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对照实物确认的钻井词汇一、井口与井控1.套管头升高短节(上下由法兰连接,中间是三通或四通)casing spool2.油管悬挂器tubing hanger3.油管悬挂器上边接有阀门的盖子tubing bonnet4.(可焊接的)导管头(接箍)conductor connector5.(可焊接的)套管头(接箍)casing connector6.井口帽blanking cap & plug7.三闸板防喷器triple slide-lok preventer8.双闸板防喷器double slide-lok prevente9.油/套管升高短节tubing/casing riser10.整体式升高短节integral union riser11.法兰×丝扣井口转换头wellhead adapter12.井口四通两边的横向阀门wing valves13.油管悬挂器上边的变径法兰大小头bonnet14.上边是法兰的套管头casing flange15.只上边是法兰,下边与表层套管焊接的套管头casing head16.套管头内的卡瓦casing slips17.(上法兰小,下法兰大)变径套管头casing spool crossover18.与导管焊接的坐在圆井底的套管头landing head flange top19.卡瓦密封套管悬挂器slips seal casing hanger20.(上下是法兰,中间是四通的)油管升高短节tubing spool21.柔性封隔闸板flexpacker ram22.可变径闸板variable bore ram23.剪切闸板shearing blind ram24.卡瓦型套管悬挂器slip-type casing hangers25.高负荷悬挂器high-load hanger26.悬挂器断开式密封圈hanger isolation seal ring27.井口封隔变径变压法兰(中间有几道密封圈,下边是低压,上边是高压)packoff/crossover flange28.油管头(下法兰大,内带密封圈;中间是四通,上法兰小)tubing heads29.底(下)变径法兰(下边内径大,上边内径小)basic adapter30.单密封变径法兰(下内径大,上内径小)single seal bore adapter31.变径大小头(下边是法兰,上边是本体上钻孔攻丝扣)coupling adapter32.油管悬挂器转换大小头短节(上法兰小,下法兰大,下法兰内有丝扣)tubingsuspension adapter33.双油管悬挂器dual completion tubing hanger34.双密封孔连接法兰dual seal bore adapter35.锁紧螺丝lockdown screw36.(地面)单油管密封总成single packer completion37.法兰式采油树盖子flanged tree caps38.扰性油管悬挂器coiled tubing hanger39.扰性油管头coiled tubing head40.高级环形防喷器芯子supreme stripper41.旋转防喷器rotating BOP42.下面带有母扣的套管头casing head housing with female casing thread43.带底盘的套管头casing head housing with base plate44.(上法兰小,下法兰大)带四通的套管头crossover casing spool45.常规油管头conventional tubing head46.防喷器吊装系统BOP handling system47.(装在压井管汇一边的)单流阀check valve48.标准扰性油管树总成typical coiled tubing tree assembly49.套管悬挂器(即套管头内的卡瓦)casing hanger50.万能防喷器芯子packing unit51.装压力表的井口或采油树顶盖flow adapter52.(较大较厚的)密封圈packoff53.(从井口通往节流管汇的)液控阀HCR valve54.回压阀(止回阀)check valve55.套管头外壳CHH=casing head housing56.套管头上的四通CHS=casing head spool57.用在套管头与四通之间的变径变压法兰DSA=drilling spool adaptor58.地平面GL=ground level59.手动阀门MV=manual valve60.双头螺栓连接的油管头四通DSTHS=double studded tubing head spool61.双头螺栓连接的密封转换法兰DSPOAF=doublestuddedpack-offadaptorflange62.大直径导管stovepipe63.压井钻井液KWM=kill weight mud64.井口最大允许环空压力(套压)MAASP=maximumallowableannularsurfacepressure65.起钻POOH=pull out of hole66.下钻RIH=run in hole67.关井立管压力SIDPP=shut-in drill pipe pressure68.关井套压SICP=shit-in casing pressure69.副司钻AD=assistant driller70.垂直井深TVD=true vertical depth71.垂直方向TVD=true vertical direction72.压井排量和压力KRP=kill rate & pressure73.初始循环压力ICP=initial circulating pressure74.终止循环压力FCP=final circulating pressure75.测量深度(实际井深)MD=measured depth76.钻井液密度MD=mud density77.每分钟冲数SPM=strokes per minute78.井底压力不变CBHP=constant bottom-hole pressure二、套管和固井1.(固井或压井用的高压管线)可转向短节swivel joint2.由壬hammer lug unions3.防硫化氢由壬(H2S)sour gas unions4.焊接由壬butt weld unions5.上扣由壬threaded unions6.焊接弯头welded elbow7.(约两三米长,两三吋的)两头带由壬的高压固井、压井管线pup joint8.水泥头plug lounching head9.(刮管器上的)刮刀片scraper blades10.回收式水泥分割器retrievable cement packoff11.可钻水泥分割器drillable cement packoff12.杯形水泥分割器cup style cement packoff13.封割器坐入工具packoff setting tool14.带可钻封隔器的尾管挂liner setting collar with drillable packoff15.带回压阀的引鞋PVTS16.自动灌钻井液引鞋self-filling float shoe=fill-up valve=fillup mode17.带分流孔的(防堵)引鞋down-jet float shoe18.桥塞bridge plug19.机械式桥塞(或尾管)送入工具mechanical setting tool20.大直径限位环oversize stop ring21.封隔器胶皮限位套packer thimble22.(螺旋刮管器上的)刀片限位套blade retainer23.单回压阀引鞋single float set shoe24.双回压阀引鞋dual float set shoe25.扣闩式尾管固井胶塞承托环latch landing collar26.旋转式尾管送入器rotating liner running tool27.坐入器清杂网setting tool debris screen28.套管扶正器限位套stop collar=dog collar29.不焊接的套管扶正器non-welded centralizer30.半钢性套管扶正器semi-rigid centralizer31.无焊接涡流式套管扶正器non-welded turbolizer32.钢性套管扶正器rigid centralizer33.水泥篮cement basket34.固体分流器solid body diverter35. (双级固井)第一级堵塞器first stage sealing plug36. (双级固井)第二级“炮弹”式旁通打开器free-ball opening device37. (双级固井)第二级堵塞器closing plug38. (双级固井)泵冲式旁通打开器pump down opening plug39. (双级固井)旁通堵塞器by-pass plug40.分级箍stage cementing collar41.套管快速护丝quick-clamp thread protector42.套管双公短节casing nipple43.引鞋float nose=guide shoe=set shoe44.铰链式套管扶正器hinge-type centralizers45.多级固井分级箍multiple stage cementing collar46.单级固井水泥头single stage cementing head47.双级固井水泥头two stage cementing head48.有焊接弓形弹簧扶正器welded spring bow centralizer49.无焊接直条扶正器non-weld straight bow centralizer50.短螺旋刚性扶正器short spiral rigid centralizer51.扶正器限位套stop collar52.套管涨管器casing roller53.插入杆stinger54.插入(接)头tag-in adapter55. (插入式固井的)插入座tag-in float collar56.插入式固井下部结构tag-in assembly57.插入式固井用的钻杆座和卡瓦drill pipe bowl and slips58. (插入式固井)水泥头pack-off head assembly59. (插入式固井)上丝扣式的插入头screw-in adapter60. (插入式固井)锁闩式插入头screw-in adapter61. (插入式固井)插入密封头stab-in seal sub62.螺旋清砂扶正器(套)spiral solid stand-off centralizers63.直刮刀式清砂扶正器solid “straight blade” stand-off centralizer64. (扶正器与井壁)接触长度wall contact65.回压阀back pressure valve66. (固井或压井用)约2~5米长,2吋或3吋高压管线longsweep hose67.双公由壬短节male×male union ends68.公母由壬短节male×female union ends69.总长overall length70.水泥头releasing bail operator71.进扣长度make up loss=thread swallow三、管材与配件1.四通full flow cross2. (等边)三通long sweep full flow tee3. 90度弯头long sweep 90°ell4.侧三通long sweep tee5.顶部有出口的160度立管鹅颈管三通standpipe gooseneck 160°with top outlet6. 45度弯头long sweep 45°ell7.大小头adapter sub8.循环三通T-pump-in sub9.变径大小头(粗细扣大小头)crossover adapter10.短钻杆drill pipe pup joint11.十字四通连接管cross connector12.丁字三通连接管tee connector13.活动转向短节(固井、压井管线)Chiksan swivel joint14.伸缩短节expansion joint15.细扣管线堵头bull plug16.细扣管线大小头line pipe swages17.(两半式带手柄的)水管线卡子hinglelok18.(两半式用两个螺栓固定的)水管线卡子rigidlite coupling19.细扣管线接箍(双母)line pipe coupling=steel merchant coupling20.丝扣连接旁通(出口)threaded side outlet21.螺栓连通旁通studded side outlet22.母扣female threaded23.盲板法兰blind flange24.内径带丝扣的法兰companion flange25.内径带密封圈的法兰packoff flange26.变径法兰crossover flange27.与法兰连接的方块四通studded cross28.与法兰连接的方块三通studded tee29.与法兰连接的丝扣三通flanged by thread tee30.单头可转短节(仅一头能转动的短节)single swivel coupling31.单弯脖单头可转短节single swivel with one elbow32.双弯脖单头可转短节single swivel with two elbows33.双弯脖双头可转短节two swivels with two elbows34.单弯脖双头可转短节two swivels with one elbow35.三弯脖双转向短节two swivels with three elbows36.三弯脖三转向短节three swivels with three elbows37.双弯脖三转向短节three swivels with two elbows38.方(块)铁直角弯脖block connector39. 90度弯脖long radius connector40.可变径弯接头knuckle joint41.管线滤清器strainer四、地面与井下工具A.地面工具1.砂轮片grinding wheels2.手动钻具台肩修整器shoulder facing device3.内六楞凹头螺栓allen head cap screws4.六楞弯头扳手allen wrench5.带限位台肩的接头stop sub6.固定螺丝(限位螺丝)retainer screw7.方瓦驱动方钻杆square drive8.销子驱动方钻杆(滚子方补心带四个爪)pin drive9.高强度滚子方补心heavy duty roller Kelly bushing10.钻杆卡瓦rotary slips11.钻铤卡瓦drill collar slips12.导管卡瓦conductor pipe slips13.套管卡瓦casing slips14.铰链式套管卡瓦hinged casing spider15.气动套管吊卡/卡瓦casing elevator/spider16.安全卡瓦clamp17.滚筒排绳槽lebus groove18.装在井架大腿上的死绳固定器mast leg mount anchor19.死绳固定器wireline anchor=deadline anchor20.绷绳地锚deadman21.离合器clutches22.刹车片brakes23.端面离合器刹车片disc brakes24.快速放气阀quick release valves25.转子密封器rotorseals26.(大直径管线)充气密封圈air-o-union27.(保险)放压阀pressure relief valve28.