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abc字母歌26个字母儿歌A A is for AppleB B is for BallC C is for CatD D is for DogE E is for ElephantF F is for FishG G is for GoatH H is for HatI I is for Ice creamJ J is for JumpK K is for KangarooL L is for LionM M is for MonkeyN N is for NestO O is for OctopusP P is for PigQ Q is for QueenR R is for RabbitS S is for SunT T is for TurtleU U is for UmbrellaV V is for ViolinW W is for WhaleX X is for XylophoneY Y is for YellowZ Z is for Zebra这首ABC字母歌中包含了字母A到Z,每个字母都与一个相关的词汇进行了配对。
这首儿歌中还有一些更有趣的配对,比如字母I代表冰淇淋(ice cream),J代表跳跃(jump),K代表袋鼠(kangaroo),L代表狮子(lion)。
abc英语字母歌表 26个
孩子们在跟着旋律节奏唱出ABC 歌,可以看出孩子们的小小的口技和节奏感,在大家的合唱下,激情欢乐的气氛就弥漫在教室里了,当孩子们变成了一位位的小演员,能唱、会跳、会跑,这时候,他们在学习中体会到了极大的乐趣。
26个英文字母英语歌 The Alphabet Song.A, B, C, D, E, F, G,。
H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P.Q, R, S, T, U, V,。
W, X, Y, and Z.Now I know my ABCs,。
Next time won't you sing with me?Verse 2。
A is for apple,。
B is for ball,。
C is for cat,。
And D is for doll.E is for elephant,。
F is for fish,。
G is for goat,。
And H is for dish.Chorus.Now I know my ABCs,。
Next time won't you sing with me? Verse 3。
I is for ice cream,。
J is for jump,。
K is for kite,。
And L is for lump.M is for monkey,。
N is for nest,。
O is for orange,。
And P is for pest.Chorus.Now I know my ABCs,。
Next time won't you sing with me? Verse 4。
Q is for queen,。
R is for rabbit,。
S is for snake,。
And T is for tablet.U is for umbrella,。
V is for vase,。
W is for window,。
And X is for x-ray.Chorus.Now I know my ABCs,。
Next time won't you sing with me?Verse 5。
Y is for yellow,。
大I 工字写得高,小i就像言字旁。
大J 像丁不像丁,小j就像i向左拐。
26个字母语音歌谣AaAmy likes apple.Apple, apple, apple.Aa says /a/, /a/,Apple, apple, apple.BbBlue Bird, Blue Bird.What do you say?I say Bb /b/,Blue, Blue bird!CcCandy Cat, Candy Cat.What do you say?I say Cc /c/,Candy.Cand.Cat.DdDolly Duck, Dolly Duck.What do you say?I say Dd /d/,Dolly.Doll.Duck.EeElephant, elephant,Come with me.Ee says /e/, /e/.Egg, egg treat.FfFunny fish, Funny fish.What do you say?I say Ff /f/,Funny, funny fish.GgGreen, green grass. Green, green grass.Gg says /g/, /g/. Green, green grass.HhHoney Hen, Honey Hen. Honey, Honey Hen.Hh says /h/, /h/. Honey, Honey Hen.IiIndian, Indian,Please come inside.Ii says /i/, /i/.In, in, in.JjJumpy Jack, Jumpy Jack. Jump, jump, jump.Jy says /j/, /j/. Jumpy, Jumpy Jack.KkKick, kick, kick! Kangaroos kick.Kk says /k/, /k/.Kick, kick, kick!LlLazy Lion, Lazy Lion.What do you say?I say Ll /l/.Lazy, Lazy Lion.MmMiss Mouse, MouseLives in this house, house. My says /m/, /m/.Miss Mouse, Mouse.NnNo.No.No.Nobody knows.No says /n/, /n/.No, No, No.OoOctopus, octopus,O, o, o.Oo says /o/, /o/.On, on, on.PpPuppy, puppy.Pet my puppy.Pp says /p/, /p/.Puppy, puppy, puppy.QqQuack, quack, Queen Duck. Quack, quack, quack!Qq says /q/, /q/Quack, quack, quack!RrRainbow Rabbit,Run, run, run.Rr says /r/, /r/.Run! Rabbit, run!SsSilly Snake, Silly Snake. Sleep, sleep, sleep.Ss says /s/, /s/.Silly, Silly Snake.TtTiny Turtle, Tiny Turtle. What do you say?I say Tt /t/.Tiny, Tiny Turtle.UuUp, up, umbrellas.Up, up, up!Uu says /u/, /u/.Up, up, up!VvVan, van, van.A very big van.Vv says /v/, /v/.Van, van, van.WwWhere is the witch?Where is the witch? Ww says /w/, /w/. Witch, witch, witch.XxBox, box, box.Fox, fox, fox.Xx says /x/, /x/. Ox, ox, ox.YyYum, yum, yum! Yellow, yellow yam. Yy says /y/, /y/. Yum, yum, yum!ZzZebra, Zebra.How do you do!Zz says /z/, /z/. Zoo, zoo, zoo!。
