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1. 022Cr23Ni5Mo3N不锈钢的特点022Cr23Ni5Mo3N是一种高合金的不锈钢材料,其主要化学成分包括铬(Cr)、镍(Ni)、钼(Mo)和氮(N)。
2. 022Cr23Ni5Mo3N不锈钢的应用由于022Cr23Ni5Mo3N不锈钢具有优异的耐腐蚀性和机械性能,因此在化工设备、海洋工程、航空航天以及核能领域得到广泛应用。
3. 022Cr23Ni5Mo3N不锈钢的发展前景随着工业领域的不断发展,对材料性能的要求也在不断提高。
IEC 60950/EN60950(2000版)测试简介机构部分测试(PHYSICAL TESTS)1*、固定力测试(STEADY FORCE TEST)(CLAUSE ,,)General(一般要求)外壳应具有足的机械强度。
Steady force test , 10N(固定力测试,10牛顿)Components and parts, other than parts serving as an ENCLOSURE (see andsubjected to a steady force of 10N+/-1N。
Steady force test , 30N(固定力测试,30牛顿)Parts of an ENCLOSURE located in an OPERATOR ACCESS AREA, which are protected by acover or door meeting the requirements of are subjected to a steady of 30N+/-3N for aperiod of 5s,applied by means of a straight unjointed version of the test finger,of figure 2A(see to the part on or within the equipment.安装在操作人员接触区内的并由满足要求的罩或门来保护的外壳零部件应承受30N+/-3N的恒定作用力持续5s。
Steady force test , 250N(固定力测试,250牛顿)外部防护罩应承受250N+/-10N的恒定力持续5s,该作用力通过能在直径300mm圆形平面上进行接触的适用的实验工具,施加到固定在设备上的防护外壳上。
眼及皮肤接触可引起化学性灼伤1.物质的理化常数:国标编号 32168CAS号 121-44-8中文名称三乙胺英文名称 triethylamine;N,N-二乙基乙胺别名 N,N-二乙基乙胺分子式 C6H15N;(CH3CH2)3N 外观与性状无色油状液体,有强烈氨臭分子量 101.19 蒸汽压 8.80kPa/20℃闪点:<0℃熔点 -114.8℃沸点:89.5℃溶解性微溶于水,溶于乙醇、乙醚等多数有机溶剂密度相对密度(水=1)0.70;相对密度(空气=1)3.48 稳定性稳定危险标记 7(易燃液体) 主要用途用作溶剂、阴聚剂、防腐剂,及合成染料等2.对环境的影响:一、健康危害侵入途径:吸入、食入、经皮吸收。
3.现场应急监测方法:气体检测管法4.实验室监测方法:溴酚蓝分光光度法(GB/T14377-93,水质)气相色谱法(大气)《现代环境监测方法》张晓林等主编5.环境标准:前苏联车间空气中有害物质的最高容许浓度 10mg/m3前苏联(1977) 居民区大气中有害物最大允许浓度 0.14mg/m3(最大值,昼夜均值)中国(待颁布) 饮用水源中有害物质的最高容许浓度 3.0mg/L前苏联(1975) 水体中有害物质最高允许浓度 2.0mg/L前苏联污水中有害物质最高允许浓度 10mg/L空气中嗅觉阈浓度 0.28ppm6.应急处理处置方法:一、泄漏应急处理迅速撤离泄漏污染区人员至安全区,并进行隔离,严格限制出入。
IEC 60950/EN60950(2000版)测试简介机构部分测试(PHYSICAL TESTS)1*、固定力测试(STEADY FORCE TEST)(CLAUSE 4.2.1, 4.2.2,4.2.3,4.2.4)4.2.1 General(一般要求)外壳应具有足的机械强度。
4.2.2 Steady force test , 10N(固定力测试,10牛顿)Components and parts, other than parts serving as an ENCLOSURE (see 4.2.3 and 4.2.4),aresubjected to a steady force of 10N+/-1N。
4.2.3 Steady force test , 30N(固定力测试,30牛顿)Parts of an ENCLOSURE located in an OPERATOR ACCESS AREA, which are protected by acover or door meeting the requirements of 4.2.4, are subjected to a steady of 30N+/-3N for aperiod of 5s,applied by means of a straight unjointed version of the test finger, of figure 2A(see2.1.1.1), to the part on or within the equipment.安装在操作人员接触区内的并由满足4.2.4要求的罩或门来保护的外壳零部件应承受30N+/-3N的恒定作用力持续5s。
1 a. 私人的; n. 士兵2 n. 会话,谈话3 n. 剧场,戏院4 n. 位子,席次,所在地; v. 坐5 n. 游戏,游玩,剧本,比赛; v. 玩,进行比赛,演奏,播放6 ad.大声地7 a. 生气的8 ad. 气愤地9 n. 注意,(口令)立正!10 n. 熊; v. 忍受,负荷; v. 结果实,生子女11 n. 商业,生意,事务12 adv. 无礼地; 粗暴地13 ad. 在外面; n.&a. 外部; prep. 在...外; pron. 在...外边14 n. 环,戒指,铃声; v. 响,鸣,回响15 n. 伯母,姑,婶,姨16 n. 重复,反复; v. 重复,复述,复诵17 n. 明信片18 n. 战利品,奖品; v. 宠坏,溺爱,破坏,腐坏19 n. 博物馆20 a. 公共的,公众的; n. 公众,民众21 a. 友好的22 n. 侍者,服务员23 v. 借,贷款,增添24 n. 决定,决心25 a. 整个的; n. 全部26 a. 单身的,单纯的,单一的27 v. 收到,接受,迎接28 a. 坚定的,坚固的,结实的; ad. 