清 华 大 学 - International Office - BJTU (NJTU)
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学院简介清华大学深圳国际研究生院(英文名Tsinghua Shenzhen International Graduate School,简称Tsinghua SIGS)是在国家深化高等教育改革和推进粤港澳大湾区建设的时代背景下,由清华大学与深圳市合作共建的公立研究生教育机构。
考试科目深圳国际研究生院专业课考试科目涉及到:972 BIO³生命技术专业基础综合、973 医管专业基础综合(含医学基础理论和管理学基础)、685 逻辑学、930 化学生物学、980 结构力学、827 电路原理、951 环境科学与工程原理、975 材料物理化学、905 机械设计基础、985 信号与系统、971互联网+创新设计专业基础综合、822 控制工程基础、962数学-数据方向基础综合、355 建筑学基础、511 建筑设计(6小时)、645 综合化学、912 计算机专业基础综合、199管理类联考综合能力。
中华人民共和国教育部中外合作办学监管工作信息平台2011年7月3日星期天平台首页审批信息重要发布学历认证质量评估招生简章投诉举报热点问答教育资源注意事项政策法规省市监管本科中外合作办学机构与项目(含内地与港台地区合作办学机构与项目)名单·“▲”为依据《中外合作办学条例》和《中外合作办学条例实施办法》批准设立和举办的中外合作办学机构和项目·“●”为根据原《中外合作办学暂行规定》依法批准设立和举办,现经复核通过的中外合作办学机构和项目·“■”为同属本科和硕士研究生教育的部分合作办学机构地区项目/机构名称(含内地与港澳台)北京合作办学机构北京航空航天大学中法工程师学院(Beihang Sino-French Engineer School )▲ ■对外经济贸易大学卓越国际学院●合作办学项目中央财经大学与澳大利亚维多利亚大学合作举办国际经济与贸易专业本科教育项目●北京工业大学与澳大利亚詹姆斯•库克大学合作举办信息技术学士学位教育项目● 北京理工大学与美国犹他州立大学合作举办国际经济专业学士学位教育项目● 华北电力大学与英国斯莱斯克莱德大学、英国曼切斯特大学合作举办电气工程及其自动化专业本科教育项目▲北京邮电大学与英国伦敦大学玛丽女王学院合作举办电信工程及管理本科教育项目●北京邮电大学与英国伦敦大学玛丽女王学院合作举办电子商务及法律本科教育项目●中国农业大学与美国科罗拉多大学丹佛分校和健康科学中心合作举办国际经济与贸易专业本科教育项目●中国农业大学与美国科罗拉多大学丹佛分校和健康科学中心合作举办传播学专业本科教育项目●北京林业大学与美国密西根州立大学合作举办草业科学专业本科教育项目● 北京联合大学与英国佩斯利大学合作举办国际商务专业本科教育项目●北京农学院与英国哈珀•亚当斯大学学院合作举办国际经济与贸易专业本科教育项目●北京农学院与英国哈珀•亚当斯大学学院合作举办食品科学与工程专业本科教育项目●北京理工大学与加拿大北阿尔伯塔理工大学合作举办信息技术专业学士学位教育项目●北京理工大学与美国犹他州立大学合作举办信息技术专业学士学位教育项目● 北京工业大学与美国西部国际大学合作举办商务科学学士学位教育项目●北京建筑工程学院与美国玛赫西管理大学合作举办计算机科学与技术专业本科教育项目●北京建筑工程学院与美国玛赫西管理大学合作举办工商管理专业本科教育项目● 华北电力大学与法国格勒诺布尔国立理工学院合作举办核工程与核技术专业本科教育项目▲首都医科大学与澳大利亚迪肯大学合作举办护理学专业本科教育项目▲上海合作办学机构同济大学中德工程学院(Sino-German College Applied Sciences of TongjiUniversity)▲上海大学中欧工程技术学院( Sino-European School of Technology of Shanghai University)▲上海理工大学中英国际学院(Sino-British College, University of Shanghai for Scienceand Technology)▲上海交通大学交大密西根联合学院(Shanghai Jiao Tong University SJTU-UM Joint Institute)●■上海大学悉尼工商学院(Sydney Institute of Commerce, Shanghai University)●合作办学项目上海工程技术大学与美国劳伦斯理工大学合作举办电子信息工程专业本科教育项目▲上海师范大学与英国龙比亚大学合作举办土木工程专业本科教育项目▲上海海事大学与荷兰泽兰德大学合作举办电气工程与智能控制专业本科教育项目▲复旦大学与爱尔兰都柏林大学学院合作举办计算机科学与技术专业本科教育项目●复旦大学与法国里尔第二大学合作举办管理科学专业本科教育项目●华东理工大学与德国吕贝克应用技术大学合作举办电气工程及其自动化专业本科教育项目●华东理工大学与德国吕贝克应用技术大学合作举办化学工程与工艺专业本科教育项目●东华大学与德国劳特林根应用技术大学合作举办轻化工程专业本科教育项目● 东华大学与日本文化学园合作举办艺术设计专业本科教育项目●上海财经大学与美国韦伯斯特大学合作举办工商管理专业本科教育项目● 上海财经大学与英国南安普顿大学合作举办金融学专业本科教育项目●上海理工大学与德国汉堡应用技术大学合作举办机械设计制造及其自动化专业本科教育项目●上海理工大学与德国汉堡应用技术大学合作举办电气工程及其自动化专业本科教育项目●上海理工大学与德国汉堡应用技术大学合作举办国际经济与贸易专业本科教育项目●上海理工大学与美国中央密西根大学合作举办信息管理与信息系统专业本科教育项目●上海理工大学与美国北达科他大学合作举办工商管理专业本科教育项目●上海理工大学与爱尔兰都柏林格里菲斯学院合作举办计算机科学与技术专业本科教育项目●上海工程技术大学与美国劳伦斯理工大学合作举办机械设计制造及其自动化专业本科教育项目●上海工程技术大学与美国劳伦斯理工大学合作举办交通运输专业本科教育项目● 上海工程技术大学与美国劳伦斯理工大学合作举办自动化专业本科教育项目● 上海工程技术大学与韩国东西大学合作举办艺术设计专业本科教育项目●上海水产大学与澳大利亚塔斯马尼亚大学合作举办市场营销专业本科教育项目● 上海水产大学与澳大利亚塔斯马尼亚大学合作举办信息管理与信息系统专业本科教育项目●上海中医药大学与英国伦敦都市大学合作举办药学专业本科教育项目●上海师范大学与法国柏莱斯•帕斯卡尔大学合作举办广告学专业本科教育项目● 上海师范大学与法国柏莱斯•帕斯卡尔大学合作举办经济学专业本科教育项目● 上海师范大学与法国柏莱斯•帕斯卡尔大学合作举办计算机科学与技术专业本科教育项目●上海师范大学与美国戴顿大学合作举办电子信息工程专业本科教育项目●上海师范大学与美国戴顿大学合作举办机械设计制造及其自动化专业本科教育项目●上海师范大学与美国韦伯州立大学合作举办经济学专业本科教育项目● 上海师范大学与美国犹他大学合作举办旅游管理专业本科教育项目●上海电力学院与英国斯特拉斯克莱德大学合作举办电气工程及其自动化专业本科教育项目●上海电力学院与英国斯特拉斯克莱德大学合作举办计算机科学与技术专业本科教育项目●上海应用技术学院与美国中央密西根大学合作举办电气工程及其自动化专业本科教育项目●上海应用技术学院与美国中央密西根大学合作举办机械设计制造及其自动化专业本科教育项目●华东政法大学与香港城市大学合作举办法学专业本科教育项目●同济大学与意大利米兰理工大学、意大利都灵理工大学合作举办电子信息工程专业本科教育项目▲上海对外贸易学院与德国奥斯纳布吕克应用技术大学合作举办会展经济与管理专业本科教育项目●同济大学与意大利米兰理工大学、意大利都灵理工大学合作举办机械设计制造及其自动化专业本科教育项目▲上海电机学院与美国北爱荷华大学合作举办国际经济与贸易专业本科教育项目▲ 上海音乐学院与日本多莱坞大学合作举办录音艺术专业本科教育项目▲ 同济大学与法国汉斯管理学院合作举办工商管理专业本科教育项目●上海财经大学与英国南安普顿大学合作举办经济学专业本科教育项目●上海应用技术学院与新西兰奥克兰理工大学合作举办应用化学专业本科教育项目●上海应用技术学院与加拿大汤姆逊大学合作举办市场营销专业本科教育项目● 上海对外贸易学院与加拿大道格拉斯学院合作举办财务管理专业本科教育项目●上海对外贸易学院与加拿大道格拉斯学院合作举办金融学专业本科教育项目● 上海对外贸易学院与澳大利亚皇家墨尔本理工大学合作举办物流管理专业本科教育项目●上海对外贸易学院与澳大利亚皇家墨尔本理工大学合作举办国际商务专业本科教育项目●上海杉达学院与美国瑞德大学合作举办国际经济与贸易专业本科教育项目● 上海工程技术大学与法国巴黎时装公会教育集团国际时装学院合作举办服装设计与工程专业本科教育项目●上海理工大学与美国纽约市立大学皇后学院合作举办英语专业本科教育项目● 上海师范大学与德国巴伐利亚州上法兰肯区手工业管理局技术与创新管理学院合作举办机械设计制造及其自动化专业本科教育项目●上海外国语大学与法国皮埃尔•蒙代斯大学合作举办法语专业本科教育项目● 上海外国语大学与德国拜罗伊特大学合作举办德语专业本科教育项目●上海海事大学与荷兰泽兰德大学合作举办机械电子工程专业本科教育项目▲ 上海对外贸易学院与英国中央兰开夏大学合作举办英语专业本科教育项目●天津合作办学机构中国民航大学中欧航空工程师学院(Sino-European Institute of Aviation Engineering,CAUC)▲ ■合作办学项目天津商业大学与澳大利亚查理斯特大学合作举办财务管理专业本科教育项目●天津商业大学与美国佛罗里达国际大学合作举办酒店管理和旅游管理专业本科教育项目●天津理工大学与日本大阪产业大学合作举办工业工程专业本科教育项目●天津理工大学与加拿大魁北克大学席库提米分校合作举办计算机科学与技术专业本科教育项目●天津理工大学与加拿大汤姆逊大学合作举办工商管理专业本科教育项目● 天津科技大学与美国库克学院合作举办工商管理专业本科教育项目●天津科技大学与澳大利亚南十字星大学合作举办财务管理专业本科教育项目● 天津师范大学与日本国立三重大学合作举办日语专业本科教育项目▲南开大学与加拿大注册会计师协会合作举办国际会计专业本科教育项目●重庆合作办学机构重庆工商大学现代国际设计艺术学院●重庆大学美视电影学院● ■重庆工商大学国际商学院●合作办学项目江苏合作办学机构西交利物浦大学(Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University )▲ 江南大学莱姆顿学院●合作办学项目江苏科技大学与澳大利亚拉筹伯大学合作举办工商管理专业本科教育项目●江苏科技大学与法国巴黎高等计算机学院合作举办计算机科学与技术专业本科教育项目●南京中医药大学与澳大利亚西悉尼大学合作举办电子商务专业本科教育项目● 南京师范大学与英国诺森比亚大学合作举办电气与电子工程专业本科教育项目● 南京师范大学与英国诺森比亚大学合作举办通讯与电子工程专业本科教育项目● 江苏工业学院与加拿大圣西维尔大学合作举办工商管理专业本科教育项目● 江苏工业学院与加拿大圣西维尔大学合作举办信息管理与信息系统专业本科教育项目●江苏工业学院与加拿大圣西维尔大学合作举办计算机科学与技术专业本科教育项目●江苏工业学院与加拿大圣西维尔大学合作举办化学工程与工艺专业本科教育项目●南京工程学院与英国诺森比亚大学合作举办电力工程专业本科教育项目● 南京工程学院与英国诺森比亚大学合作举办经济管理专业本科教育项目●江苏技术师范学院与德国梅泽堡应用技术大学合作举办机械设计及其自动化专业本科教育项目●江苏技术师范学院与德国梅泽堡应用技术大学合作举办市场营销专业本科教育项目●江苏技术师范学院与德国梅泽堡应用技术大学合作举办环境工程专业本科教育项目●江苏技术师范学院与德国梅泽堡应用技术大学合作举办应用化学专业本科教育项目●扬州大学与澳大利亚查理•斯窦大学合作举办国际商务专业本科教育项目● 南京审计学院与澳大利亚科廷科技大学合作举办会计学专业本科教育项目▲常熟理工学院与德国北黑森应用技术大学合作举办机械电子工程专业本科教育项目▲常州工学院与英国赫特福德大学合作举办软件工程专业本科教育项目▲ 苏州科技学院与英国格拉摩根大学合作举办工程管理专业本科教育项目▲南京晓庄学院与英国基尔大学合作举办资源环境与城乡规划管理专业本科教育项目▲盐城工学院与英国格林威治大学合作举办电气工程及其自动化专业本科教育项目▲金陵科技学院与美国纽约州立大学科贝尔斯基尔农业与技术学院合作举办园艺专业本科教育项目▲南京信息工程大学与英国雷丁大学合作举办应用化学专业本科教育项目▲浙江合作办学机构宁波诺丁汉大学(The University of Nottingham-Ningbo)▲ ■合作办学项目浙江大学与香港理工大学合作举办护理学专业学士学位教育项目● 浙江工业大学与澳大利亚塔斯马尼亚大学合作举办计算机科学与技术专业本科教育项目●浙江理工大学与美国纽约州立大学时装技术学院合作举办服装设计与工程专业本科教育项目●浙江理工大学与美国纽约州立大学时装技术学院合作举办艺术设计专业本科教育项目●浙江科技学院与澳大利亚南昆士兰大学合作举办计算机科学与技术专业本科教育项目●浙江林学院(已更名为浙江林业大学)与澳大利亚西悉尼大学合作举办工商管理专业本科教育项目●浙江大学城市学院与澳大利亚南昆士兰大学合作举办国际商务专业本科教育项目●浙江大学城市学院与澳大利亚南昆士兰大学合作举办国际贸易专业本科教育项目●浙江大学城市学院与澳大利亚昆士兰科技大学合作举办工程教育专业本科教育项目●浙江大学城市学院与新西兰怀卡托大学合作举办经济管理专业本科教育项目● 浙江大学宁波理工学院与美国印第安那波利斯大学合作举办英语专业本科教育项目●浙江大学宁波理工学院与美国印第安那波利斯大学合作举办国际金融专业本科教育项目●浙江大学宁波理工学院与美国印第安那波利斯大学合作举办国际经济与贸易专业本科教育项目●宁波大学与法国昂热大学合作举办旅游管理专业本科教育项目▲温州医学院与美国托马斯大学合作举办护理学专业本科教育项目▲浙江农林大学与澳大利亚南昆士兰大学合作举办旅游管理专业本科教育项目▲ 温州大学与丹麦尼尔斯布鲁克哥本哈根商学院合作举办市场营销专业本科教育项目▲中国计量学院与新西兰奥克兰理工大学合作举办计算机科学与技术专业本科教育项目▲广东合作办学机构北京师范大学-香港浸会大学联合国际学院▲中山大学中法核工程与技术学院(Sino-French Institute of Nuclear Engineering & Technology, Sun Yat-sen University)▲ ■合作办学项目广州大学与法国昂热大学、尼斯大学合作举办旅游管理专业本科教育项目●华南师范大学与澳大利亚南昆士兰大学合作举办商学学士学位教育项目●广东技术师范学院与英国哈德斯菲尔德大学合作举办教育管理与发展学士学位教育项目●福建合作办学机构合作办学项目福建农林大学与加拿大新斯科舍农学院合作举办农业资源与环境专业本科教育项目●福建农林大学与加拿大新斯科舍农学院合作举办园艺专业本科教育项目● 集美大学与美国库克学院合作举办工商管理专业学士学位教育项目●集美大学与美国库克学院合作举办国际会计专业学士学位教育项目●厦门大学与爱尔兰都柏林商学院合作举办会计学专业本科教育项目▲厦门大学与爱尔兰都柏林商学院合作举办金融学专业本科教育项目▲山东合作办学机构山东工商学院国际商学院●青岛科技大学中德科技学院●山东农业大学国际交流学院●合作办学项目青岛大学与奥地利克雷姆斯高等专业学院合作举办旅游管理专业本科教育项目▲青岛大学与韩国大佛大学合作举办朝鲜语专业本科教育项目●青岛大学与澳大利亚詹姆斯库克大学合作举办英语专业本科教育项目● 青岛大学与澳大利亚詹姆斯库克大学合作举办会计学专业本科教育项目●青岛大学与澳大利亚詹姆斯库克大学合作举办国际经济与贸易专业本科教育项目●济南大学与英国格拉斯哥加利多尼亚大学合作举办环境工程专业本科教育项目▲ 济南大学与英国格拉斯哥加利多尼亚大学合作举办金融学专业本科教育项目▲ 山东农业大学与英国皇家农学院合作举办食品质量与安全专业本科教育项目▲ 泰山医学院与韩国全北大学校合作举办临床医学专业本科教育项目▲泰山医学院与韩国延世大学原州分校合作举办医学影像学专业本科教育项目▲ 济南大学与英国格拉斯哥加利多尼亚大学合作举办机械工程及其自动化专业本科教育项目▲青岛大学与澳大利亚霍尔姆斯学院合作举办国际商务专业本科教育项目▲山东建筑大学与澳大利亚格里菲斯大学合作举办土木工程专业本科教育项目▲ 