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非凡设计无双性能令人耳目一新的ICP-MSAgilent 7700系列ICP-MSOur measure is your success.产品|应用|软件|服务Agilent 7700系列ICP-MS推动ICP-MS技术发展,简化痕量元素分析无论您是想以最快的速度分析成百上千个基体复杂的样品,还是想要获得高纯试剂中超痕量杂质的最可信结果,安捷伦7700 系列ICP-MS都能助您满足当前以及未来的分析需求。
安捷伦7700系列ICP-MS– ICP-MS仪器的新面孔– 是世界上最小的商品化ICP-MS。
7700系列ICP-MS不但配置了新的软件平台,而且在仪器硬件方面也进行了革新设计,包括全新数字控制式射频匹配的RF 发生器和第三代八极杆碰撞/反应池系统(ORS3)。
安捷伦7700x ICP-MS凭借第三代碰撞/反应池(ORS3)为复杂高基体样品的分析提供了无可比拟的准确性,它革命性地重新定义了碰撞/反应池:仅使用氦气碰撞即可消除所有可能的质谱干扰!欲了解有关安捷伦7700系列ICP-MS的更多信息,请访问/chem/ICPMS:cn杰出的第三代ICP-MS过去20多年来,安捷伦公司作为ICP-MS技术发展的重要推动力量,推出了许多原创性的领先技术。
7700将更进一步将ICP-MS 带入不依靠专家的时代,它广泛进入常规的实验室面对一般操作人员,而其分析性能、可靠性和自动化方面达到了最新标准。
一.安装硬件安装:* 请您先检查我们向您提供的产品,包括信息采集器、信息变送器、信息钮(巡更点)、软件(光盘和加密狗)、通讯线等。
将通讯线的另一端RS232接口与电脑的COM 1或COM 2(串口1或2)相连,并记住所连接的是COM 1还是COM 2,另外将“加密狗”插在打印机端口LPT1上。
*信息钮(巡更点)的安装,(请在软件安装完成后再操作此步骤),信息钮的安装有两种方法:如购买厚型信息钮(DS-1990A F5)可选购固定基座安装;也可购买我们为您提供的专用安装胶水,使用胶水的方法是:先将信息钮的背面及所要粘的地方均涂上适量的胶水,等待5-10分钟再将这两面粘合,再待24小时后就会完全干透(注:该胶水应粘在坚实,干净的平面上)。
软件安装系统配置要求:CPU为Intel celeron 300MHz以上,内存64M以上,硬盘2.1G以上软件运行环境为Win9x /Me& Win2000/XP。
将安装光盘放入光驱,光盘包含三个文件,(setup.exe, setup.lst, xungengsystem.cab)执行setup.exe文件进行安装,依提示进行安装。
但不要安装在\programe files等目录名称之间有空格的目录下,且必须用不多于8个英文字母的目录名。
T-7700RP T-7700TP IP网络广播系统第二版使用手册V1.1概述T-7700RP T-7700TP IP网络广播系统第二版(以下简称系统)是一款基于IP网络的广播系统。
系统要求在使用系统之前,请确保满足以下硬件和软件要求:硬件要求•T-7700RP 或 T-7700TP 广播终端•有线或无线网络连接•支持TCP/IP协议的路由器•扬声器或耳机软件要求•Windows 7 或更新的操作系统•最新版本的浏览器(建议使用Chrome)安装与配置1. 连接广播终端将T-7700RP 或 T-7700TP 广播终端通过网线连接到您的局域网中的路由器。
2. 配置广播终端在您的电脑上打开浏览器,输入广播终端的IP地址,然后按Enter键。
3. 设置网络参数一旦成功登录,您将看到系统的控制面板。
4. 配置音频设置在控制面板中,您还可以配置广播终端的音频设置。
使用方法1. 创建广播列表在控制面板中,您可以创建广播列表。
2. 发起广播一旦创建了广播列表,您可以使用控制面板上的“播放”按钮发起广播。
3. 调整音量在广播过程中,您可以通过控制面板上的音量滑块调整音频的音量。
DyniscoInstruments带有微处理器的ATC770压力/过程控制器安装和使用手册(中文版)本手册译自:DyniscoInstrumentsINSTALLATION & OPERATION MANUALATC 770 MICROPROCESSOR-BASEDPRESSURE/PROCESS CONTROLLER本中文版说明书力图在尽可能多的方面忠实于原英文说明书,但对准确性不做承诺。
如有任何疑问请参阅原英文说明书注意:本中文版说明书保有不先行通知即行修改的权利DyniscoInstrumentsATC770-0-2-3表快速入门1.安装. 按如下尺寸准备安装口。
. 放入面板紧固件,将紧固螺丝旋入拧紧。
2. 接线.按接线端子图所注连接传感器。
6.1 端子配置3.线性-远程S.P4.线性-远程S.P红→ 12.应变片信号+或线性+黑→ 13.应变片信号-或线性-橙→ 14.校正2白→ 16.激励+蓝/绿→ 17.激励-,校正121.控制输出 mA/V+22.控制输出 mA/V-23.远程复位24. 远程复位输出45.报警1,常开46. 报警1,公共端47.报警1,常闭48. 报警2,常开49. 报警2,公共端50.报警2,常闭51.报警3,公共端52.报警3, 常闭/常开53.100-240VAC(交流电)54.LN(交流零线)56.模拟输入中继输出 mA/V+57.模拟输入中继输出 mA/V-58.24VDC辅助电源输出+59.24VDC辅助电源输出+60.RS-485:A/A’61.RS-485:B/B’62.RS-485:数字输入公共端63.数字输入164.数字输入265.数字输入366.数字输入43. 设置量程.给仪表加电.上位显示窗将显示一个近零值。
一.安装硬件安装:* 请您先检查我们向您提供的产品,包括信息采集器、信息变送器、信息钮(巡更点)、软件(光盘和加密狗)、通讯线等。
将通讯线的另一端RS232接口与电脑的COM 1或COM 2(串口1或2)相连,并记住所连接的是COM 1还是COM 2,另外将“加密狗”插在打印机端口LPT1上。
*信息钮(巡更点)的安装,(请在软件安装完成后再操作此步骤),信息钮的安装有两种方法:如购买厚型信息钮(DS-1990A F5)可选购固定基座安装;也可购买我们为您提供的专用安装胶水,使用胶水的方法是:先将信息钮的背面及所要粘的地方均涂上适量的胶水,等待5-10分钟再将这两面粘合,再待24小时后就会完全干透(注:该胶水应粘在坚实,干净的平面上)。
软件安装系统配置要求:CPU为Intel celeron 300MHz以上,存64M以上,硬盘2.1G以上软件运行环境为Win9x /Me& Win2000/XP。
将安装光盘放入光驱,光盘包含三个文件,(setup.exe, setup.lst, xungengsystem.cab)执行setup.exe文件进行安装,依提示进行安装。
但不要安装在\programe files等目录名称之间有空格的目录下,且必须用不多于8个英文字母的目录名。
7700系列ip 广播布线规范一:首要问题确定机房以及分控机房位置。
1、 对于网络广播,主机房与分控机房,以及各个网络设备直接都需要布超5类网线。
其中7721A 和7722A 需要布2条网线,一条是ip 广播使用,一条传输自带的网络摄像机的视频。
2、7701+功放、7760、77120、77240、77350等带功放的网络终端到喇叭之间需要RVVP 2芯线。
如果有音控在功放和喇叭之间控制音量,功放到音控之间布rvvp 3芯线,音控到喇叭的布RVVP 2芯线就可以了。
(喇叭接线和灯光接线一样,一个分区的并在一条主线上就可以了)如下图: 图1二:举例说明各类别设备接线方式(1)、主机T-7700安放主机房,需要有电源供电,然后一条网线连接到广播网络。
主音箱到辅音箱之间也布RVVP 2*1.5的线。
终端到外接的音箱之间布RVVP 2*1.0的线。
