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考古发现,世界上最早的陶质容器出土于我国江西万年仙人洞遗址,距今约2 万年,器型为整体近似“U”形的圜底罐。
一、选择题(本大题共14个小题,共38分,1~10小题每小题3分,11~14小题各2分,在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的)1.若方程是二元一次方程,则“”可以表示为()A.0B.C.D.2.如图所示,直线与相交于点.下列说法错误的是()A.若,则B.若,垂足为,则C.当,称与互相垂直D.与相交于点,点为垂足3.是()A.正有理数B.负有理数C.正无理数D.负无理数4.下列各点在第二象限的是()A.B.C.D.5.若,则“?”是()A.1B.C.3D.6.用下面图形中的和能说明“同位角相等”是假命题的是()A.B.C.D.7.的平方根是()A.B.3C.3或D.98.现有一个长方形草地,需在其中修建一条等宽的小路,达到“曲径通幽”的效果,如图设计方案中,有一个方案修建小路后,剩余的草坪面积与其他三个方案不相等,则这个方案是()A.B.C.D.9.如图所示,小手盖住的实数可能是()A.B.C.D.2.310.现有四张卡片,卡片上分别写有一个二元一次方程.若取两张卡片,联立得到的二元一次方程组的解为,则所取的两张卡片是()A.和B.和C.和D.和11.如图,一艘船在处遇险后向相距80海里位于处的救生船报警.用方向和距离描述救生船相对于遇险船的位置()A.南偏西,80海里B.南偏西,80海里C.北偏东,80海里D.北偏东,80海里12.如图,平面直角坐标系中直线轴于点,直线轴于点,点的坐标为,根据图中点的位置判断,下列关系正确的是()A.B.C.D.13.如图,,垂足为,,,.是线段上一点,连接,的长不可能是()A.4B.5C.6D.714.对于题目:“如图,写出与是同旁内角的所有角”甲的答案:;乙的答案:则下列说法正确的是()A.甲对B.乙对C.甲、乙合在一起才正确D.甲、乙合在一起也不正确二、填空题(本大题共3个小题,共10分.15小题2分,16~17小题各4分,每空2分)15.如图,,,垂足分别为点,则点到直线的距离是线段______的长.16.根据图中呈现的开立方运算关系,可以得出______;______.17.已知关于的方程组(1)若方程组的解满足,则______.(2)若方程组的解中恰为整数,也为整数,______.三、解答题(本大题共七个小题,满分72分、解答题应写出必要的解题步骤或文字说明)18.(本小题满分9分)光线从空气射入玻璃时,光的传播方向发生了改变,一部分光线通过玻璃表面反射形成反射光线,一部分光线穿过玻璃发生了折射,如图所示,由科学实验知道,,,那么和是对顶角吗,和是对顶角吗?为什么?19.(本小题满分9分)为更好的开展古树名木的系统保护工作,某公园对园内的6棵百年古树都利用坐标确定了位置,并且定期巡视.(1)在如图所示的正方形网格中建立平面直角坐标系,使得古树的位置分别表示为,,请标出轴,轴和原点;(2)在(1)建立的平面直角坐标系中,标出另外三棵古树,,的位置.20.(本小题满分9分)课堂上,老师出了一道题,比较与的大小.小明的解法如下:解:,因为,所以,所以.所以,所以,我们把这种比较大小的方法称为作差法.(1)根据上述材料填空(在横线上填“”“”或“”):①若,则______;②若,则______;③若,则______.(2)利用上述方法比较实数与的大小.21.(本小题满分10分)在平面直角坐标系中,点的坐标为,(1)若点在过点且与轴平行的直线上时,求点的坐标;(2)将点向右平移2个单位,再向上平移3个单位后得到点,若点在第三象限,且点到轴的距离为7,求点的坐标.22.(本小题满分10分)已知代数式.(1)当时,代数式的值是5,请用含的代数式表示.(2)当时,代数式的值是0,当时,代数式的值是15,求的值.23.(本小题满分12分)小明手中有块长方形的硬纸片,如果长减少,宽增加,就成为一个正方形,并且这两个图形的面积相等(1)求这个长方形的长、宽各是多少?(2)现小明想用这块长方形的硬纸片,沿着边的方向裁出一块长与宽的比为,面积为的新长方形纸片,试判断小明能否成功,并说明理由.24.(本小题满分13分)问题情境:已知,,平分交于点.探究(1)如图1,,,,试判断与的位置关系,并说明理由;探究(2)如图2,,,当时,求的度数;图1 图22023—2024学年第二学期期中考试七年级数学答案(人教版)1-5 BDDBC 6-10 BCBAC 11-14 CAAD 15.AB16.,17.(1)(2)或18.解:和不是对顶角,和也不是对顶角理由是:和和这两对角均有一边互为延长线,一边不互为延长线.19.解:(1)建立平面直角坐标系如下图所示:(2)另外三棵古树,,的位置如下图所示:20.(1)①,②,③(2),,,,,.21.解:(1)点在过点且与轴平行的直线上,点的横坐标为,,解得,,,P点坐标为;(2)由题意知的坐标为,在第三象限,且到轴的距离为7,点的横坐标为,,解得,,点M的坐标为22.解:(1)根据题意得:当时,代数式的值是5,,,用含的代数式表示.(2)根据题意得:当时,代数式的值是0;当时,代数式的值是15,,解得:.23.解:(1)设长方形的长为,宽为,则,解得,,答:这个长方形的长、宽分别是;(2)小明不能成功。
河北省邢台市中小幼《中小学教师综合应用能力》教师教育招聘考试《说明:本卷为历年及近期公务员(国考)考试真题》本卷共150题,考试时间90分钟,满分100分一、单选题1. 不属于法的正式解释的是()。
A、学理解释B、立法解释C、行政解释D、司法解释【参考答案】A2. 提出普及初等教育的要求在()。
A、第一次工业革命后B、第二次工业革命后C、第三次工业革命后D、信息革命后【参考答案】A3. 我国第一个正式实施的学校制度是()。
A、癸卯学制B、壬戌学制C、壬寅学制D、六三三制【参考答案】A4. 行政机关对政府信息不能确定是否可以公开时,应当如何处理()。
A、告知申请人信息不存在B、报有关主管部门或者同级保密工作部门确定C、予以公开,并报有关主管部门备案D、告知申请人不予公开【参考答案】B5. 教师获得职业能力的前提是()。
A、问题意识B、知识修养C、实践经验D、反思习惯【参考答案】A6. 行政机关使用或者销毁扣押的财物,对当事人造成损失的,应当依法予以()。
A、赔偿B、抚恤C、补助D、返还【参考答案】A7. 蓝天市文化局和公安局在一次联合执法中发现本市 B 区的楚天歌舞厅存在安全隐患,以共同名义对其给予2000 元罚款,楚天歌舞厅不服,向 B 区人民政府提交复议申请。
A、B 区人民政府应该受理B、B 区人民政府告之楚天歌舞厅向市人民政府申请复议C、B 区人民政府自接到复议申请之日起10 日内转送市人民政府,并告之楚天歌舞厅D、B 区人民政府自接到复议申请之日起 7 日内转送市人民政府,并告之楚天歌舞厅【参考答案】D8. 根据维纳的两维成败归因理论,属于稳定的内在原因是()。
A、能力B、努力C、任务D、运气【参考答案】A9. 儿童心理发展存在着关键期,这一概念由()首先提出的。
A、皮亚杰B、劳伦兹C、桑代克D、维果斯基【参考答案】B10. 在幼儿内部语言发展的过程中,常常出现一种介乎外部语言和内部语言之间的语言形式,这种语言形式是()。
农业工程技术·综合版 2022年7月刊80栽 培 与 种 植灌技术,省水节肥效果明显。
河北省邢台市邢襄联盟2024-2025学年高三上学期10月期中英语试题一、阅读理解Cycling and walkingWe’re making it easier to include healthy active transport options, like bike riding, scootering (踏板车) and walking, on your journey.Active transport benefitsHealth: It’s a convenient and practical way to combine regular exercise into your days.Environment: Bike riding, scootering or walking to your stop or station helps to reduce your carbon footprint.Economic: The cost of buying and maintaining a bicycle is around 1% of the cost of buying and maintaining a car.Social: It provides an opportunity to socialize with people in your local community. Transport: Bike riding provides customers with economical and efficient access to public transport services. On average, 10 times more households are within riding distance of public transport than they are within walking distance.Travelling with a bike or scooterThere are a number of rules around travelling with bikes and scooters on our network, depending upon which type of public transport you are using.Folding bikes and kick scooters If your folding bike can be carried in a bag no bigger than 90 cm × 70 cm× 36 cm, you can travel on any service.Kick scooters can be taken on-board any service. If you’ re travelling by bus, f old your kick scooter down (where possible) and store it in the luggage racks. Please take care not to block the aisle or doors.Bike and scooter facilitiesBike facilities offer greater flexibility as you can ride or scoot to a station and securely park your bike/ scooter before continuing your journey on public transport. We offer a number of bike racks and facilities for public use at bus stations and park and rides. An area for shared - scooter ande-bike parking is also available at Greenslopes and Holland Park West Stations.Book a bike lockerTo use our bike facilities, email us at *******************************.au.1.Which benefit of cycling is about making friends?A.Transport.B.Economic.C.Environment.D.Social.2.What is required for carrying a folding bike on public transport?A.A specific-sized bag.B.Buying an extra ticket.C.Getting official permission.D.No disturbance to passengers.3.How can a user apply for bike facilities?A.By phone.B.By email.C.In person.D.Through an app.Melissa Wolf’s clients come in all shapes and sizes. Some have two legs, and some have four. All of them need a second chance.Wolf is the founder of UnChained, a nonprofit organization in northern California that pairs vulnerable young people with abandoned or abused dogs that have been rescued from shelters. The youth learn to train the dogs in basic skills and better prepare them for adoption.UnChained, founded in 2011, was born from Wolf’s own passion and personal experiences. When she was in her early 20s and working for a nonprofit in Texas, she was shocked by the animal neglect (忽视) she witnessed in some areas.