26个英文字母英文儿歌一、字母歌歌词A B C D E F GH I J K L M NO P QR S TU V WX Y ZNow you see, I can say my A B C二、字母发音1. A:[ei],发音时,由[e]滑向[i],舌尖抵住下齿,舌身向硬腭尽量抬起,嘴唇向两旁伸开,成扁平形。
2. B:[bi:],双唇紧闭,然后突然放开,让气流冲出,声带振动。
3. C:[si:],发音时,舌尖抵住下齿,舌前部向硬腭尽量接近,嘴唇向两旁伸开,成扁平形。
4. D:[di:],舌尖抵住上齿龈,形成阻碍,然后舌尖突然下降,使气流冲出口腔,声带振动。
5. E:[i:],舌尖抵下齿,舌前部向硬腭尽量抬起,嘴唇向两旁伸开,成扁平形。
6. F:[ef],上齿轻轻接触下唇,然后吹气,使气流从唇齿间通过,声带振动。
7. G:[dʒi:],发音时,舌身压低并后缩,舌尖不抵下齿,舌身后缩至舌尖不抵下齿,舌身尽量向软腭抬起并振动声带。
在单词中有时发[g],如go(去);有时发[d ʒ],如giraffe(长颈鹿)。
8. H:[eitʃ],气流不受阻碍,自由呼出,声带不振动。
9. I:[ai],由[a]滑向[i],舌尖抵住下齿,舌身向硬腭尽量抬起,嘴唇向两旁伸开,成扁平形。
例如ice cream(冰淇淋),ice(冰)。
10. J:[dʒei],发这个音时,舌尖抵住下齿,舌面前部向硬腭尽量抬起,嘴唇向两旁伸开,成扁平形,声带振动。
26个英文字母顺口溜A is for Apple, a fruit so sweet,B is for Balloon, floating on your feet.C is for Cat, with whiskers and a purr,D is for Dog, wagging its little tail, oh my!E is for Elephant, with a trunk so long,F is for Fish, swimming in the sea, oh strong.G is for Giraffe, tall as a tower,H is for Horse, galloping with power.I is for Ice cream, a summer delight,J is for Jump, high and out of sight.K is for Kangaroo, hopping around,L is for Lion, the king of the ground.M is for Monkey, climbing up trees,N is for Nose, smelling all the breeze.O is for Owl, wise and old,P is for Pig, snorting and bold.Q is for Queen, with a crown so bright,R is for Rabbit, hopping out of sight.S is for Sun, shining in the sky,T is for Tree, reaching up so high.U is for Umbrella, keeping us dry,V is for Violin, playing a sweet lullaby.W is for Whale, swimming in the deep,X marks the spot, where treasure we'll keep. Y is for Yarn, soft and warm,Z is for Zoo, where animals roam.。
幼儿英语26个字母歌A is for apple, a round and juicy treat.B is for bird, it flies high in the sky.C is for cat, it purrs and plays all day.D is for dog, a loyal friend we adore.E is for elephant, big ears and a long trunk.F is for frog, it hops and sings in the pond.G is for giraffe, tall and graceful it stands.H is for hat, we wear it with our hands.I is for ice cream, sweet and cold, it's a must. J is for juice, refreshing and so good.K is for kite, it soars in the breeze.L is for lion, the king of the jungle, so proud. M is for moon, it shines in the night.N is for nose, it helps us to smell what's right.O is for orange, a citrus delight.P is for pig, it's pink and loves to snort.Q is for quiet, a peaceful time we adore.R is for rabbit, it hops and plays in the yard.S is for sun, it warms us with its light.T is for train, it travels day and night.U is for umbrella, it keeps us dry in the rain.V is for violin, it plays a sweet tune.W is for water, we drink it, it's pure.X is for xylophone, it makes music so fine.Y is for yellow, a color that's bright and clear.Z is for zoo, where animals are near.Now we've sung all the letters, from A to Z, so cheer!。
英语字母歌26个字母顺口溜《英语字母歌 26 个字母顺口溜》小朋友们,今天咱们一起来学习有趣的英语字母歌 26 个字母顺口溜!A 像牛角尖尖长,B 像两个大馒头。
C 像弯弯小月牙,D 像半张弓一张。
E 像梳子齿儿密,F 像一把小镰刀。
G 像弯弯藤儿绕,H 像一架小梯子。
I 像直直小木棍,J 像鱼钩弯又弯。
K 像开门大钥匙,L 像一根小棒槌。
M 像两座小山尖,N 像一扇小门儿。
O 像一个大圆圈,P 像一面小旗子。
Q 像一个小气球,R 像一棵小豆芽。
S 像一条小蛇扭,T 像一把大锤子。
U 像一个大杯子,V 像尖尖小山丘。
