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LCD PANEL培训教材(PANEL电路原理图)编制:魏吓凤审核:核准:售后服务技术支持部(内部资料 ) DATA: JUL-07-04目录HSD150MX41 (2)HSD150SX82 (7)AU M150XN03 (9)AU M150XN02 (11)LG LM151X2 (17)LG LM151X4—A3 (20)中华CLAA150XA03 (24)中华150XG01 (26)HYUNDAI HT15X11-200 (29)PANEL的线路测试液晶显示驱动系统和液晶显示模块构成1、液晶显示驱动的系统利用多片液晶驱动器组成一个点阵液晶显示器件的驱动系统。
LCD屏常见故障检修指导书一、常用PANEL的厂家、规格识别介绍1、LG-PHILIPS显示屏的识别2、Samsung三星显示屏的识别3、Chunghwa中华显示屏的识别4、CHIMEI奇美显示屏的识别二、PANEL常见的故障及其处理方法1、常见材料不良PANEL引起的故障2、常见作业不良造成的PANEL故障三、PANEL灯管的装取方法一、PANEL ID识别 (3)1、HYDIS ------ 现代 (3)2、LGPHILIPS (3)3、HANNSTAR--HSD---------- 瀚宇 (4)4、AUO -------------------- 友达 (4)5、Samsung ---------- S EC ---------- 三星 (4)6、Chunghwa ----------- C PT- ------ 中华 (5)7、CHI MEI ------------ C MO ------- 奇美 (5)二、PANEL不良状况表 (6)1、PANEL常见原材不良状况表 (6)2、PANEL常见作业不良维修状况表 (8)三、各厂PANEL灯管LIST ................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
1、15寸各厂PANEL灯管LIST ........................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
2、17寸各厂PANEL灯管LIST ........................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
3、18寸各厂PANEL灯管LIST ........................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
ASSAN X8 2.4GHz 遥控系统用户手册 尊敬的用户:感谢您使用阿尔舍电子控制技术有限公司(ASSAN)的产品。
在您使用ASSAN X82.4GHz遥控系统之前,请仔细阅读本手册,并遵循说明使用本产品。
1.X82.4GHz系统简介ASSAN X8 2.4GHz遥控系统是我公司基于当前最先进2.4GHz数字通讯技术而开发的新一代无线电遥控产品。
X8 2.4GHz遥控系统采用全智能化设计,将传统的PPM模式转换成高精度的数字控制模式。
ASSAN X8 2.4GHz遥控系统主要特点:• 全智能化设计,即插即用,快速升级传统遥控器到2.4GHz;• 无需使用晶体或频道选择开关,全自动扫频;• 无需编程设置,没有误操作之忧;• 无须拆除遥控器原有金属天线,更方便实用,并可避免转换系统时发生意外;• 支持多人同时使用,无相互干扰之忧;• 支持一机多控(一发射,多接收);• 对不同档次的舵机和陀螺仪均能提供良好支持;• 响应快速、精准;• 多种安全措施,保障使用安全性。
ASSAN X8 2.4GHz由发射模块和接收机两大部分组成。
目前的型号包括:ASSAN X8 系列 2.4GHz 发射模块型号 说明 兼容型号X8F 升级传统FUTABA/HITEC/WFLY遥控器FUTABA: 3PM,3PK, 7U, 8U, 8J, 9C , 9Z, and FN series.HITEC: Optic 6, Eclipse 7.WFLY: WFT09X8J 升级传统JR遥控器 347,388,783,U8,PCM10,PCM10S,PCM10SX,PCM10IIs,8103,9303 X8S 升级传统SANWA遥控器 SANWA M8/M11X8K 升级传统KO PROPO遥控器 KO PROPO EX-10X8U 升级大部分传统带训练接口的遥控器 采用非独立发射模块的遥控器,如FUTABA EX系列X8D 供用户自行改装传统遥控器 采用独立发射模块的遥控器,如EVO系列遥控器等ASSAN X8 系列 2.4GHz 接收机系列 型号 说明 有效控制距离 电脑设置功能X8R3 3 通道接收机 -短天线 300~800m 不支持X8R6 6 通道接收机 -短天线 300~800m 不支持X8R6-L 6 通道接收机 -长天线 300~800m 不支持 Mini 系列X8R7 7 通道接收机 -短天线 300~800m 不支持X8R7-L 7 通道接收机 -长天线 300~800m 不支持X8R9-L 9 通道接收机 -长天线 300~800m 不支持X8R 8 通道接收机 - 外置天线 1000~6000m 支持X8Rp 8 通道接收机 - 内置天线 300~800m 支持 V2 系列X8R10 10 通道接收机 1000~3000m 支持X8 Rrceiver+Recorder 8 通道带记录仪接收机 300~800m 支持特别说明: 有效控制距离是在遥控器与接收机之间,无任何遮挡情况下,已验证的实测数据 。
DJW-G-10kVA SJW-G30kVA SJW-G-200kVA交流稳压器智能无触点D (S )JW-G工业级■产品特征本系列工业级智能无触点交流稳压器分为单相DJW-G、三相SJW-G两种,主要由隔离变压器、SCR模块、CPU核心控制、实现了全无触点控制采用最新DSP运算计量芯片控制、快速交流采样、有效值校正、过零切换和快速补偿稳压技术,将智能仪表、快速稳压、故障诊断结合在一起,度高、响应速度快、无机械磨损、安全、高效。
广泛应用于工业、交通、邮电、通信、国防、铁路、科研等领域的大型机电设备、金属加工设备、生产流水线、电梯、医疗器械、刺绣轻纺设备、空调、广播电视、家用电器及大楼照明等需要稳定电压的用电,核心控制是SCR开关技术和变压器技术的完美结合,■ 选型指南额定功率 kVA JW-G□产品型号10:1020:2050:50100:100....1600:1600智能无触点交流稳压器D:单相S:三相■ 产品特点◇ CUP 智能控制、数字电路、稳定可靠;◇ 智能液晶显示:智能仪表实时显示电压、电流有效值,清晰、准确、人性化人机操作界面。
◇ 三相分调,输出电压不平衡度小于1%,每相输出电压的精度不变,无触点、无磨损、免维护。
◇ 高速反应:稳压响应时间小于40毫秒,对电脑自动化、设备及仪器,不产生电压变化影响。
◇ 高精度:产品输出电压精度±1%~±5%可设定, 最高稳压精度为±1%。
