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《国际商务》复习题考试题型及分数:一、单项选择题:15分二、多项选择题:10分三、填空题:10分四、名词解释:15分五、简答题:30分六、论述题:20分第一章国际贸易与国际投资基本理论一、单项选择题1.资本主义早期的国际贸易理论是 A A 重商主义 B 重农主义 C 凯恩斯主义 D 超保护贸易主义2.下列各项中属于贸易保护理论的是 A A贸易乘数理论 B绝对成本论 C比较成本论 D要素禀赋说3.晚期重商主义最杰出的代表人物是 B A 斯塔福德 B 托马斯·孟 C 凯恩斯 D 李斯特4.保护幼稚工业理论的代表人物是 D A 斯塔福德 B托马斯·孟 C 凯恩斯 D李斯特5.下列各项中,属于贸易保护理论代表人物的是 D A 亚当·斯密 B 大卫·李嘉图 C 俄林 D 凯恩斯6.为证明增加新投资对就业和国民收入的好处,凯恩期提出了DA重商主义学说 B保护幼稚工业学说 C比较成本理论 D投资乘数理论7.下列理论中,属于自由贸易理论的是 CA 贸易乘数理论B 货币差额论C 绝对成本论D 贸易差额论8.在历史上第一次从生产领域出发,说明国际贸易发生与发展的必然性的理论是AA绝对成本论 B比较成本论 C重商主义 D要素禀赋说9.认为在劳动要素的质的方面具有相对优势,有利于生产和出口技术密集型产品的理论是 DA赫克歇尔—俄林原理 B绝对成本论 C比较成本论 D人力技能与人力资本理论10.林德从需求方面,即由人均收入水平的相同来解释国际贸易的商品流向的理论是 DA产业内贸易理论 B.新贸易理论 C比较成本论 D偏好相似理论11.二战后50年代到60年代上半期,发展中国家实现工业化,一般都是从实施 AA进口替代战略开始的B出口导向战略开始的 C国际投资战略开始的D保护贸易战略开始的12.20世纪60年代中期前后,东亚和东南亚一些国家和地区,如新加坡、韩国等转向何种贸易战略 BA 进口替代战略B 出口导向战略C 国际投资战略D 保护贸易战略13.最早的现代跨国直接投资理论是 CA竞争优势理论 B产品周期理论 C 垄断优势理论 D国际生产折衷理论14.产品周期理论的首创者是 BA海默 B维农 C邓宁 D波特15.目前对跨国公司及直接投资影响最大的一种理论是 DA竞争优势理论 B产品周期理论 C 垄断优势理论 D国际生产折衷理论16.一国(地区)与其他国家(地区)之间商品和服务的交换活动为 DA 国际贸易B 出口C 进口D 进出口贸易17.一个国家在一定时期出口贸易额和进口贸易额之和称为 AA对外贸易额 B对外贸易量 C国际贸易额 D国际贸易量18.世界各国出口贸易额的总和为 BA对外贸易额B国际贸易额 C净出口额 D累计出口额19.出口商品价格与进口商品价格之间的比率称为 AA 贸易条件B 贸易差额C 出超D 入超20.用一个简短的概念或英文缩写字母来表示价格的构成和交易的其他条件称为 CA支付方式 B无形贸易 C贸易术语 D国际贸易21.下列国际贸易术语中,适用于各种运输方式的是 B A.FOB B.CIP C.CFR D.CIF22.下列国际贸易术语中,货物的有关保险手续应当由卖方负责办理的是 A A.CIF B.FOB C.FCA D.CPT 23.“CIF天津”贸易术语中,“天津”表示的是 C A装运港名称B装运地城市名称 C目的港名称 D目的地城市名称24.以银行为付款人的即期汇票称为 A A 支票 B 汇票 C 本票 D 托收二、多项选择题1.下列各项中属于贸易保护理论的有 ADE A重商主义B比较成本论C绝对成本论D贸易乘数理论E凯恩斯主义2.贸易保护理论的代表人物有 ABCD A 斯塔福德B托马斯·孟 C 凯恩斯D李斯特E亚当•斯密3.下列各项中属于自由贸易理论的有 BCE A重商主义B比较成本论C绝对成本论D凯恩斯主义E要素禀赋说4.自由贸易理论的代表人物有 BCDE A汉密尔顿B亚当·斯密C赫克歇尔D俄林 E大卫·李嘉图5.根据国际生产折衷理论,影响企业从事对外直接投资的变量有 ABD A内部化优势 B所有权优势C资源优势D 区位优势E政策优势6.当出口贸易额大于进口贸易额时,可称之为 ADE A贸易顺差B贸易逆差C贸易赤字D贸易盈余E出超7.当出口贸易额小于进口贸易额时,可称之为 BCE A贸易顺差B贸易逆差C贸易赤字D出超E入超8.下列国际贸易术语中,仅适用于水上运输方式的是 ABC A FOB B CFR C CIF D FCA E CPT9.下列国际贸易术语中,适用于各种运输方式的是 ADE A CIP B CFR C CIF D FCA E CPT10.下列国际贸易术语中,货物的风险在船舷转移的是 ABE A FOB B CFR C CIP D FCA E CIF三、填空题1.贸易保护的起点是(重商主义)。
1关键词语What is a negotiation?A negotiation is a process of communication between parties to manage conflicts in order for them to come to an agreement, solve a problem or make arrangements.谈判是各方为化解冲突而进行沟通的过程,目的是使各方达成一项协议、解决一个问题或做出某种安排。
Factors in a successful negotiation1. Result of mutual taking and giving共同的给予和获取的结果2. The existence of conflicts and collaboration 冲突与合作并存3.Every party can exercise(行使)veto right(否决权)to the results of the negotiation各方都可对谈判决议行使否决权What is a conflict ?A conflict is a dispute, disagreement or argument between two or more interdependent parties who have different and common interests. 冲突是发生在两个或更多既有不同利益又有共同利益的相互依赖的当事人之间的对抗、争执或不同意见。
Stakes are the value of benefits that may be gained or lost,and costs that may be incurred or avoided.利益是指(通过谈判)可以获得的利益或者是失去的利益及可以引发或者是避免的成本。
Four points1.The negotiations are pertinent to relevant parties’interests.谈判是对于各方具有利害关系的事件2.All parties have to pay for the gaining, but what they will get is determined by how well negotiators manage the situation.谈判各方必须有所付出才能获取利益,但所获取利益取决于谈判者如何应对谈判3.What they will get is also determined by the current situation.所获取利益也取决于谈判时的事态发展现状4.Negotiators have to balance the relation between the current interests and long-term interests.谈判者必须对眼前利益和长远利益之间作出权衡2谈判结构ⅡGeneral Structure of Negotiation1.Determine interests and issues确定利益与议题Negotiators should identify their own interests and the other side’sinterests (specially their underlying interests) and find out what issues are involved.2.Design and offer options设计和提出方案Set forth suggestions and optionsGenerate a number of options before making a final decision3.Introduce criteria to evaluate options引入评价方案的标准For their own interests, all parties will examine and evaluate all suggested options according totheir own criteria to find out the most favorable one .4.Estimate reservation points估计各自的保留点和底线5.Explore alternatives to agreement寻求达成协议的替代方案If the agreement is important, negotiators should come up with some alternative suggestions compromising all p arties’ interests.6.Reach an agreement达成最终协议BA TNA Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement谈判协议最佳替代方案[BA TNA是罗杰·费希尔(Roger Fisher)和威廉·尤里(William Ury)在他们所著的经典文章Getting to Yes中所提出来的。
学习目标1、Income Level and the World Market2、Regional Economic Integration3、Economic GlobalizationGNP and GDPPer capita income and per capita GDPHigh-income, middle income and low-income countriesStandards for classificationRepresentative countriesTriad and QuadUnited StatesWestern EuropeJapanCanadaOther important markets for ChinaTrade Terms1.GNP国民生产总值: Gross national Product. The market value of goods and services produced by the property and labor owned by the residents of an economy.Trade Terms2.GDP国内生产总值: Gross Domestic Product. The market value of all goods and services produced within the geographic area of an economy.Trade Terms3.National income国民收入4.Per capita income人均收入Trade Terms5.Per capita GDP人均国内生产总值: It is calculated by dividing its total GDP by its population, which reveals the average income level of consumers.Trade Terms6.PPP购买力平价: Purchasing power parity7.Consumerism消费主义8.Income distribution收入分布: The proportions of its rich, middle income and poor people.Trade Terms9.Infrastructure基础设施10.Staple goods大路货11.Invoice (开)发票12.Creditor country债权国Trade Terms13. OECD经合组织,经济合作与开发组织:Organization for Economic Cooperationand Development.14. The Commonwealth of IndependentStates 独联体,独立国家联合体Trade Terms15. ASEAN 东盟,东南亚国家联盟: Associationof Southeast Asian Nationals.16. NIEs(亚洲四小虎): Newly IndustrializedEconomies17. Factors of production生产要素Trade TermsGNP and GDP are two important concepts used to indicate a country’s totalincome. The difference between them isthat the former focuses on ownership ofthe factors of production while the latterconcentrates on the country whereproduction takes place.Trade TermsIn assessing the potential of a country as a market, people often look at per capita income since it provides clues about the purchasing power of its residents..Trade TermsCountries of the world are divided by the World Bank into three categories