to commit itself to bespeedy implementation of decentralization process to theregions. This process will certainly enable regions to embarkupon introducing laws /by laws to punish the culprits.5.Research has also shown, the injustice done by the colonialGovernment in data collection in Namibia –thus, the need isthere for the Government of the day to update statistics on theneed of housing, population, etc for proper record keeping. Alsoenvironmental studies need to be included in school curriculumto stress the importance of the subject awareness at a veryyoung age.6.Tourism being one of the major earners of foreign exchange, itshigh times that environmental protection and control is realized.The creation of a Environmental Protection Unit composed of 2 –4 specialized persons will certainly be needed to keep the environmental matter in check at the West Coast of Erongo Region.Lessons Learned from the Ministry of Environment and Tourism:Publication and Preparation of Coastal Profile:This was one of the most beneficial outcomes of the project as it forced all stakeholders to update the position of activities in the region. Meetings were held and technical committees formed to put the chapters of the profile together. The workshops held in this regard led to the creation of an integrated approach to management of resources. The document itself has and is becoming a very useful tool for decision-makers both in central government and locally. In some respects it also doubles as a state of the environment report.Inter-Sectoral Information Sources Linked:The installation of computers and Internet connections in the two main offices and the creation of a “homepage” have done much to fast track key stakeholders into the information age. With the improvement of communicat ion skills through the project’s capacity building module links between various stakeholders has been much improved.Email in particular has proved to be an excellent, economically affordable tool to communicate over long distances. What is needed is tra ining in updating the information on the “homepage”. All organizations are dynamic and information can become outdated very quickly.Co-ordination related to CZM improved:Without co-ordination fragmentation occurs. Co-ordination existed with an outside project leader who the stakeholders could trust. As soon as the project leader leaves the system only partially works with those who have established a working relationship. I can say that good co-operation exists with the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources however the same does not fit easily with all Ministries. The situation is still vastly improved from before the project started. Government is still perceived to be a top down institution with little or no feed from our head offices in Windhoek on may issues. Local lines Ministries are often not consulted on decisions made in Windhoek, which normally involves hidden agendas and the realm of bio politics.The Governor of our region tries to bring government stakeholders andpolitical councillors together monthly to discuss issues pertaining to the region. Political issues once again over-rule environmentalconsiderations often.A lot more work is needed in this area to ensure ongoing teamwork among all stakeholders. The people working on the ground all seem willing enough however they become distrustful if any one institution take the lead. It is becoming more acceptable for the Government to call on people to gather for a meeting on any subject, however then people fear a political decision.Overall co-ordination related to CZM has been improved, as thedecentralization process gradually becomes acceptable.Policy and Legislation reviewed and EIA produced:This part of the project was very useful and has set forth many changes for the better. Unfortunately those people responsible for assisting in environmental protection (the magistrates in courts) did not attend and seemed to show little interest or they had no time.The Environmental Management Plan produced for the dune area between Swakopmund and Walvis Bay was an excellent baseline study on which to build future plans on. Most of the guidelines produced are being followed, and decisions are being made on a consultative basis generally, although on some occasions people fail to get all the authorities to approve their ventures and events emerge which do not have the blessing of all the stakeholders. This often turns out to be a hidden agenda issue, which involves the possibility of corruption in some areas.Enforcement System Reviewed and Enhanced:This output together with the awareness output is supposed to improve environmental behaviour in the region. It is a debatable matter and I would like to say that things have improved. The types of transgressions we are dealing with on the coast have also changed and our enforcement capabilities need to be dynamic. What is really needed is the support of the prosecutors, magistrates and the justice system. The legislation needs to be updated and the fines increased, it is being worked on.Overall this output was valuable and having a Danish counterpart to compare notes was very productive.Existing W aste Disposal Evaluated:The existing systems are not acceptable and Walvis Bay is in the process of upgrading their system. An improvement is also necessary at our waste disposal sites. The recommendations in the report need to be followed.Public Awareness on CZM improved:Certainly this has been a successful exercise. The public has become more aware of the activities related to the protection of sensitive areas and the environmental aspects of their activities.This output is still in the process of being completed. The problem with this output is that no consultation regarding who should do the information signs was done with local counterparts. The result was that an incompetent person was chosen to do the work and it was paid for before we could see the results. The signs took two years to have put up because they had to be sent back for mistakes that any word processor should have picked up. The mistakes did not end here as the same company also got posters printed with mistakes.Stakeholders trained in areas related to CZM:The capacity of the people in our office has most certainly been improved as a result of the training sponsored by the project. The computer literacy is still being taught (MS Word and MS Excel).One of our staff members of the MET was sent on a study tour to Cape Town and Denmark to broaden the outlook on environmental management. Generally the staff have obtained a broader environmental outlook through the training received.Possibilities for sustainable financing:Levies were suggested however because of the lack of decentralization nothing has been achieved. Walvis Bay may be able, through the Municipality and the A21 Project to introduce a “By-law” to obtain revenue from the quad bikes that are busy churning up the environment.Possible future DANCED support suggested:Due to slow pace of decentralisation the project has come to an unfortunate end and future DANCED money will be channelled into Walvis Bay and the A21 project.Fortunately with the extension of the project time other coastal regions have been brought in thus strengthening the political resolve.CONCLUSION:It is time that when the project was first introduced, the terminology was new to us, but as time went on, the need for the project became much clearer. Research has also shown that different departments were operating separately on environmental protection, which is not a bad idea, but there is a need for co-ordination.The inclusion of the three regions namely, the Kunene, Hardap and Karas and the subsequent birth of the National Coastal Zone Management Committee is one of the achievement by the ICZM aimed at the protection of environmental destruction i.e. protection of:▪Bird breeding areas especially the Damara Turn and Flamingo’s▪Legium fields especially between Swakopmund and Henties Bay▪Sand dunes especially the damage caused by quake bikes▪Off track driving on the beach with the 4x4 vehicles. EtcThe staff of the two main stakeholder institutions could not be relieved of their normal duties, which created a serious time constraint to the project. In future this aspect must be resolved from the start. Another weakness was the poor people involvement.Generally it was a good time to implement the project and people are now more willing than ever to accept an integrated approach to CZM. People involvement in the processes has improved and the willingness and enthusiasm has been exceptional.。
大学里令人印象深刻的事情英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1An Unforgettable Day That Changed My PerspectiveCollege is a time of immense personal growth, exploration, and self-discovery. As students, we are constantly exposed to new ideas, diverse perspectives, and thought-provoking experiences that shape our worldviews. One particular event during my sophomore year left an indelible mark on my mind and profoundly altered the way I perceive the world around me.It was a crisp autumn day, and the air carried the scent of fallen leaves and the promise of change. I was making my way across campus, my mind preoccupied with the usual stresses of academia, when I stumbled upon a gathering near the central quad. Curiosity piqued, I decided to investigate.As I approached, I noticed a group of students huddled around a makeshift stage, their faces etched with a mixture of intrigue and concern. At the center of the commotion stood a young woman, her gaze fierce and unwavering. She gripped the microphone with a determination that commanded attention."We can no longer remain silent," she declared, her voice ringing with conviction. "The time for action is now."Those words resonated deeply within me, igniting a spark of curiosity that would soon engulf my entire being. The speaker was a prominent student activist, known for her unwavering dedication to social justice and environmental causes. On that day, she was rallying support for a campaign to raise awareness about the alarming rate of deforestation and its devastating impact on indigenous communities and ecosystems worldwide.With each impassioned sentence, she painted a vivid picture of the dire consequences we faced if we failed to act. She spoke of entire species teetering on the brink of extinction, ancient forests reduced to barren wastelands, and the displacement of indigenous peoples who had called these lands home for generations. Her words were a clarion call to action, urging us to embrace our collective responsibility as stewards of this planet.As I listened, I found myself grappling with a profound sense of discomfort. The weight of her words settled upon me like a heavy burden, challenging my complacency and forcing me to confront the harsh realities that had previously remained shrouded in ignorance. I realized that I had been living in abubble, blissfully unaware of the grave consequences of our actions on the natural world.In the days and weeks that followed, I embarked on a journey of self-education, devouring every resource I could find on environmental issues, indigenous rights, and sustainable practices. I attended lectures, joined student organizations, and engaged in impassioned discussions with my peers, each conversation igniting a deeper sense of purpose within me.As my knowledge grew, so too did my determination to make a tangible difference. I began to incorporate sustainable habits into my daily routine, from reducing my carbon footprint to advocating for eco-friendly initiatives on campus. What had once been a mere spark of curiosity had now blossomed into a full-fledged commitment to environmental stewardship.Yet, my transformation extended far beyond the realm of environmental activism. That pivotal moment had awakened within me a profound sense of empathy and a heightened awareness of the interconnectedness of all living beings. I began to see the world through a lens of compassion, recognizing the inherent dignity and worth of every individual, regardless of their background or circumstances.This newfound perspective manifested itself in numerous ways. I became an active participant in discussions on social justice, lending my voice to causes that championed equality, inclusivity, and human rights. I volunteered at local organizations that provided support and resources to marginalized communities, forging connections and fostering a deeper understanding of the challenges they faced.Moreover, my academic pursuits took on a renewed sense of purpose. I approached my studies with a fervor that had previously been lacking, eager to equip myself with the knowledge and skills necessary to effect meaningful change. Whether it was exploring the complexities of environmental policy or delving into the intricacies of sustainable development, each course became a stepping stone toward a future where I could contribute to building a more just and equitable world.As I reflect on that pivotal day, I am filled with a profound sense of gratitude. It was a moment that shattered my complacency and propelled me on a journey of self-discovery and growth. It taught me the power of conviction, the importance of empathy, and the transformative impact that a single voice can have when amplified by a collective call to action.In the years since, I have witnessed countless instances of individuals coming together to champion causes greater than themselves. From grassroots movements to global initiatives, the collective determination of passionate individuals has proven time and again that change is not only possible but inevitable when we refuse to remain silent in the face of injustice.As I stand on the precipice of graduation, ready to embark on the next chapter of my life, I carry with me the lessons learned from that unforgettable day. The fire that was ignited within me burns brighter than ever, fueling my resolve to be an agent of positive change in this world. Whether through my chosen career path or through continued activism and advocacy, I am committed to leaving a lasting legacy – one that prioritizes the well-being of our planet and the dignity of all who inhabit it.For it is not enough to merely bear witness to the challenges that plague our world; we must actively engage in the pursuit of solutions. We must embrace our role as global citizens, recognizing that our actions, no matter how small, can have ripple effects that reverberate across continents and generations.As I look ahead, I am filled with a sense of hope and determination. The journey that began on that fateful day has only just begun, and I am eager to continue learning, growing,and making a meaningful impact in the world around me. For in the end, it is not the challenges we face that define us, but rather the courage and conviction with which we confront them.篇2My Most Memorable Experience at UniversityAs an incoming freshman, I had so many hopes and dreams about what university life would be like. I imagined making lifelong friends, joining clubs and activities, and discovering my true passion through fascinating classes and intellectual discourse. While all of those things did happen to some extent, there is one experience that stands out as truly memorable and impactful during my time in college.It was the spring semester of my junior year, and I was taking an upper-level environmental science course that focused on current issues and potential solutions related to climate change. I had always been interested in environmental topics, but this class opened my eyes in a completely new way. The professor, Dr. Martinez, was not only brilliant but also an incredible teacher who made the complicated science accessible and connected it to real-world implications.For our final project, Dr. Martinez challenged us to come up with an innovative proposal to address an environmental problem facing our local community. While I had done countless papers and presentations before, this assignment felt different. It represented a culmination of everything we had learned and a chance to apply our knowledge in a meaningful way.After brainstorming for a while, I decided to focus my project on food waste from the university's dining halls and cafeterias. Having worked in the campus dining services, I had seen firsthand the staggering amount of unopened food, leftovers, and surplus meals that got thrown away each day. It felt like such a waste, especially knowing how many students struggled with food insecurity.I began researching composting and food recovery programs at other universities to get ideas. I visited local nonprofits and shelters to understand their needs and constraints around accepting surplus food donations. I even took a tour of the campus facilities where food was prepared, served, and disposed of to get a better grasp of their operations.The more I learned, the more passionate I became about the issue. I calculated that our university was sending hundreds of tons of edible, untouched food to landfills every year whilethousands of students in the surrounding area didn't have reliable access to meals. There had to be a better way.My proposal contained a multi-pronged approach. First, I recommended the university partner with an organization like Food Recovery Network that could coordinate picking up extra dining hall food and delivering it to shelters and food banks. For items that couldn't be donated, I designed a comprehensive composting program where food scraps and waste could be turned into nutrient-rich fertilizer for campus gardens and landscaping.I also outlined an educational campaign aimed at students, staff, and food service workers about why reducing food waste is so critical. Things like trayless dining, smaller portion sizes, and raising awareness could go a long way in changing habits and mentalities.When it came time to present my proposal to the class, I was extremely nervous but also confident that I had done my due diligence. Dr. Martinez and my peers asked insightful questions that allowed me to demonstrate the depth of my research. In the end, I received an A on the project and Dr. Martinez asked if I would be interested in working with her to pitch the proposal to the university's sustainability office after the semester!Of course, I immediately said yes. Over the next few months, we refined the idea further and ended up presenting an official proposal to get a food recovery and composting initiative off the ground. While the process took longer than expected due to logistical and budgetary hurdles, I am proud to say that many elements of my plan were implemented across campus during my senior year. Hundreds of pounds of surplus food started getting donated to area shelters each week instead of thrown out. An industrial composting facility was installed to process remaining food waste along with grounds clippings and biodegradable packaging.But beyond the tangible impact, this experience taught me so much. I gained skills in research, analysis, project management, and public speaking that will undoubtedly serve me well in any future career. More importantly, I discovered a passion for tackling complex, real-world problems that combine environmental and social dimensions. This drive to make a positive impact ultimately led me to pursue a master's degree in environmental policy after graduation.My biggest takeaway from this memorable project was that one person can make a difference, but it takes perseverance, hard work, and courage to turn an idea into reality. If I had givenup when faced with initial pushback or resigned myself to the status quo of food waste on campus, my proposal would have remained simply words on a page.Instead, I chose to dig deeper, educate myself and others, and be a catalyst for change within my community. While the initiative started small, the ripple effects could lead to larger strides in sustainability at my university for years to come. And who knows? Maybe other schools will be inspired to adopt similar programs, setting off a broader wave of progress.That's what I find most rewarding about this experience. It exemplified how the culmination of classroom learning, passion, and initiative can drive meaningful, high-impact results. More than just a standout project for a class, it represented one milestone in my own evolution as a student, environmental advocate, and engaged citizen striving to make the world a little bit better.