山东科技大学与澳大利亚塔斯马尼亚大学合作举办电气工程及其自动化专业本科教育项目▲滨州学院与法国南锡经济管理学校合作举办财务管理专业本科教育项目▲ 聊城大学与韩国建国大学合作举办生物工程专业本科教育项目▲鲁东大学与美国布里奇波特大学合作举办生物科学专业本科教育项目▲山东科技大学与美国克拉克大学合作举办信息管理与信息系统专业本科教育项目▲江西合作办学机构合作办学项目南昌大学与新西兰UNITEC理工学院合作举办建筑学专业本科教育项目●江西中医学院与美国托马斯大学合作举办护理学专业本科教育项目▲四川合作办学机构合作办学项目四川农业大学与美国密西根州立大学合作举办草业科学专业本科教育项目●成都学院与新西兰怀卡托理工学院合作举办艺术设计专业本科教育项目▲安徽合作办学机构合作办学项目合肥学院与德国奥斯纳布吕克应用技术大学合作举办物流管理专业本科教育项目▲河北合作办学机构河北科技师范学院欧美学院●合作办学项目河北工业大学与法国巴黎高等计算机学院合作举办计算机科学与技术专业本科教育项目●河北医科大学与美国库克学院合作举办护理学专业本科教育项目●河南合作办学机构郑州大学西亚斯国际学院●郑州大学升达经贸管理学院●合作办学项目河南大学与澳大利亚维多利亚大学合作举办计算机科学与技术专业本科教育项目●河南大学与澳大利亚维多利亚大学合作举办会计学专业本科教育项目●河南大学与澳大利亚维多利亚大学合作举办国际经济与贸易专业本科教育项目● 河南大学与俄罗斯圣彼得堡国立大学合作举办信息管理与信息系统专业本科教育项目●河南大学与德国安哈尔特应用技术大学合作举办生物工程专业本科教育项目● 河南大学与德国安哈尔特应用技术大学合作举办国际经济与贸易专业本科教育项目●郑州大学和澳大利亚伍伦贡大学合作举办电子信息工程专业本科教育项目●郑州大学和澳大利亚伍伦贡大学合作举办计算机科学与技术专业本科教育项目● 郑州大学和澳大利亚伍伦贡大学合作举办通讯工程专业本科教育项目● 河南科技大学与英国赫特福德大学合作举办工商管理专业本科教育项目●河南科技大学与英国赫特福德大学合作举办计算机科学与技术专业本科教育项目●河南科技大学与英国东伦敦大学合作举办机械设计制造及其自动化专业本科教育项目●河南科技大学与英国东伦敦大学合作举办信息管理与信息系统专业本科教育项目●河南工业大学与英国瑞丁大学合作举办生物技术专业本科教育项目●河南工业大学与英国瑞丁大学合作举办食品科学与技术专业本科教育项目● 河南工业大学与英国威尔士大学合作举办会计学专业本科教育项目●河南工业大学与英国威尔士大学合作举办市场营销专业本科教育项目●河南工业大学与英国威尔士大学合作举办人力资源管理专业本科教育项目● 黄河科技学院与美国肖特学院合作举办工商管理专业本科教育项目●黄河科技学院与美国肖特学院合作举办计算机科学与技术专业本科教育项目● 南阳理工学院与新西兰惠灵顿维多利亚大学合作举办工商管理专业本科教育项目●商丘师范学院与英国肯星顿商学院合作举办经济学专业本科教育项目●商丘师范学院与英国肯星顿商学院合作举办计算机科学与技术专业本科教育项目●新乡医学院与英国诺森比亚大学合作举办护理学专业本科教育项目●郑州轻工业学院与英国龙比亚大学合作举办国际商务专业本科教育项目●郑州轻工业学院与英国龙比亚大学合作举办互联网科学与技术专业本科教育项目●郑州轻工业学院与英国龙比亚大学合作举办工业设计专业本科教育项目●郑州轻工业学院与英国龙比亚大学合作举办艺术设计专业本科教育项目● 中原工学院与英国曼彻斯特大学合作举办会计学专业本科教育项目●中原工学院与英国曼彻斯特大学合作举办市场营销专业本科教育项目● 中原工学院与英国曼彻斯特大学合作举办纺织工程专业本科教育项目● 中原工学院与英国时驰有限公司合作培养艺术设计专业本科教育项目●河南农业大学与加拿大凯波布兰顿大学合作举办工商管理专业本科教育项目● 河南农业大学与加拿大凯波布兰顿大学合作举办国际经济与贸易专业本科教育项目●郑州轻工业学院与英国龙比亚大学合作举办电子商务专业本科教育项目●湖北合作办学机构合作办学项目武汉理工大学与英国威尔士大学合作举办艺术设计专业学士学位教育项目▲湖北中医药大学与美国温斯顿•沙伦州立大学合作举办护理学专业本科教育项目▲ 三峡大学与英国莱斯特大学合作举办电气工程及其自动化专业本科教育项目▲ 武汉纺织大学与英国曼彻斯特大学合作举办纺织工程专业本科教育项目▲武汉工业学院与英国蒂赛德大学合作举办食品科学与工程专业本科教育项目▲ 中南财经政法大学与韩国东西大学合作举办艺术设计专业本科教育项目▲湖南合作办学机构合作办学项目湖南农业大学与英国格林威治大学合作举办生物科学专业本科教育项目▲陕西合作办学机构合作办学项目西安交通大学与香港理工大学合作举办酒店及餐饮管理专业学士学位教育项目●。
路线泥沙馆〔Sedimentation Building〕-图书馆〔Tsinghua University Library〕-西操〔West Sports Ground〕-大礼堂〔Auditorium〕-新水利馆〔New Hydraulic Engineering Building〕-清华学堂〔Tsinghua School〕-日晷〔Sundial〕-科学馆〔Science Building〕(-水木清华〔Shuimu Tsinghua〕-近春园〔Jinchun Garden〕-清华园〔TsinghuaGarden〕)-二校门〔The old Gate〕泥沙馆-二校门-日晷-清华学堂-大礼堂-新水利馆-科学馆-工字厅-近春园-水木清华-图书馆-西操Brief introduction of the history of Tsinghua University The Tsinghua University is located in theTsinghua Garden, which was the imperial garden in Qing dynasty. In 1901, Eight-Nation Allianceinvaded Beijing and forced the Qing dynastygovernment to sign the Bo*er Protocol. According to this Protocol, Qing government need to pay a large number of reparationsto the aggressor countries. In 1911, based on a part of this reparations, a School named“Tsinghua *uetang〞was built asPreparatory School for students to study in United States. “Tsinghua *uetang〞was the predecessor of today’s Tsinghua University. The name “National Tsinghua University〞 was adopted in 1928.Since its establish, with a motto of Self-Discipline and Social mitment, Tsinghua University is dedicated to academic e*cellence, the well-being of Chinese society and to global development. Today, most national and international rankings place Tsinghua as one of the best universities in Mainland China.So we can see three different architectural styles of buildings in the campus of Tsinghua University. The old buildings are mainly located in the west of *uetang Road, in the east of *uetang Roadthere are all new buildings which was built after 1949.泥沙馆Sedimentation BuildingSedimentation Building is mainly built for the research of hydraulics and river dynamics. It contains offices, boardrooms and laboratories.二校门The Old GateThe Old Gate was built in 1909. The Gate was the main entrance to the school campus at that time.At that time, the Gate was heavily guarded. In those years, underclassmen were not allowed to go out of the gate without permission from schoolauthorities. In addition, in order to preserve the sanctity of the learning environment, outside people without permission were also forbidden to pass through the gate.In 1933, after the e*pansion of the residential area, the former enclosing wall was moved to further out. A new gate, now Tsinghua's West Gate, became the new main entrance. Ever since, the original gate has been called Er *iao Men (means "the second school gate").The Old Gate was demolished in 1960's. Donated by Tsinghua University Alumni, it was rebuilt in 1991, following the original design.日晷SundialThe sundial is a classical timer used in ancient times. It is a gift given by the graduates in 1920. It serves as a reference for class time for students, and also a reminder to them that every second of time should be valued.It was carved with the motto "Actions speak louder than words" in both Chinese and Latin characters together with the date of construction. Today, the motto "Actions speak louder than words" has already bee the school spirit of Tsinghua University.The Sundial is made of silver covered with enamel.The Sundial stood in front of Tsinghua’s grassy quadrangle before the foundation of People’s Republic of China (about 1948). The planar surface of the sundial turned to be stony then, since the former silver one covered with enamel disappeared. Tsinghua often had struggle meeting on the grassy quadrangle during the Cultural Revolution. The oval grassy quadrangle was changed into a rectangle and the Sundial was removed in order to enlarge the field. The place where the Sundial used to stand was stuffed with cement, and the Sundial was missing. After the Cultural Revolution, Tsinghua began to collect the old things of the university, and the Sundial was found in a pile of stones, but its planar disappeared. The Sundial we see nowadays had been repaired after that, and its planar was newly made. It was here since the 70th anniversary of the foundation of Tsinghua.清华学堂Tsinghua *uetangTsinghua *uetang is one of the landmarks of Tsinghua University. *uetang means school, a place for teaching. The construction of Tsinghua *uetang was pleted in 1916. It was one of the main buildings of the school at its early stage.The four Chinese characters painted above the main entrance read "Tsinghua School", the first name of the institution when it was founded. The inscription was by Na Tong, a Great Scholar and Grand Minister in late Qing Dynasty.Tsinghua *uetang served as classrooms for senior students at the beginning of the school. After the east part was built, it remained a dormitory for senior graduating students for several years. In 1925, the Institute of Chinese Classics was set up here. The renowned “Four Tutors" in the Institute of Chinese Classics: Liang Qichao, Wang Guowei, Zhao Yuanren, Chen Yinque, 〔梁启超、王国维、元任、寅恪〕the famous archeologist Li Ji, and litterateur Wu Mi were brought together.In the last few decades, it was used as teaching building and classrooms. Now it is the offices of some main administration departments: the Graduate School, the undergraduate academic department and the R&D department.