of high-income, middle-income and low-income economies.Trade TermsChina with a per capita income of over $1100 is a middle-income country though it was a low-income country just a few years ago.Trade TermsAs far as China is concerned, other markets we should pay particular attention to are those around us: the Four Tigers, the ASEAN countries, Russia, etc. These countries with very promising market potential and can offer good business opportunities to China.Regional Economic Integration-Business Knowledge(1)Major objectives of regional integration(2)Four levels of regional economic integrationA. Free trade areaB. Customs unionC. Common marketD. Economic unionRegional Economic Integration-Business Knowledge(3)European Union (EU)(4)Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)(5)Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)Trade Terms1. Economic integration经济一体化2. Free trade area自由贸易区: The members remove barriers to trade among themselves while still adopts each own external policyTrade Terms3. Customs union关税同盟: The members remove barriers to trade among themselves and adopt the same external policy4. Tariff rates关税税率Trade Terms5. Settlement结算,结账6. NAFTA北美自由贸易协定: North American Free Trade AgreementTrade Terms7. Common market 共同市场: The members remove barriers not only to trade but also to factors of production and adopt the same external policy.8. Banknotes circulation 货币流通Trade Terms9. Cartel 卡塔尔10.APEC亚太经合组织,亚洲太平洋经济合作组织: Asia Pacific Economic CooperationTrade Terms11.OPEC石油输出国组织: Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries12.European Commission 欧盟委员会13.Council of ministers 部长理事会14.Dual-Ministerial Meeting 双部长会议Trade Terms15. Quota Restrictions配额限制16. Economic Union 经济同盟: The members remove barriers not only to trade but also to factors of production, adopt the same external policy and harmonize their taxation, government expenditure, industry policies and use the same currency.Trade Terms17. EU欧盟,欧洲联盟: European Union18. EC欧共体,欧洲共同体: European Community19. Benelux荷比卢(比利时、荷兰和卢森堡三国):Belgium, Netherlands, LuxemburgTrade Terms20. Mercousur 南方共同市场: Southern Cone Customs Union21. ECSC欧洲煤钢共同体: European Coal and Steel CommunityTrade Terms22. EEC欧洲经济共同体: European Economic Community23. EURATOM欧洲原子能共同体,欧洲原子能联营: European Atomic Energy CommunityTrade Terms24. SOM高官会议: Senior Officials Meeting25. TILF贸易投资便利化自由化: Trade and investment liberation and facilitationTrade Terms26. ECOTECH经济技术合作: Economic and technical cooperation27. Political entity 政治实体Trade Terms28. Sovereign state 主权国家29. Multi-polarization 多极化Trade Terms30. Sub-committee 分委员会31. Territory economies 区域经济体Trade Terms32. Pacific Rim 环太平洋圈33. Informal Meeting of Economic Leaders 领导人非正式会议Trade TermsThe past decades witnessed increasingly growing importance of regional economic integration.Trade TermsThe most notable free trade area is the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), the largest free market formed by the United States, Canada and Mexico in 1991.Trade TermsThe members of an Economic Union are required not only to harmonize their taxation, government expenditure, industry polices, etc., but also use the same currency.Trade TermsThe European Commission is one of the governing organs of the European Union. It is the body that puts proposals to the Council of Minister for decision and sees that the members carry out their duties under the treaty.Trade TermsAPEC was set up at the Ministerial Meeting held in the Australian capital Canberra attended by 12 members of Australia, the United States, Canada, Japan, Republic of Korea, New Zealand and six ASEAN countries.Economic Globalization-Business Knowledge(1) Economic globalization as an objective trendA. Basic featureB. Advantages and negative impactsEconomic Globalization-Business Knowledge(2) Multinational corporationsA. Organization- parent and affiliatesB. Characteristicsa. Enormous in sizeb. Wide geographical spreadc. Longevity and rapid growthEconomic Globalization-Business KnowledgeC. Need, goals and rolesa. Profitb. Securityc. As vehicles for cross-border transfer resourcesEconomic Globalization-Business KnowledgeD. Four typesa. Multi-domestic corporationb. Global corporationc. Transnational corporationd. World companyTrade Terms1. Share holders 股东2. Economic globalization 经济全球化3. Board of directors 董事会4. Inputs 投入Trade Terms5. Economic environment 经济环境6. Parent MNC headquarter 跨国公司母公司,总部7. Affiliate MNC子公司,分支机构,附属机构8. Branch company 分公司Trade Terms9. Subsidiary company 子公司10.Day-to-day running 日常管理Trade Terms11.MNC跨国公司: Multinational corporation, are made up of vast numbers of foreign subsidiaries, companies in which over 50 percent is owned by the parent company.Trade Terms12.Home county 母国: The country where the headquarter of the investor is located.13.Host country 东道国: The host country is a foreign country where the investor operates.Trade Terms14.MNE跨国企业: Multinational enterprise: A typical multinational enterprise shall be defined as a business organization which owns (whether wholly or partly), controls and manages assets, often including productive resources, in more than one country, through its member companies incorporated separately in each of these countries. Each member company is known as a multinational corporation.Trade Terms15.Economies of scale 规模经济16. Increase and growth 数量的增多和规模的增大17. Revenue adjusted for inflation(除去通货膨胀后的)实际收入。
2.经济全球化的含义和经济实质经济全球化(Economic Globalization) 是指世界经济活动超越国界,通过对外贸易、资本流动、技术转移、提供服务、相互依存、相互联系⽽形成的全球范围的有机经济整体。
