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演奏相关的操作校音:打开校音非常简单,两个换音色的踏板(BYPASS/TUNER),一起踏下,就打开了校音模式,把吉它音量扭打开,即可方便的校音了,这里注一下,校音使用常识,吉它琴弦的英文字母,从一弦到六弦,依次为E B G D A E,使用的时候,只要把这些弦,调成相应的英文字母,吉它的音高自然就被订准了。
EURORACKUB2442-PROUltra-Low Noise Design 24-Input 4-Bus Mic/Line Mixer with Premium Mic Preamplifiers and Multi-FX ProcessorUB2222-PRO/UB1622-PROUltra-Low Noise Design 22/16-Input 2/2-Bus Mic/Line Mixer with Premium Mic Preamplifiers and Multi-FX ProcessorUB1832-PROUltra-Low Noise Design 18-Input 3/2-Bus Mic/Line Mixer with Premium Mic Preamplifiers and Multi-FX Processor2EURORACK UB2442FX-PRO/UB2222FX-PRO/UB1832FX-PRO/UB1622FX-PRO 使用说明书目录序言 (2)重要的安全须知 (3)法律声明 (3)保修条款 (3)1...引论 (5)1.1 调音台的一般功能 (5)1.2 使用手册 (6)1.3 在您开始以前 (6)2...操作元件和接口.. (6)2.1 单声道 (6)2.2 立体声道 (8)2.3 连接区和主区段 (9)3...图形式.9.频段均衡器..(只在.UB1832FX-PRO) (13)4...数字效果器.. (13)5...背面的接口 (14)5.1 Main Mix (主混音) 输出端、 插入点和Control Room(控制室) 输出端 (14)5.2 编组输出端 (14)5.3..插入点.(Inserts) (14)5.4 直接输出端 (只在 UB2442FX PRO) (14)5.5 电压供应、 幻像电源和保险 (14)6...安装 (15)6.1 装入机架中 (15)6.2 电缆连接 (15)7...技术参数. (17)序言衷心祝贺您! 您购买的 BEHRINGER 的 EURORACK 体积虽小但功能多样并具备优越的音频性能。
4、按下EDIT键,分别调整EDIT E、EDIT F、EQLO、EQHI旋钮,使显示屏显
2.Line in:单通道线性输入口,用来连接乐器或其他外设。
8.EXT AUX SEND:辅助发送,与AUX 配合使用,分配信号给其他外设。
9.LINE IN3/4,5/6:立体声线性输入,此立体声分为左右声道,可同时使用。
11.MAIN MIX OUT:调音台的主混音输出接口,一般用此输出连接到主要的后级设备上。
12.2 TRACK:用于输出信号到DAT,MD或者是硬盘录音系统或者接收这些设备的返送信号;与下边的2TK TO MIX和2TK TO CTRL ROOM联合使用,可以实现简单的编组输出功能。
13.CTRL RM OUT:控制室鉴听输出接口,连接到控制室鉴听设备,也可作为普通的鉴听输出。
PRESS to SELECT:内置效果的选择旋钮。
EFFECTS LEVEL:效果量电平控制旋钮。
15.辅助功能:AUX RETURN LEVEL:辅助返回信号电平控制旋钮,即控制从STEREO AUX RETURN返回的电平信号。
INPU T:这里插入吉它。
MO NO(AM P):这里是它的输出,它主要是输出给吉它音箱的后级,注意一定是后级,千万不要插入吉它音箱的前级,否则音色会变得失真、尖锐不好听。
另外它是单声道输出!STERE O(PHO NES):这里是双声道输出,一般输出给调音台,或者耳机,如果你用单声道的线插到调音台上,也合适。
演奏相关的操作校音:打开校音非常简单,两个换音色的踏板(BY PASS/TUNER),一起踏下,就打开了校音模式,把吉它音量扭打开,即可方便的校音了,这里注一下,校音使用常识,吉它琴弦的英文字母,从一弦到六弦,依次为E B GD A E,使用的时候,只要把这些弦,调成相应的英文字母,吉它的音高自然就被订准了。
如果在校音时,希望听到吉它的声音,这时可以扭动 GAI N钮,使音量达到一个合适的位置。
另外在些模式下,按住TAP键,扭动GA IN钮,可以改变我们平时常用的440H Z校音模式,除非你明白,若不知道自己在做什么,我劝你还是不要动这个钮的好。
使用表情踏板:最右边的,看着能个脚上去的,能上下动的,黑色的,上面印有GEH RINGE R的LOG O的,踏板,就是表情踏板了。
百灵达的BASS音箱模拟说明书1.1、主机面板1、(BASS V-AMP PRO部分,本文略);2 、GAIN――控制BASS V-AMP 的失真度;3、VOLUME――控制所选预设音色的音量;4、BASS――控制均衡的低频部分;注:当按住TAP 键时,BASS 旋钮用来调整“DEEP”参数,即比BASS所控制的更低的频率部分。
5、MID――控制均衡的中低频部分;注:当按住TAP 键时,MID 旋钮用来控制”MID-SHIFT/SHARP”参数,MID-SHIFT 即中频的扫频控制,SHARP为BEHRINGER独特的滤波器控制,有些选取有些放大器模型可能不带有此项参数调节。
6、TREBLE――控制均衡的高频部分;注:当按住TAP 键时,TREBLE 旋钮用来控制“PRESENCE”参数,即比TREBLE所控制的更高的频率部分。
7、AMPS――选择需要的放大器模型,只转动AMPS钮将选择白色标识的放大器模型,按住TAP 键同时转动AMPS 钮将可选择灰色标识的放大器模型。
8、“A ~E ”――用来选择每组预设参数中的某个参数。
当处于“EDIT”模式时(同时按下主机面板中下方的两个方向键),这些键将用来控制以下功能:▲ A:激活MIDI 功能,通过调整左右方向的方向键,可以选择用来发送和接受数据的MIDI 通道。
▲ B:选择是否开启DRIVE 功能。
注:当DRIVE 功能激活时,调节EFFECTS MIX 参数可以用来控制Wah-Wah 效果。
同时EFFECTS MIX 钮周围的指示灯将用来显示表情踏板当前开启位置。
2.2.发射与待机:当雷达开机预热结束后,屏幕上显示有STBY字样,这时按[STBY TX]键后,雷达就进入正常的工作状态,再次按该键,雷达又会回到待机状态。
2.6.雨雪干扰抑制调整,海浪干扰抑制调整通过调节[A/C SEA]和[A/C RAIN]钮,可以抑制雨雪及海浪对雷达产生的干扰。
调节方法如下:1、海浪杂波控制调整[A/C SEA]由海浪引起的反射回波是令人讨厌的,它以随机信号(所谓的“海浪杂波”)的形式覆盖在显示器的中心部分。
操作步骤1 将水样加入试管直至10ml刻度线(执行空白检测)2 加入一片碱度试剂片,碾碎、搅拌使之溶解3 将水样静置1分钟后重新混匀水样。
4 在光度计上选择Phot 2号检测程序。