◇ 通讯接口:机内配置RS -232通讯接口(选购)。
◇ 抗干扰、净化能力强、使输出电力完全纯净。
◇ 适用范围广:稳压范围宽,可满足电源电网质量差、电压波动范围大的场所及设备使用。
◇ 保护功能齐全:设有过载、过压、欠压、短路等故障显示和保护功能,确保稳压器及负载安全运行。
◇ 预置功能强:过流保护限值可以任意设定。
◇ 适应性强:对电网和负载的适应性强,可在各种恶劣的电网和复杂的负载情况下,可靠地连续稳定工作。
Qualified Vendors List (QVL) Standard table for user manualProject Name:A*B*C*256MB Kingston KVR333X64C25/256N/A Kingston SS D3208DH1T-6256MB Kingston KVR333X64C25/256N/A Hynix SS HY5DU56822BT-J Pass Fail 512MB Kingston KVR333X64C25/512N/A Hynix DS HY5DU56822BT-J Pass Pass 512MB Kingston KVR400X643A/512N/A Hynix DS HY5DU56822BT-D43PassPass512MB Kingston KVR400X64C3A/512N/A Kingston DS D3208DL3T-5256MB Kingston KVR400X64C3A/256N/A Hynix SS HY5DU56822BT-D43256MB Infineon HYS64D64320GU-5-C 3Infineon SS HYB25D256800CE-5C Pass Pass 512MB Infineon HYS64D32300GU-5-C 3Infineon DS HYB25D256800CE-5C Pass Pass256MB Infineon HYS64D64320GU-5-C N/A Infineon SS HYB25D256800CE-5C Fail 512MB Infineon HYS64D64320GU-6-CN/A Infineon DS HYB25D256800CE-6C Pass Pass 256MB HY DDR400-256N/A Hynix SS HY5DU56822BT-D43PassFail256MB HY DDR266-256N/A Hynix SS HY5DU56822AT-H 256MB HY DDR333-256N/A Hynix SS HY5DU56822BT-J Pass Pass 512MB HY DDR333-512N/A Hynix DS HY5DU56822BT-J 256MB Corsair VS256MB400N/A Value select SS VS32M8-5 2B0409Pass Pass 512MB Corsair VS512MB400N/A Value select DS VS32M8-5 2B0402Pass Fail 256MB Corsair VS256MB333N/A SAMSUNG SS K4H5608380-TCB3Pass Pass 512MB Corsair VS512MB333N/A Value select DS VS32M8-6 2B0412Pass Pass 512MB Micron MT16VDDT6464AG-335GB N/A MICRON DS MT46V32M8-G Pass Pass 256MB Micron MT8VDDT3264AG-335GB 2.5MICRON SS MT46V32M8-G Pass Pass 256MB Micron MT8VDDT3264AG-40BGB 3MICRON SS MT46V32M8-G Pass Pass 512MB Micron MT16VDDT6464AG-40BGB 3MICRON DS MT46V32M8-G 256MB Samsung M368L3223FTN-CCC 3SAMSUNG SS K4H560838F-TCCC Pass Pass 512MB Samsung M368L6423FTN-CCC N/A SAMSUNG DS K4H560838F-TCCC Pass Fail 256MB Samsung M368L3223FTN-CB3 2.5SAMSUNG SS K4H560838F-TCB3Pass Pass 512MB Samsung M368L6423FTN-CB3 2.5SAMSUNG DS K4H5608838F-TCB3Pass Pass 256MB Winbond U24256ADWBG6H20N/A Winbond SS W942508CH-5Pass Pass 256MB Winbond U24256AAWBG6H20N/A Winbond SS W942508CH-6Pass Fail 512MB Winbond DDR333-512N/A Winbond DS W942508BH-6Pass Pass 512MB Winbond U24512ADWBG6H20N/A Winbond DS W942508CH-5Pass Pass 256MB Elpida U24256AD1PG6H20N/A Elpida SS DD2508AKTA-5C Pass Fail 512MB Elpida U24512AD1PG6H20N/A Elpida DS DD2508AMTA Pass Pass 256MB Transcend DDR400-256N/A SAMSUNG SS K4H560838F-TCCC Pass Pass 256MB Transcend DDR400-256N/A Mosel SS V58C2256804SAT5B PassPass512MB Transcend DDR400-512N/A Mosel DS V58C2256804SAT5B 512MB Transcend DDR400-512N/A SAMSUNG DS K4H560838F-TCCC 512MB TranscendDDR333-512N/A Hynix DS HY5DU56822CT-J Pass Pass256MB Pmi 3208GATA07-04A7N/A Pmi SS PM4D328D50406EU 512MB Pmi 3208GATA01-04A4N/A Pmi DS PM4D328S50403DU 256MB Kingmax MPMB62D-38LT3R N/A Mosel SS V58C2256804SAT6Pass Fail 512MB Kingmax MPMC22D-38HT3R N/A Hynix DS HY5DU56822BT-J Pass Pass 256MB Kingmax MPMB62D-38KT3R N/A KINGMAX SS KDL388P4LA-50Pass Pass 512MB Kingmax MPXC22D-38KT3R N/A KINGMAX DS KDL388P4EA-50Pass Pass 256MB Mosel V826632K24SATG-D33Mosel