2020-2021学年第一学期期末测试人教版八年级英语试题听力部分一、听力理解A.听句子根据所听句子的内容和所提的问题,选择符合题意的图画回答问题,并将最佳选项的字母编号填涂在答题卷内.每小题听一遍.1. What ig Tim’s favorite animal?A. B. C.2.Where d id Al ice go l a s t Wednesday?.A. B. C.3.When d id To m go to the Grea t Wal l?A. B. C.4. How many foo t ba l l s does Sam have?A. B. C.5Who is Mandy’s best friend?A. B. C.B.听对话回答每段对话后面的问题,在各题所给的三个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并将其字母编号填涂在答题卷内.每段对话听两遍.听第一段对话,回答第 6 小题. 6. What is Bob’s favorite sport? A. Running .B. Swim ming .C. Danc ing .听第二段对话,回答第 7 小题. 7. Where does the wo man want to go? A. To a books tore .B. To a res t room.C. To a bank .听第三段对话,回答第 8 小题. 8. When d id John buy the j acke t? A. To morrow.B. Yes te rday .C. The day before yes te rday .听第四段对话,回答第 9 小题.9. How many k inds o f noodles does t he res tauran t have? A. Two.B. Three .C. Four .听第五段对话,回答第 10 小题.10. Who wi l l go to see the movie My People , My Count r y? A. J im.B. Al ice .C. J im and Al ice .听第六段对话,回答第 11~12小题. .11. What does L in Tao of ten read? A. Books .B. Newspapers .C. Magaz ines .12. When does L in Tao reme mber Engl i sh new words aga in? A. Af te r go ing to bed .B. Before go ing to bed .C. Af te r wak ing up.听第七段对话,回答第 13~15 小题. 13. Where wi l l they go fo r lunch today? A. At McDonald’s.B. At Kung Fu Rest auran t .C. At Hong Mei Hote l .C. Noodles .14. What i s John going to ea t fo r lunch? A. To matoes .B. Chicken .15 How wi l l they go to ea t lunch? A. By b ike .B. On foo t .C. By tax i .C.听短文请根据所听内容,在每题所给的三个选项中,选出一个能回答所提问题的最佳答案,并将其字母编号填涂在答题卷内.本题听两遍.16. I t was ________ tha t day . A. Monday17. Ben Nevis i s the h ighes t mounta in in ________. A. ChinaB. the UK18. Mar t in and Judy took a backpack with ________. A. ropes and foodB . f ood and dr ink19. When they go t to the top o f the mounta in , i t began to ________. A. snowB. ra inC. b low20. Mar t in and Judy thought tha t day was ________. B. TuesdayC. Fr idayC. FranceC. ropes and t en t sA. in te res t ingB. bor ingC. exc i t ingD.听填信息你将听到的是关于母亲节的短文.请你根据所听内容填写下面的信息卡,并将答案填写在答题 卡的相应位置上.短文听两遍.Mother’s Day is like a 22 b i r thday .In FranceIn th i s passage , the speaker main ly t e l l s us d i f fe ren t 25 to celebrate Mother’s Day.笔试部分二、单项选择1.I wen t shopping with my s i s t e r yes t erday . She bought ________ umbre l l a and some books . A. aB. anC. theD. /2.—Doctor, what’s wron g wi th my son? I s he se r ious? —No, ________. He on ly ca tches a co ld . A. se r ious someth i ngB. someth ing se r iousC. se r ious no th ingD. no th ing se r ious3.Think it over, ________ you’ll work out the math problem.A. o rB. soC. fo rD. and4.—What a n ice mode l p lane!—Thanks . I made i t wi th a 3D pr in te r by ________. A. meB. h imC. yourse l fD. myse l fD. a lways5.I cou ld ________ unders tand the t e acher because he s poke so fas t . A. hardB. a lmos tC. hard ly6. --Can you he lp me to _____ my dog when I l eave for Hong Kong? -- Sure . A. look a f te rB. look fo r .C. look a tD. look th rough7.—I didn’t hear you come in just now. —That’s good. We tried any no ise because you were s leep ing . A. no t makeB. no t to makeC. to makeC. How of tenC. co ldD. makingD. How longD. co lder8.—________ do you have an Engl i sh pa r ty? —Once a year . A. How fa rB. How much9.—Ho w i s the wea the r in au tumn in J ieyang? —I t i s a s ________ as tha t in sum mer . A hot te rB. ho t10.