TS7700 Release Notes – (R3.3 PGA 2)IBM System Storage TS7700Release Notes for the TS7700 (3957 VEB / V07) -EC: M13888 released January 13, 2017New Function Supported:- A new LI REQ command for grid resiliencyNew function support description:A new Grid Resiliency Library Request command has been introduced to help analyze timing metrics between clusters in a TS7700 Grid configuration. Using the results of this new command, potential issues or bottlenecks can be discovered sooner within such configurations. Details will be described within an updated version of the "IBM TS7700 Series z/OS Host Command Line Request User's Guide".TS7700 CODE COMPONENTS:PROBLEM FIXES:Problems fixed in this level are described below. There are 96 defects fixed in this release; 49 of them occurred or were related to problems in client installations. They are described below with the following designations:HIPER = High Impact & Pervasive (3 or more occurrences)High Impact = Loss of access or loss of data (less than 3 occurrences)Acute = A unrecoverable error with potential loss of dataSerious = A unrecoverable error with potential loss of access to dataModerate = A system path is not operational and performance might be degradedService = A recoverable error, Service ImprovementsImprovement = Improvement for better usabilityPervasive: problems with 3 or more occurrencesHIPER: Data inconsistent across grid after sync mode write completes successfullyDev fix description: Code logic change to fail write if all target clusters cannot be written in sync modePervasive: YesRef: 81172HIPER: Code upgrade on cluster caused internal conflict in other clusters (mixed code levels across grid)Dev fix description: propagate VPD updates to all clusters during upgradePervasive: YesRef: 80489 (also fixed in vtd_exec.246 v1.03)High Impact: Internal error recovery caused host job failureDev fix description: Code logic improved to avoid incorrect recoveryPervasive: YesRef: 81291High Impact: Prevent error recovery from isolating a cluster during grid joinDev fix description: Improve error recovery process by validating cluster data from gridPervasive: NoRef: 81766High Impact: TVC selection hung in loop and overflowed logs (unexpected reboot required)Dev fix description: Code logic error to identify condition, create additional logs, and exit loopPervasive: NoRef: 81528High Impact: - File system manager error doesn't generate any sim or trigger Call HomeDev fix description: - Parse MMFS error into format_sim (design change)Pervasive: NoRef: 81210High Impact: cluster restarted unexpectedly as internal process management stopped incorrect componentDev fix description: improve code logic from previous fix (Ref: 79156)Pervasive: NoRef: 80548 (also fixed in vtd_exec.238 v. 2.00+)High Impact: Cluster operations left with 3584 library paused after service completed; host jobs failedDev fix description: Library management code logic change to prevent persistence of 3584 library offline condition Pervasive: NoRef: 80374High Impact: cluster restarted unexpectedly from internal DB2 stateDev fix description: Change code logic to abort the process getting stuckPervasive: NoRef: 80328Serious: FICON adapter internal test disrupts adapter initialization (adapter left offline)Dev fix description: Code logic improvement to remove initialization conflictPervasive: YesRef: 80713Serious: Networks with regular interruptions cause many messages on link state (possible MQ stall/reboot required) Dev fix description: Change code logic to use AIX setting to improve network reliabilityPervasive: YesRef: 80377 (also fixed in vtd_exec.227 v. 1.04)Serious: Host job abends after internal grid code errorDev fix description: Grid code retry added for temporary error conditionPervasive: YesRef: 80208Serious: Multiple cancels to Flash Copy DR test caused cluster recovery (automatic data resync with other clusters after DB2 table deleted)Dev fix description: Code logic change to prevent multiple LI REQ from remote clusterPervasive: NoRef: 81556Serious: FICON adapter restarted when cancel received during Busy status sequence for Read CCWDev fix description: Code logic change to send device end only when a cancel comes during BUSY status. The cancel operation will be deferred to following process.Pervasive: NoRef: 81141Serious: Detailed database snapshot information missing for analysis when required for upgrade failureDev fix description: Enable additional database monitor switches during activation process to increase detail in logs. Pervasive: NoRef: 81047Serious: Mount pending for EKM communication (problem not understood)Dev fix description: add logging for error condition observedPervasive: NoRef: 80609Serious: DB2 write to system hard drive fails; drive not failed (cluster restart required)Dev fix description: Add code logic to monitor DB2 log for failure and provide additional diagnostics for service Pervasive: NoRef: 79006Serious: Unjoin of cluster delayed from DB2 background reorg running simultaneously (extended outage)Dev fix description: Pause background DB reorg process during unjoinPervasive: NoRef: 78582Serious: FICON adapter restart after host cancel CCWDev fix description: Code logic errorPervasive: NoRef: 79796Serious: Replacement of system board extended from code logic error (extended service window)Dev fix description: Correct the code logic in system replacement procedurePervasive: NoRef: 79606 (also fixed in vtd_exec.256 v. 1.01)Serious: During code activation a hardware problem made system hard disks unusable (extended service window)Dev fix description: Improve logic to identify need for support for hardware problem on hard disks during code load/activation Pervasive: NoRef: 77612Moderate: Cache controller firmware did not get upgraded during code load (extended outage) or detect failure Dev fix description: Code logic changed to prevent the failurePervasive: YesRef: 80442Moderate: LUM mount with undefined construct does not use default (8.33 and above)Dev fix description: Code logic changed to remove unexpected result of previous fix added in 8.33 code Pervasive: NoRef: 81549Moderate: FFFF can't be set as a target category of LI REQDev fix description: Code logic changed to allow to set 0xFFFF to be set as a target categoryPervasive: NoRef: 81535Moderate: Intervention required persisted after an online transition when no intervention existedDev fix description: Change Database manager code logic to prevent inappropriate setting of Intv. Req’d Pervasive: NoRef: 81139Moderate: Copy export stalled from having volume set to ReadOnlyDev fix description: Change code logic to prevent copy export stallPervasive: NoRef: 80973Moderate: FICON throughput incorrectly limited by feature codeDev fix description: Correct code logic to limit adapter throughput as designed for FC 3438 and 3439.Pervasive: NoRef: 80793 (also fixed in vtd_exec.224 v1.02)Moderate: Recalls from physical volume failed following library errorDev fix description: Code logic change to collect more data (issue was not understood)Pervasive: NoRef: 80738Moderate: Log file caused cluster to fail to go online after code upgradeDev fix description: Code logic change to prevent excessive log growthPervasive: NoRef: 80388 (also fixed in vtd_exec.240 v. 1.02+)Moderate: Logical volumes assigned to incorrect partition at code upgradeDev fix description: Put all resident logical volumes in partition 0 during code updatePervasive: NoRef: 80249 (also fixed in vtd_exec.248 v.1.01)Moderate: Code update (R3.2) increased TCPIP retransmission rate increaseDev fix description: TCPIP performance improved with change to settingPervasive: NoRef: 79384Moderate: System checkout stalledDev fix description: Code logic change to prevent stalling of regular process (checkout) Pervasive: NoRef: 78406 (also fixed in vtd_exec.103 v. 1.52+)Moderate: Library related information is missing from VEHSTATS recordsDev fix description: Code logic changed to parse the 3584 information correctlyPervasive: NoRef: 78320Moderate: CBR message for deferred mode rather than immediate mode copyDev fix description: Logic change in grid code to prevent copy cancellation of immediate