Analyses of Multi-Way Branching Decision Tree Boosting Algorithms
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SLPA:Uncovering Overlapping Communities in Social Networks via A Speaker-listener Interaction Dynamic ProcessJierui Xie and Boleslaw K.Szymanski Department of Computer ScienceRensselaer Polytechnic InstituteTroy,New York12180 Email:{xiej2,szymansk}@Xiaoming Liu Department of Computer Science University of the Western Cape Belville,South Africa Email:andyliu5738@Abstract—Overlap is one of the characteristics of social networks,in which a person may belong to more than one social group.For this reason,discovering overlapping structures is necessary for realistic social analysis.In this paper,we present a novel,general framework to detect and analyze both individual overlapping nodes and entire communities.In this framework,nodes exchange labels according to dynamic interaction rules.A specific implementation called Speaker-listener Label Propagation Algorithm(SLPA1)demonstrates an excellent performance in identifying both overlapping nodes and overlapping communities with different degrees of diver-sity.Keywords-social network;overlapping community detection; label propagation;dynamic interaction;algorithm;I.I NTRODUCTIONModular structure is considered to be the building block of real-world networks as it often accounts for the functionality of the system.It has been well understood that people in a social network are naturally characterized by multiple community memberships.For example,a person usually has connections to several social groups like family,friends and colleges;a researcher may be active in several areas;in the Internet,a person can simultaneously subscribe to an arbitrary number of groups.For this reason,overlapping community detection algo-rithms have been investigated.These algorithms aim to discover a cover[1],which is defined as a set of clusters in which each node belongs to at least one cluster.In this paper, we propose an efficient algorithm to identify both individual overlapping nodes and the entire overlapping communities using the underlying network structure alone.II.R ELATED W ORKThe work on detecting overlapping communities was previously proposed by Palla[2]with the clique percolation algorithm(CPM).CPM is based on the assumption that a community consists of fully connected subgraphs and detects overlapping communities by searching for each such subgraph for adjacent cliques that share with it at least 1SLPA1.0:https:///site/communitydetectionslpa/certain number of nodes.CPM is suitable for networks with dense connected parts.Another line of research is based on maximizing a local benefit function.Baumes[3]proposed the iterative scan algorithm(IS).IS expands seeded small cluster cores by adding or removing nodes until the local density function cannot be improved.The quality of discovered communi-ties depends on the quality of seeds.LFM[4]expands a community from a random seed node until thefitness function is locally maximal.LFM depends significantly on a parameter of thefitness function that controls the size of the communities.GONGA[5]extends Girvan and Newman’s divisive clus-tering algorithm by allowing a node to split into multiple copies.Both splitting betweenness defined based on the number of shortest paths on the imaginary edge and the usual edge betweenness are considered.In the refined version of GONGO[6],local betweenness is used to optimize the speed.Copra[7]is an extension of the label propagation al-gorithm[8]for overlapping community detection.Each node updates its belonging coefficients by averaging the coefficients over all its neighbors.Copra produces a number of small size communities in some networks.EAGLE[9]uses the agglomerative framework to produce a dendrogram.All maximal cliques that serve as initial com-munities arefirst computed.Then,the pair of communities with maximum similarity is merged iteratively.Expensive computation is one drawback of this algorithm.Fuzzy clustering has also been extended to overlapping community detection.Zhang[10]used the spectral method to embed the graph into k-1dimensional Euclidean space. Nodes are then clustered by the fuzzy c-mean algorithm. Nepusz[11]modeled the overlapping community detection as a nonlinear constraint optimization problem.Psorakis et al.[12]proposed a model based on Bayesian nonnegative matrix factorization(NMF).The idea of partitioning links instead of nodes to discover community structure has also been explored[13],[14].As a result,the node partition of a line(or link)graph leads to2011 11th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining Workshopsan edge partition of the original graph.III.SLPA:S PEAKER-LISTENER L ABEL P ROPAGATIONA LGORITHMThe algorithm proposed in this paper is an extension of the Label Propagation Algorithm(LPA)[8].In LPA,each node holds only a single label that is iteratively updated by adopting the majority label in the neighborhood.Disjoint communities are discovered when the algorithm converges. One way to account for overlap is to allow each node to possess multiple labels as proposed in[15].Our algorithm follows this idea but applies different dynamics with more general features.In the dynamic process,we need to determine1)how to spread nodes’information to others;2)how to process the information received from others.The critical issue related to both questions is how information should be maintained. We propose a speaker-listener based information propagation process(SLPA)to mimic human communication behavior. In SLPA,each node can be a listener or a speaker.The roles are switched depending on whether a node serves as an information provider or information consumer.Typically, a node can hold as many labels as it likes,depending on what it has experienced in the stochastic processes driven by the underlying network structure.A node accumulates knowledge of repeatedly observed labels instead of erasing all but one of them.Moreover,the more a node observes a label,the more likely it will spread this label to other nodes (mimicking people’s preference of spreading most frequently discussed opinions).In a nutshell,SLPA consists of the following three stages (see algorithm1for pseudo-code):1)First,the memory of each node is initialized withthis node’s id(i.e.,with a unique label).2)Then,the following steps are repeated until the stopcriterion is satisfied:a.One node is selected as a listener.b.Each neighbor of the selected node sendsout a single label following certain speak-ing rule,such as selecting a random labelfrom its memory with probability propor-tional to the occurrence frequency of thislabel in the memory.c.The listener accepts one label from thecollection of labels received from neigh-bors following certain listening rule,suchas selecting the most popular label fromwhat it observed in the current step.3)Finally,the post-processing based on the labels inthe memories of nodes is applied to output thecommunities.SLPA utilizes an asynchronous update scheme,i.e.,when updating a listener’s memory at time t,some already updated Algorithm1:SLPA(T,r)[n,Nodes]=loadnetwork();Stage1:initializationfor i=1:n doNodes(i).Mem=i;Stage2:evolutionfor t=1:T doNodes.ShuffleOrder();for i=1:n doListener=Nodes(i);Speakers=Nodes(i).getNbs();for j=1:Speakers.len doLabelList(j)=Speakers(j).speakerRule();w=Listener.listenerRule(LabelList);Listener.Mem.add(w);Stage3:post-processingfor i=1:n doremove Nodes(i)labels seen with probability<r; neighbors have memories of size t and some other neighbors still have memories of size t−1.SLPA reduces to LPA when the size of memory is limited to one and the stop criterion is convergence of all labels.It is worth noticing that each node in our system has a memory and takes into account information that has been observed in the past to make current decision.This feature is typically absent in other label propagation algorithms such as[15],[16],where a node updates its label completely forgetting the old knowledge.This feature allows us to combine the accuracy of the asynchronous update with the stability of the synchronous update[8].As a result, the fragmentation issue of producing a number of small size communities observed in Copra in some networks,is avoided.A.Stop CriterionThe original LPA stop criterion of having every node assigned the most popular label in its neighborhood does not apply to the multiple labels case.Since neither the case where the algorithm reaches a single community(i.e., a special convergence state)nor the oscillation(e.g.,on bipartite network)would affect the stability of SLPA,we can stop at any time as long as we collect sufficient information for post-processing.In the current implementation,SLPA simply stops when the predefined maximum number of iterations T is reached.In general,SLPA produces relatively stable outputs,independent of network size or structure, when T is greater than20.B.Post-processing and Community DetectionSLAP collects only label information that reflects the underlying network structure during the evolution.The detection of communities is performed when the storedFigure 1.The convergence behavior of the parameter in LFR benchmarks with n=5000.y-axis is the ratio of the numbers of detected to true communities.Figure2.The execution time in second of SLPA in LFR benchmarks with k=20.n ranges from1000to50000.information is post-processed.Given the memory of a node, SLPA converts it into a probability distribution of labels. This distribution defines the strength of association to com-munities to which the node belongs.This distribution can be used for fuzzy communities detection[17].More often than not,one would like to produce crisp communities in which the membership of a node to a given community is binary, i.e.,either a node is in a community or not.To this end,a simple thresholding procedure is performed.If the probabil-ity of seeing a particular label during the whole process is less than a given threshold r∈[0,1],this label is deleted from a node’s memory.After thresholding,connected nodes having a particular label are grouped together and form a community.If a node contains multiple labels,it belongs to more than one community and is therefore called an overlapping node.In SLPA,we remove nested communities, so thefinal communities are maximal.As shown in Fig.1,SLPA converges(i.e.,producing similar output)quickly as the parameter r varies.The effective range is typically narrow.Note that the threshold is used only in the post-processing.It means that the dynamics of SLPA is completely determined by the network structure and the interaction rules.The number of memberships is constrained only by the node degree.In contrast,Copra uses a parameter to control the maximum number of memberships granted during the iterations.plexityThe initialization of labels requires O(n),where n is the total number of nodes.The outer loop is controlled by the user defined maximum iteration T,which is a small constant2.The inner loop is controlled by n.Each operation of the inner loop executes one speaking rule and one listening rule.For the speaking rule,selecting a label from the memory proportionally to the frequencies is,in principle, equivalent to randomly selecting an element from the array, 2In our experiments,we used T set to100.which is O(1)operation.For listening rule,since the listener needs to check all the labels from its neighbors,it takes O(K)on average,where K is the average degree.The complexity of the dynamic evolution(i.e.,stage1and2)for the asynchronous update is O(T m)on an arbitrary network and O(T n)on a sparse network,when m is the total number of edges.In the post-processing,the thresholding operation requires O(T n)operations since each node has a memory of size T.Therefore,the time complexity of the entire algorithm is O(T n)in sparse networks.For a naive implementation,the execution time on synthetic networks(see section IV)scales slightly faster than a linear growth with n as shown in Fig. 2.IV.E XPERIMENTS AND R ESULTSA.Benchmark NetworksTo study the behavior of SLPA for overlapping com-munity detection,we conducted extensive experiments on both synthetic and real-world networks.Table I lists the classical social networks for our tests and their statistics 3.For synthetic networks,we adopted the LFR benchmark [18],which is a special case of the planted l-partition model, but characterized by heterogeneous distributions of node degrees and community sizes.In our experiments,we used networks with size n=5000. The average degree is kept at k=10which is of the same order as most of the real-world networks we tested.The rest of the parameters are as follows:node degrees and commu-nity sizes are governed by the power laws,with exponents 2and1;the maximum degree is50;the community size varies between20and100;the mixing parameterµvaries from0.1to0.3,which is the expected fraction of links of a node connecting it to other communities.The degree of overlapping is determined by parameters O n(i.e.,the number of overlapping nodes)and O m(i.e., 3Data are available at /∼mejn/netdata/ and∼aarenas/data/welcome.htmFigure 3.F-score for networks with n =5000,k =10,µ=0.1.Figure 4.F-score for networks with n =5000,k =10,µ=0.3.Figure 5.NMI for networks with n =5000,k =10,µ=0.1.Figure 6.Ratio of the detected to the known numbers of memberships for networks with n =5000,k =10,µ=0.1.Values over 1are possible when more memberships are detected than there are known to exist.Figure 7.Ratio of the detected to the known numbers of communities for networks with n =5000,k =10,µ=0.1.Values over 1are possible when more communities are detected than there are known toexist.Figure 8.NMI for networks with n =5000,k =10,µ=0.3.Figure 9.Ratio of the detected to the known numbers of memberships for networks with n =5000,k =10,µ=0.3.Values over 1are possible when more memberships are detected than there are known to exist.Figure 10.Ratio of the detected to the known numbers of communities for networks with n =5000,k =10,µ=0.3.Values over 1are possible when more communities are detected than there are known to exist.the number of communities to which each overlapping node belongs).We fixed the former to be 10%of the total number of nodes.The latter,the most important parameter for our test,varies from 2to 8indicating the diversity of overlapping nodes.By increasing the value of O m ,we create harder detection tasks.We compared SLPA with three well-known algorithms,including CFinder (the implementation of clique propagation algorithm [2]),Copra [7](another label propagation algo-rithm),and LFM [4](an algorithm expanding communities based on a fitness function).Parameters for those algorithmswere set as follows.For CFinder,k varied from 3to 10;for Copra,v varied from 1to 10;for LFM αwas set to 1.0which was reported to give good results.For SLPA,the maximum number of iterations T was set to 100and r varied from 0.01to 0.1to determine its optimal value.The average performances over ten repetitions are reported for SLPA and Copra.B.Identifying Overlapping Nodes in Synthetic Networks Allowing overlapping nodes is the key feature of over-lapping communities.For this reason,the ability to identify overlapping nodes is an essential component for quantifyingTable IT HE Q ov’S OF DIFFERENT ALGORITHMS ON REAL-WORLD SOCIAL NETWORKS. Network n k SLPA std r Copra std v LFM Cfinder k karate34 4.50.650.210.330.440.1830.420.523 dolphins62 5.10.760.030.450.700.0440.280.663 lesmis77 6.60.780.030.450.720.0520.720.634 polbooks1058.40.830.010.450.820.0520.740.793 football11510.60.700.010.450.690.0320.644 jazz19827.70.700.090.450.710.0510.557 netscience379 4.80.850.010.450.820.0260.460.613 celegans4538.90.310.220.350.210.1410.230.264 email11339.60.640.030.450.510.2220.250.463 CA-GrQc4730 5.60.760.000.450.710.0110.450.513 PGP10680 4.50.820.010.450.780.0290.440.573the quality of a detection algorithm.However,the node level evaluation is often neglected in previous work.Note that the number of overlapping nodes alone is not sufficient to quantify the detection performance.To provide more precise analysis,we define the identification of overlapping nodes as a binary classification problem.We use F-score as a measure of accuracy,which is the harmonic mean of precision(i.e.,the number of overlapping nodes detected correctly divided by the total number of detected overlapping node)and recall(i.e.,the number of overlapping nodes discovered correctly divided by the expected value of overlapping nodes,500here).Fig.3and4show the F-score as a functions of the number of memberships.SLPA achieves the largest F-score in networks with different levels of mixture,as defined byµ.CFinder and Copra have close performance in the test.Interestingly,SLPA has a positive correlation with O m while other algorithms typically demonstrate a negative correlation.This is due to the high precision of SLPA when each node may belong to many groups.C.Identifying Overlapping Communities in Synthetic Net-worksMost measures for quantifying the quality of a partition are not suitable for a cover produced by overlapping detec-tion algorithms.We adopted the extended normalized mutual information(NMI)proposed by Lancichinetti[1].NMI yields the values between0and1,with1corresponding to a perfect matching.The best performances in terms of NMI are shown in Fig.5and Fig.8for all algorithms with optimal parameters.The higher NMI of SLPA clearly shows that it outper-forms other algorithms over different networks structures (i.e.,with differentµ’s).Comparing the number of de-tected communities and the average number of detected memberships with the ground truth in the benchmark helps understand the results.As shown in Fig.6,7,9and10, both quantities reported by SLPA are closer to the ground truth than those reported by other algorithms.This is even the case forµ=0.3and large O m.The decrease in NMI is also relatively slow,indicating that SLPA is less sensitive to diversity of O m.In contrast,Copra drops fastest with the growth of O m,even though it is better than CFinder and LFM on average.D.Identifying Overlapping Communities in Real-world So-cial NetworksTo evaluate the performance of overlapping community detection in real-world networks,we used an overlapping measure,Q ov,proposed by Nicosia[19].It is an extension of Newman’s Modularity[20].As the Q ov function,we adopted the one used in[7],f(x)=60x−30.Q ov values vary between0and1.The larger the value is,the better the performance is.In this test,SLAP uses r in the range from0.02to0.45. Other algorithms use the same parameters as before.In Table I,the r,v and k are parameters of the corresponding algorithms.LFM usedµ=1.0.For SLPA and Copra,the algorithms repeated100times and recorded the average and standard deviation(std)of Q ov.As shown in Table I,SLPA achieves the highest Q ov in almost all the test networks,except the jazz network for which SLPA’s result is marginally smaller(by0.01)than that of Copra.SLPA outperforms Copra significantly(by>0.1) on Karate,celegans and email networks.On average,LFM and CFinder perform worse than either SLPA or Copra. To have better understanding of the output from the detection algorithms,we showed(in Table II)the statistics, including the number of detected communities(denoted as Com#),the number of detected overlapping nodes(i.e.,O d n) and the average number of detected memberships(i.e.,O d m). Due to the space limitation,we present only results from SLPA(Columns2to4)and CFinder(Columns5to7).It is interesting that all algorithms confirm that the di-versity of overlapping nodes in the tested social networks is small(close to2),although the number of overlapping nodes differs from algorithm to algorithm.SLPA seems to have a stricter concept of overlap and returns smaller number of overlapping nodes than CFinder.We observed that the numbers of communities detected by SLPA are ingood agreement with the results from other non-overlapping community detection algorithms.It is consistent with the fact that the overlapping degree is relatively low in these networks.V.C ONCLUSIONSIn this paper,we present a dynamic interaction process and one of its implementation,SLPA,to allow efficient and effective overlapping community detection.This process can be easily modified to accommodate different rules(i.e. speaker rule,listening rule,memory update,stop criterion and post-processing)and different types of networks(e.g., k-partite graphs).Interesting future research directions in-clude fuzzy hierarchy detection and temporal community detection.Table IIT HE STATISTICS OF THE OUTPUT FROM SLPA AND CF INDER.SLPA CFinder Network Com#O d n O d m Com#O d n O d mkarate 2.12 1.80 2.0032 2.00dolphins 3.44 1.24 2.0046 2.00lesmis 5.01 1.13 2.0043 2.33polbooks 3.40 1.30 2.0049 2.00football10.30 1.47 2.00136 2.00jazz 2.71 2.00 2.00639 2.05 netscience37.84 2.25 2.006548 2.33celegans 5.6814.42 2.006192 2.70email27.96 5.57 2.004183 2.12CA-GrQc499.940.02 2.00605548 2.40PGP105141 2.00734422 2.22A CKNOWLEDGMENTThis work was supported in part by the Army Re-search Laboratory under Cooperative Agreement Number W911NF-09-2-0053and by the Office of Naval Research Grant No.N00014-09-1-0607.The views and conclusions contained in this document are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as representing the official policies either expressed or implied of the Army Research Labora-tory,the Office of Naval Research,or the ernment.R EFERENCES[1] ncichinetti,S.Fortunato,and J.Kert´e sz,“Detecting theoverlapping and hierarchical community structure of complex networks,”New Journal of Physics,vol.11,p.033015,2009.[2]G.Palla,I.Der´e nyi,I.Farkas,and T.Vicsek,“Uncoveringthe overlapping community structure of complex networks in nature and society,”Nature,vol.435,pp.814–818,2005. 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anylsis英语解释### Analysis: A Comprehensive English Explanation#### IntroductionThe term "analysis" is widely used across various fields, including science, mathematics, business, and language arts.It refers to the process of examining, breaking down, or evaluating a subject or issue to understand its components, structure, or meaning.In this document, we will delve into the concept of analysis, providing a detailed English explanation to enhance your comprehension.#### Definition and SynonymsAt its core, "analysis" is the noun form derived from the Greek word "analysein," which means to break up or loosen.It encompasses the act of studying something in detail to understand its elements, function, or origin.Synonyms for analysis include:- Examination- Inspection- Evaluation- Review- Breakdown#### Usage in Various Contexts1.**Science and Mathematics**In scientific research, analysis is crucial for interpreting data and drawing conclusions.For example, a chemist might analyze a substance to determine its components.In mathematics, analysis can refer to the branch of math that deals with limits, functions, and the properties of real numbers.2.**Business and Finance**Business analysis involves examining processes, systems, or operations to improve efficiency or effectiveness.Financial analysis focuses on interpreting financial data to assess a company"s performance or predict its future prospects.3.**Language Arts**Literary analysis is the practice of examining a text closely to understand its themes, motifs, and deeper meanings.Linguistic analysis involves studying language structure, grammar, and syntax.#### Steps in the Analysis ProcessWhen conducting an analysis, the following steps are commonly followed:1.**Identification of Purpose**: Clearly define the reason for the analysis to guide the process.2.**Data Collection**: Gather relevant information, data, or materials necessary for the examination.3.**Examination**: Closely inspect the collected information,looking for patterns, connections, or anomalies.4.**Interpretation**: Make sense of the findings, often drawing comparisons or contrasts to other data or theories.5.**Analysis**: Break down the subject into its fundamental parts to understand how it works or why it is the way it is.6.**Conclusion**: Formulate conclusions based on the analysis, which may involve making recommendations or predictions.#### Importance of AnalysisAnalysis is essential because it:- Facilitates informed decision-making by providing a deeper understanding of a subject.- Helps solve complex problems by breaking them down into manageable parts.- Assists in identifying areas for improvement or optimization.- Provides a framework for critical thinking and evaluation.#### ConclusionIn summary, "analysis" is a multifaceted term that plays a pivotal role in various domains.Whether it"s used in scientific research, business strategy, or literary criticism, the process of analysis allows us to explore, understand, and draw meaningful conclusions from the world around us.Mastering the art of analysis can greatly enhance our ability to interpret, innovate, and make well-informed decisions.。
QUESTION ANSWERING AS A CLASSIFICATION TASK Edward Whittaker and Sadaoki FuruiDept.of Computer ScienceTokyo Institute of Technology2-12-1,Ookayama,Meguro-kuTokyo152-8552Japanedw, this paper we treat question answering(QA)as a classifica-tion problem.Our motivation is to build systems for many lan-guages without the need for highly tuned linguistic modules.Con-sequently,word tokens and web data are used extensively but no explicit linguistic knowledge is incorporated.A mathematical model for answer retrieval,answer classification and answer length pre-diction is derived.The TREC2002QA task is used for system development where a confidence weighted score(CWS)of0.551 is obtained.Performance is evaluated on the factoid questions of the TREC2003QA task where a CWS of0.419is obtained which is in the mid-range of contemporary QA systems on the same task.1.INTRODUCTIONQuestion answering(QA),particularly in the style of the Text Re-trieval Conference(TREC)evaluations,has attracted significantly increased interest over recent years during which time“standard architectures”have evolved.More recently,there have been at-tempts to diverge from the highly-tuned,linguistic approaches to-wards more data-driven,statistical approaches[1,2,3,4,5,6]. In this paper,we present a new,general framework for question answering and evaluate its performance on the TREC2003QA task[7].QA,especially in the context of the Web,has been cited re-cently as the next-big-thing in search technology[8].Exploita-tion of the huge domain coverage and redundancy inherent in web data has also become a theme in many TREC participants’sys-tems e.g.[2,6].Redundancy in web data may be seen as effecting data expansion as opposed to the query expansion techniques and complex linguistic analysis often necessary in answering questions using afixed corpus,such as the AQUAINT corpus[9]where there are typically relatively few answer occurrences for any given ques-tion.The availability of large amounts of data,both for system train-ing and answer extraction logically leads to examining statistical approaches to question answering.In[1]a number of statistical methods is investigated for what was termed bridging the lexical gap between questions and answers.In[4]a maximum-entropy based classifier using several different features was used to deter-mine answer correctness and in[5]performance was compared against classifying the actual answer.A statistical noisy-channel model was used in[3]in which the distance computation between query and candidate answer sentences is performed in the space of parse trees.In[6]the lexical gap is bridged using a statistical translation model.Of these,our approach is probably most similar to[6]and the re-ranker in[5].Statistical approaches still under-perform the best TREC systems but have a number of potential advantages over highly tuned linguistic methods including robust-ness to noisy data,and rapid development for new languages and domains.In this paper we take a statistical,noisy-channel approach and treat QA as a whole as a classification problem.We present a new mathematical model for including all manner of dependencies in a consistent manner that is fully trainable if appropriate training data is available.In doing so we largely remove the need for ad-hoc weights and parameters that are a feature of many TREC sys-tems.Our motivation is the rapid development of data-driven QA systems in new languages where the need for highly tuned linguis-tic modules is removed.Apart from our new model for QA there are two major differences between our approach and many con-temporary approaches to QA.Firstly,we only use word tokens in our system and do not use WordNet,named-entity(NE)extraction, or any other linguistic information e.g from semantic analysis or from question parsing.Secondly,we use a search engine tofind relevant web documents and extract answers from the documents as a whole,rather than retrieving smaller text units such as sen-tences prior to determining the answers.2.CLASSIFICATION TASKIt is clear that the answer to a question depends primarily on the question itself but also on many other factors such as the person asking the question,the location of the person,what questions the person has asked before,and so on.Although such factors are clearly relevant in a real-world scenario they are difficult to model and also to test in an off-line mode,for example,in the context of the TREC evaluations.We therefore choose to consider only the dependence of an answer on the question,where each is considered to be a string of words and words,respectively.In particular,we hypoth-esize that the answer and its length depend on two sets offeatures and as follows:(1)where can be thought of as a set of features describing the“question-type”part of such as when,why,how, etc.and is a set of features comprising the “information-bearing”part of i.e.what the question is actuallyabout and what it refers to.For example,in the questions,Wherewas Tom Cruise married?and When was Tom Cruise married?theinformation-bearing component is identical in both cases whereasthe question-type component is different.Finding the best answer involves a search over all for theone which maximizes the probability of the above model:(2)This is guaranteed to give us the optimal answer in a maximumlikelihood sense if the probability distribution is the correct one.We don’t know this and it’s still difficult to model so we makevarious modeling assumptions to simplify ing Bayes’rule Equation(2)can be rearranged as:where,is the conditional probabilityof given the feature set and is an answer compensationweight that de-weights the contribution of an answer according toits frequency of occurrence in the language as a whole.isthe normalisation term.2.2.Filter modelThe question-type mapping function extracts-tuples()of question-type features from the question,such asHow,How many and When were.A set of single-word features is extracted based on frequency of occurrence inquestions in previous TREC question sets.Some examples in-clude:when,where,who,whose,how,many,high,deep,long etc.Modeling the complex relationship between and directly isnon-trivial.We therefore introduce an intermediate variable rep-resenting classes of example questions-and-answers(q-and-a)for drawn from the set,and to facilitate mod-eling we say that is conditionally independent of given asfollows:To obtain we use the Knowledge-Master questions and an-swers[10]and the questions and correct judgements from TRECQA evaluations prior to TREC2002by assigning each exampleq-and-a to its own unique class i.e.we do not perform clustering atall.Making a number of other similar modeling assumptions weobtain thefinal formulation for thefilter model:(5)where is a concrete class in the set of answer classes.Each class in is ideally a homogeneous and completeset of words for a given type of question,what is usually calledan answer-type in the literature,although in our model there isno explicit question-or answer-typing.For example,we expectclasses of river names,mountain names,presidents’names andcolors etc.The set of potential answers that are clustered,should ideally cover all words that might ever be answers to ques-tions.In keeping with our data-driven philosophy and related objec-tive to make our approach as language-independent as possible weuse an agglomerative clustering algorithm to derive classes auto-matically from data.The“seeds”for these clusters are chosen tobe the most frequent words in the AQUAINT corpus.The al-gorithm uses the co-occurrence probabilities of words in the samecorpus to group together words with similar co-occurrence statis-tics.For each word in some text corpus comprising unique words the co-occurrence probability is the probabil-ity of given occurring words away.If is positive,oc-curs after,and if negative,before.We then construct a vector of co-occurrences with maximum separation between words,as follows:Tofind the distance between two vectors,for efficiency,we use an distance metric:.The clustering algorithm is described in Algorithm2.1.The obtained classes are far from perfect in terms of completeness and homogeneity but were found to give reasonable results.initialize most frequent words to classes for i:=1tofor j:=1tocomputemove toupdate(6)3.EXPERIMENTAL WORKIn the question answering community the TREC QA task evalua-tions[9,7]are the de facto standard by which QA systems are as-sessed and in keeping with this,we use the500factoid questions from the2002TREC QA task for system development purposes and evaluate using the413factoid questions in the TREC2003 QA task.For training the model we use288,812example q-and-a from the Knowledge Master(KM)data[10]plus2,408q-and-a from the TREC-8,9and2001evaluations.For evaluations on the TREC2003data we also add in660example q-and-a from the TREC2002development set.The most frequentwords from the AQUAINT corpus were used to obtain for clusters using Algorithm2.1and .The maximum number of features used in the retrieval model was set to for reasons of memory efficiency.We use the Google search engine to retrieve the top doc-uments for each question.The question is passed as-is to Google except that stop words from the same list described at the begin-ning of Section2.1arefirst removed.Text normalization is mini-mal and involves only removing unnecessary markup,capitalising all words and inserting sentence boundaries.In all but one case,our evaluation is automatic and based on an exact character match between the answers provided by our sys-tem and the capitalized answers in the judgementfile.We consider two sets of correctness as defined in[9,7]where answers are either correct or not exact but where support correctness is ignored.We also look at several different metrics including the accuracy of cor-rect answers output in the top1,2and5answers,the number of correct and not exact answers in the top1position,and also at the mean reciprocal rank(MRR)and confidence-weighted score (CWS)defined in[9].CWS ranks each answer according to the confidence that the system assigns it and gives more weight to cor-rect answers with higher rank.3.1.DevelopmentAlthough in principle we could maximise the likelihood of each correct answer to optimise the system ourfinal objective is the number of correct answers.Consequently we use this as our opti-misation criterion on the set of500questions from the TREC2002 QA task.The optimised parameters were found to be:max, ,and.The best set of classes of those investigated was classes.Table1gives re-sults obtained on the development set.The1st column shows the different evaluation metrics.The2nd column gives the results for the best system(using the optimised parameters given above)and the3rd column gives results using only the retrieval model.TREC2002(dev.set TREC2003 Assessment Best Retrieval(evaluation set)criterion system model Exact0.276——correct16310496not exact202717—CWS0.5510.3050.419Table1.Performance on the development set(TREC2002)for best system and retrieval model only and performance on the eval-uation set(TREC2003)for the best development system.3.2.EvaluationWe use an identical setup for evaluation to the best system de-termined on the development set except that we also include the TREC2002q-and-a in.Two sets of results are shown in the final two columns of Table1.The4th column shows the results using an exact character match against the judgementfile provided by TREC and the last column shows the more realistic results of a human evaluation of the same answers.4.DISCUSSION AND ANALYSISAlthough our results on the development set are somewhat opti-mised they are in the mid-range of systems that participated in the TREC2002QA evaluation and compare very favourably with other mainly statistical systems[4,5].Indeed the top2and top5 results suggest there is scope for large improvements with limited system modifications.Moreover,the CWS scores indicate that an-swer confidence scoring is performed particularly well by our sta-tistical approach.On the evaluation set,however,the top1answer performance is reduced by29%compared to the development set performance.Below we examine where this difference in perfor-mance comes from.First of all,it is well known there are often disagreements as to what constitutes a correct answer and TREC tends to err on the side of marking an answer correct if the data supports it.Along these lines the human-scored results in thefinal column of Table1 indicate that our results are about18%better than doing an auto-matic evaluation would have us believe.In Table2we give the percentage of errors(i.e.incorrect an-swers according to the judgementfile)on questions in the evalu-ation set that can be attributed to each model or combination of models.The analysis of these errors is necessarily subjective but is interesting nonetheless.It shows,for example,that the retrieval component has contributed by far the most errors overall.Percentage of errors in each model combinationR L R&L R&F&L291129。
