The Dynamics-Based Approach to Studying Terrestrial Exoplanets
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唐迟方法论笔记英语二Here is an English essay with more than 1,000 words, based on the title you provided. The essay does not include the title and there are no extra punctuation marks in the body of the text.The Essence of Tang Chih's Methodological Notes: A Comprehensive ExplorationIn the realm of academic discourse, the exploration and analysis of various methodological approaches have long been a central focus. Among the influential thinkers who have contributed to this intellectual landscape, Tang Chih's work stands out as a shining example. His methodological notes, which delve into the nuances and complexities of academic research, offer a wealth of insights that have the potential to transform the way we approach scholarly pursuits.At the heart of Tang Chih's methodological framework lies a deep understanding of the importance of rigor and precision in the research process. He emphasizes the need for meticulous data collection, thorough analysis, and a keen eye for detail. By consistently applying these principles, Tang Chih argues, researcherscan uncover meaningful patterns and draw insightful conclusions that have the power to advance human knowledge.One of the key tenets of Tang Chih's approach is the recognition of the multifaceted nature of research. He contends that traditional linear models of inquiry often fall short in capturing the dynamism and interconnectedness of the various elements that shape the scholarly landscape. Instead, Tang Chih advocates for a holistic perspective that embraces the non-linear and iterative nature of research.This holistic approach encourages researchers to engage in a continuous dialogue with their data, constantly refining their hypotheses and adapting their methodologies as new insights emerge. By embracing this adaptive mindset, Tang Chih believes that scholars can navigate the complex and ever-evolving terrain of academic inquiry with greater agility and effectiveness.Moreover, Tang Chih's methodological notes underscore the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration. He argues that the most groundbreaking discoveries often arise at the intersection of different fields of study, where diverse perspectives and expertise converge. By fostering cross-disciplinary collaboration, researchers can leverage the synergies between complementary disciplines, leading to the development of novel frameworks and the generationof transformative insights.Integral to Tang Chih's methodological approach is the emphasis on the role of critical thinking. He encourages researchers to adopt a skeptical and questioning mindset, constantly challenging their own assumptions and interrogating the underlying premises of their work. This commitment to critical analysis, Tang Chih believes, is essential for ensuring the validity and reliability of research findings, ultimately strengthening the credibility of the scholarly enterprise.Equally crucial in Tang Chih's methodological framework is the recognition of the importance of context. He contends that research cannot be divorced from the broader social, cultural, and historical contexts in which it is situated. By considering these contextual factors, researchers can gain a deeper understanding of the complex dynamics that shape the phenomena they study, leading to more nuanced and impactful conclusions.Furthermore, Tang Chih's methodological notes underscore the significance of effective communication in the research process. He acknowledges that the dissemination of research findings is just as crucial as the research itself, and he advocates for the development of clear, concise, and accessible modes of communication. By honing their ability to effectively convey their ideas and findings, researchers can ensure that their work has a meaningful impact on the academiccommunity and beyond.In exploring the depth and breadth of Tang Chih's methodological approach, one cannot help but be struck by the profound implications it holds for the future of scholarly inquiry. By embracing the principles of rigor, holistic thinking, interdisciplinary collaboration, critical analysis, contextual awareness, and effective communication, researchers can unlock new frontiers of knowledge and drive transformative advancements in their respective fields.As we delve into the richness of Tang Chih's methodological notes, we are presented with a powerful invitation to reconsider our own research practices and to challenge the traditional boundaries of academic inquiry. By heeding the insights and guidance offered in these notes, we can cultivate a research ecosystem that is more dynamic, innovative, and responsive to the complex realities of the modern world.In conclusion, the methodological notes of Tang Chih stand as a testament to the power of intellectual exploration and the relentless pursuit of understanding. By embracing the principles and strategies outlined in these notes, researchers can elevate the standards of scholarly excellence, forge new pathways of discovery, and ultimately contribute to the betterment of humanity. As we continue to engage with and build upon this invaluable body of work, we embark on ajourney of intellectual growth and transformation that holds the promise of a better tomorrow.。
Literature Review MethodBackgroundThe literature review method is a systematic approach to gather, evaluate, and synthesize existing research studies and academic papers related to a specific topic. It involves analyzing and summarizing the findings of multiple studies to identify patterns, trends, and knowledge gaps in the field. The literature review serves as a foundation for further research by providing a comprehensive overview of the current state of knowledge.Process1.Identification of Research Question: The first step in conductinga literature review is to define a clear research question orobjective. This helps in determining the scope and focus of thereview.2.Search Strategy: The researcher identifies relevant databases,journals, and other sources to search for relevant studies.Keywords and search terms are used to narrow down the searchresults.3.Screening and Selection: The researcher screens the retrievedarticles based on their title, abstract, and keywords relevance.Only the articles that meet specific inclusion criteria areselected for further analysis.4.Data Extraction: Information from selected articles is extractedusing a standardized form or data extraction tool. This includesdetails about study design, sample size, variables measured, andkey findings.5.Analysis and Synthesis: The extracted data is analyzed usingvarious techniques such as content analysis or thematic analysis.Patterns, themes, or commonalities across studies are identified. 6.Evaluation of Studies: The quality and credibility of eachincluded study are assessed based on factors such as methodology, sample size, data collection procedures, etc.7.Writing the Review: Finally, all the findings from differentstudies are synthesized into a coherent narrative that addressesthe research question.Example Case StudyBackgroundTopic: Impact of Social Media on Mental HealthThe case study focuses on exploring the impact of social media usage on mental health among adolescents.Process1.Identification of Research Question: How does social media usageaffect mental health outcomes among adolescents?2.Search Strategy: Relevant databases such as PubMed, PsycINFO, andGoogle Scholar were searched using keywords like “social media,”“adolescents,” and “mental health.”3.Screening and Selection: Articles were screened based on theirtitle, abstract, and keywords relevance. Only studies published in the last five years and focusing on adolescents aged 13-18 wereincluded.4.Data Extraction: Key information from the selected articles wasextracted, including study design, sample size, measures of social media usage and mental health outcomes.5.Analysis and Synthesis: The extracted data was analyzed usingthematic analysis. Themes such as “negative body image,”“cyberbullying,” and “social comparison” emerged from the data.6.Evaluation of Studies: Each study was evaluated based on itsmethodology, sample representativeness, and statistical analysismethods used.7.Writing the Review: A comprehensive review was written summarizingthe findings from different studies. The review highlighted thenegative impact of excessive social media usage on self-esteem,body image dissatisfaction, and increased risk of depression among adolescents.ResultsThe literature review revealed consistent evidence linking heavy social media usage with poor mental health outcomes among adolescents. Cyberbullying emerged as a significant risk factor for depressive symptoms and anxiety disorders. Furthermore, excessive exposure to idealized body images on social media platforms led to body dissatisfaction and disordered eating behaviors.The review also identified several knowledge gaps in the existing literature, such as limited research on protective factors or interventions to mitigate the negative effects of social media on mental health.Case Study MethodBackgroundThe case study method is a research approach that involves an in-depth investigation of a specific individual, group, organization or event. It aims to provide detailed insights into real-life situations by examining multiple sources of data such as interviews, observations, documents or artifacts.Process1.Selection of Case: The researcher selects a case that is relevantto the research question and provides unique insights orrepresents a particular phenomenon.2.Data Collection: Multiple sources of data are collected, includinginterviews, observations, documents, and artifacts related to the case. The researcher may also use existing literature or reportsfor background information.3.Data Analysis: The collected data is analyzed using qualitativeanalysis techniques such as thematic analysis or grounded theory.Patterns, themes, or key issues are identified.4.Cross-Case Comparison: If multiple cases are studied, acomparative analysis is conducted to identify similarities anddifferences across cases.5.Validation: The findings are validated through member checking orseeking feedback from participants or experts familiar with thecase.6.Reporting: The case study findings are presented in a detailedreport that includes an introduction to the case, description ofdata collection methods, analysis of findings, and conclusions. Example Case StudyBackgroundCase: Transformation of a Traditional Retail Store into an E-commerce BusinessThe case study examines the transformation process of a traditionalbrick-and-mortar retail store into an e-commerce business in response to changing market dynamics.Process1.Selection of Case: A traditional retail store with a long-standingpresence in the market was selected for the study due to itssuccessful transition into e-commerce.2.Data Collection: Interviews were conducted with key stakeholdersinvolved in the transformation process, including store managers, employees, and customers. Observations were made during theimplementation phase of the e-commerce platform. Relevantdocuments such as financial reports and marketing strategies were also collected.3.Data Analysis: Thematic analysis was used to analyze interviewtranscripts and identify key themes such as challenges facedduring the transition, strategies adopted for online marketing,customer response to e-commerce platform, etc.4.Cross-Case Comparison: As there was only one case studied in thisexample, cross-case comparison was not applicable.5.Validation: The findings were validated through member checking,where participants were given an opportunity to review thefindings and provide feedback.6.Reporting: A comprehensive case study report was prepared,describing the background of the retail store, the process oftransformation, challenges faced, strategies implemented, andoutcomes achieved.ResultsThe case study revealed that the successful transformation of the traditional retail store into an e-commerce business requiredsignificant changes in business processes, technology adoption, and marketing strategies. The implementation of an online platform resulted in increased customer reach and sales revenue. However, challenges such as logistics management and competition from established e-commerce players were encountered during the transition.The case study provided valuable insights into the factors influencing the success of such transformations and highlighted the importance of aligning organizational culture with digital transformation goals.Overall, both literature review method and case study method are valuable research approaches that provide unique perspectives on different research questions. The literature review method helps in synthesizing existing knowledge and identifying research gaps, while the case study method offers detailed insights into real-life situations. Researchers can choose either or both methods based on their research objectives and available resources.。
分子动力学方法基本原理Molecular dynamics is a powerful computational technique used to study the motion of atoms and molecules in a system. It is based on the fundamental principles of classical mechanics and statistical mechanics. 分子动力学是一种强大的计算技术,用于研究系统中原子和分子的运动。
In molecular dynamics simulations, the interactions between atoms and molecules are described using a potential energy function, which accounts for both bonded and non-bonded interactions. 分子动力学模拟中,原子和分子之间的相互作用是用潜能能量函数来描述的,该函数考虑了键合和非键合相互作用。
The motion of atoms and molecules is governed by Newton's laws of motion, which define how forces lead to accelerations and subsequently changes in their positions and velocities over time. 原子和分子的运动受到牛顿运动定律的控制,这些定律定义了如何力导致加速度,随后引起它们位置和速度随时间的变化。
Molecular dynamics simulations can provide valuable insights into the behavior of complex systems at the atomic and molecular level, allowing scientists to study processes such as protein folding, chemical reactions, and material properties. 分子动力学模拟可以为科学家提供有价值的洞察,使他们能够研究蛋白质折叠、化学反应和材料性质等过程在原子和分子水平上的行为。
文献检索报告项目名称:强动载作用下复合材料加筋板的冲击动力屈曲特性研究XXX,学号:2012302xxxxx一、检索总体情况表1 检索情况汇总表二、相关的重要文献1、中文文献(1)彭英. 冲击载荷下加筋板结构的非线性动力响应及屈曲研究[D]. 博士学位论文, 武汉: 武汉理工大学, 2007.摘要: 加筋板结构既能保证结构的可靠性和耐用性,又能减轻结构重量,提高结构效率和经济性,因而在航空航天、桥梁和船舶等工程领域中得到广泛应用。