5 参照光度计操作手册说明,用光度计读取测量值6 测量结果以为mg/l CaCO3单位显示注:如将碱度表示方式由CaCO3转化为HCO3-请乘以系数1.22。
操作步骤1 将水样加入试管直至10ml刻度线(执行空白检测)2 加入一片铝试剂片1号,碾碎、搅拌使之溶解3 加入一片铝试剂片2号,碾碎、慢慢搅拌使之溶解,请不要剧烈搅动4 静置5分钟,使之完全显色5 在光度计上选择Phot 3铝检测程序6 将试管放入光度计进行测量(参照光度计说明书)7 测量结果的单位为mg/l Al.干扰聚磷酸盐或氟离子的存在会导致测量结果偏低。
修正方法为:在测得的铝离子浓度基础上乘以(1+0.4F),其中F为氟离子浓度(mg/l F)。
氟离子浓度的检测方法见Phot 14 氟离子检测方法。
百灵达氨氮测量法可以测量0 - 1.0 mg/l N浓度范围的水中氨氮(氨态氮)含量。
演奏相关的操作校音:打开校音非常简单,两个换音色的踏板(BYPASS/TUNER),一起踏下,就打开了校音模式,把吉它音量扭打开,即可方便的校音了,这里注一下,校音使用常识,吉它琴弦的英文字母,从一弦到六弦,依次为E B G D A E,使用的时候,只要把这些弦,调成相应的英文字母,吉它的音高自然就被订准了。
小型调音台UFX1604∙16通道模拟调音台,内置24/96火线音频接口∙8个XENYX话放,都带独立幻相供电开关∙16进4出火线音频接口∙支持MIDI走带控制的按钮,带背光∙100mm推子∙英式4段EQ,2个半参量EQ∙4个辅助发送/立体声返回,ALT 3-4总线,内置对讲话筒∙双通道多效果处理器∙可上机架QX-1202USB超低噪音(ULN) 电路,极大的动态余量,通透的音色8 个新颖的,录音棚级的―无形‖麦克风前置放大器:- 24 比特130 分贝动态范围,192 千赫采样率输入端-超大60 分贝增益范围内置24 比特数码立体声效果处理器,配有100 个音质优美的预置,如:混响,合唱,镶边,延迟,音高变动和各种多重效果所有声道配带有效的,音乐性极强的 2 频段均衡器,还配有削波二极发光管4 个平衡式线路输入端,动态余量充裕专业级4580 运算放大器, 超低噪音,极低失真度-- 要比4560 运算放大器好的多每路配有2 个辅助传送,1 前置推杆,适合监听使用;1 个后置推杆,适合内置效果或外置传送使用CD/磁带输入端可设置在主混音或控制室/耳机输出端上独立的控制室,耳机及立体声CD/磁带输出端平衡式主混音输出端,配有镀金卡侬连接插口提供+48 伏幻像电源开关,可使用电容话筒经久耐用的60 毫米流线型推杆和密封控制旋钮内置开关式电源(100 - 240 V ),使用灵活,具有无噪声,瞬间反应好,电耗低的特性高质量的元件和极其牢固的结构,使产品经久耐用德国百灵达研制设计X2442USB24 输入4/2 母线调音台, 配有XENYX 话放& 压缩器,英式均衡器,24 比特多种效果处理器,USB/音频界面和energyXT2 百灵达版音乐制作软件优质模拟调音台,超低噪音,大余量10 个技术新颖的XENYX 话筒前置放大器,配有幻象电源,可与单独的高级前置放大器媲美8个录音室级压缩器,配有简单的“一个按钮”功能和控制显示,打造一流的人声和乐器声新古典"英国式" 3 频段均衡器,配有半参数型中频,打造温暖的音色录音室级别效果处理器,配有16 种可编辑的预置,其中包括混响,合唱,镶边,延迟,变调,多重效果,节拍功能,用户参数设置可储存内置的立体声USB/音频插口可用来直接连接电脑。
Version 1.0 January 2006Technical SpecificationsX E N Y X1832FXXENYX 1832FX 1832FX XENYXPremium 18-Input 3/2-Bus Mixer with XENYX Mic Preamps, British EQs, 24-Bit Multi-FX Processor and USB/Audio Interfaces Premium ultra low-noise, high headroom analog mixers6 state-of-the-art XENYX Mic Preamps comparable to stand-alone boutique preampss Neo-classic ´British´ 3-band EQs with semi-parametric mid band for warm and musical sounds Studio-grade 24-bit stereo FX processor with 100 awesome presets including reverb, chorus, flanger, delay, pitch shifter and various multi-effectss USB/Audio Interface included to connect directly to your computer. Free audio recording and editing software downloadable at s9-band stereo graphic EQ allows precise frequency correction of monitor or main mixess Revolutionary FBQ Feedback Detection System instantly reveals critical frequenciess Breathtaking XPQ 3D stereo surround effect for more vitality and enhanced stereo images Voice Canceller function for easy-to-use sing-along applicationss Channel inserts on each mono channel for flexible connection of outboard equipments3 aux sends per channel: 1 pre fader for monitoring, 1 pre/post fader switchable for monitoring/FX applications,1 post fader (for internal FX or as external send)s Peak LEDs, mute, main mix and subgroup routing switches, solo and PFL functions on all channelss2 subgroups with separate outputs for added routing flexibility and 2 multi-functional stereo aux returns with flexible routings Balanced main mix outputs with ¼" jack and gold-plated XLR connectors, separate control room, headphones and