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Module6OldandNewSectionⅢGrammar非限制性定语从句和定语从句的缩略语法图解探究发现①She heard a terrible noise, which brought her heart into mo uth.②The weather turned out to be very good, which was more th an we could expect.③A person with his head in the clouds is a dreamer, whose m ind is not in the real world.④Qingdao is a beautiful city, where I’ll pay a sixday visit.⑤They have a son and two daughters, all of whom live in the city.⑥He lived in London for two months, during which time he pic ked up some English.⑦David, as you know, is an amateur photographer.⑧He spoke to the girl (who was) from Paris.⑨We said goodbye to Mr. Green, (who was) still busy at his o ffice.[我的发现](1)①~⑦句中,关系词前面均有逗号,它们为非限制性定语从句。
2.关系代词引导的非限制性定语从句关系代词有as, which, who, whom, whose等,作定语从句的主语、宾语、表语或定语。
Module6 Old and NewPeriod3 grammar non-defining attributive clausesPart1. The analysis of the teaching material:In the passage The Three Gorges Dam, the writer use the infinitives to express his ideas, so I think this module aims to help the students grasp how to use non-defining attributive clauses. As we know, non-defining attributive clause is one of the most important grammars, and it is also one of the most difficult grammars. To help the students grasp this grammar, I should make the students interested in the class first.Part2. Analysis of the students:The students have learnt defining attributive clauses in module 5 on page 47, and they often meet attributive clauses in reading materials, so the grammar is not strange to them.Most of our students lack confidence and are shy to express their ideas in English, so some interesting and easy work to try to involve all the students to take part in the class activities are necessary.Part3. Teaching aims:Knowledge aims:1. Learn about the non-defining attributive clauses.2. Master the differences between non-defining attributive clauses and definingattributive clausesAbility aims:1.Improve students’ ability through group discussion2.Improve students’ analyzing and resolving abilities throu gh group cooperation. Emotional aims:1. To arise the students’ interest in learning English.2. To encourage students to be active in class.Part4. Teaching key points1. Work together to sum up the grammatical rules of non-defining attributive clauses.2. Master the differences between non-defining attributive clauses and definingattributive clauses.Teaching difficult pointsDifferent forms of non-defining attributive clauses, and how to use them.Teaching Aids:1. Projector2. Tape recorder3. Multimedia4. The blackboardPart5. Teaching theoriesWhen I dealing with the lesson, I’ll do my best to carry out the methods, such as: situational teaching and communicative teaching; task-based teaching; inquiry teaching;making the students the real masters while the teacher acts as a director and helper. I’ll try to encourage the students to learn by discussion, cooperation and free talk.In addition, I’ll make the best of multimedia to make the class more lovely, interesting and high-effective.Part6. Teaching Procedures 45’Step1 Lead in 12’1. Lead in the lesson of the unit by showing some sentences which they learnt on page47 about defining attributive clauses on screen. Ask students read the sentences and answerwhat clauses they are.(1) Su Song was an eleventh-century monk who(m) very little is known about.(2) For example, it is the country which silk was first invented in.2 review the relative pronouns and relative adverbs which usually used in attributiveclauses.(1) Relative pronounsas,which,who,whom,whose, that(2) Relative adverbswhen, where, why(Purpose: review defining attributive clauses which students learnt on module 5.)3. Ask students read above sentences and do exercise1’s sentences on page 54, thencheck the answer and find out the common and the difference of these sentences.