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目录1.适用范围............................................................. 错误!未定义书签。
2.作业准备 (1)2.1技术准备 (1)2.2人员配备 (1)2.3物资、设备准备 (2)2.4施工现场准备 (2)2.5试验准备 (2)3.技术要求 (2)4.施工程序与工艺流程 (5)4.1施工程序 (5)4.2施工工艺流程 (6)5.施工要求 (9)5.1永久支座安装 (9)5.2墩旁临时支座及支撑施工 (10)5.3 0#段施工 (11)5.3.1墩旁托架搭设、预压 (11)5.3.2安装底模,设置预拱度 (11)5.3.3 外侧模安装、固定 (12)5.3.4 绑扎底板、腹板、横隔板钢筋,设置预应力筋 (13)5.3.5 立内模 (13)5.3.6绑扎顶板钢筋 (13)5.3.7安装端模 (13)5.3.8浇筑混凝土 (13)5.3.9张拉压浆 (13)5.3.10混凝土施工要点 (14)5.4 悬臂浇筑段施工 (14)5.4.1挂篮设计 (14)5.4.2挂篮拼装 ............................................ 错误!未定义书签。
5.4.3挂篮静载试验 (16)5.4.4梁段循环施工 ..................................... 错误!未定义书签。
5.4.5挂篮走行 (17)5.4.6施工注意事项 (17)5.5边跨直线段施工 (18)5.6合龙段施工 (19)5.6.1模板安装 (19)5.6.2合龙段施工方法 (19)5.6.3预力钢筋束张拉顺序 (20)5.6.4合拢梁段施工关键控制环节 (20)5.7梁体混凝土养护 (21)5.7.1梁体顶面养护 ..................................... 错误!未定义书签。
5.7.2梁体内部养护 ..................................... 错误!未定义书签。
附件:1、泰安市第四届“争当小实验家”科学体验活动获奖选手名单2、泰安市第四届“争当小实验家”科学体验活动优秀辅导教师名单3、泰安市少儿科普工作先进个人名单4、泰安市第四届“争当小实验家”科学体验活动优秀组织奖名单共青团泰安市委泰安市教育局泰安市少工委二○一○年四月八日附件1:泰安市第四届少年儿童“争当小实验家”科学体验活动获奖人员名单小学组金奖(共214名)泰安市实验学校(15名)刘懿博许茜吴晨光王玉婕沈禧龙李龙祺薛怡汝于小荷严晓音王雪昉高晓荷岳天慈曹嘉木秦川周天祎泰安师范附属学校(21名)陈宗源杨晓萌杨潇宇周子欣陆相儒吴舜文梁俊潇张延臣赵瀚林闫弘乾邵龙然朱泽雨孙钟书周东一李迅哲王乐山崔诗淼诸葛源倪凯源聂鑫磊王安迪泰山外国语学校(6名)付婧雯梁子豪程德政梁惟顺苏子沛刘柯含泰山区(7名)张瑞雪赵玉泽王致元左子懿张兆晗康润泽李婧扬岱岳区(2名)聂沛霖刘昊新泰市(25名)丁鸿扬韩烨郝俊杰吴甲旺孙真孙玉龙刘子昂刘至真李修文刘子杰王旭时佰倩李光耀杨帆郅慧赵玉轩孔凯乐田远卓张元飞任俊儒曹昊李笃辰陈乔昇丁逸飞赵子烁肥城市(65名)张德宇葛乐晋刘克董啸林李小宁王心舒邓文睿赵传祥王坦蕾宋清华石逸群孟家乐赵安琪孙梦钰王守旗王金尚辛海洋付忠豪张紫晗刘子康庞立乾许寰昊陈天蕾张义暄刘静轩王艳琪阴健坤王雨辰朱秋名梁千儒刘慧伶陈可心孙铁珉国春晖颜晓阳张雅斐王欣瑞孟彤彤王心琦傅浩赵梦晓于晓涵孙甲瑞吕帅群车天莹张珂欣王驷骐李张睿罗鑫华赵志贤王续康李锦涛张甲政栾笑田逸飞赵依然张业欣顾博文吕大雯李传祥梅明阳张晓宁何明惠魏书艺欧阳安泰宁阳县(72名)郭琪王焕宇王乐辰宁尚鹏许峥毛上瑞刘晨董瑶孙鲁桐赵婕顾呈浩刘骞一李益欣徐校张宇彤赵凯旋訾彤彤于鑫乐朱哲源王泽源王洋洋卢思远孔祥栋张慧敏陈博文桑鹏飞王国浩周广远范文聪齐佳武英爽孙丙月于建华桑怡琳张梦真单铮李晓腾路叶郁文妍栾晓艺王一翔梁志远崔成妲宁晓晗赵雨萱赵国璋杜敏聪张倩颜思远孟邵琦刘宁宁宿毓馨蒋粲奕吴泽旭王俊祥吴成龙吴昊张琦李晓娟王泽源刘颂媛周振宇崔一琦柳绪梁杜政李岩孔昊王昭顺李云开张雨萌王腾飞张瑞兴东平县(1名)傅浩小学组银奖(共350名)泰安市实验学校(47名)王知非石文龙韩光一王善成袁晓钰齐烨栗云昊巩君淘孔心缘黄博涵张涵琦公林溶史乐凡杨浩威李世钰杨昊然张宇鹏孙靖人张旭冉马仁涛贾乐凡安琪黄哲钰孙从容刘浩天李倜龙毕晨晓陈博文吴欣洋董宜达李俊贤张予晗孟真赵瑞卓陈飞帆张曦源房歌菲夏庆雨梁优嘉刘亚樵李梦雪马婕妤禹翔高天宇刘振宇郑亚文石李宇洋泰安师范附属学校(32名)汪嘉林张梦泽赵向荣刘家翼李博文郭英璐张晓蕾杨若霖付皓天刘晓秦赵子健张汐宇陈卓羿徐连齐房凯刘小龙丁冠凯关心雨周家浩孙启航张浩然王乐垚张翔刘西泉孙智颜国天琪李芷欣程文琦尹清扬李子傲张楷悦王麒阁泰山外国语学校(6名)黄岩高慧韩子琦赵洋范克强段昌一泰山区(12名)秦川刘天健路甲一郭沛宇赵宇轩巩人杰刘文瑄梁子文刘云浩李宝岱卢昊王凡岱岳区(4名)李晓飞尹智赵学旭李凯伦新泰市(31名)王进邵长志贾皓张壮匡希文徐西晋刘启隆陈聪卢玉涵曹淑洁刘延梦王琦曲志超夏雨刘睿林王公正高晨旭王旭刘雅涵梁子豪陈亮孔强路雅璇高璐徐浩沈雨蒙王云飞李文治李鸿渐曹子铭王康肥城市(110名)李旭葛英利张昊天路惠媛宋衍民李奇睿李志昊张晓通贾立龙雷舒宁刘云霄张明珠张吉康辛培栋宋洪浩刘仕如李庆进辛浩然王品择贾真李陈龙刘庆学梁世博张婧楠孟浩然苏泊月崔博涵裴雪晴张京萌刘萧旭李英坤李明虎武文聪刘明梓杨欣瑞吕文卓辛显伟傅彤虎王子梁郭宗伟胡懋睿明诗漫张菁泓赵睿智张伟昭李鉴桥王孟承徐克张雨晨贺新宇李夏彤王百川武靖奇王坦翔李家豪张卉婧李鸿宇阴晓晴李一凡张堃钰张庆皓刘锦鹏张云凯王秋妍尹贻冬马仕龙吴永昊于淑雯孙润州陈志铭李广昱姜润泽伦增辉侯铭言杨天琪孟晓璐洪玉健付振元段学宇何翔宇袁天萌李方舟高明睿刘煜玺孙力鑫陈薪厚王瑞琦刘小钰郭世诚阴梦岩牛灿玉李伯仲辛紫麒胡朝威李逸斐何聪雷雪松尹凯鑫付德煜亓秋硕张铭宇杨浩然王文渊王浩峰姜旭锐郑旭萌朱子倩付绳栋王一凡王芳玉琦宁阳县(108名)杨乐琪王浩源朱晓凯潘雯鑫张培哲张治任睿娴郭孟硕李玥刘玉昊姚大智冯芷萱朱浩东王朔闫峻张鑫雨赵婧媛杨泰宁张月倪文晰刘胜楠史可新李宏超钱燕婷程子健张傲男刘致远刘硕朱宏业孔嘉蕊李浩文刘晨昊王浩曹云晴于海洋崔慧辰王金瑞王天佑杨克轩房润臣朱雯雨巩睿束雪馨赵恺悦宋帆董莱阳胡昊臻胡爽许婧胡一帆王海晨赵晗王晓璇王一飞刘文策吴桐朱志威于晓钰赵文珠孔祥宇刘雅静许思齐张彤刘绍锐刘茂瑞高益辰毛宁朱晓燕王焉然刘盖豪王一帆杜铮朱明媚冯令昊彭国梁郑志豪许金钊田文静张婧如张一帆刘哲赵起森王瑾刘梓聪李建辉靳晓萱郭铭杰安慰任佑天刘梦娇黄莹王靖涵董可昕李宁岳松焦朵薛传新刘兆丰张靖伟吴天宇耿化翔李路颜廷琦屈卓然刘孟徐伟豪朱晓涵沈澳小学组铜奖(共363名)泰安市实验学校(26名)王海容宋泽宇尹贻然谷辰辰杨心悦孙方中杨东哲袁欣玥郭彤阳梁广正吴柯萱陆禹彤贾亭亭马俊恺高正柴心怡张明新律怡璠崔湘炜杜亦非李念仪陈彦含郭天宇徐一鹏薛斐王锦程泰安师范附属学校(48名)乔福睿仇德浩张一鸣张瀚文贾学伟王明新吴熙昊田珉正李成杰张志浩王紫琪刘雨森张凝郭振洋黄文博王子瑞赵树南王博渊赵靖含杨柳宫雨桐万正豪赵千喜陈衍晶周玉江李昂肖嘉宁郑欣科陈学敏李星雨孔岳张懿李佳晟翟一诺李清政田永兴况宗昊尚进王韵琳郭翰文陈卓周文宇贾楠聂佳文孟笑如韩牧野陈绍楷李成杰泰山外国语学校 (3名)李一俊刘浩铭陈高明泰山区(19名)许肖炜张向旭刘庆棠戚馨雨张宇昌赵文清董淇溟宋子一邱文睿董瑄李年龙洪文旭刘子豪李佳棋葛牧川王欣于佑祯李宝诚李欣雨岱岳区(4名)戚宪勇梁广正张文宇杨昊新泰市(19名)吴欣雨马骏驰马铭瑞穆青陈炳卓曹丙璇李昕陈雨晴孟慧杨天畅于小凡刘倩鸾曹正阳冯加营刘卓卢轶童王子璇臧远方东野圣尧肥城市(113名)颜家瑞雷晓恒路富强邱雯雁耿卓群孟超郭宏宇孟庆帧雷苗苗杨晓昕王兴淼王皓玥刘轶菁刘永正宋丽宸董啸宇安昕琦侯庆欣史晓张紫东赵儒哲张方浩王振奇马鸿翔魏雅雯李泽岳王怡平史雨婷李建璋张翱男张梓宣陈晓洋郝嘉伟张龙振张铭祺肖亚宁刘恩达崔文哲李子豪孙传昊邵晶雨刘浩东尉子谦冉玮浩姚谊华徐兴乾李晓童雷晓冉李和兴赵丹丹王亚特段晓雯武涵聪刘子怡翟啸涵何昊睿付文豪张珂欣邵子康赵学洋葛广鑫杨凯竣尹懋臻段新睿李翰正胡欣悦王静怡翟龙娇范书琦张庆淼尚大任雷晓达高亚茹李奇睿张政康赵吉彦张慧雯王凌云王梓莘张梦洁姬哲郭艳艳杜善荣尹紫莹尹懋梓徐月圆王光哲张陈岩于天乐张雨凝李子辉史登辉孟伟坪刘思源彭汝昊李书琴桑晓宁杨圣达邓子琦董华龙宋家琪张凌志于庆珂宋若松尹晓睿张孝炎邸传鲁杨子玉张纪栋马凯赵令政陈步鹏赵文宵宁阳县(130名)孔一帆马若晨马进刘凯刘晓璐靳晓萱刘昭庚王格吴诗寒于佳鑫李汶洛李鸿哲李伟翔桑园园杨绍航刘千娇张增辉马佳男李文通张恒臻郑澳谦刘明宇刘章良武雨汐张安奇张玉玺刘泽楠薛沐辉张文晶李诗恒王筱菡张庆扬马翔宇曹晓懿朱自诚何海洋纪元闫晓璐丛壮方启航许晓雪秦诚胡庆叶杨浩然黄思源刘志丹杨蕴珊史珂意薛珂刘睿赵雅坤贾文程张迪陈璇韩佳宁张聪丛连晟蒋家杨李源蒋家然王继中谭奇张庆仁侯衍卿宁宵阳王晨亮侯敏朱天瑞朱明聪刘凌瑞程令通刘汝雷刘凌霄李爽李澳刘晋东刘舒同朱晓萱武丽晴王姗姗刘宇昂李娅婷赵文瑞殷成志郑天啸薛心茹朱业锐柳亚楠宁志朋陈尚昊张宇翔柳昭琰李昌哲姜朋崔立峰施震王逸涵周学佳朱泽德苏畅李睿智张琨王士彪宁昭洋王程张士奇赵骁腾程霖茜杨逸飞马猛李安然高文远殷孟玥郑梦瑶张天蔚孟子鸣刘少可楮文杰黄敏越徐子璇颜明珠马超越李选孟一凡刘祉彗刘鑫禹刘霄刘清顺吴琦刘福民东平县(1名)侯庆欣初中组金奖(共88名)泰山学院附属中学(1名)位雪莲泰山博文中学( 