稳固地,坚定地; n. 商行,公司; v. (使)变得坚实29 a. 不同的30 n. 中心; v. 置于中央31 a. 在国外,海外(一般作表语); ad. 到国外,在国外32 n. 消息,信息33 a. 结束的; ad. 结束; prep. 在...的上方; v. 越过34 n. 距离35 n. 要求,请求; vt. 请求,要求36 n. 剩余,备用零件,备用轮胎; a. 多余的,备用的,简陋的; v.节约37 n. 服务,公务部门,服役; vt. 维护,保养38 n. 食物39 n. 口袋,钱,袋; v. 装...在口袋里,隐藏,私吞40 n. 呼叫,访问,打电话; v. 呼叫,访问,打电话; n.[计算机] DOS命令 : 从当前运行的批文件中引用第二个批文件,然后返回到原来的批文件41 n. 机场42 v. 预期,盼望,期待43 a. 贵重的,有价值的; n. (pl.)贵重物品44 n. 包裹; v. 打包,捆扎; vt. 打包45 n. 钻石46 v. 偷47 a. 主要的; n. 主要部分,干线48 n. 飞机场49 n. 守卫者,警戒; v. 保卫,看守,当心50 a. 宝贵的,珍贵的51 a. 石制的; n. 石头; vt. 向...扔石头52 n. 砂,沙滩; v. 撒沙,以沙掩盖53 a. 整洁的,巧妙的,端正的54 n. 路线,轨道,路程,小路,小径55 a. 木制的56 n. 池,水塘,撞球57 n. 群众,一伙; v. 拥挤,挤满,挤进; 一堆,许多58 n. 集合,聚集; v. 聚集,集合,渐增; vt. 使聚集,推断59 n. 手,掌握,协助; v. 支持,交给60 n. 呼喊,突发的大笑; v. 呼喊,高声谈笑,玩乐61 n. 废物,垃圾; vi. 不愿,拒绝; vt. 拒绝62 n. 笑,笑声; v. 笑63 a. 音乐的; n. 音乐片64 n. 乐器,工具,仪器,器械65 n. 翼琴(钢琴的前身)66 ad. 最近67 n. (pl.)赔偿金,损坏,毁坏; v. 损害,毁坏68 a. 主要的,关键的; n. 钥匙; vt. 键入69 n. 线,一串,字串; v. 串起,成串,收紧70 n. 震动,冲突,震惊; v. 震动,冲突,使...受电击71 v. 允许,准许; vi. (for)考虑到; vt. 允许72 n. 触觉,接触,少许; v. 接触,触及,感动73 vi. 应该得到; vt. 应受,值得74 n. 律师75 n. 银行,堤,岸76 n. 薪水; vt. 给...薪水77 ad. 立即; conj. 一...(就)78 n. 船长; v. 率领,指挥79 航行80 n. 海港; vt 停泊81 a. 骄傲的,自豪的82 a. 重要的83 流行歌手84 n. 俱乐部; v. 用棍棒打85 n. 表演,表现; n. 性能86 n. 场合,机会,理由; v. 致使,惹起,引起87 n. 经历,经验; v. 经历,体验88 n. 波,波浪,波动; v. 波动,挥动,起伏89 n. 举起,帮助,昂扬; n. 电梯; v. 升高,举起,消散90 v.&n. 回答,答复91 n. 语言92 n. 旅程,旅行,行程; v. 旅行93 a. 紧张的94 v. 提供,供应得起,给予95 a. 不充分的,淡薄的,弱的,虚弱的,无力的96 n. 中断; v. 打断,妨碍,插嘴; [计算机] 中断97 a. 交通的; n. 交通; vi. 交易,买卖98 n. 票,券99 n. 笔记,注解,备忘录; v. 记录,注解,注意; n. 票据,便条,纸币100 n. 地区,区域,面积,方面101 n. 符号,正负号,手势,迹象,招牌; v. 签,做手势,做标记102 n. 提醒的人,催函103 v. 失败,不及格,辜负,缺少104 v. 服从,听从105 n. 阶段,舞台,驿站; v. 上演,表演,乘驿车旅行106 a. 明亮的,阳光的; ad. 亮107 n. 长袜108 n. 短袜; v. 重击,痛打109 n. 地主,房东110 比尔(男名); n. 帐单,钞票,票据,清单,议案,法案,广告,鸟嘴,喙; vt.开帐单,用海报宣传,把...列成表111 售票处112 n. 遗憾,同情,可惜; v. 同情,怜悯113 v. 大叫,呼喊,大声叫114 n. 返回,归还,报答; v. 返回,归还,回来115 ad. 悲痛地,悲惨地,悲伤地116 n. 渔夫117 n. 靴子,[英]汽车行李箱; vt. 踢118 浪费; 废料、垃圾。
IEC 60950/EN60950(2000版)测试简介机构部分测试(PHYSICAL TESTS)1*、固定力测试(STEADY FORCE TEST)(CLAUSE 4。
1, 4.2。
4)4.2.1 General(一般要求)外壳应具有足的机械强度。
2.2 Steady force test , 10N(固定力测试,10牛顿)Components and parts, other than parts serving as an ENCLOSURE (see 4。
3 and 4.2。
4),aresubjected to a steady force of 10N+/-1N.元器件在承受10N的外加力时,不能影响到安全。
2.3 Steady force test , 30N(固定力测试,30牛顿)Parts of an ENCLOSURE located in an OPERATOR ACCESS AREA, which are protected by acover or door meeting the requirements of 4.2。
Large Can Aluminum Electrolytic CapacitorsFEATURES• LONG LIFE (105°C, 2000 HOURS)• LOW PROFILE AND HIGH DENSITY DESIGN OPTIONS • EXPANDED CV VALUE RANGE• HIGH RIPPLE CURRENT• CAN-TOP SAFETY VENT • DESIGNED AS INPUT FILTER OF SMPS• STANDARD 10mm (.400") SNAP-IN SPACING NRLMW SeriesSPECIFICATIONSNotice for MountingThe space from the top of the can shall be more than (3mm) from chassis or other construction materials so that safety vent has room to expand in case of emer g en c y.Sleeve Color: Dark BlueCan Top Safety VentInsulation Sleeve and Minus Polarity Marking(4.0mm Leads Available As Option)D+1Max.L ± 26.3 ± 10.810(-)(+)MAXIMUM EX P AN S IONFOR SAFETY VENT Approx. 