admission glossary
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招生简章英文作文英文:As a prospective student, I have been researching various universities and their admission processes. I recently came across your enrollment brochure and was interested in learning more about your school. 。
Firstly, could you tell me about the academic programs offered at your university? Are there any specific areas of study that your school specializes in? 。
Secondly, what are the admission requirements for your university? Are there any specific tests or exams that I need to take in order to be considered for admission? 。
Lastly, could you tell me about the campus life at your university? Are there any extracurricular activities or clubs that students can participate in? 。
2023年高考志愿填报相关规则英文The 2023 college entrance examination (gaokao) voluntary application rules are as follows:1. Offer:提供2. Eligibility:资格3. Admission:录取4. Academic performance:学业表现5. Entrance examination score:高考成绩6. Subject preference:学科偏好7. Examination enrollment:报名8. Examination center:考点9. Test subjects:考试科目10. Provincial education department:省教育厅11. University admission criteria:大学录取标准12. Tiered admissions:分层录取13. First-choice university:首选大学14. Backup options:备用选择15. Major selection:专业选择16. Vocational schools:职业学校17. Application deadline:申请截止日期18. Online application platform:网上申请平台19. Supporting documents:申请材料20. Interview or examination:面试或考试21. Score conversion:成绩转化22. Admission notice:录取通知书23. Enrollment registration:报到注册24. Campus housing:校园住宿25. Registration fee:报名费26. Financial aid:经济援助27. Scholarship opportunities:奖学金机会28. Career guidance:就业指导29. Volunteer service:志愿服务30. Alumni network:校友网络Example sentences:1. Students must offer authentic identification documents during the examination enrollment process.高考报名过程中,学生必须提供真实的身份证件。
abandon abateability abolish abound absent absenteeism absorb abstraction absurdabuse academic accelerate access accessible accessory accommodation accompany accomplish account accountant accreditation accumulate accuracy accurate achievement acid acknowledge acoustic acquaint acquaintance acquire acquisition acrobat activate actual acumenacuteadapt adaptation addict addition additional address adequate adhere adjacent adjust administer administration admission admit adolescent adopt advance advanced advantage advent adventure adverse advertise advocate aeration aerobics aeronautics aeroplane aerospace aesthetic affectafflictafford agency agenda aggravation aggressive aggressiveness agriculture ailment airtightaislealarm alchemist alcoholalert alienation alight alignment alley allocate allowance alluvial almondalter alternate alternative altitude aluminium amass amateur amaze ambassador ambiguous ambitious ambulance amorphous amount amplify analogous analyse anatomy ancientand so forth anecdotal announce annoy annual anthropologist anticipate antidote antiquity anxious apaceapartape apparatus apparent apparently appeal appearance appetite applaud appliance applicant application apply appoint appointment appraisal approach appropriateapproval approve approximate apt aptitude aquarium arable arboreal architect architecture archive argue argument aridity arithmetic arrange arrangement array arrogance artefact artery arthritis artificialas for/toas if/though ashaspect aspiration assemble assess asset assign assignment assimilate assistance assistant associate association assume assumption assurance asthma astonish astound astray astrology astronaut asymmetry at leastat random athlete atmosphere atomic attach attackattain attempt attend attraction attribute audacious audio audition authority authorize automatically avail available avalanche avenueaverage avoid award aware awful bachelor backbone bacterial badge badminton balance balcony bamboo band bankrupt bankruptcy banner bar barbecue bare barely bargain barge bark baron barrel barrier basis batch battery bay beam beehive beforehand behalf behave beliefbelt beneath beneficial benefit besides betray beverage beware beyond bibliography bid bilateralbinbind biography biometrics bistrobitbizarre blade blame blank blanket blastblaze blend block block blonde bloom blueprint blunt board boastboldbolsterbonusbookletbookrest boomingbootboothborderboreboulderbounceboundboundarybowbranchbrandbrass breakdown breakthrough breakwaterbreedbreezebrewbriefbriefcasebrieflybrilliantbring around/round bring out brochure bronchitisbroodbroombruntbubblebucketbucklebudgetbuffalobulbbulgebulk bullet bulletin bump into bunch bungalow bureau bureaucracy burgeon burglar burrow burstburstbury bypass cable cafeteria calcium calculate calendar calf calibre calm calorie camel cameral campaign camper campfire campuscancel candidate cannoncanoe canteen Cantonesecapcapable capacity capsule captive capture cardiovascular career carouselcarve cascadecashcassettecastcasualty catastrophe categorycatercaution cautiouscease celebrate celebritycellcensor censure centennial centigrade centrifugal force ceramiccereal ceremony certificate cervicalchain challenge chamber champion chancellor channel chapel character characteristic charcoal chargecharitychartcharterchasecheatcheck-upchef chemical cherrychestchewchiefchinkchip cholesterol chorus chronicchunk cinematography circlecirculation circumstance circuscitecivil civilization claim clamp clarify clarity clash classical classification classify clayclenchclerkclient climate clinicclip cloakroom clockwise clotclue clumsy cluster clutch coach coarsecodecoffer cohesion coincide collaboration collapse collate collection colony colour-blind column comb combine combustion comedy comet commence commencement comment commercial commission commitment commodity commonwealth community companion comparatively compare compatible compatriot compel compendium compensate compensation compete competent competition compile complain complaint completeList 8 complex complicated compliment comply component compose compound comprehension comprehensive compress comprise compromise compulsively compulsory conceal concede conceive concentrate concentration concept conception concern concert concession conclude conclusion concrete condense condition conduct conference confidence confine confirm conflict conform confront confusion congested congratulate conjunction connect connection conscious consequence consequent consequently conservation conservative conserve considerable consideration consist consolation consolidation consortium constantly constitute constitution constrain construct construction consult consultant consumer consumption contact contain contaminate contemplate contemporaryList 9 contempt content continent contingency continually continuity continuous contract contradict contrary contrast contribute contrived controversial convenience convenient conventional conversion convert convey conviction convince cookery cooperate coordinate coordinator copecordcork corporate corps corpus correspond corridor corrode cosmopolitan cosset costume council counsel counter counterpart county coupon courageous cover coverage crack craft crank crash crater crawl create creation creative credible credit crescent crew cricket crime criminal crisis crispcritic criticize crockery crossword crowdedList 10 crown crucial crude cruel cruise crush cube cucumber cue cultivate curative curiosity curious curly currency current currently curriculum curry curtain cylinder dairy damage damp darkroom dashdata database dazzle deadline dealer dean debate debris decade decapitate decay deceive decent decibel decipher decisive declaration declare decline decompose decompression decorate decouple decrease decrepit dedicate deemdefeatdefect defendant deficiency define definite definition degrade delegate deliberate delicate delinquency deliverydelta demand democratic demographicList 11 demolish demonstrate denote dense density depart depict deplete deploy deposit depress deprive deputy derive desert deserve design desirable desire desperate despite destination destiny destruction destructive detach detail detect detective deter deteriorate determine detour detract detrimental devastating develop deviance device devise devote diagnose diagram dialect dictation differ digest digital dimension diminish dioxide diploma direction directory disadvantage disagree disappointing disapprove discard discipline disclose discount discourage discover discovery discredit discretion discriminateList 12 disfigure disharmony disillusionment disintegrate dismantle dismiss disorder dispenser displace display dispute disqualify disregard disrupt dissatisfied dissemination dissertation dissolve distancedistilldistinct distinctive distinguish distort distract distribute distribution district disturb diversify diversity divertdivide dividend divine divisiondizzydock document dolphindome domestic dominant dominate donation dorm dormant dose downpour downsize draft drainage dramatic drawback dreadful dredge drill droplet drought drum dubious duedull dump durable duration dusk dweller dynamic dystrophy earthquakeList 13 earthwork earthworm ecology economic economical ecosystem edible effect efficiency efficient eject elaborate elastic elbow element elevate eligible eliminate elite embankment embark emboss embrace embryo emerge emergency eminent emission emit emotion emperor emphasis emphasize empire empirical encase enclose encounter encourage endeavour endorse endure enforce enfranchise engage enhance enlarge enlighten enormous enquiry enrich enroll enrolment ensue ensure entail enterprise entertain enthusiasm enthusiastic entire entitle entrepreneur environment envisage epidemic epitomize equal equation equator equipmentList 14 equity equivalent era erosion eruption escalator essay essence essential establish estate estimate eternal evacuate evaluate evaporate event evidence evoke evolution evolve exacerbate exact examine excavate exceed excellent except exceptional excess excessive exchange excitement exclude exclusive exclusively excreta excursion execute execution exemplify exhale exhaust exhibit exhibition exhilaration exist existence exorbitant exotic expansion expectation expel expire explode exploit explore explorer explosive expose extend extension extensive exterior external externally extinct extinguisher extolList 15extraextract extracurricular extraordinary extreme extremely eyesightfaçade facilitate facility factsheet facultyfadefairfairlyfaithfakefallowfancy fantasyfarefarewell fascinate fascinating fashion fastenfatalfatefatiguefaultfaunafavour feasible feather feature federal federation feeblefeed feedback female feminism fertile fibre fickle fiction fieldwork fierce figure filter finale finance fingerprint finitefirm fitness fitting flame flapflash flaskflat flavour flawfleefleet flexibility flexible flexi-time flicker flightList 16flintflipflora flourish fluctuate flushflutterfoamfocusfoetusfoilfoldfor instance for the sake of force forecast foreland foremost foresee forfeitformformal format former formidable formula formulate forthcoming fortnight forumfossilfoul foundation fountain fraction fracture fragile fragment fragrance framefrankfraud freefone freight frequent friction frightened frockfront-line frown fruitful frustrate fuelfulfill fume function fund fundamental furious furnace furnish furniture fusefusion galaxy gallery gamble gang gather gaugegearList 17 gelatin gender generalize generate generic generous genetic genuine geology geometry germ gestureget off back gigantic given glacial glamour gland gleam glide glimpse glitter global glorious glossary glovegluegoal goggle goodwill gorgeous govern govern grab graduate grand granite grant graphic graphology grasp grassy grateful gravity greasy greatlygridgrievegrimgringrindgripgroan grope gross grove guarantee guidance guideline guilty guinea gullibly habitathallhallowhalthalve hamster handicapped handle handoutList 18 handyhang on haphazard harbour harridan harsh hasslehastyhatchhaulhawk hazard headline headmaster headquarters healheap hectare heightheir helicopter helix hemisphere herbivore herdsman heritage hesitatehide hierarchy highland highlight high-tech highway hikehinge hinterland hire historian hithertohive hockey hollow homogeneous honour horizon horrorhose hospitality hosthostel hostile hostility household huddlehughum humanity humble humidity humour hurdle hurricane hybrid hypothesis ID card ideal identical identification identify identity ignoranceList 19ignorantignoreilluminate illusionillustrate illustrationimage imagination imaginative imagineimitateimitation immediately immense immigrant immuneimpactimpairimpartimpede implement implication imposeimpressimproveimpulsein accordance with in addition toin additionin comparison with in favour ofin vain incendiary incentive incident inclination incoming incorporate incredibleincur independence indicate indication individual induction inductive reasoning inductiveindulge industrialise inescapable infectioninferinference inferential inflammable inflation influence influenzainform infrastructure inhabitantinhaleinherent inheritedinhibitinitialinitiativeinjectinlandinletList 20 innocent innovation input insecure insertinsight insignificant insistinspect inspiration install installment instinct institute institution instruct instrument instrumental insulate insurance intact integral integrate intellectual intelligence intelligent intelligible intend intense intensify intensity intensive intent intention interact interdependent interest interfere interior intermediate internal internationalist interplay interrelationship intersection interval intervene intimate intrusion invaderinvalid invaluable invasion inventory inversion invertinvest investigate invisible invoice involveionirisirony irregularity irrelevant irrevocable irrigation irritateisleisolateList 21 issue itemjaw jealous joint jostle journal journalist judgment judicious junction jungle justice justify juvenile keen kidneykitkneel knob Kung Fu label laboratory labourlag landfill landmark landscape landward lane large-scale larvae laser lateral latitude launch laundry lava lavatory lawsuit layer layout lead to lead leadership leafletleakleaplease leather lecture legacylegal leisurelens leopardless than lethal leukaemia levellever lexicographer liberty license likelihood limblime limestone limitation limitedList 22 limplinenlinger linguistic linkliquor literacy literal literature litter livelihood liver livestock loadloanlobby locality locate locationloglogic longitudinal long-term looploose lower luggagelulllunar luxury machinery magic magma magnetic magnify magnitude mainly mainstream maintain maintenance major majority mall management mandarin manipulate manor mansion mantle manufacture manufacturer marble maritime marker marketplace marsh marsupial mass massive Mastercard mastery mate material materialistic mattress mature maximum meadow meaningful meantimeList 23 meanwhile mechanic mechanical mechanism medieval mediocre Mediterranean medium melatonin melt membership memorable memorandum mental mention merchandising mercurymeremerely mergemess metaphor meteorology methane metro microbiology microcosm microprocessor microscope midst migrant misjudge missile missionmitemixture modem moderate modernism modify modulemoist molecule monitor monopoly monster mood moral motion motivate motive mould mount mountainousList 24 multiple multiply murder muscle mushroom mutual mysterious naïve naked nasty nationality native naturally navigable necessarily negative neglect negotiate nerve neutral nevertheless nickel nightmare Nordic normal notable notice board notify notion notorious nourish nuclear numerous nurtureoakobject objection objective obligation observe obtain occasion occasional occasionally occupation occupyoccuroddodouroffendoffsetoffspringon the horizon ongoingoperate operational opponent opportunity opposeoptimism optimisticoption optometrist orchestraorganorganism organizeorient orientation meeting originList 25 original ounce outcome outdo outline output outsell outward overall overcome overlap overseas oversee overwhelm oweowloxide ozonepack pamphlet panic parallel parcel parliament partial participant participate particle particularly passport patent pathology pattern payment pearlpedal penalty pension pepper perceive percentage perform performance permission perpetual persist personality personnel pestpetrol petroleum phenomenon philosophy portionList 26 position positive possess postgraduate post-mortem postpone posture potential poverty practically precise predict predispose predominantly preface preferable preference pregnant premier premium preparation prescribe prescription presence presentation preserve preserve pressure pretend prevail prevalent previous primarily primary prime primitive principal principle priorpriority privacy private privilege probability probable probe procedure proceed process procession productive productivity profession professional profit profitable profound project prominent promise promising promote pronounceable proofpropel property proportion proposal prospective puddingpull up stakesList 27 pulley pulverized qualitative quantity quartz questionnaire quiver quota racket radiate random rankratioraw material rear receiver recipe recipient recognize recommend rectangular recycle refectory refinement refresh refreshment refrigerator refund refusal regarding regardless regent region register regulate reinforce rejectrelaterelaxrelay release relevant reliable reliance relieve religion rely remain remarkable remedy remind remote removal renew rent repay replace represent reproduce reputation request require rescue reserve reserve residence resident residential resign resist resortList 28 resource respect respond responsible retrain restrict resume retain retire reunite reveal revenue revise revolution revolve reward ridiculous rigrigid rigorous rimriperival roastroll film roll-holder romance rotrotate route routine rude rumour rural sample sausage scale scan scarce scare scatter scenery scent schedule scholar scope scorching score scrap scrape scratch scream screen screw sculpture seal seam secondary section sector seek seep segment select semester seminar senior sensation sensibleList 29 sensitive sensory separate sequence serial session setting settle severe shade shaft shareholder shark shatter shave sheershell shelter shift shilling shipment shore shortage shorthand short-term shrewd shrewd shrink shrub shrug shutter siestasiftsignal signature significance signpost siliconsiltsilver similarly simplify simulate simultaneously sinceresinew sinistersipsituated skeptical sketchskewskimskipskull skyscraper slashslatsliceslightslimslipslippery sloganslopeslouchslumslurrysmartsmellList 30 smooth smother snacksnap up soak sociology solarsole solemn solidarity soluble solve sophisticated sore sorrow source souvenir spacecraft spadespanspark spasm spasmodic specialize specialty species specific specification specify specimen spectacular spectator spectrum speculate sphere spicespillspinspine spiritual spitspite splash splendid splintsplitspoil sponge sponsor sporadically spotspot on spouse sprawl spray squash squeeze stab stabilize stable stackstaffstage stagnate stainless staircase stakestalestallList 31 stammer stamp stance standard standpoint starchy stare stark starve stash statement static stationary stationery statistic statistically statue status steady steep steer stem stereo stickystiff stimulate stimulating stimulus stintstirstock stockpile storey stout stove strain strand strap strategist strategy straw stream strengthen stress stretch strike striking stringstripstrip stripe stroke structure studio stuff stylish subject subjective subliminal submarine submerge submit subordinate subscribe subsequent subsidiary subsidiary subsidise subsidy subsoil substance substantial substituteList 32 subtle subtract subtropical suburb succeed succession successive succumb sucker suffer sufficient suicidal suitable suitably suitcase sulphuric acid summarise summit superb superficial superior supervise supplement supply suppose suppression surfsurge surgeon surgery surpass surround surveillance survey survive suspect sustain swallow swamp swapswearswellswift swing switch symbol sympathise sympathy symphony symptom synthesis systematical tabtablettagtan tangibly tankertaptariff teamwork technical technician technique tedious teem telescope temper temporary temptList 33 tenabletend tendency tendertense terminal terminology terrace terrainterrifytextile texturethe ozone layer theory therapy thereby therefore thermal thesisthighthirstythorny thoughtful threaten thresholdthrillthrive throughout thundertick off timber toleratetometopsoil torrenttough townscape toxintracetrack and field track tradition tragic tramp transquillity transcribe transfer transform transit translate transmit transmute transparent transport trapeze treadmill treatment tremendous trendtrial triangle trick triggertrim trinket trivial tropical tropospheric trucetubeList 34tugtunetunnel turbine turnover turrettutortwist typhoon typical ultimately ultraclean unaware unbiased uncertainty unconcerned unconquerable undergraduate underground underline underling underneath understanding undertake undetected undisguised undoubtedly uneasy unemployment unexpected unfortunately uniform unique universe unload unprejudiced unrealistic unsatisfactory untrustworthy unyielding uphillupperupset up-to-date urban urge urgent utilise utility vacancy vacation vacuum vague validvan vanish variability varyvast vegetarian veil venomous ventilation venture venue verify vernacular version vertebrate verticalList 35 vessel vestedvet veterinary viable vibrate vice versa victim viewpoint vigorous violence violent virtually virtue virus viscous visible vision vitalvivid volcano volt voltage volume volunteer voyage wage wagon waist wander warrant wastage waterfront waterproof wax weaken weakness wealthy wean weapon wedge weed weigh welfare well-being whaling wheelchair whereas whisper whistle widespread wildlife willing windscreen wire withdraw withstand witness womb workaholic workforce world-wide worm worthwhile worthy wrap wrinkle yield zone zoological。