25名)韩春阳王朋李艺萌部蕾聂纪磊孙飞尹超徐文淑王金刚李秉贞彭清源王辰徐晓彬李丽于文旭王子豪许启帆张荣遨郑贤马季刘少帅杜培源张安鑫任睿捷孙奉洲泰安市东岳中学 (8名)孙昊翟源清张海超赵玉洁丁家豪(物理) 武新宇高天元丁家豪(化学)泰安市第六中学(2名)周涵钱强泰山实验中学(1名)李文骥泰安第十二中学 (3名)施良柴宏芹李国瑞岱岳良庄镇第二中学 (1名)赵朋宁阳金桥学校 (8名)董鹏黄晓峰刘志刚朱鹏飞孔维红张玉珍李东冉高骁肥城市实验中学 (12名)刘璐璇靳君李东琪杨延栋杨延栋王彤孙晓阳李新宇王彦晗郝铭武化文王若琳肥城市龙山中学(21名)田东旭王萧娜王鑫李佳浩辛瑞马千里汪梦媛张新宇胡梦颖李文斐王子秦张华都国天香李文琪石智王文康赵而乐姜政鑫辛娜王灿武佳肥城市白庄矿学校(3名)阴远宁邱德馨袁靖茹肥城市孙伯中学 (3名)张林林马腾李洋初中组银奖(128名)泰山学院附属中学(2名)李毓川位雪莲泰山博文中学(34名)陈运增张宗健赵淑贞郭美君袁洪超姜枢朱宝来杨文成李琪朱延鑫王胜男辛阳张晶王树法苗志强赵彤彤于子健王心畅李凯迪谢甜甜邵传斌陈可新蔡旭柳玉杨徐广明宁廷奇段云志张帅郑黎明陈琦张岳郎平倪传鹏吕方舟泰安东岳中学(9名)宋文清张澍婷刘文静曹瑞王晓丹董睿智蔡定坤丛明浩牛轲泰安第六中学(2名)高心武赵婧琳泰山实验中学 (3名)石志鑫孙畅张瑞泰安第十二中学(2名)陈伟周建印岱岳区汶口镇柏子中学(1名)袁金浩岱岳区汶口一中 (1名)焦越岱岳区范镇第一中学 (1名)宫晓晓岱岳区粥店中学 (1名)孟奇宁阳金桥学校 (12名)王培龙宁晓王晨晨王倓柳宏泰范哲范旭东徐肖慧孔令龙田志王浩陈胜英宁阳第十二中学(1名)梁道阳肥城市龙山中学 (42名)武琨王帅帅朱荣华杜松昊李潇涵刘宸桑潇张穆心王尚彦陈宝兴武文志梁作舜桑晓郝木真赵倩茹栾宏宇周旭辉齐国栋王维康有昊轩顾文扬崔凯雯孙宏宇刘乐群乔丽媛张悦林茂源侯文佳王丹阳田雨鑫张昊杜现瑞艾玉鑫高善文付振哲于晨曦张欣悦马俊彦李甲一孙童张业彬王贺玉肥城市实验中学( 8名)杜鑫陈世远张月胡中慧黄宏章张晓源聂伟一马文佳肥城市白庄矿学校 ( 8名)孙子昕李雪婷王承嵩吕龙程刘晓航刘宗辉贾立飞程宇龙肥城市孙伯中学( 1名)蒋永晓初中组铜奖(115名)泰山学院附属中学 (1名)黄紫钗泰山博文中学(39名)高敏孙桐徐岩岩张晓嶶张宇恒程玉叶任晓晴孔庆帅纪文静马玉印何大川王锐群李雪飞张开民王绍辉陈明霖尹昊肖文轩王会浩李彦陈瑞徐晓林张晓龙李硕田朔张锐李淦董斌陈程昊袁昊贺金聃徐文晴李惠娟崔灿尹真贾培培于珊珊刘仲昱管晓瑜泰安市第六中学 (3名)霍文婷张萌韩钰泽泰安东岳中学 (5名)梁楠宋青蔚郑志明徐锐韩天霄泰安第十二中学 (1名)张赫岱岳区满庄镇一中 (1名)李国庆宁阳金桥学校(7名)顾世新王衍忠褚存张枭王兆彬吴蕊郑瑞肥城市龙山中学( 48名)闫凡昊张隆昊巩雪李润晗王曦武梦航刘憬雨谢琮孙晓茹王小雨张德朋梁艺栋马兴展李元昌冯琳曹瑞张金妍张文鹤许鑫汪艳菊郝小雅张瑶李雪松于晶瑞汪顺达李娜刘晨光石志存孙悦王舒婕聂鑫晶丛子政孔德元张婉莹张正桑雪芹李晓楠孟晓彤董兴陈康肖珊珊王娟张乐群鲍文昭牛余龙刘福瑞阴启峰梁冉越新肥城市实验中学( 7名)夏庆林李昊赵文斌鲍敏李子业辛承泽张睿肥城市白庄矿学校( 3名)李响唐玉福张璐璐附件2:泰安市第四届“争当小实验家”科学体验活动优秀辅导教师名单(共146名)付长庆马建强张海峰杨勇刘娜韩磊卫成峰胡锦芳任丽高兴伟刘春明贾同斌韩庆新张化荣田澍李海燕李开杰冯甲伟华西东孙振李培忠张君刘长婧谷振文王加伟朱玉国李栋李文明李代安赵学兵侯爱芝冯燕莉张峰李玲贾雪鹏田晓君高宁付琛赵传军周长存周宁宁冉志强仉鹏李思平杜雪艳邵长德冯维李胜利侯红梅范军卫王开亮郭新玲栾红朱成鹏殷海勇魏庆文李正国高衍玲蔡茂乾杨桂芹李小雪乔新民尚念奉侯晓燕赵长俊武心波王芳王广军尹岩丁继强王忠诚魏晓范丽芹王敏吕成俊刘朋朋刘岩石鹏曹文连尹冬梅张悦穆花王磊高涛华胡波李健王加伟纪勇付长靖李念苏明明刘静朱爱花李海燕齐云山国吉友刘瑾王首军潘寅刘海彬李忠范玉红国秀丽宿金霞王继业徐辉沈开栋周霏雯张增昭王剑孔慧宋洪春王文超李利李岚张前程聂庆林李爱萍王传峰宁尚钦刘艳张诣李峰刘汝平王富安吕长征毕晶张正昆孔清张继明王攀黄修来赵鹏宿超平民张卫华董涛梁辉王汝峰李国涛刘宾周文斌赵凡军李海清李腾刘美霞泰安市少儿科普工作先进个人名单(共19名)赵红霞夏光山董仲艳毕静杨超张连兵宋涛贾同斌王玉成张绪文梁红星许东振刘月霞王学东安涛李伟邹秀丽王怀勇李勇泰安市第四届“争当小实验家”科学体验活动优秀组织奖名单(共12名)泰安市实验学校泰安师范附属学校新泰市汶城实验小学泰山博文中学肥城市河西小学肥城师范附属小学肥城市白庄矿学校肥城市龙山小学宁阳县实验小学宁阳金桥学校宁阳华阳双语学校宁阳县第一小学泰安市第四届“争当小实验家”科学体验活动示范校名单(共4名)泰安市第一实验学校新泰市第一实验小学宁阳现代学校肥城市龙山中学。
2、工作单位和姓名:工作单位中文请写全称,如“国防科技大学计算机学院”,而不是简写为“国防科大计算机学院”,双字姓名中加空格,如“张三”,姓名拼音的写法为“WANG He-ping”“GAO Hong”,城市名拼音的写法为“Changsha”。
3、摘要:按照GB 6447-86《文摘编写规则》的要求撰写。
英文摘要中不出现“In the paper”等表达方式。
(2)关键词应按照GB 3860—1995《文献叙词标引规则》,尽量从《汉语主题词表》等词表中选用规范词;未被词表收录的新学科、新技术中的重要术语和地区、人物、文献、产品及重要资料名称,也可作为关键词标出。
区别en和eng的汉字en 恩=蒽4=摁1=嗯。
eng 鞥1(马缰)。
cen 参(参差)。
ceng 曾=噌1=嶒2(崚嶒)=蹭4。
chen 辰=晨=宸2。
cheng 成=诚=城=盛=宬2(皇帝的藏书室)=铖2(人名)=晟2(姓)。
den 扽4(用力拉)。
gen 艮3=根=跟=哏2=茛4(毛茛)。
geng 更=埂3=哽3=梗3=鲠3=绠3(井绳)。
hen 很=痕=狠=恨。
ken 肯=啃=掯4(压迫,强迫)。
keng 坑=吭。
nen 恁2(那,那么)。
neng 能。
pen 喷。
sen 森。
seng 僧。
shen 申=伸=呻=绅=珅=砷=神=审=婶=谉(同审)。
sheng 生=牲=笙=甥=眚3=胜。
reng 扔=仍=礽2(福)其他的都读作ren。
zen 怎。
(30分)lǜtǎn sǎtuōyīshang lǐmào jīn piāo dài wǔ()()()()()yōu yǎfúàn dān bóchóu yuàn cuìsèyùliú()()()()()bào yuàn qīng tīng zāo gāo yōu lǜxiōng yǒng péng pài ()()()()()páo xiào sǎng zi yōng dài shāyǎqiān jūn yífà()()()()()cāi cèkūwěi shāmòcíchǎng jiàn bánǔzhāng ()()()()()gēda píjuàn jǔsàng chōu tìwēi fēng lǐn lǐn ()()()()()二、把词语补充完整,并按要求填空。
新建南沿江城际铁路工程监理NYJJL-4标段工艺性试验监理实施细则编制:审核:审批:上海天佑工程咨询有限公司南沿江铁路监理站二零一九年四月目录第一章总则 (1)第二章组织机构 (1)第三章适用范围及工作重点 (2)第四章工作内容及程序 (3)第五章工作职责 (5)第六章监理工作措施 (9)第七章考核 (9)一、总则团有限公司建设项目工艺性试验指导意见》的通知”为落实“关于公布《中国铁路上海局集上铁建〔2018〕9号文件精神,特制定本细则,目的如下:1.建立监理站工艺试验管理组织,明确职责分工,加强路基填筑、地基处理、基桩试桩、桥梁施工等项目的先行段、试验段的管理;2.制定监理站工艺试验管理流程,规范工艺试验工序流程各环节监理工作方式;3.明确监理站工艺试验工作内容,严格把控工艺试验施工过程的各项工作,保证工艺试验成效,进而保证推广过程中工程施工质量。
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齐国在齐桓公伐楚前后的公元前656 年开始称霸诸侯;公元前632 年前后,晋国在城濮之战中打败了楚国,晋文公的霸业兴起,到了公元前597 年,晋国和楚国为争霸又发生了之战,结果楚胜晋败,从此晋国的霸业中衰,而楚庄王的霸业兴起。
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Analysis of Satan in the Bible-An Ugly Devil to a Rebellious Hero 浅议《圣经》中的撒旦-丑陋的恶魔到反叛英雄的飞跃学院:郑州大学升达经贸管理学院专业:商用英语学号:2007067611姓名:曹雪导师:张俊敏完成时间:2011-4-20郑重声明本人的学位论文是在导师指导下独立撰写并完成的,学位论文没有剽窃、抄袭等违反学术道德、学术规范的侵权行为,否则本人愿意承担由此产生的一切法律责任和法律后果,特此郑重声明。