Governance Indicators:Where Are We, Where Should We Be Going?Daniel Kaufmann†Aart KraayProgress in measuring governance is assessed using a simple framework that distinguishes between indicators that measure formal rules and indicators that measure the practical application or outcomes of these rules.The analysis calls attention to the strengths and weaknesses of both types of indicators as well as the complementarities between them.It distinguishes between the views of experts and the results of surveys and assesses the merits of aggregate as opposed to individual governance indicators. Some simple principles are identified to guide the use and refinement of existing govern-ance indicators and the development of future indicators.These include transparently dis-closing and accounting for the margins of error in all indicators,drawing from a diversity of indicators and exploiting complementarities among them,submitting all indicators to rigorous public and academic scrutiny,and being realistic in expectations of future indicators.JEL codes:H1,O17Not everything that can be counted counts,and not everything thatcounts can be counted.—Albert Einstein Most scholars,policymakers,aid donors,and aid recipients recognize that good governance is a fundamental ingredient of sustained economic development.This growing understanding,initially informed by a very limited set of empirical measures of governance,has spurred intense interest in developing more refined, nuanced,and policy-relevant indicators of governance.This article reviews progress in measuring governance,emphasizing empirical measures explicitly designed to be comparable across countries and in most cases over time.The goal is to provide a structure for thinking about the strengths and weaknesses of different types of governance indicators that can inform both the use of existing indicators and ongoing efforts to improve them and develop new ones.1 Thefirst section of this article reviews definitions of governance.Although there are many broad definitions of governance,the degree of definitional disagreement#The Author2008.Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development/THE WORLD BANK.All rights reserved.For permissions,please e-mail:journals.permissions@ doi;10.1093/wbro/lkm012Advance Access publication January31,200823:1–30can easily be overstated.Most definitions appropriately emphasize the importance of a capable state that is accountable to citizens and operating under the rule of law.Broad principles of governance along these lines are naturally not amenable to direct observation and thus to direct measurement.As Albert Einstein noted,“Not everything that counts can be counted.”Many different types of data provide infor-mation on the extent to which these principles of governance are observed across countries.An important corollary is that any particular indicator of governance can usefully be interpreted as an imperfect proxy for some unobserved broad dimension of governance.This interpretation emphasizes throughout this review a recurrent theme that there is measurement error in all governance indicators, which should be explicitly considered when using these kinds of data to draw conclusions about cross-country differences or trends in governance over time.The second section addresses what is measured.The discussion highlights the distinction between indicators that measure specific rules“on the books”and indi-cators that measure particular governance outcomes“on the ground.”Rules on the books codify details of the constitutional,legal,or regulatory environment; the existence or absence of specific agencies,such as anticorruption commissions or independent auditors;and so forth—components intended to provide the key de jure foundations of governance.On-the-ground measures assess de facto govern-ance outcomes that result from the application of these rules(Dofirmsfind the regulatory environment cumbersome?Do households believe the police are corrupt?).An important message in this section concerns the shared limitations of indicators of both rules and outcomes:Outcome-based indicators of governance can be difficult to link back to specific policy interventions,and the links from easy-to-measure de jure indicators of rules to governance outcomes of interest are not yet well understood and in some cases appear tenuous at best.They remind us of the need to respect Einstein’s dictum that“not everything that can be counted counts.”The third section examines whose views should be relied on.Indicators based on the views of various types of experts are distinguished from survey-based indi-cators that capture the views of large samples offirms and individuals.A category of aggregate indicators that combine,organize,provide structure,and summarize information from these different types of respondents is examined.The fourth section examines the rationale for such aggregate indicators,and their strengths and weaknesses.The set of indicators discussed in this survey is intended to provide leading examples of major governance indicators rather than an exhaustive stocktaking of existing indicators in this taxonomy.2A feature of efforts to measure governance is the preponderance of indicators focused on measuring de facto governance out-comes and the paucity of measures of de jure rules.Almost by necessity,de jure rules-based indicators of governance reflect the views or judgments of experts.In 2The W orld Bank Research Observer,vol.23,no.1(Spring2008)contrast,the much larger body of de facto indicators captures the views of both experts and survey respondents.The article concludes with a discussion of the way forward in measuring govern-ance in a manner that can be useful to policymakers.The emphasis is on the importance of consumers and producers of governance indicators clearly recogniz-ing and disclosing the pervasive measurement error in any type of governance indi-cators.This section also notes the importance of moving away from oft-heard false dichotomies,such as“subjective”or“objective”indicators or aggregate or disaggre-gated ones.For good reason,virtually all measures of governance involve a degree of subjective judgment,and different levels of aggregation are appropriate for differ-ent types of analysis.In any case,the choice is not either one or the other,as most aggregate indicators can readily be unbundled into their constituent components. What Does Governance Mean?The concept of governance is not a new one.Early discussions go back to at least 400BCE,to the Arthashastra,a treatise on governance attributed to Kautilya, thought to be the chief minister to the king of India.Kautilya presents key pillars of the“art of governance,”emphasizing justice,ethics,and anti-autocratic ten-dencies.He identifies the duty of the king to protect the wealth of the state and its subjects and to enhance,maintain,and safeguard this wealth as well as the inter-ests of the kingdom’s subjects.Despite the long provenance of the concept,no strong consensus has formed around a single definition of governance or institutional quality.For this reason, throughout this article the terms governance,institutions,and institutional quality are used interchangeably,if somewhat imprecisely.Researchers and organizations have produced a wide array of definitions.Some definitions are so broad that they cover almost anything(such as the definition“rules,enforcement mechanisms, and organizations”offered in the World Bank’s W orld Development Report2002: Building Institutions for Markets).Others,like the definition suggested by North (2000),are not only broad but risk making the links from good governance to development almost tautological:“How do we account for poverty in the midst of plenty?...We must create incentives for people to invest in more efficient tech-nology,increase their skills,and organize efficient markets....Such incentives are embodied in institutions.”Some of the governance indicators surveyed capture a wide range of develop-ment outcomes.While it is difficult to draw a line between governance and the ultimate development outcomes of interest,it is useful at both the definitional and measurement stages to emphasize concepts of governance that are at least some-what removed from development outcomes themselves.An early and narrower Kaufmann and Kraay3definition of public sector governance proposed by the World Bank is that “governance is the manner in which power is exercised in the management of a country’s economic and social resources for development”(World Bank1992, p.1).This definition remains almost unchanged in the Bank’s2007governance and anticorruption strategy,with governance defined as“the manner in which public officials and institutions acquire and exercise the authority to shape public policy and provide public goods and services”(World Bank2007,p.1).Kaufmann,Kraay,and Zoido-Lobato´n(1999a,p.1)define governance as“the traditions and institutions by which authority in a country is exercised.This includes the process by which governments are selected,monitored and replaced; the capacity of the government to effectively formulate and implement sound policies;and the respect of citizens and the state for the institutions that govern economic and social interactions among them.”Although the number of definitions of governance is large,there is some con-sensus.Most definitions agree on the importance of a capable state operating under the rule of law.Interestingly,comparing the last three definitions cited above,the one substantive difference has to do with the explicit degree of empha-sis on the role of democratic accountability of governments to their citizens.Even these narrower definitions remain sufficiently broad that there is scope for a wide diversity of empirical measures of various dimensions of good governance.The gravity of the issues dealt with in these definitions of governance suggests that measurement is important.In recent years there has been debate over whether such broad notions of governance can be usefully measured.Many indicators can shed light on various dimensions of governance.However,given the breadth of the concepts,and in many cases their inherent unobservability,no single indicator or combination of indicators can provide a completely reliable measure of any of these dimensions of governance.Rather,it is useful to think of the various specific indi-cators discussed below as all providing imperfect signals of fundamentally unobser-vable concepts of governance.This interpretation emphasizes the importance of taking into account as explicitly as possible the inevitable resulting measurement error in all indicators of governance when analyzing and interpreting any such measure.As shown below,however,the fact that such margins of error arefinite and still allow for meaningful country comparisons across space and time suggests that measuring governance is both feasible and informative.Governance Rules or Governance Outcomes?This section examines both the rules-based and outcome-based indicators of gov-ernance.A rules-based indicator of corruption might measure whether countries have legislation prohibiting corruption or have an anticorruption agency. 4The W orld Bank Research Observer,vol.23,no.1(Spring2008)An outcome-based measure could assess whether the laws are enforced or the anticorruption agency is undermined by political interference.The views offirms, individuals,nongovernmental organizations(NGOs),or commercial risk-rating agencies could also be solicited regarding the prevalence of corruption in the public sector.To measure public sector accountability,one could observe the rules regarding the presence of formal elections,financial disclosure requirements for public servants,and the like.One could also assess the extent to which these rules operate in practice by surveying respondents regarding the functioning of the institutions of democratic accountability.Because a clear line does not always distinguish the two types of indicators,it is more useful to think of ordering different indicators along a continuum,with one end corresponding to rules and the other to ultimate governance outcomes of interest.Because both types of indicators have their own strengths and weak-nesses,all indicators should be thought of as imperfect,but complementary proxies for the aspects of governance they purport to measure.Rules-Based Indicators of GovernanceSeveral rules-based indicators are used to assess governance(tables1and2). They include the Doing Business project of the World Bank,which reports detailed information on the legal and regulatory environment in a large set of countries;the Database of Political Institutions,constructed by World Bank researchers,and the POLITY-IV database of the University of Maryland,both of which report detailed factual information on features of countries’political systems;and the Global Integrity Index(GII),which provides detailed information on the legal framework governing public sector accountability and transparency in a sample of41countries,most of them developing economies.Atfirst glance,one of the main virtues of indicators of rules is their clarity.It is straightforward to ascertain whether a country has a presidential or a parliamen-tary system of government or whether a country has a legally independent anti-corruption commission.In principle,it is also straightforward to document details of the legal and regulatory environment,such as how many legal steps are required to register a business orfire a worker.This clarity also implies that it is straightforward to measure progress on such indicators.Has an anticorruption commission been established?Have business entry regulations been streamlined? Has a legal requirement for disclosure of budget documents been passed?This clarity has made such indicators very appealing to aid donors interested in linking aid with performance indicators and in monitoring progress on such indicators.Set against these advantages are three main drawbacks.They are less“objective”than they appear.It is easy to overstate the clarity and objectivity of rules-based measures of governance.In practice,a good deal of Kaufmann and Kraay5subjective judgment is involved in codifying all but the most basic and obvious features of a country’s constitutional,legal,and regulatory environments.(It is no accident that the views of lawyers,on which many of these indicators are based,are commonly referred to as opinions .)In Kenya in 2007,for example,a consti-tutional right to access to information faced being undermined or offset entirely by an official secrecy act and by pending approval and implementation of the Freedom of Information Act.In this case,codifying even the legal right to access to infor-mation requires careful judgment as to the net effect of potentially conflicting laws.Of course,this drawback of ambiguity is not unique to rules-based measures of gov-ernance:interpreting outcome-based indicators of governance can also involve ambiguity ,as discussed below .There has been less recognition,however,of the extent to which rules-based indicators also reflect subjective judgment.The links between indicators and outcomes are complex,possibly subject to long lags,and often not well understood .These problems complicate the interpretation of rules-based indicators.In the case of rules-based measures,some of the most basic features of countries’constitutional arrangements have little normative content on their own;such indicators are for the most part descriptive.It makes Table 1.Sources and Types of Information Used in Governance IndicatorsType of indicatorSource of information Rules-basedOutcomes-based Broad Specific Broad Specific ExpertsLawyers DBCommercial risk-rating agenciesDRI,EIU,PRS Nongovernmental organizations GIIHER,RSF ,CIR,FRH GII,OBI Governments and multilateralsCPIA PEF A Academics DPI,PIVDPI,PIV Survey respondentsFirmsICA,GCS,WCY IndividualsAFR,LBO,GWP Aggregate indicators combining experts and survey respondents TI,WGI,MOINote :AFR is Afrobarometer,CIR is Cingranelli-Richards Human Rights Dataset,CPIA is Country Policy and Institutional Assessment,DB is Doing Business,DPI is Database of Political Institutions,DRI is Global Insight DRI,EIU is Economist Intelligence Unit,FRH is Freedom House,GCS is Global Competitiveness Survey ,GII is Global Integrity Index,GWP is Gallup World Poll,HER is Heritage Foundation,ICA is Investment ClimateAssessment,LBO is Latinobaro´metro,MOI is Ibrahim Index of African Governance,OBI is Open Budget Index,PEF A is Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability ,PIV is Polity IV ,PRS is Political Risk Services,RSF is Reporters Without Borders,TI is Transparency International,WCY is World Competitiveness Yearbook,and WGI is Worldwide Governance Indicators.Source :Authors’compilation based on data from sources listed in table 2.6The W orld Bank Research Observer ,vol.23,no.1(Spring 2008)little sense,for example,to presuppose that presidential (as opposed to parliamentary)systems or majoritarian (as opposed to proportional)representation in voting arrangements are intrinsically good or bad.Interest in such variables as indi-cators of governance rests on the case that they may matter for outcomes,often in complex ways.In their influential book,Persson,Torsten,and Tabellini (2005)document how these features of constitutional rules influence the political process and ultimately outcomes such as the level,composition,and cyclicality of public spending (Acemoglu 2006)challenges the robustness of these findings).In such cases,the usefulness of rules-based indicators as measures of governance depends crucially on how strong the empirical links are between such rules and the ultimate outcomes of interest.Perhaps the more common is the less extreme case in which rules-based indi-cators of governance have normative content on their own,but the relative Table 2.Country Coverage and Frequency of Governance SurveysName Number of countries covered Frequency of survey W eb site Afrobarometer18Triennial www Cingranelli-Richards Human RightsDataset192Annual www Country Policy and InstitutionalAssessment136Annual www Doing Business175Annual www Database of Political Institutions178Annual Global Insight DRI117Quarterly www Economist Intelligence Unit120Quarterly www Freedom House192Annual www Global Competitiveness Survey117Annual www Global Integrity Index41Triennial www .globalintegrity .org Gallup World Poll131Annual www Heritage Foundation161Annual www Investment Climate Assessment94Irregular www Latinobaro´metro 17Annual www Ibrahim Index of African Governance48Triennial www Open Budget Index59Annual www Polity IV161Annual www /polity/Political Risk Services140Monthly www Public Expenditure and FinancialAccountability42Irregular www Reporters without Borders165Annual www World Competitiveness Yearbook47Annual www .imd.chSource :Authors’compilation.Kaufmann and Kraay 7importance of different rules for outcomes of interest is unclear.The GII,for example,provides information on the existence of dozens of rules,ranging from the legal right to freedom of speech to the existence of an independent ombuds-man to the presence of legislation prohibiting the offering or acceptance of bribes. The Open Budget Index(OBI)provides detailed information on the budget processes,including the types of information provided in budget documents, public access to budget documents,and the interaction between executive and legislative branches in the budget process.Many of these indicators arguably have normative value on their own:having public access to budget documents is desir-able and having streamlined business registration procedures is better than not having them.This profusion of detail in rules-based indicators leads to two related difficulties in using them to design and monitor governance reforms.Thefirst is that as a result of absence of good information on the links between changes in specific rules or procedures and outcomes of interest,it is difficult to know which rules should be reformed and in what order.Will establishing an anticorruption com-mission or passing legislation outlawing bribery have any impact on reducing cor-ruption?If so,which is more important?Should,instead,more efforts be put into ensuring that existing laws and regulations are implemented or that there is greater transparency,access to information,or media freedom?How soon should one expect to see the impacts of these interventions?Given that governments typi-cally operate with limited political capital to implement reforms,these trade-offs and lags are important.The second difficulty in designing or monitoring reforms arises when aid donors or governments set performance indicators for governance reforms.Performance indicators based on changing specific rules,such as the passage of a particular piece of legislation or a reform of a specific budget procedure,can be very attractive because of their clarity:it is straightforward to verify whether the specified policy action has been taken.3Yet“actionable”indicators are not necessarily also“action worthy,”in the sense of having a significant impact on the outcomes of interest. Moreover,excessive emphasis on registering improvements on rules-based indi-cators of governance leads to risks of“teaching to the test”or,worse“reform illu-sion,”in which specific rules or procedures are changed in isolation with the sole purpose of showing progress on the specific indicators used by aid donors.Major gaps exist between statutory rules on the books and their implementation on the ground.To take an extreme example,in all41countries covered by the2006GII, accepting a bribe is codified as illegal,and all but three countries(Brazil, Lebanon,and Liberia)have anticorruption commissions or similar agencies.Yet there is enormous variation in perceptions-based measures of corruption across these countries.The41countries covered by the GII include the Democratic 8The W orld Bank Research Observer,vol.23,no.1(Spring2008)Republic of Congo,which ranks200out of207countries on the2006 Worldwide Governance Indicators(WGI)control of corruption indicator,and the United States,which ranks23.Another example of the gap between rules and implementation(documented in more detail in Kaufmann,Kraay,and Mastruzzi2005)compares the statutory ease of establishing a business with a survey-based measure offirms’perceptions of the ease of starting a business across a large sample of countries.In industrial countries,where de jure rules are often implemented as intended,the two measures correspond quite closely.In contrast,in developing economies,where there are often gaps between de jure rules and their de facto implementation,the correlation between the two is very weak;the de jure codification of the rules and regulations required to start a business is not a good predictor of the actual con-straints reported byfirms.Unsurprisingly,much of the difference between the de jure and de facto measures could be statistically explained by de facto measures of corruption,which subverts the fair application of rules on the books.The three drawbacks—the inevitable role of judgment even in“objective”indi-cators,the complexity and lack of knowledge regarding the links from rules to outcomes of interest,and the gap between rules on the books and their implementation on the ground—suggest that although rules-based governance indicators provide valuable information,they are insufficient on their own for measuring governance.Rules-based measures need to be complemented by and used in conjunction with outcome-based indicators of governance.Outcome-Based Governance IndicatorsMost indicators of governance are outcome based,and several rules-based indi-cators of governance also provide complementary outcome-based measures.The GII,for example,pairs indicators of the existence of various rules and procedures with indicators of their effectiveness in practice.The Database of Political Institutions measures not only such constitutional rules as the presence of a par-liamentary system,but also outcomes of the electoral process,such as the extent to which one party controls different branches of government and the fraction of votes received by the president.The Polity-IV database records a number of out-comes,including the effective constraints on the power of the executive.The remaining outcome-based indicators range from the highly specific to the quite general.The OBI reports data on more than100indicators of the budget process,ranging from whether budget documentation contains details of assump-tions underlying macroeconomic forecasts to documentation of budget outcomes relative to budget plans.Other less specific sources include the Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability indicators,constructed by aid donors with inputs of recipient countries,and several large cross-country surveys offirms—including Kaufmann and Kraay9the Investment Climate Assessments of the World Bank,the Executive Opinion Survey of the World Economic Forum,and the World Competitiveness Yearbook of the Institute for Management Development—that askfirms detailed questions about their interactions with the state.Examples of more general assessments of broad areas of governance include ratings provided by several commercial sources,including Political Risk Services, the Economist Intelligence Unit,and Global Insight–DRI.Political Risk Services rates10areas that can be identified with governance,such as“democratic accountability,”“government stability,”“law and order,”and“corruption.”Large cross-country surveys of individuals such as the Afrobarometer and Latinobaro´metro surveys and the Gallup World Poll ask general questions,such as“Is corruption widespread throughout the government in this country?”The main advantage of outcome-based indicators is that they capture the views of relevant stakeholders,who take actions based on these ernments, analysts,researchers,and decisionmakers should,and often do,care about public views on the prevalence of corruption,the fairness of elections,the quality of service delivery,and many other governance outcomes.Outcome-based govern-ance indicators provide direct information on the de facto outcome of how de jure rules are implemented.Outcome-based measures also have some significant limitations.Such measures,particularly where they are general,can be difficult to link back to specific policy interventions that might influence governance outcomes.This is the mirror image of the problem discussed above:Rules-based indicators of gov-ernance can also be difficult to relate to outcomes of interest.A related difficulty is that outcome-based governance indicators may be too close to ultimate develop-ment outcomes of interest.To take an extreme example,the Ibrahim Index of African Governance includes a number of ultimate development outcomes,such as per capita GDP(gross domestic product),growth of GDP,inflation,infant mor-tality,and inequality.While such development outcomes are surely worth moni-toring,including them in an index of governance risks making the links from governance to development tautological.Another difficulty has to do with interpreting the units in which outcomes are measured.Rules-based indicators have the virtue of clarity:either a particular rule exists or it does not.Outcome-based indicators by contrast are often measured on somewhat arbitrary scales.For example,a survey question might ask respondents to rate the quality of public services on afive-point scale,with the distinction between different scores left unclear and up to the respondent.4In contrast,the usefulness of outcome-based indicators is greatly enhanced by the extent to which the criteria for differing scores are clearly documented.The World Bank’s Country Performance and Institutional Assessment(CPIA)and the Freedom House indicators are good examples of outcome-based indicators based 10The W orld Bank Research Observer,vol.23,no.1(Spring2008)。
Financial Globalization:A ReappraisalM.AYHAN KOSE,ESWAR PRASAD,KENNETH ROGOFF ,and SHANG-JIN WEI ÃThe literature on the benefits and costs of financial globalization for developing countries has exploded in recent years,but along many disparate channels with a variety of apparently conflicting results.There is still little robust evidence of the growth benefits of broad capital account liberalization,but a number of recent papers in the finance literature report that equity market liberalizations do significantly boost growth.Similarly,evidence based on microeconomic (firm-or industry-level)data shows some benefits of financial integration and the distortionary effects of capital controls,but the macroeconomic evidence remains inconclusive.At the same time,some studies argue that financial globalization enhances macroeconomic stability in developing countries,but others argue the opposite.This paper attempts to provide a unified conceptual framework for organizing this vast and growing literature,particularly emphasizing recent approaches to measuring the catalytic and indirect benefits to financial globalization.Indeed,it argues that the indirect effects of financial globalization on financial sector development,institutions,governance,and macroeconomic stability are likely to be far more important than any direct impact via capital accumulation or portfolio diversification.This perspective explains the failure of research based on cross-country growth regressions to find the expected positive effects of financial globalization and points to newerÃM.Ayhan Kose is a senior economist with the IMF Research Department;Eswar Prasad is the Nandlal P.Tolani Senior Professor of Trade Policy at Cornell University and a Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institution;Kenneth Rogoff is the Thomas D.Cabot Professor of Public Policy and Professor of Economics at Harvard University;and Shang-Jin Wei is the N.T.Wang Professor of Chinese Business and Economy in the Graduate School of Business at Columbia University.The authors are grateful for helpful comments from numerous colleagues and participants at various seminars where earlier versions of this paper were presented.Lore Aguilar,Cigdem Akin,Dionysios Kaltis,and Ashley Taylor provided excellent research assistance.IMF Staff PapersVol.56,No.1&2009International Monetary FundFINANCIAL GLOBALIZATION:A REAPPRAISALapproaches that are potentially more useful and convincing.[JEL F02,F21, F36,F4]IMF Staff Papers(2009)56,8–62.doi:10.1057/imfsp.2008.36F ew issues have stirred such passionate debate among developmentresearchers and policymakers as the merits offinancial globalization, including integration of equity,bond and money markets,as well as direct ownership of foreign capital or foreign direct investment(FDI).On the one hand,many economists see enhancedfinancial globalization as an important step for middle-income emerging markets that aspire to the levels of income and stability achieved by advanced industrial economies(for example, Fischer,1998;Summers,2000).On the other hand,many influential researchers argue forcefully thatfinancial integration carries huge risks that far outweigh the potential benefits for most middle-income countries(for example,Bhagwati,1998;Rodrik,1998;Stiglitz,2002).These economists point to the plethora of developing countryfinancial crises that swept across Latin America,Asia,and Africa in the1980s and particularly in the1990s as clear evidence of the potentially disastrous consequences offinancial globalization.For policymakers in developing countries,the topic is of enormous practical relevance,not least because countries such as China and India are still very much in the early stages offinancial globalization,and face numerous ongoing decisions about the timing and pace of further integration.For researchers,financial globalization is fascinating not only because of its compelling policy relevance,but because of the enormous variation of approaches and experiences across countries.Differences in speed and approach tofinancial globalization have often been driven as much by philosophy,regional fads,and political circumstances as by economic factors.Hence,cross-country studies of the effects offinancial integration can potentially exploit a wide array of natural variation in experiences.A massive empirical literature has evolved over the past10years on the growth and volatility effects of internationalfinancial globalization, with literally hundreds of published studies.Most of this work is of relatively recent vintage,because the latest wave offinancial globalization got started in earnest only in the mid-1980s.This survey will attempt to give the reader a synthesis and some perspective on this rapidly evolving literature,including both early contributions and more recent work.1Although our overall take is that the literature is still inconclusive,we argue that newer approaches that attempt to1The working paper version of this paper provides a comprehensive list of references(see Kose and others,2006).In this paper,we limit ourselves to mentioning some key papers and do not aim to be exhaustive in our citations.M.Ayhan Kose,Eswar Prasad,Kenneth Rogoff,and Shang-Jin Weifocus more on the indirect effects offinancial globalization on productivity and GDP growth hold considerable promise.At the same time,wefind that there is scant empirical support to underpin the more polemic claims of those who argue that capital account liberalizations(as opposed to,say, inappropriately rigid exchange rate regimes)are the root problem behind most developing countryfinancial crises of the past two decades.Newer approaches depart from the standard neoclassical framework that largely guided the earlier wave of thefinancial globalization literature.This literature viewed the key benefit offinancial globalization as arising from long-term netflows of capital from industrial to developing economies. Because the former group of countries is capital rich but the latter is relatively capital poor,this should generate higher growth in developing economies and welfare gains for both groups.Perhaps not surprisingly,in light of the corresponding literature on growth in closed economies(for example,Hall and Jones,1999),this literature often found conflicting results. As we shall see,despite having the advantage of a striking array of policy variation,the earlier literature also suffered from a variety of measurement problems that have since been recognized and at least partially addressed.2 The fundamental conceptual point that guides our interpretation of the newer literature is that the main benefits to successfulfinancial globalization are probably catalytic and indirect.The benefits are not simply,or even primarily,the result of enhanced access tofinancing for domestic investment. When viewed from this perspective,we will see that there is modest but increasing evidence thatfinancial openness can in many circumstances promote development of the domesticfinancial sector,impose discipline on macroeconomic policies,generate efficiency gains among domesticfirms by exposing them to competition from foreign entrants,and unleash forces that result in better public and corporate governance.That is,it can generate significant indirect or‘‘collateral’’benefits that,in quantitative terms,are likely to be the most important sources of enhanced growth and stability for a country engaged infinancial globalization.True,the research we survey does not contain any simple formulas a country could follow to avoid the pitfalls offinancial globalization.However,simply understanding that the main benefits are likely to be catalytic rather than direct is already useful guidance to policymakers.The notion thatfinancial globalization mainly influences growth through indirect channels has important implications for empirical analysis of its 2Eichengreen(2001),who focuses on the relationship between growth and measure of restrictions on capital account transactions,argues that the evidence is quite mixed.A subsequent survey by us on the broader dimensions offinancial globalization deepens the puzzle(Prasad and others,2003).We conclude that the vast empirical literature provides little robust evidence of a causal relationship betweenfinancial integration and growth.Moreover, wefind that,among developing countries,the volatility of consumption growth relative to income growth appears to be positively associated withfinancial integration,the opposite of what canonical theoretical models would predict.FINANCIAL GLOBALIZATION:A REAPPRAISALbenefits.For one thing,building institutions,enhancing market discipline, and deepening thefinancial sector takes time,and so does the realization of growth benefits from such channels.This may explain why,over relatively short periods,it may be much easier to detect the costs offinancial globalization than it is to see the benefits.Indeed,even at long horizons, detecting the benefits may be tricky,because they are indirect and work through improvements in structural,institutional,and macroeconomic policy variables.If these variables are included separately in long-run cross-country regressions,the catalytic effects offinancial globalization may be hidden.The approach we emphasize helps to link together a number of other pieces of the literature.For instance,most papers looking at the effects of financial integration have relied on de jure measures of capital account openness,which reflect legal restrictions(or lack thereof)on capital movements.But the collateral benefits are likely to be realized at least as much through de facto integration,which,as we show,can be quite different. In practice,the distinction between de jure and de facto openness can be very important.Many countries have capital controls that are quite strict on paper but toothless in practice so their de facto level of integration—as measured by capitalflows or stocks of foreign assets and liabilities—is quite high;this in itself could act as a disciplining device on the government and firms.3Focusing on collateral instead of direct benefits tofinancial globalization can also help explain why recent research that examines the growth effects of equity market liberalizationsfinds such strong positive effects even though portfolio equity inflows are typically small relative to other types of flows.Equity market liberalizations typically take place in tandem with various other domestic reforms,and when national governments have confidence in their ability to adequately supervise domesticfinancial markets.Thus,equity inflows are precisely the ones that,along with FDI,are most likely to confer the collateral benefits discussed above. Our analysis may also help explain why there is much stronger evidence based on microeconomic(firm-or industry-level)data on the distortionary effects of capital controls and the benefits of capital account liberalization.We will begin by providing a brief overview of theory and then turn to measurement issues.We then survey the empirical literature looking at the direct growth impact offinancial globalization,before turning to newer approaches that focus more on potential collateral benefits.In the concluding section,we summarize implications for future research.3We emphasize up front that our analysis focuses largely on private capitalflows and does not encompass the effects of officialflows,including foreign aid,and otherflows such as remittances(which should,strictly speaking,appear in the current account of the balance of payments).M.Ayhan Kose,Eswar Prasad,Kenneth Rogoff,and Shang-Jin WeiI.A Brief Overview of TheoryWe begin with a brief introduction to the basic theoretical arguments about howfinancial globalization should affect growth and volatility;we will continue to introduce further theoretical channels through whichfinancial globalization has an impact on growth as we discuss relevant issues in the empirical literature.GrowthThe simplest—one might say even naıve—benchmark one-sector neoclassical growth model suggests thatfinancial globalization should lead toflows of capital from capital-rich economies to capital-poor economies because,in the latter,the returns to capital should be higher.We call the model naıve because,in fact,the actual volumes of suchflows do not come anywhere near what the baseline models predict,as famously emphasized by Lucas(1990).4 In theory,thesefinancialflows should complement limited domestic saving in capital-poor economies and,by reducing the cost of capital,allow for increased investment.5Certain types offinancialflows could also generate technology spillovers and serve as a conduit for imbibing managerial and other forms of organizational expertise from more advanced economies.Newer analyses emphasize more subtle and indirect channels.For example,when domestic residents are able to hold foreign assets,they can insure themselves against country-specific shocks to their income.This naturally allows for greater diversification of income risk which can,in turn, encourage higher productivity and economic growth through greater specialization.6In addition,financialflows could foster development of the domesticfinancial sector and,by imposing discipline on macroeconomic policies,lead to more stable policies.We discuss the mechanisms and evidence for these channels later in the paper.4Indeed,from2004to2006,developing countries and emerging markets collectively averaged a large current account surplus,rather than a deficit.Lucas himself offered a new growth model based on increasing returns to human capital to explain what was then a low volume of netflows to developing countries,though recent work has tended to focus more on thefinancial channel emphasized contemporaneously by Gertler and Rogoff(1990).Mendoza, Quadrini,and Rios-Rull(2007)and Alfaro,Kalemli-Ozcan,and Volosovych(2007)argue that institutional failures more generally may lead to capitalflow reversals.Reinhart and Rogoff (2004)suggest that recurrent defaults andfinancial crises in developing countries may depress investment there.Gordon and Bovenberg(1996)focus on the role played by information asymmetries.5Henry(2007)argues that,even in the context of the basic neoclassical model,the financing channel should imply only a temporary,rather than permanent,pickup in growth fromfinancial integration.It is not clear,however,how important this nuance is likely to be empirically in studies that look at growth experiences over periods of just two to three decades.6Among developed countries and across regions within developed countries,better risk sharing is associated with greater specialization(Obstfeld,1994;Acemoglu and Zilibotti,1997; and Kalemli-Ozcan,Sorensen,and Yosha,2003).FINANCIAL