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BS8509 : 2008 家用儿童床Children’s beds forDomestic useSafety requirements and test methods安全要求和测试方法BS8509 : 2008 适用范围 ScopeThis British Standard specifies requirements for the safety of children's beds for domestic use with a maximum internal width of 1000 mm and a maximum height of bed base of 400 mm.本标准针对最大内部宽度1000mm、床架高度400mm的家用儿童床的安全规范The requirements apply to children's beds that are fully assembled and ready for use.要求应用于完全安装并准备使用的儿童床This British Standard does not apply to foldaway beds, bunk and high beds, cabin/mid-height beds, children's cots, bedside cots and children's cots that allow free access for the child by means of a hinged opening or removal of some vertical bars/slats.不适用于有折叠床、双层床、高脚床、儿童多功能床及婴儿床等This standard does not cover products that have been incorporated intochildren's beds, for example luminaires, tables or storage furniture.本标准不涵盖与儿童床相结合的产品,如光照设备、桌子、存储家具等BS8509 : 2008 总体要求General requirementsSide guards or safety rails shall not be fitted to junior beds.幼儿床的侧边不应安装有安全护栏NOTE Side guards and safety rails may be fitted to cot beds and toddler beds注意:侧边安全护栏可以安装与婴儿床和学步婴儿床上If mattress is supplied with the child's bed, the gap between the mattress andthe sides and ends of the child's bed shall be no greater than 30 mm with the mattress in any position.如果随儿童床提供床垫,床垫放置于任何位置时与侧边和两端的间隙≤30mmCot bedsNOTE A cot may be converted into a cot bed by having either both sides or a single side completely removed and different foot and/or head boards fitted.A cot bed, when assembled as a cot, shall conform to BS EN 716 and then the same sample, assembled as a cot bed, shall be assessed to this standard.One sample of a cot bed shall undergo the structural integrity testing of BS EN 716 and of this standard without failure.BS8509 : 2008 总体要求General requirements测试条件Test conditionsThe tests shall be applied to children's beds that are fully assembled and ready for use.适用于完全安装并准备使用的儿童床If of knock-down type, the child's bed shall be assembled according to the manufacturer's instructions. Knock-down fittings shall be tightened before testing and not be retightened throughout the testing procedures unless this is specifically required by the manufacturer.未组装的床应根据生产厂的说明书组装并紧固。
根据cfr1615-1616标准的规定,对甲醛的要求主要包括以下几点:1. 甲醛含量限制:根据cfr1615-1616标准,儿童睡眠产品的甲醛含量限制为0.05ppm(parts per million),超过这个限制的产品将被禁止销售。
2. 甲醛检测标准:儿童睡眠产品必须进行甲醛含量的检测,并且必须符合相关的检测标准。
3. 标签要求:符合cfr1615-1616标准的儿童睡眠产品必须在产品上清晰标注甲醛含量,并注明符合相应的标准要求。
4. 监管要求:cfr1615-1616标准明确规定了对儿童睡眠产品的监管要求,监管部门有权对儿童睡眠产品进行抽样检测,并对不符合标准要求的产品进行处罚。
全尺寸婴儿床标准规范1本标准采用固定文件名F 116发布;紧随此名称后的数字表示最初通过的年份或修订版的最新修订年份。
1. 范围1.1 本消费品安全规范规定了婴儿床的性能要求及测试程序,以确定其结构的完整性。
1.2 所有从本消费品安全规范生效之日以后制造的婴儿床未满足本规范中的所有要求不能贴标签或采用其他方式标明是符合本规范的。
1.3 以下有关安全隐患方面为避免误解的说明只适用于本规范第七节的测试方法部分:本标准并非旨在处理有关其使用方面所有可能的安全问题。
2. 参考文件1本规范属ASTM组织F15消费品委员会的权限范围,由F 15.18分会(婴儿床、幼儿床、游乐场、摇篮车、摇篮和可调桌)直接负责。
1999年审批通过之前版本号为F 1169-99。
2.1 联邦标准16 CFR 1303 含铅油漆与特定含铅油漆消费品禁令16 CFR 1500.50–.52 模拟使用测试方法以及玩具和其它专为儿童使用物品的滥用16 CFR 1501 测定方法—因含有微粒材料对具有潜在窒息、吸入或摄食危害的专用于三岁以下儿童设计的玩具和其它物品16 CFR 1508 全尺寸婴儿床要求23. 术语3.1 滑动侧/滑动门,名词:为更容易接近占用者而特意设计的,在产品按制造商建议的使用位置使用时在框架上滑动的一侧。
解读GB 6675-2014《玩具安全》国家标准1-4及玩具常规测试导语:玩具是儿童消费的重要产品,儿童由于其皮肤的敏感性及防范意识缺乏,在使用玩具时容易受到意外伤害。
为保障儿童玩具的安全与质量,保护儿童的人身健康安全,国家标准委对GB 6675-2003国家玩具安全技术规范《国家玩具安全技术规范》进行了修订,形成了GB 6675-2014《玩具安全》国家标准1-4部分,并将于2016年1月1日起强制实施。
GB 6675-2014的标准概况本次公布的4个部分是玩具的基本安全部分, 适用于所有玩具。
包括:GB 6675.1-2014玩具安全第1部分:基本规范《玩具安全第1部分:基本规范》是关于玩具的基本规范,标准明确了通用安全和不允许可能对儿童造成任何伤害的定性要求,以及根据国情提出的特定安全要求,如增塑剂的限量要求、仿真枪的限制要求等;该标准还明确了对于玩具安全标准强制执行的相关措施,包括国家强制性认证、监督抽查、召回等。
GB 6675.2-2014玩具安全第2部分:机械与物理性能《玩具安全第2部分:机械与物理性能》、GB 6675.3-2014《玩具安全第3部分:易燃性能》、GB 6675.4-2014《玩具安全第4部分:特定元素的迁移》是关于玩具机械与物理性能、易燃性能、特定元素迁移的通用安全要求,此3项标准针对GB 6675.1的定性要求展开,包括了限量值和检测方法。
修订后GB 6675-2014标准的主要变化解读1. 标准的适用范围更为明确。
GB 6675.1-2014《玩具安全第1部分:基本规范》明确该标准既适用于设计或预定供14岁以下儿童玩耍时使用的玩具及材料,也适用于不是专门设计供玩耍、但具有玩耍功能的供14岁以下儿童使用的产品,即供14岁以下儿童使用、具有玩耍功能的产品都应该满足本标准要求。