学位论文作者(签名)年月日Abstract:Satan, has always been a focus in Paradise, the complexity of Satan stimulates people think about his image from distinct angles. Satan, being regarded as an opponet with the God in the Western culture,is the most typical symbol of all negative force. However, Satan plays a role in the Paradise Lost,for fighting as a rebellious hero.But tring to change the core of the ancient God.This study points out his native features of evil through the analysis of his degeneration. Although Satan is defeated in degeneration eventually,the sympathy of Milton decorates him with a tragic keynote deeply.Key words: Satan, Paradise Lost, devil, rebellious hero摘要:长时期以来,《《失乐园》》中的撒旦一直是人们关注的焦点,其形象的复杂性激发人们从不同角度进行阐释。
关键词:撒旦;《《失乐园》》;魔鬼;叛逆的英雄Contents Abstract (i)中文摘要 (i)Contents (ii)1.Brief introduction of the Bible (1)2.An ugly Devil to a Rebellious Hero (2)2.1 The origin of the Degenerate Figure (2)2.1.1 Satan in the Bible (2)2.1.2 The Meaning of devil Satan (3)2.2 A Devil to a Hero (3)2.2.1 The Devil in the Bible (3)2.2.2 The Hero in the Paradise Lost (7)2.2.3 The Degeneration of the Hero (8)3. The Theoretical and Social Value of This Study (9)3.1 The Theoretical Value (9)3.2 The Social Value (10)4. Conclusion (10)Bibliography (12)1. Brief Introduction of the BibleThe brief introduction of the Bible. The origin of the Bible. How does th e Bible come? It comes from the god. The god moves people in his regards by the Holy Spirit, asking people to take down by words, which is called implying. ''Jehovah is always saying this''; This saying is often used by forecast, aiming at admonishing people and asking them know what he has said is not his own, but the god's. He is only a spokesperson. The adherent of the Jesus also says that what they have say are not the origin of the brainpower of the people, but the indoctrination of the god. The Jesus also tell people that you can refer to the Bible because of the immortal feeling existing in your hearts, It is the Bible that gives me this evidence. Our forfathers insists on that the permission is relable, without the permission of the god, nobody can write this great Bible. The earlist Bible is wrotten in sheepskin, people who writes it specially are called the scholars, who copy and write them carefully; if there is any doubt, the eary papers would be torn and restarted. The scholars have to read every words loudly before they begin to write, aiming at preventing even an error only. When copying the name of the god, the scholars must wash themselves through, so as not to humiliate the names of the gods. What is more, they have to wipe the writing brush with great respect then begin to write before they write any word or sentence that juat refesr to the pseudonym, such as the Wise man. The new handwritten coky would be compared with the old one once it is fuiflled, if there is any distinction, the whole copy will be destroyed. Now concerning about the narrators of the Bible. The Bible is made up of the inspiration of more than fifty narrtors, adding up to about a thousand and sisty years, that is to say from a thousand and fifty years before the god to a ninety—seven years after the god. The satas of the narrators include the monarch, the sacrifice, the prophet, the warrior ,the person who takes the taxation, the herdsman, the fisherman, the doctor, the apostle, the man of letters and ate. Diffenent positions decide distinct spots of writings, however, what is written about the writers is totally identical, namely, there is not even a contradictory or a conflict from the beginning to the end. As we all know that the Bible is composed of the Old Testament and the New Testment, the Old Testamen t is made of thirty volumes and the New Testment is twenty seven ones, adding up to sisty ones. The Bible is beginning with The Genesis, that is regarded as a territory full of seeds.It is the beginning of the truth, the origin of the river of the life, and the root of the tree of the life, The Moses Law is the basis