钻井液防喷盒mud miser29.鼠洞上扣钳和吊卡mousehole spinning wrench & elevator30.销子驱动方补心pin drive Kelly bushing31.方铁驱动方补心square drive Kelly bushing32.高压胶管diver hose33.滚筒刹带brake bands34.刮泥器pipe wipers35.高强度链钳heavy-duty chain36.泵缸套imperial liner37.中间带钢圈的活塞imperial piston38.耐用活塞(中间无钢圈)extra-life bonded piston39.中间有扶正器(孔)的阀体和阀座imperial valves and seats40.带四个爪的阀体和阀座roughneck full open series valves and seats41.刹带片brake blocks42.泵空气包胶囊diaphragms for pulsation dampener43.方钻杆下旋塞Kelly guard44.小鼠洞上扣器rotating mousehole45.(钻台上用的)气葫芦air tugger46.分体式游车大钩trunion supported hook47.连体式游车大钩adapter supported hook48.喷射式混合漏斗jet mixing system49.单作用泵活塞single acting pump piston50.双作用活塞泵double acting pump piston51.手动油管卡瓦manual tubing spider52.气动油管卡瓦air powered tubing spider53.气动卡瓦slip spider54.气动吊卡slip elevator55.长体手动卡瓦extra long slips56.多片式钻铤卡瓦multisegment drill collar slips57.链钳chain tong58.(大管线)充气密封圈air-inflatable tight seal59.快扣加固井架用保险带snap-on cable reinforced derrick belt60.高台罐区用保险带platform and tank belt61.放线工保险带lineman’s belt62.快扣弯连接二层台和井架保险带(宽腰有背带)snap-onandbuckle-oncombination monkey board and derrick belt63.(宽腰无背带)加固二层台保险带reinforced monkey board belt64.弯接加固二层台保险带buckle-on cable reinforced derrick belt65.高强度蛇皮接绳器heavy-duty grips66.单股或双股编织接绳器single or double weave grip67.三股编织接绳器triple weave grips68.四股编织接绳器quad weave grips69.单(双)接环蛇皮接绳器single (dual) eye grip70.顶部开口单接环蛇皮接绳器single eye top opening grip71.顶部开多口单环蛇皮接绳器topside multiple opening grip72.接绳转向器directional boring swivels73.指重表weight indicator74.压力表pressure gauge75.电子转盘扭距表electric rotary torque76.大钳扭距tong torque77.泵冲数表SPM pump speed indicator78.自动送钻automatic driller79.二层台钻杆支梁finger board80.刹车鼓brake rims81.钻杆刮泥器(drillpipe) stripper rubber82.接链器chain connector83.(大绳)排绳器wireline guide84.单头内六方扳手impact box end wrench85.六楞方钻杆hexagonal Kelly86.(装在滚筒护罩上的)防碰天车阀short toggle valve87.拧扣器make-up/break-out unitsB.井下工具1.铆钉式可调螺旋扶正器undergauge adjustable stabilizer2.钻头导向器bit pilot3.整体式螺旋扶正器integral blade stabilizer4.焊接式螺旋扶正器welded blade stabilizer5.可变径扶正器variable gauge stabilizer6.可更换的扶正器套stabilizer sleeves7.换套扶正器心轴stabilizer mandrel8.滚子扶正器roller reamer9.单级牙轮扩大器(下边可接领眼钻头)single stage hole opener10.六方减震器hex bumper sub11.牙轮取心钻头roller core-barrel head12.刮刀取心钻头blade core-barrel head13.钻铤螺旋槽spiral groove14.方钻铤square drill collar15.光钻铤slick drill collar16.(钮扣式)碳化钨扶正器套sleeve with tungsten carbide buttons17.镍合金扶正器套sleeve with nivalloy18.滚子扶正器rotaryreamers19.(密封轴承)井眼扩大器sealed bearing hole openers20.钻头喷嘴jet nozzle21.无卡簧槽的喷嘴standard nozzle22.有卡簧槽的喷嘴shrouded nozzle23.磨鞋式螺旋扶正器watermelon mill24.磨鞋式短螺旋扶正器string mill25.螺旋加重钻杆spiral-wate drillpipe26.扩大器U/R=underreamer五、钻井液药品与缩写符号1.稀释剂(液体,约25kg1桶)2.抗高温流变性稳定剂3.抗高温流变性稳定剂,属稀释剂,加重时用一点,不增稠,液体约200kg1桶4.液体,润滑剂,约200kg1桶5.高温高压失水稳定剂(降失水),干粉,约25kg1袋6.(有时只写作XCD或CD),生物聚合物,降失水,调流变性,提粘(钻井液稀—流变性低)7.干粉堵漏剂(类似国内的随钻堵漏剂),成分:锯末、稻糠、植物种子8.中号碎核桃壳(相当于麦粒大小)9.细云母粉云母片10.蚌壳渣11.(有时只写作PAC),干粉,相当于国内的CMC,有时在Drispac后加上R或SL,其意是:R—regular高粘,SL-superlow低粘,中文名:聚阴离子纤维素12.滤液酚酞碱度13.钻井液酚酞酸度14.滤液甲基橙碱度15.亚甲基蓝测定法(膨润土含量)16.钻井液密度17.每加仑磅18.粘度19.塑性粘度20.秒21.夸脱22.厘米/秒23.屈服点(流动点)24.磅25.英尺26.静切力(胶凝强度)27.(氢离子浓度倒数的对数)28.立方厘米立方容积29.美国石油学会精确位置显示器30.桶31.钙32.百万分率(百万分之几)33.钻屑34.磅/桶35.尽可能低36.失水37.高温高压38.聚阴离子纤维素衍生物六、打捞工具1.平底牙轮磨鞋2.带锯齿的铣鞋3.铣锥4.枣核形铣锥(两头带丝扣)5.打捞颈6.篮式卡瓦7.螺旋弹簧式卡瓦8.螺旋弹簧式卡瓦控制环9.篮式带铣鞋卡瓦控制环10.母铣锥11.大头壁挂式坡口打捞引鞋12.厚壁管制的壁钩13.卡瓦打捞筒加长管14.母锥15.带坡口引子的母锥16.打捞矛上的退出环17.笔尖式引子18.(打捞筒内的)落物打捞爪19.锯齿底引子20.壁钩式坡口引子21.四楞短锥体带喷嘴磨鞋22.锥头引子23.爪式引鞋24.锯齿式引鞋25.随钻打捞杯26.刮刀式磨鞋27.28.。
井控常用词汇1. abnormal pressure 异常压力(normal pressure,正常压力 higher-than-expected/normal pressure,lower-than-normal pressureabnormally high pressureabnormally low pressure2. accumulator储能器3. accumulator bottle储能器瓶4. acid fracture酸裂5. adjustable choke可调节流阀6. annular blowout preventer (BOP)环型防喷器(ram BOP)bag BOP7. annular pressure/casing pressure环空压力(套压)(drillpipepressure立压) pit gain8. annular space环空(annulus)9. annular velocity环空上返速度10. anticline 背斜11. atmospheric pressure 大气压(0.1Mpa)(1at)12. background gas背景气13. back off 倒扣/卸扣 make up14. back-pressure 回压 check/单向阀non-return valve回压凡尔15. barite BaSO4重晶石16. barium sulfate BaSO417. barrel (bbl) gallon/加仑1m3=6.2897bbl18. bell nipple 钟型导向短节,(喇叭口)19. BHP (bottom hole pressure)20. bleed 放喷21. bleed line放喷管线22. blind ram 全封闸板pipe ram 半封闸板shear ram 剪切闸板23. blind ram preventer全封闸板防喷器24. blowout 井喷(kick 井涌)25. blowout preventer control panel防喷器控制面板 console26. blowout preventer control unit防喷器控制系统27. blowout sticking 井喷卡钻28. BOP stack防喷器组29. bottom hole pressure test井底压力测试/DST----drill stem test中途测试30. bottoms up 上返行程/lag time31. bottoms-up time上返时间lag time 迟到时间32. Boyle’s law 波依耳定律33. bridging materials桥堵材料34. bullheading 压回地层压井法35. cased hole 下入套管的井眼open hole section裸眼段36. casing套管 collar 钻铤37. casing burst pressure套管破裂压力38. casing point 套管下深39. casing pressure套压40. casing seat 套管座41. casing string 套管柱42. cement n.水泥43. cement plug水泥塞44. change ram 更换闸板45. charles’s law 查尔斯定律(V1/T1=V2/T2)46. check valve 单向阀47. choke 节流阀48. choke line节流管线49. choke manifold节流管汇/kill manifold50. circulate-and-weight method 循环加重法51. concurrent method /同步法52. circulating components循环系统53. circulating density循环密度 ECD54. circulating fluid=drilling fluid=mud/slurry55. circulating head 循环头56. circulating pressure循环压力57. circulation循环lost circulation 井漏58. clay hydration 粘土水化59. closed-in pressureshut-in pressure 关井压力60. concurrent method同步法61. condition v.处理,改善, 调整62. connate water 原生水63. connection gas 接单根气64. constant choke-pressure method 恒节流压力法65. constant pit-level method 恒泥浆池液面法pit gain 泥浆池增量66. crystallization 结晶地层67. degasser 除气器68. diverter 分流器69. diverter line分流器管线70. drag 旋转阻力71. driller’s BOP co ntrol panel 司钻控制台72. driller’s method 司钻法 wait-and-weight method 等待加重法/工程师法73. drilling break 钻速突快/放空74. drilling fluid=drilling mud 钻井液75. drilling rate 机械钻速ROP—rate of penetrationm/h drilling time—钻时 min/m76. drilling under pressure/under balance pressure drilling UBD欠平衡钻井drilling over pressure /过平衡near-balance pressure drilling/近平衡77. drill pipe float 钻杆浮阀78. drill pipe pressure 立压79. drill pipe pressure gauge立压表80. drill pipe safety valve钻杆安全阀Kelly cock81. drill stem 钻柱 drill string82. DST---drilling stem test /中途测试/unintentionalkick/intentional kick83. drill under pressure v.84. ECD---equivalent circulating density 等效/当量循环密度85. entrained gas 气侵气gas-cut mud/气侵泥浆86. explosive fracture 爆破压裂87. fault 断层88. fill line 灌浆管线 fill-up line89. fill the hole v. 