GLOBALIZATION:A REAPPRAISALVolatilityIn theory,the effects offinancial integration on output volatility are ambiguous.Financial integration allows capital-poor countries to diversify away from their narrow production bases that are often agricultural or natural resource-dependent,thereby reducing macroeconomic volatility.At a more advanced stage of development,however,trade andfinancial integration could together allow for enhanced specialization,as we have already noted.This could make middle-income developing countries more vulnerable to industry-specific shocks and thereby lead to higher output volatility.7Iffinancial integration takes the form of heavy reliance on external debt,it could expose these countries to world interest rate shocks and,thus,to higher output volatility.Theory does have a strong prediction,however,about the relationship betweenfinancial integration and consumption volatility.Because consumers and,by extension,economies are risk-averse,consumption theory tells us that they should desire to usefinancial markets to insure against income risk, thereby smoothing the effects of temporary idiosyncraticfluctuations in income growth on consumption growth.Although the benefits of international risk-sharing could be quite large in theoretical models,the magnitudes of these benefits depend on various model-specific features.8 Recent research convincingly shows that the higher volatility that developing countries experience implies that they can potentially reap large benefits from international risk-sharing arrangements(see Pallage and Robe,2003). Theoretical Caveats to the Benefits of Financial GlobalizationWe could continue at considerable length about howfinancial globalization matters in theory,and will indeed keep introducing further ideas throughout the paper.However,what makes the debate overfinancial globalization fascinating is that several prominent economists question whether,in practice,the effects are positive at all.Most of these economists base their arguments on the theory of the second best and the potential presence of other distortions stemming from the trade policy regime,macroeconomic policies,labor markets,and information asymmetries.For example,if certain industries are protected by trade barriers,international capital couldflow into these sectors to exploit the benefits of protection in domestic markets and result in welfare losses and suboptimal growth(Eichengreen,2001). Information asymmetries stemming from a lack of transparency infinancial 7See Kose,Prasad,and Terrones(2004)for a more detailed exposition.8In particular,the welfare gains depend on the volatility of output shocks,the rate of relative risk aversion,the risk-adjusted growth rate,and the risk-free interest rate in these models(see the discussion in Obstfeld and Rogoff,2004,Chapter5;Lewis,1999;and van Wincoop,1999).Lucas’s(1987)claim that macroeconomic stabilization policies that reduce consumption volatility can have only minimal welfare benefits continues to be influential in the literature(see Barlevy,2004).M.Ayhan Kose,Eswar Prasad,Kenneth Rogoff,and Shang-Jin Wei institutions could lead to inefficient allocation offinancialflows,generate maturity mismatches,and result in costly crises(Stiglitz,2004).The concern thatfinancial globalization can sometimes spin off negative side effects in highly distorted developing economies is a legitimate one, though not necessarily debilitating.Indeed,as we shall see,in light of the ambiguity of theoreticalfindings,the critical question in this entire literature is whether empirical evidence can guide us on whyfinancial globalization seems to have clearly positive effects in some cases,whereas it appears to be counterproductive in others.II.Measuring Financial OpennessThe traditional approach to measuringfinancial openness is to use measures of legal restrictions on cross-border capitalflows.Such capital controls come in many varieties—controls on inflows vs.those on outflows,quantity vs.price controls, restrictions on foreign equity holdings,and so on.Indeed,the IMF’s Annual Report on Exchange Arrangements and Exchange Restrictions(AREAER) measures over60different types of controls.The early literature on capital account liberalization employed a0/1measure of capital account openness based on information from these reports.Some researchers have used a‘‘share’’measure, reflecting the fraction of years in the sample in which a country’s capital account was open.Other authors have taken the detailed information in the AREAER publications to constructfiner measures of capital account restrictiveness.9 All of these measures,despite their increasing sophistication andfineness, suffer from a variety of similar shortcomings.For example,they do not capture the degree of enforcement of capital controls(or the effectiveness of that enforcement),which can change over time even if the legal restrictions themselves remain unchanged.Moreover,these measures do not always reflect the actual degree of integration of an economy into international capital markets.Another complication is that,despite the extensive coverage of the AREAER,there could be other regulations that effectively act as capital controls but are not counted as controls.For instance,prudential regulations that limit the foreign exchange exposure of domestic banks could, in some circumstances,have the same effect as capital controls.This discussion suggests that the distinction between de jure and de facto financial integration is a crucial one.After all,what matters in analyzing the effects offinancial globalization is not how integrated economies seem on paper but how integrated they are in practice.Many Latin American economies have experienced massive capitalflight at times during the last two 9Share measures have been created by Grilli and Milesi-Ferretti(1995),Rodrik(1998), and Klein and Olivei(2006).Finer measures of openness based on the AREAER have been developed by Quinn(1997,2003),Miniane(2004),Chinn and Ito(2006),Mody and Murshid (2005),and Edwards(2005).Edison and Warnock(2003)construct measures of capital account restrictions related to just equityflows.Bekaert and Harvey(2000)and Henry(2000a) compile dates of equity market liberalizations for developing countries.We briefly discuss some of these narrower measures in more detail later.FINANCIAL GLOBALIZATION:A REAPPRAISALdecades despite having controls on outflows.And China,despite its extensive regime of capital controls,has not been able to stop inflows of speculative capital in recent years(Prasad and Wei,2007).But how does one go about measuring de facto integration?One approach has been to look at price-based measures of asset market integration.The logic is that integration of capital markets should be reflected in common prices across national borders of similarfinancial instruments(Karolyi and Stulz,2003).There are,however,serious practical problems in using such measures for emerging markets and low-income developing economies.Returns onfinancial instruments in these economies may incorporate a multitude of risk and liquidity premiums that are difficult to quantify.Also,domesticfinancial markets may simply not be deep or liquid enough to allow for efficient arbitrage of price differentials.10 Quantity-based measures of integration based on actualflows provide,in our view,the best available measure of a country’s de facto integration with globalfinancial markets.Should one measure integration using grossflows (the sum of total inflows and total outflows)or netflows(the difference between inflows and outflows)?Although the choice depends on the precise question one is interested in,grossflows in general provide a less volatile and more sensible picture of integration.Indeed,this measure has the advantage of capturing two-wayflows that one would expect to see if economies were sharing risk efficiently in a world with multiplefinancial instruments and agents with different risk profiles.However,annual grossflows tend to be volatile and prone to measurement error.To mitigate these problems,it is preferable to use the sum of gross stocks of foreign assets and liabilities as a ratio to GDP.This preserves the spirit of measuring de facto integration and obviates many of the problems associated withflow data.Moreover,for some purposes—particularly risk sharing—stock measures are more appropriate.For instance,if countries have large stocks of foreign assets and liabilities, small exchange rate changes can have large valuation effects and serve as a mechanism for risk-sharing even if net asset positions are small.The measures offinancial integration that we use in the next section draw upon the pioneering work of Lane and Milesi-Ferretti(2006),who have constructed an extensive data set of gross liabilities and assets for 145countries covering the period1970–2004.11Their data set contains 10Other measures of integration include saving-investment correlations and,related to the price-based approach discussed above,various interest parity conditions(see Frankel,1992; and Edison and others,2002).However,these measures are also difficult to operationalize and interpret for an extended period of time and for a large group of countries.11These authors substantially extend their External Wealth of Nations database(Lane and Milesi-Ferretti,2001)using a revised methodology and a larger set of sources.Although their benchmark series are based on the official estimates from the International Investment Position,they compute the stock positions for earlier years using data on capitalflows and account for capital gains and losses.M.Ayhan Kose,Eswar Prasad,Kenneth Rogoff,and Shang-Jin Wei information about the composition of internationalfinancial positions, including FDI,portfolio equity investment,external debt,and official reserves.12In addition,the data set accounts for valuation effects and other problems that typically plague raw country-level data,and also corrects for some differences across countries in data definitions and variable construction.We do not claim that our preferred de facto measure offinancial integration isflawless.Collins(2007)has argued that,notwithstanding their other merits,de facto indicators are likely to be endogenous in growth regressions,making it difficult to pin down causal effects.As we discuss later, de jure measures also have a strong element of endogeneity to them,in addition to their various other deficiencies.Our bottom line is that there is important information in both the de jure and de facto measures offinancial integration,but de facto measures provide a better picture of the extent of a country’s integration into globalfinancial markets and,for many empirical applications,this measure is more suitable.Patterns of Financial GlobalizationMeasures of de facto integration based on the Lane-Milesi-Ferretti data show a surge infinancial globalization since the mid-1980s.13Figure1 compares the evolution of de jure integration based on the IMF’s binary capital account restrictiveness measure,averaged across all countries in each group,and corresponding group averages of the de factofinancial openness measure(stock of internationalfinancial assets and liabilities expressed as a ratio to GDP).14By both measures,advanced economies have become substantially integrated into globalfinancial markets.For emerging market economies,average de jure openness has not changed much based on the IMF measure,but de facto integration has increased sharply over the last two decades.For other developing economies,de jure openness on average rose sharply over the last decade,to a level higher than that for emerging market economies,but the de facto measure has stayedflat over this period.This figure highlights the different informational content in the two types of integration measures and the importance of taking these differences into account in analyses of the effects offinancial globalization.15 12FDI refers to direct investment in a domestic company,giving the foreign investor an ownership share.Portfolio equity inflows refer to foreign investors’purchases of domestically issued equity in a company.Debt inflows include foreign investors’purchases of debt issued by corporates or the government,and also foreign borrowing undertaken by domestic banks.13An earlier wave offinancial globalization(1880–1914)has been analyzed by Bordo, Taylor,and Williamson(2003),Obstfeld and Taylor(2004),and Mauro,Sussman,and Yafeh (2006).14The sample of countries used in our analysis is listed in the Data Appendix.15Certain measures of de jure integration do track the de facto measures better.For instance,the Edison-Warnock measure of restrictions on equity inflows does change more in line with de facto integration in emerging markets,but this measure is available for only a limited number of countries and for a short time interval.Moreover,equity inflows constitute only a small portion of total inflows.FDI and portfolio equity flows have become the dominant form of new flows into developing economies,although debt still accounts for more than half of the stock of all external liabilities.The share of debt in gross stocks of foreign assets and liabilities declined from 75percent in 1980–84to 59percent in 2000–04(Table 1).Among advanced economies,the biggest increase has been in the share of portfolio equity.For emerging markets,the share of FDI and portfolio equity rose from 13percent in 1980–84to 37percent in 2000–04,reflecting the wave of mergers and acquisitions,Figure 1.Evolution of International Financial Integration:1970–2004All Countries50100150200250300Advanced Economies figure shows unweighted cross-country averages,within each group,of two measures of capital account openness.The de jure measure is based on the IMF 0–1capital account restrictiveness classification,with 1representing countries that have open capital accounts.The de facto measure is based on the ratio of gross stocks of foreign assets and liabilities to GDP,with the raw data taken from Lane and Milesi-Ferretti (2006).See the Data Appendix for a listing of countries in each group.FINANCIAL GLOBALIZATION:A REAPPRAISAL。
Complementary Therapies in Medicine(2004)12,131—135Conversation analysisJohn Chatwin∗School of Healthcare Studies,University of Leeds,Leeds LS29UT,UKKEYWORDS Conversation analysis; CAM interactions; Medical encounters; Socio-linguistics Summary Conversation analysis(CA)is well established as a means of exploring the interactional detail of conventional healthcare encounters.It is also becoming increasingly popular in action to CAM.This article outlines the main features of CA,how it can be used in a CAM context,and the type of information it can be expected to reveal.Examples of original CA data obtained from CAM consultations are presented to illustrate the CA method.©2004Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.CA—–what is it?Conversation analysis(CA)is a socio-linguistic ap-proach that is largely concerned with the analysis of the verbal communication that people routinely use when they interact with one another.It origi-nated in the1960’s,primarily due to the work of the American sociologist Harvey Sacks,1and draws on ethnomethodological and interactional traditions of naturalistic observation.Essentially,CA provides an analytical method that can be used to expose the underlying structural‘rules’that govern how day-to-day activities are composed and organised.2What can CA tell us about CAM?In terms of CAM,an obvious application for CA is as a tool for examining the interactions that occur between patients and practitioners.There is a long tradition of CA research in thefield of conventional medicine(see,for example:3—6).Over the last few*T el.:+441132331374;fax:+441132331204.E-mail address:******************.uk.years the increasing integration of CAM into main-stream medicine has encouraged some researchers to focus on this arena too—–so far concentrating mostly on talk-based therapies such as counselling and homoeopathy(see,for example:7).How would you use it?T o be used effectively,CA depends on analysing a large number of naturally occurring examples of a given phenomena.In CAM,for example,youmight be interested in studying one particular aspect of behaviour,such as how practitioners open their consultations,how patients present descriptions of their symptoms,or how treatment decisions are negotiated.Material for analysis using CA is routinely collected in the form of video or audio recordings.These‘raw’data are then transcribed using a detailed system of notation(see Fig.2) that attempts to capture,among other things,the relative timing of participants’utterances(the ex-act points,for example,when one person’s speech overlaps another in their ongoing talk),nuances of sound production,word emphasis,and certain aspects of intonation.CA contrasts with other qual-0965-2299/$—see front matter©2004Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.ctim.2004.07.042132J.Chatwinitative research methods,such as interviewing or observational work,in that(at the data collection and processing phase at least)the process does not rely to any great extent on subjective interpreta-tion.CA in fact represents a significant departure from other linguistically oriented approaches be-cause utterances are not seen primarily in relation to linguistic structure( terms of their sense and meaning),but rather as objects utilised in the ongoing negotiation of social tasks—–requests, greetings,proposals,complaints and so on—–and as such,their relative positioning within sequences of interaction can be accurately mapped. Another useful feature of the method is that it allows for the systematic analysis of comparatively large sets of data,which,as an aim of CA is to detect commonalties of behaviour,helps to reduce any distortions that might be introduced by the id-iosyncratic communication styles of individuals.How to go about using CAAssuming the phenomena or interactional environ-ment youwant to analyse is compatible with the CA approach,the procedure would be:1.Identify what it is you want to study:Is it aspecific type of activity or behaviour?Or is it something broader?Youmay simply have a no-tion that a particular interactional activity cre-ates a certain‘feel’or atmosphere,and wish to isolate the behavioural elements that are contributing to this.In CAM and other medi-cal settings,CA has been used to explore ar-eas such as the way patients contextualise their symptoms,8how they describe what is wrong with them,9and how they seek information.10 Attempts have also been made to identify what it is in the interactions between therapists and patients that gives certain CAM encounters their collegial quality.112.Collect your data:The material youcollect willbe subjected to a detailed transcription process, so high quality video or audio recordings are es-sential.Similarly CA deals with real interaction.Mocked-up,role-played or staged exchanges will not do—–unless of course it is the idiosyncrasies of behaviour within these particular arenas that you wish to study.For best results,you will need to collect as many examples as possible of the behaviour you are interested in.So for example, if you are exploring the way in which acupunc-turists organise their talk when referring to the u se of needles(as youmight be if youwere try-ing tofind practical ways of making things eas-ier for patients who were scared of needles)you would concentrate on obtaining as many natural recordings of this activity occurring as you could.Not just from one practitioner or a single setting, but from a whole range of different acupunctur-ists with different patients.For their CA based study focusing on allopathic doctor—patient in-teraction,Heritage and Strivers3recorded335 consultations involving19doctors,and data col-lections of this size are not uncommon in CA.Essentially the greater the number of examples, the less likelihood that analytical distortions will be introduced due to the idiosyncratic charac-teristics of individual participants.3.Transcribe your data:This can be the most timeconsuming part of the process but is at the heart of the method.CA transcription needs to be extremely detailed,accurate and consistent, and is a difficult skill to master.As a rough guide,an efficient transcriber(often the re-searcher who records the original material)may be able to transcribe about1min of a recording in1h,depending on the complexity of the talk.Multi-party and lively or argumentative interactions where there is a lot of overlap-ping speech can take far longer to unravel.There are,unfortunately,no specific software packages that can come anywhere near the consistency required to do this automatically, but at an academic level,the intense process of manual transcription can be an important part of the analytical process,allowing a researcher to really get inside the data.Some digital recording and editing packages such as N-track or sound forge can make the process easier, however,allowing recordings to be displayed on-screen and controlled alongside your word processor(see Fig.1).These kinds of software can make the categorisation and comparison of data much easier at the analytical stage too.4.Analysis:Normally,in‘pure’CA,once youhave assembled a sufficiently large collection of recording transcripts,youwill isolate data relating to the particular discrete activities that are of interest(say,‘greetings’or‘topic initia-tion’)and arranged them into collections.You can then methodically analyse them to reveal underlying sequential commonalities and pat-terns.CA may,however,also be used in a much broader way to work with smaller pieces of data(a transcript of a single complete CAM consulta-tion,for example).This approach is likely to be of most interest to researchers without a pure CA background,or for studies in which CA is not the primary methodology.A traditional way of approaching the initial stages of CA is for a groupConversation analysis133Figure1.The simultaneous display of the digital recording package‘N-track’,and MS Word in different screen windows. Some software packages not specifically designed to work with CA can be very useful during transcription and analysis.of analysts to get together and hold a‘data ses-sion’in which examples of a single transcript or short collections of material are brainstormed.This process can be an extremely useful way of isolating original and tangential themes.Data exampleThe two short transcript extracts below will give a very basic illustration of the way in which CA data is presented and analysed.In keeping with the CAM context,both are taken from towards the end of ho-moeopathic consultations and represent the point where the homoeopaths are initiating the activity of offering treatment(indicated by the highlighted area).The short table in Fig.2gives the meanings of the symbols used,but note particularly the way in which each individual’s‘turn’at talk begins on a separate line,with the points at which speech over-laps indicated by square brackets(at lines2and3 in Scheme1,and11and12in Scheme2).Pauses (given in tenths of a second)between and within turns are indicated by the numbers in parenthesis.Intonationally stressed words are underlined,while words in capital letters are louder in relation to the surrounding speech.At an analytical level,youcan see that the transcription method has effectively captured two contrasting ways in which the homoeopaths organise their treatment giving‘turn’at talk(the concept of turn-taking being a fundamental tenet of CA)as well as illustrating the different sequen-tial outcomes(in terms of patient responses)which result from these.In Scheme1the homoeopath uses an approach which is overtly‘non-directive’—–she doesn’t actually suggest a treatment option as such,but in fact asks the patient to take control of the treatment process:‘...what are youthinking you-might do....’(line9).Similarly,her delivery at this point is fractured,with frequent pauses and hesitations,which further help to give it a non-directiveflavour.In contrast,the way in which the homoeopath in Scheme2switches into treatment giving is highly directive and focused. She displays no hesitation,and succinctly partitions off her treatment delivery from her preceding talk with a‘RIGHT’which is both louder relative to the134J.ChatwinFigure2.Scheme1.Scheme 2.surrounding speech,and delivered with a degree of emphasis.She follows with ‘...I’m going to give youmalandrinu m today ....’(lines 8—9)which is both directive and categorical.The sequential effect of the two different ap-proaches is also traceable in the transcript.In Scheme 1,the homoeopath’s ‘open’framing of her treatment turn allows the patient to offer her own suggestion;in Scheme 2the categorical or ‘closed’delivery that the homoeopath utilises allows little interactional opportunity for the patient to do any-thing other than go along with her .T aken as pure CA,these two short extracts could not be used to provide any definitive cate-gorisations (in this case relating to the ways that treatment decisions are delivered).A far more extensive collection would be required before any specific conclusions about reoccurring routines of interaction could be drawn.In terms of wider social research,however ,even a small numberConversation analysis135of contrasting data fragments like this can be useful.These particular data,for example,came from a multi-disciplinary study looking at ways to improve patient participation in treatment decision making,1and it can be seen that the kind of micro-level detail that CA delivers can readily provide an empirical grounding for obser-vations and concepts developed using other,more subjective,qualitative approaches.ResourcesRecommended readingA good basic introduction to the CA method is: Conversation Analysis by Ian Hutchby and Robin Wooffitt.12But the absolute bible of CA is a col-lection of lecture transcripts by its inventor Har-vey Sacks,who died in James Dean style in the mid 1970’s.Lectures in Conversation(edited by Gail Jefferson)is published in two volumes by Blackwell.SoftwareDigital recording and editing software can make the task of transcription and analysis easier,allowing youto slow down recordings,make accu rate inter-val timings(traditionally done with a stopwatch),or remove a certain amount of noise from bad record-ings.T wo software packages that have been found very useful for CA work are:N-track:Which allows for the simultaneous dis-play of several tracks of audio on your computer at the same time and is good for archiving audio and comparative analytical work.Available over the in-ternet from:.Sound forge:Which is an industry standard audio editing package that,although quite ex-pensive,is extremely useful for cleaning up bad1Data collected for the Department of Health funded PaPaYA project(Patient Participation in York and Aberdeen).Reference number3700514.recordings and creating professional sounding au-dio clips for presentations etc.Available from: .References1.Sacks H.In:Jefferson G,editor.Lectures in conversation,Vols1and2.Oxford:Blackwell;1998.2.Per¨a kyla A.Conversation analysis:a new model of re-search in doctor—patient communication.J R Soc Med 1997;90:205—8.3.Heritage J,Stivers T.Online commentary in acute medicalvisits:a method of shaping patient expectations.Soc Sci Med1999;49:501—1517.4.Heath C.The delivery and reception of diagnosis in thegeneral-practice consultation.In:Drew P,Heritage J,ed-itors.T alk at work:interaction in institutional settings.Cambridge:Cambridge University Press;1995.5.Frankel RM,West C.Miscommunication in medicine.In:Coupland N,Giles H,Wiemann JM,editors.Miscommuni-cation and problematic talk.London:Sage;1991.6.West C.Ask me no questions....An analysis of queries andreplies in physician—patient dialogues.In:Fisher S,Dun-das T,editors.The social organisation of doctor—patient communication.Washington:The Centre for Applied Lin-guistics;1983.7.Per¨a kyla A.Aids counselling.Institutional interaction andclinical practice.Cambridge:Cambridge University Press;1995.8.Gill VT.Doing attributions in medical interaction:patients’explanations for illness and doctors’responses.Social Psy-chology Quarterly1988;61:260—342.9.Ruusuvuori J.Control in the medical consultation:prac-tices of giving and receiving the reason for the visit in pri-mary health care.Unpublished doctoral dissertation.Uni-versity of T ampere;2000.10.Heritage J,SefiS.Dilemmas of advice:aspects of the deliv-ery and reception of advice in interactions between health visitors andfirst time mothers.In:Drew P,Heritage J,edi-tors.T alk at work.Cambridge:Cambridge University Press;1992.11.Chatwin munication in the homoeopathic therapeu-tic encounter.Unpublished PhD thesis.York:York Univer-sity;2003.12.Hutchby I,Wooffitt R.Conversation analysis:principles,practices and applications.Cambridge:Polity;2001.。
An expert system based on wavelet transform and radon neural network for pavement distress classificationFereidoon Moghadas Nejad,Hamzeh Zakeri ⇑Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering,Amirkabir University of Technology,Tehran,Irana r t i c l ei n f o Keywords:Expert system Pavement distress WaveletRadon features Neural networka b s t r a c tNowadays,pavement distresses classification becomes more important,as the computational power increases.Recently,multi-resolution analysis such as wavelet decompositions provides very good multi-resolution analytical tools for different scales of pavement analysis and distresses classification.In this paper an expert system is proposed for pavement distress classification.A radon neural network,based on wavelet transform expert system is used for increasing the effectiveness of the scale invariant feature extraction algorithm.Wavelet modulus is calculated and Radon transform is then applied to the wavelet modulus.The features and parameters of the peaks are finally used for training and testing the neural network.Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed expert system is an effective method for pavement distress classification.The test performances of this study show the advantages of proposed expert system:it is rapid,easy to operate,and have simple structure.Ó2010Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionQuantification of pavement crack data is one of the most impor-tant criteria in determining optimum pavement maintenance strategies (Hudson,Elkins,Uddin,&Reilley,1987).Over the years,a significant amount of effort has been spent on developing meth-ods to objectively evaluate the condition of pavements.The sim-plest method is to visually inspect the pavements and evaluate them by subjective human experts.This approach,however,in-volves high labor costs and produces unreliable and inconsistent results.Furthermore,it exposes the inspectors to dangerous work-ing conditions on highways.To overcome the limitations of the subjective visual evaluation process;several attempts have been made to develop an automatic procedure.Most current systems use computer vision and image processing technologies to auto-mate the process.However,due to the irregularities of pavement surfaces,there has been a limited success inaccurately detecting cracks and classifying crack types.In addition,most systems re-quire complex algorithm with high levels of computing power.While many attempts have been made to automatically collect pavement crack data,better approaches are needed to evaluate these automated crack measurement systems (Daqi,Qu,He &Sh,2009;Wang,Xiao,&He,2007).Chua and Xu (1994)approached the problem of pavement crack classification using moment invariant and neural networks.By calculating moment invariants from different types of distress,fea-tures are obtained.After preprocessing and thresholding into bin-ary images,they calculated Hu,Bamieh and Zemike moments.Eighteen moments were supplied as an input vector to a multilayer perception with seven nodes indicating the output.After training and testing,they report 100%classification accuracy.Manning and Mohajeri (1991),as part of a fully automated pavement man-agement system,describe a rule-based system that incorporates knowledge about individual crack patterns and classifies by the process of elimination.In addition to classifying cracking by type,it is also capable of quantifying the crack severity with parameters such as length,width,and area.Acosta,Figueroa,and Mullen (1995)used geometric and textural features to classify the types of distress and quantify their severity and extend.Nallamothu and wang (1996)proposed and artificial neural network (ANN)for pattern recognition for pavement distress classification.Cheng,Glazier and Hu (1999)and Cheng,Jiang,Li and Glazier (1999)used hough transform to determine the type of the crack.Hsu et al.(2001)described a moment invariant technique for feature extrac-tion and a neural network for crack classification.The moment invariant technique reduces a two dimensional image pattern into feature vectors that characterize the image such as:translation,scale,rotation of an object in an image.After these features are ex-tracted the overall results of this study were satisfactory and the classification accuracy of the introduced system was 85%.Wang and Kuchikulla (2002)describes an automated system capable of real-time ing analytical descriptions of pavement stress,they compare the images under consideration with a pre-defined database of typical crack characteristics such0957-4174/$-see front matter Ó2010Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.eswa.2010.12.060⇑Corresponding author.Tel.:+982164543077;fax:+982166414213.E-mail addresses:F.moghadas@ (F.Moghadas Nejad), (H.Zakeri).as location and geometry,ultimately producing surface crack indi-ces.Lee,2003Concentrate on image preprocessing and representa-tion for input to a neural network.After tiling the image,they use local statistics to tag tiles which contain cracks,thus forming a bin-ary crack matrix.This matrix is then summed along the X and Y axes,forming two histogram vectors.After additional processing these vectors are presented to an MLP for classification.They were reported ninety-five percent accuracy for crack classifications.Zhou,Huang,and Chiang(2006)propose several statistical cri-teria are developed for distress detection and isolation,which in-clude the high-amplitude wavelet coefficient percentage (HAWCP),the high-frequency energy percentage(HFEP),and the standard deviation(STD).These criteria are tested on hundreds of pavement images differing by type,severity,and extent of dis-tress.Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed criteria are reliable for distress detection and isolation and that real-time distress detection and screening is feasible.Li and Qingquan (2008)is proposed a novel pavement image-thresholding algo-rithm based on neighboring difference histogram method(NDHM). Sorncharean and Phiphobmongkal(2008)presents image process-ing techniques based on grid cell analysis for crack detection on non-uniform illumination and strong texture images.Wang (2008)using wavelet edge detection based onàtrous algorithm (holes algorithm)is used in pavement distress segmentation.This algorithm is an undecimated wavelet transform executed via afil-ter bank without sub-sampling process.By comparisons with the results derived fromfive other traditional edge detectors,the study demonstrates the validity and effectiveness of this method for edge detection of pavement surface distresses.Zhou(2004)and Zhou et al.(2006)used a two step transformation method by wavelet and radon transform to determine the type of the crack which is similar to the method proposed in this research.The difference lies in area(1)Zhou applied directly wavelet transform on distress in contrast wefirst use enhancement algorithm before wavelet trans-form.(2)Zhou et ed radon transform for distress classifica-tion,while we use neural network for pavement distress classification.(3)Zhou et ed position and number of radon transform for classification while we use new feature extracted composed and three dimensional of radon transform constructed. By selecting a dynamic threshold for three dimensional of radon transform(3DRT),statistical and geometric features such as num-ber,area,mean,standard deviation,and norm entropy are ex-tracted.The different combinations of wavelet radon neural network(WRNN)improved in this study and radon transform (RT)feature extraction method are applied for neural network training and testing based on wavelet families.The best feature vectors are chosen.All of these features are gi-ven to inputs of a Multi-Layer perceptron Neural Network based on adaptive at classification stage.Other words,pavement distress classification method improved in this paper consist of four stages: (1)Image Enhancement(2)wavelet decomposition(3)radon transform and feature extraction,and(4)neural network for classification.The experimental results show that the success rate is improved significantly when compared with the traditional method.This paper is organized as follows:In Section2,the theory of the pavement distress classification,Image Enhancement,Discrete Wavelet Transform(DWT),radon transform(RT)and neural net-work(NN)are briefly reviewed.In Section3,the feature extraction and pavement distress classification are explained.In Section4,the distress classification and experimental results families are dis-cussed.In Section5,concluding remarks are given.2.Theatric Information2.1.Pattern recognitionPavement distress pattern recognition can be divided into a se-quence of stages,starting with feature extraction from the occur-rence of the distress patterns,which is the conversion of patterns to features that are regarded as a condensed representation,ideally containing all the necessary information.In the next stage,the fea-ture selection step,a smaller number of meaningful features that best represent the given distress pattern without redundancy are identified.Finally,classification is carried out:a specific distress pattern is assigned to a specific class according to its characteristicdistress:(a)Without distress;(b)alligator cracking;(c)block cracking;(d)longitudinal cracking;(e)hair cracking;(f) cracking.F.Moghadas Nejad,H.Zakeri/Expert Systems with Applications38(2011)7088–71017089(HE)and the second step is Fast Fourier Transform(FFT).This Im-age Enhancement model is demonstrated in Fig.3.Histogram equalizationHistogram equalization is to expand the pixel value distribution image so as to increase the perceptional information. method usually increases the local contrast of pavement images, especially when the usable data of the image is represented contrast values.Through this adjustment,the intensities be better distributed on the histogram.A key advantagemethod is that it is a fairly straightforward technique and invertible operator.Histogram equalization provides better detect ability of fragment size distributions.The original histogram pavement sample image has the bimodal type(Fig.4a)histogram after the histogram equalization occupies all the range from0to255and the visualization effect is enhanced(Fig.4b).The general histogram equalization formula is:CdfðvÞ¼roundððcdfðvÞÀcdf min=ðMÂNÞÀcdf minÞÞÂðKÀ1Þ;ð1Þwhere cdf min is the minimum value of the cumulative distribution function MÂN gives the image’s number of pixels and L is the num-ber of grey levels used(Acharya&Ray,2005;Efford&Nick,2000).2.2.2.Fast Fourier TransformThe Fourier Transform is an important image processing tool which is used to decompose an image into its sine and cosine com-ponents.The output of the transformation represents the image in the Fourier or frequency domain,while the input image is the spa-tial domain equivalent.In the Fourier domain image,each point represents a particular frequency contained in the spatial domain image.In this paper we divide the image into small processing blocks(32by32pixels)and perform the Fourier transform accord-ing to:Fðu;vÞ¼X MÀ1x¼0X NÀ1y¼0fðx;yÞÂexp fÀj2p½ðu x=MÞþðv y=NÞ gð2ÞFor u=0,1,2,...,31and v=0,1,2, (31)In order to enhance a specific block by its dominant frequencies, in this paper multiply the FFT of the block by its magnitude a set of times.Where the magnitude of the original FFT=abs(F(u,v))= |F(u,v)|.Get the enhanced blocks are obtained according to:gðx;yÞ¼FÀ1f Fðu;vÞÂj Fðu;vÞj k g;ð3Þwhere FÀ1(F(u,v))is done by:MÀ1NÀ1Fig.2.The pavement distress pattern recognition approach.Fig.3.The pavement distress image enhancement using two-step method preprocessing.with Applications38(2011)7088–7101broken points on ridges and to remove some spurious connections between ridges.The side effect of each block is obvious but it has no harm to the further operations.2.3.Discrete Wavelet Transform and reconstruction2.3.1.WaveletsNowadays,most popular methods on texture analysis are mul-ti-resolution or multichannel analyses such wavelet decomposi-tion and Garbor filters have been used (Candès,1998).Because Wavelet Transforms (WT)provides a true and join frame work for the processing of a signal and image at variety scale it is more superior to Gabor Transform (GT).