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第一章三维数控仿真教学软件1.1 软件概述本章介绍的软件(三维数控仿真教学系统)是由浙江天煌科技实业有限公司最新开发的,专门针对数控系统教学与培训的软件。
§1.1.1软件简介三维数控仿真教学系统是基于虚拟现实的仿真软件,为了满足企业对数控加工的培训和教育部门数控技术教学的需要,该软件主要参考国内最常用的SIEMENS等数控系统,实现对数控铣床加工的全过程仿真,它由以下几部分组成:(1) 熟悉机床模块(2) 数控编程学习模块(3) CNC仿真模块§1.1.2适用对象本软件的使用者主要有两类:(1) 各大中专院校及各类职业学校数控专业的老师和同学(2) 数控机床的培训者因此,该软件基本上可以用于两种场合:即各大中专和职业学校及企业(机床厂或最终用户)的培训中心。
§1.1.3操作面板说明如图所示为三维数控仿真教学系统的操作面板 (图1)及加工仿真面板(图2),其各键使用功能见(表1-1)说明:图1 三维数控仿真教学系统操作面板图图2 三维数控仿真教学系统加工仿真面板图表1-1 三维数控仿真教学系统各按钮功能说明按扭功能说明按扭功能说明数字键(上档键转换对应字符)字母键(上档键转换对应字符)增量选择键点动键加工显示键手动数据键回参考点键快速运行叠加菜单扩展键单段运行键删除退格键报警应答键空格键垂直菜单键上档键区域转换键回车键数控停止键主轴停止键复位键主轴左转数控启动键主轴右转选择转换键软键(进入相应的显示界面)手动方向键进入仿真界面光标方向键返回键§1.1.4 屏幕划分其显示屏幕区域划分如图3所示,屏幕中的缩略符号及其含义见(表1.2)所示:图3 显示屏幕区域划分1.2 软件的安装与卸载§1.2.1系统要求由于该软件包的运行平台为普通的 PC机,因此,其系统要求应包括硬件和软件两方面:(1) 硬件要求:● CPU:P-III 800 Mhz 以上●内存:256 MB 及以上●硬盘容量:2G 以上●显示卡:3D支持(2) 软件要求:●操作系统:Windows 98/ME/2000/XP●屏幕分辨率:1024*768§1.2.2 软件安装软件安装过程如下:1.双击安装图标,系统进入安装界面,如下图所示:2.点击“下一步”按钮,进入许可协议对话框,如下图所示。
本手册包括以下内容:第一章:简介------------------------------------------------------------------------1●介绍●用户接口第二章:命令及控制---------------------------------------------------------------22-1运行测量软件-----------------------------------------------------------------22-2命令及菜单--------------------------------------------------------------------2●下拉式菜单●快捷菜单●数据显示窗口●坐标显示●图像调节●单位选项●历程树●坐标显示及信息窗口第三章:测量及操作---------------------------------------------------------------103-1 图像初始化------------------------------------------------------------------103-2 测量前参数的校正---------------------------------------------------------103-3 测量机系统回零------------------------------------------------------------143-4 测量图片保存---------------------------------------------------------------143-5 基本元素测量---------------------------------------------------------------14●点测量●直线测量●圆测量●圆弧测量●圆环测量3-6十字线测量------------------------------------------------------------------------253-7编辑工具------------------------------------------------------------------------263-8图形标注-----------------------------------------------------------------------333-9测量结果显示及处理--------------------------------------------------------35 3-10 删除记录--------------------------------------------------------------------36 第四章:探头测量-------------------------------------------36 第五章:其它辅助功能---------------------------------------37 5-1 建立零点坐标系5-2 图纸对刻5-3 对齐5-4 轮廓及轮廓点提取5-5 公差设定5-6 spc功能第六章:系统及参数设置功能---------------------------------43 6-1 软件登陆6-2 软件版本及注册6-3测量参数设置6-4检测报告设置6-5 参数设置●系统参数●光栅通道设置附录一:影像测量机软件及板卡安装手册------------------------------------48附录二:影像测量机硬件手册---------------------------------------------------58附录三:常见问题故障及报修---------------------------------------------------59第一章简介1.1介绍:Gager3D影像测量软件系统是基于计算机平台建立的一种综合的数据采集及处理工具,使您可在非接触情况下通过影像测量系统准确、快速、有效的完成测量工作,并同时可切换至探头测量系统下完成测量工作,软件采用windows风格,运用下拉式菜单及鼠标操作、接口友好、操作简单。
MA3D中文说明书GrandMA 3D中文说明书内容1引言52系统要求3安装63.1奶奶办公桌或奶奶onPC版本 3.2的IP 73.3连接奶奶办公桌3.4 1姥姥或奶奶2模式4数据94.1主/从94.2坐标系统5个快速启动6计划表面6.1菜单栏6.2工具栏6.3(第一阶段视图,三维对象视图)主要的Windows 6.3.1第一阶段检视6.3.2鼠标+键盘操作6.3.3安排(对齐对象)的对象6.3.4复制(复制的三维物体)6.3.5三维对象6.4资产(信息窗)6.5属性6.6媒体数据库6.7材料6.8移动Pathes6.9会议6.10状态栏7灯具类型8三维建模和导入8.1三维模型8.2参数8.2.1轴8.2.2旋转轴8.2.3线性轴8.2.4束光.8.3自动导入8.4分配模型夹具类型8.5三维建模清单8.6创立一个三维模型9视频创立10常见问题11个键盘快捷键12指数马照明科技有限公司Dachdeckerstr。
16 D - 97297Waldbüttelbrunn.de1引言:奶奶3D是一个独特的新的用户界面,三维可视化创立利用与奶奶产品范围结合的阶段布局。
所有的舞台元素被定位在X / Y / Z方向,也可能是周围的各种轴旋转。
1.在主菜单下点击File选项2.再按Import选项,弹出一个对话框,选择所输入的类型,包括Landmark ASCII文件、Geoquest ASCII文件、Attribute资料都可输入3.点击OK,弹出下一个对话框,选择文件所在路径和文件名,点击后输入到右窗口中(1)选件column specification 按列数输入(2)选件field specification 按域数输入(3)选件edit可进行编辑(4)选件depth按深度输入,不带负号(5)选件elevation按高程输入,带负号(6)层面按data /cloud输入(7)断层以lines选件输入4.点击输入文件四、模型建立的工作流程建构造模型的工作流程见图二图二工作流程五、显示和目标的选取显示功能可以用来显示整个模型和所选取的模型的局部。
MA3D中文说明书GrandMA 3D中文说明书内容1引言52系统要求3安装63.1奶奶办公桌或奶奶onPC版本3.2的IP 73.3连接奶奶办公桌3.4 1姥姥或奶奶2模式4数据94.1主/从9奶奶3D包括一个基本图形元素库。