SS V58C2256804SAT5Pass Pass 512MB Mosel V826664K24SATG-D33Mosel DS V58C2256804SAT5Pass Fail 256MB Nanya NT256D64S88B1G-5T 3Nanya SS NT5DS32M8BT-5T Pass Fail 512MB Nanya NT512D64S8HB1G-5T3Nanya DS NT5DS32M8BT-5T 256MB Apacer 77.10628.10A 2.5Apacer SS AM3A5608AIT-6B Pass Pass 512MB Apacer 77.90728.U1G 2.5Apacer DS AM3A568AJT-6B Pass Pass 512MB Apacer 77.10736.464 3SAMSUNG DS K4H560838E-TCCC 512MB Apacer 77.90739.U1G 2.5Apacer DS AM3A568AJT-5A Pass Pass 256MB Apacer 77.10636.46G 3SAMSUNG SS K4H560838E-TCCC 256MB Apacer 77.10636.56G3Mosel SS V58C2256804SAT5B Pass Fail 512MB Apacer 77.10736.11G 3Infineon DS HYB25D256800BT-5B Pass Fail 256MB Smart U24256ADSRG6H20N/A Smart SS D32M8XS50H3X4AMV Pass Fail 512MB Smart U24512ADSRG6H20N/A Smart DS D32M8XS50H3X4AMV Pass Pass 512MB Smart U24512ADSKG6H20N/A Smart DS D32M8XS60HBX4AMV1G Twinmos M2S5016AJAMC5G0811A-J N/A TWINMOS DS 46V64M8Pass Pass 512MB Twinmos M2S9J18BGAPS9F0811A-T 2.5PSC DS A2S56D30ATP 256MB A Data MDOSS1F3G3X10BZL0Z N/A SAMSUNG SS K4H560838E-TCC5PassPass512MBA DataMDOSS1F3H4X10BZL0ZN/ASAMSUNGDSK4H560838E-TCC5BrandSS/DSComponentDIMM socket support (Optional)SizeVendorModelCL512MB Promos V826662K24SCTG-D0 2.5Promos DS5B Pass Pass Note:A* : Supports one module inserted in any slot as Single-channel memory configurationB* : Supports one pair of modules inserted into eithor the blue slots or the black slots as one pair of Dual-channel memory configuration C* : Supports 4 modules inserted into both the blue and black slots as two pairs of Dual-channel memory configuration。
第一章设备说明1.1 前后面板说明下图是前后面板示意图1.2 使用说明1、支持掉信号和静帧信号的自动切换,在不影响主路信号播出的情况下,自动搜寻下一个非静帧信号到预监通道,在主信号无效的情况下,无延时的同步切换预监信号到主通道。
开机五个数码管显示H.d.-.-. P.此时切换器同步切换的标准是HD-SDI-PAL,也就是1080i@50应急切换器。
如果开机五个数码管显示S.d.-.-. P.此时切换器同步切换的标准是SD-SDI-PAL,也就是576i@50应急切换器。
The revolutionary HTS 1.5 is a tilt and shift adapter that can provide a pivotal step-up for many Hasselblad photographers. Designed for the HCD24mm, HCD28mm, HC35mm, HC50mm, HC80mm and the HC100mm lenses it, in effect, adds six different “tilt and shift lenses” to the range. With the extension tubes, H13, H26 or H52, the HTS 1.5 can also be used for close-up work. Especially in combination with the Macro Adapter that improves the close range performance with the HC 50-II lens.This simple device solves not only technical challenges, but also provides exciting opportunities for creative solutions as well. The combination of well-known optical principles combined with the latest in digital image control, provides a powerful p ackage that will expand photographic expression tonew levels.“Shift” is the moving of a lens, up and down or to the sides, from its central position while retaining its perpendicular orientation to the film plane. Simply put, the adapter expands the diameter of the projected image circle at the film plane. This allows for much greater freedom in “placing” the image area within the now much broader circle before vignetting takes effect. And most importantly, all this happens without moving the orientation of the camera in relation to the subject. So if verticals, for example, are acceptable in the viewfinder, they will remain so whatever the amount of shift to include the “hidden” parts of the image. Simple but ingenious.