澳洲标准许可标题:AS/NZ 2172:2003 家用婴儿床-安全要求被许可人:温清黄日期:2003 年12 月12 日使用条件此电子版许可文件的版权由澳洲国际标准所有或管理.此许可只由一人专人使用,文件不可存档,·转移或以其它方式在网上分发.如有必要,你可打印此文档供每个许可使用者.AS / NZ2172 : 2003澳洲/新西兰标准家用婴儿床-安全要求澳洲标准AS / NZS 2172 : 2003此澳洲/新西兰合作标准由儿童家俱安全要求CS -003 合作技术委员会共同编写.澳洲标准委员会在2003 年9 月19 日认可及新西兰标准委员会在2003 年9 月30 日认可.此标准在2003 年11月17 日公布.以下为CS -003 参与编写者:澳洲工商会澳洲竟争及消费者委员会澳洲消费者协会澳洲产业集团澳洲零售协会新西兰澳洲商业家俱产业协会财政部竟争和消费者政策分部维多利亚消费事务局澳洲消费者联盟消费者及工作保护部人类服务部(南澳)旅游,种族及贸易事务部维多利亚家俱商协会新西兰家俱协会家俱技术澳洲婴幼儿护理产品协会消费者事务部(新西兰)澳门国军妇女委员会新西兰安全设备测试实验室协会消费都事务及公平交易办公室(塔实曼尼亚)南澳消费者及商业事务办公室消费者保扩代理NSW 公平交易办公室威斯密德,儿童医院标准保持更新标准是变化着的文件,它反映出科学,技术和系统的进步.为使其能继续使用,所有的标准都会定期回审,新版本会公布.在编纂过程中,会不断修订.条款也可能被废弃.读者必须要保证他们所使用是的正在使用中的标准,它包含标准公布后所有修订条款.澳洲/新西三标准的具体内答,请参观澳洲标准网站.WWW ..AU或新西兰网站.STANDARDS.CO. NZ 并请查看在线目录的相关标准.另外,两个组织每年都会公布打印出的所有现使用中的标准的具体内容修订‘更新’废弃的经常列表或通知,澳洲和新西兰标准会提供许多更新选择,这些服务的内容,使用者应与他们各国的国家标准组织联系.我们也对在标准中的改进建议表示欢迎,并特别鼓励读者对那些明显的不足或模糊处能立即通知我们.不管是对澳洲国际标准还是新西兰国际标准首席执行有意见,请按封皮上标明的地址告知.此标准的起草号为DR0006 .AS / NZSZ 1 72 : 2003前言此澳洲/新西兰合作标准由儿童家俱安全要求CS 一003 合作技术委员会共同编写.用来代替AS / NZS 2172 : 1995 .此标准的第一版,AS2172 一1978 在前消费者标准顾问委员会的要求下编写.文件经历了几次修订,扩大了范围,加入其它要求及阐明了现存的条款.第一版的NZS 5810 是在己签署的BS 1753 : 1977 基础上作为少量修改,1992 年的第二版签署AS 2172 一1991 并再次作少量修订此版包含采用国际及欧洲标准的要求.制定此标准是为提供主要安全要求的强制权威.并给供应商提供功用上的持久稳定及行为标准来符合此标准要求,以便减少对儿童造成伤害或死亡的可能性.在此标准中用到的名词‘标准化’是为给附录中所使用的下定义.AS / NZSZ 172 : 2003前页CS 一003 委员会在此标准的版本中把垫子的尺寸特别是垫子的厚度作为重点.允许使用可调基座婴儿床在此标准中将尺寸显得更重要.'在垫子顶部和顶部最低边或尾端保留一个最小距离非常重要,它能最大减少小孩爬出或掉出婴儿床的危险.设计一个可调基座很重要,当基座在上部位置时,垂下边的顶部保持比垫子高出至少250 MM的最小垂直距离,如无势子基座,最低床边/床尾的顶边是为使用100MM 厚的垫子.垫子超过100 MM 厚,垂直距离相应要增加,以弥补多出厚度.可调节床的额外的标贴和标记是用来给父母或照看者加强信息,在婴儿能爬出来前将垫子基座调到较低位置,而且这也是提醒注意垫子的厚度要适当.为达到它的目的,标记和标贴要尽可能清晰醒目.此产业已对垫子的厚度作过研究并决定垫子最通常的尺寸是130OX69OMM .澳洲/新西兰标准澳洲厂新西兰标准家长婴儿床-安全要求1 .范围此标准是婴儿床的安全要求.这些包括材料,设计,结构,外观,标签和标贴要求,所有这些对使用婴儿床的儿童的安康非常重要,此标准适用于在家中使用的婴儿床.对可折叠婴儿床不适用.折叠婴儿床的标准包含在AS /NZS 2195.但为此标准的部分条款的需要,AS/NZS 2195 中对可折叠床也有包含.备注:白天护理,医院及学院对婴儿床的要求在AS /NZ 2130 中.2.参考文件.以下文件在此标准中有参考:AS 2281座垫和被褥所用的软细胞聚亚安酯AS /NZS 2130 白天护理,医院和学院所使用的婴儿床一安全要求.2195 折叠婴儿床 -安全要求4491 木材一木材相关标准的术语AS/NZS ISO8124 玩具安全8124.1 第一部分:与机械及物理部分相关的安全方面(ISO 8124 一1 : 2000 . MOD ) 8124. 2 第二部分:易燃性(ISO 8124 一2:1994,MOD)8124. 3 第三部分:特定部分的移动性3 .定义为制定此标准,要用到以下定义.备注:所有定义运用于全组立婴儿床.3 . 1 入口打开一个婴儿床的部件以便能更容易到婴儿床里面.(见图1 )3 . 2 加固装置入口这是一种用婴儿床的一个部件能使婴儿床更牢固的方法.3 . 3 婴孩在一个婴儿床里的婴儿或学步儿童(除非本标准另有说明)3 .4 婴儿床这是一种产品带有能升起侧边或尾部设计,给婴儿和幼儿睡眠的装置.3 . 5 调节边这是婴儿床的一个部件,做如此结核并组成一个能滑动的婴儿床是为了关闭或提供进入途径.备注:见3 . 1 条途径的定义.3 . 6 调节机械装置一个带引导棒的系统,使用滑轨或其它装置包括停止和插栓,它能使上降边上下滑动并安全闭合或完全开放。
Canada Hazardous Products (Toys) Regulations加拿大危险产品(玩具)测试条例(I) FIELD OF APPLICA TION 应用范围The procedure applies to the physical and mechanical tests of the following items: 此条例适用于下列物体的物理和机械测试131Toys, equipment and other products for use by a child in learning or play that 玩具,设备和玩具学习或玩耍中使用的其他物体(a) are packaged in flexible film bags;用易变形的薄膜袋包装(c) are or are likely to be used by a child of less than three years of age and haveacomponent that is separable;用于或可能被三岁以下儿童使用并含有可分离的部件(d) have exposed metal edges;有金属利边(e) have embedded in them a wire frame or structure;嵌入在金属线框或结构中(f) are made, in whole or in part, of plastic that would, upon breaking, exposesharp edges;整体或部分由塑料制成, 一旦断裂, 有锋利的利边(g) have exposed wooden surfaces, edges or corners;有木质表面, 利边或角(h) are made, in whole or in part, of glass;整体或部分由玻璃制成(i) have fasteners used in their construction;在构造中使用紧固件(j) have a folding mechanism, bracket or bracing;有折叠装置, 支架或支撑物(k) contain, as an integral part, a spring-wound driving mechanism capable of injuring a child's finger, other than construction toys;作为一个整体的部分,含能使儿童手指受伤的弹簧驱动装置(I) contain a projectile component, other than a rocketry component, capable ofcausing a puncture wound;含弹射部件, 除火箭部件外, 能引起穿刺的危害(m) are so designed and constructed that they以下设计和构造(i) are large enough for a child to enter or be placed therein; and足够小孩进入, 或置于其中,并且(ii) can be closed by a lid or door;靠盖子或门来关闭(n) are stationary and intended to bear the weight of the child静止的且能承托儿童的重量141Dolls, plush,(raised fibre) toys and soft toys that have玩偶,长毛绒(提取纤维)玩具及柔软玩具有(a) a fastening in them to attach parts, clothing or ornamentation使它们连接到部分, 衣物或装饰物的紧固部分(b) any stuffing in them; 任何填充物(c) eyes or a nose the greatest dimension of which is 11/4 inches or less;眼睛或鼻子的最大的尺寸小于等于整体的11/4(g) a squeaker, reed, valve or similar device.151 Pull and push toys that have shaft-like handles three-eighths of an inch (10 mm) in diameter or less.有轴类把手的推拉玩具直径小于等于一英寸的3/8(即10mm)181Rattles 摇铃191Elastics intended for attaching toys, equipment or other products for use by a child in learning or play across a baby carriage, crib or playpen.连接玩具,设备或儿童学习或玩耍的其它产品到婴儿车,婴儿床或婴儿围栏的橡皮筋201Batteries for use in or with any toy, equipment or other product for use by a child in learning or play.