所有的舞台元素被定位在X / Y / Z方向,也可能是周围的各种轴旋转。
2系统需求的IBM®兼容PC或笔记本2GHz处理器,至少1 GB的RAM以太网卡高速硬件加速3D图形卡:- 至少512 MB的视频内存,例如NVIDEA9800 GTX- > = 3.0顶点着色器- 像素着色> = 3.01024×768像素或更高分辨率500 MB硬盘上的可用磁盘空间微软Windows®XP(推荐)或Windows Vista®作业系统最新的service pack微软DirectX®版本9或以上奶奶控制台或奶奶onPC(系列1或2支持)3安装实际应用程序的版本可以从MA照明技术支持网站下载:TUwww.malighting.deUTH请下载的文件解压到一个临时文件夹,并运行“安装”(gMAvideo_xxx.exe)计划。
课程1 3dsmax快速入门∙如何打开场景∙如何建立对象的模型和应用具有真实感的材质∙如何导航3ds max的视口和界面∙如何移动对象和设置对象的动画∙如何渲染∙使用层管理器建造太空场景的模型∙创建基本体对象∙在场景中移动对象∙使用修改器改变对象的形状∙课程2 基础建模1将2D 徽标转换为3D∙添加视口背景。
课程3 基础建模2建造国际象棋的模型∙创建并编辑样条线对象。
∙使用“车削”修改器创建 3D 对象。
课程4 基础建模3创建具有真实感的沙漏∙使用“锥化”和“FFD”修改器塑造沙漏外形。
课程5 多边形建模建造飞机模型∙设置带有背景图像的视口以帮助建模。
∙HSDS 修改器中的功能。
课程6 基础动画1∙自动关键点动画∙重影∙虚拟对象和动画∙轨迹视图 - 摄影表∙循环动画∙加权列表控制器∙使用“柔体”修改器创建挤压和拉伸∙设置关键点动画∙变形动画∙路径约束和路径变形动画方法∙在轨迹栏中复制关键点。
GT-SUITE三维前处理工具CDAJ-China技术部宋波CAE -成本节约和技术革新的关键技术内容:GEM3D-管路系统三维处理工具l价值l能导入“完整”的三维数模(STL),解决了三维数模转为GT模型的困难l能自动导入管路的详细特征(变截面管路)l建模时允许输入参数,灵活性大增COOL3D-发动机机舱准三维处理工具l价值l应用特点GEM3D (3D管路前处理工具)价值:l整合设计工程师工作Ø实现不同部门的数据传递l提高工作效率(自动化程度提提高)Ø缩短管路系统的建模时间Ø也可以单独完成三维管路系统l提高管路系统建模的准确性GEM3D (3D管路前处理工具)导入“完整”的STL文件(不仅仅是壳体)GEM3D (3D管路前处理工具)把“三维离散”功能整合到了GEM中了GEM3D (3D管路前处理工具)•处理结果: 根据CAD文件,产生一维的管路和三维的壳体文件GEM3D (3D管路前处理工具)•GEM3D前处理中允许参数输入•自动产生GTM的子文件系统position?# holes?•以隔板位置和孔的数目为变量GEM3D (3D管路前处理工具)导入CAD管路GEM3D (3D管路前处理工具)导入管路CAD时的自动划分l利用“曲线分割法”, 可以自动在截面变化的地方对管路进行划分。
GEM3D (3D管路前处理工具)整个管路截面的转化GEM3D (3D管路前处理工具) 三维建模功能-11-v7.0版本GEM3D的新特性 • GEM的前处理工具允许直接导入 .stl格式的CAD文件 • 如:润滑系统回路 半自动1D模型的生成3D-CAD文件GEM前处理工具GT-SUITE-12-v7.0版本GEM3D的新特性CAD整合功能: 直接导入水套几何-13-内容:GEM3D-管路系统三维处理工具l 价值 l 能导入“完整”的三维数模(STL),解决了三维数模转为GT模型的 困难 l 能自动导入管路的详细特征(变截面管路) l 建模时允许输入参数,灵活性大增COOL3D-机舱热管理准三维处理工具l 价值 l 应用特点-14-COOL3D-机舱热管理准三维处理工具价值:l l l l l 考虑机舱的各主要部件的布置,并进行相互安装位置优化 应用于概念设计阶段,处理快速、高效 多个冷却回路的相互影响 考虑了单个热管理系统到整车级热管理的提升 考虑了多个方面流体的流动(准三维)传统一维-15-COOL-3DCOOL3D-机舱热管理准三维处理工具 建模方便、直观、高效-16-COOL-3D机舱热管理准三维前处理工具 • 自动离散机舱内的热交换器、风扇和阻碍物(V6.2.0功能)-17-COOL3D-机舱热管理准三维处理工具 相互位置影响:10 mmAir Velocity profile through Hx Air Velocity profile through Hx200 mm50 mm300 mmFan to HX Distance -18-Fan to HX DistanceNote: Effect of inlet grill showing through!COOL-3D: V7.0新设计的输出功能 • • • • •V6.2 V7.0更好的直观性 模型打开更快捷 方便模型的拷贝/粘贴 执行器用起来更方便 图形输出更方便-19-COOL-3D: 开路循环系统的散热器按比例缩放功能带有31根管的基本型散热器 按比例缩放后带21根管的散热器Tout = 360.3 K& Q = 31.10 kW& m = 1.84 kg/sTout = 361.7 K& Q = 26.89 kW& m = 1.23 kg/s*外换热条件保持一致: 车速和温度 *内部边界条件保持一致 : 质量流率和温度-20-COOL3D的先进特性•COOL3D前处理中允许参数输入•可以直接进行对比计算•方便实现优化功能•自动产生GTM的多个子文件系统-21-谢谢!CAE -成本节约和技术革新的关键技术。
Application Analysis of 3D Digital Technology in Power Grid TrainingHao TengfeiT raining and Evaluation Center of GPGC510520, Guangzhou Guangdong, 510520, China E-mail:****************Guo JianlongTraining and Evaluation Center of GPGC510520, Guangzhou Guangdong, 510520, ChinaLiu XiaoTraining and Evaluation Center of GPGC510520, Guangzhou Guangdong, 510520, ChinaXiong ShanTraining and Evaluation Center of GPGC510520, Guangzhou Guangdong, 510520, ChinaAbstract —With the improvement of computer technology, 3D virtualization technology whose application can achieve a comprehensive sensory simulation to simulate realistic environment has penetrated into various industry fields, and for the development and application of various electrical equipment in power industry equipment information construction, professional technical training and operation are required. Moreover, It is known that using 3D visual virtual reality to realize the training environment can improve the technical level and operational specifications of professionals. Based on the three-dimensional visual virtual reality technology applied in the maintenance and evaluation environment of substation whip and circuit breaker, multi-role interaction technology combined with virtual scene is realized in this paper, which improves the training accuracy and reduces the possibility