服装与服饰设计 双语培养方案
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选修课中人文社科、管理及自然科学与工程等三类通识课程至少各取得2学分,专业选修课至少取得20学分,任意选修(除本专业外的校内其他专业选修) 4学分。
斯都时装员工英语培训教案22:职场英语必修技能Part 1: Basic Business EnglishTo begin, we will review some basic principles of business English, including polite greetings and introductions, formal email communication, and basic telephone skills. We will also cover some common business idioms and expressions that will help you to sound more natural and professional in your interactions with English-speaking clients and colleagues.Part 2: Listening and Speaking SkillsNext, we will focus on listening and speaking skills, which are essential for effective communication in any professional setting. We will discuss strategies for active listening, asking questions, and responding appropriately to others' comments and feedback. We will also work on developing your speaking skills, including fluency, pronunciation, and intonation. Throughout this section, we will use a variety of interactive exercises and role-playing scenarios to help you practice your new skills in real-life situations.Part 3: Writing SkillsIn addition to speaking and listening skills, writing skills are also critical for effective communication in the workplace. We will start by reviewing some general principles of written communication, including tone, structure, and style. Next, we will explore some specific forms of written communication, including emails, memos, and reports. We will discuss strategies for organizing your thoughts, using clear and concise language, and crafting effective subject lines and email messages.Part 4: Cultural Awareness and Business EtiquetteFinally, we will discuss some important cultural and social considerations for communicating effectively with clients and colleagues from around the world. We will explore some common cultural differences in communication styles, expectations around business attire and punctuality, and guidelines for professional behavior. By understanding and respecting these cultural differences, you will be better equipped to build lasting relationships and successful partnerships with people from diverse backgrounds.Throughout this training program, we will emphasize practical, hands-on learning, with plenty of opportunitiesfor practice and feedback. Our goal is to help you build the skills and confidence you need to communicate clearly, effectively, and professionally in English, no matter where your career takes you. By mastering these essential skills, you will be prepared to excel in the globalized workplace and to seize new opportunities for personal and professional growth.。
毕业生应获得以下几个方面的知识和能力:1. 掌握服装学科的基本理论、基本知识;具有较扎实的人文学科和工程技术基础知识,较高的文化艺术素养和较强的审美能力。
2. 掌握服装设计、纺织品设计的基础理论与实践技能,具有独立完成服装设计、纺织品设计等能力;3. 掌握纺织服装市场、纺织品预测及流行分析的基本方法,具有独立完成艺术设计构思、效果图、纸样、工艺制作、产品展示与策划、电脑设计绘图的基本能力。
4. 具备服装设计、纺织品设计及服装生产、营销、零售等岗位的基本专业能力。
5. 了解服装学科、服装设计行业的发展动态;6. 具备市场调研和产品企划的能力;7. 具有计算机基本知识和应用能力,掌握服装CAD技术;8. 掌握一门外语。
1. 设计能力。
2. 制作技能。
3. 时尚洞察力。
4. 商业意识。
# (一)基础课程。
1. 美术基础。
服装与服饰设计专业教育阶段培养方案Curriculum for Professional Training Programfor Undergraduate in Fashion Design专业代码:130505一、业务培养目标本专业培养能从事服装与服饰设计策划和时装研究,具备较强的设计创造能力和动手制作能力,具备较强的市场设计意识和市场竞争能力,掌握服装企业、服装市场的基本运作知识,以及把握时尚潮流并进行流行预测的基本方法,能在服装艺术设计与营销等领域及艺术设计机构从事设计、研究、教学、管理等方面工作的应用型高级专门人才。