—What a re you go ing to do tomorrow? —We’ll go to the park tom or row i f i t ________. A. don’t rainB. ra insC. ra inD. doesn’t rain11.A mong the four seas o f f the coas t of China , Eas t Ch i na Sea i s the second ________. A. deep B. deeper C. deepes tD. the deepes t12.Look! ________ building the Bird’s Nest is! A. What a g rea tB. What g rea tC. How a g rea tD. How grea t13.Wi th the deve lop ment o f sc ience , r obot cooks ________ in our fami l i es i n the fu tu re . A. appearB. wi l l appearC . a ppeared14.I t i s r epor ted tha t ________ peopl e th row p las t i c bags a long th i s s t ree t e very day . A. hundreds o fB . hundredsC . hundred o fD. a re appear ingD. hundred15.—Did you have fun in the pa r ty?—________.We did many fan tas t i c a c t iv i t i e s.A. Not muchB. Of courseC. No prob lemD.My p leasure三、完形填空The name “junk food” first appeared in 1972. Over the years,i t has become popula r___16___many people. People like it because they don’t need to spend much time___17___.In fac t,some junk food somet imes t as tes___18___.W hat i s junk food? Th i s i s a d i f f i cu l t ques t ion. Di f fe ren t peop le may g ive di f f e ren t ___19___.For example, hamburgers and French f r i es a re junk food.Other foods,such as roas t po ta toes a nd bread,a re no t j unk food ___20___they have a l i t t l e nut r i t ion(营养). Also,candy and sof t d r inks a re junk f ood because they have a lo t o f sugar,but honey and ju ice ___21___ no t.Junk food has a lo t o f fa t,sa l t o r ___22___. Sc ien t i s t s bel i eve tha t ea t ing a l ot o f junk food makes peop le ge t fa t. People ___23___ al so have hear t d i sease and too th p rob l ems i f they ea t ___24___junk food.Although many people agree tha t junk food i s _____25_____ they s t i l l love i t.16. A. be tween17. A. wa i t B. amongB.to wa i tB. we l lC.inD. byC. wai t ingC. wonder fu l lyC. p rob lemsC. a l thoughC.i sD. wai tedD. beau t i fu l lyD. messagesD.so tha tD. a re18. A. good19. A. ques t ions20. A. bu t B. answers B. because B. does21. A. do22. A. wa te r23. A. can B. co lor C.sugar D. nu t r i t ionD. have toD. many B. need C. may24. A. much too25. A. hea l thy四、阅读理解B.too muchB. unhea l thyC.too manyC. de l i c iousD. swee tAThere are 22 boys and 22 girls in Ms. Wang’s class. The bar chart shows us their ways of going to school. Read the ba r char t and f i nd ou t more in for mat ion.26. How many s tude nts are there in Ms. Wang’s class? A. 22B. 4427. There a re ________ boys who r ide b icyc les to go to school . C. 66D. 88.D. 7A. 228. What does “bar chart” mean in Chinese? A. 柱状图B. 饼状图29. ________ g i r l s wa lk(s ) to schoo l . A. Al lB. Mos tB. 4C. 6C. 折线图C. SomeD. 表格D. No30. Af te r read ing t he passage , we can know ________. A. s ix g i r l s go to s chool by motorcycl e C. th ree g i r l s go to school by busB. four g i r l s go to school by b icyc le D. ten g i r l s go to s chool by ca rBAmerican people like to say “Thank you” when others help them or say something kind to them. People in many count r ies do so , too . I t i s a ve ry good habi t .You should say “Thank you” when someone passes you the salt on the table, when someone walking ahead of you keeps the door open fo r you , when someone says you have done your work wel l , o r you have bought a n ice thing, or your city is very beautiful. “Thank you” is used not only between friends, but also between parents and ch i ld ren , b ro thers and s i s t e r s .