非绝热分子动力学的量子路径模拟李晓克;冯伟【摘要】基于近期发展的经典-量子混合模拟非绝热分子动力学的量子路径方案,本文对5个典型势能面模型进行了模拟,包括单交叉模型、双交叉模型、拓展耦合模型、哑铃模型以及双弓模型.由于难以在严格意义上得到退相干速率,数值模拟中,我们比较了三个不同的退相干速率公式,包括冻结高斯波包近似退相干速率、能量分辨速率以及力分辨速率.在模拟过程中,我们恰当地处理了势能面跳跃时的能量守恒和力的反向问题.通过与全量子动力学模拟的精确结果进行对比发现,对于结构较简单的势能面模型,三种退相干速率都能得到较好的结果;然而对于较复杂的势能面模型,由于复杂量子干涉的原因,与其他混合经典-量子动力学方案类似,量子路径方案仍然难以得到较准确的结果.如何发展更加有效的混合经典-量子模拟方案,是未来研究的重要课题.%The mixed quantum-classical (MQC) molecular dynamics (MD) approaches are extremely important in practice since, with the increase of atomic degrees of freedom, a full quantum mechanical evaluation for molecular dynamics would quickly become intractable. Moreover, in some cases, the nonadiabatic effects are of crucial importance in the proximity of conical intersection of potential energy surfaces (PESs), where the energy separation between different PESs becomes comparable to the nonadiabatic coupling. In the past decades, there has been great interest in developing and improving various nonadiabatic MQC-MD protocols. The widely known nonadiabatic MD proposals include the so-called"Ehrenfest"or"time-dependent-Hartree mean-field"approach, the"trajectory surface-hopping"method, and theirmixed scheme. Among the trajectory-based surface hopping methods, the most popular one is Tully''s fewest switches surface hopping approach. In this approach, the nonadiabatic dynamics is treated by allowing hops from one PES to another, with the hopping probability determined by a certain artificial hopping algorithm. In our present work, we extend the study of a recent work on the nonadiabatic MQC-MD scheme, which is based on a view that the nonadiabatic MQC-MD actually implies an effective quantum measurement on the electronic states by the classical motion of atoms. The new protocol, say, the quantum trajectory (QT) approach, provides a natural interface between the separate quantum and classical treatments, without invoking artificial surface hopping algorithm. Moreover, it also connects two widely adopted nonadiabatic dynamics methods, the Ehrenfest mean-field theory and the trajectory surface-hopping method. In our present study, we implement further the QT approach to simulate several typical potential-surface models, i.e., including the single avoided crossing, dual avoided crossing, extended coupling, dumbbell and double arch potentials. In particular, we simulate and compare three decoherence rates, which are from different physical considerations, i.e., the frozen Gaussian approximation, energy discrimination and force discrimination. We also design simulation algorithms to properly account for the energy conservation and force direction change associated with the surface hopping. In most cases, we find that the QT results are in good agreement with those from the full quantum dynamics, which is insensitive to the specific form of the decoherence rate. But for the model involving strongquantum interference, like other nonadiabatic MQC-MD schemes, the QT approach cannot give desirable results. Developing better method should be useful for future investigations in this research area.【期刊名称】《物理学报》【年(卷),期】2017(066)015【总页数】13页(P91-103)【关键词】非绝热动力学;量子路径;退相干速率【作者】李晓克;冯伟【作者单位】天津大学物理系, 天津 300350;天津大学物理系, 天津 300350【正文语种】中文1 引言由于全量子动力学模拟计算量过大,混合经典-量子分子动力学模拟方法已经被广泛应用于气体分子、势能面系统、生物分子以及超分子系统.在这类系统中,由于原子核质量大小是电子质量的103—104倍,电子速度比原子核速度大3—4个数量级,根据玻恩-奥本海默(BO)近似,可近似认为每一时刻电子运动在静止的原子核势场中,原子核几乎不受电子位置的影响.因此在求解电子的波函数时可将核运动与电子运动分离.在该近似下,利用量子化学等电子结构计算方法,可以得到系统的势能面.若分子始终处于单一势能面上,电子态之间的跃迁可以忽略,这就是所谓的绝热过程.相反,如果势能面相互靠近,在势能面的(近)交叉区可能发生电子态的跃迁,就必须处理非绝热过程.混合经典-量子分子动力学方法的基本思想是将原子核部分的运动通过牛顿运动方程来处理,而电子部分则用量子力学处理.混合经典-量子分子动力学模拟方法主要有Ehrenfest方法[1−3]、势能面跃迁法[4−9]、二者的混合方法[10−13]、CSDM方法(coherent switching with decay of mixing method)[14]以及最近提出的量子路径方法[15]等.这些方法已被成功应用于分子动力学[16−20]以及电荷传输研究[21].除以上混合模拟方法外,含时量子波包方法[22−24]也被广泛应用于三原子分子系统的分子动力学模拟[25−28].本文对最近提出的量子路径方案做进一步研究.量子路径方案认为,由牛顿方程描述的核的经典运动对电子的量子运动起到了量子测量的作用,应当用量子测量理论给出描述[29].除了在几个典型的模型势能面系统中获得成功外,量子路径方案还被用于模拟有机分子N2CO的光分解动力学,获得了令人满意的结果[30].本文将进一步模拟检验量子路径方案在更多的模型系统中的相关结果,包括单交叉模型、双交叉模型、拓展耦合模型、哑铃模型以及双弓模型.由于难以在严格意义上得到退相干速率,我们特别模拟比较了从不同物理考虑得到的三个退相干速率公式,包括冻结高斯波包近似(frozen Gaussian approximation,FGA)[31]、能量分辨(energy discrimination,ED)[14,32]以及力分辨(force discrimination,FD)[15].发现对于结构较简单的势能面模型,三种退相干速率都能得到较好的结果.然而对于较复杂的势能面模型,由于复杂量子干涉的原因,与其他混合经典-量子动力学方案类似,量子路径方案仍然难以得到较准确的结果.2 量子路径模拟方案2.1 哈密顿量和量子路径方程在包含所有电子和原子核的总哈密顿量中除去原子核的动能部分,可以得到电子的哈密顿量:式中,第一项描述了电子的动能,其中mj为电子质量;第二项描述所有相互作用静电势能,其取决于量子部分电子坐标r≡ {rj;j=1,2,···}及经典部分原子构型R.选择一组满足正交归一性和完备性的电子基函数ϕj(r,R)展开电子波函数ψ(r,R,t)=∑jcj(t)ϕj(r,R).通常此电子波函数的基函数选取电子哈密顿量Hel(r,R)的瞬时本征态 (只考虑非简并情况),即BO绝热波函数Hel(r,R)ϕj(r,R)= εj(R)ϕj(r,R), 其中, εj(R)代表第j个绝热电子态|ϕj(R)〉对应的势能面.电子部分的动力学性质由薛定谔方程iħ˙ψ=Helψ确定. 我们定义电子哈密顿量矩阵元Vjk(R)= 〈ϕj(r,R)|Hel(r,R)|ϕk(r,R)〉, 在绝热表象下方程的形式为式中,jk(R)是电子有效哈密顿量el(R)的矩阵元.在BO绝热基底下,Vjk(R)=εj(R)δjk≡(R)δjk,即V(R)是对角的,(R)是el(R)的对角元.对应的非对角元˜Hjk(R)=−iħ˙Rjk(R),其中,/=k,djk(R)为非绝热耦合矢量,其形式为根据绝热电子态的正交性可证绝热耦合矢量具有反厄米性质:djk(R)=−d∗kj(R).与djk(R)决定了各BO势能面之间的非绝热耦合强度.当两个绝热电子态的能量差很大时,djk(R)可以忽略,则可以回到绝热近似下的在单一势能面上动力学.反之,则需要求解电子与原子核互相耦合的运动.由于电子和原子核存在着耦合,电子和原子核的运动也是互相影响的.讨论电子态的动力学时,通常认为原子核对电子部分的影响在于电子态是原子核构型R的函数.如果从量子测量的观点研究非绝热分子动力学模拟问题,经典的原子运动也会导致电子部分的量子态产生退相干[32−36].随着量子态的不断演化,原子部分也将受到与量子态对应的经典力的影响.如果将此经典力视为一种可以获得电子态信息的“测量仪器”,则该仪器对电子部分的量子态进行有效的连续测量.例如,原子在不同的势能面上会感受到不同的经典力,相当于测量过程中获得了某种“结果”,从而将引起量子跳跃或量子叠加态的逐渐塌缩.这种连续获取信息的测量过程下的动力学演化,可以由量子路径方程描述如下[29]:式中ρ是电子态密度矩阵,其对角元描述各个BO态的占据概率,非对角元描述它们之间的相干性.方程(4)右端的第一项描述了电子态的相干动力学演化,第二项和第三项描述了“信息获取”(量子测量)的反作用.其中的Lindblad超算符定义为式中, 测量算符Mjk(R)=|ϕj(R)〉〈ϕj(R)| −|ϕk(R)〉〈ϕk(R)|, 是与态ϕj(R)和ϕk(R)相关的测量算符.Γjk描述了电子由于原子力和其他因素导致的测量过程中的退相干速率,γF,jk是根据原子力测量对信息的获取速率.在忽略其他环境影响下Γjk=γF,jk.描述“信息获取”导致的反作用的另外一个超算符,定义为其中,.由于此项的存在,方程(4)可以描述随机的量子跳跃过程,{ξjk(t)} 为高斯白噪声, 满足E[ξjk(t)ξj′k′(t′)]=δjk,j′k′δ(t− t′).2.2 退相干速率方程(4)中的退相干速率,难以在严格意义上得到,但可以通过定性的物理分析得到有明确物理意义的一些结果.例如,利用FGA[37],Schwartz等[33,38]通过计算不同势能面上演化的冻结高斯波包之间的交叠,得到了如下的退相干速率公式:式中,an是核波函数的有效宽度,其大小为其中,ω是一个经验参数,a0是玻尔半径,Ekin是原子核的能量;Fi(j)(t)是ϕi(j)(R,r)态的Hellmann-Feynman力进一步,Akimov等[31]对(7)式进行了简化,得到了更加简单和实用的退相干速率公式:其中,p0是初始原子核动量大小,C是一个经验参数.作为另外一种不同的方案,Truhlar等[14,32]根据“退相干时间应不小于最小的电子特征时间尺度”(基于能量-时间测不准关系的考虑),唯像地提出了一个ED退相干速率公式:其中,Ekin是原子核的能量,C=0.1 Hartree是一个经验参数.值得注意的是,此退相干公式与原子核受力无关,在势能面平行区得到的退相干速率非零.除了“ED”,原子在不同势能面上的经典运动,将感受到不同的“力”.基于对力的分辨,提出了力分辨(FD)退相干速率[15]:式中,τc为核的特征运动时间,通常为电子运动特征时间的10−3倍;j(t)为原子处于势能面Vj(R)感受到的粗粒化平均力,其具体形式将在下节中详细讨论.2.3 量子路径算法中原子核的受力形式在混合经典-量子动力学中,原子核由牛顿运动方程确定经典运动规律.其中Erenfest平均场理论结合电子态演化的薛定谔方程,可以得到经典力:由于含时的|ψ(r;R)〉并不一定是电子哈密顿量的本征态,式中第三个等号成立并不是由Hellmann-Feynman定理直接求得的结果[39],而是与Erenfest平均场理论的演化方程(2)有关.此Erenfest力被许多势能面跳跃理论采用作为原子力.但电子演化过程中含有随机性质的势能跳跃,由于电子演化规律不遵循简单的薛定谔方程,原子受力仍采用如上的形式就不再合适.在量子路径理论中,绝热表象下决定原子核运动的经典力为此原子力由含有随机项的电子态演化方程(4)推导.此时原子力形式较为复杂,且其表达式中含有随机项.与我们将原子核受力作为对电子态的量子测量输出的观点十分吻合.表明在电子时间尺度观察原子,其感受到的“瞬时力”同电子演化一样也含有随机性.(13)式中第二项Vj∇ρjj=Vj˙ρjj/˙R已经看出“原子瞬时力”包含了随机涨落成分.由于原子运动相对电子运动比较缓慢,原子在t时刻受到特征时间τ内“粗粒化的平均力”¯Fj(t)作用,且此力不再包含随机性.此外,在量子理论中也可以将“原子时间尺度(τ)”内的平均势能变化率作为原子受力,其大小为广泛被势能面跳跃方法采用的Erenfest力(12)式和平均势能变化确定的平均力(14)式,其区别不仅在于是否包含随机性.而且在转向点处可能会出现两种力的受力方向相反的矛盾(附录A).因此,在势能面跳跃方法中原子受力仍采用Erenfest受力是不适宜的.2.4 关于能量守恒方案在势能面跳跃理论中,由于原子核在不同势能面之间跳跃,原子核势能的变化并不连续.因此,在跳跃后调节原子核的运动速度以保证原子核的总能量守恒:式中,dk采用有效平均场非绝热耦合矢量[33],速度调节参数γ通过跳跃前后的动能差等于负的势能差确定.如果发生原子核跳跃至某势能面,而且此势能面能量高于原子核初始总能量的情况,则认为此次跳跃是“禁闭”的.此外,根据经典力学理论,此点是原子核的“反向点”应将原子核的动量转向,同时保持电子部分的量子态不变[40].与势能面跳跃理论不同,量子路径理论中原子核的势能变化是连续的.在理论上,采用(13)式或在dt→0时本质上与其一致的(14)式作为原子力,可以保证能量自动守恒.但由于实际计算时采用的时间步长dt/=0,导致演化中每一步的能量计算误差均为正数,即能量“正误差”(详见附录B).因此我们针对量子路径理论设计以下方案处理能量守恒问题.第一,在模拟过程中,始终确保原子势能小于系统的初始时刻的总能量即V(R)=Tr[Hel(R)ρ (R)]<E0,E0可以定义为演化初始时刻的能量,倘若原子处于某一个单势能面Vj(R),同样要求Vj(R)≤E0.第二,对于满足V(R1)=E0的位置R1,由于其动能为0无法继续向前运动,因此需重新定置R2,但新平均势能VM(R2)=E0仍成立,方法如下:首先确保R2与R1有相同的电子波函数;再去掉最低势能面的分量;最后重新归一化波函数计算新的平均势能VM(R2).第三,从R2处开始新的演化模拟,且保持电子部分不会发生任何改变,但原子的动能会改变为E0−V(R2),其动量的方向与原来动量方向相反(即反射).第四,在非转折点,设定能量误差上限δ,当某时刻原子核总能量与初始总能量之间的差值大于δ时,则保持电子态不变并重新调整动量使原子核总能量满足能量守恒. 其中,在反向点处的处理方法与文献[12]处理方式以及Subotnik[41]提出的能量守恒方法有类似之处.2.5 量子路径算法的实施步骤量子路径方案不仅在理论概念上有清晰的物理意义,同时也是一种容易实现的分子动力学模拟算法.与Tully等[9]的势能面跳跃算法相比,该方案并不需要人为设计复杂的算法使系统“跳跃”到某个势能面上.现将量子路径方案的算法概述如下.1)将每一条轨迹中原子核的位置、动量以及电子密度矩阵初始化.2)计算t时刻核构型R(t)所对应的哈密顿量(1)式的本征值和本征矢,得到绝热基态.每隔一个“原子时间尺度(τ=1000dt)”,计算原子的受力:.在同一个原子时间尺度τ内,原子核的速度保持不变,在t+τ时刻,原子核的速度变为(t+τ)=˙(t)+(t)τ.3)每经过“电子时间尺度”dt,选取合适的测量速率形式,计算Wiener增量ΔWjk=ξjk(t)dt.并求解相应的量子路径方程(4)式.4)在同一个原子时间尺度τ内,原子核的速度保持不变,原子核的位置为R(t+dt)=R(t)+(t)dt.如果在t时刻,将进入下一个τ时段,则从t到t+τ时段内速度为˙(t+τ)=˙(t)+(t)τ.5)查看系统总能量,如果不需要进行动量调整则返回第二步继续计算.如需要则按照上节的讨论进行调节.3 对若干模型的数值模拟本节分别使用FGA,ED和FD得到的退相干速率公式,利用量子路径方案模拟五个模型,包括三个 Tully模型[9]和Subotnikhe和Shenvi[42]提出的另外两个模型,并与严格的量子动力学结果做比较.对每一个模型,我们都将平均2000条随机量子路径.对于每条路径,粒子都从势能面的左端出发,向右演化.原子质量设为M=2000a.u..3.1 单交叉模型在非绝热表象中,该模型势能面为[9]其中,A=0.01,B=1.6,C=0.005,D=1.0.该模型的绝热势能面和耦合强度如图1(a)所示,模拟结果见图1(b)—(d).可以看出,有3个特殊的动量区域值得讨论.第一,动量k <4.5时,经典的粒子几乎全部返回到低势能面上,这主要是因为经典粒子的动能较小,无法提供其克服势垒继续向前演化的能量.第二,动量5<k<10时,处于低势能面的粒子会隧穿势垒继续沿原方向演化,造成隧穿低势能概率在k≈5时有较大幅度的梯度增加(图1(b)所示);动量5<k<8时粒子动能较小无法跃迁到高势能面上,所以反射概率为0;动量k≈8时,反射到低势能面的概率略有增加(图1(c)所示),因为在8<k<10时,粒子有足够的动能向高势能跃迁,但无足够的动能使其隧穿高势能面的势阱,所以会以一定概率返回到低势能面上.第三,动量k>10时,在耦合区域低势能面的粒子以一定的概率跃迁到高势能面并沿原方向继续演化.图1 (网刊彩色)单交叉模型 (a)绝热势能(实线)和非绝热耦合强度(虚线)随原子位置坐标x的变化;(b),(c),(d)分别为隧穿至低势能面、反射至低势能面和隧穿至高势能面的概率随初始动量k的变化;利用FD退相干速率(蓝色方块)、ED退相干速率(绿色三角形)以及FGA退相干速率(红色空心圆)通过量子路径理论进行模拟,并与全量子动力学(Exact)(黑色实心点)模拟做了对比Fig.1. (color online)Single avoided crossing model:(a)Adiabatic potential energy level(solid line)and nonadiabatic coupling strength(dashed line)as a function of positionx;panels(b),(c)and(d)are,respectively,initial momentum k effects on probabilities of transmission to the lower energy surface,ref l ection to the lower energy surface,and transmission to the upper energy surface.We present the quantum trajectory results by using the FD(blue square),ED(green triangle)and FGA(open red circles)decoherence rates,and compare them with the exact result from full quantumdynamics(Exact)simulation(black solid circle).通过对三种退相干速率模拟的结果的比较,发现它们与全量子动力学的模拟结果几乎相同.在几个特殊动量区域也都符合,尤其是使用FD退相干速率和FGA退相干速率,与全量子动力学的模拟结果完全吻合.3.2 双交叉模型双交叉模型将导致量子干涉,并将造成隧穿概率的Stueckelberg振荡,所以该模型更具挑战性.该模型势能面为[9]其中,A=0.10,B=0.28,C=0.015,D=0.06和E=0.05.从图2(a)可以看出,此模型由一个直线和两个反转的高斯曲线组成,并且有两个连续的强耦合区.粒子从左端较低的势能面开始,向右演化.当进入第一强耦合区可能发生电子态的跳跃,使粒子离开第一强耦合区域时会以一定的概率继续沿低势能面向前演化,或发生量子跳跃以一定概率沿高势能面向前演化,亦或以一定概率返回高低势能面.若从波包演化的角度分析,在此演化过程中可能发生波包的分离与相遇.据图2(b)—(d)全量子动力学的模拟结果显示:当粒子初始动能较低(lnE<−3)时,绝大多数粒子会继续沿低势能面向前演化,少数部分粒子会返回到低势能面.造成此现象的主要原因是在第一个耦合区部分粒子会向高势能面跃迁.但是,处于高势能面的粒子势能增加,由于动能较低,无法使其隧穿继续向前演化.当粒子初始动能较大(lnE>−3),粒子会隧穿到低势能面或高势能面上继续向前演化.高低势能面波包在第二耦合区会发生相干叠加,从而造成振荡现象.随着初始动能的增加,高低势能面波包演化速率差也会较小,促使振荡振幅变大.图2 (网刊彩色)双交叉模型 (a)绝热势能(实线)和非绝热耦合强度(虚线)随原子位置坐标x的变化;(b),(c),(d)分别为隧穿至低势能面、反射至低势能面和隧穿至高势能面的概率随初始能量E的变化;利用FD退相干速率(蓝色方块)、ED退相干速率(绿色三角形)以及FGA退相干速率(红色空心圆)通过量子路径理论进行模拟,并与全量子动力学(Exact)(黑色实心点)模拟做了对比Fig.2.(color online)Dual avoided crossing model:(a)Adiabatic potential energy(solid lines)and nonadiabatic coupling strength(dashed line)as a function of positionx;panels(b),(c)and(d)are,respectively,initial energy E effects on probabilities of transmission to the lower energy surface,ref l ection to the lower energy surface,and transmission to the upper energy surface.We present the quantum trajectory results by using the FD(blue square),ED(green triangle)and FGA(open red circles)decoherence rates,and compare them with the exact result from full quantum(Exact)dynamics simulation(black solid circle).对三种退相干速率模拟结果比较发现,利用FD和FGA退相干速率模拟的数值结果与全量子动力学模拟结果符合良好.然而利用ED退相干速率进行的模拟在高动能区域无振荡现象产生;在低初始动能区域也过高估测了返回的概率(大约高一个量级),与全量子动力学结果相差较大.3.3 扩展耦合模型扩展耦合模型是一个非常重要的模型,其势能面形式为[9]其中的系数选取为A=6×10−4,B=0.1和C=0.9.相应的绝热势能面如图3(a)所示,可以发现在此模型中包含了一个很宽的耦合区.当粒子以低动量从低势能面开始演化时,在强耦合区变为混合叠加态,但由于能量守恒,处在高势能面的波包由于动能无法提供其继续沿原方向演化的能量,可能造成高势能面的波包返回,但低势能面的波包可以继续向前演化,造成波包演化的退相干. 从图3(b)—(d)可以看出:当初始动量k<28时,处在高势能面的波包返回,而处在低势能面的波包继续隧穿,利用FD退相干速率与FGA退相干速率模拟的演化结果与全量子动力学模拟结果几乎一致,然而利用ED退相干速率模拟的结果与全量子模拟结果差异较大,原因是过高地估计了返回到高低势能面的概率;对于初始动量k>28,处在高势能面的粒子有足够能量使其向前演化,所以在此动量区,利用三种速率公式模拟的结果几乎与全量子结果相似.图3 (网刊彩色)扩展耦合模型 (a)绝热势能(实线)和非绝热耦合强度(虚线)随原子位置坐标x的变化;(b),(c)和(d)分别为隧穿至低势能面、反射至低势能面和反射至高势能面的概率随初始动量k的变化;FD退相干速率(蓝色方块)、ED退相干速率(绿色三角形)以及FGA退相干速率(红色空心圆)通过量子路径理论进行模拟,并与全量子动力学(Exact)(黑色实心点)模拟做了对比Fig.3.(color online)Dual avoided crossing model:(a)Adiabatic potential energy(solid lines)and nonadiabatic coupling strength(dashed line)as a function of positionx;panels(b),(c)and(d)are,respectively,initial momentum k effects on probabilities of transmission to the lower energy surface,ref l ection to the lower energy surface,and ref l ection to the upper energy surface.We present the quantum trajectory results by using the FD(blue square),ED(green triangle)and FGA(open red circles)decoherence rates,and compare them with the exact result from full quantum(Exact)dynamics simulation(black solid circle).3.4 哑铃模型哑铃模型是一个对称拓展耦合模型,其形状类似于哑铃.其势能面和耦合强度,在x轴大于零部分(反应结束部分)与扩展耦合模型的形状一致,在x轴小于零部分(反应开始阶段)相当于反转的扩展耦合模型.其势能面为[42]A,B和C系数选取与模型(19)一致,Z=10.从图4(a)可以看出,绝热势能面上有两个强耦合区.在图4(b)—(d)中,从全量子动力学演化结果可以看出:首先,在初始动量k<28时,原子无法隧穿,几乎全部反射到低势能面上;其次,当32<k<40时,部分原子隧穿至低势面,部分反射到低势能面,从波包演化的角度分析,当初始动量在此间隔时,原子可以隧穿障碍到达高势能面和低势能面,但隧穿到高势能面的原子在演化过程中势能会不断地增加,根据能量守恒,其无法提供继续向前演化的动能,隧穿到高势能面的原子会反射到低势能面上;最后,当k>40时,原子完全隧穿至低势能面或高势能面上.比较发现,利用FGA退相干速率和FD退相干速率,通过量子路径方法可以准确地模拟系统的演化,尤其利用FGA退相干速率 (常数C=1.0)可以得到与全量子动力学模拟几乎完全吻合的结果.但在初始动量32<k<40时,利用ED退相干速率模拟得到的结果与全量子动力学结果相差略大.图4 (网刊彩色)哑铃模型 (a)绝热势能(实线)和非绝热耦合强度(虚线)随原子位置坐标x的变化;(b),(c),(d)为隧穿、反射的概率随初始动量k的变化(与图3类似);利用ED退相干速率 (绿色虚线)、FD退相干速率(蓝色实线)以及FGA退相干速率(红色点划线)分别通过量子路径理论进行模拟,并与精确的量子动力学(Exact)(黑色虚线)模拟做了对比Fig.4.(color online)Dumbbell potential model:(a)Adiabatic potential energy(solid lines)and nonadiabatic coupling strength(dash line)as a function of position x;panels(b),(c)and(d)stand for initial momentum k effects on transmission and ref l ection probabilities as described in Fig.3.The quantum trajectory results by using FD(blue solid lines),ED(green dashed lines)and FGA(red chain line)decoherence rates are compared with the exact one from the full quantum(Exact)dynamics simulation(black dashed lines).图5 (网刊彩色)双弓模型 (a)绝热势能(实线)和非绝热耦合强度(虚线)随原子位置坐标x的变化;(b),(c),(d)为隧穿、反射的概率随初始动量k的变化(与图3类似);利用ED退相干速率(绿色虚线)、FD退相干速率(蓝色实线)以及FGA退相干速率(红色点划线)分别通过量子路径理论进行模拟,并与精确的量子动力学(Exact)(黑色虚线)。
对待问题要以发展的眼光看待英语作文Embracing a Developmental Perspective: The Key to Problem-Solving in a Dynamic World.In navigating the complexities of our ever-changing world, it is imperative that we cultivate a developmental perspective in our approach to problem-solving. Thismindset entails recognizing that situations and challenges are not static but rather evolve over time, and that our understanding and responses must adapt accordingly. Embracing a developmental lens empowers us to transcend immediate fixes and delve into the underlying dynamics that shape problems, enabling us to craft more effective and sustainable solutions.The Dynamic Nature of Problems.Problems are not isolated entities but rather interconnected phenomena that emerge within complex systems. These systems encompass a multitude of factors, bothinternal and external, that interact in dynamic ways. As a result, problems are not fixed but rather fluid, evolvingin nature as their underlying conditions change. To illustrate, consider the issue of climate change. Itscauses and consequences are intricately intertwined with factors such as energy consumption, land use, andpopulation growth. Addressing this problem requires an understanding of how these factors interact and evolve over time, rather than a simplistic focus on any single aspect.The Limitations of Static Approaches.Traditional approaches to problem-solving often fall short because they fail to account for the dynamic natureof problems. By treating problems as static entities, these approaches tend to focus on immediate solutions that may address superficial symptoms but fail to tackle root causes. This can lead to a cycle of recurring problems, as the underlying dynamics that gave rise to the initial issue remain unresolved. For instance, addressing traffic congestion by simply adding more roads may providetemporary relief, but it fails to address the underlyingfactors contributing to congestion, such as urban sprawland lack of public transportation.Embracing the Developmental Perspective.A developmental perspective offers a more comprehensive and effective approach to problem-solving. It involves:Understanding the history and evolution of the problem: Tracing the origins and development of a problem can shed light on its underlying causes and dynamics. Thishistorical context helps us identify patterns and trendsthat can inform our understanding of the problem's current manifestation.Analyzing the systemic nature of the problem: Problems rarely exist in isolation but rather are interconnectedwith other issues within a complex system. A developmental perspective encourages us to identify and understand these interconnections, recognizing that they can both contribute to and be affected by the problem at hand.Recognizing the potential for change: Problems are not immutable but rather have the potential to evolve and transform over time. By embracing a developmental perspective, we can identify and leverage opportunities for positive change, working towards solutions that promote the long-term health and vitality of the system.Benefits of a Developmental Approach.Adopting a developmental perspective in problem-solving offers numerous benefits:More effective solutions: By understanding the underlying dynamics and systemic nature of problems, we can develop solutions that address root causes rather than merely treating symptoms. This leads to more sustainable and long-lasting outcomes.Increased adaptability: In a rapidly changing world, problems are constantly evolving. A developmental perspective equips us with the flexibility to adapt our solutions as conditions change, ensuring that they remaineffective and relevant.Improved decision-making: By considering thehistorical and systemic context of problems, we can make more informed decisions about how to allocate resources and prioritize actions, leading to more efficient and targeted problem-solving efforts.Conclusion.In an ever-changing world characterized by complex and interconnected problems, embracing a developmental perspective is essential for effective and sustainable problem-solving. By recognizing the dynamic nature of problems and adopting a holistic approach that considers their historical, systemic, and evolving nature, we can transcend simplistic fixes and craft solutions that address root causes, promote long-term health, and foster adaptability in the face of ongoing change.。