mode copy Pervasive: YesRef: 78258Moderate: Host mount fails when ACS routines do not specify data class for LUMDev fix description: Correct code logic to process host mount (LUM) for specific flash copy conditions Pervasive: NoRef: 77169Moderate: Copy Export failed (conflict between Copy Export, Delete Expire and Offsite Reclaim) Dev fix description: Logic change to prevent reclaim from conflicting with other processes Pervasive: NoRef: 76434Moderate: System checkout network thresholds are not persistent through code upgradesDev fix description: Code logic changed to preserve the network thresholdsPervasive: NoRef: 73803 (also fixed in vtd_exec.256 v. 1.00+)Service: Cache controller firmware identifies battery failure incorrectlyDev. fix description: Update cache controller firmware to YesRef: 81119Service: Permissions incorrect to allow command to complete setting time on controllerDev fix description: Change smit panel to use admin rolePervasive: YesRef: 80885Service: Database restore process hung and prevented merge process between grids (service window exceeded) Dev fix description: Added a pre-check to compare the database size against the free space in the filesystem. Pervasive: NoRef: 81266Service: Checkout points to the wrong cache string (always base string)Dev fix description: Logic in code changed to identify the correct string, enclosure and slotPervasive: YesRef: 80330 (also fixed in vtd_exec.103 v. 1.52+)Service: Incorrect location for failed DDM specified in service checkout (correct in support data)Dev. fix description: Correct logic to identify correct string for failed DDMPervasive: NoRef: 80282 (also fixed in vtd_exec.103 v1.52+)Service: Flags from both frame and server replacement were set; activation hung (extended outage)Dev fix description: Stop an activate at the beginning of act_finis if both flags are therePervasive: NoRef: 80183Service: Internal test of slow ddm returns good status when incorrect configuration is presentDev fix description: Correct code logic to present correct test resultPervasive: NoRef: 79410 (also fixed in vtd_exec.256 v. 1.00+)Service: Activation events improperly classified (CE could not clear)Dev fix description: correct code to refer to act_go instead of act_finisPervasive: NoRef: 78358Service: Improve hydradump file gathering scriptDev fix description: code change to include new log collection definitions and modify generic ones to make them specific Pervasive: NoRef: 76051Service: Additional files added to hydradumpDev fix description: improve data collection (new logs added to code)Pervasive: NoRef: 81538Improvement: Message had incorrect text when queue capacity exceeded Dev fix description: Message text correctedPervasive: NoRef: 80536Improvement: New LI REQ to provide timing statisticsDev fix description: Create LI REQ request to provide Grid-Grid RPC statistics Pervasive: NoRef: 80430。
1 of 8User Guide7700HPRODUCT CODEIDEAL FOR LARGE LAWNSFOLLOWS PATH SET BY HOSE2 of 8Introduction The Solid Metal Travelling Sprinkler is idealfor extra large lawns. It is built extra durable witha heavy duty cast iron body. Self propelled by a2-speed gearbox, the front wheel travels the pathof the garden hose which can be placed to followany path you need. In total, the tractor can travelup to 60m, watering an area up to 1,100m².This instruction manual contains useful information on the proper use and care of this product.Please read through all instructions beforeattempting to install the sprinkler to ensure itis properly assembled before operation. Pleasekeep this user guide handy for future use.ContentsIntroduction 2 Overview 3 Connecting the Spray Arms 4 Spray Arm Direction 4 Spray Arm Adjustments 5 Setting up the Hose Track 5 Speed Control 5 Sprinkler Operation 6 Sprinkler Gears 6 Sprinkler Maintenance 6 Sprinkler Flow Rate7Overview Travelling Sprinkler1. Arm Centre Assembly Post2. Spray Arms3. Connector Nuts4. Travelling Sprinkler Body5. Back Wheels Assembly6. Front Wheel Assembly7. Stop Pin8. Shut Off Ramp9. Sprinkler Accessory Pack10. 