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2-595-576-02 (1) Hi-MD S ystem S tereo P ersonal C omponent S ystemInstruction m anual/WarrantyThank y ou f or y our p urchase.Failure t o o bserve s afety p recautions w ithelectrical p roducts m ay r esult i n f ire o r p ersonal i njury.This i nstruction m anual s hows i mportant p recautions a nd h ow t ohandle t he p roduct t o p revent a ccidents. P lease r ead t his i nstructionmanual c arefully a nd u se t he p roduct s afely. A fter r eading, b e s ure t okeep i t i n a p lace w here y ou c an r efer t o i t a t a ny t ime.CMT-AH10©2005 S ony C orporationMeaning o f w arning i ndications The f ollowing i ndications a re used i n t he i nstruction m anual a nd on t he p roduct. P lease r ead t he t ext after f ully u nderstanding t he c ontentsof t he d isplay.Prohibited s ymbolPlease r ead t he n otes o n p ages 6-9 c arefully. C ontains g eneral p roduct precautions.1Turn o ff t hepower 2Unplug t hepower p lug f rom the e lectrical o utlet 3Consult t he s tore o fpurchase o r S ony service c enter f or repairOnce a y ear, c heck t hat t he p ower c ord i s n ot d amaged a nd t hat d ust h as accumulated b etween t he p ower o utlet a nd t he p ower p lug.Symbols t hat i ndicate a ctionsattention s ymbolSony p roducts a re d esigned w ith s afety i n m ind. H owever, a ll e lectrical products a re d angerous a nd m ay c ause p ersonal i njury d ue t o f ire, e lectric shock, e tc., i f u sed i ncorrectly. B e s ure t o o bserve t he f ollowing t o p revent accidents.If y ou n otice a ny m alfunction o r d amage t o t he c abinet, p ower c ord, e tc., immediately c ontact y our r etailer o r S ony s ervice c enter f or r epairs.bFor y our s afetyFailure t o o bserve t he p recautions indicated b y t his s ign m ay r esult i n i njury or d amage t o n earby h ousehold g oods due t o e lectric s hock o r o ther a ccidents.Failure t o o bserve t he p recautions indicated b y t his i ndication m ay r esult i n personal i njury s uch a s d eath o r s eriousinjury d ue t o f ire, e lectric s hock, e tc.2 I ntroductionFailure t o o bserve t he p recautions indicated b y t his i ndication m ay r esult i npersonal i njury s uch a s d eath o r s erious injury d ue t o f ire, e lectric s hock, e xplosion, e tc.If t here i s a s trange s ound o r s mell, if s moke a ppearsBefore u singThis i nstruction m anual e xplains h ow t o u se t he P ersonal C omponent S ystem m ain u nit. T here a reseparate m anuals f or b asic o perations f or c onnecting t o a c omputer a nd d etailed s oftware o perations.Please r efer t o t he f ollowing a nd u se t he n ecessary m anuals.When u sing t his u nitxOperating I nstructions (this d ocument)This m anual d escribes t he o verall o peration o f t his m achine. S ee h ere f ordetails o n o perating t his u nit.zOperations o n t he m ain u nit a nd r emotecontrol T his m anual m ainly d escribes o perations o n t he r emote c ontrol, b ut y ou c analso p erform t he s ame o perations o n t he m ain u nit u sing b uttons w ith t he s ame o rsimilar n ames. P lease a lso r efer t o “Part n ames” (pages 16-21).When c onnecting t his u nit t o acomputerxSoftware I nstallation /Basic O peration G uidesonic s tageExplains h ow t o i nstall t he i ncluded s oftware (SonicStage) a nd b asicoperations.x S onicStage H elp T his i s a nelectronic m anual t hat y ou c an v iew o n y our c omputer s creen. I t i sincluded i n t he i ncluded s oftware S onicStage.It e xplains h ow t o u se S onicStage i n m ore d etail t han t he “Installation/Basic O peration G uide”. A lso, i f y ou h ave a ny p roblems w hile u singSonicStage, p lease s ee h ere.xPersonal A udio C ustomer S upport W ebsite o n t he I nternet.You c an v iew t he l atest s upport i nformation f or t his u nit a nd t he i ncludedSonicStage s oftware. h ttp://www.sony.co.jp/support-pa/Introduction 3warning ................................................. ................. 6 Cautions .................................. ................................. 7 W hat kind o f d iscs c an b e p layed o n t his u nit? ........................... 11 What H i-MD c an d o ! ................. 12 E njoy c reating y our o wn original C Ds.. (14)Connections a nd P reparations ................................ 15 Accessories C onfirm ................................................................ 15 Names o f e ach p art........................................................ ................. 16 C onnections........................................ ........................ 22 Setting t he c lock ........................ (24)Adjusting t he c ontrast o f t he d isplay w indow ......................... ......... 25You c an u se i t e ven i f y ou o nly r ead h ere .. (26)Listening t o t he C D.................................. ................................................ 26 R ecording a n e ntire C D t o a n M D ... ................................. 29 Listening t o t he M D ................................ ................................. 35 Listening t o t he t ape........ ......................................................... 37 t ape R ecording t he e ntire r ecording t o a n M D ................ 39 Listening t o t heradio ................................................39 ................................................ 43 R eRecording t o a n M D (66)Menu o perations (49)table o f c ontents4 I ntroductionSelect a nd r ecord y our f avorite s ongs f rom a C D(Group r ecording) .................. 68 A utomatically a dd track m arks t o s ilences (Track m ark m ode) (69)(Resume p layback) (59)How t o o perate t he m enu ................................ 49(CD-MD p rogram s ynchronized r ecording) 67Recording o nly t he t rack b eing p layed f rom aCD (REC I T r ecording)................................. 66Menu l ist (50)Create a n ew g roup a nd r ecordHow t o r ead t he d isplay w indow (54)Searching f or t he p art y ou w ant t o h ear (search).. 58 Listening f rom w here y ou s toppedEnjoying V arious P layback M odes ............ S earching f or 60 s ongs (Search)Selecting a t rack t o l isten t o (direct s ong s election) ..... 57 Selecting a g roup t o l isten t o (group d irect s ongselection) (58)(For H i-MD a nd M D o nly) (65)CD/MD p layback (54)Data o ther t han m usic d ata o n a d isc Wake u p t o m usic (alarm t imer).... 93Saving (data s torage) (100)Storing a s tation i n m emory .................. 87 L istening t o a stored s tation (Preset t uning).. (88)Assigning a n ame (Title i nput) ......... 71 C reating a g roup (Group s etting) ......... 74 C anceling a g roup(Ungroup ) .................. 75 C hanging t he o rder o f t racks (Move) .......................... 76 D eleting t racks o r g roups (Erase).. . (78)Precautions f or u se ..........................................117 M ain specifications ........ (119)Recording u sing t he t imer (Recordingtimer) .................. 94 S leeping w hile l istening t o m usic ( sleep t imer) .. (96)Listening t o T V, v ideo, e tc (102)Warranty a nd a fter-salesservice ................121Explanation ................................................ ..............Dividing t racks (Divide) bining 80 t racks i ntoone (Combine) ................................ ..... 80 I nitializing adisk (formatting) 81What y ou c an d o b y c onnecting t o a c omputer ..98Connecting t o a c omputer .................................. .. 98Recording o nly t he t rack b eing p layed f rom a C D o r M DChanging t he t ime (Clock s etting) .. 89 T urning o n/off t he backlight o f t he d isplay w indow . 89 S electing t he d isk mode (Disk m ode)... ..................90Selecting t he l anguage of t he d isplay ................................ . (90)Index .................................................. . (125)Listening t o s ound f rom t he c onnected c omputerSwitching t he d isplay m ethod o f t itles e ntered o n a computer (for M D o nly) ......................... 91 L istening with y our p referred s ound q uality ............. .. (91)(USB s peaker f unction) ................................ 99Troubleshooting ...............103 L ist o fMessages ............................ .. (110)Before E diting .................................................. 70Introduction 5Troubleshooting (103)Recording o n t ape (83)Various s ettings (89)MD e diting (70)Connections w ith e xternal d evices (102)Timer (93)Others (117)Radio (87)Using b y c onnecting t o a c omputer (98)(REC I T r ecording – T APE) ................ 83 Recording C Ds a nd M Ds (CD-TAPE p rogram synchronized r ecording) (MD-TAPE p rogram Synchronous r ecording) ................................ 84 R ecording m anually (Manual r ecording - TAPE). .. (85)Failure t o o bserve t he f ollowing p recautionsmay r esult i n d eath o r s erious i njury d ue t o f ire o relectric s hock .Do n ot d rop w ater o r f oreign m atter i ntothe p roduct. I f w ater o r f oreign m atter e nters, i t m ay c ausefire o r e lectric s hock. I f w ater o r f oreign o bjects g et i nto t he u nit,immediately t urn o ff t he p ower s witch, u nplug t he p ower p lug f romthe o utlet, a nd c ontact t he s tore o f p urchase o r S ony s ervice c enter.Do n ot d amage t he p ower c ordDamage t o t he p ower c ord m ay r esult i n f ire o r e lectricshock. •D o n ot p rocess o r d amage. •D o n ot p laceheavy o bjects o n i t o r p ull i t. •K eep a way f rom h eatappliances. D o n ot h eat. •W hen u nplugging t he p owercord, b e s ure t o h old t he p lug.Pull o ut.In t he u nlikely e vent t hat t he p ower c ord b ecomes d amaged, c ontact t hestore o f p urchase o r a S ony s ervice r epresentative f or a r eplacement.Do n ot p lace i n p laces w ith h igh h umidity, d ust, o ily s moke,steam, o r i n d irect s unlight . D oing s o m ay c ause f ire o r e lectricshock. E specially d o n ot u se i t i n t he b athroom.Use a100V A C p owersupply t hat i s n ot u sed o verseas . U sing a d ifferentpower s upply v oltage o verseas m ay r esult i n f ire o relectric s hock.If y ou h ear t hunder, d o n ot t ouch t he p ower p lug, o therwiseyou m ay g et a n e lectric s hock.6 I ntroductionDo n ot t ouch t he p ower p lug w ith w et h ands . I t m aycause a n e lectric s hock.Do n ot b lock t he v entilationholes b y c overing t hem w ith a c loth t hat d oes n ot b lock t heventilation h oles, o r b y p lacing t he p roduct o n a l ong-pile c arpetor f uton, o r p lacing i t c lose t o a w all o r f urniture. O verheatingmay r esult i n f ire o r e lectric s hock.Failure t o o bserve t he f ollowing p recautions m ayresult i n i njury o r d amage t o n earby h ousehold g oods.Doing s o m ay c ausean e lectric s hock i f t he i nternal p arts c annotbe o pened . F or i nternal i nspections a nd r epairs, p leasecontact y our d ealer o r S ony s ervice c enter.When m oving o r n ot u sing f or a l ong t ime, r emove t he p owerplug. M oving t he p roduct w ith t he p ower p lug p lugged i n m aydamage t he p ower c ord, r esulting i n f ire o r e lectric s hock.When g oing o ut o r t raveling f or a l ong t ime, u nplug t he p owerplug f rom t he o utlet f or s afety. L eaving i t p lugged i n m ay c ausea f ire.Introduction 7Failure t o o bserve t he f ollowing p recautions m ayresult i n i njury o r d amage t o n earby h ousehold g