Summary of chapter 21The Distributive Bargaining SituationIn a distributive bargaining situation, the goals of one party are usually in fundamental and direct conflict with the goals of other party. Resources are fixed and limited, and parties want to maximize their share. Distributive Bargaining is basically a competition over who is going to get the most of a limited resource, which is often money.1.1DefinitionStarting point: the point in the opening statements each party makes (the seller’s listing price and the buyer’s first offer).Target point: the point at which a negotiator would like to conclude negotiations——his optimal goal. ——negotiator’s aspirationResistance point/reservation price: the point beyond which a person will not go and would rather break off negotiations, is not known to the other party and should be kept secret. ——the bottom line-the most the buyer will pay or the least the seller will settle for.Asking price: the initial price set by the sellerBoth parties to a negotiation should establish their starting, target, and resistance points before beginning a negotiation. The partier’s starting and resistance points are usually arranged in reverse order, with the resistance point being a high price for the buyer and a low price for the seller.Bargaining range/settlement range/zone of potential agreement: the spread between the resistance point.⚫Positive bargaining range: when the buyer’s resistance point is above the seller’s——the buyer is minimally willing to pay more than the seller isminimally willing to sell for.⚫Negative bargaining range: the seller’s resistance point is above the buyer’s ——the buyer won’t pay more than the seller will minimally accept.1.2Settlement Point:The objective of both parties is to reach an agreement as close to the other party’s resistant point as possible.⚫Within a positive bargaining range⚫Both parties must believe that the settlement is the best they can get.⚫Another factor will affect the satisfaction with the agreement is whether the parties will see each other again.1.3Bargaining MixThe package of issues for negotiation is bargaining mix. Each item in the mix has its own starting, target, and resistance point. Such as the price/ the closing date of the sale/ renovations to the condo/ the price of items that could remain in the condo Negotiators need to understand what is important to them and to the other party, and they need to take these priorities into account during the planning process.1.4Fundamental Strategies1.4.1Discovering the other party’s resistance pointThe more you can learn about the other party’s target, resistance point, motives, feelings of confidence, and so on, the more able you will be to strike a favorable agreement.To influence the other party’s perception, however, they must establish some points effectively and convincingly.1.4.2Influencing the other party’ s resistance pointFactors are important in attempting to influence the other party’s resistance point:(1) the value the other attaches to a particular outcome(2) the cost the other attaches to delay or difficulty in negotiations(3) the cost the other attaches to having the negotiation aborted.A significant factor in shaping the other person’s understanding of what is possible is the other’s understanding of your own situation.1.4.3Propositions:1. The higher the other party’s estimate of your cost of delay or impasse, the stronger the other party’s resistance point will be.2. The higher the other party’s estimate of his or her own cost of delay or impasse, the weaker the other party’s resistance point will be.3. The less the other values an issue, the lower their resistance point will be.4. The more the other believes that you value an issue, the lower their resistance point may be.Case:In the condo example, the buyer has four fundamental strategies available:(1) To push for a settlement close to the seller’s resistance point. $ 130,000(2) To convince the seller to change her resistance point.(3) If a negative settlement range exists, to convince the seller to reduce her resistance point.(4) To convince the seller to believe that this settlement is the best that is possible.2Tactical TasksThere are four important tactical tasks for a negotiator in a distributive bargaining situation to consider:2.1Assess the other party’s target, resistance point, and cost of terminating negotiation.The negotiator can pursue two general routes to achieve this task:⚫Obtain information indirectly about the background factors behind an issue (indirect assessment).⚫Obtain information directly from the other party about their target andresistance point (direct assessment) .2.2Manage the other party’s impressions of a negotiator’s target, resistance point, and cost of terminating negotiation.An important tactical task for negotiators is to control the information sent to the other party about your target and resistance points, while simultaneously guiding him or her to form a preferred impression of them.Negotiators need to screen information about their positions and to represent them as they would like the other to believe them.⚫Screening Activities.The simplest way to screen a position is to say and do as little as possible. “Silence is gold.”Another approach, available when group negotiations are conducted through a representative is calculated incompetence.Reduce the number of people who can actively reveal information.Present a great many items for negotiations only a few of which are truly important to the presenter.⚫Direct Action to Alter Impressions.Many actions can be taken to present facts that will that will enhance their position or make it appear stronger to the other party.Negotiators should justify their positions and desired outcomes in order to influence the other party’s impressions.Displaying emotional reaction to facts, proposals, and possible outcomes is another form of direct action.Taking direct action to alter another’s impression raises several potential hazards.2.3Modify the other party’s perceptions of his own target, resistance point, and cost of terminating negotiation.⚫Interpret for the other party what the outcomes of his or her proposal will be.⚫Conceal information.2.4Manipulate the other party’s actual cost of delaying or terminating negotiation.(1) Disruptive Action. Increase the cost of not reaching a negotiated agreement.(2) Alliance with Outsiders. Involve the other parties who can somehow influence the outcomes in the process.