(Purpose: lead in the topic: non-defining attributive clauses.)Step2 Non-defining attributive clauses 20’1.Encourage the students to sum up the differences between non-defining attributiveclauses and defining attributive clauses by themselvesIn a defining attributive clause(1) The information given is essential to understand the sentence, and make it clearwhich person or thing you are talking about in a sentence.(2) You don’t need a commaIn a non-defining attributive clauses(1) The information is not essential to understand the sentence, but it provides additionalinformation.(2) Punctuation is important, common are used to separate the clause from the rest of thesentence.(3) ‘That’ canno t be used in a non-defining attributive clause.2. The definition of non-defining attributive clause.When a attributive clause merely describes an object without having the function of defining or identifying to which object the speaker or writer is referring, the clause must be placed between commas. Such a clause can be called a non-defining or non-limiting relative clause, i.e., a non-defining relative clause gives extra information about a noun or noun phrase and has commas at both ends.(Purpose: this part is designed to make the students understand the definition of non-defining attributive clauses and the difference between non-defining attributive clausesand defining attributive clauses, at the same time lead to the next part.)Step3 Practice 8’Get the students to finish excercise2 and 3 on page 54, and then check the answer. I’ll divide the students into 2 groups, and then ask them to finish the tasks by competition and cooperation. If anyone answers the question correctly, his or her group will get 1 point, and the group which gets the most points is the winner.(Purpose: To consolidate the usage of non-defining attributive clauses, at the same time increase the students ‘interest in their studies)Step4 Summary 4’First, ask the students to d iscuss “What have you learnt this class?”Then give the summary: This class we learn the grammatical items of non-defining attributive clauses. We know the differences between non-defining attributive clauses and defining attributive clauses are common and the information given is essential or not essential to understand the sentence.Step 5Homework 1’Revise the use of non-defining attributive clauses.Part 7 Blackboard designNon-defining attributive clauses(1) Relative pronouns : as,which,who,whom,whose, that(2) Relative adverbs: when, where, whyNon-defining attributive clauses(1) The information is not essential to understand the sentence, but it provides additional information.(2) Punctuation is important, common are used to separate the clause from the rest of the sentence.(3) ‘That’ cannot be used in a non-defining attributive clause.(Purpose: the blackboard design can reflect the teacher’s ability of mastering the text and leading the students to master the text easily. It also tells the students that this is the important points in this class.)Above is my teaching plan of this lesson. Thank you for listening.。