oods.Remove t he p ower p lug w hen c leaning t heproduct.Cleaning t he p roduct w ith t he p ower p lugplugged i n m ay r esult i n e lectric s hock.Place t he p roduct i n astable p lace I f y ou p lace t he p roduct o n a w obbly t ableor o n a n i nclined s urface, t he p roduct m ay f all a nd c auseinjury. A lso, c heck t he s trength o f t he l ocation a ndmounting l ocation.Do n ot l isten a t h igh v olume c ontinuously f or a l ongtime L istening a t a l oud v olume t hat s timulates y our e arscontinuously f or a l ong t ime m ay a dversely a ffect y ourhearing. B e e specially c areful w hen l istening w ithheadphones. L isten a t a v olume t hat a llows y ou t o a nswerwhen s omeone c alls y ou.A h and m ay g et c aught i n t he f ront p anel,etc., w hich i s p laced o ut o f r each o f c hildren, r esulting i ninjury. P lease b e c areful n ot t o l et c hildren t ouch i t.Do n ot u se d iscs o ther t han r ound d iscs.Using d iscs w ith s pecial n on-circular s hapes (such a s s tar-shaped, h eart-shaped, c ard-shaped, e tc.) may c ause t he d isc t o f all i nside a nd c ause a m alfunction, o r t he d isc m ay p op o ut d ue t o h igh-speed rotation, r esulting i n i njury. m ay c ause8 I ntroductionSafety P recautions f or B atteries T o a void s erious i njuryor b lindness d ue t o l eakage, e xplosion, o verheating, f ire, o r a ccidental i ngestion, b e s ure t o o bservethe f ollowing.When t he b utton-type b attery l eaksIf t he b utton-type b attery l eaks, d o n ot t ouch i t w ithbare h ands. L iquid m ay r emain i nside t he m ain u nit, s o p lease c ontact t he C ustomer S erviceCenter o r S ony s ervice c enter. I f t he l iquid g ets i nto y our e yes, i t m ay c ause b lindness, s o d o n ot rub y our e yes. I f t he l iquid g ets o n y our b ody o r c lothes, i t m ay c ause b urns o r i njuries. I mmediately wash i t o ff w ith c lean w ater a nd c onsult a d octor i f y ou h ave s ymptoms o f i nflammation o r i njury o n your s kin.About b utton t ype b atteries• S mall b atteries m ay b e s wallowed, s o k eep t hem o ut o f r each o f c hildren. I f s wallowed, c onsult a d octor i mmediately as i t m ay c ause s uffocation o r s tomach p roblems. •I nsert +a nd -c orrectly a ccording t o t he d evice d isplay. •D o n ot charge. •D o n ot p ut i n f ire. D o n ot d isassemble o r h eat. •D o n ot c arry o r s tore t he p roduct t ogether w ith p reciousmetals s uch a s c oins, k eys, n ecklaces, e tc. D o n ot s hort c ircuit. •D o n ot u se b atteries t hat h ave l eaked. •Removeexhausted b atteries. R emove w hen n ot i n u se f or a l ong t ime.About b utton t ype b atteries• D o n ot u se, s tore, o r l eave t he p roduct n ear a f ire, i n d irect s unlight, i n a h ot c ar, o r i n a h ot p lace. •D o n otremove o r d amage t he e xterior v inyl t ube. •D o n ot u se b atteries o ther t han t he s pecified t ype.Introduction9 _About t he i ncluded s oftwaresReproduction o f a ll o r p art o f t he s oftware s upplied w ith t his u nit a nd t he c ontent o f t he i nstruction m anual, a s w ell a s renting o f t he s oftware, a re p rohibited b y c opyright l aw w ithout t he p ermission o f t he c opyright h older.sWe a re n ot r esponsible f or a ny f inancial d amages, l ost p rofits, o r c laims f rom t hird p arties a rising f rom t he u se o f t he software s upplied w ith t his u nit. s I n t he u nlikely e vent t hat t here i s a d efect d ue t o m anufacturing r easons, w e w ill replace i t. O ther r esponsibilityPlease f orgive m e.s T he s oftware s upplied w ith t his m achine c an o nly b e u sed w ith t he s pecified e quipment. s Thespecifications o f t he s oftware s upplied w ith t his u nit a re s ubject t o c hange w ithout n otice f or i mprovement.Please n ote.s O peration i s n ot g uaranteed w hen s oftware t hat i s n ot s upplied w ith t his u nit i s u sed.Program ©2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 S ony C orporationDocumentation ©2005 S ony C orporation• S onicStage a nd i ts l ogo a re t rademarks o f S ony C orporation. •OpenMG, H i-MD, N et M D, A TRAC, A TRAC3, A TRAC3plus a nd t heir l ogos a re t rademarks o f S ony C orporation.Trademark.• M icrosoft , W indows a nd W indows M edia a re t rademarks o f M icrosoft C orporation i n t he U nited S tates a nd o ther c ountries.is a r egistered t rademark o r t rademark i n t he c ountry o f• O ther s ystem n ames a nd p roduct n ames a ppearing i n t his d ocument a re g enerally r egistered t rademarks o r t rademarks o f t heir r espective d evelopers.Note t hat t he ™a nd ®m arks a re n ot s pecified i n t he t ext.Notes o n r ecording• I f t he r ecording c annot b e r e-recorded, b e s ure t o m ake a t rial r ecording b eforehand. •I f r ecordingor d ownloading i s n ot p ossible, o r i f m usic d ata i s d amaged o r d eleted d ue t o a p roblem w ith t his p roduct o r y our c omputer, we w ill n ot c ompensate f or t he c ontent o f t he d ata. •A ccording t o c opyright l aw, y ou c annot u se t he r ecordings y ou have m ade f or a nything o ther t han p ersonal e njoyment w ithout p ermission f rom t he c opyright h older. T he p rice o f t his product i ncludes a p rivate r ecording d eposit d ue t o c opyright r egulations. (Contact: P rivate R ecording D epositManagement A ssociation T el.03-5353-0336)Etiquette w hen l istening t o s tereoWhen l istening t o m usic i n s tereo, p lease l isten a t a v olume t hat w ill n ot d isturb y our n eighbors. E speciallyat n ight, e ven s mall s ounds c an p ass t hrough t he s urroundings. P lease b e c onsiderate o f e ach o ther b yclosing t he w indows a nd u sing h eadphones t o m aintain a c omfortable l iving e nvironment.10 I ntroductioncompact d isc d igital a udioAdaptive T ransform A coustic C oding T hree* A TRAC3plus a nd A TRAC3 a re t rademarks o f S ony C orporation.** D isc f ormatted i n I SO 9660 L evel 1/2 f ormat a nd J oliet E xtended f ormat.ATRAC C Ds:MD: 60/74/80 m inute d isc Hi-MD:Music C D:CDDA f ormat C DDA i s a nabbreviation f or C ompact D isc D igital A udio a nd i s t he standard f or g eneral m usic C Ds.MP3 C D: C D-R/CD-RW d isc o n w hich M P3 f ormat a udio d ata i s r ecorded u sing S onicStage o r o ther software ** M P3 s tands f or M PEG-1 A udio L ayer 3, a nd r ecords a pproximately 10 minutes o f a udio d ata o n a C D. I t i s a n a udio c ompression t echnology t hat c ompresses to 1 o f .SonicStage c annot c reate d iscs w ith m ixed t ypes o f a udio d ata.About D ualDisc T hisproduct i s d esigned o n t he a ssumption t hat i t w ill p lay d iscs c onforming t o t he C ompact D isc (CD) s tandard . In t he u nlikely e vent t hat y ou t ry t o p lay t he m usic s ide o f t he D ualDisc w ith t his p roduct, t he D ualDisc DualDisc c annot b e u sed w ith t his p roduct, a s i t m ay c ause s cratches o n t he D VD s urface t hat m ay c ause problems d uring p layback .About m usic d iscs w ith c opyright p rotectiontechnology T his p roduct i s d esigned f or p laying m usic d iscs c onforming t o t he C ompact D isc (CD) s tandard. Recently, s ome r ecord c ompanies s ell m usic d iscs e quipped w ith t echnology f or c opyright p rotection, b ut some o f t hese d iscs d o n ot c onform t o t he C D s tandard a nd c annot b e p layed o n t his p roduct. T here a re c ases.ATRAC3, w hich s tands f or A daptive T ransform A coustic C oding3, i s a n a udio c ompression t echnology that a chieves b oth h igh s ound q uality a nd h igh c ompression. A TRAC3plus i s a n a udio c ompression technology t hat f urther d evelops A TRAC3 a nd c ompresses a udio d ata t o a pproximately 1/20th t hat o f a C D (when t he b it r ate i s 64 k bps).Introduction 11What d iscs c an b e p layed o n t his u nit?Atrac T hree P lus A trac T hree CD-R/CD-RW d isc** o n w hich a udio d ata i n A TRAC3plus* o r ATRAC3* f ormat h as b een r ecorded u sing S onicStageHi-MD s tandard 1GB d iskAudio c ompression t echnology t hatachieves b oth h igh s ound q uality a nd h igh c ompressionRecording m ethod w ith t hesame s ound q uality a s a C D w ithout d igital c ompressionRecording t ime p er d isc1)1GB d isk1) W hen t ransferring m usic d ata f rom a c omputer2) I n t he c ase o f a bout 60 m inutes p er C D"Hi-MD" i s a n ew s tandard e volved f rom c onventional M D.With c onventional M D s ystem s tereo …… R ecording/playback w ith A TRAC/ATRAC312 I ntroductionCapacity d oubled (approximately 13 C Ds 2))about 45 h oursAbout 13.5 h ours f or a n 80 m inute d isc(Approx. 45 C Ds 2))ATRAC3plusLinear P CMYou c an d o t his w ith H i-MD!(ATRAC3plus/48kbps)Putting a l ot o f m usic d ata o n o ne d iscA m aximum o f 45 h ours o f r ecording i s p ossible o n a 1GB d isc d edicated t o t he H i-MD s tandard.C onventional 60/74/80 m inute d iscs c an a lso b e r ecorded w ith a pproximately d ouble t he r ecording d ensity. A l arge a mount of m usic d ata c an b e s tored o n a s ingle d isc , m aking i t c onvenient t o c arry a round.Up t o a bout 5 h ours a nd 20 m inutes o f r ecording t ime o n an 80 m inute d isc W ith a c onventional M D s ystem s tereo …… b etween (when r ecorded i n M DLP L P4 m ode)Enjoy h igh-quality s ound r ecording a ndplayback L inear P CM a nd A TRAC3plus t echnology a llow y ou t o e njoy h igh-quality sound r ecording a nd p layback.Records d ocument a nd i mage d ata i n a ddition t o m usic d ataSonicStageSonicStage Introduction 13Conventional 60/74/80 m inute d iscs c an a lso b e u sed.You c an s ave d ata o n y our c omputer t o a d isk w ith a s imple d rag-and-drop o peration.Two-way d ata t ransfer w ith a c omputer I n a ddition t o b eingable t o t ransfer m usic f rom a c omputer a t h igh s peed u sing t he i ncluded S onicStagesoftware, m usic r ecorded w ith S oundGate c an a lso b e t ransferred t o a c omputer a nd managed.Music d ata D ocument d ataManaging r ecorded m usic o n a c omputerbring o ut t he m usicStill i mage d ata V ideo d ataUse S onicStage t o w rite t o a C D-R/CD-RW d isc .You c an e asily e njoy o riginal C Dscontaining m any s ongs t hat y ou c an l isten t o o n t hisunit's C D p layer .Installing S onicStage o n y our c omputer S onicStage i s software t hat a llows y ou t o i mport m usic f rom m usic CDs a nd t he I nternet t o y our c omputer a nd c reate y our own o riginal C Ds. I nstall f rom t he a ttached C D-ROM .musicCD m usic f ileMusic C D ,the i nternetFor i nstructions o n h ow t o i nstall S onicStage a nd h ow t o c reate a n o riginal C D, r efer t o t he i ncluded “Software I nstallation /Basic O peration G uide”.14 I ntroductionEnjoy c reating y our o wn o riginal C DThis c onversion i s b ased o n a 700MB C D-R/CD-RW d isc w ith a pproximately 60 m inutes o f m usic C D r ecorded a t ATRAC3plus a t 48kbps .