大礼堂AuditoriumTheAuditorium is a symbol of Tsinghua University. The Auditorium was designed by American architect H.K. Murphy in 1913, and pleted in 1917. It is one of the four major building projects carried out by Tsinghua School, together with Tsinghua *uetang, the old library, and the west gymnasium. Since the American designer didn’t believe the quality of building materials in China, they imported the costing cork floors, chairs and even the red bricks all from America. The design of Auditorium based on the image of the auditorium in University of Pennsylvania. Endowed withthe feature of both Greek and Roman building, looks very elegant. For a long time, the building has been long viewed as the symbol of persistence, simplicity and indomitable will. Though more than 90 years has passed, the Auditorium still maintains quite well. Large-scaled activities like every Student Festival of different departments and some concerts are often held here.新水利馆Department of Hydraulic EngineeringThe Water Conservancy Building is hosts the Department of Hydraulic Engineering. Constructed in the year 1955. Its designer is Mr. Zhou Weiquan. In order to match the style of the buildings around the great auditorium, the designer applied the same methods in his general drawing arrangement and architectural style arrangement. The appearance of the building consists of elements likered brick wall and arch door, window and gate.Department of Hydraulic Engineering dates back to the Hydraulic Engineering group and Hydraulic Engineering laboratory of the Civil Engineering Department in the late 1920s.In the school-department adjustment in 1952, department of Hydraulic and department of Hydropower Engineeringwere founded. In 1955, it moved into the new department building and was reestablished as Department of Hydraulic Engineering. The department has a strong teaching staff, including si* academicians and 40 professors. The former President of China, Hu Jintao graduated from this department in 1965.智者乐水、仁者The statue of “Zhi Zhe Le Shui, Ren Zhe Le Shan〞 was built in 2002 to memorate the 50th anniversary of the Department of Hydraulic Engineering. The statue was donated by alumni graduated in 1965, including our former President Hu Jintao and former Minister of Water Resources Wang Shucheng. The sentence is from Confucian Analects. The left part of the statuerepresents hard mountain rocks, and the right part represents flowing water. It means wise men are sharp-minded, just like flowing waters, kind men are kindhearted and tolerant, just like staunch mountains. That is how the statue es into being.科学馆Science BuildingThe Science Building is also one of the Four Early Architectures of Tsinghua University. It was first built in 1917 and was finished 1919. Again Mr. H.K. Murphy added his e*pertise and talents to the design of the Science Building.There are characters in both Chinese and old English of “SCIENCE BVILDING〞 on the lintel of the door which are distinguished and simple. It was used for science teaching and e*periments when first built because it possesses of the most advanced equipment. Later it served as Physics Department Building for 73 years till the newly-built Physics Department teaching building came into use. This building brought out countless scientists and many of them are famous all around the world for their contribution to our earth, such as Wang Ganchang, Wang Zhu*i, Peng Hengwu, Qian Sanqiang, He Zehui and Lin Jiaqiao. 〔王淦昌、王竹溪、恒武、钱三强、何泽慧、林家翘〕Among the 23 scientists honored by the country in 1999 for their great contributions to the astonishing acplishment of the “Atomic Bomb, hydrogen Bomb and artificial satellite〞, 9 graduated from Physics Department of Tsinghua University.Now, the Science Building is the dreaming place for the young generation nationwide who is interested in science.清华园Tsinghua GardenThe more popular name of the garden is Gong Zi Ting -- which in Chinese means H-Shaped House. Viewed from above, the central part of the house resembles the letter "H", with its two halls in the front and back connected by a short corridor in the middle.The garden was the residence of a Qing emperor's brother's family. In the early days of Tsinghua School, the garden was used as the school's first head office building. Student enrollment lists were posted on the wall at the front gate. For some years in its history, the east room in the front section was used as the Music Center, the west room as the teacher's reading room and the back section to acmodate distinguished foreign guests.The great Indian poet Tagore stayed there when he visited China in 1924.近春园〔荷塘月色〕Jinchun GardenJinchun Garden was the residence of emperor *ian Feng before he succeeded his father. After he took power, he changed the name “*ichun garden〞into “Tsinghua garden〞 and e*tended the whole garden.In the summer of 1927, during one sleepless night, the well-known Professor Zhu Ziqing of Tsinghua, went for a stroll around the lake area to think about the tremendous changes occurring in Chinese society. When the lovely landscape caught his attention, he was moved to write the now-classic essay "The View of the Lotus Pond in the Moonlight."水木清华Shuimu TsinghuaShuimu Tsinghua which means "clear water and trees surrounding Tsinghua" is one of the most captivating spots in Tsinghua. It was founded in the 18th century. It used to be a part of the imperial garden, so it is also called 'garden within a garden'.The four Chinese characters "Shui Mu Tsing Hua" painted on the top of the main gate, were copied from an inscription by Emperor Kang *i. On the opposite of the main gate, there e*ists a sculpture of famous proser Mr. Zhu Ziqing.清华图书馆Tsinghua University LibraryThe Tsinghua Library is one of the landmarks at Tsinghua University which now has a collection of more than 4 million books. Tsinghua Library consists of three parts: the old library, Yifu library and Li Wenzheng Library which is also called the north library. The old library also consists of the early part and the latter e*tension part.The Tsinghua Library has been under construction four times and its life span covers more than 90 years.The early part of the old library was designed by a famous American architect H.K. Murphy and was pleted in 1919. It was considered to be one of the Four Tsinghua Early Buildings. The e*tension part of the old library was finished in 1931 and covered an area of three times as large as the early part. The Yifu library was built in 1991. It was donated by the famousphilanthropist Mr. Shao Yifu and designed by academician Mr. Guan Zhaoye from the School of Architecture. Mr. Guan used what most Tsinghua old architectures adopted such as the red bricks and grey tiles in order to keep consistency with the style of the previous one. The Li Wenzheng library was pleted in this year. It was donated by the industrialist Mr. Li wenzheng and also designed by architect Mr. Guan Zhaoye.The library is so superior in design that it received many honors, including “one of the Top 10 architectures of Beijing〞in the 1990s.Tsinghua Library has deep cultural and human atmosphere. Mr. Qian Zhongshu had once made up his mind to read all the books from the library and Mr. Cao Yu wrote his most famous drama Thunderstorm (Lei Yu) in the library.