(Zhou et al.,2006).Three families of wavelets were investigated:Daubechies 2(D2),Haar (H)and Coiflet (C6)(Rajeev,Vasquez,&Singh,1997;Stollnitz,DeRose,&Salesin,1995).The Daubechies,Haar,and Coiflet families were considered since they differ substantially in the number of adja-cent pixels used to extract the wavelet coefficients,from which the pavement distress features are derived.These three were investigated specifically for their increasingly larger filters and smoother windows.A Continues Wavelet Transform (CWT)can decompose a signal or an image with a series of averaging and dif-ferencing calculations.Wavelets compute average intensity prop-erties as well as several detailed contrast levels distributed throughout the image.Wavelets can be calculated according to various levels of resolution or blurring depending on how many levels of averages are calculated.The general mother wavelet can be constructed from the following scaling u (x )and wavelet func-tions x (x )(Dettori &Semlera,2007)./ðx Þ¼1:414Xg ðk Þ/ð2x Àk Þ;ð5Þx ðx Þ¼1:414Xh ðk Þ/ð2x Àk Þ;ð6Þwhere h (k )=À1k g (N À1Àk ),and N is the number of scaling and wavelet coefficients.The sets of scaling h (k )and wavelet g (k )func-tion coefficients vary depending on their corresponding wavelet bases.Wavelet representation of a signal as (Zhou,2004):f ðx Þ¼2ÀkX 1n ¼À1¼½f ðx Þ;£ð2Àk x Àl Þ £ð2Àk x Àl Þþ2ÀkþX 1n ¼À1½f ðx Þ;W ð2Àk ðx Àl Þ W ð2Àk x Àl Þ;ð7Þwhich are also called the approximation details are defined below:A K ¼h f ðx Þ;2Àk =2£ð2Àk £ð2Àk x Àl Þi ¼2Àk =2Zf ðx Þ£ð2Àk x Àl Þdx ;ð8ÞD K ¼h f ðx Þ;2Àk =2W ð2ÀkW ð2Àkx Àl Þi ¼2Àk =2Zf ðx ÞW ð2Àk x Àl Þdx ;ð9ÞFor image decomposition and reconstruction,an image can bedecomposed by projection of the image in the space v k ,W H K ;W LK and W D K ,f k À1ðx ;y Þ¼2ÀkXm ;nLL k ðm ;n Þ£ð2Àk x Àm Þ£ð2Àk y Àn Þþ2ÀkXm ;nHL k ðm ;n Þ£ð2Àk x Àm ÞW ð2Àk y Àn Þþ2ÀkX m ;nLH k ðm ;n ÞW ð2Àk x Àm Þ£ð2Àk y Àn Þþ2ÀkXm ;nHH k ðm ;n ÞW ð2Àk x Àm ÞW ð2Àk y Àn Þ:ð10ÞFig.4.(a)The original histogram of a pavement image,(b)histogram after the histogram equalization.Fig.5.(a)Original image and (b)crack image enhancement by FFT with various k .where the LL K,HL K,LH K and HH K are the orthogonal projections inthe orthogonal space of V K,W HK ,W HKand W HKand they can be calcu-lated byLL kði;jÞ¼Xm;nlðmÀ2iÞlðnÀ2jÞLL kÀ1ðm;nÞ;ð11ÞHL kði;jÞ¼Xm;nhðmÀ2iÞlðnÀ2jÞLL kÀ1ðm;nÞ;ð12ÞLH kði;jÞ¼Xm;nlðmÀ2iÞhðnÀ2jÞLL kÀ1ðm;nÞ;ð13ÞHH kði;jÞ¼Xm;nhðmÀ2iÞhðnÀ2jÞLL kÀ1ðm;nÞ;ð14ÞFor more details on these wavelet families see,for example Kara in their scaling and wavelet coefficients.Scaling and wavelet func-tion coefficients are characteristics of their particular families;def-initions can be found in Appendix C(Dettori&Semlera,2007).the parameters of peaks are demonstrated in Fig.7.The Haar wavelet uses only two scaling and wavelet function coefficients and calculates pair-wise averages and differences. The Haar transform uses non-overlapping windows and reflects changes between adjacent pixel pairs.The Daubechies wavelet witch an order of two is used to decompose distress images into three levels.A weighted average is computed over four pixels, resulting in a smoother transform.These tests indicated that in general the Daubechies wavelet was preferable.Details of thefilter structure are presented in Appendix B(Dettori&Semlera, 2007).The Coiflet wavelet uses six scaling and wavelet functionFig.6.Image decomposition by wavelet transforms(Zhou,2004).Fig.7.A peak in Radon domain and its parameters(Zhou,2004).7092 F.Moghadas Nejad,H.Zakeri/Expert Systems with Applications38(2011)7088–7101histogram and for bad pavement images their widely spread histo-gram.There are many statistical parameters,such as the range, standard deviation,and moment to describe the spread of the his-togram at any sub bands.Three criteria of high amplitude wavelet coefficient percentage (HAWCP),high frequently energy percentage(HFEP)and standard derivation(STD),are tested for pavement distress detection.The HAWCP threshold for distress images select45as afinal value. HAWCP has a value between0%and100%.The value0represents a good pavement surface and100%represents the worst pavement surface.It can be used as a measure of the extent of distress,and therefore,serve as a good criterion for distress detection and isola-tion.(Zhou,2004)one of the best way to measure the severity of distress based on wavelet coefficients is to calculate the energy of coefficient.Distresses are transformed into high amplitude wavelet coefficient which have higher energy than low amplitude coefficient do.HFEP also has a value between0%and100%where 0%means a perfect pavement surface and100%means the worst pavement.The spread of the histogram can be used to characterize the type,severity and extent of the distress.The standard devia-tions(STD)of the wavelet coefficients in the horizontal,vertical and diagonal subbands at the second level are calculated.The larg-est standard deviation(STD)in the horizontal STD h,vertical STD v and diagonal STD d sub band is chosen to present the standard devi-ation of the image.The groups of distress with close standard devi-ation(STD)are similar to those grouped by HFEP.Standard deviation is a good criterion for distress detection and isolation. Previous research shows that HAWCP,HFEP and STD are consistent for severe distress(Zhou,2004).In order to detect all distresses, three criteria are combined forfinal distress detection and isola-tion.If any one of the three criteria detects the distress,the image is regard as a distress image and is saved in distress data base (DDB).Experimental result demonstrated that the criteria used for distress detection and isolation is robust.This approach used criteria as structured in Appendix D(Zhou,2004).2.4.Radon transformRadon transform uses a set of projection through an image at different angles(Bardy,1998;Ching,2001;Guil,villalba,&Zapata, 1995).The RT can also be used for line detection.A technique for using RT to reconstruct a map of Polar Regions in a planet using a spacecraft in a polar orbit has also been devised(Mark&Duane, 1997).RT is based on the parameterization of straight lines and the evaluation of integrals of an image along these lines.Due to inher-ent properties of RT,it is a useful tool to capture the directional features of an image(Magli,Olmo,&Lo Presti,1999).The classical radon transform of a two variable function u is Ru defined on a family of straight lines.The value of Ru on a given line is the inte-gral of u along this line(Beylkin,1987).Assuming the line in the plane(t,q)is represented ast¼sÆpq;ð15Þwhere p is the slope and s is the offset of the line.The RT of the function over this line will be given as:Ruðs;pÞ¼Zþ1À1uðsþpq;qÞdqð16ÞThe RT of a two-dimensional function f(x,y)in(r,h)plane is de-fined as:Rðr;hÞ½fðx;yÞ ¼Zþ1À1Zþ1À1fðx;yÞdðrÀx cos hÀyÂsin hÞdx dy;ð17Þwhere d(Á)is the Dirac function,r e[À1,1]is the perpendicular distance of a line from the origin and h e[0,p]is the angle formed by the distance vector as shown in Fig.9.A crack will be projected into a valley in radon domain.The pro-jection direction is perpendicular to the orientation of the crack. The angle of projection,which is the coordinate of the valley,can be used to determine the orientation of the crack,and furthermore, classify the type of the cracks(Zhou,2004).In this approach the type of the distresses can be classified by thresholding the value in the radon domain and the features from patterns can be ex-tracted for training the classification NN.2.5.Neural networkNeural Networks are systems that are constructed to make use of some organizational principles resembling those of the human brain(Avci,Turkoglu,&Poyraz,2005b).They represent the prom-ising new generation of information processing systems.Neural networks are good at tasks such as pattern matching and classifica-tion,function approximation,optimization and data clustering, while traditional computers,because of their architecture,are inef-ficient at these tasks,especially pattern-matching tasks(Avci et al., 2005b).As for Wavelet Neural Networks try to combine aspects of the wavelet transformation for purpose of feature extraction and selection with the characteristic decision capabilities of neural net-work approaches(Avci et al.,2005b).The Wavelet Neural Network (WNN)is constructed based on the wavelet transform theory(Avci, 2007)and is an alternative to feed-forward neural network(Avci, 2007).Wavelet decomposition(Avci,2007)is a powerful tool for non-stationary signal analysis.Let x(t)be a piecewisecontinuous Fig.8.Wavelet decomposition:W(resolution,direction)(Zhou,2004;Dettori&Semlera,2007).function.Wavelet decomposition allows one to decompose x(t) using a wavelet function W:R n?R.Based on the wavelet decom-position,wavelet network structure is defined by¼X Ni¼1W i W½D iðxÀt iÞ þb:where D i are dilation vectors specifying the diagonal dilation matri-D i,t i are translation vectors and the additional parameter introduced to help deal with non-zero mean functions onfinite mains.An algorithm of the back-propagation type has been derived adjusting the parameters of the WNN(Avci,2007).Applications signals of the heart valve diseases(Avci,2007),classifying bio sig-nals(Avci,2007),ECG segment classification(Avci,2007);As for wavelet and radon neural networks try to combine aspects of the wavelet and radon transformation for purpose of feature extraction and selection with the characteristic decision capabilities of neural network approaches.The wavelet and radon neural network (WRNN)is constructed based on the wavelet and radon transforms theory and is an alternative to feed-forward neural network.How-ever,to date WRNN pavement distress classification is a new approach.3.ProcedureFig.10shows the proposed expert system block diagram.It con-sists of four parts:(a)PIAS system,(b)preprocessing,(c)wavelet decomposition and feature extraction,(d)radon transform,and(e)neural network and distress classification.4.Experimental results and discussionIn this section,we present the experimental results following the previous section approach on a variety of surface defects found in real samples to evaluate the performance of the proposed dis-Fig.9.The principles of radon transform.Fig.10.The block diagram of proposed expert system.with Applications38(2011)7088–7101controlled condition to capture pavement images.The hardware architecture of the envisioned automatic pavement inspection sys-tem is shown in Fig.11.The pavement image acquisition system (PIAS)includes three lighting source,camera,a frame grabber, monitoring system,Global Positioning System(GPS),computer and power generator.The pavement surfaces of the lane are col-lected and sent to the host computer,where the proposed method for classification of pavement distress algorithms is implemented. The images that show distress will be detected and saved to the pavement distress data base(DDB).Also saved is the positioning information indicating where the images are taken that is obtained from a global positing system.Existing systems have no problems to collect pavement images.The problem lies in automatic and reli-able distress detection and classification.4.2.Distress classification and preprocessingThe current inspection activity of pavement surface depends mainly upon the inspector’s visual inspection and feeling with a distress.This inspection activity could be very subjective and highly dependent on the experience of human inspectors.Among the250collected samples,there are seven major classes of distress on the pavement surface that include Longitudinal cracking,Trans-verse cracking,Diagonal cracking,Block cracking,Alligator crack-ing,Multi cracking and pavement without cracking.Fig.12 shows the seven different categories and the number of the dis-tresses that belong to each class.The major preprocessing steps in this study include histogram enhancement(HE)and Fast Fourier Transform(FFT)operations. The main objective of preprocessing is to perform the image pro-cessing operation on the source image to enhance and smooth images,accentuate or extract image edges,or remove noise from an image.They allow images to be separated into their low and high spatial-frequency components.The preprocessing results are shown in Fig.13,respectively.Fig.11.Configuration of pavement image acquisition system(PIAS).images:(a)longitudinal crack(139samples),(b)transverse crack(139samples),(c)diagonal crack(139samples),(d)block samples),and(f)multi crack and pavement without cracking(139samples).Fig.13.Preprocessing results:(a)the original image,(b)result by(HE),and(c)result by(FFT)after(HE)preprocessing.with Applications38(2011)7088–71017095appropriate wavelet bases and resolution level will effectively highlight the local anomalies in the homogeneous surface.If the number of multi-resolution levels is too small they cannot suffi-ciently separate distress from the repetitive pavement texture pat-tern.However,too large number of multi-resolution levels yields the fusion effect of the anomalies,and may result in false detection. Multi-resolution levels3and4are most appropriate to enhance defects in the restored image in these experiments.The experi-ment evaluates the three selective detail sub-image combinations, namely,the horizontal and diagonal detail sub-image(HDS),verti-cal and diagonal detail sub-image(VDS)and vertical,horizontal and diagonal combination detail sub-image(HVD)respectively, with a repetitive crack distress in Fig.14.The selective sub-image effects on pavement distress image reconstruction are similar. However,the reconstructed(HVD)detail sub-images can effec-tively enhance the distress regions in the restored image.It also efficiently separates distress from the background in the corre-sponding binary images.Therefore,the features extractions are preferred to be selected from the distress in(HVD)detail sub-image.In order to avoid applying radon transform(RT)on each sub-band while keeping all the distress information,the wavelet mod-ules is obtained by combining the horizontal,vertical and diagonal detail in the wavelet domain(MHVD).M p,q Is obtained by combin-ing the horizontal,vertical and diagonal details in the wavelet do-the background using a simple binary thresholding technique such as the one proposed by(Otsu,1979).Comparing the MHVD with the other methods,the cracks are segmented by wavelet transform.The contrast will be improved significantly since noise and background are redacted and elimi-nated in the high-frequently sub-bands.Then RT is preformed on the MHDV result.4.4.Radon transformRadon transform is applied on the MHVD results at the3level since the highest frequency components transformed into the wavelet coefficient in the high frequency sub-band at the3level. From previous research,it can be seen that the high values of the wavelet modulus represent distress,while low values represent noise and background on pavement surface.When radon trans-form is applied to wavelet modulus,a crack is transformed into a peak in radon domain.The pattern of peak can be used training neural network to classify the type of crack and the parameters of the peak quantify severity and extent of crack.Under some cir-cumstances,the intensity of background maybe closes to the dis-tress,and sometimes there can be some tiny,thin crack.To solve this problem a new approach is proposed.Image enhancement methods and the MHVD method and then radon transform are implemented.This approach makes it much easier to search forFig.14.Restored images from selective sub-images:(a)the original image,(b)(HD)sub-image,(c)(VDS)sub-image,and(d)(HVD)sub-image.15.2-D inverse DWT reconstruction images:(a)alligator pavement distress,(b)wavelet modules(MHVD),(c)pavement background distress segment,and(d)binary form of pavement distress.7096 F.Moghadas Nejad,H.Zakeri/Expert Systems with Applications38(2011)7088–7101。
Analyses of FDI determinantsin developing countriesRecep KokEconomics Department,Dokuz Eylul University,Izmir,Turkey,andBernur Acikgoz ErsoySchool of Applied Science,Celal Bayar University,Manisa,TurkeyAbstractPurpose –The purpose of this paper is to investigate the best determinants of foreign direct investment (FDI)in developing countries.Design/methodology/approach –This paper investigates whether FDI determinants affect FDI based on both a panel of data (FMOLS-fully modified OLS)and cross-section SUR (seemingly unrelated regression)for 24developing countries,over the period 1983-2005for FMOLS and 1976-2005for cross-section SUR.Findings –The interaction of FDI with some FDI determinants have a strong positive effect on economic progress in developing countries,while the interaction of FDI with the total debt service/GDP and inflation have a negative impact.The most important determinant of FDI is the communication variable.Research limitations/implications –The limitations of the study are based on the development of data set which could be found uninterrupted for 30years in 24developing countries.Originality/value –The main objective of this study is to define the main FDI determinants that show the capital flows to developing countries in a globalization framework.The secondary objective of this study is to assign countries’convergence by using the same FDI determinants.FDI flow is one of the main dynamics of globalization phenomenon thus FDI flow determinations will contribute to countries’process of political development.Keywords Convergence,International investments,Developing countries,Globalization Paper type Research paper1.IntroductionTrade has traditionally been the principal mechanism linking national economies in order to create an international economy.FDI is a similar mechanism linking national economies;therefore,these two mechanisms reinforce each other.The trade effects of FDI depend on whether it is undertaken to gain access to natural resources,to consumer markets or whether the FDI is aimed at exploiting locational comparative advantage or other strategic assets such as research and development capabilities.Most developing countries lack technology capability and FDI to facilitate technology transfer and reduce the technology gap (TGAP)between developing countries and developed countries.In fact,it is suggested that spillovers or the external effects from FDI are the most significant channels for the dissemination of modern technology (Blomstrom,1989).FDI has innumerable other effects on the host country’s economy.It influences the income,production,prices,employment,economic growth,development and generalThe current issue and full text archive of this journal is available at /0306-8293.htmJEL classification –F21,F47Analyses of FDI determinants105International Journal of SocialEconomicsVol.36Nos 1/2,2009pp.105-123q Emerald Group Publishing Limited0306-8293DOI 10.1108/03068290910921226welfare of the recipient country.It is also probably one of the most significant factors leading to the globalization of the international economy.Thus,the enormous increase in FDI flows across countries is one of the clearest signs of the globalization of the world economy over the past 20years (UNCTAD,2006).Therefore,we can conclude that FDI is a key ingredient for successful economic growth in developing countries,because the very essence of economic development is the rapid and efficient transfer and adoption of “best practice”across borders.On the other hand,in general,foreign investors are influenced by three broad groups of factors:(1)The profitability of the projects.(2)The ease with which subsidiaries’operations can be integrated into investors’global strategies.(3)The overall quality of the host country’s enabling environment (Christiansenand Ogutcu,2002).A large number of studies have been conducted to identify the determinants of FDI but no consensus has emerged,in the sense that there is no widely accepted set of explanatory variables that can be regarded as the “true”determinants of FDI.The results produced by studies of FDI are typically sensitive to these factors,indicating a lack of robustness.For example,factors such as labor costs,trade barriers,trade balance,exchange rate,R&D and tax have been found to have both negative and positive effects on FDI.Chakrabarti (2001)concludes that “the relation between FDI and many of the controversial variables (namely,tax,wages,openness,exchange rate,tariffs,growth and trade balance)are highly sensitive to small alterations in the conditioning information set”.The important question is “Why do companies invest abroad?”Dunning (1993)developed his theory by synthesizing the previously published theories,because existing explanations could not fully justify the existence of FDI.According to Dunning,international production is the result of a process affected by ownership,internalization and localization advantages.Dunning’s so-called OLI paradigm states that FDI is undertaken if ownership-specific advantages (“O”)like proprietary technology exist together with location-specific advantages (“L”)in host countries,e.g.low factor costs,and potential benefits from internalization (“I”)of the production process abroad (Frenkel et al.,2004).The latter is the most important:the factors based on which an investor selects a location for a project.These include the factors affecting the availability of local inputs such as natural resources,the size of the market,geographical location,the position of the economy,the cultural and political environment,factor prices,transport costs and certain elements of the economic policy of the government (trade policy,industrial policy,budget policy,tax policy,etc.).The main objective of this study is to define the main FDI determinants that show the capital flows to developing countries in a globalization framework.The secondary objective of this study is to assign countries’convergence by using the same FDI determinants.FDI flow is one of the main dynamics of globalization phenomenon thus FDI flow determinations will contribute to countries’process of political development.IJSE 36,1/21062.The determinants of FDI:theory and evidenceFDI has been regarded in the last decades as an effective channel to transfer technology and foster growth in developing countries.This point of view vividly contrasts with the common belief that was accepted in some academic and political spheres in the1950s and1960s,according to which FDI was harmful for the economic performance of less developed countries.The theoretical discussion that permeated part of the development economics of the second half of the twentieth century has been approached from a new angle on the light of the New Growth Theory.Thus,the models built in this novel framework provide an interesting background in order to study the correlation between FDI and the growth rate of GDP(Calvo and Robles,2003).In the neoclassical growth model technological progress and labor growth are exogenous,inward FDI merely increases the investment rate,leading to a transitional increase in per capita income growth but has no long-run growth effect(Hsiao and Hsiao,2006).The new growth theory in the1980s endogenizes technological progress and FDI has been considered to have permanent growth effect in the host country through technology transfer and spillover.There is ongoing discussion on the impact of FDI on a host country economy,as can be seen from recent surveys of the literature (De Mello,1997,1999;Fan,2002;Lim,2001).According to the neoclassical growth theory model,FDI does not affect the long-term growth rate.This is understandable if we consider the assumptions of the model,namely:constant economies of scale,decreasing marginal products of inputs, positive substitution elasticity of inputs and perfect competition(Sass,2003).Within the framework of the neo-classical models(Solow,1956),the impact of FDI on the growth rate of output was constrained by the existence of diminishing returns in the physical capital.Therefore,FDI could only exert a level effect on the output per capita, but not a rate effect.In other words,it was unable to alter the growth rate of output in the long run(Calvo and Robles,2003).As a consequence,of endogenous growth theory,FDI has a newly-perceived potential role in the growth process(Bende-Nabende and Ford,1998).In the context of the New Theory of Economic Growth,however,FDI may affect not only the level of output per capita but also its rate of growth.This literature has developed various hypotheses that explain why FDI may potentially enhance the growth rate of per capita income in the host country(Calvo and Robles,2003).However,the endogenous growth theory,which dispenses with the assumption of perfect competition,leaves more scope for the impact of FDI on growth.In this theoretical framework,investment, including FDI,affects the rate of growth through research and development(R&D)or through its impact on human capital.Even if the return on investment is declining,FDI may influence growth through externalities.These may include the knowledge “leaking”into the local economy through the subsidiary(organization forms, improvement of human capital,improvement offixed assets),as well as effects through the various contacts of the subsidiary with local companies(joint ventures, technical-technological links,technology transfer,orders,sale of intermediate products,market access,improvedfinancing conditions,more intense competition generated by the presence of the subsidiaries,etc.).These factors increase the productivity of the subsidiary and of the connecting companies in the host economy. Technology transfer and the local ripple effects prevent the decline of the marginal productivity of capital,thus facilitating longer term higher growth rates induced by Analyses of FDI determinants107endogenous factors.Thus,the existence of such externalities is one of the preconditions of the positive effect of FDI on the host economy (Sass,2003).The various theoretical schools attribute different impacts to FDI on economic growth.On the other hand the literature examines a large number of variables that have been put forward to explain FDI.Some of these variables are encompassed in formal hypotheses or theories of FDI,whereas others are suggested because they make sense intuitively.Most of the studies reporting a significantly negative coefficient on the labor cost (wage rate)combine the theory with the growth rate,inflation and trade deficit.Those reporting a positive coefficient combine wages with taxes and openness.The growth rate has been found to have a significantly positive effect on FDI if it is combined with inflation,trade deficit and wages.Findlay (1978)postulated that FDI would promote economic growth through its effect on technological progress.Empirical studies such as those by Blomstrom et al.(1992)and Borensztein et al.(1998)found that FDI is positively correlated with economic growth.Empirical studies relating economic growth to capital formation have concluded that gross domestic investment (GDI)exerts a major influence on economic growth.For instance,Levine and Renelt (1992)and De Long and Summers (1991)concluded that the rate of capital formation determines the rate of economic growth.On the other hand,Graham (1995)surveys the theoretical and empirical literature on the determinants of FDI and the economic consequences of FDI for both host (recipient)and home (investor)countries.The paper concludes that FDI can have both positive and negative economic effects on host countries.Positive effects come about largely through the transfer of technology and other intangible assets,leading to productivity increases and improvements in the efficiency of resource allocation.Negative effects can arise from the market power of large foreign firms (multinational corporations)and their associated ability to generate very high profits or from domestic political interference by multinational corporations.However,empirical research suggests that the evidence of negative effects from FDI is inconclusive,while the evidence of positive effects is overwhelming.According to Sanjaya and Streeten (1977),FDI had a net positive effect on national economic welfare.The main determining factor of the remaining negative social income effects was the extent of effective protection granted firms.According to Sun (1998),FDI has significantly promoted economic growth in China by contributing to domestic capital formation,increasing exports,and creating new employment.In addition,FDI flows to China have tended to improve the productive efficiency of resource allocation of the Chinese domestic sectors by transferring technology,promoting exports,and facilitating inter-regional and intersectional flows of labor and capital.However,FDI flows to China have had also some negative side effects by:.Worsening of environmental pollution..Exacerbating inter-regional economic disparities as a result of the uneven distribution of FDI..Transfer pricing..Encouraging round tripping of the capital of Chinese domestic firms recent literature has also raised concerns about the harmful effects of flows of capital on the recipient countries.IJSE 36,1/2108Particularly,FDI displaces domestic savings(Papanek,1973;Cohen,1993;Reinhart and Talvi,1998).In a seminal paper,Papanek(1973)showed the significant negative impacts of different types of capital on national savings.Based on a sample of85 developing countries,Papanek found that foreign capital displaced domestic savings. Specifically,he showed that foreign aid,private investment and other capital crowded out national savings,and a reduction in domestic savings could lead to further increase on the dependency on foreign capital(Baharumshah and Thanoon,2006).Another determinant,tariffs,has a positive effect on FDI if they are combined with the growth rate and openness,but they produce a negative effect when combined with wages.The real exchange rate produces a positive effect when it is combined with openness,domestic investment and government consumption.When domestic investment is excluded,the effect becomes negative.This supports the argument that an efficient environment that comes with more openness to trade is likely to attract foreignfirms.This conclusion is also supported by Asiedu(2002)and Edwards(1990).In this model,investment tax and wages have a negative impact on FDI,while infrastructure and market size have a significantly positive impact on FDI.Generally,only in the case of export oriented FDI,cheap labor in terms of lower wages works as an incentive(Wheeler and Mody,1992).On the other hand Tomiura’(2003)study confirms that the positive association between FDI and R&D is robust even iffirms undertaking no FDI and/or no R&D are included.In this respect,Morck and Yeung(1991)hypothesize and provide evidence that FDI creates wealth when an expandingfirm possesses intangible assets,such as superior production and management skills,marketing expertise,patents and consumer goodwill.FDI determination effects in most of the studies can be seen from Table I.The UNCTAD’s classification of FDI determinants can be seen from Table II. 3.Data definitionThe indicators tested in this study are selected on the basis of FDI theories and previous empirical literature.The indicators tested in the panel study and cross-section SUR,are the FDI determinants for which the data have been found for developing countries for at least30years.Data sets related to a number of developing countries are sometimes discontinuous for some variables(i.e.not available for all30years).For that reason while defining the main determinants of FDI in this study,24developing countries for which uninterrupted data sets for30years at some variables could be used Developing countries list is reported in the Appendix.Hence,the forecasts related to main determinants of FDI in this study were obtained under these constraints.At the same time,some variables referred as FDI determinants by UNCTAC and used in literature were used in the same sampling.These are:3.1Gross foreign direct investment(GFDI)The gross inflows of investment to acquire a lasting management interest(10percent or more of voting stock).A business enterprise operating in a country other than that of the investor.Data source:World Development Indicators(2007).Analyses of FDI determinants109E f f e c t s o nF D I D e t e r m i n a n t s o f F D IN o n -e f f e c t N e g a t i v e e f f e c t P o s i t i v e e f f e c tO p e n n e s sS c h m i t z a n d B i e r i (1972),W h e e l e r a n d M o d y (1992)K r a v i s a n d L i p s e y (1982),C u l e m (1988),E d w a r d s (1990),P i s t o r e s i (2000),D e M e l l o (1999)G r o w t h r a t e sT s a i (1994)L u n n (1980),S c h n e i d e r a n d F r e y (1985),D e L o n g a n d S u m m e r s (1991),L e v i n e a n d R e n e l t (1992),C u l e m (1988),B l o m s t r o m e t a l.(1992),B o r e n s z t e i n e t a l.(1998),B i l l i n g t o n (1999),L i m (2001),D u r h a m (2002),C h a k r a b o r t y a n d B a s u (2002)E x c h a n g e r a t e sB l o n i g e n (1997),T u m a n a n d E m m e r t (1999)C a v e s (1989),F r o o t a n d S t e i n (1991),B l o n i g e n a n d F e e n s t r a (1996),E d w a r d s (1990)T a x f a c t o r s (n a t i o n a l a n d l o c a l t a x r a t e s ;t a x d e p r e c i a t i o n a n d t a x c r e d i t s a t t h e n a t i o n a l a n d a t t h e l o c a l l e v e l s ;t a x h o l i d a y s ,d i v i d e n d p o l i c y )a n d n o n -t a x g o v e r n m e n t i n c e n t i v e s W h e e l e r a n d M o d y (1992),J a c k s o n a n d M a r k o w s k i (1995),Y u l i n a n d R e e d (1995)H a r t m a n (1984),G r u b e r t a n d M u t t i (1991),H i n e s a n d R i c e (1994),L o r e e a n d G u i s i n g e r (1995),C a s s o u (1997),D e v e r e u x a n d G r i f fit h (1998),B i l l i n g t o n (1999),D e s a i e t a l.(2002)S w e n s o n (1994)B u d g e t d e fic i t sS c h n e i d e r a n d F r e y (1985),T o r r i s i (1985),L u c a s (1993),H e i n (1992),D o l l a r (1992),P i s t o r e s i (2000)C u l e m (1988),T s a i (1994),S h a m s u d d i n (1994)L a b o r c o s t sO w e n (1982),G u p t a (1983),L u c a s (1990),S a d e r (1993),T s a i (1994)G o l d s b r o u g h (1979),F l a m m (1984),C u l e m (1988),S c h n e i d e r a n d F r e y (1985),S h a m s u d d i n (1994),P i s t o r e s i (2000)C a v e s (1974),S w e d e n b o r g (1979),W h e e l e r a n d M o d y (1992)T r a d e b a r r i e r sB l o n i g e n a n d F e e n s t r a (1996)C u l e m (1988)S c h m i t z a n d B i e r i (1972),L u n n (1980)G r o s s d o m e s t i c i n v e s t m e n t ,g r o s s c a p i t a l f o r m a t i o n a n d i n f r a s t r u c t u r e s S u n (1998)T e c h n o l o g y g a pB l o m s t r o m (1989)(c o n t i n u e d )Table I.The effects of FDI determinationIJSE 36,1/2110E f f e c t s o nF D I D e t e r m i n a n t s o f F D I N o n -e f f e c tN e g a t i v e e f f e c t P o s i t i v e e f f e c tE c o n o m i cF r e e d o mD e H a a n a n d S t u r m (2000),B e n g o a a n d S a n c h e z -R o b l e s (2003)M a r k e t s i z e sB a n d e r a a n d W h i t e (1968),S w e d e n b o r g (1979),R o t t a n d A h m e d (1979),L u n n (1980),K r a v i s a n d L i p s e y (1982),N i g h (1985),C u l e m (1988),P e a r c e (1990),W h e e l e r a n d M o d y (1992),D u n n i n g (1993),T s a i (1994),L o r e e a n d G u i s i n g e r (1995),S h a m s u d d i n (1994),D e e s (1998),B i l l i n g t o n (1999),P i s t o r e s i (2000),S h a t z a n d V e n a b l e s (2000),F u n g e t a l.(2000)R &D (r e s e a r c h a n d d e v e l o p m e n t )U e n g a n d O j a h (1997),T o m i u r a (2003),C a v e s (1996)C o r r u p t i o nD r a b e k a n d P a y n e (1999),K a u f m a n n a n d W e i (1999),W e i (1999),S m a r z y n s k a a n d W e i (2000)H u m a n c a p i t a lF o s f u r i e t a l.(2001),G l a s s a n d S a g g i (2002)S o u r c e :T h e t a b l e w a s d e v e l o p e d b y t a k i n g i t s o n e p a r t f r o m A .C h a k r a b a r t i (1998)s t u d yTable I.Analyses of FDI determinants1113.2Electric power consumption (kwh per capita)(LOGELEC)Electric power consumption measures the production of power plants and combined heat and power plants,less distribution losses,and own use by heat and power plants.Electric is particularly important for efficiency-seeking FDI.Data Source:World Development Indicators (2007).3.3Total external debt,total (DOD,current US$)(LOGEXDEBT)Total external debt is debt owed to nonresidents repayable in foreign currency,goods,or services.Data are in current US dollars.Data Source:World Development Indicators (2007).3.4Technology gap (TGAP)TGAP is the difference of technology level between two countries.The TGAP is measured by the following formula (Blomstrom (1989):GAP i ;t ¼ðy max t 2y i ;t Þ=y i ;t ;ð1Þwhere the GDP per capita of the Argentina is used as y max i .3.5Total debt service (per cent of GDP)(TDSGDP)Total debt service is the sum of principal repayments and interest actually paid in foreign currency,goods,or services on long-term debt,interest paid on short-term debt,and repayments (repurchases and charges)to the IMF.Data Source:World Development Indicators (2007).3.6Inflation,GDP deflator (annual percent)(INFLATION)Inflation as measured by the annual growth rate of the GDP implicit deflator shows the rate of price change in the economy as a whole.The GDP implicit deflator is the ratio of GDP in current local currency to GDP in constant local currency.Data Source:World Development Indicators (2007).3.7Domestic gross fixed capital formation (as a percentage of GDP)(GFCF)Indicates capital stock in the host country and the availability of infrastructure.Data Source:World Development Indicators (2007).Determining variables ExamplesPolicy variablesTax policy,trade policy,privatization policy,macroeconomic policy Business variablesInvestment incentivesMarket-related economic determinants Market size,market growth,market structure Resource-related economic determinants Raw materials,labor costs,labor productivity Efficiency-related economic determinants Transport and communication costs,labor productivitySource:UNCTAD (2006)Table II.The UNCTAD’s classification of FDI determinantsIJSE 36,1/21123.8Telephone mainlines(per1,000people)(TELEPHONE)Telephone mainlines are telephone lines connecting a customer’s equipment to the public switched telephone network.Data are presented per1,000people for the entire country.Data Source:World Development Indicators(2007).3.9Market size–GDP per capita growth(annual per cent)(GDPpcgro)Annual percentage growth rate of GDP per capita based on constant local currency. GDP per capita is gross domestic product divided by midyear population.Data Source: World Development Indicators(2007).3.10Trade(per cent of GDP)(TRADE)Trade is the sum of exports and imports of goods and services measured as a share of gross domestic product.Data Source:World Development Indicators(2007).3.11Gross capital formation(annual per cent growth)(GCF)Annual growth rate of gross capital formation based on constant local currency. Aggregates are based on constant2000US dollars.Data Source:World Development Indicators(2007).4.MethodologyPanel data techniques has been used to estimate the FDI equations because of their advantages over cross-section and time series in using all the information available, which are not detectable in pure cross-sections or in pure time series[1].In this study,the pool data(cross-section time series)has been created for24 countries over1975-2005periods.T denotes the number of periods and N denotes the number of observations for each period.For making the evidence more reliable,five basic models were set up for analyses.After reliable estimators were derived from SUR and fully modified OLS(FMOLS)models,b convergence model was defined;countries that capture less FDI are converging to countries capturing more FDI.5.Empirical results5.1The FDI equationPanel data modeling applications have only been increasing over the past few years and there is no doubt that the range is going to expand further(Krishnakumar and Ronchetti,2000).Panel data refers to the pooling of observations on a cross-section of countries,households,firms,etc.over a number of time periods.We use panel data techniques,for example,to control for individual heterogeneity or to study the dynamics of adjustment.Panel data allows for more informative results,more variability,more degrees of freedom and more efficiency(De Kock,2007,p.1).With repeated observations of enough cross-sections,panel analysis permits the researcher to study the dynamics of change with short time series.The combination of time series with cross-sections can enhance the quality and quantity of data in ways that would be impossible using only one of these two dimensions(Gujarati,1992, p.638).Panel analysis can provide a rich and powerful study of a set of people,if one is willing to consider both the space and time dimension of the data.Analyses of FDI determinants1135.2Unit root testsBefore proceeding to estimate with panel data,we carry out unit root tests to examine whether the variables are stationary.These tests are the most widely used methods for panel data unit root tests in the literature.We performed:.Levin,Lin and Chu t ,Levin,Lin and Chu (2002)..Im,Pesaran and Shin W-stat ,Im,Pesaran and Shin (2003)..ADF –Fisher x 2,PP –Fisher x 2,Maddala and Wu (1999)and Choi (2001)..Hadri Z-stat ,Hadri (2000).Unit root tests for stationarity are performed on both levels and first differences for all the six variables in the model indicated in the preceding section.5.3The estimation resultsThe results of panel estimating in its most general form are presented in Tables III and IV.Pooled EGLS SUR standard error results are reported in Table V.b Convergence fixed effects results are reported in Table VI.Unit root test are reported in Tables VII and VIII.6.ConclusionCompetition among governments to attract FDI has grown significantly.Many countries have not only reduced or eliminated such restrictions,but also moved toward encouraging FDI with tax and other incentives.Appropriate domestic policies will help attract FDI and maximize its benefit,while at the same time removing obstacles to local businesses.Foreign enterprises,like domestic ones,pursue the good business environment rather than the special favors offered to induce the foreign enterprises to locate in the incentive offering regions,transparency and accountability of governments and corporations are fundamental conditions for providing a trustworthy and effective framework for the social,environmental,and economic life of their citizens.They bring huge domestic governance challenges not only for the benefit of foreign investors,but also for domestic business and society at large as well.When evaluating the two main model groups,namely the first model group including Models I,II,and III,and the second model group including Models IV and V,developed by us according to the literature related to FDI determinants,we see that their results are parallel.Thus,according to the forecasters of the second expanded model group it could be more reliable to forecast and develop policy suggestions.In Models IV and V,the interaction of FDI with some FDI determinants has a strong positive effect on development in developing countries,while that of FDI with the total debt service/GDP and inflation have a significant negative impact.On the other side,trade,telephone,gross capital formation,and GDP per capita growth have positive effect on FDI.However,the best FDI determinant is communication (telephone mainlines)and it has strong positive effect on FDI.In addition,we did b convergence to see the catch-up process using same equation.Thus,parameters of b convergence for the 24countries are in agreement with eachIJSE 36,1/2114。