*Make a n o riginal C D S elect y ourfavorite s ongs f rom t he m usic y ou h ave i mported t o y our c omputermegabyteATRAC C Ds,In a ddition t o n ormal m usic C Ds, t his u nit c an p lay b ack o riginal C Ds (called A TRAC C Ds, M P3 CDs) c reated o n a c omputer u sing t he i ncluded S onicStage s oftware . U sing S onicStage , f or example, y ou c an r ecord a pproximately 30 m usic C Ds* w orth o f m usic i n A TRAC f ormat o nto a single C D-R o r C D-RW . T he f low o f l istening t o t he m usic o n t he o riginal C D i s a s f ollows.MP3 C Ds- A M l oop a ntenna•CD-ROM (SonicStage) •CMT-AH10 I nstruction M anual/Warranty •Software I nstallation/Basic O peration G uide •Customer R egistration I nformation •Sony C ustomer Service I nformation- F M a ntenna•Remote c ontrolcheck t he a ccessories15Connection a nd P re• D edicated U SB c ableNoteWhen c onnecting t his u nit t o a c omputer f or t he f irst t ime, b e s ure t o u se t he s upplied C D-ROM t o install t he s oftware "SonicStage" b efore c onnecting.bodyqa d isplay w indowfrontqs r emote c ontrol r eceiverHigh-speed s ynchronized r ecording f rom CD t o M D (32, 66, 67).back f ace9 T APE R EC b uttonManual r ecording t o t ape (86).qd M Du (play/pause) b utton qg i j ack Connect h eadphones (sold s eparately).qf C Du (play/pause) b utton1 C D Z b utton4 I /1 (power) s witch 7Opens a nd c loses t he C D s lot.35 C assette L id 2 M D Z b uttonInformationis b eing r ead w hile t he B USY l amp i s l it or b linking.Opens/closes t he M D s lot.06qh See t he p age i n ( ) f or a d etailed e xplanation.8 M D R EC b uttonVOLUME +*, – b uttonsHIGH S PEED R EC b uttonManually r ecord t o M D (47).Switches b etween “TUNER” a nd “LINE”.Used t o s et M D r ecording m ode, M Dgroup r ecording, a nd t rack m ark m ode (31, 40, 46, 68, 69).FUNCTION b uttonUsed t o s witch s oundsources. “MD”, “CD”, “TAPE”,REC M ODE b uttonName o f e ach p artbusyrecordingrecording m odevolumehigh s peed r ecording functiontape r ecording16 C onnection a nd p reparationTUNE +/-: T unes i n r adio r eception (43, 87).wg S PEAKER O UT (POWER I N) j acks Supply p ower f rom t he i ncluded s peakers (22, 23).w; P ress t he T UNERBAND b utton t o a utomatically t urn o n the r adio . S witch t o F M o r A M.., > (AMS): J umps t o t he b eginning o f a CD o r M D t rack (27, 36).Continued o n n ext p age*The V OLUME + b utton h as a c onvex p oint (projection). P lease u se i t a s a m ark f or o peration.wh L INE I Nterminal C onnect a d evice s uch a s a T V o r VCR (46, 86, 102).TAPEY (playback) b utton Press a nd h old t he b utton d uring M D/CD playback o r p ause t o s earch f or a d esired point i n t he s ong (58).wj U SB p ort U sethe d edicated U SB c onnection c able s upplied w ith the c amera t o c onnect t o a c omputer (98).wk A M E XT A NT (external a ntenna) t erminalwf C ANCEL b utton C ancels t heselected i tem (49).wd E NTER b utton C onfirmsthe s elected i tem (49).qj P C M ODE b uttonUsed w hen c onnecting t o a c omputer (99).Call u p t he t uner's p reset s tations (88).qk x (stop) b uttonwl F M E XT A NT (external a ntenna) t erminalwa J og d ial S electsmenu i tems, s ongs, a nd g roups (49, 57, 58 to 60, 65).ql ws m /M •TUNE +/- •./> b utton m , M (search):Fast f orward/ r everse t he t ape (38).volumepower i nenterline i ntuner b andCanceltunespeaker o uttapeConnection a nd P re17recordingsynchro1 p lay m ode d isplay (60)9 S YNC d isplayAppears w hen r ecording t o M D o r t ape.Appears w hen s ynchronized r ecording t o M D o r T APE (32, 41, 66, 67, 83, 84).5 -character i nformation d isplay6 D irection m ode d isplay D isplays h owthe t ape r uns (38, 40, 83 t o 85).q; T imer r unning d isplayDisplayed w hen t he t imer i s s et (94, 96).2 C D d isc d isplay A b lackcircle r otates d uring p layback.7 t ape r unning d isplay (37, 38, 83-86)3 M D d isc d isplay A b lackcircle r otates d uring p layback a nd r ecording.8Recording /playback m ode d isplay4 T ape d isplay Ablack c ircle r otates d uring p layback a nd r ecording.During M D r ecording, t he s elected m ode i s d isplayed (31, 40, 46). T he r ecorded m ode i s d isplayed d uring playback (31). W hile s topped, t he m ode i n w hich t he MD w as r ecorded j ust b efore i s d isplayed.display w indowqaPart n ames (continued)REC d isplay18 C onnection a nd p reparation。
人类星球NO.1 OCEANS INTO THE BLUEingenuity /’ɪndʒənjuːəti/——独创性thrive/θraɪv/——繁荣 Phrasal:thrive on something以某事为乐,因某事而有成(尤指别人不喜欢的事物)aquatic /ə’kwætɪk/——(名词)水生动物;水草;(形容词)水;水上;水栖alien ——(形容词)异己immerse /ɪ’mɜːs/ ——使浸没于reckon /rekən/——被普遍认为是;被看作是 Phrasal:reckon on/up something指望;依;reckon with somebody/something重视;认真处理quarry /’kwɒri/——被追猎的动物(或人);追捕的对象;猎物tide /taɪd/——潮流;趋势;动向 Phrasal: tide somebody over (something)帮助某人渡过(困难时期);协助某人克服(困难)premium /’priːmiəm/——额外费用;附加费; 高昂的;优质的pay off——回报entice /ɪ’ˈtaɪs/——诱使;引诱escalate /’eskəleɪt/——(使)逐步扩大,不断恶化,加剧scramble /’skræmbl/——争抢;抢占;争夺(动词)murky /’mɜːki/——浑浊的;污浊的celebrity /sə’lebrəti/——名望;名誉;著名pal /pæl/——朋友;伙伴;哥们儿vigour /’vɪɡə(r)/ ——精力;力量;活力;热情speck [spek] ——(常用于否定句)一点点,少量remote /rɪ’məʊt/ ——遥远的;久远的sacred /’seɪkrɪd/——上帝的;神的;神圣的obsession /əb’seʃn/——痴迷;着魔;困扰stamina /’stæmɪnə/——耐力;耐性;持久力relent /rɪ’lent/——变缓和;变温和;减弱pounding /’paʊndɪŋ/——遭重创的情景;严重破损的情况spectacular /spek’tækjələ(r)/——壮观的;壮丽的;令人惊叹的demonstration /’demən’streɪʃn/——证明;证实;论证;说明tame /teɪm/——听使唤的;温顺的wreak /riːk/——造成(巨大的破坏或伤害)havoc /’hævək/——大损坏;大破坏;浩劫awesome /’ɔːsəm/——令人惊叹的;使人惊惧的;很困难的;难得吓人的summon /’sʌmən/——吁求;请求;争取;召唤steep /stiːp/——Phrasal:steep yourself in something沉浸于;潜心于superstition /’suːpə’stɪʃn/——迷信mimic /’mɪmɪk/——模仿(人的言行举止);(尤指)做滑稽模仿vibration /vaɪ’breɪʃn/——震动;颤动;抖动;(感情的)共鸣appease /ə’piːz/——安抚;抚慰notorious /nəʊ’tɔːriəs/——声名狼藉的;臭名昭著的skittish /’skɪtɪʃ/——说变就变的;变幻莫测的entice /ɪn’taɪs/——诱使;引诱quirk /kwɜːk/——怪事;奇事;巧合;偶发事件makeshift /’meɪkʃɪft/——临时替代的;权宜的ailing /’eɪlɪŋ/——处境困难的;每况愈下的tangle /’tæŋɡl/——缠结;纠结;乱作一团clog /klɒɡ/——(使)阻塞,堵塞vulnerable /’vʌlnərəbl/——(身体上或感情上)脆弱的,易受…伤害的harsh /hɑːʃ/——残酷的;严酷的;严厉的intimate/’ɪntɪmət/——亲密的;密切的staggering /’stæɡərɪŋ/——大得惊人的;骇人的;难以想像的negative /’neɡətɪv/——消极的;负面的;缺乏热情的buoyant /’bɔɪənt/——看涨的;保持高价的;繁荣的resistible /rɪ’zɪstəbl/——可抵制的;可抗拒的endeavour /ɪn’devə(r)/——(尤指新的或艰苦的)努力,尝试forge /fɔːdʒ/——稳步前进cram/kræm/——把…塞进;挤满;塞满reliant /rɪ’laɪənt/——依赖性的;依靠的rudimentary /’ruːdɪ’mentri/——基础的;基本的apprehensive /’æprɪˈhensɪv/——忧虑的;担心的;疑惧的;恐惧的camaraderie /’kæmə’rɑːdəri/——同志情谊;友情dramatic /drə’mætɪk/——激动人心的;引人注目的;给人印象深刻的。
Instructions for UseAttach to hospital wall suction or D ry D oc TM Vacuum Tuck betweenAlign with Place gauzeSetup:1. Connect the canister to wall suctionand set to a minimum of 40mmHgcontinuous suction. Always use theminimum amount of suction necessary.If using the D ry D oc TM Vacuum Station,connect the canister to the unit andturn the unit on. Please consult theD ry D oc TM Vacuum Station User Guidefor further information.2. Using standard suction tubing, connectthe P ure W ick TM Female ExternalCatheter to the collection canister.Peri-care and Placement:3. Perform perineal care and assessskin integrity (document per hospitalprotocol). Separate legs, gluteusmuscles, and labia. Palpate pubicbone as anatomical marker.4. With soft gauze side facing patient,align distal end of the P ure W ick TMFemale External Catheter at glutealcleft. Gently tuck soft gauze sidebetween separated gluteus and labia.Ensure that the top of the gauze isaligned with the pubic bone. Slowlyplace legs back together oncethe P ure W ick TM Female ExternalCatheter is positioned.Note: Patient can be positioned on back,side lying, frog legged, or lying on backwith knees bent and thighs apart (lithotomyposition) prior to device placement.Maintenance:6. Replace the P ure W ick TM Female External Catheter at least every 8-12 hours or if soiled with feces or blood. Always assess skin for compromise and perform perineal care prior to placement of a new P ure W ick TM Female External Catheter.Removal:5. To remove the P ure W ick TM Female ExternalCatheter, fully separate the legs, gluteus,and labia. To avoid potential skin injury uponremoval, gently pull the P ure W ick TM Female External Catheter directly outward. Ensuresuction is maintained while removing theP ure W ick TM Female External Catheter. Afteruse, this product may be a potential biohazard.Dispose of in accordance with applicable local,state and federal laws and regulations.FEMALE EXTERNAL CATHETER P ure W ickIndication for use:The P ure W ick TM Female External Catheter is intended for non-invasive urine output management in female patients. Caution: This Product Contains Dry Natural Rubber Contraindications: • Patients with urinary retention Warnings:• Do not use the P ure W ick TM Female External Catheter with bedpan or any material that does not allow for sufficient airflow.• To avoid potential skin injury, never push or pull the P ure W ick TM Female External Catheter against the skin duringplacement or removal.• Never insert the P ure W ick TM Female External Catheter into vagina, anal canal, or other body cavities.• Discontinue use if an allergic reaction occurs.• After use, this product may be a potential biohazard. Dispose of in accordance with applicable local, state and federal laws and regulations.Precautions: • Not recommended for patients who are: ▫ Agitated, combative, or uncooperative and might remove the P ure W ick TM Female External Catheter ▫ Having frequent episodes of bowel incontinence without a fecal management system in place ▫ Experiencing skin irritation or breakdown at the site ▫ Experiencing moderate/heavy menstruation and cannot use a tampon • Do not use barrier cream on the perineum when using the P ure W ick TM Female External Catheter. Barrier cream may impede suction. • Not recommended for use on patients with a known latex allergy. • Proceed with caution in patients who have undergone recent surgery of the external urogenital tract. • Always assess skin for compromise and perform perineal care prior to placement of a new P ure W ick TM Female External Catheter. • Maintain suction until the P ure W ick TM Female External Catheter is fully removed from the patient to avoid urine backflow.Recommendations:• Perform each step with clean technique. In the home setting, wash hands thoroughly before device placement.• Prior to connecting the P ure W ick TM Female External Catheter to hospital wall suction tubing, verify suction function by covering theopen end of the suction tubing with one hand and observing the pressure dial. If the pressure does not increase when the line iscovered, verify that the tubing is secured, connected, and not kinked.• Ensure the P ure W ick TM Female External Catheter remains in the correct position after turning the patient. Remove the P ure W ick TMFemale External Catheter prior to ambulation.• Properly placing the P ure W ick TM Female External Catheter snugly between the labia and gluteus holds the P ure W ick TM Female External Catheter in place for most patients. Mesh underwear may be useful for securing the P ure W ick TM Female ExternalCatheter for some patients.• Assess device placement and patient’s skin at least every 2 hours.• Replace the P ure W ick TM Female External Catheter every 8-12 hours or when soiled with feces or blood. • Change suction tubing per hospital protocol or at least every thirty (30) days.EXTERNAL USE ONLY FEMALE EXTERNAL CATHETER P ure W ick。