12mm Snap-onHose Connector11. 18mm Snap-onHose Connector12853976410113 of 8Spray ArmsConnecting the Spray Arms:1. Using the wrench provided, securelyhold the Connector Nut located in theseat of the Travelling Sprinkler2. While holding the Connector Nut, threadthe Arm Assembly Centre Post onto theTravelling Sprinkler and hand tighten3. Insert both of the Spray Arms into either side of theArm Assembly Centre Post as far as they will go 4. Tighten the Connector Nuts untilthey feel secure when twistedTo prevent damage, do not lift or carry theTravelling Sprinkler by the Spray ArmsModel of sprinkler may vary from illustration Spray Arm Direction:It is important that the Spray Arms are positioned correctly, otherwise the Travelling Sprinkler willnot move properly, or it many not move at allThe Spray Arms must rotate clockwise to go forward CorrectNo MovementBackwardsNo MovementInstallation and Setup4 of 85 of 8Spray ArmsAdjusting the Angle of the Spray Arms:Adjusting the angle of the Spray Arms allow you to control the spray distance For maximum coverage, turn the tips upwards and out to approximately a 30º angleFor minimum coverage, turn the tips slightly downward and clear of the Travelling Sprinkler bodySetting up the Hose TrackThe Front Wheel of the Travelling Sprinkler is designed to be placed over top of the hose and then track the same path as the hose. On some surfaces the wheel may be prone to veering off the hose. Users should keep an eye on this when first operating the Travelling Sprinkler . If the surface is unsuitable, causing the Front Wheel to veer from the hose, it may be necessary to use an 18mm hose The Travelling Sprinkler comes with both 12mm and 18mm Snap-on Hose Connectors Up to 60 metres of hose can be used to lay out a path throughout the yard. To create 180º turns, a minimum radius of 4.5m is required Place the Shut Off Ramp on the hose to stop the Travelling Sprinkler . There should be 1.5m of straight hose on either side of the Shut Off Ramp . Be sure to anchor the Shut Off Ramp into the ground with the attached spikePlease ensure the Stop Pin is pulled all of the way out on the underside of the Travelling Sprinkler . This pin will stop the Travelling Sprinkler from moving, but will not stop the watering* For more information, refer page 6Speed ControlDepending on the speed selected, theTravelling Sprinkler can travel from 6 to 11 metres per hour. LOW will apply more water, with HIGH preferred for lighter watering To water a specific area and to keep the Travelling Sprinkler stationary, set the control to NEUTRALInstallation and Setup(continued)Sprinkler OperationSprinkler OperationThe small Front Wheel should straddle the hose track. The Stop Pin (on the underside of the Travelling Sprinkler near the Back Wheels) should be pulled out for watering1. Turn on the water and the Travelling Sprinklershould start spinning in a clockwise motion 2. If it should stop, turn the water off and be surethe Stop Pin is pulled all of the way out3. Then slowly turn the water on againThe Stop Pin will stop at the Shut Off Ramp as travelling up the ramp will push the Stop Pin closed If you want to move the Travelling Sprinklerto new location1. Turn off the water to stop the pressure2. Pick up the Travelling Sprinkler via thebase and move to the new location3. Layout a new path with the hose and place theTravelling Sprinkler on top of the hose4. Place the Shut Off Ramp in the new position5. Pull the Stop Pin back out beforeturning on the water again Sprinkler GearsProtect the water motor gears from damageby never operating the Travelling Sprinkleron driveways or footpathsDo not push or