三、核心课程服装设计方法、服饰配件设计、中外服装史、人体工程学、服装材料与面料设计、服装画技法、服装设计、品牌设计与营销四、专业培养阶段课程指导性修读计划表学 时课 程 类 别修 读 性 质课程代码课程名称学分总计讲授研习实验实 践 开课 学期建议修读学期 修读 说明411807095 服装设计方法Fashion Design Methods 3 481236 春 4 411807020 服装画技法 Fashion Sketch 3 481236 春 4 411807096 中外服装史 Fashion History 2 321814 春 4 411807097 人体工程学 Ergonomic1 1610 6 秋 5 410503028 服装材料与面料设计Fashion Materials and Textile Design 3 481632 秋 5 410503012服饰配件设计Fashion Accessories Design2 321220 春 6 服装与服饰设计 必修小 计1422480144 411807098 服装心理学Fashion Psychology 2 322012 春 4 411807099 服饰图案Fashion Patterns 2 321022 春 4 411807100服装设计①Fashion Design ① 2 321022 秋 5 411807101 服装结构①Garment Structure ①2 3216 16 秋 5 411807102 服装造型基础Fundamentals of Fashion Modeling 2 3212 20 秋 5 411807019 服装工艺与制作Fashion Art and Making 4 6412 52 秋 5 410503124 中国少数民族服饰 China Minority Costume 2 322210 秋 5 411807103 服装设计②Fashion Design ② 3 481236 春 6 411807104 服装结构②Garment Structure ②4 6416 48 春 6 411807105 服装制版与CADCostume Pattern Making and CAD 2 3216 16 春 6 411807106 服装立体造型Costume 3D Modeling3 4812 36 春 6 411807107服装工艺Costume Techniques 2 3212 20 春 6 411807108 服装品牌策划与运作Costume Brand Planning andOperation2 321616 春 6 411807109品牌服装市场调研Market Research on Costume Brand 3 481038 秋 7 专业课程服装与服饰设计︵服装设计︶ 选修411807110服装专题设计Costume Project Design4641648秋7类 别 性质课程代码 课程名称 分总计讲授研习实验实践学期修读学期说明 410503049服装生产与营销管理Costume Manufacturing andMarketing2 321616秋 7411807111 服饰搭配与展示Dress Collocation and Display3 481632秋 7411807112 服装买手Costume Buying3 481236秋 7411807113 化妆与造型Make-up and Styling3 481236秋 7410503113纤维艺术Fabric Art2 328 24 秋 7服装与服饰设计︵服装设计︶必修小计:52学分,至少应修26学分411807114 服装消费心理学Costume Consumer Psychology2 322012春 4411807115 服装设计基本原理Principles of Fashion Design2 321220春 4411807116服装广告与传播Costume Advertising andPromotion2 321220秋 5411807117服装结构与工艺①Garment Structure and Techniques①4 641252 秋 5411807118 服装立体造型Costume 3D Modeling2 328 24 秋 5411807119 服装色彩与应用Costume Color and Applications2 321220秋 5411807120 服装数字化技术Digital Techniques of Costume2 3232 秋 5411807121 服装店面展示设计Costume Store Design3 481632春 6411807122 品牌设计与营销①Brand Design and Marketing ①3 481632春 6411807123 服装视觉营销Visual Marketing of Costume2 321220春 6411807124服装结构与工艺②Garment Structure and Techniques②4 641252 春 6411807125 化妆与造型Make-up and Modeling2 321220春 6411807126 服饰配件设计Fashion Accessories Design2 321220春 6专业课程 服装与服饰设计︵服装设计与营销︶选修411807127 服装品牌调研与设计Survey and Design of Costume Brand5 802060秋 7类 别 性质课程代码 课程名称 分总计讲授研习实验实践学期修读学期说明411807128服装店铺经营管理Costume Store Management2 321616秋 7411807129品牌设计与营销②Brand Design and Marketing ②3 481632秋 7411807130服装品牌策划与管理BrandPlanning and Management4 642440秋 7411807131服装连锁加盟Costume Franchising2 321220秋 7411807132时装商业评论Business Review onFashion2 321220秋 7411807133服装买手Fashion Buying2 321220秋 7服装与服饰设计︵服装设计与营销︶选修小计:52学分,至少应修26学分411809007 字体与版式设计Font and Layout design4 64161632 春 4411809008影视后期合成After-effects Synthesis of Film andTelevision4 64 4 4812 春 4411810001 中外建筑园林史World History of Gardens2 32 4 28春 4411808028环境初步Preliminary Environmental Design2 32 4 28春 4411808034建筑制图Architectural Drawing2 32 4 28春 4411801002室内外效果图技法Interior and Outdoor Effect DrawingTechniques2 32 4 28春 4411807134 产品表现技法Product Rendering Techniques2 32 4 28春 4411807135设计专业英语ESP (English for Specific Purpose)for Design2 321220春 4411808108招贴设计Poster Design2 328 816 秋 5411809001 包装设计Packaging Design2 328 816 秋 5411809002 动态图形设计Dynamic Graphic Design4 641648秋 5411810003 居室设计Housing Design2 32 4 28秋 5411810004 小区景观设计Residential Landscape Design2 32 4 28秋 5411807136创意家居用品设计Innovative Design of HouseholdAppliances4 64163216 秋 5专业课程跨专业课程选修411809003 标志与VI设计Logo and VI Design4 64161632 春 6类 别 性质课程代码 课程名称 分总计讲授研习实验实践学期修读学期说明411809004 交互界面设计Interface Design4641616324春 6411810005 商业店面设计Store Design232428春 6411810006 城市景观设计Urban Landscape Design232428春 6 411809005商业型录与画册设计Design of Commercial Catalog andAlbum464161632秋 7411809006 影片剪辑Film Editing46444812秋 7411807137 家具设计Furniture Design46482432春、秋 6、7411807138 灯具设计Lighting Design46482432春、秋 6、7跨专业课程选修小计:64学分,至少修读16学分专业课程合计:专业课程要求至少修读56学分,其中必修14学分,选修42学分401808015 专业考察Specialized Investigation23周秋 5401807016 毕业实习Graduation Field Work13周秋 7401807001 毕业论文Graduation Thesis88周春 8必修小计:11学分401809001 平面设计实践创新平台③Innovation Practice Platform forGraphic Design ③12周春 4401809002 现代数字媒体设计实践创新平台③Innovation Practice Platform forModern Digital Media Design ③12周春 4401810001 环境设计实践创新平台③Innovation Practice Platform forEnvironmental Design ③12周春 4401807017 产品设计实践创新平台③Innovation Practice Platform forProduct Design ③12周春 4实践教学环节选修401807018 服装与服饰设计实践创新平台③Innovation Practice Platform forFashion Design ③12周春 4学 时课 程 类 别修 读 性 质课程代码课程名称学分总计讲授研习实验实践 开课学期建议修读学期修读说明401809003平面设计实践创新平台④Innovation Practice Platform for Graphic Design ④12周春 6401809004现代数字媒体设计实践创新平台④Innovation Practice Platform for Modern Digital Media Design ④ 1 2周 春 6401810002环境设计实践创新平台④Innovation Practice Platform for Environmental Design ④ 1 2周 春 6401807019 产品设计实践创新平台④ Innovation Practice Platform for Product Design ④1 2周 春 6401807020 服装与服饰设计实践创新平台④ Innovation Practice Platform for Fashion Design ④1 2周春 6课外创新实践Extracurricular Innovation Practice5春、秋1-8 不计入总学分选修小计: 15学分,至少应修7学分实践教学环节合计:实践环节要求至少修读18学分,其中必修11学分,选修7学分(含课外创新实践5学分,不计入总学分)五、主要实践性教学环节序号 课程编号 课程名称周数(学时)学分学期修读性质备 注1 409001001 军事训练Military Training2周 1 1 必修2 401808015 专业考察Specialized Investigation3周 2 5 必修3 401809005 毕业实习Graduation Field Work3周 1 7 必修4 401807001 毕业论文Graduation Thesis8周 8 8 必修5 401811001 实践创新平台①Innovation Practice Platform①2周 1 2 选修可选择任一工作坊完成该部分学习6 401807013 实践创新平台②Innovation Practice Platform②3周 1 3 选修可选择任一工作坊完成该部分学习7 401807014 实践创新平台③Innovation Practice Platform③2周 1 4 选修可选择任一方向实践创新平台③8 401807015实践创新平台④Innovation Practice Platform④2周 1 6 选修可选择任一方向实践创新平台④合 计 25周 16六、专业培养阶段教学周进程安排表七、说明1.学生需在专业导师的指导下选择自己的学习进程,修满规定的学分。
I. IntroductionThe purpose of this teaching design is to create an effective and engaging English clothing teaching plan that focuses on teachingstudents about different types of clothing, their names, and how to describe them in English. This plan is suitable for primary and middle school students with basic English proficiency.II. Objectives1. Students will be able to recognize and name various types of clothing, such as shirts, pants, dresses, and accessories.2. Students will learn to describe clothing in English using appropriate vocabulary and sentence structures.3. Students will be able to compare and contrast different types of clothing.4. Students will develop their speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills in the context of clothing.III. Teaching Methods1. Communicative approach: Encourage students to use English in real-life situations.2. Task-based learning: Provide practical activities that allow students to apply their knowledge.3. Visual aids: Use pictures, videos, and demonstrations to make the learning process more engaging.4. Cooperative learning: Promote group work to enhance collaboration and communication skills.IV. Teaching Aids1. Whiteboard and markers2. Picture cards of various types of clothing3. Videos related to clothing4. Handouts with vocabulary lists5. Role-playing props (e.g., clothing items, accessories)V. Lesson Plan1. Warm-up (5 minutes)- Greet students and ask them about their favorite types of clothing.- Introduce the topic of the lesson: "Different Types of Clothing."2. Introduction (10 minutes)- Present a few pictures of different types of clothing.- Ask students to guess the names of the clothing items in English.- Write the correct names on the board and explain their meanings.3. Vocabulary (15 minutes)- Introduce new vocabulary related to clothing using visual aids and handouts.- Have students practice using the new vocabulary in sentences.4. Grammar (10 minutes)- Teach students how to describe clothing using adjectives and adverbs.- Provide examples and have students practice forming sentences.5. Activity (15 minutes)- Divide students into groups and give each group a set of clothing items.- Ask students to describe the clothing items using the vocabulary and grammar they have learned.