文档收集于互联网,已重新整理排版.word版本可编辑,有帮助欢迎下载支持.医院部门中英文对照out-patient department 门诊部In-patient department 住院部Nursing department 护理部Admission office 住院处Discharge office 出院处Registration office 挂号处Reception room, waiting room 侯诊室Consultation room 诊察室Isolation room 隔离室Delivery room 分娩室Emergency room 急诊室Ward病房室Department of internal medicine 内科Department of surgery 夕卜科Department of pediatrics 儿科Department of obstetrics and gynecology 妇科Department of neurology 神经科Department of ophtalmology 眼科E. N. T. department 耳鼻喉科Department of stomatology 口腔科Department of urology 泌尿科Department of orthopedic 骨科Department of traumatology 创伤科Department of endocrinology 内分泌科Department of anesthesiology 麻醉科Department of dermatology 皮肤科Department of infectious diseases 传染病科Department of pathology 病理科Department of psychiatry 精神科Department of orthopacdic surgery 矫形夕卜科Department of cardiac surgery 心脏夕卜科Department of cerebral surgery 脑夕卜科Department of thoracic surgery 胸夕卜科Pharmacy dispensary 药房Nutrition department 营养部Diet-preparation department 配膳室Therapeutic department 治疗室Operating room/Theater 手术室Blood-bank 血站Supply-room 供应室Disinfection-room 消毒室Dressing room 换药室Mortuary太平间Record room 病案室Department of plastic surgery 矫形外科1文档来源为:从网络收集整理.word版本可编辑.文档收集于互联网,已重新整理排版.word版本可编辑,有帮助欢迎下载支持. Department of physiotherapy 理疗科electrotherapy room 电疗科heliotherapy room 光疗科wax-therapy room 蜡疗科hydrotherapy room 水疗科central laboratory 中心实验室clinical laboratory 临床实验室bacteriological laboratory 细菌实验室biochemical laboratory 生化实验室serological laboratory 血清实验室X-ray room X 光室doctor's office医生办公室nurse's office 护士办公室children's hospital 儿童医院general hospital, polyclinic 综合医院hospital for lepers, leprosarium 麻风病院maternity hospital, lying-inhospital 产科医院mental hospital, mental home 精神病院obstetrics and gynecology hospital 妇产医院plastic surgery hospital 整形外科医院stomatological hospital 口腔医院tuberculosis hospital 结核病医院tumour hospital 肿瘤医院clinic诊疗所first-aid station 急救站polyclinic联合诊疗所quarantine station 防疫站(检疫所)rest home休养所sanatorium 疗养院medical department 内科surgical department 夕卜科anaesthesiology department 麻醉科cardiology department 心脏病科dental department 牙科dermatology department, skin department 皮肤科department of cardiac su 心脏夕卜科department of cerebral surgery 胸外卜科general surgery普通夕卜科neurology department 神经科neurosurgery department 精神外卜科obstetrics and gynecology department 妇产科ophthalmology department 眼科orthopedic surgery department 矫形外卜科orthopedics department 骨科otorhinolaryngological department 耳鼻喉科paediatrics department 小儿科1文档来源为:从网络收集整理.word版本可编辑.文档收集于互联网,已重新整理排版.word版本可编辑,有帮助欢迎下载支持. pathology department 病理科plastic surgery 整形外科psychiatry department 精神病科thoracic surgery department 脑夕卜科traumatology department 创伤夕卜科urology department 泌尿科X-ray department 放射科registration office 挂号处out-patient department, OPD 门诊部in-patient department 住院部nursing department 护理部consulting room 诊室waiting room 候诊室admitting office 住院处emergency room 急诊室operation room, operation theatre 手术室laboratory 化验室blood bank 血库pharmacy, dispensary 药房ward病房medical ward内科病房surgical ward外科病房maternity ward 产科病房isolation ward 隔离病房observation ward 观察室hospital bed 病床director of the hospital 院长head of the department of medical administration 医务部主任head of the nursing department 护理部主任head of out-patient department 门诊部主任doctor医生head of the medical department 内科主任head of the surgical department 夕卜科主任physician in charge, surgeon in charge, attending doctor, doctor in charge 主治医生resident physician 住院医生intern, interne 实习医生laboratory technician 化验员nurse 护士head nurse 护士长anaesthetist 麻醉师pharmacist, druggist 药剂师internist, physician 内科医生surgeon外科医生brain specialist 脑科专家cardiac surgeon 心外科医生cardiovascular specialist 心血管专家1文档来源为:从网络收集整理.word版本可编辑.文档收集于互联网,已重新整理排版.word版本可编辑,有帮助欢迎下载支持. dentist牙科医生dermatologist皮肤科医生ear-nose-throat doctor 耳鼻喉医生gynecologist妇科医生heart specialist心脏病专家neurologist, nerve specialist 神经科专家obstetrician产科医生oculist眼科医生oncologist肿瘤科医生orthopedist骨科医生paediatrician小儿科医生plastic surgeon整形外科医生radiologist放射科医师radiographer放射科技师urologist泌尿科医生dietician营养医师out-patient门诊病人in-patient住院病人medical patient 内科病人surgical patient夕卜科病人obstetrical patient 产科病人heartdiseaseca5r1演翻译交流论坛精华资料汇总patient 心脏病病人emergency翻译考试真题及指定教材:CATTI全国人事部翻译考试最全指定教材和真题(PDF+MP3)下载汇总CATTI全国人事部翻译考试2009版指定教材(PDF+MP3)下载上海英语中高级口译笔试口试历届真题+听力+答案大汇总(含2009)[真题来源]英语权威资料《经济学人》2009年珍藏版TheEconomist2009汇总CATTI 口笔译资料一帖全(更新中)翻译书籍推荐:100本口笔译教程资料下载汇总(不断更新)翻译技巧:翻译技巧经验大汇总[下载]复旦大学名师翻译讲义[下载]北外英语专业超全面翻译笔记(近10万字)[原创]我个人收集的翻译资料大汇总(精华)有图为证钱歌川:《翻译的技巧》时事备考热点:2009年热点话题回顾口译笔试口试备考资料大汇总2009年12月外交部发言人举行例行记者会中英文对照PDF汇总下载翻译精练:外交部、国内外名人致辞及热点话题中英文对照WORD 温家宝总理2004年记者招待会口译实录中英文对照及学习札记WORD下载1文档来源为:从网络收集整理.word版本可编辑.文档收集于互联网,已重新整理排版.word版本可编辑,有帮助欢迎下载支持. 2006.03.07中国外长李肇星答记者问口译MP3及文稿翻译阅读:翻译阅读--经济学人等权威新闻杂志电子版PDF下载汇总翻译词汇:翻译词汇大全汇总贴2009年环保热词一网打尽(附哥本哈根气候大会专有名词)WORD下载英语词汇学习丛书-词汇入门、基础、提高、拓展、突破、飞跃翻译词典:各类翻译词典下载汇总[迅雷下载]英汉百科翻译大词典(上下册)精品下载:英语新闻分类词典.rar词典级汉英分类词汇大全(超有用)翻译语法:赖世雄教你学英语语法上下册(PDF+MP3)下载中文版夸克_英语语法大全PDF下载外研社--张道真实用英语语法PDF下载原版英语语法Macmillan-EnglishEssential 下载原版英语语法书AGlossaryofEnglishGrammar下载翻译拓展:翻译拓展--中英文原版小说等下载集合张培基《英译中国现代散文选》WORD下载1文档来源为:从网络收集整理.word版本可编辑.。
境外升学英文1. Education教育2. University大学3. College学院4. Degree学位5. Scholarship奖学金6. Application申请7. Admission录取8. Tuition学费9. Dormitory宿舍10. Graduation毕业11. Major专业12. Course课程13. Transcript成绩单14. Internship实习15. Research研究16. Faculty教职员工17. Campus校园18. Student visa学生签证19. Exchange program交换计划20. Study abroad留学21. Language proficiency语言能力22. Academic performance学业表现23. Career opportunities就业机会24. Cultural diversity文化多样性25. Global perspective全球视野1. I believe that education is the key to success.我相信教育是成功的关键。
2. She applied to several universities for her undergraduate studies.她向几所大学申请本科学业。
3. He received a full scholarship to study abroad.他获得了全额奖学金出国留学。
4. The admission process for international students is quite competitive.国际学生的入学过程非常竞争激烈。
5. The tuition fees for overseas students are generally higher than for local students.海外学生的学费通常比本地学生高。
Unit 1illiterate (a.) 目不识丁的,文盲的tenant (n.) 房客,占用者lyrical (a.) 热情奔放的,感情丰富的blaze (v.) 发光,照耀wilted (a.) 枯萎的,凋谢的chestnut oak 栗色的栎树trample (v.) 践踏;蹂躏;蔑视;侵犯stubble (n.) 残茎,茬子squirrel (n.) 松鼠cornbalk (n.)bluff (n.) 悬崖stalk (n.) 茎,杆;叶柄,花梗sprout (v.) 发芽,抽芽sick (v.) 追逐,攻击swirl (n.) 漩涡,弯曲snap (v.) 猛地咬住;呵斥copperhead (n.)crawl (v.) 爬行,缓慢行进heap (n.) 堆,堆积loamy (a.) 肥沃的matted (a.)greenbriar (n.)poise (v.)grab (v.) 抢先,抢占crack (v.) 破裂,断裂whip (n.)spurt (v.) 喷出,(使)涌出pellet (n.) 小珠,小子弹sling (v.) 吊起,悬挂gray-piled (a.)loam (n.) 沃土,肥土writhe (v.) (因极度痛苦而)扭动或翻滚viciously (adv.) 邪恶地,恶毒地limp (a.) 无力的,松软的,无生气的limber (a.) 柔软的riddle (v.) 把...打得满是窟窿quiver (v.) 微颤,抖动incubate (v.) 孵化,培育quail (n.) 鹌鹑devour (v.) 吞灭,毁灭pant (v.) 喘气,喘息shaggy (a.) 毛发蓬松的fleck (n.) 斑纹,斑点ridge (n.) 背脊,峰lark (n.) 云雀,百灵鸟pasture (n.) 牧场,牧草地agony (n.) 苦恼,烦闷posthole (n.) (插旗杆或电线杆的)洞spud (n.) 小锄头mattock (n.) 鹤嘴锄dew (n.) 水珠,露水windlass (n.) 卷扬机,绞盘trail (n.) 追踪doom (n.) 命运,厄运coil (v.) 盘旋,卷成一圈drooping (a.)vigilant (a.)trickle (v.)gush (v.)punch (v.)oppress (v.)consume (v.)conceive (v.)ecstasy (n.)surpass (v.)evolutionary (a.)considerable (a.)identical (a.)manifesto (n.)mindful (a.)interactions (n.)commitment (n.)attachment (n.)shower (v.)sacrifice (v.)counseling advicehardwired (a.)whip outdignity (n.)concrete (n.)periodical (n.)prolific (a.)regionalist (a. / n.)resolve (v.)lure (v.)stave off (v.) prognosis (n.) illusion (n.) fanfair (n.)dull (v.) recapture (v.) carved figure (n.) bead (n.) ribbon (n.) turquoise (n.)Unit 2log (n.)thaw (v.)icicle (n.)eave (n.) sparkle (v.) bundle (n.) strap (v.)calico (n.)shot (n.)mitten (n.)yarn (n.)barn (n.)leap (v.) barnyard (n.) stall (n.)bar (n.)slap (v.) glittering (a.) snatch (v.)slam (v.) snuggle (v.) trundle (n.) latch-stringdot (n.)claw (n.)faint (a.)chore (n.)plow (v.) quilting (v.) pane (n.)loft (n.)dash off clamber (v.) cub (n.)stroke (v.) cuddly (a.) observance (n.) resolution (n.) tidbit (n.) saddle (n.) integrity (n.) bulk (n.)chart (n.)post (v.)emulate (v.) personify (v.) daring (a.) cattleman (n.) steer (n.) graze (v.) regiment (n.) loot (v.)scout (n.)outfit (n.)bed down straggler (n.) scout (v.) plunger (v.) ebb (n.)quick sands rattlesnake (n.) bonanza (n.)on the hoof (a.) stock cattle (n.) mule (n.) dugout (n.)Unit 3 orchard (n.) enrage (v.) monotonous (a.) versatile (a.)insignificant (a.) gloomy (a.) costume (n.) vivacity (n.) imposing (a.) square (v.) stride (v.) studiously (adv.) loom (v.) chassis (n.) manifold (a.)plague (n.)wig (n.) perchance (adv.) rub (n.)shuffle (v.)coil (n.)Unit 4 conservation (n.) migratory (a.) sanctuary (n.) fact sheet habitat (n.) redstart (n.) warbler (n.) woodcreeper parrotcanopy (n.) yield (n.) intensive (a.) fertilizer (n.) insecticide (n.) herbicide (n.) fungicide (n.) agronomic (a.) cropland (n.) diversity (n.) convert (v.) avifauna (n.) tropics (n.) compatible (a.)overstory (n.) indigenous (a.) agroforestry (n.) understory (n.) organic (a.)mulch (n.) erosion (n.) toxicities (n.) hectare (n.)moist (n.) virtually (adv.) orchid (n.) amphibian (n.) rival (v.)benign (a.) respectively (adv.) revenue (n.) exceed (v.)credit (n.) conversion (n.) relentless (a.) acidification (n.) run-off (n.)micro-climatic (a.) deliberate (a.) temperate (a.) endangered (a.) ponder (v.) portion (n.)foster (v.) habitant (n.) revert (v.)radical (a.) cautiously (adv.) stroke (n.) autoimmune (a.) sclerosis (n.) rheumatoid arthritis catch-all (a.) deem (v.) rodenticide (n.) fungus (n.)rodent (n.)unintended (a.) unanticipated (a.) conventional (a.) mortality (n.) prevalence (n.) peregrine (n.) falcon (n.) osprey (n.) unwitting (a.) contamination (n.) wrought (v.) fervor (n.) organochlorine (n.) severely (adv.) hazardous (a.) mart (n.)bend (n.)cut it close gauge (n.)verge on (v.) ominously (adv.) predicament (n.) dilemma (n.) viable (a.) neotropical (a.) accumulate (v.) predator (n.) rehydration (n.) stopover site (n.) doom (v.)entail (v.)toll (n.)breed (v.) collision (n.) degradation (n.) await (v.)exploit (v.)turf (n.)pounce (v.) capture (v.)anew (adv.) sumptuous (a.) repast (n.)contaminate (v.) manifest (v.)thorax (n.) abdomen (n.) antennae (n.) cuticle (n.)chitin (n.) skeleton (n.) exoskeleton (n.) spiracle (n.) trachea (n.)vein (n.)artery (n.) digestive system (n.) nourishment (n.) muscular (a.) gizzard (n.)grind up (v.) ganglia (n.) ganglion caterpillar (n.) larva (n.)larvaemaggot (n.)grub (n.)pupa / pupae (n.) metamorphosis (n.) earwig (n.)nymph (n.)shed its skin moultingimago (n.) dragonfly (n.) damselfly (n.) nalad (n.)moth (n.) cockroach (n.)yolk (n.)spine (n.)swell upclaw (n.)sticky pad (n.)gnat (n.)knob (n.)halteres (n.)agile (a.)hover (v.)horsefly (n.)bulging (a.) compound eyes (n.) dusk (n.)ocelli (ocellus) vibration (n.)Unit 5times tablestack (v.)flashcard (n.)yell (v.)jolly (a.)cinch (n.)to the coremean (a.)stick up (v.)clinch (v.)hedge (v.)pat (v.)spank (v.)hollow (n.)timber (n.)giant (a.)sponge (n.)release (v.) evaporation (n.) stabilize (v.)erode (v.)silt (v.)disastrous (a.) vibration (n.)vibrate (v.)whip (v.)lick (n.)make a fussrepeat the grade closed circuit televisioncollege admission test polytechnic (n.)inflammatory rheumatism waterworkspondcreek (n.)swell (v.)limp (v.)pitch (v.)tumble (v.)dam (n.)recess time (n.)solemn (a.)presently (adv.) fairground (n.)sore (a.)birch treebarrel (n.)drag (v.)whopper (n.)carp (n.)freshet (n.)wrestle (v.)gill (n.)slippery (a.)wriggle (v.)washtub (n.)make a break conviction (n.)Unit 6paradise (n.)grief (n.)the justfasting (n.)bewildered (a.)satin (n.)shutter (v.)drapery (n.)coffin (n.)clap (v.)bear (v.)pomegranate (n.) persimmon (n.) goblet (n.) ravenously (adv.) undress (v.)velvet (a. / n.)saint (n.)yearn (v.)chop (v.)be beside oneself (v.) buzz (v.)embrace (v.)doughnut (n.) pickpocket (n.) authentic (a.) deprive (v.)huff (n.)tantrum (n.)tangle (n.) disguise (n.)sniff (n.)stamp (v.)pine wand (n.) mumble (v.)nap (n.)pucker up (v.) cinnamon (n.)Unit 7growl (v.)leash (v.)chase (v.)harness (n.)tent (n.)clan (n.)sledge (n.)rabies (n.)Unit 8waistcoatovercoatneckcloth resemblance (n.) champagnecork(n.)fussy (a.)projector (n.) departure (n.) goalkeeper (n.)see to (v.)spit, spat (v.)under one’s breath clumsy (a.)cart (n.)hedge (n.)chest (n.)gallop (n.)in the actclink (v.)revolver (n.)splash (v.)drag (v.)hook (n.)strip (v.)surrender (v.)Unit 9canvas (n.)frame (n.) onlooker (n.) superimposed (a.) humidity (n.) intersect (v.) conservator (n.) merge (v.) stimulation (n.) adhere to (v.) buckle (v.)flake (v.)warp (v.)curator (n.)assess (v.)poplar (n.) serendipitously (adv.)cottonwood (n.) resilient (a.)contract (v.)crack (v.)elastic (a.)withstand (v.)snap back (v.)gesso (n.)calcium carbonate (n.) barium sulfate (n.) primer (n.)batten (n.)mahogany (n.) perpendicularly (adv.) grain (n.)cradling (n.) crisscrossed (a.)brace (v.)infrared photography (n.) emissiography (n.) undeterred (a.)in situvulnerable (a.) condense (v.)drip (v.)swell (v.)split (v.)pronounced (a.) skepticism (n.) restoration (n.) institute (n.)dime-store (n.) magnate (n.)season (v.)fluctuate (v.)flake off (v.)intrigue (v.)variable (a.) demonstrably (adv.) pliant (a.)humid (a.)verify (v.)low-end (a.) resolution (n.)pixel (n.)resolve (v.) single-lens-reflex mixed blessing crop (v.) compressed (a.) discard (v.) conspicuous (a.) undetectable (a.) precision (n.) corrective (a.) belated (a.)vital (a.) pilotless cargo ship dock (v.)ration (n.)orbit (v.) applaud (v.) hookup (n.) anonymity (n.) encounter (v.) inventory (n.) track (v.) capsule (n.) shuttle fleet (n.) resume (v.) staple (n.)fanatic (a.)fix (n.)premium (a.)real estate (n.) obligate (v.) mandatory (a.) quarterly (a.) compulsory (a.) sprout up (v.) upkeep (n.)bulk (a.)capture (v.) generate (v.) condo (n.)lock-in (n.) amount to (v.) obligatory (a.)spotlight (n.) acclaim (v.)balance beam (n.) rematch (n.) pavilion (n.) marathon (n.) ultimate (a.)referee (n.) stopwatch (n.) scorecard (n.)host (v.)dispel (v.)myth (n.)playful (a.) showcase (v.) corporate (a.) imposing (a.)lavish (a.) representational (a.) expenditure (n.) cobble (v.)dune (n.)cube (n.)pierce (v.) transparent (a.)rod (n.)porcupine (n.)quill (n.)sway (v.)fiber-optic (a.) filament (n.) dandelion (n.) botanic (a.) installation (n.) striking (a.)visual (a.) innovative (a.) cobblestone (n.) Ferris wheel (n.) alternating current (n.) globalise (v.) represent (v.) prototype (n.) curved (a.)clad (v.)porcelain (n.)tile (n.)allude to (v.) chinaware (n.) fruition (n.) aesthetic (n.) fabricate (v.) vanguard (n.)off-the-shelf (a.) assemble (v.) cubelikeorient (v.) metropolitan area (n.) reverse (v.)Unit 10River Thames gallery (n.)stretch (n. landmark (n.) Westminster Abbey the Tower boundary (n.) solemn (a.) procession (n.) borough (n.) meridian (n.)radius (n.) prehistoric (a.) reconstruction (n.) generous (a.)reign (n.) sculpture (n.) inherit (v.)widow (n.)armour (n.)pottery (n.) miniature (n.) execute (v.) registry office (n.) best man (n.) identification (n.) transit (n.)bureaucrat (n.) bikini sunbathe (v.) rig (n.) sparkle (v.) kilt (n.) bagpipe (n.) tartan (n.) badge (n.) tattoo (n.) enroll (v.)Unit 11 trivial (a.) celery (n.) immigrate (v.) disgrace (v.) disinfect (v.) relish tray stiffly (adv.) in a row radish (n.) curly (a.) carrot (n.) slender (a.) stalk (n.) follow suit dip (n.)flake (n.) dash (n.) revolting (a.) unison (n.) crunch (v.) zingy (a.) platter (n.) buffet (n.) retreat (n.) chase (v.) mortify (v.) nurse (v.) spectacle (n.) accent (n.) pluperfect (a.)inflection (n.) mastery (n.) smugly (adv.) mutter (v.)blurt (v.)slip (a.)resolve to (n.) geegizzard (n.)stew (v.) exclaim (v.) candied (a.) shred (n.) glistening (a.) prawn (n.)pop outgiggle (v.)slurp (v.)grin (v.)sanitation (n.) mimics (n.) secretarial college owe (v.)ritual (n.) endure (v.) recipe (n.) spaghetti (n.) repel (v.)stringy (a.) chopstickfulpint (n.)litre (n.)grub (n.)compliment (n.) civility (n.) affront (n.) engrave (v.) specimen (n.) cordially (adv.) obligation (n.) promptly (adv.)double-sheet (n.) draft (v.) dispatch (v.) necessitate (v.) sufficient (a.) nullify (v.) exceed (v.) grace (n.) belated (a.) delinquent (a.) napkin (n.)tuck (v.)chin (n.)bib (n.)attain (v.)entitle (v.)revert (v.) exclusive (a.) well-bred (a.) convex (n.)tine (n.) etiquette (n.) merit (n.) hallmark (n.) clattering (n.) relish (n.) convey (v.) drawing room (n.) arise (v.)prior toUnit 12red-baked ground whitewashkiosk exuberant (a.) hub (n.)spiral (n.) pneumonia (n.) meningitis (n.) batter (v.) diminish (v.) engulf (v.) vitality (n.)curse (n.) collapse (v.) strap (v.) thriving (v.) pitiful (a.)scrap (n.)ulcer (n.)vicious (a.)pang (n.) content (a.) exacerbate (v.) stave off (v.) supplement (v.) inevitable (a.) maize (n.)staple (n.) deteriorate (v.) bedsit (n.)fringe (n.) imminent (a.) consultant (n.) antirestroviralper capitafrail (a.)brew (v.) decline (v.) thwart (v.)life expectancy tragedyragged (a.) census (n.) porridge (n.) distracting (a.) cramp (n.) extended belly striped shirtpolio (n.) gravely (a.)dice (n.) condomcheck (v.)tidal wave sandals (n.) mock-leopard skinscrape (v.) serenity (n.)slip (v.)confine (v.)rigidly (adv.)era (n.)stubborn (a.) nonprofit (a.) property (n.)tend (v.)minor (n.) presumably (adv.) matrilineal tribes descendant (n.)pot (n.)pan (n.)utensils (n.) bucket (n.) patrilineal (a.) precarious (a.) access (n)bereft (a.) alternatively (adv.) eviction (n.) miserable (a.) approximately (adv.) whopping (a.) statistics (n.) prevalence (n.) exhaustive (a.) calculate (v.) formula (n.) transmit (v.)vital (a.)staffing shortages surveillance compile (v.) vacant (a.) vacancy (n.) dedicated (a.) plague (v.)plow (v.)pledge (v.)unenviable (a.)potentiallyaggressive (a.)combat (v.)wane (v.)strain (n.)stunningly (adv.)swift (a.)progression (n.)full-fledged (a.)virulent (a.)onset (n.)menacing (a.)set in motionAcquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome antibody (n.)molecule (n.)parasite (n.)fungi (n.)bacteria (n.)opportunistic (a.)vaginal fluidsemen (n.)swollen lymph glandssore musclesskin rashdiarrhea (n.)fungalthrush (n.)vagina (n.)tumor (n.)medication (n.)saliva (n.)gum (n.)floss (v.)pregnancy (n.)delivery (n.)vertical (a.)abstinence (n.)monogamous (a.)barrier (n.)irritation (n.)antiviral (a.)baby formulas inborn (a.)。