“Tilt” differs from shift in that the normal perpendicular orientation of the lens to the film plane is changed resulting in a change in the plane of focus. This means that at any given aperture/ focus setting, the depth of field in the subject will not remain as simply the space between two measured points from the camera as is normally the case, but increased or decreased. This amount is user controlled. Once again, simple but ingenious.By combining these two laws of physics, the doors of creative solutions are thrown wide open. The list of situations that could advantageously exploit tilt and shift is probably longer than it might first appear to be. For some professional photographers it could rapidly become an essential item for all work.But the story doesn’t end there. Large-format users have been using tilt and shift for many years, partly because they could, but partly because they had to. Some photographic solutions unfortunately, have also created problems, lens edge performance, for example, being one of them. The dilemma that arose forced photo g raphers to find a compromise, between the “illness” and the “cure”. Hasselblad has now eradicated this dilemma.With the introduction of Digital Lens Corrections where images processed in Phocus are automatically corrected regardless of HTS adapter setting (H cameras only), significant improvements strike the viewer immediately. All calculations and adjustments take place in the background monitored and governed by sensors in the adapter. The sharpness at the edge of the frame, despite the fact that the lens is pushed to its limits, remains stunning.On the creative front, it has long been standard practice for photo g raphers to break the rules in order to produce images that show something just a little different. Large-format users were well-acquainted with the imaginative possibilities that arose from making the “wrong” camera or lens movements. And now Hasselblad users can enjoy this stimulating freedom as well. Fascinating and captiva t ing images are easily conjured up and controlled with just a few slight movements. The combination of large sensors and razor sharp lenses – and now tilt and shift possibilities – Hasselblad has brought some of the creative aspect of former large-format world to the digital medium format.Take a look at this revolutionary accessory at your nearest H asselblad dealer. Try it yourself out to see how this new product could rapidly become an essential part of your photography toolkit. The powerful combination of tilt, shift and Digital Lens Corrections can bring new perspectives to your photographic vision and provide a marked change in both the technical and creative aspects of your work.Front viewRear viewCLOSE FOCUS RANGE DATALens Minimum distance Maximum image scale Coverage Exp.reductionHCD 4,8/24 mm0.42 m1:6.331 cm × 23 cm0 EVHCD 4/28 mm0.39 