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• 叶问一家逃到香港后日子过得很惨淡,开馆第八天还是没有人来学拳, 楼下大妈开
始借叶问租的天台晒衣服……直到第九天,黄晓明扮演的黄粱,一身牛仔服装, 背着包上来找叶问,这身造型相当时尚啊,呵呵,不用说一定是先被叶问“教育” 了一顿,接着第二天黄带着释小龙等一众人上来,(这段动作设计的还是很不错 的),关于收学费的那段还是很搞笑的,后来嘛,不用说,叶问有了第一批徒弟, 可是徒弟越来越多,学费却没收到多少,都是些苦孩子,没什么钱,一天黄在张 贴传单的时候与洪金宝扮演的洪拳宗师洪震南大徒弟发生争执,而打了起来,一 对一接着一对多,后来被截到了鱼市场,叶问单人去营救,这段视屏早已被曝光, 不做多说,个人觉得不是非常完美,特写用得太多,中长镜头太少凸显不了动作 风格,后来樊少皇扮演的金山找赶来,一看是叶问就赶紧停下来,看来金山找被 叶问打觉悟了,洪震南此时带一大帮人来,那气场也之后洪金宝才有的,很有气 氛,接着洪金宝与叶问结下梁子,由于有很多人跟洪吃饭,洪不得不向洋人低头, 答应帮助洋人搭建西洋拳赛,谁知却没有钱分,为了生计洪只有忍,叶问如洪之 约来到茶楼比武,
剧情介绍( Plot )
• 画面一开始是叶问1的结局,甄子丹扮演的叶问被日本 人开枪打中了肩部,任达华扮演的周清泉开车带叶问一家 逃到香港,镜头一转,序幕了,那是一个下着雨的老式香 港天台,颇有写意境诗意的感觉,接着是我的偶像,丹哥 打着木人桩,开始出题目,叶问2宗师传奇……
• 咏春战猴拳,八卦掌,洪拳必将成为动作电影史上的经典,不做多说, 自己欣赏,不过那段洪战叶的快拳却让我想起了《功夫》里梁小龙打周 星驰,而此次决战未果,叶也拒绝向洪缴纳会费,他却不知道这是为了 打点洋人,后来洪给了叶几张西洋拳赛的门票,洋人的嚣张看不起中国 武术接着一再打伤我中国拳师,终于激怒了洪叶,两位师傅,二洪站出 来与之比武的场面是全局最让人揪心的,“为生活我可以忍,但侮辱中 国武术就不行”随着这话的说出,洪叶深深地震撼了叶问,尽管所有的 人看着洪一次又一次地被打到,却还死死地抓住围绳,最后终于因受不 了重拳而倒地……洪的死让叶问觉得自己该担起这个责任,不能让自己 的国家,自己的人民遭到如此侮辱,终于他决定向西洋拳王挑战!这段 我也不说因为说得太细就失去了观影的神秘感与观影的欲望。
bleak, no learn boxing, downstairs, through the leaves began
points to only endure living Hung, Yip Man, such as the about to flood to the restaurant contest, this war makes monkey Wing Chun, Ba Gua Zhang, Fist will become a classic action movie history, do not do to say, their appreciation, but that period of rapid leaf Hung fist fight made me think of "Kung Fu Hustle "Li Liang Xiaolong hit Stephen Chow, and the unsuccessful battle and leaves also refused to pay their contributions to the flood, he did not know that it is to dot the foreigners, then flood to the leaf a few boxing event tickets, arrogant foreigners look down on Chinese martial arts Then again injured my Chinese boxer, and finally infuriated Hung Yeh, two masters, two stand out flood scene is a global contest with the most people gripping it, "I can endure for life, but an insult to the Chinese martial arts on the impossible" with the with these words to say, deeply shocked Hong Ye Ye ask, even though all of them looked at again and again been hit Hung, are still tightly grasped the ropes, and finally could not stand heavy blows which fell due to ... ... the death of Hung Yip feel to take up this responsibility that can not allow his country, his people were so insulted, and finally he decided to challenge the Western boxer! I do not say this because that too will lose the concept of thin film of mystery and viewing desires.
The start screen is the outcome of Ip 1, Ip Man Donnie Yen plays a shot in the shoulder by the Japanese, Simon Yam plays Zhou Qingquan drove fled to Hong Kong, Yip Man, a lens of a turn, off, and that Hong Kong is a rainy day in the old roof, feeling rather poetic mood to write, then is my idol, Dange name of wooden dummy, start a topic, the legendary master Yip Man