厄尔顿电源设备有限公司 TTS2 - 电压注入测试设备说明书
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Voltage Injection Test Set TTS2 Instructions
Centurion Recloser
Scope of this Manual
This document describes the TTS2 - Voltage Injection Set and its use in conjunction with the Test and Training Set TTS1.
The procedures referred to within this document apply for CAPM Software Versions:
•CAPM4 - Version 21 Software and higher
This document is protected by copyright and is provided solely for the use of the recipient. It is not to be copied in any way, nor its contents divulged to any third party, nor to be used as the basis of a tender or specification without the express written permission of Siemens Power Transmission & Distribution, Inc. Disclaimer
The advisory procedures and information contained within this Instruction Manual have been compiled as a guide to the safe and effective operation of products supplied by Siemens Power Transmission & Distribution, Inc. It has been prepared in conjunction with references from sub-assembly suppliers and the collective experience of industry qualified Siemens Power Transmission & Distribution, Inc.
In-service conditions for use of the products may vary between customers and end-users. Consequently, this Instruction Manual is offered as a guide only. It should be used in conjunction with the customers own safety procedures, maintenance program, engineering judgement and training qualifications.
No responsibility, either direct or consequential, for injury or equipment failure can be accepted by Siemens Power Transmission & Distribution, Inc. resulting from the use of this Instruction Manual.
© 2001 by Siemens Power Transmission & Distribution, Inc.
All rights reserved. No part of the contents of these documents may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without the written permission of Siemens Power Transmission & Distribution, Inc.
1.1.I NTRODUCTION2 1.1.1.Purpose of the TTS2-Voltage Injection Set2 1.1.
2.Additional Technical References2 1.1.
3.Additional Equipment Required for Testing2 1.2.S AFETY3 1.2.1.Grounding the TTS2 - Voltage Injection Set3 1.3.S PECIFICATIONS3 1.
4.C ONNECTION I NSTRUCTIONS3 1.4.1.Unpacking and Checking Shipment3 1.4.2.Identification of Main Components3 1.4.3.Relay Injection Set Connection Diagram4 1.4.4.Switchgear Connection Diagram5 1.
5.W ORKSHOP U SE OF THE TTS26 1.5.1.Control Cubicle Connection to Test Equipment6 1.5.2.Secondary Current Injection7 1.5.3.Calibration of the Test and Training Set (Type 1)7 1.5.4.Power Factor Testing10 1.5.5.Testing Isolation of Secondary Voltage Injection10 1.5.
6.Disconnection from Test Equipment11 1.6.F IELD U SE OF THE TTS212 1.6.1.Testing the Switchgear in the Field12 1.6.2.Disconnection from the Switchgear in the Field13 1.
7.L OOP A UTOMATION USE OF THE TTS214 1.7.1.How to exercise Loop Automation14 1.
Voltage Injection Set - TTS2
1.1. Introduction
1.1.1. Purpose of the TTS2-Voltage Injection Set
The TTS2-Voltage Injection Set is designed to support the Test and Training
Set Type 1 or to be connected directly to the Switchgear and enable the
direct injection of voltage either before, during or after installation of the
switchgear and control cubicle.
It may be used to:
•Inject voltage signals when connected to a Test and Training Set Type 1.
•Simulate loss of voltage on an energized recloser.
•Confirm the Control Cubicle and control cable connections on Centurion Reclosers.
2. Additional Technical References
Further reference may be required to the following documents while using
this equipment:
•Centurion Recloser Instruction Manual – RCIM 2200
•Loop Automation – RCLA 6908A
•CSS User Guide – RCSW 4905A.
1.1.3. Additional Equipment Required for Testing
The following equipment is required when conducting test procedures with
the TTS2:
•Test and Training Set Type 1- Part No: TTS1-02.
•Control Cable (supplied with switchgear).
•Computer with Centurion System Software (CSS).
•RS232 Serial Cable - Part No: N05-902.
•Voltage/Current Injection Set (eg: Doble, AVO, Freja 300).
•Ground leads.
1.2. Safety
1.2.1. Grounding the TTS2 - Voltage Injection Set
A ground stud terminal, complete with wing
nut, is provided at the side of the TTS2.
