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1.一发就不可收拾了。Can open,worms everywhere.

2.你别说了,好吗?Would you let it go?

3.你火气这么大干嘛?Why are you getting so bent out of shape?

4.这你没问题吧。Are you cool with this?

5.我不想让你觉得被遗弃了。I don’t wanna leave you high and dry.

6.这样吧,谁赢了就是谁的。I’ll tell you what. I’ll play you for it.

7.真是狗屁一堆。What a load of crap!

8.我在吹头发。I’m blow-drying.

9.对不起,我今天没有过去。I’m sorry I didn’t make it over there today.

10.我开心死了。I’m having a ball.

11.我以为我会有独立思考的时间。I figured I’d have time along with my thoughts.

12.你别烦我了。Get off my back.

13.你不要碍眼。Get out of my face.

14.你去跟妈咪打小报告啊。Why don’t you tell mommy on me?

15.只是你现在必须停止激怒我。You’re just gonna have to stop pissing me off.

16.那首歌真有深度。That song has so many levels.

17.布莱就是这样,嘴巴不认输。It’s like Brad to have to have the last word.


19.你完完全全搞反了。You’ve got it totally the other way around.

20.世事无常,随遇而安吧。Things change. Roll with them.

21.这有点突然。That’s kind of out of the blue.

22.你可真会挑拨离间。You’re such a leaf blower!

23.那天我的心完全在我自己的事情上。I was totally hung up on my own stuff the other day.