篇3An Unforgettable Experience in CollegeAs I look back on my time in college, there are countless memories that stand out - from late nights in the library cramming for exams to raucous parties celebrating the end offinals. However, one experience rises above the rest, seared into my mind as a pivotal moment that fundamentally changed how I view the world and my place in it.It was the spring semester of my junior year, and I had enrolled in a seminar course called "Sustainable Development in Latin America." I'll be honest, my primary motivation for taking the class was that it fulfilled a general education requirement and fit perfectly into my schedule. Little did I know it would alter the entire trajectory of my college experience and future career path.The professor, Dr. Sanchez, was a diminutive Chilean woman with a larger-than-life presence. From the first day, she commanded the classroom with a mesmerizing passion for the subject matter. Rather than lecturing at us, she engaged us in impassioned discussions about the complexities of trying to lift nations out of poverty while preserving their natural resources and cultural identities.Week after week, I found myself increasingly drawn into the narratives she painted of the challenges facing developing countries across Latin America. The violation of indigenous rights, exploitation of the Amazon rainforest, urban slum conditions - it was a world so different than my middle-class Americanupbringing, yet I was becoming emotionally invested in these far-away places and people.About halfway through the semester, Dr. Sanchez announced that our class had been selected for an incredible opportunity - we would be traveling to her hometown in rural Peru over spring break to see sustainable development practices in action. My initial reaction was one of hesitation. International travel wasn't something I had ever experienced, and the idea of witnessing poverty firsthand filled me with trepidation.However, after several weeks of hearing my classmates' unbridled enthusiasm about the trip, their excitement became infectious. I decided to take the plunge, convincing my parents to loan me the money for the travel costs and arraying. Looking back, it was undoubtedly one of the most important decisions of my life.Our journey began with a night flight to Lima, followed by an arduous 10-hour bus ride into the mountains. I'll never forget the moment we finally arrived in Dr. Sanchez's village - it was like being transported into another century. Humble dirt dwellings with thatched roofs lined the narrow streets, and locals watched us curiously, likely surprised by the arrival of a group of mainstream American students.Over the next week, we embedded ourselves in the community, staying with host families and participating in their daily activities. We helped tend to crops, carried water from the well, prepared meals, and lent a hand with any work that needed to be done. The living conditions were admittedly uncomfortable for us pampered college kids - no electricity, no running water, no familiarity. Yet。
英文作文reader全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Title: The Importance of Being a ReaderIntroductionIn today's fast-paced world, where technology and distractions are everywhere, being a reader is becoming increasingly rare. However, the benefits of reading are immense, both in terms of personal development and educational achievement. In this essay, we will explore the importance of being a reader and why this skill is essential in the modern world.Benefits of Being a ReaderOne of the most significant benefits of being a reader is the expansion of knowledge and vocabulary. When we read books, articles, or any written material, we are exposed to new ideas, concepts, and words that we may not encounter in our daily lives. This exposure helps us to broaden our horizons and become more informed and knowledgeable individuals.Additionally, reading is a great way to improve critical thinking and analytical skills. When we read a text, we are constantly analyzing and interpreting the information presented to us. This process helps us to develop our cognitive abilities and become better at problem-solving and decision-making.Furthermore, reading can also enhance our empathy and understanding of others. When we read fiction or non-fiction books that depict different cultures, societies, or experiences, we gain a better insight into the human condition and learn to appreciate diversity and differences.In terms of educational achievement, being a reader can significantly improve academic performance. Studies have shown that students who read regularly tend to have better language skills, higher levels of comprehension, and greater success in school. Reading also helps to improve memory, concentration, and focus, which are essential skills for learning and academic success.Importance of Reading in the Modern WorldIn today's digital age, where information is readily available at our fingertips, being a reader is more important than ever. With the rise of social media, fake news, and digital distractions, the ability to read critically and discern truth from falsehood iscrucial. Being a reader helps us to develop a healthy skepticism and question the information that is presented to us, rather than accepting it blindly.Furthermore, reading is a great way to disconnect from the constant noise and distractions of the digital world. When we immerse ourselves in a book, we are able to escape from the stresses and pressures of everyday life and find solace in the world of literature.In conclusion, being a reader is an essential skill that offers numerous benefits in terms of personal development, educational achievement, and intellectual growth. In today's fast-paced and digital world, the ability to read critically and think analytically is more important than ever. So, pick up a book, immerse yourself in its pages, and reap the many rewards that being a reader has to offer.篇2Title: The Importance of Reading: A Comprehensive Guide to Enhance Your Reading Skills with English LiteratureIntroductionIn this modern era, the ability to read is not only a basic skill, but it is also a valuable tool that can open up endlessopportunities for personal growth and development. As an avid reader myself, I have always been passionate about the power of words and the transformative impact they can have on our lives. In this comprehensive guide, I will delve into the importance of reading and provide practical tips on how to enhance your reading skills with English literature.Part 1: The Benefits of ReadingReading is not just a hobby or a pastime; it is a fundamental skill that can greatly enrich our lives in numerous ways. Here are some of the key benefits of reading:1. Knowledge Acquisition: Reading exposes us to new ideas, information, and perspectives, helping us to expand our knowledge and deepen our understanding of the world around us.2. Cognitive Development: Reading stimulates our brains and improves our cognitive functions, such as memory, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills.3. Language Proficiency: Reading helps to improve our vocabulary, grammar, and writing skills, making us more proficient in the English language.4. Emotional Intelligence: Reading fiction allows us to empathize with complex characters and explore the depths of human emotions, enhancing our emotional intelligence and empathy.5. Stress Reduction: Reading has been shown to reduce stress and anxiety, providing a welcome escape from the pressures of daily life.Part 2: Tips for Enhancing Your Reading SkillsNow that we have established the importance of reading, let's explore some practical tips for enhancing your reading skills with English literature:1. Set Reading Goals: Start by setting realistic reading goals, whether it's to read a certain number of books per month or to explore a specific genre or author.2. Create a Reading List: Keep a list of books that you want to read, and prioritize them according to your interests and preferences.3. Make Time for Reading: Set aside dedicated time for reading each day, whether it's in the morning, during your commute, or before bed.4. Eliminate Distractions: Find a quiet and comfortable reading spot where you can focus and immerse yourself in the text without distractions.5. Engage with the Text: Take notes, highlight passages, and ask questions as you read to deepen your understanding and engage with the text on a deeper level.6. Join a Book Club: Consider joining a book club or discussion group to connect with other readers, share your insights, and gain new perspectives on the text.7. Explore Different Genres: Step out of your comfort zone and explore different genres, ranging from classics and contemporary fiction to non-fiction and poetry.8. Practice Active Reading: Instead of passively consuming the text, actively engage with it by analyzing themes, characters, and symbolism, and making connections to your own life experiences.9. Reflect on Your Reading Experience: After finishing a book, take some time to reflect on the key themes, messages, and lessons you have learned from the text.10. Share Your Reading Journey: Share your reading experiences and recommendations with others, whether it'sthrough social media, book reviews, or casual conversations with friends and family.ConclusionIn conclusion, reading is a powerful tool that can enrich our lives in countless ways, from expanding our knowledge and sharpening our cognitive skills to enhancing our language proficiency and emotional intelligence. By following the tips outlined in this guide and immersing yourself in the world of English literature, you can enhance your reading skills and embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and personal growth. So grab a book, find a cozy spot, and let the magic of words transport you to new worlds and endless possibilities. Happy reading!篇3Reader Response JournalIntroductionThe reader response journal is a unique method of engaging with and responding to texts, allowing readers to analyze, critique, and reflect on what they have read. In this journal, readers can express their thoughts, feelings, and opinions onvarious aspects of a text, such as characters, themes, writing style, and the overall impact of the work.In this article, we will explore the benefits of using a reader response journal and provide some tips on how to effectively create and maintain one.Benefits of a Reader Response Journal1. Encourages Active ReadingOne of the primary benefits of a reader response journal is that it encourages active reading. Instead of passively consuming a text, readers are prompted to engage with the material on a deeper level, making connections, asking questions, and forming opinions. This active engagement can lead to a richer understanding of the text and enhance the reading experience.2. Develops Critical Thinking SkillsWriting in a reader response journal requires readers to think critically about the text they are reading. By analyzing and evaluating the content, readers can develop their critical thinking skills, learning to assess the strengths and weaknesses of a text and formulating well-reasoned arguments to support their interpretations.3. Enhances ComprehensionKeeping a reader response journal can also help readers improve their comprehension of a text. By summarizing key points, identifying main ideas, and making connections between different parts of the text, readers can deepen their understanding of the material and retain more information.4. Fosters Personal ConnectionWriting in a reader response journal allows readers to form a personal connection with the text. By responding to the content in a meaningful way, readers can relate the material to their own experiences, beliefs, and emotions, making the reading experience more meaningful and memorable.Tips for Creating a Reader Response Journal1. Choose a format that works for youReader response journals can take many forms, including handwritten notebooks, digital documents, or online blogs. Choose a format that suits your preferences and makes it easy for you to record your thoughts and responses.2. Set aside time for reflectionTo get the most out of your reader response journal, set aside dedicated time for reflection after you have read a text.Write down your responses while the material is still fresh in your mind to capture your initial reactions and insights.3. Be honest and openWhen writing in your reader response journal, be honest and open about your thoughts and feelings. Don't be afraid to express controversial opinions or uncertainties – this journal is for your personal reflection, and there are no right or wrong answers.4. Engage with the textAs you write in your reader response journal, engage with the text by asking questions, making connections, and drawing conclusions. Consider the author's intent, the themes and motifs in the text, and how the work relates to your own life and experiences.In conclusion, the reader response journal is a valuable tool for engaging with and analyzing texts. By actively responding to what you read, you can develop critical thinking skills, enhance comprehension, and form a personal connection with the material. Use the tips provided in this article to create and maintain a reader response journal that enriches your readingexperience and deepens your understanding of the texts you encounter.。
In the ever-evolving landscape of the professional world, practical work experience stands as a pivotal bridge between theoretical knowledge and real-world application. Over the past few years, I have had the opportunity to engage in various practical work experiences that havenot only enriched my skill set but also shaped my perspective on the professional world. This essay aims to reflect on my experiences, the challenges I faced, and the lessons I learned during these invaluable periods.IntroductionThe journey of practical work experience began for me during my undergraduate studies when I secured an internship at a renowned marketing firm. It was here that I was introduced to the intricacies of the corporate world and the importance of teamwork, communication, and time management. Subsequently, I have undertaken various roles, from project management in a software development company to sales and customer service in a retail environment. Each experience has been unique, yet they have all contributed to my growth as a professional.Internship at a Marketing FirmMy internship at the marketing firm was a transformative experience. It provided me with a glimpse into the dynamic nature of the marketing industry and the role of digital marketing in modern businesses. During this period, I was tasked with conducting market research, analyzing consumer data, and creating content for social media campaigns. The following are some key takeaways from this experience:1. Learning to Work Under Pressure: The fast-paced environment of the marketing firm taught me the importance of staying calm under pressure and meeting tight deadlines. This skill has been invaluable in my subsequent roles.2. Developing Communication Skills: Effective communication is essential in marketing, and I learned to articulate my ideas clearly and concisely. This has helped me in building strong relationships with colleagues and clients.3. Understanding the Importance of Data Analysis: The use of data analytics in marketing campaigns was a revelation. It opened my eyes to the power of data-driven decision-making and the need for continuous improvement.Project Management in a Software Development CompanyAfter completing my internship, I joined a software development company as a project manager. This role allowed me to apply my technical knowledge and enhance my leadership skills. Here are some highlights of my experience:1. Managing Projects Efficiently: I learned how to plan, execute, and deliver projects on time and within budget. This involved coordinating with cross-functional teams, managing resources, and ensuring quality control.2. Fostering Team Collaboration: As a project manager, I understood the importance of fostering a collaborative environment. This involved organizing regular meetings, encouraging open communication, and resolving conflicts.3. Adapting to Change: The fast-paced nature of the software industry meant that we often had to adapt to changing requirements and priorities. This taught me the importance of flexibility and adaptability.Sales and Customer Service in a Retail EnvironmentMy latest practical work experience was in the retail sector, where I worked as a sales associate and customer service representative. Thisrole provided me with a unique perspective on the importance of customer satisfaction and the impact of personal branding:1. Customer-Centric Approach: I learned to understand and anticipate customer needs, providing exceptional service and building lasting relationships.2. Personal Branding: The retail industry emphasized the importance of personal branding. I learned to present myself professionally and build a positive image, which has helped me in other roles as well.Challenges and Lessons LearnedThroughout my practical work experiences, I have encountered several challenges. Some of the key challenges and the lessons I learned from them are:1. Adapting to Different Work Cultures: Each company had its own unique work culture, and I had to adapt quickly. This taught me the importance of cultural sensitivity and flexibility.2. Balancing Work and Personal Life: Juggling work responsibilities and personal commitments can be challenging. I learned to prioritize tasks, manage my time effectively, and maintain a healthy work-life balance.3. Embracing Feedback: Constructive feedback is essential for growth. I learned to embrace feedback as an opportunity to improve and develop professionally.ConclusionIn conclusion, practical work experience has been a transformative journey for me. It has provided me with invaluable skills, insights, and experiences that have shaped my professional identity. As I continue to grow and evolve, I look forward to embracing new challenges and opportunities that will further enhance my capabilities and contribute to my career success.。