三维目标1.知识与技能1)Makesurestudentsmasteredthegrammaticalitems.2)Consolidatetheirknowledgeofnon-definingattributiveclauses.2.过程与方法1)Motivatestudents’enthusiasmintakingpartintheclass.2)Helpstudentstousethesentencepatternsincommunication.3.情感与价值Throughthestudyofthisperiodstudentswillsurelyknowmoreaboutthebasicmeaningso fsomeattributiveclauses.教学重点1.Thebasicusageofthenon-definingrelativepronounsandadverbsandlearntousethem indifferentsituations.2.Howtousethesentencepatternsindailylife.教学难点Howtohelpstudentstolearnthenon-definingattributiveclauseefficiently.教学方法Deductiontopresenttheusageofthenon-definingrelativepronounsandadverbs,andth ensomeexercisestoconsolidatewhatwehavelearned.教学过程→Step1Revision1.Checkstudents’homework.2.Haveadictationofthewordslearntinthetext.Thewordsfordictation:dream(v.)energygenerateharnesshistoricalnarrowpoempowerstationsubmerge suggest→Step2Grammar1:Non-definingattributiveclausesActivity1Readthesentences.(Showthefollowingonthescreen.)aMaoZedongwroteapoeminwhichhedreamedof “wallsofstonetoholdbackcloudsandrain”.bTheThreeGorgesDam,whichisthebiggestconstructionprojectinChinasincethebuild ingoftheGreatWallandtheGrandCanal,hasbeenbuilttocontrolflooding.cSunYat-sen,whowastheleaderofthe1911Revolution,firstsuggestedtheideain1919.dMorethanamillionpeoplewholivedintheregionhavemovedfromtheirhomes.Nowanswerthesequestions.1Whichoftheattributiveclauses(initalics)containessentialinformationaboutthe subjectandwhichcontainextrainformation?2Ifyoutakeawaytheattributiveclauses,dothesentencesstillmakesense?Whyorwhyno t?3Whichsentenceshavecommas,theoneswithessentialinformationortheoneswithextra information?Suggestedanswers:1aanddcontainessentialinformation;banddcontainextrainformation.2aandddon’t,bandcdobecausethemeaningstandswithouttheextraclause.3Theoneswiththeextrainformation.Activity2Readthesentences.Addcommasifnecessary.1SunYat-senwhobecamePresidentoftheRepublicofChinain1912diedin1925.2ThebuildingoftheGrandCanalwhichistheworld’slongestcanalbeganin486BC.3Thesectionofthecanalwhichwasbuiltintheseventhcenturywasmainlyusedforricetr ansportation.Suggestedanswers:1SunYat-sen,whobecamePresidentoftheRepublicofChinain1912,diedin1925.2ThebuildingoftheGrandCanal,whichistheworld’slongestcanal,beganin486BC.3Thesectionofthecanal,whichwasbuiltintheseventhcentury,wasmainlyusedforrice transportation.Activity3Addinformationtosentences1-3,usingextrainformationA-C.1TheYangtzeRiveristhethirdlongestriverintheworld.2TheThreeGorgesDamisthebiggestconstructionprojectinChina.3MaoZedongwroteapoemaboutadamacrosstheYangtzeRiver.Awhichismorethan6,000kilometreslongBwhoisagreatleaderofChinaCwhichwillgeneratealargeamountofenergySuggestedanswers:1A:TheYangtzeRiver,whichismorethan6,000kilometreslong,isthethirdlongestrive rintheworld.2C:TheThreeGorgesDam,whichwillgeneratealargeamountofenergy,isthebiggestcons tructionprojectinChina.3B:MaoZedong,whoisagreatleaderofChina,wroteapoemaboutadamacrosstheYangtze River.→Step3Grammar2:ContractionofattributiveclausesActivity1(Showthefollowingonthescreen.)aImetamanmygrandfatherworkedwiththirtyyearsago.bImetamanwhomygrandfatherworkedwiththirtyyearsago.cIwantedtovisitthehousethatmygrandparentslivedin.dThebuswhichItookbacktomybirthplacewasfullofvisitorsfromotherpartsofChina.Nowanswerthesequestions:1Dothefirsttwosentencesmeanthesamething?2Inthefirsttwosentences,whoisthesubjectoftheverbwork—themanorthegrandfather?3Canthewordsthatandwhichberemovedfromthethirdandfourthsentenceswithoutchangingthemeaning?Suggestedanswers:1Yes,theydo.2Thegrandfather.3Yes,theycan.Activity2Studythetwosentences.Noticethewordsinbracketscanbedeletedwithoutaffectingth emeaningofthesentence.Thevalleyisnowpartofthereservoir(whichwas)createdbytheThreeGorgesDam.Thepeople(whoare)livinginthevillagehavemovedtootherplaces.Readoutthetwosentenceswithandthenwithoutthewordsinbrackets.Askstudentstocommentonthedifferenceitmakestothesentences.Comment:Whenwiththewordsinbrackets,theyareattributiveclauses;whenwithoutthewordsinb rackets,sentenceoneisapastparticipleusedasattributeandsentencetwoisapresentpart