“Our kids often share very similar stories to the dogs, and we bring that into our classes. Many of our kids have experienced risk factors that have led them to the lives where they are,” Wolf said. “They experience joy, anger, fear and loneliness. When young people in our program can understand that they may share a similar story with a dog in need, and help that dog on a path to success, it can transform how they see themselves and their future.”The program fosters empathy, compassion, and responsibility as students train and build trust with their designated (认定的) dog. At the end of the eight weeks, there is a graduation ceremony where adopters, parents, and teachers gather to celebrate the young people and dogs alike. And students get to show guests what they’ve taught their dogs.By establishing an emotional connection and teaching young people about a dog’s needs, Wolf says her team sees a change occur. It’s a win-win for both the young person and the animal.“There is a lighting up of those children’s eyes and faces, and we start to see the magic that happens and our kids’ understanding that dogs experience feelings very similar to humans,” Wolf said.4.What is the goal of the UnChained program?A.To provide legal aid for animals.B.To train the youth to prepare dogs for adoption.C.To offer job services to troubled teens.D.To pair the youth with dogs for friendship.5.Which of the following motivated Wolf to establish UnChained?A.Her career as a dog trainer.B.A vision for a new pet adoption model.C.A general passion for animal rights.D.Her witness to neglected animals.6.What do the youth do at the graduation ceremony?A.Say good-bye to their parents.B.Present their academic progress.C.Show their dog training results.D.Meet with adoptive dog owners.7.How does Wolf sound in the last paragraph?A.Encouraged and satisfied.B.Nervous and thrilled.C.Appreciative and optimistic.D.Reflective and hopeful.Snacks provide, on average, about one-fourth of most people’s daily calories. With nearly one in three adults in the United States overweight and more than two in five with obesity (肥胖), according to the National Institutes of Health, researchers in the Penn State Sensory Evaluation Center (PSSEC) are investigating how people can snack smarter.The latest study investigated how eating behaviors change when consumers are served a dip (调味酱) with a salty snack. The findings suggest that they eat more — a lot more. The chips and dip together led to a 77% greater caloric intake, and a faster total eating rate compared to the just chips, no-dip control.“The most striking findings of our study is that people didn’t eat fewer chips when dip was available — they ate the same amount of chips, plus the dip,” pointed out study author John Hayes, professor of food science and director of PSSEC.“This lack of compensation means that addingdip to chips can substantially increase overall energy intake without people realizing it.”The study assessed 46 adult participants. In two visits to the Sensory Evaluation Center, they were served 70 grams of ranch-flavored chips, or about 2.5 servings, with or without about a third of a cup of ranch dip. Participants ate as much as they wanted. Their intake was measured, and all eating sessions were video recorded and annotated for the number of bites and active eating time. Researchers used that information to calculate measures of “eating microstructure”, including eating rate and bite size.Hayes suggested that the greater intake of the chips and dip snack was facilitated by a larger bite size resulting from dip inclusion. On average per eating session, participants consumed 345 calories of chips and dip compared to 195 calories of chips alone.“This research opens up new avenues for exploring how the physical properties of foods can influence our eating behaviors and ultimately, our energy intake,” he said. “If we can slow people down, we can influence energy consumption without giving up the pleasure from food.”8.Why did PSSEC conduct the study?A.To know about the impact of chips.B.To get an idea of daily calories.C.To investigate the obesity rate.D.To make people snack wisely.9.How does adding dip to chips affect participants?A.Slowing eating rate.B.Eating fewer chips.C.Taking in more calories.D.Lengthening eating time.10.What does paragraph 4 mainly talk about?A.The result of the research.B.The process of the research.C.The difficulties of the research.D.The influence of the research.11.What may researchers suggest about limiting calories?A.Eating snacks without dips.B.Replacing snacks with dips.C.Giving up the pleasure of food.D.Decreasing portion sizes.Monarch butterflies(帝王蝶), with their striking orange and black wings, are some of the most recognizable butterflies in North America. But they’re in trouble. Monarch caterpillars(幼虫)can only eat the leaves of milkweed, a native wildflower. As milkweed has disappeared, so the monarchs have got to the point that they’re at risk of extinction.Research shows that planting milkweed in home gardens can add significant monarch habitat to the landscape. In a new study in the journal Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, researchers and community scientists monitored urban milkweed plants for butterfly eggs to learn what makes these city gardens more hospitable to monarchs. They found that even tiny city gardens attracted monarchs and became a home to caterpillars.Monarch butterflies have one of the most unusual and demanding migration patterns of any insect. The eastern population of monarchs starts the year in Mexico, and they move up across North America in the spring and summer.