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试验硏究总第212期doi:10‘ 3969/j‘ issn‘ 1005 -2798‘2017‘04‘ 001
(1.河南工程学院安全工程学院,河南郑州 451191;2.北方爆破科技有限公司,北京100089)
型动力分析软件LS - DYNA分别对台阶爆破设置预裂缝和空孔的工况进行数值模拟。首先,从峰值振速
的角度进行分析,得出预裂缝减震效果佳,两种工况减震效果相差比例最高可达约55% ;其次,从波振理论
关键词:空孔;预裂缝;峰®振速;LS - DYNA;减震效果
中图分类号:TD235. 1 文献标识码:A 文章编号= 1005-2798 (2017) 04-0001-03
Analysis of Damping Effect of Empty hole and
Pre-splitting Crack of Bench Blasting
ZHANG Yuan-juan1 ,SUN Wen-biao1 , ZHAO Qiang2
(1. Department of Safety Engineering, Henan Institute of Engineering, Zhengzhou451191 , China;
2. The Northern Blasting Technology Co. , Ltd. ,Beijing100089 , China)
Abstract: The selection of damping measures has important role in reducing the blasting vibration. In order to compare and analyze the damping effect of the air hole and the pre crack, the large dynamic analysis software LS-DYNA is used for the numerical simulation of the bench blasting. First, from the angle of the peak vibration velocity, it is concluded that the damping effect of the pre-splitting crack is better, the effect of the difference of two kinds working conditions is up to about 55% ;Second, from the angle of the theoiy of wave vibration analysis, the pre-splitting crack increases the vibration wave propagation distance, also increases the vibration wave reflection, so the shock absorption effect is good, and proves the correctness of the numerical simulation results analysis;Finally, the numerical simulation combined with the wave vibration theoiy, the results show that the pre-splitting crack damping effect is better. In this paper, the theoretical analysis method combined with the site conditions will provide some support for the field setting vibration reduction measures.
Keywords: empty hole; pre-splitting crack; peak particle velocity; LS-DYNA; damping effect
空孔和预裂缝都有降低爆破振动的作用,已经 广泛地应用在不同工况中。文献[1]针对具体的隧 道开挖工程,采用空孔作为降低爆破振动的手段,并 且运用数值模拟软件针对空孔排数、空孔与爆源距 离等空孔布置参数在该工程中的降振作用进行了分 析,对空孔的布置参数进行优化,提出空孔布置方 案,取得明显的减震效果;文献[2 ]运用数值模拟的 方法,对不同耦合介质对预裂缝爆破效果的影响进行数值模拟,得出不同耦合介质对爆破效果的减震 作用,为实际工况存在的管理问题进行了论证,提出 了预裂爆破的合理时间差;文献[3 ]应用爆炸荷载 动态焦散线试验对空孔在爆破中的作用机理进行研 究,得出了空孔对应力波有明显的导向作用,并且空 孔附近最大拉应力方向基本在垂直于炮孔与空孔连 线的方向变化。
项目基金:国家自然科学基金(51104111);河南工程学院博士基金(D2013022);河南省教育厅科学技术研究重点项目 (14B440005);郑州市科技攻关项目(141PPTGG375)
作者简介:张袁娟(1983 -),女,陕西渭南人,博士,讲师,从事安全工程专业的教学和研究工作。