pull the Travelling Sprinkler when it is operationDo not let the Travelling Sprinkler get stuck in wet areas or low ground that wouldkeep the wheels from moving forwards,as this can damage the internal gearsDo not manually stop the rotation of the Spray Arms. If you need to stop theSpray Arms, turn off the water supply first Sprinkler MaintenanceThese points will help the Travelling Sprinkler work in the most effective way1. Clean the Inlet Filter Washer regularlyby removing and rinsing it. A spanner maybe required to tighten back together2. Drain the Travelling Sprinkler after use,especially in cold weather. Freezing willdamage the sprinkler if water is left inside.This includes opening theStop Pin6 of 8Sprinkler Flow RateSprinkler flow rate for 12mm and 18mm HosesChart calculated using 12mm hose of up to 30m length, with an average pressure of 275kPa.Dependent on sprinkler set up, flow rate ranges from 14Lpm to 20Lpm (average is 17Lpm).Chart calculated using 18mm hose of up to 60m length, with an average pressure of 275kPa.Dependent on sprinkler set up, flow rate ranges from 15Lpm to 23Lpm (average is 18.5Lpm).Values quoted may vary depending on hose length, spray coverage and water pressureCoverage can be affected by several things including water pressure, hose diameter, hose length and hose weight. The Travelling Sprinkler is made for established lawns. For delicate, newlyseeded yards, another type of sprinkler should be used7 of 8Thanks for being a#SMARTGARDENERWe really appreciate having you as a customer, and would like to say thank you for choosing us.We recommend registering your new product on our website. This will ensure we havea copy of your purchase and activate an extended warranty. Keep up to date to withrelevant product information and special offers available through our newsletter..au/product-registration/Thanks again for choosing Holman。
除了这个特性外,ATC770 的一个标准特性是一个24VDC的变送器电源。
1.1 产品编码型号外部给定值选项电源ATC770 编码说明编码说明编码电压0无1模拟,远程给定值2辅助电源及模拟量传送3RS-485及4个数据输入3100-240Vac(开关可选)5 24Vac-Vdc(开关可选)2.说明2.0 机械说明外壳:聚炭酸酯黑色按照UL94 V0 度自熄灭前面板:为设计及测试是室内的IP65和NEMA 4X安装:板式安装后部端子块:带后部安全防护的34号螺纹端子2.1 主电源及环境说明主电源:100-240 V AC 50/60 赫兹开关。
选项:24V AC/DC.电源变量:从-15%到10%(用于100到240V AC)从-10%到10%(用于24V AC/DC)电源耗费:最大15VA。
绝缘电阻:>150 Mhom @ 500 VDC 。
绝缘强度;1min,1500 V rms, lsec, 1800 V rms( 根据IEC 1010-1)。
周围温度:0到50 ℃贮藏温度;零下20到70℃湿度:最大85%RH, 无冷凝。
© 2007 ATTO Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. All brand or product names are trademarks of their respective holders. No part of this guide may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the express written permission of ATTO Technology, Inc.6/2007Document Control Number: PRMA-0393-000FastStream SC 7700 Quick Start GuideFor details on mounting, physical connections and network configuration, refer to the Installation and Operation Manual on the CD packed with your FastStream™.Unpacking the packing box; verifying contents• The FastStream. Note the serial number of your FastStream unit: ________________________• Power cord• Brackets and screws for mounting into a 19” rack • Ethernet cable • RS 232 cable• CD which includes the Firmware, Installation andOperation Manual, QuickNAV™ IP discovery program and system driversInstall the FastStream1Place the FastStream on a stable flat surface or install it into a standard rack.If installing into a rack, see Exhibit 1:a. Attach the brackets to the FastStream enclosure.b. Install the FastStream horizontally within the rackso it does not reduce the air flow within the rack. For the following steps, see Exhibit 2.2Connect the host computer to Fibre Channel port 1 or 2 using SFPs and multimode fiber optic cables. 3Connect Fibre Channel devices from your SAN to the FastStream ports 3 and 4. 