“As they travel, they lay their eggs, and when those adults die, the next generation continues the migration northward. They will make it all the way to southern Canada, and at the end of summer, a new super generation is born that migrates all the way south and survives through the winter. Since it takes multiple generations of milkweed- eating caterpillars to get the monarch population from Mexico to Canada each year, the monarchs rely on milkweed plants throughout their migration path,” says Klinger, the study’s lead author and a Geographic Information Systems analyst in the Keller Science Action Center.Klinger and his colleague worked with volunteers around Chicagoland to monitor milkweed plants in their yards and neighborhoods for monarch butterflies laying their eggs on the plants and caterpillars eating the milkweed leaves.“We wanted to answer the question: How well do these urban milkweed gardens actually support monarch butterflies? Everybody always wants to know: What should we plant? What species of milkweed, how many plants, how big of a garden? There are so many questions to answer, so we were hoping that we could use this project and the data from it to start answering those questions,” says Klinger.12.What does the underlined word “hospitable” in paragraph 2mean?A.Critical.B.Welcoming.C.Efficient.D.Abnormal. 13.Why does the author mention the demanding migration pattern of monarch butterflies?A.To explain how the butterflies try to reproduce.B.To prove what a difficult life the butterflies live.C.To find the best migration routes for the butterflies.D.To show why milkweed is important to the butterflies.14.What do the researchers hope to learn from their project?A.Best planting strategies.B.Caterpillar growth rates.C.Milkweed diseases.D.Substitutes for milkweed.15.What can be the best title for the text?A.Scientists raised a series of questions on planting milkweedB.Monarch caterpillars only eat the leaves of milkweedC.Planting milkweed can help save monarch butterfliesD.Monarch butterflies have the most demanding migration patternsHaving a little nervousness before a big test is normal, but for some students, this nervousness can turn into anxiety. Test anxiety is a common issue that affects many students, but there are ways to manage and overcome this challenge. Below are some tips to help you deal with test anxiety and stay calm during your exams.Prepare thoroughly. Preparation may reduce some test anxiety. 16 Focus on understanding the material thoroughly rather than just memorizing facts. In addition, organize your notes and use study strategies that match your learning style to make the most of your study time.Manage your time. Effective time management may significantly reduce your stress level.17 Use to- do lists to keep track of your tasks and reward yourself for completing them. Avoid procrastination and tackle study sessions in manageable chunks.Reflect on past successes. 18 Think about what strategies worked well for you in the past and apply them to your current test preparation. Knowing that you have done well before might reduce performance anxiety.19 During the test, avoid distractions and focus on one question at a time. Read each question thoroughly and take your time to understand it before answering. If you start feeling anxious, use a relaxation technique like deep breathing to stay calm and focus.Maintain a realistic viewpoint. While aiming for performance can be helpful, do not attach your self- worth to test outcomes. After a test, review what you did well and identify areas forimprovement without being too hard on yourself. 20A.Stay focused during the test.B.Answer the questions you know first.C.Create a flexible study schedule that includes breaks and personal time.D.Following these strategies can reduce test anxiety and improve performance.E.Develop positive study habits and start studying well in advance of the test date.F.This approach may help you develop long- term strategies for success and reduce test anxiety. G.Your past achievements may boost your confidence and remind you that you can succeed again.二、完形填空Frances Brissey was travelling from North Carolina back to her home in Florida after a family gathering. Her son was 21 , with his wife beside him, while Brissey and her grandchildren were in the backseat.As they made their 22 down I-95 in Georgia, a truck ahead began driving unsteadily, 23 crashing into Brissey’s family’s car. The collision threw Brissey from the back seat to the front, where she 24 the windshield (挡风玻璃) and then fell back onto her daughter-in-law.Brissey couldn’t move and was in 25 pain, while her daughter-in-law, whose leg was broken, was trapped underneath her. In chaos, Brissey heard a man’s 26 , “I’ll hold her off your 27 to give you some relief.”The man was Terry Reavis, a truck driver who had witnessed the 28 and rushed over to help. He wrapped his arms around Brissey to 29 her daughter-in-law’s pain and stayed with Brissey until the ambulance arrived.Brissey was rushed to a hospital, where she spent 21 days 30 . After returning home, she called the police to find Reavis and 31 her heartfelt thanks.Brissey reflected that the day had changed her 32 in both bad and good ways. She felt deeply 33 to Reavis, whom she now calls him “highway hero” and friend. “It was someone who truly 34 my family,” she said. “He’s our 35 forever, and we’llalways stay in touch with him for the rest of our lives.”21.A.talking B.driving C.phoning D.sleeping 22.A.place B.car C.point D.way 23.A.eventually B.gradually C.possibly D.gracefully 24.A.patted B.felt C.touched D.hit 25.A.potential B.evident C.severe D.slight 26.A.voice B.whisper C.noise D.message 27.A.foot B.leg C.arm D.head 28.A.road B.truck C.family D.crash 29.A.ease B.check C.break D.kill 30.A.detecting B.waiting C.recovering D.resigning 31.A.expanded B.output C.concluded D.expressed 32.A.idea B.life C.opinion D.will 33.A.tolerant B.modest C.grateful D.emotional 34.A.stuck to B.asked about C.stared at D.cared for 35.A.hero B.model C.relative D.guide三、语法填空阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