使用于任何玩具,设备或儿童在学习或玩耍中使用的其它产品中的电池1 Heading are numbered in harmony with Canada Hazardous Products Act schedule 1 part II标题的编号与加拿大危险产品法令第二部分附表1一致(II) REQUIREMENTS要求General一般Section 3(2) 3Any written statement or warning or other written information required bythe Regulations shall appear in both the English and French languages.第3(2) 3部分任何书面申明或警告语或其它条例要求的书面信息都应同时出现英语和法语Packaging 包装Section 4(1)3 A flexible film bag used to package any product described in 13(a) of(I) shall meet the following requirements:第4(1)3部分用来包装13(a) of (I)中的产品的易变形的塑料袋应满足下列要求(a) the opening of the bag shall be less than 14 inches in circumference; or袋子开口周长应小于14in. 或(b) the bag shall 此袋子应(i) be made from film that is at least 0.75 mil (0.019 mm) thick,and 由厚度小于0.75mil(即0.019mm)薄膜制成(ii) have printed legibly on it the following warning:清晰地印上下面的警告语"PLASTIC BAGS CAN BE DANGEROUS TO AVOIDDANGER OF SUFFOCATION KEEP THE BAG AWAY FROMBABIES AND CHILDREN."塑料袋可能是危险的,为了避免危险或窒息, 使袋子远离婴儿和儿童(2) The warning set out in paragraph (1)(b)(ii) may be expressed indifferent words if those words convey clearly the same warning.段落(1)(b)(ii)中的警告语可以用能表达清楚表达同样警告的其它的词来表示Test method 测试方法Apparatus 仪器1.ruler with precision of 1 mm 精度为1mm的尺子2. Calliper 卡尺3.thickness gauge with precision of 0.001 mm 精度为0.001mm的厚度矩4. scissors 剪刀Testing procedures 测试步骤1 .Circumference of the bag opening 袋子开口的周长a. using the ruler or caliper, determine the width of the bag at its opening. For aheat sealed flexible bag, the width of the sealed edge is measured使用尺子或卡尺, 测量袋子开口的宽度. 对于易变形的热密封袋, 测量密封袋的边缘b. double the value in a to calculate the circumference.取计算周长的双倍值c. if the circumference is 355.6 mm or more, determine the film thickness ofpolybag by following procedures.如果周长大于等于355.6 mm, 按下列步骤测量塑料袋薄膜的厚度i. Cut one edge and bottom of the bag and open to form a big piece. Cut5 specimens from evenly distributed location on the bag. At 4 quadrantand centre. Each dimension 25mm×35 mm.剪开一个边缘和袋子的底部,展开成一个大片. 剪取袋子上在第四象限和中心均匀分布的5个样品. 每个面积为25mm×35 mm.ii. using the thickness measuring device to determine the film thickness ofeach specimen Measure the thickness at the centre part of the specimen.使用厚度测量工具测量每个样品的厚度. 在样品中心测量其厚度值iii. the average thickness of the 5 specimen is the result5个样品厚度的平均值为结果d. check whether or not the bag has printed legibly on it the polybag warning. Thewarning can be printed or with a printed sticker provided that it is firmly attached检查袋子是否清晰印有塑料袋警告语. 警告语能被印刷或者附有印刷的粘贴物应牢固地附着Mechanical Hazards 机械危害Section 73No product included in 13(c) to (I) shall have a component or part, other thanacomponent or part constructed entirely of soft textile fibre material, that第73部分除了完全由柔软的纺织纤维材料构成的部件或部分, 包含在13(c) to (I) 中应含有部件或部分的任何产品(a) is separable; 分离(b) may become detached with reasonably foreseeable use; and可预见的合理使用下可能分离(c) can be totally enclosed in the volumetric container described in 5 of (III).能完全地密封在5 of (III)中描述地容器中Section 83Every product described in第83部分以下描述的产品(a) 13(d) of (I) shall have all exposed metal edges folded back or sprayedwith or dipped in paint or otherwise treated so that all sharpness and burrs areeliminated;13(d) of (I) 应使暴露的金属利边折叠或喷洒或浸没在油漆中,或者其他处理方式消除所有的锋利和毛刺(b) 13(e) of (I) shall have all ends of wire covered, turned in or turned backso that no sharp ends become exposed with reasonably foreseeable use;13(e) of (I) 应使所有的金属线末端包裹, 弯进或弯回为了在可预见的合理的使用喜爱不会出现锋利的末端(c) 13(f) of (I) shall have all of its plastic parts that would, on breakingexpose sharp edges.13(f) of (I) 应使所有的塑料部分, 一旦断裂出现锋利的利边(i) made sufficiently thick to resist breakage through reasonably foreseeableuse, or在可预见的合理的使用下, 有足够的厚度防止断裂(ii) where such parts are necessarily thin because of the function of theproduct, made of inherently tough materials;因为产品的功能的这些部分必须薄片, 应由属性坚硬的材料制成(d) 13(g) of (1) shall have all of its exposed wooden surfaces, edges and cornerssmoothly finished;13(g) of (1) 应使所有的暴露的木质表面, 利边和角光滑(e) 13(h) of (i) shall have all edges and corners of the glass smoothly finished;The presence of glass is done by visual checking. It can also be done bybreaking and burning of the material to identify it.13(h) of (i) 应使玻璃所有的边和角都光滑; 目测是否有玻璃的存在. 