灌浆90. fill-up rate灌浆速度91. filter cake 滤饼92. filter loss 滤失量93. filter press 失水仪94. final circulating pressure /FCP终了循环压力/ICP---initialcirculating pressure95. flow check 溢流检测96. formation breakdown pressure 地层破裂压力/leak-off test97. formation competency test 地层承压能力测试98. formation fluid地层流体99. formation fracture gradient地层破裂压力梯度100. formation pressure地层压力101. formation strength地层强度102. fracture 裂缝103. fracture pressure破裂压力104. friction loss压耗105. gas气体106. gas buster=mud-gas separator泥浆-气体分离器 Poor boy107. gas-cut mud气侵泥浆108. gas cutting气侵109. gas detection analyzer气体检测仪110. geopressured shales地压页岩111. geostatic pressure地静压力112. geothermal gradient地温梯度113. guide shoe引鞋114. gunk plug油泥塞115. hang off116. hard shut-in硬关井117. soft shut-in软关井118. head 静压头119. hole geometry/hole size井眼尺寸120. hydraulic control pod液控箱121. hydril海德尔/122. hydrogen sulfide H2S123. hydrostatic pressure静液压力124. IADC International Association of Drilling Contractors IWCF--forum125. ICP 初始循环压力initial circulating pressureFCP 终了循环压力final circulating pressure123. inside blowout preventer钻具内防喷器inside BOPinternal BOP126. interstitial water 原生水=connate water127. invert-emulsion mud逆乳化泥浆oil-base mud128. Kelly cock 旋塞upper kelly cock上旋塞lower kelly cock下旋塞126. kick 井涌/overflow127. kick fluids井涌流体129. kick tolerance井涌允许量130. kill v. 压井well-kill n.131. killing fluid压井液 MWI----mud weight increase = 102P d/H132. kill line 压井管线133. kill rate 压井泵速134. kill-rate pressure压井泵压135. kill sheet压井施工单fill in 填写133. kill string 压井管柱leak-off test 漏失测试136. log 测井137. log a well v. 测井138. logging device测井仪139. loss of circulation 井漏140. lost circulation井漏141. lost circulation additives堵漏剂140 lost circulation materialsLCM堵漏材料141.lost circulation plug堵漏塞142.lost returns 井漏143.lubricate 润滑v.144. macaroni string145. matrix acidizing基岩酸化146.maximum allowable surface pressure MASP/MAASP=P f - P m最大允许关井套压 MACP147.measured depth MD测深层TVD =true vertical depth垂深I.D 内径O.D外径148.Minerals Management Service149. mud additive泥浆添加剂150.mud analysis logging泥浆录井151. mud column泥浆柱152. mud conditioning处理泥浆153. mud density recorder泥浆密度记录仪154. mud-flow indicator泥浆流速指示器mud-flow sensor155. mud-gas separator泥浆气体分离器156. mud gradient 泥浆压力梯度G m=0.00981ρm157. mud-level recorder泥浆液面记录仪158. mud log 泥浆日志159. mud logger 泥浆测量员160. mud pit 泥浆池161. mud program 泥浆配方162. mud pump 泥浆泵163. mud return line /ditch泥浆槽164. mud system 泥浆体系165. mud tank 泥浆罐166. mud weight 泥浆比重167. nipple up 安装防喷器nipple down拆防喷器168. normal circulation 正常循环169. normal formation pressure正常地层压力0.00981----- 0.010496 Mpa/m170. OCS --- Outer Continental Shelf 外大陆架171. OCS orders外大陆架法规172. oil-base mud 油基泥浆173. oil- emulsion mud油基乳化泥浆174. open裸眼井,空井 open hole175. overburden pressure上覆岩层压力176. permeability 渗透性 impermeability177. pipe ram preventer半封闸板防喷器178. pit gain 泥浆池增量179.pit-level indicator/recorder泥浆液面指示器180. pit-volume recorder 泥浆体积记录仪181.Pit Volume Totalizer(PVT)泥浆体积累计器182. plug 塞子183. plug back 回填v.184. plugging material 填井材料cement 185. positive choke节流negative differential pressure负压差186. pounds per cubic foot磅/英尺3187. pounds per gallon(ppg)磅/加仑 1g/cm3 = 8.33ppgfresh water /brine188. pounds per square inch gauge(psig) 磅/英寸2压力表189. pounds per square inch per foot psi/ft磅/英寸2/英尺-----压力梯度单位190. pressure drop 压力降191. pressure gauge 压力表192. pressure gradient 压力梯度193. pressure-integrity test 压力完整性测试194. pressure loss压力损失195. preventer packer防喷器胶芯196. rate of penetration (ROP)机械钻速 m/hr197. reduced circulating pressure(RCP)降低的循环压力 SCR—slow circulating rate198. remote BOP control panel =drill’s BOP control panel防喷器遥控面板199. remote choke panel节流阀遥控面板200. returns 返出物201. reverse circulation 反循环202. reverse drilling break 钻速突慢203.rotating blowout preventer 旋转防喷器204.rotating head 旋转头205.safety valve 安全阀206.saturation point 饱和点207.set point =casing depth 套管下深208.setting depth 套管固深209.shale 页岩/泥页sand210.shallow gas 浅气层211.shear ram 剪切闸板212.shut in v.关井213.shut-in n. 关井214. shut-in bottomhole pressure(SIBHP)215. shut-in casing pressure(SICP)关井套压SIDPP216. shut-in drill pipe pressure(SIDPP) 关井立压 occur a kick 发生井涌 a kick has occurred217. snub 不压井起下钻218. snubber不压井起下钻装置219. snubbing line不压井起下钻管线220. snubbing unit = snubber221. stack 防喷器组222. strip a well v. 强行起下钻223. stripper head 封井头224. stripper rubber 橡胶刮泥器225. stripping强行起下钻作业226. stripping in 强行下钻pull out of the hole227. stripping out 强行起钻228. strip pipe强行起钻229. stump pressure test 抗冲击压力测试230. subsea BOP 海底防喷器231. subsea choke-line valve 海底节流管线阀232. surface stack 地面防喷器组233. surging 激动压力234. swab v. 抽汲 swabbing波动压力---- swab-surge235. swabbed show抽汲显示236. swabbing 抽汲效应237. swabbing effect 抽汲效应238. temperature gradient 温度梯度239. total depth (TD)总深 MD = measured depth240. transition zone 过渡带241. trip gas 起下钻气242. trip margin 起钻安全余量243. trip tank 灌浆罐244. true vertical pressure (TVD)垂深245. tubingless completion 无油管完井workover/修井 service rig 246. underground blowout 地下井喷247. upper kelly cock 上旋塞248. wait-and-weight method 等待加重法(工程师法)249. water-base mud 水基泥浆250. water hammer 水击251. wellbore =well=hole 井眼252. wellbore pressure 井眼压力253. well control 井控254. well kick 井涌255. wetability 润湿性256. wild well 失控井/自喷井257. out of control well失控井。
Accumulator 储能器Active tank 循环池Adjusting bolt (刹把)调节螺栓Admission pipe 进气管Agitator 搅拌器Air chamber 空气包Air line 气管线Air-operated hoist 气动绞车Alternating current drive 交流电驱动Annular BOP 环形BOPAto-muffler 消音器Ball valve 球阀Bell nipple 井口喇叭管Bench vise 老虎钳bit breaker 钻头装卸器bit gauge 钻头规blind ram preventer 盲板防喷器BOP control panel 防喷器控制盘BOP deck 防喷器平台Bottom plug 底塞Brake lever (brake handle) 刹把Brake line (brake staple) 刹带Bridge plug 桥塞Buttress 梯形扣Butterfly valve 蝶阀By-pass 旁通By-pass plug 旁通塞Calipers 卡钳Casing coupling 套管接箍Casing cutter 套管割刀Casing elevator 套管吊卡Casing hanger 套管悬挂器Casing head 套管头Casing monkey board 套管平台Casing scraper 刮管器Casing shoe 套管鞋Casing slip 套管卡瓦Casing spear 套管打捞矛Casing spool 套管四通Casing tong 套管大钳Cat line 猫头绳Cat line grip 猫头绳爪Cat shaft 猫头轴Cat-head 猫头Cellar deck 井口甲板Cement 水泥Cement basket 水泥伞Cement plug 水泥塞Cement retainer 水泥阻流环Cementing bond log 固井质量检查Cementing head 水泥头Cementing line 固井管线Cementing pump 固井泵Chain 链Chain pipe tong 链钳Chain tong 链钳Chamber 房间,寝室Chamber gate 阀箱,闸室Charge pump 灌注泵Check valve 止回阀,回压凡尔Choke 节流器,阻流器Choke line 阻流管线Choke position indicator 节流阀位置指示器Choke valve 节流阀Choke-line manifold 阻流管汇Clutch 离合器Conductor 导管Cone 牙轮Cone fisher 牙轮打捞器Cone lock 牙轮卡死Cooling-water pump 冷却水泵Core barrel shoe 取心筒鞋Core basket 取心爪Core bit 取心钻头Core catcher 取心爪Core catch case 取心爪外套Core drying oven 岩心烘箱Crossover joint(x/o) 变换接头Crown block 天车Crown block beam 天车梁Dead line 死绳Dead line diaphragm 死绳固定器膜片Dead line anchor 死绳固定器Degasser 除气器Derrick 井架Desander (desilter) 除砂器(除泥器)Direct current drive 直流电驱动Discharge line 排除管线Double ram type preventer 双闸板防喷器Down hole tool 入井工具Drawworks 绞车Drawworks motor 绞车电机Drift mandrel 通径规Drill collar 钻铤Drill collar slip 钻铤卡瓦Drill pipe 钻杆Drill pipe slip 钻杆卡瓦Drill pipe wiper 钻杆刮泥器Drill string 钻柱Driller’s console 司钻控制台Driller’s monitor 司钻监视器Drilling line (workline) 钻井大绳Drilling stem valve 钻杆防喷器Drive shaft 驱动轴Driven shaft 从动轴Driving chain 传动链条Drum 滚筒Drum capacity 滚筒容量Drum clutch 滚筒离合器Drum high (low) air clutch 滚筒高速(低速)离合器DV collar 分级箍Eddy current brake 涡磁刹车Elevator 吊卡Elevator link 吊卡耳环Elevator-spider 吊卡-卡盘emergency jaw clutch 应急牙嵌离合器Equalizing yoke (刹带的)平衡杠External cutter 外部割刀Eye plate 吊耳,吊环Eye splice 绳套,接环Fill up line 灌泥浆管线Filtration test apparatus 失水测定仪Finger board 指梁Fishing hook 打捞钩Fishing head 打捞头Fishing