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We cannot cope with the problems of poverty within the orthodoxy of capitalism preached and practiced today. With the failure of many Third World governments in running businesses, health, education, and welfare programs efficiently everyone is quick to recommend – “hand it over to the private sector”. 在正统的资本主义信条盛行的今天,我们无法解决贫困问题。第三世 界许多国家的政府未能高效实行商务、医疗、教育以及福利等方面的 计划,每个人都会随即建议“将这些计划交给私人部门来管理”。
Gems of Idea
亚当· 斯密与看不见的手
His gems
国民财富的性质和原因的研究 An Inquiry Into The Nature and Causes of The Wealth of Nations (The Wealth of Nations) Father of economics Economics: a study of how society manages its scarce resources.
Let us suppose an entrepreneur, instead of having a single source of motivation (such as maximizing profit), now has two sources of motivation, which are mutually exclusive, but equally compelling – a) maximization of profit and b) doing good to people and the world. 现在我们假设一位企业家,他不是只有单一的动机(例如,利润最大 化),而是现在有两个动机,这两个动机是相互排斥的,但势均力敌 ,其一是利润最大化,其二是为人民和世界增加福利。
流行观点 Prevalent view 分散 (火灾)分散人群 evacuate 分散的市场经济 Decentralized market economies 分散化投资 Diversified investments
让人们各行其是,而不要让政府沉重的手来指导他们的行 为,结果往往会最好。 Individuals are usually best left to their own devices, without the heavy hand of government guiding their actions. Leave (someone) to his own devices:To allow to do as one pleases device: the act or process of planning or devising
This, to me, was a way of recruiting slave labor. 这在我眼里就是压榨奴隶。
about “labor” 劳动教养、劳动改造(中国译界流行的译法): reform/education/rehabiliation through labor 《韦氏第三版新国际词典》:expenditure of physical or mental effort esp. when fatiguing, difficult, or compulsary 西方文献关于labor的用法:labor camp(劳改营)convict labor(监狱劳工),slavery and forced labor( 奴隶和强迫劳动),child labor(童工),bonded labor(包身工) 政治色彩、侵犯人权 劳动改造:criminal reformation 劳动教养:education of offenders 劳动态度、劳动自觉性:attitude toward work, work initiative 劳动力(劳工):labor force
“I have said capitalism is a half told story.”
It is claimed that the freer the market, the better is the result of capitalism in solving the questions of what, how, and for whom. It is also claimed that the individual search for personal gains brings collective optimal result. 它(资本主义)主张市场越自由,资本主义就越能更好地解决“做什 么,如何做,为谁做”的问题。同时它也主张,个人追求自身利益会 带来集体的最优结果。
What Who how
市场经济 Market economy
市场机制 market mechanism
market forces vs. market power 政府调控与市场机制的有机统一 Closely integrate government control with market forces laissez-faire 自由放任 政府干预 Governmental intervention
collateral-free income generating loans 免担保保增收贷款
关于“担保” collateral:质押,多指流动资产类,最常见的是票据,如:存单、存 折、国债等质押。 mortgage:抵押,指固定资产类,如:房产、机械设备等抵押。 guarantee:担保,指信用担保,可以是第三方的信用,也可以是第 三方的资产。
Personal profit based private sector has its own clear agenda. It comes in serious conflict with the pro-poor, pro-women, proenvironment agenda. Economic theory has not provided us with any alternative to this familiar private sector. 以个人利益为基础的私人部门动机明显。这与扶贫、保护妇女、保护 环境的动机发生了严重冲突。除了我们所熟知的私人部门,经济理论 并未提供其他选择方案。
The bank said that the poor were not creditworthy. After all my efforts, over several months, failed I offered to become a guarantor for the loans to the poor. 银行说他们不值得信任。经过数月的不懈努力,我还是没有说服他们 ,于是我成为了穷人的贷款担保人。 小额信贷 microcredit
为什么分散的市场经济运行得这么好 ? 运行 operation, motion 经济运行 Economic operation/performance Why do decentralized market economies work so well?
经济参与者受利己心所驱动,而市场中“看不见的手”指 引着这种利己心去促进总体的经济福利。 Participants in the economy are motivated by selfinterest and the “invisible hand” of the market guides this self-interest into promoting general economic well-being.
We worked extra hard to transform ourselves, as closely as possible, into the one-dimensional human beings as conceptualized in the theory, to allow smooth functioning of free market mechanism. 我们特别努力地工作,尽可能地将自己转变成已经概念化的一维人, 以便让自由市场机制顺畅地发挥作用。
Muhammad Yunus about His Village Bank
In 1974, I found it difficult to teach elegant theories of economics in the university classroom in the backdrop of a terrible famine then occurring in Bangladesh. 1974年,正逢孟加拉严重饥荒,我无法旁若无视地在大学教室里讲授 高深的经济学理论。 Suddenly I felt the emptiness of those theories in the face of crushing hunger and poverty. 面对如此严重的饥荒和贫困,我突然感到这些理论是如此的空洞。
outstanding loans 未偿贷款
Accroding to Grameen Bank’s internal survey, 64 per cent of our borrowers have crossed the poverty line. 格莱珉银行的内部调查显示,64%的借债人已摆脱贫困。 We want to make a break in the historical continuation of poverty. 我们不想让贫困继续下去。
The theory of capitalism assumes that entrepreneurs are onedimensional human beings, who are dedicated to one mission in their business lives – to maximize profit. This interpretation of capitalism insulates the entrepreneurs from all political, emotional, social, spiritual, environmental dimensions of their lives. Many of the world’s problems exist because of this restriction on the players of free-market. 资本主义理论假定,企业家是一维人,在他们的职业生涯中,只追求 一个目标,就是利润最大化。对资本主义的这种理解忽视了企业家们 生活中所有政治、情感、社会、精神,以及环境等其他维度。这个世 界中存在着的许多问题,正是因为自由市场参与者受到了这种限制。