也可断裂和燃烧材料来鉴定是否有玻璃的存在(f) 13(i) of (I) shall have only such fasteners as, by reason of their type, size andmanner of use, will not, with reasonably foreseeable use, cause personal injuryand without limiting the generality of the foregoing, shall have13(i) of (I) 有紧固件, 由于类型, 尺寸和使用的方法, 在可预见的合理的使用内不会引起个人的受伤和无前端的受限, 应使(i) any nails and staples properly secured,任何的钉和环适当地保护(ii) any flat head or oval head wood screws of the countersunk head typeproperly countersunk,任何具有埋头孔类型的平头或椭圆头木螺钉应适当地内沉(iii) any wood screws free of all exposed burrs,任何木螺钉无毛刺(iv) any fasteners in upholstering or upholstering-like application properly secured and of a type that, if exposed would not be a hazard, and任何装饰或类似装饰的紧固件应适当地保护且当暴露时不会产生危害, 且(v) any threaded bolts protected by acorn or similar nuts or protective caps, unless the bolts are so placed that they protrude into aprotected area where contact with the threaded ends is not likely tooccur;受橡子或类似的坚果或防护帽保护的任何线性螺栓,除非螺栓放置使得它们穿过连接着线性末端的保护区域,否则不太可能发生(g) 13(j) of (I) shall have a safety stop or a locking device to prevent theunintentional collapse of the product;13(j) of (I) 应有安全刹车或锁装置, 防止物体无意的倒塌If the toy consist of a folding mechanism, bracket or bracing that intendto support weight and if that folding part collapse may cause crushing offinger or parts of the body, there shall be a locking device or safety stopto prevent unintentional collapse. The locking device shall be effectivelylock the folding part to prevent its movement during normal use. Safetystop is to limit the movement of folding part so that it may not causecrushing hazard to user.如果玩具含有能支撑重量的折叠的装置, 支架或支撑物且折叠部分的倒塌可能导致手指或身体部分的压伤, 应有锁装置或安全刹防止无意的倒塌. 锁装置应有效地锁住折叠部分防止常规使用时它的移动. 安全刹是来限制折叠部分的移动, 为了不会对使用者造成压伤的危害1Heading are numbered in harmony with Canada Hazardous Products (T oys)Regulations.标题的编号与加拿大危险产品(玩具)条例一致(h) 13(k) of (I), toys, as an integral part, a spring-wound driving mechanismcapable of injuring a child's finger, other than construction toy shall have13(k) of (I), 作为玩具整体的弹簧驱动装置具有伤害儿童手指的危险, 除了结构, 玩具应使(i) its spring-wound driving mechanism enclosed so that the moving partsthereof cannot be touched under reasonably foreseeable use. Theaccessibility of the moving part before and after reasonableforeseeable use is done using test method in 6其弹簧驱动装置密封为了使移动部分在可预见的合理使用下不能触碰到. 可预见的合理的使用前后可移动部分的可触及性使用测试方法6判定(ii) an outer case that will withstand reasonable abuse if the product is soconstructed that damage to the outer case would cause the mechanism tobe exposed,如果产品有一个外层物体, 其应能承受可预见的滥用, 因为对外层物体的破坏就会导致装置的暴露(iii) where a non-detachable winding key has been installed, such windingkey of a shape and size that a child's finger cannot becomeensnared in it. If the clearance between the flukes of the key andthe body of the toy will admit a 0.25 in. (6 mm) diameter rod, it shallalso admit a 0.5 in. (13 mm) diameter road at all position of the key.There shall be no opening in the flukes of the key which can admita 0.19 in. (5 mm) diameter rod,安装了不能分离的发条钥匙, 此发条钥匙的形状和尺寸不会使儿童的手指陷入其中. 如果钥匙的锚爪和玩具的身体部分的间隙能通过0.25in.(6mm)的直径棒, 那么钥匙的任何位置也能通过0.5in.(13mm)的直径棒. 如果钥匙锚爪没有开口,允许0.19in.(5mm)的直径棒通过(iv) where a detachable key or starting handle is to be used, aclearance space between the key or handle, when in place, andthe body of the product, that is less than 1/16 inch (2 mm) orgreater than 3/8 inch (10 mm);使用分离的钥匙或发动手把, 适当地, 在钥匙或手把和产品身体之间的空隙应小于1/16in.(2mm)或者大于3/8in.(10mm)To check whether the mechanism may capable of injuring the fingercan be done by human finger or a pencil inserted into the mechanism.为了检查装置是否会伤害手指, 可以用人手或铅笔插入装置中(i) 13(I) of (I) shall have a rubber tip or other durable fitting placed on theleading end of the projectile component with sufficient security towithstand a pulling force of 10 pounds(44.5N)13(I) of (I) 应有橡胶顶端或其他耐久无置于弹射物的尖端, 并且能承受10磅(44.5N)的拉力(j) 13(m) of (I) shall have holes of sufficient size and number in each of two or more adjacent sides to prevent the suffocation of a childenclosed therein.Toys which a child can enter shall conform to the followingrequirements: Any toy having a door, lid or similar device, whichencloses a continuous volume greater than 0.03 m3 and in which allinternal dimensions are 150mm or more, shall provide at least twounobstructed ventilation holes, each 650 mm2 or more, situated atleast 150 mm apart. The total ventilation shall be provided when thetoy is placed on the floor in any position and adjacent to two verticalplane surfaces meeting at a 90°angle, so as to simulate the corner of aroom13(m) of (I) 的孔应每两个中的一个或更多相邻边的具有足够的尺寸和数量, 为了防止密封在内部的儿童窒息的危险. 儿童能进入的玩具应符合下列要求: 有门,盖或类似装置的任何玩具, 密封的持续空间大小大于0.03 m3且内部尺寸大于等于150mm, 应至少有两个无阻碍的通风孔,且每个面积大于等于650 mm2, 之间至少距离150mm. 