2021国家开放大学电大本科《商务英语4》期末试题及答案(试卷号:1391)一,交豚用通(Mtt M分.■小分)1一5 ■:携择正•的91句夷成下而对话.MK8X序号写在害■峨上•L — Pm really M up with Larry!Tin wrry to hear that, a Really?C. Hcy< up?Sure, no problem^ First, go BCC Cnidy and tdl her where you're ffoinic and when«、Can you (ill tnc in?H. Wil! I use the card for everything?G Will the company mmburwc ereryihmg?but ! still have tbc feeling that it f s not safe enough.I couldn9! Agree num. ThatS why I only do ttiwt shoppingsA. Paying otilme i> much uruafe than before& PayttiK online b le*s safer than beforeC. Paytnff online b much tafer than bc/orcWhit is the distance between the new building asd your office?A< It it near to the bat stop.K It ta about IS ktlomctetiuC. h i» very dose.5. — Hettywc r U have ■ buffet party next Setiirday. Will you join ut?— ________ . Suwm. Thank you!A. l*d knrr toK Pm atraUi notC. By no means二.国汇与结构(共计30分,鲁小题2分)G—20隧:阐读下面的句干.从A.B.C三个迭项中这出一个能填入空白处的正砺选项,并将答案序号写在答曝蚯上.6. Please ________ an open return Hight from Barcelona to Frankfurt.A. paper & textU book7. /Mthough he hz 4»ou«ht to find a prnreful ____________ . he m fn< mg more prcfunirr fratn htH bgn-g nvnln.A. Rolution Ft ndutcC nolvr8. You can download and print off ihr _ ___________ onlinceA> from Bt formC. formal9. Lhr executive tram hnvr to hold an ur^rnt rnreting __________ thry ncr the bad niArkct (cedbnck.A> bccaiiav Be beforeC. whether10f The iCMtn mrmbers are ______ nnd hrJptnK ench othrr out<Aa goinx an H. getting ulong(:. srttinK up!!• Current _________ are those debt* th*! rriunt he puid within the year.A. A Met* H. cquitio,C. hnbilitie»12. I'm etill working on n few problrmn.A. iron in IL ironing outC. io iron m13. (rirnd« and colleAgueji grretrd each other with that dfly w/i・ * Bought anything today?MA. ThatB. WhoC. WhatbL When the fest of the room ___________ e motional• stay cool and u* logic to negotinte.A. getB. get*C got15. But Jerryt have you really thought this _____________ ? You would eMcntially be giving up the company that your great-grandfather built.A» through B. ofC. nbout16. Can you tell us why you think this makes good business ______________ c o you?A. deal B- MIWCC. programI7a ______ you have A job. you may be tn the market for ano!her o«e<A. Even ifB. WhenC. Since18. _______ t he ^itumion may bee make jiure thnt you don't le«vr your customer withnn HnnnMwcrtd (juc^iton.A. HoweverB. WheneverC. WhateverID. Did you get thr finAncial record* *hj»pe for y<mr andit next muritlf*A. intoB. toC. from20. II you ntc intendinK _________ juxt one Schrngcn country^ you will need to npply forthe Schengen V I M directly with the ernbAMny or coriAulate of tluit particular country t.A. ta vinitB. vinitingQ viiihed三共40分,每小BU分)21-25 H:08U下列短文,从AJkC三个选项中选出一个正•答案,井将答察序号耳在答・»±. plIMUIgt ITr^m spirit cun mnkr or break a trnm. Tenmmfttes who h»ve tenm spirit «rr better able to work together and achieve trnm x()nk・They nrr /ilso mare ^ntisficd with their team activitie^e lohn Wooden, fi former bn»keTball eoath at UCLA. said> " Team spin! nicnns you arc willing TO sacrifice personal considcraiionN lor ihr welfare of nIL That dr fines a learn plnyer. " There Are rcxiftin ikilh team members tirwlnp that s«rve AS Rood examples o( team spiritsCooperationCoopcrAting is wmply working together <13 teainniates lor ihc good ol the tconi. Cooperntion IB a that team members can Rhcrpen during prnctice< For example* basket hall players must pradice pawing the ball in difirrrnt plays mid sttunlions. Team efficiency is directly related to rhv cooperation of tlx member*. Acting rooperatively a uood way to show team spirit because doing so contributes lu the over<tll MUCCC^ of the ttBm< MotivntiooTeam members must fulfil their duties with thrtr full rHorts. Slaying motivated shows team spirit because it shows that you wont :hr tenjn to do well. This includes being motivated to give your best in practice And in competition. &9 well outside of 1cam Activities. For rxample. A baseball phyer can show team spirit by being tnotiv&ted to prncticr hrs ?wing outside of practice^RespectRespect for your fellow teftrn members iii a musk You enn ^how respect to your teammateji by treating everyone fairly and equally. Teammates al»<) rrspert rach other by allowing everyone to pmicipny Respecting fellow tcammAteA keeps cvrr>*one in A good mood nn<! encour/<|tr* ovrrnll trntti AjiiriL H)r rxnmplr« |>e(ipk enn ^h(iw ten tn spirit ihrnugh rr*pmt by rnrournMinK other tenm tnrmbrfu wh(i minht l»r nfrugMlinK- 2L 1 cAftirnatm who hnvr trurn npiritA. CAfi hrruk a teamIt nrc belter able to work together nnd ochievt tenrn gonh(\ arc Iras Mtislicd with their tenm activities22. AccordinK to the article# tea tn spirit mron,,A. ccHJperation and motivationK mufivation and respectC. coopvr/ition« mutivution nnd resiprct23. (x>u pc ration is a skill thnt ________ •A. can be sharpened during practiceB. in born withC. everyone should hove24. Bctn« motivftted me«ns _________ •A. you should compete with othersB. you should practice nwing outskic of practiceC. you should give your Ijest in uny circum?»tnnces25. Respecting your teamnwitrs ________ -A. can treat everyone hirly and equallyB. ran keep everyonr in A good moodC. can discourage overall tej*m spirit2fi—30 8:iW根堤短文内容拜断绘出的语句是否正桀,正确的的写“F".并将答案目在答n纸上。
HiSecEngine Eudemon1000E-F Series AI FirewallsOverviewThe Eudemon1000E-F is a new series firewall developed by Huawei to meet the needs of carriers, enterprises, and next-generation data centers. It combines industry-leading security technologies such as access control, intrusion prevention (IPS), antivirus (AV), URL filtering, anti-spam, and data loss prevention with rich security, robust processing and carrier-class reliability. Inheriting the Eudemon series' outstanding firewall, VPN, and routing features, it helps you build a fast, efficient, and secure network.Product HighlightsComprehensive and Integrated Protection⚫Integrates the traditional firewall, VPN, intrusion prevention, antivirus, data leak prevention, bandwidth management, URL filtering, and online behavior management functions all in one device.⚫Implements refined bandwidth management based on applications and websites, preferentially forwards key services, and ensures bandwidth for key services.⚫Comes with an antivirus content-based detection engine (CDE) powered by intelligence technologies that helps detect unknown threats, and provides in-depth data analysis to gain insight into threat activities and quickly detect malicious files, effectively improving the threatdetection rate.Easy Security Management⚫Rapidly deploys security policies using scenario-specific templates.⚫Complies with the minimum permission control principle and automatically generates policy tuning suggestions based on network traffic and application risks.⚫Analyzes the policy matching ratio and discovers redundant and invalid policies to remove policies and simplify policy management.⚫Supports Huawei SecoManager to achieve a unified configuration, management and maintenance of all devices.High Performance⚫Uses the network processing platform, improving forwarding performance significantly.⚫Enables pattern matching and accelerates encryption/decryption, improving the performance for processing IPS, antivirus, and IPSec services. High Port Density⚫The device has multiple types of interfaces, such as 100G,40G, 10G, and 1G interfaces. Services can be flexibly expanded without extra interface cards.Note: The interface types supported by different models vary. For details, see the specification table.DeploymentExternal Threat Prevention⚫Coming along with the abundant Internet resources are threats such as DDoS attacks, maliciousintrusions, and viruses.⚫The capabilities of supporting large numbers of concurrent connections and new connections persecond help to combat the numerous DDoS attacks.Empowered by advanced IPS and antivirustechnologies as well as vulnerability-based andreal-time updated signature database, theEudemon1000E-F series implements near-zerofalse positives and negatives and a detection ratio of higher than 99%; defends against diversifiedthreats from the Internet, and ensures the security of the intranet . Network Isolation and VPN Interconnection⚫Network areas are not clearly divided, access control is insufficient, and the data transmittedbetween mobile employees or branches and theheadquarters is likely to be intercepted or tampered with.⚫Delivers high throughput to avoid bottleneck at network borders, supports security zones to clearly divide networks, offers flexible packet filteringpolicies to accurately control communication, and encapsulates and checks packets of VPN users to ensure the security of data communication.HackerMalwareInternetEudemonDatacenterBranchInternetHeadquartersUserIPSec VPNSSL VPNEudemonHardwareSoftware FeaturesFeature DescriptionIntegrated protection Integrates firewall, VPN, intrusion prevention, antivirus, data leak prevention, bandwidth management, anti-DDoS, URL filtering, and anti-spam functions. Provides a global configuration view, and manages policies in a unified manner.Application identification and control Identifies over 6000 applications and supports the access control granularity down to application functions. The firewall combines application identification with intrusion detection, antivirus, and data filtering, improving detection performance and accuracy.Intrusion prevention and web protection Accurately detects and defends against vulnerability-specific attacks based on up-to-date threat information. The firewall can defend against web-specific attacks, including SQL injection and XSS attacks.Antivirus Supports intelligent antivirus engine that helps detect hundreds of millions of virus variants.Bandwidth management Manages per-user and per-IP bandwidth in addition to identifying service applications to ensure the network access experience of key services and users. Control methods include limiting the maximum bandwidth, ensuring the minimumbandwidth, and changing application forwarding priorities.Eudemon1000E-F15/F25Eudemon1000E-F35/F55/F85Eudemon1000E-F125Eudemon1000E-F205Feature DescriptionURL filtering Supports remote query for URL categories. The URL category database contains over 140 million URL categories. URL category query servers are deployed globally to offer high-speed, low-latency category query services and meet the regulatory requirements of different countries and regions. URL category filtering can implement URL access control for users or groups based on information such as users or groups, time ranges, and security zones, accurately managing users' online behaviors.Intelligent uplink selection Supports service-specific PBR and intelligent uplink selection based on multiple load balancing algorithms (for example, based on bandwidth ratio and link health status) in multi-egress scenarios.VPN encryption Supports multiple highly available VPN features, such as IPSec VPN, SSL VPN, and GRE, as well as multiple encryption algorithms, such as DES, 3DES, AES, and SHA.Anti-DDoS Defends against more than 10+types of common DDoS attacks, including SYN flood and UDP flood attacks.Security virtualization Supports virtualization of multiple types of security services, including firewall, intrusion prevention, antivirus, and VPN. Users can separately conduct personal management on the same physical device.Security policy management Controls traffic based on the 5-tuples, security zone, application, and time range, and implements integrated content security detection.Uses predefined templates for common attack defense scenarios to rapidly deploy security policies, reducing learning costs.Diversified reports Provides visualized and multi-dimensional report display by user, application, content, time, traffic, threat, and URL.Routing Supports multiple types of routing protocols