of operational errors.Keywords-3D Digitization; Grid Training; Technical ApplicationI. I NTRODUCTIONNowadays, two-dimensional visualization technology is widely used in non-physical maintenance training of power systems. Due to the variety of power equipment and complex equipment structure, two-dimensional image lacks three-dimensionality, which leads to the gap between students' understanding and actual situation on equipment structure[1].The digitization of equipment information model is the key to realizing three-dimensional simulation, which can reflect the information changes of real equipment to the equipment model in the virtual environment. What ’ s more,virtual environment simulation mainly realizes sensory cognition such as vision, auditory sense, which is similar to that in real environment under virtual scene, and image information is combined with the characters and devices in the virtual scene through transmission, recognition, transformation and processing[2].Models and algorithms used in 3D visualization technology are analyzed in this paper, and substation panoramic simulation that is based on substation equipment maintenance and training system (hereinafter referred to as "system") where the three-dimensional simulation of the state evaluation and maintenance process of transformers and circuit breakers are achieved and supporting 3D evaluation module is included as well is developed, which can enhance apprentices' ability to accept the training content and reduce the error rate of the apprentices in actual environment so that apprentices will have a more intuitive understanding and obtain better learning results.II. S YSTEM A RCHITECTUREA. VRML-based Virtual Reality Visualization SystemBased on Windows operating system, development environment is built, and with the help of multi-tasking processing, network communication management and support for graphical development tools in Windows Server 2010, 3DStudioMax is selected as a modeling tool. Besides it, virtual reality modeling language is adopted to establish the connection between virtual models and real entities. The structure of virtual reality visualization system based on VRML is shown in Figure 1[3-4].Figure 1. VRML-based Virtual Reality Visualization SystemInternational Conference on Precision Machining, Non-Traditional Machining and Intelligent Manufacturing (PNTIM 2019)B. Hierarchical Virtual Scene ModelAccording to the structural characteristics of the substation, hierarchical modeling method is used in this paper to decompose a complex scene into multiple sub-scenes, each of which is composed of basic three-dimensional entities. What ’s more, 3DStu ⁃dioMax is first used to establish basic 3D solid model such as 3D model with basic components of device, and 3db format file is generated, which is converted into a 3D data file of the virtual model by a format conversion tool, including points, faces, normal vectors, and relative position matrices among models. In 3D space, the most important step is to select the appropriate interpolation algorithm to transform the data of the 3D solid foundation component into the model data in the 3D spatial virtual scene. For example, four vertices have been defined on the plane shown in Figure 2, and v1, v2, v3 and v4 are the four data corresponding to the three-dimensional physical components of the four vertices, where a suitable interpolation algorithm is needed to calculate the fixed point p on the plane twhich correspondsto component model in virtual reality system[5-6].Figure 2. Example of Spatial Interpolation AlgorithmThe task of the spatial interpolation algorithm is to calculate the position vp of the point p. The common calculation method is the square inverse ratio algorithm of distance. The formula is as follows.