4Add power to the devices.5Connect the Ethernet port to your network.6Connect the AC power cord from the FastStream to theproper AC source outlet.CAUTIONThe power source must be connected to a protective earth ground and comply with local electrical codes. Improper grounding may result in an electrical shock or damage to the unit.If installing into a rack:• Properly ground the FastStream to the rackequipment. The earth ground connection must be maintained. • The power requirements plus the power draw of the other equipment in the rack must not overload the supply circuit and/or wiring of the rack.7Use the power switch to turn on power to the FastStream.8Wait up to two minutes for the FastStream Ready LED to light indicating the FastStream has completed its power-on self test sequence.9Windows ® users continue to Installing Windows drivers ; Mac ® users continue to Discover the IP address .Installing Windows drivers1Windows automatically detects the FastStream and asks for the driver in the Add Hardware wizard. Select Install from a list or specific location. 2Click Next .3Choose Don’t Search.4Click Next.5Choose Have disk.6Specify the driver as found in the PCfolder in the setup CD. The files are in a folder based on your operating system: Win2K drivers for Windows 2000 and Windows XP/2003 drivers for all 2003 Server products.NoteUse the files directly from the CD or copy them onto a floppy or to a local directory on your hard drive.7Follow the remaining instructions to complete the installation procedure.8After the driver is installed, FastStream is listed in the System Devices folder.Discover the IP addressNoteThe FastStream is initially configured with DHCPenabled. It is best if you have access to a DHCP server.1Work from the computer attached to the FastStream Ethernet port on the same subnet within the domain. From the CD supplied with your FastStream, run the QuickNav Utility QuickNAV-windows.exe for Windows or QuickNAV-Mac for Mac OS X.2Locate the FastStream with the serial number recorded earlier.3Highlight the serial number.4Click Next .If a DHCP server is available on your network, an address is assigned automatically by the server. Note the assigned address:_____________________________________If you do not have a DHCP server, get an IP address and subnet mask from your network administrator, type it into the area provided, and select Next .5Click on Launch Browser.Your browser points to the ATTO ExpressNAV splash screen. If you use Internet Explorer as a browser, continue on to Set up Internet Explorer below. If not, continue on to Begin initial configuration .Set up Internet Explorer1Open your browser.2Select Internet Options .3In the Internet Options screen, select the Security tab.4Click on the Trusted Sites icon.5Click on the Sites button.6In the text box Add this Web site to the zone , add the IP address of the appliance. You may use wild cards.7Click on Add.8Uncheck the Require server verification check box.9Click OK.10At the bottom of the Internet Options box, click on OKand close the box.Begin initial configuration1The ExpressNAV interface welcome screen appears. Click on Enter Here.2Type in the user name and password.NoteThe default user name is root; it is case insensitive. The default password is Password ; it is casesensitive. It is best practice to change the passwords.3Initialize drives and set up RAID groups using the wizards provided in ExpressNAV. Refer to the Installation and Operation Manual for details.Exhibit 1 One view of how to connect the FastStream into a rack: brackets may be mounted on either the front or the connector sides of the FastStream.Exhibit 2Detail of the connector side of the FastStream enclosure.a. Attach brackets to both sides of the FastStream enclosure using brackets and screws supplied by ATTO.b. Attach the enclosure/bracket assem bly to the rack using the screws needed for your rack.FastStream enclosureFastStream enclosure。