1、Bilingual 双语Chinese English bilingual text 中英对照2、Data warehouse and Data Mining 数据仓库与数据挖掘3、classification 分类systematize classification 使分类系统化4、preprocess 预处理The theory and algorithms of automatic fingerprint identification system (AFIS) preprocess are systematically illustrated.摘要系统阐述了自动指纹识别系统预处理的理论、算法5、angle 角度6、organizations 组织central organizations 中央机关7、OLTP On-Line Transactional Processing 在线事物处理8、OLAP On-Line Analytical Processing 在线分析处理9、Incorporated 包含、包括、组成公司A corporation is an incorporated body 公司是一种组建的实体10、unique 唯一的、独特的unique technique 独特的手法11、Capabilities 功能Evaluate the capabilities of suppliers 评估供应商的能力12、features 特征13、complex 复杂的14、information consistency 信息整合15、incompatible 不兼容的16、inconsistent 不一致的Those two are temperamentally incompatible 他们两人脾气不对17、utility 利用marginal utility 边际效用18、Internal integration 内部整合19、summarizes 总结20、application-oritend 应用对象21、subject-oritend 面向主题的22、time-varient 随时间变化的23、tomb data 历史数据24、seldom 极少Advice is seldom welcome 忠言多逆耳25、previous 先前的the previous quarter 上一季26、implicit 含蓄implicit criticism 含蓄的批评27、data dredging 数据捕捞28、credit risk 信用风险29、Inventory forecasting 库存预测30、business intelligence(BI)商业智能31、cell 单元32、Data cure 数据立方体33、attribute 属性34、granular 粒状35、metadata 元数据36、independent 独立的37、prototype 原型38、overall 总体39、mature 成熟40、combination 组合41、feedback 反馈42、approach 态度43、scope 范围44、specific 特定的45、data mart 数据集市46、dependent 从属的47、motivate 刺激、激励Motivate and withstand higher working pressure个性积极,愿意承受压力.敢于克服困难48、extensive 广泛49、transaction 交易50、suit 诉讼suit pending 案件正在审理中51、isolate 孤立We decided to isolate the patients.我们决定隔离病人52、consolidation 合并So our Party really does need consolidation 所以,我们党确实存在一个整顿的问题53、throughput 吞吐量Design of a Web Site Throughput Analysis SystemWeb网站流量分析系统设计收藏指正54、Knowledge Discovery(KDD)55、non-trivial(有价值的)--Extraction interesting (non-trivial(有价值的), implicit(固有的), previously unknown and potentially useful) patterns or knowledge from huge amounts of data.56、archeology 考古57、alternative 替代58、Statistics 统计、统计学population statistics 人口统计59、feature 特点A facial feature 面貌特征60、concise 简洁a remarkable concise report 一份非常简洁扼要的报告61、issue 发行issue price 发行价格62、heterogeneous (异类的)--Constructed by integrating multiple, heterogeneous (异类的)data sources63、multiple 多种Multiple attachments多实习64、consistent(一贯)、encode(编码)ensure consistency in naming conventions,encoding structures, attribute measures, etc.确保一致性在命名约定,编码结构,属性措施,等等。
Intellectual capital reporting insustainability reportsLı´dia Oliveira and Lu ´cia Lima Rodrigues School of Economics and Management,University of Minho,Braga,Portugal,andRussell CraigCollege of Business and Economics,University of Canterbury,Christchurch,New ZealandAbstractPurpose –The purpose of this paper is to analyse voluntary disclosures of intellectual capital (IC)items in the sustainability reports of Portuguese companies.The paper aims to highlight the level,pattern and determinants of IC disclosures in those sustainability reports;and the potential for sustainability reports to be a medium for IC disclosures.Design/methodology/approach –An index of voluntary disclosure of intangibles is constructed and deployed to analyse IC disclosures in the sustainability reports for 2006of Portuguese firms,published on the web site of the Portugal’s Business Council for Sustainability Development.Four hypotheses are tested about associations between that disclosure index and firm-specific variables.Findings –Disclosure of information about IC is more likely in sustainability reports of firms that have a higher level of application of the Global Reporting Initiative framework,and are listed companies.Research limitations/implications –This study is cross-sectional.Subjective judgment is involved in constructing the disclosure index.Practical implications –The observed level and pattern of disclosure of IC information suggests that the preparation of a sustainability report is an opportune starting point for the development of IC reporting.Originality/value –The study highlights the determinants of IC disclosures in sustainability reports;the high incidence of such disclosures;and points to the enhancement of legitimacy and reputation as potential incentives for firms to engage in such practice.Keywords Disclosure,Financial reporting,Intellectual capital,Sustainable development,Portugal Paper type Research paper1.IntroductionThis study analyses the voluntary disclosure of intellectual capital (IC)items in the sustainability reports of Portuguese companies.The level,pattern and determinants of IC disclosures in those sustainability reports are highlighted,and attention is drawn to the potential for sustainability reports to be a medium for IC disclosures.A major premise is that firms disclose IC in sustainability reports to improve transparency,legitimise status and enhance reputation.Such a premise accords with contention by McPhail (2009,p.804)that knowledge-based firms have strong reasons to improve transparency by disclosing IC information to stakeholders.The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available at /1469-1930.htmThe authors are grateful to the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology for financial support (project PTDC/GES/64453/2006).Intellectual capital reporting575Journal of Intellectual CapitalVol.11No.4,2010pp.575-594q Emerald Group Publishing Limited1469-1930DOI 10.1108/14691931011085696Consistent with the definition provided by Meritum (2002),IC is conceived as the “value-creating”combination of a company’s human capital (skills,experience,competence and innovation ability of personnel),structural capital (organisational processes and systems,software and databases and business processes),and relational capital (all resources linked to the external relationships of the firm with stakeholders,such as,customers,creditors,investors,suppliers,etc.).The term “intellectual capital”is used synonymously with “intangibles”:both are non-physical sources of future economic benefits that may or may not appear in corporate financial reports (Meritum,2002).Most empirical studies of IC disclosures have focused on annual reports (Bozzolan et al.,2003;Guthrie et al.,2006;Oliveira et al.,2006).However,sustainability reports have become an increasingly important medium for company disclosure.Such a communication channel is particularly important in Portugal since intellectual capital reporting is not popular.Zambon (2003)and Cordazzo (2005)have drawn attention to the potential for an overlap between IC reporting and sustainability reporting.With this potential in mind,the objectives of this paper are to enquire whether sustainability reports are a mechanism for external disclosure of information on IC;and to ascertain the characteristics of firms that are more likely to provide IC information in sustainability reports.The analytical framework applied here conceives legitimacy theory and resource-based perspectives as subsidiary elements of a stakeholder meta-narrative in which firms disclose IC information to convey a wider understanding of their performance.They want to increase transparency to satisfy stakeholder expectations;and they seek to generate valuable reputation-related IC by developing and maintaining good relations with stakeholders (Branco and Rodrigues,2006b).Voluntary disclosure of IC items will help firms enhance their legitimacy and survive (Dowling and Pfeffer,1975;Woodward et al.,2001).An analysis of IC disclosures in sustainability reports for 2006,published by Portuguese firms on the web site of the Portugal’s Business Council for SustainableDevelopment (BCSD)(Conselho Empresarial para o Desenvolvimento Sustenta´vel),reveals a high incidence of disclosure of IC information.Portuguese firms appear to be more likely to disclose information about IC in their sustainability reports if they have a higher level of application level of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)framework,and are listed companies.Bivariate analysis also shows that firm size is correlated positively with the level of IC disclosures.Consistent with Pedrini (2007),the authors believe that sustainability reports offer a good and synergistic starting point for the development of IC reporting.The remainder of this paper is structured as follows.Section 2presents the theoretical framework,Section 3develops hypotheses,Section 4explains the research design,Section 5presents the results,and Section 6draws conclusions and engages in discussion.2.Theoretical frameworkFirms are prompted to increase transparency voluntarily to meet stakeholder expectations.They are motivated to adopt a stakeholder perspective self-interestedly –to benefit from associated reputational effects (a resource)(e.g.,Branco and Rodrigues,2006b).Those reasons seem likely also to influence decisions to issue sustainability reports and to use such reports to disclose IC items.Disclosures of IC information haveJIC 11,4576the potential to be a good benchmark indicator of afirm’s capacity to employ the type of resources,systems and technology perceived as conducive to environmentally sustainable operations.Thus,it is plausible to expect sustainability reports to appeal to firms as a medium for disclosure of IC items.A stakeholder is any group or individual who can affect,or be affected by,the achievement of afirm’s objectives(Freeman,1984).Stakeholders include shareholders, employees,customers,suppliers,lenders,government and communities;and groups representing environmentalists,the media,and consumer advocates(Clarkson,1995). The managerial branch of stakeholder theory posits that corporate disclosure is a mechanism for negotiating the relationship between afirm and its stakeholders(Gray et al.,1995)and as a“strategy for managing,or perhaps manipulating,the demands of particular groups”(Deegan and Blomquist,2006,p.349).Stakeholder management is panies have strong incentive to convince stakeholders that their activities are congruent with stakeholder expectations (Branco and Rodrigues,2008a,b).Thus,disclosure of information on IC to stakeholders is helpful in avoiding information asymmetries and litigation risks.In similar vein, Guthrie et al.(2004)have argued that legitimacy theory is tied closely to the reporting of IC;and thatfirms are more likely to report information on intangibles if they cannot legitimise their status via the“hard”assets that traditionally have symbolised corporate success.Companies with a resource-based perspective believe good relations with stakeholders will increasefinancial returns and help in the acquisition of a competitive advantage through the development of valuable intangible assets related to reputation(Branco and Rodrigues,2006b,2008b).They also consider stakeholders to be gatekeepers to needed resources,and catalysts for increases or decreases in the cost and speed of access to those resources(Svendsen et al.,2001).Thus,relationships between afirm and its stakeholders are critical sources of afirm’s wealth;and the ability to establish and maintain such relationships determines afirm’s long-term survival and success(Post et al.,2002).So,from a resource-based perspective,there is an inherently high risk to afirm from failing to establish and nurture stakeholder relationships.IC reporting will helpfirms to build a positive relationship with stakeholders and help them to acquire an important intangible element–a good reputation.Because corporate reputation is based on perceptions,any strategy implemented by management should be accompanied by disclosure(Deegan,2002).Although reputation is influenced by many other factors,it is created and managed through the disclosure process(Toms,2002).Indicative of this is Stansfield’s(2006) description of corporate practice at the AXA Group.At AXA specific initiatives are taken to shape,promote,measure and safeguard the company’s reputation and image in the global marketplace.These initiatives include a multi-faceted global communications and sustainable development policy that integrates corporate social responsibility and sustainable development into business strategy and practices. Additionally,AXA has created a Group Compliance and Ethics Guide to facilitate continuous commitment to transparent disclosure practices.This Guide defines several important group-wide policies and procedures–including those relating to trading in AXA Group securities and prohibiting insider trading.According to Stansfield(2006, p.478)“we[AXA]believe that maintaining our reputation for transparency in governance and disclosure has never been more important”.Intellectual capital reporting577Firms have conveyed their extended performance to stakeholders using different communication media.The role of the annual report in corporate reporting strategies appears to be changing.Other types of corporate reports are becoming important and popular (Striukova et al.,2008).Discrete reports,reporting on the internet,one-to-one meetings,presentations and conference calls to financial analysts and institutional investors have been used to disseminate voluntarydisclosures of corporate information,including intangibles information (Garcı´a-Meca et al.,2005;Guthrie et al.,2008).Consequently,although previous empirical studies on IC reporting have predominantly focused on IC disclosures within the annual report (see Striukova et al.,2008),other communication media have been analysed to overcome the incomplete view of IC disclosures given by the examination of annual reports solely.These other media have included prospectuses of initial public offerings (Bukh et al.,2005;Singh and Van der Zahn,2008),conference calls tofinancial analysts (Garcı´a-Meca et al.,2005),environmental and social reports (Cordazzo,2005)and web sites (Striukova et al.,2008;Gerpott et al.,2008;Guthrie et al.,2008).Studies by Gerpott et al.(2008)and Guthrie et al.(2008)have compared IC disclosures between different communication media.These two papers,each focusing on a single industry (respectively,telecommunications industry;and the Australian food and beverage industry),concluded that intangible items disclosure in annual reports tended to be better than on web sites.According to Gerpott et al.(2008),telecommunications network operators use annual reports and web sites in a complementary manner to disclose intangible information.In annual reports they found that the highest disclosure quality values were for the intangible categories “customer”,“supplier”,and “investor capital”,whereas in web site disclosures,they were for “investor”,“customer”,and “human capital.”Additionally,many forms of stakeholder-oriented corporate reporting have developed –including financial,triple bottom line,sustainability,social and environmental responsibility,and intellectual capital (see InCaS project in ).Guidelines for the disclosure of information on IC in such reports have been produced by the Nordic Industrial Fund (2001),Meritum (2002),the Danish Ministry of Science,Technology and Innovation (DMSTI)(2003)(see also European Commission,2006).Companies and stakeholders would benefit if efforts to guide voluntary disclosure of corporate information on intangibles were integrated,and a consistent blueprint for the voluntary disclosure of relevant and reliable information onIC was provided (Garcı´a-Ayuso,2003).Suggested guidelines regarding the content of an IC report by Meritum (2002),DMSTI (2003)and a sustainability report by GRI (2006),are similar.There is much common ground relating to purpose,elements to include,and classifications of intangibles resources and activities (Meritum,2002),knowledge resources (DMSTI,2003),sustainability dimensions (GRI,2006),target groups and expected benefits (see Table I).An IC report and a corporate responsibility report (such as a sustainability report)have compatible and amenable characteristics.This makes their integration or convergence feasible and sensible (e.g.,Pedrini,2007).To investigate this degree of integration,Pedrini (2007)analysed common elements between human capital accounting and the GRI Guidelines 2002,focusing on which indicators for employees (proposed in GRI Guidelines)were used frequently in 20international best practices forJIC 11,4578IC reports.The author found a large overlap of indicators around three issues:description of human capital,reporting on diversity and opportunity,and measurement of the quality and intensity of training.Cordazzo (2005)also conducted an empirical analysis of environmental and social reports in Italy,and analysed,in particular,whether some elements of an IC statement are present in environmental and social reports.She found a significant overlapping of data between these two sets of documents and a common relevant set of information between the environmental and social reports and the IC statement.Based on prior literature,analysis of guidelines,and on the increasing importance that sustainability reports have gained as medium of corporate communication,the sustainability report appears to be a potentially important vehicle for disclosure of IC information.Meritum (2002)DMSTI (2003)GRI (2006)Intellectual capital reportIntellectual capital statementSustainability report PurposeTo communicate to stakeholders the firm’s abilities,resources and commitments in relation to the fundamental determinant of firm value:intellectual capitalTo explain thecompany’s resource base and the activities that managementimplements to develop itTo provide a balanced and reasonable representation of the company’ssustainability performance,disclosing outcomes and results that occurred in the context of the organisation’scommitments,strategy,and management approachElements to include Vision of the firmSummary of intangible resources and activities System of indicators Knowledge narrativeManagement challenges InitiativesIndicatorsStrategy and profile Management approachPerformance indicators Main classification Intangibles resourcesand activities:Structural capital Relational capital Human capital Knowledge resources:Customers/users Employees Technology Processes Sustainability dimensions:Economic dimensionEnvironmental dimension Social dimension Target groupsBroad range of stakeholdersBoth internal and external usersBroad range of stakeholdersBoth internal and external usersBroad range of stakeholdersExpected benefitsBoth documentsrecognise a double role for the IC report:contribution to the value creation process;andmeasurement of IC valueEnable a robust assessment of an organisation’s performance.Supportcontinuous improvement in performance over time.Serve as a tool for engaging with stakeholders.Secure useful input toorganisational processesTable I.Comparison of guidelines for an intellectual capitalreport and asustainability reportIntellectual capital reporting5793.HypothesesWe posit that the extent of voluntary disclosure of IC in sustainability reports is explained by four variables:adherence to GRI guidelines,industry differences,firm size,and stock market listing.3.1Adherence to GRI guidelinesAdherence to GRI guidelines can be interpreted as a way for a firm to foster legitimacy.Legitimacy theory and resource-based perspectives suggest that firms would regard adherence to GRI guidelines as a way to manage their stakeholders,and gain their support and approval.Therefore,a positive association is expected between the extent of IC information disclosed in a sustainability report and adherence to GRI guidelines.This expectation is supported by argument that there is an overlap between IC reporting and sustainability reporting (Zambon,2003;Cordazzo,2005).This leads to the following hypothesis:H1.The higher the level of application of the GRI reporting framework,the morelikely there will be voluntary disclosures of information about IC in a firm’s sustainability report.3.2Industry differencesFirms are more likely to report IC information if they have a specific need to do so:for example,if they cannot legitimise their status via physical assets and need to highlight the extent of their holdings of intangibles (Guthrie et al.,2004).However,the current accounting treatment of intangibles is inadequate,especially in high technology industries with large investments in IC (Collins et al.,1997;Francis and Schipper,1999;Lev and Zarowin,1999;Lev,2001).The risk and uncertainty of the future economic benefits of intangible items is high,and many such items are unrecognised.Most accounting standards require expenditure on intangibles (particularly those internally generated)to be expensed,because this procedure is considered more reliable.International Accounting Standard 38,Intangible Assets (IASB,2004)is conservative and does not provide an adequate conceptual basis for accounting for intangibles.As a result,mandatory financial reporting tends to be less informative in industries with large investments in intangibles (such as R&D).In such industries,it is plausible that firms will address this lack of information and potential misrepresentation by providing further disclosures voluntarily (Tasker,1998):H2.Firms in industries with high levels of intangibles are likely to disclose moreinformation about IC in sustainability reports than firms in industries with low levels of intangibles.3.3Firm sizeMost studies of accounting disclosure have found a positive relationship between firm size and extent of discretionary disclosure (e.g.,Botosan,1997;Depoers,2000).Larger firms are said to disclose more information because they are more visible and more susceptible to scrutiny from stakeholder groups (Branco and Rodrigues,2008b);and because they are more likely to have stronger financial,organisational and human resources to support voluntary disclosures.Drawing from studies of IC by Bukh et al.JIC 11,4580(2005),Garcı´a-Meca et al.(2005)and Oliveira et al.(2006),the authors hypothesise that the extent of afirm’s voluntary disclosure of IC is related positively tofirm size: H3.The larger afirm,the more likely there will be voluntary disclosure of information about IC in thatfirm’s sustainability report.3.4.Stock market listingGenerally,a listedfirm will disclose more information than a non-listedfirm because of the disclosure requirements of stock exchanges.Listing rules of stock exchanges are devised to help reduce litigation risk and to elicit transparency,equity and timeliness. Generally,in comparison with non-listed companies,listed companies are more visible, subject to greater public scrutiny,and attract more media coverage(Branco and Rodrigues,2006a;Archel,2003).A significant association between listing status and extent of disclosure has been found by Cooke(1992),Hossain et al.(1995),Wallace et al. (1994),Giner(1997),Garcı´a-Meca(2005),and Cerbioni and Parbonetti(2007).H4.Listedfirms are likely to disclose more information about IC in sustainability reports than non-listedfirms.4.Research design4.1SampleThe sample comprises the sustainability reports published byfirms for the calendar year2006on BCSD Portugal’s web site(as available on30November,2009).BCSD Portugal is a non-profit association affiliated with the World Business Council for Sustainable Development(WBCSD)that was created by three Portuguesefirms(Sonae, Cimpor,and Soporcel)to promote corporate communication.The number offirms that published a sustainability report on the BCSD Portugal web site increased fromfive for the calendar year2002,to55for the calendar year2006.After excluding all sustainability reports from international non-Portuguese groups and one“outlier”Portuguese company,the sample comprised42sustainability reports.Table II presents the profile of the industries represented in the sample.4.2VariablesTo explore the extent to which information on IC is disclosed voluntarily in sustainability reports,the dependent variable chosen was an IC disclosure index(ICI). This index was constructed using content analysis.Disclosure indexes(such as ICI) calculate“the number of information-related items that a given report contains based on a predefined list of the possible items”(Bukh et al.,2005,p.719).The success of a disclosure index depends on critical and cautious selection of items(Marston and Shrives,1991;Bukh et al.,2005).Mindful of this,the selection of items comprising the ICI was influenced by example lists provided by Bukh et al.(2005),Garcı´a-Meca et al. (2005)and Singh and Van der Zahn(2008)(78items,71items,and81items respectively).An interrogation protocol was used to pilot testfive randomly chosen sustainability reports with a view to modifying the lists to better reflect the diverse nature of disclosed items.Manual coding was preferred because software-assisted searches for words,sentences or portions of pages are insufficiently robust to capture the nature of the IC information disclosed(Beattie and Thomson,2007).Intellectual capital reporting581The final list included 88IC items that firms could report in sustainability reports(Table III).Drawing on the methods of Bukh et al.(2005)and Garcı´a-Meca et al.(2005),these items were classified into six categories:Strategy (ST)(n ¼21),Processes (P)(n ¼11),Technology (T)(n ¼5),Innovation,Research and Development (IRD)(n ¼8),Customers (C)(n ¼14)and Human Capital (HC)(n ¼29).Such classification included the most common components of IC:structural capital,relational capital and human capital (Stewart,1997;Sveiby,1997;Meritum,2002).The total disclosure score was computed as the unweighted sum of the scores of each item (Cooke,1989b;Raffournier,1995;Giner,1997;Chavent et al.,2006).All items were considered relevant to all firms.The total ICI score for a firm was calculated as:ICI ¼Xm i ¼1d imwhere d i ¼0or 1,as follows:d i ¼0if the disclosure item is not found;d i ¼1if the disclosure item was found;andm¼the maximum number of items a firm can disclose in the sustainabilityreport (i.e.88items).SectorNumber of firmsBanks 3Beverages1Construction and building materials 6Containers and packaging 1Customer services/retail 1Electricity2Food producers and processors 1Forestry and paper 2General retailers1Government,authorities and agencies 1Industrial machinery 1Industrial transportation3Information technology hardware 1Leisure,entertainment and hotels 2Oil and gas 3Real estate1Support services3Telecommunication services 4Transport1Travel and leisure 1Water 3Total42Table II.Industry membership of sample firmsJIC 11,4582Selected items No.offirms% Strategy–21itemsNew products/services and technology2867 Investments in new business921 Strategic alliances or agreements3993 Acquisitions and mergers1126 Leadership1843 Network of suppliers and distributors2560 Supplier evaluation policy3379 Image and brand3379 Corporate culture3686 Best practices2662 Organisational structure3071 Environmental investments3276 Community involvement4095 Corporate social responsibility and objective4198 Shareholders’structure2252 Price policy1433 Business vision,objectives and consistency of strategy3993 Quality of products/services2969 Marketing activities1638 Stakeholder relationships/engagement3788 Risk management3276 Processes–11itemsEfforts related to the working environment2355 Internal sharing of knowledge and information/internal communication3071 External sharing of knowledge and information/external communication2764 Measure of internal or external failures1843 Environmental approvals and statements/policies4095 Utilisation of energy,raw materials and other input goods4198 Efficiency3174 Business model1536 Installed capacity1433 Litigations/law suits/sanctions512 Quality approvals and statements/policies3686 Innovation,research and development–eight itemsPolicy,strategy and/or objectives of I&R&D activities3583 I&R&D expenses819 I&R&D in basic research717 I&R&D in product design/development1229 Futures projects or projects in course regarding I&R&D1024 Details offirm patents25 Patents,licences,papers,etc.1433 Patents pending00 Technology–five itemsInvestments in information technology–description,reason and/or expenses1331 Information technology systems and facilities3993Software assets614 Web transactions37 Number of visits to the web819(continued)Table III. Frequency of intellectual capital items disclosed byfirmsIntellectual capital reporting583An increase in IC categories potentially decreases inter-coder reliability (Beattie and Thomson,2007).To check for reliability,two researchers used the specified coding system on five sustainability reports in the sample (more than 10per cent of sample).The two codings were compared for inter-coder reliability using correlation coefficients.Selected itemsNo.of firms%Customers –14items Number of customers1945Sales breakdown by customer512Annual sales per segment or product 1638Average customer size 12Customer relationships2969Customer satisfaction/survey 2764Education/training of customers 37Customers by employee12Value added per customer or segment25Market share,breakdown by country/segment/product 37Relative market share to competitors1638Repurchase/customer seniority and loyalty 410New customers614Production by customer or customer by product410Human capital –29items Staff breakdown by age3788Staff breakdown by seniority 1945Staff breakdown by gender3788Staff breakdown by job function/business area 2355Staff breakdown by level of education1843Staff breakdown by geographic area/by country 1740Staff breakdown by type of contract 1945Rate of staff turnover2048Changes in number of employees 3481Staff health and safety 3890Absence2457Staff interview/employee survey 2252Policy on competence development3583Description of competence development program and activities 1945Education and training policy 3993Education and training expenses1229Education and training expenses/number of employees or.../sales turnover 37Employee expenses/number of employees 410Recruitment policies1740Job rotation opportunities 1126Career opportunities1229Remuneration and evaluation systems 3071Incentive systems and fringe benefits 3174Pensions1536Insurance policies1843Income or assets by employee12Value added/employee or production/employee 410Employee quality and experience 921Management quality and experience614Table III.JIC 11,4584。
Christopher D.CeraIlya Braude Geometric and Intelligent Computing Laboratory,Department of Computer Science,Drexel University,Philadelphia,PA19104Taeseong KimMobile Multimedia Laboratory, LG Electronics Institute of Technology,Seoul,137-724,KoreaJungHyun Han Department of Computer Science andEngineering,Korea University,Seoul,136-701,KoreaWilliam C.Regli Geometric and Intelligent Computing Laboratory,Department of Computer Science,Drexel University,Philadelphia,PA19104Hierarchical Role-Based Viewing for Multilevel Information Security in Collaborative CAD Information security and assurance are new frontiers for collaborative design.In this context,information assurance(IA)refers to methodologies to protect engineering infor-mation by ensuring its availability,confidentiality,integrity,nonrepudiation,authentica-tion,access control,etc.In collaborative design,IA techniques are needed to protect intellectual property,establish security privileges and create“need to know”protections on critical features.This paper provides a framework for information assurance within collaborative design based on a technique we call Role-Based Viewing.We extend upon prior work to present Hierarchical Role-Based Viewing as a moreflexible and practical approach since role hierarchies naturally reflect an organization’s lines of authority and responsibility.We establish a direct correspondence between multilevel security and mul-tiresolution surfaces where a hierarchy is represented as a weighted directed acyclic graph.The permission discovery process is formalized as a graph reachability problem and the path-cost can be used as input to a multiresolution function.By incorporating security with collaborative design,the costs and risks incurred by multiorganizational collaboration can be reduced.The authors believe that this work is thefirst of its kind to unite multilevel security and information clouded with geometric data,including multi-resolution surfaces,in thefields of computer-aided design and collaborative engineering.͓DOI:10.1115/1.2161226͔1IntroductionInformation assurance͑IA͒refers to methodologies to protect and defend information and information systems by ensuring their availability,integrity,authentication,confidentiality,and nonrepu-diation.In collaborative design,IA is mission-critical.Suppose a team of designers is working collaboratively on a3D assembly model.Each designer has a different set of security privileges and no one in the team has the“need to know”the details of the entire design.In collaboration,designers must interface with others’components/assemblies,but do so in a way that provides each designer with only the level of information he or she is permitted to have about each of the components.For example,one may need to know the exact shape of some portion of the part͑includ-ing mating features͒being created by another designer,but not the specifics of any other aspects of the part.Such a need can also be found when manufacturers outsource designing a subsystem: manufacturers may want to hide some critical information of the entire system from suppliers.The authors believe that a geometric approach to IA represents a new problem that needs to be addressed in the development of collaborative CAD systems.The approach we develop has many uses visible across several significant scenarios we envision for applying this work:Protection of sensitive design information:As noted above, designers may have“need to know”rights based on legal,intel-lectual property,or national security requirements. Collaborative supply chains:Engineering enterprises out-source a considerable amount of design and manufacturing activ-ity.In many situations,the organization needs to provide vital design data to one partner while protecting the intellectual prop-erty of another partner.Multidisciplinary design:For designers of different disci-plines working on common design models,designers suffer from cognitive distraction when they must interact with unnecessary design details that they do not understand and cannot change.For example,an aircraft wheel well͓1͔is a complex and confusing place in which electronics,mechanical,and hydraulics engineers all must interact in close quarters with vast amounts of detailed design data.These interactions could be made more efficient if the design space could be simplified to show each engineer only the details they need to see.This paper develops a new technique for Role-Based Viewing ͓2͔in a collaborative3D assembly design environment,where multiple users work simultaneously over the network,and pre-sents a combination of multiresolution geometry and multilevel information security models.Among various issues in IA,access-control is critical for the purpose.We demonstrate the specifica-tion of access privileges to geometric partitions in3D assembly models defined based on the Bell-La Padula model.Aside from digital3D watermarking,research on how to provide IA to dis-tributed engineering teams,working in collaborative graphical en-vironments,remains a novel and relatively unexplored area.We achieve these functional capabilities within a system designed for secure,real-time collaborative viewing of3D models by multiple users working synchronously over the internet on standard graph-ics workstations.The contributions of this work,developed in͓2͔, include:Providing a geometric approach to Information Assurance:Our work augments currently practiced access-control techniques in collaborative CAD and PDM systems.Although most of these systems offer access-control facilities,they are often limited to prohibiting access to models and documents and not partitions of geometry.Developing alternatives to the problem of“all-or-nothing”per-Contributed by the Engineering Simulation and Visualization of ASME for pub-lication in the J OURNAL OF C OMPUTING AND I NFORMATION S CIENCE IN E NGINEERING.Manuscript received January26,2004;final manuscript received March24,2005.Assoc.Editor:N.Patrikalakis.2/Vol.6,MARCH2006Copyright©2006by ASME Transactions of the ASMEmissions:The standard method for handling a lack of appropriate permissions is suppression of the sensitive features.This work attempts to highlight some alternatives other than the traditional solution.In our revised method,we show how geometric partitions are used to create multiple level-of-detail͑LOD͒meshes across parts and subassemblies to provide a Role-based View suitable for a user with a given level of security clearance.The specific contri-butions of this paper include:Introducing role hierarchies:We revisit the problem of role-based viewing in an updated context using role hierarchies.A hierarchy is represented as a weighted directed acyclic graph ͑DAG͒,and the permission discovery process is formalized as agraph reachability problem.Outlining the relation between multilevel security͑MLS͒hier-archies and multiresolution surfaces:In͓2͔we introduced a mul-tiresolution envelope to degrade surface features for a sensitive part or subassembly where details need to be withheld.We incor-porate this approach into role-hierarchies where the path-cost is used as input to a multiresolution function.The authors believe that this work represents a unique application of multiresolution surfaces to multilevel information security in computer-aided de-sign and collaborative engineering.This paper is organized as follows:Sec.2describes related work from information assurance,collaborative design,and com-puter graphics communities.Section3first reviews the specifica-tion of security features in thefields of solid modeling and engi-neering as outlined in Ref.