“Excuse me” is another short sen tence they use . When you hear someone s ay so beh ind you , you know tha t someone wants to walk pas t you wi thout touch ing you . I t 's no t po l i t e to b reak o thers when they a re t a lk ing . I f you want to speak to one of them, say “Excuse me” first, and then begin ta lk ing. You should a l so do so when you begin tocough o r make any no i se be fore o ther s .Let's learn to say “Thank you” and “Excuse me”. 31. You should say “Thank you” when ________ . A. you say someth i ng k ind to o thers B. you he lp o thersC. someone he lps youD. you want o thers to he lp you32. From the passage we know “Thank you” is ________. A. used in the wor l d B. used more often than “Excuse me” C. used on ly by Amer icansD. used on ly be tween f r i ends33. You should say “Excuse me” if you want to ________. A. coughB. make some no i s eC. go f i r s tD. a l l o f the above34. When you are going to ask someone to tell you the way, you should say “________”. A. Thank you35. Th is passage ma in ly t e l l s us the way ________. A. to be happyB . to be po l i t eB. Tha t 's ve ry k ind o f you C . Excuse meD. I 'm sor ryC. to he lp o thersD. to l ea rn f rom Amer icansCA. In Nor th China , Han people a re used to l iv ing in S iheyuan . Peop le bu i l t the S i heyuan a long wi th hu tongB. I f you a re go ing to ren t a house in Aust ra l i a , you must f i r s t dec ide where to l ive . Aust ra l i a has s ix a r eas .C. Houses in Canada a re a lways expens ive ,,though pr ices in many o ther coun t r ies f a l l .D. I t a l i an houses are d i f fe ren t in s ty le. They a re just as rich as the country’s culture.E. England has many k inds o f houses . In the l a rge c i t i e s , peop le o f t en l ive in apar t ments . In m ost towns , the re are s t ree t s o f houses jo ined toge ther .F. In a Japanese house some of the wa l l s a remade o f r i ce paper. Because the re i s s o l i t t l el and to l ive on, houses a re usua l ly s mal l.G.Mos t houses in Germany don't come wi thkitchens or lights, Sounds crazy, doesn’t it?36. ________37. ________38. ________39. ________40. ________五、根据句子意思填空,每空一词.....41.一百年之后,一切东西都是免费的.Every th ing wi l l ________ ________in 100 years.42.首先把西红柿洗干净,然后剥皮.W ash the tomatoes ________. Then ________them.43.我认为你应该去上大学.I th ink you ________ go to ________.44.这个周末我有太多的功课要做I have ________ much homework ________ do th i s weekend.45.你们假期去了哪里?________ ________ you go on vaca t i on?六、短文填空请用适当的词完成下面的短文,并把所缺单词填写在答题卡指定的位置上.每个空只能填写一个形式正确、..意义相符的单词.John l ived a lone in the coun t rys ide a f t er h i s wi fe’s death. He was very happy when his grandchildren___46___ him dur ing sum mer ho l idays.Once, he c leaned t he whole house to welcome h i s g randch i ld ren. Whi le he was c lean ing the barn谷(仓), he los t his wa tch.I t was ___47___ g i f t f rom his wi fe. When h i s g randch i ld ren came,they found tha t t he i r g randfa ther was___48___. They asked him what was wrong. John told them that he couldn’t find his___49___. The ch i ld ren wanted to he lp h im. They