∑∑===ni pini piid dv 1212p 1v (1)In formula (1) n is the number of known data points, and dpi refers to the distance from the data point i (i = 1, 2, ..., N) to p.The virtual reality model data file corresponding to the 3D solid component data is calculated according to interpolation algorithm. Then 3D data is recombined with the help of Unity3D graphics processing function to create a 3D frame model and obtain realistic 3D image through illumination and texture mapping. Finally, super-connectedAnchor node and the inline node are adopted to combine the sub-scene to generate the required simulation scene. C. Control of Interaction BehaviorEvents are treated as the trigger mechanism of state or action, and VRML and C# are adopted as development language of human-computer interaction in this paper. In VRML, a node that consists of a domain and an event which includes an eventin (EventIn) and an eventout (EventOut) and provides the node with the ability to accept external messages and send messages to the outside world is a basic unit that constitutes a virtual scene, and the value of the domain determines the value of the node so that the current state of the virtual state is determined. In addition, events can dynamically change the state of the virtual state. Since most of the nodes in the VRML technical specification have special data specifications, they are difficult to expand. However, the script node has an independent uniform resource location field (url), which can be mixed with other languages to realize the interaction between the VRML space and the external information source[7].C# can realize the interaction among VRML node objects and the ability to process messages, and specific C# class will generate a series of actions when the corresponding Script node accepts the event. Meanwhile, it can modify the domain value of the node to realize human-computer interaction and complete the operation of moving, opening, closing, disassembling, etc. In virtual scene, when a sensor node generates an initial event (InitialEvent), the event will be propagated from the event logic output (EventOut) to event logic inputs (EventIn) of other node along the route defined by the route keyword. Meanwhile, other nodes may receive, generate, and execute other events until the end of all events, which is shown in Figure 3.Figure 3. C# and VRML Combined DiagramIII. R ECONSTRUCTION OF R EAL S CENE M ODELA. 3D Modeling RequirementsThe 3D modeling of the switchgear for substation training is required to meet the function such as equipment cognition, structural analysis, secondary loop identification, mechanical action and so on. Taking the secondary circuit as an example, the direction of the cable and the individual arrangement of the terminal block are exactly the same as the scene in real-life model so that through the training of thereal-life model, the maintenance personnel can not only be familiar with the common features of the switchgear, but also the personality characteristics of the specific switchgear. Based on the accurate 3D point cloud data, the reconstruction of 3D model in switch cabinet is implemented in this paper according to the following process[8-10].1)Characteristic analysis and structure division of the switchgear are performed.2)In 3D modeling software, complete components and structural models of the switchgear are constructed based on the point cloud.3)Model splicing is performed to obtain a three-dimensional black and white model of switchgear.4)The texture color collected in the scene is assigned to three-dimensional model to realize three-dimensional real-time visualization of switchgear model.5)According to the first and second equipment schematic of the switchgear as well as the layout drawing of the terminal