and features, such as RIP, OSPF, BGP, IS-IS, RIPng, OSPFv3, BGP4+, and IPv6 IS-IS.Deployment and reliability Supports transparent, routing, and hybrid working modes and high availability (HA), including the Active/Active and Active/Standby modes.SpecificationPerformance and Capability Eudemon1000E-F15Eudemon1000E-F25 IPv4 Firewall Throughput1(1518/512/64-byte, UDP)15/15/15 Gbit/s25/25/25 Gbit/s IPv6 Firewall Throughput1(1518/512/84-byte, UDP)15/15/15 Gbit/s25/2525 Gbit/s Firewall Throughput(Packet per Second)22.5 Mpps37.5 M pps Firewall Latency (64-byte, UDP)18 µs18 µsFW + SA* Throughput28Gbps12Gbps NGFW Throughput36Gbps10Gbps NGFW Throughput(Enterprise Mix)4 4.6Gbps 4.6Gbps Threat Protection Throughput (Enterprise Mix)54Gbps4Gbps Concurrent Sessions (HTTP1.1)110,000,00010,000,000 New Sessions/Second (HTTP1.1)1250,000250,000 IPSec VPN Throughput1 (AES-256 + SHA256, 1420-byte)10 Gbit/s15 Gbit/s Maximum IPSec VPN Tunnels (GW to GW)15,00015,000 Maximum IPSec VPN Tunnels (Client to GW)15,00015,000SSL VPN Throughput6 1 Gbit/s 1.5 Gbit/s Concurrent SSL VPN Users (Default/Maximum)100/2000100/2000 Security Policies (Maximum)40,00040,000 Virtual Firewalls 10001000URL Filtering: Categories More than 130URL Filtering: URLs Can access a database of over 120 million URLs in the cloudAutomated Threat Feed and IPS Signature Updates Yes, an industry-leading security center from Huawei (/sec/web/index.do)Centralized Management Centralized configuration, logging, monitoring, and reporting is performed by Huawei SecoManagerVLANs (Max)4094VLANIF Interfaces (Max)1000High Availability Configurations Active/Active, Active/StandbyPerformance and CapabilityNote:1. Performance is tested under ideal conditions based on RFC2544, 3511. The actual result may vary with deployment environments.2. SA performance is measured using 100 KB HTTP files.3. NGFW throughput is measured with Firewall, SA, and IPS enabled; the performance is measured using 100 KB HTTP files.4. NGFW throughput is measured with Firewall, SA, and IPS enabled; the performance is measured using the Enterprise Mix Traffic Model.5. The threat protection throughput is measured with Firewall, SA, IPS,and AV enabled; the performance is measured using the Enterprise Mix Traffic Model.6. SSL VPN throughput is measured using TLS v1.2 with AES128-SHA.*SA: Service Awareness.Hardware Specification Eudemon1000E-F15Eudemon1000E-F25 Dimensions (H x W x D) mm43.6 x 442 x 420Form Factor/Height1UFixed Interface8*GE COMBO + 4*GE(RJ45) + 4*GE(SFP)+ 6*10GE(SFP+)USB Port 1 x USB 3.0 portsWeight (Empty Configuration) 6.3 kgLocal Storage Optional, 1 * 2.5 inch 240G SSD storage, or 1 * 2.5 inch 1TB HDD storage Maximum Power Consumption222WAC Power Supply AC:100V to 240V, 50/60Hz DC: -48V to 60VPower Supplies Dual AC or dual DC power suppliesOperating Environment (Temperature/Humidity)Temperature: 0°C to 45°C (without optional HDD);5°C to 40°C (with optional HDD)Humidity: 5% to 95% (without optional HDD), non-condensing; 5% to 95% (with optional HDD), non-condensingNon-operating Environment Temperature: –40°C to +70°CHumidity: 5% to 95% (without optional HDD), non-condensing; 5% to 95% (with optional HDD), non-condensingOperating Altitude (Maximum)5,000 meters (without optional HDD); 3,000 meters (with optional HDD) Non-operating Altitude (Maximum)5,000 meters (without optional HDD); 3,000 meters (with optional HDD) Noise Maximum value < 72 DbaHardware SpecificationSpecificationPerformance and Capability Eudemon1000E-F35Eudemon1000E-F55Eudemon1000E-F85IPv4 Firewall Throughput1(1518/512/64-byte, UDP)35/35/35 Gbit/s50/50/40 Gbit/s80/80/40 Gbit/s IPv6 Firewall Throughput1(1518/512/84-byte, UDP)35/35/25 Gbit/s50/50/25 Gbit/s80/80/25 Gbit/s Firewall Throughput(Packet per Second)52.5 Mpps60 Mpps60 M pps Firewall Latency (64-byte, UDP)18 µs18 µs18 µsFW + SA* Throughput218Gbps25Gbps25Gbps NGFW Throughput312Gbps18Gbps18Gbps NGFW Throughput (Enterprise Mix)48Gbps8Gbps8Gbps Threat Protection Throughput (Enterprise Mix)57Gbps7Gbps7Gbps Concurrent Sessions (HTTP1.1)120,000,00020,000,00025,000,000 New Sessions/Second (HTTP1.1)1500,000500,000750,000 IPSec VPN Throughput1 (AES-256 + SHA256, 1420-byte)20 Gbit/s30 Gbit/s30Gbit/s Maximum IPSec VPN Tunnels (GW to GW)200002000020000 Maximum IPSec VPN Tunnels (Client to GW)200002000020000 SSL VPN Throughput6 3 Gbit/s 3 Gbit/s 5 Gbit/s Concurrent SSL VPN Users (Default/Maximum)50005000100/5000 Security Policies (Maximum)60,00060,00060000 Virtual Firewalls 100010001000 URL Filtering: Categories More than 130URL Filtering: URLs Can access a database of over 120 million URLs in the cloudAutomated Threat Feed and IPS Signature Updates Yes, an industry-leading security center from Huawei (/sec/web/index.do)Centralized Management Centralized configuration, logging, monitoring, and reporting is performed by Huawei SecoManagerVLANs (Max)4094VLANIF Interfaces (Max)1000High Availability Configurations Active/Active, Active/Standby Performance and CapabilityHardware SpecificationEudemon1000E-F35Eudemon1000E-F55Eudemon1000E-F85Dimensions (H x W x D) mm43.6 x 442 x 420Form Factor/Height1UFixed Interface 8*GE COMBO + 4*GE(RJ45)+ 10*10GE(SFP+)USB Port 1 x USB 3.0 portsWeight (Empty Configuration)7.3 kgLocal Storage Optional, 1 * 2.5 inch 240G SSD storage, or 1 * 2.5 inch 1TB HDD storage Maximum Power Consumption242WAC Power Supply AC:100V to 240V, 50/60Hz DC: -48V to 60VPower SuppliesDual AC or dual DC power suppliesOperating Environment (Temperature/Humidity)Temperature: 0°C to 45°C (without optional HDD); 5°C to 40°C (with optional HDD)Humidity: 5% to 95% (without optional HDD), non-condensing; 5% to 95% (with optional HDD), non-condensingNon-operating Environment Temperature: –40°C to +70°CHumidity: 5% to 95% (without optional HDD), non-condensing; 5% to 95% (with optional HDD), non-condensingOperating Altitude (Maximum)5,000 meters (without optional HDD); 3,000 meters (with optional HDD)Non-operating Altitude (Maximum)5,000 meters (without optional HDD); 3,000 meters (with optional HDD)Noise Maximum value < 72 DbaHardware SpecificationNote :1. Performance is tested under ideal conditions based on RFC2544, 3511. The actual result may vary with deployment environments.2. SA performance is measured using 100 KB HTTP files.3. NGFW throughput is measured with Firewall, SA, and IPS enabled; the performance is measured using 100 KB HTTP files.4. NGFW throughput is measured with Firewall, SA, and IPS enabled; the performance is measured using the Enterprise Mix Traffic Model.5. The threat protection throughput is measured with Firewall, SA, IPS, and AV enabled; the performance is measured using the Enterprise Mix Traffic Model.6. SSL VPN throughput is measured using TLS v1.2 with AES128-SHA.*SA: Service Awareness.SpecificationPerformance and Capability Eudemon1000E-F125Eudemon1000E-F205 IPv4 Firewall Throughput1(1518/512/64-byte, UDP)160/160/80 Gbit/s240/240/120 Gbit/s IPv6 Firewall Throughput1(1518/512/84-byte, UDP)160/120/50 Gbit/s240/200/75 Gbit/s Firewall Throughput(Packet per Second)120 M pps180 M pps Firewall Latency (64-byte, UDP)35 µs35 µsFW + SA* Throughput250Gbps75Gbps NGFW Throughput336Gbps54Gbps NGFW Throughput(Enterprise Mix)416Gbps24Gbps Threat Protection Throughput (Enterprise Mix)514Gbps21Gbps Concurrent Sessions (HTTP1.1)150,000,00075,000,000New Sessions/Second (HTTP1.1)11,500,0002,250,000 IPSec VPN Throughput1 (AES-256 + SHA256, 1420-byte)45Gbit/s65Git/s Maximum IPSec VPN Tunnels (GW to GW)4000060000 Maximum IPSec VPN Tunnels (Client to GW)4000060000SSL VPN Throughput610 Gbit/s12 Gbit/s Concurrent SSL VPN Users (Default/Maximum)100/10000100/15000 Security Policies (Maximum)6000060000Virtual Firewalls 10001000URL Filtering: Categories More than 130URL Filtering: URLs Can access a database of over 120 million URLs in the cloudAutomated Threat Feed and IPS Signature Updates Yes, an industry-leading security center from Huawei (/sec/web/index.do)Centralized Management Centralized configuration, logging, monitoring, and reporting is performed by Huawei SecoManagerVLANs (Max)4094VLANIF Interfaces (Max)1000High Availability Configurations Active/Active, Active/StandbyPerformance and CapabilityNote:1. Performance is tested under ideal conditions based on RFC2544, 3511. The actual result may vary with deployment environments.2. SA performance is measured using 100 KB HTTP files.3. NGFW throughput is measured with Firewall, SA, and IPS enabled; the performance is measured using 100 KB HTTP files.4. NGFW throughput is measured with Firewall, SA, and IPS enabled; the performance is measured using the Enterprise Mix Traffic Model.5. The threat protection throughput is measured with Firewall, SA, IPS, and AV enabled; the performance is measured using the Enterprise Mix Traffic Model.6. SSL VPN throughput is measured using TLS v1.2 with AES128-SHA.*SA: Service Awareness.Hardware Specification Eudemon1000E-F125Eudemon1000E-F205 Dimensions (H x W x D) mm43.6 x 442 x 600Form Factor/Height1UFixed Interface 2*100GE(QSFP28) + 2*40G(QSFP+)+8*25(ZSFP+) + 20*GE(SFP+)14*100GE(QSFP28) +16*25GE(ZSFP+) + 8*GE(SFP+)2USB Port 1 x USB 3.0 portsWeight (Empty Configuration) 6.3 kgLocal Storage Optional, 1 * 2.5 inch 240G SSD storage, or 1 * 2.5 inch 1TB HDD storage Maximum Power Consumption222WAC Power Supply AC:100V to 240V, 50/60Hz DC: -48V to 60VPower Supplies Dual AC or dual DC power suppliesOperating Environment (Temperature/Humidity)Temperature: 0°C to 45°C (without optional HDD);5°C to 40°C (with optional HDD)Humidity: 5% to 95% (without optional HDD), non-condensing; 5% to 95% (with optional HDD), non-condensingNon-operating Environment Temperature: –40°C to +70°CHumidity: 5% to 95% (without optional HDD), non-condensing; 5% to 95% (with optional HDD), non-condensingOperating Altitude (Maximum)5,000 meters (without optional HDD); 3,000 meters (with optional HDD) Non-operating Altitude (Maximum)5,000 meters (without optional HDD); 3,000 meters (with optional HDD) Noise Maximum value < 72 DbaHardware SpecificationNote:1. Some 100GE interfaces and 25GE interfaces of Eudemon1000E-F125 are mutually exclusive.2. Some 100GE interfaces and 25GE interfaces of Eudemon1000E-F205 are mutually exclusive.Order InformationProductEudemon1000E-F15-AC Eudemon1000E-F15 AC Host (8*GE COMBO + 4*GE RJ45 + 4*GE SFP + 6*10GE SFP+, 1 AC power supply) Eudemon1000E-F15-DC Eudemon1000E-F15 DC Host (8*GE COMBO + 4*GE RJ45 + 4*GE SFP + 6*10GE SFP+, 1 DC power supply) Eudemon1000E-F25-AC Eudemon1000E-F25 AC Host (8*GE COMBO + 4*GE RJ45 + 4*GE SFP + 6*10GE SFP+, 1 AC power supply) Eudemon1000E-F25-DC Eudemon1000E-F25 DC Host (8*GE COMBO + 4*GE RJ45 + 4*GE SFP + 6*10GE SFP+, 1 DC power supply) Eudemon1000E-F35-AC Eudemon1000E-F35 AC Host (8*GE COMBO + 4*GE RJ45 + 4*GE SFP + 10*10GE SFP+, 2 AC power supply) Eudemon1000E-F35-DC Eudemon1000E-F35 DC Host (8*GE COMBO + 4*GE RJ45 + 4*GE SFP + 10*10GE SFP+, 2 DC power supply) Eudemon1000E-F55-AC Eudemon1000E-F55 AC Host (8*GE COMBO + 4*GE RJ45 + 4*GE SFP + 10*10GE SFP+, 2 AC power supply) Eudemon1000E-F55-DC Eudemon1000E-F55 DC Host (8*GE COMBO + 4*GE RJ45 + 4*GE SFP + 10*10GE SFP+, 2 DC power supply) Eudemon1000E-F85-AC Eudemon1000E-F85 AC Host (8*GE COMBO + 4*GE RJ45 + 4*GE SFP + 10*10GE SFP+, 2 AC power supply) Eudemon1000E-F85-DC Eudemon1000E-F85 DC Host (8*GE COMBO + 4*GE RJ45 + 4*GE SFP + 10*10GE SFP+, 