abandon [ə'bændən] vt.丢弃,离弃;放弃,抛弃ability [ə'biliti] n.能力;才能able ['eibəl] a.有能力的;能干的abnormal [æb'nɔ:məl] a.反常的,不正常的,不规则的aboard [ə'bɔ:d] ad.在船(或飞机、车)上;上船prep.在船上about [ə'baut] prep.关于;在…周围ad.周围,附近;大约above [ə'bʌv] prep.在..之上,adv.在上面adj.上面的above all 首先abroad [ə'brɔ:d] ad.&a.在国外,海外(一般作表语)absence ['æbsəns] n.缺席,不在场absent ['æbsənt, əb'sent] a.不在场;缺席的absent over leave 越假不归absolute ['æbsəlu:t] a.纯粹的,完全的,绝对的absolutely ['æbsəlu:tli] ad.肯定地;完全地;绝对地absorb [əb'sɔ:b] v.吸收;吸引abstract ['æbstrækt] a.抽象的,难解的n.摘要,根据abundant [ə'bʌndənt] a.丰富的,充足的,大量的,多的abuse [ə'bju:z] v.滥用,妄用;伤害,虐待;辱骂academic [ˌækə'demik] a.学术的,学校的,学院的academy [ə'kædəmi] n.专科学校,中等学校;研究院,学会accelerate [ək'seləreit] v.使加速,使增速,促进vi.加快,增加accent ['æksənt, æk'sent] n.重音;重音符号;口音,腔调accept [ək'sept] vt.接受,接纳;承认access ['ækses] n.进入,接近;入径,入口,通道accident ['æksidənt] n.事故;意外之事accidental [ˌæksi'dentl] a.偶然的;意外的accommodation [əˌkɔmə'deiʃən] n.住宿,膳宿accompany [ə'kʌmpəni] vt.陪伴;伴随;伴奏accomplish [ə'kʌmpliʃ] v.实现(计划等);达到(目的);完成(任务) accord [ə'kɔ:d] vt.给予(欢迎、称颂等) vi.&n.符合,一致accordance [ə'kɔ:dəns] n.符合,一致according to [əˌkɔ:diŋ tu:] prep.根据,依据,按照accordingly [ə'kɔ:diŋli] ad.因此,于是;相应地,照着account [ə'kaunt] n.账目,账;报告,叙述,说明vi.说明accountant [ə'kauntənt] n.会计师,会计员accumulate [ə'kju:mjuleit] vt.积累,积聚vi.累积,聚积accuracy ['ækjurəsi] n.准确(性);精确(性)accurate ['ækjurət] a.精确的,准确的accuse [ə'kju:z] vt.控告,指责vi.指控,指责accuse sb. of (doing) sth 控告某人做...accuse sb. as sb. 指控某人是...accustomed [ə'kʌstəmd] a.惯常的;习惯的,适应的(一般作表语) ache [eik] vi.痛;哀怜n.(指连续)疼痛、酸痛achieve [ə'tʃi:v] vt.实现,完成;达到,得到vi.达到预期目的achievement [ə'tʃi:vmənt] n.实现,完成,达到;(不可数)成绩;成就acid ['æsid] n.酸,酸类物质acknowledge [ək'nɔlidʒ] vt.承认,供认;致谢acquaintance [ə'kweintəns] n.认识,相知;熟人,认识的人acquire [ə'kwaiə] vt.获得,取得;开始具有acquisition [ˌækwi'ziʃən] n.获得,所获之物acre ['eikə] n.英亩across [ə'krɔs] prep.穿过,横过;在…的对面ad.横过act [ækt] vi.行动,做;起作用;表演n.行为,动作action ['ækʃən] n.行动,行动过程;作用active ['æktiv] adj.活动的,活泼的,;主动的,积极的activity [æk'tiviti] n.(人脑器官等的)正常活动,活动;行动actor ['æktə] n.男演员;参与者actress ['æktris] n.女演员actual ['æktʃuəl] adj.实际的,事实的,真实的actually ['æktʃuəli] ad.实际上acute [ə'kju:t] a.敏锐的,尖锐的;(指疾病)急性的adapt [ə'dæpt] vt.使适应,使适合;改编;改写vi.适应add [æd] vt.加,加上;进一步说(或写) vi.(to)增添add up to 合计达addition [ə'diʃən] n.加,加法;附加物additional [ə'diʃənəl] a.附加的,额外的,另外的address [ə'dres] vt.在...上写姓名、住址n.地址,致词adequate ['ædikwit] a.适当的,足够的,胜任的adjective ['ædʒiktiv] n.形容词a.形容词的,用作形容词的adjust [ə'dʒʌst] vt.调节;整顿,调整vi.适应(to);使调节adjust (oneself) to sth. 使(自己)适应于...adjust to sth. 适应于某事administration [ədˌminis'treiʃən] n.经营,管理;行政,行政机关,管理部门admire [əd'maiə] vt.钦佩;羡慕;赞赏admission [əd'miʃən] n.准许进入,准许加入;承认,供认admit [əd'mit] vt.承认,供认;准许…进入,准许...加入adopt [ə'dɔpt] vt.采纳,采用;通过;收养adore [ə'dɔ:] vt.崇拜,敬重adult ['ædʌlt] n.成年人adj.成年的,成熟的advance [əd'vɑ:ns] vi.前进,向前移动,取得进展n.前进,进展advanced [əd'vɑ:nst] a.超前的,先进的;高级的;开明的;前进的advantage [əd'vɑ:ntidʒ] n.有利条件;有利地位,优势;好处adventure [əd'ventʃə] n.冒险,冒险活动,奇遇vt.大胆进行adverb ['ædvə:b] n.副词a.副词的advertise ['ædvətaiz] vt.公告,公布;为...做广告vi.登广告advertisement [əd'və:tismənt] n.广告,公告;广告活动ad [æd] n.广告,公告;广告活动advice [əd'vais] n.劝告;忠告;意见advisable [əd'vaizəbl] a.明智的,可取的advise [əd'vaiz] vt.忠告,劝告,建议;通知,告知advocate ['ædvəkit] n.辩护者,拥护者,鼓吹者vt.拥护,提倡affair [ə'feə] n.事情,事件affect [ə'fekt] vt.影响,打动,震动affection [ə'fekʃən] n.喜爱;爱慕,感情;倾向,意向afford [ə'fɔ:d] vt.买得起,负担得起;提供,给予afraid [ə'freid] a.害怕的,恐惧的;担心的,惟恐的Africa ['æfrikə] n.非洲African ['æfrikən] adj.非洲的n.非洲人,非洲居民after ['ɑ:ftə] prep.在...以后,在...后面ad.以后,后来afternoon [ˌɑ:ftə'nu:n] n.下午;午后afterward ['ɑ:ftəwəd] ad.后来;以后afterwards ['a:ftəwədz] ad.以后,后来again [ə'gein] ad.又一次,再一次against [ə'genst] prep.相反,逆着;反对age [eidʒ] n.年龄;时代,时期v.(使)变老agency ['eidʒənsi] n.代理处,代办处agent ['eidʒənt] n.代理人,代理商,代表aggressive [ə'gresiv] a.侵略的,好斗的,有进取心的,敢作敢为的ago [ə'gəu] ad.以前agony ['ægəni] n.创痛,(极度的)痛苦;挣扎苦恼agree [ə'gri:] vi.表示同意;持相同意见vt.同意agreeable [ə'gri:əbəl] a.令人愉快的,宜人的;易相处的agreement [ə'gri:mənt] n.达成协定,协议;同意,一致agriculture ['ægrikʌltʃə] n.农业,农艺;农学ahead [ə'hed] ad.在前;向前;提前ahead of [ə'hed əv] 在…前aid [eid] vt.救助,帮助n.援助,救护;帮助者,助手aid sb. in sth. 帮助某人做某事aid sb. with sth. 用某物援助某人aim [eim] vt.把...瞄准vi.(at)瞄准n.瞄准,对准air [eə] vt.使通风n.空气,天空,大气aircraft ['eəkrɑ:ft] n.飞机,飞行器airline ['eəlain] n.航空公司;(飞机的)航线airplane ['eəplein] n.飞机airport ['eəpɔ:t] n.机场,航空站,航空港alarm [ə'lɑ:m] n.惊恐,惊吓,报警album ['ælbəm] n.相册,集邮册alcohol ['ælkəhɔl] n.酒精,乙醇alert [ə'lə:t] a.警惕的,警觉的;机警的,敏感的alike [ə'laik] a.相像的,相同的ad.一样地,相似地alive [ə'laiv] adj.活着的;存在的;有活力的,活跃的all [ɔ:l] a.所有的,全部的pron.每个ad.完全all day 整天all night 整夜all day long 整天地all night long 整夜地all one's life 一生,一辈子all the time 一直地,经常all the way 一直,一路,全程all the while 一直地all the year round 一年到头at all events 不管怎样after all 到底,毕竟all in all 总的说来,总共all of 至少,足足at all 完全,根本all alone 单独一个,独自地all along 一向,一直地all at once [ət 'wʌns] 突然all but 几乎,差点没all in 精疲力尽all of a sudden 突然all out 全力以赴,竭尽全力all over 到处,遍及all through 在整个...期间all up 完蛋了,不行了all told 总共all very well ...可...(但是)alliance [ə'laiəns] n.联合,同盟allow [ə'lau] vt.准许,允许;承认vi.容许allowance [ə'lauəns] n.津贴,补贴alloy ['ælɔi] n.合金ally ['ælai, ə'lai] n.盟国,同盟者almost ['ɔ:lməust] ad.几乎,差不多alone [ə'ləun] a.独自一人ad.单独;只有,仅仅along [ə'lɔŋ] ad.向前prep.沿着alongside [əlɔŋ'said] ad.并排地,并肩地prep.在...旁边alongside of 在旁边,与...并肩aloud [ə'laud] ad.出声地,大声地alphabet ['ælfəbet] n.字母表,符号系统already [ɔ:l'redi] ad.已,已经,早已also ['ɔ:lsəu] ad.同样地;而且(也)alter ['ɔ:ltə] vt.改变,变更vi.改变,变样alternative [ɔ:l'tə:nətiv] n.供选择的东西;取舍,抉择a.两者择一的although [ɔ:l'ðəu] conj.尽管,虽然,即使altitude ['æltitju:d] n.高度,海拔altogether [ˌɔ:ltə'geðə] ad.完全,全部;总起来谘,总之;总共aluminium [ˌælju'miniəm] n.铝always ['ɔ:lweiz] ad.总是,无例外地;永远,始终a.m. [ˌei 'em] 上午A.M. ['ei'em] 上午amateur ['æmətə, ˌæmə'tə:] a.业余的n.业余爱好者amaze [ə'meiz] vt.使惊奇,使惊愕;使困惑vi.表现出惊奇ambassador [æm'bæsədə] n.大使;特使,(派驻国际组织的)代表ambition [æm'biʃən] vt.有...野心,追求n.雄心,野心an ambition for sth. 对某事有野心an ambition to do sth. 有...野心ambulance ['æmbjuləns] n.救护车,救护船,救护飞机amid [ə'mid] prep.在...之中America [ə'merikə] n.美洲;美国American [ə'merikən] a.美洲的,美国的;美国人的n.美国人among [ə'mʌŋ] prep.在…之中,在...之间amount [ə'maunt] n.数量,数额,总数vi.(to)合计,共计amuse [ə'mju:z] vt.逗乐;给…以娱乐(消遣);打发amuse sb. by sth. 用某物逗乐某人amuse sb. with sth. 用...逗乐某人analyse ['ænəlaiz] vt.分析,分解,解析analysis [ə'næləsis] n.分析,分解analyze ['ænəlaiz] v.分析,分解ancestor ['ænsəstə] n.祖宗,祖先anchor ['æŋkə] n.锚vt.抛锚泊(船) vi.抛锚,停泊ancient ['einʃənt] a.古代的,古老的and [ənd, ænd] conj.和,与,及;那么,则angel ['eindʒəl] n.天使anger ['æŋgə] n.愤怒,气愤vt.使发怒,激怒vi.发怒angle ['æŋgəl] n.角,角度,立场,观点angry ['æŋgri] a.愤怒的,生气的animal ['æniməl] n.动物,野兽,牲畜a.动物的,野兽的ankle ['æŋkəl] n.踝,踝关节anniversary [ˌæni'və:səri] n.周年,周年纪念日announce [ə'nauns] vt.宣布,宣告,声称;vi.当电台的播音员announcer [ə'naunsə] n.宣布者;电(视)台播音员,报幕员annoy [ə'nɔi] vt.使恼怒,使生气;打扰vi.招人讨厌annoy sb. by doing sth. 因做某事使某人生气annual ['ænjuəl] a.每年的,年度的;一年一次的n.年报another [ə'nʌðə] a.再一个的,另一个的;别的prep.另一个answer ['ɑ:nsə] vt.回答,答复,答案v.回答,答复,响应answer for 对...负有责任ant [ænt] n.蚂蚁antarctic [æn'tɑ:ktik] a.南极的anticipate [æn'tisipeit] vt.预料,预感,期望antique [æn'ti:k] a.古时的,古代的n.古物,古器,古玩anxiety [æŋ'zaiəti] n.焦虑,挂虑;渴望anxious ['æŋkʃəs] a.焦虑的,发愁的;渴望的,急切的any ['eni] a.什么,一些;任何的prep.无论哪个anybody ['eniˌbɔdi, 'enibədi] pron.(否定句)任何人;(肯定句)随便哪个人anyhow ['enihau] ad.无论如何,不管怎么说anyone ['eniwʌn] pron.任何人,无论谁anything ['eniθiŋ] pron.(否)任何事物;(肯)无论什么东西anything but 根本不anyway ['eniwei] ad.无论如何anywhere ['eniweə] ad.(否)在什么地方,(肯)随便什么地方apart [ə'pɑ:t] ad.分离,离开,隔开a.分离的,分隔的apartment [ə'pɑ:tmənt] n.(美)公寓;(英)房间apologize [ə'pɔlədʒaiz] vi.道歉,认错apology [ə'pɔlədʒi] n.歉意,道歉;辩护,辩解apparatus [ˌæpə'reitəs] n.器械,器具,仪器,设备apparent [ə'pærənt] a.显而易见的;表面的;看起来appeal [ə'pi:l] vi.呼吁,请求;上诉,申述n.呼吁,请求appear [ə'piə] vi.出现,显露;来到;看起来像,似乎appearance [ə'piərəns] n.出现,露面,出场;外观,外貌,外表appendix [ə'pendiks] n.附录appetite ['æpitait] n.食欲,胃口;欲望,性欲;爱好,趣味applaud [ə'plɔ:d] vt.喝彩,鼓掌,称赞applause [ə'plɔ:z] n.鼓掌,鼓掌欢迎apple ['æpəl] n.苹果,苹果树appliance [ə'plaiəns] n.器具,器械,装置applicable ['æplikəbəl] a.适当的,合适的,可应用的application [ˌæpli'keiʃən] n.申请,请求,申请书;应用,实施,实用性apply [ə'plai] vt.应用,使用,使致力于vi.适用,申请appoint [ə'pɔint] vt.委派,任命;约定,确定appointment [ə'pɔintmənt] n.任命,选派;约会,确定appreciate [ə'pri:ʃieit] vt.为...表示感激,感谢;欣赏,赏识,评价approach [ə'prəutʃ] vt.走近,接近vi.接近,临近n.靠近,途径appropriate [ə'prəupri-it, ə'prəuprieit] a.恰当,合宜的approval [ə'pru:vəl] n.赞同,同意;批准approve [ə'pru:v] vt.赞同,称许;批准,核准vi.赞成,称许approximate [ə'prɔksimit] a.大约,大致,近似的vi.(to)近似,接近approximately [ə'prɔksimətli] ad.近似地,大约April ['eiprəl] n.四月Arabian [ə'reibiən] a.阿拉伯的n.阿拉伯人arbitrary ['ɑ:bitrəri] a.随心所欲的;专断的,任意的arch [ɑ:tʃ] n.拱门,桥洞v.拱起,成为弓形architect ['ɑ:kitekt] n.建筑师architecture ['ɑ:kitektʃə] n.建筑学,建筑术,建筑式样,建筑风格arctic ['ɑ:ktik] a.北极的area ['eəriə] n.面积;地域,地区,范围,领域argue ['ɑ:gju:] vt.主张,认为,论证vi.争论,争执,辩论argument ['ɑ:gjumənt] n.争论,辩论;论据,论点arise [ə'raiz] vi.上升,升起;出现,现成;由…引起arithmetic [ə'riθmətik] n.算术,计算arm [ɑ:m] n.手臂;扶手;武器vt.以武器装备vi.备战army ['ɑ:mi] n.军队;陆军army ['ɑ:mi] n.军队,军;大群,大批around [ə'raund] ad.各处,周围,在附近prep.在…周围arouse [ə'rauz] vt.引起,激起,唤起;唤醒arrange [ə'reindʒ] vt.安排,筹划;整理,排列,布置arrangement [ə'reindʒmənt] n.安排,准备工作;整理,排列,布置arrest [ə'rest] vt.逮捕,拘留,扣留n.逮捕,扣留,攫取arrival [ə'raivəl] n.到达,到来;到达的人或物arrive [ə'raiv] vi.到来,到达;来临;(at)达到,达成arrow ['ærəu] n.箭;箭头符号art [ɑ:t] n.艺术,美术;技术,技艺;文科,人文科学article ['ɑ:tikəl] n.文章,论文;条款,条文;物件,冠词artificial [ˌɑ:ti'fiʃəl] a.人工的,人造的,人为的;做作的,假装的artist ['ɑ:tist] n.艺术家,美术家,演员artistic [ɑ:'tistik] a.艺术(家)的;美术(家)的as [əz] conj.当…时prep.作为,当作ad.同样地 像...一样as for 关于,至于as to 关于,至于as if 好象,仿佛as though 好像,仿佛ash [æʃ] n.灰,灰末ashamed [ə'ʃeimd] a.惭愧的,害臊的Asia ['eiʃə] n.亚洲Asian ['eiʃən] a.亚洲的,亚洲人的n.亚洲人aside [ə'said] ad.在旁边,到(或向)一边aside from 除…以外(尚有)ask [ɑ:sk] vt.问,询问;请求,要求;邀请,约请ask after 探问,问候asleep [ə'sli:p] a.睡着的aspect ['æspekt] n.方面;模样,外表,神态assemble [ə'sembəl] vt.集合,召集;装配;收集vi.集合,聚集assembly [ə'sembli] n.集会(不可数);会议(可数),装配(不可数) assert [ə'sə:t] vt.断言,声称;维护,坚持assess [ə'ses] vt.对...进行估价,评价asset ['æset] n.(复)资产,财产;宝贵的人(或物)assign [ə'sain] vt.(to)指派,选派;分配,布置;指定assignment [ə'sainmənt] n.(分派的)任务,指定的作业;分配,指派assist [ə'sist] vt.协助,帮助,促进vi.帮忙,参加 帮助(做某事),(在某方面的)帮助assist...with 帮助(做某事,学某东西等)assistance [ə'sistəns] n.援助,帮助assistant [ə'sistənt] n.助手,助理,助教a.助理的,辅助的associate [ə'səuʃieit] vt.和...发生联系vi.和...来往n.伙伴association [əˌsəusi'eiʃən] n.联盟,协会,社团;交往,联合;联想assume [ə'sju:m] vt.假设,假定,揣想;装出...(样子) assumption [ə'sʌmpʃən] n.假定,设想;承担,假装assurance [ə'ʃuərəns] n.保证,承诺assure [ə'ʃuə] vt.使确信;向…保证,使有保证assure...of 向...保证一定...,肯定地向...说assure oneself 确实弄清楚,确保astonish [ə'stɔniʃ] vt.使惊讶,使惊恐astronaut ['æstrənɔ:t] n.宇航员,太空旅行者astronomy [ə'strɔnəmi] n.天文学at [æt] prep.在…里;在...上;向,朝;在…时刻athlete ['æθlit, 'æθli:t] n.运动员,体育家,身强力壮的人Atlantic [ət'læntik] a.(the)大西洋的n.大西洋atmosphere ['ætməsfiə] n.大气层,大气,空气;环境,气氛atom ['ætəm] n.原子;微粒;微量atomic [ə'tɔmik] a.(关于)原子的;原子能的attach [ə'tætʃ] vt.系,贴,连接(to) vi.附属,附加attach to 使属于,使参加;认为有(责任等)attach importance to 重视attack [ə'tæk] vt.攻击,进攻n.攻击,进攻;(病)发作attain [ə'tein] vt.达到,获得attempt [ə'tempt] vt.企图,试图n.努力,尝试,企图attempt to do sth. 试图做某事attempt doing sth. 试图做某事attend [ə'tend] vt.出席,参加(会议等) vi.处理,照料attend on 照顾,侍候attend upon 照顾,侍候attend to 处理,办理;照看,接待;注意倾听attendant [ə'tendənt] n.服务员,值班员;护理人员,侍从attention [ə'tenʃən] n.注意,留心attentive [ə'tentiv] a.注意的,专心的;关心(别人)的,殷勤的attentive to 留意,对...殷勤attitude ['ætitju:d] n.态度,看法(to, toward, about);姿势attorney [ə'tə:ni] n.(美)律师attract [ə'trækt] vt.吸引;引起,诱惑vi.吸引,有吸引力attraction [ə'trækʃən] n.吸引,吸引力attractive [ə'træktiv] a.有吸引力的,有迷惑力的,动人的attribute [ə'tribju:t] vt.(to)把…归因于n.属性,特征audience ['ɔ:diəns] n.听众,观众audio ['ɔ:di-əu] a.听觉的,音频的August ['ɔ:gəst] n.八月aunt [ɑ:nt] n.伯母,婶母,姑母,姨母,舅母aural ['ɔ:rəl] a.听觉的,听力的Australia [ɔ'streiliə] n.澳大利亚Australian [ɔ'streiliən] a.澳大利亚的,澳洲区的;n.澳大利亚人author ['ɔ:θə] n.作家,著作家;发起人,创始人authority [ɔ:'θɔriti] n.当局,官方;权力,权威,威信;当权者auto ['ɔ:təu] n.(美)汽车automatic [ˌɔ:tə'mætik] a.自动的,习惯性的,不加思索的automobile ['ɔ:təməbi:l] n.(美)汽车autumn ['ɔ:təm] n.秋天,秋季auxiliary [ɔ:g'ziljəri] a.辅助的,补助的available [ə'veiləbəl] a.现成可使用的;可利用的;可获得的avenue ['ævənju:, 'ævinju:] n.林荫路,大街;(比喻)途径,渠道,方法average ['ævəridʒ] n.平均数,平均a.平均的vt.均分(利益等)an average of 平均有(跟数词)average out 平均(计算)为...avoid [ə'vɔid] vt.防止,避免;逃避,避开await [ə'weit] vt.等候,等待;将降临于awake [ə'weik] a.醒着的vt.唤醒,使觉醒vi.醒,觉醒award [ə'wɔ:d] vt.授予(奖品等) 给予n.奖,奖品,奖学金aware [ə'weə] a.知道的,意识到的;有觉悟的;懂事的away [ə'wei] ad.离开,远离awful ['ɔ:ful] a.可怕的,糟糕的,极坏的ad.十分,极度地awfully ['ɔ:fuli] ad.异常,非常awkward ['ɔ:kwəd] a.难看的,粗笨的;使人尴尬的ax [æks] n.斧子axe [æks] n.斧at one's back 支持某人at the beginning 从开始,从头at the beginning of 在...初at best 充其量,至多as bold as brass 大模大样(的),粗鲁无礼abide by 遵守at the center of 在...中心as far as ... is concerned 就...来说,就...而言a matter of conscience 要良心来决定的问题as a consequence of 由于...的结果as a consequence 结果at one's convenience 在方便的时候,以方便的方式at a cost (of) 以...为代价,花 all costs (any cost) 不惜任何代价,无论如何at half cost 以半价at no cost 不花钱at the cost of 以…为代价,用...换来的as cool as cucumber 非常冷静a cut above 高一筹,高明一些,超出(能力等)a good deal 许多,大量;…得多a great deal 许多,大量;...得多at a discount 减价,不值钱at sb's disposal 任...处理,供...使用at ease 安详,自在,不拘束at one's ease 安详,自在,不拘束at one's elbow 在身边an element of 一点点,少许at a rough estimate 据大致估计at all events 不管怎样,无论如何at great expense 花了很多钱at little expense 花了很少钱at almost no expense 几乎没花钱at someone's expense 花某人的钱,对某人不利at the expense of 对...不利(不顾...),花…的钱as a matter of fact 事实上,其实as far as 远至,到...程度after a fashion 勉强,不太好after the fashion 依照...a feather in one's cap 荣幸的事a few (表示肯定)有些,几个a fine figure of a man 身材魁梧a fine figure of a woman 身材苗条at first 起初,最先a flash in the pan 昙花一现的人物,一时的成功as follows 如下and so forth 等等a small fortune 一大笔钱,很多钱add fuel to the flames 火上加油a fund of 大量的,储存库a gay gathering 快乐的聚会all of a glow 红彤彤,热烘烘a graduate 研究生a graduate student 研究生a great deal 许多(后接不可数名词)a great deal of 许多(后接不保数名词)a great number of 许多(后接可数名词复数) a bit of grind 一件苦差事a group of 一群(组,片,派等)as it happens 偶然at all hazards 冒着一切危险,不管怎样at hazard 在危机中,侥幸的above one's head 难以理解a heap of 许多,大量at a heat 一口气地a heavy rain 大雨a heavy snow 大雪a heavy crop 丰收at one's height 登峰造极a hell of a lot of money 好多钱a hill of beans 少量,小事a host of guests 好多来宾a hot debate 激烈的讨论a half hour (美)半小时after hours 下班,工作(学习)完毕at all hours 随时an idel rumour 毫无根据的谣言an inspired poet 一个富有灵感的诗人at the instance of 经…提议at intervals 不时地,相隔一定距离at long intervals 间或at regular intervals 每隔一段时间(距离)at short intervals 常常a man of iron 意志坚强的人,严酷无情的人an export item 出口项目a bad job 倒霉事a good job 幸运事a Gordian knot 棘手的难题,难办的事at large 未被捕;消遥自在地,详尽地abide by the law 守法a leap in the dark 冒险的行为,轻举妄动ask leave to do sth. 请求同意做某事ask for leave 请假at leisure 闲着的,有空的;从容不迫的at one's leisure 当有空的时候any less 更少一些all one's life 某人一辈子a limited company 股份有限公司as easy as rolling off a log 极其容易any longer (不)再as long as 只要...就...;既然 drunk as a lord 酩酊大醉at lowest 至少,最低a lump of sugar 一块方糖all of a lump 一齐a good many 相当多的a great many 相当多的at the market 照市价a matter of life and death 生死攸关的事情as a matter of fact 实际上,事实上a mature plan 成熟的、周密的计划at meals 在吃饭a light meal 便餐award sb. a medal 授予某人奖章a medical college 医学院a medical team 医疗队a medical ward 内科病房at the mercy of 在...支配中,任由...摆布absence of mind 心不在焉and no mistake 无疑地,的确a moderate distance 中等距离at any moment 随时,在任何时候at the moment 此刻,那时at most 最多,至多at the most 至多,最多as much as 尽…那么多;差不多as hard as nails 身体结实,冷酷无情a narrow escape 九死一生a narrow escape from death 九死一生a narrow road 窄路a narrow mind 小心眼儿,气量小a narrow circle of friends 交际不广a national boundaries 国界a national minority 少数民族a near translation 接近原文的翻译a near relation 近来at need 紧急时at night 在夜间(晚上)all night 整夜all night long 整夜a mere nobody 一个小人物a nose of wax 没有主意的人all to nothing 百分之百的a hard nut to crack 棘手的问题,难对付的人all of a sudden 突然间an inquiry office 问讯处a head office 总公司an official visit 官方访问and so on 等等at once [ət 'wʌns] 立刻,马上all at once [ət 'wʌns] 突然,同时,一起ask the opinion of sb. 征询某人意见a matter of opinion 看法不同的问题an orderly study 整洁的书房an orderly person 有条理的人an ordinary dress 一件平常的衣服an original edition 原版at a good pace 相当快地a pail of water 一桶水a painful stomach 疼痛的胃a painful problem 棘手的问题a pair of shoes 一双鞋a pair of scissors 一把剪刀a pair 一对夫妇a pale moon 暗淡的月光at peace 处于和平状态,处于平静状态a perfect stranger 完全陌生的人a pet name 昵称a pet dog 宠物狗a piece of cake 轻松的事情a working plan 施工图a strategic plan 战略计划a pocket-size camera 小型照相机a case in point 恰当的例子a point of view 观点,看法,角度at all points 在各方面a polite remark 客气话a pop concert 流行音乐会a marriage portion 一份嫁妆a portion of roast beef 一串烤牛排a coffee-pot 咖啡壶a big pot 大人物a party in power 执政党a primary school 小学award a prize for 授予...奖a professional player 职业选手a puff of breeze 一阵微风a heavy purse 富裕a light purse 贫穷a rainbow of colours 五颜六色a rainbow of opinions 各种观点at any rate 无论如何,至少all round 周围,处处a rude sketch 草图at a sacrifice 亏本地a bad sailor 常晕船的人a good sailor 不晕船的人all the same 仍然,照旧地a savage beast 野兽a savage blow 猛烈的打击a savage forest 原始森林a law school 法学院a scientific method 科学方法a team score 团体分at sea 在海上,在航行中affix one's seal 盖章a secret talk 密谈a secret door 暗门a serious young man 一个持重的年轻人a serious warning 严重警告a severe winter 严冬a sharp sword 锋利的剑a sharp turn 急转弯a sharp pain 剌痛a sheet of paper 一张纸a shower of hail 一阵冰雹a shower of bullets 一阵弹雨a shower of letters 大批信件a rough sketch 草图a slice of beef 一片牛肉a slice of territory 一片领土a slice of life 人生的片段a slow imagination 迟钝的想象力a civilized society 文明社会as soon as 一…就…a sore subject 令人难堪的话题a sound sleep 酣睡a sour temper 乖戾的脾气a spare tyre 备用轮胎a special correspondent 特派记者a pair of spectacles 一副眼镜at full speed 全速at top speed 全速at high speed 全速at a speed of 以…的速度a sponsor country 发起国a scenic spot 风景胜地a stable marriage 稳定的婚姻生活a stable rate of exchange 稳定的汇率an official statement 正式声明,官方声明a space station 宇宙空间站a police station 警察所a straight back 挺直的背a straight thinker 思路有条理a straight answer 坦率的回答a string of buses 一串公汽a string of excuses 一串借口a string 一根绳子a piece of string 一根带子a strong character 坚强的性格a strong faith 坚定的信仰a strong evidence 有力的证据a strong contrast 强烈的对照administration structure 行政机构a sudden attack 突然袭击a sudden change 意外变故all of a sudden 突然a swarm of ants 一群蚂蚁a social system 社会制度a new teaching system 新教学法answer the telephone 接电话a thousand 一千ahead of time 提前at a time 每次,一次at times 有时at a tremendous speed 以极快的速度a tremendous amount of rain 大量的雨a tremendous amount of money 大量的钱a true friend 真朋友an uncomfortable shoe 一只不舒服的鞋an underground organization 地下组织an unexpected guest 不速之客an unusual reply 不寻常的答案an upright piano 立式钢琴an upright man 正直的人an urgent telegram 加急电报an urgent message 紧急消息(情况) an utter waste of time 完全是浪费时间an utter denial 断然拒绝at various times 在不同的时代a vast plain 广袤的原野at vast expense 大笔的开支a vast difference 天壤之别a vertical cliff 悬崖a vertical line 垂直线a violent attack 猛攻a violent blow 猛烈的打击a violent storm 暴风骤雨agree with 赞同;适应于at work 在工作;忙于all over the world 全世界。
2023年高考志愿填报相关规则英文1. College entrance examination:高考2. Enrollment:招生3. Major:专业4. University:大学5. Score:分数6. Grade:成绩7. Preference:优先选择8. Admission criteria:录取标准9. Examination subject:考试科目10. Entrance examination score:高考分数11. School of choice:选择的学校12. College admission:大学录取13. Academic performance:学业表现14. Elective subjects:选修课15. Voluntary reporting:自主填报16. Score conversion:分数换算17. Qualification:资格18. Individual choice:个人选择19. Enrollment plan:招生计划20. Registration process:报名流程21. Application materials:申请材料22. Entrance examination system:高考制度1. The college entrance examination determines the admission to universities in China.(高考决定了中国学生的大学录取。
)2. Students need to meet certain enrollment criteria to be eligible for admission.(学生需要满足一定的招生标准才能被录取。
)3. Choosing the right major is crucial for students' future career development.(选择适合的专业对学生的未来职业发展至关重要。
章节目录Chapter 1 A Overview of E-commerceChapter 2 Classification of E-commerceChapter 3 Network MarketingChapter 4 Electronic PaymentChapter 5 LogisticsAppendix Glossary.电子商务英语(中等职业学校行业英语系列教材)(含mp3 1张)丛书(系列)名:中等职业学校行业英语系列ISBN:978-7-5600-7581-5著译者:张海波主编作者其他书开本:16开页数:200页装订:平定价:19.3出版日期:2008-07-03读者对象:产品类型:内容简介本教材供中等职业学校电子商务类相关专业高年级学生使用,共分16个单元,内容涵盖电子商务的基本概念,B2B、B2C、C2C商务模式,网络营销的基本策略,网络广告,电子支付,现代物流等。
章节目录Chapter 1 A Overview of E-commerceChapter 2 Classification of E-commerceChapter 3 Network MarketingChapter 4 Electronic PaymentChapter 5 LogisticsAppendix Glossary.文秘英语教师用书(中等职业学校行业英语系列教材)丛书(系列)名:中等职业学校行业英语系列ISBN :978-7-5600-6929-6著译者:蔡昕主编作者其他书开本:16开页数:136页装订:平定价:11.9出版日期:2007-10-18读者对象:产品类型:内容简介本书以秘书工作的不同环节为主题,综合训练学生的英语听、说、读、写能力。
明尼苏达大学新生手册明尼苏达大学新生手册目录[hide]∙ 1 联谊会(CSSA) 介绍∙ 2 学校介绍o 2.1 前言o 2.2 学校简介o 2.3 校园分布∙ 3 入学手续注册事项∙ 4 生活信息o 4.1 钱款▪ 4.1.1 银行▪ 4.1.2 卡▪ 4.1.3 怎样开支票。
(见附录3) ▪ 4.1.4 带多少零钱?o 4.2 健康与安全▪ 4.2.1 如何保护自己和找到援助▪ 4.2.2 街上遇到讨钱人▪ 4.2.3 应急▪ 4.2.4 法律事务o 4.3 住房▪ 4.3.1 房间类型▪ 4.3.2 找房主要途径▪ 4.3.3 选房注意事项▪ 4.3.4 临时住房▪ 4.3.5 搬家o 4.4 交通▪ 4.4.1 怎样利用公交车▪ 4.4.2 哪里取公交车时间表▪ 4.4.3 常用公交路线简介▪ 4.4.4 怎样辨认车站▪ 4.4.5 怎样上车投币▪ 4.4.6 怎样要求下车▪ 4.4.7 学期通票(U-Pass)▪ 4.4.8 买车建议o 4.5 通讯▪ 4.5.1 电话▪ 4.5.2 国际长途▪ 4.5.3 手机▪ 4.5.4 E-mail▪ 4.5.5 网络▪ 4.5.6 安装网络▪ 4.5.7 邮局分布o 4.6 购物▪ 4.6.1 环境▪ 4.6.2 乘公交购物▪ 4.6.3 价格▪ 4.6.4 如何付款▪ 4.6.5 退货o 4.7 暑假▪ 4.7.1 熟悉环境(城市及校园) 享受夏季。
▪ 4.7.2 准备学业o 4.8 文化及英语课程o 4.9 饮食▪ 4.9.1 东方菜▪ 4.9.2 其它口味▪ 4.9.3 TA、RA 带饭注意▪ 4.9.4 小费▪ 4.9.5 亚洲理发店o 4.10 个人文件管理∙ 5 文化,交际∙ 6 附录o 6.1 A1. 常备机构和电话o 6.2 A2. 住房广告常用语o 6.3 A3. Glossary of Housing Termso 6.4 A4. 支票样张联谊会(CSSA) 介绍欢迎你来到明尼苏达大学(简称”明大”),加入我们的行列–明尼苏达大学中国学生学者联谊会(Chinese Students and Scholars Association, 简称CSSA)成立于1984年,是目前全美最大的中国学生学者组织之一。