- Each group will present their descriptions to the class.6. Pair work (10 minutes)- Pair students up and ask them to discuss their favorite types of clothing.- Have them describe their favorite clothing items to their partners.7. Review and summary (5 minutes)- Ask students to share what they have learned about clothing.- Write key vocabulary and phrases on the board for students to review.8. Homework- Assign students to create a small presentation about their favorite type of clothing, including its name, description, and why they like it.VI. Assessment1. Participation: Observe students' engagement in class activities and their ability to use English to describe clothing.2. Homework: Evaluate the quality of students' presentations and their ability to describe clothing using appropriate vocabulary and grammar.3. Test: Conduct a short quiz to assess students' knowledge of clothing-related vocabulary and grammar.VII. ConclusionThis English clothing teaching design aims to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of different types of clothing and their names in English. By incorporating various teaching methods and activities, the plan aims to make the learning process enjoyable and effective.。
服装与服饰设计Fashion Design
一、培养目标Training Objectives
This major emphasizes the close combination of theory and practice. It aims to cultivate professional talents in fashion design who have strong creative ability, hands-on ability, market awareness and competitiveness, master the basic operation knowledge of garment enterprises and basic method to grasp the fashion trend and do prediction, possess the capability to be engaged in such work as design, research, teaching, management and the like in the field of fashion art design and application research or art design institutions.
二、基本规格Basic Specifications
Students are required to master the basic knowledge, basic theory and basic skills of this major, understand the theatrical frontiers and development trends of this major, possess the ability and quality in adaptation to correlative professional work, correctly grasp the scientific system of the major and learn to use knowledge what they have learned, possess preliminary ability of analyzing and solving problems. They are also required to master a foreign language skillfully and develop strong abilities in listening, speaking, reading, writing and translation, cultivate capabilities to carry out work with the use of modern computer and network technology and do scientific research and practical work. And they are required to be equipped with good
development potential and some other professional knowledge and competence.
三、学制与学位Length of Schooling and Degree
1. 学制与修业年限Length of schooling & Study duration
The standard length of schooling is four years. Study duration can be 3-6 years.
2. 最低毕业学分和授予的学位
Minimum Credits for Graduation and the Degree Awarded
The minimum credits required for graduation is 160 credits; Bachelor's Degree in Fine Arts will be awarded.
四、主干学科和主要课程Main Subjects and Main Courses
主干学科:艺术学Main subject: Fine Arts
Core courses: Fashionable Dress Painting Technique, Hand Printing and Dyeing, Men and Women Wear Designing I-II, Children's Wear Designing I-II, Fashion Accessories Designing, Garment Structure Designing, Clothing Manufacture Technology, Dress Material and Pattern Designing.
Degree courses: College English I-II, Design Drawings, Two-dimensional Composition, Men and Women Wear Designing I, Children's Wear Designing I. Students who take degree courses must meet the minimum requirement for credit point specified in the Regulations on Bachelor's Degrees of Huzhou University, thus he/she can obtain a Bachelor's Degree.。