3.0mmRecommended PC Board Mounting Holes:10 ± .1∅= 2 ± 0.1D ∅ ± 0.5ChassisPC BoardPRECAUTIONSPlease review the notes on correct use, safety and precautions found on pages T10 & T11of NIC’s Electrolytic Capacitor catalog . Operating Temperature Range-40 ~ +105°C -25 ~ +105°C Rated Voltage Range 10 ~ 250Vdc 450Vdc Rated Capacitance Range 180 ~ 68,000µF 56 ~ 470µF Capacitance Tolerance ±20% (M) at 120Hz, +20°CMax. Leakage Current (µA)After 5 minutes (20°C)3 x C(µF)VMax. Tan δat 120Hz/20°CW.V. (Vdc)10162535506380100 ~ 400450Tan δ max.0.550.450.350.300. VoltageW.V. (Vdc)10162535506380100160S.V. (Vdc)132032446379100125200W.V. (Vdc)180200250400450----S.V. (Vdc)220250300450500----Ripple Current Correction Factors Frequency (Hz)50601001205001K 10K ~ 50K --Multiplier at 85°C16 ~ 100Vdc0.930.950.99 1.0 1.05 1.08 1.15--160 ~ 450Vdc0.750.800.95 1.0 1.20 1.25 1.40-Low Temperature Stability (10 to 250Vdc)Temperature (°C)0-25-40------Capacitance Change -5%-10-30%------Impedance Ratio 1.539------Load Life Test 2,000 hours at +105°C Capacitance ChangeWithin ±20% of initial measured valueTan δLess than 200% of specifi ed maximum valueLeakage Current Less than specifi ed maximum value Shelf Life Test 1,000 hours at +105°C(no load)Capacitance ChangeWithin ±20% of initial measured value Tan δLess than 200% of specifi ed maximum valueLeakage Current Less than specifi ed maximum value Surge Voltage TestPer JIS-C-5141 (table #6, #4)Surge voltage applied: 30 seconds "On" and 5.5 minutes no voltage "Off"Capacitance ChangeWithin ±20% of initial measured value Tan δLess than 200% of specifi ed maximum valueLeakage Current Less than specifi ed maximum value Soldering EffectRefer toMIL-STD-202F Method 210ACapacitance ChangeWithin ±10% of initial measured valueTan δLess than specifi ed maximum value Leakage CurrentLess than specifi ed maximum valueRoHSCompliantincludes all homogeneous materials *See Part Number System for DetailsLarge Can Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors NRLMW SeriesLarge Can Aluminum Electrolytic CapacitorsNRLMW SeriesNRLMW 471 M 250V 30X35 FRoHS compliant Case Size (mm) Voltage Rating Tolerance Code Capacitance Code SeriesPART NUMBER SYSTEM。
Convected©2009Hatco CorporationUse of replacement parts other than those supplied by Hatco Corporation may result in damage to the unit or 141524Hour 7Day Parts and ServiceAssistance available in the United States and Canada by calling (800)558-0607.NOTE:The last four digits in a ten digit numerical serial number are the manufacturing date code.Example:Serial number 9625060751has a date code of “0751”which indicates the following:Week Fifty-One 0751Year 2007The shaded areas contain information for international models only.Printed in U.S.A.November 2009Form No.CDWRP-1109HATCO CORPORATIONP .O.Box 340500Milwaukee,WI 53234-0500U.S.A.