当玩具以任何位置置于地面时,整个通风应提供并且两个垂直的平面交汇成90°,模仿室内的墙角If a permanent partition or bars (two or more) which effectively limit thecontinuous space by making the largest internal dimension less than150mm are used to subdivide a continuous space, the ventilation areais not required.如果永久的分区或用来细分连续空间的木条(大于等于2根)能有效地限制持续的空间, 使得最大的内部尺寸小于150mm, 那么通风面积不要求Test method 测试方法Apparatus 仪器Calibrated Ruler 校准的尺子Caliper 卡尺Graph paper of 1 mm grid 1mm网格的图纸Test procedures 测试步骤Measure the internal dimensions by ruler. If continuous volume is greater than 0.03M3 and all internal dimensions are 150mm or more, measure the area of ventilation holes (for irregular holes, use a graph paper to copy the hole boundary and measure the area by counting the number of grids) and the distance between them. This should be done with the toy placed on the floor in any position and adjacent to two vertical plane surfaces meeting at 90°.Record all measurements and calculations.用尺子测试内部的尺寸. 如果持续的体积大于0.03M3或者内部的尺寸大于等于150mm, 测量通风孔的面积(对于不规则的孔,使用图纸来复制孔的范围并用数格子的方法来测量计算面积的大小) 和它们之间的距离大小. 这个是应把玩具以任何位置置于地面上, 且使两个相邻的垂直面交汇成90°. 记录所有的测量值, 并计算.●If a permanent position or bars make the largest internal dimension less than 150mm,the ventilation area shall not be required.如果永久的分区或木条使得最大的内部空间小于150mm, 通风面积不应要求(k) 13 (n) of I stationary toys that intend to bear the weight of a child shall stand level and firm when used.13 (n) of I中能承托儿童重量的静止的玩具在使用时应能站立平稳坚定Test method 测试方法Apparatus 仪器ASTM F963 dead weights ASTM F963的静重Incline platform 倾斜的平台Sideways Stability Requirement-These requirements recognize two types of possible stability hazards: those associated with ride-on toys or seats where the feet can provide stabilization, and those situations where the feet are restricted by an enclosing structure.侧向稳定性要求-此要求存在两种可能的稳定性危险: 那些与乘坐玩具或座位连接的, 脚可以提供稳定性的, 和脚是被限制在密封的结构中的情况1. Sideways Stability, Feet Available for Stabilization侧向稳定性, 脚可以用来稳定●There shall be no sideways stability test for those ride-on toys or seats inwhich the height of the seat from the ground is. one third or less than onethird of the height indicated in Table belowed at the lowest age of the agerange for which the ride-on toy or seat is intended, and in which the legs ofthe child are unrestricted in their sideways motion and thus are available forstabilization.对于这些乘坐玩具或座位, 座位离地面的高度等于1/3或小于下列表格标明的年龄组中最小的年龄高度的1/3, 没有侧向稳定性测试. 儿童的脚在侧向运动不受限制, 因此可以有助于稳定.●For those ride-on toys, or seats in which the height of the seat from theground is greater than one third of the height shown in below table at thelowest age of the age range for which the ride-on toy or seat is intended, andin which the legs of the child are unrestricted and thus are available forstabilization, the toy shall not tip when tested in accordance with the steps ina to g.对于那些乘坐玩具, 或座位, 离地面的高度大于下表标明的年龄组中最小的年龄高度1/3, 儿童的脚是受限制的, 因此不助于稳定, 玩具依据步骤a到g的测试不应翻倒.Criteria for Stability Test of Ride-On Toys乘坐玩具稳定测试的标准Age (years) 年龄(年) Height高度1 27 inches (69.8 mm)2 29 inches (74.4 mm)3 33 inches (85.1 mm)4 37 inches (93.8 mm)5 40 inches (100.5 mm)a. Place the toy across the slope of a smooth surface inclined 10°to the horizontal plane.把玩具置于水平夹角10°的光滑斜面上b. Turn the steering mechanism, if any, to a position where the toy is most likely to tip.转动掌舵装置, 如果可能, 使其达到玩具最可能翻倒的位置c. Allow casters to assume their natural position and check the wheels to restrict rollingbut should not affect the position of the position of the pivot points for sample overturns允许脚轮在其自然的位置,并检查车轮滚动限制,但不应该影响样品翻倒枢纽点的位置d. Apply to the seat a static load equal to the weight shown in Table below at thehighest age of the age range for which the toy is intended, but not exceeding 60 months施加静重等于下表所示的年龄分组中的最大的年龄(不超过60个月)的重量e. The load shall be applied so that the major axis is perpendicular to the true horizontalwhile the toy is on the incline specified.当玩具置于指定的斜面上, 负重应被施加为了主轴垂直于真正的水平轴f. The load shall be designed so that the height of its center of gravity is 8.8in.(220mm).The center of gravity of the load for all ride-on shall be secured both 1.7in.(43mm) rearward of the front most portion of the designated seating area and 1.7in.(43mm) forward of the rear most portion of the designated seating area. For small seat surface, the loading shall be located on the central axis of the seat. For larger sitting area, the loading shall be move along the front most and rear most edge for the sitting area.负重应被指定为了重心的高度是8.8in. (220mm). 对于所有的乘坐物的负重的重心应保证在座位区域前端的最后面位置和后端的最前面位置都为1.7in.(43mm). 对于小的座位面, 负重应置于座位中心轴位置. 对于大的作为区域, 负重应沿着座位区域最前和最后边缘移动g. If there is no designated seating area, the load shall be placed at the least favorableposition that it is reasonable to anticipate that the child will choose to sit如果没有指定的座位区域, 负重应置于可合理预见的儿童选择坐的最不好的位置a. Place the toy across the slope of a smooth surface inclined 10° to the horizontalplane.把玩具放置在与平面成倾斜角度为10°的平滑面上。