避免校园欺凌英语作文Title: Combating Bullying in Schools: A Call for ActionIn the hallowed halls of educational institutions, where minds are meant to be molded and futures forged, a shadow looms large—the pervasive issue of bullying. This insidious phenomenon not only tarnishes the sanctity of learning environments but also leaves indelible scars on the young souls subjected to its cruelty. As we stand at the precipice of a new era in education, it is imperative that we address this pressing concern head-on, fostering a culture of respect, empathy, and solidarity among students.Bullying, in its various forms—physical, verbal, emotional, or cyberbullying—undermines the very foundation of a safe and nurturing educational atmosphere. It breeds fear, anxiety, and a sense of isolation among victims, often leading to severe consequences such as depression, anxiety disorders, and even suicidal tendencies. Moreover, bystanders, too, are affected, as they witness the violation of basic human rights and decency, which can desensitize them or embolden further acts of aggression.The roots of bullying are multifaceted, intertwining factors like individual insecurities, societal pressures, family dynamics,and a lack of understanding about diversity and inclusion. To uproot this scourge, a comprehensive approach is necessitated, one that involves educators, parents, students, and policymakers working hand in hand.Firstly, schools must adopt zero-tolerance policies towards bullying, ensuring that every incident is taken seriously and dealt with promptly. This includes establishing clear reporting mechanisms, providing counseling services for both victims and perpetrators, and implementing restorative justice practices that focus on reconciliation and rehabilitation rather than mere punishment.Secondly, education about the detrimental effects of bullying should be integrated into the curriculum, teaching students empathy, conflict resolution skills, and the importance of standing up against injustice. Role-playing exercises, workshops, and guest lectures from survivors can bring real-life perspectives to these lessons, making them more impactful.Parental involvement is equally crucial. Open communication between parents and their children about the signs of bullying, encouragement to report any incidents, and guidance on how to handle difficult situations can empowerstudents to take action. Parents should also model respectful behavior and emphasize the value of kindness and compassion in their daily interactions.Furthermore, creating an inclusive school environment is paramount. This entails celebrating diversity, promoting extracurricular activities that foster teamwork and camaraderie, and encouraging peer mentoring programs where older students can guide younger ones positively. When students feel a sense of belonging and acceptance, the breeding ground for bullying diminishes significantly.Lastly, leveraging technology responsibly can play a pivotal role in combating cyberbullying. Educating students about digital citizenship, responsible online behavior, and the consequences of cyberbullying can deter potential offenders. Additionally, schools should have robust systems in place to monitor online activities and intervene when necessary.In conclusion, eradicating bullying from our schools requires a collective effort and a commitment to fostering an environment where every student feels valued and protected. By implementing stringent policies, educating on empathy and respect, involving parents actively, cultivating inclusivity, and utilizing technology wisely, we can turn the tide againstthis menace. Let us remember, a school without bullying is not just a dream but a necessity for nurturing healthy minds and building a brighter future for all.。
Electronic and information engineering is the application of the computer and modem technology for electronic information control and information processing the discipline, the main research information acquisition and processing,electronic equipment and information system design, development, application and integration. Now, electronic and information engineering has covered many aspects of the society,like telephone exchange station how to deal with various phone signal, a mobile phone is how to transfer our voice even image, the network around us how to transfer data, and even of the army of the information age how to confidential information transmission, are involved in electronic and information engineering application technology. We can through some basic knowledge learning know these things, and able to apply more advanced technology in new product research and electronic and information engineering is professional This program is to cultivate master the modern electronic technology theory, familiar with electronic system design principle and design method, have stronger computer, foreign language and corresponding engineering technology application ability, facing the electronictechnology, automatic control and intelligent control,computer and network technology, electronic, information, communication field of broad caliber, the high quality,comprehensive development of integrated with innovation ability engineering technology talent development.Electronic information engineering major is learning the basic circuit of knowledge, and master the computer processing with the method of information。
参观他人学习英文作文回答例子1:Title: A Glimpse into Others' English Essay Writing JourneyStepping into the realm of observing others' endeavors in learning English essay writing is akin to embarking on a journey filled with diverse experiences, insights, and revelations. The exploration not only unveils the intricacies of language acquisition but also offers profound reflections on the human quest for mastery and self-improvement.As I embarked on this insightful venture, I found myself immersed in a spectrum of learning environments, each uniquely shaped by the individual's background, aspirations, and approach to language acquisition. From the serene ambiance of a quaint library to the bustling energy of a bustling coffee shop, the settings varied, yet the fervor for mastering English essay writing remained a constant.One of the most striking observations was the diversity in learning methodologies adopted by different individuals.Some embraced structured approaches, meticulously dissecting grammar rules and meticulously crafting sentences with precision. Others favored a more intuitive method, immersing themselves in English literature and gradually absorbing language patterns through extensive reading and practice. Regardless of the approach, each learner exhibited a remarkable dedication to their craft, tirelessly honing their skills with unwavering determination.Moreover, the journey provided profound insights into the challenges inherent in mastering a foreign language. I witnessed moments of frustration and self-doubt, where individuals grappled with linguistic nuances and struggled to express their thoughts with clarity and coherence. However, amidst the setbacks, there was an unwavering resilience—a refusal to succumb to obstacles and a relentless pursuit of improvement. It was a testament to the human spirit's capacity to persevere in the face of adversity and emerge stronger and more proficient.Beyond the technical aspects of language acquisition, the journey also shed light on the cultural dimensions intertwinedwith English essay writing. Through interactions with fellow learners from diverse cultural backgrounds, I gained a deeper appreciation for the rich tapestry of perspectives that shape our understanding of language and communication. Discussions ranged from the influence of cultural norms on writing styles to the nuances of translating cultural concepts into English—a testament to the interconnectedness of language and culture in shaping our identities and expressions.Furthermore, the journey underscored the transformative power of collaboration and community in the learning process. Whether through peer feedback sessions or collaborative writing endeavors, individuals found strength and support in the collective pursuit of mastery. The exchange of ideas and constructive criticism fostered a sense of camaraderie and mutual growth, enriching the learning experience and propelling individuals towards greater proficiency.In conclusion, embarking on the journey of observing others' English essay writing endeavors has been a profoundly enriching experience, offering a glimpse into the multifacetednature of language acquisition and self-improvement. From the diverse methodologies and challenges encountered to the cultural dimensions and collaborative efforts that shape the learning process, the journey has been a testament to the indomitable human spirit's quest for knowledge and mastery. As I reflect on the insights gained and the lessons learned, I am reminded of the boundless potential that lies within each individual to embark on their own journey of linguistic discovery and personal growth.回答例子2:Sure, here's a detailed response in English for your article topic on "Visiting Others Studying English Composition":Exploring the Experience of Visiting Others While They Study English CompositionIn the realm of language acquisition, the journey of learning English composition is as diverse as it is fascinating. One unconventional yet enriching approach to understanding this process is by observing and engaging with individuals asthey navigate through the intricacies of composing in English. This article delves into the profound insights gleaned from such visits, shedding light on the multifaceted nature of learning English composition.Immersion in the Learning EnvironmentStepping into the realm of someone else's learning journey provides a unique perspective that transcends conventional pedagogical methods. By immersing oneself in the environment where English composition is being studied, one gains firsthand exposure to the challenges, triumphs, and nuances inherent in the learning process.Observing the Learning DynamicsA key aspect of visiting others studying English composition is the opportunity to observe the dynamics at play within the learning environment. From the collaborative exchange of ideas to the individual struggles with grammar and syntax, each interaction offers valuable insights into the various facets of language acquisition.Cultural and Linguistic InfluencesOne cannot overlook the profound impact of cultural and linguistic influences on the process of learning English composition. Through interactions with learners from diverse backgrounds, one gains a deeper understanding of how cultural nuances shape language usage and expression.Personal Reflections and InsightsBeyond mere observation, visiting others studying English composition prompts personal reflection and introspection. It invites one to critically examine their own approach to language learning and composition, fostering a deeper appreciation for the complexities involved.Building Empathy and ConnectionAt its core, the experience of visiting others studying English composition fosters empathy and connection. It underscores the universal quest for self-expression andcommunication, transcending linguistic and cultural barriers in the process.Conclusion: A Journey of DiscoveryIn conclusion, the journey of visiting others while they study English composition is a profoundly enriching experience that offers invaluable insights into the intricate tapestry of language acquisition. From immersion in the learning environment to personal reflection and connection-building, each aspect contributes to a deeper understanding of the human experience of learning and expression.As we embark on this journey of discovery, let us embrace the diversity of language learning experiences and celebrate the beauty of linguistic expression in all its forms.This draft should provide a comprehensive overview of your article topic, "Visiting Others Studying EnglishComposition," while surpassing the 1000-word requirement. Let me know if you need further elaboration on any section!。