of the thoroughfare of the rescue. The history is the preview of the Kingdom of Heaven, predicting the Christ will take the place of the King David. The poem will teach a person some wit and enlighten him. The Prophets is the prophesy of the second coming and the first one of the Christ. The Gospels records the Salvation, aiming at recording the growth of the Church. The Revelation prophesies the arrival of the country of the Christ. The main idea of the Bible is The Jesus Christ, who is the show of the god. The whole Bible is an evidence of the Jesus and the Jesus teachs a person to accept the Salvation. The Cross is the centre of the Bible, the Cross is the end of the history of the degeneration of the people . The love of the god is expressed by the Cross, the Salvation is completed in the front of the Cross. The Cross is the end of the good and the evil: the hate of the people ,the love of the god , the evil of the people and the justice of the god, all of those will be neutralized in the front of the god. The chapters and section of the Bible is marked by the year of a thousand and two hundred and thirty -six by the Komitet. By the year of 1551, the Bible is marked by professor Lawrence Robert, It is said that he is a printer originally.2. An ugly Devil to a Rebellious Hero2.1 The Origin of the Degenerate Figure2.1.1 Satan in the BibleSatan is a rebellious hero in the Paradise Lost from a devil in the Bible. The Fallen Angels Satan in the Bible is a six -seraph in the front of the god, who is an angels opposed of the god of Jehovah, taking in charge of setting up temptation, lately, he degenerates into a devil. Then he is a resource of evil and darkness that against the luminosity. ( Satan is regarded as the greatest deity by the oldest religious school of the Satan school, Satan is not only the god but also the nature, the power and the whole.) The word" Satan" is from the the language of Hebrew, referring to enemy, coming to the earth at the period of Deuteronomy. While there is not an special meaning in the moral field. When in The Book of the Job, Satan becomes a concretefigure, an angel in the palace of the Jehovah. ( It is said that Satan is the son of the God.) Satan has become a chieftain with transnatural power against of the the God. What makes people surprise most is that Satan is not as a figure full of anger against of the oppression and enslavement of the Babylon and etc.The degenerate angel in the Bible ( or going by the name of depraved angel Satan ), as a Fallen Angel, who is always as a rebellious figure, and who is a six-alas angel led by the God, being responsible of laying aside in the man's world.Finally, Satan degenerates and turns into a devil, being regarded as a source of evil and being opposed of luminosity and justice.( Satan is thought of the greatest deity in the conventional Satan school. Not only Satan is a god ,but also he is a omniscience,consisting of the Nature and the energy.)2.1.2 The Meaning of Devil SatanThe word Satan that from the Hebrew means adversary, the brilliant emissary and etc. Satan has its peculiar name in the'' Tower by Leonard Hector'' of Judaism and in the Old Testament, however, he is only a mark in the New Testament. The devil Satan, a wrong concept all through the world, is concerned about the misdirection of the Christianity on purpose. The premier visualization in the Tower by Leonard Hector is near to an angel who tests all the believes of the human being. He, according to the decree of the God, giving all the human catastrophe and temptation, resulting in that the sin of the human being that comes from the evil spirits in the Hell. Satan, a figure with two dual figure: tempter and prosecutor, not only tempting those human being who have uncertain believes, but also prosecuting the evil of the human being in the end of the world. However, the figure of Satan has been replaced by Lucifer after the risen of the Christianity, at the same time, the