2023年河北省邢台市【统招专升本】计算机模拟考试(含答案)学校:________ 班级:________ 姓名:________ 考号:________一、单选题(10题)1.Windows系统中,不同文档之间互相复制信息需要借助于()A.剪贴板B.记事本C.写字板D.磁盘缓冲器2.域名中的后缀.gov表示机构所属类型为()A.军事机构B.政府机构C.教育机构D.商业公司3.下列文件格式中,可以用来保存电影、电视等各种影像信息的视频文件是()A.A VIB.GIFC.MIDD.WMA4.在描述信息传输中bps表示的是()A.每秒传输的字节数B.每秒传输的指令数C.每秒传输的字数D.每秒传输的位数5.在Word 2010中,如果要将文档中的某一个词组全部替换为新词组,应()A.单击编辑功能区中的替换命令B.单击编辑功能区中的全选命令C.单击编辑功能区中的修订命令D.单击编辑功能区中的清除命令6.以程序存储和程序控制为基础的计算机结构的提出者是()A.布尔B.冯·诺依曼C.图灵D.帕斯卡7.在Word97中,关于用户可以编辑的文档个数,下面说法正确的是()A.用户只能打开一个文档进行编辑B.用户只能打开两个文档进行编辑C.用户可以打开多个文档进行编辑D.用户可以设定每次打开的文档个数8.在Windows 7中,新建文件夹的错误操作是()A.在D盘窗口中,单击文件菜单下新建子菜单中的文件夹命令B.桌面任意空白处右击,选择快捷菜单中的新建子菜单中的文件夹命令C.在Word 2010程序窗口中,单击文件选项卡中的新建命令D.在某文件夹窗口中,单击文件菜单下新建子菜单中的文件夹命令9.冯·诺依曼结构计算机的突出特点是()A.集中的顺序控制B.并行控制C.存储程序与程序控制D.分时控制10.在Word 2010中,插入图片时,默认的文字环绕方式是()A.嵌入型B.四周型C.紧密型D.浮于文字上方二、多选题(10题)11.关于电子邮件的叙述正确的是()A.电子邮件能传输文本B.电子邮件能传输文本和图片C.电子邮件可以传输文本、图像、视像等D.电子邮件不能传输程序12.Excel 2010的自动填充功能,可以自动填充()A.数字B.公式C.日期D.文本13.资源共享是计算机网络的主要功能,计算机资源包括()A.硬件B.地理资源C.软件D.数据资源14.通过控制面板的显示组件可以设置()A.打印机B.桌面背景C.屏幕保护D.监视器刷新频率15.Dreamweaver中,下列关于图片热点的使用,说法正确的是()A.图片热点工具包括矩形热点工具和椭圆热点工具2种B.热点区域一旦创建之后,便无法再修改其形状,必须删除后重新创建C.选中热点区域之后,可在属性面板中为其设置链接D.可以为一张图片设置多个热点16.在Word 2010中,下面有关分页符和分节符的叙述中,错误的是()A.通过Ctrl+Enter 组合键,可以插入分节符B.可以通过显示/隐藏编辑标记显示分页符C.可以使用Delete键删除人工和自动分页符D.在文档中,节是非独立的编辑单元17.在PowerPoint中,以下既能对单张幻灯片又能对所有幻灯片进行设置的是()A.背景B.配色方案C.幻灯片切换方式D.动作按钮18.在Excel 2003中,可用()进行单元格区域的选取A.鼠标B.键盘C.查找命令D.选取命令19.在Excel 2010中,点击一个单元格,要删除其中的内容,但要保留此单元格,可以使用哪些操作()A.按Delete键B.使用清除命令C.使用删除单元格命令D.使用复制命令20.以下()是TCP/IP参考模型应用层使用的协议A.UDPB.TCPC.SMTPD.TELNET三、简答题(10题)21.计算机数据管理技术经历了哪几个阶段?22.光纤作为传输媒体有哪些优缺点?23.简述程序设计的一般步骤24.在Internet基本服务中,FTP服务具有文件上传下载功能(1)请列举至少两个具有下载功能的软件,(2)请列举至少两个其它Internet基本服务,并简述他们的功能25.叙述Word97中移动文本的几种方法26.什么叫计算机网络,计算机网络的功能主要有哪些?27.什么是多媒体信息的数字化?声音的数字化需要经过那几个步骤?28.试列举出四种接入Internet的方式29.某商店库存电器统计表如下简述用公式计算库存电器总价值栏的操作步骤.库存电器统计表电器名称单价库存数量库存电器总价值电视机2800 12冰箱2500 19洗衣机1200 31空调2450 26微波炉450 46电磁炉175 5230.简述ISO/OSI参考模型的结构和各层的主要功能四、综合题(3题)31.小亮创业开办公司不久,业务数据量激增,他想购买存储设备。
三、租金及押金1. 租金金额为每月人民币______元(大写______元整)。
2. 乙方应向甲方支付人民币______元(大写______元整)作为押金,租赁期满或合同终止后,甲方将押金退还给乙方。
四、相关费用及房屋维护1. 乙方租赁期间,水费、电费、取暖费、燃气费、物业管理费以及其它由乙方居住而产生的费用由乙方负担。
2. 租赁期间,乙方应合理使用并爱护该房屋及其附属设施,发现该房屋及其附属设施有损坏或故障时,应及时通知甲方修复。
五、违约责任2. 租赁期间,双方都应该遵守合同约定,任何一方违反合同的约定给对方造成损失的,应承担赔偿责任。
2024年河北省邢台市保安员业务知识考试复习题库及答案(全面)1、单选题(共200题)1. 关于保安员的服务内容,下列说法正确的是()。
A: 私自为公民、法人和其他社会组织提供人身、财产、信息等安全防范服务B: 私自为公民、法人和其他社会组织提供人身、财产、信息等安全管理服务C: 在从业单位为公民、法人和其他社会组织提供人身、财产、信息等治安管理服务D: 在从业单位为公民、法人和其他社会组织提供人身、财产、信息等安全防范服务【正确答案】:D2. 《保安员证》是经由设区的()单位进行发放。
A: 市级人民政府公安机关B: 市级人民政府劳动人事部门C: 市级人民政府法制部门D: 市级人民政府安全部门【正确答案】:A3. 保安员的权利与职责任务是相互联系又相互区别的关系,下列不属于保安员权利的是()。
A: 开展安全检查和报警监控活动B: 开展守护、巡逻活动C: 登记出入境车辆和物品D: 正当防卫与紧急避险【正确答案】:D4. 在武装押运保安服务工作中,根据工作任务的需要,保安员不能()。
A: 通过设置警示标志把押运车与周边隔离而临时形成一个相对安全的区域B: 通过拉设隔离带把押运对象与周边隔离而形成一个相对安全的区域C: 在押运车辆经停的公共场所设置长期固定的隔离区域D: 通过保安员站位的方式把押运车与周边隔离而临时形成一个相对安全的区域【正确答案】:C5. 下列选项中不属于自动消防设施的是()。
A: 疏散指示标志灯B: 湿式喷淋C: 感烟探测器D: 电动防火门【正确答案】:A6. 新来的保安员陈某工作没有经验,同事老王热心地帮助他。
老王的行为符合职业道德中的( )。
A: 团结互助B: 诚实守信C: 文明服务D: 爱岗敬业【正确答案】:A7. 根据《娱乐场所管理条例》的规定,娱乐场所可以不悬挂警示标志有()。
A: 禁止喧哗B: 禁未成年人进入C: 禁娼D: 禁赌【正确答案】:A8. 保安员在查验时要做到细致。
2024年河北省邢台市保安员理论考试题库及答案通用完整版1、单选题(共200题)1. 下列不属于我国公民基本义务的是()。
A: 依法纳税B: 维护民族团结C: 享受义务教育D: 保守国家秘密【正确答案】:C2. 保安员对仓库进行消防安全管理时,正确的做法是()。
A: 必须将危险物品与一般物品分开存放B: 危险物品与一般物品可以不分开存放但要加强检查C: 离开仓库时,可以切断电源,包括消防电源D: 为预防仓库被盗,离开仓库时要锁上安全出口【正确答案】:A3. 使用二氧化碳灭火器灭火时,不能将手触及到喇叭筒,因为可能造成()的危险。
A: 手被腐蚀B: 手变黑C: 手被烧伤D: 手被冻伤【正确答案】:D4. 自行招用保安员的单位自开始保安服务之日起()日内要向所在地设区的市级人民政府公安机关备案。
A: 15B: 30C: 60D: 90【正确答案】:B5. 在救助晕厥的病人时,首先应该()。
A: 让病人平卧,头部垫高B: 将病人立即送医院C: 让病人坐下休息D: 让病人平卧,头部略放低【正确答案】:D6. 保安员为保障人员密集场所的安全,通过拉警戒线、设隔离带、保安员站位等方式将服务对象与周边隔离而形成的一个相对安全的区域。
A: 隔离带B: 隔离区C: 安全场所D: 安全带【正确答案】:B7. 机动车在设有禁停标志、禁停标线的路段()。
A: 不得停车B: 可以临时停车C: 可以长时间停车D: 可以随意停车【正确答案】:A8. 剧院发生火灾后,应按照()的方向选择安全出口逃生。
A: 人流较大B: 应急指示指引C: 人流较小D: 火焰较小【正确答案】:B9. 保安员小李在值勤时,客户单位发生了火情,需要立即报警。
A: 灭火人员的数量B: 灭火组织的情况C: 灭火受伤人员的情况D: 客户单位的地址【正确答案】:D10. 在我国依法成立的保安服务公司属于()。
2024年河北省邢台市保安员业务知识考试复习题库及答案统编版1、单选题(共200题)1. 巡逻人员应当认真填写交班记录,以下说法不正确的是()。
A: 填写交班记录应当及时B: 填写交班人员班组、姓名和交班时间C: 填写已经发现但未能及时处理或未处理完结事项D: 填写巡逻人员执勤体会【正确答案】:D2. 保安服务是指为满足公民、法人和其他社会组织的(),由依法设立的保安从业单位提供的安全防范服务及相关服务。
A: 服务需求B: 安全需求C: 经营需求D: 业务需求【正确答案】:B3. 关于保安员履行查验与登记的职责,下列说法错误的是()。
A: 保安员可以查验出入人员证件B: 保安员可以对出入服务区域的车辆进行登记C: 保安员不能查验本单位人员的证件D: 必要时,保安员可以登记单位内部车辆的出入情况【正确答案】:C4. 保安员王某在某一大型演唱会结束后,通过加快疏散速度的方法进行人群的疏导,这疏导一方法被称为()。
A: 截留疏导法B: 疏散引导法C: 隔离法D: 强制疏散法【正确答案】:B5. 下列不属于室外人员密集场所的是()。
A: 正在举办校级运动会的中学运动场B: 正在举办庆典活动的公园C: 营业时间内的商业区步行街D: 机场停机坪【正确答案】:D6. 根据《保安服务管理条例》规定,从事保安服务工作必须()。
A: 取得保安培训单位的合格证B: 取得高中毕业证书C: 取得《保安员证》D: 取得初中毕业证书【正确答案】:C7. 现场发现脑出血的病人,应该做()。
A: 让病人侧卧,拨打急救电话B: 让病人自己去医院C: 立即背着病人去医院D: 让病人平卧,抬高双腿【正确答案】:A8. 下列设备属于楼宇对讲系统的设备是()。
A: 可视电话B: 直按式对讲分机C: 无线电话D: 有线电话【正确答案】:B9. 公民履行()是国家存在、政府运行、社会发展及保证公民安居乐业的基本条件。
A: 基本义务B: 基本权利C: 纳税义务D: 保密义务【正确答案】:A10. 根据大型群众性活动有关法律法规的规定,在大型群众性活动举办前,由()对活动场所组织安全检查。
2024年河北省邢台市英语初一上学期模拟试卷及解答参考一、听力部分(本大题有20小题,每小题1分,共20分)1.Question: Listen to the recording and choose the correct picture that matches the description.Recording: (A picture of a classroom is described) “This is a picture of a classroom. You can see a blackboard at the front, some desks and chairs for students, and a bookshelf in the corner with many books on it.”Answer: (Picture of a classroom with a blackboard, desks, chairs, and a bookshelf in the corner)Explanation: The recording describes a classroom setting with specific details that match the provided picture.2.Question: Listen to the conversation between two students and answer the question.Recording: “Alice: Hi, Tom. What did you do last weeke nd?Tom: I went to the zoo with my family. It was really fun! We saw lots of animals, including giraffes and lions.Alice: Wow, that sounds amazing! Did you take any photos?”Question: What did Tom do last weekend?Answer: Tom went to the zoo with his family.Explanation: The conversation clearly states that Tom went to the zoo with his family last weekend, making it the direct answer to the question.3.You hear a conversation between two students about their weekend plans.A. They are planning to go to the movies.B. They are planning to go to a concert.C. They are planning to go hiking.Answer: BExplanation: The conversation clearly mentions that they