m1:4.723 cm × 17 cm0 EVHC 3,5/35 mm0.54 m1:6.230 cm × 23 cm0 EVHC 3,5/50 mm0.64 m1:5.728 cm × 21 cm0 EVHC 2,8/80 mm0.74 m1:4.221 cm × 15 cm0.3 EVHC 2,2/100 mm0.94 m1:4.622 × 17 cm0.5 EVCOMPATIBILITYThe HTS 1.5 adapter is compatible with all H System cameras. Support for digital image corrections only with Hasselblad CF card based digital capture products. The HTS 1.5 adapter is optimally designed for the following lenses:Lens Equivalent lens with the HTS 1.5Angle of view diag/hor/vertHCD 4,8/24 mm7,5/37 mm81°/68°/53°HCD 4/28 mm6,3/45 mm71°/59°/45°HC 3,5/35 mm5,6/55 mm59°/49°/37°HC 3,5/50 mm5,6/75 mm44°/35°/27°HC 2,8/80 mm4,5/128 mm27°/22°/16°HC 2,2/100 mm3,5/155 mm23°/18°/14°The HC 150, HC 150N, HC 210 and the HC 300 will fit onto the adapter but handling and performance can be compromized. THE HTS 1.5 IS NOT COMPATIBLE WITH:The H1,7X converterThe CF lens adapterHC 50-110HCD 35-90HC 120 and HC 120-IIAUTOFOCUS / FOCUS CONFIRMATION• H System Cameras: AF and focus confirmation are disabled when using the HTS on a H system camera.• X System cameras: AF and focus assist (focus peaking and zoom-in) can be used on all settings.COMPATIBLE LENSES, EXTENSION TUBES AND MACRO CONVERTER HCD24, HCD28, HC35, HC50-II, HC80 and HC100Extension tube 13mm, 26mm and 52mmMacro ConverterMOVEMENTSThe lens can be shifted 18 mm, either upwards or downwards, and it can be tilted 10 degrees up or down. Tilt and shift can be combineda ccording to the diagram.HTS settings are presented on camera grip LCD (H5D) or rear display (H6D) and are also embedded in the image file (H cameras only).H6DH5D and olderMOVEMENTS - ROTATIONThe HTS 1.5 adapter can be rotated 90 degrees to the left or right to enable free placement of sharpness plane and shift direction.HC80 + HTS 1.5 at f/11, 10 degrees tiltCamera positioned level. The roof of the building is outside the area projected onto the sensor (HC28 +HTS).The camera positioned level again with an upward lens shift of9 mm applied results in parallel verticals.The complete camera tilted upwards to include the top of the building results in converging vertical lines in the image.USING SHIFTFor perfect parallel vertical lines in the image, the camera needs to be p arallel to the subject. Tilting the wholec amera would produce con-verging parallel lines. But by shifting the lens parallel to the image plane, you can raise or lower the view without tilting the camera. If the subject is a building as in this example, the c amera should be placedlevel.USING TILTBy tilting the lens in relation to the image plane, youcan effectively tilt the plane of sharpness in the subject.Depending on your idea of the final image you can eitheruse tilt to enlarge the apparent depth of field or reduce it.Full imageHCD28 + HTS 1.5 at f/11No lens tilt produces some lack of sharpness in the foreground and background due toinsufficient depth of field.Lens tilted a few degrees to the right produces an image with perfect sharpness from theforeground to the background.Lens tilted a few degrees to the left produces an image with a