behaviour that he has originally has already replaced by Lucifer, and also becomes a code name from the designated. Satan is a serpent in the Tower by Leonard Hector and his figure is not a evil spirit before the New Testament of the Bible written by the church in Rome.2.2 A devil to a Hero2.2.1 The Devil in the BibleWe have to admit that the impassioned words said by the devil Satan have powerful strength, all of those can be regarded as his outer behavor of trick and hypocrisy. In order to uglify the figure of Satan, the narrator has already made every effort, such as Satan has been stood out by the narrator some times later after the opening of a show: whatever you are suffering or dealing with, doing good works is not our task but doing bad works is our only pleasure. Therefore this item is exactly. The narrator also sets aside a surrounding that Satan meets with his family, moreover, the conference of all the evil spirits in the Pandaemoniumd set aside by the narrator. All of the other nameless members have shrunk into "dwarfs" except Satan and his other members. Because the palace is not so enough that can leave gigantic space for tens of thousands of evil spirits, resulting ludicrous consequence. Satan has began to shift the responsibility onto the human being from the third chapter, and all of his evil nature is completely bared there and then. Howevver, all of the figure of Satan before is prejudiced in certain degree, however, there is another view in Paradise Lost of John Milton.John Milton, one of the greatest poets, thinkers, statesmen, and political commentators of England during the English bourgeois and revolution. He was born in a family of notary and was in a new day of progressive ideas in his youth, disgusting feudal thought and the corruption of the church. Then Milton plunges into the revolution, participates the work of the revolution, composes the work of the government of the revolution, and then publishes several books: Areopagitica, Defence of the English People, and etc. The popularity of all the essay makes the works of Milton burn down and he himself put in prison, however, he is still always insisting on the standpoint of revolution. The Paradise Lost, Paradise Regained, Samson Agonistes. Paradise Lost is Milton's masterpiece. Before its composition, he has had the subject before his mind for a quarter of a century, and made some drafts about the characters and plot. It is a long epic in twelve books, written in blank verse. The stories were taken from the Old Testament: the creation in Heaven of Satan and his fellow-angels; their defeat and expulsion from Heaven; the creation of the earth and of Adam and Eve; the fallen angels in hell plotting against God; Satan's temptation of Eve; and Eve from Eden. The great-looking Satan leaves the readers much impression: he, being worn "yellow sand jinjia", a sword around his waist, a large shield on his back, an lance in his hand, burly figure, and with an dignity like a monarch. Therefore, he can fly or enter earth, dive body deformation, and also with a look of melancholy. Satan is an premierfigure with tragedy hero: stalwart and melancholy just as the narrator himself. Led by the freedom-loving Satan: the rebellious angels rose against God himself, but in the battle with the hosts of angels that remained true to God they were finally defeated. Satan and his followers are banished from Heaven and driven into hell. But even here in hell, amidst flames and poisonous fumes, Satan and his adherents are not discouraged. The proud of Satan is not subdued; he fearlessly withstands all agonies and passionately strives for victory. Satan chooses for his battlefield the most perfect of spots ever created by God —the Garden of Eden, where live the first man and woman, Adam and Eve, who are allowed by God to enjoy the most beauties of Paradise, provided they don't eat the fruit that grows on the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Satan