西操场West Sports GroundWest Sports Ground is famous for its blue athletic track which was repainted last year. Its original color is red. In the west of the playground is west Gymnasium.It was designed byarchitect H.K. Murphy and was pleted in 1919.It was considered to be one of the Four Tsinghua Early Buildings. When it was founded, the gym was one of the most advanced of its kind in the country. It housed a basketball court, an athletic track, and various kinds of athletic equipment. It also has an indoor swimming pool.It has been a gathering place for the most outstanding people in the field of physical education, bringing up thousands of talented athletes to represent China.After the liberation of China, former Chairman Mao Zedong used to swim there. Pioneers of physical education such as John Ma and Hao Gengshen taught there for decades.-. z.。
北京交通大学英文Beijing Jiaotong University (BJTU) is a prestigious university located in Beijing, China and is one of the oldest institutes of higher learning in China. It was established in 1896 as Peking Government Institute of Technology, as part of the German Technical School and has been continuallyproviding high-quality education ever since.BJTU is now a comprehensive university offering 44bachelor's degree programs, 144 master's degree programs and77 doctoral degree programs, covering fields such as engineering, science, economics, law, humanities, and management. Most of its schools are rated as the topnationwide by the Ministry of Education. The university is renowned for its academic excellence and outstanding faculty.BJTU boasts state-of-the-art research facilities andwell-equipped laboratories. Its students are encouraged to participate in national and international academic activities, such as the Olympiads and international science & engineering competitions. Over the years, BJTU graduates have made significant contributions to the development of China’s economy and society.BJTU's vision is to build an international-standardmodern university that seeks knowledge and contributes to society. The university actively engages in international exchanges and collaborates with universities from over 30 countries and regions. Today, BJTU is a thriving university with more than 40,000 students, 1,600 full-time teachers and 3,000 administrative staff.。
AIESEC BJTU(北京交通大学分会)简介AIESEC BJTU,即AIESEC北京交通大学分会,正式成立于2004年3月21日。
【AIESEC BJTU的职能】∙建立本地的企业合作伙伴网络,接收来自世界各地的实习生;∙将青年人送往世界各国参与实习和工作,帮助其了解世界文化、开拓视野和锻炼实践技能;∙运行以议题为基础的交换计划,培养对特定议题感兴趣的青年领导人才,运行的项目包括企业家精神项目等;∙举办包括陈朝益大型讲座、创业家精神论坛等对外活动;∙帮助成员发展,为成员提供多样的跨国实习机会、国际会议机会和AIESEC不同国家之间的互访机会,帮助其开拓国际视野和增进实践技能。
【AIESEC BJTU分会的成就】AIESEC BJTU分会现已和金风科技、河南基金会等组织建立良好合作关系AIESEC BJTU成立四年多至今已有超过100多位实习生赴英国、德国、波兰、匈牙利、印度、印度尼西亚、日本、巴西等国家实习;同时接受了超过30多位来自10多个国家的青年学生进行交流/实习【什么是AIESEC】AIESEC(国际经济学商学学生联合会)成立于1948,是目前世界上最大的非政府、非营利性的国际青年组织。
1.成为筹委会主席/副主席(organize committee president/vice president):每一年,AIESEC 都会举办一系列社会公益活动,如:与渣打银行standard charter合作的“培训师育成计划”(Train-the-Trainer),与普华永道PwC会计师事务所合作的“领导力发展日”(develop leadership day)与耐克NIKE中国合作的“50行动计划”(50 actions);与玛氏MARS合作的“玛氏商学院”项目以上活动都会组建相关项目的筹委会,AIESEC鼓励每一位先加入的成员成为筹委会主席(organize committee president)负责联络相关企业家,规划会议流程,策划会议议程等工作,并积极提供所需的帮助,AIESEC 希望,新成员可以在策划会议及带领团队的工作中,发展自己,提升自身领导力水平。
Ⅰ. 单项选择1、---What do you think of his words?--- What he said sounds____.A.nicely B.pleasantlyC.friendly D.wonderfully2、—How soon will we get the offer from a new high school?—_____ about two months.A.In B.For C.Among D.During3、— How was your weekend? —Great ! It was my grandfather’s ______birthday. He was born _____.A.ninety, in the 1920 B.ninetieth, in the 1920sC.the ninetieth, on the 1920s D.nintieth, on the 19204、_____ Tom_____Maria loves this sport.A.Both, and B.Not only, but also C.But, and D.Both, or5、Huawei is one of technology companies in China.A.large B.larger C.largest D.the largest6、Yoga is a kind of sport people around the world like now. Everyone, young and old does it.A.that B.who C.whose7、—Did you give Dick a call?—I didn’t need to ______ I’ll see him soon.A.when B.through C.until D.because8、―Mike, you _______ the magazine since last week. Can you return it now?―Sure.A.borrowed B.have borrowed C.have kept9、—Excuse me, are you _______?—No, we are _______.A.American, Englishman B.Americans, GermansC.American, Germen D.Englishman, American10、He d idn’t wake up he heard the noise.A.until B.while C.if D.becauseⅡ. 完形填空11、In Binjiang Street, I had this amazing experience. While I was waiting for the bus, I saw a beggar (乞丐) carrying a sign which said that he 1 a cup of hot coffee.As soon as I read it. I knew it was time for me to do 2 for him. I ran across the street 3 , thinking that getting him a cup of hot coffee would be great. I went to Starbucks (星巴克) nearby and asked the young lady behind the counter (柜台) to give me a cup of 4 . I then walked back to the street corner where the man had stayed. As I went up to 5 , I found that the closer I got, the more joy (快乐) in his eyes I could see.When I handed him the hot coffee, I just said, “This is for you, my dear.” I could see so much joy in his face and even a 6 was running down. He kept thanking me and holding his coffee 7 the biggest treasure and prize in his life. It made me cry that a simple action can bring so much joy and make someone feel really warm.I walked back to the bus stop happily. When the bus driver opened the door and I wanted to 8 the bus fee (费用). To my surprise, he waved me through and said, “Honey, you don’t need to pay.” He explained that it 9his heart to see that I gave away (赠送) free coffee.This amazing moment was the 10 in my heart and it gave my day and my life a new start. It brings me such a joy to simply love and bless.1.A.would like B.like C.want D.need2.A.anything B.something C.thing D.nothing3.A.loudly B.sadly C.hardly D.quickly4.A.juice B.tea C.coffee D.orange5.A.he B.him C.his D.himself6.A.tear B.rain C.water D.time7.A.for B.with C.like D.in8.A.spend B.pay C.take D.cost9.A.waved B.beat C.hit D.touched10.A.warm B.warmer C.warmest D.most warmⅢ. 语法填空12、阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。