二、活动流程1. 领导致辞学校领导首先对本次教研活动表示了高度的重视,强调了英语教学在培养学生核心素养中的重要作用,并对英语教师提出了更高的期望。
2. 主题讲座邀请了知名英语教育专家进行主题讲座,讲座内容主要包括:- 核心素养的内涵及其在英语教学中的应用;- 基于核心素养的英语教学目标设定;- 创新英语教学方法,提高学生英语综合运用能力;- 如何在英语教学中培养学生的跨文化交际能力。
3. 教学案例分析科组内部分教师分享了他们在教学中运用核心素养理念的成功案例,包括课堂活动设计、作业布置、评价方式等,为其他教师提供了宝贵的经验和启示。
4. 分组讨论教师们根据讲座内容和案例分析,分组讨论了以下问题:- 如何将核心素养融入日常英语教学?- 如何设计有效的课堂活动,提高学生的英语学习兴趣?- 如何评价学生的英语学习成果?5. 总结发言科组长对本次教研活动进行了总结,对教师们的积极参与和分享表示肯定,并提出了下一步的教学工作重点。
三、活动成果1. 教师们对核心素养的内涵及其在英语教学中的应用有了更深入的理解;2. 教师们掌握了多种基于核心素养的英语教学策略,为今后的教学工作提供了有力支持;3. 教师们之间的交流与合作得到加强,为学校英语教学的整体提升奠定了基础。
八年级下册英语长江人教版第二单元作文标题全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1A Journey Through Unit 2 - Reflecting on Memorable MomentsAs an eighth-grader, the English textbook has become an integral part of my academic journey, serving as a gateway to new worlds and experiences. Among the various units we've explored, Unit 2 stands out as a particularly memorable and thought-provoking chapter, leaving an indelible mark on my mind and heart.The overarching theme of this unit revolves around the concept of "Friendship and Love," a subject that resonates deeply with all of us as we navigate the complexities of interpersonal relationships during our formative years. Through a carefully curated selection of texts, ranging from heartwarming stories to insightful poems, we were invited to delve into the intricacies of human connections, exploring the joys, challenges, and profound impact that friendships and love can have on our lives.One of the texts that particularly captivated me was the story "The Gift of the Magi," a timeless tale that beautifully illustrates the selfless nature of true love. The protagonists, Della and Jim, were willing to sacrifice their most prized possessions to bring happiness to one another, exemplifying the profound depths of their affection. This poignant narrative not only tugged at my heartstrings but also prompted me to reflect on the significance of cherishing and appreciating the loved ones in my life.Another highlight of this unit was the poem "My Friend John," which painted a vivid portrait of an enduring friendship that withstood the test of time and distance. The poet's ability to capture the essence of a lifelong bond, even when separated by vast geographical distances, resonated deeply with me. It served as a powerful reminder that true friendships transcend physical boundaries and can provide solace and support even in the most trying of circumstances.Beyond the literary works themselves, the unit also incorporated engaging activities and exercises that encouraged us to apply the concepts we learned in practical and meaningful ways. One particular activity that stands out in my mind was the group discussion on the qualities that define a true friend. As we shared our perspectives and listened to the insights of ourclassmates, I gained a deeper appreciation for the diverse perspectives and experiences that shape our understanding of friendship.Moreover, the unit's emphasis on developing effective communication skills proved invaluable. Through various writing assignments and speaking activities, we honed our ability to articulate our thoughts and emotions coherently, a skill that will undoubtedly serve us well in our future academic and professional endeavors.Reflecting on the journey through Unit 2, I can confidently say that it has left an indelible mark on my personal growth and development. The lessons I've learned about the importance of cherishing friendships and nurturing healthy relationships have become ingrained in my worldview, shaping the way I approach and value the connections in my life.As I move forward in my academic pursuits and beyond, I carry with me the invaluable lessons from this unit, serving as a reminder to cultivate meaningful relationships, express gratitude for the loved ones in my life, and embrace the transformative power of friendship and love.In conclusion, the "Friendship and Love" unit was not merely a collection of literary works and exercises; it was atransformative experience that enriched my understanding of the fundamental human connections that give meaning and depth to our lives. The memories, insights, and lessons learned from this chapter will undoubtedly remain etched in my mind, guiding me as I navigate the intricate tapestry of relationships that lie ahead.篇2A World of Wonders: Exploring Different CulturesAs an eighth-grader, the world seems vast and full of mysteries waiting to be unraveled. One of the most fascinating aspects of my studies is learning about different cultures from around the globe. In our English textbook, Unit 2 focuses on this very topic, and it has opened my eyes to the rich tapestry of human diversity.Growing up in a relatively homogeneous society, I never fully grasped the extent of cultural variations that exist on our planet. Every community, every nation, has its own unique customs, traditions, and ways of life that have been shaped by history, geography, and countless other factors. It's both intriguing and humbling to realize that the way I perceive the world is just one perspective among many.One of the first lessons I learned about cultural diversity was the importance of respecting different belief systems. While my family follows certain religious practices, I now understand that there are countless other faiths and spiritual traditions upheld by people around the world. Each of these belief systems holds deep significance for its followers, guiding their values, rituals, and view of life itself. Rather than dismissing unfamiliar beliefs as strange or inferior, I've come to appreciate the richness they add to the human experience.Food is another area where cultural differences shine through in fascinating ways. The simple act of preparing and consuming a meal can vary dramatically from one corner of the globe to another. What might be considered a delicacy in one culture could be seen as unpalatable or even taboo in another. I've learned about the intricate flavors and cooking techniques of various cuisines, each reflecting the unique agricultural conditions, historical influences, and culinary traditions of its region. Exploring these culinary worlds has not only broadened my taste buds but also deepened my respect for the diverse ways in which people nourish themselves.Beyond food and religion, cultural diversity manifests itself in countless other aspects of daily life, from clothing and art tomusic and social norms. Each culture has its own distinct patterns of dress, artistic expressions, musical styles, and codes of conduct that have evolved over centuries. What篇3A Country Mile AwayHey there! I'm an 8th grader and I've been asked to write about the title of Unit 2 in my English textbook this semester. The title is "A Country Mile Away" and honestly, I was pretty confused by it at first. Like, what does that even mean? A country mile? Is that some kind of weird measurement?But after we started learning the unit, I realized it's actually a really cool and meaningful title. This whole unit is all about exploring different cultures and places around the world. From reading stories to watching videos to listening to conversations, we're getting to experience what life is like in various countries far away from our own.And I've got to say, it's been a real eye-opener so far. Growing up in China, I didn't realize just how many different lifestyles and traditions there are out there. Like, did you know that in some parts of Africa, they greet each other by scratching their elbows together? Isn't that crazy? Or in Iceland, there arehouses built right into the earth to stay warm during the brutal winters. Mind-blowing stuff.What I think is so valuable about this unit is that it's helping me understand that there's a whole big world beyond my little corner of it. The people, food, customs, you name it - they can be utterly different from what I'm used to. But at the same time, you realize that we're all still human, just trying to live our lives the best we know how based on our circumstances and cultures.That's why I love the title "A Country Mile Away." To me, it represents all the vast distances, both geographical and cultural, that separate people groups on this planet. We may be a country mile - or thousands of miles - away from each other, but this unit is a window into bridging those gaps and bringing us closer together through understanding.Some of the readings we've done so far have been pretty heavy, not going to lie. Like learning about child labor in developing countries or extreme poverty. It's heartbreaking to think about kids my age having to work in factories or go hungry. But I'm grateful we're covering those tough topics too because it's so important to be aware of the harsh realities many people face. It's a real wake-up call to how blessed I am and how much I take for granted sometimes.At the same time, we've also read really uplifting stories of people overcoming crazy obstacles through courage and perseverance. There was one story about a girl in a remote mountain village who walked hours to and from school every day just to get an education. Or another about a man who started a highly successful business from nothing more than a fruit cart. Stories like those are just incredible examples of the resilience of the human spirit.My favorite part of the unit so far, though, has definitely been our "Country of the Week" activities. Each week, our class gets to do a deep dive into the culture of a different country -。
全文分为作者个人简介和正文两个部分:作者个人简介:Hello everyone, I am an author dedicated to creating and sharing high-quality document templates. In this era of information overload, accurate and efficient communication has become especially important. I firmly believe that good communication can build bridges between people, playing an indispensable role in academia, career, and daily life. Therefore, I decided to invest my knowledge and skills into creating valuable documents to help people find inspiration and direction when needed.正文:三思而后行谋定而后动英语作文题目全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Look Before You LeapThe old adage "look before you leap" has been instilled in me since I was a child. My parents, teachers, and elders have all emphasized the importance of careful consideration andplanning before taking any significant action. As I navigate through life's twists and turns, the relevance of this wisdom becomes increasingly apparent.Life presents us with numerous choices, each with its own set of consequences. Every decision we make, be it personal, academic, or professional, has the potential to shape our future. It is tempting to act on impulse, driven by emotions or external pressures. However, the repercussions of hastily made choices can be far-reaching and, at times, irreversible.I vividly recall an instance from my high school days when I failed to heed this advice. Caught up in the excitement of a new friendship, I neglected my studies and prioritized socializing over academic pursuits. The consequences were disastrous – my grades plummeted, and I found myself struggling to catch up. It was a harsh lesson learned, but it taught me the value of prioritizing and striking a balance between various aspects of life.Since then, I have made a conscious effort to approach decisions with a more deliberate mindset. Before committing to any significant endeavor, I take the time to weigh the pros and cons, consider potential outcomes, and seek guidance from those with relevant experience. This process has proveninvaluable, allowing me to make informed choices that align with my goals and values.One such instance was when I had to decide on my major in college. Torn between my passion for literature and the practical considerations of career prospects, I found myself at a crossroads. Instead of rushing into a decision, I took the time to research various career paths, speak with professionals in both fields, and contemplate my long-term aspirations. This careful deliberation led me to choose a dual major, allowing me to pursue my love for literature while also gaining practical skills for the workforce.The benefits of this approach extend beyond academic and career choices. In my personal life, taking the time to "look before I leap" has helped me navigate complex interpersonal relationships and maintain healthy boundaries. I have learned to pause, reflect, and consider the potential impact of my actions on others before responding to conflicts or making significant commitments.Of course, exercising caution does not mean succumbing to paralysis by analysis. There will always be an element of uncertainty and risk in life, and at times, we must embrace the unknown. However, by striking a balance between carefulconsideration and bold action, we can increase our chances of making well-informed decisions that align with our values and aspirations.As I prepare to embark on the next chapter of my life after graduation, I carry with me the lessons learned from heeding this timeless advice. Whether it's pursuing a career, starting a family, or exploring new ventures, I will approach each decision with a thoughtful and deliberate mindset. I will gather information, seek counsel, and weigh the potential consequences before taking the leap.In a world that often rewards impulsivity and instant gratification, the ability to pause, reflect, and "look before you leap" is a valuable asset. It allows us to navigate life's complexities with wisdom, mitigate potential risks, and increase our chances of achieving lasting fulfillment and success.While the path ahead may be uncertain, I take solace in the knowledge that by embracing this principle, I am better equipped to make choices that align with my values and aspirations. And when the time comes to take that leap of faith, I can do so with confidence, knowing that I have carefully considered the path before me.篇2Think Thrice Before You Act, Plan Thoroughly Before You ProceedHey there! It's me again, your friendly neighborhood student trying to impart some hard-earned wisdom. Today's topic is all about being cautious and thoughtful before diving headfirst into actions or decisions. We've all heard the phrase "look before you leap" and while it may sound cliché, it's a mantra that has served me well over the years.You see, when you're a student like me, you're constantly bombarded with choices, opportunities, and potential pitfalls. Should I join that club or focus on my studies? Is it worth taking that part-time job for some extra cash? How do I balance my social life with academic responsibilities? The list goes on and on, and sometimes it can be overwhelming.That's why I've learned the value of taking a step back, taking a deep breath, and really thinking things through before making any rash decisions. It's like my mom always says, "Measure twice, cut once." Sure, it might seem like a hassle to overthink every little thing, but trust me, it's better than diving in headfirst and regretting it later.Let me give you a personal example. Last year, I was presented with the opportunity to join the school's debate team. On the surface, it sounded like a great idea – a chance to sharpen my public speaking skills, meet new people, and potentially pad my college applications. But instead of immediately signing up, I took a few days to really think it over.I considered my current workload, my extracurricular commitments, and my long-term goals. I weighed the pros and cons, talked it over with my parents and friends, and even reached out to some upperclassmen who had been on the debate team. In the end, I decided that while it was a great opportunity, it wasn't the right fit for me at that particular time.Did it sting a little to turn it down? Sure, but I knew in my heart that I had made the right call for myself. And you know what? A few months later, a spot opened up on the school newspaper, and because I had the foresight to carefully consider my options, I was able to take advantage of that opportunity instead.Now, I'm not saying that you should overthink every single decision to the point of paralysis. Sometimes, you just have to take a leap of faith and see where life takes you. But for the bigstuff – the things that could significantly impact your future – it's always better to be prudent and plan ahead.Think about it this way: if you were going on a road trip, you wouldn't just hop in the car and start driving without any idea of where you're going or how to get there, would you? Of course not! You'd map out your route, plan your stops, and make sure you have everything you need for a smooth journey.The same principle applies to your life decisions. Whether it's choosing a college major, applying for internships, or even just deciding how to spend your summer break, taking the time to map out your options and consider the potential consequences can save you a lot of headaches down the road.But being cautious and thoughtful isn't just about avoiding mistakes or missed opportunities. It's also about being intentional with your time and energy. When you take the time to really think things through and plan ahead, you're better able to align your actions with your values and long-term goals.For example, let's say you're passionate about environmental conservation. Instead of just randomly volunteering for any old organization, you could do some research, find groups that are truly making a difference, and strategically choose opportunities that will not only allow you tocontribute to a worthy cause but also gain valuable experience and connections in that field.Or maybe you're interested in pursuing a career in medicine. Rather than just taking a scattershot approach to your studies and extracurriculars, you could carefully plan out a path that includes relevant coursework, volunteering at local hospitals or clinics, and seeking out mentorship opportunities with professionals in the field.The point is, when you take the time to think things through and plan ahead, you're not just avoiding potential pitfalls –you're actively steering your life in a direction that aligns with your passions, values, and aspirations.Now, I know what some of you might be thinking: "But Nick, doesn't all this overthinking and planning just suck the spontaneity and fun out of life?"To that, I say: not at all! In fact, I'd argue that being thoughtful and intentional with your decisions actually allows you to be more spontaneous and carefree in other areas of your life.Think about it this way: if you've already carefully planned out your academic and career path, that frees up mental spaceand energy to be more present and spontaneous in your social life or hobbies. If you've taken the time to consider the potential consequences of your actions, you can worry less about making rash decisions and simply enjoy the moment.It's all about striking a balance. Be thoughtful and intentional with the big stuff, but don't be afraid to let loose and embrace spontaneity in the smaller, more trivial aspects of your life.At the end of the day, the key is to approach life with a sense of mindfulness and intention. Don't just coast through on autopilot, blindly reacting to whatever comes your way. Take the time to pause, reflect, and really think things through before making major decisions or taking significant actions.Will this approach guarantee that you'll never make a mistake or encounter a setback? Of course not – that's just part of the human experience. But by being cautious, thoughtful, and proactive in your decision-making, you'll be better equipped to navigate life's twists and turns, seize opportunities, and steer your ship in the direction of your dreams.So, there you have it, folks – my humble advice on the importance of thinking thrice before you act and planning thoroughly before you proceed. Will you always follow this guidance to a tee? Probably not – we're all human, after all. But ifyou can incorporate even a little bit of this mindset into your daily life, I promise you'll thank me later.Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got some serious thinking and planning to do before I decide what I'm having for dinner tonight. Chicken parm or tacos? The struggle is real, my friends. The struggle is real.篇3Look Before You LeapAs students, we're often told to carefully consider our decisions before taking action - to "look before we leap." This proverbial advice encourages us to think things through, weigh the potential consequences, and make informed choices rather than acting impulsively. While it may seem like a simple concept, truly embodying the principle of "looking before leaping" can have a profound impact on our academic journey and personal growth.In the realm of academics, the importance of this mindset cannot be overstated. Whether it's choosing a major, selecting courses, or deciding on a project topic, taking the time to reflect and gather information can mean the difference between a well-informed decision and a regrettable misstep. I vividlyremember my own experience when deciding on a major. Initially drawn to the allure of a particular field, I found myself captivated by its perceived prestige and potential career prospects. However, upon closer examination and conversations with faculty advisors and upperclassmen, I realized that my interests and strengths aligned better with a different area of study. Had I leapt into the initial major without careful consideration, I might have found myself on a path ill-suited to my passions and abilities.The principle of "looking before leaping" extends beyond academic choices and can be applied to various aspects of our lives as students. It's a valuable lesson in time management, encouraging us to plan ahead, prioritize tasks, and allocate our efforts wisely. I've learned this the hard way through procrastination and last-minute cramming sessions, which inevitably lead to subpar work and unnecessary stress. By taking the time to map out our schedules, set realistic goals, and break down larger projects into manageable steps, we can approach our responsibilities with greater focus and efficiency.Furthermore, this mindset fosters critical thinking and intellectual curiosity – qualities that are essential for personal growth and academic success. Rather than blindly acceptinginformation at face value, "looking before leaping" prompts us to question assumptions, seek out diverse perspectives, and engage in thoughtful discourse. It pushes us to explore ideas from multiple angles, challenging our preconceptions and expanding our understanding. This process of inquiry and reflection not only enhances our learning experiences but also prepares us for the complexities of the real world, where nuanced thinking and open-mindedness are invaluable assets.Of course, embracing the "look before you leap" mentality does not mean paralysis by analysis or an unwillingness to take risks. Rather, it's about striking a balance between careful consideration and decisive action. There will be times when we must make swift decisions based on limited information, but even in those instances, we can strive to gather as much relevant data as possible and draw upon our critical thinking skills to navigate the situation effectively.Ultimately, the principle of "looking before leaping" is not just a practical guideline but a valuable life lesson. It teaches us the importance of self-awareness, self-discipline, and the willingness to challenge our own assumptions. By cultivating this mindset, we equip ourselves with the tools to navigate thecomplexities of academic life and beyond, making informed choices that align with our values, goals, and aspirations.As I reflect on my own journey as a student, I can trace countless instances where "looking before leaping" has served me well. From selecting courses that complemented my interests and strengths to carefully considering the implications of extracurricular commitments, this principle has been a constant companion, guiding me towards thoughtful decisions and personal growth.So, to my fellow students, I encourage you to embrace the wisdom of "looking before you leap." Take the time to gather information, seek counsel from trusted advisors, and engage in self-reflection. Approachchallenges with an open and inquisitive mind, and be willing to challenge your own assumptions. While the path may sometimes seem daunting, the rewards of making well-informed choices will undoubtedly outweigh the efforts.Remember, our academic journey is not just about acquiring knowledge; it's also about cultivating the skills and mindsets that will serve us throughout our lives. By embracing the principle of "looking before leaping," we embark on a transformative journey of personal growth, intellectual curiosity, and informeddecision-making – a journey that will shape our futures in ways we can scarcely imagine.。
国际交换生项目交换生经历英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1My Experience as an Exchange Student in the International Exchange ProgramStudying abroad as an exchange student has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. Last year, I had the opportunity to participate in the International Exchange Program at my university, which allowed me to spend a semester studying in a foreign country. As an exchange student, I was able to immerse myself in a new culture, make friends from all over the world, and broaden my horizons in ways I never thought possible.The process of applying for the exchange program was daunting at fi rst, but with the help of my university’s International Office, I was able to navigate the paperwork and logistical challenges. Once I arrived in the host country, I was greeted by a welcoming group of students and staff who made me feel at home right away. The orientation sessions providedme with useful information about the academic system, cultural norms, and local attractions, which helped me settle in quickly.As a student from a different country, I was initially nervous about adapting to a new educational system and making friends in a foreign environment. However, my fears were quickly put to rest as I found that my fellow exchange students were in the same boat as me and were eager to forge connections with each other. We bonded over shared experiences, explored the city together, and supported each other through the challenges of studying abroad.One of the highlights of my exchange experience was the opportunity to enroll in courses that were not available at my home university. I took classes in subjects such as History, Literature, and Cultural Studies, which gave me a fresh perspective on the world and allowed me to see things from a different angle. I was impressed by the high quality of teaching and the interactive nature of the classes, which encouraged lively debates and critical thinking.Living in a foreign country also exposed me to new ways of thinking, communicating, and socializing. I learned to speak the local language, navigate public transportation, and shop at local markets. I attended cultural events, tried new foods, andparticipated in traditional festivals, all of which enriched my understanding of the host country and its people. I even had the chance to travel to other cities and countries, which allowed me to see more of the world and appreciate its diversity.In addition to the academic and cultural aspects of the exchange program, I also gained valuable skills that will benefit me in the future. I developed my independence, resilience, and adaptability, as I navigated the challenges of living in a foreign country without the safety net of family and friends. I learned to communicate effectively with people from different backgrounds, resolve conflicts peacefully, and collaborate with others on group projects. These soft skills are highly sought after by employers and will serve me well in my future career.Overall, my experience as an exchange student in the International Exchange Program was incredibly enriching and transformative. I made lifelong friendships, gained a deeper appreciation for different cultures, and expanded my academic and personal horizons. I am grateful for the opportunity to participate in this program and would highly recommend it to other students who are considering studying abroad. The memories and lessons I have taken away from this experiencewill stay with me forever and continue to shape my outlook on the world.篇2My Experience as an Exchange Student in the International Exchange ProgramStudying abroad as an exchange student in the international exchange program was one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. I had the opportunity to immerse myself in a new culture, meet people from all around the world, and gain a fresh perspective on life. In this essay, I will share my experiences, challenges, and insights gained from my time as an exchange student.I applied for the exchange program in my third year of university and was thrilled when I was accepted to study at an institution in a foreign country. I chose to study in Japan, as I have always been fascinated by the culture, language, and traditions of the country. Arriving in Japan, I was greeted with warm hospitality and kindness from the people I met. The first few weeks were challenging as I navigated a new language, academic system, and way of life. However, with the support ofmy fellow exchange students and local friends, I quickly adapted to my new surroundings.One of the highlights of my exchange experience was participating in cultural exchange activities. I had the opportunity to learn traditional Japanese tea ceremony, calligraphy, and Ikebana (flower arranging). I also attended festivals, visited historical sites, and tried different foods. These experiences not only enriched my understanding of Japanese culture but also helped me appreciate the beauty and diversity of the world.Living in a foreign country also presented its fair share of challenges. Being away from home, family, and friends was difficult at times, especially during holidays and special occasions. Additionally, language barriers and cultural differences sometimes made communication and social interaction challenging. However, these challenges forced me to step out of my comfort zone, adapt to new situations, and develop resilience and independence.One of the most valuable aspects of my exchange experience was the friendships I formed with people from different countries. I had roommates from South Korea, Germany, and France, and classmates from Brazil, China, and the United States. We shared our cultures, traditions, and stories, andforged lifelong bonds based on mutual respect and understanding. These friendships not only enriched my exchange experience but also broadened my horizons and expanded my global network.Academically, studying abroad challenged me to think critically, communicate effectively, and collaborate with diverse groups of people. I took courses in Japanese language, culture, and history, as well as global studies, sociology, and international relations. I also participated in research projects, group presentations, and case studies that deepened my knowledge and skills. The academic rigour of the exchange program pushed me to strive for excellence, seek new challenges, and pursue my passion for learning.As my exchange program came to an end, I realized how much I had grown, learned, and changed during my time abroad.I had gained a deeper appreciation for different cultures, a broader perspective on global issues, and a stronger sense of identity and purpose. I returned home with a renewed sense of confidence, curiosity, and gratitude for the opportunities and experiences that shaped me into a more open-minded, empathetic, and resilient individual.In conclusion, my experience as an exchange student in the international exchange program was transformative,eye-opening, and unforgettable. It gave me the chance to explore new horizons, make lifelong friendships, and challenge myself in ways I never imagined. I am grateful for the lessons learned, memories made, and growth achieved during my time abroad. I encourage others to seize the opportunity to study abroad, embrace diversity, and embark on their own journey of personal and academic growth.篇3My Experience as an Exchange Student in the International Exchange ProgramIntroduction:Being an exchange student in the International Exchange Program was an eye-opening experience that I will treasure for the rest of my life. The program provided me with the opportunity to immerse myself in a different culture, learn a new language, and make lifelong friendships with people from all over the world. In this essay, I will share my experiences, challenges, and lessons learned from my time as an exchange student.Preparation:Before embarking on my journey as an exchange student, I spent months preparing for the program. I had to research the culture and customs of the country I was going to, learn basic phrases in the local language, and pack my belongings for a year-long stay. I also had to mentally prepare myself for the challenges of living in a new environment and being away from my friends and family.Arrival:When I arrived in the host country, I was greeted by my host family and fellow exchange students. The sense of excitement and nervousness overwhelmed me as I stepped into my new home for the next year. My host family was warm and welcoming, and they made me feel at ease despite the language barrier. They introduced me to the local cuisine, showed me around the city, and helped me settle in.Challenges:Living in a new country presented many challenges for me. The language barrier was one of the most significant obstacles I had to overcome. Communicating with my host family, classmates, and locals was difficult at first, but I persevered andgradually improved my language skills. I also faced cultural differences and homesickness, which made me appreciate the support of my host family and fellow exchange students even more.Experiences:Despite the challenges, being an exchange student was a life-changing experience that broadened my horizons and enriched my perspective. I had the opportunity to travel to different cities, try new foods, attend cultural events, and learn about the history and traditions of the host country. I made friends with people from diverse backgrounds and forged bonds that transcended cultural boundaries.Lessons learned:Being an exchange student taught me many valuable lessons that I will carry with me for the rest of my life. I learned the importance of embracing diversity, respecting different cultures, and stepping out of my comfort zone. I discovered the power of communication, adaptability, and resilience in overcoming challenges. Most importantly, I realized the significance of gratitude, kindness, and friendship in making a difference in the world.Conclusion:My experience as an exchange student in the International Exchange Program was a transformative journey that shaped me into a more open-minded, confident, and empathetic individual.I am grateful for the opportunity to have lived and studied in a foreign country, and I will cherish the memories and friendships I made during my time as an exchange student. I encourage everyone to step out of their comfort zones and explore the world, for it is through cultural exchange and global connections that we can truly grow and thrive as global citizens.。
The Lessons Learned from Past MistakesIn the journey of life, we all make mistakes. Some are small and insignificant, while others can have profound and lasting impacts. Looking back, I realize that one such mistake stands out as a significant turning point in mylife.It was during my undergraduate studies, when I was working on a group project with my classmates. We were assigned to prepare a presentation on a topic related toour course. Being the most vocal and confident among my peers, I assumed the role of the leader without any formal nomination. I divided the workload among us, assigned tasks based on my perception of each member's abilities, and took it upon myself to oversee the entire process.However, my approach was flawed. I failed to communicate effectively with my team members, assuming that they understood my expectations and were working diligently on their assigned tasks. I also did not seek their feedback or suggestions, assuming that my vision was the onlycorrect one. As a result, the project progress was sluggish,and there were numerous misunderstandings and conflicts within the group.When the presentation day arrived, we were unprepared and disorganized. My team members were nervous and uncertain, and I was stressed and frustrated. The presentation was a disaster. We stumbled through our slides, missing key points and failing to engage the audience. It was a humiliating experience, and I knew that I had beenthe cause of our failure.In hindsight, I realized that my mistake was hubris. I had assumed that I knew best and failed to appreciate the value of collaboration and feedback. I had failed to recognize that a team is stronger when its members work together, share ideas, and support each other.This experience taught me a valuable lesson about humility, teamwork, and communication. I learned that it is essential to listen to others, value their contributions, and be willing to adapt and change based on feedback. Ialso learned that making mistakes is not a failure; it isan opportunity to learn, grow, and improve.Since then, I have applied these lessons to all aspects of my life. I have strived to be more open and inclusive in my approach, seeking feedback and suggestions from others.I have also learned to delegate responsibilitieseffectively, trusting my team members to deliver and supporting them when they face challenges.In conclusion, while the mistake I made during my undergraduate studies was painful and embarrassing, it ultimately became a valuable lesson in humility, teamwork, and communication. I am grateful for that experience because it has made me a better leader, colleague, and friend. I believe that we all have the potential to learn from our mistakes and grow stronger as a result.**从曾经的错误中汲取的教训**在人生的旅途中,我们都会犯错。