block and other related drawings, the model is named to realize the complete coding of the components.6)Based on the training needs, the components are stratified and grouped reasonably.B.Model Release and Application StrategyThe three-dimensional model constructed by the above process has plenty of functions. For example, it can be rotated and disassembled arbitrarily, and it can be observed at 360 degrees without dead angle. In addition, it can be displayed hierarchically. In addition, the realized 3D real-life model also has six features such as complete components, real-life restoration, rich details, accurate model coding, multi-format publishing, and multi-terminal support. In order to provide convenience for training personnel, the model can be released both in professional 3D format and the most popular PDF format, and it supports various platforms such as computers, smart phones, and tablets.IV.S YSTEM F UNCTION I NTRODUCTION Based on the three-dimensional visualization technology, the internal structure and operation principle of the equipment, the state maintenance process of the substation equipment, the status evaluation guide of the substation equipment, the typical fault handling of the substation equipment, and the theoretical assessment are used to develop the simulation training function under the virtual scene in this paper.A.Equipment Internal Structure and Principle SimulationAccording to the actual structure of substation equipment, a three-dimensional simulation model of equipment is established, and the actual operation of the equipment is simulated through dynamic interactive language so that the apprentices can intuitively understand the internal structure and operation principle of the equipment. Taking the circuit breaker operating structure as an example, three-dimensional simulations of the main components such as the energy storage motor and the spring are performed to reproduce the internal structure of the circuit breaker. What’s more, apprentices can clearly see the composition and working principle of the circuit breaker transmission mechanism through simulating the opening and closing operation of circuit breaker. When the opening and closing operation fails, apprentices analyze and judge malfunction according to the abnormal situation of the site to determine the cause of the fault and select the treatment measures. The three-dimensional simulation diagram of the circuit breaker operating mechanism is shown in Fig. 4.Figure 4.3D Simulation Diagram of the Circuit Breaker OperatingMechanismB.Virtual Scene RoamingThe system refers to the real substation and builds a 220kV three-dimensional analog substation, which covers different types of equipment in line spacing, bus spacing, and main transformer interval. Moreover, in combination with the substation equipment model, the model is associated with the actual configuration, technical parameters, and functional location relationships of the device, and the device information can be viewed in real time under virtual scenario. Therefore, apprentices can roam in the virtual scene from the perspective of the first person, and get familiar with the electrical equipment and connection principle of substation from different angles.C.Maintenance Procedures TrainingAccording to the maintenance rules of transformers and circuit breakers, the equipment maintenance process in the virtual scene and the maintenance operation under each process (including the bushing of the transformer and circuit breaker, the appearance inspection of the fuel tank, the appearance of the fuel tank, etc.) are constructed. Maintenance training includes two modes teaching and practice. In teaching mode, instructor performs various maintenance operations on the basis of maintenance process in