Ensure that the TTS2 is correctly grounded
before beginning test procedures.
All grounds must be in accordance with the
local authorized practices and procedures.
1.3. Specifications
Ratings Maximum Voltage (phase to ground)110V
General Total Weight (cable and test set)2kg
1.4. Connection Instructions
1.4.1. Unpacking and Checking Shipment
Upon receipt of the shipment the contents should be closely examined for
completeness or damage sustained during transport.
If equipment damage is detected or suspected, contact your Siemens
Representative immediately.
2. Identification of Main Components
The TTS2-Voltage Injection Set consists of two (2) main components.
Figure 1: TTS2, Part No: N05-630Figure 2: Test Cable, Part No: N05-631
1.4.3. Relay Injection Set Connection Diagram
The following diagram shows the connections to be made when the TTS2 is connected to the Relay Injection Set in support of the Test and Training Set (Type 1).
Figure 3: Connection to Relay Injection Set
1.4.4. Switchgear Connection Diagram
The following diagram shows the connections to be made when the TTS2 is connected to in-service switchgear.
Figure 4: Connection to Switchgear
1.5. Workshop Use of the TTS2
1.5.1. Control Cubicle Connection to Test Equipment
This section advises of the correct connection sequence to enable
simultaneous voltage and current injection from a relay test set for the
purposes of testing protection, power measurement and direction features.
1Connect a ground lead to the TTS2
terminal and secure using the wing nut.
Connect the TTS2 to the TTS1 using
cable N05-631.
Connect the current injection and neutral
leads from the 3 Phase Voltage/Current
Injection Set to the corresponding
Secondary Injection phase sockets at
the TTS1.
2Ensure all switches at the TTS2 are set to "Inject From Inputs".
§Connect the voltage injection leads to the corresponding phase sockets at SIDE
1 of the TTS2.
§Connect the neutral lead from Voltage Outputs to the GND socket at the TTS2.
§Use a set of short leads to bridge the connections between the corresponding inputs for each phase on Side 1 and Side 2.
§Connect the Switchgear Control Cable between the Control Cubicle port at the TTS2 and the P1 port at the CCEM.
3Recheck all connections:
§The system is now ready for power up.
2. Secondary Current Injection
This test confirms that the Control Cubicle is correctly reading the current injected through the TTS1.
1Power up the Control Cubicle:
§Wait until the switchgear data is confirmed as valid.
§CLOSE the TTS1.
---------SWITCHGEAR STATUS----------S Work Tag OFF SF6 Normal 37kPa Aux Supply Normal Battery Normal ACR Connected ACR Data Valid
2Go to the Phase Voltage and Power Flow screen:
§Select "Source 1, Load 2"
-PHASE VOLTAGE and POWER FLOW--S Live if >2000V Supply Timeout4.0s Power Flow SIGNED Source 1, Load 2 Display Ph/Gnd Volt System Freq 50Hz
3Switch on the Relay Injection Set.
Go to the Instantaneous Demand
§Inject 0.25 Amp per phase at the Injection Set
Note: 400:1 Interposing CT's.
--------INSTANTANEOUS DEMAND-------M Ground 0 Amp A Phase 100 Amp 0 kW B Phase 100 Amp 0 PF C Phase 100 Amp
1.5.3. Calibration of the Test and Training Set (Type 1)
This section advises the calibration procedure to be conducted before commencing further tests with the TTS2.
•The values shown in this example are indicative of an 11kV system.
1TRIP the TTS1:
§Go to the Live/Dead Indication screen.
§Both sides will show Live due to the bridged injection leads at the TTS2.----------LIVE/DEAD INDICATION -------S A1 Live A2 Live
B1 Live B2 Live
C1 Live C2 Live
2Go to the Source Side Voltages screen:
§Inject equal 3 phase voltages and adjust to achieve the
required system voltage reading
on the Source Side Voltages
§Do not exceed 110V phase to ground.