你在家和学校是怎样努力的英语作文六年级全文共10篇示例,供读者参考篇1At home, I always try my best to do my homework as soon as I get back from school. I know that my mom and dad want me to do well in school, so I make sure to concentrate and complete all my assignments on time. Sometimes, when I have trouble with a math problem or a tricky vocabulary word, I ask my parents for help. They are always there to support me and explain things to me in a way that I can understand.I also like to read books and practice my English skills at home. I have a special notebook where I write down new words and phrases that I learn. I like to practice speaking English with my parents and siblings, even if it's just a short conversation about our day.At school, I try my best to listen to my teacher and participate in class discussions. I raise my hand when I know the answer or when I want to share my thoughts. I also study hard for tests and quizzes, so that I can show my teacher that I understand the material.I know that by working hard at home and at school, I can do my best and achieve my goals. I want to make my parents proud and show them that I am a responsible and dedicated student. So, I will continue to put in the effort and always strive to do my best in everything I do.篇2At home and at school, I always try my best to do a good job! Let me tell you all about it!At home, I make sure to finish all my homework before playing. I listen to my parents and help out with chores like setting the table and making my bed. I also try to read every day to improve my English skills. When I have a test coming up, I study hard and ask my parents for help if I don't understand something. I also love to practice my English by watching cartoons and listening to songs in English.At school, I am always eager to learn new things. I pay attention in class and participate in discussions. If I don't understand something, I ask my teacher for help. I also love to read books in English and practice my writing skills by writing stories and essays. During exams, I review my notes and studywith my classmates. I also enjoy doing group projects and working together with my friends.Overall, I believe that hard work and determination are the keys to success. I know that if I continue to work hard at home and at school, I will achieve my goals and become better at English. I am proud of my efforts and will continue to improve every day!篇3At home and school, I always try my best to be a good student. In the morning, I wake up early and have a healthy breakfast before heading off to school. I make sure to pack my backpack with all the necessary books and supplies for the day.At school, I pay attention in class and participate in discussions. I ask questions when I don't understand something and I always try to do my best on all of my assignments. I also listen to my teachers and follow their instructions carefully.After school, I do my homework as soon as I get home. I try to do it neatly and make sure to check it over before turning it in. If there is something I don't understand, I ask my parents or older siblings for help.In the evenings, I review what I learned at school that day and sometimes I even do extra practice to improve my skills. I also read books or watch educational videos to expand my knowledge.On weekends, I spend some time studying and reviewing my lessons from the week. I also like to work on projects or do research on subjects that interest me.Overall, I believe that hard work and determination are important qualities for success. I always strive to do my best at home and school, because I know that it will help me achieve my goals in the future.篇4At home, I try to be diligent in my studies by doing my homework every day and reviewing my lessons. My parents always remind me to focus on my studies and not to procrastinate. I make sure to ask for help from my parents or older siblings if there is something I don't understand.In school, I try my best to pay attention in class and participate actively. I take notes during the lessons and ask questions if I don't understand something. I also study for my tests and quizzes in advance so that I am well-prepared.I always try to improve my English skills by reading books, watching English movies, and practicing speaking with my friends. I also enjoy writing essays and short stories in English to improve my writing skills.Overall, I know that being diligent and hardworking is important in both school and at home. I want to do well in my studies so that I can achieve my goals and make my parents proud. I will continue to work hard and never give up on my dreams.篇5At home, I try my best to study hard and do my homework every day. My parents always remind me to focus on my studies and to do my best in school. I make sure to review the lessons I learned in class and ask my parents for help if I don't understand something.I also practice my English by reading books, watching English movies, and listening to English songs. I try to speak English as much as possible at home so that I can improve my speaking skills. My parents are very supportive and encourage me to keep practicing and learning.At school, I listen carefully to my teachers and participate actively in class. I take notes during lessons and review them at home to make sure I understand everything. I also ask questions if I am confused about something and seek help from my teachers or classmates.I work hard to complete all my assignments and projects on time. I make sure to study for my tests and quizzes so that I can get good grades. I also participate in extracurricular activities to improve my skills and learn new things.Overall, I try my best to be a responsible and dedicated student both at home and at school. I know that hard work and determination are important for success, and I am committed to giving my best effort in everything I do.篇6At home, I'm always trying my best to do my homework and study for my tests. I know that it's important to work hard so I can do well in school.Every day after school, I make sure to finish my homework before I play outside or watch TV. Sometimes it's hard because I get tired, but I know that doing my homework will help me learn new things.I also ask my mom and dad for help when I don't understand something. They are always there to support me and explain things in a way that I can understand.When it comes to studying for tests, I like to make flashcards or study guides to help me remember important information. I also try to practice writing and spelling words that I struggle with.At school, I try my best to participate in class and raise my hand to answer questions. I know that it's important to pay attention and listen to my teacher so I can learn new things.I also try to be a good friend to my classmates and help them when they need it. I think it's important to work together and support each other in school.Overall, I know that being hardworking and determined will help me succeed in school. I will continue to do my best both at home and at school so I can reach my goals.篇7At home, I always try my best to finish my homework and study for my tests. My mom and dad always remind me of theimportance of education, so I want to make them proud by doing well in school.I have a special study area in my room where I can focus and concentrate on my work. I also have a study schedule that I follow every day to make sure I get everything done on time. Sometimes, I get distracted by my toys or my favorite TV show, but I try my best to stay on task.At school, I always participate in class and ask questions if I don't understand something. My teachers are always there to help me and I want to take advantage of that. I also study with my friends after school to make sure we all understand the lesson.I also try to do well in extracurricular activities like sports and music. I practice basketball and piano every day to get better and better. It takes a lot of hard work and dedication, but I know it will pay off in the end.Overall, I try my best to be a good student at home and at school. I know that with hard work and determination, I can achieve anything I set my mind to.篇8At home, I always try my best to finish my homework and study for my tests. I know that if I work hard, I can do well in school and make my parents proud.I always make sure to review my lessons before going to bed and ask my parents for help if I don't understand something. They are always there to support me and encourage me to do my best.During weekends, I spend some time reading books and practicing my English skills. I know that English is an important subject and I want to improve my vocabulary and grammar.At school, I also try my best to participate in class and listen to my teachers carefully. I take notes and ask questions if I don't understand something. I know that learning is a process and it's okay to make mistakes as long as I learn from them.I always make sure to complete my assignments on time and submit them neatly. I also try to help my classmates when they are struggling with their work. I believe that we should support each other and work as a team to achieve success.Overall, I know that hard work and dedication are the keys to success. I will continue to push myself to do my best both at home and at school.篇9At home, I try my best to study hard and do my homework every day. My mom always tells me that education is very important and I should always do my best in school. So, I make sure to complete all my homework on time and to ask for help if I don't understand something.I also try to read every day at home. Reading is fun and it helps me learn new words and improve my English skills. My mom bought me lots of interesting books, so I always have something new to read. Sometimes, my mom reads with me too, and we discuss the stories together.In school, I also work hard and pay attention in class. I raise my hand to answer questions and participate in classroom activities. I ask my teachers for help if I don't understand something and I always try my best to do well on tests and assignments.During break time, I play with my friends and have fun, but I always make sure to finish my work before playing. I know that school is important and I need to focus on my studies to do well in the future.Overall, I try my best both at home and at school because I know that education is the key to success. I want to make my parents proud and achieve my goals in life. So, I will continue to work hard and give my best effort in everything I do.篇10At home, I always try my best to finish my homework on time. Sometimes it's really hard, especially when I have a lot of math problems to solve. But I never give up! I ask my parents or older brother for help when I get stuck, and they always support me.I also help my mom with chores around the house. I clean my room, set the table for dinner, and even take out the trash. I know it's important to help my family, and I feel proud when I see how happy they are when everything is clean and organized.At school, I work hard in all my classes. I pay attention to the teacher, ask questions when I don't understand, and try to participate in class discussions. I always do my best on tests and quizzes, and I never give up even if the questions are really tough.I also try to be a good friend to my classmates. I listen to them when they have problems, help them with their work, andalways share my snacks with them during snack time. I believe that being a good friend is just as important as getting good grades.Overall, I try to be the best student and friend I can be both at home and at school. I know that hard work and kindness will help me succeed in life, and I will continue to do my best every day.。
描述大学里的艰难经历并获取经验英语作文My Difficult Experience and Lessons Learned in UniversityGoing to university is a milestone in life that many people aspire to achieve. It is a time of growth, learning, andself-discovery. However, the journey through university is not always smooth sailing. There are challenges and obstacles along the way that test our resolve and character. In this essay, I will share some of the difficult experiences I faced in university and the valuable lessons I learned from them.One of the biggest challenges I encountered in university was the demanding academic workload. The transition from high school to university was a big adjustment for me. The pace of learning was faster, the expectations were higher, and the competition was fierce. I found myself struggling to keep up with the readings, assignments, and exams. There were times when I felt overwhelmed and doubted my abilities.To overcome this challenge, I learned the importance of time management and prioritization. I started using a planner to organize my study schedule and set realistic goals for each week.I also sought help from my professors and classmates when I encountered difficulties. By seeking support and breaking downtasks into manageable chunks, I was able to stay on top of my workload and improve my grades.Another difficult experience I faced in university was dealing with social anxiety. As an introverted person, I found it challenging to make friends and participate in group activities. I often felt isolated and lonely, especially during the first few months of university. I struggled with self-confidence andself-esteem, which affected my ability to connect with others and participate in social events.To overcome this challenge, I pushed myself out of my comfort zone and joined clubs and organizations on campus. I forced myself to attend social events and strike up conversations with strangers. Although it was intimidating at first, I gradually became more comfortable in social situations and made new friends. I learned the importance of taking risks and putting myself out there, even if it felt uncomfortable. I also learned to be more compassionate towards myself and accept my flaws and imperfections.In addition to academic and social challenges, I also faced financial difficulties in university. Tuition fees, textbooks, and living expenses were a heavy burden on my limited budget. I had to work part-time jobs to make ends meet, which took away timeand energy from my studies. I often felt stressed and worried about money, which affected my ability to focus in class and perform well in exams.To overcome this challenge, I learned the importance of budgeting and financial planning. I created a budget to track my expenses and identify areas where I could cut costs. I also applied for scholarships and grants to help alleviate the financial burden. By being proactive and resourceful, I was able to manage my finances more effectively and reduce my stress levels.I also learned the value of perseverance and resilience in the face of adversity.Overall, the difficult experiences I faced in university have taught me valuable lessons that have shaped me into a stronger and more resilient person. I learned the importance of time management, prioritization, social skills, self-confidence, financial planning, and perseverance. These lessons have not only helped me succeed academically, but also in my personal and professional life. As I continue my journey through university and beyond, I will carry these lessons with me and continue to grow and develop as a person.。
小学上册英语第一单元期末试卷英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.What is the name of the famous ancient city located in Peru?A. Machu PicchuB. TikalC. PetraD. Angkor WatA2.What is the capital city of Russia?A. MoscowB. St. PetersburgC. KievD. WarsawA3.The ancient Mayans were skilled in ________ and astronomy.4.What do you call a baby kiwifruit?A. KiwiberryB. CalfC. KitD. Pup5. A chemical reaction can be represented by a ______ equation.6.Which color is a banana?A. RedB. YellowC. BlueD. GreenB7.What do we call a young walrus?A. PupB. CalfC. KitD. ChickB Calf8.I love reading ______ (漫画) because they are fun and ______ (有趣).9. A __________ is a major factor in climate change.10.The _____ (computer/smartphone) is useful.11.小猫) stretches in the sun. The ___12.The ferret is very playful and likes to ______ (打滚).13.I can run very ______.14.I like to play with _____ (积木) in the afternoon.15.The ____ lives in trees and loves to eat fruits.16. A _____ is a place where two rivers meet.17.The __________ (历史的实践) apply lessons learned.18.What is the term for the study of the Earth's physical features?A. BiologyB. GeologyC. GeographyD. MeteorologyB19.单词归类,招物品类和性格类的单词选出来写在相应的圆圈内。
在课堂以外学到的东西及其经历英语作文Things I've Learned Outside the ClassroomSchool is really important and I learn a ton from my teachers every day. But some of the most valuable lessons I've picked up have been outside the classroom through experiences and adventures with my family and friends. I'd like to share some of the biggest things I've learned that have helped shape who I am.One of the earliest big lessons I can remember learning happened when I was about 6 years old. My mom had taken me and my little brother to the park near our house. While we were there, a mom with her baby came over and sat down on a bench close to where we were playing. After a little while, the baby started crying really loud. The mom looked frustrated and wasn't sure what to do to calm the baby down.My mom noticed and walked over to talk to the other mom. She asked if she could try holding and comforting the baby to see if that would help. The lady agreed, looking relieved for any assistance. My mom gently took the baby in her arms, bounced it lightly, and started singing a soft lullaby. Within a couple minutes, the crying stopped and the baby looked calm and peaceful again.The other mom had tears in her eyes and gave my mom a big hug, thanking her for the help. As we were leaving the park, my mom explained to me the importance of being kind and helpful to others, especially people you don't even know. She said little acts of kindness and compassion can make a huge difference to someone who is struggling, even if it seems like a small thing to you. That lesson about kindness has really stuck with me over the years.Another big lesson I've learned outside the classroom is the value of trying new things and not being afraid to fail. My dad is someone who gets really excited about trying all sorts of new activities and experiences. A few years ago, he decided he wanted to take up woodworking as a hobby. He bought a bunch of tools and spent hours watching online tutorials to learn techniques.His first few projects came out looking pretty rough. Uneven edges, wobbly legs on stools, that kind of thing. But he didn't get frustrated. He just kept practicing and trying new methods until his skills improved. Before long, he was making really impressive pieces like beautiful handcrafted shelves, chairs, and decorative boxes. He framed one of his first failed projects to hang on thewall as a reminder that it's okay to not be perfect right from the start at something new.I've tried to apply that mindset of being willing to fail at first in order to eventually succeed at new activities I attempt. Whether it was struggling at the beginning with things like riding a bike, swimming, or learning an instrument, I've realized that perseverance and not being afraid to look imperfect temporarily is so important. You'll never master anything new without going through an awkward learning phase. My dad's example inspiried me to have more patience with myself.One of the most powerful lessons I've learned has come from my experiences exploring nature with my grandparents. They live outside a small rural town and have many acres of woods, streams, and hiking trails surrounding their property. From a young age, they've taken me and my siblings on adventures learning about different plants, trees, animals, and the incredible complexity of the forest ecosystems.I've developed such an appreciation for the natural world and all