5、一般要求5.1 首先所有木质部件都应该光滑且没有毛刺。
5.1.1 所有木质部件不得破裂或脱落导致结构破坏。
5.2 表面涂层——产品表面涂层要符合16 CFR 1303. 5.3小零件——测试前和测试后不能出现16 CFR 1501定义的小零件。
5.4 角杆541从角柱或转角(见图1)的最外轮廓线3英寸(76mm)以内的床头板或侧板上缘的最低点进行测量,任何角柱组件均不能伸出床头板或侧板上缘0.06 英寸(1.5mm)以上(以较高者为准)。 此项要求在滑动侧/滑动门处于较高或较低位置时均适用。
5.4.2 5.4.1 条的限制不适用于伸出侧栏最高位置时的外表面16英寸(400mm)以上的角柱组件。
5.4.3 用于连接两部分或多部分(如顶盖柱延伸件)组成的可拆卸式垂直延伸件的角柱,不能与单个部件连接在一起,否则连接在一起的垂直延伸尺寸将与 5.4 节的尺寸要求不符。
5.5 板条结构——板条不能包含任何侧面/横向连接处,如指装连接点,不允许有其它连接木片两端的部位。
5.6 婴儿床侧面构造5.6.1 侧面有可移动部件的婴儿床:为方便儿童进入而带有可移动部件的婴儿床,侧面必须牢固地固定于婴儿床末端,且在其最低可调节位置上,活动部分超过垫子顶端部分不得少于20in (51cm)。
5.6.2 只有不可移动的侧面的婴儿床应遵循以下标准:在其可调节最高位置,从垫子上表面以上部分开始,所有顶部水平围栏的最高面高度不得低于15in (38cm)。
5.6.3所有具有板条或轴的相邻侧面,它们顶部围栏的高度差大于6in,且其中一个顶部围栏高度小于40in(102cm)(从处于最低位置的垫子支撑顶部到侧面顶部),则较高的侧面不能有脚支撑( 5.9 中定义的)位于侧面顶部以下超过6in(15cm)处。
各国标准如下:其中EN是欧洲的标准,ASTM是美国的,BS是英国的,AS/ NZS是澳大利亚和新西兰的,SOR是加拿大的,GS是德国的产品类型相关标准婴儿车EN1888:2003+A1,A2,A3:2005_Prams, pushchairs, buggies and travel systems,ASTM F833:2010,BS7409 :1996,SOR 85/379 :2007,AS/ NZS 2088 :2009,GS14748:2007高脚椅ASTM F404:2008,EN 14988:2006_High chairs,BS5799:1986提篮、摇椅EN12790:2006_Reclined cradles,EN 1466:2004_Carry Cots and Stands 便携婴儿床安全测试,ASTM F2088:2003,ASTM F2194:2007,ASTM F 2050:2003_,ASTM F2167:2010_学步车ASTM F977:2007,EN1273:2005_Baby walking frames婴儿床ASTM F1169:2003_Full Size Baby Cribs 婴儿床安全测试(标准尺寸),ASTM F406:2009,ASTM F1821:2006_Standard Consumer Safety Specification for Toddler Beds 婴儿小床安全规范,EN12227:1999_Playpens for Domestic Use 室内婴儿围栏安全测试,EN716-1/2 :2008_Children's Cots and Folding Cots for Domestic Use 室内用童床安全测试,AS/NZS 2172:2003_Cots for Household Use - Safety Requirements 室内用童床安全测试,AS/NZS 2195:2010_Folding Cots - Safety Requirements 可折叠童床安全测试,BS 7423:1999_Specification or safety requirements for children`s travel cots of internal base length not less than 900mm 内部底长不小于900mm的儿童便携床的安全性能规格",ASTM F966-00 _Full Size & Non-full Size Baby Cribs 婴儿床安全测试(非标准尺寸)16 CFR Part 1508 Requirements for Full-size Baby Cribs 婴儿床安全测试(标准尺寸)16 CFR Part 1509 Requirements for Non-full-size Baby Cribs 婴儿床安全测试(非标准尺寸) SOR 86-962:2007桌边餐椅EN 1272:1998_Table-mounted chairs,ASTM F1235:2003摇篮ASTM F2194:2007,EN1130:1996_Crib & Cradle for Domestic Use 家用便携婴儿床安全测试AS/NZS 4385:1996婴儿用多功能台(尿片台)ASTM F2388:06,EN12221:1999_Changing units门护栏ASTM F1004:2007EN1930:2000_Gates and safety barriers背巾ASTM F2236:2003,ASTM F2549-06EN13209-1:2004_Framed back carriers, EN13209-2:2005_Soft carriers其他ASTM F2012:2007EN 14036:2003BS 7972:2001_Safety requirements and test methods for children’s bed guards for d omestic use 家用婴儿床围栏的安全要求和测试方法"ASTM F1917-00_Standard Consumer Safety Performance Specification for Infant Bedding and Related Accessories_婴儿被垫和有关辅助品的标准使用安全性能规范"Child seats for cycles BS EN 14344:2004Children's harnesses, reins BS EN 13210:2004Children's pillows BS 4578:1998Cot bumpers BS 1877-10:1997Cutlery and feeding utensils for children BS EN 14372:2004Drinking equipment for children BS EN 14350:2004Dummies for babies and young children BS EN 1400:2002Dummy holders_ BS EN 12586:1999*Fireguards_BS 8423:2002Inflatable armbands worn as floatation aids_BS 7661:1993Mattresses for children's cots and prams BS 1877-10:1997Portable child-appealing luminaries_BS EN 60598:2-10Safety of children's clothing_BS EN 14682:2004Safety of toys_BS EN 71* Products that are currently under review and the date may change (as of May 2007)BS EN 1047-1-1997 保险贮藏组合家具.耐火试验方法和分类.数据库BS EN 1021-2-2006 家具.装饰家具着火性的评估.火源:等同于火柴的煤气火焰BS EN 1021-2-1994 家具.装饰家具着火性的评估.火源:等同于火柴的煤气火焰BS EN 1021-1-2006 家具.装饰家具着火性的评估.火源:燃着的香烟BS EN 1021-1-1994 家具.装饰家具着火性的评估.火源:燃着的香烟BS 7972-2001 家庭使用床护栏板安全要求和试验方法BS 6222-5-1995 家用厨房设备.一套半岛状厨房用具、一套岛状厨房用具和早餐BS3962-6-1980(R2002)木制家具精整的试验方法.第6部分:耐机械损伤性的评定BS3962-5-1980(R2002)木制家具精整的试验方法.第5部分:表面耐冷凝油和脂肪性的BS3962-1-1980(R2002)木制家具精整的试验方法.用85°角的镜面光泽测量作低角度BIFMA PD-1-2004 行业定义BIFMA G1-2002 办公用视频家具的人类工效学原理ASTM PS125-2001 消费者用换尿布台暂行消费者安全规范ASTM F966-2000 标准尺寸和非标准尺寸婴儿围栏角柱延伸段的消费者安全规格ASTM F404-2008 高脚椅的安全使用规格ASTM F2613-2007 儿童折叠椅的消费者安全规格ASTM F1917-2008 幼儿寝具和相关附件的消费者安全规范ASTM F1550-2005 通过小型耗氧热量计测定教养院用床垫或家具的组件或合成物遭标准名称EN 1725-1998_家用家具床和床垫安全要求和试验方法英文名称Domestic furniture - Beds and mattresses - Safety requirements and test methods采用标准DIN EN 1725 (1998-02), EQV*BS EN 1725 (1998-06-15/BSI), EQV*BS EN 1725 (1998-06-15), IDT*NF D64-001 (1998-03-01/AFNOR), EQV*NF D64-001 (1998-03-01), IDT*SN EN 1725 (1999), EQV*OENORM EN 1725 (1998-03-01), IDTBRC标准属性:体系认证适用范围:消费品适用地区:欧洲英国零售商协会(BRC British Retail Consortium)是一个重要的国际性贸易协会,其成员包括大型的跨国连锁零售企业、百货商场、城镇店铺、网络卖场等各类零售商,涉及产品种类非常广泛。