2023-2024学年华师大版高中历史单元测试学校 __________ 班级 __________ 姓名 __________ 考号 __________注意事项1.答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息;2.请将答案正确填写在答题卡上;一、选择题(本大题共计16小题每题3分共计48分)1.据《苏州府风俗考》记载明朝苏州“聊城之东旨习机业……匠有常主什暖值……无主者黎明立桥以待……若机房工作减以辈衣食无所矣“这则材料所反映的最本质的问题是()A. 出现劳动力市场B. 存在失业现象C. 自然经济趋于解体D. 出现资本主义萌芽【答案】D【解析】结合所学知识可知资本主义萌芽的显著标志是雇佣关系的出现材料“匠有常主什暖值……无主者黎明立桥以待……若机房工作减以辈衣食无所矣”体现的是雇佣关系D选项符合题意AB选项说法不符合材料主旨排除C选项是在鸦片战争后排除2.余梓东在《康熙皇帝不修长城修“关系”》中指出“这种用人而不是用砖石固边御敌的思想充分体现出清朝统治者在制定和实施民族政策的理念方面实现了历史性飞跃也正是在这种理念的影响下清朝……实现了‘固国不以山川之险’ ”下面能够体现该观点的是()A. 设立主管边疆事务的地方机构——理藩院B. 实行“区别对待因俗而制”的政策C. 设置辽阳行省管理东北D. 在西南地区大规模实行“改土归流”【答案】B【解析】A.结合所学知识可知理藩院是清朝中央管理民族事务的机构与题意不符B.依据题干所给材料中“康熙帝”“这种用人而不是用砖石固边御敌的思想充分体现出清朝统治者在制定和实施民族政策的理念方面实现了历史性飞跃”并结合所学可知为巩固统一的多民族囯家清朝尊重各民族的社会习俗和宗教信仰因地制宜进行行政管理C.结合所学知识可知设置辽阳行省管理东北是在元朝时期这与题干所给材料中“康熙帝”不符D.结合所学知识可知清代大规模改土归流昰在雍正时期这与题干所给材料中“康熙帝”不符故选B3.明朝内阁对皇帝“不合理”的诏旨可以拒绝草拟封还执奏皇帝不满内阁意见发回重拟时如果内阁认为自己的意见正确可以拒绝重拟以原票封进对此理解正确的是()A. 明朝内阁掌握了决策权B. 内阁对皇权存在一定制约C. 明朝政治初露民主端倪D. 明朝君主专制较前代有所弱化【答案】B【解析】材料“明朝内阁对皇帝‘不合理’的诏旨可以拒绝草拟封还执奏皇帝不满内阁意见发回重拟时如果内阁认为自己的意见正确可以拒绝重拟以原票封进”说明明代内阁尽管没有最终的决策权但也能在一定程度上参与行政事务的决策和充分表达自己的意愿这在一定程度上说明内阁对皇权有制约作用故B项符合题意ACD不符合题意故排除故选B4.清入关前实行军民合一的八旗制度军国大事由满族王公共同讨论决定皇太极于天聪五年(1631年)仿明朝制度设立六部天聪十年仿明制度将文馆改为内三院入关后顺治帝将内三院改为内阁设大学士行使原先明内阁的职责这一政治制度的演变()A. 提高了政府决策科学性B. 有利于君主专制的强化C. 延缓了满族的汉化进程D. 有利于社会稳定【答案】B【解析】材料中体现了清朝中枢机构的变化由议政王大臣会议变为六部及内阁这一转变与政府决策科学性无关故A项错误六部及内阁取代议政王大臣会议的权力有利于皇权的集中故B项正确材料中皇太极、顺治帝仿明朝制度的做法可以体现凊政府的汉化并没有延缓满族的汉化进程故C项错误材料中清朝中枢机构的变化仅涉及皇帝与官员权力与社会稳定无关故D项错误故选B5.明末徐光启将西方近代数学中的演绎推理和定量分析运用于田赋、人口、水利、农学和天文历法等领域并译制了体、面、线、点、直角、锐角钝角、平行线、对角线、比例等一批汉字数学术语这反映出当时()A. 传统数学受到西方科技冲击B. 西学东渐推动思维方式改变C. 儒家思想出现了活跃的局面D. 经世致用理念受到社会重视【答案】B【解析】根据材料可知徐光启将西方近代数学中的演绎推理和定量分析运用于各领域并译制了一批汉字数学术语这些属于新的思维方式的运用故选B项材料主旨是射人新的数学思维方式并未提到传统数学是否受到西方科技冲击故排除A 项材料中的“田赋天口、水利、农学和天文历法”等信息并不属于儒家思想内容故排除C 项将演绎推理和定量分析运用于由赋、人口等领域能够体现经世致用理念但并不能说当时经世致用理念受到社会重视故排除D项故选 B6.清朝中期以前对颁授历法书时有非常严格的规定颁朔典礼是国家级典礼王公贵族以及文武百官都要参加各省则逐级颁发原来被忽略的边疆区域的节气也被要求标注在时宪书中清朝对颁授历法的重视主要是为了()A. 加强对边疆地区的有效控制B. 凸显大一统帝国的权力象征C. 加大开发边疆进行前期准备D. 表现政府对农业的特殊重视【答案】B【解析】根据“各省则逐级颁发原来被忽略的边疆区域的节气也被要求标注在时宪书中清朝对颁授历法的重视”可得出清政府强调由中央向地方及边疆地区颁授历法书彰显了大一统帝国的权力故B项正确材料并没有涉及边疆地区排除AC材料主旨不是强调农业排除D故选B7.如图是某学者概括近现代中国思想发展历程简图由此图可见近现代思想发展历程()A. 是一个从器物到制度到文化的过程B. 是一个不断碰撞分化与融合的过程C. 是一个不断回归传统儒学的过程D. 是一个东学西渐的过程【答案】B【解析】依据题干图示可知材料中近代中国思路的历程一是从器物到制度再到文化的过程一是国粹轮到中西互补论再到中国本位论故A项概括不够全面应排除依据题干图示可知近现代思想发展历程实际上是一个中西方文化不断碰撞分化与融合的过程故B项正确C项错在“回归传统儒学” 应排除天朝儒学道统受到西方思想文化的不断冲击属于西学东渐而不是东学西渐故D项错误故选B8.准噶尔部首领噶尔丹进攻喀尔喀其三部10万众南下投清康熙为安置喀尔喀并加强对其管理遂决定于多伦举行会盟喀尔喀属于()A. 蒙古族B. 汉族C. 满族D. 藏族【答案】A【解析】依据材料结合所学可知喀尔喀属于蒙古地区是蒙古族故A项正确B项明显错误排除C项处于东北地区排除D项处于西南地区排除故选A9.《清太祖实录》记载努尔哈赤曾对国家政治制度作出安排“继朕而嗣大位者毋令强梁有力者为也……且一人纵有知识终不及众人之谋今命尔八子为八和硕贝勒同心谋国庶几无失尔八和硕贝勒内择其能受谏而有德者嗣朕登大位若不能受谏所行非善更择善者立焉”这一安排()A. 顺应了民主取代专制的历史趋势B. 奠定了议政王大臣会议的基础C. 形成了君主与大臣相互制约的局面D. 遵从了“禅让制”的古代传统【答案】C【解析】根据材料“且一人纵有知识终不及众人之谋今命尔八子为八和硕贝勒同心谋国庶几无失……若不能受谏所行非善更择善者立焉”可以看出大臣与君主是可以相互制约的故C项正确材料强调的是满洲贵族集体议事清代还是专制的统治不是民主的故A项错误努尔哈赤时期就已经确立了议政王大臣会议故B项错误材料“尔八和硕贝勒内择其能受谏而有德者嗣朕登大位”是指在爱新觉罗氏家族内选新君没有体现“禅让制” 故D项错误故选C10.在伏尔泰的心目中“奉行儒学的中国是开明专制君主制的典范那里有真正的信仰自由政府……从不规定国民的宗教信仰” 伏尔泰的观点()A. 看到了儒学文化的本质B. 体现了反封建专制的精神C. 有助于理性主义的发展D. 推动了法国大革命的爆发【答案】B【解析】通过材料“奉行儒学的中国是开明专制君主制”“从不规定国民的宗教信仰”可以看出伏尔泰认为中国是开明君主制体现了他反对封建君主专制的精神故B正确看到了本质的说法错误排除A材料并未涉及到理性内容排除C伏尔泰对儒学的推崇并没有推动法国大革命的爆发排除D11.自明朝中期起中国在各经济领域出现了一些新现象下列属于“新现象”的表现的是()A. 新的农作物品种的引进与普遍种植B. 实力雄厚的商人群体的兴起C. 自由雇佣劳动现象在各部门普遍存在D. 自给自足的传统小农经济解体【答案】B【解析】结合所学知识可知明朝时期一些地方的人以经商闻名如晋商和徽商结合所学知识可知随着新航路的开辟一些新的农作物品种输入中国这些新农作物还未普遍种植结合所学知识可知明朝中后期雇佣劳动力出现而不是各部门普遍存在结合所学知识可知自给自足的传统小农经济解体是在鸦片战争后故D项错误12.《魏略·西戎传》载“浮屠所载与中国老子经相出入盖以为老子西出关过西域之天竺教胡浮屠属弟子”晋惠帝时天师道祭酒王浮在《老子化胡经》说“老子西出函谷关经西域至天竺化身为佛教化胡人因此产生佛教”“老子化胡说”客观上()A. 表明文化交流有利于社会进步B. 证明了佛教思想来源于道家学说C. 有利于早期佛教在中国的传播D. 顺应了三教合流的社会发展趋势【答案】C【解析】题干材料反映的是老子创立佛教然后传入中国没有体现文化交流的内容故A 项错误佛教是印度宗教并非源于道家学说故B项错误佛教作为外来宗教依托本土宗教便于国人接受有利于佛教的传播故C项正确三教合流的社会发展趋势是在隋唐时期与题干时间不符故D项错误故选C13.在整个18世纪英国对茶叶的需求呈几何级增长从1684年的5箱增至1720年的40万镑到1800年则又增长50倍英国从中国购买的茶叶是中国市售茶叶的大约七分之一这表明在18世纪()①清朝政府已经放弃了闭关自守的政策②中国传统外贸商品在国际上仍有优势③大量白银从海外源源不断地流入中国④英国由此控制了中国茶叶生产和销售A. ①②B. ①④C. ②③D. ③④【答案】C【解析】材料“英国对茶叶的需求呈几何级增长从1684年的5箱增至1720年的40万镑到1800年则又增长50倍”体现的是中国的茶叶在对外贸易中的地位十分重要也导致大量白银流入中国因此②③正确 C选项符合题意清朝政府已经放弃了闭关自守的政策的说法不符合史实①错误 A选项排除英国由此控制了中国茶叶生产和销售的说法过于绝对④错误 BD选项排除故选C14.下列对秦始皇、唐太宗、康熙帝的评价不正确的是()A. 康熙帝收回台湾之后设置台湾行省巩固了祖国东南的海疆B. 唐太宗实行较为开明的民族政策所以唐朝时期各民族比较团结C. 秦始皇、唐太宗、康熙帝三位帝王所做的都是为地主阶级的利益服务的D. 秦始皇的功绩之一在于开创了第一个统一的多民族国家【答案】A【解析】结合所学可知 1885年中法战争结束后清政府鉴于台湾在国防上的重要地位决定在台湾正式建立行省刘铭传为台湾省第一任巡抚因此在台湾建立行省不是康熙帝的措施故A项错误符合题意BCD三项均正确不符合题意故选A15.为了加强君主专制清朝的统治者从思想领城严密控制知识分子将人们禁锢于思想的牢笼材料中的“思想的牢笼”是指()A. 焚书坑儒B. 罢黜百家C. 大兴文字狱D. 闭关锁国【答案】C【解析】依据材料结合所学可知清朝加强思想控制的表现是大兴文字狱故C项正确A项是秦朝排除B项是汉朝排除D项是清朝外交政策排除故选C16.明清中央集权制度日益成为古代中国社会进步的障碍备受批判但如今却有不少学者对这个延续数千年的制度赞赏有加其原因是它有利于()A. 多民族国家的统一和巩固B. 建立宽松良好的社会环境C. 控制人们思想维护专制统治D. 顺应经济发展的时代潮流【答案】A【解析】结合所学可知专制主义中央集权制度有利于稳定统治秩序巩固维护多民族国家的统一故A项正确B项专制主义中央集权体制下社会环境较为压抑排除C项为专制主义中央集权在方式上的体现排除D项专制主义中央集权体制最终阻碍了社会进步排除二、材料分析题(本大题共计3小题每题15分共计45分)17.(1)根据材料一并结合所学知识指出明清时期国内市场发展的表现并分析其原因17.(2)根据材料二并结合所学知识概括明清时期华瓷外销的特点结合上述材料中市场的变化谈谈你对市场的认识【答案】(1)表现农村集市增多城市市场繁荣区域性市场发展全国性市场形成全国市场网络形成原因明清时期农业发展奠定了经济基础农产品商品化程度提高经济作物大量种植私营手工业逐渐占据主导大量手工业产品进入市场商业繁荣商品经济发达商帮推动区域贸易发展工商业市镇兴起资本主义萌芽白银广泛流通货币经济发展全国人口增加市场内需消费能力增强【解析】(1)表现根据材料“福建八府一州的农村集市至清乾隆年间已增至700多个”“岭南、苏松等市场在区域范围内调剂着余缺集散着本区域内的土特产品并与其他区域性市场进行着商品交换”“全国性市场逐渐形成从而构建起一个比较完整的市场网络”结合所学知识进行概括即可原因根据材料结合所学知识从明清时期农业的发展、私营手工业的发展、区域贸易的发展、工商业市镇兴起、资本主义萌芽、市场内需消费能力增强等方面进行概括即可【答案】(2)特点外销地域扩大规模由大到小品种类型多样呈阶段性变化带有早期资本主义色彩认识市场是影响经济发展的重要要素市场的变化对经济发展、商品贸易产生直接的影响国内市场和国际市场是拉动经济增长的重要载体国际市场易受国际诸多因素的影响充满了不确定性因素【解析】(2)特点根据材料“英法荷等欧洲国家先后在广州设立了贸易机构”“明代外销瓷不仅有青花瓷、釉上三彩瓷、景德镇细瓷还有较粗的日用瓷、克拉克瓷、纹章瓷等定制新型瓷”“逐渐表现出近代早期资本主义贸易的特征”结合所学知识可得出特点是外销地域扩大规模由大到小品种类型多样呈阶段性变化带有早期资本主义色彩认识根据材料“涉足华瓷外销的国家均从中获利颇丰这反过来又刺激了瓷器贸易规模的整体升级逐渐表现出近代早期资本主义贸易的特征”结合所学知识从市场与经济发展、商品贸易的关系以及国内市场与国际市场等方面进行概括即可18.(1)根据材料并结合所学知识分别说明古代中国士阶层活动“第一期”、“第二期”出现的原因18.(2)根据材料并结合所学知识分析18世纪英国中间阶层壮大的历史影响【答案】(1)“第一期”原因社会的转型生产力发展新兴地主阶级的兴起私学的发展“百家争鸣”局面的形成“第二期”原因大一统的需要汉武帝“罢黜百家独尊儒术” 重用儒生做官创办太学【解析】(1)“第一期”原因方面根据材料“一面加速了古代封建统治阶层之崩溃一面促成了秦、汉以下统一大运之开始”可得出社会的转型结合所学可得出生产力发展新兴地主阶级的兴起私学的发展“百家争鸣”局面的形成“第二期”原因方面结合所学可得出大一统的需要汉武帝“罢黜百家独尊儒术” 重用儒生做官创办太学【答案】(2)壮大了资产阶级的力量促进了资产阶级启蒙思想的传播推动了资产阶级代议制的发展和完善推动了海外殖民扩张推动了工业革命的开展【解析】(2)历史影响方面根据材料“中间阶层不仅在数量上迅速扩大而且发展出自己的意识形态正在变成一个界限逐渐明确的集团它以自己的商业财富和自己的生活背景为荣形成了自己的文化和传统并开始谋求政治权力和独立”“商人和律师在议会中占的席位逐渐增多这反映了经济的扩张和中间阶层的成长”可得出壮大了资产阶级的力量促进了资产阶级启蒙思想的传播推动了资产阶级代议制的发展和完善根据材料“中间阶层不会把自己囿于一隅之地而是寻求更广阔的场所拓展更大的活动范围”可得出推动了海外殖民扩张结合所学可得出推动了工业革命的开展19.(1)根据材料概括郑和下西洋活动的主要特点19.(2)根据材料并结合所学知识评价郑和下西洋活动的影响【答案】(1)和平外交平等贸易友好交流【解析】(1)依据材料“不欺寡、不凌弱、友好相处共享太平”等结合所学知识进行归纳分析和平外交平等贸易友好交流【答案】(2)加强了中国和亚非国家的联系和友谊传播了中华文明促进了中外经济文化的交流推动了亚非许多地区经济文化的发展与进步【解析】(2)依据材料“郑和船队还把中国的一些生产技术、生产工具、医学等带到了沿途国家推动了当地的经济和文化的发展与进步赢得了沿途各国人民的欢迎和赞扬直到今天索马里和坦桑尼亚仍然把当地出土的明代瓷器视为和中国传统友谊的象征”等结合所学知识进行归纳示例如下加强了中国和亚非国家的联系和友谊传播了中华文明促进了中外经济文化的交流推动了亚非许多地区经济文化的发展与进步。