icipleusedasattribute.Activity3Crossouttherelativepronounswherepossible.1Theycomefromavillagethatwassubmergedinthereservoir.2Therearemanypeoplewhoprefertoliveinvillages.3Thedamthatwesawinthefilmwasn’ttheThreeGorgesDam.4I’vegotabookthathaslotsofinformationaboutZiguiCounty.5ThestudentsthatImetnearthereservoirwerefromVietnam.6IreceivedanemailfrommycousinwholivesneartheThreeGorgesDam.Suggestedanswers:1can’tremove“that”2can’tremove“who”3canremove“that”4can’tremove“that”5canremove“that”6can’tremove“who”Conclusion:1Whentherelativepronounisusedasthesubject,itcan’tberemoved.2Whenindefiningattributiveclauses,therelativepronounisusedastheobject,itcan be removed.Activity4Makeeachpairofsentencesintoonesentence.Example:Themountainisthehighestintheregion.Weclimbedit.Themountainweclimbedisthehighestintheregion.1Thedamprovidesalargeamountofpower.Theybuiltitontheriver.2Thepowerstationwasverymodern.Wevisitedit.3Thevillageisnearthelake.Mygrandparentsusedtoliveinit.4TheboatwentfromWuhantoZigui.Itookit.Suggestedanswers:1Thedam(which/that)theybuiltontheriverprovidesalargeamountofpower.2Thepowerstation(which/that)wevisitedwasverymodern.3Thevillage(which/that)mygrandparentsusedtoliveinisnearthelake.4Theboat(which/that)ItookwentfromWuhantoZigui.→Step4Conclusion限制性定语从句和非限制定语从句的区别:定语从句就其先行词的关系而言,可分为限制性和非限制性两种。
Module 6 Old and New教学设计说明话题介绍本模块主题是“Old and New”,介绍了中国人民在文明进步方面做出的历史成就和现实成就,如长城、香港国际机场和三峡大坝。
Period 1 Reading INTRODUCTION Vocabulary and speaking 和READING ANDVOCABULARY合并为第一课时“阅读课。
”课文“The Three Gorges Dam”是说明文,介绍了举世瞩目的三峡大坝。
Period 2 Grammar 课本54和56页合并为第二课时“语法课”,学习Non-defining clauses andcontraction of relative。
Period 3 Writing 课本55页是写作课“Writing”,阅读一则email,写作一则email。
Period 4 Speaking 课本55页“Speaking”为“口语课”,学习Talking about dams。
Period 5 Function 课本58页是“功能课”,学习使用strong adjectives,即“强势形容词”,或“书面形容词”。
Period 6 CULTURAL CORNER 课本59页的CULTURE CORNER 是“文化阅读课”,“The Empire State Building, New York”,即纽约帝国大厦。
Period 7 TASK 课本60页的TASK 是“任务课”,学习用英文preparing a news bulletin。
2019届高考英语一轮复习第一部分教材课文要点 Module 6 Old and New模块知识链接高考题型外研版必修32019届高考英语一轮复习第一部分教材课文要点 Module 6 Old and New模块知识链接高考题型外研版必修3编辑整理:尊敬的读者朋友们:这里是精品文档编辑中心,本文档内容是由我和我的同事精心编辑整理后发布的,发布之前我们对文中内容进行仔细校对,但是难免会有疏漏的地方,但是任然希望(2019届高考英语一轮复习第一部分教材课文要点 Module 6 Old and New模块知识链接高考题型外研版必修3)的内容能够给您的工作和学习带来便利。
本文可编辑可修改,如果觉得对您有帮助请收藏以便随时查阅,最后祝您生活愉快业绩进步,以下为2019届高考英语一轮复习第一部分教材课文要点Module 6 Old and New模块知识链接高考题型外研版必修3的全部内容。
1 / 61Module 6 Old and New1 课文与语法填空阅读所学课文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
The Three Gorges Dam,the biggest 1. (construct)project in China,has been built 2。
(control)flooding and provide hydro-electric power for the central region of China。
The dam is nearly 200 metres high and 1。
5 kilometres wide。
It is the largest hydro-electric power station and dam in the world and 3. (cost)more than any other project in history。
外研版高一年级(必修3)Module 4Grammar: Infinitive 不定式的句法功能1.作主语:往往放在谓语动词之后,用it作形式主语,为了避免句子头重脚轻Oe.g.:To see is to believe.It is right to give up smoking.____ with him is a great pleasure. 本题考察动词不定式做主语的情况,动词 不定式做主语,谓语动词用单数形式,其 他三项都不能用来做主语.本句的意思是:跟他聊天是件很快乐的事. “ JTo talk C.TalkedB. Talk ; D. To talking2•作宾语:作宾语时如果还带有宾语补足语,往往把不定式放在补足语之后,而用it作形式宾语。
e.g.:He wanted to go.I find it interesting to study English・I didift manage _________ it until you had explained how.- manage to do B・managed to doC・manage to have dong 11111 D・manage doing本句的意思是:直到你解释了如何去做我才能做到成功。
manage后面用to do形式作宾语。
3・做宾语补足语碍:He asked me to do the work with him.在feel,hear, listen to, look at, notice, observe, see, watch, have, let, make等Array词后的补足语中,不定式不带to。
The government calls on us ________ our production.本句意思是:政府号召我们增加生产。
本 题考察动词不定式做宾语补足语,通常用 语及物动词和一些动词短语之后。