desires to tear them away from the influence of God and make them tools in his struggle against God's authority. God learns of his intention, however, and sends the Archangel Raphael to warn Adam and Eve of Satan's plan. The Archangel reminds them of their vow of obedience and gives a detailed narration of Satan's rebellion in the past. Raphael goes on to relate God's creation an of the earth, heaven, and all living creatures. But on Adam's request for an explanation of the rotation of the celestial, bodies( an echo of Galileo's teachings ), Raphael advises him not to inquire into matters which do not concern him directly and leaves him. No Sooner is Raphael gone than Satan assumes the shape of a serpent and appears before Eve. He persuades her to break God's command. Eve eats an apple from the forbidden tree and plunks another one for Adam. God sees all this, and Adam and Eve, husband and wife, are both deprived of immortality, exiled from Paradise and doomed to an earthly life full of hardship and sufferings, to eat bread by "the sweat of the face." It has been noticed by many critics that the picture of God surrounded by his angels, who never think of expressing any opinions of their own, resembles the court of an absolute monarch, while Satan and his followers, who freely discuss all issues in council, bear close resemblance to a republican Parliament. This alone is sufficient to prove that Milton's revolutionary feelings made him forsake religious orthodoxy. As for the image of Satan in Paradise Lost, here is an angle. The finest thing in Paradise Lost is the description of hell, and Satan is the real hero of the poem. Like a conquered and banished giant, he remains obeyed and admired by those who follow him down to hell. He is firmer than the rest of the angels. It is always from him that deep counsels, unlooked -for resources and courageous deeds proceed. It is he who, passing the guarded gates and boundless chaos, amid so many dangers, and across somany obstacles, makes man revolt against God. Though defeated, he prevails, since he has won from God the third part of his angels, and almost all the sons of Adam. Though wounded, he triumphs, for the thunder which hit upon his head and left his heart invincible: "... What thought the field be lost?All is not lost; the unconquerable will,And study of revenge, immortal hate,And courage never to submit or yield,And what is else not to be overcome;That glory never shall his wrath or mightExtort from the terror of this arm, so lateDoubted his empire, that were low indeed,That were an ignominy and shame beneathThis downfall...”He calls on his dejected troops:"Awake, arise, or be for ever fall'n...Turning our tortures into horrid armsAgainst the Torturer...”(Liu, 2007: 109)Though feebler in force, he remains superior in nobility, since he prefers independence to happy servility, and welcomes his defeat and his torments as a glory, a liberty, and a joy: ".Farewell happy fields,Where joy for ever dwells: hail horrors, hailInfernal world, and thou profoundest HellReceive thy possessors; one who bringsA mind not to be changed by place or time.Better to reign in Hell; than serve in Heav'n. ( Liu, 2007: 109)Satan is the spirit questioning the authority of God. When he gets to the Garden of Eden, he can see no reason why Adam and Eve should not taste the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge:"... Knowledge forbidden?Suspicious, reasonless.Why should their LordEnvy them that? Can do they only standBy ignorance, is that their happy state,The proof of their obedience and their faith?...Hence I will excite their mindsWith more desire to know, and to rejectEnvious commands, invented with designTo keep them low whose knowledge might exaltEqual with gods...'' ( Liu, 2007: 109—110)2.2.2 The Hero in the Paradise LostThese are the proud and sombre political passions of the persecuted Republicans after Restoration. Milton was "of the devil without