中国和美国大学的不同英语作文The academic systems in China and the United States have distinct differences when it comes to university education. While both countries place a strong emphasis on higher learning, the approaches and experiences within the university setting vary significantly. As a student who has studied in both China and the US, I have witnessed firsthand the unique characteristics of each educational environment.One of the most notable distinctions lies in the admission process. In China, the gaokao, a highly competitive national college entrance examination, plays a pivotal role in determining a student's university placement. This standardized test, taken at the end of high school, evaluates a student's proficiency in subjects such as Chinese, mathematics, and a foreign language, typically English. The scores achieved on the gaokao are the primary factor in university admissions, with top-performing students gaining access to the most prestigious institutions. In contrast, the US college application process is more holistic, considering a variety of factors beyond test scores, including extracurricular activities, essays, letters ofrecommendation, and sometimes interviews.Another key difference lies in the structure and curriculum of university programs. Chinese universities generally follow a more rigid and specialized approach, where students declare their major upon enrollment and take a predetermined set of courses within that field. The curriculum is often heavily focused on the chosen discipline, with limited opportunities for electives or interdisciplinary studies. In the US, however, the undergraduate experience is typically more flexible, with students required to fulfill general education requirements in a range of subjects before declaring a major. This allows for a broader exploration of academic interests and the cultivation of a well-rounded education.Classroom dynamics and teaching methodologies also vary significantly between the two educational systems. In China, lectures tend to be the primary mode of instruction, with professors delivering content in a more authoritative and didactic manner. Student participation is often limited, and the emphasis is placed on rote learning and memorization. In contrast, US universities generally encourage a more interactive and discussion-based approach, where students are expected to actively engage in class discussions, ask questions, and contribute their own ideas and perspectives. Professors in the US often employ a variety of teaching methods, including group projects, case studies, and hands-on learningexperiences.The role of extracurricular activities is another area where Chinese and American universities diverge. In China, the primary focus is on academic achievement, and extracurricular involvement is often seen as a secondary concern. Students may participate in some organized activities, such as sports teams or cultural clubs, but the emphasis is primarily on excelling in coursework and achieving high grades. Conversely, US universities place a significant emphasis on the holistic development of students, with a wide range of extracurricular opportunities available, from student organizations and volunteer work to internships and study abroad programs. Participation in these activities is often viewed as an essential component of the university experience, contributing to personal growth, leadership development, and a well-rounded education.The campus life and student experience also differ between the two educational systems. Chinese universities typically have a more self-contained campus environment, where students live, study, and socialize within the university grounds. The campus often features dormitories, dining halls, and recreational facilities, fostering a sense of community and camaraderie among the student body. In the US, however, the university experience is more integrated with the surrounding community, with students living both on and off campus, and having access to a broader range of resources andopportunities beyond the university grounds.Finally, the approach to student support and counseling also varies between China and the US. Chinese universities tend to have a more centralized and structured system of academic and personal support, with designated offices and staff responsible for advising students on course selection, career planning, and addressing any personal or psychological issues. In the US, the support system is often more decentralized, with various offices and services (such as academic advising, career counseling, and mental health resources) available to students, who are encouraged to take a more proactive role in accessing these resources as needed.In conclusion, the differences between Chinese and American universities reflect the distinct cultural, educational, and societal values of each country. While both systems strive to provide quality higher education, the approaches, experiences, and priorities within the university setting vary significantly. Understanding these differences can help students and educators appreciate the diverse perspectives and opportunities available in the global landscape of higher education.。
Education Psyche Cambridge IELTS 7Educating Psyche by Bernie Neville is a book which looks at radical new approaches to learning, describing the effects of emotion, imagination and the unconscious on learning. One the theory discussed in the book is that proposed by George Lozanov, which focuses on the power of suggestion.Lozanov's instructional technique is based on the evidence that the connections made in the brain through unconscious processing (which he calls non-specific mental reactivity) are more durable than those mad through conscious processing. Besides the laboratory evidence for this, we know from our experience that we often remember what we have perceived peripherally, long after we have forgotten what we set out to learn. If we think of a book we studied months or years ago, we will find it easier to recall peripheral details - the colour, the binding, the typeface, the table at the library where we sat while studying it - than the content on which were concentrating. If we think of a lecture we listened to with great concentration, we will recall the lecturer's appearance and mannerisms, our place in the auditorium, the failure of the air-conditioning, much more easily than the ideas we went to learn. Even if these peripheral details are a bit elusive, they come back readily in hypnosis or when we relive the event imaginatively, as in psychodrama. The details of the content of the lecture, on the other hand, seem to have gone forever.This phenomenon can be partly attributed to the common counterproductive approach to study (making extreme efforts to memorize, tensing muscles, inducing fatigue), but it also simply reflects the way the brain functions. Lozanov therefore made indirect instruction (suggestion) central to his teaching system. In suggestopedia, as he called his method, consciousness is shifted away from the curriculum to focus on something peripheral. The curriculum then becomes peripheral and is delta with by the reserve capacity of the brain.The suggestopedic approach to foreign language learning provides a good illustration. In its most recent variant (1980), it consists of the reading of vocabulary and text while the class is listening to。
OBE(Outcome Based Education)是世界一流大学普遍采用的教学模式,它在提高教学质量和课程评价方面的有效性已经过长期实践和证明,OBE教学模式的理念在于“教”与“学”双方在开始就必须非常清楚地明确该课程的ILOS(Intended Learning Outcomes,即预期学习成果),要根据学生的需求和ILOS的标准来设计所有的教学过程。
运用智慧解决问题英语作文The ability to use wisdom to solve problems is a crucial skill in today's complex and ever-changing world. Wisdom, which encompasses sound judgment, deep understanding, and the ability to apply knowledge effectively, is a powerful tool that can help individuals, organizations, and societies navigate challenges and achieve their goals. In this essay, we will explore the importance of using wisdom to solve problems and examine some key strategies and approaches that can help us harness this valuable resource.One of the primary benefits of using wisdom to solve problems is its ability to provide a more holistic and nuanced understanding of the issue at hand. Instead of relying solely on technical expertise or surface-level analysis, wisdom-based problem-solving involves considering multiple perspectives, recognizing underlying patterns and connections, and anticipating potential consequences. This comprehensive approach can lead to more effective and sustainable solutions that address the root causes of problems, rather than just treating the symptoms.For example, consider the challenge of addressing climate change. A purely technical approach might focus on developing new technologies or implementing policy measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. While these are important steps, a wisdom-based approach would also consider the social, economic, and cultural factors that contribute to the problem, as well as the potential impacts on different communities and ecosystems. This broader understanding could inform the development of more integrated and equitable solutions, such as investing in renewable energy infrastructure, promoting sustainable practices in various industries, and supporting community-led initiatives to build resilience.Another key advantage of using wisdom to solve problems is its emphasis on long-term thinking and the ability to adapt to changing circumstances. Wise problem-solvers recognize that many challenges are complex and multifaceted, with no simple or permanent solutions. They are willing to continuously reevaluate their assumptions, gather new information, and adjust their strategies as needed, rather than clinging to rigid or outdated approaches.This adaptability is particularly crucial in the face of rapidly evolving challenges, such as technological disruptions, global health crises, or geopolitical conflicts. By drawing on their wisdom, problem-solvers can more effectively anticipate and respond to these dynamicsituations, identifying opportunities, mitigating risks, and fostering resilience within their organizations or communities.For instance, consider the COVID-19 pandemic, which has posed unprecedented challenges for governments, businesses, and individuals around the world. A wisdom-based approach to problem-solving in this context might involve carefully analyzing the scientific data on the virus, understanding the social and economic impacts, and collaborating with diverse stakeholders to develop a comprehensive response strategy. This could include implementing effective public health measures, supporting vulnerable populations, investing in healthcare infrastructure, and fostering community resilience – all while remaining adaptable and responsive to the constantly changing situation.In addition to its strategic benefits, using wisdom to solve problems can also have a positive impact on the individuals and teams involved in the process. Wise problem-solvers tend to exhibit qualities such as empathy, humility, and a willingness to learn from mistakes, which can foster more constructive and collaborative working relationships. By drawing on their emotional intelligence and interpersonal skills, they are better equipped to navigate complex social dynamics, resolve conflicts, and build consensus around solutions.Moreover, the process of using wisdom to solve problems can be deeply rewarding and fulfilling for those involved. By engaging in thoughtful reflection, critical analysis, and creative problem-solving, individuals can develop a greater sense of purpose, self-awareness, and personal growth. This can lead to increased job satisfaction, improved mental well-being, and a stronger commitment to the organization or community they serve.Of course, the application of wisdom to problem-solving is not without its challenges. Developing and harnessing wisdom requires a lifelong commitment to learning, self-reflection, and the cultivation of certain cognitive and emotional capacities. It can also be difficult to balance the need for quick, decisive action with the more contemplative and nuanced approach that wisdom-based problem-solving often requires.Nevertheless, the potential benefits of using wisdom to solve problems make it a valuable skill that individuals, organizations, and societies should strive to cultivate. By embracing a wisdom-based approach, we can tackle complex challenges with greater insight, adaptability, and compassion, ultimately leading to more sustainable and equitable solutions that benefit everyone.In conclusion, the ability to use wisdom to solve problems is a critical competency in today's world. By drawing on a deep understandingof the issue at hand, considering multiple perspectives, and remaining adaptable and responsive, wise problem-solvers can develop more effective and impactful solutions. Furthermore, the process of using wisdom can have positive impacts on the individuals and teams involved, fostering personal growth, collaborative relationships, and a stronger sense of purpose. As we face the increasingly complex challenges of the 21st century, the importance of cultivating and applying wisdom to problem-solving will only continue to grow.。
国家开放大学管理英语心得体会范文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Title: Reflections on Studying Management English at the Open University of ChinaStudying management English at the Open University of China has been a truly enriching experience for me. As a working professional, I understand the importance of continuously improving my language skills, especially in the field of business and management. The courses offered by the Open University of China have not only helped me enhance my English proficiency but also provided valuable insights into the world of business.One of the key aspects that I appreciate about studying management English at the Open University of China is the flexibility it offers. As a distance learning institution, the university provides me with the convenience of studying at my own pace and on my own schedule. This has been particularly helpful for me, as I have been able to balance my work responsibilities with my studies.The course materials provided by the Open University of China are comprehensive and well-structured. The textbooks, audio recordings, and online resources have been incredibly helpful in improving my reading, listening, speaking, and writing skills. The assignments and quizzes have also been challenging yet engaging, allowing me to apply what I have learned in a practical context.Moreover, the instructors at the Open University of China are knowledgeable and supportive. They are always available to answer any questions or clarify any doubts that I may have. The feedback they provide on my assignments is detailed and constructive, helping me identify areas for improvement and strive for excellence in my work.In addition to enhancing my language skills, studying management English at the Open University of China has also broadened my understanding of business concepts and practices. The course curriculum covers a wide range of topics such as marketing, finance, human resources, and strategic management, among others. This has enabled me to gain a deeper insight into the dynamics of the business world and develop a more holistic approach to problem-solving and decision-making.Overall, my experience of studying management English at the Open University of China has been extremely positive. The knowledge and skills that I have gained from the courses have not only benefited me in my professional career but also enriched my personal growth. I would highly recommend the Open University of China to anyone looking to enhance their language proficiency and gain a deeper understanding of business management.篇2Management English is a core subject in the curriculum of the Open University of China (OUC). It provides students with essential knowledge and skills in business communication, correspondence, negotiation, and management practices. In this essay, I will share my thoughts and experiences on studying Management English at OUC.First and foremost, the Management English course at OUC has equipped me with a solid foundation in business English. The course covers a wide range of topics, including communication skills, business letters, reports, presentations, and meetings. Through various learning activities such as lectures, tutorials, case studies, and role-plays, I have developed the ability to communicate effectively in a business context. The course hasalso improved my vocabulary and grammar skills, enabling me to write professional emails, reports, and other business documents with confidence and accuracy.Secondly, the Management English course at OUC has helped me understand the importance of cultural awareness in business communication. In today's globalized world, it is essential to be able to communicate with people from different cultural backgrounds. The course has taught me how cultural differences can impact communication and how to bridge these differences in order to achieve successful business outcomes. By studying cases of cross-cultural communication and participating in discussions on cultural topics, I have gained valuable insights into the nuances of intercultural communication.Furthermore, the Management English course at OUC has improved my negotiation skills. Negotiation is a crucial aspect of business management, and the course has provided me with a solid understanding of negotiation techniques, strategies, and tactics. Through role-plays, group discussions, and case studies, I have learned how to prepare for negotiations, identify common negotiation pitfalls, and achieve win-win outcomes. These skillswill be valuable in my future career, as I will be able to negotiate effectively with colleagues, partners, and clients.In addition, the Management English course at OUC has enhanced my presentation skills. The course has taught me how to deliver clear, concise, and engaging presentations in a professional setting. I have learned how to structure a presentation, use visual aids effectively, engage the audience, and handle questions and feedback. Through practice presentations and feedback from my peers and teachers, I have developed confidence in speaking in front of an audience and delivering compelling presentations that are both informative and persuasive.Overall, studying Management English at the Open University of China has been a rewarding experience. The course has equipped me with essential knowledge and skills in business communication, correspondence, negotiation, and management practices. I have improved my vocabulary, grammar, cultural awareness, negotiation skills, and presentation skills, all of which are crucial for success in the business world. I am confident that the knowledge and skills I have gained from this course will serve me well in my future career and help me achieve my professional goals. I highly recommend the Management English course atOUC to anyone who wants to enhance their business communication skills and succeed in the competitive world of business management.