(800)558-0607(414)671-6350Parts and Service Fax (800)690-2966International Fax (414)671-3976*****************************HATCO AUTHORIZED PARTS DISTRIBUTORSALABAMAJones McLeod Appl.Svc.Birmingham 205-251-0159ARIZONAService Solutions GroupPhoenix602-234-2443Byassee Equipment Co.Phoenix 602-252-0402CALIFORNIA Industrial ElectricCommercial Parts &Service,Inc.Huntington Beach 714-379-7100Chapman Appl.ServiceSan Diego619-298-7106P &D ApplianceCommercial Parts &Service,Inc.S.San Francisco 650-635-1900COLORADOHawkins Commercial Appliance Englewood 303-781-5548FLORIDAWhaley Foodservice RepairJacksonville904-725-7800Nass Service Co.,Inc.Orlando 407-425-2681B.G.S.I.Pompano Beach954-971-0456Comm.Appliance ServiceTampa 813-663-0313GEORGIATWC Services Smyrna770-438-9797Heritage Service Group Norcross 866-388-9837Southeastern Rest.Svc.Norcross 770-446-6177HAWAIIBurney’s Comm.Service,Inc.Honolulu 808-848-1466Food Equip Parts &Service Honolulu 808-847-4871ILLINOIS Parts Town Lombard708-865-7278Eichenauer Elec.Service Decatur 217-429-4229Midwest Elec.Appl.Service Elmhurst 630-279-8000Cone’s Repair Service Moline 309-797-5323INDIANA GCS Service Indianapolis317-545-9655IOWAElectric Motor Service Co.Davenport319-323-1823Goodwin Tucker GroupDes Moines515-262-9308KENTUCKYService Solutions Group Lexington 859-254-8854Service Solutions Group Louisville 502-451-5411LOUISIANAChandlers Parts &Service Baton Rouge 225-272-6620MARYLANDElectric Motor Service Baltimore 410-467-8080GCS Service Silver Spring301-585-7550MASSACHUSETTS Ace Service Co.,Inc.Needham 781-449-4220MICHIGANBildons Appliance Service Detroit 248-478-3320Commercial Kitchen Service Bay City 517-893-4561Midwest Food Equip.Service Grandville 616-261-2000MINNESOTA GCS Service Plymouth 800-345-4221MISSOURI General Parts Kansas City816-421-5400Commercial Kitchen Services St.Louis 314-890-0700Kaemmerlen Parts &Service St.Louis 314-535-2222NEBRASKAAnderson Electric Omaha402-341-1414NEVADABurney’s Commercial Las Vegas702-736-0006Hi.Tech Commercial Service s Vegas 702-649-4616NEW JERSEY Jay Hill Repair Fairfield 973-575-9145Service Plus Flanders973-691-6300NEW YORKAcme American Repairs,Inc.Brooklyn 718-456-6544Alpro Service Co.Brooklyn718-386-2515Appliance Installation Buffalo716-884-7425Duffy’s Equipment Services,Inc.Buffalo 800-836-10143Wire Northern Plattsburgh800-634-5005Duffy’s Equipment Services,Inc.Sauquoit 800-836-1014J.B.Brady,Inc.Syracuse315-422-9271NORTH CAROLINA Authorized Appliance Charlotte704-377-4501OHIOAkron/Canton Comm.Svc.Inc.Akron 330-753-6635Service Solutions Group Cincinnati 513-772-6600Commercial Parts and Service Columbus 614-221-0057Electrical Appl.Repair ServiceIndependence 216-459-8700E.A.Wichman