asked John when he l as t saw hi s wa tch.John remembered tha t the l a s t t ime he ___50___i t, he was c lean ing the barn. The ch i ld ren sea rched ___51___two hours, bu t c ouldn't f ind any th i ng.Then one o f the chi ld ren asked the othe r s to l eave and s a id he would look fo r the wa tch by ___52___. Severa l minutes l a te r,the chi ld b rought the wa tch back.John and o ther ch i ld ren wan ted to know how he d id i t. The boy sa id,“I sat___53___in the barn. After a few minutes, I heard a ‘'tic-ktick’ sound___54___found the watch.” John hugged (拥抱)the boy and _____55_____ h i m.That i s the power of s i l ence.I f we s ta y qu ie t, we can f ind so lu t ions(应对措施) more eas i ly.七、读写综合信息归纳.阅读下面的短文,根据所提供的信息,完成下面表格.Do you p lan your s chool ho l idays?I f not,I hope th i s gu i de wi l l he lp you. Here a re a few sugges t ions on how to spend your school hol idays wel l.Trave l ing-r e lax and re f resh your mind and sou l(心灵)Trave l to some in t eres t ing p laces. Trave l ing loca l ly o r t o fo re ign count r i es w i l l ce r ta in ly re lax and re f resh your mind and sou l. Mounta ins and beaches a re good p laces f or you to t ake a ho l iday.Doing a par t-t ime j ob ge t some work i ng exper ienceW ork par t-t ime,and you can ge t no t only money bu t a l so some work ing exper ience. The work i ng exper iencewil l be good fo r futu re jobs. For me,I have some exper ience in work ing as a wai te r in a f ive-s t ar ho te l.Taking courses(课程) o r go ing to a c amp (露营)-improve yourse l fThere a re some in t eres t ing courses to choose f rom,spec i a l ly des igned fo r s t uden ts dur ing school ho l iday,such as compute r courses, Engl i sh courses and dr iv ing courses. These courses a r e necessa ry i f you want to l ea rn some new sk i l l s. And you can a l so go to a camp to improve yourse l f and ex tend(拓宽) your soc ia l c i rc le(社交圈).In format ion CardHo w many sugges t ions on how to spend ho l idays in the passage W hat a re good p laces fo r s tuden ts to t ake a ho l iday ___________56___________ ___________57___________ ___________58___________ ___________59___________ ___________60___________W hat wi l l the working exper ience be good fo rW hat do the s tudents l ea rn i f they t ake courses dur ing school ho l idays W hat does the wr i t er a l so adv i se s tuden t s to do to improve themse lves andex tend the i r soc ia l c i rc le书面表达61.书面表达假如你是Ju l ie.寒假即将到来,你的美国笔友Danny想了解你将如何度过这个寒假.请你根据以下提示内容,给Danny写一封信,谈谈你的假期活动安排.提示:1.坚持锻炼身体;2.根据个人兴趣和需要安排学习;3.帮助父母做家务.要求:80词左右(开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数.)Dear Danny,I'm g lad to share my win te r vaca t ion pl an wi th you.________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ _Yours,Ju l ie答案与解析听力部分一、听力理解A.听句子根据所听句子的内容和所提的问题,选择符合题意的图画回答问题,并将最佳选项的字母编号填涂在答题卷内.每小题听一遍.1. What ig Tim’s favorite animal?2.Where d id Al ice go l a s t Wednesday?A. B. C.3.When d id To m go to the Grea t Wal l?A. B. C.4. How many foo t ba l l s does Sam have?A. B. C.5.Who i s Mandy’s best friend?A. B. C.B.听对话回答每段对话后面的问题,在各题所给的三个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并将其字母编号填涂在答题卷内.每段对话听两遍.听第一段对话,回答第6 小题.6. What is Bob’s favorite sport?A. Running .B. Swim ming .C. Danc ing .听第二段对话,回答第 7 小题 7. Where does the wo man want to go? A. To a books tore .B. To a res t room.C. To a bank .