are going to a concert this weekend, making option B the correct answer.4.You hear a teacher talking about the importance of studying history.A. She believes history is not relevant to modern life.B. She thinks studying history is important because it teaches us about the past.C. She claims that history is a waste of time and resources.Answer: BExplanation: The teacher emphasizes the importance of studying history, explaining that it teaches us about the past and helps us understand the present, making option B the correct answer.5、You will hear a short conversation between two students talking about their weekend plans. Listen carefully and choose what activity they decided to do together.A. Go to the moviesB. Play basketballC. Study at the library(Play the audio clip for the students.)Audio script (for the teacher’s reference):Student A: Hey, do you want to play some basketball this weekend?Student B: That sounds fun, but I twisted my ankle yesterday. Maybe we could do something else?Student A: Sure, how about going to the movies instead?Student B: Yeah, that would be great! There’s a new acti on movie out that I really want to see.Answer: A. Go to the moviesExplanation: In the conversation, Student B suggests an alternative activity due to his twisted ankle and expresses interest in seeing a new action film, indicating they chose to go to the movies.6、Listen to a dialogue where a teacher is giving instructions for an upcoming field trip. What is the main purpose of the field trip?A. To visit a famous historical siteB. To collect data for a science projectC. To participate in a sports competition(Play the audio clip for the students.)Audio script (for the teacher’s reference):Teacher: Good morning, class. Today, I’m excited to tell you about our fieldtrip next week. We’ll be visiting the natural history museum where you’ll have a chance to see dinosaur fossils and other ancient artifacts. This trip ties directly into our current unit on prehistoric life, so make sure to bring your notebooks and be prepared to take notes and sketch what you see.Answer: A. To visit a famous historical siteExplanation: The teacher mentions that the class will be visiting a natural history museum to see dinosaur fossils and ancient artifacts, which aligns with option A. Although the museum visit is educational, it is specifically described as a visit to see historical items rather than for scientific data collection or sports activities.7.You hear a conversation between two students about their weekend plans. Listen carefully and choose the correct answer.A)They are going to the beach for a picnic.B)They are planning to visit a museum.C)They are going hiking in the mountains.Answer: BExplanation: The conversation mentions that they are both interested in art, and the museum is the only place mentioned where they can see art exhibits. Therefore, option B is the correct answer.8.Listen to a short dialogue between a teacher and a student about a homework assignment. Choose the best response to the question.Question: How does the student feel about the homework?A)ExcitedB)RelievedC)AnxiousAnswer: CExplanation: The student says, “I’m worried about finishing this assignment on time,” which indicates a sense of anxiety. Therefore, option C is the correct answer.9、Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer.( ) What time does the train leave?A. At 8:00.B. At 8:30.C. At 9:00.Answer: BExplanation: In the dialogue, the speaker says, “The train leaves at 8:30 in the morning.” This clearly states that the train’s departure time is 8:30a.m. Therefore, the correct answer is B.10、Listen to the passage and answer the question.( ) What is the main idea of the passage?A. The importance of reading.B. The benefits of exercise.C. The joy of traveling.Answer: AExplanation: The passage likely focuses on the various benefits and importance of reading. Although exercise and traveling are not mentioned explicitly as incorrect options, the emphasis would be on reading’s role inpersonal development, knowledge acquisition, and other positive aspects. Therefore, the main idea conveyed is the importance of reading, making A the correct answer.11.Listen to the conversation between two friends and choose the best answer to the question.A)They are discussing a book they have just finished reading.B)They are planning a trip to the beach.C)They are comparing their favorite sports.Answer: A) They are discussing a book they have just finished reading.Explanation: The key phrases in the conversation are “Just finished” and “Thoughts on the book.” This indicates that the two friends are talking abouta book they have recently read.12.Listen to the following dialogue and answer the question.Q: What does the teacher suggest to the student?A)To review the previous lessons.B)To join a study group.C)To take a break and relax.Answer: A) To review the previous lessons.Explanation: In the dialogue, the teacher mentions, “You should go over the lessons we covered last week,” which implies that the teacher is suggesting the student review the previous lessons to improve their understanding.13、Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer.( ) What does the man want to do?A. Borrow a book.B. Return a book.C. Find a book.Answer: BExplanation: The dialogue might involve a conversation at a library, where the man mentions that he has finished reading a book and needs to return it. The focus of the conversation revolves around returning the book, hence the correct answer is B - Return a book.14、Listen to the passage and answer the question.