欧洲发布的新版标准EN 1130:2019《儿童家具——童床——安全要求和测试方法》,为家用和非家用婴儿床(包括摇篮、吊床、床边床)的使用提供安全要求和测试方法。
新版标准与EN 1130-1:1996和EN 1130-2:1996相比,本版标准从欧洲和其他地区发生的床边床事故中汲取经验,提高了机械方面的要求。
Q:与 EN1130-1&-2:1996 相比,该新版标准 EN 1130:2019 的主要变化有哪些?
Q:EN 1130:2019 针对的产品范围?
Q:EN 1130:2019 是否适用于内部长度大于900mm的床边床?。
标准单人床尺寸在英国,标准单人床的尺寸为 90 厘米宽 x 190 厘米长。
以下是一些常见的单人床尺寸:1.小单人床:75 厘米宽 x 190 厘米长2.超大单人床:107 厘米宽 x 200 厘米长3.欧洲单人床:90 厘米宽 x 200 厘米长4.加拿大单人床:99 厘米宽 x 191 厘米长5.美国单人床:99 厘米宽 x 203 厘米长以标准单人床为例,90 厘米宽 x 190 厘米长的尺寸非常适合孩子或轻度使用者。
选择单人床的小贴士除了尺寸之外,还有一些其他的因素需要考虑,以便选择适合您的单人床:1. 打算放置的位置。
2. 床垫。
3. 床架。
4. 储存空间。
总结在英国,标准单人床的尺寸为 90 厘米宽 x 190 厘米长。
附件:加拿大消费品安全法案所涉及的专门法规中,针对轻纺产品的技术要求:(满足要求方可在加拿大宣传、进口和销售)根据加拿大消费产品安全法案的附录2,任何个人不得在加拿大生产,进口,宣传或销售下列产品:(禁止在加拿大宣传、进口和销售)1. 相思豆(雞母珠)或者全部或部分组分为或包含相思豆的任何物质或物品。
2. 全部或部分组件为或包含硝酸纤维素的眼镜框。
3. 具有一定特点的婴儿学步车,这些特点包括,安装在轮子或任何其他装置上,可以移动,带有围绕物,为呈坐立或站立姿势的婴儿提供支撑,使婴儿的脚部可以接触到地面,从而实现水平方向的运动。
4. 出牙嚼器、橡皮奶头和婴儿用奶嘴等具有一定特点的婴儿用产品,这些特点包括,在使用时需要被放入口中,并含有填充物,填充物内可滋生微生物。
5. 用来固定哺乳瓶位置使婴儿在无人看护的情况下可自行进食的结构装置。
6. 具有一定特点的一次性金属容器,这些特点包括,含有特定的加压液体,这种特定加压液体的全部或部分组分为氯乙烯,而且,这种一次性金属容器带有一个必要的手动操控阀,这种容器专门用来通过该阀的操控来释放加压介质。
7. 在显微镜应用中所使用的含有多氯化联(二)苯的液体,其中包括沉浸油,但不包括折射率油。
8. 具有一定特点的风筝,这些特点包括,带有未绝缘金属,在未绝缘金属与相邻导电部分之间有一个小于50毫米的非导电区域将这两个部分隔离开,并且未绝缘金属具有下列之中的一种特点:•最大线性长度超过150毫米;•经过电镀处理,或外包导电性薄膜,其线性长度超过150毫米。
9. 由导电材料制成的风筝绳。
10. 具有一定特点并用来作为服装的产品,这些特点包括,全部或部分材质为纺织布料,用纯三磷酸盐(2,3-二溴丙基)或这种物质的化合物处理过,或含有三磷酸盐(2,3 二溴丙基)。
11. 含有以下物质并用于诱发打喷嚏的任何物质,其中包括喷嚏粉:•3,3’-二甲氧基联苯胺(4,4’-二氨基-3,3’-二甲氧基联苯胺)或任何一种3,3’-二甲氧基联苯胺盐;•由铁筷子属植物(藜芦)、蒜藜芦(白藜芦)或皂树(巴拿马木)衍生出来的植物产品;•原藜芦碱或藜芦碱;•硝基苯甲醛的任何一种异构体。
Consolidated Regulations of Canada ------- S.O.R./86-962Cribs and Cradles RegulationsSOR/86-962HAZARDOUS PRODUCTS ACTCribs and Cradles RegulationsREGULATIONS RESPECTING THE ADVERTISING, SALE AND IMPORTATION OF CRIBS AND CRADLESSHORT TITLE1. These Regulations may be cited as the Cribs and Cradles Regulations.INTERPRETATION2. In these Regulations,"Act" means the Hazardous Products Act; (Loi)"adjustment position" means a position of a movable or move-away side in which the side latches or locks into position and from which the side cannot be moved without unlatching or unlocking the appropriate mechanism; (positiond'ajustement)"movable side", in respect of a standard or portable crib, means a side of a crib that(a) has more than one adjustment position,(b) has an upper surface that, in the case of a standard crib, does not move lower than 230 mm above and, in thecase of a portable crib, does not move lower than 130 mm above, the upper surface of the mattress support in the highest position of the mattress support, and(c) has a lower surface that does not move above the upper surface of the mattress support in the lowest positionof the mattress support; (côté mobile)"move-away side", in respect of a standard or portable crib, means a side of a crib that has more than one adjustment position and that(a) has an upper surface that moves lower than 230 mm above the upper surface of the mattress support in thehighest position of the mattress support,(b) has a lower surface that moves above the mattress support in the lowest position of the mattress support,(c) moves sideways or rotates, in whole or in part, or(d) detaches from the crib in the course of normal use, which detachment does not constitute disassembly,according to the manufacturer's recommended instructions; (côté escamotable)"portable crib" means a crib that weighs 10 kg or less and(a) that may be easily carried by one person without requiring folding, collapsing or disassembly, or(b) that may be easily carried by one person and may be folded or collapsed without being disassembled to occupya volume substantially less than the volume it occupies when in use; (lit d'enfant portatif)"product" means a product included in item 25 of Part II of the schedule to the Act; (produit)"side" means the side, front or end of a product; (côté)"slat", in respect of a product, includes a corner post, bar, rod, panel or other similar component; (barreau)"standard crib" means a crib that is not easily disassembled and not easily carried to another location. (lit d'enfant ordinaire)"stationary side", in respect of a standard or portable crib, means a side of a crib that has only one position. (côté fixe)SOR/88-560, s. 1.GENERAL3. (1) A product may be advertised, sold or imported into Canada only if it meets the applicable requirements of these Regulations.