͓2͔,then presents Hierarchical Role-Based Viewing.Section4explains the details of our multiresolution security model and outlines its relation to the Role Hierarchy.Section5describes the implementation of our proto-type system,and demonstrates a sample scenario using our stly,Sec.7summarizes our results,presents our con-clusions,and outlines goals for future research.2Related WorkThe contributions presented in this paper are related to infor-mation assurance,collaborative design,and multiresolution sur-face generation.2.1Information Assurance and Security.Current research on information assurance incorporates a broad range of areas fo-cused on protecting information and information systems by en-suring their availability,integrity,confidentiality,nonrepudiation, authentication,and controlling modes of rmation as-surance research,in the context of the CAD domain,has been partially addressed by the computer graphics community through the development of3D digital watermarking͓3͔.Digital Water-marking is used to ensure that the integrity of a model has been maintained,as well as provide a foundation for proof of copyright infringement.Other areas of research have been in authentication and access-control.We will introduce past and present research on access control methodologies and outline the differences between the varying policies.There is a clear distinction between authentication and access control services.Authentication services are used to correctly de-termine the identity of a user.Access control is the process of limiting access to resources of a system only to authorized users, programs,processes,or other systems.Authentication is closely coupled with access control,where access control assumes that users of an information system have properly been identified by the system.If the authentication mechanism of a system has been compromised,then the access control mechanism that follows will certainly be compromised.The primary focus of our work is to articulate an access control policy,specifically for the geometry of a solid model,assuming a robust authentication mechanism has already been established.Access-control literature describes high-level policies on how accesses are controlled,as well as low-level mechanisms that implement those policies.The common access control policies found in literature are Dis-cretionary,Lattice-Based,and Mandatory Access Control͑DAC,LBAC,and MAC,respectively͒.DAC was formally introducedby Lampson͓4͔,where essentially the owner of an object hasdiscretion over what users were authorized to access that object.Access broadly refers to a particular mode of operation such asread or write.The owner is typically designated as the creator ofan object,hence it is an actual user of the system.This is differentfrom LBAC and MAC,which we will refer to collectively asMAC͓5͔,where individual users have no discretion over objectaccess.MAC͓6͔is primarily concerned with theflow of informa-tion,thereby enforcing restrictions on the direction of communi-cation channels.For further discussion on access control policies,we refer interested readers to a survey by Sandhu͓7͔.Role-Based Access Control͑Group policies found in currentoperating systems could be viewed as an instance of hierarchicalRBAC͒.RBAC is an emerging area of study,and is actively pur-sued as an augmentation of traditional DAC and MAC.RBAC isa type of Multi-Level Security͑MLS͒framework,which is anactively pursued area in the database community͓8,9͔.In RBAC,individual users are assigned to roles,and the access permissionsof an object are also assigned to roles.Therefore the permissionsassigned to a role are acquired by the members associated with it.This additional layer reduces the management of permissions andsupports the concepts of least privilege,separation of duties,anddata abstraction.RBAC,and its associated components,are aninstrument for expressing a policy,and not a policy by itself.Forrole-based viewing,we use a MAC policy embodied within an RBAC framework.2.2Collaborative Design.There is a vast body of work on concurrent engineering and distributed collaborative design.Visu-alization and multiuser protocols were the primary focus of manyearly systems,and generally fell under the terms Distributedand/or Collaborative Virtual Environments͓10–17͔.Thereafter,lightweight design͓18–21͔and assembly modeling systems͓22͔for distributed CAD began to emerge.With the demand for distributed CAD and more edit-drivenmodeling mechanisms,several research systems and commercialproducts have reached fruition.Current work in distributed col-laborative design,with respect to geometry,can be“loosely”grouped into two categories:visualization and annotation of CADmodels;co-design and manipulation of CAD geometry.The cur-rent demonstration of our work is primarily targeted at the formercategory.This is complementary to facet-based editing techniques ͓23͔,however editing multiresolution geometry hierarchies can be extended to feature,assembly,and native-geometry editing facili-ties.This assumes a system with policies that permit editing on alow resolution model,where the user in question does not havepermissions to view the full resolution model.Polyinsantiationissues are beyond the scope of this paper,although most theoret-ical issues have been developed with regard to databases͓8,9͔.The generation of facets is inevitable in the visualization pro-cess,and most distributed CAD systems deal with this problem invery diverse ways.System designers must resolve varying trade-offs in the areas of visualization,editing mechanisms,bandwidthutilization,and accuracy.Some systems have targeted view-dependent techniques as an attempt to reduce aggregate band-width and computation͓24–27͔.Current literature now providesnumerous mechanisms and interfaces from which to edit CADmodels:features͓28,29͔;assemblies͓30,31͔;native surfaces͑e.g.,b-rep͓͒32,33͔;and facet-based techniques͓23͔.The heterogeneity of existing systems and interchange formats further complicates the domain.Reference͓28͔contains an extensive overview of current distributed CAD systems from the perspective of architec-ture and data exchange.2.3Multiresolution Techniques.Polygon meshes lend them-selves to fast rendering algorithms,which are hardware-accelerated in most platforms.Most CAD models are representedJournal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering MARCH2006,Vol.6/3as a set of trimmed parametric surfaces,so tessellation to a desired resolution is performed ͓34,35͔.Many applications,including CAD,require highly detailed models to maintain a convincing level of realism.It is often necessary to provide LOD techniques in order to deliver real-time computer graphics and animations.Therefore,mesh simplification is adopted for efficient rendering and transmission.The most common use of mesh simplification is to generate multiresolution models or various levels of detail ͑LOD ͒.For example,closer objects are rendered with a higher LOD,and distant objects with a lower LOD.Thanks to LOD management,many applications such as CAD visualization can accelerate rendering and increase interactivity.A survey on mesh simplification can be found in Ref.͓36͔.The most popular polygon-reduction technique is an edge col-lapse or simply ecol ͑more generally,vertex merging or vertex pair contraction ͒where two vertices are collapsed into a single one.The issues in ecol include which vertices to merge in what order,where to place the resulting vertex,etc.Vertex split or sim-ply vsplit is the inverse operation of ecol .These operations are illustrated in Fig.1͑a ͒and a sequence of operations is illustrated on a sample model given in Fig.1͑b ͒.Hoppe proposed the progressive mesh ͑PM ͓͒38͔,which con-sists of a coarse base mesh ͑created by a sequence of ecol opera-tions ͒and a sequence of vsplit operations.Applying a subset of vsplit operations to the base mesh creates an intermediate simpli-fication.The vsplit and ecol operations are known to be fast enough to apply at runtime,therefore supporting dynamic simpli-fication.3Role-Based ViewingIn the context of 3D design,a model M is a description of an artifact,usually an individual part or assembly,in the form of a solid model.A true collaborative engineering environment enables multiple engineers to simultaneously work with M .The engineers ͑designers,process engineers,etc ͒correspond to a set of actors A =͕a 0,a 1,...,a n ͖each of which has associated with it a set of roles .Roles,R =͕r 0,r 1,...,r m ͖,define access and interaction rights for the actors.For example,actor a 3might have associated with it roles,r 20,r 23,and r 75—this entitles a 3to view ͑and per-haps change ͒portions of M associated with these roles.Portions of M not associated with these roles,however,might be “off lim-its”to actor a 3.This section will build on the results of Ref.͓2͔,where Role-based Viewing was developed in the context of dis-tributed collaborative CAD,by introducing role hierarchies and their relation to multiresolution surfaces.We formulate the problem of role-based viewing in the follow-ing subsections by developing:͑a ͒Actor-role framework:a general RBAC framework for describing actors and roles within a collaborative-distributed design environment.This framework uses a hierarchical graph to capture role-role relationships and create a relation between actors and roles.͑b ͒Model-role framework:an associative mapping from roles to topological regions on models.These regionscapture the security features ,F ,of a 3D model—relating how a point,patch,part,or assembly can be viewed by actors with given roles.͑c ͒Hierarchical role-based viewing:an algorithm to generate a role-based view given an actor a ,his/her set of roles,the role hierarchy ͑RH ͒,a model M ,and its set of secu-rity features.A role-based view is a tailored 3D model which is customized for actor a based on the roles defin-ing a ’s access permissions on the model.In this way,the role-based view model does not compromise sensitive model information which a is not allowed to see ͑or see in detail ͒.This is accomplished using a mesh simplifica-tion technique to generate the role-based view .3.1Actor-Role Security Framework.Our security frame-work is based on an adaptation of role-based access control,as developed in the information assurance and security literature ͓39͔,to the collaborative design problem.We focus on the relation between actors,their roles and the solid model geometry.This is in contrast to other work on access control in collaborative CAD which has focused mainly on database synchronization/transaction issues ͓40͔.Representing actors and roles:We define a hierarchical RBAC framework where:͑1͒Entities include a set of actors,A =͕a 0,a 1,...,a n ͖and a setof roles r =͕r 0,r 1,...,r m ͖;͑2͒Actor-role assignment,AR,is a relation ͑possibly many-to-many ͒of actors to roles:AR ʕA ϫR ;͑3͒Role hierarchy,RH,captures the relationships among theroles.For example,the permissions entailed by role r 75might be a superset of those entailed by.Hence,the role hierarchy is a weighted ,directed acyclic graph ͑DAG ͒,RH=͑R ,H ͒,where H ʚR ϫR is the hierarchical set of re-lationships ͑edges ͒among the roles in R .This creates a partial order on R ,hence ͑in the example above ͒if ͗r 23,r 75͘H then r 23՞r 75.The weight of each edge in H is given by the real-valued function w :H →͓0,1͔.An example of this RBAC framework is given in Fig.2.For the remainder of this paper,we focus on read/viewing permissions granted by a given set of roles.Rather than “all or nothing”read permissions,our objective is to assign a “degree of visibility”to features of a model based on an actor’s ing this formu-lation,we show how one can implement a Bell-La Padula-based ͓6͔security model for collaborative viewing of CADdata.Fig.1Illustration of multiresolution techniques.…a …Edge collapse …ecol …and vertex split …vs-plit …operations.v t …top …and v b …bottom …collapse into v m …middle ….The inverse operation in-volves splitting v m back into v t and v b .…b …Sequence of operations on the “socket”model †37‡.Fig.2Example actor-role …AR …and role hierarchy …RH …assignments4/Vol.6,MARCH 2006Transactions of the ASMEExample :Using the simple actor-role assignment matrix and role hierarchy from Fig.2,we can compute the degree of visibility to each actor for a model assigned to a specific role.To implement the Bell-La Padula ͓6͔model,we need to compute visibility in such a way as to guarantee that the role ͑e.g.,security clearance ͒of someone receiving a piece of information must be at least as high as the role assigned to the information itself.In this way,a CAD model classified as “Secret”can only be viewed by those with a “Top-Secret”or “Secret”classification,but not viewed by someone with only a “Confidential”level of access.Figure 3il-lustrates this example.3.2Model-Role Security Framework.Let M be a solid model of an artifact ͑part,assembly,etc.͒and let b ͑M ͒represent the boundary of M .In this context,the Model-Role Assignment ,MR,is a relation ͑possibly many-to-many ͒assigning roles to points on the surface of the model:MR ʕb ͑M ͒ϫR ,where each point on b ͑M ͒has at least one role ͑i.e.,"p b ͑M ͒,$r R such that ͗p ,r ͘MR ͒.In this way,each point on the surface of the solid model M has associated with it some set of access rights dependent on the roles associated with it.In practice,it is impractical to assign roles point-by-point to the b ͑M ͒.Hence,we define a set of security features ,f =͕f 0,f 1,...,f k ͖,where each f i is a topologically connected patch on b ͑M ͒and ഫF =b ͑M ͒;and each f i has a common set of role assignments.Therefore,the Model-Role assignment can be sim-plified to be the relation associating security features with access roles:MR ʕF ϫR .Example :Let M be a solid model;let,F =͕f 1͖,where f 1=b ͑M ͒͑i.e.,the entire boundary is one security feature ͒.If MR =͕͗f 1,r 0͖͑͘where r 0is from the previous example in Fig.3͒,then we can see the resultant model for r 0depicted in Fig.4.3.3Hierarchical Role-Based Viewing.The issue now is that,for a given actor a ,what portions of the model M that he/she can see will depend on their associated roles and the security features of the model.Depending on their permissions,a new model,M Ј,must be generated from M such that the security features are not shown or obfuscated based on the actor’s roles.If their roles give them permission to see certain features ͑i.e.,mating features ͒,then the resulting model includes the features with the same fidelity ͓41͔as in M ;if not,the features must be obfuscated in such a way as to hide from a what a does not have the right to see.Hence,the role-based view generation problem can be stated:Problem :Given a set of roles and their relationships ͑R and RH ͒;a solid model and its security features ͑M ,F ,and MR ͒;and an actor ͑a and AR ͒,determine the appropriate view M Јof modelM for actor a .We propose a solution based on the use of multiresolution meshes,as follows:͑1͒Convert solid model M to a high-fidelity mesh representa-tion;͑2͒Based on F ,determine which facets belong to each securityfeature,f ;͑3͒For each security feature f ,do:͑a ͒If the intersection of actor a ’s roles and f ’s roles isnonempty,then add the facets associated with f to M Ј;͑b ͒If actor a ’s roles do not intersect the roles of f ,deter-mine ͑using RH ͒how much of f they are allowed to see and create a set of modified facets to represent f for inclusion in M Ј.͑4͒Clean up the resulting M Јso that boundaries of the f i ’s aretopologically valid.͑5͒Return M Ј.There are three research problems we address:͑1͒How does the role-hierarchy RH relate to the degree ofvisibility?We show how the weighted DAG that comprises RH can be used to implement a number of useful security policies by making the model quality a function of the path-cost among roles in RH.͑2͒How to modify the facets for each f i based on RH?Our approach is to use a security policy ͑based on Bell-La Padula ͒associated with the role hierarchy RH to determine how to modify the model.In some cases,policy will dictate degradation of the model fidelity;in other cases,the security features may be completely deleted or replaced with a simple convex hull or bounding box as in Ref.͓2͔.To accomplish this,we employ multiresolution meshes:model fidelity will be preserved to the degree the actor’s rights allow it.The result is a mesh appropriate for viewing by the actor a .͑3͒How to ensure that the resulting regions form a topologi-cally valid model?Deforming the model feature by feature may result in topological regions of facets in M Јthat are misaligned or aesthetically unpleasing.Cracks and occlusion can be avoided by preserving the boundary edges during simplification.Example :This example shows a model M whose surface is described by one security feature f 0.Given the role-hierarchy from Fig.3,and four actors,a 0,a 1,a 2,and a 3with their AR shown in Fig.2.Figure 5shows the four different views of model M they each see.Given the AR,RH,and MR assignments,we can derive the direct actor ϫfeature mappings.Figure 6gives the di-rect mappings specified implicitly by the AR,RH,and MR given in Figs.2͑a ͒,2͑b ͒,and 5respectively.The two MR assignments that are not shown are f 1r 1and f 2r 2.It is important to note that,similar to inheritance found in most object-oriented program-ming languages,a 0cannot see f 1or f 2even though it is the base role for subroles r 1,r 2,and r 3.Hence an inheritance relation al-lows a child to inherit the permissions of the parent,but nothing is implied in the other direction.4Technical ApproachWe combine techniques from solid modeling and computer graphics to provide a secure collaborative environment which sup-ports real-time design.In this section we describe how to modify and configure Hierarchical RBAC to support our multiresolution security model.We describe the problems,algorithms employed,and finalconsiderations.Fig.3An example weighted role hierarchy with associatedlabelsFig.4An example part with one security feature where b …M …is assigned to r 0Journal of Computing and Information Science in EngineeringMARCH 2006,Vol.6/54.1Hierarchical RBAC Policy.Since RBAC is a means of articulating policy rather than a policy by itself,an actual policy is necessary.We wish to adopt a policy similar to the classical MAC model ͓6͔.This is defined in terms of the following axioms using to return the security level of either an actor or a feature:͑1͒Simple security property:Actor a can read feature f iff͑a ͒ജ͑f ͒.This is also known as the read-down property.͑2͒Liberal ء-property:Actor a can write feature f iff ͑a ͒ഛ͑f ͒.This is also known as the write-up property.There are many variations of the ء-property,but we will focus on the simple security property which essentially states that the clearance of a person receiving a piece of information must be at least as high as the classification of the object.Details on a formal construction of MAC in RBAC have been presented by Osborn ͓5͔.Hierarchical RBAC is a natural means for structuring roles thatreflect an organization’s lines of authority and responsibility ͓39͔.The main distinction between our approach and the generic RBAC frameworks found in literature,is that we also allow per-missions to be modified through the role hierarchy .Typically per-missions ͑i.e.,an object and a permissible operation ͒are associ-ated with every combination of object ϫrole .Since our read permissions are specified by a degree of visibility value,an inher-itance relation can further refine this value.An inheritance relation is a binary relation ͑parent ,child ͒,where the child inherits per-missions from the parent based upon a multiplicative weight w .For instance:w =1.0preserves the parents permissions exactly,while w =0.5will reduce the degree of visibility by half for all inherited objects.By transitivity,this weighted factor applies to all inherited objects specified in the role hierarchy.Intuitively,it might appear that we are breaking the simple se-curity property by allowing some actors to view objects that they normally would not be able to see.This is not the case,and in-stead should be viewed as transforming one object into a new object that is permissible.Hence,our model still adheres to the simple security property.Given an actor ͑a ͒and a feature ͑f ͒,the test to determine if a has permissions on f is equivalent to computing graph reachability among all possible pairs of roles assigned to both a and f .We will use R a to denote the set of roles assigned to a ,and R f for the set of roles assigned to f .If any role in R a is reachable from any other role in R f ͑i.e.,there exists a path ͒,then the product of all weights along the path yields the degree of visibility for that path.We will use a reachability function to return the set of all roles reachable from a given role.Several paths are possible,hence the resultant degree of visibility for a will be chosen as the maximum.We denote the function that returns the maximum degree of visibility for a on f as ␣͑a ,f ͒.The result of this function can be computed once,stored,and reused until an existing role assignment ͑AR or MR ͒is modified.The degree of visibility is then used as a param-eter to another function which degrades the fidelity of a feature depending on an actors permissions.4.2Generation of Multilevel Security Models.For part/component/assemblies with regions that need to be secured,mul-tiresolution techniques are employed to provide various levels of detail.Although the original ͑highest ͒resolution version of a model might be a breach for some actors,lower resolution LODs will be sufficiently secure to transmit to those actors.In addition to purely geometric multiresolution techniques,Shyamsundar and Gadh have developed a framework for representing different lev-els of detail for geometric feature data ͓31,42͔.Our security model could be used in conjunction with this feature LOD representa-tion,but an automatic simplification algorithm needs to be developed.Mesh simplification techniques include either vertex decima-tion,vertex clustering,or edge contraction.Choosing a specific simplification technique among the breadth of candidates is appli-cation dependent.To address the demands of an interactive col-laborative design environment,we outline several issues which are critical for simplification:͑1͒Speed :As the number of component/assemblies in a sessionincreases,the simplification becomes the bottleneck.We need an algorithm capable of drastic simplification in the least amount of time.͑2͒Continuous :A continuous spectrum of detail is necessaryso an appropriate model can be selected at runtime.We do not wish to store all possible LODs within the model re-pository due to space constraints,but parameters of the simplification hierarchy can be precomputed and stored.͑3͒Boundary preserving :The boundary of objects should bepreserved in order to distinguish objects from one another.Inadvertent occlusion and cracks may result if we relieve this constraint.͑4͒View-independence :The viewer receives 3D modelinfor-Fig.5An example part with one security feature …f 0…consist-ing of b …M …assigned to r 0,a set of actors assigned to roles,and their corresponding set of securemodelsFig.6The direct permission mappings derived from the AR,RH,and MR relations given in Figs.2…a …,2…b …,and 5,respectively6/Vol.6,MARCH 2006Transactions of the ASME。
AnalysisIntroductionAnalysis is the process of examining and evaluating something in detail to gain a deeper understanding of its components, characteristics, and relationships. It involves breaking down complex information or datainto smaller parts, examining each part individually, and then drawing conclusions based on the findings. Analysis is widely used in various fields, such as business, science, research, and decision-making processes.Types of AnalysisThere are several types of analysis, each with its own purpose and approach. Some common types of analysis include:1.Data Analysis: Data analysis involves examining and interpretingdata to uncover patterns, trends, and insights. It can bequantitative, using statistical methods to analyze numerical data, or qualitative, using techniques such as content analysis toanalyze textual or visual data.2.Financial Analysis: Financial analysis focuses on evaluating thefinancial performance and health of an organization. It involvesexamining financial statements, ratios, and other financialindicators to assess profitability, liquidity, solvency, andgrowth potential.3.SWOT Analysis: SWOT analysis is a strategic planning tool used toassess the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of an organization or a project. It helps identify internal and external factors that may impact the success or failure of a venture.4.Risk Analysis: Risk analysis involves identifying and assessingpotential risks and uncertainties associated with a project ordecision. It aims to quantify the likelihood and impact of risksand develop strategies to mitigate or manage them effectively.5.Cost-Benefit Analysis: Cost-benefit analysis is a technique usedto evaluate the economic feasibility of a project or investment.It compares the costs of implementing a project with its expectedbenefits to determine its overall value and potential return oninvestment.petitive Analysis: Competitive analysis involves examining andevaluating the strengths and weaknesses of competitors in a market.It helps identify market trends, customer preferences, andcompetitive advantages to develop effective marketing and business strategies.Process of AnalysisThe process of analysis typically involves the following steps:1.Define the Objective: Clearly define the purpose and objective ofthe analysis. What do you want to achieve or understand throughthe analysis?2.Gather Data: Collect relevant data and information related to theanalysis. This may involve conducting surveys, interviews,experiments, or gathering existing data from various sources.anize and Clean Data: Organize and clean the collected data toensure its accuracy and reliability. This may involve removingduplicates, correcting errors, and formatting the data foranalysis.4.Analyze Data: Apply appropriate analytical techniques to examinethe data and uncover meaningful patterns, trends, or relationships.This may involve using statistical methods, data visualizationtools, or qualitative analysis techniques.5.Interpret Findings: Interpret the findings of the analysis anddraw conclusions based on the results. What do the findings meanin the context of the objective?municate Results: Present the findings and conclusions of theanalysis in a clear and concise manner. This may involve creatingreports, presentations, or visualizations to effectivelycommunicate the results to stakeholders.Importance of AnalysisAnalysis plays a crucial role in decision-making, problem-solving, and understanding complex phenomena. Here are some reasons why analysis is important:rmed Decision-Making: Analysis provides a factual basis formaking informed decisions. It helps identify risks, opportunities, and potential outcomes, enabling decision-makers to choose thebest course of action.2.Problem-Solving: Analysis helps break down complex problems intomanageable parts, making it easier to identify and address theroot cause of the problem.3.Improved Efficiency: Analysis helps identify inefficiencies,bottlenecks, and areas for improvement. By analyzing processes and data, organizations can optimize operations and enhance efficiency.4.Strategic Planning: Analysis provides valuable insights intomarket trends, customer behavior, and competitive landscape,enabling organizations to develop effective strategies and stayahead of the competition.5.Evidence-Based Research: Analysis is essential in conductingscientific research and generating evidence to support theoriesand hypotheses. It helps validate or refute claims and contributes to the advancement of knowledge.ConclusionAnalysis is a powerful tool that helps us gain a deeper understanding of complex information, make informed decisions, and solve problems effectively. By breaking down data or information into smaller parts, analyzing each part, and drawing conclusions, we can uncover valuable insights and drive positive change. Whether it’s data analysis, financial analysis, or competitive analysis, the process of analysis enables us to make sense of the world around us and make better-informed decisions.。
Regulation of Vertebrate NervousSystem Alternative Splicing and Development by an SR-Related ProteinJohn A.Calarco,1,2Simone Superina,2,3Dave O’Hanlon,1Mathieu Gabut,1Bushra Raj,1,2Qun Pan,1Ursula Skalska,1 Laura Clarke,2Danielle Gelinas,3Derek van der Kooy,1,2Mei Zhen,2,4Brian Ciruna,2,3and Benjamin J.Blencowe1,2,5,* 1Banting and Best Department of Medical Research,Donnelly Centre for Cellular and Biomolecular Research,University of Toronto,160College Street,Toronto,Ontario M5S3E1,Canada2Department of Molecular Genetics,University of Toronto,1King’s College Circle,Toronto,Ontario M5S1A8,Canada3Program in Developmental and Stem Cell Biology,The Hospital for Sick Children,555University Avenue,Toronto,Ontario M5G1X8,Canada 4Samuel Lunenfeld Research Institute,Mount Sinai Hospital,600University Avenue,Toronto,Ontario M5G1X5,Canada5Centre for Bioinformatics,King’s College,University of London,Strand,London WC2R2LS,UK*Correspondence:b.blencowe@utoronto.caDOI10.1016/j.cell.2009.06.012SUMMARYAlternative splicing is a key process underlying the evolution of increased proteomic and functional complexity and is especially prevalent in the mam-malian nervous system.However,the factors and mechanisms governing nervous system-specific alternative splicing are not well understood.Through a genome-wide computational and expression pro-filing strategy,we have identified a tissue-and verte-brate-restricted Ser/Arg(SR)repeat splicing factor, the neural-specific SR-related protein of100kDa (nSR100).We show that nSR100regulates an exten-sive network of brain-specific alternative exons enriched in genes that function in neural cell differen-tiation.nSR100acts by increasing the levels of the neural/brain-enriched polypyrimidine tract binding protein and by interacting with its target transcripts. Disruption of nSR100prevents neural cell differentia-tion in cell culture and in the developing zebrafish. Our results thus reveal a critical neural-specific alter-native splicing regulator,the evolution of which has contributed to increased complexity in the vertebrate nervous system.INTRODUCTIONRecent high-throughput sequencing studies indicate that at least 95%of human multiexon genes produce alternatively spliced transcripts(Pan et al.,2008;Wang et al.,2008).Alternative splicing(AS)has played a major role in the evolutionary expan-sion of proteomic and functional complexity underlying many cellular processes and is especially prevalent in the vertebrate nervous system,with emerging key roles in synaptogenesis, neurite outgrowth,axon guidance,ion channel activity,and long-term potentiation(Li et al.,2007;Ule and Darnell,2006).However,mechanisms that control neural-specific AS and that underlie the evolution of increased nervous system complexity are poorly understood.Regulated AS requires the interplay of cis-and trans-acting factors that repress or activate splice site selection(Blencowe, 2006;Wang and Burge,2008).RNA binding domain(RBD)-con-taining proteins belonging to the heterogeneous nuclear ribonu-cleoprotein(hnRNP)family and a superfamily of alternating Arg/ Ser(RS)domain-containing proteins,referred to as‘‘SR family’’and‘‘SR-related’’proteins,act widely to control AS.Members of these protein families can either repress or promote the forma-tion of active splicing complexes(spliceosomes),often depend-ing on the location of cognate binding sites within exon or intron sequences(Lin and Fu,2007;Martinez-Contreras et al.,2007). SR family proteins contain one or two N-terminal RNA recog-nition motifs and a C-terminal RS domain,whereas SR-related proteins,which include factors that are pivotal in the control of sex determination in Drosophila,contain RS domains but may or may not contain RBDs(Lin and Fu,2007).Phosphorylated RS domains are thought to function in the formation of protein-protein and protein-RNA interactions required for spliceosome assembly(Shen et al.,2004;Wu and Maniatis,1993).Approxi-mately40mammalian RS domain proteins have been implicated in splicing(Lin and Fu,2007).Although ubiquitously expressed,it has been proposed that variable levels of these proteins may contribute to cell-and tissue-dependent AS patterns(Hanamura et al.,1998;Zahler et al.,1993).To date,only RBD proteins that lack RS domains have been shown to possess tissue-restricted expression patterns and several such proteins play important roles in cell-and tissue-specific AS(Li et al.,2007).These include the neuronal-specific Nova-1/2and HuB proteins,the neuronal and muscle-expressed Fox-1/2,CELF/CUGBP,and MBNL family proteins,and the neural,myoblast,and testis-expressed nPTB protein(also referred to as brPTB and PTBP2).nPTB is a paralog of the widely expressed PTB(also hnRNPI/PTBP1)splicing repressor protein (Ashiya and Grabowski,1997;Markovtsov et al.,2000;Polydor-ides et al.,2000).A switch from PTB to nPTB expression during898Cell138,898–910,September4,2009ª2009Elsevier Inc.neuronal differentiation has been implicated in regulating neuronal AS(Boutz et al.,2007;Makeyev et al.,2007;Spellman et al.,2007).Previous evidence has suggested that this switch results in the formation of‘‘less repressive’’nPTB-bound splicing complexes that are responsive to positive-acting factors in neurons(Markovtsov et al.,2000).However,the mechanisms controlling neuronal-specific exon inclusion patterns in conjunc-tion with nPTB have remained unclear.Several tissue-restricted AS factors are involved in controlling subsets of exons that are enriched in functionally-related genes (Boutz et al.,2007;Kalsotra et al.,2008;Ule et al.,2005;Yeo et al.,2009;Zhang et al.,2008).For example,through binding to clusters of YCAY motifs distributed within specific exon and intron zones,Nova2can positively or negatively regulate$7% of neural-specific alternative exons in genes that function in the synapse and in axon guidance(Licatalosi et al.,2008;Ule et al.,2005).How AS specificity is established for the vast majority of other neural-specific exons is not understood, however.Moreover,the specific biological processes controlled by the majority of neural-specific exons are also not well under-stood.We have identified a tissue-and vertebrate-restricted RS domain protein,referred to as the neural-specific SR-related protein of100kDa(nSR100).Knockdown of nSR100disrupts the inclusion of a large set of nervous system-specific alternative exons that are significantly enriched in genes with critical func-tions in neural cell differentiation.Consistent with this molecular programming function,nSR100is required for neural cell differ-entiation in vivo.nSR100forges neural specificity in AS by activating nPTB expression and,in conjunction with nPTB,by binding directly to its regulated target transcripts.nSR100thus acts in a multifaceted manner in the tissue-specific regulation of a network of exons associated with neural cell differentiation and the evolution of vertebrate nervous system complexity.RESULTSA Genome-wide Screen Identifies a Vertebrateand Neural-Specific SR-Related ProteinTo identify mammalian SR-related proteins with the potential to function as cell type-and/or tissue-specific splicing regulators, we used a computational procedure for the genome-wide sur-veying of RS domain protein-encoding genes(Figure1A;refer to the Supplemental Experimental Procedures available online). Applying this procedure to a set of nonredundant mouse cDNAs resulted in the identification of112known or putative new RS domain genes(see Table S1).Manual annotation revealed that36%(40/112)of the RS domain genes have a function associated with splicing and 15%(17/112)have functions associated with RNA polymerase II-dependent transcription and mRNA30-end processing,which are coupled to and can influence splicing(Figure1A).Remark-ably,32%(36/112)of the identified genes have no annotated function.Given that more than one third of the annotated genes have known functions in splicing,many of the previously unchar-acterized genes likely also participate in splicing.Moreover, since96%(108/112)of the predicted mouse proteins encoded by these genes have a closely related human ortholog with a computationally defined RS domain,the majority of these proteins likely have conserved functions.Using microarray profiling data we analyzed expression patterns of the computationally-mined RS domain genes in50 diverse mouse cell and tissue types(Figures1B and S1).Many of these genes appear to be widely but variably expressed, which is consistent with previous observations(Hanamura et al.,1998;Zahler et al.,1993).Interestingly,hierarchical clus-tering analysis reveals that two prominent subsets of genes display distinct spatiotemporal regulation.One subset displays elevated expression in whole embryo and embryonic head samples from days9.5to14.5and the other displays elevated expression in adult nervous system tissues(Figure1B,boxed region;and Figure S1).We focused our attention on an RS domain gene(NM_026886; human NM_194286/KIAA1853)displaying increased expression in the developing embryo and highly restricted expression in adult nervous system and sensory organ tissues(Figure1B).The NM_026886open reading frame(ORF)is predicted to encode a608amino acid protein of68kDa that contains prominent runs of alternating SR/RS repeats(Figure1C).Although the protein encoded by the NM_026886gene has not been function-ally characterized,it has been detected as a tumor antigen in pediatric patients with medulloblastomas(Behrends et al.,2003). In addition to its neural-restricted expression pattern,a feature of the NM_026886ORF that distinguishes it from previously characterized RS domain proteins is that it is highly conserved only in vertebrate species(Figure S2and data not shown).The NM_026886ORF and its orthologs lack a canonical RBD.The only region of significant similarity with other protein sequences is a sequence spanning amino acids490to521that is identical to amino acids573to604in the human SRm300splicing coac-tivator subunit-like gene(SRm300-like/SRRM2L).These results, together with additional experiments described below,indicate that the NM_026886gene encodes the neural-specific SR-related protein of100kDa,which we refer to below as nSR100. Distribution of nSR100RT-PCR assays confirmed that nSR100mRNA is strikingly enriched in multiple brain regions and sensory organ tissues (Figure1D).A rabbit polyclonal antibody raised against a GST fusion protein containing amino acids1to82of human nSR100recognizes a band that migrates at$100kDa in neuronal-derived cell lines(mouse Neuro2a and human Weri-RB1),but which is not expressed in nonneural mouse or human cell lines(C2C12,NIH3T3,HEK293-T,and HeLa)(Figure1E). The higher than expected mobility of nSR100is typical of SR proteins because RS domains are generally highly phosphory-lated.Confirming the phosphorylation status of nSR100,myc epitope-tagged nSR100protein expressed in Neuro2a cells was detected using the monoclonal antibody mAb104,which specifically recognizes a phosphoepitope shared among SR proteins(data not shown;Zahler et al.,1992).To establish whether nSR100is expressed in specific neural cell types,adult mouse neural progenitor cells were differenti-ated in vitro into neurons and glia,the latter comprising astrocyte and oligodendrocyte populations.These neural cell populations were coimmunostained with anti-nSR100antibody and anti-b III Cell138,898–910,September4,2009ª2009Elsevier Inc.899tubulin (neuronal marker)or anti-glial fibrillary acidic protein (glial marker)antibodies.nSR100is highly enriched in the nuclei of the neuronal but not glial cell populations because prominent nSR100nuclear staining (marked by coincident Hoechst stain-ing)is detected only in the anti-b III tubulin-positive cells (Fig-ure 2A).Together,these experiments indicate that after neural progenitor cells differentiate,nSR100primarily functions in the nuclei of neurons.nSR100Is Required for Neural Cell DifferentiationWe next asked whether nSR100functions in the differentiation of cultured Neuro2a cells,murine embryonic stem cells (ESCs),and adult neural stem cells.Neuro2a cells produce longextensionsFigure 1.Identification and Expression Characteristics of nSR100(A)(Left)Computational strategy for the genome-wide survey of mouse RS domain protein genes.