2 DC power supply) Eudemon1000E-F125-AC Eudemon1000E-F125 AC Host (2*QSFP28 + 2*QSFP+ + 8*ZSFP+ + 20*SFP+, 2 AC power supplies) Eudemon1000E-F125-DC Eudemon1000E-F125 DC Host (2*QSFP28 + 2*QSFP+ + 8*ZSFP+ + 20*SFP+, 2 DC power supplies) Eudemon1000E-F205-AC Eudemon1000E-F205 AC Host (4*QSFP28 + 16*ZSFP+ + 8*SFP+, 2 AC power supplies)Eudemon1000E-F205-DC Eudemon1000E-F205 DC Host (4*QSFP28 + 16*ZSFP+ + 8*SFP+, 2 DC power supplies)SSL VPN LicenseLIC-E1KF-SSLVPN-100Quantity of SSL VPN Concurrent Users(100 Users)LIC-E1KF-SSLVPN-200Quantity of SSL VPN Concurrent Users(200 Users)LIC-E1KF-SSLVPN-500Quantity of SSL VPN Concurrent Users(500 Users)LIC-E1KF-SSLVPN-1000Quantity of SSL VPN Concurrent Users(1000 Users)LIC-E1KF-SSLVPN-2000Quantity of SSL VPN Concurrent Users(2000 Users)LIC-E1KF-SSLVPN-5000Quantity of SSL VPN Concurrent Users(5000 Users)VSYS LicenseLIC-E1KF--VSYS-10Quantity of Virtual Firewall (10 Vsys)LIC-E1KF--VSYS-20Quantity of Virtual Firewall (20 Vsys)LIC-E1KF--VSYS-50Quantity of Virtual Firewall (50 Vsys)LIC-E1KF--VSYS-100Quantity of Virtual Firewall (100 Vsys)LIC-E1KF--VSYS-200Quantity of Virtual Firewall (200 Vsys)LIC-E1KF--VSYS-500Quantity of Virtual Firewall (500 Vsys)LIC-E1KF--VSYS-1000Quantity of Virtual Firewall (1000 Vsys)Threat Protection LicenseLIC-E1KE-Fxx-IPS-1YIPS Update Service Subscribe 12 MonthsLIC-E1KE-Fxx-IPS-3YIPS Update Service Subscribe 36 MonthsLIC-E1KE-Fxx-AV-1YAV Update Service Subscribe 12 MonthsLIC-E1KE-Fxx-AV-3YAV Update Service Subscribe 36 MonthsLIC-E1KE-Fxx-URL-1YURL Remote Query Service Subscribe 12MonthsLIC-E1KE-Fxx-URL-3YURL Remote Query Service Subscribe 36MonthsLIC-E1KE-Fxx-TP-1Y-OVSThreat Protection Subscription 12 MonthsLIC-E1KE-Fxx-TP-3Y-OVSThreat Protection Subscription 36 MonthsLIC-E1KE-F-CONTENTContent Security Group FunctionAbout This PublicationThis publication is for reference only and shall not constitute any commitments or guarantees. All trademarks, pictures, logos, and brands mentioned in this document are the property of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. or a third party.For more information, visit /en/products/enterprise-networking/security. Copyright©2021 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.Address: Huawei Industrial Base Bantian, Longgang Shenzhen 518129, People's Republic of ChinaWebsite: Tel: 4008302118Page 7。
Roane & Hickey, Inc.You have been recently hired into the Strategic Change (SC) group, a business unit of PricwaterhouseCoopers. SC is the strategy thought leader in PwC. The engagement partner in Consumer Products has come to SC to help develop a strategy for Roane & Hickey, Inc. (R&H). This engagement has the potential of positioning PwC to R&H and its parent conglomerate for the next five, possible ten years.Company BackgroundR&H is a wholly-owned subsidiary of a multi-national conglomerate. The conglomerate owns ten companies operating in the U.S. R&H is the largest of the ten. R&H is a consumer goods company distributing well-known branded products through grocery, drug, mass merchant and club channels. With $4 billion in revenues in the U.S., R&H is one of the top three players in the consumer goods industry. The company has been marginally profitable over the past ten years. Last year the company made a profit due largely to an accounting change.Although R&H only operates in the U.S., it owns several manufacturing and distribution facilities around the world to support its production and distribution systems. R&H takes advantage of lower labor costs in Mexico, Canada and Southeast Asia to lower its manufacturing costs. R&H still maintains three plants in the U.S. Because of the over-capacity that R&H has experienced, R&H has negotiated deals with sister companies overseas to manufacture and direct-ship product.R&H has four market segments that operate as profit centers. The market segments are:Personal Hygiene, Consumer Tissue, Soaps and Detergents and Personal Care. Even though the revenues are roughly evenly divided among all four market segments, Personal Care contributes 90% of the company's profits. In Personal Care, R&H owns the two top branded products, in the other categories the company has the number two brand, and in one segment, number three. R&H has committed to building a consumer franchise through aggressive advertising and in-store merchandising support.Industry TrendsIn the U.S., brands are under attack from private labels, who are now competing on both price and quality. Brands are looking to justify their price premiums. The value of being the number one brand cannot be taken lightly. The return on sales of the top brand is almost twice that of the number two brand. The return on sales for the number two brand is twice that of the number three brand.The power of the retail industry in the U.S. has increased dramatically over the past five years. The retailers are driving additional costs upon manufacturers. With established products, retailers are demanding a minimal level of turns per year. With new products, retailers are demanding slotting fees and ever-increasing promotional support. Product managers are forced to achieve current product revenue and market share goals while stimulating demand for new products. Many industry experts feel that there will be consolidation of brands within many of the market segments in which R&H competes and, as a result of this brand consolidation, that R&H will lose critical sales mass and become a major casualty. In the last two years the allocation of marketing dollars has changed dramatically; trade promotion has risen to 40% of total marketing spending, consumer promotion has climbed slightly and advertising has declined. Industry analysts have pointed to R&H's trade promotion strategy as being the catalyst for the growth in trade promotion in the industry as competitors have been forced to respond. R&H is widely regarded as a retail-oriented company. With a sales force that is twice the size of anyone else's in the industry, R&H has forged great retail relationships over the years. R&H traditionally had the best order fill rate in the business; however, recently some of the efforts to reduce inventory has caused shortages in key promoted products.R&H OrganizationThere are six Executive Vice Presidents (EVPs) in R&H responsible for functional areas. All the EVPs report to the President, who is also CEO. The Executive Vice Presidents represent Marketing, Sales, Finance, Manufacturing, Engineering andHuman Resources. The EVP of Finance has responsibility for financial reporting and analyses as well as managing Procurement, Deployment, Scheduling and Logistics. All the market segment managers report directly to the Executive Vice President of Marketing.Much of the blame for the performance of the company over the last ten years fell on the shoulders of the former president. It was whispered that he was from the "old school" and could not change his ways. The new president of R&H, an American, joined the company six months ago. He was the Executive Vice President of an important European division of a sister company. The conglomerate has always prided itself on being able to leverage its multi-national resources.Current SituationVenn Teldren, the Executive Vice President of Finance, is considered to be a brilliant man by many in the industry. Born and raised in Europe, Mr. Teldren rose quickly through the organization. However, because of his outspoken nature, he angered enough senior levelexecutives ("showed up" as Mr. Teldren would say) that he has never received a position of president, even though his name is mentioned every time an opening appears.Recently the vice chairperson of the conglomerate responsible for the group in which R&H is a member, sat down with the R&H President and EVPs. The vice chairperson stated that the company needed to improve performance within one year. He offered a couple of scenarios of what the conglomerate was considering in the event that the management failed to improve profitability.Scenario 1: Drop unprofitable brands and reduce the size of the companyScenario 2: Merge the company with a sister company that has similardistribution requirements and have proven profitabilityRecent InitiativesR&H has recently taken part in an industry-wide study called Efficient Customer Response or ECR. The study found that an industry-wide effort to develop more efficient trade practices and delivery systems could save an aggregated $30 billion dollars a year. PwC assisted R&H in this study. All the EVPs agree that there are huge dollar savings that can be achieved with efficiency improvements.Venn believes that the supply chain (i.e., Procurement, Manufacturing, Deployment, Scheduling, Logistics, and Warehousing) can become a strategic advantage for the company if it can outperform its competitors. PwC studies have shown that improvements cannot be made without the input or the support of all the functional areas of the company, especially Marketing and Sales. The EVPs from Marketing and Sales do not always see the Supply Chain as key players; in fact, the EVPs of Marketing and Sales see the Supply Chain as only a vendor to them.Venn knows that the results of the ECR initiative may not be enough to rally support among the EVPs. Venn knows that whatever strategy is accepted needs to define the roles of each of the EVPs and to provide an outlet for each EVP to demonstrate his and her skills. He is also aware that the other EVPs are very conscious of the growth of Venn's power. Each EVP will initiate a project with the assumption that the architect of the solution to R&H's current situation will be in position for the next presidency. The EVP of Human Resource has championed the need to implement a whole new way of envisioning the company working together. She has envisioned a flatter organization and has spent years developing studies with another leading consultancy to support her vision. She has a strong supporter in the EVP of Sales. The present EVP of Sales was originally from Human Resources. Her vision has always entailed an extensive re-structuring and re-training effort.The EVP of Engineering feels that the company needs to invest in its new product capability. The strategy is to acquire smaller, regional companies that are producing differentiated products. "We can absorb them into us and stimulate our new product pipeline," he stated. "With these new, regionally proven products, we can fill capacity and leverage our distribution and sales strength. I can also energize my area with freshideas. It's win-win, no doubt about it."The EVP of Manufacturing is sick and tired of hearing that manufacturing is the problem. He points to the fact that they re producing and shipping three times the product they were five years ago with the same number of people they had eight years ago. If things don't change in other areas, then things won't change in Manufacturing, other than the inability to support the orders coming in.The EVP of Marketing believes that a combination of re-structuring and acquisition is needed. He wants to reduce the salesperson's role with the retailer and focus on consumer spending behind a "high quality" message grounded in tangible product benefits across all product segments. He wants to broaden the product mix with new