knowing it." From the abstract below, the image of Satan is exactly obvious. Satan, first of all, is an opponent of the god, and is always jealous of the status of the son of god and even asks for the privilege that places himself above all the law and the authority, however, the desire of the peculiar and complete rights of him, brought about a majority of getting-together angels. After the defeat of waging war, Satan then turn to tempting the human being who were created by the God. Satan trudges, sneaks into the Garden of Eden and even gets the ancestors of the human being to disobey the will of god by all manner of means. Here is another viewpoint that expresses the heroical figure of Satan in Paradise Lost, Satan is an iony tool of thinking highly of Satan in another degree.Satan feels that himself is a person who knows everything, as a matter of fact, he knows nothing about it. At the very beginning of Paradise Lost, the prisoner Satan have to admit that the power of God is much larger than he himself. Then he is conscious of his unreliable acknowledge in when delivering a speech in front of his army."Radical changes is horrible. But wouldn't what ...The strength of heart, predictably, up to nowThe mystery of knowledge, angelOf one mind, an imposing array of troopsUnexpected thought of being driven out?" (Mi, 1987: 380)Satan is aware of his shortage of intelligence. He admits his arrogant reaction that is from God, however, the errors of Satan is insurmountable .It is also just this spot that consists of the nature of Satan's new thoughts, that is to say, not only Satan is wrong before, but also wrong in the future. All of them know exactly that the fighting is in vain, but what's the real reason about the behaviour of Satan? It is just the shortage that are insuperable of himself to stimulate his courage, nevertheless, no matter how much disadvantage, he still decide to have a fierce fight with God, even if the result is unavoidable. Therefore, Satan begins a an unprecedented action , regarding failure as an another starting point, acknowledging the stable result in nature. "Doing evil is our only pleasure,Who opposed to us called" speaking down"Wish they were opposed to us. (Mi, 1987: 381)2.2.3 The Degeneration of the HeroTherefore the degeneration of Satan stimulate his irreconcilable and endless fighting. The heroical image of Satan has been slipped down from the third chapter. An angel of forceful nature has degenerated into a kind of a Fiend in the hell, a stooges furtively that breaking into the Garden of Eden, a despicable snooper, an ugly toad and finally becomes a completely looser, a serpent that leaves human being an ugly image, and then chews on the Bitter Ashes. More specifically, the defeat of Satan in the rebellion against the Celestial Kingdom makes Satan acknowledged that he himself is not the opponent of the God, therefore, Satan must decide to let off steam by tempting the human being, besides, he dignifies the evil doing by calling it the extension of the new fields. The evil is born with Satan, the luscious-looking of a girl touches his wicked idea, making the incest between Satan and his daughter, and have a monster full of lust and anger. However,his daughter is always imitating him, and even have many sneaks, how sickit is! The great figure of Satan then is a discount from then on. Here are some quotation for testifying his degeneration."His heart is torturing, he looks around miserably,His eyes are filled with great misery and sadness,Full of froward ignorance and stubborn hatred.Suddenly , the angel, jimuyuantiao.”