jars 打捞振击器Fishing neck 打捞颈Fishing nipple 打捞公锥Fishing operation 打捞作业Fishing socket 打捞母锥Fishing spear 打捞矛Fishing string 打捞管柱Fishing tap(taper) 打捞公锥Fishing tool 打捞工具Flange 法兰Flat file 扁锉Round file 圆锉Square file 方锉Flat bit tongs 扁嘴钳(电工用)Flat bottom mill 平底磨鞋Flexible joint 挠性接头Float shoe 浮鞋Float valve 浮阀Floating collar 浮箍Four-way valve 四通阀Free point indicator 卡点测定仪Full hole joint 贯眼钻杆接头Funnel viscometer 漏斗粘度计Gas holder(tank) 储气筒,储气罐Gate 大门Gate valve 闸门阀Goose neck pipe 鹅颈管Hammer 锤子Heavy weight drill pipe 加重钻杆Heavy wall drill pipe 厚壁钻杆High pressure line 高压管线Hole opener 开眼器,扩眼器Hook 大钩Hook spring 大钩弹簧Hose 水龙带Hydraulic break-out cylinder 卸扣液缸Hydraulic catwork 液压猫头Hydraulic pump 液压泵Hydraulic reservoir 液压油箱Hydraulic tong 液压大钳Hydraulic valve 液动阀Hydraulic-powered winch 液压绞车Inertia brake 惯性刹车Inlet 入口Inner core barrel 内岩心筒Intermediate casing 中间(技术)套管Internal blowout preventer 钻杆内防喷器Internal calipers 内卡钳Internal external upset 内外加厚Internal flush joint 内平钻杆接头Jar 振击器Jaw clutch 牙嵌离合器Joint 接头,单根Junk basket 笼式打捞篮Junk catcher 打捞爪,一把抓Junk sub 打捞杯Kelly bushing 方补芯Kelly cock 方钻杆考克Kelly protective sub 方钻杆保护接头Kelly spinner 方钻杆旋转短节Key seat reamer 键槽破坏器Kill line 压井管线Knee pipe 弯管Ladder 梯子Level 水平仪(尺)Lifting plug 提丝Lifting sub 提升短节Line reeving 滑车装绳数Liner 缸套Liner 尾管Lock bolt 锁紧螺栓Locking flange 锁紧法兰Low pressure line 低压管线Lube oil pump 润滑油泵Lubrication hole 加油孔Magnetic fishing tool 磁力打捞工具Make out cathead 卸扣猫头Make up cathead 上扣猫头Manual drill 手摇钻Manual valve 手动阀Master bushing 转盘大补芯Milling shoe 铣鞋Milling tool 铣具Mixing hopper 混合漏斗Mixing pump 混合泵Monkey board 猴台Mouse hole 小鼠洞Mud balance 泥浆比重计Mud cleaner 泥浆清洁器Mud ditch 泥浆槽Mud guard 挡泥板Mud gun 泥浆枪Mud relief valve 泥浆泵安全阀Mud return line 泥浆返出管线Nail 钉子Near-bit stabilizer 近钻头扶正器Needle valve 针形阀Nigger-head 扳手加长套筒Nipper 镊子,夹子Non-magnetic drilling collar 非磁钻铤Normal close valve 常闭阀Normal open valve 常开阀Nozzle 水嘴,喷嘴Nut 螺冒(bolt 螺栓)Nut bolt 带冒螺栓Nut spinner 自动螺母扳手Oil level 油位Oil level check plug 油位检查丝堵Oil tank 油柜Oil-level dipstick 油尺Open-ended spanner 开口扳手Outer core barrel 外岩心筒Outlet 出口Paint brush 油漆刷Pilot bit 领眼钻头Pin 公扣,销子Pincers 钳子,夹子Pinch bar 撬棍Piston 活塞Piston cup 活塞皮碗Piston rod 活塞杆Pliers 手钳子Plug valve 旋塞阀Pneumatic tool 气动工具Portland cement 硅酸盐水泥Power slip 动力卡瓦Power supply unit 动力供应设备Power tong 动力大钳Power wrench 动力扳手Pressure snubbing tank 缓冲罐Production casing 生产层套管Pulley 滑轮Pump-out reversing sub 反循环接头Pup pip joint 短钻杆Quick connection 快速接头Ramp (井架大门处)坡板Rat hole 大鼠洞Regular tool joint 正规钻杆接头Regulator valve 调节阀Relief line 放压管线Retaining ring (support ring) 承托环Reverse circulating valve 反循环阀Reverse circulation junk basket 反循环打捞篮Reverse circulation port 反循环孔Reverse gear 倒档齿轮Reversing tool 倒扣(打捞)工具Ring gasket 钢圈Ring spanner 梅花扳手Rivet 铆钉Rotary table 转盘Rotary table motor 转盘电机Rotary table motor blower 转盘风机Safety clamp(slips) 安全卡瓦Safety joint 安全接头Safety stop 安全限位挡块Safety switch 安全开关Safety-strap(belt) 安全带Sand reel 捞砂滚筒Screen cloth 筛布Screw 螺钉Screw driver 螺丝刀seamless pipe 无缝钢管Setback 立根盒Setback capacity 立根盒容量Settling pit 沉砂池Shaft 轴Shale shaker 振动筛Shock absorber 减震器Side door elevator 倒开门吊卡Single joint elevator 单根吊卡Single ram type preventer 单闸板防喷器Slide rule 计算尺Slide tongs 管钳Sling 吊索Slip bushing 卡瓦补芯Slip dog 卡瓦牙板Slip groove 卡瓦槽Slip insert 卡瓦牙Slip socket 卡瓦打捞筒Slip socket bowl (卡瓦)锥形座Socket 套筒扳手Spider 卡盘Spiral drill collar 螺旋钻铤Spud spear 钢丝绳打捞钩Spudding bit 开眼钻头Stab-in cementing 插入式注水泥Stabbing board 对扣台(下套管用)Stabilizer 扶正器Stainless steel 不锈钢Stand pipe 立管Stinger 插入头Stinger strings (内管)注水泥管柱Stud 双端螺栓Stud bolt 双头螺栓Stuffing box 盘根盒Stub 接头Suction line 吸入管线Suction valve 吸入阀Surface casing 表层套管Swivel 水龙头Tape measure 卷尺Tee 三通Thread dope 丝扣油Thread protector 护丝Three-cone bit 三牙轮钻头Tong 大钳Tong bucket 大钳平衡器Tong dies 大钳牙板Tong head 钳头Tong mark 大钳刻痕Tong space 大钳搭绞部位Tool joint 工具接头Tool steel 工具钢Top(bottom) plug 顶(底)塞Top of the cement 水泥面TOTCO ring baffle plate TOTCO承托环Traveling block 游动滑车Trip-tank 泥浆计量罐Two way valve 两通阀v-door 井架大门valve 阀门,阀,凡尔valve body 凡尔体valve cup(seat)凡尔座valve face 阀面valve lever 阀密封valve seat grab 起阀座器valve spring 阀弹簧vernier 灵敏指针vice(vise) 虎钳wall hook 壁钩wash pipe 冲管wear bushing 耐磨补芯well-head equipment 井口装置whip stock 造斜器,斜向器wing stabilizer 翼状扶正器。
井控专业英语1、terminology 术语2、Calculation 计算3、influx 溢流kick 井涌blowout 井喷lost control 失控4、Horizontal 水平井5、WellCAP-IADCInternational Association of Drilling Contractors6、WellCAP(Well Control Accreditation认证立案备案委任等Program)7、IWCFInternational Well Control Forum8、pit gain 泥浆液面增加9、well bore 井眼内10、rush out 冲出11、combination 混合物12、escalate 增高升高扩大13、phase 阶段Primary control 初级井控Secondary control 二次井控Tertiary control 第三次井控14、Hydrostatic Pressure 水压15、overlaying覆盖物16、Pressure Gradient 压力梯度(坡度)17、Overburden pressure 上覆岩层压力18、sediment 沉淀物冲积物19、Friction Loss(FL)摩擦损失20、EMW(Equivalent Mud Weight)当量泥浆密度21、counter-pressure shut-in Pressure(SIDPP)22、dynamic pressure(Pd)23、Circulating rate循环速度24、Slow Circulation Rate(SCR) test(Kill rate test)低泵速25、Formation Pressure (pore pressure)地层压力26、Pore pressure孔隙压力27、Normal formation pressure正常地层压力Abnormal high formation pressure 异常高压Abnormal low formation pressure 异常低压28、surface pressure29、Swab pressure 抽吸压力Bottomhole pressure temporary reduction results from the upward movement of pipe in the hole30、Surge pressure激动压力Bottomhole pressure temporary increase results from the downward movement of pipe in the hole (surge 起伏、汹涌、大浪、奔腾等)31、clearance间隔32、Bottom-hole pressure井底压力33、backpressure回压34、Differential pressure压差35、fracture pressure断裂压力36、Leak-off Test(LOT)漏失试验37、Annular Surface Pressure环空压力Maximum Allowable Annular Surface Pressure-(MAASP).38、burst pressure破裂压力39、bleed off放喷40、drilling controls console 司钻控制台41、simulation 佯装、模拟实验42、Kelly cock 方钻杆旋塞。
钻井常用英语词汇-CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1Useful words of drilling常用钻井词汇。
senion mud engineer高级泥浆工程师。
Stop Drilling停钻。
Spud in开钻。
Drill a well打一口井。
Had Drilled About 300Msdeep已经钻了约300米。
Be Drilling正在钻进。
Drilling out of.. 停钻。
Finish drill钻完。
In charge of.. …负责人,is responsible to 某人向谁负责。
responsible for?..负责什么。
get every thing ready for 做…准备。
DRILLER'S Month钻机月。
DRILLER'S console司钻控制台。
DRILLER'S log司钻记录。
DRILLER'S method司钻法。
DRILLER'S station平台。
DRILLER'S tour report钻井班报表。
DRILLER'S monitor司钻监视器。
DRILL extractor 打捞器。
DRILL floor钻台。
DRILL fluid钻井液。
DRILL footage进尺。
DRILL gauge钻头规。
DRILL hole井眼。
DRILL hole returns井口返浆。
DRILL hole survey测斜。
DRILL in打开生产层。
drill ability可钻性。
drill able liner可钻尾挂器。
drill able packer可钻封隔器。
DRILL free空转。
DRILLING engineer工程师。
石油工程井控压井专业中英文词汇解释(1)造斜工具deflection tool:用于改变和控制井斜和方位的井下工具。
(1)压井well killing 控制井内压力,使之处于安全范围内。
(2)关井shut in:关闭防喷器和节流管汇的作业。
硬关井hard shut in:一旦发现溢流或井涌,立即关闭防喷器的操作程序。
软关井soft shut in:发现溢流关井时,先打开节流阀,再关防喷器,最后关闭节流阀的操作程序。
(3)钻井事故及处理drilling accidents and treatments(4)钻具事故drilling stem accident:指钻杆、钻铤、各种工具接头及辅助工具在井下发生的断脱事故。
(5)固井与完井well cementing and completion(6)油井水泥性能oil well cement properties:指油井水泥的化学性能和物理性能。
(7)稠化时间thickening time 固井水泥浆变稠所需要的时间,变稠是指水泥浆有一定的强度和硬度。
