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是爷爷养育教导我和哥哥,如今我和哥哥长大成人,自是要为爷爷分担,只是爷爷也要当心身子才是。”“好好,都听你的。 爷爷今天来是想告诉你一些事情,想问问你的意见。”“爷爷请说。”“我雪城自创城之时就有和日曜联姻的约定,不论男女, 子嗣中至少有一人前去联姻,直到四十年前你姑姑嫁给日曜国的皇帝为皇贵妃此事你是知道的,我一直告诉你姑姑是病死的, 实则不然。”“你姑姑嫁给元帝是因为我雪城不论男女之血都可救人一命,不论毒血还是药血。你姑姑则是一半药血一半毒血, 嫁给元帝是为了给当时怀孕的元后待产放血之用,不知怎的,皇后难产用了你姑姑的血竟毫无作用,元帝大怒,牵连了好多人, 后来受人陷害,被元帝残忍的五马分尸,连个全尸都没有。”“这居然……如此荒谬。”“前些日子日曜国带来诚意要求我们 再次与他们联姻,我并未给明确答复。而在雪城中的天香楼,你可能不知,那是南萧国萧太后的胞弟萧煜痕萧国舅的私产,当 时我允许他在此处开店也是出于对于雪城发展的考虑,竟没想到,居然养虎为患,让他伤了你哥哥。”“那么现在,是人人都 觊觎我雪城吗?”“不仅如此,只怕他们除了雪城之外,还要的是你。”“我?”“你是我雪城百年来唯一的药血之躯,又是 我雪城的继承人之一,只怕有人想对付了你哥哥,让你顺利继承雪城之后再以联姻为名强行求取你,到时只怕你我都自顾不暇, 雪城百姓要任人鱼肉了。”“好阴毒的计策,要用这样的方法得到我雪城,只怕是天下人的悲哀。爷爷的意思是?”“我雪城 最近一批批的来人,必有各方来的探子,我们现在只能捉鬼,看看藏在我雪城里的人还有多少,最后再一网打尽,先自保为 上。”“我明白了,爷爷。需要我做什么?”“我作为雪城之主,出面必会引得各方动荡不安,既然她们目标其中很大一部分 是你,不妨你出面去会会这些人,一来我们在明,他们在暗,引蛇出洞。二来此事虽然危险,但也可试探试探哪国才是真心与 我们结好。爷爷固步自封十多年,现在是该让他们看看,我们雪城究竟是不是好惹的。”“是,爷爷。”院外吹过阵阵凉风, 雪城今年的冬天,只怕比往年更冷。 第011章 山重疑无路雪城的民风淳朴,但也有像模像样的买手街,里面蔬菜水果、茶馆 酒楼、面摊古玩是应有尽有,而这里,也是另一个中心——八卦最集中的地方。某茶馆。“你们听说了吗?昨夜城主府有人死 了?”“当然听说了,据说是一个丫鬟,被少城主给糟蹋了。”“啧啧啧,不过我之前听说这少城主不是不举的吗?怎么还有 这工夫?之前那刘大婶家的闺女暗恋少城主,用一条手帕u表心意,你没见那少城主看都没看就从她身边过去了,当时还有人 说他好男风,如今看来,此事说不定
Language points
from in that over time as a while turn into
be the same /unlike for the reason that/because past a long time in general become/rs
Chinese is a pictophonetic language. Pictophones are composed of tow parts,the meaning part and the sound part. The former part tells readers its meaning while the latter part tells readers its pronunciation. It is estimated(估计) that around 90 per cent of these characters today display this symbolism(象征意义). So, by looking at the two components(成分), the reader is frequently given a hint as to either the pronunciation, meaning,or both. Through this method,the Chinese language has evolved(进化) into a richer and more diverse(多种多样的 ) language.
Pictographs are another from of notation(符号,标志) in transcribing(转录, 抄写) linguistic(语言上的) meaning, and they are where most Chinese characters can find their origins(起源). Another example is Egyptian hieroglyphics (象形 文字).
Use the following words and phrases to retell the article
Chinese language, differ from, represent, ideas, objects, actions, Cang jie,shapes ,picture,pictographs,drawing standard forms, pictophonetic characters,indicating,meaning showing,sound, in the 1950s,Chinese government, simplified,widely used
4. Considering your idea ____________, as a whole I
think it will contribute significantly to the development of the company. However, it
may cause some problems as well. 5.I was lucky _________ in that I was able to find what I wanted
Listen to the tape and do T/F
The Chinese language differs from many Western languages because Western languages use characters which have meanings and can stand alone as words.(F) Cang jie invented the first Chinese characters which used shapes or pictures to represent different objects. (T) The first real Chinese characters were picture-words which turned into standard forms and became more complex over time. (F) Pictographs indicate meanings while pictophonetic characters indicate pronunciation. (F) The method of creating pictophonetic is still used today. (T)
Fill in the blanks with proper words or phrases
The Chinese language ____ differs_____many from Western languages in __that ___it uses characters which have meanings and can stand alone as __a word.Chinese people invented numerous characters to ideas,objects actions It is said that represent____ _____ or _____. Cang Jie invented Chinese writing which used different ______or _______to represent different shapes pictures objects.the characters have __________ developed from Pictographs indicate drawings into ___ standard forms. __________ characters are meanings while pictophonetic ________ __________ composed of the meaning part and the sound part.
Paragraph 7-8
Brief introduction of Chinese characters. The origins of Chinese characters.
Form and development of Chinese characters. Pronunciation of Chinese characters and simplified Chinese characters.
Cang jie
Cang jie, who is believed to have invented Chinese characters,used to work as history official under the Yellow Emperor in ancient China. It is said that the inscriptions (题字) on bones and tortoise(龟) shells(外壳) were also invented by him. He has been taken as a legendary figure(人物) in Chinese history and culture.