(Right)Functional associations of computationally defined mouse RS domain protein genes (refer to Table S1for a full list and description).(B)Clustergram showing relative mRNA expres-sion levels of RS domain protein genes (y axis)across 50mouse cell and tissue types (x axis).Color scale indicates fold expression relative to the median value across the data set.The enlarged portion of the clustergram shows RS domain protein genes with elevated expression in neural tissues with NM_026886/Riken cDNA 1500001A10(nSR100)indicated.Refer to Figure S1for an enlarged view of the entire cluster-gram with all gene names indicated.(C)Translated sequence of mouse nSR100(from NM_026886),with RS/SR dipeptides highlighted.The underlined region indicates amino acids (1–82)used to generate an anti-nSR100polyclonal antibody.The boxed region is identical to a se-quence in the SRm300splicing coactivator subunit-like protein (SRRM2L).(D)RT-PCR analysis of mouse nSR100mRNA expression across 20diverse tissues and several brain subregions,relative to Gapdh mRNA expres-sion in the same samples.(E)Western blot of nonneuronal and neuronal-derived cell line lysates probed with an anti-nSR100antibody.Arrowheads indicate detection of nSR100(see also Figures 2and 5)and the asterisk indicates a cross-reacting species.known as neurites in the presence of ret-inoic acid (RA).ESCs can be differenti-ated to produce neural stem and progen-itor cells (Tropepe et al.,2001),and neural stem cells isolated from adult mouse brains can be differentiated into all major cell types of the nervous system in culture (Morshead et al.,1994).These three systems allowed us to investigate the role of nSR100during different aspects of neural differentiation in vitro.In Neuro2a cells,nSR100is expressed prior to induced differ-entiation and does not significantly increase at 48hr after induc-tion (data not shown).To test whether nSR100is required for neurite extension,lentivirus-delivered short hairpin RNAs (shRNAs)were used to generate undifferentiated Neuro2a cells with constitutively reduced (by 70%–75%)levels of nSR100,relative to undifferentiated cells expressing a control shRNA tar-geted to GFP (Figure 2B).The reduced levels of nSR100had no significant impact on cell viability (Figure S3and data not shown),but dramatically impaired neurite extension (Figures 2C and S4).Within 24hr after induction with RA,>35%of control shRNA-treated cells extended long neurites,whereas only $5%of the nSR100shRNA-expressing cells extended processes of900Cell 138,898–910,September 4,2009ª2009Elsevier Inc.comparable length (Figures 2C and S4).In contrast,knockdown of a widely expressed SR-related splicing factor,SRm160,re-sulted in reduced viability of undifferentiated Neuro2A cells (Fig-ure S3).These findings suggest that nSR100is required for specific steps during neural differentiation,rather than for a more general role associated with cell viability.nSR100mRNA levels increase when ESCs are induced to differentiate to form neural progenitor cells (Figure 2D).Cultured ESCs were induced to proliferate and aggregate into spherical cell populations known as ‘‘neurospheres,’’which contain neural progenitor cells.When stably expressing control or nSR100-tar-geting shRNAs prior to induced differentiation,no discernable differences in morphology or proliferation were observed (data not shown).However,when induced,nSR100knockdown ESCs formed 90%fewer neurospheres than did the control shRNA-treated cells (Figure 2E).Similar results were observed upon knockdown of nSR100in induced adult-derived neural stem cells (Figure 2E).Two independent shRNAs targeting nSR100led to similar results,indicating that the effects are specific and not due to off-target effects (data not shown;see also below and Figure 3D).These results therefore indicate that nSR100plays a critical role in neural stem and progenitor cell formation and/or proliferation,in addition to a role in neuriteextension.Figure 2.nSR100Is Required for Neural Cell Differen-tiation(A)Confocal microscopy images of differentiated neural progenitor cells coimmunostained with anti-b -III tubulin (red,top panels),anti-glial fibrillary acidic protein (anti-GFAP;red,bottom panels),and anti-nSR100(green,top and bottom panels)antibodies.Nuclei are stained using Hoechst dye (blue,top and bottom panels).All b -III tubulin-positive neurons show nSR100staining.Scale bar represents 25m m.(B)Western blot probed with anti-nSR100antibody showing lysates from Neuro2a cells stably expressing control shRNA (lane 1)or nSR100-targeting shRNA (lane 2).a -tubulin levels were used as a loading control.(C)Quantification of percentage of shRNA-expressing Neuro2a cells extending long neurites (measured as greater than three cell body lengths)under normal culture conditions and differentiation conditions.Values represent averages from three independent experiments ±one standard devia-tion.Figure S3shows representative brightfield images of Neuro2a cells from each treatment.(D)RT-PCR analysis of nSR100mRNA levels in ES,neural progenitor (NP),and differentiated neurons and glia (lanes 1,2,and 3,respectively).Gapdh mRNA levels are shown for comparison.(E)Quantification of relative percentage of primary neuro-spheres formed by differentiating ESCs expressing control or nSR100-targeting shRNAs or secondary neurospheres from adult neural stem cells expressing control or nSR100-tar-geting shRNAs.Values represent the averages from four inde-pendent experiments ±one standard deviation.nSR100Regulates a Networkof Brain-Specific Alternative ExonsWe next investigated whether the effects of nSR100knockdown on neural cell differentiation are associated with the deregulation of specific AS events.PolyA+RNA from control and nSR100shRNA-expressing,undifferentiated Neuro2a cells was profiled using an AS microarray (Figure 3A;refer to the Supplemental Experimental Procedures ).AS patterns in adult mouse whole brain and five nonneural tissues were profiled in parallel (Figure 3B).Confidence-ranked percent exon exclusion esti-mates (%ex;the percentage of transcripts skipping a profiled alternative exon)were determined (Pan et al.,2004).In order to enrich for physiologically relevant events,we focused our anal-ysis on exons displaying both nSR100-dependent regulation in Neuro2a cells and differential splicing between brain and non-neural tissues (Figure 3B and data not shown).One hundred and fifteen high-confidence AS events met the above criterion and displayed %ex differences of at least 15%upon nSR100knockdown (Table S2).Seventy percent (81/115)displayed increased exon skipping upon knockdown of nSR100,and RT-PCR experiments validated 81%(21/26)of these events (Figures 3C and S5;data not shown).Only one of seven tested events displaying increased exon inclusion upon nSR100knock-down was validated,although the change in %ex was relatively modest (data not shown).Moreover,only 6%(3/52)of predicted non-nSR100targets were found to change upon nSR100knock-down,indicating a low false-negative detection rate (data not shown).The reduced levels of exon inclusion observed uponCell 138,898–910,September 4,2009ª2009Elsevier Inc.901knockdown of nSR100persisted following RA-induced differen-tiation in all of five analyzed cases (Figure S6).These results indi-cate that nSR100acts predominantly to promote alternative exon inclusion prior to the formation of neurites in Neuro2a cells.To address whether the altered exon inclusion levels in the knockdown experiments were specifically caused by the shRNA-reduced expression of nSR100,an RNAi-resistant form of nSR100mRNA was stably expressed in the nSR100shRNA knockdown line and splicing levels of several alternative exons were monitored by RT-PCR assays.Expression of nSR100in the knockdown line,which was confirmed by western blotting (Figure 3D,top panel,lanes 5and 6),fully restored the inclusion of the tested alternative exons (Figure 3D,lower three panels,compare lanes 5and 6with 1–4).In contrast,stable expression of another SR protein,SF2/ASF,did not function in thismannerFigure 3.nSR100Regulates a Network of Neural-Specific Alternative Splicing Events(A)Strategy used for the global analysis of nSR100-regulated AS.Black lines represent exon body and exon junction probes used to monitor AS levels on a custom microarray.(B)Heatmap displaying microarray %ex values for a subset of nSR100-regulated alternative exons.Columns show microarray %ex predictions from profiled adult mouse tissues and Neuro2a cells expressing control or nSR100-targeting shRNAs,and rows represent %ex predictions for individual nSR100-regulated exons undergoing increased skipping upon nSR100knockdown.The AS events are sorted in descending order according to the magnitude of the %ex values in the control shRNA-expressing Neuro2a cells.All AS events displayed have detectable expression in whole brain and at least two other tissues;white indi-cates expression was below the threshold level used to derive %ex estimates.(C)RT-PCR assays using primers specific to the constitutive exons flanking nSR100-regulated alternative exons in Daam1,Clasp2,Dock4,and Elmo2transcripts.Bands corresponding in size to exon-included and exon-skipped isoforms are indicated.(D)Neuro2a cell lines stably expressing control (lanes 1,3,and 5)or nSR100targeting (lanes 2,4,and 6)shRNAs and pWZL-hygro empty vector (lanes 1and 2),T7epitope-tagged SF2/ASF (lanes 3and 4),or nSR100cDNA (lanes 5and 6).Top three panels show western blots monitoring the expression of nSR100(top panel),T7-tagged SF2/ASF (middle panel),and a -tubulin (bottom panel).Bottom three panels show RT-PCR assays using primers to specifically monitor AS in the Daam1,Zdhhc20,and Asph transcripts.(Figure 3D,all panels,lanes 3and 4).These results support the conclusion that nSR100functions specifically to pro-mote exon inclusion.The nSR100-regu-lated exons were estimated to represent $11%of AS events identified as being differentially regulated in nervous systemtissues by microarray profiling (see the Supplemental Experi-mental Procedures ).A Gene Ontology annotation enrichment analysis revealed that genes containing nSR100-regulated exons are significantly en-riched in functions associated with membrane dynamics and cytoskeleton remodeling (Table S3),processes that are critical for the differentiation of neurons and neurite extension.Also sup-porting functional significance,nSR100-regulated alternative exons are significantly more often frame preserving (66.7%versus 45.4%;p <0.005,Fisher’s exact test)and conserved in human transcripts (62.8%versus 24.5%;p <10À9,Fisher’s exact test)than are the other profiled exons (Table S2).These results thus reveal that nSR100regulates a network of mostly con-served AS events in functionally related genes that play impor-tant roles in the formation and function of the nervous system.902Cell 138,898–910,September 4,2009ª2009Elsevier Inc.An nSR100Regulatory CodeTo gain insight into the mechanism by which nSR100regulates neural-specific AS,we identified motifs of 5–10nucleotides in length that are significantly enriched in the regulated alternative and adjacent constitutive exons and in the 500nucleotides of intron sequence that flank these exons (Figure 4A;refer to the Supplemental Experimental Procedures ).The most enriched and prevalent motifs are C/U rich and are specifically located within the upstream and/or downstream intronic regions flanking nSR100-regulated exons (Figure 4A,FDR-corrected p value <0.01).Additional high scoring motifs were identified using the same procedure (Figure S7;see the Discussion ).As a parallel approach to defining cis -regulatory elements,we generated an AS minigene reporter (Daam1FL)consisting of a 2.8kb genomic fragment encompassing nSR100-regulated Daam1exon 16(Figure 4B).Daam1is required for neurite forma-tion and outgrowth during development (Matusek et al.,2008),and skipping of exon 16in nonneuronal cells is predicted to disrupt a formin homology-like domain that likelymediatesFigure 4.Elements of an nSR100Regulatory Code(A)Pyrimidine-rich motifs identified as significantly enriched in the 500nucleotides of upstream and/or downstream intron sequence flanking nSR100-regulated alternative exons.Motifs with FDR-corrected hypergeometric p value scores <0.01are shown.(B)(Left)RT-PCR assays monitoring AS levels of Daam1exon 16minigene reporters transfected in NIH 3T3cells and in Neuro2a cells expressing control or nSR100-targeting shRNAs.The lengths of upstream and downstream intron sequence included in each minigene reporter are indicated above the gel.(Right)The diagram indicates the length of Daam1genomic DNA sequence included in each minigene reporter (green bars)and the degree of AS repressor activity associated with these regions (indicated by pluses).(C)RT-PCR assays monitoring the AS levels of transcripts derived from additional Daam1minigene reporters in Neuro2a cells expressing control shRNA or nSR100-targeting shRNAs.Gels on the left display AS patterns observed with reporters containing either 271or 250nucleotides of upstream intron sequence and 50nucleotides of downstream intronic sequence.Gels on the right display AS patterns from reporters containing 483and 146nucleotides of upstream and down-stream sequence,respectively,when region À271to À250and additional upstream pyrimidine nucleotides (up to posi-tion À280;see Figure S8)are unchanged (À483to 146)or substituted (À483to 146mut)with an unrelated sequence of equal length.Percent exon inclusion levels (%inc)are shown below gel images in (B)and (C).important interactions with signaling partners and components of the cytoskeleton.The Daam1FL minigene reporter recapitulated the AS pattern of endogenous Daam1transcripts,with the alternative exon displaying more inclusion in Neuro2a cells expressing control shRNAs rela-tive to cells expressing shRNAs targeting nSR100(Figure 4B).Moreover,the inclusion of Daam1exon 16appears to be neural specific because reporter transcripts expressed in NIH 3T3and myoblast C2C12cell lines undergo completeexon skipping (Figure 4B and data not shown).These results indicate that cis elements required for nSR100-dependent regu-lation of Daam1exon 16are contained within the 2.8kb Daam1FL reporter genomic fragment.Deletion of the Daam1reporter intron sequences followed by refined mutagenesis revealed a region 250to 271nucleotides upstream of the alternative exon that significantly affected nSR100-dependent exon inclusion (Figures 4B and 4C).Deletion of this region resulted in increased exon inclusion.This effect was most pronounced in the nSR100knockdown cell line (Figure 4C,compare lanes 1and 2).Similar effects were observed when this region and neighboring nucleotides were substituted with unre-lated sequence (Figure 4C,compare lanes 3and 4).These results indicate that this 21nucleotide region contains a strong repressor element that results in the skipping of Daam1exon 16in the absence of nSR100.nSR100thus appears to play a critical role in overcoming the repressive effects exerted by this element.In agreement with our computational analysis,the À271to À250AS repressor region and its neighboring nucleotides areCell 138,898–910,September 4,2009ª2009Elsevier Inc.903highly enriched in pyrimidine nucleotides(Figure S8)and two of the computationally identified motifs overlap this region.There-fore,both approaches to defining cis-regulatory elements strongly implicate pyrimidine-rich motifs in nSR100-dependent splicing regulation.nSR100Promotes nPTB Protein ExpressionPyrimidine-rich motifs have previously been implicated in neural-specific regulation of AS involving PTB(also hnRNPI/PTBP1), a widely acting splicing repressor,and its neural-enriched paralog nPTB(also brPTB/PTBP2)(see the Introduction and below).The switch from PTB to nPTB during neuronal differenti-ation is regulated in part by a neuronal miRNA miR-124(Makeyev et al.,2007).In nonneuronal cells,expression of PTB results in skipping of exon10in nPTB pre-mRNA and this leads to the introduction of a premature termination codon that elicits nonsense-mediated mRNA decay of nPTB transcripts(Boutz et al.,2007;Makeyev et al.,2007;Spellman et al.,2007).In neuronal cells,miR-124repression of PTB facilitates nPTB exon10inclusion and productive nPTB expression.To address whether PTB and/or nPTB are involved in the regu-lation of nSR100-dependent AS events,we knocked down these factors individually or together using siRNAs(Figure5A).As ex-pected,knockdown of PTB led to increased inclusion of exon10 in nPTB pre-mRNA.RT-PCR assays were then used to monitor the AS levels of Daam1exon16and nine randomly selected, RT-PCR-validated nSR100-regulated exons(Figures5A and S9). In contrast to the effect of nSR100knockdown,Daam1exon 16and eight of the nine other exons displayed increased levels of inclusion when PTB levels were reduced and to a lesser extent when nPTB was reduced.Simultaneous depletion of nPTB and PTB resulted in levels of exon inclusion that were at least as high and in some cases higher than the levels observed when PTB was knocked down alone.Thesefindings establish a wide-spread role for PTB/nPTB in the repression of nSR100-depen-dent AS events.More specifically,these proteins promote skipping of the same exons that require nSR100for neural-specific inclusion.Consistent with a previous proposal(Markovt-sov et al.,2000),the less repressive activity of nPTB relative to PTB suggests that it might facilitate neural-specific AS by estab-lishing complexes that are more permissive to positive acting factors.To further explore the functional relationship between nSR100 and PTB/nPTB proteins,we next asked,(1)does nSR100 promote neural-specific AS by regulating the relative levels of nPTB and PTB proteins,(2)do PTB/nPTB bind directly to C/U-rich sequences involved in mediating nSR100-dependent regu-lation,and(3)does nSR100act in a dominant-positive manner to counteract the repressive activity of nPTB?Our microarray profiling experiments(Figure3)in fact pre-dicted increased skipping of nPTB exon10in Neuro2a cells depleted of nSR100(Table S2).Confirming this prediction, knockdown of nSR100,while not altering PTB mRNA or protein levels,resulted in decreased inclusion of nPTB exon10and, consequently,reduced levels of nPTB mRNA and protein (Figure5B).Consistent with the repressive effects of PTB and nPTB on nSR100-regulated exons,both proteins bind directly and specifically to C/U-rich intron regions upstream of Daam1exon16(Figures S8and S10).However,essentially no binding to these regions was observed when comparable levels of puri-fied nSR100(Figure S10A)were added alone or in combination with PTB or nPTB(Figure S11A).At much higher amounts of nSR100,a low level of binding was observed although this ap-peared to be relatively less specific(Figure S11A).Further supporting a critical role for nSR100in promoting neural-specific exon inclusion of PTB/nPTB repressed exons, when nPTB is overexpressed in Neuro2a cells,increased skip-ping of Daam1exon16is observed(Figure S11B).However, simultaneous overexpression of nSR100and nPTB effectively alleviates the repressive activity of nPTB and results in$100% inclusion of Daam1exon16(Figure S11B).This confirms that nSR100is required to promote the inclusion of neural-specific exons in cells that also express nPTB.nSR100Promotes Neural-Specific Exon InclusionIn VitronSR100appears to act together with nPTB and possibly other factors to promote neural-specific exon inclusion.We next asked whether nSR100functions in this manner in vitro. Splicing-competent extracts were prepared from neuronal Weri-Rb1cells and efficiently(>90%)immunodepleted of nSR100using affinity-purified anti-nSR100antibody(Figure1E) or mock-depleted using rabbit anti-mouse antibody(Figure5C, compare lanes1and2with lanes3and4).A T7-transcribed, three-exon pre-mRNA consisting of Daam1exon16with280 nucleotides of upstream and145nucleotides of downstream in-tronic sequence,inserted between strong constitutive exons derived from an adenovirus pre-mRNA substrate(MINX),was assayed for splicing activity in these extracts.This substrate splices efficiently in the mock-depleted Weri extract,producing exon16included and skipped transcripts (Figure5D,lane2).When nSR100is immunodepleted,in-creased exon16skipping is detected(Figure5D,lane3), whereas addition of increasing amounts of purified nSR100 protein results in$100%inclusion of exon16(Figure5D,lanes 4–8).This activity is specific because addition of comparable levels of the SR family protein SF2/ASF(Figure S10A)does not result in a substantial increase in exon16inclusion(Fig-ure5D,compare lanes4–8with9–13).Moreover,addition of purified nSR100protein to a HeLa splicing extract does not promote the inclusion of Daam1exon16(Figure5E,compare lanes2–5with6–9).These results demonstrate that nSR100 functions to promote the inclusion of Daam1exon16in a neural cell extract.However,consistent with the results demonstrating that nSR100functions in part by promoting the expression of nPTB,it is not sufficient to promote a neural-specific splicing pattern in a nonneural extract.We next performed in vitro and in vivo UV crosslinking followed by immunoprecipitation(CLIP;Supplemental Experimental Procedures)to establish whether,in the context of other cellular factors,nSR100interacts directly and specifically with its regu-lated target pre-mRNAs.Anti-nSR100antibody specifically en-riched a radiolabeled protein approximately the size of nSR100 from Weri extract incubated and crosslinked in the presence of a32P-UTP-labeled Daam1RNA consisting of the upstream in-tronic regulatory sequences(Figure5F,compare lanes2and4).904Cell138,898–910,September4,2009ª2009Elsevier Inc.。
Skew-Resistant Parallel Processing of Feature-Extracting Scientific User-Defined FunctionsY ongChul Kwon,Magdalena Balazinska,Bill HoweUniversity of Washington{yongchul,magda,billhowe}@Jerome RoliaHP Labs jerry.rolia@ABSTRACTScientists today have the ability to generate data at an un-precedented scale and rate and,as a result,they must in-creasingly turn to parallel data processing engines to per-form their analyses.However,the simple execution model of these engines can make it difficult to implement efficient algorithms for scientific analytics.In particular,many sci-entific analytics require the extraction of features from data represented as either a multidimensional array or points in a multidimensional space.These applications exhibit sig-nificant computational skew,where the runtime of different partitions depends on more than just input size and can therefore vary dramatically and unpredictably.In this pa-per,we present SkewReduce,a new system implemented on top of Hadoop that enables users to easily express feature ex-traction analyses and execute them efficiently.At the heart of the SkewReduce system is an optimizer,parameterized by user-defined cost functions,that determines how best to partition the input data to minimize computational skew. Experiments on real data from two different science domains demonstrate that our approach can improve execution times by a factor of up to8compared to a naive implementation. Categories and Subject DescriptorsH.2.4[Database Management]:Systems—parallel databasesGeneral TermsAlgorithms,Design,Experimentation1.INTRODUCTIONScience is becoming data-intensive[23,34].As a result, scientists are moving data analysis activities offof the desk-top and onto clusters of computers—public and private “clouds”.Programming these clouds for scientific data anal-ysis remains a challenge,however,despite the proliferation Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on thefirst page.To copy otherwise,to republish,to post on servers or to redistribute to lists,requires prior specific permission and/or a fee.SoCC’10,June10–11,2010,Indianapolis,Indiana,USA.Copyright2010ACM978-1-4503-0036-0/10/06...$10.00.of parallel dataflow frameworks such as MapReduce[6]and Dryad[19].Specialized data models represent one source of challenges. In particular,multi-dimensional arrays and other order-sensitive data structures are common,and data values are often associated with coordinates in space or time.For ex-ample,images in astronomy are2D arrays of pixel intensi-ties,and each element corresponds to a point in the sky and a time at which the image was taken.Climate and ocean mod-els use arrays or meshes to describe3D regions of the atmo-sphere and oceans,simulating the behavior of these regions over time by numerically solving the governing equations. Cosmology simulations model the behavior of clusters of4D particles to analyze the origin and evolution of the universe. Flow cytometry technology uses scattered light to recognize microorganisms in water,generating an enormous volume of events in a6D space corresponding to different wavelengths of light.These application domains all must reason about the space in which the data is embedded as well as the data it-self.The spatial relationships of the data pose challenges for conventional“loosely-coupled”shared-nothing programming paradigms because data must be range-partitioned across nodes rather than hash-partitioned,complicating load bal-ancing.A second source of challenges result from specialized sci-ence algorithms that must be re-expressed in these new cloud platforms.The translation is challenging even if these plat-forms provide high-level,declarative interfaces[16,25,41]. Indeed,science algorithms often need to extract some fea-tures from the data(e.g.,clustering,image segmentation, and object recognition)possibly also tagging the original data with these features.Engineering the translation of such algorithms in a way that preserves performance is non-trivial.For example,in prior work,we found that a na¨ıve implementation of a data clustering algorithm on a real as-tronomy simulation dataset took20hours to complete on an 8-node Dryad[19]cluster.In contrast,an optimized version took only70minutes,but took multiple weeks to develop and debug by a team of domain and computer scientists[21]. In this paper,we address these challenges by presenting and evaluating SkewReduce,a new shared-nothing parallel data processing system designed to support spatial feature extraction applications common in scientific data analysis. We observe that these applications share a common struc-ture that can be parallelized using the following strategy: (1)Partition the multidimensional space and assign each node a contiguous region,(2)run a serial form of the anal-ysis locally on each region,extracting locally found featuresand labeling the input data with these features if necessary, (3)efficiently merge the local results by considering only those features that cross region boundaries,re-labeling the input data as necessary.Although this formulation is simple and sound,a na¨ıve implementation on existing parallel data processing engines is dominated by skew effects and other performance problems.The standard approach to handling skew in parallel sys-tems is to assign an equal number of data values to each partition via hash partitioning or clever range partitioning. These strategies effectively handle data skew,which occurs when some nodes are assigned more data than -putation skew,more generally,results when some nodes take longer to process their input than other nodes and can oc-cur even in the absence of data skew—the runtime of many scientific tasks depends on the data values themselves rather than simply the data size[17].Existing parallel processing engines offer little support for tolerating general computation skew,so scientific program-mers are typically forced to develop ad hoc solutions.At re-alistic scales,these ad hoc solutions not only require intimate familiarity with the source data,but also expertise in dis-tributed programming,scheduling,out-of-core processing, performance monitoring and tuning,fault-tolerance tech-niques,and distributed debugging.SkewReduce efficiently reduces computational skew and helps scientific program-mers express their solutions in popular parallel processing engines such as MapReduce.In addition to skew,two other sources of performance problems are the merge and data labeling steps.Because of large data volumes,it may not be efficient or even pos-sible to execute the merge phase on a single node.Instead, feature reconciliation must be performed incrementally in a hierarchical fashion.Similarly,intermediate results must be set aside to disk during the merge phase,then re-labeled in parallel after the merge phase is complete to obtain thefinal result.While both these strategies can be implemented in existing systems,doing so is non-trivial.Additionally,the same type of translation is repeated independently for each new feature extracting application.Approach Informed by the success of MapReduce[6], SkewReduce is a new parallel computation framework tai-lored for spatial feature extraction problems to address the above challenges.To use the framework,the programmer defines three(non-parallel)data processing functions and two cost functions to guide optimization.Given this suite of functions,the framework provides a parallel evaluation plan that is demonstrably efficient and—crucially—skew-tolerant.The plan is then executed in a Hadoop cluster. We show that this framework delivers significant improve-ment over the status quo.The improvement is attributable primarily to the reduction of skew effects,as well as the elimination of performance issues in the merge and labeling steps.Further,we argue that the cognitive load for users to provide the suite of control functions is significantly less than that required to develop an ad hoc parallel program. In particular,the user remains focused on their application domain:they specify their analysis algorithm and reason about its complexity,but do not concern themselves with distributed computing complications.Overall,SkewReduce is a powerful new framework that provides a complete and general solution to an important class of scientific analysis tasks.Technical contributions:We deliver the following con-tributions:we present the SkewReduce system for efficiently processing spatial feature extraction scientific user-defined functions.SkewReduce comprises(1)a simple API for users to express multidimensional feature extraction analysis tasks (Section3.1)and(2)a static optimization engine designed to produce a skew-resistant plan for evaluating these tasks (Section3.2and3.3).SkewReduce is implemented using Hadoop[15].(3)We demonstrate the efficacy of our frame-work on real data from two different science domains(Sec-tion4).The results show that SkewReduce can improve query runtime by a factor of up to8compared with an un-optimized implementation.2.MOTIV ATIONWe begin by describing three motivating applications from different scientific domains.We then discuss the common-alities between these applications and the challenges that arise when trying to implement them on a MapReduce-type platform.Astronomy Simulation.Cosmological simulations are used to study the structural evolution of the universe on distance scales ranging from a few million light-years to sev-eral billion light-years.In these simulations,the universe is modeled as a set of particles.These particles represent gas, dark matter,and stars and interact with each other through gravity andfluid dynamics.Every few simulation timesteps, the simulator outputs a snapshot of the universe as a list of particles,each tagged with its identifier,location,velocity, and other properties.The data output by a simulation can thus be stored in a relation with the following schema: Particles(id,time,x,y,z,v x,v y,v z,···)State of the art simulations(e.g.,Springel et al.2005[31]) use over10billion particles producing a data set size of over 200GB per snapshot and are expected to significantly grow in size in the future.Astronomers commonly used various sophisticated clus-tering algorithms[13,20,37]to recognize the formation of interesting structures such as galaxies.The clustering algo-rithm is typically executed on one snapshot at a time[21]. Given the size of individual snapshots,however,astronomers would like to run their clustering algorithms on a parallel data processing platform in a shared-nothing cluster.Flow Cytometry.Aflow cytometer measures scattered andfluoresced light from a stream of particles,using data analysis to recognize specific microorganisms.Originally de-vised for medical applications,it has been adapted for use in environmental microbiology to determine the concentrations of microbial populations.Similar microorganisms exhibit similar intensities of scattered light,as in Figure1.In an ongoing project in the Armbrust Lab at the Uni-versity of Washington[2],flow cytometers are being contin-uously deployed on ocean-going vessels to understand the ocean health.All data is reported to a central database for ad hoc analysis and takes the form of points in a6-dimensional space,where each point represents a particle or organism in the water and the dimensions are the measured properties.As in the astrophysics application,scientists need to clus-ter the resulting6D data.As their instruments increase in sophistication,so does the data volume,calling for efficient analysis techniques that can run in a shared-nothing cluster. Image Processing.As afinal example,consider theFigure1:A scatter plot offlow cytometry measure-ments.Each point represents an organism and clusters represent populations.The axes correspond to different wavelengths of light.problem of analyzing collections of2D images.In many sci-entific disciplines,scientists process such images to extract objects(or features)of interest:galaxies from telescope im-ages,hurricanes from satellite pictures,etc.As these images grow in size and number,parallel processing becomes nec-essary.General Feature Extracting Applications.Each of these scientific applications follow a similar pattern:data items(events,particles,pixels)are embedded in a metric space,and the task is to identify and extract emergent fea-tures from the low-level data(populations,galaxies).These algorithms then typically return(a)a set of features(signif-icantly smaller than the input data),(b)a modified input dataset with each element tagged with the corresponding feature(potentially as large as the input),or(c)both.For example,the output of the astronomy clustering task is a list of clusters with the total number of particles in each and a list of the original particles annotated with their clus-ter identifier.Parallel Implementation Challenges.A straightfor-ward way to parallelize such feature extraction applications in a compute-cluster with N nodes is the following:(1)split the input into N equal-sized hypercubes,(2)extract features in each partition and annotate the input with these initial features,(3)reconcile features that span partition bound-ary,relabeling the input as appropriate.With existing par-allel processing systems,there are several challenges with expressing this seemingly simple algorithm in a manner that achieves high performance.First,the data distribution in many scientific applications is highly skewed.Even worse,the processing time of many feature-extraction algorithms depends not only on the num-ber of data points but also on their distribution in space. For example,in a simple clustering algorithm used in astro-physics called“friends-of-friends”[5],clusters correspond to connected components of the graph induced by the“friend”relationship—two particles are friends if they are within a given distance threshold.To identify a cluster,the al-gorithm starts with a single point,then searches a spatial index tofind its immediate friends.For each such friend,the algorithm repeats the search recursively.In a sparse region with N particles,the algorithm completes in O(N log N) time(i.e.,all particles are far apart).In a dense region, however,a single particle can be a friend of all the other particles and vice versa.Thus,the algorithm takes O(N2) time.In the two simulation snapshots that we received from astronomers[21],we found that the number of friends asso-ciated with a given particle varied between2and387,136. As a result,without additional optimizations,a dense region takes much longer to process than a sparse one even when both contain the same number of total particles[21].The consequence is a type of computational skew,where some data partitions require dramatically more time than others to putational skew is the reason that the na¨ıve parallel implementation of the astronomy clustering applica-tion mentioned in Section1required over20hours,while an optimized one took only70minutes on the same dataset[21]. Our key motivation is that existing platforms do nothing to reduce computational skew.In our case,developing a skew-resistant algorithm(by optimizing index traversal to avoid quadratic behavior in the dense region)required significant effort from multiple experts over several weeks[21]. Second,the feature reconciliation phase(which we refer to as the“merge”phase)can be both CPU and memory intensive.For example,to reconcile clusters at the bound-ary of two data partitions requires processing all particles within a small distance of that boundary.If the space is initially carved into N partitions,it may not be efficient or even possible for a single node to reconcile the data across all these partition boundaries in one step.Instead,reconcil-iation should be performed in a hierarchical fashion,recon-ciling increasingly large regions of the space,while keeping the amount of data to process at each step approximately constant(i.e.,the memory requirement cannot increase as we move up the hierarchy).At the same time,while the local data processing and later merge steps proceed,the in-put data must be labeled and re-labeled as necessary,e.g., to track feature membership.While it is possible to imple-ment both functions using existing systems,expressing them using current APIs is non-trivial.Problem Statement Summary.The goal of SkewRe-duce is to enable scientists to easily express and efficiently execute feature-extraction applications at very large scale without consideration of resource constraints and data or computation skew issues.3.SkewReduceSkewReduce has two components.Thefirst component is an API for expressing spatial feature-extraction algorithms such as the ones above.We present the API in Section3.1. The functions in our API are translated into a dataflow that can run in a MapReduce-type platform[6,15,19].The sec-ond component of SkewReduce is a static optimizer that par-titions the data to ensure skew-resistant processing if possi-ble.The data partitioning is guided by a user-defined cost function that estimates processing times.We discuss the cost functions in Section3.2and the SkewReduce optimizer in Section3.3.3.1Basic SkewReduce APIInformed by the success of MapReduce[6],the basic SkewReduce API is designed to be a minimal control inter-face allowing users to express feature extraction algorithms in terms of serial programs over familiar data structures. The basic SkewReduce API is the minimal interface that must be implemented to use our framework.The basic APITable1:Summary of notationT A record in the original input datafile assigned to a region(e.g.,a particle in an astronomy simulation)S A record set aside during the process phase or merge phase.