(3) Schedule Manipulation. The negotiation scheduling process can often put one party at a considerable disadvantage. The opportunities to increase or alter the timing of negotiation vary widely across negotiation domain.3Position Taken during NegotiationEffective distributive bargainers need to understand the process of makingpositions during bargaining, including the importance of opening offer, opening stance, and the role of making concessions throughout the negotiation process.3.1Opening OffersThe fundamental question is whether the opening offer should be exaggerated or modest.There are at least two reasons that an exaggerated opening offer is advantageous.Two disadvantageous of exaggerated opening offer are:(1) It maybe summarily rejected by the other party(2) it communicates an attitude of toughness that maybe harmful to long-term relationships.3.2Opening StanceWill you be competitive or moderate? It is important for negotiators to think carefully about the messages that the wish to signal with their opening stance and subsequent concessions. To communicate effectively, a negotiator should try to senda consistent messages through both opening offer and stance.3.3Initial ConcessionsFirst concession conveys a message, frequently a symbolic one to the other party that how you will proceed.Firmness may actually shorten negotiations, there is also the very real possibility, however, it will be reciprocated by the other.There are good reasons for adopting a flexible position.3.4Role of ConcessionsConcessions are central to negotiation. Negotiators also generally resent a take-it-or-leave-it approach. Parties feel better about a settlement when the negotiation involved a progression of concession. A reciprocal concession cannot be haphazard.To encourage further concession from the other party, negotiators sometimes link their concessions to a prior concession made by the other party.3.5Final OffersA negotiator might simply let the absence of any further concessions that convey the message in spite of urging the other party.One way negotiators may convey the message that an offer is the one is to make the last concession more substantial.4Commitment4.1Establishing a CommitmentA commitment statement has three properties: a high degree of finality, ahigh degree of specificity, and a clear statement of consequences.Several ways to create a commitment:⚫public pronouncement⚫linking with an outside base⚫increase the prominence of demands⚫reinforce the threat or promise4.2Preventing the other party from committing prematurelyOne way to prevent the other party from establishing a committed position is to deny his or her the necessary time.Another approach is to ignore or downplay a threat by not acknowledging the other party’s commitment, or even by making a joke about it.There are times, however, when itis to a negotiator’s advantageous for the other party become committed.4.3Finding ways to abandon a committed positionFour avenues for escaping commitment:⚫Play a way out⚫Let it die silently⚫Restate the commitment⚫Minimize the damageA commitment position is a powerful tool in negotiation, it is also a rigid tool and must therefore be used with care.5Closing the dealSeveral tactics are available to negotiators for closing a deal:⚫Provide alternatives⚫Assume the close⚫Split the differences⚫Exploding the offers⚫Sweeteners6Hardball TacticsSuch tactics are designed to pressure negotiators to do things they would not, otherwise do, and their presence usually disguises the user’s adherence to a decidedly distributive bargaining approach.6.1Tactics 1How best to respond to a tactic depends on your goals and the broader context of the negotiation.Four main options that negotiators have for responding to typical hardball tactics:⚫lgnore them⚫Discuss them⚫Respond in kind⚫Co-opt the other party6.2Tactics 2BogeyNegotiators using the bogey tactic pretend that an issue of little or no importance to them is quite important. This tactic is fundamentally deceptive, and it can be a difficult to enact. Bogeys occurs more often by omission than commission.The NibbleNegotiators using the bogey tactic ask for a proportionally small concession on a item that hasn’t been discussed previously in order to close the deal.6.3Tactics 3ChickenNegotiators using this tactic combine a large bluff with a threatened action to force the other party to “chicken out” and give them what they want.Weakness: It turns negotiation into a serious game in which one or both parties find it difficult to distinguish reality from postured negotiation positions.It is very difficult for negotiators to defend against.6.4Tactics 4IntimidationThey all attempt to force the other party to agree by means of an emotional poly, usually anger or fear. Another form of intimidation includes increasing the appearance of legitimacy.Guilt can also be used as a form of intimidation.Two effective strategies for dealing with intimidation: discuss the negotiation process with the other party; use a team to negotiate with the other party.6.5Tactics 5Aggressive BehaviorNegotiators using this tactic is signaling a hard-nosed intransigent position and trying to force the other side to make many concessions to reach an agreement.Ways to deal with: halt the negotiations in order to discuss the negotiation process itself.Snow JobIt occurs when the negotiator overwhelm the other party with so much information that he has trouble in determining which facts are real.7Several available responses to counter this tactic.Distributive Bargaining Skills Applicable to Integrative NegotiationMany of the skills are also applicable to the latter stages of integrative negotiation when negotiators need to claim value, that is decide how to divide their joint gains.Care needs to be taken, however, not to seriously change the tone of those negotiations by adopting an overtly aggressive stance at this stage.。
其次,国际商务单证实务的内容包括以下几个方面:1. 合同:合同是国际商务中最基本的单证,它规定了交易双方的权利和义务,包括货物的数量、质量、价格、交付方式等内容。
2. 发票:发票是对货物销售的证明,包括卖方和买方的信息、货物的描述、数量、价格等。
3. 装箱单:装箱单是货物装运过程中的重要单证,记录了货物的装箱情况,包括货物的数量、重量、体积等。
4. 提单:提单是海运运输中的重要单证,它是货物所有权的证明,同时也是货物交付的凭证。
5. 保险单:保险单是货物运输保险的证明,它记录了货物的保险金额、保险责任和保险期限等内容。
6. 信用证:信用证是国际贸易中常用的支付方式之一,它是银行对买方的付款承诺。