Module 6 Old and NewSection ⅢGrammarⅠ.用关系词(who,whom,whose,that,which,where,as)填空1.Today some people live in special areas________they can continue their traditional way of life.答案:where2.They talked for about an hour of things and persons________they knew in the village.答案:that3.We’ ll go to see the famous singer about________we have often talked.答案:whom4.In the basket there are many apples,some of________have gone bad.答案:which5.Martin Luther King,Jr,________won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964,was an important political leader in the USA.答案:who6.It is said that the country will build a national park,________is similar to America’s Yellowstone National Park.答案:which7.The nurse has worked for half a year in the hospital,________she spent her 25th birthday.答案:where8.It rained hard yesterday,________prevented me from going to the park.答案:which9.The Internet today can draw public attention to situations________help is actually needed.答案:where10.________is often the case,Tom didn’t st udy hard and failed to pass his math test.答案:AsⅡ.句型转换1.The boy who is in blue is my brother.→The boy________ ________is my brother.答案:in blue2.There are many students who are playing basketball on the playground.→There are many students________ ba sketball on the playground.答案:playing3.He is the man who was referred to at yesterday’s meeting.→He is the man________ ________at yesterday’s meeting.答案:referred to4.The house that faces south is Mr Wang’s.→The house________south is Mr Wang’s.答案:facing5.This is the best thing that we can do in memory of our beloved teacher.→This is the best thing________ ________in memory of our beloved teacher.答案:to doⅢ.用非限制性定语从句完成下面短文Mr Wang is our English teacher,1.__________________________(他三十岁了).His teaching method is different from that of my former English teacher,2.________________________(这使得他很受欢迎).He is good at telling stories,3.__________________(他的故事很有趣).In class he always encourages us to speak and write more English,4.______________________(在他的帮助下,我们的英语越来越好).In addition,he has many hobbies,5.________________________(在这些爱好中,他最喜欢打篮球).After class, he often asks several students to play basketball with him.This is Mr Wang,our respected teacher.答案: 1.who is thirty years old 2.which makes him popular3.whose stories are very interesting 4.with whose help our English is becoming better and better 5.among which he likes playing basketball best Ⅳ.阅读理解ATechnology is changing our lives.Our present aerospace (航空航天) companies are gradually disappearing as private space companies are being born every day.I’m going to discuss three spacebased businesses that are sure to influence us all soon.First we have to get to make space travel cheaply and safely.Engine design is the main challenge.To make money in space,the cost of space travel will have to diminish.This problem will be the most difficult to solve.Liquid fueled rockets arethe only way to get out of Earth’s orbit (轨道) at present.Finding new ways to power the flight to space is also another big challenge.Finding the key to cheap space travel might be the biggest story of our times.There are a lot of great minds working on this problem.And companies are pouring money into research and development.In the next few years we will see the first suborbital to urist.And not long after that we should really start to see new and exciting things as competition heats up.Spacecraft (宇宙飞船) design and production will naturally follow rocket technology.All sorts of crafts will be needed for the wide uses they will be tasked with.Several companies in the United States have already made small,lowcost test vehicles.Resources in space will provide great benefits to those who can afford the cost of setting up such a huge operation.Can you imagine finding a huge asteroid (小行星) of pure gold? The benefit to mankind is limitless.Mining on other planets,like Mars,will add CO2 into its very thin atmosphere.Over time this can lead to the formation of an atmosphere similar to Earth’s.Space is going to offer us untold opportunity and wealth.But this is only going to occur if wealthy investors step forward and fund the first steps forward.It is certain that technology will take us to worlds we could have never imagined.语篇解读本文主要讨论未来三种与太空有关的经济形式。