shallow depth of field.STITCHINGThe HTS 1.5 lends itself extremely well to automatic stitching to create a panoramic image in super high quality. With most subjects it will be impossible to detect any dividing linebetween the separate images. The main reasons for this are: • The lens is shifted sideways and therefore does not produce any distortion of the subject•The automatic lens corrections for distortion and vignetting ensures perfect images that can easily be stitched togetherThe resulting image can be created in any high-endstitching software, e.g. the “Photomerge” function in Adobe Photoshop.PROCEDUREPlace the camera on a tripod and aim it at a subject. Then set the HTS 1.5 in the normal position with no tilt or shift. Rotate the HTS 1.5 with the controls facing up to allow for sideways shift. Make the first exposure in the mid position. Shift to both end positions and make an exposure in each position. Develop the three images with lens corrections turned on.Import the images into the stitching software and follow the instructions.In Adobe Photoshop, use the following procedure: • Open the three images• Go to menu: File > Automate > Photomerge • Click on Add open files and check Auto layout”• Click OK•In the preview that appears you can choose to modify the layout, but in most cases there will be no need for any manual interaction.•Finally click OK and the final stiched image will be processed.HCD28 and HTS 1.5 – The three images above have been merged into one image using Adobe Photoshop.Even at 100% it is practically impossible to see any stitch lines.200903 -H T S 1.5 - V 9 E N。
HSD 系列风管道温湿度传感使用说明HSD 系列温湿度传感器用于风管道温度和相对湿度的测量。
型号说明:技术参数:额定电压: AC/DC 15~35V 测量值:温度,相对湿度 自耗功率: <2W温度测量范围: 0~50/-20~80℃电气接线: 1x1.5mm 2的导线 相对湿度测量范围: 0~100%(无结露) 线缆连接: 电缆戈兰头 测量精度: ±1℃ / ±5RH%输出信号: 电阻/电压/电流 工作环境: -25~70℃(电压电流型) 5~95% RH (不结露) 通 讯:RS-485(Modbus RTU)防护等级:IP 54标度转换:通讯设置:校验设置RS485通讯地址 = (拨码1 + 拨码2 + 拨码3 + 拨码4 + 拨码5 + 拨码6)之和。
Modbus 地址表:安装注意事项:1、HSD 系列传感器安装时可直接固定在风道壁上。
安装尺寸图:接线说明: 1、确保所有引线与接线标识相符,确保产品由专业人员按相关规范操作。
注意:箭头方向R+ C- 电源24V+ 电源 24V-C- A B温度+ 温度-- 485- 485+ V2/I2湿度湿度-。
液晶显示器常用通用驱动板2009-12-31 18:221 •常用“通用驱动板”介绍目前,市场上常见的驱动板主要有乐华、鼎科、凯旋、华升等品牌。
常见的驱动板主要有以下几种类型:(1)2023 B-L 驱动板2023B- L驱动板的主控芯片为RTD2023B主要针对LVDS接口设计,实物如图1所示。
蹄电圧逸择跳纯LVDStttHiJU 播黴檢L1 编程推口為贰枫接口电漳按】丨人接H / 微粹制器图1 2023B-L驱动板实物该驱动板的主要特点是:支持LVDS S 口液晶面板,体积较小,价格便宜主要参数如下:输入接口类型:VGA模拟RGB俞入;输出接口类型:LVDS显示模式:640X 350/ 70Hz〜1600X 1200/ 75Hz;即插即用:符合VESA DDC/2B规范;工作电压:DC 12V± 1.0V,2 〜3A;适用范围:适用于维修代换19in以下液晶显示器驱动板。
2023B- L驱动板上的VGA俞入接口各引脚功能见表2,TXD RXD B—般不表2 VGA插座引脚功能2023B-L驱动板上的按键接口可以接五个按键、两个LED指示灯,各引脚功能见表3。
表3 2023B-L驱动板上的按键接口引脚功能2023B-L驱动板上的LVDS俞出接口(30脚)引脚功能见表4表4 2023B-L驱动板LVDS俞出接口各引脚功能2023B-L驱动板上的高压板接口引脚功能见表5耳;1•号n 1?1倔i UY 12V亦Qu1Binx口山用启悭an瑞st)表5 2023B-L驱动板上的高压板接口引脚功能(2)203B-L驱动板2023B-L主要针对TTL接口设计,其上的LVDS接口为插孔,需要重新接上插针后才能插LVDS插头。
左控匝片VGA拍;U 电也栩口TTI側CNI 起 EKTL 桶口CN3 f|i CN4LVDS插礼图6 2023B-T驱动板实物图2023B-T驱动板体积比2023B-L稍大,价格也相对高一些,其主要参数如下:输入接口类型:VGA模拟RGB俞入;输出接口类型:TTL;显示模式:640X 350/ 70Hz〜1280X 1024/ 75 Hz:即插即用:符合VESA DDC/2B规范;工作电压:DC 12V± 1.0V,2 〜3A;适用范围:适用于维修代换20in以下液晶显示器的驱动板。