国际商务谈判复习资料Part zero1、definition of negotiationNegotiation is a dialogue intended to resolve disputes, to produce an agreement upon courses of action, to bargain for individual or collective advantage, or to craft outcomes to satisfy various interests.A negotiation is a process of communication between parties to manage conflicts in order for them to come to an agreement, solve a problem or make arrangements.2、business negotiation1)definition:It is a process in which the participants of business activities communicate, discuss, and adjust their views, settle differences and finally reach a mutually acceptable agreement in order to close a deal or achieve a proposed financial goal.2)Characteristics :The objective of business negotiation is to obtain financial interestThe core of business negotiation is priceIts principle is equality and mutual benefitItems of contract should keep strictly accurate and rigorous3、international business negotiation1)definition:It refers to the business negotiation that takes place between the interests groups from different countries or regions. It is an important activity frequently involved in foreign trade and other economic exchange, serving a critical approach and method for these interest groups or individuals to confer together to reach an agreement or settle the issues of their interest conflicts.2)Characteristics :In addition to the general characteristics of typical business negotiations, international business negotiation demonstrated the following features: The difficulty and the cost are greater than that of domestic businessLanguage barriersCultural differenceInternational laws and domestic laws are both in forceInternational political factors must be taken into account3)FormsClassified by forms: ①one-to-one negotiation ②multilateral negotiationClassified by negotiation site: ①Host venue ②Guest venue ③The third party’s venueClassified by attitudes of two parties:①Soft negotiation ②Hard negotiation ③Principled negotiationClassified by ways of communication: ①Oral negotiation ②Written negotiation Classified by negotiation object:①Product trade negotiation ②Technology trade negotiation ③Service trade negotiationClassified by the order of negotiators discuss problems:①Horizontal Negotiation ②Vertical negotiation4)PrinciplesEquality and mutual benefit principleKeep it flexible and fluidSincere cooperationAct in strict accordance with the lawPartⅠ4、Maslow's hierarchy of needsMaslow's hierarchy of needs is often portrayed in the shape of a pyramid, with the largest and most fundamental levels of needs at the bottom, and the need for self-actualization at the top. Maslow’s theory suggests that the most basic level of needs must be met before the individual will strongly desire the secondary or higher levels needs.In negotiation, how to use the need theory to find, analyze and satisfy each other’s needs is very crucial for any negotiator to gain over the most possible benefits.1)Survival needs and negotiationThe survival needs are embodied in the negotiation as the negotiator’s needs or dress, food, accommodation, and traveling. As a host and negotiating organizer oneshould provide for the other party a better living condition to lighten the inconveniences, the psychological pressures and the doubtful feelings of the guest negotiators, which is helpful for creating a friendly negotiating atmosphere.2)Security needs and negotiationThe negotiator’s security needs are mainly that of personal, positional and economical benefits.The guest negotiator is not familiar with the local social situation, customs and public order and traffic. They may feel a lack of security or safety. So the host should try to give more considerations to every detail of safety issues.Status security represents that both parties will probably regard reaching an agreement as his task. The negotiator should have a correct understanding of negotiation on an equal basis and for mutual benefit. A negotiator’s work should not be evaluated by the standard of reaching an agreement.The negotiator’s superiors are likely to link the negotiation result with the negotiator’s income. Sometimes the negotiator may take the risk of seeking his personal benefit by reaching an agreement at the cost of the interests of the country or organization.3)Social needs and negotiationEvery negotiator hopes to establish friendly relationship with the other party. In addition, they also hope to have a solidary team of their own to get a successful negotiation result. Therefore negotiators should understand each other andself-surrender a bit to satisfy their own social needs.4)Ego needs and negotiationOne’s need for respect is from three different sources: He needs the respect of his colleagues back home which isfundamental to his personal satisfaction from the negotiation. He will be influenced by the respect of the other party and believe that the other party’s respect depends on his success in earning those material goods. He will also be concerned with his self-respect which will equally focus on his success in winning material goods.In a negotiation if both parties can satisfy each other’s needs for respect, then this respect will change into a power to restrict each other’s behavior and ensure a successful negotiation.5)Self-actualization needs and negotiationThe satisfaction of the self-realization needs in negotiation depends on the achievement the negotiator has made. The more benefits you obtained, the higher degree of satisfaction you’ll have of self-realization needs. To evaluate the negotiator, it is not enough to observe the benefits he strives for. Under what condition and how he strives for the benefits should also be taken into consideration.Negotiators should learn to use the Maslow Need Theory Model as a situational thermostat. Judging how the other person reacts to offers or proposals will reveal how close to making the deal too painful for the other person to accept.5、Game TheorySince both "rationally" decide to defect, each receives a lower reward than if both were to stay quiet. Traditional game theory results in both players being worse off than if each chose to lessen the sentence of his accomplice at the cost of spending more time in jail himself.We must remember the golden rule when