( ) Where does the speaker suggest meeting for lunch?A. At the new restaurant downtown.B. At the cafeteria in the office.C. At a fast food place nearby.Answer: AExplanation: The passage might describe the speaker suggesting a lunch location, emphasizing the desire to try the new restaurant downtown. The key details suggest an interest in trying something new and potentially upscale, leading to the conclusion that the speaker favors meeting at the new restaurant downtown, option A.15.You hear a conversation between two students, Alice and Bob, discussing their favorite subject in school.Student A: Hey Bob, what’s your favorite subject in school?Student B: Oh, tha t’s easy. My favorite subject is definitely _______.A)mathematicsB)historyC)artD)physical educationAnswer: B) historyExplanation: The answer can be inferred from the response, “Oh, that’s easy,” which implies Bob is confident about his answer. The word “definitely” emphasizes his choice. The conversation does not provide any other subject, so history is the most likely favorite subject.16.You listen to a dialogue between a teacher and a student about a school trip.Teacher: Remember, the school trip to the museum is scheduled for this Friday. Make sure you bring your _______.Student: Okay, I’ll remember. I’ll bring my _______.A)notebookB)backpackC)cameraD)bookAnswer: B) backpackExplanation: The context of the conversation is about a school trip, which typically requires students to bring personal items to carry their belongings. The student’s response implies they will bring a backpack, which is commonly used for such purposes. The other options areitems that might be brought on a trip, but a backpack is more universally associated with carrying school supplies and personal items.17、You will hear a short conversation between a teacher and a student abouta homework assignment. After the conversation, you will hear a question. Listen to the conversation and choose the correct answer from the options below.(Tape recording: “Teacher: Did you finish your homework, Sarah? Student: Yes, I did. I finished it last night after dinner.”)Question: When did Sarah finish her homework?A. This morningB. Last night after dinnerC. At lunchtimeAnswer: B. Last night after dinner.Explanation: In the dialogue, Sarah clearly states that she completed her homework last night after dinner, making option B the correct choice.18、Listen to a dialogue where two friends are planning to meet up at the park. After the dialogue, you will be asked a question. Choose the right answer based on what you hear.(Tape recording: “Tom: Let’s meet at the park around 3 PM, okay? Mary: Sounds good, but I might be a little late. How about I come at 3:30 instead? Tom: Sure, 3:30 is fine.”)Question: What time have Tom and Mary agreed to meet at the park?A. 3 PMB. 3:30 PMC. 4 PMAnswer: B. 3:30 PM.Explanation: Although Tom initially suggested meeting at 3 PM, Mary mentioned she would be a bit late and proposed 3:30 PM, which Tom agreed to. Thus, the correct meeting time they settled on is 3:30 PM.19.You hear a conversation between two friends, Tom and Lisa, talking about their weekend plans.Tom: “Hey, Lisa, are you free this weekend?”Lisa: “Yes, I am. Do you have any plans?”Tom: “Well, I was thinking of going to the beach. How about you?”Lisa: “That sounds great, Tom! I could use some relaxation. What time do you want to leave?”Tom: “Let’s meet at 8:00 AM at the park near my house. Then we can drive to the beach together.”Question: What is Tom’s plan for the weekend?A) Go hiking in the mountains.B) Go to the beach.C) Visit a museum.D) Go shopping.Answer: B) Go to the beach.Explanation: In the conversation, Tom mentions that he was thinking of going to the beach, which indicates his plan for the weekend.20.You listen to a short news report about a local community event.News Anchor: “And now, let’s go to the community section of our news. This weekend, the local library is hosting a book fair. It will feature books for all ages and a variety of genres. The event will be held from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM on Saturday and Sunday. There will be author readings, workshops, and even a children’s corner. For more information, you can visit our website or call the library.”Question: What is the main event happening this weekend?A) A music festival.B) A book fair at the library.C) A sports competition.D) An art exhibition.Answer: B) A book fair at the library.Explanation: The news report specifically mentions that the local library is hosting a book fair, which is the main event discussed in the report.二、阅读理解(30分)Title: The Importance of ReadingReading is a fundamental skill that opens up a world of knowledge and imagination. It has been a cornerstone of education since ancient times, and its significance continues to grow in today’s fast-paced, information-driven society. In this article, we will explore three key reasons why reading isessential for everyone, especially for students in their first year of junior high school.Firstly, reading improves language skills. By reading, students are exposed to a vast vocabulary and diverse sentence structures. This exposure helps them develop a richer understanding of the English language, enabling them to express themselves more effectively both in writing and in speech. As they read, they encounter new words and phrases, which they can then incorporate into their own vocabulary. Additionally, reading exposes students to different writing styles and genres, enhancing their literary appreciation and critical thinking abilities.Secondly, reading fosters empathy and understanding. Books transport readers to different worlds, introducing them to a myriad of characters with unique perspectives and experiences. Through these characters, students learn to see beyond their own lives, gaining insights into the struggles and triumphs of others. This empathetic understanding can foster a more compassionate and empathetic society, where individuals are better equipped to understand and relate to those around them.Lastly, reading sparks creativity and imagination. Books are a treasure trove of ideas and possibilities, inspiring readers to think outside the box and imagine new worlds. Whether it’s a thrilling adventure story or a thought-provoking novel, reading can ignite a spark of creativity within students, encouraging