Co.Toledo419-385-9121OKLAHOMAHagar Rest.Service,Inc.Oklahoma City 405-235-2184Krueger,Inc.Oklahoma City 405-528-8883OREGONRon’s Service,Inc.Portland503-624-0890PENNSYLVANIAElmer Schultz Services Philadelphia 215-627-5401FAST Comm.Appl.Service Philadelphia 215-288-4800Appliance Installation &Service Pittsburgh 412-809-0244K &D Service Co.Harrisburg 717-236-9039Electric Repair Co.Reading610-376-5444RHODE ISLAND Marshall Electric Co.Providence401-331-1163SOUTH CAROLINAWhaley Foodservice Repair W.Columbia 803-791-4420TENNESSEE Camp Electric Memphis901-527-7543TEXASGCS Service Fort Worth800-433-1804Armstrong Repair ServiceHouston713-666-7100Cooking Equipment SpecialistMesquite 888-866-9276Refrigerated Specialist,Inc.Mesquite 888-866-9276Commercial Kitchen Repair Co.San Antonio 210-735-2811UTAHLa Monica’s Rest.Equip.Service Murray 801-263-3221VIRGINIA Daubers Norfolk 757-855-4097Daubers Springfield703-866-3600WASHINGTON3Wire Restaurant Appliance Seattle 866-770-2022WISCONSIN A.S.C.,Inc.Madison 608-246-3160A.S.C.,waukee414-543-6460CANADAALBERTAKey Food Equipment Service Edmonton 780-438-1690BRITISH COLUMBIAKey Food Equipment Service Vancouver 604-433-4484Key Food Equipment Service Victoria 250-920-4888MANITOBA Air Rite,Inc.Winnipeg204-895-2300NEW BRUNSWICK EMR Services,Ltd.Moncton506-855-4228ONTARIOR.G.Henderson Ltd.Toronto416-422-5580Choquette -CKS,Inc.Ottawa 613-739-8458QUÉBECChoquette -CKS,Inc.Montreal 514-722-2000Choquette -CKS,Inc.Québec City 418-681-3944UNITED KINGDOMMarren Group Northants+44(0)1933666233。
Document Number: 91000Revision: 18-Jul-081DisclaimerLegal Disclaimer NoticeVishayAll product specifications and data are subject to change without notice.Vishay Intertechnology, Inc., its affiliates, agents, and employees, and all persons acting on its or their behalf (collectively, “Vishay”), disclaim any and all liability for any errors, inaccuracies or incompleteness contained herein or in any other disclosure relating to any product.Vishay disclaims any and all liability arising out of the use or application of any product described herein or of any information provided herein to the maximum extent permitted by law. The product specifications do not expand or otherwise modify Vishay’s terms and conditions of purchase, including but not limited to the warranty expressed therein, which apply to these products.No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document or by any conduct of Vishay.The products shown herein are not designed for use in medical, life-saving, or life-sustaining applications unless otherwise expressly indicated. Customers using or selling Vishay products not expressly indicated for use in such applications do so entirely at their own risk and agree to fully indemnify Vishay for any damages arising or resulting from such use or sale. Please contact authorized Vishay personnel to obtain written terms and conditions regarding products designed for such applications.Product names and markings noted herein may be trademarks of their respective owners.元器件交易网。