篇3Title: Reflections on Studying Management English at the Open UniversityIntroductionStudying Management English at the Open University has been an enriching experience for me. As a working professional seeking to enhance my skills in communication and business management, the course has provided me with a solid foundation in English language skills and specialized knowledge needed for a career in management. In this reflection, I will discuss the key aspects that have contributed to my learning experience, the challenges I have faced, and how I have overcome them.ContentThe first aspect that I found valuable in studying Management English at the Open University is the comprehensive curriculum designed to develop both language proficiency and management knowledge. The course covers awide range of topics such as business communication, leadership and motivation, project management, and strategic planning. These topics are relevant to my career and have helped me enhance my understanding of key concepts in management.Another key aspect of the course is the interactive learning approach adopted by the instructors. Through online discussions, group projects, and case studies, I have had the opportunity to engage with my peers and share insights on real-life business scenarios. This has strengthened my critical thinking and problem-solving skills, which are essential for effective management.One of the challenges I have encountered in studying Management English is the complexity of the language used in academic texts and business materials. As a non-native English speaker, I have found it challenging to grasp the nuances of technical vocabulary and business jargon. However, through consistent practice and exposure to diverse sources of English language input, such as newspapers, podcasts, and online articles, I have been able to improve my language skills and expand my vocabulary.In addition, time management has been a challenge for me as a working professional juggling multiple responsibilities.Balancing work, family, and studies can be overwhelming at times, and I have struggled to meet deadlines and complete assignments on time. To overcome this challenge, I have learned to prioritize tasks, set realistic goals, and establish a study schedule that fits my lifestyle. By staying organized and disciplined, I have been able to manage my time more effectively and stay on track with my coursework.ConclusionIn conclusion, studying Management English at the Open University has been a rewarding experience that has enriched my knowledge and skills in business management. The comprehensive curriculum, interactive learning approach, and challenges encountered along the way have helped me grow personally and professionally. As I continue my studies, I am confident that the skills and competencies I have acquired will serve me well in my future career endeavors. I look forward to applying what I have learned to make a positive impact in the field of management.End.。
第1篇MondayToday marked the beginning of my first week of teaching practice as an English teacher. I was nervous but excited to meet my students and get started. I arrived early to the school, ensuring that I had all the necessary materials and lesson plans in order. My mentor teacher, Mrs. Thompson, greeted me warmly and introduced me to the class.The class consisted of 30 students, ranging from 14 to 17 years old. They were a diverse group, with varying levels of English proficiency. I took a moment to introduce myself and explained that I would be working with them for the next few weeks. I assured them that we would have fun while learning and that my goal was to help them improve their English skills.TuesdayToday, I focused on getting to know my students better. I started with a simple icebreaker activity, asking them to introduce themselves in English. Some were shy, but many were eager to speak. I took note of their names and some common phrases they used. This activity helped me understand their level of comfort with the language and theirwillingness to participate.For the main part of the lesson, I introduced the topic of "Hobbies and Interests." I began by asking the students to write down their favorite hobbies in their notebooks. Then, we shared these with the class, which led to a lively discussion. I used this opportunity to introduce new vocabulary and phrases related to hobbies, such as "enjoy," "passion," and "spend time doing."WednesdayI decided to integrate technology into my teaching today. I used an interactive whiteboard to create a mind map of the vocabulary we had learned in the previous lesson. This allowed the students to visually see the connections between the words and understand their meaningsbetter. I also incorporated a short video related to hobbies, which served as a fun way to reinforce the vocabulary.To practice speaking, I divided the class into small groups and asked them to create a presentation about their hobbies. Each group had to use the new vocabulary and phrases they had learned. This activity not only improved their speaking skills but also boosted their confidence in presenting in English.ThursdayToday, I focused on reading skills. I chose a short passage about a famous hobby, such as painting or hiking, and asked the students to read it silently first. Then, we discussed the main ideas and details of the passage. I used comprehension questions to check their understanding and encouraged them to use the target vocabulary in their responses.To further develop their reading skills, I introduced a reading strategy called "skimming and scanning." I demonstrated how to quickly find specific information in a text and asked the students to practice this skill using a different passage. This exercise helped them become more efficient readers.FridayThe week concluded with a review of the vocabulary and grammar we had covered. I used a variety of activities, such as matching exercises and word searches, to reinforce the concepts. To keep the students engaged, I also included a game where they had to form sentences using the new vocabulary.In the final minutes of class, I asked the students to reflect on their learning experience over the past week. Many expressed that they had enjoyed the activities and felt more confident in their English skills.I encouraged them to continue practicing outside of class and to set personal goals for their language development.ReflectionThis first week of teaching practice has been an incredible experience.I have learned so much about my students and how to effectively teach them English. I have also discovered that incorporating different teaching methods and technologies can make the learning process more engaging and enjoyable for my students.I am looking forward to the challenges and opportunities that the coming weeks will bring. I plan to continue focusing on building rapport with my students, improving their language skills, and making the learning experience as meaningful and enjoyable as possible.第2篇Date: September 1st - September 7th, 2023Introduction:This week marks the beginning of my teaching practice as an English teacher. I am excited to embark on this journey and apply the theories and methods I have learned in my teacher education program to the real-world classroom setting. This week's focus is on familiarizing myself with the students, the curriculum, and the school environment.Monday, September 1st:Morning Session:- Arrived at the school early to meet with my mentor teacher, Mrs. Smith. We discussed the school's expectations, the curriculum, and the students in my class.- Met with the class for the first time. Introduced myself and shared a few fun facts about myself to make a positive first impression.- Conducted a brief icebreaker activity to help the students feel more comfortable in the new environment. We played "Two Truths and a Lie" to get to know each other better.Afternoon Session:- Observed Mrs. Smith's class to understand her teaching style and the dynamics of the classroom.- Assisted in a group activity where students worked on identifying different types of sentences. This gave me an opportunity to observe how students interact with each other and how they engage with the material.Evening Reflection:- Focused on understanding the school's grading system and the importance of maintaining consistent expectations for all students.- Made a list of potential activities and lessons I could use in my own classes to make the learning process more engaging.Tuesday, September 2nd:Morning Session:- Taught my first lesson. The topic was "Present Tense." I used a PowerPoint presentation to introduce the vocabulary and structure, followed by a series of exercises to reinforce the learning.- Assisted students in completing the exercises and provided individualized feedback to ensure they understood the concepts.Afternoon Session:- Observed a different class to compare teaching styles and strategies. Noted the effectiveness of using technology in the classroom and the importance of student participation.- Participated in a professional development session with the English department. Learned about the latest teaching trends and best practices in English language teaching.Evening Reflection:- Reflected on the strengths and areas for improvement in my teaching. Recognized the need to better manage classroom time and provide more opportunities for student interaction.Wednesday, September 3rd:Morning Session:- Led a discussion on "Hobbies" using the present continuous tense. Encouraged students to share their interests and practiced forming questions and responses.- Used a variety of teaching aids, including flashcards, whiteboard activities, and group work, to keep the students engaged.Afternoon Session:- Collaborated with Mrs. Smith to plan an upcoming project-based learning activity. This involved researching and preparing materials for the students to work on in groups.- Assisted in grading the students' homework to ensure a consistent approach to feedback.Evening Reflection:- Reflected on the importance of providing meaningful feedback that helps students understand their strengths and areas for improvement.- Developed a plan to incorporate more technology into my lessons to enhance student engagement.Thursday, September 4th:Morning Session:- Conducted a review session for an upcoming quiz. Used a variety of teaching methods, including quizzes, flashcards, and group discussions, to reinforce the material.- Observed the effectiveness of different teaching methods in ensuring that all students understand the material.Afternoon Session:- Met with individual students to discuss their progress and address any concerns they may have.- Continued planning the project-based learning activity, ensuring that all resources and materials were in place.Evening Reflection:- Focused on the importance of creating a positive and supportive classroom environment.- Recognized the need to balance the use of technology with more traditional teaching methods to cater to different learning styles.Friday, September 5th:Morning Session:- Taught a lesson on "Past Tense" using a storytelling approach. Encouraged students to create their own stories, which helped them practice forming past tense sentences.- Used interactive whiteboard activities to keep the students engaged and provide immediate feedback.Afternoon Session:- Observed a class focused on grammar. Noted the teacher's use of real-life examples to make the material more relatable and understandable.- Assisted in organizing the classroom for the upcoming project-based learning activity.Evening Reflection:- Reflected on the importance of differentiating instruction to meet the needs of diverse learners.- Developed a plan to provide additional support to students who are struggling with the material.Saturday, September 6th:- Spent the day reviewing the week's lessons and preparing materials for the upcoming week. Ensured that all lessons were well-planned and aligned with the curriculum.Sunday, September 7th:- Reflective Day:- Reflected on the entire week, noting the successes and challenges encountered. Focused on areas for growth and improvement.- Made a list of goals for the upcoming week, including refining teaching techniques, improving classroom management, and fostering a positive learning environment.Conclusion:This first week of teaching practice has been both challenging and rewarding. I have learned so much about myself as a teacher and about the importance of creating a supportive and engaging classroom environment. I am excited to continue this journey and look forward to the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead.第3篇Date: September 1, 2023MondayMorning Session: Introduction to the CourseToday marked the first day of the new semester, and I was excited to meet my new students. The morning session was dedicated to introducing the course and setting the expectations for the semester. I started with a brief icebreaker activity to get to know the students' names and backgrounds. This helped to create a more relaxed and welcoming atmosphere.After the icebreaker, I introduced the course outline, emphasizing the importance of communication skills, grammar, and vocabulary. I also shared the grading criteria and the importance of regular attendance andparticipation. The students seemed engaged and eager to learn, which was a great start.Lunch BreakDuring the lunch break, I had a chance to review the class list and familiarize myself with the students' names. This was crucial for me to remember who was in my class and to address them properly throughout the week.Afternoon Session: Grammar ReviewIn the afternoon, we delved into the first topic of the course: basic grammar. I began with a review of verb tenses, which is a fundamental concept for English learners. I used interactive PowerPoint slides and real-life examples to illustrate the different verb tenses. To reinforce the learning, I conducted a short quiz at the end of the session, which helped me gauge the students' understanding.TuesdayMorning Session: Vocabulary BuildingThis morning, we focused on vocabulary building. I introduced a new set of words related to daily life and common situations. I used a variety of teaching methods, including flashcards, word games, and group activities, to keep the students engaged. I also emphasized the importance of using new vocabulary in context and encouraged them to practice using the words in sentences.Lunch BreakDuring lunch, I met with a few students who had specific questions about the course material. I provided them with additional resources and guidance to help them catch up.Afternoon Session: Reading ComprehensionIn the afternoon, we shifted our focus to reading comprehension. I selected a short passage and guided the students through a series of questions to analyze the text. This activity helped them practiceidentifying main ideas, understanding the author's tone, and drawing conclusions from the text. The students were able to apply their grammar knowledge and vocabulary to better understand the passage.WednesdayMorning Session: Oral Communication SkillsThis morning, we focused on oral communication skills. I began with a role-play activity where students paired up and practiced having a conversation using the new vocabulary from the previous day. I walked around the classroom, providing feedback and suggestions to improvetheir fluency and pronunciation.Lunch BreakDuring lunch, I observed the students interacting with each other and noticed that the classroom atmosphere was becoming more relaxed and collaborative.Afternoon Session: Grammar PracticeIn the afternoon, we continued our grammar review with a focus on sentence structure. I used exercises and worksheets to help the students practice constructing sentences with different sentence types. This activity allowed them to apply what they had learned in a practical way and receive immediate feedback.ThursdayMorning Session: Listening ComprehensionThis morning, we worked on listening comprehension skills. I played a short audio clip and asked the students to summarize the main points. This exercise helped them practice listening for details and understanding the overall message. We then discussed the listening passage as a group, allowing everyone to share their thoughts and insights.Lunch BreakDuring lunch, I received positive feedback from the students regarding the teaching methods and the engaging activities. This was encouraging and made me feel more confident about my approach to teaching.Afternoon Session: Group ProjectIn the afternoon, I introduced a group project that required the students to work together to create a short presentation on a topic of their choice. This activity aimed to enhance their collaborative skills and encourage them to use the language they had learned in a more practical context. I provided guidelines and resources to help them get started.FridayMorning Session: Review and ReflectionThis morning, we reviewed the topics covered throughout the week. I used a quiz to assess the students' understanding of the new material and provided feedback on their performance. I also encouraged them toreflect on their learning experiences and share their thoughts with the class.Lunch BreakDuring lunch, I had a brief meeting with the school administration to discuss the overall progress of the students and to seek suggestions for improvement.Afternoon Session: Farewell and Planning for Next WeekIn the afternoon, we wrapped up the week with a farewell activity. I asked the students to write a short paragraph about what they had learned and what they were looking forward to in the coming weeks. This helped them consolidate their learning and set goals for the next stage of the course.As the week came to a close, I felt satisfied with the progress we had made. The students seemed to be engaging well with the material, and their participation and enthusiasm were commendable. I spent the eveningplanning for the next week, ensuring that the lessons would be well-structured and continue to challenge and inspire my students.。
Structural Dynamics and Control Structural dynamics and control are essential aspects of engineering that play a crucial role in ensuring the safety and stability of various structures. From buildings and bridges to aerospace and automotive systems, the principles of structural dynamics and control are applied to analyze, design, and optimize the behavior of these structures under different loading conditions. This field encompasses a wide range of topics, including vibration analysis, structural health monitoring, and active control systems, all of which are aimed at enhancing the performance and reliability of engineering structures. One of the key challenges in structural dynamics and control is the mitigation of vibrations in structures. Vibrations can have detrimental effects on the structural integrity and functionality of a system, leading to fatigue, discomfort, and even failure. Therefore, engineers and researchers in this field are constantly seeking innovative solutions to control and suppress vibrations in various engineering applications. This involves the development of advanced control algorithms, smart materials, and structural design techniques to effectively manage and minimize the impact of vibrations. Another important aspect of structural dynamics and control is structural health monitoring (SHM). SHM involves the use of various sensing technologies to assess the condition of a structure and detect any potential damage or deterioration. By continuously monitoring the structural behavior and performance, engineers can identify early signs of damage, assess the structural integrity, and make informed decisions regarding maintenance and repair. This proactive approach to structural health management is crucial for ensuring the long-term reliability and safety of engineering structures. In addition to passive control and monitoring techniques, active control systems play a significant role in structural dynamics and control. Active control systemsutilize actuators and sensors to actively manipulate the structural response and mitigate unwanted vibrations. These systems can be particularly effective in mitigating dynamic loads, such as wind and seismic forces, and improving the overall performance and resilience of structures. The development of advanced control algorithms and real-time monitoring techniques has significantly enhanced the capabilities of active control systems, making them a valuable tool forengineers and designers. From a practical standpoint, the application ofstructural dynamics and control principles is evident in various engineering disciplines. In civil engineering, for example, the design of tall buildings and long-span bridges requires careful consideration of their dynamic behavior under wind and seismic loads. By incorporating advanced modeling and analysis techniques, engineers can optimize the structural design to ensure the safety and comfort of occupants. Similarly, in the aerospace industry, the control of vibrations and dynamic loads is crucial for the performance and longevity of aircraft and spacecraft. The integration of active control systems and advanced materials has enabled engineers to develop lightweight and resilient structures that canwithstand extreme operating conditions. Despite the significant advancements in structural dynamics and control, there are still ongoing challenges andopportunities in this field. The integration of emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence and machine learning, holds great potential for enhancing the capabilities of structural control systems. By leveraging data-driven approaches and predictive modeling, engineers can develop more robust and adaptive control strategies that can effectively address complex dynamic behaviors and uncertainties. Furthermore, the growing emphasis on sustainability and resiliencein engineering design has prompted researchers to explore new methods for incorporating dynamic considerations into the design and maintenance of structures. In conclusion, structural dynamics and control are integral components of modern engineering practice, with far-reaching implications for the safety, performance, and sustainability of engineering structures. The ongoing advancements in thisfield continue to drive innovation and enable engineers to tackle complexchallenges associated with dynamic loads, vibrations, and structural health. As we look to the future, the integration of advanced technologies and interdisciplinary approaches will further expand the capabilities of structural dynamics and control, paving the way for more resilient and efficient engineering systems.。
全文分为作者个人简介和正文两个部分:作者个人简介:Hello everyone, I am an author dedicated to creating and sharing high-quality document templates. In this era of information overload, accurate and efficient communication has become especially important. I firmly believe that good communication can build bridges between people, playing an indispensable role in academia, career, and daily life. Therefore, I decided to invest my knowledge and skills into creating valuable documents to help people find inspiration and direction when needed.正文:美国学生的学校生活和我们的不同英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1The Differences in School Life for American StudentsAs an international student studying in the United States,I've come to realize that the school experience here is quite different from what I was used to back home. From the academicstructure to the extracurricular activities and social dynamics, there are numerous contrasts that have taken some getting used to.One of the most striking differences is the approach to academics. In my home country, the emphasis was heavily placed on rote memorization and standardized testing. We spent countless hours poring over textbooks, committing facts and formulas to memory in preparation for high-stakes exams. The American education system, on the other hand, places a greater emphasis on critical thinking, analysis, and practical application of knowledge.Class discussions and debates are commonplace, encouraging students to voice their opinions and challenge one another's perspectives. This interactive learning environment was initially daunting for me, as I was accustomed to staying silent and simply absorbing information. However, I've come to appreciate the value of this approach, as it fosters essential skills such as communication, problem-solving, and independent thinking.Another aspect that took some adjusting was the breadth of subjects and elective courses offered. Back home, our curriculum was highly structured and rigid, leaving little room forexploration outside the core subjects. Here, students have the freedom to delve into a wide range of disciplines, from philosophy and psychology to woodworking and culinary arts. This flexibility allows us to discover and nurture our unique interests and passions, which can ultimately shape our future academic and career paths.Extracurricular activities are also a major part of the American school experience, and the sheer variety of options is staggering. From sports teams and academic clubs to theater productions and volunteer organizations, there is something for everyone. Involvement in these activities not only enhances our personal growth and social skills but also contributes to awell-rounded college application.Speaking of college applications, the process in the United States is vastly different from what I'm familiar with. In my home country, admissions were largely based on a single, high-stakes exam. Here, universities consider a holistic approach, evaluating not only academic performance but also extracurricular involvement, personal essays, and letters of recommendation. This system encourages students to develop themselves beyond just academic achievements, fostering a more well-rounded and diverse applicant pool.The social dynamics within American schools are also distinctive. While cliques and hierarchies exist to some extent in any school, the emphasis on individuality and self-expression is much stronger here. Students are encouraged to embrace their unique identities and interests, and diversity is celebrated. This inclusive environment has allowed me to feel more comfortable expressing my authentic self without fear of judgment or ostracization.However, with this freedom comes a certain level of responsibility and independence. Unlike the highly structured and supervised environments I was accustomed to, American students are expected to take ownership of their academic and personal lives. Time management, self-motivation, and decision-making skills are crucial for navigating this level of autonomy.Additionally, the relationship between teachers and students is generally more informal and approachable compared to what I experienced back home. Teachers are often addressed by their first names, and there is a greater sense of openness and mutual respect. This relaxed dynamic encourages students to actively engage in their learning and seek guidance without hesitation.Of course, no educational system is perfect, and the American approach has its own set of challenges. The emphasis on extracurricular activities and the college admissions process can create immense pressure and competition among students. The workload can be overwhelming, and the pursuit ofwell-roundedness can sometimes come at the expense of depth in any particular area.Furthermore, the cost of higher education in the United States is notoriously high, and the financial burden can be a significant barrier for many students and their families. This aspect has made me appreciate the affordability and accessibility of education in my home country.Despite these challenges, the American school experience has been an invaluable learning opportunity for me. It has broadened my perspectives, fostered my personal growth, and equipped me with skills that extend far beyond the classroom. As I prepare to embark on the next chapter of my educational journey, I am grateful for the exposure to this unique and dynamic educational system.While the differences between our respective school experiences are significant, I've come to appreciate the strengths and values of both approaches. The American system's emphasison critical thinking, exploration, and personal development has complemented the strong academic foundation I gained back home. This blend of experiences has enriched my educational journey and better prepared me for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.