(e.g.,a particle far away from a partitionboundary tagged with a local cluster id).F An object representing a set of features extractedduring the process phase for a given region.Maynot be relational.Includes enough information toallow reconciliation of features extracted in differentpartitions(e.g.,the clusters identified so far and theparticles near a partition boundary)Z A record in thefinal result set(e.g.,a particle tagged with a global cluster id)isprocess:: Seq.of T → F,Seq.of Smerge:: F,F → F,Seq.of Sfinalize:: F,S → Seq.of ZThe notation used in these types is defined in Table1.At a high-level,T refers to the input data.F is the set of features and S is an output datafield that must be tagged with the features F to form Z.The above three functions lead to a very natural expression of feature extracting al-gorithms:First,partition the data(not shown).Second, apply process to each partition to get an initial set of lo-cal features and an initialfield.Third,merge,or reconcile, the output of each local partition to identify a global set of features.Finally,adjust the output of the original process functions given thefinal,global structures output by merge. For example,in the case of the astronomy simulation clus-tering task,process identifies local clusters in a partition of the3D space.merge hierarchically reconciles local clusters into global clusters.Finally,thefinalize function relabels particles initially tagged by process with a local cluster ID using the appropriate global cluster ID.The functions of the SkewReduce API loosely corre-spond to the API for distributed computation of algebraic user-defined aggregates found in OLAP systems and dis-tributed dataflow frameworks.For example,Yu et a parallel aggregation framework consisting of func-tions initialreduce,combine,andfinalreduce[40].The func-tion initialreduce generates intermediate partial aggregates, combine merges partial aggregates,and thefinal aggregate value can be further transformed byfinalreduce.The distinguishing characteristic of our API is that our analog of the initialreduce andfinalreduce functions return two types of data:a representation of the extracted features, and a representation of the“tagged”field.A given algorithm may or may not use both of these data structures,but we have found that many do.We now present the three functions in SkewReduce’s API in more detail.3.1.1Process:Local Computation with Set-Aside The process function locally processes a sequence of in-put tuples producing F,a representation of the extracted features,and Seq.of S,a sequence of tuples that are set aside from the hierarchical reconciliation.In our astronomy simulation use-case,process performs the initial clustering of particles within each partition.Although we can forward all the clustering results to the merge function,only par-ticles near the boundary of the fragment are necessary to merge clusters that span two partitions.Thus,process can optionally set aside those particles and results that are not required by the following merge s.This optimization is not only helpful to reduce the memory pressure of merge but also improves overall performance by reducing the amount of data transferred over the network.In this application, our experiments showed that almost99%of all particles can thus be set aside after the Process phase(Figure9).3.1.2Merge:Hierarchical Merge with Set-Aside The merge function is a binary operator that combines two intermediate results corresponding to two regions of space. It takes as input the features from each region and returns a new merged feature set.The two feature set arguments are assumed tofit together in the memory of one node.This constraint is a key defining characteristic of our target ap-plications.This assumption is shared by most user-defined aggregate frameworks[26,32,40].However,SkewReduce provides moreflexibility than systems designed with trivial aggregation functions such as sum,count,average in mind. Specifically,we acknowledge that the union of all feature sets may notfit in memory,so we allow the merge function to set aside results at each step.In this way,we ensure that the size of any value of type F does not grow larger than memory.We acknowledge that some applications may not exhibit this property,but we have not encountered them in practice.We assume that both functions process and merge set aside data of the same form.This assumption may not hold in general,but so far we have found that applications either set aside data in the process phase or in the merge phase,but not both.In our running example,the merge function combines fea-tures from adjacent regions of space,returning a new feature object comprising the bounding box for the newly merged region of space,the cluster id mappings indicating which local clusters are being merged,and the particles near the boundary of the new region.Figure2illustrates the merge step for four partitions P1through P4.The outer boxes, P i,represent the cell boundaries.The inner boxes,I,are afixed distance away from the corresponding edge of the region.The local clustering step,process,identified a total of six clusters labeled C1through C6.Each cluster com-prises points illustrated with a different shade of gray and shape.However,there are only three clusters in this dataset. These clusters are identified during the hierarchical merge step.Clusters C3,C4,C5,and C6are merged because the points near the cell boundaries are within distance of each other.In Figure2,C2does not merge with any other clus-ter because all points in C2are sufficiently far from P1’s boundary.We can thus safely discard C2before merging: These points are not needed during the merge phase.In general,we can discard all the points in the larger I regions before merging,reducing the size of the input to the merg-ing algorithm.This reduction is necessary to enable nodes to process hierarchically larger regions of space without ex-hausting memory.3.1.3Finalize:Join Features with Set-Aside Data Thefinalize function can be used to implement a join be-tween thefinal collection of features and the input represen-tation as output by the process and merge functions.This function is useful for tagging the original data elements withP1P3P4P2Figure2:Illustration of the merge step of the cluster-ing algorithm in the SkewReduce framework.Data is partitioned into four chunks.Points with the same shape are in the same global cluster.Point with different colors but with identical shapes are in dif-ferent local clusters(e.g.,the circles in the middle of thefigure).Each P i labels the cell boundary and each I labels the interior region.Only points outside of I are needed in the subsequent merge phase.After the hierarchical merge phase,three cluster mappings are generated:(C4,C3),(C5,C3), and(C6,C3).Such mappings are used to relabel local cluster ids during thefinalize phase.their assigned feature.Thefinalize function accepts thefi-nal feature set from the merge phase and a single tuple set aside during processing.The SkewReduce framework man-ages evaluation of this function over the entire distributed dataset.Our emphasis on distinguishing“features”and“set aside”data may atfirst appear to be over-specialized to our partic-ular examples,but wefind the idiom to be quite general.To understand why,consider the analogous distinction between vector and raster representations of features.For example, Geographic Information Systems(GIS)may represent a geo-graphic region as an image with each pixel assigned a value of “road”,“waterway”,“building”,etc.(the raster representa-tion).Alternatively,these objects may be represented indi-vidually by line segments,polygons,or some other complex object(the vector representation).Neither representation is ideal for all algorithms,so both are frequently computed and maintained.In our running example,the tagged parti-cles are analogous to the raster representation—each point in the original dataset is labeled with the feature to which it contributes.The user thus specifies the above three functions.Given these functions,SkewReduce automatically partitions the input data into hypercubes and schedules the execution of the process,merge,andfinalize operators in a Hadoop clus-ter.We further discuss the details of the Hadoop translation in Section4.The partition plan is derived by SkewReduce’s optimizer,as we discuss below.In many application domains the process function satisfies the following property:Definition3.1.process Monotonicity For datasets R,S where R⊆S,the execution time time[process(R)]≤time[process(S)](Intuition:as data size increases,so must the local processing cost).The SkewReduce’s optimizer is designed primarily for ap-plications where this property holds.However,it can still handle applications that violate this property,as we discuss in Section3.3.For the applications we encounter in practice,wefind that process is far more expensive than merge,which causes ag-gressive partitioning to be generally beneficial.In these cases,the limiting factor in partitioning is the scheduling overhead.In contrast,if merge is expensive or comparable relative to process,partitioning simply ensures that no node is allocated more data than willfit in its memory. Optional Pre-Processing.The process function oper-ates on a set of records Seq.of T.In some applications, especially those operating on arrays,individual records are not cells but rather small neighborhoods of cells,sometimes called stencils.This distinction is not an issue for process, which receives as input a contiguous block of cells and can thus extract stencil neighborhoods unilaterally.How-ever,since the optimizer operates on a sample of the input data,SkewReduce must apply a pre-processing step that ex-tracts application-defined computational units before sam-pling them.For this reason,although not part of the basic API,we allow a user to provide a custom function to trans-form a sequence of“raw”records into a sequence of compu-tational units,Seq.of T.3.2Cost FunctionsWe have presented the basic SkewReduce API,but we have not explained how skew is handled.Both the process and merge phases of the API are crucially dependent on the initial partitioning of data into regions.Feature extraction applications often exhibit both data skew and computational skew,and both are determined by how the data are parti-tioned.Datasets prone to significant data and computa-tional skew(usually due to extreme variations in data den-sity)can be processed efficiently if an appropriate partition-and-merge plan can be found.As we will show,plan quality can be improved dramatically if the user can estimate the runtime costs of their process and merge functions.We allow the user to express these costs by providing two additional cost functions C p and C m,corresponding to process and merge,respectively.These cost functions oper-ate serially on samples of the original dataset returning a real number;that is:C p::(S,α,B)→RC m::(S,α,B)×(S,α,B)→Rwhere S is a sample of the input,αis the sampling rate, and B is a bounding hypercube.The cost functions accept both a representation of the data(the sample S)and a representation of the region(the bounding hypercube B,represented as a sequence of ranges, one for each dimension).The cost of the feature extraction algorithms we target is frequently driven by the distribution of the points in the surrounding space.One approach to estimate cost inexpensively is therefore to build a histogram using the bounding hypercube and the sample data and com-pute an aggregate function on that histogram.The sampling rateαallows the cost function to properly scale up the esti-mate to the overall dataset.When discussing cost functions in the remainder of this paper,we omit the bounding hy-percube and sampling rate parameters when they are clear from the context.Given a representative sample,the cost functions C p and C m must be representative of actual runtimes of the process and merge functions.More precisely,the functions must satisfy the following properties.。
Analyses of Multi-Way Branching Decision Tree BoostingAlgorithmsKohei Hatano,Department of Mathematical and Computing Sciences,Tokyo Institute of Techonogy,Ookayama2-12-1,Meguro-ku,Tokyo,152-8552,,2001AbstractWe improve the analyses for decision tree boosting algorithms.Our result consists of two parts.In thefirst part,we analyze a decision tree learning algorithm proposed byTakimoto and Maruoka[11]that produces a K-way branching decision tree(where K≥2isa given constant)for multiclass classification.Under the assumption that the algorithm canalways obtain a weak hypothesis with advantage≥γ,Takimoto and Maruoka showed that(1/ε)(K/γ)boosting steps are sufficient for obtaining a tree with the desired training errorε.We improve this bound by proving that(1/log K)(1/ε)(log K/γ)steps are indeed sufficient.Inthe second part,we study a multi-way branching decision tree learning algorithm proposedby Mansour and McAllester[7]that produces a tree with nodes having different number ofbranches.By using a simpler analysis than the one given in[7],we simplify and improvetheir algorithm.1IntroductionBoosting is a technique to construct a“strong”hypothesis combining many“weak”hypotheses. This technique isfirst proposed by Schapire[8]originally to prove the equivalence between strong and weak learnability in PAC-learning.Many researchers have improved boosting techniques such as AdaBoost[5]and so on.(See for example,[4,3,9,10].)Among them,Kearns and Mansour[6]showed that the learning process of well-known decision tree learning algorithms such as CART[2]and C4.5[2]can be regarded as boosting,thereby giving some theoretical justification to those popular decision tree learning tools.More precisely,Kearns and Mansour formalized the process of constructing a decision tree as the following boosting algorithm.For any binary classification problem,let H2be a set of binary hypotheses for this classification problem.Starting from the trivial single-leaf decision tree,the learning algorithm improves the tree by replacing some leaf of the tree(chosen according to a certain rule)with an internal node that corresponds to some hypothesis h∈H2(again chosen according to a certain rule).It is shown that the algorithm outputs a tree T with its training error below s−γ,where s is the number of nodes of T,i.e.,T’s tree size,provided that for any distribution,there always exists some hypothesis in H2whose“advantage”is larger thanγ(0<γ≤1)for the classification problem.This implies that(1/ε)(1/γ)steps are sufficient for the desired training errorε.(See the next section for the detail;in particular,the definition of “advantage”.)There are two extensions of the result of Kearns and Mansour.Takimoto and Maruoka generalized the algorithm for multiclass learning.Their algorithm uses,for anyfixed K≥2, K-class hypotheses,i.e.,hypotheses whose range is R such that|R|=K.On the other hand, Mansour and McAllester gave a generalized algorithm that constructs a decision tree(for binary classification)by using k-class hypotheses for any k≤K.That is,their algorithm may construct a decision tree having nodes with different number of branches.In this paper,we improve the analyses of these two algorithms.First,we examine the algo-rithm of Takimoto and Maruoka.For learning a K-way branching decision tree by using K-class hypotheses with advantage≥γ,Takimoto and Maruoka proved that(1/ε)(K/γ)steps are suffi-cient(in other words,the obtained tree size is bounded by(1/ε)(K/γ))to achieve training error ε.We improve this bound by showing that(1/log K)(1/ε)(log K/γ)steps are indeed sufficient.Secondly,we study the algorithm by Mansour and McAllester.Consider the situation of constructing a decision tree of size s for a given s by using k-class hypotheses,where k≤K for some constant K≥2.Mansour and McAllester showed that their algorithm produces a size s decision tree with training error bound s−γunder the following condition.The condition of Mansour and McAllesterγ≈ln k,and eγ(k)=k−1 i=1 1−γAt each boosting step,there always exists a hypothesis h satisfying the following:(1)h is either binary(in which case k=2)or k-class with some k,2<k≤K,such thatk≤s/s′,and(2)h has advantage larger thanγ⌈log k⌉.This condition is much simpler,and in fact,the above explained intuition becomes more clear under this condition.The item(2)of this new condition means that k-class hypothesis h is better than an“equivalent”depth⌈log k⌉decision tree consisting of binary hypotheses with advantageγ.That is,if we can alwaysfind such a hypothesis at each boosting step,then the algorithm produces a tree that is as good as the one produced by the original boosting algorithm using only binary hypotheses with advantageγ.Note that the item(2)of our condition is stronger(i.e.,worse)than the original one;this is because⌈log k⌉≥gγ(k).But the item(1)of our condition is weaker(i.e.,better)than the original one.Moreover,our modified algorithm does not need to knowγ,which is unknown in the realistic setting;Mansour and McAllester’s algorithm has to knowγ.In our argument,we introduce Weight Distribution Game for analyzing the worst-case error bound.2PreliminariesWe introduce our learning model briefly.Our model is based on PAC learning model proposed by Valiant[12].Let X denote an instance space.We assume the unknown target function f:X→Y={1,...,N}(N≥2).Learner is given a sample S of m labeled examples, S=( x1,f(x1) ,..., x1,f(x m) ),where each x i is drawn independently randomly with respect to an unknown distribution P over X.The goal of the learner is,for any given any constantεandδ(0<ε,δ<1),to output an hypothesis h f:X→Y such that its generalization errorǫ(h f)def=Pr[f(x)=h f(x)]Pis belowε,with probability≥1−δ.In order to accomplish the goal,it is sufficient to design learning algorithms based on“Occam Razor.”[1]Namely,it is sufficient to construct a learning algorithm that outputs a hypothesish f satisfying the following conditions:1.h f’s training errorˆǫ(h f)def=Pr D[f(x)=h f(x)]is small,where D is the uniform distribu-tion over S.2.size(h f)=o(m),where size(·)is the length of the bit string for h f under somefixedencoding scheme.In this paper we consider decision tree learning,i.e.,the problem of constructing a decision tree satisfying the above PAC learning criteria.More precisely,for a given target f,we would like to obtain some decision tree T representing a hypothesis h T whose generalization error is bounded by a givenε(with high probability).Note that when a hypothesis is represented as as a decision tree,the second condition of Occam learning criterion can be interpreted that the number of leaves of the tree is sufficiently small with respect to the size of the sample.By the Occam Razor approach mentioned above,we can construct a decision tree learning algorithm which meets the criteria.Here we recall some basic notations about decision trees.In advance,we assume a set H of hypothesis h:X→R h,where R h is afinite set such that2≤|R h|≤K,and K is anyfixed integer.We allow each h∈H to have different ranges.We denote the set of decision trees determined by H as T(H).A decision tree consists of internal nodes and leaves.Let T be any decision tree in T(H).Each internal node is labeled a hypothesis h∈H and it has|R h|child nodes corresponding to the values of h,here child nodes are either internal nodes or leaves.Each leaf is labeled with an element of Y,the range of target function f.Now we explain how to interpret a decision tree T.Suppose an instance x∈X is given to T. First x goes to the root node of T.Then x goes to the child node corresponding to the values of h(x).Finally,x reaches to some leaf.T answer the label of the leaf.Given a sample S,the way to label leaves is specified as follows:Let Sℓbe the subset of S that reach to a leafℓ.The label ofℓis specified with the major label among labeled examples in Sℓ.When the number of branches of each node in T is some k≥2,we call T k-way branching decision tree.In general cases,including cases when the number of branches of each node in T is different,we call T multi-way branching decision tree.We introduce the notion of boosting.In the classical definition,boosting is to construct a hypothesis h f such that Pr D[f(x)=h f(x)]≤εfor any givenεcombining hypotheses h satisfying Pr D[f(x)=h f(x)]≤1/2−γ.However,in this paper,we measure the goodness of hypotheses from an information-theoretic viewpoint.Here we use an extended entropy proposed by Takimoto and Maruoka[11].Definition1.A function G:[0,1]N→[0,1]is pseudo-entropy function if,for any q1,...,q N∈[0,1]such that N i=1q i=1,1.min i=1,...,N(1−q i)≤G(q1,...,q N),2.G(q1,...,q N)=0⇐⇒q i=1for some i,and3.G is concave.For example,Shannon entropy function H N(q1,...,q N)= N i=1q i log(1/q i)is a pseudo-entropy function.Then we define the entropy of function f using a pseudo-entropy function G.Definition2.G-entropy of f with respect to D,denoted H D G(f),is defined asH G D(f)def=G(q1,...,q N),where q i=Pr D[f(x)=i](i∈Y).We can interpret G-entropy as“impurity”of value of f under the distribution D.For example,if f takes only one value,G-entropy becomes the minimum.If the value of f is random,G-entropy becomes the maximum.Then we define the conditional G-entropy given a hypothesis h:X→R h,where R h is a finite set but possibly different from Y.Definition3.Conditional G-entropy of f given h with respect to D,denoted as H G D(f|h),is defined asH G D(f|h)def= j∈R h Pr D[h(x)=j]G(q1|j,...,q N|j),where q i|j=Pr D[f(x)=i|h(x)=j](i∈Y,j∈R h).Now we show the relationship between the error and G-entropy.Since the range of h may be different from that of f,we need to give a way to interpret h’s values.More precisely,We define a mapping M:R h→Y:M(j)def=arg i∈Y max q i|jThen,the following fact holds.Proposition1.[f(x)=M(h(x))]≤H G D(f|h)PrDProof.PrD[f(x)=M(h(x))]= j∈R h Pr D[h(x)=j]Pr D[f(x)=M(h(x))|h(x)=j]= j∈R h Pr D[h(x)=j]{1−max i∈Y q i|j}= j∈R h Pr D[h(x)=j]min i∈Y q i|j≤ j∈R h Pr D[h(x)=j]G(q1|j,...,q N|j)=H G D(f|h)We note that if H G D(f|h)=0,the error probability Pr D[f(x)=M(h(x))]also becomes0.Fol-lowing relationship between“error-based”and“information-based”hypotheses wasfirst proved by Kearns and Mansour[6].Lemma2(Kearns&Mansour[6]).Suppose N=2and G(q1,q2)=2√16H G D(f).Motivated from the above lemma,we state our assumption.We assume a set of“information-based weak hypotheses”of the target function f.Definition4.Let f be any function from X to Y={1,...,N}(N≥2).Let G:[0,1]N→[0,1] be any pseudo-entropy function.Let H be any set of hypotheses.H and G satisfy theγ-weak hypothesis assumption for f if for any distribution D over X,there exists a hypothesis h∈H satisfyingH G D(f)−H G D(f|h)≥γH G D(f),where0<γ≤1.We call this constantγadvantage and we refer to the reduction H G D(f)−H G D(f|h)as gain..3Learning K-Way Branching Decision TreesWe study the decision tree learning algorithm proposed by Takimoto and Maruoka[11].For the target function f:X→Y={1,...,N}(N≥2),this algorithm constructs K-way branching decision trees where each node has exact K branches and K is anyfixed integer (K≥2).We assume that the algorithm is given some pseudo-entropy function G and a set H K of K-class hypotheses h:X→R such that|R| advance.We call the algorithmTOPDOWN G,HK .The description of TOPDOWN G,HK is given in Figure1.In what follows,we explain theidea and the outline of this algorithm.TOPDOWN G,HK ,given a sample S and an integert≥1as input,outputs a decision tree with t internal nodes,where internal nodes are labeled with functions in H K;that is,the obtained tree is a K-way decision tree.The algorithm’s goal is to obtain,for this decision tree,one that has small training error on S under the uniformTOPDOWN G,H(S,t)KTheorem3(Takimoto and Maruoka[11]).Assume that H K and G satisfy theγ-weak hy-pothesis assumption.Ift≥ 1γ,then TOPDOWN G,HK(S,t)outputs T withˆǫ(T)≤ε.3.1Our AnalysisWe improve the analysis of TOPDOWN G,HK .First we define some notation.For any leafℓ,we define weight WℓasWℓdef=wℓG(q1|ℓ,...,q N|ℓ).The weight of a tree is just the total weight of all its leaves.Then by definition,we immediately have the following relations.Fact1. 1.ˆǫ(T)≤ ℓ∈L(T)Wℓ.2.If H K and G satisfyγ-weak hypothesis assumption,then for any leafℓand weights ofℓ’schild leaves W1,...,W K,we haveW1+···+W K≤(1−γ)Wℓ.From Fact2(1),in order to bound the training error of a tree,it suffices for us to consider the weight of the tree.On the other hand,it follows from Fact2(2)that at each boosting step,the weight of a tree gets decreased byγWℓ,if the leafℓis“expanded”by this boosting step.Thus, we need to analyze how the weight of the tree gets decreased under the situation that,at each boosting step,(i)the leafℓof the largest weight is selected and expanded,and(ii)the weight gets decreased exactly byγWℓ.That is,we consider the worst-case under this situation,and we analyze how the tree’s weight gets decreased in the worst-case.Notice that only the freedom left here is the distribution of the weights W1,...,W K of child leaves ofℓunder the constraint W1+···+W K=(1−γ)Wℓ.Therefore,for analyzing the worst-case,we would like to know the way to distribute the weight Wℓto its child nodes in order to minimize the decrease of the total tree weight.This motivates to define the following combinatorial game.Weight Distribution GameTheorem4.In the Weight Distribution Game,the tree weight is maximized if the player distribute the weight of expanded leaf equally to all its child nodes.Now the worst-case situation for our boosting algorithm is clear from this result and our discussion above.That is,the tree weight gets decreased slowest when every chosen hypothesis divides the leaf’s entropy equally to its all child nodes.Thus,by analyzing this case,we would be able to derive an upper bound of the training error.Theorem5.Assume that H K and G satisfy theγ-weak hypothesis assumption.Ift≥1ε log KK i=W(1−γ)i 1−t′γK i ≤exp[−γ(i+t′/K i)]From Proposition15(see Appendix),we havei+t′log Kln{(log K)(K i+(K−1)t′)/(K−1)}.Thus,we derive thatexp[−γ(i+t′/K i)]≤exp −γln{log K log K= log K log K,where |T |is the number of leaves of T ,i.e.,|T |=t (K −1)+1=K i +(K −1)t ′.From the assumption that t ≥(1/log K )(1/ε)(log K/γ),we havelog K log K = log Klog K <log K log K =(1γ·−γLemma8.For any weight W∈[0,1],any t≥1and any distribution d K∈D K,we havesumγ(W,d K,d∗K,...,d∗Kt).t−1)≤sumγ(W,d∗K,...,d∗KProof.Suppose that the player does not choose a leaf whose weight is the maximum;instead the player choose a leaf that is not expanded in the oldest generation whose weight is the maximumamong weights of all leaves in the same generation.We denote the sum under the situation above as sum′γ.Clearly,we havesumγ(W,d K,d∗K,...,d∗Kt−1).(1)t−1)≤sum′γ(W,d K,d∗K,...,d∗KNow we prove the following inequality.sum′γ(W,d K,d∗K,...,d∗Kt).(2)t−1)≤sumγ(W,d∗K,...,d∗KLet T′and T∗be the trees corresponding to the left and right side of the inequality above respectively.First,consider the case when T′and T∗are completely balanced,i.e.,the case just after all leaves of the trees in the i th generation are expanded for some i.Then the weights of both T′and T∗are W(1−γ)i thus inequality(2)holds.Secondly,we consider the other case,that is,T′and T∗are not completely balanced.Suppose that T′and T∗are trees such that all leaves in the i th generation and t′leaves in i+1th generation are expanded(1≤t′≤K i).We denote the numbers of nodes in i+1th generation of both trees as J=K i.We also denote the weights of nodes in the i+1th generation of T′as W1,...,W J.Without loss of generality,we assume that W1≥···≥W J.Then it holds that J j=1W j=W(1−γ)i.On the other hand,a weight of each node in the i+1th generation of T∗are the same.We denote the weights as W=W(1−γ)i/K i.Now we claim that for any t′, 1≤t′≤J,t′j=1W j≥t′ W.Suppose not,namely, t′j=1W j<t′ W for some t′.Then we have W t′< W.Because the sequence{W j}is monotone decreasing,it holds that J j=1W j<J W!%But that contradicts that J j=1W j=J W=W(1−γ)i.This complete the proof of the claim.Then,we havesum′γ(W,d K,d∗K,...,d∗Kt−1)=W(1−γ)i−γt′ j=1W j≤W(1−γ)i−γt′ W=sumγ(W,d∗K,...,d∗Kt).Now we have proved the inequality(2).Combining inequality(1)and(2),we complete the proof.Next we prove the induction step.Lemma 9.For any weight W ∈[0,1],any t ≥1,any u ≥1and any sequence of distributions d (1)K ,...,d (u )K ∈D K ,sum γ(W,d (1)K ,...,d (u )K ,d ∗K ,...,d ∗Kt −1)≤sum γ(W,d (1)K ,...,d (u −1)K,d ∗K ,...,d ∗Kt).Proof.We prove this inequality from the right side.Let T be the tree that corresponds tosum γ(W,d (1)K ,...,d (u −1)K,d ∗K ,...,d ∗Kt).Let L u −1be the set of leaves of T after u −1th expansion.Then,we have sum γ(W,d (1)K ,...,d (u −1)K ,d ∗K ,...,d ∗K t)= j ∈L u −1sum γ(W j ,d ∗K ,...,d ∗Kt j),where t j is the numberof expansions for a leaf j ∈L u −1and j ’s descendants.Note that t = j ∈L u −1t j .Let j ∗=arg max j ∈L u −1W j (j ∗is the u th leaf to be expanded.)Let T j ∗be the subtree of T rooted at node j ∗.From Lemma 8we have,sum γ(W j ∗,d ∗K ,...,d ∗K t j ∗)≥sum γ(W j ∗,d (u )K ,d ∗K ,...,d ∗Kt j ∗−1).Let Tj ∗be the tree corresponding to the right side of the inequality above.We denote T as the tree produced by removing T j ∗from T and adding Tj ∗at the node j ∗in T . T j ∗and denote sum γ(...)be the sum for T.Then,we have j ∈L u −1sum γ(W j ,d ∗K ,...,d ∗Kt j)≥ sum γ(W,d (1)K ,...,d (u )K ,d ∗K ,...,d ∗K t −1).The tree Tmay not be produced according to the rule that the leaf that has the maximum weight is to be expanded first.Thus,the weights of Tmay be larger than the tree produced according to the rule.Now we havesum γ(W,d (1)K ,...,d (u )K u,d ∗K ,...,d ∗K t −1)≥sum γ(W,d (1)K ,...,d (u )K u,d ∗K ,...,d ∗Kt −1).This complete the proof.Now the proof of our theorem is easy.Proof of theorem 4.From Lemma 9,for any sequence of distributions d (1)K ,...,d (t )K ,sum γ(W,d (1)K ,...,d (t )K )≤sum γ(W,d (1)K ,...,d (t −1)K,d ∗K )≤sum γ(W,d (1)K ,...,d (t −2)K,d ∗K ,d ∗K )≤...≤sum γ(W,d ∗K ,...,d ∗Kt)TOPDOWN-M G,H(S,s)⌈log|R h|⌉T←Tℓ,h;end-whileOutput T;end.Figure2:Algorithm TOPDOWN-M G,H4Learning Multi-Way Branching Decision TreesWe propose an simpler version of Mansour and McAllester’s algorithm,which constructs multi-way branching decision trees.We weaken and simplify some technical conditions of their algo-rithm.Throughout the rest of this paper,we only consider the case of learning boolean functions. The generalization to the multiclass case is easy.In previous sections,we deal with K-way branching decision trees,where K is somefixed integer and K≥2.But here we allow each node has a different number of branches.Let H be a set of hypotheses where each h∈H is a function from X to R h(2≤|R h|≤K) .We assume that H contains a set of binary hypotheses H2.The algorithm is given H and some pseudo-entropy function G:[0,1]2→[0,1]beforehand.We call the algorithm TOPDOWN-M G,H.TOPDOWN-M G,H,given a sample S and an integer s≥2as in-put outputs a multi-way branching decision tree T with|T|=s.We say that a hypothesis h is acceptable for tree T and target size s if either|R h|=2or2<|R h|≤s/|T|.Note that if |T|≥s/2,then only binary hypotheses are acceptable.However H contains H2thus the algo-rithm can always select a hypothesis that is acceptable for any T and s.TOPDOWN-M G,His a generalization of TOPDOWN G,H2.The main modification is the criterion to choose hy-potheses.TOPDOWN-M G,H chooses the hypothesis h:X→R h such that maximizes the gain over⌈log|R h|⌉,not merely comparing the gain.This is because the algorithm must com-pare hypotheses that have different size of ranges.We show the detail of the algorithm is in Figure2.Note that if H2⊂H satisfies theγ-weak hypothesis assumption and hypothesis h:X→R h is selected forℓ,then,H G Dℓ(f)−H G Dℓ(f|h)≥γ⌈log|R h|⌉H G Dℓ(f).4.1Our analysisWe give an analysis for the algorithm TOPDOWN-M G,H.First let us recall some notation.For any leafℓ,we define weight Wℓas Wℓdef=wℓG(q0|ℓ,q1|ℓ). The weight of a tree is just the total weight of all its leaves.Then by definition,we have the following relations.Fact2. 1.ˆǫ(T)≤ ℓ∈L(T)Wℓ.2.If H2and G satisfyγ-weak hypothesis assumption,then for any leafℓand weights ofℓ’schild leaves W1,...,W k(2≤k≤K).we have W1+···+W k≤(1−γ⌈log k⌉)Wℓ.From Fact2(1),it suffice for us to consider a weight of a tree in order to bound the training error of the tree.On the other hand,it follows from Fact2(2)that at each boosting step, the weight of a tree get decreased byγ⌈log k⌉Wℓ,if a leafℓis expanded by this boosting step and a k-class hypothesis is chosen forℓ.Thus,we need to analyze how the weight of the tree gets reduced under“the worst-case”,that is,at each boosting step,(i)the leafℓof the largest weight is selected and expanded,and(ii)the weight gets decreased exactly byγ⌈log k⌉Wℓ,when a k-class hypothesis is chosen forℓ.Notice that only the freedom left here are(i)the number of child nodes k under the constraint k=2or2<k≤s/|T|,and(ii)the distribution of the weights W1,...,W k of child leaves ofℓunder the constraint W1+···+W k=(1−γ⌈log k⌉)Wℓ.Therefore,in order for analyzing the worst-case,we would like to know the way to determine the number of child nodes and the way to distribute the weight Wℓto its child nodes so as to minimize the decrease of the total tree weight.To do this,we modify Weight Distribution Game as follows.Weight Distribution Game-Mthe number of the leaves of the tree becomes s.Let t=s−1.Suppose that after the t th expansion,all leaves in the i th generation are expanded(We assume the initial leaf is in the first generation)and there are t′leaves not expanded in the i+1th generation(0≤t′≤2i). Then the number of all expansion t is given by t= i j=12j−1+t′=2i−1+t′.One can observe that just after all leaves in each generation are expanded,the weight of the tree is multiplied by(1−γ).Thus after all expansions in the i th generation,the weight of the tree is at most W(1−γ)i.Because weight of each leaf in the i+1generation is W(1−γ)i/2i, the weight of the tree after the t th expansion is W(1−γ)i(1−t′γ/2i).Note that1−x≤e−x for any0≤x≤1and W≤1.Then we haveW(1−γ)i 1−t′γLemma13.For any weight W∈[0,1],any integer s≥2,any distribution d k∈D,and the sequence of distributions d k,d∗2,...,d∗2,that is acceptable for s,with length t,sumγ⌈log k⌉(W,d k,d∗2,...,d∗2s−1).t)≤sumγ⌈log k⌉(W,d∗2,...,d∗2Proof.Suppose that the player does not choose a leaf whose weight is the maximum but select a leaf in the oldest generation,that is not expanded yet,whose weight is the maximum among weights of all leaves in the same generation.We denote the sum under the situation above as .Then,we havesum′γ⌈log k⌉sumγ⌈log k⌉(W,d k,d∗2,...,d∗2t)≤sum′γ⌈log k⌉(W,d k,d∗2,...,d∗2t).Now we prove that the following inequality.sum′γ⌈log k⌉(W,d k,d∗2,...,d∗2t)≤sumγ⌈log k⌉(W,d∗k,d∗2,...,d∗2t).(3)Let T′and T∗be the trees corresponding to left and right side of the above inequality respectively.First,consider the case when T′and T∗are completely balanced,i.e.,the case just after all leaves of the trees in the i+1th generation are expanded for some i.Then the weights of both T′and T∗are W(1−γ⌈log k⌉)(1−γ)i thus inequality(3)holds.Secondly,we consider the other case,that is,T′and T∗are not completely balanced.Suppose that T′and T∗are trees such that all leaves in the i+1th generation and t′leaves in the i+2 th generation are expanded(1≤t′≤k2i).We denote the numbers of children in the i+2 th generation of both trees as J=k2i.We also denote the weights of nodes in the i+2th generation of T′as W1,...,W J.Without loss of generality,we assume that W1≥···≥W J. Then it holds that J j=1W j=W(1−γ⌈log k⌉)(1−γ)i.On the other hand,a weight of each node in the i+2th generation of T∗are the same.We denote the weights as W=W(1−γ)i/k2i. Now we claim that for any t′,1≤t′≤J,t′j=1W j≥t′ W.Suppose not,namely, t′j=1W j<t′ W for some t′.Then we have W t′< W.Because the sequence{W j}is monotone decreasing,it holds that J j=1W j<J W!%But that contradicts that J j=1W j=J W=W(1−γ⌈log k⌉)(1−γ)i.This complete the proof of the claim.Then, we havesum′γ(W,d k,d∗2,...,d∗2t)=W(1−γ⌈log k⌉)(1−γ)i−γt′ j=1W j≤W(1−γ⌈log k⌉)(1−γ)i−γt′ W=sumγ(W,d∗k,d∗2,...,d∗2t).Now we have proved the inequality(3).Next we prove the following inequality.sumγ⌈log k⌉(W,d∗k,d∗2,...,d∗2s−1).t)≤sumγ⌈log k⌉(W,d∗2,...,d∗2Suppose s is given as follows:s=2i+s′(2i≤s≤2i+1,s′≥0).Then,we havesumγ⌈log k⌉(W,d∗2,...,d∗2s−1)=(1−γ)i W−s′γ(1−γ)i2i Wdef=φγ(s)W.On the other hand,suppose s also is given as follows:s=k2i′+s′′(k2i′≤s≤k2i′+1,s′′≥0). Then,we havesumγ⌈log k⌉(W,d∗k,d∗2,...,d∗2t)=(1−γ⌈log k⌉)(1−γ)i′W−s′′γ(1−γ⌈log k⌉)(1−γ)i′k2i′ W=(1−γ⌈log k⌉)φγ(s/k)WWe note thatφγ(2s)=(1−γ)φγ(s)andφγis monotone non-increasing function.That implies,φγ(s)2⌊log k⌋ ≤φγ s2⌈log k⌉ =φγ(s)(1−γ)⌈log k⌉≤φγ(s)=sumγ⌈log k⌉(W,d∗2,...,d∗2s−1).Next we prove the induction step.Lemma14.For any weight W∈[0,1],any integer s≥2,any sequence of distributionsd(1)k1,...,d(u)ku,d∗2,...,d∗2,that is acceptable for s,with length u+t,and the sequence of dis-tributions d(1)k1,...,d(u−1)k u−1,d∗2,...,d∗2with length t+u+k u−2,sumγ⌈log k⌉(W,d(1)k1,...,d(u)ku,d∗2,...,d∗2t)≤sumγ⌈log k⌉(W,d(1)k1,...,d(u−1)k u−1,d∗2,...,d∗2t+k u−1)Proof.We prove this inequality from the right side.Note that if the sequence d(1)k1,...,d(u)k u,d∗2,...,d∗2with length u+t is acceptable for s,then,the sequence d k1,...,d(u−1)k u−1,d∗2,...,d∗2withlength u+t+k u−2is also acceptable for s.Let T be the tree corresponds to the sum sum γ⌈log k ⌉(W,d (1)k 1,...,d (u −1)k u −1,d ∗2,...,d ∗2t +k u −1).Let L u −1be the set of leaves of T after the u −1th expansion.Then,we havesum γ⌈log k ⌉(W,d (1)k 1,...,d (u −1)k u −1,d ∗2,...,d ∗2 t +k u −1)= ℓ∈L u −1sum γ⌈log k ⌉(W ℓ,d ∗2,...,d ∗2t ℓ),where t ℓis the number of expansions for leaf ℓand its descendants leaves.Note that t = ℓ∈L u −1t ℓ.Let ℓ∗be the leaf in L u −1that has the maximum weight.(So ℓ∗is the u th leaf tobe expanded.)Let T ℓ∗be the subtree of T rooted at ℓ∗.Let Tℓ∗be a tree that has the following properties:(i)|T ℓ∗|=| T ℓ∗|,and (ii) T ℓ∗is generated according to d (u )k u ,d ∗2,...,d ∗2 t ℓ∗−k u +1,whereas T ℓ∗is generated according tod ∗2,...,d ∗2t ℓ∗.Now we consider replacing T ℓ∗with Tℓ∗.To do this,we need to guarantee that k u ≤|T ℓ∗|.That is clear when k u =2.Now we consider the other case.Becausethe sequence d (1)k 1,...,d (u )k u ,d ∗2,...,d ∗2is acceptable for s ,thus by definition,k u ≤s/|L u −1|.Onthe other hand,T ℓ∗is the biggest subtree among all subtrees rooted at leaves in L u −1.That implies s/|L u −1|≤|T ℓ∗|.Now we guarantee that k u ≤|T ℓ∗|.From Lemma 13,we havesum γ⌈log k ⌉(W ℓ∗,d ∗2,...,d ∗2 t ℓ)≥sum γ⌈log k ⌉(W ℓ∗,d (u )k u d ∗2,...,d ∗2t ℓ−k u +1).Thus we conclude that by replacing subtree T ℓ∗with Tℓ∗,the sum of weights of T becomes small.We denote the replaced tree as T ,and denote its weight as sum γ⌈log k ⌉.Then,we haveℓ∈L u −1sum γ⌈log k ⌉(W ℓ,d ∗2,...,d ∗2 t ℓ)≥ sum γ⌈log k ⌉(W,d (1)k 1,...,d (u )k u ,d ∗2,...,d ∗2t).The tree Tmay not be produced according to the rule that the leaf that has the maximum weight is to be expanded first.Thus,the sum of weights of Tmay be larger than the tree produced according to the rule.Now we havesum γ⌈log k ⌉(W,d (1)k 1,...,d (u )k u ,d ∗2,...,d ∗2t)≥sum γ⌈log k ⌉(W,d (1)k 1,...,d (u )k u ,d ∗2,...,d ∗2 t).This complete the proof.Now the proof of our theorem is easy.Proof for Theorem 12.From lemma 13and lemma 14,for any sequence of distributiond (1)k 1,...,d (t )k tthat is acceptable for s ,we havesum γ⌈log k ⌉(W,d (1)k 1,...,d (t )k t )≤sum γ⌈log k ⌉(W,d (1)k 1,...,d (t −1)k t −1,d ∗2,...,d ∗2k t −1)≤sum γ⌈log k ⌉(W,d (1)k 1,...,d (t −2)k t −2,d ∗2,...,d ∗2k t −1+k t −2)≤...≤sum γ⌈log k ⌉(W,d ∗2,...,d ∗2s −1).。