them to explore their own ideas and express themcreatively. This creativity can manifest in various forms, from writing and drawing to problem-solving and innovation.In conclusion, reading is a vital skill that every student should cultivate. By improving language skills, fostering empathy and understanding, and sparking creativity and imagination, reading lays the foundation for a lifetime of learning and personal growth. As students embark on their journey through junior high school, they should make reading a priority, exploring a wide range of books and genres to enrich their minds and broaden their horizons.Questions:1.What is the main purpose of the passage?A) To entertain readers with interesting stories.B) To argue against the importance of reading.C) To highlight the significance of reading for students.D) To provide tips on how to become a better reader.Answer: C2.According to the passage, how does reading improve language skills?A) By exposing students to a limited vocabulary.B) By limiting students’ exposure to different writing s tyles.C) By helping students develop a richer understanding of the English language.D) By discouraging students from expressing themselves creatively.Answer: C3.Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a benefit of reading in the passage?A) Enhancing critical thinking abilities.B) Improving vocabulary.C) Increasing physical fitness.D) Fostering empathy and understanding.Answer: C三、完型填空(15分)Section 3:Cloze TestRead the following passage and choose the best word for each blank from the options given below. Write the letter of your choice in the corresponding blank.The dog was 1 a loyal and friendly pet. It always 2 the family members when they were home and 3 them when they were not. One day, the family decided to 4 the dog to a new home because they were moving to a place where dogs were not allowed. The dog, named Max, was very sad and 5 the family every day.1.A. a B. the C. an D. this2.A. watched B. looked after C. played with D. taught3.A. waited for B. called for C. visited D. searched for4.A. sell B. give C. adopt D. leave5.A. visited B. called C. wrote D. followedAnswers:1.B2.B3.A4.B5.D四、语法填空题(本大题有10小题,每小题1分,共10分)1、The following sentence has a blank that needs to be filled with the correct form of the verb in parentheses.Example: She_______(do) her homework every day.Answer: doesExplanation: The subject is third person singular, so the verb should be in its third person singular form.1、Complete the sentence with the correct form of the verb in parentheses. We_______(have) a great time at the party last night.Answer: hadExplanation: The context suggests past tense, so the past form of ‘have’ should be used.2、Fill in the blank with the appropriate comparative form of the adjective in parentheses.My sister’s car is_______(fast) than mine.Answer: fasterExplanation: When comparing two things, we use the comparative form of adjectives, and fast becomes faster when compared.3、Choose the correct form of the word to complete the sentence.The teacher will__________(arrive) in the classroom at 8:00 am tomorrow.a)arrivesb)arrivedc)arrived)arrivingAnswer: c) arriveExplanation: The sentence describes a future event, so the simple present tense should be used to indicate a habitual action or a future plan. Therefore, “arrive” in its base form is the correct choice.4、Fill in the blank with the appropriate form of the verb in parentheses.I_______(be) late for school today because I__________(miss) the first bus.a)was, missedb)am, missc)am, missedd)was, missAnswer: a) was, missedExplanation: The first blank refers to a past event, which is when the speaker was late for school. The simple past tense “was” is used for the first blank. The second blank describes the cause of being late, which also refers to a past event. Therefore, “missed” in its past tense form is used in the second blank.5、He______(watch) TV every evening. But he_____(read) an interesting booknow.Answer: watches; is readingExplanation:•The first blank requires the correct verb form for a regular habit. “Every evening” indicates a routine action, so the verb should be in the simple present tense. The subject “He” is singular, so the verb “watch”becomes “watches”.•The second blank is for an action happening at the moment of speaking, which is indicated by “now”. Therefore, the verb should be in the present continuous tense. The subject “he” again takes the singular form of th e verb, so “is reading” is correct.6、Tom______(be) ill last week, so he______(stay) in bed for three days.Answer: was; stayedExplanation:•The first blank refers to a past event, specifically last week. Hence, the verb should be in the past tense. “Be” i n the past tense for the singular subject “Tom” is “was”.•The second blank is also for a past event that lasted for three days. The phrase “for three days” suggests continuity in the past, but it does not require the present perfect continuous tense. Instead, the simple past tense is appropriate here. Therefore, “stay” becomes “stayed”.7.In the 7 morning, the sun rose 8 the horizon.A. first, fromB. first, overC. early, fromD. early, overAnswer: A. first, fromExplanation: “In the first morning” indica tes the first time in the morning, and “from the horizon” correctly describes the sun rising from the ground level. “Early” would imply a time before the first hour, which is not specified in the sentence.8.She 9 to the party because she had to finish her homework.A. wasn’t able to goB. wasn’t going to goC. didn’t goD. wasn’t goingAnswer: A. wasn’t able to goExplanation: The sentence describes a situation where the subject was unable to attend the party due to an obligation. “Wasn’t able to go” indic ates the inability, which is the correct choice. “Wasn’t going to go” implies intention, “didn’t go” is a simple past action, and “wasn’t going” also implies intention or a habit.9、Complete the following sentence with the correct form of the verb in brackets.We________(have) a wonderful time at the party last night.Answer: hadExplanation: The action is completed in the past, so we use the simple past tense form of the verb ‘to have,’ which is ‘had.’10、Insert the correct comparative adjective to complete the sentence. My sister’s drawing is________(beautiful) than mine.Answer: more beautifulExplanation: When comparing two things, such as the beauty of two drawings, we use the comparative form of the adjective. For ‘beautiful,’ we add ‘more’ before it to show the comparison.These exercises aim to reinforce understanding of basic English grammar concepts, including the use of the simple past tense and comparative adjectives.