stereo tape outputss Control room/phones outputs with multi-input source matrix; Tape inputs assignable to main mix or control room/phones outputss High-quality components and exceptionally rugged construction ensure long lifes Conceived and designed by BEHRINGER Germany23BLOCKDIAGRAMSPECIFICATIONSMicrophone inputs (XENYX Mic Preamp)Type XLR, electronically balanced,discrete input circuitMic E.I.N. (20 Hz - 20 kHz)@ 0 W source resistance-134 dB / 135.7 dB A-weighted@ 50 W source resistance-131 dB / 133.3 dB A-weighted@ 150 W source resistance-129 dB / 130.5 dB A-weightedFrequency response<10 Hz - 150 kHz (-1 dB),<10 Hz - 200 kHz (-3 dB)Gain range+10 to +60 dBMax. input level+12 dBu @ +10 dB GainImpedance approx. 2.6 k W balancedSignal-to-noise ratio110 dB / 112 dB A-weighted(0 dBu In @ +22 dB gain)Distortion (THD+N)0.005% / 0.004% A-weightedLine inputType1/4" TRS connectorelectronically balancedImpedance approx. 20 k W balanced10 k W unbalancedGain range-10 to +40 dBMax. input level+22 dBu @ 0 dB GainFade-out attenuation1(Crosstalk attenuation)Main fader closed90 dBChannel muted89 dBChannel fader closed89 dBFrequency responseMicrophone input to main out<10 Hz - 90 kHz+0 dB / -1 dB<10 Hz - 160 kHz+0 dB / -3 dBStereo inputsType1/4" TRS connector,electronically balancedImpedance approx. 20 k WMax. input level+22 dBuEQ mono channelsLow80 Hz / ±15 dBMid100 Hz - 8 kHz/ ±15 dBHigh12 kHz/ ±15 dBEQ stereo channelsLow80 Hz /±15 dBLow Mid500 Hz / ±15 dBHigh Mid 3 kHz / ±15 dBHigh12 kHz / ±15 dBAux sendsType1/4" TS connector, unbalancedImpedance approx. 120 WMax. output level+22 dBuStereo aux returnsType1/4" TRS connector,electronically balancedImpedance approx. 20 k W bal. / 10 k W unbal.Max. input level+22 dBuMain outputsType XLR, electronically balancedand 1/4" TRS balancedImpedance approx. 240 W balanced /120 W unbalancedMax. output level+28 dBuControl room outputsType1/4" TS connector unbalancedImpedance approx. 120 WMax. output level+22 dBuHeadphones outputsType1/4" TRS connector, unbalancedMax. output level+19 dBu / 150 W (+25 dBm)DSP24-bitConverter24-bit Sigma-Delta,64/128-times oversamplingSampling rate40 kHzMain mix system data2NoiseMain mix @ -o o,Channel fader @ -o o-101 dBMain mix @ 0 dB,Channel fader @ -o o-93 dBMain mix @ 0 dB,Channel fader @ 0 dB-81 dBPower supplyMains voltage100 to 240 V~, 50/60 HzPower consumption43 WFuse100 - 240 V~: T 1.6 A H 250 VMains connection Standard IEC receptaclePhysical/weightDimensions (H x W x D)approx. 3 7/8" x 16 1/16" x 14 1/16"(97 mm x 408 mm x 367 mm)Weight (net)approx. 4.7 kgMeasuring conditions:1: 1 kHz rel. to 0 dBu; 20 Hz - 20 kHz; line input; main output; unity gain.2:20 Hz - 20kHz; measured at main output. Channels 1 - 4 unity gain; EQ flat; allchannels on main mix; channels 1/3 as far left as possible, channels 2/4 as farright as possible. Reference = +6 dBu.BEHRINGER is constantly striving to manintain the highest professional standards. As aresult of these efforts, modifications may be made from time to time to existing products withoutprior notice. Specifications and appearance may differ from those listed or illustrated.4Technical specifications and appearance subject to change without notice. The information contained herein is correct at the time of printing. The names of companies, institutions or publications pictured or mentioned and their respective logos are registered trademarks of their respective owners. Their use neither constitutes a claim of the trademarks by BEHRINGER® nor affiliation of the trademark owners with BEHRINGER®. BEHRINGER® accepts no liability for any loss which may be suffered by any person who relies either wholly or in part upon any description, photograph or statement contained herein. Colours and specification may vary slightly from product. Products are sold through our authorised dealers only. Distributors and dealers are not agents of BEHRINGER® and have absolutely no authority to bind BEHRINGER® by any express or implied undertaking or representation. No part of this manual may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording of any kind, for any purpose, without the express written permission of BEHRINGER Spezielle Studiotechnik GmbH. BEHRINGER® is a registered trademark.ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. © 2006 BEHRINGER Spezielle Studiotechnik GmbH,Hanns-Martin-Schleyer-Str. 36-38, 47877 Willich-Münchheide II, Germany.Tel. +49 2154 9206 0, Fax +49 2154 9206 49035。
X32 数字调音台系统菜单中英文对照一、HOME 通道主页Home :通道总详情config :通道配置gate :噪声门dyn :压限压缩器eq :参量均衡器sends : 信号发送至母线main : 信号发送至主输出二、METERS 总电平表头Channel : 输入通道电平监视mix bus :混音母线电平监视aux/fx : 辅助输入与效果器返回电平监视in/out : 所有输入输出电平监视三、ROUTING 路由布线Home : 输入通道的布线analog out : 本地模拟输出aux out : 辅助输出p16out : 个人监听系统输出card out : 录音声卡输出aes50-a : 远程传输 A ase50-b :远程传输 B四、SETUP 调音台状态设置Global : 全局操作设置config : 状态设置remote : 控制设置network : 网络设置Scribble strip 通道标记设置preamps : 话放设置card : 录音声卡设置Channel : 通道设置的存储effects : 效果器的存储routing : 路由布线的存储六、EFFECTS 效果器Home : 效果器的种类,输入总调整fx1-fx8 : 效果器1-8 的详细参数调整七、MUTE GRP 哑音编组编辑按钮八、UTILITY 其他功能当选择某一通道后,按下此按键,可存储该通道的一些参数或者调用原先存好的参数。
使用说明书版本1.2 2006年1月X E N Y X 1622F X 1832F X 2222F X 2442F XXENYX 1622FX/1832FX/2222FX/2442FX重要的安全说明详细安全说明:1) 请您阅读这些说明。
2) 请您妥善保存这些说明。
3) 请您注意所有的警告说明。
4) 请您遵守所有的操作说明。
5) 请您不要在水附近运行此机器。
6) 请您用干布清洁此机器。
7) 请您不要堵塞通风口。
8) 请您不要将此机器放置在热源附近。
9) 请您绝对不要移去双线插头或有接地插头的安全装置。
10) 请您正确铺设电源线,使其不会被踩踏和被尖角损坏。
请您尤其注意, 插头处, 加长电缆和电源线延伸到机器外时必须具备充分的保护。
11) 请您只使用制造厂认为合适的附加机器/配件。
12) 请您只使用制造厂提名的或随同机器一起供货的推车、固定装置、三脚架、支架或桌子。
13) 在雷雨时或长期不使用机器时请您将电源插头拔出。
14) 请您只允许具备资格的售后服务人员进行保养工作。
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Welcome to the smarter machine movement.End users are demanding more from their equipment. They want to maximize performance and productivity while minimizing operating costs. They want better safety and improved reliability. More simplicity and less complexity.Sophisticated products that connect and configure. Right out of the box.Discover exceptional solutions that offer exponential benefits.The industry is moving to smarter, more efficient machines. It’s no longer just about components; it’s about how those components connect to create intelligent sub-systems that dynamically adapt