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卧在床上,以艾条灸两侧至阴穴15-20min。 每日1-2次,至胎位转正为止。
According to number of reports, the success rate is over 80%. The
effect is better in multipara than is primipara. The optima of gestation: It is fairly unsatisfactory over eight months of pregnancy, needing is applied by some physicians but moxibustion is more employed.
Moxibustion(艾灸) at zhiyin(BL 67) on both sides.
zhiyin(BL 67)(至阴穴)
Meaning :
足 太 阳 膀 胱 经 分 布 示 意 图
Zhi, reaching; yin, Yin of Yin-Yang. Yin refers to the Foot-Shaoyin Meridian(足少阴肾
on the lateral side of the small toe, about 0.1 cun posterior to the corner of the nail.小趾外侧 甲角旁约0.1寸
Indication :
1. one of the twelve Jin points, can be used to treat coma in first aid. 2. to correct the position of fetus(moxibustion). 3. prolonged labor, placenta. 4. terminal neuritis, pain and numbness of the toe tip.
Moxibustion at zhiyin(BL 67)(艾灸至阴穴)to correct the position of fetus(转胎)
Malposition of Fetus (胎位不正 )
Main Manifestations (主证):
Usually the gravida (产妇) complains of no subjective symptoms(自觉症状) and obstetric examination(产科检 查) is needed to make the diagnosis.
① 为"十二井穴"之一,有醒脑开窍作用,可急救晕
厥; ② 治胎位不正,可转胎位(艾灸); ③ 治滞产及胎盘不下;
④ 末梢神经炎,趾端麻痛。
In the treatment, the patient unties the belt, sits in an armchair or lies supine on a bad. Moxibustion is given with mox stick on the points, 15 to 20 minutes each side, once or even twice daily until the malposition is correted. 方法 :
经). This is the end point of the Bladder Meridian of
Foot-Taiyang(足太阳膀胱经), from where it reaches to the Foot-Shaoyin Meridian. Significant Points of the Urinary Bladder Meridian of Foot-Taiyang.(足太阳膀胱经重点穴)