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1976年,LAMBE [1]首次提出应力路径方法(stress path method ),定义应力路径概念为“以单元划分土体,土体单元最大剪切应力点从一种应力状态变换到另一状态的轨迹”。随后,国内外学者围绕应力路径相关问题进行了大量试验研究,得出了一系列重要结论。BRETH [2]研究了泊松比和初始弹性剪切模量受应力路径的影响规律。LADE 和DUNCAN [3]的研究通过观察卸载再加载的过程,表明砂土应力-应变曲线受应力路径的影响。刘祖德等[4]通过对多种应力路径条件下砂土和
Theoretical Study on the Effect of Void Ratio on Plastic Deformation
of Saturated Sand Under Different Stress Paths
DUAN Qiu-yu 1,2,3,QI Cheng-zhi 1,2,3,WANG Hao-nan 1,2,3,FENG Yan-jie 1,2,3,LUO Yi 1,2,3,MA Xiao-yu 1,2,3
(1.Beijing Future Urban Design Advanced Innovation Center,Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture,Beijing 100044,China;2.Beijing International Cooperation Base for Urban Transport Infrastructure Construction,Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture,Beijing 100044,China;3.School of Civil and Traffic Engineering,Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture,
Beijing 100044,China )
研究成果和对简化细颗粒单元体的受力分析,得到应力比与反映颗粒单元体组成结构的内部夹角的关系,进一步得出应力比与孔隙比的对应关系。对双硬化弹塑性本构模型,将受应力比影响的孔隙比e s 代替其中的初始孔隙比e 0。新模型可合理预测饱和砂土沿不同应力增量方向应力路径的塑性变形,理论预测结果与试验结果相吻合。
【Abstract 】At present,the effect of void ratio on the plastic deformation of saturated sandy soil under different stress paths has not been
clarified completely.In order to solve the above mentioned problem,based on the research results of meso-mechanism of deformation of sandy soil and the stress analysis of simplified particle unit,the relationship between the stress ratio and the internal angle reflecting the component structure of particle unit is obtained,from which the corresponding relationship between stress ratio and void ratio is further deduced.For the double hardening elastoplastic constitutive model,the initial void ratio e 0is replaced by the void ratio e s affected by the stress ratio.In this way the new model can reflect the influence of void ratio on the deformation characteristics of sandy soil under different stress paths,and further reflect the stress path correlation of sand deformation characteristics.The theoretical prediction is consistent with the experimental data.
【Keywords 】stress paths;meso-mechanism;void ratio;saturated sandy soil;plastic deformation 【中图分类号】TU441
【DOI 】10.13616/ki.gcjsysj.2023.09.018