General InformationTsinghua University was established in 1911, originally under the name “Tsinghua Xuetang”. The school was renamed "Tsinghua School" in 1912. The university section was founded in 1925. The name “National Tsinghua University” was adopted in 1928.The faculty greatly valued the interaction between Chinese and Western cultures, the sciences and humanities, the ancient and modern. Tsinghua scholars Wang Guowei, Liang Qichao, Chen Yinque and Zhao Yuanren, renowned as the "Four Tutors" in the Institute of Chinese Classics, advocated this belief and had a profound impact on Tsinghua's later development.Tsinghua University was forced to move to Kunming and join with Peking University and Nankai University to form the Southwest Associated University due to the Resistance War against the Japanese Invasion in 1937. In 1946 The University was moved back to its original location in Beijing after the war.After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the University was molded into a polytechnic institute focusing on engineering in the nationwide restructuring of universities and colleges undertaken in 1952. In November 1952, Mr. Jiang Nanxiang became the President of the University. He made significant contributions in leading Tsinghua to become the national center for training engineers and scientists with both professional proficiency and personal integrity.Since China opened up to the world in 1978, Tsinghua University has developed at a breathtaking pace into a comprehensive research university. At present, the university has 14 schools and 56 departments with faculties in science, engineering, humanities, law, medicine, history, philosophy, economics, management, education and art. The University has now over 25,900 students, including 13,100 undergraduates and 12,800 graduate students. As one of China’s most renowned universities, Tsinghua has become an important institution for fostering talent and scientific research.The educational philosophy of Tsinghua is to "train students with integrity." Among over 120,000 students who have graduated from Tsinghua since its founding are many outstanding scholars, eminent entrepreneurs and great statesmen remembered and respected by their fellow Chinese citizens.With the motto of “Self-Discipline and Social Commitment” and the spirit of “Actions Speak Louder than Words”,History of TsinghuaLocated in the northwestern suburbs of Beijing, Tsinghua University wasestablished in 1911 on the site of “Qing Hua Yuan (Tsinghua Garden)” —a formerroyal garden of the Qing Dynasty. Partly funded by the “Gengzi Indemnity”, alsoknown as “Boxer Indemnity,” it functioned at first as a preparatory school called“Tsinghua Xuetang (Tsing Hua Imperial College)” for those students who weresent by the government to study in the United States.On April 29, 1911, Tsinghua Xuetang began its first term of study, and from thatyear on, the Tsinghua’s anniversary has fallen on the last Sunday of April. Thename was changed to “Tsinghua Xuexiao (Tsing Hua College)” after the 1911Revolution.In 1925, Tsinghua launched its four-year undergraduate programme. In 1928,its name was changed to “Guoli Tsinghua Daxue (National Tsinghua University),”and in the autumn of 1929 its graduate school was set up.Following the outbreak of the War of Resistance against Japan in 1937, Tsinghua University, Peking University and Nankai University merged to form the National Southwest Associated University in Kunming. After the war, Tsinghua University moved back to its original Beijing campus.Three years after the founding of the People’s Republic of China, a nationwide restructuring of institutes of higher education began, and in 1952, Tsinghua University became a multidisciplinary polytechnic university specializing in training engineers. In November of that year, the Ministry of Education appointed Jiang Nanxiang as President.Since 1978, Tsinghua University has strengthened its teaching in sciences, economic management, humanities and law. In 1999, Tsinghua opened the School of Arts and Design by merging with the Central Academy of Arts and Design. Today, Tsinghua has become a leading university: while its teaching is focused on engineering, it concurrently offers degrees in other sciences, the liberal arts, management and law.To fully implement the “China Education Reform and Development Program,” Tsinghua University has set new development targets for the next 15 years. Educational quality and effectiveness will be improved and disciplinary structure will be readjusted. Building on our strength in engineering, the university will promote the development of science and management departments. High academic standards will also be pursued in the humanities and social sciences.In less than 100 years, Tsinghua University has witnessed and shared the hardships and glories of the nation. The University’s motto of “Self-discipline and Social Commitment” has inspired many generations of Tsinghua teachers and students to struggle for the prosperity of China. Now, striving to build Tsinghua University into a world-class university by its 100th anniversary in 2011 has become the objective of each member of the teaching staff and the student body.Tsinghua Garden(清华园-工字厅)Tsinghua Garden is architecturally unique. It preserves original architectural features over three centuries old. The garden retains a traditional Qing private garden design and style with painted corridors connecting every room. It has functioned as the university's head office for many years. Due to its distinctive characteristics, it has become a major attraction on campus.The more popular name of the garden is Gong Zi Ting -- which in Chinese means H-Shaped House. Viewed from above, the central part of the house resembles the letter "H", with its two halls in the front and back connected by a short corridor in the middle.The garden started out as the residence of a Qing emperor’s brother’s family. In the early days of Tsinghua School, founded in 1911, the garden was used as the school’s first head office building. Student enrollment lists were posted on the wall at the front gate. For some years in its history, the east room in the front section was used as the Music Center, the west room as the teacher’s reading room and the back section to accommodate distinguished foreign guests. The great Indian poet Rabindranath Tagore stayed there when he visited China in 1924.Auditorium(大礼堂)Located at the heart of the oldest area on Tsinghua campus is the imposing auditorium. Mixing Greek and Roman architectural styles, the 1,200-seat auditorium has a rounded roof, a brass gate, and four large white marble columns. It possesses few design embellishments; its magnificence is evident in its simplicity.Construction on what is now one of the favorite buildings on campus began in September 1917 and concluded in March 1920. The auditorium was one of the four major building projects carried out by Tsinghua School, together with Tsinghua Xuetang, the old library, and the gymnasium.In its day, it was the largest auditorium of its kind at a university in China, and could seat the entire faculty, staff and student body for school assemblies.Tsinghua School(清华学堂)Tsinghua School, a two floor German style building, was one of the main buildings of the school at it’s early stage. It was a student dormitory building.The west wing was built during 1909-1911. The east wing was built in 1916. The total construction area was 4650 m².The four Chinese characters painted above the main entrance read “Tsinghua School”, the first name of the institution when it was founded. The inscription was by Na Tong, a Great Scholar and Grand Minister in late Qing Dynasty.In the last few decades, it was used as teaching building and classrooms. Now it is the offices of some main administration departments: the Graduate School, the undergraduate