KBP005M thru KBP10M, 3N246 thru 3N252
Document Number 8853103-Dec-04
Vishay Semiconductors
Glass Passivated Single-Phase Bridge Rectifier
Major Ratings and Characteristics
I F(AV) 1.5 A V RRM 50 V to 1000 V
I FSM 50 A I R 5 µA V F 1.0 V T j max.
150 °C
•UL Recognition file number E54214 •Ideal for printed circuit board •High surge current capability •High case dielectric strength
Meets MSL level 1, per J-STD-020C
Typical Applications
General purpose use in ac-to-dc bridge full wave rec-tification for Switching Power Supply, Home Appli-ances, Office Equipment, and Telecommunication applications
Mechanical Data
Case: KBPM
Epoxy meets UL-94V-0 Flammability rating
Terminals: Silver plated (E4 Suffix) leads, solderable per J-STD-002B and MIL-STD-750, Method 2026Polarity: As marked on body
Maximum Ratings
Ratings at 25 °C ambient temperature unless otherwise specified.
KBP 005M KBP 01M KBP 02M KBP 04M KBP 06M KBP 08M KBP 10M Unit
* Maximum repetitive peak reverse voltage V RRM 50 100 200 400 600 800
1000 V * Maximum RMS voltage V RMS 35 70 140 280 420 560 700 V * Maximum DC blocking voltage
V DC 50 100 200 400 600 800 1000 V
Max. average forward output rectified current at T A = 40 °C
I F(AV) 1.5 A * Peak forward surge current single half sine-wave superimposed on rated load I FSM 50 30 A
Rating for fusing (t < 8.3 ms)
I 2t 10 A 2sec * Operating junction and storage temperature range
- 55 to + 150
Document Number 88531
KBP005M thru KBP10M, 3N246 thru 3N252
Vishay Semiconductors
Electrical Characteristics
Ratings at 25 °C ambient temperature unless otherwise specified.
Thermal Characteristics
Ratings at 25 °C ambient temperature unless otherwise specified.
(1) Thermal resistance from junction to ambient and from junction to lead mounted on P.C.B. with, 0.47 x 0.47" (12 x12 mm) copper pads. * JEDEC registered values
Ratings and Characteristics Curves
(T A = 25 °C unless otherwise noted)
T est condition
KBP 005M KBP 01M KBP 02M KBP 04M KBP 06M KBP 08M KBP 10M Unit
* Maximum instantaneous forward voltage drop per leg
at 1.0 A at 1.57 A
V F 1.0
1.3V * Maximum DC reverse
current at rated DC blocking voltage per leg
T A = 25 °C T A = 125 °C I R 5.0
500µA Typical junction capacitance per leg
at 4.0 V , 1 MHz C J
KBP 005M KBP 01M KBP 02M KBP 04M KBP 06M KBP 08M KBP 10M Unit
3N249 3N250
Typical thermal resistance per leg (1) R θJA R θJL
40 13
°C/W Figure 1. Derating Curve Output Rectified Current
Figure 2. Maximum Non-Repetitive Peak Forward Surge Current
Per Leg
KBP005M thru KBP10M, 3N246 thru 3N252
Document Number 8853103-Dec-04
Vishay Semiconductors
Package outline dimensions in inches (millimeters)
Figure 4. Typical Reverse Leakage Characteristics Per Leg。