products from acquisition.The EngagementVenn has mentioned to Gary Forstman, the PwC engagement partner, that he is willing to devote the necessary resources in his functional areas to prove out the right strategy to the other EVPs. Venn has also indicated that the company is willing to devote significant resources and capabilities to the right effort. "All the EVPs know," he said, "that there will be whole-scale changes if the company doesn't turn itself about." Mr. Forstman has called Grady Means, ISS SBU leader and partner, and said, "This is PricewaterhouseCoopers’ first major engagement with R&H after several years of smaller engagements where we were able to demonstrate our ability to implement solutions. Now we have an opportunity to really shine. The company is re-evaluating its strategic position and has asked several consulting firms to talk to them." Grady discussed the situation with ISS partner, Michael Hanley, and they agreed that you would be a great person to work on this project. You receive a call from Grady. Hello, How are you doing? After exchanging pleasantries, Grady explains the situation to you. "We need some dynamic thinking on this one. I know Venn Teldren from years ago. Venn is going to be all over us if we don't get this right. What's important is that weshow Venn that we have a vision of where the company needs to go, how the parts fit together and how they are going to get there. What is important is that our analysis is fact-based. We need to be ready to say to Venn, "This is the situation, this is the problem, this is the solution and this is step one, step two, step three on what you need to do tomorrow." This is a big opportunity for us and I'm counting on you. See what you can come up with by this time next week. Feel free to call Michael or myself with any questions. Okay, talk to you soon.Questions1. What is your assessment of the present situation?2. What are the key areas for change? Why do you believe so?3. What do you envision your product to be in a week?4. What type of additional information would you want?5. What type of analysis do you believe needs to be performed?6. Do you have an idea concerning the analytical structure?7. What type of framework might you envision for this strategy?8. What are the key elements you would include in designing a strategy?9. What are the key elements you would include in implementing a strategy?10. What is your assessment concerning R&H's ability to implement a strategy?11. What are some key performance indicators that you would suggest?12. What are the key issues between the Supply Chain and other areas of the company (such as Marketing and Sales) that must be addressed?13. What are some ways that improvements in the Supply Chain will impact the other areas of the company, especially Marketing and Sales?14. How does Supply Chain effect the value of the company's brands?。
“harmony”(和谐)【摘要】在英语中,和谐一词为“harmony”,Harmony 这个单词共有7个字母,围绕这7个字母,可以从7个方面H=humorous (幽默)、A=attractive(吸引)、R=responsible (责任)、M=modest(谦逊)、O=open-minded(开放)、N=natural(自然)、Y=young(年轻)努力来达到建构课堂中师生和谐关系的目的。
【关键词】“harmony”(和谐)H=humorous (幽默)A=attractive(吸引)R=responsible(责任)M=modest(谦逊)O=open-minded(开放)N=natural(自然)Y=young(年轻)在英语中,和谐一词为“harmony”。
笔者灵机一动,把leaf, wife, knife, shelf, thief, half, life等单词用中文联串起来,变成了一个非常有趣的顺口溜:叶子的妻子从架子上拿了一把刀子,要了一个贼的半条命。
2021国家开放大学电大专科《英语教学法》期末试题及答案(试卷号:2145) 注意事项一、将你的学号、姓名及分校(工作站)名称填写在答题纸的规定栏内e考试结束后.把试卷和答题纸放在桌上。
Information for the exaniinees:•This examination consists of I pans. They are:I:Choose the best answer(40 points)II:Matching(20 points)III:Multiple choice questions( 10 points)K : Activity Designing(30 points)•The total marks for this examination arc 100 points. Time allowed for completing this examination is 90 minutes.•There will be no extra time to transfer answers to the AnswerSheet; therefore, you should write ALL your answers on the Answer Sheet as you do each task.Chocwe the best answer (40H)Directions: In this part, you arc givon twenty qiNmUom which am Collnwtd by t choker markedH9 (: and I). Keud lhe choirs currfully and ch<Mwc the <me which run the qncMion. (10 point*t 2 points c«ch|h How do children learn thru firti hnuuAwe?A. By miitmisd H. by bring corrrrted hy p»rrfHiv.C・ Hy knrninK hn|(uA|{r ruleiu 【)• By acting und pcrlorminitt2. Which of tlir lollowmR bent exprewo ihc (rftiurc ol children in IrarnmH » Im山叩longungc?A. Short Attnntum span> H Annlytioil Ictitnu^.C. Cle^r purt)o»r. D・ Not caally diMrgcicd.3. Whet type of IcArnrr* enn bvneht mo*l Ircun hxikifig ht pi<Murr< 血门咔 *,u InNtnicfion?A. Individual Irurnern. B・ I nctile learnersC Auditory I M menu Viiual k«mcr<».4, In which ol thr {alluwiriK activities docs the teflehrr phy〔he ro!r of prompter *A. (living inatrucuons bu(orr nn «rtivity»K Rending out thr new woriU tn the(• I nking pnrl in the pupih1 uunvcraatlotuI). Encouraging s1ndrnt«i to go on with I heir folkWhin type of inteiliKencc H cMniinx best wuited for? A. IrHrr 舛rtorud infclligrncr. I 、Muwtol intcllitfrniT> Q LuW ・l intelliicenrr.□ Linguistic lntelh«encr.6. What doe ・ thr Following pruetiM? ♦ Frrr anJ I u5 tu tht ctnrmu y^Urrday. Pm ,and + / wr”f In th^ cinrmaP”,and I wrn/ to the ^cinffna y^tlerday^ P ・” UR U / wrnl In tAr cinftnaA. Stre«A A ArticukitioB C LuritonU tritonftiiqn7. Which of thr following gramTnar artivittr* u tnn<t cornmuniriiivr^A. StibMittitiom K Complctioru (L PrrnArAtionfar a vriOift Coevm 姑& Which ol ihc folluwinM i» ^uitublw for npcftking?A. I PR actioniu K Drawing pictures C Role pky«I). Llatcn and act«乳 Which uf thr (ollowinR activity enn train ImtrninK?A. Ijibrhng I hr pict uren* K Writing cAptinnn for pictures C. "Simon w”” gme.IX Brnwing wnd 。
As a seasoned film critic,I find myself often drawn to narratives that delve into the complexities of power,legacy,and the human condition. The Queen,directed by Stephen Frears,is a film that encapsulates these themes with a delicate balance of drama and insight.It tells the story of Queen Elizabeth II and the events surrounding the aftermath of Princess Dianas death in1997,a pivotal moment in British history that tested the monarchy and the nations collective emotions.The film opens with a serene portrayal of the Queens daily life,a stark contrast to the turmoil that is about to unfold.Helen Mirrens portrayal of Queen Elizabeth II is nothing short of mesmerizing.She captures the essence of the Queens stoic demeanor,her sense of duty,and the internal conflict she faces as the nation mourns and demands a more human response from the royal family.One of the most striking aspects of the film is its ability to humanize the Queen.Despite her status as a figurehead and the immense power she represents,the audience is privy to her vulnerability and the weight of her responsibilities.Mirrens nuanced performance allows us to empathize with the Queen as she navigates the delicate balance between tradition and public sentiment.The screenplay,written by Peter Morgan,is a masterclass in storytelling.It weaves together the personal and the political,highlighting the pressure on the Queen from both her advisors and the public.The dialogue is sharp and poignant,capturing the essence of the British class system and the unspoken rules that govern it.The film does not shy away from depictingthe friction between the Queen and Prime Minister Tony Blair,portrayed by Michael Sheen,who is eager to connect with the grieving public in a more contemporary and empathetic manner.The cinematography by Affonso Beato is equally impressive,with sweeping shots of the royal estates that underscore the isolation of the Queen.The films visual language is understated yet powerful,reflecting the Queens own restraint and the gravity of her situation.The use of natural light and the contrast between the intimate interiors of Buckingham Palace and the vast,open landscapes of Balmoral serve to highlight the Queens internal struggle.What sets The Queen apart from other biopics is its focus on the unseen aspects of leadership.It explores the Queens relationship with her subjects, her family,and her own identity.The film does not glamorize or vilify the monarchy instead,it presents a balanced view that invites the audience to reflect on the role of the monarchy in modern society.One cannot discuss The Queen without mentioning the films historical context.The events surrounding Princess Dianas death were a turning point for the British monarchy,and the film captures this moment with remarkable accuracy.It is a testament to the films research and attention to detail that it can evoke such a strong sense of the time without resorting to sensationalism.The films score by Alexandre Desplat is hauntingly beautiful,adding an emotional depth to the narrative.It complements the visual storytellingand enhances the emotional journey of the characters.In conclusion,The Queen is a powerful and evocative film that offers a unique perspective on a significant moment in British history.It is a testament to the power of cinema to explore complex themes and humanize historical figures.Helen Mirrens performance is a standout,and the films script,cinematography,and score all contribute to a memorable cinematic experience.It is a film that resonates with audiences,inviting them to reflect on the nature of power,tradition,and the human spirit.。
TUBE-TECH CL1BCompressorDESCRIPTION.The TUBE-TECH compressor CL1B differs from many other compressors,in that the gain-reduction element is made from a non-semiconductor element,which in itself has a very low harmonic distortion and none of the non-linearity problems involved when using most semiconductor elements.Furthermore there is no long-term degradation of the element thus giving it almost infinite life.This element is placed after the input-transformer of the compressor and followed by an all tube-based amplifier with a gain of-∞dB to+30dB.Thus the signal is not fed through any semiconductor circuitry on its way to the output.The amplifier consists of two tubes(valves)in push-pull configuration(one ECC83as thepre-amp and phase splitter,and one ECC82as the output stage),and an output transformer. The power supply for the pre-amp and phase splitter are stabilized and the heaters of both tubes(valves)are fed with a stabilized DC voltage.The whole amplifier(including input and output transformer)and the power supplies are placed on one PC-board.Both input and output are balanced(600Ω)and fully floating.The in/out key switches the compressor in and out without clicks.THE SIDECHAIN:The side chain is the only part of the compressor that contains semiconductors.They are used for three reasons:First they do not affect the sound reproduction,second they have a high slew rate,which is of importance for the performance of the compressor and third they don't take up much room.It contains two J-FET quad op-amps,one npn-transistor and one FET-transistor,which handles the signal for the gain-reduction element.The compressor contains two time constants circuits:1.Fixed attack and release times2.Variable attack and release timesThe attack/release select switch makes it possible to use these two circuits separately or combine their functions.This gives a feature not normally obtained in other compressors:In the combined(fix./man.)state the attack-and release controls makes it possible toobtain a complex release-time slope.