Financial accounting glossaryA batch of 一批一组A tangible good 一件有形商品Abandon 放弃Accelerated depreciation 加速折旧Accomplishment 成就成绩Account for 核算Account number 账号Account outstanding 未清账款Account title 账户名称Accounting element 会计要素Accounting equation 会计等式Accounting information 会计信息Accounting period 会计期间Accounting record 会计记录Accounting standard 会计准则Accounting treatment 会计处理Accounting payable 应付账款Accounts payable subsidiary ledger 应付账款明细分类账Accounting receivable 应收账款Accounting receivable turnover 应账款周转率Accrual accounting 权责发生制会计Accrual basis of accounting 权责发生制会计制度Accrue 应计增值Accrued expense 应计费用Accrued liability 应计负债Accrued revenue 应计收入Accumulated 积累的Accumulated depreciation 累计折旧Accumulated earnings 累计收益Acid-test ratio 酸性测试比率,速动比率Acquisition 取得Additional paid-in capital溢缴资本Adjust 调节调账Adjusting entry 调账分录Administrative expense 管理费用行政费用办公费用Administrative salary expense 行政管理工资费用Admission and withdrawal of partners 合伙人的入伙及撤伙Admission by contribution of assets 通过捐缴资产的方式入伙Admission by purchase of interest 通过购买权益的方式入伙Admission of a new partner 新合伙人的入伙Admit 允许进入接受Advance payment 预付款Advertising expense 广告费用Agent 代理,代理人Aging method 账龄法Allocation of the cost 成本的分配Allowance for bad debts 坏账准备Allowance method 备抵法American express 美国运通卡Amortization 摊销摊提分期偿还Amortization expense 摊销费用Amortize 摊销摊提Amount to(在数量上) 达——Analysis period 报告期分析期Analytical tool 分析工具Anticipate 期望Apparent 明显的Apparent 明显的Applicable 实际的适用的Applicable expense 使用费用Appraisal 估价鉴定Arise from 产生于,因—-而造成Arrive at 得出As of 在或直到(某一时间)Aspect 方面Assess 评估,评价Asset acquisition 资产的取得Asset 资产Auditor 审计师Authorized stock 核定股份Available-for-sale securities 可供出售的债权Average 平均的使平均Average days inventory on hand 平均库存天数Average days sale uncollected 应收销售款平均收现天数bad debt 坏账呆账bad debt expense 坏账费用呆账费用balance 平衡余额balance 使平衡balance sheet 资产负债表bank deposit 银行存款bank reconciliation 银行往来调节银行往来对账bank service charge 银行手续费银行服务费bank statement 银行对账单bankrupt 破产的bankruptcy 破产倒闭bargain price 廉价处理价;交易价格成交价格base amount 基数base period 基期basket purchase 一揽子购买bear no connection with 与——没有联系beauty parlor 美容院beginning balance 期初余额beginning inventory 期初存货,期初库存benefit from 从——受益bill账单billing 开单出具账单board of directors 董事会bond discount z债券折价bonds payable 应付债券bonus 红利补贴津贴bonus to partner 补贴合伙人book 账簿账册book 接受——的预定、订购book value 账面价值bookkeeper 簿记员book-to-tax difference 财税之差business 企业business enterprise 商业企业企业机构business entity 企业实体商号business operation 企业机构商业企业business performance 经营活动营业活动by note 签发票据calculate 计算call for 要求call privilege 赎回权利callable bond 可通赎回债券可赎回债券cancelled check 已注销支票付讫支票capital 资本capital acquisition 资本取得capital balance 资本余额capital balance ratio 资本额比例capital contribution 资本摊缴capital expenditure 资本支出基本建设支出capital lease 资本租赁capital stock 股本capital structure 资本结构capitalize 使资本化变为资本caption 标题carry on 经营cash 现金cash basis accounting 现金收付制会计cash disbursement 现金支出cash discount 付现折扣cash dividend 现金股利现金股息cash equivalent 现金等价物cash expenditure 现金支出cash inflow 现金流入cash outflow 现金流出cash payment 现金支付现金支出cash receipt 现金收入现金所得cash receipt journal 现金收入日记账cash sale 现金销售现销cashier 出纳员categorize 分类category 类别(n)center on 以——为中心围绕certificate 凭证证明书certificate of deposit 存折存款单challenging 挑战性的changing hands 易手转手chart of accounts 会计科目表chronological record 序时记录clarify 使清楚易懂澄清classification 分类classified income statement 分类损益表closing entry 结账分录collect 收账收款collection 收款收账commission 佣金commission expense 佣金费用commitment 承付款项承诺付款数common equivalents 普通股等价物,相当于普通股的股票common stock 普通股票common-size analysis 统一度量式分析,百分比分析,共同比例分析总体结构分析common-size balance sheet 统一度量式(只用百分比,不用金额)资产负债表,通用型资产负债表,总体结构资产负债表,共同比例资产负债表,百分比资产负债表,共同量资产负债表common-size comparative balance sheet 统一度量式比较资产负债表,百分比比较资产负债表common-size comparative income statement 统一度量式比较损益表,百分比比较损益表common-size financial statement统一度量式报表,总体结构报表,共同比报表common-size statement 统一度量式报表comparative balance sheet 比较资产负债表comparative financial statement 比较财务报表complete 完成使完整complex 复杂的complicated 复杂的component 成分构成组成部分computerized accounting statement 电算化会计制度connote 含有——意义consent 同意conservation concept 保守概念consignee 承销人代售人consignee payable 应付承销人账款应付代售人账款consignment 寄售consignor 寄售人consignor payable 应付寄售人账款constitute 构成组成construction in program 在建工程consumption 消费context 上下文背景环境contingency 或有事项continuous existence 持续经营contra account 对销账户,抵消账户contractor 承包人承包商conversion privilege 兑换特权convert 改变成convertible 可转换的convertible bond 可转换债券co-owner 共有者,共同所有者co-ownership of property 共有财产copyright 版权著作权corporate (a)公司的(v)组建股份公司corporate accounting 公司会计corporate tax 公司所得税企业所得税corporation 股份公司cost accounting 成本会计cost available for sale 可销成本cost measurement 成本核定费用计量cost of goods available for sale 可销成本cost of goods manufactured 产品成本,制成成本cost of goods purchased 进货成本采购成本cost of goods sale 销售成本cost of installment sales 分期付款销货成本cost-to-cost method 成本比例法,完工百分比法count 数,盘点coupon bond 付息票(公司)债券credit 贷方贷记credit 信贷贷款credit balance 贷方余额credit card sales 信用卡销售credit card service expense 信用卡服务费credit purchase 赊购credit sales 赊销credit term 信用条件creditor 债权人criteria 标准尺度critical 关键的,至关重要的cross-reference 交叉检索current agreed value 现行的意见一致的价值current asset 流动资产current debt 流动负债current financial operation 本期财务运转current liability 流动负债current obligation 本期债务current period 当期,本期current portion of a long-term debt 一年内到期的长期负债current ratio 流动比率customer ratio 用户收费率,顾客运费率cut-off 盘存debenture 信用债券debit 借方借记debit balance 借方余额debit entry 借方分录debt ratio 负债比率debt securities 债务证券declare 通告(分红)deduct 扣除deduction (扣除)defective goods 次品deferred gross profit 递延毛利deferred income tax 递延所得税delivery expense 运费交货费用delivery wages expense 交货工资费用delivery trucks 运输车辆deposit in transit 在途存单deposit slip 存款单存款收据depositor’s books 储户的账册depreciation 折旧depreciation expense 折旧费用detect 察觉查出difference 差差额direct cost 直接成本direct labor cost 直接人工成本direct matching 直接配比direct material 直接材料直接原料direct method 直接法direct write-off method 直接冲销法director 董事disburse 支付disbursement 支出支付discount 贴息折价折扣discount on bound 债券折价discount period 折扣期间贴现期间discount sale 折价销售display 展示disposal 处理清理dissolution (n)散伙解散dissolve (v)散伙解散distinguish 区别divergent 不同的divide into 分成——divide——by——(用——除以——)dividend 红利股息股利dividend revenue 股息收入红利收益dividend payable 应付股息应付股利division of labor分工dollar amount 金额dollar change 金额变化double-entry system 复式会计制度drawing 个人提取(账户)due (票据等)到期的duration 期限earnings per share 每股收益effective interest method 实际利息(计算)法efficiency 效率efficiency ratio 效能比率效率比率efforts-expended method 已付努力法elaborate 详尽阐述elaboration 详尽说明electricity bill 电费账单employee training program 员工培训计划endanger 危及ending balance 期末余额ending capital 期末资本ending inventory 期末存货end-user 最终用户最终消费者enter into 签订entitle to 给——权利给——资格entry 分录equity accounting 权益会计equity ratio 业主权益比率equity securities 权益证券establish 建立evaluate 评估估价exceed 超过excessive 过分的excise tax 消费税exclusive right 专营权专有权executive 行政管理人员expenditure 开支expense 费用计入费用的账户expense recognition 费用的确定external 外部的(internal内部的)extraordinary gain 非常收益extraordinary item (收入或费用)非常项目,特殊项目extraordinary loss 非常损失意外损失face interest rate 票面利率face value 面值factor 系数率fair market value 公允市价公平市价fair presentation 公允表达FASB(financial accounting standard board)财务会计准则委员会Feasible 可行的Federal income tax 联邦所得税Fee 手续费服务费酬金Fees income tax 联邦所得税FICA(federal insurance contribution act)联邦社会保险法FIFO(first in first out)先进先出法Financial ability 财力资金Financial accounting 财务会计Financial analyst 财务分析家Financial condition 财务状况Financial expense 财务费用Financial institution 金融机构Financial management 财务管理Financial position 财务状况Financial report 财务报告Financial statement 财务报表Financial statement analysis 财务报表分析Financial activity 筹资活动Finished goods inventory 产成品库存制成品库存Finished product 制成品产成品Fit in 适于——Fixed assets 固定资产Fluctuate 浮动Foreign currency translation adjustment 外币换算调整Format 形式Formation partnership 合伙企业的组成Formula 公式Formulate 订立Forward 转递转交Franchise 专营权特许经营权Fraud 欺骗欺诈Frequently 频繁的Full cost 全部成本Funding by bond 债券筹资Funding by stock 股票筹资GAAP(generally accepted accounting principles)公认会计原则Gain on sale of land 销售土地所得Gain or loss of sale asset 资产变卖损益Garment factory 服装厂General and administrative cost 总务及管理成本General and administrative expense 总务及管理费用General expense 管理费用General journal 普通日记账General ledger 总账Generate 产生Goods in process 在产品在制品Goodwill 商誉Government securities 政府债券Gravel deposit 砾石矿Grocery store 杂货店Gross 总的毛的Gross amount 总计总额毛计Gross margin 毛利Gross profit 毛利总利润Guideline 标准准则Hardware store 五金商店Have something to do with 与——有关Held-to-maturity securities 持至到期的债券Historical cost 历史成本Hold back 阻挡Horizontal analysis 水平分析横向分析Hours of labor 工时人工小时Human resource management 人力资源管理Identical 同样的Identifiable 可辨认的可识别的Identify 认出确认Idle cash 闲置现金游资Idle fund 闲置资金游资Imprecise 不精确的不准确的In desperate need 急需In monetary term 用货币术语来说In proportion to 按比例In regard to 关于In that 由于因为Income before tax 税前收入Income from main operations 主营业务收入Income from other operations 其他业务收入Income statement 损益表Income summary 汇总账户损益汇总账户Income tax 所得税Income tax accounting 所得税会计Income tax effect 所得税税收效应Income tax law 所得税法Income taxes expense 所得税费用Income taxes on operations 营业所得税Incompetent 不称职的不能胜任的Incorporation 组成公司组建公司Incredible 难以置信的Incur 招致遭受Incurrence of a cost 成本的发生Indirect cost 间接成本Indirect method 间接成本法Indirect production cost 间接生产成本Industry 行业Inevitable 不可避免的Inflationary 通货膨胀Inflow流入Initial investment 起初投资Input measure 投入测算法投入核算法、Inspector 检验员检察员Installment 分期付款分期收款Installment accounts receivable 应收分期账款Installment sales 分期付款销售Insurance expense 保险费Insurance premium 保险费Intangible asset 无形资产Intangible service 无形的服务Intend as (为——而)准备,打算使——成为Intended meaning 原来的意思原有目的Interest basis 利息法按利息分配损益的方法Interest cost 利息成本Interest payable 应付利息Interest period 计息期Interest rate 利率Interest-bearing note 附息票据Interest-free 无息的Internal 内部的Interpretation 解释Intuition 直觉,直觉行为Inventory 存货库存Inventory accounting 存货核算存货会计Inventory cost flow 库存成本流转Inventory cut-off 存货盘存存货盘点Inventory on consignment 寄销存货Inventory purchase 采购存货Inventory shrinkage 存货损耗Inventory taking 盘存盘点存货Inventory turnover 存货周转率Investing activity 投资活动Investing revenue 投资收益Invoice 发票Issuance 发行Issue bond and notes 发行债券及票据Issue debt 放债Issued stock 已发行股份Janitor 看门人Journal entry 日记账分录Journal 日记账Journalizing 登陆日记账Junk bond 地基债券Label 标记归类Labor dollar 工资Labor hour 工时Labor negotiation 劳动谈判劳资谈判Law firm 律师事务所Layer 层面Lease 租赁Lease obligation 租赁债务Lease payment 租赁付款Lease term 租赁期Lessee 承租人Leaser 出租人Leger 总账Legal formality 法律手续法律形式Lending and collecting loans 放贷及收贷Less 减去Liability 负债License 执照LIFO(last in first out) 后进先出法Limited liability 有限责任Limited life 有限的经营期限Liquid 流动的易转换成现款的Liquidation 清算清偿(企业的)资产清理Liquidity 流动性Liquidity ratio 流动性比率List price 零售价目录价格List sale price 目录销售价Long-lived asset 长期资产Long-run 长期的Long-standing 长期的Long-term asset 长期资产Long-term construction contract 长期建筑合同Long-term investment 长期投资Long-term liability 长期负债Long-term obligation 长期债务Loss on write-down of inventory 存货减记损失Lower of cost or market rule 成本与市场孰低法Lubricating oil 润滑油Lump-sum payment 一次总算支付Major operation 主营业务Make clear 澄清阐述Make loans to other entities 向其他实体放贷Make out 得出完成Manipulated 易受操控的Manufacturing business 制造业制造型企业Manufacturing company 制造公司Manufacturing cost 制造成本生产成本Manufacturing overhead (间接)制造费用Market interest rate 市场利率Market price 市场价格市值Marketable 适合市场销售的销售好的可市场买卖的Marketable securities 有价证券可转售证券适销证券MasterCard 万事达卡Matching concept 配合概念配比概念Matching principle 配比原则Matching rule 配比规则Material handler 材料员Material inventory 物资库存(原)材料盘存Mathematical 数学Maturity value 到期值Merchandise 商品Merchandising business 商业企业流通业Merchandising inventory 商品存货库存商品商品盘存Merchandiser 商人商业企业Merit 优点长处Mileage 英里数里程数Mineral deposit 矿藏Minus 减减去Miscellaneous expense 杂项费用,其他费用,杂项开支Modifier 修饰语,修饰成分Money order 汇款单Monitor 监视监控Monthly statement 月结单Mortgage agreement 抵押协议Mortgage bond 抵押债券Mortgage payable 应付抵押账款Multiple 倍倍数Multiply——by (用——乘以)Negative amount 负值Negative figure 负数负值Negatively 负面的Net asset 净资产Net cash flow 现金净流量Net change 变动净额Net effect 净效果Net income 净收入Net profit after income taxes 税后净利润Net purchase 购入净值进货净额Noncash asset 非现金资产Noncurrent 非流动的Nonoperating gains and losses 非营业性利得和损失Nonproduction cost 非生产性成本No-par stock 无面值股票Notion 观念概念NSF(nonsufficient fund)check 存款不足的支票Number of share 股数Number of shares of stock outstanding 在外股票的股数Objectively 客观的Obligation 债务义务责任Office salaries expense 办公室工资费用Office supplies expense 办公室材料费用Offset against 抵消Oil well 油井On account 赊销赊购赊账On credit 赊账One decimal place 一位小数小数点后一位Operating activity 经营活动Operating asset 营业资产Operating cycle 营业循环营业周期经营周期Operating expense 营业费用Operating income 营业收入营业收益营业所的Operating lease 营业租赁Order 订单Other accounts receivable 其他应收账款Other than (除了——除非——)Outflow 流出Output measure 产量测算法产量核算法Outstanding check 未兑现的支票Outstanding stock 流通在外的股票Over the long run 从长远的观点来看长期的Overall 综合的全部的包括一切的Overhaul 彻底检修大修Overhead cost 制造成本间接成本管理费用Overstate 多计Overstatement 过多的陈述多计多报Over-the-counter 柜台上的Overtime coffee 加班咖啡加班餐饮费Owner’s equity 所有者权益Owner’s interest 所有者权益P.R(posting reference)过账证明Packing material 包装材料Par 面值Participation参与Partnership 合伙企业Partnership accounting 合伙会计Partnership agreement 合伙契约Part-time help 非全日助手Par-value stock 有面值的股票Past-due 过期的逾期的Patent 专利Payment of dividends 支付股利Payroll 工资表工资单工资额Percent change 百分比变化Percentage-of-completion accounting 完工百分比核算法Performance 绩效业绩成果Period cost 期间成本Periodic inventory method 实地盘存法Periodic payment 定期付款定期支付Perpetual inventory method 永续盘存法Pertain to 属于Petty cash 零用钱小额现金Petty cash fund 领用基金Physical quantity 实物数量Pocket 据为己有Polling 集资向共同基金提供资金Positive amount 正值Posting 过账Precede 在——前面加上在——前面先说Preference 偏爱Preferred dividend 优先股股息Preferred stock 优先股Premium 溢价Pre-numbered check 有序列号的支票Prepaid expense 预付费用Prepaid insurance 预付保险费Prepaid rent 预付房租Prepare 编制(报表等)Present 提交展示Pretax book income 税前账面收入未扣税账面所得Previous 先前的以前的Price 定价Primary income statement 基本损益表Principle 本金Principle collection 收回本金Prior 优先的Proceeds 进款收入Product cost 成品成本Product selling business 销售产品的企业Product unit cost 单位产品成本Productive 富有成效的得益的Profit 利润Profit and lost distribution 损益分配Profit margin 净利比率Profit reporting procedure 利润报告程序Profitability 获利能力盈利能力Profitability ratio 盈利率Profitable operation 获取利润的经营Progress billing 进度账单阶段账单Progress billing on construction contract 建筑合同阶段账单Promissory note 期票本票Prompt payment 立即付款Property tax 财产税Property tax payable 应付财产税Proprietorship 独资企业Prospect 前景Provisions 条款规定Prudent 谨慎的Public utilities 公用事业股份公司Purchase 进货采购Purchase return 购货退回进货退回Purchase journal 进货日记账Purchase on account 赊购Pursue 追求Quick assets 速动资产Quick ratio 速动比率、R&D(research and development) 研发实验室Ratio analysis 比率分析Raw material 原料Real estate 不动产房地产Realizable 可实现的Realization concept 收益实现概念Realization of expense 费用的确定Reconcile 调节使协调使一致Redeem 赎回买回Redeemable preferred stock 可赎回优先股Reflect 折射反射反应Regardless of 不管不顾Registered bond 记名债券Regulate 管理控制Regulator 政府管理者Reimbursable 可收回的可补偿的Reimbursement 偿还偿付付还Relevant 相关的Rely on 依靠依赖Render 提供Rent expense 房租费用租赁费用Rent revenue 租赁收入Repairs and maintenance expense 维护费用Repay 偿还Repetitive 重复的Research and development cost 研发成本Restrictive 限制性的约束性的Result from (因——而)产生发生Retail 零售Retail store 零售店Retained earning 留存盈余Retained earnings statement 留存盈余表Return on total assets 总资产收益率Revenue 收入收益Revenue recognition 收入的确定营业收入的确定Revenue-producing operating 获取总收入的经营Review 回顾Round 把——四舍五入Sacrifice 牺牲Safeguard 保护保障Salaries payable 应付薪金应付工资Salary basis 工资法Salary-interest basis 工资利息法Sales contract 销售合同Sales discount 销售折扣Sales on account 赊销Sales returns and allowance 销货退回及折让Sales salaries expense 销售工资费用Sales tax 销售税营业税Salvage value 残值Secured bond 有保(公司)债券Self-manufactured semi-finished product 自制半成品Selling and administrative expense 销售及管理费用Selling cost 销售成本Selling expense 销售成本Semiannual 半年,每半年的Serial bond 分期偿还(公司)债券,序列(公司)债券Service business 服务业Service enterprise 服务型企业Service firm 服务性企业Settle 结算Share 股票Shareholder investment 股东投资Shares outstanding 流通在外的股票,发行在外的股票Shipping expense 运费Shipping supplies expense 运输材料费Short-term asset 短期资产Short-term investment 短期投资Showroom 样品间展厅Skepticism 怀疑态度Slippery 把握不准的不稳定的不明确的Solvency analysis 偿付能力分析Solvency ratio 偿付比率Special delivery service 特快专递服务Special journal 特种日记账Special identification method 个别辨认法Specify 明确说明详细的说明Spice 香料调味料Stated ratio 设定比例固定比例Statement of cash flow 现金流量表Sticker price 卷标价格Stock 股票Stock certificate 股权证Stock issuance 股票的发行Stockholder 股东,股票持有者Stockholders’ equity 股东权益Stock-option 认股权购股选择权Stockroom personal 仓库管理人员库管Straight-line amortization 直线摊销Straight-line depreciation method 直线折旧法Straight-line method 直线法Subscriber 订阅者Subscription 订阅订购Subsequent payment 分期缴付Subtotal 小计Subtract 减去Successive 连续的Sufficient 足够的Suit 一套衣服Summarize 汇总Sundry 杂的多项的Supervisor 检察员监察员Supplement 补充Supplier 供货商Supplies 材料Synonym 同义词T account 丁字账户Take inventory 盘存Take preference over 对——具有优先权Tangible asset 有形资产Tax benefit 纳税利益Tax effect 课税效果税收效应Tax exemption 免税Tax rate 税率Taxable income 应纳税收入需纳税的收入Taxi fare 搭乘出租车费用Taxing authorities 税务部门Temporary account 临时账户Term bond 定期(公司)债券Term of consignment 寄售条款寄售条件The converse 相反的事物Timber tract 伐木道路Time deposit 定期存款Time-consuming 耗时的Title of account 账户名称To date 到现在为止到目前为止至今Total assets turnover 总资产周转率Trace 追溯查出找到Trade discount 商业折扣Transaction 会计事项Transfer 转账Transfer of ownership 所有权转让Traveling expense 差旅费Treasury bill 短期国国库券Treasury note (美)国库券Treasury stock 库存股票Uncertainty 不确定的事物Uncollectible (a)无法收回的(b)无法收回的账项Uncollectible account 坏账呆账Uncover 揭开——的盖子,暴露Understate 少计Understatement 不完全陈述不充分陈述少计少报Unearned revenue 预收收入递延收入Unexpected 意外的Uniform Partnership Act 《统一合伙条例》Unincorporated business 非股份制企业Union 工会Union dues 工会会费Unique 无比的独一无二的不寻常的Units-of-production depreciation method 产量单位折旧法Unlimited liability 无限责任Unregistered bond 无记名债券Unsecured bond 无担保债券Utility expense 公用事业费Utilities payable 应付公用事业费Utmost 最大的极度的Van 面包车微型车Vendor 卖主出卖人叫卖商Verification 核实验证Vertical analysis 垂直分析纵向分析VISA 维萨卡Void 作废的Voluntary association 自愿的联盟Weighted-average method 加权平均法Well-offness 好的境遇繁荣昌盛生意兴隆Withdraw (v)撤回撤资撤Withdrawal (n) 撤回撤资撤伙Withdrawal account 提取账户Withhold 预扣Withholding tax 预扣税款Work in process inventory 在制品盘存在产品存货Working capital 运营资本,流动资金Working capital ratio 运营资本比率Workmanship 工艺技艺做工Write-down 减记化减Zero-interest bond 无息债券。
abandon,desert,leave,forsake,cease,discardabashed,ashamed,embarrassed,confusedabate,reduce,lessen,drop,decreaseabbreviate,abridge,curtail,condense,shorten,contractabdicate,renounce,resign,quitabdomen,stomach,belly,paunchabduct,kidnapability,capacity,capability,faculty,powerable,capable,competent,qualifiedabnormal,irregular,eccentric,oddabolish,cancel,destroy,exterminateabout,around,roundabout,concerning,regarding,respectingabove,over,onabrupt,sudden,hastyabsent,absent-minded,abstracted,preoccupiedabsolute,complete,thoroughabsolve,excuse,forgive,pardonabstain,refrain,withholdabsurd,foolish,ridiculous,ludicrousabundance,plenty,profusionabuse,misuse,mistreat,maltreat,ill-treat,ill-useacademy,seminary,institute,college,universityaccelerate,hurry,hasten,quickenaccident,casualty,event,mishap,incident,happening,occurrenceaccidental,chance,casual,incidentalaccompany,attend,conduct,escortaccomplish,achieve,complete,fulfill,finish,realizeaccord,agreement,conformity,harmonyaccount,bill,statement,record,story,version,reportaccumulate,amass,collect,compile,increaseaccurate,perfect,correct,exactaccuse,charge,blame,denounce,incriminate,indictache,agony,anguish,pain,pang,sore,stab,sting,stitch,throe,torment,torture,twin geacknowledge,admit,confess,concedeacknowledge,recognizeacquaint,enlighten,inform,notify,tellacquirement,acquisitionacrid,harsh,stingingacross,through,overact,action,deedactive,animated,energetic,lively,vivacious,brisk,breezyactor,performer,playeracute,critical,crucialadapt,adjust,accommodate,conform,fit,reconcile addition,accession,accretion,incrementadequate,ample,enough,sufficient,plentifuladherence,adhesionadjacent,adjoining,neighbouringadminister,execute,manage,presideadmission,admittanceadore,admire,cherish,worshipadorn,beautify,decorate,garnish,ornamentadroit,adept,expert,proficient,skillfuladult,grown-up,mature,ripe,developedadvance,proceed,progress,promoteadventurous,adventuresome,daring,venturesome,venturous adverse,contrary,counter,oppositeadvice,instruction,direction,suggestion,proposal aeroplane,airplane,plane,aircraftaffair,business,concern,matter,thingaffirmative,positiveafflict,try,torment,torture,rack,grillafraid,cowardly,fearful,frightened,scaredage,majorityaged,old,elderly,superannuatedaggravate,annoy,exasperate,irritateaggression,attack,offense,invasionaghast,amazed,astonished,astounded,surprised agreement,bargain,concord,contract,treatyagriculture,cultivation,farming,husbandryaid,assist,helpaim,direct,intend,point,tryalarm,frighten,disturb,shock,startlealert,attentive,prompt,watchfulalight,light,land,perchalive,live,lively,livingall,each,everyall,whole,entire,total,grossalley,corridor,aisle,path,passage(way),lanealliance,confederation,federation,fusion,league,union alone,desolate,lone,lonely,lonesome,solitaryallot,allocate,assign,budget,distribute,divide,shareallow,consent,admit,grant,let,permit,promiseallude,hint,imply,infer,suggestalmost,nearlyalter,change,modify,deviate,diversify,varyalways,everambition,aspiration,pretensionamble,saunter,strollamong/amongst,amidst/amidamuse,divert,entertain,interest,recreateancestor,forebear,forefatheranchor,attach,fix,fasten,secureanger,rage,fury,indignation,wrathanimal,beast,brute,creatureannounce,broadcast,declare,proclaim,report,stateanswer,reply,respondanticipate,await,expect,foreseeantique,ancient,archaic,oldapparent,clear,evident,obvious,plain,seemingapparition,fetch,ghost,spirit,shade,phantomappease,calm,ease,quiet,pacify,relieveapplaud,acclaim,approveappreciate,enjoyappropriate,proper,suitable,aptarchitecture,building,construction,structureardent,eager,earnest,enthusiastic,passionate,zealousarea,region,district,zone,section,prefecturearistocracy,gentlefolk,gentry,nobilityarmy,forces,troopsarouse,disturb,awaken,provoke,stimulatearrest,catch,capture,seizearrival,adventart,artifice,craft,cunning,skillartificial,false,imitation,syntheticascend,climb,mount,scaleask,request,solicitaspire,aim,desire,striveassassinate,kill,murderassume,pretend,presume,suppose,suspect,thinkassure,convince,guarantee,pledgeassure,ensure,insure,reassureaswell,too,also,eitherasunder,apart,divided,separateattack,assail,assault,descendon,overtakeattempt,endeavor,tryattitude,opinion,standpoint,viewpointattract,allure,charm,draw,temptattractive,beautiful,bonny,comely,charming,fair,pleasing,lovely,handsome,pret tyauthentic,true,realavenge,revengebad,evil,ill,wickedbare,bald,naked,nudebase,basis,foundationbear,endure,suffer,stand,toleratebecause,as,since,forbelow,under,beneath,underneathbestow,award,give,presentbetray,deceive,mislead,trickbid,direct,command,instruct,orderbig,large,huge,great,grand,giant,gross,gigantic,vast,massive,monstrous,imme nse,titanic,enormous,tremblemish,scar,defect,stainblend,combine,join,mix,stirboat,ship,vessel,craft,canoe,yachtbold,arrogant,impudent,rudeboring,weary,drearyborrow,lendbother,annoy,irritate,troubleboundary,border,frontier,marchboundless,endless,infinite,unlimitedbrand,label,mark,tagbrave,bold,courageous,heroicbreak,crack,crush,shatter,smashbreak,interrupt,pause,rest,stopbreed,raise,trainbrevity,briefness,shortness,concisenessbud,develop,flourish,sproutcab,car,carriage,coach,taxicabin,bungalow,cottage,house,hutcalamity,catastrophe,disaster,tragedycalculate,compute,estimate,reckoncalm,placid,peaceful,serene,tranquilcan,beableto,managetocandidate,applicant,nomineecapital,funds,money,stockcare,anxiety,concern,worrycareful,cautious,prudent,watchfulcareless,reckless,sloppy,slovenlycarry,convey,take,transportcase,condition,circumstance,statecastle,chateau,mansion,palacecatalog,classify,list,recordcause,ground,motive,reasoncavity,crater,hole,pitcenter,core,heart,middle,nucleuscentral,chief,main,leading,principalceremonial,ceremonious,formal,solemncertify,attest,witnesschance,accident,fortune,luck,haphazardchangeable,changeful,inconstant,variablechapter,division,part,sectioncharacter,characteristic,attribute,feature,personality,quality,trait cheap,cheaplychief,chieftain,head,headman,leaderchildlike,childishchilly,cold,cool,briskchoice,alternative,option,preference,selectionchoose,select,elect,pick,prefercitizen,inhabitant,occupant,residentcivil,courteous,courtly,politeclan,crowd,folk,group,tribe,familyclass,grade,quality,rankclassify,categorize,group,organize,sortclose,compact,dense,thickclose,complete,conclude,end,finish,terminateclose,shutclothe,attire,dress,wrap,robeclothes,clothing,cloth,dress,costumecloudy,dark,dismal,gloomy,unclearcode,law,rule,systemcoin,devise,invent,originatecollapse,crash,fail,topplecolleague,associate,companion,comrade,friend,partner