听第三段对话,回答第 8 小题. 8. When d id John buy the j acke t? A. To morrow.B. Yes te rday .C. The day before yes te rday .听第四段对话,回答第 9 小题.9. How many k inds o f noodles does t he res tauran t have? A. Two.B. Three .C. Four .听第五段对话,回答第 10 小题.10. Who wi l l go to see the movie My People , My Count r y? A. J im.B. Al ice .C. J im and Al ice .听第六段对话,回答第 11~12小题. 11. What does L in Tao of ten read? A. Books .B. Newspapers .C. Magaz ines .12. When does L in Tao reme mber Engl i sh new words aga in? A. Af te r go ing to bed .B. Before go ing to bed .C. Af te r wak ing up.听第七段对话,回答第 13~15 小题. 13. Where wi l l they go fo r lunch today? A. At McDonald’s.B. At Kung Fu Rest auran t .C. At Hong Mei Hote l .C. Noodles .14. What i s John going to ea t fo r lunch? A. To matoes .B. Chicken .15. How wi l l they go to ea t lunch? A. By b ike .B. On foo t .C. By tax i .C.听短文请根据所听内容,在每题所给的三个选项中,选出一个能回答所提问题的最佳答案,并将其 字母编号填涂在答题卷内.本题听两遍.16. I t was ________ tha t day . A. MondayB. TuesdayC. Fr iday17. Ben Nevis i s the h ighes t mounta in in ________.A. ChinaB.the UK18. Mar t in and Judy took a backpack with ________.A.ropes and foodB.f ood and dr inkC. FranceC.ropes and t en t s19.When they go t to the top o f the mounta in,i t began to ________.A.snowB.ra inC. b low20Mar t in and Judy thought tha t day was ________.A.in te res t ingB. bor ingC. exc i t ingD.听填信息你将听到的是关于母亲节的短文.请你根据所听内容填写下面的信息卡,并将答案填写在答题卡的相应位置上.短文听两遍.笔试部分二、单项选择1.I wen t shopping with my s i s t e r yes t erday. She bought________ umbre l l a and some books.A. aB. anC.theD./【答案】B【解析】【详解】句意:昨天我和妹妹去购物.她买了一把雨伞和一些书.考查冠词.a一个,用于辅音音素开头的单词前面;an一个,用于元音音素开头的单词前面;the定冠词,表特指;/零冠词.根据语意可知,“她买了一把雨伞”应用不定冠词a/an,由于“um bre l l a”是以元音音素开头的单词,故用不定冠词an.故选B.2.—Doctor, what’s wrong with my son? Is he serious?—No, ________.He on ly ca tches a co ld.B.so meth ing se r i ousC.ser ious no th ingD.noth ing se r iousA.ser ious something【答案】D【解析】【详解】句意:——医生,我儿子怎么了?严重吗?——不,不严重.他只是感冒了.考查复合不定代词.ser ious something表述错误;someth ing se r ious严重的事情;ser ious no th ing表述错误;noth ing se r ious不严重,没什么大问题.根据答语“He on ly ca tches a co ld”可知,这个男孩没什么大问题,应用noth ing.形容词“ser ious”修饰不定代词时要放在不定代词的后面,所以为“noth ing se r ious”.故选D.【点睛】拓展:复合不定代词作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式;复合不定代词的定语必须后置;以“some”开头的不定代词通常用于肯定句中,以“any”开头的不定代词一般用于否定句或疑问句中.3.Think it over, ________ you’ll work out the math problem.A.orB.soC.forD.and【答案】D【解析】【详解】句意:仔细想想,你就会计算出这道数学题.考查连词辨析.or或者,表选择;so因此,表因果;fo r为了,表目的;and和,并且,表顺承或递进关系.结合句意“仔细想想,你就会计算出这道数学题”可知,前后句子为顺承关系,应用and连接.故选D. 4.—What a n ice mode l p lane!—Thanks.I made i t wi th a 3D pr in te r by ________.A.meB.himC.yourse l fD.myse l f【答案】D【解析】【详解】句意:——多么好的飞机模型啊!——谢谢.我自己用3D 打印机做的.考查反身代词.me 我,宾格;him 他,宾格;yoursel f你自己,反身代词;myse l f我自己,反身代词.根据语意可知,这个飞机模型是我自己做的,“by onesel f”靠自己,应用反身代词myse l f.故选D.5.I cou ld ________ unders tand the t e acher because he s poke so fas t.A.hardB.a lmos tC.hard lyD.a lways【答案】C【解析】【详解】句意:我很难理解老师的话,因为他讲得太快了.考查副词辨析.hard艰难地;a lmos t几乎;hard ly几乎不,表否定;a l ways总是.根据“because he spoke s o fas t”可知,老师讲得太快了,所以我几乎不能理解他的话,故用副词“hard ly”与情态动词could连用,表示几乎不能.故选C.6. --Can you help me to _____ my dog when I leave for Hong Kong? -- Sure.A. look after C. look at 【答案】A 【解析】B. look forD. look through试题分析:look af t e r,照看,照顾;look for,寻找;look a t,看;look th rough,浏览,温习,看穿.