and respond. Electrohydraulics aren’t a vision for the future – they’re a requirement for today. And no other company is positioned to help you deliver on those demands and achieve an advantage like Eaton. We’re not only changing the way your customers operate mobile and industrial machines – we’re significantly improving the way you design and build them. We’re bridging the gap betweenhardware and software with our advanced Pro-FX ® Technology Platform and sophisticated portfolio of Pro-FX Ready ™ products that together provide game-changing advantages at every phase of the machine lifecycle.It’s not just better machine control. It’s Dynamic Machine Control. Empowered by Eaton.Empowered by Eaton.T est and tune in minutes instead of months, for faster, more cost-efficient time to market.Smarter power management means better fuel efficiency and productivity.To realize greater freedom and flexibility in the machine design processTo deliver better performance and maximum productivity in the field To compete in an industry that’s evolving faster than ever beforeStreamlining and simplifying machine design and development.Machine design doesn’t have to be a highly manual, months-long process. Featuring easy-to-use software tools and a robust library of pre-programmed function blocks, Eaton’s Pro-FX Technology Platform enables your engineers to connect and configure Pro-FX Ready products in just minutes – with the push of a button versus the turn of a wrench.Plus, unlike proprietary systems that handcuff you to a single supplier, Eaton’s Pro-FX Technology Platform is built in an open non-proprietary developmentenvironment. So you can integrate other components and systems, add advanced functionality, and find development resources more quickly and easily.Optimizing and improvingmachine controllability and safety.Conventional hydraulic systems can become unstable and unpredictable, potentially putting operator safety and productivity at risk. Even experienced operators can over-command a machine, creating a high-pressure cycle that’s difficult to get out of.Pro-FX Ready products use innovative sensor technology and on-board electronics to dynamically balance power available with power consumed. They automate the many micro-decisions in each work circuit so that when the operator commands the system, the machine responds smoothly and efficiently.Follow us on social media to get thelatest product and support information.Eaton is a registered trademark. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.Eaton1000 Eaton Boulevard Cleveland, OH 44122United States © 2016 EatonAll Rights Reserved Printed in USADocument No. E-HYOV-BB017-ELearn how Eaton can help you design, engineer and build better, smarter machines. Visit /DMC or contact your Eaton representative to schedule a demo and start the conversation.Discover a faster path to smarter machinesY ou want greater flexibility in your design process. Y our customers expect better performance, but they also demand better safety and better fuel economy. They want more information about their operators and assets so they can proactively manage maintenance and curb downtime.The answer is Dynamic Machine Control.。