英语ⅲ外研版 module6oldandnewgrammar 教学设计 1AttributiveclauseTeachingAimsandDemandsGetthestudentstoknowtherelativepron“ as ”Learnthedifferencebetween“ as ” and “ which ”Revisewhatwehavelearnedinthelastsixlessons. TheimportantpointsThefunctionsof “ as ” usedintheattributiveclause,andthelanguagesituationsaboutit. Thedifferencebetweenasandwhich ThedifficultpointsThedifferencebetweenasandwhich,especiallywhentheyleadtheun-restrictiveattributi veclause.TeachingMethodsCommunicationwayofteaching,discussionandgroupwork.关系代 as 1〕关系代 2〕先行 被的用法as, 在从句中作主 、 和表 。
such 、 asso 和 thesame修 ,如句型asmany 〔 much 〕 as,或许自己确 是suchthesame,从句都用as 引 。
Suchbooksasyouboughtareuseful.Theschoolisjustthesameasitwas10yearsago Ireadasmanypagesasarerequired. 比 以下句子当先行 受 thesame 修 , 或也用 that 引 定 从句, 但与 as 引 的定 从句意思有区 。
ThisisthesamepenasIlost. ThisisthesamepenthatIlost.Thisissuchaninterestingbook_as___wealllike. Thisissuchaninterestingbook_that__wealllikeit. as 与 which 引 的定 从句1) 在非限制定 从句中, which的先行 能 是名 ,as 不行Themeeting,whichwasheldintheparkwasasuccess. 2〕关系代as 和 which 都能引 非限制性定 从句代表整个句子内容,句可位于句首或句末;which 引 的定 从句却不可以位于句首。
Module 6 Old and NewPeriod Three Listening, everyday English, function & writing (1)三维目标A.Knowledge and skills1)Make students understand how to write an email.2)Know Everyday English and how to use them.B.Process and methods1)Make students write a passage to train their writing ability.2)Make students know more about the strong adjectives.C. Emotion, attitude and valuesThrough the study of this period students will know how to write an email to a friend about a visit to a place. As English learners, they can build their sense of English speaking.(2)教学重点1. Write an email to a friend about a visit to a place.2. Use Everyday English in communication.(3)教学难点1. Encourage students to write a passage.2. Help students to master the writing skills.3. Make sure students use Everyday English correctly.(4)教学建议1. Explanation and practice.2. Individual or pair work.新课导入设计Sample 1→ Step 1: WritingRead the email and answer the questions.1 Does the writer of the email live in Zigui County?2 Why did she want to visit the region?3 What had changed since the last time she was there?Suggested answers:1 No, she doesn’t.2 Because it is where her grandparents had lived.3 The area has been flooded because of the Three Gorges Dam.→ Step 2: Write an email假设你是一位已阔别家乡40余年的回国探亲的侨胞。
Module 6 Old and New1. 限制性定语从句对所修饰的词加以限制,表示"……的人(或东西)",限制性定语从句描述的是主句不可缺少的一部分;非限制性定语从句对所修饰的词没有限制词义的作用,而只是补充说明,通常都有一个逗号把它和句子的其他部分分开,在译成中文时,这个从句常译成一个并列句。
如:He is the man (who / that / whom) you’ve been expecting to meet.他就是你一直想见的那个人。
This is Mr Smi th, whom / who you’ve been expecting to meet.这位是史密斯先生,你一直想见的那个人。
2. 在限制性定语从句中,that有时可代替who / whom / which,作宾语时可省略;在非限制性定语从句中,不能用that引导,关系代词作宾语时也不能省略。
如:The person (that / whom) I just referred to is Tom.There are 30 chairs in the hall, most of which are new.3. 当先行词是专有名词或由物主代词/指示代词修饰时,其后的定语从句通常是非限制性的。
如:Charles Smith, who was my former teacher, retired last year.My house, which I bought last year, has got a lovely garden.This novel, which I have read three times, is very touching.4. 非限制性定语从句还能将整个主句作为先行词, 对其进行修饰, 这时从句中的谓语动词要用第三人称单数。
如:My son failed again in the exam, which made me very angry.注意:1. 关系代词that和关系副词why不能引导非限制性定语从句。
Module 6 Old and New Section Ⅲ Grammar 非限制性定语从句和定语从句的缩略语法图解探究发现①She heard a terrible noise, which brought her heart into mouth.②The weather turned out to be very good, which was more than we could expect.③A person with his head in the clouds is a dreamer, whose mind is not in the real world.④Qingdao is a beautiful city, where I’ll pay a sixday visit.⑤They have a son and two daughters, all of whom live in the city.⑥He lived in London for two months,during which time he picked up some English.⑦David, as you know, is an amateur photographer.⑧He spoke to the girl (who was) from Paris.⑨We said goodbye to Mr. Green, (who was) still busy at his office.[我的发现](1)①~⑦句中,关系词前面均有逗号,它们为非限制性定语从句。