comfortable,easy,restfulcomical,amusing,funny,humorouscommend,applaud,compliment,recommendcomment,mention,note,remarkcommercial,mercantilecommon,ordinarycompany,band,party,troopcompare,contrast,matchcompassion,mercy,pity,sympathycompel,force,make,requirecompensate,balance,offsetcomplaisant,complacentcomplex,complicated,intricate,involvedcompose,comprise,constitute,consistcomposition,paper,document,script,works,writingcomprehend,know,realize,understandcompress,condense,press,reduce,squeezecompute,calculate,count,figureconceit,egotism,egoism,self-esteem,self-loveconcept,idea,notion,opinion,thoughtconclude,deduce,infer,reasoncondemn,convict,sentenceconduct,direct,guide,lead,manageconfident,certain,convinced,believingconfine,contain,enclose,restrain,surroundcongratulate,commend,compliment,bless,flatter,praiseconquer,beat,defeatconsent,agree,assent,accept,comply,permitconsequently,accordingly,hence,thereforeconserve,preserve,reserve,keep,maintainconsider,account,count,deem,reckon,regardconsider,contemplate,revolve,studyconspicuous,clear,distinct,noticeable,obvious,prominentcontact,connect,join,touchcontain,include,involve,hold,accommodatecontaminate,corrupt,infect,pollutecontemporary,contemporaneous,concurrentcontented,delighted,pleased,satisfiedcontinual,continuous,incessant,unceasingcontinuation,continuance,continuitycontroversy,argument,dispute,quarrelconventional,customary,usual,accepted,established,formal,traditional cooperate,assist,collaboratecopy,duplicate,imitate,mimic,reproducecorporation,company,business,enterprise,firm,industrycorrect,accurate,exact,precise,right,nicecost,charge,fee,fare,tuition,freight,tipcostly,dear,expensive,invaluable,precious,priceless,valuable countenance,appearance,expression,face,lookscountry,countrysidecountry,land,nation,region,state,territorycouple,pair,bracecrawl,creepcredit,belief,faith,trustcrime,evil,sin,vice,wrongdoingcrowd,group,mass,mob,throngcrucial,critical,decisive,important,pressing,urgentcrude,raw,rough,unrefined,vulgarcry,weep,sob,sniffle,snivel,moan,bawl,bewail,wail,mewl,booboo cultured,learned,polished,refined,well-bredcurious,inquisitive,prying,snoopycurve,bend,curl,turn,twist,windcustom,habit,practicecut,carve,chop,hew,slash,slitdanger,hazard,jeopardy,peril,riskdangerous,hazardous,jeopardous,perilous,riskydeadly,deathlydeadly,mortal,fataldebate,argue,discuss,dispute,reasondecay,rot,spoildeceive,betray,beguile,delude,misleaddeception,fraud,trickerydecide,determine,resolve,settledecrease,diminish,dwindle,lessen,reducedeep,deeplydeep,profounddefine,clarify,describe,explaindeform,distort,disfiguredefy,challenge,confront,disregard,disobey,resistdelay,detain,postpone,slowdelegate,agent,deputy,representativedelicate,fragile,fine,soft,tenderdelusion,illusiondemand,claim,require,needdepict,describe,characterize,illustrate,portray,represent depress,oppress,weighdesignate,appoint,name,nominatedesire,appetite,lust,urgedespise,contemn,disdain,scorndestroy,demolish,spoil,ruin,damagedetect,discover,find,perceive,recognizedeter,discourage,hinder,prevent,prohibitdevice,apparatus,instrument,implement,machine,tool devote,dedicate,consecrate,hallowdialect,jargon,slang,vernaculardialogue,conversation,speech,talkdictionary,glossary,lexicon,wordbookdifferent,distinct,dissimilar,contrary,unlikediligent,energetic,hardworking,industriousdim,faint,darkish,pale,vague,weakdirect,aim,level,lay,pointdirect,immediatedirty,filthy,foul,soileddisclose,open,expose,reveal,show,uncoverdisgrace,abase,degrade,humiliate,humbledisguise,cloak,maskdishearten,depress,discourage,deject,saddendismiss,discharge,cashier,firedisposal,dispositiondisposeof,dealwith,handledistant,far,faraway,far-off,remote,removeddistress,misery,agonydivide,partition,separate,share,splitdo,make,performdoctrine,dogma,belief,creeddonation,alms,contributiondoom,condemn,convict,sentencedoor,doorway,gate,gatewaydoubtful,dubious,problematic,questionable,skeptical(=sceptical) downcast,dejected,depressed,disconsolatedraft,drawing,outline,sketchdrag,draw,haul,pulldramatic,theatrical,melodramaticdramatic,fierce,intense,rough,severe,toughdraw,attract,interest,lure,magnetizedreadful,awful,horrible,terrible,wretcheddrench,flood,soak,wetdribble,drip,leak,trickledrunk,drunken,intoxicateddumb,mute,inarticulate,speechless,silentdwell,inhabit,live,occupy,resideeach,apiece,individually,respectively,severallyeager,keen,anxiousearth,dirt,land,soilearthly,earthy,terrestrial,worldlyeffect,consequence,resulteffort,attempt,pains,troubleelectric,electricalelegance,grace,dignityelegant,graceful,graciouselementary,elementalelevate,boost,lift,raiseemancipate,free,deliver,liberate,releaseemigrate,immigrate,migrateemotion,feeling,sentiment,sensitivityemphasis,accent,stressemploy,hire,engageempty,vacant,blank,bare,hollow,vainenable,empower,authorize,license,qualifyencircle,encompass,compass,enclose,bound,surroundendure,bear,stand,tolerate,undergoenemy,foeenergy,force,might,power,strengthengagement,appointment,assignation,dateengross,absorb,engage,fascinateenhance,heightenenlarge,maguify,expand,swell,amplifyenough,adequate,sufficientenunciate,announce,express,pronounce,speak,stateenvious,jealousequal,match,parallel,rivaleradicate,eliminate,exterminate,removeescape,flee,fly,decamp,abscond,elope,get,away,runaway,taketoonesheels,nic koffessay,article,argumentation,composition,dissertation,narration,narrative,paper ,prose,theme,thesis,trestablish,fix,found,organize,set,settleevaluate,value,appraise,estimate,assess,rateeverlasting,endless,interminable,never-ending,unceasing,unendingexcept,apartfrom,besides,exceptfor,exceptthatexceptional,exceptionableexcess,additional,extra,surplusexchange,interchange,swapexcuse,forgive,pardonexemplify,demonstrate,illustrateexert,employ,use,utilizeexhibition,exhibit,exposition,fair,showexistence,being,actualityexpect,anticipate,await,hope,lookforexplain,accountfor,justifyextend,lengthen,drawout,prolong,stretchexterior,external,outside,outer,surfaceextreme,extremityextrinsic,alien,foreignfact,evidence,detail,truthfactory,plant,worksfair,fairlyfair,impartial,just,equitable,unbiasedfairly,rather,quitefaithful,loyal,staunch,steadfast,truefall,descend,drop,tumblefame,glory,name,popularity,reputationfamiliar,close,confidential,intimatefamous,famed,celebrated,distinguished,noted,notoriousfarther,furtherfashion,mode,style,voguefast,rapid,quick,swift,prompt,speedyfat,flabby,stout,plump,buxom,chubby,obese,portly,rotund,overweightfate,destiny,fortune,lotfavorable,benignfear,alarm,dread,dismay,fright,horror,panic,terrorfearful,afraid,apprehensivefearful,awful,dreadful,frightful,horrible,horrific,terrible,terrificfeed,nourish,nurture,supplyfeeling,affection,emotion,passion,sentimentfelicitate,congratulatefellow,boy,chap,guy,lad,manfemale,feminine,ladylike,womanlike,womanly,womanishfemale,lady,womanfertile,fruitful,abundant,enriched,productivefigure,design,patternfilch,steal,take,thievefinish,achieve,fulfil,complete,accomplish,effectfit,appropriate,apt,fitting,meet,proper,suitablefix,adjust,mend,repair,regulateflag,banner,color,pennant,standardflash,glance,gleam,glint,glitter,glimmer,glisten,flicker,shimmer,sparkle,twinkle flat,even,horizontal,level,smoothfleck,dot,mark,speckle,spotflock,herd,school,swarmflush,blushflower,bloom,blossomfollow,chase,pursue,trailfoolish,absurd,sillyforecast,foretell,predict,prophesy,promiseform,ceremony,ceremonial,formality,rite,ritualform,conformation,figure,shapeformer,earlier,past,preceding,previous,priorforthcoming,approaching,coming,close,imminent,nearfrank,andid,open,plainfreedom,liberty,licensefringe,border,brim,edge,rim,trimmingfrugal,economical,saving,thriftyfun,game,play,sportfundamental,basal,basic,underlyingfurious,angry,mad,raging,violentfurnace,heater,oven,stovegait,pace,step,stride,walkgarbage,refuse,rubbish,debris,waste,litter,junk gather,assemble,collect,congregate9gaze,glare,peer,gape,staregentleman,aristocrat,patricianget,gain,obtain,attain,acquire,procure,win,earn gift,genius,faculty,talentgift,favor,presentglad,cheerful,delighted,joyful,joyous,happy,pleased goal,purpose,aim,object,endgoodnature,goodhumour,goodtempergovern,control,rulegrand,majestic,magnificentgrasp,clasp,clutch,grab,grip,seize,snatch grateful,appreciative,thankfulgreet,salute,hailgrieve,mourn,sorrowgrotesque,bizarre,far-out/way-out,fantastic guide,conduct,pilotgun,firearm,pistol,revolver,rifle,weapon habitation,dwelling,home,house,residence happen,chance,occurharbour,dock,port,wharf,havenhard,difficulthardly,barely,scarcelyhate,abhor,detest,loathehate,hatredhave,enjoy,hold,possess,ownhazard,bet,gamble,risk,wagerhaze,fog,mist,smoghealthful,healthy,sound,sanitary,wholesome,well heap,mass,stack,pile,gatherheave,lift,raiseheaven,sky,spaceheavy,hefty,weightyheed,care,attend,mind,notice,observehelp,aid,assisthence,accordingly,consequently,therefore,thus hide,bury,conceal,screenhigh,highlyhigh,lofty,tallhike,march,parade,tramp,walkhinder,bar,block,obstruct,impedehire,charter,let,lease,renthistoric,historicalhistory,annals,chronicle,recordhobble,limp,stagger,totterhole,cavity,hollow,pocket,void,vacuumholiday,leave,vacationhomework,housework,assignment,exercise,lesson,task honesty,honor,integrityhop,jump,springhostile,bellicose,belligerent,unfriendlyhouse,accommodate,board,entertain,lodge,harbour,shelter hug,clasp,embrace,holdhumid,damp,moist,muggy,wethurt,injure,harm,damage,woundhut,cabin,shanty,cottage,shedidea,concept,conception,notion,thoughtidentical,alike,sameif,providedif,whetherignorant,illiterate,unlettered,uneducatedimaginary,fanciful,fantastic,visionaryimagination,fancy,fantasyimaginative,imaginal,imaginableimmerse,dunk,dip,duck,plung,submergeimmoral,amoral,nonmoral,unmoralimmortal,deathless,fadeless,unfading,undyingimpact,clash,collision,shockimpassioned,ardent,fervent,passionateimpatient,feverish,hectic,nervous,restive,restless,uneasy,unquiet imprison,confine,jailinclude,comprehend,embrace,involve,containincrease,multiply,gain,enhance,augment,addindeed,reallyindifferent,disinterested,uninterested,unconcernedindulge,humor,pamper,spoilindustrious,hard-working,diligentinevitable,unavoidable,destined,doomed,fatedinfectious,contagious,communicable,catchinginfinite,boundless,eternalinflexible,rigid,stiff,firm,stubborninflextion/inflection,accent,intonationinfluence,affect,impressinform,acquaint,advise,advertise,notifyingredient,element,component,partinsensible,insensitive,impassibleinside,interior,internal,inner,inwardinstance,case,example,illustration,sample,specimenintelligent,alert,bright,clever,brilliant,quick-witted,smartintend,design,mean,propose,purposeintime,atlast,finally,intheendinterfere,interveneintricate,complex,complicatedintroduction,foreword,preface,preludeinvasion,inroad,raidinvestigate,examine,inspect,explore,probe,searchirksome,boring,dull,tedious,tiresome,wearisomeirony,sarcasm,satirejoin,combine,connect,associate,link,unitejournal,newspaper,magazine,periodical,reviewjourney,voyage,tour,trip,traveljudge,arbitrator,refereejump,bound,leap,spring,hopjustice,equityjustify,warrantkidnap,abduct,snatchkill,execute,massacre,murder,slaughterkind,kindly,charitable,human,humanekingly,imperial,royal,princely,queenlyknowledge,information,learninglack,need,wantlanguage,diction,phrasing,wordinglanguage,speech,tonguelank,lean,slender,thin,skinnylast,latest,final,terminallasting,permanent,perpetuallaugh,smile,beam,chuckle,grin,giggle,chortle,cackle,guffaw,snigger,smirk,snic kerlaw,rule,regulation,statutelawful,constitutional,legal,legitimatelawyer,counselor,attorneylegend,fable,fiction,myth,storyletter,message,note,memorandumlevel,flat,even,plain,plane,smoothliberal,generous,openhandedlight,fire,ignite,inflame,kindlelike,enjoy,dote,fancy,lovelikeness,resemblance,similaritylikewise,besides,furthermore,moreoverlimit,confine,restrictliquefy,fuse,dissolve,melt,thawliquor,alcohol,drink,spirits,whiskey,winelively,animated,buoyant,brisk,spirited,sprightly,vivaciousliving,alive,animate,animated,live,quick,vitallog,board,timber,woodlook,glance,glimpse,peek,peep,sight,gaze,glare,stare,peerloose,lax,relaxed,slacklord,boss,master,owner,rulerloud,aloud,loudlyloving,affectionate,devoted,doting,londlucky,fortunate,happy,propitiousmad,crazy,lunatic,insane,wildmaid,domestic,housekeeper,helper,servantmariner,navigator,sailor,seamanmarket,fair,bazaar,counter,departmentstore,shop,store,supermarket match,compare,contrast,collatematch,rival,equal,approachmatter,content,material,substancemeaning,significance,import,purport,sensemeans,agent,agency,instrument,medium,vehiclemedal,award,honor,prize,rewardmeeting,assembly,conference,congress,convention,session,congregation,ass emblage,gatheringmemory,mind,recollection,remembrancemend,fix,patch,rebuildmerely,barely,only,purely,simplymerit,excellence,fineness,goodness,quality,value,worthmetropolitan,city,municipal,urbanmethod,manner,mode,waymind,brain,brains,intellect,intelligence,wit,witsmistake,error,fault,shortcoming,blunder,wrong,defect,flaw,drawback mistrust,doubt,distrust,dispute,question,suspectmix,blend,mingle,mergemock,deride,ridicule,scoff,sneer,jeer,gibe,tauntmodest,humblemoment,instant,minutemood,humour,temper,veinmotion,movement,movemountain,mount,peak,hill,cliffmovable,mobile,portablemurmur,mutter,whispermyth,mythology,legend,saganaked,bare,exposed,uncoveredname,designation,style,titlenap,doze,drowse,sleepnatural,artless,naive,simple,unaffectednaught,nothing,zeronearly,almost,approximately,well-nigh,nearneat,clean,orderly,tidy,trimneed,necessity,wantneedful,necessary,essential,indispensableneglect,ignore,disregard,overlook,forget,omitneighbouring,adjacent,adjoiningnevertheless,although,but,howevernoticeable,arresting,conspicuous,outstanding,prominent,remarkable novel,fiction,romance,storyobey,comply,submit,yieldobstinate,dogged,pigheaded,stubbornoccurrence,event,episode,circumstance,incidentodor,fragrance,aroma,essence,smelloffense,crime,guilt,sin,viceoffer,propose,present,tenderold,ancient,antique,archaic,obsoleteonlooker,observer,spectator,viewer,sightseer,overseer,witness,watchman opinion,belief,conviction,persuasion,viewopportunity,break,chance,occasionoughtto,must,haveto,shouldouter,outside,outward,external,exterioroutlaw,criminal,convict,exileovercome,overpower,overwhelm,surmountpace,speed,ratepage,leaf,paper,sheetpale,colorless,lifeless,faint,weakpant,breathe,gasp,puff,wheezeparcel,bundle,lot,packparental,fatherly,paternal,motherly,maternalpassion,fervor,ardor,enthusiasm,zealpath,avenue,boulevard,alley,lane,highway,road,roadway,street peaceful,calm,tranquil,placid,still,quietpedantic,bookish,scholasticpenalize,fine,punishpenalty,punishmentperfect,whole,entire,intactperhaps,maybe,possibly,probably,presumablyperiod,epoch,era,ageperish,die,decease,disappear,vanishpersevere,insist,persistphase,aspect,side,facet,anglepitiful,piteous,pitiablepity,compassion,mercy,sympathyplan,design,plot,project,schemeplausible,believable,crediblepleasant,agreeable,pleasingpleasure,delight,joy,enjoyment,gladness,delectationpoetry,lyric,rhyme,versepointofview,viewpoint,standpoint,anglepoison,virus,venompolice,policeman,copper,cop,bullpoliticain,statesmanposition,place,post,situation,vacancypossible,probable,likelypower,energy,force,strength,mightpracticable,practicalpreceding,antecedent,precedent,foregoing,former,previous,prior presently,directly,shortly,soonpresume,assume,presuppose,supposeprevailing,prevalent,currentpride,dignity,egotism,vanityprobe,researchproblem,question,issue,puzzleproduct,production,produceproficient,skillful,skilled,expertprolific,fruitful,plentiful,productivepronounce,articulate,enunciateproposal,propositionproud,arrogant,haughty,lordlyprovide,furnish,supply,givepublicity,propaganda,promotionpull,draw,drag,haul,halepush,propel,thrustquality,attribute,character,propertyquote,cite,repeatrace,nation,peoplerandom,chance,casual,haphazardrange,extent,lengthrash,careless,reckless,hastyratify,approve,confirm,certifyratio,proportion,percentagerational,reasonableray,beam,gleam,lightreach,achieve,accomplish,attainreal,actual,true,authentic,genuinerebellion,revolution,mutiny,uprisingreceive,accept,admit,takereception,receiptrecognition,identificationreconcile,harmonize,settlerecover,regain,retrievereform,change,convert,improve,reviserefuse,decline,reject,denyregard,admiration,esteem,respectreinforce,fortify,intensify,strengthenreiterate,repeat,retellrelinguish,cede,surrender,yieldremark,commentremedy,medicine,drug,cureremember,recall,recollect,remindremorse,grief,regret,sorrowrescue,redeem,liberate,saveresentment,annoyance,anger,irritation,offence reside,live,dwell,inhabit,stay,lodgerest,ease,comfort,leisure,relaxationrestrain,curb,inhabit,checkreveal,disclose,expose,betrayrevere,adore,worshipreverence,awe,fearrhythm,meter,temporich,wealthy,affluent,opulentrob,burglarize,plunder,lootroom,apartment,chamberrooms,chambers,lodgings,quarters,flatrotate,revolve,spin,whirl,twirl,roll,turnrough,harsh,rugged,unevenroute,course,pass,passagerude,rough,coarse,crude,vulgarrumble,boom,roar,thunderrun,gallop,race,pace,trot,jogsacred,holy,religious,spiritualsadness,blues,depression,gloom,melancholy safe,safetysame,equal,equivalent,identicalsarcastic/sarcastical,satiric/satirical,ironic/ironicalsatisfy,contentsatisfy,meet,fulfillsave,keep,conserve,preserve,reserve,retainsay,speak,talk,tell,communicatescatter,disperse,distribute,spreadscene,scenery,landscape,view,sightseasonable,timely,well-timedsee,discern,behold,notice,observe,remark,note,watch seem,appear,looksenior,elder,oldersensation,sense,feeling,sensibilitysensible,sensitive,sensory,sensational,sensual,sensuous sentiment,sentimentalitysentimental,emotional,romanticset,establish,firm,fix,settlesex,gendershade,shadowshake,tremble,shiver,shudder,quivershameless,brazen,barefacedshare,participate,partakesharp,acute,keenshout,call,cry,howl,shriek,yell,scream,screechshow,exhibit,displayshow,demonstrate,manifestshowy,ostentatious,pretentioussick,illsign,mark,badge,symbol,token,symptomsimilar,alike,identical,homegeneous,likesimple,foolish,silly,stupidskid,slither,slip,slide,glideslant,slope,incline,leansly,cunning,crafty,foxy,artful,wily,trickysmall,little,tiny,minutesmell,aroma,odour,scent,perfumesmog,smoke,fog,mistsnooze,doze,nap,sleepsoak,drench,wetsome,anysound,soundlysource,beginning,origin,root,derivationspecial,especial,particular,specificspeech,address,oration,talkspeed,pace,rate,headwaystale,old,obsolete,wornstammer,stutter,lispstate,condition,situation,form,mode,posture,status statute,law,rule,regulationstay,abide,linger,remainsteam,gas,vapourstick,adhere,cohere,clingstiff,rigid,hard,toughstir,arouse,awaken,rousestone,rock,gem,pebblestop,cease,discontinue,halt,quit,pause straightforward,forthright,candidstrange,eccentric,curious,peculiar,odd,queer,unique strong,stout,sturdy,tough,robust,powerfulstupid,dull,dense,dumbsubordinate,dependent,inferior,secondary substitute,replace,displacesuggest,connote,denote,hint,imply,indicate,mean suit/lawsuit,action,case,causesum,entirety,amount,total,wholesummit,top,peak,pinnacle,climaxsuperficial,shallow,surfacesure,certain,positivesurprise,astonish,astound,amaze,startle,stun survive,continue,last,weather,remain,persist suspect,doubtsuspicion,doubt,uncertainty,skepticism suspicious,doubtful,questionable,suspecting swamp,flood,overwhelmsway,swingsynthetic,artificial,false,counterfeittake,snatch,grasp,grab,clutchtale,storytame,gentle,domesticated,mild,obedient,temperate tardy,delayed,late,overduetask,chore,assignment,duty,jobtend,nurse,mind,carefortendency,current,drift,trendtherefore,accordingly,consequently,hence,so,thus till,untilthin,slender,slim,slightthink,deliberate,reason,reflect,speculatethink,conceive,fancy,imagine,realizethough,althoughthoughtful,attentive,considerate。