---------SOURCE SIDE VOLTAGES-------M A1 Phase to Ground 6350 Volts
B1 Phase to Ground 6380 Volts
C1 Phase to Ground 6375 Volts
(A tolerance of +/- 50V is allowable)
3Go to the Load Side Voltages screen:
§If voltage difference between phases exceeds the allowable
tolerance, continue with
calibration of the TTS1.
---------LOAD SIDE VOLTAGES-------M A1 Phase to Ground 6300 Volts
B1 Phase to Ground 5780 Volts
C1 Phase to Ground 6390 Volts (Exceeds tolerance of +/- 50V)
4Connect the computer configured with the CSS programme and go On-Line:§Go to the Maintenance Screen.
§Confirm that the Switchgear is connected.
§Confirm the Switchgear Data is Valid.
6Select the field that corresponds with A1 Voltage:
§This dialog entry box appears.
§Enter the new A1 Voltage value.
§Select OK.
§Repeat this process entering the same value for each remaining
voltage field.
7Save the calibration data to the
SCEM at the TTS1 when all voltage
fields are displaying the same
§Select the Write Data to SCEM
button at the Maintenance
Screen (a delay of up to 10
seconds may occur).
8Another dialog box appears to
requesting confirmation of the
previous command:
§Select YES.
§When the next prompt appears, save the file if required to an
appropriate folder.
9This information box appears:
§Select OK to begin writing the data to the SCEM.
10An advisory message banner
appears to advise the status of the
writing process:
§Select EXIT when the Switchgear Write is Successful.
1.5.4. Power Factor Testing
This test confirms that Volts and Current are in phase on each phase.
1Go to the Live/Dead Indication screen:
§Confirm Side 1 (Source) status as Live and Side 2 (Load) as
Live.----------LIVE/DEAD INDICATION -------S A1 Live A2 Live
B1 Live B2 Live
C1 Live C2 Live
2Check the display at the Relay Injection Set:
§Ensure that Volts and Current are in phase on each phase.
§Each phase must be 120° apart.
3Go to the Instantaneous Demand screen:
§ A Power Factor (PF) reading of
1.0 +/- 0.01 confirms that volts
and current are in phase on
each phase.
--------INSTANTANEOUS DEMAND-------M Ground 0 Amp A Phase 100 Amp 1830 kW B Phase 100 Amp 0.99 PF C Phase 100 Amp
4Test the operational range using the Relay Injection Set:
§Adjust the Phase Angle between Voltage and Current on each
phase to 60°.
§ A Power Factor (PF) reading of
0.50 +/- 0.01 confirms the
adjustment in phase angle.
--------INSTANTANEOUS DEMAND-------M Ground 0 Amp A Phase 100 Amp 980 kW B Phase 100 Amp 0.51 PF C Phase 100 Amp
1.5.5. Testing Isolation of Secondary Voltage Injection
This test confirms that each bushing is free of interference from adjacent bushings.
1Operate each Side 1 toggle switch in turn to isolate its input:
§Observe the status indication of each bushing at the Live/Dead
Indication screen.
§Each bushing should display DEAD as the switch is moved to
the "Connect to Switchgear"
§The bushing will display LIVE when the switch is returned to
the "Inject from Input" position.----------LIVE/DEAD INDICATION -------S A1 Dead A2 Dead
B1 Live B2 Dead
C1 Live C2 Dead
----------LIVE/DEAD INDICATION -------S A1 Live A2 Dead
B1 Dead B2 Dead
C1 Live C2 Dead
----------LIVE/DEAD INDICATION -------S A1 Live A2 Dead
B1 Live B2 Dead
C1 Dead C2 Dead
2Operate each Side 2 toggle switch in turn to isolate its input:----------LIVE/DEAD INDICATION -------S A1 Dead A2 Dead
§Observe the status indication of each bushing at the Live/Dead Indication screen.
§Each bushing should display DEAD as the switch is moved to "Connect to Switchgear".
§The bushing will display LIVE when the switch is returned to "Inject from Input".
B1 Dead B2 Live
C1 Dead C2 Live
----------LIVE/DEAD INDICATION -------S A1 Dead A2 Live
B1 Dead B2 Dead
C1 Dead C2 Live
----------LIVE/DEAD INDICATION -------S A1 Dead A2 Live
B1 Dead B2 Live
C1 Dead C2 Dead
1.5.6. Disconnection from Test Equipment
1Switch off the Relay Injection Set.