2.关系代词引导的非限制性定语从句关系代词有as, which, who, whom, whose等,作定语从句的主语、宾语、表语或定语。
当先行词指人时,通常使用who, whom, whose来引导;当先行词指物时,通常使用which 来引导。
A fiveyearold boy can speak two f oreign languages, which surprises all the people present.一个五岁男孩会讲两门外语,这令在场的所有人感到惊讶。
Bob’s father, who worked on the project, spent four years in Egypt.鲍勃的父亲从事这项工程,在埃及度过了四年。
As can be seen from his face, he is quite pleased.从他的脸上可以看出来,他非常高兴。
[名师点津] 由as, which引导的非限制性定语从句,as和which可指代整个主句或主句所表达的整个意思,相当于and this或and that,且在定语从句中都可以作主语和宾语。
(2)as后常接expect, know, report, say, see等动词的主、被动语态句,有“正如,就像”之意;which常翻译为“这一点”。
[即时演练1](1)用适当的关系代词填空①Have you seen the film Warcraft(《魔兽》), whose leading actor is world famous?②My friend, who has served on the International Olympic Committee all his life, is retiring next month.③As we all know, China is a developing country.④My uncle gave me a book, the cover of which is very beautiful.⑤Peter, whom you met in London, is now back in Paris.(2)完成句子①The boy, whose_father_is_an_engineer,_studies very hard.那个小男孩学习很努力,他的父亲是位工程师。
②These apple trees, which_I_planted_three_years_ago,_have not borne any fruit.这些苹果树是我三年前栽的,还没有结过果实。
3.关系副词引导的非限制性定语从句当先行词指时间或地点时,用when, where引导非限制性定语从句,在定语从句中作状语。
why不引导非限制性定语从句,但可用for which代替。
We will put off the outing until next week, when we won’t be so busy.我们将把郊游推迟到下个星期,那时我们就不会那么忙了。
Many children go to a day care centre, where they can learn games.很多孩子上日间托儿所,在那儿他们可以学习游戏。
[即时演练2](1)用适当的关系代词和关系副词填空①They went to London, where they lived for six months.②He will put off the picnic until May 1st, when he will stay with his family.③We’ll graduate in July, when we will be free.④They reached the hotel y esterday, where a negotiation of sale will be held.(2)完成句子(浙江高考改编)I didn’t become a serious climber until the fifth grade, when_I_went_up to rescue a kite that was stuck in the branches of a tree.五年级时,我爬上一棵树去取卡在树枝上的风筝,直到那时我才成为一名真正的登山爱好者。
4.“名词/代词+介词+关系代词”结构此类结构常见的有some/several/a few/a little/many/more/most/the largest ...of which/whom等形式。
Here are the questions, some of which I thought are difficult for you.问题都在这儿,其中一些我认为对你来说太难了。
[即时演练3](1)选词填空:which, whom①(重庆高考改编)John invited about 40 people to his wedding, most of whom are family members.②(天津高考改编)English is a language shared by several diverse cultures, each of which uses it differently.(2)完成句子①(2016·江苏高考改编)Many young people, most_of_whom welleducated, headed for remote regions to chase their dreams.很多年轻人都去了偏远地区追求自己的梦想,他们中大部分都受过良好地的教育。
②It now has 20,000 hectares of land, more than twothirds_of_which are under cultivation.现在它拥有两万公顷土地,其中超过三分之二的土地已经耕种。
③The textile mill has over 8,000 workers and staff, eighty_percent_of_whom are women.这家纺织厂有8千多职工,女职工占百分之八十。
1.缩略为分词短语有些定语从句可直接略去作主语的关系代词(who, which, that)和部分谓语(am, is, are等),从而使之缩略为现在分词短语或过去分词短语作后置定语。
The people who live in the village have moved to other areas.→The people living in the village have moved to other areas.住在这个村子里的人们已经搬到其他地方了。
They are problems which have been left over by history.→They are problems left over by history.这些是历史遗留下来的问题。
[名师点津] 有些定语从句不能按上述方法直接缩略,而需变动词为分词。
The man who owns that car will be fined for illegal parking.→The man owning that car will be fined for illegal parking.那辆汽车的主人将因违章停车而被处以罚款。
He saw a magazine on the table that/which was next to him.→He saw a magazine on the table next to him.在他旁边的桌子上,他看到了一本杂志。
My uncle lives in a village that/which is remote from the madding crowd.→My uncle lives in a village remote from the madding crowd.我叔叔住在一个远离喧嚣尘世的村庄里。