Version 1.0 January 2006Technical SpecificationsX E N Y X1832FXXENYX 1832FX 1832FX XENYXPremium 18-Input 3/2-Bus Mixer with XENYX Mic Preamps, British EQs, 24-Bit Multi-FX Processor and USB/Audio Interfaces Premium ultra low-noise, high headroom analog mixers6 state-of-the-art XENYX Mic Preamps comparable to stand-alone boutique preampss Neo-classic ´British´ 3-band EQs with semi-parametric mid band for warm and musical sounds Studio-grade 24-bit stereo FX processor with 100 awesome presets including reverb, chorus, flanger, delay, pitch shifter and various multi-effectss USB/Audio Interface included to connect directly to your computer. Free audio recording and editing software downloadable at s9-band stereo graphic EQ allows precise frequency correction of monitor or main mixess Revolutionary FBQ Feedback Detection System instantly reveals critical frequenciess Breathtaking XPQ 3D stereo surround effect for more vitality and enhanced stereo images Voice Canceller function for easy-to-use sing-along applicationss Channel inserts on each mono channel for flexible connection of outboard equipments3 aux sends per channel: 1 pre fader for monitoring, 1 pre/post fader switchable for monitoring/FX applications,1 post fader (for internal FX or as external send)s Peak LEDs, mute, main mix and subgroup routing switches, solo and PFL functions on all channelss2 subgroups with separate outputs for added routing flexibility and 2 multi-functional stereo aux returns with flexible routings Balanced main mix outputs with ¼" jack and gold-plated XLR connectors, separate control room, headphones and stereo tape outputss Control room/phones outputs with multi-input source matrix; Tape inputs assignable to main mix or control room/phones outputss High-quality components and exceptionally rugged construction ensure long lifes Conceived and designed by BEHRINGER Germany23BLOCKDIAGRAMSPECIFICATIONSMicrophone inputs (XENYX Mic Preamp)Type XLR, electronically balanced,discrete input circuitMic E.I.N. (20 Hz - 20 kHz)@ 0 W source resistance-134 dB / 135.7 dB A-weighted@ 50 W source resistance-131 dB / 133.3 dB A-weighted@ 150 W source resistance-129 dB / 130.5 dB A-weightedFrequency response<10 Hz - 150 kHz (-1 dB),<10 Hz - 200 kHz (-3 dB)Gain range+10 to +60 dBMax. input level+12 dBu @ +10 dB GainImpedance approx. 2.6 k W balancedSignal-to-noise ratio110 dB / 112 dB A-weighted(0 dBu In @ +22 dB gain)Distortion (THD+N)0.005% / 0.004% A-weightedLine inputType1/4" TRS connectorelectronically balancedImpedance approx. 20 k W balanced10 k W unbalancedGain range-10 to +40 dBMax. input level+22 dBu @ 0 dB GainFade-out attenuation1(Crosstalk attenuation)Main fader closed90 dBChannel muted89 dBChannel fader closed89 dBFrequency responseMicrophone input to main out<10 Hz - 90 kHz+0 dB / -1 dB<10 Hz - 160 kHz+0 dB / -3 dBStereo inputsType1/4" TRS connector,electronically balancedImpedance approx. 