句意:当我去香港时,你能帮助我照看我的狗吗?——当然了.故选A.考点:考查动词短语7.—I didn’t hear you come in just now.—That’s good. We tried A. no t makeno ise because you were s leep ing.B. no t to makeC.to makeD. making【答案】B【解析】【详解】句意:——刚刚我没听见你进来.——那很好.因为你正在睡觉,我们尽量不弄出任何噪音.本题考查非谓语动词.t ry(no t)to do s th.意为“尽力(不)做某事”.注意to do 不定式的否定式是在to 前面加not,故选B.【点睛】to do不定式在中学英语中是常考点,除了考察不定式的肯定式之外,最常考的是否定式的搭配,需要注意不定式在变否定式的时候,直接在to前面加not就可以了.8.—________ do you have an Engl i sh pa r ty?—Once a year.A. How fa r【答案】C【解析】B. How muchC. How of tenD. How long【详解】句意:——你多久举办一次英语派对?——一年一次.考查特殊疑问句.Ho w fa r多远,对距离提问;Ho w m uch多少,对数量提问;Ho w of ten多久,对频率提问;Ho w long多长,对长度提问.根据答语“Once a yea r”可知,问句是对频率进行提问.故选C.9.—Ho w i s the wea the r in au tumn in J ieyang?—I t i s a s ________ as tha t in sum mer.A.hot te rB.hotC.co ldD.colder【答案】B【解析】【详解】句意:——揭阳秋天天气怎么样?——和夏天一样热.考查形容词原级.hot te r较热的;hot热的;co ld冷的;colder较冷的.“as…as”和……一样,中间的形容词或副词应用原级,故排除A、D 两项.根据句中的“in sum mer”可知,揭阳的天气是炎热的,故用hot.故选B.10.—What a re you go ing to do tomorrow?—We’ll go to the park tomorrow if it ________.A.don’t rainB.ra insC.ra inD.doesn’t rain【答案】D【解析】【详解】句意:——你们明天打算做什么?——如果明天不下雨我们就去公园.考查i f引导的条件状语从句.根据句意可知,“如果明天不下雨,我们就去公园”,从句应为否定句,排除B、C 两项.由于从句主语“i t”是第三人称单数,应对助动词does进行否定,所以为“if it doesn’t rain”.故选D.11.A mong the four seas o f f the coas t of China, Eas t Ch i na Sea i s the second ________.A.deepB.deeperD.the deepes tC.deepes t【答案】C【解析】【详解】句意“在沿着中国的四个海中,东海是第二深的”.A.深,原级;B.更深,比较级;C.最深(最高级);D.最深(最高级).当形容词最高级与序数词连用时,表示“第几……”.且空前有the second,不用加the,故选C.12.Look! ________ building the Bird’s Nest is!A.What a g rea tB.What g rea tC. How a g rea tD. How grea t【答案】A【解析】【详解】句意:看!鸟巢是多么伟大的建筑啊!考查感叹句.What 引导的感叹句中心词是名词,how 引导的感叹句中心词是形容词或副词.本句的中心词是“bui ld ing”建筑物,可数名词,故用what来引导.本句what引导的感叹句结构为:What+a/an+形容词+可数名词+主谓!.由于“bui ld ing”是可数名词,在形容词grea t前加上不定冠词a.故选A.【点睛】拓展:常见的感叹句的结构.What +a/an+形容词+可数名词单数+主语+谓语!;What+形容词+可数名词复数/不可数名词+主语+谓语!;Ho w+形容词/副词+主语+谓语!;Ho w+形容词+a/an+可数名词单数+主语+谓语!;Ho w+主语+谓语!.13.Wi th the deve lop ment o f sc ience,r obot cooks ________in our fami l i es i n the fu tu re.B.wi l l appearC.appearedD.are appear ingA.appear【答案】B【解析】【详解】句意:随着科学的发展,未来机器人厨师将出现在我们的家庭中.考查动词时态.appear一般现在时;wi l l appear一般将来时;appeared 一般过去时;are appear ing现在进行时.根据关键词“in t he fu tu re”可知,本句时态应为一般将来时.故选B.【点睛】拓展:常见的一般将来时的时间标志词.to morrow 构成的词组;nex t+名词;in+时间段;固定词组如in the fu tu re、before long等.14.I t i s r epor ted tha t ________ peopl e th row p las t i c bags a long th i s s t ree t e very day.B.hundredsC.hundred o fD.hundredA.hundreds o f【答案】A【解析】【详解】句意:据报道,每天有数百人沿着这条街扔塑料袋.考查数词用法.根据语意可知,“数百人”应用“hundreds o f peop le”来表示.hundreds o f +名词,表示模糊数字的表达,其前不能用数词;有数词时,一般是:数词+hundred+名词“有几百……”hundred后不能加s.“hundred o f”的用法是基数词+hundred o f,表示“……中的几百……”.这里表述的是数百人.故选A. 15.—Did you have fun in the pa r ty?—________.We did many fan tas t i c a c t iv i t i e s.B.Of courseC.No prob lemD.My p leasureA.Not much【答案】B【解析】【详解】句意:——你在聚会上玩得开心吗?——当然.我们做了很多精彩的活动.考查情景交际.Not much没有太多;Of course当然;No prob lem没问题;My p leasure我的荣幸.根据答语“We did many fan tas t i c ac t iv i t i e s”可知,他们在聚会上玩得很开心,应用“of course”表示肯定.故选B.三、完形填空The name “junk food” first appeared in 1972. Over the years, it has become popular___16___.