academic department and the R&D department.The Old Gate(二校门)The Old Gate was built in 1909. In May of that year, the Qing dynasty government approved the application from the Department of Foreign Affairs to establish a school in the suburbs of Beijing. Tsinghua Garden was chosen as the site for the school. The Gate was the main entrance to the school campus at that time.At that time, the Gate was not only stately and graceful, but also heavily guarded. In those years, underclassmen were not allowed to go beyond the gate without permission from school authorities. In addition, for the sake of preserving the sanctity of the learning environment, people not on official school business were forbidden to pass through the gate.In 1933, after the expansion of the residential area, the former enclosing wall was moved to further out. A new gate, now Tsinghua's West Gate, became the new main entrance. Ever since, the original gate has been called Er Xiao Men (means "the second school gate").The Old Gate was demolished in 1960’s. Donated by Tsinghua University Alumni, it was rebuilt in 1991, following the original design.Shui Mu Tsinghua(水木清华)Shui Mu Tsinghua, which means "clear water and trees surrounding Tsinghua," is one of the most captivating spots in Tsinghua Yuan. Located near the rear gate of the H-shaped Hall, Shui Mu Tsinghua is often compared by Tsinghua students to the Garden of Harmonious Interests in Beijing's famed Summer Palace. It is a "garden within a garden."Shui Mu Tsinghua has many charms. Unusual rock formations abound, and a variety of trees, which change color from season to season, encircle an expanse of calm, clear water. On the northern bank are two ancient, graceful pavilions. The four Chinese characters "Shui Mu Tsing Hua" painted on the top of the main gate, were copied from an inscription by Emperor Kang Xi.The Main Building(主楼)The Main Building, located in the eastern area of campus, is composed of three sections covering a total area of 76,871 square meters. It was jointly designed by the Tsinghua students and teachers from different departments after the liberation of China.For more than 30 years since it was set up, the Main Building held many departments, including those of Architecture, Automation, Computer Science, Mathematics, and Foreign Languages, making significant contributions to both teaching and scientific research.Today, the central and east sections are the home of the departments of Automation, Computer Science and Technology, and Electronic Engineering. The west section mainly houses the department of Electrical Engineering and Applied Electrical Technology.School of Science(科学馆)The building that houses the School of Science was built and put into use just before Tsinghua's 50th anniversary in 1961. It was designed in the Western Classical style by professors from the School of Architecture and Guan Zhaoye, a member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering.The School of Science has a long and brilliant history. It was established in 1929. The first president was renowned physicist Ye Qisun, one of the founders of modern science education in China. Since it opened, it has produced a number of outstanding scholars. By the end of 1940, the department of Physics alone had produced many academicians for the Chinese Academy of Science, including Wang Jinchang, Zhou Tongqing, Gong Zutong, Zhao Jiuzhang, Fu Chengyi, Wang Zhuxi, Weng Wenbo, Zhang Zongsui, Qian Weichang, Peng Huanwu, Qian Sanqiang, He Zehui, Wang Daheng, Yu Zhongzheng, Ge Tingsui, Qin Xinling, Lin Jiaqiao, Zhang Enqiu, Hu Ning, Chen Fangyun, Li Zhengwu, and Lu Xueshan.Graduating from other departments were noted scholars Xu Baolu, Ke Zhao, Duan Xuefu, Chen Xingshen, Yuan Hanqing, Hua Luogeng, Zhang Dayi, Wang Dexi, Cao Benxi, Zhang Qinglian, Feng Xinde, Chen Xinmin, Huang Peiyun, Sun Dehe, Zhu Yajie, Shen Panwen, Tang Aoqing, Yan Dongsheng, Xiao Lun, Shi Jun, Chen Guanrong, Wu Chi, Gao Zhenheng, Wang Shizhen, Wang Fuxiong, Wu Zhengyi, Wang Zhijun, Lou Chenghou,Xu Ren, Huang Shaoxian, Cheng Chunshu, Xie Yibing, Wang Hongzhen, Cheng Yuqi, Dong Shenbao, Wu Heng, Zhang Bingxi, Ye Duzheng, Guan Shicong, Yang Zunyi, Song Shuhe.Palace of the Ancient Moon(古月堂)Near the H-Shaped Hall, the Palace of the Ancient Moon stands alone as a secluded courtyard. Being 670 square meters large, it was constructed in the second year of Emperor Dao Guang's reign. Originally it was the private study chamber of the host. When the school was founded, it became a living quarters for the school staff, and noted scholars such as Prof. Liang Qichao and Prof. Zhu Ziqing also lived there. In 1928, it was designated as a dormitory for the school's first group of female students. Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, ithas housed the school's administrative offices.Gymnasium(西操)The gymnasium, distinguished for its historic and cultural value, has been one of the most beloved spots on campus for generations of Tsinghua graduates. It has been a gathering place for the most outstanding people in the field of physical education, bringing up thousands of talented athletes to represent China. Pioneers of physical education such as John Ma and Hao Gengshen taught there for decades.The gym was constructed in two stages. The front hall, with its Western Classic architectural style, was built from 1916 to1919. The back hall was built from 1931 to 1932, and followed the same design style.When it was founded, the gym was one of the most advanced of its kind in the country. It housed a basketball court, an suspension athletic track, and various kinds of athletic equipment. It now has an indoor swimming pool, which was used by former Chairman Mao Zedong after the liberation of China.DiningInternational students can apply for a Dining Card at the Food Service Center (Business hours: 8:00-13:00, 15:00-18:00) located in No.15 Building with their Admission Notice/Student ID Cards or certificates issued by FSAO. Students may have meals in any students’ dining hall with this card. A temporary card or cash is required at other dining places. Students are expected to maintain the order of the dining halls, help to keep the places clean and tidy, take care of the facilities and equipment, and show respect to the working staff.Campus ServicesService facilities inside Tsinghua University make the life of students very convenient. The on-campus shopping center is located at Zhaolanyuan, where one can find banks, post office, super-market, bookstores, fruit and vegetable market, photo studios, restaurants, the barber’s, laundries, etc. All kinds of services are also provided in the living area of students.Banking ServiceThe Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, China Construction Bank and Bank of Beijing in Zhaolanyuan shopping center, Bank of China in Zijing Student Service Center (Building C) provide service for deposit and exchange of foreign currencies. US dollar, Euro, Pound, Yen can be exchanged