20 k WMax. input level+22 dBuEQ mono channelsLow80 Hz / ±15 dBMid100 Hz - 8 kHz/ ±15 dBHigh12 kHz/ ±15 dBEQ stereo channelsLow80 Hz /±15 dBLow Mid500 Hz / ±15 dBHigh Mid 3 kHz / ±15 dBHigh12 kHz / ±15 dBAux sendsType1/4" TS connector, unbalancedImpedance approx. 120 WMax. output level+22 dBuStereo aux returnsType1/4" TRS connector,electronically balancedImpedance approx. 20 k W bal. / 10 k W unbal.Max. input level+22 dBuMain outputsType XLR, electronically balancedand 1/4" TRS balancedImpedance approx. 240 W balanced /120 W unbalancedMax. output level+28 dBuControl room outputsType1/4" TS connector unbalancedImpedance approx. 120 WMax. output level+22 dBuHeadphones outputsType1/4" TRS connector, unbalancedMax. output level+19 dBu / 150 W (+25 dBm)DSP24-bitConverter24-bit Sigma-Delta,64/128-times oversamplingSampling rate40 kHzMain mix system data2NoiseMain mix @ -o o,Channel fader @ -o o-101 dBMain mix @ 0 dB,Channel fader @ -o o-93 dBMain mix @ 0 dB,Channel fader @ 0 dB-81 dBPower supplyMains voltage100 to 240 V~, 50/60 HzPower consumption43 WFuse100 - 240 V~: T 1.6 A H 250 VMains connection Standard IEC receptaclePhysical/weightDimensions (H x W x D)approx. 3 7/8" x 16 1/16" x 14 1/16"(97 mm x 408 mm x 367 mm)Weight (net)approx. 4.7 kgMeasuring conditions:1: 1 kHz rel. to 0 dBu; 20 Hz - 20 kHz; line input; main output; unity gain.2:20 Hz - 20kHz; measured at main output. Channels 1 - 4 unity gain; EQ flat; allchannels on main mix; channels 1/3 as far left as possible, channels 2/4 as farright as possible. Reference = +6 dBu.BEHRINGER is constantly striving to manintain the highest professional standards. As aresult of these efforts, modifications may be made from time to time to existing products withoutprior notice. Specifications and appearance may differ from those listed or illustrated.4Technical specifications and appearance subject to change without notice. The information contained herein is correct at the time of printing. The names of companies, institutions or publications pictured or mentioned and their respective logos are registered trademarks of their respective owners. Their use neither constitutes a claim of the trademarks by BEHRINGER® nor affiliation of the trademark owners with BEHRINGER®. BEHRINGER® accepts no liability for any loss which may be suffered by any person who relies either wholly or in part upon any description, photograph or statement contained herein. Colours and specification may vary slightly from product. Products are sold through our authorised dealers only. Distributors and dealers are not agents of BEHRINGER® and have absolutely no authority to bind BEHRINGER® by any express or implied undertaking or representation. No part of this manual may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording of any kind, for any purpose, without the express written permission of BEHRINGER Spezielle Studiotechnik GmbH. BEHRINGER® is a registered trademark.ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. © 2006 BEHRINGER Spezielle Studiotechnik GmbH,Hanns-Martin-Schleyer-Str. 36-38, 47877 Willich-Münchheide II, Germany.Tel. +49 2154 9206 0, Fax +49 2154 9206 49035。