___17___.fac t,some junk food somet imes t as tes___18___.W hat i s junk food? Th i s i s a d i f f i cu l t ques t ion. Di f fe ren t peop le may g ive di f f e ren t___19___.For example, hamburgers and French f r i es a re junk food.Other foods,such as roas t po ta toes a nd bread,a re no t j unk food___20___they have a l i t t l e nut r i t ion(营养). Also,candy and sof t d r inks a re junk f ood because they have a lo t o f sugar,but honey and ju ice___21___not.Junk food has a lo t o f fa t,sa l t o r___22___. Sc ien t i s t s bel i eve tha t ea t ing a l ot o f junk food makes peop le ge t fa t. People ___23___a l so have hear t d i sease and too th p rob lems i f they ea t___24___junk food. Al t hough many peop l e agree tha t junk food i s_____25_____they s t i l l love i t.16. A. be tween17. A. wai t18. A. good19. A. ques t ions20. A. but B. amongB. to wa i tB. wel lC. inD. byC. wai t ingC. wonder fu l lyC. prob lemsC. a l thoughC. isD. wai tedD. beau t i fu l lyD. messagesD. so tha tD. areB. answersB. becauseB. does21. A. do22. A. wate r23. A. can B. color C. sugar D. nut r i t ionD. have toD. many B. need C. may24. A. much too25. A. hea l thy 【答案】16. B 【解析】B. too muchB. unhea l thyC. too manyC. de l ic iousD. swee t17. C 18. A 19. B 20. B 21. D 22. C 23. C 24. B 25. B垃圾食品是指有大量的盐、脂肪和糖的食物.科学证明喜欢吃垃圾食品的人们可能有心脏病和牙齿问题.虽然人们同意垃圾食品不健康,但是他们仍然喜欢吃.【16题详解】句意:多年来,它在许多人中很受欢迎.be tween在两者之间;among 在……中;in在……里面;by通过.“become popular among manypeople”在人们中受欢迎,固定短语.故选B.【17题详解】句意:人们喜欢垃圾食品,因为他们不需要花很多时间等待.wai t原形;to wai t不定式;wai t ing动名词;wai ted过去式.“sb spend time doing sth”花费时间做某事,其后应接动词的ing形式.故选C.【18题详解】句意:事实上,一些垃圾食品有时味道很好.good好的;wel l好地;wonder fu l l y精彩地;beau t i f ul ly美丽地.根据语意可知,有些垃圾食品尝起来味道很好,“tas te”尝起来,感官动词,其后应接形容词good表示“尝起来很好”.故选A.【19题详解】句意:不同的人可能给出不同的答案.ques t ions问题;answers答案;problems问题;messages信息.根据“What is junk food? This is a difficult question”可知,关于“什么是垃圾食品”的问题,不同的人可能会给出不同的答案.故选B.【20题详解】句意:其他食物,如烤土豆和面包,不是垃圾食品因为它们有一点营养.but但是,表转折;because因为,表原因;a l though尽管,表让步;so tha t以便,表目的.根据“they have a little nutrition”可知,因为它们有点儿营养,所以它们不是垃圾食品,故用because表原因.故选B.【21题详解】句意:而且,糖果和软饮料都是垃圾食品,因为它们含有大量的糖,但蜂蜜和果汁却不是.do助动词原形;does助动词单三形式;is第三人称单数;are第二人称或人称复数.根据语意可知,糖果和软饮料都是垃圾食品,但蜂蜜和果汁不是.由于主语“honey and juice”是复数,故用are.故选D.【22题详解】句意:垃圾食品含有大量脂肪、盐或糖.water水;color颜色;sugar糖;nutr i t ion营养.根据“candy and soft drinks are junk food because they have a lot of sugar”可知,垃圾食品含有大量的脂肪、盐或糖.故选C.【23题详解】句意:如果人们吃太多垃圾食品,可能有心脏病和牙齿问题.can表推测时,用于否定或疑问句中;need需要;may 可能,表推测;have to不得不,必须.根据语意可知,人们吃太多垃圾食品,可能会有心脏病和牙齿问题,故用may 表可能.故选C.【24题详解】句意:如果人们吃太多垃圾食品,可能有心脏病和牙齿问题.m uch too非常;too much太多,修饰不可数名词;too many太多,修饰可数名词复数;many多,修饰可数名词复数.根据语意可知,如果人们吃太多垃圾食品,可能会有心脏病和牙齿问题.“food”不可数名词,故用“too much”表示太多.故选B.【25题详解】句意:尽管许多人同意垃圾食品是不健康的,他们仍然爱它.hea l thy健康的;unhea l thy不健康的;de l ic ious美味的;swee t甜的.根据语意可知,垃圾食品是不健康的.故选B.四、阅读理解AThere are 22 boys and 22 girls in Ms. Wang’s class. The bar chart shows us their ways of going to school. Read the ba r char t and f i nd ou t more in for mat ion.26.Ho w many s t uden ts a re the re in M s.Wa ng’s class?A.22B.44C.66D.88.D.727.There a re ________ boys who r i de b icyc les to go t o schoo l.A.228.What does “bar chart” mean in Chinese?A.柱状图B.饼状图29________ g i r l s walk(s)to school.A.Al lB.MostB.4C.6C.折线图D.表格C.So meD.No30.Af te r read ing the passage, we can know ________.A.s ix g i r l s go to s chool by motorcycl eC.three g i r l s go t o schoo l by busB.four g i r l s go to school by b icyc leD.ten g i r l s go to s chool by ca r【答案】26. B 27. B 28. A 29. D 30. D【解析】本文是一篇图表类阅读.主要统计了王老师班级里的男生和女生上学的方式.