the interconnected relationships between living things. My grandparents have taught me why it's crucial for humans to be good stewards of the environment and protect naturalhabitats. They've shown me how many resources we depend on from nature and why conservation is so vital for sustainability.I'll never forget when I was about 8 years old, we were walking along the banks of a stream that runs through their land. My grandfather pointed out a massive, fallen decaying log that was covered in a vibrantly green mossy blanket. He explained how trees eventually die and decompose, but then that process gives nutrients back to the soil that feeds new plant growth. He had me examine all the tiny lives calling that rotting log home - insects, mushrooms, lichens. It was like its own littlemicro-universe.From experiences like that, I've developed a profound respect for the resilience and wisdom of nature's cycles. I've learned that even after something dies, it gets repurposed into giving new life. My grandparents have instilled in me the importance of living in harmony with the natural world around us and being a protector, not just a taker.The last big thing I've learned outside of school that I'll mention is about dealing with adversity from the examples of my older siblings. My brother is five years older than me and my sister is eight years older. As I've grown up, I've witnessed them both face some pretty difficult challenges and struggles. Yetthey've persevered and handled those obstacles with grit, determination, and optimism.When my brother was in middle school, he was diagnosed with ADHD which made it very difficult for him to focus in class. For a while, he started getting in trouble frequently and doing poorly academically. However, he worked extremely hard, found ways to work around his limitations, and refused to use his diagnosis as an excuse. By his junior year of high school, he had become an outstanding student and leader in several school clubs. He got accepted to his dream college and is currently thriving there.My sister has battled anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorder for many years now. There was a rough period of time when she was in high school where she would have paralyzing panic attacks frequently and had trouble leaving the house some days. With a lot of counseling, meditation practice, and perseverance, she's learned strategies to manage her conditions. After taking a couple years off, she went back to school and just graduated from university with honors last year.Seeing my siblings face such difficult emotional and mental health challenges head-on has taught me so much about resilience, persistence, and maintaining a positive attitude in theface of adversity. Their examples have showncme it's possible to overcome really tough obstacles with the right mindset and willingness to keep struggling through the hardship. I know those lessons will allow me to better deal with inevitable challenges that come my way in the future.While I've learned invaluable knowledge from my teachers and studies at school, some of the most impactful life lessons have come from experiences outside the classroom with my family. The importance of kindness, trying new things without fear of imperfection, developing a reverence for nature, and being resilient in the face of adversity are just some of the powerful lessons that will stick with me for life. I feel incredibly fortunate to have such a supportive network of loved ones who have helped shape me into the person I'm becoming.。
我目前为止做大的成就英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1My Greatest Achievements So FarWhen I look back on my life journey up to this point, I can't help but feel an immense sense of pride and accomplishment. Although I'm still relatively young and have so much more to experience and achieve, the milestones I've reached thus far have shaped me into the person I am today. These achievements span various aspects of my life, from academic pursuits to personal growth and everything in between. Allow me to take you through some of the most significant ones.Academically, one of my proudest moments was being named valedictorian of my high school class. It was a culmination of years of hard work, dedication, and an unwavering commitment to excellence. From the countless late nights spent poring over textbooks to the countless hours dedicated to extracurricular activities, I gave it my all. The sense of accomplishment I felt when my name was called out during the graduation ceremony was indescribable. It validated all thesacrifices I had made and instilled in me a belief that with determination and perseverance, anything is possible.Another academic achievement that stands out is my acceptance into my dream university. The application process was grueling, with numerous essays, interviews, and standardized tests to navigate. However, the moment I received that acceptance letter, all the stress and anxiety melted away, replaced by a profound sense of joy and gratitude. I had defied the odds and secured a spot in a prestigious institution, paving the way for endless opportunities and personal growth.Beyond academics, I've also achieved significant milestones in my personal life. One that particularly resonates with me is the time I overcame a debilitating fear of public speaking. As someone who used to dread even the thought of standing in front of a crowd, I challenged myself to join the school's debate team. It was a daunting experience, but with each debate and every speech, I could feel myself growing more confident and self-assured. By the end of my high school career, I had not only conquered my fear but also developed a passion for public speaking, a skill that has proven invaluable in countless situations.Another personal achievement that fills me with immense pride is the volunteer work I've undertaken. From organizing food drives to tutoring underprivileged children, I've dedicated countless hours to giving back to my community. The sense of fulfillment that comes from making a positive impact on others' lives is truly unmatched. It has taught me valuable lessons about empathy, compassion, and the importance of using one's privileges and abilities to uplift those around us.However, my greatest achievement thus far transcends any specific accomplishment or accolade. It is the personal growth and self-discovery I've experienced along the way. Throughout my journey, I've learned to embrace my strengths while acknowledging and working on my weaknesses. I've developed a resilience that has allowed me to bounce back from setbacks and failures, using them as stepping stones to greater success. Most importantly, I've cultivated a growth mindset, recognizing that every challenge is an opportunity for learning andself-improvement.As I reflect on these achievements, I can't help but feel a profound sense of gratitude towards the people who have supported and guided me along the way. My parents, teachers, mentors, and friends have all played an invaluable role inshaping my path and pushing me to reach for greater heights. Their unwavering belief in my abilities has been a constant source of motivation, reminding me that with hard work and determination, anything is possible.Looking ahead, I am filled with excitement and anticipation for what the future holds. While I've accomplished a great deal thus far, I know that this is just the beginning of my journey. There are countless more mountains to climb, challenges to overcome, and achievements to unlock. Armed with the lessons I've learned and the resilience I've cultivated, I feel more prepared than ever to tackle whatever lies ahead.In conclusion, my greatest achievements so far are not just the tangible accolades or milestones I've reached, but also the personal growth, self-discovery, and resilience I've gained along the way. These achievements have shaped me into the person I am today, instilling in me a deep sense of purpose, determination, and a burning desire to continue pushing boundaries and making a positive impact on the world around me. While the road ahead may be uncertain, one thing is clear: my hunger for achievement and self-improvement will never be satiated, and I will continue to strive for greatness in all aspects of my life.篇2My Greatest Achievements So FarAs I approach the end of my high school years, I can't help but reflect on the journey that has brought me to this point. From the awkward, shy kid I once was to the confident young adult I am today, the path has been paved with challenges, triumphs, and invaluable lessons learned. In this essay, I will share some of the most significant achievements that have shaped my growth and allowed me to discover my true potential.One of my earliest and most cherished accomplishments was overcoming my fear of public speaking. Throughout my elementary school years, the mere thought of standing in front of a crowd filled me with dread. However, in the 7th grade, an opportunity arose that forced me to confront this fear head-on. Our class was tasked with presenting a group project, and I found myself thrust into the role of the lead speaker.With trembling hands and a pounding heart, I stood before my classmates and delivered my portion of the presentation. It was far from perfect, but the act of mustering the courage to face my anxiety was a monumental achievement in itself. From that day forward, I vowed to conquer my fear, graduallyvolunteering for more speaking opportunities until it no longer held the same power over me.Another proud moment came in the form of academic excellence. I have always been a dedicated student, but there was one subject that consistently challenged me – mathematics. No matter how hard I studied, the concepts seemed to elude me. However, in my junior year of high school, something clicked. I sought extra tutoring, spent countless hours poring over practice problems, and developed new study strategies tailored to my learning style.The payoff came when I not only aced my final exam but also earned the highest grade in my class for the entire year. This achievement was particularly meaningful because it proved that with unwavering determination and a willingness to adapt, even the most formidable obstacles could be overcome.Beyond academics, I have also found great fulfillment in extracurricular activities and community service. During my sophomore year, I joined our school's environmental club, initially drawn by a desire to make a positive impact on our local community. Little did I know that this decision would open up a world of opportunities and ignite a passion for environmental advocacy.Under the guidance of our club advisor, I spearheaded several initiatives, including a campus-wide recycling program and an annual community clean-up event. Seeing the tangible results of our efforts – cleaner streets, reduced waste, and heightened awareness – filled me with a sense of pride and purpose. This experience taught me the value of perseverance, teamwork, and using my voice to effect meaningful change.Perhaps my greatest achievement, however, has been the personal growth I have undergone throughout these formative years. As I look back, I can scarcely recognize the shy, insecure individual I once was. Through countless challenges and triumphs, I have developed a resilience and self-assurance that will serve me well as I embark on the next chapter of my life.I have learned to embrace my strengths while acknowledging and working on my weaknesses. I have cultivated the ability to navigate difficult situations with poise and grace, seeking solutions rather than dwelling on problems. Most importantly, I have discovered the power of belief – in myself, in my abilities, and in the potential for positive change.As I stand on the precipice of adulthood, ready to take on the world, I am filled with a sense of gratitude for the experiences and achievements that have brought me to thispoint. They have shaped me into the person I am today and have instilled in me the determination to continue striving for greatness, no matter what obstacles may lie ahead.While the road ahead is uncertain, one thing is clear: my greatest achievements are not behind me, but rather, they lie in the vast expanse of possibilities that await. With the lessons I have learned and the resilience I have forged, I am confident in my ability to tackle whatever challenges come my way, secure in the knowledge that my greatest achievements are yet to come.篇3My Greatest Achievements So FarAs I approach the end of my high school years, I can't help but reflect on the journey that has brought me to this point. It's been a rollercoaster ride filled with challenges, triumphs, and valuable lessons learned along the way. In this essay, I'll share with you what I consider to be my greatest achievements thus far, and how they have shaped me into the person I am today.Academic ExcellenceOne of my most significant achievements has been maintaining a consistently high academic performance throughout my school years. From an early age, I've had aninsatiable thirst for knowledge and a drive to excel in my studies. This dedication has paid off, as I've consistently ranked among the top students in my class.However, academic success hasn't come without its fair share of struggles. I vividly remember the countless late nights spent poring over textbooks, trying to grasp complex concepts, and the anxiety that would build up before every major exam. But with each obstacle I faced, I learned invaluable lessons about perseverance, time management, and the importance of a growth mindset.One accomplishment that stands out is winning the regional science fair competition in my sophomore year. The months of research, experimentation, and countless revisions were grueling, but the sense of pride and accomplishment I felt when my project was selected as the winner made it all worthwhile.Extracurricular InvolvementWhile academic pursuits have been a top priority, I've also made it a point to engage in a variety of extracurricular activities.I firmly believe that a well-rounded education extends beyond the classroom, and these experiences have played a crucial role in shaping my character and developing essential life skills.One of my proudest achievements in this realm has been my involvement in the school's debate team. Initially, the thought of public speaking terrified me, but I knew that stepping out of my comfort zone was essential for personal growth. Through countless practice sessions and competitions, I've honed my critical thinking, research, and communication abilities, and even had the opportunity to represent my school at the state level.Another extracurricular activity that has been particularly rewarding is my work with the local community outreach program. Volunteering has not only allowed me to give back to those in need but has also taught me invaluable lessons about empathy, compassion, and the importance of using one's privileges to make a positive impact.Personal Growth and DevelopmentWhile academic and extracurricular achievements are undoubtedly significant, I believe that my greatest accomplishments lie in the realm of personal growth and development. High school has been a transformative journey, during which I've had to navigate the complexities of adolescence, forge my own identity, and develop a strong sense of self-awareness.One of my most significant personal achievements has been learning to manage my mental health and cultivate a positive mindset. Like many teenagers, I've struggled with anxiety and self-doubt, but through introspection, counseling, and the support of loved ones, I've developed coping mechanisms and a resilience that has helped me weather even the toughest storms.Another aspect of personal growth that I'm immensely proud of is my ability to embrace diversity and cultivate a spirit of inclusivity. Growing up in a multicultural community has exposed me to a rich tapestry of cultures, beliefs, and perspectives, and I've made it a point to learn from and celebrate these differences. This open-mindedness has not only enriched my own worldview but has also enabled me to forge meaningful connections with individuals from all walks of life.As I stand on the precipice of adulthood, I can't help but feel a sense of pride and accomplishment for the journey I've undertaken thus far. While the path ahead is undoubtedly filled with new challenges and obstacles, I'm confident that the lessons I've learned and the skills I've acquired will serve me well in the years to come.Academic excellence, extracurricular involvement, and personal growth – these are the pillars upon which my greatestachievements have been built. But more importantly, they represent the unwavering determination, resilience, and dedication that have guided me every step of the way.As I embark on the next chapter of my life, I carry with me the invaluable lessons and experiences that have shaped me into the person I am today. And while the future may be uncertain, I'm emboldened by the knowledge that with hard work, perseverance, and a commitment to continuous growth, I can achieve anything I set my mind to.。
Learning from failure is an essential part of personal growth and development.Here are some key points to consider when writing an essay about the lessons learned from failure in English:1.Introduction:Start by explaining the significance of failure in the learning process. You could mention that failure is often seen as a negative experience,but it can be a powerful teacher if approached correctly.2.Personal Anecdote:Share a personal story of a time when you experienced failure. Describe the situation,what you were trying to achieve,and why you failed.This will make your essay more relatable and engaging.3.Emotional Impact:Discuss the emotional impact of the failure.Did you feel disappointed,frustrated,or embarrassed?Reflect on how these emotions influenced your initial reaction to the failure.4.Analysis of the Failure:Analyze the reasons behind the failure.What mistakes did you make?Were there external factors that contributed to the outcome?This step is crucial as it helps you understand the root causes of the failure.5.Lessons Learned:Identify the lessons you learned from the failure.These could be about your approach to tasks,your understanding of the subject matter,or your attitude towards challenges.Be specific about what you learned and how it can help you in the future.6.Changes Made:Describe the changes you made as a result of the failure.Did you develop new strategies,improve your skills,or adopt a different mindset?Show how these changes have made you more resilient and better prepared for future challenges.7.Longterm Benefits:Explain the longterm benefits of learning from failure.Discuss how it can lead to personal growth,increased problemsolving abilities,and a more robust approach to lifes challenges.8.Conclusion:Conclude by summarizing the main points of your essay.Reiterate the importance of viewing failure as an opportunity for learning and growth,and encourage readers to embrace failure as a part of their journey towards success.9.Quotes and References:If appropriate,include quotes from famous figures who have spoken about the value of failure,or references to studies that support the benefits of learning from mistakes.10.Reflective Tone:Maintain a reflective and introspective tone throughout the essay. This will help readers connect with your experiences and understand the depth of your learning.Remember to use clear and concise language,and to structure your essay in a logical manner.By sharing your experiences and insights,you can inspire others to view failure as a stepping stone rather than a stumbling block.。