五、简答题(本大题有5小题,每小题2分,共10分)1、What are the main differences between present simple and present continuous tenses?答案:The main differences between present simple and present continuous tenses are as follows:1.Present simple is used to describe habitual actions, general truths, and permanent situations, while present continuous is used to describe actions that are currently happening or in progress.2.The present simple tense does not have an “-ing” ending, whereas the present continuous tense uses the “-ing” form of the verb.3.Presen t simple is often used with time expressions like “always,” “usually,” “often,” “sometimes,” “never,” “every day,” “every week,” etc., while present continuous is often used with time expressions like “now,” “at the moment,” “right now,” “at the moment,” “these days,” etc.解析:This question asks for the main differences between two tenses. The answer provides a clear and concise explanation of the usage and form of both tenses, along with examples to illustrate the points.2、How can you use “will” and “going to” to express future actions in English?答案:“Will” and “going to” are both used to express future actions, but they have different uses and nuances:1.”Will” is often used to express a future action that has been decided or planned, or to make promises or predictions. It is also used to express future actions that are based on present intentions or beliefs.2.”Going to” is used to express future actions that are planned or have been decided in the near future. It is often used to talk about future plans, intentions, or expectations.Examples:•I will go to the movies tonight. (Future action based on a decision) •We are going to have a party next weekend. (Future plan)解析:This question inquires about the uses of “will” and “going to” in expressing future actions. The answer explains the different contexts in which each tense is used, providing examples to clarify the usage.3、What are the benefits of learning a foreign language, such as English, in today’s society?Answer: Learning a foreign language like Engl ish in today’s society offers numerous benefits. Firstly, it enhances communication skills, allowing individuals to connect with a global audience, both personally and professionally. Secondly, it opens up career opportunities in fields like international trade, diplomacy, tourism, and education. Thirdly, English is widely used as a medium of instruction in many academic institutions, making it essential for pursuing higher education abroad. Additionally, it broadens cultural understanding and appreciation, fostering empathy and respect for diverse cultures.Explanation: This question asks about the advantages of learning a foreign language, specifically English, in contemporary society. The answer highlights several key benefits, including improved communication, expanded career prospects, access to higher education globally, and enhanced cultural awareness.4、Explain the importance of grammar in learning a language like English.Answer: Grammar is fundamental in learning a language like English as it provides the structural framework upon which sentences and communication are built. It governs word order, tense, and agreement, ensuring clarity and coherence in expressions. Without a solid grasp of grammar, learners may struggle to convey their ideas accurately or understand others effectively.Grammar also enables learners to create complex sentences, express nuanced meanings, and engage in more sophisticated discourse. Furthermore, it is a crucial component of language proficiency assessments and academic requirements in many educational settings.Explanation: This question underscores the significance of grammar in English language learning. The answer explains how grammar forms the basis for constructing meaningful sentences and facilitates clear communication. It also highlights the role of grammar in enabling advanced language use, such as forming intricate sentences and expressing precise meanings. Additionally, the importance of grammar in educational assessments and requirements is mentioned.5、Please explain the difference between present simple and present continuous tenses, and provide an example for each.答案:The present simple tense is used to express habits, general truths, and permanent situations. The present continuous tense is used to describe actions that are currently happening or are in progress.Example:•Present simple: I live in Beijing. (This is a general truth about my living situation.)•Present continuous: I am reading a book right now. (This indicates an action that is currently happening.)解析:本题为简答题,考查学生对现在简单时和现在进行时的理解和运用。
(10分)1.(2分)同学们排队去春游,小力发现他前面有32人,后面有30人.请你帮他算一算,他这一队一共有( )A.62人B.63人C.64人D.65人2.(2分)如图,一个大长方形被分成了两个小长方形后,现在甲与乙的周长和与原来大长方形周长相比( )A.没变B.变长了C.变短了D.无法比较3.(2分)一根铁丝,先截取它的,再接上米,这根铁丝( )A.比原来长B.比原来短C.和原来相等D.无法比较4.(2分)陈冬家离学校大约有1千米,他平时上学走路一般需要( )A.30分钟B.15分钟C.150秒D.1小时5.(2分)李红有2张,买哪本书剩下的钱最多?( )A.B.C.D.二、我会判断。
(18分)11.(4分)8吨= 千克,4000克= 千克,3厘米﹣12毫米= 毫米,3时15分= 分。
12.(2分)250×4的积末尾有 个0,200÷5商的末尾有 个0。
13.(1分)学校操场一圈是200米,小刚跑了2圈,再跑 米就是1千米。
14.(1分)原定于8:30的校会延迟15分钟开始,校会是在 开始的。
15.(2分)2008年在我国北京举行奥运会,这一年是 年,全年共有 天。
16.(2分)63是7的 倍,63的7倍是 。
17.(2分)8□8÷84,如果商是一位数,□里最大能填 ;如果商是两位数,□里最小能填 。
18.(1分)笑笑看一本80页的故事书,计划每天看10页,那么她第三天应该从第 页看起.19.(2分)小红看一本书,第一天看了5页,以后每天都比前一天多看2页,小红第二天看了 页,小红前三天一共看了 页。