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2.consider v.考虑;认为;体谅 In America, the development of social skills is considered as important as the development of intellectual skills. (教材 P23) 在美国,社交能力的培养被看作和智力水平的培养同等重要。
4.语篇理解(阅读 P27 课文,选择最佳答案) (1)The purpose of cheerleaders' performance is ___C_____. A.to show their beautiful figures
B.to attract people's attention
C.to encourage audience to cheer their sports teams (2)A large number of Americans think cheerleading as ____B____. A.bright B.stupid
新知识·预习探索 Ⅰ.词汇预习 1.d_e_c_o_r_at_i_o_n n.装饰物→_d_ec_o_r_a_te__ v.装饰 2.r_e_g_u_la_t_io_n_ n.规则,规定→_r_eg_u_l_a_r__ adj.有规则的,定期的 3._i_n_n_o_c_e_n_t adj.天真无邪;阅事不深的→_in_n_o_c_e_n_c_e n.天真,单 纯;清白无辜
A. In a biography (a life story about someone written by someone
B. In an autobiography (the story of the writer's life).
C. A brochure to persuade people to attend this school.
I developed the habit of eating between meals.
development n.
developed adj. 发达的,先进的;
(1)C__o_n_s_id_e_r_ed(consider) to be the greatest writer of plays in the English-speaking world,Williams Shakespeare is more famous than he
was in his own lifetime. (2)We always consider ___i_t____ a great personality that no matter
how many sufferings one has experienced,one's original pursuit of love
D. A government report.
(3)The writer thinks that ____B____. A.nursery school was good preparation for“big school”. B.he was not very prepared for boarding School. C.he went to nursery school because his father worked abroad. D.he learnt to read and to recite the alphabet at“big school”.
I'm considering applying for that job. 我在考虑申请那份工作。
Zhou Kai is considered (to be) an excellent student. 周凯被认为是一名优秀学生。
consider doing sth.
consider...as/to be 把……看做
5.根据 Cultural Corner 填空 I like _c_h①ee_r_le_a_d_i_n_g which can __②en_c_o_u_ra_g_e_ crowds to cheer their
sports teams during __c③om_p_e_t_it_i_v_e games. Everyone will feel excited and can't help roaring. In the past, cheerleading only e_x_i④ste_d_ in America. As
time passed, more and more countries started cheerleading. Now it _p_la⑤ys__ an important __p⑥ar_t _ in games __⑦wo_r_ld_w__id_e, and many universities offer _c_o⑧urs_e_s in cheerleading. In fact, cheerleading is _co_n⑨si_d_e_re_d__ so important _t_h⑩at __ several movies have been made about it.
(2)Competitive sports, for example, basketball, are probably the most popular of all the after-school activities. ( F The passage is about __B______.
(4)The writer was unhappy when he arrived at school because _____A___.
A.the dormitory was so different from what he was used to B.he didn't have enough bedding C.he was ashamed to admit that he sobbed as he fell asleep D.he didn't want to share a dormitory with five other boys
3.阅读 P27 课文,判断正误 (1)A cheerleader is a member of a team of young women who encourage a crowd to cheer at a US sports game.( T ) (2)Everyone considers that cheerleading is very important in America.( F )
9.鼓励某人做某事_e_n_c_o_u_ra_g_e__sb_._t_o__d_o sth. 10.准时……__b_e_p_u_n_c_t_u_al__fo_r___ 11.令某人失望的是_to__o_n_e_'s_d_i_s_a_p_p_o_in_t_ment 12.自由感 _a_s_e_n_se__o_f_li_b_e_r_at_i_o_n 13.在……起重要作用p_l_a_y_a_n__im__p_o_rt_a_n_t_p_art in 14.最后,终于___i_n_t_h_e_e_n_d______ 15.一所寄宿制学校_a__b_o_ar_d_i_n_g_s_c_h_o_o_l_ 16.A 乘 B__m__u_lt_i_p_ly_A__b_y__B__
新课堂·互动探究 重点聚焦
1.keen adj.渴望的;热切的;热心的;激烈的,强烈的;敏锐的, 敏捷的
For keen photographers only.(教材 P19) 只面向热爱摄影的人。
The people in this village are very keen on art. 这个村子里的人对艺术都很热衷。
Ⅱ.句型感悟 1.考试成绩很重要,但是课外活动也很重要。 Exam grades are very important, but _so__a_re__th_e__a_ft_e_r-_s_c_h_o_o_l_a_c_ti_v_it_ie. s 2.在漫长的暑假里,美国孩子在夏令营度过几周是一个习俗。 During the long summer holidays, ___i_t_is__a_c_u_s_to_m____ for American children to spend several weeks at summer camps. 3.直到 20 世纪 20 年代,彩线球才在拉拉队队员的表演中发挥重 要作用。
be keen to do sth.
be keen about 喜爱;对……着迷
be keen on (doing) sth. (口)喜爱;渴望
He is keen to have a look at the Great Wall.
即学即用 【介词填空】 He used to be fond ___o_f____ novels, but now he is keen ___o_n____ playing computer games.
A. the writer's first day at school
B. the writer's schooldays
C. the writer's childhood
D. the writer's life
(2)Where you would expect to see this passage. What helped you
consideration n. 考虑;体贴
take...into consideration 将……考虑在内
considerate adj. 体贴的,考虑周到的
considering prep.& conj. 考虑到;就……而言
I consider it a great honour to be invited.
4._d_y_n_a_m_i_c_ adj.精力充沛的,有创新思想的 5._t_ra_d_i_t_io_n_ n.传统→t_ra_d_i_ti_o_n_a_l adj.传统的→tr_a_d_it_i_o_n_al_lyadv.传统 地
6._c_h_e_e_r___ v.欢呼,喝彩→c_h_e_e_r_fu_l__ adj.开心的,兴高彩烈的 7._i_r_ri_ta_t_e__ v.(尤指不断重复做某事而)使(人长期)烦躁 8._p_u_n_c_tu_a_l_ adj.准时的;守时的
and truth is still not moved.
3.develop vt.发展,成长,(使)发育;开发(土地,资源等)
He believes that sports can develop mind and body.
We need to develop solar energy even further.
I_t_w__as__n_o_t_u_n_ti_l_t_h_e_1_9_2_0_s_t_h_a_t pompoms began to play an important part in cheerleading.
Ⅲ. 文本感知 1. 判断正误(阅读 P23 课文,判断正误)
(1)In America, the development of social skills is considered as important as the development of intellectual skills. ( T )