(8)水泥石强度cement strength:指水泥浆凝固成水泥石后可以承受各种外载荷能力的总称。
(9)固井工艺cementing techniques:利用不同的固井设备、工具和工艺技术完成的固井作业。
(10)双(多)级注水泥法two(multiple) stage cementing:分两级或多级进行连续或不连续注水泥作业,它是借助于在套管预定位置装有分接箍来实现的,这种方法常用于长封固段固井。
(11)挤水泥squeeze cementing:将水泥浆挤入环空,在套管和地层之间形成密封的补救性注水泥作业。
(12)套管扶正器casing centralizer:装在套管柱上使井内套管柱居中的装置。
井场用语英文1. Bit(钻头):钻头是钻井作业中的关键工具,用于破碎岩石,实现钻井目的。
2. Drill Pipe(钻杆):钻杆是连接钻头和地面设备的管道,用于传递旋转动力和泥浆。
3. Mud Pump(泥浆泵):泥浆泵用于将泥浆从泥浆池输送到钻杆内部,以冷却钻头、清洁井底和平衡地层压力。
4. Derrick(井架):井架是支撑钻杆、钻头和其他钻井设备的主要结构。
5. Kelly(方钻杆):方钻杆位于钻杆和钻头之间,用于传递旋转动力。
6. Rotary Table(转盘):转盘安装在井架上,用于连接钻杆和方钻杆,实现旋转钻井。
7. Drill Stem Test(钻杆测试):钻杆测试是在钻井过程中对油气层进行的一种测试,以评估产量和压力。
8. Blowout Preventer(防喷器):防喷器安装在井口,用于控制井口压力,防止井喷事故。
9. Casing(套管):套管是一种钢管,用于保护井壁和封堵非生产层,确保井的安全。
10. Cementing(固井):固井是将套管与井壁之间的空隙填充水泥,以增强井壁稳定性和封堵地层。
11. Formation Evaluation(地层评价):地层评价是通过测量和分析井壁附近的岩石和流体性质,以确定油气藏的产量和品质。
12. Well Logging(测井):测井是利用各种仪器测量井壁和地层参数,为地质分析和油气藏评价提供依据。
13. Perforating(射孔):射孔是在套管和井壁之间射出小孔,使油气层与井筒连通,以便进行生产。
14. Completion(完井):完井是指钻井作业完成后,对井进行的一系列工程措施,使其具备生产条件。
15. Workover(修井):修井是对生产井进行维修、改造和增产措施的过程。
井场用语英文(续)16. Production tubing(生产油管):生产油管是安装在套管内部的一根管道,用于将地层的油气输送到地面。
17. Christmas Tree(采油树):采油树是安装在井口的一种阀门装置,用于控制油气的生产和关闭井口。
Useful words of drilling常用钻井词汇senion mud engineer Driller toolpusHer roughnecks derrickman frlooman 高级泥浆工程师司钻、队长、钻工、井架工场地工DRILLER'S Month, console log method station tour report monitor钻机月、司钻(控制台、记录司钻法、平台钻井班报表监视器)DRILL extractor floor fluid footage free gauge hole hole returns hole survey in 钻井打捞器钻台液进尺空转钻头规眼井口返浆测斜打开生产层drill ability able liner able packer ahead assembly cable bit run expert collar collar annulus 可钻性可钻尾挂器可钻封隔器继续钻进钻柱组合钢丝行程专家钻挺钻挺环空DRILL collar bore stem test string assemb limitation fatigue mechanics torque crew 钻挺水眼中测钻柱(结构强度疲劳力学扭矩井队)DRILL rig tool mill monitor off test out tool rope sample site solids stem bushing 钻机、钻具洗靴参数仪试钻钻塞工具棕绳砂样井场岩宵弯曲DRILL PIPE annulus bore pin box clamp coupling cutter electric log elevator float frozen gauge inspection钻杆(环空水眼公扣母扣卡瓦接箍割刀钻杆电测吊卡回凡尔卡钻丝扣规钻杆检查)DRILL PIPE protector release spinner stabilizer stand sticking sub tension winding up钻杆(护丝钻具解卡旋扣器扶正器立柱卡钻接头拉力弯曲DRILLING engineer supervisor superntendent technique experience technology specialist technician 工程师监督总监技术经验工艺专家技术员DRILLING analytical bit break capacity centralizer contract cost crew cycle data base effort engineering 分析钻头放空能力扶正器合同成本队周期数据库工作量工程学DRILLING equipment experience hanger load log mud operation optimization operator out outfit parameter 设备经验尾挂器钻压录井泥浆作业优化钻井承包商钻塞设备参数DRILLING foreman hose implementer in balance instrument interval invasion zone jar journey line liner liner reel 钻井队长水龙带人员平衡钻进仪表井段漏层震击器记录表大绳尾管滚筒DRILLING people permit phase prediction pressure program progress rate rate of trip record ship site speed 人员许可权阶段预报压力程序进度钻速行程钻速记录船井场钻速DRILLING spool stem string stabilizer to completion tool substitute up weight turbine unit四通钻柱钻柱扶正器钻至设计井深钻具接头钻碎钻压涡轮钻机组DRILLING time log time work centralizer completion operation condition cleaning system 钻时记录时间工作钻井扶正器完井作业条件净化系统direction al well定向井词汇DIRECTIONAL well angle bit bit side force component clinograph control counter depth migration 定向(定向井方位角钻头变方位侧向分力方位测斜仪方位控制计数器定向深度偏移)DIRECTIONAL diagram drilling drilling contractor drill tool Effect gyro hole line orientation tool presentation 定向(方位图定向钻井定向井承包商定向钻井工具效应陀螺仪井方向线定向钻井工具方位显示) DIRECTIONAl reading scanning sub surveillance survey tendency tool turbodrill MWD survey tool定向(方角读数定向扫描接头定向监测定向测量方向趋势随钻测斜仪定向涡轮随钻测量定向测量工具)direction sensor instrument of tilt of deflection of magnetization of strata parameter finding chart azimuth方向(传感器方向仪倾斜方向井斜方位磁化方向地层走向方向参数测向系统)方向角deflecting tool angle build up angle drop off single shot inclinometer gyroscope whipstock horizontal well造斜工具增斜降斜单点测斜仪陀螺仪变向器)水平井equipments on wellsite井场设备crown mast derrick racking platform traveling block swivel rotary hose standpipe hook drawworks rotary table天车井架井架二层台游车水龙头水龙带立管大钩绞车钻台driller's console pipe slacking block drillfloor rotary table blowout preventer stack choke manifold gas flare司钻控制台钻杆盒钻台钻盘防喷器节流管汇放喷点火shale shaker degasser desander mud cleaner centrifuge pulsation dampeners S.C.R house parts storage work shop 振动筛除气器除砂器清洁器离心机空气包可控硅房配件房钳工房mud gas separator agitator tanks mixing hopper sack storage pumps discharge lines lab guns oil gas separator泥浆泥气分离器搅拌器罐混合漏斗药品储备罐泵高压管线试验室枪油气分离器fishing tools打捞工具overshot reverse circulating drilling junk basker fishing tap box tap milling taper mill shoe rotary shoe trip spear 卡瓦捞筒反循环捞蓝随钻捞杯公锥母锥铣锥铣鞋铣鞋打捞矛drill pipe cutter casing cutter safety sub mill shoe catchall junk catcher fishing mangnet scraper keyseat wiper钻杆外割刀套管内割刀安全接头磨鞋一把抓一把抓强磁打捞器刮管器键槽清除器s ticking point instrument wall hook guide shoe wireline spear washover pipe bent sub keyseat reamer 测卡仪壁钩引鞋电缆捞矛套铣筒弯接头键槽扩大器trouble and accident复杂情况与事故rough drilling bouncing of drilling tool bit bouncing drilling string not well braked percussion drill reverse rotation 跳钻跳钻憋钻溜钻顿钻打倒车correct drift hole deviation inclination plug back cementing plug sidetracking lost circulation slough cave in kick 纠斜井斜井斜填井打水泥塞侧钻漏失井塌井塌井涌stuck sticking differential sticking well sticking key seating sticking sand bridge sticking sand settling sticking 卡钻卡钻粘卡粘卡键槽卡钻砂桥卡钻沉砂卡钻blowout tochdown touching resistance touch sticking make up stab thread making back off pulling a piston井喷遇阻遇阻遇卡对扣对扣造扣倒扣扒活塞fishing releasing stuck agent pipe lax to soak with black magic breakouting pack of dynamite chemical cutter打捞解卡剂解卡剂泡解卡剂爆破松扣化学切割器bit balling balling up of a bit to twist off squeeze cementing unfreezing hydraulically operating bent sub钻头泥包钻头泥包扭断挤水泥解卡液压弯接头BOP system防喷系统Blowout control control equipment hookup oil well plug preventer spool preventer riser preventer unit 井控(防喷)(防喷设备装置失控井防喷塞防喷器防喷四通防喷升高短节防喷器组)blowout preventer proceder annular ram pipe ram blind ram shear ram hydraulic valve choke pressure 防喷措施万能半封全封剪切阀液动阀节流压力c hoke line manifold control console remote control console gas buster degasser Kelly cock upper Kelly cock 节流管汇控制台远程控制台泥气分离器除气器下旋塞上旋塞well head tools井口工具Kelly bushings elevator bushings roller type Kelly bushings slip safety slips elevator tongs hydraulic tong 方补心垫叉磙子方补心卡瓦安全卡瓦吊卡吊钳液压大钳Spinner spinning line chain tongs chain wrench pipe tongs pipe spanner bushing/tool hook drill pipe hooklet旋扣器旋绳链钳链钳管钳管钳方瓦钩子钻杆钩子drilling string钻柱Kelly cross over sub bumpers shock absorber drilling junk basket monel drill collar stabilizer spiral drill collar 方钻杆配合接头减震器减震器随钻捞杯无磁钻挺扶正器螺旋扶正器d rilling jar HWDP drill pipe back pressure valve Kelly sub saver sub Kelly in Kelly down Kelly up stand D P随钻震击器加重钻杆钻杆回压凡尔方保接头方保接头方入方入方余立柱right hand thread left hand thread tool joint box tool joint pin sigle double正扣反扣头公接头单根双根BIT(roct bit)钻头BIT adapter balling bouncing breakage breaker break in procedure burt out change clearance cone constant cost (配合接头泥包憋钻损坏装卸器磨合钻头干磨换钻头与井壁间歇牙轮常数成本) BIT consumption contour course face factor feed footage frame freezing gauge grading guide HHP holder (用量外型轨迹与井底触面因素送钻进尺钻头体卡钻量规磨损等级导向器水马力捞钩)BIT hydraulics inlination force jumping life load matrix nozzle performance pressure drop program prong ring (水力参数偏斜力跳钻寿命钻压本体喷嘴工况压降设计方案牙齿钻头规) BIT protector run shank side force speed sub teeth tilt tooth duiiness track trips type selection (保护器行程丝扣部分侧向力钻进速度短接齿倾斜牙齿磨顿程度钻头轨迹换钻头起下钻选型)CASING套管Casing Accessories appliances bowl bucking centralizer check valve collapse collar connection (附件下套工具捞筒弯曲扶正器回压凡尔挤坏接箍连接)Casing cutter damage deformation depth dog drive hanger hardware head head pressure head spool hole annulus (割刀损伤变形深度捞矛护帽悬挂器附件套管头套头压力套头四通套管环空)Casing inspection inspection log installation job landing leak less completion mill milling nipple packer patch (探伤检查套管测井下套管下套管作业联顶节漏裸眼完井铣鞋铣鞋工具短节封隔器修补)Casing perforator point pressure test programme scraper screw head protector seal section mill setting depth slip (射孔器管鞋深度套管试压程序刮管器母护丝公护丝密封件铣刀下深卡瓦Casing spear spildt sticking string design sub swivel tap threads volume wall wear whipstock withdrawal weight (捞矛裂纹粘卡套柱/柱设计异径接头旋转头公锥螺纹体积管壁磨损造斜器扒套管管重well cementing固井cement acecelerator additive blender bond log brand cap casing head casing shoe channeling column cut 水泥(催凝剂添加剂搅拌器胶结测声幅标号悬空塞水泥头管鞋窜槽浆柱泥浆受水泥浸)cement consistency curing time dehydration displacement evaluation log failure factor filtrate float coollar水泥(稠度侯凝脱水顶替固井评价测井固井失败系数滤液可钻回压凡尔)cement float shoe formation interface hardener heat quipment cemented up casing cementer 水泥( 可钻引鞋与地层交接面速凝剂水泥头设备)注水泥的(注完水泥封固的套管)黏结剂cement injection mantle mark mixer mill needle packer paste/slurry/ milk pit plug retarder setting silo水泥(注浆水泥环标号搅拌器厂强度试针封隔器水泥浆池水泥塞缓凝剂凝固库)cement slurry volum spacer squeeze work stringer thickness top type guide shoe water ratio contamination 水泥(水泥浆用量隔层挤水泥作业插入管水泥环厚度水泥顶界水泥引鞋水灰比水泥浸)cementing contractor formulating jobs method poin agent practice pump reaction strength tank through tool 固井(承包商配方作业方法封固段黏结剂施工泵胶结反应胶结强度水泥罐全井封固工具)drilling fluid钻井液mud baffle balance body cake cake effect conditioner density desander ditch filtrate flow launder logging loss (挡板比重称结构泥饼泥饼效应处理剂密度除砂器槽滤液泥浆流净化槽录井漏失)mud marking formation pressure indicator program reclamation scale separator setting sump shaker stability (造浆层压力计设计回收比重计分离器沉淀池震动筛稳定性stream sample thickeners thinner weight viscosity water/base water-base oil emulsion water-in-oil emulsion泥浆流样品增粘剂降粘剂比重粘度)水基泥浆水基混油泥浆油包水乳化液water mud salt water base mud salt mud gel initial gel of mud PH value salt content water bearing sand content水基泥浆盐水基泥浆含盐泥浆初切力静切力PH值含盐量含水的含砂量。
Chapter 1 The Frequently Used-vocabularyIn Well Control井控常用词汇1.abnormal pressure 异常压力(normalpressure,正常压力 higher-than-expected/normal pressure,lower-than-normal pressureabnormally high pressureabnormally low pressure2.accumulator储能器3.accumulator bottle储能器瓶4.acid fracture酸裂5.adjustable choke可调节流阀6.annular blowout preventer (BOP)环型防喷器(ram BOP) bag BOP7.annular pressure/casing pressure环空压力(套压)(drillpipe pressure立压) pitgain8.annular space环空(annulus)9.annular velocity环空上返速度10.anticline 背斜11.atmospheric pressure 大气压(0.1Mpa)(1at)12.background gas背景气13.back off 倒扣/卸扣 make up14.back-pressure 回压 check/单向阀15.Back pressure valve回压凡尔16.non-return valve回压凡尔17.barite BaSO4重晶石18.barium sulfate BaSO419.barrel (bbl) gallon/加仑1m3=6.2897bbl20.bell nipple 钟型导向短节,(喇叭口)21.BHP (bottom hole pressure)22.bleed 放喷23.bleed line放喷管线24.blind ram 全封闸板pipe ram 半封闸板shear ram 剪切闸板25.blind ram preventer全封闸板防喷器26.blowout 井喷(kick 井涌)27.blowout preventer control panel防喷器控制面板 console28.blowout preventer control unit防喷器控制系统29.blowout sticking 井喷卡钻30.BOP stack防喷器组31.bottom hole pressure test井底压力测试/DST----drill stem test中途测试32.bottoms up 上返行程/lag time33.bottoms-up time上返时间lag time 迟到时间34.Boyle’s law 波依耳定律35.bridging materials桥堵材料36.bullheading 压回地层压井法37.cased hole 下入套管的井眼open hole section裸眼段38.casing套管 collar 钻铤39.casing burst pressure套管破裂压力40.casing point 套管下深41.casing pressure套压42.casing seat 套管座43.casing string 套管柱44.cement n.水泥45.cement plug水泥塞46.change ram 更换闸板47.charles’s law 查尔斯定律(V1/T1=V2/T2)48.check valve 单向阀49.choke 节流阀50.choke line节流管线51.choke manifold节流管汇/kill manifold52.circulate-and-weight method 循环加重法53.concurrentmethod/同步法54.circulating components循环系统55.circulating density循环密度 ECD56.circulating fluid=drillingfluid=mud/slurry57.circulating head 循环头58.circulating pressure循环压力59.circulation循环lost circulation 井漏60.clay hydration 粘土水化61.closed-in pressureshut-in pressure 关井压力62.concurrent method同步法63.condition v.处理,改善, 调整64.connate water 原生水65.connection gas 接单根气66.constant choke-pressure method 恒节流压力法67.constant pit-level method 恒泥浆池液面法pit gain 泥浆池增量68.crystallization 结晶地层69.degasser 除气器70.diverter 分流器71.diverter line分流器管线72.drag 旋转阻力73.driller’s BOP control panel 司钻控制台74.driller’s method 司钻法 wait-and-weightmethod 等待加重法/工程师法75.drilling break 钻速突快/放空76.drilling fluid=drilling mud 钻井液77.drilling rate 机械钻速ROP—rate of penetrationm/h drilling time—钻时 min/m78.drilling under pressure/under balancepressure drillingUBD欠平衡钻井drilling over pressure /过平衡near-balance pressure drilling/近平衡79.drill pipe float 钻杆浮阀80.drill pipe pressure 立压81.drill pipe pressure gauge立压表82.drill pipe safety valve钻杆安全阀Kelly cock83.drill stem 钻柱 drill string84.DST---drilling stem test /中途测试/unintentional kick/intentional kick85.drill under pressure v.86.ECD---equivalent circulating density 等效/当量循环密度87.entrained gas 气侵气gas-cut mud/气侵泥浆88.explosive fracture 爆破压裂89.fault 断层90.fill line 灌浆管线 fill-up line91.fill the hole v. 灌浆92.fill-up rate灌浆速度93.filter cake 滤饼94.filter loss 滤失量95.filter press 失水仪96.final circulating pressure /FCP终了循环压力/ICP---initial circulating pressure 97.flow check 溢流检测98.formation breakdown pressure 地层破裂压力/leak-off test99.formation competency test 地层承压能力测试100.formation fluid地层流体101.formation fracture gradient地层破裂压力梯度102.formation pressure地层压力103.formation strength地层强度104.fracture 裂缝105.fracture pressure破裂压力106.friction loss压耗107.gas气体108.gas buster=mud-gas separator泥浆-气体分离器 Poor boy109.gas-cut mud气侵泥浆110.gas cutting气侵111.gas detection analyzer气体检测仪112.geopressured shales地压页岩113.geostatic pressure地静压力114.geothermal gradient地温梯度115.guide shoe引鞋116.gunk plug油泥塞117.hang off118.hard shut-in硬关井119.soft shut-in软关井120.head 静压头121.hole geometry/hole size井眼尺寸122.hydraulic control pod液控箱123.hydril海德尔/124.hydrogen sulfide H2S125.hydrostatic pressure静液压力126.IADC International Association of Drilling Contractors IWCF--forum 127.ICP 初始循环压力initial circulating pressureFCP 终了循环压力final circulating pressure123. inside blowout preventer钻具内防喷器inside BOPinternal BOP128.interstitial water 原生水=connate water 129.invert-emulsion mud逆乳化泥浆oil-base mud130.Kelly cock 旋塞upper kelly cock上旋塞lower kelly cock下旋塞126. kick 井涌/overflow127. kick fluids井涌流体131.kick tolerance井涌允许量132.kill v.压井well-kill n.133.killing fluid压井液 MWI----mud weight increase = 102P d/H 134.kill line 压井管线135.kill rate 压井泵速136.kill-rate pressure压井泵压137.kill sheet压井施工单fill in 填写133. kill string 压井管柱leak-off test 漏失测试138.log 测井139.log a well v. 