2020上海中考英语作文记叙文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1As the year 2020 began, students across Shanghai were gearing up for the highly anticipated Shanghai middle school entrance examination, also known as the Zhongkao. This exam, which is a significant milestone in every student's academic journey, determines which high school they will attend and ultimately shapes their future.The weeks leading up to the Zhongkao were filled withlate-night study sessions, review classes, and practice exams. Students were under immense pressure to perform well and secure a spot in a reputable high school. Some students found themselves struggling to balance their studies with extracurricular activities and personal lives, while others thrived under the pressure, motivated by the prospect of a bright future.On the day of the exam, students arrived at their designated testing centers early in the morning, their minds buzzing with anticipation and nervous energy. The air was filled with a sense of determination and focus as students filed into theexamination rooms, ready to tackle the challenging questions ahead.The exam itself was rigorous, testing students' proficiency in subjects such as Chinese, mathematics, English, and science. Students had to rely on their months of preparation and hard work to answer each question to the best of their ability. As the hours passed, some students found themselves struggling with certain sections of the exam, while others sailed through with confidence and ease.After the exam was finally over, students emerged from the testing centers, their faces flushed with relief and exhaustion. Some students felt confident in their performance, while others were filled with uncertainty and doubt. Despite the outcome, every student knew that they had given their best effort and could be proud of their hard work.In the days following the exam, students anxiously awaited the release of the results. They checked their scores online, nervously anticipating the outcome that would determine their future. For some students, their hard work paid off, and they were rewarded with acceptance letters from their top-choice high schools. For others, the results were less favorable, and theyfaced the reality of attending a school that may not have been their first choice.Regardless of the outcome, the 2020 Shanghai Zhongkao was a significant experience for every student who participated. It was a test of their academic abilities, their resilience in the face of pressure, and their determination to succeed. As they look back on this chapter in their academic journey, students will remember the long hours of study, the nerves on exam day, and the sense of accomplishment when it was all finally over. And as they move forward into high school and beyond, they will carry with them the lessons learned from this challenging yet rewarding experience.篇2The 2020 Shanghai Junior High School Entrance Examination (Middle School Entrance Examination) English Composition –Narrative EssayIt was a sunny day in June when I walked into the examination room for the 2020 Shanghai Junior High School Entrance Examination. My heart was pounding with nervousness and excitement as I sat down at my desk and prepared to tackle the English composition section of the exam. The topic for theessay was a narrative prompt: write about a memorable experience from your life.I thought for a moment, trying to decide which experience to write about. There were so many to choose from – my family vacation to the beach, the time I won a school competition, the day my little sister was born. But one memory stood out in my mind above all the others: the time I conquered my fear of public speaking.It was in the fifth grade, during our school's annual talent show. Each student was required to perform a talent of their choice in front of the entire school. I had always been terrified of speaking in front of large groups of people, and the thought of standing on stage alone made my stomach churn with anxiety. But when my name was called and it was my turn to perform, I knew I had to face my fear head-on.I took a deep breath and stepped onto the stage, the bright lights shining down on me. I launched into my speech, my voice trembling slightly at first but growing stronger and more confident with each passing word. And to my surprise, the audience was silent, hanging on my every word. When I finished, they erupted into applause, cheering and congratulating me on a job well done.From that day on, I knew that I could do anything I set my mind to. I had conquered my fear of public speaking and proven to myself that I was capable of facing any challenge that came my way. The memory of that moment has stayed with me ever since, a reminder that with determination and courage, anything is possible.As I finished writing my essay and set down my pen, I felt a sense of pride and accomplishment wash over me. The 2020 Shanghai Junior High School Entrance Examination had been a difficult and challenging experience, but I had faced it with bravery and perseverance. I knew that no matter what the future held, I was ready to take on whatever came my way.And as I walked out of the examination room, the sun shining down on my face, I knew that I was ready for whatever the future held. I was ready to face the challenges and adventures that lay ahead, armed with the confidence and courage that had carried me through the 2020 Shanghai Junior High School Entrance Examination.篇3The 2020 Shanghai Junior High School Entrance Examination English CompositionThe sun shines brightly on the morning of the Shanghai Junior High School Entrance Examination in 2020. Students from all over the city gather at the exam site, nervously waiting to start their first step towards a brighter future.As the exam begins, the room is filled with the sound of pens scratching on paper, fingers tapping on keyboards, and occasional sighs of frustration. Time seems to pass by slowly as the students carefully read the questions and ponder their answers. Some students furrow their brows in concentration, while others glance around nervously, hoping for inspiration.The English composition question is finally revealed: "Write a narrative essay about a memorable experience in your life." The room falls silent as the students begin to recall their own experiences, searching for the perfect one to write about.One student, Eva, remembers a family trip to the countryside when she was younger. The memories flood back as she puts pen to paper, describing the beautiful landscapes, delicious food, and laughter shared with her loved ones. She feels a sense of nostalgia and warmth as she relives the experience through her writing.Another student, James, recalls a school camping trip where he conquered his fear of heights by climbing a rock wall. Hevividly describes the exhilaration he felt when he reached the top, the cheers of his friends below, and the sense of accomplishment that stayed with him long after the trip was over.As the students write, their emotions flow onto the paper, weaving a tapestry of memories and reflections that showcase their creativity and storytelling skills. Each essay is unique, capturing the essence of the student's individual experiences and perspectives.Finally, the exam comes to an end, and the students submit their papers with a mix of relief and anticipation. They have poured their hearts and souls into their essays, hoping that their words will impress the examiners and pave the way for success in the future.As they walk out of the exam room, the students share smiles and words of encouragement with one another. Despite the stress and pressure of the exam, they have all come out stronger and more confident, knowing that they have given their best.The 2020 Shanghai Junior High School Entrance Examination may be just a small step in the students' academic journey, but it is a significant one that will shape their future paths. The essays they have written today are not just words on a page, butreflections of their dreams, aspirations, and the experiences that make them who they are.And so, as the sun sets on the day of the exam, the students look forward to the future with hope and determination, knowing that they have the power to create their own stories and shape their own destinies. The 2020 Shanghai Junior High School Entrance Examination may be over, but the journey towards a brighter tomorrow has only just begun.。
失败案例英语作文Failure Case English Composition。
Failure is a common experience in life, and it is something that everyone encounters at some point. It is often said that failure is the stepping stone to success, as it teaches us valuable lessons and helps us grow. In this essay, I will discuss a failure case and the lessons learned from it.One of the most significant failures in my life occurred during my freshman year of college. I had always been a high-achieving student in high school, and I was confident that I would continue to excel in college. However, I soon realized that college was a whole new ball game. The workload was much heavier, and the expectations were much higher. Despite my best efforts, I struggled to keep up with the coursework and my grades began to suffer.One particular incident stands out in my memory. I hadbeen working on a major research paper for my history class, and I had spent weeks researching and writing it. I wassure that I had put in my best effort, and I felt confident that I would receive a good grade. However, when I received my paper back, I was shocked to see that I had received a failing grade. I was devastated and embarrassed, and I felt like I had let myself and my family down.In the aftermath of this failure, I was forced to re-evaluate my approach to my studies. I realized that I had been too overconfident and had not put in the necessaryeffort to succeed. I also recognized that I needed to seek help and support from my professors and peers. I made a commitment to myself to work harder and to seek assistance whenever I needed it.This failure taught me several valuable lessons.Firstly, it taught me the importance of humility and the need to acknowledge my weaknesses. It also taught me the importance of seeking help and not being afraid to ask for assistance when I needed it. Most importantly, it taught me the importance of perseverance and resilience. I learnedthat failure is not the end of the road, but rather an opportunity to learn and grow.In the months that followed, I worked tirelessly to improve my grades and my study habits. I sought help from my professors and classmates, and I made a conscious effort to stay on top of my coursework. As a result, my grades began to improve, and I regained my confidence.Looking back on this failure, I can now see it as a turning point in my life. It forced me to re-evaluate my approach to my studies and to develop a more mature and responsible attitude. It also taught me the importance of perseverance and resilience in the face of adversity.In conclusion, failure is an inevitable part of life, and it is something that we all experience at some point. However, it is important to remember that failure is not the end of the road, but rather an opportunity to learn and grow. My experience with failure during my freshman year of college taught me valuable lessons that have stayed with me ever since. It taught me the importance of humility,seeking help, and perseverance, and it ultimately made me a stronger and more resilient person.。
Some Studies and Lessons Learned fromAd Hoc LearningChih-Yung Chang1, Yuh-Shyan Chen2, Tai-Chien Kao3, Jang-Ping Sheu41Tamkang University, Tamsui, Taiwan.Email: cychang@.tw2National Chung Cheng University, Chiayi, Taiwan.Email: yschen@.tw3National Dong-Hwa University, Hualien, Taiwan.Email: mkao@.tw4National Central University, Chung-li, Taiwan.Email: jpsheu@.twAbstract This work proposes concepts, designs, experiences and lessons learned from some studies of ad hoc learning supported by wireless and mobile technologies. The ad hoc learning activity model supports learners communicating with or obtaining help from classmates or teacher, interacting with environment, and accessing teaching material from mobile device or Internet. Example scenarios with prototype systems for ad hoc learning are presented. Preliminary experimental and trial studies are conducted with these example scenarios in elementary and high school students. The potential impacts, limitations, and lessons learned in this study are also discussed from both the educational and technological points of view. Learning in a lively, vivid, and new learning environment, students are motivated with interests for learning the target domains. Ad hoc learning potentially extends the scope of learning activities and with more flexibility than in traditional school curriculum.I.I NTRODUCTIONMobile devices such as PDA, WebPad, Tablet PC, and cell phone are the key innovations to mobile learning since they are carrier as well as communication tools in outside classroom learning. The wireless technology, a new trend of recent communication technology, enables learning to occur outside the classroom by constructing wireless e-learning and communication environment for learners. Mobile learning, putting outdoor classroom as well as internet-enabled wireless devices into learning context, inherits all the advantages of e-learning and provides learners with flexibility in mobility and wireless material exchange, thus is helpful in enriching the content of traditional classroom learning as well as promotes the active and interactive learning. It facilitates students to learn in diverse physical locations outside classrooms with high feasibility.Lehner & Nosekabel(Lehner & Nosekabel, 2002) refer mobile learning to “service or facility that supplies a learner with general electronic information and educational content that aids in acquisition of knowledge regardless of location and time.” Sariola (2001) mentioned the advantages of mobile learning, ” The mobile environment integrates studies that take place on campus, at home or outside university facilities into shared and flexible learning environment.” Kynäslahti (2003) defined the word mobility from the educational point of view. He mentioned that the elements of mobility include convenience, expediency, and immediacy. Chang et al. (2003) proposed three essential elements of mobile learning: mobile equipments, communications technology, and user interfaces. Ad hoc learning supports group work on projects and enhances communication and collaborative learning in outdoors. Ad hoc learning requires a wireless communication network to dynamically and immediately establish support for face-to-face communications among learners or between learner and instructor. With this support, learners may exchange their message or material, share their experience or get help from the other learners or instructor. Three ad hoc learning scenarios, Bird Watching Learning, Butterfly Watching Learning, and English Outside Classroom Learning are developed to provide students with opportunity of outside classroom learning.In addition, we report experimental studies and lesson learned. Finally, we conclude with the potential educational benefits and future work of ad hoc learning. We observe that ad hoc learning potentially helps students to become capable, self-reliant, self-motivated, and independent learners.II.S CENARIOS OF A D H OC L EARNINGThis section generally describes scenarios of ad hoc learning. Technology supported environment including supports in hardware, software, and networking is described. The educational purpose and the learning flow for each activity are also presented.Ad hoc learning is one of the most important learning activity models of mobile learning. Ad hoc learning is characterized by many features. One feature is the support of wireless communication among a number of mobile learning devices. This feature supports a group of learners dynamically construct a network with support of interactions among intra-group or inter-group communication. Learners thus may transfer materials including the observation, experimental results, and notes to other members without the constraints of time and location. Learner may also get help from classmates or teacher at anytime and anywhere even they are mobile. Another important feature of ad hoc learning is that learners activelyexplore the information, thus the obtained knowledge usually has authentic property. In ad hoc learning, technology supports in dealing with the urgent events are often required. These supports include video and voice recording and immediate communication among learners even they are mobile in an outdoor environment.In general, it is required to support an outdoor learning activity system on learners’ mobile learning device. This system consists of modules that are most frequently required in the participation of outclass learning activity. As shown in Fig. 1, the system offers many useful functions which have been packaged into different modules. The “Video-Management” module and “Voice-Management” module allow students to record activity-related films, pictures, and conversations during the participation of the activity and share the record with other learners after activity. The “Wireless Transmission” module supports down load learning-sheet and activity-related materials from server and upload the activity record and reports to server in a wireless manner. In addition to retrieve the activity-related material from database, students can also exchange information through the “Wireless Transmission” module. To help student take notes, review, modify, or manage their notes, a “Note-Management” module is developed in the system. The “Presentation-Management” module helps student to prepare a presentation with integration of various formats including video, audio, picture and text after the activity. From the use of “Help” module, students may get help from teaching materials during the participation of activity. With the support of above mentioned modules, the system enables students to keep the track of their learning process, understand their learning efficiency, and overcome their learning disability.Three scenarios of ad hoc learning and location-aware learning that have been conducted as example scenarios of MOCL are introduced.Management Transmission Management Management ManagementHelp Management Video Module 802.11b/ Bluetooth/ GPRSWireless ModuleDatabase Module Presentation ModuleNotes ModuleModuleVoice Module -Figure 1: Modules designed for outclass learning activities. (1) Bird Watching Learning ScenarioBirding watching learning (BiWL) are usually offered by a local bird watching society and led by experts (Chen et al., 2003). With the help of the BiWL (Bird-Watching Learning) system, it creates the fair opportunities and experiences necessary for students of elementary school to develop the knowledge and skills with their own learning. Each learner has a mobile learning device, which is a handheld device (PDAs) with a Wi-Fi-based (IEEE 802.11b protocol) wireless network card. The instructor has a small-sized mobile notebook with a Wi-Fi-based wireless network card and a digital video camera. The students at each school were randomly assigned into two groups, the BiWL-assisted group and the guidebook-assisted group.The learning flow of bird watching is described in below. The BiWL system arranges six bird-watching activities throughout a season. The pre-test was administrated right before each activity. The experts in both groups first targeted the same kind of bird with the telescope (at least six birds per activity). Worksheet questions were further devised according to the key features of the bird. The team in the BiWL group acquired the picture and worksheet questions, identified the bird features, searched for the relevant information, and answered the questions with BiWL. The team in the guidebook group identified the bird features with the two-cone telescope, searched for the relevant formation with guidebook, received the questions orally, and provided answers on a paper worksheet. Finally, the teachers in both groups checked the students’ answers. After the activity, the post-test was administered to the learners.The BiWL system is implemented on a wireless mobile ad hoc network and offers a mobile learning system which scaffolds the learner. Scaffolding refers to the interactive support instructors, or more skilful peers, offer learners to bridge the gap between their current skill levels and a desired skill level. Ultimately, we deeply believe the learners can complete tasks on their own after repetitive authentic practice. Snapshots of BiWL are shown in Fig. 2.