招生简章公共外语语种英语Title: Admissions Guide for Public Foreign Language Programs - EnglishIntroduction:Welcome to our admissions guide for the public foreign language program with a focus on English. This comprehensive guide aims to provide you with all the necessary information regarding our program, its curriculum, application process, and future prospects. By the end of this guide, you will have a clear understanding of what our program entails and how it can help you achieve your academic and professional goals.Program Overview:Our English language program is designed to cater to students who wish to enhance their proficiency in the English language. We understand the importance of English in today's globalized world, and our program is structured to providestudents with a solid foundation in all aspects of the language, including reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Our goal is to equip students with the skills and knowledge necessary to communicate effectively in various contexts, whether academic, professional, or social.Curriculum:Our curriculum is carefully crafted to ensure thatstudents receive a well-rounded education in English. The program consists of several core courses, including:1. English Grammar and Syntax: This course focuses on the fundamental rules of English grammar, including sentence structure, parts of speech, and common errors. Students will develop a strong grasp of the language's syntax and be ableto apply this knowledge to their writing and speaking.2. Reading Comprehension: In this course, students will learn how to analyze and interpret texts from various genres, such as literature, journalism, and academic writing. Theywill also develop critical thinking skills and improve their vocabulary and comprehension abilities.3. Writing Skills: This course emphasizes the development of effective writing techniques, including essay writing, research paper writing, and creative writing. Students will learn how to organize their thoughts, use appropriate language and tone, and incorporate rhetorical devices to enhance their writing.4. Listening and Speaking Skills: These courses are designed to improve students' oral communication skills. Through various activities, such as role-playing, debates, and presentations, students will gain confidence in expressing themselves in English and become proficient in both formal and informal settings.5. English Literature and Culture: This course introduces students to the rich history and diverse cultural aspects of English-speaking countries. By exploring classic andcontemporary literature, students will gain a deeper understanding of the language, its nuances, and its impact on society.Application Process:To apply to our English language program, candidates must meet the following requirements:1. High School Diploma or Equivalent: Applicants must have completed a recognized high school program or its equivalent, with a strong academic record.2. English Proficiency: Applicants are required to demonstrate their proficiency in English through standardized tests, such as TOEFL, IELTS, or Cambridge English exams. Minimum scores may vary depending on the institution and program.3. Personal Statement: Applicants must submit a personal statement outlining their interest in the English languageprogram, their academic and professional goals, and their motivation for studying at our institution.4. Recommendation Letters: Applicants are required to provide at least two recommendation letters from individuals who can vouch for their academic performance and personal qualities.5. Application Fee: A non-refundable application fee may be required to process the application.Once the application materials are submitted, the admissions committee will review them thoroughly. If the application is successful, the candidate will be invited for an interview, which may take place in person or via video conferencing. Successful interviewees will then receive an offer of admission to the program.Future Prospects:Upon completion of our English language program,graduates will have a wide range of opportunities availableto them. They can pursue further studies in English orrelated fields, such as linguistics, literature, or translation. Alternatively, they can enter the workforce in various sectors that require strong English communication skills, such as education, journalism, business, or international relations.In addition, our program prepares students for further certification in English teaching, such as the TESOL or CELTA qualifications. This opens up career paths in Englishlanguage teaching, both domestically and abroad.Conclusion:We hope that this admissions guide has provided you witha comprehensive understanding of our English language program. Our program is designed to equip students with the skills and knowledge necessary to excel in their academic andprofessional pursuits. If you are passionate about the English language and eager to enhance your proficiency, we encourage you to apply to our program and join us on this exciting journey of learning and growth.。
cuhk postgraduate admission systemCUHK Postgraduate Admission SystemThe Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) is a prestigious institution that attracts thousands of aspiring students from around the world. Its postgraduate admission system is a rigorous and competitive process that ensures the selection of the most talented and dedicated individuals.The admission system at CUHK is highly structured and transparent. It begins with the submission of an online application, which requires detailed information about the applicant's academic background, research interests, and professional experience. This application is then reviewed by a committee of experts in the relevant field, who assess the applicant's qualifications and suitability for the program.In addition to academic excellence, CUHK values diversity and inclusivity. The admission committee considers a range of factors, including the applicant's personal statement, letters of recommendation, and any relevant work or research experience. This ensures that a diverse pool of students is selected, representing a range of perspectives and backgrounds.The postgraduate programs at CUHK are designed to be rigorous and challenging, preparing students for advanced research and professional careers. The admission system is therefore tailored to identify students who have the potential and dedication to succeed in these programs.Overall, the postgraduate admission system at CUHK is a comprehensive and competitive process that ensures the selection of the most outstanding students. It is designed to foster a diverse and inclusive learning environment, where students can develop their research and professional skills to the highest level.。
Real happiness is internal, and it can only be found in the human mind.整合汇编简单易用(页眉可删)留学知识:Offer和AD的区别很多同学在逛论坛的时候会发现,有的学生拿到了AD录取,有的学生拿到了offer,那么Offer和AD有什么区别呢?ADMISSION和OFFER所谓ADMISSION就是录取,仅仅是录取,学校不提供给你钱,你要承担全部费用。
而OFFER呢?是你在拥有ADMISSION的基础上得到的系里面提供的奖学金,其实这不能算严格意义上的奖学金(scholorship)而是助学金(assistantship),它的数目往往非常巨大,能够完全覆盖你的全部费用,也就是说:你拿到OFFER 后到北美留学家里不用再出一分钱了,而且往往你还能剩一些钱(很富有)。
一.Offer:录取+全额奖学金(Tuition waiver/monthly stipend /in-state tuition)奖学金的形式:一是非服务性奖学金(Non-service Scholarship),包括Fellowship,Scholarship,Tuition Wavier 等。
另一种服务性奖学金则是通过劳动还来的,助教(Teaching Assistantship)和助研(ResearchAssistantship),通过帮助老师做研究,给老师做助手而获得的,这一种形式对研究生来说比较常见。
1.助学金 (Fellowship)助学金是一种金额最高,竞争最激烈的非服务性财政资助。
Glossary of Band Four(07A)Unit 1 Book I1.interruption n. 打扰,阻碍物,中止2.ignore v. 忽略3.ignorant adj. 无知的4.ignorance n. 无知,不知5.assign v.分派,分配,指定6.assignment n.作业,工作7.due adj. 应得的8.athletic adj. 运动的9.essential adj. 必要的,本质的,重要的10.rough adj. 粗糙的11.relevant adj.有关的,恰当的,切题的12.participate (in) 参加13.intellectual adj. 智力的,聪明的,知性的14.curiosity n. 好奇心15.concentrate v. 专注16.content n. 内容;adj. 满意的17.economics n. 经济学18.economy n. 经济19.approach n. 方法;v. 靠近20.count v. 数21.preference n.偏爱,优先选择22.subtle adj. 微妙的,不可思议的,隐约的23.particular adj.特别的24.locate v. 坐落于25.establish v. 建立 n.财政 adj. 财政的28.perspective n.远景,看法29.prospect n. 展望v. 勘探,寻找30.suspect v. 怀疑31.concern v. 涉及,关系到32. assure v. 担保,使确定33. insure sth. against 给……保险34. ensure v. 确定,保证35. assurance n. 确信36. survival adj. 幸存的37. survivor n. 幸存者38. transfer v. 转移,转学39. transform v. 改变40. senior adj. 年长的,高年级的41.despite prep. 尽管42. in spite of 不管,尽管43. impact (on) 作用于44. solemn adj. 严肃的,庄严的45. consume v. 消耗,消灭,消费46. consumer n. 消费者47. daze v. 使茫然,发昏48. diploma n. 文凭49. diplomat n. 外交官50. memorize v. 记住,记下You know the following words?You are great!51. preferable adj. 较好的,较喜爱的52. economical adj. 节俭的53. deadline n. 截止日期54. diplomacy n. 外交,交际手段55. consumption n. 消费Glossary of Band Four(07A) Unit 2 Book I1.conversation会话, 交谈, 说话31. statue n. 雕像, 塑像2.startle v. 吃惊, 使惊愕; 惊吓32. official adj.公务的, 正式的n. 官员, 职员3.conscious a. 有意识的,知觉的33. various adj. 不同的, 多方面的4.challenge n. & v. 挑战, 盘问34. variety n. 变化, 种种, 多样性5.response n. 反应, 响应, 回答35. vary v. 改变, 使多样化, 变更6.origin n. 起源; 起因; 由来; 出身36. dialect n. 方言; 语调7.original a.最初的, 独创的, 原始的37. likely adj. 有可能的8.originate (in) v. 发源; 产生38. supplement n. & v.增补, 补充9.object (to doing sth.) 反对, 抗议39. prevail v. 流行, 获胜, 盛行10.switch v. 转换, 转变n. 开关, 转换40. patience n. 耐性, 忍耐11.responsible a.有责任的, 责任重大的 41. cable n. 电缆; 缆12.responsibility n.责任, 负担, 职责42. negotiation n. 谈判, 协商13.relative a. 有关系的n. 亲戚43. manufacture n. & v. 制造; 产品14.relate v. 叙述; 有关44. replace v. 取代; 归还15.relation n. 关系, 叙述, 联系45. dominant adj.占优势的, 支配的16.previous a.早先的, 过急的, 前面的46. dominate v.支配, 控制, 统治17.precious a. 宝贵的, 珍爱的47. competitive adj.竞争的18.register n. & v.登记, 申报, 注册48. invasion n. 侵犯, 侵害, 侵入19.junior a. 年少的; 后进的; 下级的49. definition n. 定义, 清晰度20.suitable 适当的; 适宜的; 合适的50. confine v. 限制, 禁闭21.confidence n. 信心You know the following words?22.evident a. 显然的, 明显的You are great!23.evidence n.证据, 迹象51. exposure n. 暴露, 揭露, 揭发24.presence n.出席, 存在, 到场52. literal adj. 照字面的; 如实的25.violent a. 猛烈的, 暴力引起的 53. unconscious adj. 无意识的26.violence n.暴力, 暴行, 暴虐54. manuscript n. 手稿; 原稿27.potential 有潜力的n. 潜在性55. periodical adj. 周期的, 定期的28.significant a. 重要的, 暗示的, 有含义的29.disorder n.杂乱, 混乱v. 扰乱, 使失调30.status n. 状态, 地位, 情形Glossary of Band Four(07A)Unit 3 Book I1.influential a.有影响的; 有势力的31. mental adj.心理的; 智力的2.encounter v.遇见, 会战, 邂逅32. subject题目, 科目adj.受他国统治的3.faintly adv. 轻微地;微弱地33. remarkable adj. 显著的4.resemble vt. 像,类似34. inferior (to) adj. 次于n.次品; 部下5.faithful a.忠实的, 可靠的, 详确的35. coma n. 昏迷6.prompt n. & v. 敦促adj.迅速的36. superior (to) adj. 优于n.上司; 长辈7.instrument n. 乐器,仪器,器具37. album n. 相簿; 来宾签到簿8.smash n. 巨大的成功v.粉碎38. embarrass v.使困窘; 阻碍9.aspect n. 方面39. dwell v. 居住; 踌躇10.exploration n.勘查; 探索; 探测40. doom v. 厄运, 死亡, 毁灭11.rhythm n.旋律, 韵律, 节奏41. given adj. 赠予的, 约定的12.involve vt. 使陷入,牵扯42. inspire v. 启示, 激发; 吸入13.conquer vt. 征服;克服43. ease n. & v. 安乐, 悠闲; 使悠闲; 减轻14.evaluate vt. 评价,评估44. reaction (to) n. 反应, 反动15.urge vt. 力劝;恳求;敦促45. embrace n. & v. 拥抱; 包含16.racial adj. 种族的46. miracle n.奇迹; 奇事17.harmony n. 和睦;融洽;一致47. vivid adj.生动的, 鲜艳的18.harmonious a. 和睦的, 和谐的48. impressive adj.给人深刻印象的19.raise n. & v. 抬起; 提高; 增加49. maturity n.成熟, 到期, 完备20.rise n. & v.上涨; 升起; 升高50. steady adj.稳定的, 不动摇的21.arouse v. 叫醒; 发奋, 激动You know the following words?22.arise v. 升起, 上升; 起立; 产生You are great!23.courageous adj. 勇敢的, 有胆量的51. resolve n. & v.坚决, 决心24.humorous adj.富幽默感的; 诙谐的52. dignity n.尊严; 高贵25.victorious adj.获胜的, 胜利的53. infancy n.幼年, 初期26.psychologist n. 心理学者54. humiliate v. 屈辱, 使蒙羞27.concept n. 观念,概念55. superiority n.优势; 优等28.negative adj. 否定的29.positive adj. 肯定的, 绝对的30.remark n. & v. 评论, 谈及, 注意Glossary of Band Four(07A) Unit 4 Book I1.honor n. 荣誉,信誉2.illustrate v. 举例说明3.reputation n. 名声,名誉4.reliable adj. 可靠的,可信赖的5.humanity n. 人性,博爱6.possess v. 拥有,占有7.bundle n. 捆,包undry n. 要洗的衣服,洗衣店9.charge v.索价10.endurance n. 忍耐,耐性11.bless v. 祝福,保佑12.stubborn adj. 顽固的,倔强的13.stagger v. 蹒跚14.catastrophe n. 大灾难15.collapse v. 倒塌,瓦解16.mourn v. 哀痛,哀悼17.choke v. 窒息18.faithful adj. 忠实的,可靠的19.utter v. 说出20.contribute v. 有助于,捐献21.attribute v. 归于,属于22.distribute v. 分发,散布23.resume v. 重新开始 n. 财产,性质,所有权25.fulfill v. 完成,履行26.undertake v. 承担,许诺27.undergo v. 遭受,忍受28.overtake v. 赶上,压倒,突然来袭29.delight v. 高兴30.pitiful adj. 慈悲的,同情的,可怜的l31. headquarters n. 总部32. weathered adj. 报警风霜的,枯萎的33. cynical adj. 讽刺的34. immense adj. 极广大的,非常好的35. decent adj. 大方的,优美的36. compromise v. 妥协37. propel v 推进,驱使38. motivation n. 动机,推动39. restore v. 恢复,修复40. reverse n. 相反41. alcohol n. 酒精42. alcoholic adj. 酒精的,酒的43. sustain v. 支撑,维持,承担44. vanish v. 消失45. columnist n. 专栏作家46. generous adj. 大方的,慷慨的47. generosity n. 慷慨,大方48. hardware n. 五金,硬件49. commit v. 委托50. purchase v. 购买You know the following words?You are great!51. humble adj. 粗陋的,卑下的52. dedication n. 奉献53. legacy n. 继承物,遗产54. dreadful adj. 可怕的55. workaholic n. 工作第一的人,专心的人Glossary of Band Four(07A)Unit 5 Book I1.conflict n. 冲突,斗争monsense a. 具有常识的3.barrier n. 栅栏;界限;障碍 n. 接触,联系5.energetic a. 精力旺盛的,充满活力6.leisure n.空闲空暇悠闲a.空闲的,有闲的7.unique a. 独特的,独一无二的8.snobbish a. 势力的9.refine vt. 精炼,净化,使优雅,使精炼vi. 被精炼,被净化10.hiking n. 徒步旅行11.tempt vt. 使很想做;使很想要12.overwhelm vt. 完全压倒;使不知所措13.hostile a. 不友善的,敌对的14.hostility n. 敌意unch v.1. 发射2. 开始,(积极有力地)着手进行,积极投入plaint n. 抱怨,怨言17.bother v. 尽力,费心,烦心18.staff n. 全体员工,全体职员19.stuff n. 材料,原料,资料,东西20.historical a. 历史著名的,有历史意义的,历史的21.historian n. 历史学家,编史家22.typical a. 典型的,有代表性的;(表示对人,事等的批评或抱怨)令人失望的23.archeologist n. 考古学家24.alert a. 警惕的;警觉的25.effective a. 有效的26.affect vt. 影响,对…起作用27.effect n. 结果,效果,作用,影响28.affection n. 爱;(pl.)爱慕;感情,温情29.discipline n. 纪律;风纪;规定30.local a. 地方的,本地的;乡土的,局部的,近郊的31.offend vt. 冒犯,得罪;使生气32.offensive a. 冒犯的,唐突的33.defensive a. 防卫的,自卫的;辩护的34.tend vi. 易于,往往会35.tendency n. 倾向,趋势;癖好,脾性36.removal,迁移;除掉;排除37.attitude n. 姿势;态度,看法38.catalog n. (地名,人名,货物等的)目录39.bound a. 被缚的,绑着的;负有义务的,受到约束的ndscape n. 陆上风景,山水;前景展望41.scenery n. 景色(致),风光(景);背景42.monotonous a. 单调的;无变化的43.stuffy a. 闷热的,不通气的;沉闷的;(人或事物)乏味的;古板的44.symbol n. 记号,符号;象征,表征45.striking a. 突出的,鲜明的,显著的;引人注目的46.authority n. 权威,权力,权势47.scarf n. 围巾;头巾;领巾,领带48.blink vi. 眨眼睛;闪亮,闪烁;微微闪光49.brink n. 边,边缘50.instinct n. 本能;直觉;天性天才You know the following words?You are great!51. animated a. 栩栩如生的;活跃的,生气勃勃的52.timid a. 胆小的,羞怯的,提心吊胆的,缺乏自信的53.temptation n. 引诱,诱惑(物)54.affectionate a. 充满深情的,有感情的,慈爱的55.obedience n. 服从,遵守;孝顺Glossary of Band Four(07A) Unit 6 Book I1.insight n. 洞察力, 洞悉, 深刻的见解2.trend n. 趋势, 倾向;流行3.popularity n.普遍, 流行;受欢迎; 有声望4.curse vt. & vi. 诅咒; 骂;n.诅咒, 咒语; 骂人的话;祸害, 祸根5.identity n. 身份;个性, 特性;同一性, 一致性6.insult vt.侮辱, 冒犯n. 侮辱, 辱骂, 侮辱性的言论7.rival n. 竞争对手vt. 与…竞争, 与…匹敌8.constructive a. 建设的, 建设性的9.reveal vt. 显示, 露出; 泄露; 透露10.pursuit n. 追赶, 追捕;工作; 消遣; 嗜好11.prestige n. 威信, 威望, 声望a. 炫耀的, 讲究排场的, 摆阔气的12.prestigious a. 受尊敬的, 有声望的, 有威信的13.ashamed a. 惭愧的, 羞耻的, 害臊的14.refusal n. 拒绝; 优先取舍权15.deprive (of) 剥夺某人的…16.adequate a. 充分的, 足够的;适当的, 胜任的17.tease vt. & vi. 取笑, 戏弄;vt. 梳理(羊毛等)n. 爱嘲弄他人的人18.rewarding a. 报答的; 值得做的19.professional a. 职业的, 专业的 ;内行的, 有经验的; 有意的, 故意的;n.具有某专业资格的人;内行, 专家;专门职业者, 职业选手;20.import n. 进口, 输入;进口商品, 输入额; 意义, 含义;21. major a. 较大的;主要的;严重的;n. 少校;专业;主修科目;22.majority n. 多数, 大多数; 半数以上;票数差距, 多得的票数, 超过的票数,法定年龄; 成年23.cultivate vt. 耕作, 种植; 陶冶思想[感情]; 培养(友谊);rgely ad. 在很大程度上,大半地,主要地25.adapt (to) 变得习惯于…, 使适应于, 能应付…26.adopt vt. 收养; 采用, 采纳, 采取; 正式接受, 通过;27.foster vt. 培养, 促进;vt. & vi. 收养, 养育28.innovation n.改革, 革新, 创新;新观念, 新方法, 新发明29.dedicate vt. 奉献; 贡献30.abroad ad.到国外, 在国外;到处, 广泛流传;在户外, 在室外;31.approval n.赞成, 同意;批准, 认可32.denial n.否认;拒绝, 拒绝给予33.betrayal n.(被)背叛, 出卖mercial a.商业的, 商务的35.awesome a. 令人敬畏的, 使人畏惧的, 可怕的;棒极了36. irrational a. 无理性的; 失去理性的; 不合理的37.aerobic a. 依靠氧气的,与需氧菌有关的,增氧健身法的38.customer n. 顾客, 主顾39.consumer n. 消费者, 顾客40. additional a.增加的, 额外的, 另外的41.similarity n. 类似, 相似42.tropical a.热带的; 炎热的43.innermost a.最深处的;隐私的, 最隐秘的44. reassuring a.安心的,可靠的;45.typical a.典型的, 有代表性的;特有的, 独特的46.admission n.准许进入;入场费, 入场券;承认, 供认petitive a. 竞争的, 比赛的;(指人)好竞争的, 求胜心切的;(价格等)有竞争力的48. extent n.长度, 面积, 范围;程度, 限度49.export vt. & vi.出口, 输出n.输出, 出口;输出[出口]物;50.academic a.学校的, 学院的;学术性的;纯理论的, 不切实际的;n.大学教师; 专业学者You know the following words? You are great!51.revelation n.显露,泄露,透露,揭露;被揭露的事, 暴露出来的事;52.acquisition n.获得, 得到;获得者, 获得物;53.minority n.少数, 小部分;少数民族, 少数信仰不同的人;54. withdrawal n. 收回,取回,撤回;撤退,撤走; 收回[取回,撤回;撤退,撤走]的实例55. celebrity n.(尤指娱乐界的)名人, 名流;名声, 名誉Glossary of Band Four(07A) Unit 7 Book I1.gratitude感激,谢意2.incredible难以置信的,不可思议的3.prevailing占优势的, 主要的, 流行的4.liberal n.自由主义者, (尤指英国、加拿大等国的)adj. 慷慨的, 不拘泥的, 宽大的, 自由主义的5.dimension n.尺寸, 尺度, 维(数), 度(数), 元6.derive (from) vt.得自vi.起源7.grateful adj.感激的, 感谢的8.merely adv.仅仅, 只, 不过9.venture n.冒险, 投机, 风险v.冒险, 冒昧10.idle adj.空闲的, 懒惰的vi.不做事, 游手好闲vt.虚度, 使空闲11.impulse n.推动, 刺激, 冲动, 推动力vt.推动12.legend n.传说13.nasty adj.污秽的, 肮脏的, 令人厌恶的14.Harlem n.(纽约的)黑人住宅区15.roar n. / vi.吼叫, 怒号v. 滚动, 咆哮16.deadly adj.致命的, 势不两立的, 死一般的, 极度的, 必定的17.costly adj.昂贵的, 贵重的18.honorable adj.可敬的, 荣誉的, 光荣的19.earthly adj.现世的, 可能的, 地球的, 俗世的20.selective adj.选择的, 选择性的21.custom n.习惯, 风俗[the Customs]海关; [pl. ]关税petent adj.有能力的, 胜任的23.enthusiastic adj.热心的, 热情的24.sensitive adj.敏感的, 灵敏的, 感光的25.determined adj.坚决的, 决定了的26.slender adj.苗条的, 微薄的, 微弱的27.capable adj.有能力的, 能干的, 有可能的, 可以...的28.polish n.磨光, 光泽, 上光剂, 优雅, 精良vt.擦亮, 发亮, 磨光, 推敲vi.发亮, 变光滑adj.波兰的n.波兰人29.substitute n.代用品, 代替者, 替代品v.代替, 替换, 替代30.sparkle v.发火花, (使)闪耀, (香槟酒等)发泡n.火花31. stern adj.严厉的, 苛刻的n.船尾32. occasion n.场合, 时机, 机会33. embarrassment n.困窘, 阻碍34. ironic adj.说反话的, 讽刺的35. remark n.备注, 评论, 注意, 注释vt.评论, 注意, 谈及vi.谈论36. steady adj.稳固的, 稳定的, 坚定的, 扎实的, 坚定不移的v.(使)稳定, (使)稳固37. offending adj.不愉快的, 厌恶的38. personality n.个性, 人格, 人物, 名人, (用复数)诽谤、人身攻击39. stable adj.稳定的40. vital adj.生死攸关的, 重大的, 生命的, 生机的, 至关重要的, 所必需的41. current adj.当前的, 通用的, 流通的, 现在的, 草写的, 最近的n.涌流, 趋势, 电流, 水流, 气流42. literary adj.文学(上)的, 从事写作的, 文艺的, 精通文学的, 书本的43. wink n.眨眼, 使眼色, 瞬间, (星光等的)闪烁vi.眨眼, 使眼色, 闪烁, 打信号, 假装不见, 终止, 熄灭vt.眨(眼)44. tough-minded adj.坚强的, 实际的45. glance vi.扫视, 匆匆一看n.一瞥, 眼光46. illustrate vt.举例说明, 图解, 加插图于, 阐明vi.举例47. occasion Cf. 3248. blade n.刀刃, 刀片49. substitute n.代用品, 代替者, 替代品v.代替, 替换, 替代50. constructive adj.建设性的51. suspension n.吊, 悬浮, 悬浮液, 暂停, 中止, 悬而未决, 延迟52. quotation n.引用语, 价格, 报价单, 行情表53. disgusting adj.令人厌恶的54. juvenile adj.青少年的, 幼稚的n.青少年, 少年读物55. fluent adj.流利的, 流畅的Glossary of Band Four(07A) Unit 8 Book I1.revolutionary adj.革命的2.outline n.大纲, 轮廓, 略图, 外形, 要点, 概要vt.描画轮廓, 略述3.foreword n.前言, 序4.speculate vi.推测, 思索, 做投机买卖5.artificial adj.人造的, 假的, 非原产地的 adj.数字的, 数位的, 手指的n.数字, 数字式7.barely adv.仅仅, 刚刚, 几乎不能8.reliable adj.可靠的, 可信赖的9.rely (on) v.依赖, 依靠, 信赖, 信任, 依赖于10.territory n.领土, 版图, 地域11.evolve v.(使)发展, (使)进展, (使)进化12.evolution n.进展, 发展, 演变, 进化 n.基础, 根本, 建立, 创立, 地基, 基金, 基金会14.infancy n.幼年15.confine (to) vt.限制, 禁闭n.界限, 边界 n.递送, 交付, 分娩, 交货, 引渡n.[律] 财产等的正式移交/ 发送,传输17.crucial adj.至关紧要的18.forthcoming adj.即将来临的n.来临19.prediction n.预言, 预报20.barely Cf. 721.abolish vt.废止, 废除(法律、制度、习俗等)22.implication n.牵连, 含意, 暗示23.equivalent adj.相等的, 相当的, 同意义的n.等价物, 相等物plicated adj.复杂的, 难解的plex adj.复杂的, 合成的, 综合的n.联合体26.stimulate vt.刺激, 激励v.刺激, 激励27.capable adj.有能力的, 能干的, 有可能的, 可以...的28.capacity n.容量, 生产量, 容量, 智能, 才能, 能力, 接受力, 地位29.capability n.(实际)能力, 性能, 容量, 接受力30.identify vt.识别, 鉴别, 把...和...看成一样v.确定31. identical adj.同一的, 同样的32. identity n.同一性, 身份, 一致, 特性, 恒等式33. steep adj.陡峭的, 险峻的, 急剧升降的, 不合理的n.悬崖, 峭壁, 浸渍, 浸渍液v.浸, 泡, 沉浸34. sample n.标本, 样品, 例子vt.取样, 采样, 抽取...的样品, 试验的一部分, 尝试35. volcano n.火山36. disabled adj.伤残的v.丧失能力37. available adj.可用到的, 可利用的, 有用的, 有空的, 接受探访的38. layer n.层, 阶层;下蛋鸡39. occupation n.职业, 占有, 占有(房屋等)期间40. monster n.怪物, 妖怪41. convenience n.便利, 方便, 有益, 有用的, 方便的用具、机械、安排等42. access (to) n.通路, 访问, 入门vt.存取, 接近43. backbone n.脊椎, 中枢, 骨干, 支柱, 意志力, 勇气, 毅力, 决心44. client n.[计]顾客, 客户, 委托人45. congress n.(代表)大会, [C~] (美国等国的)国会, 议会46. literate n.学者adj.有文化的,有阅读和写作能力的47. cooperative adj.合作的, 协力的48. chaos n.混乱, 混沌(宇宙未形成前的情形)49. nonprofit adj.非赢利的, 不以赢利为目的的, 无利可图的50. via prep.经, 通过, 经由51. descendant n.子孙, 后裔, 后代52. consultant n.顾问, 商议者, 咨询者53. chaotic adj.浑沌的; 混乱的, 无秩序的54. simultaneous adj.同时的, 同时发生的55. sophisticated adj.诡辩的, 久经世故的Glossary of Band Four(06A) Unit 1 Book II1.disastrous 31. broaden2.circumstances 32. strengthen3.involve 33. tasty4.campaign 34. icy5.mission 35. smelly6.grief 36. desperate7.retirement 37. gesture8.retreat 38. saint9.distract 39. simplicity10.accustomed 40. concern11.infinite 41. clinic12.caution 42. convert13.panic 43. range14.alarm 44. addict15.celebrated 45. victim16.plunge 46. domestic17.fierce 47. possess18.wretched 48. numerous19.tutor 49. religiouspanion 50. abandon21.refuge You know the following words?22.revive You are great!23.amateur 51. miserable24.exhibition 52. authority25.disqualified 53. committee26.barren 54. advocate27.awaken 55. royalty28.abundant29.existence30. roughlyGlossary of Band Four(06A) Unit 2 Book II1.savings 31. mislead2.sacrifice 32. teenager3.motivate 33. container4.surge 34. consciousness5.constitution 35. inevitable6.refugee 36. reflect7.minority 37. emphasis8.majority 38. self-control9.contrast 39. extremely10.immigrant 40. suicide11.emigrant 41. drawback12.prejudice 42. partial13.series 43. highly14.fascinating 44. physical15.disturbing 45. profound16.battery 46. spring17.offspring 47. commit18.descendant 48. potential19.critical 49. succeed20.crisis 50. expression21.criticize You know the following words?22.factor You are great!23.heritage 51. supervisor24.philosophy 52. orientation25.ingredient 53. initiative26.obligation 54. discrimination27.guilty 55. counteract28.transplant29.vacation30. vastGlossary of Band Four(06A) Unit 3 Book II1.conflict 31. ideal2.multitude 32. candidate3.emotional 33. fluent4.exclaim 34. 35. diverse6.qualify 36. moreover7.contrast 37. exceptional8.represent 38. similar9.representative 39. crash10.naturally 40. alternative11.behavior 41. strategy12.bachelor 42. tough13.thrive 43. dose14.profit 44. permanent15.properly 45. fiction16.apparent 46. violent17.loyal 47. existence18.horror 48. departure19.propose 49. subtle20.approve 50. surpass21.justify You know the following words?22.sensible You are great!23.accompany 51. qualification24.ensure 52. approval25.viewpoint 53. justification26.convince 54. arrogant27.barrier 55. penetrate28.neglect29.block30.clientGlossary of Band Four(06A) Unit 4 Book II1.promising 31. departure2.promotion 32. breakthrough3.breakdown 33. feedback4.rejection 34. takeoff5.assume 35. breakup6.beneficial 36. scarce7.brilliant 37. retail8.destructive 38. prospect9.triumph 39. issue10.peak 40. grin11.distinguish 41. thrive12.obsess 42. commerce13.shield 43. rural14.clumsy 44. feature15.unsteady 45. install16.unequipped 46. peer17.alike 47. sigh18.impulse 48. signature19.contribution 49. touching20.repetition 50. champion21.prompt You know the following words?22.therapy You are great!petent 51. glamorous24.assurance 52. applicant25.haunt 53. recession26.reaction 54. prescription27.edition 55. sympathetic28.application29.acute30.inquiryGlossary of Band Four(06A) Unit 5 Book II1.minimum 31. hostile2.independent 32.declaration3.postpone 33. sensitive4.employment 34. protective5.sponsor 35. loan6.ultimately 36. repay7.enroll 37. prospective8.tuition 38. 