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【摘要】为了弥补以往对DC—DC变换器非线性特性的研究主要是在开环或比例积分( PI )控制下进行的不足,在分段光滑系统状态空间模型的基础上,根据凯莱—哈密尔顿定理,建立了比例-微分( PD)控制电压反馈型Boost变换器闭环控制
%The previous studies on nonlinear behavior of DC/DC converters mainly focused on the open-loop and proportional-integral ( PI) control systems. To make up the deficiencies, the precise discrete mapping of a voltage-mode closed-loop controlled Boost converter system is derived from its piecewise smooth state space model depending on Cayley-Hamilton theorem. The stability condition of the system is analyzed. The parameters of PD controller influence on stability and bifurcation, as well as the mechanism that produced chaos from period-doubling bifurcation are discussed. The re-sults found that the proportional gain is a dominant parameter affecting the stability of the system. Finally, the analysis results are verified through simulation and experiment. The results
provide a reference for a profound understanding of the nonlinear characteristics of such kind of converters.
【作者单位】广西大学电气工程学院,广西南宁 530004;广西大学电气工程学院,广西南宁 530004;广西大学土木建筑工程学院,广西南宁 530004
1.电流反馈型Boost变换器的稳定性及分岔研究 [J], 温伟刚;魏学业;王利清
2.电压反馈型Boost变换器DCM的精确离散映射及其分岔和混沌现象 [J], 张波;曲颖
3.电压反馈型Boost变换器的混沌现象研究 [J], 曲颖;张波
4.峰值电压反馈Superbuck变换器中分岔与混沌的实验研究 [J], 毕闯;张千;向勇;冯雪松
5.多级并联电流反馈型DC-DC升压变换器中的分岔与混沌 [J], 陈明亮;马伟明