it comes to business competition, as taught by the prisoner’s dilemma: Acting in one’s self interest does not always serve one’s self interest.By analysing the top-scoring strategies, Axelrod stated several conditions necessary for a strategy to be successful.1)NiceThe most important condition is that the strategy must be "nice", that is, it will not defect before its opponent does. Almost all of the top-scoring strategies were nice; therefore, a purely selfish strategy will not "cheat" on its opponent, for purely self-interested reasons first.2)RetaliatingHowever, the successful strategy must not be a blind optimist. It must sometimes retaliate. An example of a non-retaliating strategy is Always Cooperate. This is a very bad choice, as "nasty" strategies will ruthlessly exploit such players.3)ForgivingSuccessful strategies must also be forgiving. Though players will retaliate, they will once again fall back to cooperating if the opponent does not continue to defect. This stops long runs of revenge and counter-revenge, maximizing points.4)Non-enviousThe last quality is being non-envious, that is not striving to score more than the opponent.6、Principled negotiationPrincipled negotiation is the name given to the interest-based approach to negotiation set out in the best-known conflict resolution book, Getting to Yes. The book advocates four fundamental principles of negotiation:1) separate the people from the problem;Separating the people from the problem means separating relationship issues from substantive issues, and dealing with them independently. People problems often involve difficult emotions — fear, anger, distrust and anxiety for example. These emotions get intertwined with the substantive issues in the dispute and make both harder to deal with.2) focus on interests, not positions;Negotiating about interests means negotiating about things that people really want and need, not what they say that want or need. Often, these are not the same. People tend to take extreme positions that are designed to counter their opponents’positions. If asked why they are taking that position, it often turns out that the underlying reasons--their true interests and needs--are actually compatible, not mutually exclusive.3) invent options for mutual gain;By focusing on interests, disputing parties can more easily fulfill the third principle--invent options for mutual gain. This means negotiators should look for new solutions to the problem that will allow both sides to win, not just fight over the original positions which assume that for one side to win, the other side must lose.4) introduce on objective criteria.If union and management are struggling over a contract, they can look to see what other similar companies have agreed to use as an outside objective criteria. This gives both sides more guidance as to what is "fair," and makes it hard to oppose offers in this range.The four components are interrelated with each other and should be applied to throughout the whole course of the negotiations.Part Ⅱ7、Setting up an AppointmentPersonal Styles VS Degree of AC(个性类型与谈判模式)1)Competing style of persons tends to use high pressure and they force the other party to surrender to their demands.2)Collaborating style of persons show concerns and understanding to parties’interests, difficulties and satisfactions, trust others and offer help needed in negotiation.3)Compromising style of persons try to split the difference or find an intermediate point according to some principle.4)Avoiding style of persons is never willing to cooperate with others nor do they state their consent or objection openly.5)Accommodating style of persons habitually accept others’ desires and requests. The model clearly shows the position ofeach personal style in the graph and their combination of different degrees of assertiveness and cooperativeness.1)Competing style and accommodating style are at the high ends of assertiveness and cooperativeness.2)Avoiding style is neither assertive nor cooperative, thus is the least recommended style for negotiations.3)Compromising style, corresponding its middle position, is inclined to take middle way and seeks balance between different people.4)Collaborating style combines highest degree of both assertiveness and cooperativeness and should be recommended as the most suitable personal style for negotiations.By cooperating with different kinds of counterparts, you can adopt different strategies accordingly.8、Negotiation StrategiesYour case and bargaining position will determine which negotiation strategy will work best for you:Competitive, when you must have what you want;Accommodation, when you have done wrong and want to settle quickly; Compromising, when expedience matters most; Collaborative, when you want to create a bigger pie;Avoidance, when you are not yet ready to bargain.The Competitive Strategy——“I win, you lose” is the one most often used in settlement negotiation. Following are examples of some competitive tactics: 1) Alternatives to settlement.Emphasize you have better choices than settlement.2) “Anything but that”Claim your adversary’s offer is not enough, even when it is.3) Bluffing(欺骗,糊弄)Bluffing is at negotiation’s core because each side has limited information. Look for signs of uncertainty on adversary’s face or in his body language. Uses the uncertainty to create even more doubt. And doubt translates into risk, and risk into money. 