39. splendid10.priority 40. fashionable11.prior 41. 42. adjust (to)13.caution 43. commute14.cautious 44. various15.determination 45. decent16.sociologist 46. 47. rewarding18.terrorist 48. discipline19.donate 49. community20.negotiate 50. associate21.generate You know the following words?22.tendency You are great!23.suspect 51. idealist24.suspicion 52. diversion25.grateful 53. supervisor26.insecure 54. qualificationpensate 55. archaeology28.disguise29.classify30.toughGlossary of Band Four(06A) Unit 6 Book II1.protest 31. mess2.glimpse 32. inherit3.influential 33. slight4.proclaim 34. enthusiasm5.alive 35. incurable6.heir 36. diagnose7.reveal 37. prescribe8.mystery 38. grim9.celebrity 39. worsen10.virtually 40. reputation11.paralyze 41. demonstrate12.stroke 42. display13.incredible 43. crucial14.obstacle 44. currently15.barrier 45. immune16.specialize 46. immunity17.tropical 47. depression18.theme 48. accompany19.maintain 49. severe20.figure 50. disabled21.responsible You know the following words?22.elite You are great!23.liberal 51. maintenanceplicated 52. sympathetic25.instinctive 53. anthropology26.insight 54. symphony27.pose 55. overestimate28.instantly29.initially30.awkwardGlossary of Band Four(06A) Unit 7 Book II1.ridiculous 31. preferable2.administration 32. notable3.vague 33. competitive4.sneak 34. nurture5.suspicious 35. overlook6.misconception 36. proposal7.moderate 37. appropriate8.species 38. scratch9.deliberate 39. neutral10.isolate 40. cafeteria11.regardless 41. drift12.institution 42. spontaneously13.remark 43. activity14.stuff 44. complex15.prejudice 45. favorable16.inspiring 46. remarkable17.undertake 47. appearance18.conceive 48. probability19.consequently 49. curiosity20.disturb 50. luxurious21.neglect You know the following words?22.convince You are great!23.flash 51. diversity24.similarity 52. advisable25.popularity 53. applicable26.maturity 54. thought-provoking27.necessity 55. obedient28.unfold29.appreciate30.honorableGlossary of Band Four(06A) Unit 8 Book II1.scream 31. endanger2.precise 32. surrender3.explode 33. dictate4.explosion 34. dictator5.explosive 35. dictation6.basis 36. frankly7.basically 37. corrupt8.witness 38. mutual9.demonstration 39. disapprove10.absolute 40. regulation11.custom 41. decent12.customary 42. contract13.sake 43. amazingly14.arrest 44. steady15.athletic 45. 46. opposite17.spectator 47. crowded18.emotion 48. civilization19.contest 49. chaos20.remarkable 50. regardless21.extend You know the following words?22.extension You are great!23.location 51. appropriate24.behave 52. clarify25.violate 53. allowance26.frustrate 54. provoke27.unique 55. nurture28.superb29.occur30.veteranGlossary of Band Four(07A) Unit 1 Book III1.awkward 31. signal2.tragedy 32. temporary3.focus 33. gulf4.unexpected 34. volume5.venture 35. purchase6.misconception 36. surge7.recall 37. cafeteria8.romance 38. relief9.fascinating 39. neutral10.youngster 40. cafeteria11.normal 41. coast12.tendency 42. rarely13.desperately 43. disbelief14.image 44. impression15.enthusiastic 45. casually16.contrary 46. nativepulsory 47. trap18.passion 48. seal19.notion 49. valuable20.sophomore 50. spot21.gaze You know the following words?22.princess You are great!23.flash 51. adolescence24.grind 52. passionate25.fuel 53. encyclopedia26.occasionally 54. Mediterranean27.radiate 55. enormous28.intelligence29.quicken30.heartbeatGlossary of Band Four(07A) Unit 2 Book III1.feminist 31. gender2.sensitive 32. proclaim3.priority 33. urgent4.charm 34. compensate5.acceptance 35. extensive6.sneak 36. employment7.insult 37. instinct8.random 38. species9.invade 39. indispensable10.civilian 40. precious11.corporation 41. evolution12.routine 42.depress13.entitle 43. version14.consideration 44. disguise15.innocence 45. survival16.faculty 46. strategy17.consequently 47. bond18.incapable 48. reassuring19.grant 49. nurture20.immunity 50. irrational21.threaten You know the following words?22.attribute You are great!23.dependence 51. courtesy24.simplicity 52. extravagance25.era 53. luxury26.dominate 54. invasion27.privilege 55. compensation28.given29.disability30.attachGlossary of Band Four(07A) Unit 3 Book III1.misfortune 31. magical2.awe 32. release3.dim 33. largely4.confront 34. partially5.mood 35. boundary6.sincerely 36. significant7.arouse 37. laypeople8.disposal 38. weary9.perfume 39. actual10.flavor 40. assurance11.migration 41. distinguished12.strengthen 42. solar13.recognition 43. lunar14.reserve 44. dental15.symbol 45. maternal16.heal 46. oral17.keen 47. exchange18.intense 48. humble19.concern 49. principlepanion 50. functionplex You know the following words?22.physical You are great!23.physician 51. reservation24.exclaim 52. 53. contemplate26.fertile 54. scratch27.sympathy 55. pervade28.admiration29.responsestingGlossary of Band Four(07A) Unit 4 Book III1.campus 31. nurture2.administration 32. fearful3.piercing 33. goal-obsessed4.remind 34. bound5.unexpected 35. 36. academic7.attitude 37. politician8.approach 38. 39. trail10.presumably 40. simplify11.grim 41. purify12.segment 42. identify13.tiresome 43. sequence14.preparation 44. scarcely15.worship 45. lag16.executive 46. enhance17.glorify 47. feedback18.possession 48. obscure19.presence 49. summary20.potent 50. fruitful21.religion You know the following words?22.peer You are great!23.victim 51. justification24.ceremony 52. simplicity25.justify 53. discard26.inevitable 54. comprehensive27.symptom 55. participant28.tension29.portrait30.considerateGlossary of Band Four(07A) Unit 5Book III1.overseas 31. democracypile 32. recklessness3.ambition 33. awe4.frustrating 34. patriot5.grounds 35. alarming6.profile 36. unrepeatable7.journalist 37. document8.conscious 38. questionnaire9.stretch 39. emigrate10.physical 40. 41. preach12.amuse 42. idealism13.confusion 43. attorney14.acquaintance 44. objective15.addictive 45. accommodation16.hardware 46. tribe17.delegation 47. excessivepulsory 48. self-reliance19.temple 49. family-oriented20.reveal 50. You know the following words? You are great!23.supplementary 51. handicap24.ketchup 52. revelation25.immigration 53. immigrant26.renowned 54. legislation27.queue 55. contagious28.decay29.impressive30.assumptionGlossary of Band Four(07A) Unit 6 Book III1.smash 31. fade2.funeral 32. fatal3.depth 33. divorce4.invisible 34. spousement 35. kidney6.ironic 36. conservative7.tease 37. admission8.revenge 38. statistic9.overwhelm 39. adolescent10.contribution 40. crisis11.involuntarily 41. suspend12.abandon 42. spontaneously13.acknowledge 43. activity14.vow 44. complex15.fragment 45. favorable16.void 46. remarkable17.vacant 47. civilized18.intimacy 48. 49. congress20.absence 50. cooperation21.despair You know the following words?22.leak You are great!23.shatter 51. defiant24.confine 52. irreversibility25.explode 53. anticipation26.defy 54. alcoholism27.soothe 55. suspension28.nightmare29.blur30.blankGlossary of Band Four(07A) Unit 7 Book IIIpetent 31. consumption2.incompetence 32. consumer3.boring 33. voluntary4.leisure 34. volunteer5.sole 35. suburb6.enthusiasm 36. suburban7.enthusiast 37. urban8.squeeze 38. furnish9.tight 39. couch potato10.slaughter 40. energy-efficient11.wreck 41. item12.orchestra 42. classic13.tidy 43. temptation14.recreation 44. fee15.grimly 45. thrift16.insane 46. bargain17.opera 47. illusion18.peculiar 48. merry19.discourage 49. processed foods20.disturb 50. survey21.grace You know the following words?22.graceful You are great!23.affectionate 51. enthusiasticpassionate 52. wreckage25.passionate 53. sanity26.far-sighted 54. proportionate27.narrow-minded 55. balcony28.simplify29.deprive30.unsatisfyingGlossary of Band Four(07A) Unit 8 Book III1.refer 31. salespeople2.reference 32. relative3.ancient 33. latest4.garage 34. adapt5.simplicity 35. convince6.innovation 36. suspicion7.apparent 37. complicatedment 38. complex9.resist 39. pioneer10.resistance 40. margin11.lure 41. receptionist12.embarrassment 42. calendar13.genuine 43. simplify14.artificial 44. indispensable15.confront 45. favorable16.gear 46. respectful17.presumably 47. maintain18.sensitive 48. provided19.sensible 49. superior20.represent 50. stable21.representative You know the following words?22.attach You are great!23.cushion 51. confrontation24.delicious 52. representation25.coast 53. inadequate26.deny 54. ecology27.appliance 55. maintenance28.secure29.manual30.delight。
高级英语-阶段测评11.单选题1.12.0He was ___ by his many disappointments intently.您答错了∙ aembittered∙ bagitatedembitter: v. 使苦恼,怨恨,痛苦;agitate: v. 使激动,使狂躁不安,使焦虑;根据题意答案为A.1.22.0The kitchen floor has to be ___ every other day.您答错了∙ ascrubbed∙ bscrapedscrub: v. 指用力擦洗,擦净,一般用水、毛巾、刷子;scrape: v. 指用工具刮,削掉,刮磨;根据题意答案为A.1.32.0I always ___ of checking that all the windows are shut before I go out.您答对了∙ amake a plan∙ bmake a pointmake a plan: 制定计划;make a point: 特别重视某项事物;根据题意答案为B.1.42.0I received a ___ e-mail in return from the admission officer of Stanford University.您答错了∙ anoncommittal∙ btentativenoncommittal: a. 指在争论,讨论中不表示确定意见或立场,态度不明朗;tentative: a.指尝试性的,试验性质的;根据题意答案为A.1.52.0We talked at the bar until midnight and then ___.您答对了∙ adivided∙ bseparateddivide: v. 指为了分配配额使一个事物分开若干部分;separate: v. 指使原来合在一起的东西分开;根据题意答案为B.1.62.0Endurance and ___ combined to win in the end.您答对了∙ apersistence∙ bperseverancepersistence: n. 坚持不懈,也含有固执的意思;perseverance:n. 强调积极地忍耐,运用耐力排除各种困难;根据题意答案为B.1.72.0I was unwilling to ___ upon them so late at night.您答对了∙ atrespass∙ bintrudetrespass: v. 打扰,妨碍;侵犯,侵占;冒犯;intrude: v. 侵入,闯入,指侵犯别人的隐私,有时指无意或突然的侵入;根据题意答案为B.1.82.0The library ___ oversized books and puts them on a separate shelf.您答对了∙ aseparates∙ bsegregatesseparate:v. 指使原来合在一起的东西分开;segregate: v. 隔离,分离;根据题意答案为B.1.92.0Now __ your aunt’s directions and be a good girl.您答错了∙ aremember∙ bmemorizeremember: v. 指不费力或无意识地记得,记着;缅怀;memorize: v. 指有意识地去记;根据题意答案为A.1.102.0It ___ be thought that the earth was flat.您答错了∙ aused to∙ bgot used toused to: 指过去习惯做的事情, 后接不定式;get used to: 指现在经常习惯做的事情;to 是介词;根据题意答案为A.1.112.0The cat had a ___ smile after the meal.您答对了∙ acontent∙ bcontentedcontent:a. 表示某种程度上的满足;contented: a. 表示心满意足,不想再多要;根据题意答案为B.2.阅读理解题2.130.0How to Raise a Bright Child (1) Teachers and other specialists in early childhood education recognize that children develop at different rates. Given anything that resembles a well-rounded life — with adults and other children to listen to, talk to, to do things with — their minds will acquire naturally all the skills required for further learning. (2) Take, for example, reading. The two strongest predictors of whether children will learn to read easily and well at school are whether they have learned the names and the sounds of the letters of the alphabet before theystart school. That may seem to imply that letter names and sounds should be deliberately taught to young children, because these skills will not happen‘naturally.’ (3) But in all the research programs where they have done just that — instructed children, rehearsed the names and sounds over and over — the results are disappointing. The widely accepted explanation is that knowledge of the alphabet, for it to work in helping one to read, has to be deeply embedded in the child’s mind. That comes from years of exposure and familiarity with letters, from being read to, from playing with magnetic letters, drawing and fiddling with computers.(4) So parents can do some things to help, although many do these things spontaneously. Instead of reading a story straight through, the reader should pause every so often and ask questions — which can be answered by a yes or no. Extend their answers, suggest alternative possibilities and pose progressively more challenging questions.(5) And with arithmetic, do not explicitly sit down and teach children about numbers, but all through those early years count when walking up steps. Recite nursery rhymes. Talk to children. Say this is a red apple, that is a green one. Please get three eggs out of the fridge for me. (6) The technical term in vogue for this subtle structuring of children’s early learning is ‘scaffolding.’ Based on recent extensions of the work of the Russian psychologist Lev Vygotsky, the idea is that there are things a child may be almost ready to do. Anna, for example, cannot tie a shoelace by herself, but if an adult or a competent child forms one of the loops for her, she will soon learn to do the rest. Applying this concept to older children, one wonderful teacher has her children keep lists of ‘Words I Can Almost Spell’.(7) While this has all the hallmarks of common sense, it represents a significant change of emphasis from the ideas of Piaget, which have dominated the theory of early childhood learning. The child in Piaget’s theory looks, more than anything, like a little scientist — exploring the environment, observing, experimenting, thinking and slowly coming to his or her conclusions about how the world works. The image is of a rather solitary pursuit with all the real action in the child’s head.(8) The Vygotsky model re-introduces all the people who also inhabit the child’s world — parents, care-givers, relatives, siblings and all those other children at play or school. They are not simply noise, clattering in the background while the child’s developing mind struggles on its own. The cognitive development of the child, that is, the learning of colors or numbers or letters — depends on learning how to interact socially, how to learn from the people (as well as the things) in the environment. (9) What is important is that the child develops the range of social skills — being able to express a preference, knowing how to take turns, being able to stand up for themselves, being able to get into a group, being able to make decisions, being able to share, and having confidence to go off on their own. Theseall require careful nurturing. No one is telling parents not to think about their children’s development. It is just that it is more important to think about a child’s desire to chat and the importance of social behavior and pay activity than the actually more trivial markers of intellectual achievement such as being the first kid in the group to cut out a circle that looks like a circle. Glossary: rehearse: 排练 explicitly: 明白地 scaffolding: 脚手架 hallmark: 特点 solitary: 孤独的sibling: 兄弟姐妹2.1.13.0During early childhood, children ___.您答错了∙ alike to talk to other children∙ bdevelop at different rates∙ care keen to learn new things∙ dfind it hard to acquire new skills细节题,从文章首段首句可知答案为B. will generally learn to read easily and well at school if ___.您答对了∙ athey have often talked with other children and adults∙ bthey have good teachers∙ cthey have learned their skills ‘naturally.’∙ dthey have learned the alphabet well细节题,从文章第二段首句可知答案为D. program studying how children learn have ___.您答对了∙ atried exposing children to reading∙ bdrawing and computers∙ cproved that children learn best at school∙ dhad poor results细节题,从文章第三段首句可知答案为C. parents wish to help their children learn, they should ___.您答错了∙ arely on their children’s spontaneous ability to learn∙ bask basic questions about stories they have read to their children ∙ coffer alternative possible endings to stories∙ dask increasingly difficult questions细节题,从文章第四段可知答案为D.“Scaffolding” is ___.您答对了∙ aa theory created by Lev Vygotsky∙ bhelping children with simple tasks∙ clike tying shoelaces∙ dhelping children with tasks that they cannot quite complete on their own细节题,从文章第六段可知答案为C. theories of Piaget ___.您答错了∙ ahave significant emphasis on the theory of childhood learning∙ bare based on the work of Lev Vygotsky∙ ccall for the study of the environment∙ dare no longer as popular as they once were细节题,从文章第七段可知答案为A. Piaget’s model of child development, ___.您答错了∙ athe child learns to spell new words∙ bthe child explores on his or her own∙ cparents play a key role∙ dthe child needs guidance from teachers细节题,从文章第七段可知答案为B. the Vygotsky model, ___ .您答错了∙ athe people who inhabit the child’s world are part of the background ∙ bold friends are re-introduced to the child∙ cparents and relatives are seen as a key part of the child’s development ∙ dthe child’s mind struggles on its own细节题,从文章第八段可知答案为C. ability of a child to learn depends on ___.您答对了∙ alearning from his or her surroundings∙ blearning about colors∙ cnumbers and letters∙ dbeing sent to school when young细节题,从文章第八段末句可知答案为A. considering their children’s development, parents should ___.您答错了∙ aset them tests of intellectual achievement∙ bfocus on social behavior and play∙ cnot to be too concerneddteach them to cut out a circle细节题,从文章末段可知答案为B.2.230.0Finding the Lost Freedom (1) The private car is assumed to have widened our horizons and increased our mobility. When we consider our children’s mobility, they can be driven to more places and more distant places than they could visit without access to a motor vehicle. However, allowing our cities to be dominated by cars has progressively eroded children’s independent mobility. Children have lost much of their freedom to explore their own neighborhood or city without adult supervision.In recent surveys, when parents in some cities were asked about their own childhood experiences, the majority remembered having more, or far more, opportunities for going out on their own, compared with their own children today. They had more freedom to explore their own environment. (2) Children’s independent access to their local streets may be important for their own personal, mental and psychologicaldevelopment. Allowing them to get to know their own neighborhood and community gives them a ‘sense of place’. This depends on ‘active exploration’, which is not provided for when children are passengers in cars. Such children may see more, but learn less.Not only is it important that children be able to get to local play areas by themselves, but walking and cycling journeys to school and to other destinations provide genuine play areas by themselves, but walking and cycling journeys to school and to other destinations provide genuine play activities in themselves. (3) There are very significant time and money costs for parents associated with transporting their children to school, sport and to other locations. Research in the United Kingdom estimated that this cost, in 1990, was between 10 billion and 20 billion pounds.(4) The reduction in children’s freedom may also contribute to a weakening of thesense of local community. As fewer children and adults use the streets as pedestrians, these streets become less social places. There is less opportunity for children and adults to have the spontaneous exchanges that help to engender a feeling of community.This in itself may exacerbate fears associated with assault and molestation of children, because there are fewer adults available who know their neighbors’children, and who can look out for their safety. (5) The extra traffic involved in transporting children results in increased traffic congestion, pollution and accident risk. As our roads become dangerous, more parents drive their children to more places, thus contributing to increased levels of danger for the remainingpedestrians. Anyone who has experienced either the reduced volume of traffic in peak hour during school holidays, or the traffic jams near schools at the end of a school day, will not need convincing about these points. Thus, there are also important environmental implications of children’s loss of freedom. (6) As individuals, parents strive to provide the best upbringing they can for their children. However, in doing so, e.g. by driving their children to sport, school or recreation, parents may be contributing to a more dangerous environment for children generally. The idea that ‘streets are for cars and back yards and playgrounds are for children’ isa strongly held belief, and parents have little choice as individuals but to keeptheir children off the streets if they want to protect their safety. (7) In many parts of Dutch cities, and some traffic-calmed precincts in Germany, residential streets are now places where cars must give way to pedestrians. In these areas, residents are accepting the view that the function of streets is not solely to provide mobility for cars. Streets may also be for social interaction, walking, cycling and playing. One of the most important aspects of these European cities, in terms of giving cities back to children, has been a range of ‘traffic calming’ initiatives, aiming at reducing the volume and speed of traffic. These initiatives have had complex interactive effects, leading to a sense that children have been able to ‘recapture’ their local neighborhood, and more importantly, that they have been able to do this in safety. Recent research has demonstrated that children in many German cities have significantly higher levels of freedom to travel to places in their own neighborhood or city than children in other cities in the world. (8) Modifying cities in order to enhance children’s freedom will not only benefit children. Such cities will become more environmentally sustainable, as well as more sociable and more livable for all city residents. Perhaps it will be our concern for our children’s welfare that convinces us that we need to challenge the dominance of the car in our cities. Glossary: mobility: 灵活性,机动性 exacerbate: 恶化,加剧 molestation: 骚扰 congestion: 堵塞 precinct: 管辖区2.2.13.0One of the benefits of car use is ___.