W 像两个小山峰,X 像一个大叉叉。
Y 像一个弹弓叉,Z 像一道闪电光。
A 读“诶”,嘴巴张大声音亮;B 读“逼”,双唇紧闭别漏气;C 读“西”,舌尖抵住上齿龈。
D 读“地”,舌尖抵住下齿龈。
E 读“衣”,嘴巴扁平微微笑;F 读“夫”,上齿轻触下唇尖。
G 读“居”,舌尖抵住下齿龈;H 读“诶去”,嘴巴张大要用力。
I 读“爱”,声音短促又干脆;J 读“姐”,舌尖抵住下齿龈。
K 读“克”,嘴巴张开要适度;L 读“了”,舌尖抵住上齿龈。
M 读“姆”,双唇紧闭要出声;N 读“恩”,舌尖抵住上齿龈。
O 读“哦”,嘴巴圆圆像个球;P 读“屁”,双唇紧闭别放松。
Q 读“克油”,发音连贯别停顿;R 读“啊”,舌尖卷起声音绕。
S 读“思”,舌尖抵住下齿龈;T 读“特”,舌尖抵住上齿龈。
U 读“优”,嘴巴尖尖像小鸟;V 读“威”,上齿轻触下唇尖。
W 读“达不溜”,发音连贯别忘记;X 读“克斯”,舌尖抵住下齿龈。
Y 读“歪”,嘴巴微张声音轻;Z 读“滋”,舌尖抵住下齿龈。
我说出一个字母,你们用顺口溜和发音来回答我好不好?比如我说“A”,你们就说“A 像牛角尖尖长,读‘诶’”。
一年级音序表口诀儿歌A B C D E F G ,H I J K L M N ,O P Q ,R S T ,U V W ,X Y Z 。
大 A 箭头指向上,小 a 系辫好模样;大 B 耳朵右边长,小 b 食指指向上;大 C 吃饭把嘴张,小 c 大 C 一个样;大 D 肚子圆又胖,小 d 五线谱里藏;大 E 将山竖着放,小 e 像鱼肉真香;大 F 像旗杆上绑,小 f 像个小拐杖;大 G 让 C 挂条棍,小 g 大辫真正长;大 H 工字放倒写,小 h 椅子侧着放;大 I 工字中间长,小 i 像人跪地上;大 J 长得多像“厂”,小 j 子弹射出枪;大 K 伸臂又踢腿,小 k 稍息把脚迈;大 L 钟表指针走,小 l 像根火腿肠;大 M 像海鸥在飞翔,小 m 鼻孔出气长;大 N 闪电实在亮,小 n 单门墙上装;大 O 像个大鸡蛋,小 o 鹌鹑蛋真漂亮;大 P 圆旗高飘扬,小 p 让 b 来帮忙;大 Q 像个大气球,小 q 和 9 很相像;大 R 是 P 右踢腿,小 r 向上撅撅嘴;大 S 弯弯像条蛇,小 s 小蛇在爬行;大 T 铁锤当当响,小 t 像个大写七;大 U 陷阱在下方,小 u 小桶放桌上;大 V 竖起两手指,小 v 下巴尖尖长;大 W 是 M 朝天躺,小 w 两座小山叠一块;大 X 像叉画本上,小 x 剪刀裁衣忙;大 Y 弹弓没皮筋,小 y 比 v 多尾巴;大 Z 和 2 最相像,小 z 呼噜声最响。
英语歌26个字母歌A is for Apple, which is a fruit so sweet,B is for Banana, yellow and complete,C is for Cat, a feline that we adore,D is for Dog, our loyal friend on the floor.E is for Elephant, with a trunk so long,F is for Fish, swimming in the sea all day long,G is for Giraffe, with a neck so high,H is for Horse, galloping across the sky.I is for Ice cream, a cold and creamy treat,J is for Jelly, wobbling on the plate,K is for Kangaroo, hopping in the sun,L is for Lion, the king of the jungle, everyone.M is for Monkey, climbing up the trees,N is for Nose, right in the middle of your face,O is for Orange, a citrus delight,P is for Pig, snorting and playing all night.Q is for Queen, with a crown so grand,R is for Rabbit, with ears that stand,S is for Sun, shining bright in the sky,T is for Turtle, slowly moving by.U is for Umbrella, keeping us dry in the rain,V is for Violin, with strings that make music again,W is for Whale, the largest creature in the sea,X is for Xylophone, a musical instrument you see.Y is for Yacht, sailing on the blue ocean,Z is for Zebra, with stripes so bold and bright,And now we've sung through all the letters of the alphabet, From A to Z, we've had a lot of fun, and we're all set.。
abc英语歌26个字母儿歌A is for apple, a fruit so bright,B is for bird, it takes flight.C is for cat, with whiskers three,D is for dog, our loyal friend.E is for elephant, big and strong,F is for fish, swimming along.G is for gorilla, in the trees it climbs,H is for horse, galloping in time.I is for igloo, where Eskimos stay,J is for jelly, sweet in a way.K is for kangaroo, with a pouch so deep,L is for lion, the king of the leap.M is for monkey, playful and sly,N is for nose, in the sky.O is for owl, wise and old,P is for pig, with a curly tail to hold.Q is for queen, with a royal crown,R is for rabbit, hopping around.S is for sun, shining bright,T is for turtle, slow but right.U is for umbrella, on a rainy day,V is for violin, music to play.W is for wind, that gently blows,X is for xylophone, with wooden keys that glow. Y is for yellow, the color of the sun,Z is for zoo, where animals have fun.Together we sing, from A to Z,Learning our ABCs, with joy and ease.。