(See page4)(980112)COMPRESSOR INTERCONNECTION:The side chain sockets for interconnection of several compressors are located on the rear panel.A switch(BUS SELECT)on the front selects which compressors are interconnected,and on which bus they are connected.If you e.g.have10compressors in a rack,you can select compressor1,5,7and8on bus1,and compressor2,3,6and9on bus2,leaving compressor4 and6in the off position.Compressors1,5,7,8are now interconnected and all four will perform the exact same compression.This applies to compressor2,3,6and9as pressor4and6are independent.The interconnection implies,that the unit,which performs the most compression,is controlling the others.To choose which one you want to control,select the attack/release time,the threshold and the ratio on that unit,and turn the threshold fully counter clockwise on the reminding compressors. It is of course possible to have all the interconnected compressors control each other simultaneously.NB:Remember to set the ratio control and the gain control in the same position on the "slaves".Otherwise the stereo image could be shifted during compression.Theattack/release-control on the slaves will have no effect.The input/output capability of the side chain-circuit allows up to ten compressors to be linked together.They are connected in parallel with a standard1/4"stereo jack/-jack cord(tip:bus1,ring:bus 2).The two jack socket on the rear panel is connected in parallel and both are input/output.(980112)CONTROLS:GAIN:The gain control is used to"make up"for the gain loss,which takes place when the unit is compressing.It is placed after the gain-reduction circuitand therefore has no influence on the threshold setting.The gain-control iscontinuously variable from off to+30dB.RATIO:The ratio control varies the ratio by which the input signal is compressed.If the ratio selected is to2:1,and the input signal increases10dB,theoutput signal is only increased by5db.The ratio control is continuouslyvariable from2:1to10:1.THRESHOLD:The threshold is the point where the compressor begins its action.It isdefined as the point where the gain is reduced by1dB.The threshold is continuously variable from+20dBU to-40dBU. METER:The VU-meter switch has three positions:1.Input The meter is reading the level at the input socket.pressionThe VU-meter is reading gain reduction.Its rest position is"0VU",and the amount ofcompression is shown as a decreasing deflection indB.3.Output The VU-meter is reading the level at the output socket."0VU"is equivalent to+4dBU.NB:Leave the meter switch in position compression as it mightintroduce distortion if left in the input or output position.IN/OUT:This leverswitch switches the compressor in and out of the signal path.The out position bypasses the entire compressor.ATTACK:The attack control chooses how fast/slow the compressor responds to an increase in the input signal.The attack control is continuously variable from0.5to300milliseconds. RELEASE:The release control chooses how fast/slow the compressor responds to a decrease in the input signal.The release control is continuously variable from0,05to10seconds.(980112)ATTACK/RELEASE SELECT:This switch selects how the compressor reacts to an increase(attack)ordecrease(release)of the input signal.There are three settings of the switch:1.Fixed.Attack time:1msecRelease time:50msec2.Manual.Attack time:from0.5msec to300msecRelease time:from0.05sec to10sec3.Fix/man.This setting combines the release times of fixed and manualmode.The attack time is as in the fixed mode.The fix/man mode always has a fast attack,but it is possible to obtain a release time depending on the input signal,e.g.get a fast release when the peak disappears,then superseded shortly thereafter by the release time selected by the release control.From the time the peak disappears,until the selected release time takes over,is dependent upon the setting of the attack control.That is,the attack control changes function from a pure attack control,to a control of delay with the same time range.The more CW the attack control is turned,the longer time before the release controltakes over.The more CCW the attack control is turned,the shorter time before the release control takes over.This function is valid only if the time of the peak is shorter than the setting of the attack control. If the peak of the program is longer than the setting of the attack control,or if the attack control has reached the full CCW position,it will respond as in the manual mode.The fix/man mode acts as an automatic release function with a constant fast attack time and fast release time for short peaks and a longer release times for longer peaks.This setting is mainly intended for use on program material(overall compression).BUS SELECT:Interconnects several compressors on bus1or bus2.If the compressor is left in the off position,it works entirely independently.(980112)SUGGESTED APPLICATIONSOFTUBE-TECH COMPRESSOR CL1BIn the following,you will find suggestions on various applications of the TUBE-TECH compressorCL1B.They are given as a convenient guide to enable you to familiarise yourself with the different aspects of using the compressor.We have not mentioned specific settings of gain and threshold as they are dependent upon input levels.Instead we have specified how much compression in dB,we feel,is needed for the various examples.OVERALL COMPRESSION:FINAL MIXCOMPRESSION NEEDED:3-4dBAttack/release select:Fix/manAttack:2o'clockRelease:10o'clockRatio:9o'clockSTANDARD COMPRESSION:BASS,PIANO,GUITAR,KEYBOARDS AND VOCALSCOMPRESSION NEEDED:4-5dBAttack/release select:ManualAttack:2o'clockRelease:10o'clockRatio:10-2o'clockHEAVY COMPRESSION ON INSTRUMENTS:LINE GUITAR AND PIANOCOMPRESSION NEEDED:10dBAttack/release select:ManualAttack:7o'clockRelease:1o'clockRatio:3o'clockCOMPRESSION OF DRUMS:SNARE AND BASS DRUMCOMPRESSION NEEDED:2-3dBAttack/release select:FixedRatio:9-12o'clock(980112)ADJUSTMENT PROCEDURE:CAUTION:Before making any adjustment let the unit heat-up at least15min.Observe that the offset-voltage measured at the side chain jack socket,when the THRESHOLD is off,is not greater than+/-15mV DC in both position"fixed"and "manual".(tip is bus1and ring is bus2).If the voltage exceeds this value,replace either IC1or IC2.THE GRE SHALL BE MARKED BETWEEN1.225-1.285ADJUSTMENT OF BASIC GAIN:1)Apply a signal of1kHz,-30,0dBU into the input of the compressor.2)Turn the GAIN-control fully clockwise.3)Set the RATIO-control at2:14)Adjust the pre-set GAIN(located on amp/psu PCB)to an output-reading of0,0dBU.ADJUSTMENT OF COMPRESSION TRACKING:1)Turn the THRESHOLD-control fully counter-clockwise.2)Set the RATIO-control at2:1.3)Set the BUS-select-switch at1.4)Apply a signal of1kHz,0,0dBU into the input of the compressor.5)Adjust the GAIN-control to an output-reading of0,0dBU.6)Apply a DC-voltage of+250,0mV into the side chain jack socket(tip)and observe thatthe output level has dropped to-10,0dB.7)If this is not the case,adjust the level with P2(P1)*,to obtain a drop of exactly-10,0dB. *The trimpots in parenthesis refers to PCB870316-0,1,2(980810)ADJUSTMENT OF THE VU METER READING"COMPRESSION":1)Turn the THRESHOLD-control fully counter-clockwise.2)Switch the METER-selector to Compression.3)Set the RATIO-control at2:14)Apply a signal of1kHz,0,0dBU into the input of the compressor.5)Adjust the GAIN-control to an output-reading of0,0dBU.6)Adjust P4(P2)*until the meter is reading0VU.7)Apply a DC-voltage of+250,0mV into the side chain jack socket and observe that theoutput level has dropped to-10,0dBU.If this is not the case,adjust the compressiontracking(see above)8Adjust P3until the meter is reading-10,0VU.9)Remove the DC-voltage from the side chain jack socket.10)Repeat step6-9.NB:The VU-meter accuracy should be within+/-0,5dB when reading compression. ADJUSTMENT OF THE RELEASE CONTROL:1)Set the METER switch in position compression.2)Set the attack/release SELECT switch in position manual.3)Apply a signal of1kHz,0,0dBU into the input of the compressor.4)Adjust the THRESHOLD-control to a reading of-10VU of the VU-meter5)Set the ATTACK-control at fast.6)Set the RELEASE-control at slow.7)Switch off the1kHz and observe that the VU meter moves to0VU in approx.10sec.8)If this is not the case,adjust P1(P5)*,to obtain a release time of approximately10sec. *The trimpots in parenthesis refers to PCB870316-0,1,2(950119)Over view of the sidechain PCBPCB870316-0,1,2P2P3P1P50VU-10VU-10dB Rel.10Sec.PCB870316-3P4P3P2P10VU-10VU-10dB Rel10Sec.101115TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS CL1B:Input impedance:600OhmsOutput impedance:<60OhmsFrequency-response:5Hz-25kHz+0.5/-3dB Distortion THD@40Hz:0dBU:<0,15%10dBU:<0,15%maximum output(1%THD):+26,0dBUmaximum input(1%THD):+21,0dBUNoise Rg=200Ohm:Output Gain0dB+30dB Unweighted-85,0dBU-75,0dBUCCIR468-3-75,0dBU-65,0dBUCMRR@10KHz<-60dBGain:off to+30dBCompressorRatio:2:1to10:1Threshold:off to-40dBUAttack:0,5mS to300mSRelease:0,05S to10STracking between interconnected compressors:(0to30dB compression):<+/-1dBTubesECC821ECC831DimensionsHeight:3units132m m/5,2”Width:483m m/19”Depth:170m m/6,7”WeightNet:4,1Kg/9,0lbsShipping:5,9Kg/13,0lbsPower requirements@115V/230V AC,50-60Hz30-40WAll specifications at RL=600Lydkraft reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice(051018jgp)。
1.RH 开头的英文单词概述
2.RH 开头的英文单词举例
3.RH 开头的英文单词的用途和意义
RH 开头的英文单词是指以“RH”为开头的字母组合。
以下是一些RH 开头的英文单词的举例:
1.RH 阴性血型(Rh-negative blood type):这是一种血型分类,表示红细胞表面没有D 抗原。
2.RH(Rhesus Macacus):这是恒河猴(长臂猿)的学名,常用于生物学研究和实验。
3.RH(Right Hand):这是“右手”的意思,在一些计算机编程和游戏场景中,用来表示角色的右手操作。
4.RH(Rhetorical Question):这是“修辞问题”的意思,常用于文学和演讲中,表示提出一个问题以引起读者或听众的思考和注意。
5.RH(Royal Horticultural Society):这是英国皇家园艺协会的简称,成立于1804 年,是英国最著名的园艺组织之一。
通过以上举例,我们可以看到RH 开头的英文单词在英语中有广泛的应
Hymmnos语语法(中文版)展开全文一、语言简介 Hymmnos是由土屋晓(AkiraTsuchiya)创作的一种自制语言,用于游戏Artonelico(魔塔大陆)全系列中。
二、语法(标准Hymmnos语)(1)基本结构由于Hymmnos语主要用于表达咏唱者的情感,所以绝大多数的句子都开始于三个单词(称之为“想音”*注1)先来看一个简单的句子:(*注2)标准写法:(较大)Was yea rachshymmnos mea英文写法:Was yea rachshymmnos mea中文翻译:我很高兴能将自己变为歌。
其中“Was yea ra”就是“想音”部分。
Was yea raLevel 1 Level 2 Level 3第I想音(Level1)表示的是感情的强烈程度。
第III想音(Level3)表示的是感情是否持续/对感情的感受(*注3、4)下面是词语的对应情况:第I想音(*注5)* Rrha –恍惚的状态* Was –很;非常* Wee –颇;相当* Fou –有点;一点* Ma –平常的状态* Nn –没精神的状态第II想音* i –焦急的* yea –高兴的* waa –高兴的(I纪神圣语 *注6)* paks –紧张的;激动的;焦躁的(*注7)* num –无* ki –认真的、集中的* wol –勇往直前、热血的* apea –沉浸于幸福中(I纪前古代语)* au –悲伤的(アルファ律(オリジンスペル:EOLIA属)*注8)* granme–有勇气,希望保护某人touwaka–渴望的、隐藏着心情的* quel–恳切的;必死的* yant–恐慌的(I纪神圣语)* guwo –发怒的;愤怒的* jyel –寂寞的* zweie –真挚的;隐藏着决定的第III想音(*注9)* ga –(我)希望尽快结束的* ra - (我)希望持续的* erra - (我)希望永远地持续的* wa –这没有什么关系,我会接受这个情况* gaya –我再也不想回到之前的状态了* gagis –自己怎么样也无所谓想音部分介绍完毕。
RHCE 31 个考试重点上个月,我介绍了关于RHCE 认证考试的流程及项目。
这个考试项目为40~50 题基本的Linux 问题(就像正常的考试),及其它Red Hat 系统特殊的功能。
上个月的附注中提到目前"全球各地" 约有20 个城市提供认证考试,是错误的。
RHCE 认证经理Randolph Russell 指出目前在美国及加拿大地区经常性举行认证考试的城市就有21 个。
在这个月中,我将要介绍RHCE 认证考试中31 个不可不知的重点。
为何么是31 呢?因为这31 个重点是由Red Hat 强调的重点(/training/rhce/examprep.html)中截录出来的。
记住,虽然RHCE 认证是困难的,可是选择题这部份并不如想象中的困难,但是它也是考试的一部份。
(1)彻底的了解Linux 的磁盘分割区是非常重要的。
在Red Hat Linux Reference Guide 中Appendix B 里提到的重点必须要知道。
相关资料: /support/manuals/RHL-7.1-Manual/ref-guide/ch-partitions.html(2)知道如何将Linux 安到不同的环境(平台)。
Intel 平台的安装手册在/support/manuals/RHL-7.1-Manual/install-guide/,而Alpha平台的安装手册在/support/manuals/RHL-7.1-Manual/alpha-install-guide/(3)Linux 家族常用的启动管理程序LILO,它是大部份Linux 系统建议使用的程序。