the virtual scene, and according to system prompt, controls the virtual character is controled to reach the specified position in the process, and the correct maintenance tool is selected, and corresponding maintenance operation is performed as well. Moreover, in practice mode, apprentices control the avatar without system prompt and relatedoperations are performed in the maintenance procedure.D.State Evaluation Guide TrainingThe guideline for state evaluation of substation equipment is the main basis for achieving state maintenance where various aspects such as equipment operation, test and online monitoring are involved. Through status evaluation, health status of the equipment is objectively evaluated, which is the basis for maintenance. In order to allow the trainees to fully grasp the guidelines for the evaluation of the status in substation equipment, the system transforms the state evaluation guide training for transformers and circuit breakers from traditional two-dimensional picture to three-dimensional scene where the deduction item is associated with the actual part in the equipment to realize the visualization of the deduction item and unification between theory and object. In addition, through the simulation of deduction points, the status of the device is dynamically displayed, and the understanding of the device status evaluation guidelines is deepened.E.Multi-role Interaction Fault SimulationWhen socket-based multi-role communication server is processed, it needs apprentices to open the training system through a web browser, and register the local virtual client to the server, then the plurality of registered apprentices can collaborate in the same virtual scenario through the server. Besides it, based on the experience of Guangxi power grid equipment fault handling, a typical fault is selecyed as a case in the system where multi-role operation scenario such as fault handling on breaker SF6 with gas pressure shortage and transformer fire. Therefore, participants who participate in the training can understand the troubleshooting process more clearly through multi-person collaboration, and apprentices’ability to solve problems on the spot and coordinate with each other in the actual work can be improved through learning the experience of past troubleshooting.F.Training AssessmentDuring the three-dimensional virtual assessment in system, apprentices enter equipment maintenance or status evaluation guide to train the virtual scene through the virtual client, and test questions created by the web browser can be invoked according to the process steps. What’s more, answers and submissions can be completed in the virtual scene. After the assessment is completed, the assessment results can be viewed in the virtual scene. Instructors can start, suspend, and stop the training and assessment process through task management. Besides it, training and assessment process of a certain apprentice can be allowed or suspended, and the operation process of the apprentices can be recorded and reproduced, which is convenient for instructors and apprentices to judge and study on their own. When it comes to assessment in 3D virtual scene, apprentices can enter the process that needs to be evaluated through the virtual client, and each step in the virtual scenario will invoke the test questions created by the Web browser, so after completing the test questions for each step, apprentices can submit the test paper.V.A PPLICATION E FFECT A NALYSIS In order to apply the entire training assessment system into actual grid so that state evaluation and maintenance training can be assited, No. 1 main transformer casing is selected as maintenance assessment project by management personnel during the apprentices training. After setting up the assessment