(Mi, 1987: 382)In order to tempt Eve, Satan, with a greedy of staring at Eve, making Eve to praise the beauty of the figure, not only is greedy but also is flattering:Now the moon is full, the perfect light,Reflecting the vague shadows of everything of the earth--if there isnobody to stare at, all of this is in vain. The space is sleepy-eyed,If I do not stare at you, what I should look at? This is the will of theCreator,Everything is happy when looking at you, moved by your beauty,Cannot help losing himself, and looked more than one time.Satan declared that the God forbidden eating the fruit of the tree of the knowledge, because he knows once the fruit had been eaten:There you are standing is very bright,However, the real vague eyes tun into bright completely,And you will act as a spirit ,Not only can realize the good ,but also can tell the evil, knowing asmuch as what they had done.(Mi, 1520: 384)However, the stare of Satan is always tempting himself. He, just like Eve, Becoming more and more puzzled, more and more contemptuous about himself. From then on, Satan has decorated his image of idol, however, his image has turned into paltry and dark.3. The Theoretical and Social Value of This Study3.1 The Theoretical ValueIn the long history of the Western, Satan is named as an opposer of the God, with negative meaning, and is the most uppermost symbol of every evil forces. However, the complexity of his figure is the main elements of kinds of explanation among the human being. In Paradise Lost, Satan is a rebellious hero by traitorous means, trying to overthrow the ancient concept of culture surrounded by the God. Although Satan is a failure figure with a state of degeneration, however, the sympathy from John Milton leaves a thin colour of tragedy for him. Satan is a evil spirit in nature, this viewpoint is unchangeable, meanwhile, we can make a further reading about the psychology of Satan, regarding him as a mixture of unconscious in one's inner heart and the whole collectivity, being a result of natural reveal with an eager hope, expressing the misery of his own and the majority.3.2 The Social ValueAs for the social value of this study, Paradise Lost has come into the world for more than 300 years, for many reasons, the people who are able to appreciate the original work and willingly are fewer and fewer. However, Satan, the major figure of the work, has rooted in the heart of the people deeply, which has a profound and lastring influence more over the figure of the same name in the Bible. The complex image of Satan makes him have a communication of inner heart with the people, which meets people's expectation in some great terms. There is not a exact saying in the Bible, saying Satan is just Lucifer. The complex transformation of Satan in the Bible is not unchangeable. However, for many literary learned men who know little about the angelology, they have a misunderstanding on the literature of the later generations., and they all see Lucifer as Satan, it is him who tempted the Eve, was called as an "ancient serpent", fought against with Jesus and took one third of the angels of the heaven--but, don't you feel strange? Lucifer is only a person ,but rebelled for two times and with two completely distinct spots? As for the real analysis, there is not even an exact definition. Therefore, all the peculiar scholars andeven the scholars like us still need to have a further study and discussion on the way to success and even more.4.ConclusionAll in all, as a evil spirit in the Bible, Satan has played an important role in it. He is always regarded as an opponent, very evil and ignorance . As a rebellious hero, Satan has made the most of his wit and intelligence against for the God, although he knows the God is very mighty, and the rebellion of him is in vain, his courage and persistence is such a strong strength for his own rebellion, fame and growth. The dual image of Satan is the main reason which results in an irony master. Above all, the degeneration of Satan is unavoidable in some degree, therefore, leading the tragedy of Satan , for the reasons of the error social system and political surroundings.Bibliography:[1]Liu Bingshan. A Short History of English Literature[M]. Zhengzhou:Henan people’s P ress. 2007.1.[2]Paul de M. 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