Ensure that the SCEM is not in the
process of writing data to the switchgear, check for this warning:§If warning is present, wait until it clears and then continue.
Writing - do not disconnect switchgear Local Control ON E/F OFF, SEF OFF Auto Reclose OFF Cold Load OFF Single Shot Active Prot "A" Active
2Power down the Control Cubicle:§Isolate all power supply to the Control Cubicle at circuit
breakers or switches installed.
§Disconnect the Test Control Cable from port P1 at the
§Disconnect and store all other test leads.
1.6. Field Use of the TTS2
1.6.1. Testing the Switchgear in the Field
This test enables confirmation of CVT serviceability without de-energizing HV
lines. It should be used in circumstances where interference between
bushings on opposing phases is suspected.
1Switch OFF the Operator Control
§Isolate all power supply to the
Control Cubicle at circuit
breakers or switches installed.
§Place all six of the TTS2 toggle
switches in the "Connect to
Switchgear" position.
Prepare the TTS2 connection as
shown at Figure 4:
§Ground the TTS2-Voltage
Injection Set.
§Connect the Switchgear Control
Cable to the port labeled "To
Switchgear or Test and Training
Set" at the TTS2.
§Connect the Test Cable N05-
631 from the Control Cubicle
port at TTS2 to the P1 port at
the CCEM.
2Isolate the TRIP and CLOSE solenoids:
§These must be isolated to prevent the switchgear operating during further testing.
3Restore power to the Control
Switch ON the Operator Control Panel:
§The date and time must be reset due to the control panel being powered down.
Go to the Switchgear Status screen:§Wait until the switchgear data is confirmed as valid.
---------SWITCHGEAR STATUS----------S Work Tag OFF
Aux Supply Normal Battery Normal ACR Connected ACR Data Valid
4Go to the Live / Dead Indication screen:
§Confirm that all six bushings are indicating LIVE to confirm
presence of system HV.----------LIVE/DEAD INDICATION -------S A1 Live A2 Live
B1 Live B2 Live
C1 Live C2 Live
5Operate the Toggle Switch for Bushing U1/I at the TTS2 to isolate
the CVT voltage from the
switchgear to the control cubicle:
§Observe the status indication of bushing A1 at the Live/Dead
Indication screen.
§The bushing should display DEAD as the switch is moved to
the "Inject from Inputs" position.
§The bushing will display LIVE when the switch is returned to
the "Connect to Switchgear"
position.The example below shows the display with only Bushing U1/I toggle switch in the "Inject from Inputs" position.
----------LIVE/DEAD INDICATION -------S A1 Dead A2 Live
B1 Live B2 Live
C1 Live C2 Live
6Test all remaining bushings in sequence:
§Confirmation of test is achieved when each bushing is made DEAD and then returned to LIVE by operation of the corresponding toggle switch.
2. Disconnection from the Switchgear in the Field
1Ensure that the SCEM is not in the
process of writing data to the
switchgear, check for this warning:§If warning is present, wait until system returns to normal and
then continue.
Writing - do not disconnect switchgear Local Control ON E/F OFF, SEF OFF Auto Reclose OFF Cold Load OFF Single Shot Active Prot "A" Active
2Switch OFF the Control Panel:
§Isolate all power supply to the Control Cubicle at circuit breakers or switches installed.
§Disconnect the Test Cable N05-631 from port P1 at the CCEM.
§Disconnect the Switchgear Control Cable from TTS2 and reconnect to P1 at the CCEM.
§Disconnect the ground lead from the TTS2 ground terminal.
3Restore power supply to the Control Cubicle at the isolating switches or circuit breakers:
§Switch ON the Control Panel.
§The date and time must be reset due to the control panel being de-powered.
4Go to the Switchgear Status screen:
§Confirm that the switchgear data---------SWITCHGEAR STATUS----------S
is valid.Work Tag OFF
Aux Supply Normal Battery Normal
ACR Connected ACR Data Valid
5Go to the Instantaneous Demand screen:
§Confirm current readings at each phase.