【26题详解】细节理解题.根据“There are 22 boys and 22 girls in Ms. Wang’s clas”s 可知,王老师班级里有44个学生.故选B.【27题详解】细节理解题.根据图表可知,班级里有4 个男生骑自行车去学校.故选B.【28题详解】词句猜测题.根据图表可知,这是一个“柱状图”.故选A.【29题详解】细节理解题.根据图表可知,班级里没有一个女生走路去上学.故选D.【30题详解】细节理解题.根据图表可知,班级里有10个女生坐小汽车上学.故选D.,BAmerican people like to say “Thank you” when others help them or say something kind to them. People in many count r ies do so,too.I t i s a ve ry good habi t.You should say “Thank you” when someone passes you the salt on the table, when someone wa lk ing ahead o f you keeps the door open fo r you,when someone says you have done your work wel l, o r you have bought a n ice thing, or your city is very beautiful. “Thank you” is used not only between friends, but also between parents andch i ld ren, b ro thers and s i s t e r s.“Excuse me” is another short sentence they use. When you hear someone say so behind you you know tha t someone wants to walk pas t you wi thout touch ing you.I t's no t po l i t e to b reak o thers when they a re t a lk ing.I f you want to sp eak to one of them, say “Excuse me” first, and then begin talking. You should also do so when you begin to cough o r make any no i se be fore o ther s.Let's learn to say “Thank you” and “Excuse me”.31.You should say “Thank you” when ________ .A.you say something k ind to o thers C.someone he lps youB.you he lp o thersD.you want o ther s to he lp you32.From the passage we know “Thank you” is ________.ed in the worlded more often than “Excuse me”ed on ly be tween f r i endsed on ly by Amer icans33.You should say “Excuse me” if you want to ________.A.coughB.make some no i seC.go f i r s tD.a l l o f the above34.When you are going to ask someone to tell you the way, you should say “________”.A.Thank youB.That's ve ry k ind of youC.Excuse meD.I'm sor ry35.This passage main ly t e l l s us the way ________.A.to be happy 【答案】31. C 【解析】B.to be po l i t e33. D 34. CC.to he lp o thersD.to l ea rn f rom Amer icans32. A 35. B本文介绍了的是人们经常说谢谢和打扰了,是一种非常礼貌的行为.【31题详解】细节理解题.根据A mer ican peop le like to say “Thank you” whenever others help them可. 知当人们帮助了你,你应该说谢谢.故选C.【32题详解】细节理解题.根据 American people like to say “Thank you” when others help them or say something kind to them. People in many count r ies do so,too.可知美国人喜欢说谢谢,其他国家的人也说,因此全世界的人都用“Thank yo u”.故选A.【33题详解】细节理解题.根据 When you hear someone say “Excuse me” behind you, you know that somebody wants to walk pas t you wi thou t touching you.和 If you want to speak to one of them, say “Excuse me” first, and then begin talking. You shou ld a l so do so when you want to cough o r make any unp leasan t no i se before o thers可.知在咳嗽、制造噪音和想要先走的情况下,说“Excuse me”.故选D.【34题详解】推理判断题.根据 If you want to speak to one of them, say “Excuse me” first, and then begin talking可. 知当我们想跟别人说话,首先开始交谈可以用“Excuse me”.因此可知想要问路之前,可以先说“Excuse me”.故选C.【35题详解】主旨大意题.根据I t i s a ve ry good habi t.和 Let's learn to say “Thank you” and “Excuse me”.以及全文内容是介绍“Thank you” 和“Excuse me”,可知短文是教我们使用文明用语,因此这是告诉我们礼貌的方法.故选B.C51.Jack l ives in Japan. L ike mos t Japanese, he s leeps on the f loor fo r mos t o f the t ime 52.J im comes f rom Afr ica. He i s s tudying in Canada. He wants to ren t a house.A.In Nor th China, Han people a re used tol iv ing in S iheyuan. Peop le bu i l t the S i heyuan a long wi th hu tongB.I f you a re go ing to ren t a house in。