测井140.logging device测井仪141.loss of circulation 井漏142.lost circulation井漏143.lost circulation additives堵漏剂140 lost circulationmaterialsLCM堵漏材料141.lost circulationplug堵漏塞142.lost returns 井漏143.lubricate 润滑v.144. macaroni string145. matrix acidizing基岩酸化146.maximum allowable surface pressure MASP/MAASP=P f - P m最大允许关井套压 MACP 147.measured depth MD测深层TVD =true vertical depth垂深I.D 内径O.D外径148.Minerals Management Service 149. mud additive泥浆添加剂150.mud analysis logging泥浆录井151. mud column泥浆柱152. mud conditioning处理泥浆153. mud density recorder泥浆密度记录仪154. mud-flow indicator泥浆流速指示器mud-flow sensor155. mud-gas separator泥浆气体分离器156. mud gradient 泥浆压力梯度G m=0.00981ρm157. mud-level recorder泥浆液面记录仪158. mud log 泥浆日志159. mud logger 泥浆测量员160. mud pit 泥浆池161. mud program 泥浆配方162. mud pump 泥浆泵163. mud return line /ditch泥浆槽164. mud system 泥浆体系165. mud tank 泥浆罐166. mud weight 泥浆比重167. nipple up 安装防喷器nipple down拆防喷器168. normal circulation 正常循环169. normal formation pressure正常地层压力 0.00981----- 0.010496 Mpa/m170. OCS --- Outer Continental Shelf 外大陆架171. OCS orders外大陆架法规172. oil-base mud 油基泥浆173. oil- emulsion mud油基乳化泥浆174. open裸眼井,空井 open hole175. overburden pressure上覆岩层压力176. permeability 渗透性 impermeability 177. pipe ram preventer半封闸板防喷器178. pit gain 泥浆池增量179.pit-level indicator/recorder泥浆液面指示器180. pit-volume recorder 泥浆体积记录仪181.Pit Volume Totalizer(PVT)泥浆体积累计器182. plug 塞子183. plug back 回填v.184. plugging material 填井材料cement 185. positive choke节流negative differential pressure负压差186. pounds per cubic foot磅/英尺3187. pounds per gallon(ppg)磅/加仑 1g/cm3 = 8.33ppgfresh water /brine188. pounds per square inch gauge(psig) 磅/英寸2压力表189. pounds per square inch per foot psi/ft 磅/英寸2/英尺-----压力梯度单位190. pressure drop 压力降191. pressure gauge 压力表192. pressure gradient 压力梯度193. pressure-integrity test 压力完整性测试194. pressure loss压力损失195. preventer packer防喷器胶芯196. rate of penetration (ROP)机械钻速 m/hr 197. reduced circulating pressure(RCP)降低的循环压力 SCR—slow circulating rate 198. remote BOP control panel =drill’s BOP control panel防喷器遥控面板199. remote choke panel节流阀遥控面板200. returns 返出物201. reverse circulation 反循环202. reverse drilling break 钻速突慢203.rotating blowout preventer 旋转防喷器204.rotating head 旋转头205.safety valve 安全阀206.saturation point 饱和点207.set point =casing depth 套管下深208.setting depth 套管固深209.shale 页岩/泥页sand210.shallow gas 浅气层211.shear ram 剪切闸板212.shut in v.关井213.shut-in n. 关井214. shut-in bottomhole pressure(SIBHP) 215. shut-in casing pressure(SICP)关井套压SIDPP216. shut-in drill pipe pressure(SIDPP) 关井立压 occur a kick 发生井涌 a kick hasoccurred217. snub 不压井起下钻218. snubber不压井起下钻装置219. snubbing line不压井起下钻管线220. snubbing unit = snubber221. stack 防喷器组222. strip a well v. 强行起下钻223. stripper head 封井头224. stripper rubber 橡胶刮泥器225. stripping强行起下钻作业226. stripping in 强行下钻pull out of the hole 227. stripping out 强行起钻228. strip pipe强行起钻229. stump pressure test 抗冲击压力测试230. subsea BOP 海底防喷器231. subsea choke-line valve 海底节流管线阀232. surface stack 地面防喷器组233. surging 激动压力234. swab v. 抽汲 swabbing波动压力---- swab-surge235. swabbed show抽汲显示236. swabbing 抽汲效应237. swabbing effect 抽汲效应238. temperature gradient 温度梯度239. total depth (TD)总深 MD = measured depth240. transition zone 过渡带241. trip gas 起下钻气242. trip margin 起钻安全余量243. trip tank 灌浆罐244. true vertical pressure (TVD)垂深245. tubingless completion 无油管完井workover/修井 service rig246. underground blowout 地下井喷247. upper kelly cock 上旋塞248. wait-and-weight method 等待加重法(工程师法)249. water-base mud 水基泥浆250. water hammer 水击251. wellbore =well=hole 井眼252. wellbore pressure 井眼压力253. well control 井控254. well kick 井涌255. wetability 润湿性256. wild well 失控井/自喷井257. out of control well失控井Chapter 2 The Basic Concepts of Well Control井控的基本概念blowout1. 井喷的危害/The harms of1.1井喷失控的危害性/ The harms of out ofcontrol for blowoutThink of danger in time of peace居安思危1.2 国内几起典型的井喷事故/The typical blowout incident in our country2.井喷失控的原因/The causes of out of control for blowout3.对井控工作的正确认识/The correct view to well control4.做好井控工作的对策/The policy to implement well control operation5.井控及其相关的概念/well control andrelevant concepts5.1井控/well control /kick control/pressurecontrol-----井控是对油气井压力控制的简称/well control is control abbreviation tooil/gas well pressure.控制地层压力→实现近平衡压力钻井→保护油气层→提高采收率→延长油井使用寿命。
912524825.doc第十二章井控一.常用单词和短语pressure control 压力控制pressure gradient 压力梯度normal formation pressure 正常地层压力abnormal formation pressure 异常地层压力kick 井涌blowout 井喷blow out preventer (BOP) 防喷器annular BOP 环形防喷器upper pipe rams BOP 上半封防喷器lower pipe rams BOP 下半封防喷器blind rams BOP 全封防喷器accumulator 储能器kill line 压井管线choke manifold 节流管汇poor boy degaser 油气水分离器remote control 远控台kill 压井driller’s method 司钻法IBOP 内防喷器check valve 单流阀safety valve 安全阀HCR 液动放喷阀kelly cock 方钻杆旋塞casing pressure 套管压力standpipe pressure立管压力leak-off test 地破试验二.阅读练习1.地破试验1) Leak-off test 地破试验A test to determine the maximum pressure integrity of exposed formations at the casing shoe.确定套管鞋处裸眼地层最大破裂压力的试验。
The procedure is as follows:程序如下:1. Drill 10 to 20 ft below the casing seal and circulate the hole clean.套管以下钻进10到20英尺,循环井眼干净。
2. Close the well in and pump at a low rate (0.2 to 0.4 bbl/min). Note: Low pump rates are used toavoid fracturing the formation.关井并以低泵速(0.2到0.4桶/分)。
Chapter 1 The Frequently Used-vocabularyIn Well Control井控常用词汇1.abnormal pressure 异常压力(normalpressure,正常压力 higher-than-expected/normal pressure,lower-than-normal pressureabnormally high pressureabnormally low pressure2.accumulator储能器3.accumulator bottle储能器瓶4.acid fracture酸裂5.adjustable choke可调节流阀6.annular blowout preventer (BOP)环型防喷器(ram BOP) bag BOP7.annular pressure/casing pressure环空压力(套压)(drillpipe pressure立压) pitgain8.annular space环空(annulus)9.annular velocity环空上返速度10.anticline 背斜11.atmospheric pressure 大气压(0.1Mpa)(1at)12.background gas背景气13.back off 倒扣/卸扣 make up14.back-pressure 回压 check/单向阀non-return valve回压凡尔15.barite BaSO4重晶石16.barium sulfate BaSO417.barrel (bbl) gallon/加仑1m3=6.2897bbl18.bell nipple 钟型导向短节,(喇叭口)19.BHP (bottom hole pressure)20.bleed 放喷21.bleed line放喷管线22.blind ram 全封闸板pipe ram 半封闸板shear ram 剪切闸板23.blind ram preventer全封闸板防喷器24.blowout 井喷(kick 井涌)25.blowout preventer control panel防喷器控制面板 console26.blowout preventer control unit防喷器控制系统27.blowout sticking 井喷卡钻28.BOP stack防喷器组29.bottom hole pressure test井底压力测试/DST----drill stem test中途测试30.bottoms up 上返行程/lag time31.bottoms-up time上返时间lag time 迟到时间32.Boyle’s law 波依耳定律33.bridging materials桥堵材料34.bullheading 压回地层压井法35.cased hole 下入套管的井眼open hole section裸眼段36.casing套管 collar 钻铤37.casing burst pressure套管破裂压力38.casing point 套管下深39.casing pressure套压40.casing seat 套管座41.casing string 套管柱42.cement n.水泥43.cement plug水泥塞44.change ram 更换闸板45.charles’s law 查尔斯定律(V1/T1=V2/T2)46.check valve 单向阀47.choke 节流阀48.choke line节流管线49.choke manifold节流管汇/kill manifold50.circulate-and-weight method 循环加重法51.concurrent method /同步法52.circulating components循环系统53.circulating density循环密度 ECD54.circulating fluid=drillingfluid=mud/slurry55.circulating head 循环头56.circulating pressure循环压力57.circulation循环lost circulation 井漏58.clay hydration 粘土水化59.closed-in pressureshut-in pressure 关井压力60.concurrent method同步法61.condition v.