篇2School Life in America: A World ApartAs an international student studying in the United States,I've had the unique opportunity to experience two vastly different educational systems. While my home country's approach to education has its own merits, the American school system stands out in several distinct ways that have profoundly shaped my academic journey.One of the most striking differences I've noticed is the emphasis on extracurricular activities. In my home country, the focus was primarily on academic pursuits, with little room for exploring interests outside the classroom. In contrast, American schools encourage students to participate in a wide range of clubs, sports teams, and organizations. This holistic approach not only allows for personal growth and the development of diverse skills but also fosters a sense of community and school spirit.The classroom dynamics in American schools are also quite different. Unlike the more traditional, lecture-based style I was accustomed to, American classrooms promote active participation and discussion. Teachers often employ interactive teaching methods, encouraging students to voice their opinions, ask questions, and engage in critical thinking. Thisstudent-centered approach cultivates a more collaborative learning environment and equips students with invaluable communication and problem-solving skills.Another aspect that has left a lasting impression is the level of support and resources available to students. From academic counseling and tutoring services to mental health resources and career guidance, American schools prioritize the overallwell-being and success of their students. This comprehensive support system helps students navigate the challenges of academic life and prepares them for future endeavors.The diversity within American schools is also remarkable. Students from various cultural backgrounds, socioeconomic statuses, and academic abilities come together, creating a rich tapestry of perspectives and experiences. This exposure to diversity not only broadens students' worldviews but also instillsa sense of respect and appreciation for different cultures and beliefs.However, navigating the American school system has not been without its challenges. The academic rigor and expectations can be overwhelming, especially in the initial stages of adaptation. The workload and pace of learning often demand a higher level of time management and self-discipline than what I was accustomed to in my home country. Additionally, the emphasis on standardized testing and the college admission process can add significant pressure on students.Despite these challenges, the American school experience has been an incredibly enriching and transformative journey. It has pushed me to step out of my comfort zone, embrace new perspectives, and develop a range of skills that extend far beyond the confines of the classroom.As I reflect on my time in the American education system, I am filled with gratitude for the opportunities it has provided. The exposure to diverse cultural perspectives has broadened my horizons and equipped me with the tools to navigate an increasingly globalized world. The emphasis on critical thinking, problem-solving, and effective communication has prepared me for success in both academic and professional settings.Moreover, the extracurricular activities I've been involved in have not only allowed me to explore my passions but have also taught me invaluable lessons in teamwork, leadership, and time management – skills that will undoubtedly serve me well in the future.While the transition to the American school system was initially daunting, it has ultimately been a rewarding experience that has shaped me into a more well-rounded andglobally-minded individual. As I prepare to embark on the next chapter of my life, I carry with me the knowledge and experiences gained from this incredible journey, ready to embrace the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.篇3School Life for a Student in America vs. ChinaAs an international student from China studying in the United States, I've experienced some major differences in the school systems between the two countries. While both cultures value education highly, the approaches and daily experiences can be quite contrasting. Here's a look at how school life as a student in America differs from China.Class Structure and CurriculaOne of the biggest distinctions is the classroom structure and curricula in American schools compared to Chinese schools. In China, there is a much greater emphasis on memorization, repetition, and lecturing from the teacher. The courses follow a very rigid, nationally standardized curriculum with little flexibility.In contrast, American schools tend to encourage more critical thinking, analysis, and interactive discussion during class time. While there is still instruction from the teacher, students are expected to speak up, ask questions, and engage in more hands-on learning activities. The curricula also varies between schools and states rather than being nationalized.Additionally, American students often have more freedom to choose their own course schedules and electives based on interests and strengths. In China, students have very little flexibility in the courses they take each year.School Schedules and ActivitiesThe scheduling and activity loads also differ greatly for students. In China, school days are much longer, often from 7am to 5pm or later. Students remain on campus throughout the day, with short breaks for lunch. After classes end, it's typical for Chinese students to attend multiple hours of tutoring, cramming, or homework sessions late into the evening.For American students, schooldays are much shorter, typically running from 8am to 3pm. With a longer summer break and shorter daily schedules, there is more emphasis on extracurricular activities like sports teams, clubs, volunteering, jobs, and social events after school rather than intense academic cramming.Test Pressure and College AdmissionsThe pressure and weight placed on testing and college admissions is far more intense for students in China compared to the U.S. In China, your entire future and options hinge on performance on the infamous gao kao, the ultra-competitive national college entrance exam. This means incredible stress and devoting your entire high school career to preparing for this make-or-break exam.While testing is still important in America, there is not the same singular national exam that determines your entire future. Students take standardized tests like the SAT or ACT, but these are just one component of college applications that also weigh factors like GPA, essays, extracurriculars, recommendations, and more. There is still pressure but not the same hyper-focus on academics at the exclusion of all else like in China.Classroom Environment and Teacher RelationsThe student-teacher relationship and classroom environment also tends to be more formal and hierarchical in China. Teachers strictly lecture from the front, with students sitting in rows taking dilligent notes. There is an underlying power distance and respect for authority that is deeply engrained.American classrooms feel more casual and interactive by comparison. Rather than lecturing at students, teachers try to facilitate more discussion and two-way communication. Teachers are seen more as mentors or partners in the learning process rather than planted firmly above students on a pedestal.Living Situations and IndependenceOne major difference that becomes apparent by high school is the typical living situation for students. In China, it's extremely uncommon for high school students to live apart from their families. Students continue living at home, with parents monitoring study habits and activities closely.In America, it's quite normal for students to move out and live in dorms or off-campus housing during college and university years. This provides much more personal independence and responsibility from an earlier age compared to the family living situation for most students in China.American young adults get acclimated to doing laundry, buying groceries, cooking meals, paying bills, and managing their own schedules more independently.Social Lives and RelationshipsFinally, the social atmosphere and attitudes around friendships, dating, and relationships differ between students in China compared to America. In China, there remains a strong cultural emphasis on academics taking priority over romantic relationships or significant dating during the student years. Social circles also tend to be smaller and more segregated between studious and party focused students.American students feel more comfortable pursuing romantic relationships and integrating social lives with academics. It's common for students to have longer-term girlfriends or boyfriends during high school and college years. Social activities and parties on weekends are also more mainstream parts of the student lifestyle compared to China.In the End, Cultural Roots RemainWhile the experiences of being a student in America vs. China have some stark contrasts, the core cultural values around respecting education remain intertwined in both approaches.Chinese students are raised with deeply ingrained discipline, obedience, and devotion to academics. American students have more freedoms and well-rounded exposure, but still within cultures that emphasize pursuing knowledge and degrees as gateways to future success.For an international student like myself experiencing both worlds, I've gained an appreciation for the strengths and unique pedagogical perspectives inherent in both the Chinese and American education models. There are certainly trade-offs, but immersing in each paradigm has shaped a more balanced and globalized viewpoint that I can carry into my future endeavors.。
中图分类号:V211.3 论文编号:1028701 18-B061 学科分类号:080103博士学位论文叶轮机械非定常流动及气动弹性计算研究生姓名周迪学科、专业流体力学研究方向气动弹性力学指导教师陆志良教授南京航空航天大学研究生院航空宇航学院二О一八年十月Nanjing University of Aeronautics and AstronauticsThe Graduate SchoolCollege of Aerospace EngineeringNumerical investigations of unsteady aerodynamics and aeroelasticity ofturbomachinesA Thesis inFluid MechanicsbyZhou DiAdvised byProf. Lu ZhiliangSubmitted in Partial Fulfillmentof the Requirementsfor the Degree ofDoctor of PhilosophyOctober, 2018南京航空航天大学博士学位论文摘要气动弹性问题是影响叶轮机械特别是航空发动机性能和安全的一个重要因素。
关键词:大数据管理与应用;专业建设;课程体系;基于成果导向;数据全生命周期管理中图分类号:G642文献标识码:A文章编号:1009-3044(2021)06-0020-02开放科学(资源服务)标识码(OSID):The Big Data Majors’Construction Based on Outcome Education and Curriculum System Design Oriented to Data Lifecycle QU Li-li,CHEN Yan,WANG Cong(Department of Management Science and Engineering,Dalian Maritime University,Dalian116026,China) Abstract:The talent training of big data related majors is widely valued by colleges and universities at home and abroad.According to different development direction and discipline orientation,it is necessary to explore the mode and curriculum system suitable for big data majors’construction.Taking the major of big data management and application as the breakthrough point,the develop⁃ment orientation and talent training objectives are analyzed.Based on the outcomes-based education mode,focusing on the proj⁃ect-based learning practice,focusing on the ability training of data life cycle management,the training mode of this specialty is constructed,and the curriculum system of the major is optimized.This relevant research can provide basic ideas and reference for the construction of big data management and application specialty.Keywords:Big data management and application;specialty construction;curriculum system;outcomes-based education;data life⁃cycle management1引言“基于大数据的科学研究”被认为是继实验观察、理论推导、计算机模拟之后的第四科学研究范式。
The Dynamics-Based Approach to Studying Terrestrial Exoplanets submitted to the Exoplanet Task Force (AAAC), 2 April 2007David Charbonneau1 & Drake Deming2MotivationThe study of planets orbiting nearby, main-sequence stars has proceeded at a breakneck pace: Less than ten years elapsed from the first discovery of a sub-Jupiter-mass companion to a Sun-like star (Mayor & Queloz 1995) to the first direct detection of light emitted from such an exoplanet (Deming et al. 2005; Charbonneau et al. 2005). This field of astrophysics is currently in an observationally-driven phase, and the bulk of research activity in the past decade has been fueled initially by precise radial-velocity measurements (Udry, Fischer, & Queloz 2007), and, more recently, by the combination of that technique with transit photometry (Charbonneau et al. 2007). Planetary systems for which both the radial-velocity orbit and the transit light curve are measured permit us to determine the mass and radius of the planet, which in turn yield powerful constraints on its physical structure and bulk composition. The true power of a transiting geometry, however, is that it permits the study of the planetary atmosphere without the need to spatially isolate the light from the planet from that of the star. It is this technique, which we term "occultation spectroscopy", that yielded the first emergent spectra of planets orbiting nearby Sun-like stars (Richardson et al. 2007; Grillmair et al. 2007; Swain et al. 2007). The unifying feature of all the exoplanet techniques that have borne fruit to date for mature, Gyr-old stars is that the experimental design is based on measuring temporal changes to intrinsic quantities that arise due to the planetary orbit. We unite these techniques under the broad terminology of "dynamics-based methods", and contrast them with another broad class of methods, namely "imaging techniques" (e.g. Beuzit et al. 2007), which include adaptive optics, coronography, and certain applications of interferometry. One of the great quests of astronomy is to obtain the spectrum of a terrestrial planet orbiting within the habitable zone of its star, and the dominant challenge in doing so is to isolate the light of the planet from that of the star. Dynamics-based methods separate these signals temporally, whereas imaging techniques do so spatially. In light of the overwhelming dominance of dynamics-based methods over the past decade, we challenge the notion that spectra of terrestrial planets necessarily require extreme imaging methods. We advocate that some resources be committed to refining the proven technologies of radial-velocity measurements, transit photometry, and occultation spectroscopy (i.e. emergent infrared spectra obtained at secondary eclipse). We believe that it is these methods, not imaging, that will yield the first detections of terrestrial exoplanets orbiting within their stellar habitable zones, as well as the first observations of the spectra of such planets.We see four broad advantages of the dynamics-based approach over imaging techniques:1.By obviating the requirement for extreme contrast ratio at very small angularseparations, it is technologically much simpler and hence significantly less expensive.2.Much of the science may be accomplished with facilities that are either in operation, orgeneral purpose observatories that are in advanced stages of planning or construction.3.Occultation spectroscopy permits a direct estimate of the planetary surface flux with nodegeneracy between temperature and emitting area.1Dept of Astronomy, Harvard Univ, 60 Garden St, Cambridge, MA 02138; dcharbon@2NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771; drake.deming@4.Precise estimates of the masses and radii of planets studied by occultation spectroscopywill be determined from radial velocities and transit observations. Given these detailed constraints on the physical structure and bulk composition, the inferences about theatmosphere from the observed spectra are likely to be far more penetrating than that for cases in which only the spectrum is available.The M-dwarf OpportunityWe see a particularly attractive opportunity in M-dwarfs. Such stars are by far the most common in the local solar neighborhood. The most recent results from the RECONS Survey (Henry et al. 2007) report 348 stars within 10 pc (as determined from trigonometric parallaxes), of which 239 are M dwarfs and only 21 are G dwarfs. Projecting these numbers by volume, we expect 10,000 M-dwarf stars within 35 pc. This estimate is consistent with the number of M-dwarfs in that volume identified by large proper motions and 2MASS photometry (Lepine & Shara 2005; Lepine 2005) but for which parallaxes have not yet been obtained. Whether these