英语字母歌26个字母歌A is for Apple, a red round fruit that's sweet.B is for Ball, a toy to play, it's fun to kick and throw.C is for Cat, a fluffy pet that purrs and meows.D is for Dog, a loyal friend, wagging its tail and barks.E is for Elephant, a big animal with a long trunk.F is for Fish, swimming in the sea, so free.G is for Gorilla, strong and gentle, in the jungle it roams.H is for Hat, something to wear, to keep the sun off your head.I is for Ice cream, a cold treat, on a hot sunny day.J is for Jump, a way to play, up and down we go.K is for Kangaroo, a marsupial, it hops with joy.L is for Lion, the king of the jungle, so majestic and grand. M is for Monkey, a playful creature, in the trees it climbs. N is for Nose, on your face, it helps you smell the world.O is for Orange, a citrus fruit, juicy and fresh.P is for Pig, a farm animal, with a curly tail.Q is for Queen, a royal title, a ruler of a land.R is for Rabbit, a little critter, with long ears and afluffy tail.S is for Sun, shining bright, it warms the earth by day.T is for Train, a mode of transport, on tracks it rides.U is for Umbrella, to shield you from the rain.V is for Violin, a musical instrument, with strings it sings. W is for Whale, a giant of the sea, it swims and dives.X is for Xylophone, a wooden instrument, it makes a pleasant sound.Y is for Yacht, a boat for sailing, on the water it glides. Z is for Zebra, a striped animal, in the wild it roams.This alphabet song is a fun and educational way to help children learn the English alphabet. Each letter is associated with a word that starts with that letter, creating a memorable and engaging tune. Singing this song can also help improve memory and recognition of the letters, making it an effective tool for early learning.。
英语26个字母歌A, B, C, D, E, F, G,H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P,Q, R, S, T, U, V,W, X, Y, Z, now you see,I can say my ABCs.Every letter has a sound,A is for apple,B is for bee,C is for cat, andD is for deer,E is for elephant, so big and tall,F is for frog, that jumps so high.G is for gorilla, strong and tall,H is for hat, that you wear,I is for igloo, where the eskimos live,J is for jelly, sweet and sticky,K is for kangaroo, that hops so high.L is for lion, the king of the jungle,M is for monkey, that swings from trees, N is for nose, that helps you smell,O is for owl, that hoots at night,P is for pig, that loves to eat.Q is for queen, who rules the land,R is for rabbit, that hops so fast,S is for sun, that shines so bright,T is for turtle, that moves so slow,U is for umbrella, that keeps you dry.V is for violin, that plays a tune,W is for wind, that blows the leaves, X is for xylophone, that makes a sound, Y is for yellow, the color of the sun, Z is for zoo, where animals live.Now you know the ABCs,From A to Z, they're all here,So sing along with me,And you'll be a star!。
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y and Z
Now I know my ABCs Tell me what you think of me
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y and Z
Now I know my ABCs Next time won't you sing with me
大A箭头指上方,小a 系辫好模样。
大B露出半圆脸,小b 扎个冲天辫。
大C 吃饭把嘴张,小c大C一个样。