project and the assessment time in system, the designated student A will conduct the whole process assessment (including the actual operation and the theoretical examination). When formal assessment begins, apprentices A is first required to patrol the entire substation after entering the substation, and follow the prompts to reach the No. 1 main transformer within the specified time. Then, according to the existing state and evaluation guidelines of the equipment, the equipment evaluation of the main transformer is carried out, and it will be found that the casing has accumulated dirt and slight oil leakage. Finally, based on the evaluation results, it will be decided to carry out maintenance of casing leakage oil. In addition, another apprentice logs into the server and enters the system, and according to the rules, one person monitors one person to wipe the casing. After the actual operation, the theoretical test is carried out, and system administrator issues the test questions according to apprentices’s grades and assessment content. Then, apprentices conduct the online test. After the test is over, the system automatically scores and judges whether it is qualified.VI.C ONCLUSION3D modeling technology is used to establish the virtual scene of the substation equipment maintenance in this paper, and dynamic simulation of the equipment status is realized by the data driven model. Meanwhile, VRML is used to realize the virtual interaction between personnel and equipment, and build a virtual environment for equipment maintenance operations for the participants in the training. Combining the multi-role interaction technology in the virtual scene, the collaboration among instructors and apprentices is realized, where practical operation ability, teamwork spirit and participation enthusiasm of apprentices are greatly improved.Combined with virtual reality technology such as 3D panoramic camera rapid modeling and somatosensory technology, 3D visualization training method can not only reduce the material and labor costs required for training, but also enhance practical skills. In the future, 3D visualization will be applied to more occasions in power systems, such as equipment test simulation, line disaster warning simulation, power equipment life assessment simulation, and power engineering construction simulation.R EFERENCES[1]Liu Sha, Zhang Zhihua, Feng Shangchao. Accuracy Analysis of3DMAX 3D Modeling[J]. Beijing Surveying and Mapping. 2019(01).[2]Wei Yukun. Design and Implementation of Virtual Reality InteractionSystem Based on Unity3D[J]. 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1.在主菜单下点击File选项2.再按Import选项,弹出一个对话框,选择所输入的类型,包括Landmark ASCII文件、Geoquest ASCII文件、Attribute资料都可输入3.点击OK,弹出下一个对话框,选择文件所在路径和文件名,点击后输入到右窗口中(1)选件column specification 按列数输入(2)选件field specification 按域数输入(3)选件edit可进行编辑(4)选件depth按深度输入,不带负号(5)选件elevation按高程输入,带负号(6)层面按data /cloud输入(7)断层以lines选件输入4.点击输入文件四、模型建立的工作流程建构造模型的工作流程见图二图二工作流程五、显示和目标的选取显示功能可以用来显示整个模型和所选取的模型的局部。
水平臂式: 水平臂式测量机开敞性好,测量范围大,可以由两台机器共同组成双臂测量机,尤其适合汽车工业钣金件的测量。
各种结构三坐标“图”以活动桥式测量机为例,介绍三坐标主要组成及功能:工作台(一般采用花岗石),用于摆放零件支撑桥架; 工作台放置零件时,一般要根据零件的形状和检测要求,选择适合的夹具或支撑。
桥架,支撑 Z 滑架,形成互相垂直的三轴; 桥架是测量机的重要组成部分,由主、附腿和横梁、滑架等组成。
由于这个原因,一般桥式测量机的横梁长度不超过 2。
5 米,超过这个长度就要使用双光栅等措施对附腿滞后的误差进行补偿,或采用其他机构形式。
滑架,使横梁与有平衡装置的 Z 轴连接;滑架连接横梁和 Z 轴,其上有两轴的全部气浮块和光栅的读数头、分气座。