您答错了∙ ait helps children’s independent mobility∙ bit allows children to be driven to more placesit allows cities to be dominated by cars∙ dit helps the economy细节题,从文章第一段可知答案为B. of the problems of car use is ___.您答错了∙ ait makes drivers selfish∙ bit gives children too much freedom∙ cit makes children lazy∙ dit reduces children’s freedom to explore their own neighborhood细节题,从文章第一段可知答案为D. parents drive their children to school, ___.您答错了∙ achildren are more keen to play sport∙ bthe costs are significantit reduces parents’ free time∙ dtraffic jams are a problem细节题,从文章第三段可知答案为B. children can explore their own neighborhood, ___.您答错了∙ athey will develop a ‘sense of place.’∙ bthey will not want to sue cars∙ cthey will become more fit∙ dthey will make new friends细节题,从文章第四段可知答案为A. fewer children and adults use the streets, then ___.您答错了∙ ashops and services are harmed∙ bassaults on children increasechildren and adults find it hard to get to know each other ∙ dchildren become less independent细节题,从文章第四段可知答案为C. of the extra traffic, ___.您答错了∙ anoise levels increase∙ bdanger levels for pedestrians increase∙ cthere are more traffic jams during school holidays∙ dthere is more pressure on people to buy cars细节题,从文章第五段可知答案为B. individuals, parents try to ___.您答错了∙ aencourage their children to play more sports∙ bbring up their children wellcare about the environment∙ duse their cars wherever possible细节题,从文章第六段可知答案为B. some areas of Germany, ___.您答错了∙ acars have been banned∙ bstreets have been closed to cars∙ ccars must give way to pedestrians∙ dchildren must walk to school细节题,从文章第七段可知答案为C.‘Traffic calming’ measures have ___.您答错了∙ aangered local drivers∙ bmade the streets quietermade it difficult for children to get to school∙ dallowed children to get to know their neighborhood细节题,从文章第七段可知答案为D. to make cities safer for children also have the effect that __.您答错了∙ athe city becomes more sociable∙ bschools attract more pupils∙ ccar prices drop∙ dchild molestation decreases细节题,从文章末段可知答案为A.3.完形填空题13.15.0There are some sentences from the text, with a blank in each, followed by a list of words or expressions. Choose the one that best completes each of the sentences.One word or expression for each blank only. 1、It’s just that Elvis managed to ___ the frustrated teenage spirit of the 1950s. 2、At first___, this course is far from inviting. 3、The economic machinery had ___ almost everywhere. 4、She fought, with ___ teeth, desperately! 5、If you don’t do what the doctor says you’ll have togo to the hospital, the mother ___ her severely. A. embody B. glance C. broken downD. clenchedE. admonished3.1.11.01您答错了∙ aembody∙ bglance∙ cbroken down∙ dclenched∙ eadmonished3.1.21.02您答错了∙ aembody∙ bglance∙ cbroken down∙ dclenched∙ eadmonished3.1.31.03您答错了∙ aembody∙ bglance∙ cbroken down ∙ dclenched∙ eadmonished3.1.41.04您答错了∙ aembody∙ bglance∙ cbroken down∙ dclenched∙ eadmonished3.1.51.05您答错了∙ aembody∙ bglance∙ cbroken down∙ dclenched∙ eadmonished4.完形填空题24.113.0The following paragraphs are taken from the textbooks, followed by a list of words or expressions. Choose the one that best complete each the sentences. One word or expression for each blank only. When I tried to ___1___ out of that role in 1963 and ___2___ the New York State Assembly seat from Brooklyn’s Bedford-Stuyvesant, the ___3___ was bitter. From the ___4___ of that campaign, I faced ___5___ hostility because of my ___6___ . My opponent, the famous civil-rights leader James Farmer, tried to ___7___ a black, masculine image; he ___8___ the neighborhood with sound trucks ___9___ with young men wearing Afro haircuts, dashikis, and beards. While the television crews ignored me, they were not ___10___ of a very important statistic, which both I and my campaign manager, Wesley MacD. Holder, knew. In my district there are 2.5 women for every man ___11___ to vote. And those women are ___12___ –in PTAs, church societies, card clubs, and other social and service groups. I ___13___ to them and asked their help. Mr. Farmer still doesn’t quite know what hit him.您答错了∙ atoured∙ baware∙ csex∙ dbreak∙ ewent∙ ffilledproject∙hundisguised ∙irun for∙jorganized ∙kstart∙lregistered ∙mresistance4.1.21.02您答错了∙ atoured∙ baware∙ csexbreak∙ ewent∙ ffilled∙gproject∙hundisguised ∙irun for∙jorganized ∙kstart∙lregistered ∙mresistance4.1.31.03您答错了toured∙ baware∙ csex∙ dbreak∙ ewent∙ ffilled∙gproject∙hundisguised ∙irun for∙jorganized ∙kstartregistered ∙mresistance4.1.41.04您答错了∙ atoured∙ baware∙ csex∙ dbreak∙ ewent∙ ffilled∙gproject∙hundisguisedrun for∙jorganized ∙kstart∙lregistered ∙mresistance4.1.51.05您答错了∙ atoured∙ baware∙ csex∙ dbreak∙ ewentfilled∙gproject∙hundisguised ∙irun for∙jorganized ∙kstart∙lregistered ∙mresistance4.1.61.06您答错了∙ atoured∙ bawaresex∙ dbreak∙ ewent∙ ffilled∙gproject∙hundisguised ∙irun for∙jorganized ∙kstart∙lregistered ∙mresistance4.1.71.07您答错了∙ atoured∙ baware∙ csex∙ dbreak∙ ewent∙ ffilled∙gproject∙hundisguised ∙irun for∙jorganized∙kstart∙lregistered ∙mresistance4.1.81.08您答对了∙ atoured∙ baware∙ csex∙ dbreak∙ ewent∙ ffilled∙gprojectundisguised ∙irun for∙jorganized ∙kstart∙lregistered ∙mresistance4.1.91.09您答错了∙ atoured∙ baware∙ csex∙ dbreakwent∙ ffilled∙gproject∙hundisguised ∙irun for∙jorganized ∙kstart∙lregistered ∙mresistance4.1.101.010您答错了∙ atouredaware∙ csex∙ dbreak∙ ewent∙ ffilled∙gproject∙hundisguised ∙irun for∙jorganized ∙kstart∙lregisteredresistance4.1.111.011您答错了∙ atoured∙ baware∙ csex∙ dbreak∙ ewent∙ ffilled∙gproject∙hundisguised ∙irun fororganized ∙kstart∙lregistered ∙mresistance4.1.121.012您答错了∙ atoured∙ baware∙ csex∙ dbreak∙ ewent∙ ffilledproject∙hundisguised ∙irun for∙jorganized ∙kstart∙lregistered ∙mresistance4.1.131.013您答错了∙ atoured∙ baware∙ csexbreak∙ ewent∙ ffilled∙gproject∙hundisguised∙irun for∙jorganized∙kstart∙lregistered∙mresistance高级英语-阶段测评11.单选题1.12.0The guard blew his whistle and ___ his bright green flag.您答错了∙ awaved∙ bflappedwave:v. 使波动,使飘动;挥手示意;挥舞; flap: v. 使拍动,使飘动,使摆动;根据题意答案为A.1.22.0It ___ be thought that the earth was flat.您答错了∙ aused to∙ bgot used toused to: 指过去习惯做的事情, 后接不定式;get used to: 指现在经常习惯做的事情;to 是介词;根据题意答案为A.1.32.0The library ___ oversized books and puts them on a separate shelf.您答对了∙ aseparates∙ bsegregatesseparate:v. 指使原来合在一起的东西分开;segregate: v. 隔离,分离;根据题意答案为B.1.42.0A team of soldiers were sent out to ___ hostages held by the gunmen.您答错了∙ arescue∙ bsaverescue: v. 解救;save: v. 挽救、拯救;根据题意答案为A.1.52.0Whether or not he is the best person for the promotion is ___.您答对了∙ adebatable∙ barguabledebatable: a. 有争议的,可争辩的;通常指在监督下或根据一套规则来进行的;arguable:a. 可辩论的,可辩证的;指以推理的方式陈述论点;根据题意答案为B.1.62.0What’s your ___ for being late?您答错了∙ aexcuse∙ bapologyexcuse: n. 意思是为了取得谅解或者开脱过错而提出的理由;apology: n. 表示公开承认错误并进行道歉;根据题意答案为A.1.72.0The ___ of all this experience is: look before you leap.您答错了∙ amoral∙ bmoralemoral: n. 主要指品德,品行,寓意;morale: n. 主要指军队士气、精神面貌;根据题意答案为A.1.82.0It is easy to ___ up everything in your drawer when you are hunting for something.您答错了∙ ajumble∙ bmixjumble: v. 混乱,杂乱,指不相同的东西混合在一起;clutter: v. 指多种物品堆积在一起,散乱,杂乱;根据题意答案为A.1.92.0I was unwilling to ___ upon them so late at night.您答对了∙ atrespass∙ bintrudetrespass: v. 打扰,妨碍;侵犯,侵占;冒犯;intrude: v. 侵入,闯入,指侵犯别人的隐私,有时指无意或突然的侵入;根据题意答案为B.1.102.0Topics for conversation should be ___ to the experiences and interests of the students.您答错了∙ arelevant∙ brelativerelevant: a. 切题的,适当的,有意义的逻辑联系;relative: a. 相对应的,强调受他物影响而产生的依赖关系;根据题意答案为A.1.112.0They have a desire to see what steps shall be taken to ___ the existing weakness.您答对了∙ acompensate∙ bremedycompensate: v. 赔偿;remedy: v. 纠正,改正,改进;根据题意答案为B.2.阅读理解题2.130.0How to Raise a Bright Child (1) Teachers and other specialists in early childhood education recognize that children develop at different rates. Given anything that resembles a well-rounded life — with adults and other children to listen to, talk to, to do things with — their minds will acquire naturally all the skills required for further learning. (2) Take, for example, reading. The two strongest predictors of whether children will learn to read easily and well at school are whether they have learned the names and the sounds of the letters of the alphabet before theystart school. That may seem to imply that letter names and sounds should be deliberately taught to young children, because these skills will not happen‘naturally.’ (3) But in all the research programs where they have done just that — instructed children, rehearsed the names and sounds over and over — the results are disappointing. The widely accepted explanation is that knowledge of the alphabet, for it to work in helping one to read, has to be deeply embedded in the child’s mind. That comes from years of exposure and familiarity with letters, from being read to, from playing with magnetic letters, drawing and fiddling with computers.(4) So parents can do some things to help, although many do these things spontaneously. Instead of reading a story straight through, the reader should pause every so often and ask questions — which can be answered by a yes or no. Extend their answers, suggest alternative possibilities and pose progressively more challenging questions.(5) And with arithmetic, do not explicitly sit down and teach children about numbers, but all through those early years count when walking up steps. Recite nursery rhymes. Talk to children. Say this is a red apple, that is a green one. Please get three eggs out of the fridge for me. (6) The technical term in vogue for this subtle structuring of children’s early learning is ‘scaffolding.’ Based on recent extensions of the work of the Russian psychologist Lev Vygotsky, the idea is that there are things a child may be almost ready to do. Anna, for example, cannot tie a shoelace by herself, but if an adult or a competent child forms one of the loops for her, she will soon learn to do the rest. Applying this concept to older children, one wonderful teacher has her children keep lists of ‘Words I Can Almost Spell’.(7) While this has all the hallmarks of common sense, it represents a significant change of emphasis from the ideas of Piaget, which have dominated the theory of early childhood learning. The child in Piaget’s theory looks, more than anything, like a little scientist — exploring the environment, observing, experimenting, thinking and slowly coming to his or her conclusions about how the world works. The image is of a rather solitary pursuit with all the real action in the child’s head.(8) The Vygotsky model re-introduces all the people who also inhabit the child’s world — parents, care-givers, relatives, siblings and all those other children at play or school. They are not simply noise, clattering in the background while the child’s developing mind struggles on its own. The cognitive development of the child, that is, the learning of colors or numbers or letters — depends on learning how to interact socially, how to learn from the people (as well as the things) in the environment. (9) What is important is that the child develops the range of social skills — being able to express a preference, knowing how to take turns, being able to stand up for themselves, being able to get into a group, being able to make decisions, being able to share, and having confidence to go off on their own. Theseall require careful nurturing. No one is telling parents not to think about their children’s development. It is just that it is more important to think about a child’s desire to chat and the importance of social behavior and pay activity than the actually more trivial markers of intellectual achievement such as being the first kid in the group to cut out a circle that looks like a circle. Glossary: rehearse: 排练 explicitly: 明白地 scaffolding: 脚手架 hallmark: 特点 solitary: 孤独的sibling: 兄弟姐妹2.1.13.0During early childhood, children ___.您答错了∙ alike to talk to other children∙ bdevelop at different rates∙ care keen to learn new things∙ dfind it hard to acquire new skills细节题,从文章首段首句可知答案为B. will generally learn to read easily and well at school if ___.您答对了∙ athey have often talked with other children and adults∙ bthey have good teachers∙ c。
Below are commonly accepted definitions for terms you are likely to hear throughout the admissions process.Admission Counselor— Representative from the Office of Undergraduate Admissions who assists prospective students through the admission process.A.P. or Advanced Placement Examination— This exam offers students the opportunity to earn college credit. Vanderbilt generally awards college credit for a score of 4 or 5. View a complete list of all AP exams and the credit awarded.A.X.L.E.— The core curriculum for the College of Arts and Science. It consists of four parts: the First Year Common Experience, the Writing Requirement, the Liberal Arts Requirement, and the Major. AP credit cannot be used to fulfill AXLE curriculum requirements.Common Application— This is an application for admission that students may submit to more than one college or university. It is available by print or e — mail and is accepted by Vanderbilt. The Common Application is available online.Core Curriculum— The general education classes all students are required to complete in a particular major or concentration.Credit Hour— A unit of measurement given to a student for completing an academic course. Courses typically are worth three to four hours of credit.CSS Profile— This program was created by College Board to assist colleges and universities in measuring a family's financial situation. It also analyzes their ability to contribute to college cost. More information can be found online.Deferral— When an early or regular admission decision is moved to a later date in the selection process.Early Action— An admissions decision program with earlier deadlines and earlier notification dates than the regular admissions process. It is different from Early Decision because it does not require a student to commit to attending the school if admitted. Vanderbilt does not have an early action program.Early Decision— A decision program designed to give an early admission decision to well — qualified students whose first choice is Vanderbilt. Students who apply for admission under the early decision plan are required to sign a statement that affirms their intention to enroll at Vanderbilt, if offered admission, and agree to withdraw all applications to other colleges if admitted.E.F.C.— Expected Family Contribution (EFC) is the amount of financial support a family is expected to contribute toward a childs college education. The EFC is determined by using Vanderbilt's institutional methodology that utilizes the data collected on the College Scholarship Service (CSS) Financial Aid PROFILE.FAFSA— Free Application for Federal Student Aid. In addition to completing the College Scholarship Service (CSS) PROFILE application, we do require that students complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to be considered for financial aid other than merit-based assistance. The FAFSA information allows us to determine a student's potential eligibility for certain federal aid programs and helps us to maximize the overall types and amounts of aid that can then be offered to each applicant.Full Tuition— The cost of just tuition; no other expenses are factored into this amount.Grant— Awards based on financial need that do not require repayment. They are available through the federal government and Vanderbilt Office of Student Financial Aid and Undergraduate Scholarships .Greek Life— Term used to describe activities of fraternities and sororities on campus.I.B. — International Baccalaureate. A grade of 6 or 7 on the standard or higher level of the International Baccalaureate Program will generally receive college credit. View a complete list of all IB exams and the credit awarded.Joint/Dual Enrollment— Refers to coursework high school students complete which may be credited toward a college degree. Upon admission to Vanderbilt, entering students must report all such coursework to the Office of Undergraduate Admissions. Credit will be awarded only if the course is regularly offered by an accredited two — year or four — year college or university, if the teacher was a regular faculty member of that institution, and if a majority of the students in the course were candidates for a degree in that institution. The question of credit at Vanderbilt must be settled in advance of the student's first registration. In no case may credits completed elsewhere after the student has been offered admission by the College of Arts and Science at Vanderbilt satisfy AXLE requirements. Loan— Financial aid that is awarded to families with the expectation of future repayment.Merit Based Financial Aid— Financial aid that is awarded based on either academic or extracurricular merit.Need Based Financial Aid —Financial aid that is awarded based on demonstrated financial need as determined by the CSS PROFILE application.Need Blind—When an admission decision is made without regard to a student or family's financial aid request.Transcript—Official record of high school and/or college courses and grades.Regular Decision—Freshman applications for this admissions program are due on January 3 (postmark date) and will receive notification in April.Residential Campus—A university campus where all students are required to live in university residence halls. Vanderbilt is a residential campus.Retention Rate—The percentage of students who return to a college or university for their sophomore year.Rolling Admissions—This is an admissions decision program that allows for a student's applications to be considered when all of the required credentials have been submitted. Qualified students are accepted until the freshman class is filled. Applicants are notified of admission continuously throughout the enrollment period. Vanderbilt does not practice rolling admissions.Room & Board—This dollar amount represents the housing and dining plan costs combined for enrolled students.Scholarship—Awards to students based on merit or merit and need. Students are not required to pay back these awards.Seminar—A class that has a group discussion format rather than a larger lecture hall format.High School Profile—A form created by each high school that provides Vanderbilt with information about the student body at a specific high school.Student Employment/Work Study—Students must complete the FAFSA to determine eligibility for this program. Eligible undergraduate students may work up to 20 hours per week on campus. There are a variety of work locations and settings. Wages vary depending on the type of job.Subject Tests—Tests in specific subjects (formerly called the SAT II). The tests are used by Vanderbilt to assist in course placement and exemption of enrolled first — year students.Supplemental Materials— Any additional materials that a student may submit to the Office of Undergraduate Admission to help the admissions counselor make an informed admission decision.Waitlist ---a student who has not yet been admitted but still shows strong promise is put on the waitlist.Educational Credential Evaluators (ECE), World Education Services (WES) or the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (AACRAO)Grade-point average (GPA)An average of all letter grades in high-school subjects, except physical education and ROTCMajorThe main subject that you choose to study for your degree.MinorA secondary subject that you may decide to studyPrerequisitesCourses required before others can be taken.ProvostEach college at UC San Diego has its own provost, who is the chief administrative officer of the college.Provost's honor listA list of honor students who have at least a 3.5 grade-point average. QuarterA term of about 11 weeks; most students attend 3 quarters per year: fall, winter, and spring quarters. UC San Diego operates on the quarter system. Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT)An aptitude test in the verbal and mathematics areas as well as specific SAT II subject tests.Schedule of classesA publication that lists classes offered each quarter or semester and their times and locations.SemesterA term of about 16 weeks; most students attend 2 semesters per year: fall and spring semesters.TranscriptThe cumulative academic record of a student required by a college or university for admission purposes.Transfer studentOne who has graduated from high school and enrolled in a regular session at a regionally accredited college.Community college2-year college that offers the A.A. (or A.S.) degree and possible transfer to a 4-year college or university.College Entrance Examination Board (CEEB)Private company that administers college entrance examinations. Associate degree (A.A., A.S.)2-year degree earned at a community college.Academic loadAmount of coursework per quarter or semester. The average academic load is from 12 to 16 quarter units.Academic year3 quarters (September to June): fall, winter, and spring quarters.。