--------INSTANTANEOUS DEMAND-------M Ground 0 Amp A Phase 100 Amp 1830 kW B Phase 100 Amp 0.99 PF C Phase 100 Amp
6Go to the Source Side Voltages screen:
§Confirm voltage readings at each bushing.---------SOURCE SIDE VOLTAGES-------M A1 phase to ground 5442 Volts
B1 phase to ground 5964 Volts
C1 phase to ground 5984 Volts
7Go to the Load Side Voltages screen:
§Confirm voltage readings at each bushing.
---------LOAD SIDE VOLTAGES --------M A1 phase to ground 5442 Volts
B1 phase to ground 5964 Volts
C1 phase to ground 5984 Volts
8Go to the Event Log:
§Scroll through the events since CAPM power up.
§Confirm that a pickup event has not been generated.
-------------------EVENT LOG ------------------10/08/00 09:52:03:16 ACR Closed
10/08/00 09:52:03:59 NP 123410 connected 10/08/00 09:54:37:85 Source Supply ON
10/08/00 09:54:39:85 Load Supply ON
10/08/00 09:56:29:65 10/08/00 09:52:03:16
9Enable the TRIP and CLOSE solenoids:
§Confirm that the Event Log records each of the solenoids
-------------------EVENT LOG ------------------10/08/00 09:56:29:65 10/08/00 09:52:03:16 10/08/00 09:57:25:15 Close Coil Connect 10/08/00 09:57:27:15 Trip Coil Connect
1.7. Loop Automation use of the TTS2
1.7.1. How to exercise Loop Automation
The Voltage Injection Set- TTS2 may be used to exercise Loop Automation on installed, energized or bypassed switchgear.
Refer to Section 20 of the Loop Automation Manual RCLA 6908A for detailed test sequence.
1.8. Interpretation of Measurement Information Displayed.
The tests described in this manual may be conducted using the Centurion System Software (CSS) through the RS232 Port and Serial Cable connection to the Laptop computer (or similar).
The differences in terminology and interpretation of information displayed are shown in the following paragraphs.
CSS – Confirmation of Software.
Understanding the on-line CSS -CAPM Measurement Screen using Version 24 or later CAPM4 Software.
3§When the switchgear is closed, the voltage injected at SIDE 1 of the TTS2 is represented on both Sides 1&2 (Source and Load) of the Phase Voltage display.
§Therefore, if voltage is injected through SIDE 2 of the TTS2 and the switch is closed, the Phase Voltage representation should be ignored.
§However, note that the Terminal Status display (A1 to B1 etc) always provides true indication of whether the terminals are Live or Dead. Use this display to
confirm the Live/Dead status of terminals.
Operator Control Panel (OCP) - Confirmation of Software.
4Go to the Switchgear Wear /
General Details screen:
§Confirm which model software version is installed.
§If version 24 or later, refer to sub-paras 2, 3 and 4 for
additional considerations when
interpreting information on
SWITCHGEAR WEAR /GENERAL DETAILS I Contact 97.6% CAPM S/N NP-123456 II Contact 97.6% Software 024-04.52 III Contact 97.3% Configuration 12345
Understanding the Operator Control Panel.
5§When the switchgear is closed, the Source and Load Side
Voltages screens will both
indicate the voltage injected at
§Therefore, if voltage is injected through SIDE 2 of the TTS2
and the switch is closed, the
Source and Load Side
Voltages screens should be
§However, the LIVE / DEAD
INDICATION screen provides
true indication of whether the
terminals are Live or Dead.
Use this screen to confirm the
Live/Dead status of terminals.
-------SOURCE SIDE VOLTAGES ----M A1 Phase to Ground 5442 Volts
B1 Phase to Ground 5964 Volts
C1 Phase to Ground 5984 Volts
---------LOAD SIDE VOLTAGES --------M A1 Phase to Ground 5442 Volts
B1 Phase to Ground 5964 Volts
C1 Phase to Ground 5984 Volts
----------LIVE/DEAD INDICATION -------S A1 Live A2 Dead
B1 Live B2 Dead
C1 Live C2 Dead。