to Renminbi. But the traveler's check is not acceptable there. Large amount of foreign currencies and traveler's check can be exchanged to Renminbi at a branch of Bank of China located at Chuangxin Plaza nearby University's East Gate. Banks open from 9:00 to 17:00 everyday.On-campus Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) can be found at places like the Zijingyuan Dinning Hall, the Taoliyuan Dinning Hall, the Zijing Building No.4, 5 and 6, the post office, the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, outside the Tingtaoyuan (formerly named No.10 Dining Hall), on the first floor of Guanchouyuan(formerly named Dining Plaza), the Financial Department of the University, etc.Mailing ServiceThe post office located in the Student Service Center located in the west of the Zijing dormitory and Zhaolanyuan opens from 8:30 to 17:30 everyday, providing services of mailing, sending and receiving parcels, fax, telegram, distance calls, etc.ShoppingThe shopping center of Tsinghua is located in Zhaolanyuan. Besides, several other supermarkets can be found, such as the Zijing Student Supermarket at the underground floor of the Student Service Center, Zijing Supermarketin the Dining Plaza, and the Student Supermarket between No.7 and No.8 student dormitories. Banks, shops and bookstores are installed at the Student Service Center.Sports FacilitiesThe on-campus sports facilities include the following.The indoor swimming and diving gymnasium, and the West Lake outdoor swimming pool (Open from June.1st to Sep 1st each year).The comprehensive gymnasium (sports facilities provided: badminton, table tennis, basketball, and gymnastic apparatus).Western gymnasium (sports facilities provided: badminton, basketball, and billiards).The plastic tennis court, the eastern gymnasium, and the table tennis Center.International students may use the above mentioned services with Student ID cards and pay relevant fees.Library Collections●General IntroductionTsinghua University Library's collection is emphasized on Science and Technology and also covers broad subjects of Humanities, Social Sciences and Management. The total collection amounts to more than 3.96 million items, including:Printed Collections•222,282 thread-bound ancient books;•More than 3,268 current serials and 585,976 bound periodicals;•More than 94,836 Tsinghua University dissertations and theses;•More than 20,000 microforms;•Other books.Electronic Resources•Near 57,000 full-text e-journals;•459electronic databases;•More than 2,383,000 e-books;•More than 45,000 multimedia collections.Tsinghua University Library was established in 1912, just one year after the “Tsinghua Xue Tang” was founded. Up to now, Tsinghua university library system includes the university library, 6 subject branch libraries and more than 10 school or department reading rooms. In the past few years the library has expanded its collection very fast especially in the e-resources. The total physical collections have been over4.0 million item/volumes, full-text e-journals in Chinese and foreign languages are over 57,000 and e-books are more than 2.39 million by end of 2010. In 1996, the Library introduced integrated library management system (INNOPAC) for cataloging and circulation management, which was the first one in China. In 2005, the library brought in MetaLib+SFX, the e-resources integration system, established Tsinghua Academic Information Resource Portal. Now the faculty and students of Tsinghua University are able to access the library's e-resources conveniently and safely at any time and from any places.AlumniTsinghua alumni have stepped all over the world and are active in the developed countries such as the United States and Japan, the developing ones including India and Thailand, and the distant southern Africa and South America as well. Around 20,000 alumni currently stay abroad, mostly in North America, and nearly half of them live and work in Silicon Valley under the background of the University’s strength in science and engineering. Nearly 50 Tsinghua alumni organizations have been established in over 10 countries.。
北京工业大学英文简介Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT) is a leading university in science, engineering and technology in China. Founded in 1940, BIT is one of the earliest institutions of higher learning established with the approval of the State Council. It is a multi-disciplinary engineering-oriented university focusing on engineering, combined with science, economics, management, liberal arts and law. It is a member of Project 211 and Project 985, which are national initiatives to support the development of high-level universities in China.BIT has three campuses in Beijing, Zhuhai and Weihai. It has 19 schools, offering 74 undergraduate programs, 214 master programs and 107 doctoral programs. There are more than 20,000 full-time students, including over 7,000 postgraduates. Among its faculty members, there are over 1,500 professors and associate professors, and over 1,000 doctoral supervisors.BIT has established extensive international cooperation and exchanges. It has established cooperative relationships with over 100 universities and research institutes in more than 20 countries and regions, and has signed a number of agreements with foreign universities. It is also actively engaged in international academic exchanges and has sent faculty members and students to study abroad.。
(Revised 2011-06-16)
BJTU Application Form for Overseas Language Program Students 地址: 中国北京交通大学留学生办公室100044 电话/Tel: 8610-51684535/8351
Address: International Students Office 传真/Fax: 8610-62255671
Beijing Jiaotong University 电子邮件/E-mail: apply@
Beijing 100044, P. R. China 网址/Website: /content/intstu.htm Array
1. 护照用名
2. 中文姓名
3. 国籍/ Nationality
5. 性别/Gender □
7. 出生日期
9. 出生地点/Place of Birth: (国家/Country)(城市/ City)
10. 婚姻状况/Marital Status: □未婚Single □已婚Married 11.子女状况Children: ☐无None ☐有Yes
12. 家庭通讯地址/Home Address in your Country
电话/ Tel:
13. 在华通讯地址/Current Address in China(if any)
电话/ Tel:
14. 申请学习时间/Duration of Study自/from (Y)/ (M)至/to (Y)/ (M)
15.申请宿舍/Accommodation Application(只提供双人间,详见网站/Double Room Only, Refer to our Website): ☐A类/Type A ☐B类/Type B ☐C类/Type C ☐D类/Type D ☐校外/Off Campus 16.最高学历/Highest Degree:
☐高中High School ☐本科Bachelor ☐硕士Master ☐博士Doctor ☐其他Others 17.汉语水平/Chinese characters you know: ☐None ☐about 800 ☐about 1500 ☐about 2500 ☐over 3500 HSK或其他汉语考试成绩Certificates of HSK or other Chinese tests: ☐有Yes ☐无None 18.最后学习或工作单位/Previous School or Company时间/ Period 身份/Status
19.是否有亲属陪读Will any of your family member accompany your study ☐有Yes ☐无None 20.紧急事务联系人/Emergency Contact Person
姓名/ Name: 与本人关系/Relationship to you:
电话/Tel: 手机/Cell Phone: E-mail: 申请人保证/I hereby affirm that:
1. 上述情况真实无误。
The above information I have provided is true.
2. 在中国学习期间遵守中国法律和学校的规章制度。
I shall abide by the Chinese laws and the
regulations of the University.
3. 按时缴纳学校规定的学生应该缴纳的各项费用。
I shall pay tuition fees and all due expenses on time.
申请人签字/Signature 日期/Date