4) Bringing in the mediaThreaten to report some action or behavior to the media to induce concessions. (media-sensitive industries)5) Creating deadlockCreate deadlock to force your adversary into concessions to move the negotiations along.6) Diversion/DistractionIf you feel you are losing an important issue, shift the discussions to a different issue before you concede(让步).7) Done dealTake some unilateral(单边的) action and present it to other side as a “done deal”. Your adversary is thus forced to acquiesce(勉强同意) or walk out.8) Good cop/Bad copTeam an aggressive negotiator with a friendly negotiator to win concessions. The aggressive negotiator uses competitive tactics to anger and distract your adversary. The friendly negotiator steps in to smooth things over. You can strike a deal on thefriendly negotiator’s terms.9) Irrational behaviorSometimes act irrationally, not only to distract and unnerve, but also to undermine your adversary’s confidence.10) Limited authorityClaim to lack authority to settle at some amount and ask your adversary to reduce the offer to your authority limits.11) Limited timeConstrain the time limits of the negotiation.12) “Poor me”Act like you have no background or training in negotiation and ask your adversary’s help. He may sympathize with you and be more reasonable than he intended.13) SilenceVery few people can endure silence. Silence can impel your adversary to give you more information or concede more than he intended.14) Straw manDemand agreement on issue 1, which your adversary cares about most. Create deadlock and then “reluctantly” concede issue 1 to gain agreement on issue 2.15) TurnaboutAfter you have conceded an issue or otherwise acted defensively, “gain space”by coming out strong on the next issue.16) Use of powerThreaten to use your power and sometimes actually use it.●The Accommodation Strategy——An accommodating party will sublimate itsconcerns to satisfy the other party’s, at least for the present. You choose an Accommodation Strategy if you have done wrong and want to get the matter over with quickly and less expensively.1) Face-savingPrioritize the other side’s dignity. Allow the other side to make tactful retreats to avoid embarrassment.2) IdentificationAlign your interests with your adversary’s, see the facts from her perspective, and agree with her arguments. But don’t concede unnecessary issues.3 )Take the lead oarMove the negotiation forward regardless of who created the difficulty.4) Take reasonable actionsAlways be the party of reason, whether setting realistic deadlines or other conditions of the negotiation.●The Compromising Strategy——Compromisers look for an expedient, partiallysatisfactory middle ground.1) Bit-by-bitGain your concessions “bit-by-bit” rather than all at once.2) Conditional proposalsMake a proposal conditioned upon your adversary’s acceptance of issues you need favorably resolved.3) “Log-rolling”Concede on an unimportant issue to you in exchange for your adversary’s concession on an issue that does matter to you. 4) “Splitting the baby”At some point offer to split the difference with the other side5) Tit-for-tat针锋相对Never make a concession without obtaining one in return.●The Collaborative Strategy——The Collaborative Strategy(win-win)seeks tocreate value for both sides. Its focus is on each side’s underlying interests and not their positions.1) FlexibilityBe flexible. Know when to mount a tactical retreat and when to press for an important point.2) Focus on processProcess often translates into improved substance.3) Identify with others in similar circumstancesArgue that the other side has already treated similarly-situated X in a particular way, and they should treat you the same way.●The Avoidance Strategy——Avoiders try to ignore the entire dispute, or somespecific issues, for at least some period of time.1) Negotiate money issues firstIf you prioritize money, insist that money be negotiated first.2) Negotiate non-money issues firstIf you wish to avoid paying money, address the non-money issues first. You can then value your none-monetary concessions and use those values to reduce the amount of money you will pay your adversary.3) Refuse to combine negotiation of related disputesIf you are litigating multiple related actions, refuse to negotiate the actions together if you determine that you are stronger in one case than another.4) Walk out of the negotiationIf you become engaged in negotiations you are not ready for, walk out.5) Withdraw an issueIf you are not yet ready to address an issue, perhaps because it is too painful or simply not ripe for discussion, remove that issue from the negotiation, for at least some period of time.6) Switching strategiesYou may decide to switch strategies if you feel you are making insufficientprogress.Part Ⅲ9、Free trade areaWTO means the World Trade OrganizationGATS means the General Agreement on Trade in Services, which is part of the WTO Agreement;GATT means the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, which is part of the WTO Agreement.FTA(free-trade area)is a theoretical concept where a trade bloc whose member countries have signed a free-trade agreement (FTA), which eliminates tariffs, import quotas, and preferences on most (if not all) goods and services traded between them.中⽇韩⾃由贸易区CJK FTA1)General Trade and Economic Relations among the Three Countries China, Japan and Korea are major economic playersin the world which recorded nearly 20% of the world’s total GDP. The share of intra-regional trade among the three countries has increased steadily. China was the largest trading partner of Japan and Korea, and the two countries were regarded as the second and third largest trading partners of China.However, intra-regional trade levels were still much lower than those of the EU and NAFTA, substantial economic integration has not yet evolved in this region. Given the region’s economic power and competitiveness, economic integration in the region will certainly bring tremendous benefits not only to the region, but also to the world.2) Impacts of a Future CJK FTA on Agriculture, FisheryA possible CJK FTA will bring the three countries potential benefits, including access for consumers to a wider range of agricultural products with lower prices and improved access for exporters to the partners’ markets. However, it would raise concerns in Japan and Korea for serious impacts on domestic agriculture production. It also increase pressure for China to meet domestic demand and lost price advantage in agriculture due to the rapidly increasing labor and input cost. In pursuing a possible CJK FTA, due consideration should be given to sensitive products of each country.In the fishery sector, China is more competitive in fresh water fishery, while Japan and Korea are more competitive in