地质建模型培训步骤GEMCOM 国际软件公司 SURPAC 中国办事处I目录第 1章地质数据库结构 ............................................................................................................................ 1 1.1 分析实例地质数据 ....................................................................................................................... 1 第 2章创建一个 Surpac 地质数据库 ....................................................................................................... 5 2.1 创建数据库结构 ........................................................................................................................... 5 2.2 编辑转换表 (8)2.3 导入数据 (9)第 3章三维空间显示钻孔 ...................................................................................................................... 13 3.1 设置钻孔显示风格 .....................................................................................................................13 3.2 显示钻孔 (16)第 4章地质解译和剖面品位计算 .......................................................................................................... 20 4.1 创建剖面 (20)4.2 地质解译(圈定矿体 ............................................................................................................. 24 4.3 计算线段品位 ............................................................................................................................. 31 第5章形成实体模型 .............................................................................................................................. 33 5.1 建立实体模型 ............................................................................................................................. 33 第 6章数据提取 (38)6.1 提取钻孔平面图 /剖面图 . ........................................................................................................... 38 6.2 提取样品表中数据,获得取样长度 ......................................................................................... 41 6.3统计样长,确定组合样长 ......................................................................................................... 43 第 7章组合 ........................................................................................................................................... ... 46 7.1 样品组合原理 ............................................................................................................................. 47 7.2 根据勘探工程组合 ..................................................................................................................... 47 第 8章基本统计与分析 .......................................................................................................................... 54 8.1 基本统计 (54)8.2 处理特高品位 ............................................................................................................................. 59 第 9章创建块体模型 .............................................................................................................................. 62 9.1 创建块模型 (63)9.2 增加属性及背景值 ..................................................................................................................... 66 9.3 约束 ........................................................................................................................................... .. 68 9.4 块体模型的显示 ......................................................................................................................... 70 第 10章块体模型赋值 ............................................................................................................................ 74 10.1 直接赋值法 (74)10.2 距离幂次反比法 ....................................................................................................................... 78 10.3 根据属性为模型着色 ...............................................................................................................85 10.4 第二次估值 ............................................................................................................................... 87 第11章资源储量报告 ............................................................................................................................ 95 11.1 块模型的报告 (95)II第 1章地质数据库结构1.1 分析实例地质数据该实例为一套培训数据,作为初学者学习所用,此例为仅有钻孔数据的金矿床。
使用摇杆在工件上测量所需的点,如果您还需要增加点,那么点击F6 ,您就可以继续测量了,达到了所需的点数后点击F5 。
使用摇杆在工件上测量所需的点,如果您还需要增加点,那么点击F6 ,您就可以继续测量了,达到了所需的点数后点击F5 。
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第一步:双击安装应用程序按钮Gager3d 7.1 Setup.exe:
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