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第33卷一第6期2016年11月建筑科学与工程学报Journal of Architecture and Civil En g ineerin g Vol.33一No.6Nov.2016文章编号:1673-2049(2016)06-0088-10

收稿日期:2016-05-21基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(51378110,51438003);江苏省 六大人才高峰 资助项目(JZ -007);江苏高校优势学科建设工程资助项目(CE02-1-4)作者简介:王一震(1990-),男,山东菏泽人,工学博士研究生,E -mail :sdk j 199017@https://www.doczj.com/doc/105072499.html, 三预应力节段预制拼装桥墩抗震性能研究综述






Review of Seismic Performance of Prestressed Se g mental Precast and Assembled Piers

WANG Zhen 1,WANG Jin g -q uan 1,2

(1.Ke y Laborator y of C &PC Structures of Ministr y of Education ,Southeast Universit y ,Nan j in g 210096,Jian g su ,China ;2.National Prestress En g ineerin g Research Center ,Southeast Universit y ,Nan j in g 210096,Jian g su ,China )Abstract :In order to p romote the a pp lication of p restressed se g mental p recast and assembled p iers in hi g h seismicit y areas brid g e en g ineerin g ,the relevant researches were summarized s y stematicall y from four as p ects ,includin g self -centerin g ,ener gy dissi p ation ,dama g e tolerance of bottom se g ment and p erformance -based seismic desi g n ,and the existin g p roblems and future research directions were p ointed out.The results show that unbonded p restressed tendons can p rovide better self -centerin g ,and the residual deformation of p ier is ver y small after the earth q https://www.doczj.com/doc/105072499.html, p ared with the cast -in -p lace p ier ,the p restressed se g mental p recast and assembled p ier is p oor in ener gy dissi p ation ca p acit y and need to set u p a s p ecial ener gy dissi p ation device ,in which the external ener gy dissi p ation device can be re p laced after the earth q uake and is worth p o p ularizin g .The robust p erformance of p restressed se g mental p recast and assembled p iers is p oor ,which should be p aid attention to im p rove the allowable dama g e abilit y of the bottom section.The p erformance -based seismic desi g n of p restressed se g mental p recast and assembled p iers has j ust started and needs further develo p ment.万方数据

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