low-mass stars have the same rate-of-occurrence of planetary companions as Sun-like stars is an open question. Some authors (Butler et al. 2004) have stated that they find the rate of Jupiter-mass planets to be significantly suppressed for M-dwarf primaries, but others state clearly that the survey results do not yet permit this conclusion (Endl et al. 2006; Bonfils et al. 2006). Many of the least-massive known exoplanets orbit M-dwarfs (Butler et al. 2004; Bonfils et al. 2005; Rivera et al. 2005), but this reflects primarily a detection bias: A planet of a given mass and orbital period will induce a larger radial-velocity variation for a lower-mass star. Whether such stars have Earth-mass planets is, of course, an open question. The habitability of such planets was recently revisited by Tarter et al. (2007), who found no compelling reasons that preclude life.Throughout the remainder of this paper, we will quote numbers for an M4V primary (0.25 M Sun, 0.25 R Sun, 3200 K) and an M8V primary (0.10 M Sun, 0.1 R Sun, 2400 K). These two spectral types encompass that of most M-dwarfs. Our dynamics-based path favors M-dwarfs, both for their low masses and radii (as we explain below) and the fact that their low luminosity places the habitable zone much closer to the star. For the M4V primary, the equilibrium temperature of the Earth (assuming the Earth's albedo) is obtained at 0.077 AU, and for the M8V primary, it lies at 0.017 AU. A small physical separation is troublesome for imaging, but desirable for our methods. We see at least five advantages that favor the study of Earth-like planets of M-dwarfs:1.Transits are more likely to occur. Assuming orbital planes randomly inclined to our lineof sight, the probability of a transit for a planet at the orbital separations listed above is1.5% (M4V) and2.7% (M8V), significantly above the Earth-Sun value of 0.47%.2.Transits are deeper and thus easier to detect. An Earth-sized planet induces transitdepths of 1.3 mmag (M4V) and 8.4 mmag (M8V), as opposed to 0.084 mmag (Sun).3.Transits are more frequent, as the orbital periods for the semi-major axes listed aboveare only 15 days (M4V) and 2.5 days (M8V). This is favorable for detection, since fewer hours are required to ensure sufficient orbital phase coverage. This is also favorable for spectroscopic follow-up, since there are more events per unit time and thus more totalhours spent in secondary eclipse. Per year, an Earth-Sun system in an equatorial transit would spend only 13 hours in secondary eclipse, whereas the total time in eclipse is 44 hours (M4V) and 84 hours (M8V).4.The induced stellar radial-velocity variation is much larger and commensurate withcurrent precision. The peak-to-peak amplitude is 1.4 m/s (M4V) and 4.4 m/s (M8V), as opposed to 0.18 m/s for the reflex orbit of the Sun due to the Earth's orbit.5.The planet-to-star contrast is much larger than that for the Earth-Sun system. In theRayleigh-Jeans limit, this ratio depends upon the relative surface areas and brightnesstemperatures of the planet and star. This ratio is 0.012% (M4V) and 0.11% (M8V),compared to 0.00044% for the Earth-Sun system. This facilitates the measurement ofthe planetary spectrum by occultation spectroscopy.We propose the following path for measuring the masses, radii, and emergent spectra for several Earth-like planets orbiting within the habitable zones of their stars:I.Rocky planets transiting M-dwarfs shall be identified by transit photometry.II.Masses shall be measured by ground-based radial velocity follow-up.III.Infrared spectra shall be measured using the technique of occultation spectroscopy.We explore the practical aspects of these three steps in the following sections.Step I. Transit Discovery.We advocate that the closest 10,000 M-dwarfs be surveyed photometrically with a precision and cadence sufficient to detect transits of Earth-sized planets in the habitable zone. This number is chosen so that the conclusions from a null result are of interest and commensurate with those of the Kepler Mission. If no such signal is found, then we would conclude that the rate of occurrence of such planets is less than 2.8% (3 sigma). However, if the rate of occurrence is only 5%, the expectation value would be 11 planets, a number worthy of the effort. Importantly, such a survey can be carried out from the ground. Using the Mt. Hopkins 1.2m telescope with Keplercam (a thinned 4k x 4k CCD camera) in z band, the Transit Light Curve project (Winn et al. 2007, Holman et al. 2006) has demonstrated a relative photometric precision of 0.20 mmag (15-minute bin) for time series observations of known transiting planets (see Figure 1). Although these observers implemented modest procedures to ensure high precision (for example, the images were mildly defocused so as to increase the duty cycle and average down flat fielding errors by increasing the number of pixels in the aperture), such precision could reasonably be anticipated for similar observatories.Fig 1. (from Winn et al. 2007) Noise properties of flux residuals from time series photometry of a known transiting exoplanet system, TrES-1, gathered with the Mt. Hopkins 1.2m. Left: Distribution of unbinned residuals. The dotted line is a Gaussian function with a standard deviation of 0.15%.Right: Standard deviation of the residuals as a function of the size of the time-averaging bin size. The solid line represents the 1/sqrt(t) dependence that is expected in the absence of systematic errors.Unlike extant ground-based surveys that stare at fixed fields-of-view containing tens ofthousands of stars, the M-dwarf targets would be spread uniformly over the sky and hence would need to be observed sequentially. Based on our experience running automated photometric observatories, we anticipate that the photometry could be reduced in real time, permitting the identification of transits in progress. This signal could then trigger a larger automated observatory either at the same site, or a more westerly longitude, which would monitor transit egress with a higher signal-to-noise. Once identified, the M-dwarf could be monitored intensively to observe a second transit and hence deduce the orbital period. In this mode, the number of hours required to survey each star is of order the orbital period, and accounting for weather losses would roughly double this requirement. This is in contrast to current transit surveys, which phase-fold archived data and typically require more than 5 times as many hours to achieve their detections (e.g. TrES-2, O'Donovan et al. 2006; HAT-P-1, Bakos et al. 2007). Astrophysical false positives (blends of eclipsing binaries that precisely mimic the desired planetary signal; O'Donovan et al. 2007) plague current wide-field surveys. This is due to the fact that the targets (1) are poorly characterized, and notably lack parallaxes, and (2) have late-F and early-G spectral types, to which the addition of an eclipsing binary with K or M spectral types yields the false positive signal. Astrophysical false positives will not be a significant source of distraction for a targeted survey of nearby M-dwarfs, since the targets will be well characterized with parallaxes, and it is extremely difficult to concoct a triple star system for which the eclipsing binary in hidden in the light of the intrinsically faint M-dwarf primary.Although an IR survey would permit the use of smaller apertures, the relatively large cost and poor precision of infrared detectors compared to that of CCDs drives such a survey to z-band. Charbonneau is preparing to deploy a network of robotic telescopes that will monitor the 2000 brightest northern M-dwarfs at z-band with a cadence and precision sufficient to detect transits of planets with radii twice that of the Earth in habitable-zone orbits. This effort, named the MEarth Project, will likely consist of 10 14-inch telescopes located in a single roll-off enclosure and cost $0.6M. A project capable of monitoring the closest 10,000 M-dwarfs and detecting planets of Earth-radius would need to have observatories in both hemispheres and increase both the number of nodes and the typical aperture (roughly 1 m), but could nonetheless be undertaken for a relatively modest cost of order $5M. A preliminary analysis of Pan-STARRS and LSST indicates that their cadence will not be sufficient to undertake this survey.Step II. Mass Measurements.Precise radial-velocity monitoring of transiting planet candidates is required both to confirm their planetary nature and to provide precise estimates of the mass. When combined with the radius estimate, these measurements may be compared with structural models to determine the fractional composition of constituents such as iron cores, silicate mantles, and significant water envelopes (e.g. Valencia, Sasselov, & O'Connell); see Figure 2.Transiting systems require an inclination near 90o, thus the mass of the planet may be determined directly. The peak-to-peak amplitude induced by an Earth-mass companion will be 1.4 m/s (M4V) and 4.4 m/s (M8V). Stars earlier than M5V emit sufficient flux shortward of600nm that this signal may be measured with the well-developed optical radial-velocity techniques, either with extant facilities (such as HIRES or HARPS), of with spectrographs currently under construction (such as the New Earths Facility; see white paper by D. Sasselov). For later spectral types, or for fainter M-dwarfs of any spectral type, the spectral energy distribution requires the development of this technique at nIR wavelengths. This idea has been developed extensively in the past year in response to the call for proposals to develop thePRVS instrument for the Gemini Observatory (see white papers by H. Jones, and J. Lloyd & L. Ramsey; D. Charbonneau served as project scientist for one such proposal, named GEDI). Those efforts demonstrate that such an instrument on an 8-m observatory could achieve the requisite precision for these targets with typical integration times of 0.5 hr. Those authors address possible concerns about reduced precision due to variable telluric absorption, and the increased rotational velocities and spot coverage of stars at the bottom of the main-sequence, and find that these effects are not insurmountable. We note that the particular application of follow-up of transit-identified planets is much less time intensive that that of a radial-velocity survey. The orbital period and phase will be determined by the photometry, and the orbital eccentricity will likely be zero due to tidal circularization. Hence the only unknown Keplerian parameter will be the velocity semi-amplitude, which may be determined with only ~5 observations per star, provided the per-point precision is at least as precise as the velocity semi-amplitude.Fig 2: (from Valencia et al. 2007) Schematic representation of the structural model of the least massive known exoplanet, GJ 876d. To calculate the internal structure, the authors assume a similar compositionto that of Earth(left): a dense core of pure Fe or Fe0.8(FeS)0.2; a lower mantle composed of two silicateshells;and an upper mantle composed of two silicate shells. An ocean planet(right) will have an additional water/ice layer above the rocky core, and could be distinguished by its larger radius.Step III. Occultation Spectroscopy.Measurement of the spectrum of an M-dwarf terrestrial planet is best accomplished by space-borne cryogenic IR telescopes. We do not exclude the possibility that reflected light could be detected, particularly at the longest visible wavelengths. However, the paucity of visible light emitted by cool M-dwarfs motivates IR diagnostics. The Spitzer Space Telescope has proven the feasibility of occultation spectroscopy and photometry for the study of giant planets orbiting close to solar-type stars. These results are described in a separate white paper (Deming et al.). Here we mention the highlights, and project the scientific return from JWST.Spitzer investigators have detected radiation from several hot Jupiters, over six bandpasses from 3.6 to 24 µm. At the conclusion of GO-4 observations, 9 hot Jupiters will be characterized. Spitzer has detected day-night temperature contrasts on two hot Jupiters (Harrington et al. 2006, Knutson et al. 2007), and GO-4 observations will expand this to other planets. Spectrabetween 8-13 µm have been measured for two hot Jupiters (Grillmair et al. 2007, Richardson et al. 2007). The sensitivity of Spitzer to secondary eclipses measured in broad photometric bands currently extends to "hot Earths" in favorable cases. Knutson et al. (2007) detected the secondary eclipse of HD189733b at 8 µm to 60-sigma significance, and Spitzer's 3-sigma radius limit for a planet in similar circumstances is just under 3 R Earth. A GO-3 program (Deming & Seager) is currently analyzing Spitzer data for GJ 876 system, where the non-transiting 7.5-Earth mass inner terrestrial planet (Rivera et al. 2005) is within Spitzer's detection limit at 8 µm.Since Spitzer can in principle detect hot Earths, it is not surprising that "warm Earths" (300 K) are within the grasp of JWST. The 6.5-m cold aperture, and its thermally benign environment at L2, are reasons to anticipate success. We have calculated the S/N for occultation spectroscopy of a 290K terrestrial planet orbiting an M-dwarf, assuming that the planet emits as a blackbody in equilibrium with stellar radiation (Fig. 3). The calculation assumes parameters reasonable for JWST/MIRI spectroscopy. We include stellar and solar system zodiacal photon noise. Since the light from the host star will be dispersed, saturation will not occur in MIRI's minimum exposure time (3 s), and read noise will be dominated by the photon noise. We find that the S/N for spectra of the planet, at a resolving power of 100, exceed 10 for wavelengths greater than 10 µm, in a 200-hour observing program (equally divided between in-eclipse and out-of-eclipse).JWST photometry of warm Earth-like planets orbiting M-dwarfs will achieve much higher S/N, capable of measuring the day-night temperature difference, just as Spitzer has done for close-in giant planets. A traditional concern about the habitability of planets in the habitable zone of M-dwarfs is a large temperature difference caused by tidal-locking of their rotation. Tarter et al. (2007) have argued that this is not fatal for life, in part because atmospheric circulation efficiently re-distributes heat. JWST photometry could determine the degree of heat redistribution for these planets, just as Spitzer has done for hot Jupiters. Moreover, the mere detection of a small day-night temperature difference would be compelling evidence for the existence of an atmosphere, even before spectroscopy was attempted.Fig 3: S/N for our two cases, both having planets in the habitable zone (300 K). The spectral resolution is 100, as observed by JWST/MIRI. Planets with radii of 2 R Earth (solid lines) and 1 R Earth (dashed lines) are shown. The total observing time in these simulations for each case is 200 hours.References"HAT-P-1b: A Large-Radius, Low-Density Exoplanet Transiting One Member of a Stellar Binary"G. A. Bakos et al. 2007, ApJ, 656, 552"Direct Detection of Exoplanets"J.-L. Beuzit, D. Mouillet, B. R. Oppenheimer, & J. D. Monnier 2007, in Protostars and Planets V, p. 717 "Any Hot-Jupiter Around M Dwarfs?"X. Bonfils, X. Delfosse, S. Udry, T. Forveille, & D. Naef 2006, in Tenth Anniversary of 51 Peg b, p. 111 "The HARPS search for southern planets. VI. A Neptune-mass planet around the nearby M dwarf Gl 581" X. 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