marine capture fisheries. With a possible CJK FTA, trade in fish products would benefit consumers and improve the overall national welfare of the three countries. However, a decline of fishery resources, increasing cost of capturing and stronger competition from areas will attenuate the positive effect. So consideration should be given to the effect of an appropriatefishery resources management to ensure sustainable development of fishery industries.3) Impacts of a Future CJK FTA on Industrial GoodsA CJK FTA will likely increase the trade volumes and enhance production networks among them. On the other hand, a CJK FTA would reveal sensitive sectors in all three countries. For China, a CJK FTA could result in further accelerated increase of imports from Japan and Korea, thus bringing bigger pressure on China’s domestic enterprises in such sensitive industries as chemicals; automobiles; electronics and ship-building, etc.In order to enhance the competitiveness of the manufacturing industries of China, Japan and Korea, the three countries should not only reduce tariff andnon-tariff measures which have adverse effects to trade, but also deepen and strengthen economic linkages among the three countries to establish a win-win-win relationship through forming a CJK FTA, with due consideration to the sensitivities of each country in these areas.4) Impacts of a Future CJK FTA on Trade in servicesBy reducing barriers and enhancing transparency, a possible CJK FTA might contribute to and enhance the momentum of mutual cooperation, MA, movement of goods, capital, persons and technology and trade facilitation. A future CJK FTA will help bring down costs and prices, increase efficiency and innovation, and broaden the range of services being offered, thus improving the quality of services through maximization of cross-border resource allocation processes. The facilitation of movement of business personnel will also promote the overall development in the services sectors.5) Impacts of a Future CJK FTA on InvestmentWith a comprehensive CJK FTA, which focuses on enhancing market access by eliminating restrictions against foreign investment in an appropriate manner, more active trade and investment in Northeast Asia would ensue. Liberalization of investment would also enable investors to mobilize their resources for further development in this region, thus leading to a mutually beneficial cooperative partnership among the three countries in the future.In future negotiations on the investment chapter, more flexibility should be given to China for adaption and modification in its liberalization process.6) E-commerceWith the development of information technology, e-commerce has emerged as a dynamic form of transaction and one of the most quickly growing business industries in the world. Increasing use of e-commerce can bring economic growth and opportunity through facilitating trade in goods and introducing new services. Enterprises, including SMEs, will profit from the use of e-commerce as it improves efficiency and reduces the cost of transactions. A possible CJK FTA would provide an opportunity to enhance trilateral e-commerce cooperation and transaction.中国-东盟⾃由贸易区中国-新西兰⾃由贸易区Part Ⅳ10、Four modes of supply of the General Agreement on Trade in Services(GATS)1) Cross-border (跨境交付)——from the territory of one Member into the territory of any other Member.Mode 1: A user in country A receives services from abroad through its telecommunications or postal infrastructure.2) Consumption abroad(境外消费)——in the territory of one Member to the service consumer of any other Member. Mode 2: Nationals of A have moved abroad as tourists, students, or patients to consume the respective services.3) Commercial Presence(商业存在)——by a service supplier of one Member, through commercial presence, in the territory of any other Member.Mode 3: The service is provided within A by a locally-established affiliate, subsidiary, or representative office of a foreign-owned and — controlled company (bank, hotel group, construction company, etc.).4) Presence of natural persons(⾃然⼈流动)——d.by a service supplier of one Member, through the presence of natural persons of a Member in the territory of any other Member.Mode 4: A foreign national provides a service within A as an independent supplier (e.g., consultant, health worker) or employee of a service supplier (e.g. consultancy firm, hospital, construction company).。
三、国际商务的组织形式1. 跨国公司:企业通过设立海外子公司、控股子公司、合资企业、合作企业等方式组建跨国公司,开展国际商务活动。
2. 国际贸易中介:包括贸易公司、进出口公司、报关行、物流公司等专门从事国际贸易活动的企业。
3. 国际贸易组织:如世界贸易组织(WTO)、国际贸易中心等,这些组织为各国的国际贸易进行规范和促进。
四、国际商务的运作流程1. 市场开拓:了解国外市场需求、市场容量、市场价格和市场环境等。
2. 产品生产:根据对外贸易市场的要求,逐步建立生产体系,加大产品的品质、品种和规模,提高产品的国际竞争力。
3. 供应链管理:采用有效的供应链管理体系,确保产品的供货及时和品质稳定。
市场全球化(globalization of markets)是指把历史上独特和分离的国家市场合并为一个巨大的全球市场。
生产全球化(globalization of production)指的是从全球各地去筹供商品和服务,以利用本国在生产要素(factors of production)上的成本和质量差异。
2、全球机构的出现(1)世界贸易组织(World Trade Organization)主要负责监管世界贸易秩序和确保各国遵守世界贸易组织各成员国签署的贸易协定中规定的规则。
(2)国际货币基金组织(International Monetary Fund)和世界银行(World Bank)是由44个国家于1944年在新罕布什尔州的布雷顿森林会议上所创建的。
(3)联合国(United Nations)成立于1945年10月24日,由51个国家承诺通过国际合作和集体的安全防卫措施来维护和平。
●外延●(1)数字贸易生态圈的共生单元●领导物种:数字贸易服务平台;关键物种:买卖双方;支持物种;寄生物种:专业化服务机构、行业协会和高校●(2)数字贸易生态圈的共生环境数字营商环境;自然地理环境;社会文化环境●数字贸易生态圈的圈层结构●1. 数字贸易生态圈的圈层结构●数字贸易生态圈由核心层、环心层、相关层和外部层四个圈层构成,●核心层是创造数字贸易核心价值的中心圈层,●环心层是实现数字贸易价值增值的动力圈层,●相关层是完善功能作用的辅助圈层,●外部层是维持结构稳定的基础圈层,●数字贸易产业链则贯穿核心层,落脚于环心层。
c全球化和国际外包为发达国家创造大量工作岗位,促进发展中国家的经济发展②劳工政策与环境抗议:a很多跨国公司常被指责支付低廉的工资,剥削工人,雇佣童工,而且工作环境也很恶劣b全球化导致环境污染、居住环境恶化和臭氧层被破坏支持:a自由贸易带来的污染和劳工剥削不是更多而是更少b通过创造财富和鼓励企业技术长期创新,自由市场制度和自由贸易能使世界更易对付污染和人口增长问题③国家主权抗议:经济权力正逐步从国家政府向非国家组织转移,因而降低了这些国家的自主权,国家掌握自己命运的权力受到了限制支持:非国家组织的权力是受各国共同授与的权力制约的,它们的存在是服务于成员国的共同利益,而不是破坏这些利益④贫富差距抗议:富国与穷国的差距在加大支持:部分国家经济停滞的主要原因在于专制政府、贪污腐败、对产权保护的缺失及战争,与全球化无关5. 全球化给管理人员带来哪些机遇和挑战?(P29-30)(第一讲课件P80)机遇:越来越多的企业,不管大小,正成为国际企业(国际企业指任何从事国际贸易和国际投资的企业,国际企业≠跨国企业)挑战:管理国际企业与管理国内企业是不同的①存在政治、经济、法律、文化等方面的差异②国际企业管理人员面临的问题范围更广泛,问题本身也更复杂③国际企业管理人员要设法在政府干预与限制条件下工作④国际交易涉及把本国货币兑换成各种外汇1.政治、经济、法律体制的具体涵义?(P43;P47;P48)政治体制:指的是一国的政府体制。
包括普通法、大陆、宗教法2. 对国际商务的影响?(结合各种体制的具体内容谈其影响或者优缺点,以课本内容为主)①政治体制:作为一种政治指导理念,个人主义正在被越来越多的人所接受。
②购买力平价 (PPP):通过购买力调整国民总收入。