出现这个对话框时可以修改终端IP地址,当然“网卡选择”和“服务器”应该是一个地址即电脑自身的IP 地址。
公共广播系统手册 T-7700目录一、产品用途及功能特点 (3)(1)产品用途 (3)(2)功能特点 (3)二、软件安装 (5)(1)系统服务器软件安装要求 (5)(2)系统软件安装 (5)(3)系统软件注册 (8)三、IP 网络广播系统---配置工具 (10)(1)终端配置 (11)(2)分区配置 (14)(3)呼叫策略配置 (16)(4)报警配置 (18)(5)定时任务配置 (20)(6)定时巡更配置 (24)(7)用户配置 (26)四、IP 网络广播系统---配置 IP 地址 (30)五、IP 网络广播系统---运行服务器 (31)六、IP 网络广播系统---播放中心 (33)附录:IP 网络广播系统的广域网应用设置 (37)第 2 页共 37 页IP 网络广播系统软件用户手册一、产品用途及功能特点(1)产品用途广播系统管理和控制软件、安装于网络广播控制中心或计算机,是广播系统数据交换、系统运行和功能操作的综合管理平台。
(2)功能特点1.软件是整个系统的运行核心,统一管理系统内所有音频终端,包括寻呼话筒、对讲终端、广播终端和消防接口设备,实时显示音频终端的 IP 地址、在线状态、任务状态、音量等运行状态。
公共广播系统手册 T-7700目录一、产品用途及功能特点 (3)(1)产品用途 (3)(2)功能特点 (3)二、软件安装 (5)(1)系统服务器软件安装要求 (5)(2)系统软件安装 (5)(3)系统软件注册 (8)三、IP 网络广播系统---配置工具 (10)(1)终端配置 (11)(2)分区配置 (14)(3)呼叫策略配置 (16)(4)报警配置 (18)(5)定时任务配置 (20)(6)定时巡更配置 (24)(7)用户配置 (26)四、IP 网络广播系统---配置 IP 地址 (30)五、IP 网络广播系统---运行服务器 (31)六、IP 网络广播系统---播放中心 (33)附录:IP 网络广播系统的广域网应用设置 (37)第 2 页共 37 页IP 网络广播系统软件用户手册一、产品用途及功能特点(1)产品用途广播系统管理和控制软件、安装于网络广播控制中心或计算机,是广播系统数据交换、系统运行和功能操作的综合管理平台。
(2)功能特点1.软件是整个系统的运行核心,统一管理系统内所有音频终端,包括寻呼话筒、对讲终端、广播终端和消防接口设备,实时显示音频终端的 IP 地址、在线状态、任务状态、音量等运行状态。
11.支持全区、分区消防联动,支持消防N±N 模式,支持人工报警与数字报警混音。
第3 页共 34 页IP 网络广播系统软件用户手册12.支持统一管理终端登陆密码,并支持授权范围管理、多级优先级管理,并支持轻松自动授权。
14.支持终端 3、4 制音控强切功能,(4 线制音控需外接电源)。
16.Windows 服务模式,支持 Win98~等系统平台,支持主服务器和备用服务器热切换,提升系统可靠性。
第 4 页共 37 页IP 网络广播系统软件用户手册二、软件安装(1)系统服务器软件安装要求软件平台要求:IP网络广播系统必须运行于Windows主流平台上,如:Windows XP、Windows 2003、Windows 7 操作系统平台上。
(注意:不支持操作系统如 Windows Vista、Mac OS 等,绝对禁止使用 Ghost 版、简化版、优化版操作系统,同时也避免使用第三方软件对系统进行优化。
)平台最低要求:RAM 256M/HD 80G/nc 100-1000M,服务器推荐使用ITC品牌。
(2)系统软件安装第一步:将 IP 网络广播系统的安装包复制到计算机系统盘中,用鼠标左键解压到当前文件夹中或指定的系统盘文件夹中,双击打开“IP 网络广播系统软件”文件根目录下的“”文件,如下图所示:图第 5 页共 37 页IP 网络广播系统软件用户手册单击“接受”选择按钮单击“完成”按钮,系统在运行完文件之后,回自动在“IP 网络广播系统软件”文件夹中会新增加:播放中心、配置 IP 地址、系统配置、运行服务器等快捷方式。
如下图所示:第 6 页共 37 页IP 网络广播系统软件用户手册图第二步:用鼠标单击“运行服务器”快捷键文件,系统会自动弹出 IP 网络广播系统的注册窗口,如下图所示:图为了保护公司和使用者的权益,IP 网络广播系统要通过向本公司索要注册码正常注册后才能正常运行使用,版权所有,盗版必究。
第 7 页共 37 页IP 网络广播系统软件用户手册(3)系统软件注册①请准确无误地记录下系统产品的序列号(图所示)告知厂家并索要正确的注册码。
(如图所示):第 8 页共 37 页IP 网络广播系统软件用户手册图在已注册的服务器窗口中,会显示当前的软件版本、服务器 ID 编号、定时任务状态、终端状态、会话状态以及服务器当前的时间设置等信息内容。
第 9 页共 37 页IP 网络广播系统软件用户手册三、IP 网络广播系统---配置工具在 IP 网络广播系统软件文件夹中,用鼠标双击“系统配置”快捷键按钮,系统会自动运行弹出“IP 网络广播系统---配置工具”窗口,如下图所示:图在系统配置窗口界面的上方显示的是系统配置的七个配置模块,包括:终端配置、分区配置、呼叫策略配置、报警配置、定时任务配置、定时巡更配置和用户配置等,各个配置模块的详细功能以及设置介绍如下:第 10 页共 37 页IP 网络广播系统软件用户手册(1)终端配置终端配置:即完成终端的新建、编辑、删除等工作。
点击【终端配置】弹出对话框如图所示,图中有功能按钮【新建 N】【编辑 E】【删除 D】【新建多个M】【写入 IP 地址到终端】和【呼叫音量】【对讲音量】大小设置。
图:【.新建 N】按钮功能即新建一个终端,每新建一个终端需点击一次此按钮,使用方法介绍如下:进入“终端配置”界面,点击【新建 N】按钮或者用快捷(Alt+N)弹出对话框如下图所示:图基础配置说明:①“终端名称”即用户新建终端的名称,用户根据需要自行编辑。
②“IP地址设置”先手动输入第一次的 IP 地址,后面配置的时,只需点击【自动分配】按钮系统会自动分配 IP 地址给终端。
第 11 页共 37 页IP 网络广播系统软件用户手册③“呼叫编码”设置当前 IP 地址终端的呼叫编码。
附加配置栏设置说明:④自定义按键可选 3 种功能:紧急求助对讲、业务对讲咨询和单向广播喊话,是用来设置一键求助终端,选择对应的终端名称即可;选择终端是指被呼叫的终端,也就是求助中心。
可选择被求助呼叫的终端同步触发“报警强切”、“第 1 路短路输出”及“第 2 路短路输出”。
可选择被触发的语音报警终端同步触发“报警强切”、“第 1 路短路输出”及“第 2 路短路输出”,可勾选播放曲目(勾选此项终端才会播放曲目)“”选择播放曲目的文件路径、音量以及任务优先级。
⑦短路输入 1 可以用来设置当前终端第 1 路短路功能的语音提示终端。
可选择被触发的语音提示终端同步触发“报警强切”、“第 1 路短路输出”及“第 2 路短路输出”,可勾选播放曲目(勾选此项终端才会播放曲目)“”选择播放曲目的文件路径、音量以及任务优先级。
⑧短路输入 2 可以用来设置当前终端第 2 路短路功能的语音提示终端。
可选择被触发的语音提示终端同步触发“报警强切”、“第 1 路短路输出”及“第 2 路短路输出”,可勾选播放曲目(勾选此项终端才会播放曲目)“”选择播放曲目的文件路径、音量以及任务优先级。
可选择被触发的语音提示终端同步触发“报警强切”、“第 1 路短路输出”及“第 2 路短路输出”,可勾选播放曲目(勾选此项终端才会播放曲目)“”选择播放曲目的文件路径、音量以及任务优先级。
若输入不慎,终端名称或 IP 地址有重复,点击【确定 O】按钮时系统会自动提示此终端已存在。
:【编辑 E】按钮功能:对已经建好的终端进行修改。
使用方法介绍如下:进入“终端配置”界面,首先在“终端名称”列表选中要编辑的终端,然后点击【编辑 E】按钮或用快捷键(Alt+E)即弹出(终端配置---编辑)对话框,如图所示,即可对其内容进行编辑,编辑完毕点击【确定 O】按钮即可。
若“终端名称”或“IP 地址”有重复,点击【确定 O】按钮时系统会自动提示此终端已存在,即编辑不成功。
第 12 页共 37 页IP网络广播系统软件用户手册图:【删除 D】按钮功能:删除已经建好但是不需要的终端。
进入“终端配置”界面,在“终端名称”栏目下首先选中要删除的终端,点击【删除 D】按钮(或快捷键 Alt+D),即弹出对话框如图,确认删除点击【是Y】按钮即可删除,反之点击【否 N】。
图:【新建多个 M】按钮功能:一次新建多个终端,不用反复点击该按钮。
进入“终端配置界面”点击【新建多个M】按钮(或快捷键(Alt+M)弹出如图所示对话框,“终端名称”栏,用户根据需要手动编辑,IP 地址可以点击“自动分配”按钮,然后点击“添加”按钮即可完成。
图第 13 页共 37 页IP 网络广播系统软件用户手册(2)分区配置分区配置:对已经建好的终端进行区域分配。
具体介绍如下:点击(分区配置)弹出对话框如图,该界面有三个功能按钮【新建 N】【编辑 E】【删除 D】。