(a) An outdoor bird-watching activity.(b) A wireless querying interface.(c) The wireless bird–answer interface.Figure 2: Snapshots of outdoor bird-watching activity.(2) Butterfly Watching Learning ScenarioAn outdoor butterfly watching activity and butterfly-watching learning (BuWL) system (Chen et al., 2004) is designed for providing mobile aids for students to becomecapable, self-reliant, self-motivated, and independent learnerswhen they are engaged in outdoor activities of exploring natureon their own. Each individual learner has a wireless handhelddevice, which is a PDA with an IEEE 802.11 wireless networkcard and a small-sized CCD camera. One instructor has a notebook computer with a Wi-Fi wireless LAN card which serves as the local server. Learners are randomly assigned into two groups, includes BuWL group with the system and the guidebook group with the guidebook. The BuWL system arranges six butterfly-watching activities throughout a season. Before each butterfly-watching activity, pre-test is conducted to each group on PDA. In the activity, the learners of BuWL group find one of the target butterflies on interest and take a close picture of it. By transferring the picture and giving searching conditions based on features to the BuWLsystem, the learners are able to determine the butterfly being observed. Further, the BuWL system suggests the possible name list of the observed butterfly through image mapping technique. This gives the chance for the learners to modify their previous searching conditions and conclude to different determination. After observing each butterfly, the learner records their learning process to the journal. The information of the journal allows the learners to check for correctness after the activity. On the other hand, the learners of guidebook group practice for picture drawing and information searching with the guidebook. Finally, post-test that has the same questions as the pre-test is conducted to each group on PDA after each activity. The most important spirit of education is to help learners have self-confidenc e, technology , and knowledge when they attempt to seek solutions. Characteristics of the independent learning model are learning knowledge more independently, and acquiring information more easily. A mobile BuWL system was implemented to empower the learner to engage in independent butterfly-watching activities. When a learner has sufficient knowledge and self-learning ability to overcome a problem, the instructor may relinquish control of decision making to the learner. Therefore, the BuWL system aids for students to become capable, self-reliant, self-motivated, and independent learners when they are engaged in outdoor activities of exploring nature on their own. Snapshots of BuWL are illustrated in Fig. 3.(a) An outdoorbutterfly-watching activity.(b) A wireless querying interface.(c) The nature journal system.Figure 3: Snapshots of outdoor butterfly-watching activity.(3) Outside English Learning ScenarioIn classroom style English learning, reading and writing skills are usually more heavily emphasized. As a result, students are more confident about their reading and writing skills, but even after extensive study, they are fearful of conversing with a foreigner. An outside English learning activity is designed to satisfy both the desire of interaction with native English speaker and the demand of extending the scope of lesson study in textbook. Learning activity “Making an Interview with Foreigner (MIF)” is designed and conducted in senior high school. Each student is equipped with a tablet PC embedded with video & voice recording hardware and the developed outclass learning activity system. Students are partitioned into groups with each group containing three students.In preparing, teacher will help each group to make an appointment with a foreigner. The teacher prepares a learning sheet that lists several questions for students to ask the foreigner about the similarly and difference in culture ofTaiwan and his or her country. The teacher also designs the learning sheet including the learning flow, the rules, and the frequently used vocabularies, phrases, and sentences as the preliminary guidance in “help” module. Both the learning sheet and the help contents can be downloaded from the server of classroom in a wireless manner. During the interview, students may use the designed system to keep the track of interview process in their tablet PC. After that, students in a group will cooperatively prepare the presentation material to share their experience with the others. Finally, a web-based scoring system is provided for each group to score the presentation of the other groups, motivating them in English learning based on competitions.The design of MIF scenario offers opportunities for students to interact with foreigner. Students are motivated to prepare and practice the topics and the vocabularies, phrases, sentences that might be used in the interview. The developed system also helps them record, review and share with the others the learning process. With the participation of outside English learning activity and the use of developed system, students increase their interest and motivate their active attitude in English learning. A real illustration of outside English leaning is given in Fig. 4.(a) “Making an interview with Foreigner” activity.(b) Students record their activity process in mobile learning device.Figure 4: Snapshots of outside English learning activities.III. P RELIMINARY T RIAL S TUDIESThis section presents the trial test and discusses the impact of conducted learning activities on learners’ learning. A series of investigation with questionnaire are done before and after the activity. The questionnaire respondents are students who participate in outclass learning activities with the use of mobile learning device.According from the trial studies, the mobile learning device is most frequently used as a tool to collect information(92%), communicate with other learners(88%), or join the network community(78%). These results also verify the features of active pulling information and interaction among learners in Ad hoc learning. The experimental study also reveal that majority (more than 92%) of students gain more in field learning and computer learning from the activities. Besides that, some students gain more peer interaction or applied experience in the activity.Having opportunities of participating in ad hoc learning activities, students approve the following contributions in their learning. The support of mobile learning device and the developed platform help ad hoc learning in immediately obtaining response and reward, sharing and discussing the process with peer colleague, and training the response,communication, and presentation abilities. Course designed with integrating the use of high technology also help students learn in more active, diversified, funny and convenient manner and have more motives in learning. Personal gains are found in the extension of learning scope, the rich resources in urgent use, and more understanding in computer and field learning.The effect that ad hoc learning has influence on students might be diversified according each student’s learning attitude, learning ability, the habit of using mobile learning device. This is also related to the student’s individual interests and attention in the field learning. In brief, most students consider that ad hoc learning is positive to their learning interests and performance. Many students give more positive response to the activity and they did gain more knowledge and some professional skills during the participations of ad hoc learning activities.IV.L ESSONS L EARNEDThe following discusses what we have learned from the study of ad hoc learning.1. Wireless applications could be the ideal mobile aids that scaffold the students to become capable, self-reliant,self-motivated, and independent learners while the following two points has been considered.(1)Modeling and scaffolding (from the expert) are necessaryfor autonomyAlthough mobile technology provides more autonomy to the learners, most learners have difficulties in managing the learning environment at beginning, especially for young children. Not to mention the functions of the mobile system itself might be complicated, the learners might not have the ability to recognize the subjects and timing to use the system. Besides, no matter how intelligent and sophisticated the system is, the enthusiasm and erudition of the experts could never be substituted. Therefore, the learners need to be prepared for the autonomy. The modeling and scaffolding from the expert may arouse the learners’ interest to the learning subject and provide authentic complete experience to the whole learning task. (2)Mental effort is crucial for learningAlthough mobile learning technology provides all kinds of supports by allowing the learner to access information, interact with environment, and communicate with others, there is a risk that the learner might simply duplicate the information without any thinking, especially while the information is automatically pushed to the learner’s device. To avoid reproductive resulting low-order learning, we suggest the mobile learning activity must engage learners in high-order thinking and that takes them a great mental effort. That is, the wireless applications should work more than “fingertip” tools that learners use naturally, effortlessly, and effectively. They need to work as cognitive tools that provide an environment and a vehicle that often require learners to think harder. 2. Wireless applications could also be the ideal mobile aids that scaffold collaborating peers as they work on problems and critique other students’ solution. Two interesting results are found in our experience:(1)Collaborating peers could share the risk of making errors Due to the cost of mobile devices, the empirical studies of the systems we developed were limited to involve only small scale of learners. In many cases, collaborative learning was caused by sharing devices. While the learners worked together for information searching or data recording by sharing one single device, they also share the risk of making errors. We found the collaborating peers have more courage to try and explore. And it is an important condition for successful outclass mobile learning.(2)Collaborating patterns usually were formed from thebeginningWhile sharing device to learn, it is interesting to know how the learners managed for job sharing. Although the learners were suggested to take turns for device operating, we found the job is always dominated by one specific learner. The learner usually is the one who was assigned to hold the device in the first time activity and therefore got more familiar with the functions of the device. It is possible that other learners took an easy way and let this learner to in charge of the device for each activity. Therefore, the collaborating patterns usually were formed form the beginning.3. The effect of wireless applications should be evaluated after the following effects are gone. Therefore, the duration of mobile learning should not be too short.(1)Fear to break the expensive devicesIn our studies, we found that not only the learners but also the instructors have a great fear to break the expensive devices at beginning. The learners were informed that the device is fragile and expensive. This concern usually made the learners in tense and could not enjoy the process of learning. This kind of fear and worry would be disappeared until they get familiar with the system.(2)Fear to the new technologyThere is also some subject-matter experts (e.g. bird guider) showed fears and denial to the benefits of the new technology. They got barrier to change from the teaching method that they had been familiar with. They also had feared that the new technology might replace their contribution to students’ learning. They need time to adapt themselves not only to the new technology itself, but also the model of learning created by the new technology. Many of them finally realized their own value would never be replaced and how their job could be enhanced by the new technology.(3)Novel effectLike many other new technology was first introduced to the educational setting, the learners showed great interest to the wireless devices at the beginning (i.e. the novel effect). The interest and motivation caused by novelty might be gone in a while unless they could be motivated by the system design and instructional design.From the empirical studies, we found that six unique medium’s capabilities of wireless application in learning are identified as urgency of learning need, initiative of knowledge acquisition, mobility of learning setting, interactivity of the learning process, situating of instructional activity, and integration of instructional content (Chen, Kao, & Sheu, 2003). •Urgency of learning need: The wireless applications areusually used for an urgent matter of learning.• Initiative of knowledge acquisition: The information provided by the wireless applications is based on the learners’ requests.• Mobility of learning setting: The educational practice canbe performed at any time and any place.• Interactivity of the learning process: The learner can communicate with experts, peers, or other materials effectively• Situating of instructional activity: The problems encountered, as well as the knowledge required are allpresented in authentic context.• Integration of instructional content: The mobile applications integrate many information resources.From our studies, we found two common methods of design that can take advantages of wireless applications to make a difference in learning.(1)Method of ScaffoldingThe method of scaffolding is especially suited for the situation while the learners’ abilities have not reached the mastery level. This method can be applied to the system design as well as the instructional design. A designed mobile system provides many functions of supports, including maps, guides, databases, transmission, and communication for learning. A designed mobile learning activity scaffolds the learners to construct their knowledge by naturally interacting with the database, the environment, the instructors, and their peers through the system.(2)Method for IndependencyWhile the learners have possessed certain level of ability, the method for independency can be applied. The system design for independency is emphasized on how to enhance the learners’ ability to complete independent learning task, such as picture taking, voice or video recording, and learning journals. MOCL should be designed to nurture student’s ability of independent problem solving, knowledge retrieving, decision making, and result evaluation.V.C ONCLUSIONS AND F UTURE W ORKFrom the experimental trials, we noticed that collaborating peers as they work on problems and critique other students’ solution are scaffolded in ad hoc learning. We observed that modeling and scaffolding from the designed system are necessary or even crucial for autonomy and the mental effort in learning. We noticed several features common to ad hoc learning. First, outside classroom learning activities are essentially highly authentic. In particular, the nature can be regarded as a large classroom. This implies ad hoc learning will potential nurture lifelong learning about the nature. Second, our design of ad hoc learning scenarios facilitates reflective learning through group discussion and peer evaluation. Third, students were highly active and engaged in their learning, possibly due to multiple motivational factors. The use of novel technologies (possibly treating them as toys), more vivid outside classroom environment than inside classroom, dealing with authentic physical objects, small group interactions are among these factors.In general, advanced computing technologies such as artificial agents, massive database of human experiences, recommendation systems can further empower student ability in achieving various learning tasks in ad hoc learning. However, we view ad hoc learning should be designed as a supporting environment for engaging learners in high-order thinking, extensive discussions, problem solving, and independently learning. In particular, ad hoc learning should also be viewed as a scaffolding environment. That means technology support in ad hoc learning should be faded away when students have mastered how to learn outside classroom. Another work in the future is to sustain observation of the impact of ad hoc learning described above. Finally, ad hoc learning and location-aware learning are not exclusive. A future attempt is to design and investigation of scenarios combining these two genera of scenarios.R EFERENCES[1]Chang, C. Y., Sheu, J. P. & T. K. Chan (2003).Concept and Design of AdHoc and Mobile Classrooms. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, Vol. 19, No. 3, pp. 336-346.[2]Chen Y. S., Kao T. C., and Sheu J. P. (2003) A Mobile Learning Systemfor Scaffolding Bird Watching Learning. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, Vol. 19, No. 3, pp. 347-359.[3]Chen Y. S., Kao T. C., Yu G. J., and Sheu J.-P. (2004), "A MobileButterfly-Watching Learning System for Supporting Independent Learning," in Proceedings of IEEE WMTE 2004: International Workshop on Wireless and Mobile Technologies in Education, Taiwan, pp. 11-18. [4]Kynäslahti, H. (2003) In Search of Elements of Mobility in the Context ofEducation. 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