处理,改善, 调整62.connate water 原生水63.connection gas 接单根气64.constant choke-pressure method 恒节流压力法65.constant pit-level method 恒泥浆池液面法pit gain 泥浆池增量66.crystallization 结晶地层67.degasser 除气器68.diverter 分流器69.diverter line分流器管线70.drag 旋转阻力71.driller’s BOP control panel 司钻控制台72.driller’s method 司钻法 wait-and-weightmethod 等待加重法/工程师法73.drilling break 钻速突快/放空74.drilling fluid=drilling mud 钻井液75.drilling rate 机械钻速ROP—rate of penetrationm/h drilling time—钻时 min/m76.drilling under pressure/under balancepressure drilling UBD欠平衡钻井drilling over pressure /过平衡near-balance pressure drilling/近平衡77.drill pipe float 钻杆浮阀78.drill pipe pressure 立压79.drill pipe pressure gauge立压表80.drill pipe safety valve钻杆安全阀Kelly cock81.drill stem 钻柱 drill string82.DST---drilling stem test /中途测试/unintentional kick/intentional kick83.drill under pressure v.84.ECD---equivalent circulating density 等效/当量循环密度85.entrained gas 气侵气gas-cut mud/气侵泥浆86.explosive fracture 爆破压裂87.fault 断层88.fill line 灌浆管线 fill-up line89.fill the hole v. 灌浆90.fill-up rate灌浆速度91.filter cake 滤饼92.filter loss 滤失量93.filter press 失水仪94.final circulating pressure /FCP终了循环压力/ICP---initial circulating pressure95.flow check 溢流检测96.formation breakdown pressure 地层破裂压力/leak-off test97.formation competency test 地层承压能力测试98.formation fluid地层流体99.formation fracture gradient地层破裂压力梯度100.formation pressure地层压力101.formation strength地层强度102.fracture 裂缝103.fracture pressure破裂压力104.friction loss压耗105.gas气体106.gas buster=mud-gas separator泥浆-气体分离器 Poor boy107.gas-cut mud气侵泥浆108.gas cutting气侵109.gas detection analyzer气体检测仪110.geopressured shales地压页岩111.geostatic pressure地静压力112.geothermal gradient地温梯度113.guide shoe引鞋114.gunk plug油泥塞115.hang off116.hard shut-in硬关井117.soft shut-in软关井118.head 静压头119.hole geometry/hole size井眼尺寸120.hydraulic control pod液控箱121.hydril海德尔/122.hydrogen sulfide H2S123.hydrostatic pressure静液压力124.IADC International Association of Drilling Contractors IWCF--forum 125.ICP 初始循环压力initial circulating pressureFCP 终了循环压力final circulating pressure123. inside blowout preventer钻具内防喷器inside BOPinternal BOP126.interstitial water 原生水=connate water 127.invert-emulsion mud逆乳化泥浆oil-base mud128.Kelly cock 旋塞upper kelly cock上旋塞lower kelly cock下旋塞126. kick 井涌/overflow127. kick fluids井涌流体129.kick tolerance井涌允许量130.kill v. 压井well-kill n.131.killing fluid压井液 MWI----mud weight increase = 102P d/H 132.kill line 压井管线133.kill rate 压井泵速134.kill-rate pressure压井泵压135.kill sheet压井施工单fill in 填写133. kill string 压井管柱leak-off test 漏失测试136.log 测井137.log a well v. 测井138.logging device测井仪139.loss of circulation 井漏140.lost circulation井漏141.lost circulation additives堵漏剂140 lost circulation materialsLCM堵漏材料141.lost circulation plug堵漏塞142.lost returns 井漏143.lubricate 润滑v.144. macaroni string145. matrix acidizing基岩酸化146.maximum allowable surface pressure MASP/MAASP=P f - P m最大允许关井套压 MACP 147.measured depth MD测深层TVD =true vertical depth垂深I.D 内径O.D外径148.Minerals Management Service 149. mud additive泥浆添加剂150.mud analysis logging泥浆录井151. mud column泥浆柱152. mud conditioning处理泥浆153. mud density recorder泥浆密度记录仪154. mud-flow indicator泥浆流速指示器 mud-flow sensor155. mud-gas separator泥浆气体分离器156. mud gradient 泥浆压力梯度G m=0.00981ρm157. mud-level recorder泥浆液面记录仪158. mud log 泥浆日志159. mud logger 泥浆测量员160. mud pit 泥浆池161. mud program 泥浆配方162. mud pump 泥浆泵163. mud return line /ditch泥浆槽164. mud system 泥浆体系165. mud tank 泥浆罐166. mud weight 泥浆比重167. nipple up 安装防喷器nipple down拆防喷器168. normal circulation 正常循环169. normal formation pressure正常地层压力 0.00981----- 0.010496 Mpa/m170. OCS --- Outer Continental Shelf 外大陆架171. OCS orders外大陆架法规172. oil-base mud 油基泥浆173. oil- emulsion mud油基乳化泥浆174. open裸眼井,空井 open hole175. overburden pressure上覆岩层压力176. permeability 渗透性 impermeability 177. pipe ram preventer半封闸板防喷器178. pit gain 泥浆池增量179.pit-level indicator/recorder泥浆液面指示器180. pit-volume recorder 泥浆体积记录仪181.Pit Volume Totalizer(PVT)泥浆体积累计器182. plug 塞子183. plug back 回填v.184. plugging material 填井材料cement185. positive choke节流negative differential pressure负压差186. pounds per cubic foot磅/英尺3187. pounds per gallon(ppg)磅/加仑 1g/cm3 = 8.33ppgfresh water /brine188. pounds per square inch gauge(psig) 磅/英寸2压力表189. pounds per square inch per foot psi/ft 磅/英寸2/英尺-----压力梯度单位190. pressure drop 压力降191. pressure gauge 压力表192. pressure gradient 压力梯度193. pressure-integrity test 压力完整性测试194. pressure loss压力损失195. preventer packer防喷器胶芯196. rate of penetration (ROP)机械钻速 m/hr 197. reduced circulating pressure(RCP)降低的循环压力 SCR—slow circulating rate 198. remote BOP control panel =drill’s BOP control panel防喷器遥控面板199. remote choke panel节流阀遥控面板200. returns 返出物201. reverse circulation 反循环202. reverse drilling break 钻速突慢203.rotating blowout preventer 旋转防喷器204.rotating head 旋转头205.safety valve 安全阀206.saturation point 饱和点207.set point =casing depth 套管下深208.setting depth 套管固深209.shale 页岩/泥页sand210.shallow gas 浅气层211.shear ram 剪切闸板212.shut in v.关井213.shut-in n. 关井214. shut-in bottomhole pressure(SIBHP) 215. shut-in casing pressure(SICP)关井套压SIDPP216. shut-in drill pipe pressure(SIDPP) 关井立压 occur a kick 发生井涌 a kick hasoccurred217. snub 不压井起下钻218. snubber不压井起下钻装置219. snubbing line不压井起下钻管线220. snubbing unit = snubber221. stack 防喷器组222. strip a well v. 强行起下钻223. stripper head 封井头224. stripper rubber 橡胶刮泥器225. stripping强行起下钻作业226. stripping in 强行下钻pull out of the hole 227. stripping out 强行起钻228. strip pipe强行起钻229. stump pressure test 抗冲击压力测试230. subsea BOP 海底防喷器231. subsea choke-line valve 海底节流管线阀232. surface stack 地面防喷器组233. surging 激动压力234. swab v. 抽汲 swabbing波动压力---- swab-surge235. swabbed show抽汲显示236. swabbing 抽汲效应237. swabbing effect 抽汲效应238. temperature gradient 温度梯度239. total depth (TD)总深 MD = measured depth240. transition zone 过渡带241. trip gas 起下钻气242. trip margin 起钻安全余量243. trip tank 灌浆罐244. true vertical pressure (TVD)垂深245. tubingless completion 无油管完井workover/修井 service rig246. underground blowout 地下井喷247. upper kelly cock 上旋塞248. wait-and-weight method 等待加重法(工程师法)249. water-base mud 水基泥浆250. water hammer 水击251. wellbore =well=hole 井眼252. wellbore pressure 井眼压力253. well control 井控254. well kick 井涌255. wetability 润湿性256. wild well 失控井/自喷井257. out of control well失控井Chapter 2 The Basic Concepts of Well Control井控的基本概念blowout1. 井喷的危害/The harms of1.1井喷失控的危害性/ The harms of out ofcontrol for blowoutThink of danger in time of peace居安思危1.2 国内几起典型的井喷事故/The typicalblow out incident in our country2.井喷失控的原因/The causes of out of control for blowout3.对井控工作的正确认识/The correct view to well control4.做好井控工作的对策/The policy toimplement well control operation5.井控及其相关的概念/well control and relevant concepts5.1井控/well control /kick control/pressurecontrol-----井控是对油气井压力控制的简称/well control is control abbreviation tooil/gas well pressure.控制地层压力→实现近平衡压力钻井→保护油气层→提高采收率→延长油井使用寿命。