(2) No reference, direct or indirect, to the Act or these Regulations shall be made in any written material applied to or accompanying a product or in any advertisement of the product.LABELLING AND INSTRUCTIONS4. (1) Every product shall have indelibly printed on it or otherwise permanently affixed to it the following information, clearly and prominently displayed in letters and numerals not less than 2.5 mm in height:(a) the name and principal place of business in Canada of the importer or of the person by or for whom the product ismade, in either official language;(b) the model name or model number of the product in either official language; and(c) the year and month of manufacture of the product.(2) Every container in which a product is sold shall have, indelibly printed on it or otherwise permanently affixed to it, the information required by paragraphs (1)(a) to (c).(3) Every standard crib and every portable crib shall have indelibly printed on it or otherwise permanently affixed to it, in both official languages, the following warning statements, displayed in letters and numerals not less than 2.5 mm in height except for the title, "WARNING", which shall be displayed in letters at least 5 mm in height:"WARNINGDo not use this crib if the enclosed or attached instructions cannot be strictly adhered to. Do not use this crib if the child is able to climb out unaided or is taller than 90 cm. Do not place cords, straps or similar items that could become wound around the child's neck in or near this crib. Ensure that the sides are properly latched or locked in place when the crib is occupied. The mattress used with this crib should not be more than 15 cm thick and should be of such length and width that the gap between the mattress and the sides of the crib is not more than 3 cm when the mattress is pushed into the corner of the crib.MISE EN GARDENe pas utiliser le lit d'enfant à moins d'être en mesure de respecter rigoureusement le mode d'emploi ci-joint ou apposé sur le produit. Ne pas utiliser le lit d'enfant si l'enfant est capable d'en sortir sans aide ou si l'enfant mesure plus de 90 cm. Ne pas mettre dans le lit, ou à proximité du lit, des cordes, courroies ou objets semblables qui pourraient s'enrouler autour du cou de l'enfant. S'assurer que les côtés sont bien enclenchés ou verrouillés lorsque l'enfant est placé dans le lit. L'épaisseur du matelas utilisé dans le lit ne doit pas être supérieure à 15 cm, et sa longueur et sa largeur doivent être telles que l'espace entre le matelas et les côtés du lit ne soit pas supérieur à 3 cm lorsque le matelas est poussé dans un des coins."(4) Every cradle shall have indelibly printed on it or otherwise permanently affixed to it, in both official languages, the following warning statements, displayed in letters and numerals not less than 2.5 mm in height except for the title, "WARNING", which shall be displayed in letters at least 5 mm in height:"WARNINGDo not use this cradle if the enclosed or attached instructions cannot be strictly adhered to. Do not use this cradle if the child is able to climb out unaided. Do not place cords, straps or similar items that could become wound around the child's neck in or near this cradle. The mattress used with this cradle should not be more than 8 cm thick and should be of such length and width that the gap between the mattress and the sides of the cradle is not more that 3 cm when the mattress is pushed into one corner of the cradle.MISE EN GARDENe pas utiliser le berceau à moins d'être en mesure de respecter rigoureusement le mode d'emploi ci-joint ou apposé sur le produit. Ne pas utiliser le berceau si l'enfant est capable d'en sortir sans aide. Ne pas mettre dans le berceau, ou à proximité du berceau, des cordes, courroies ou objets semblables qui pourraient s'enrouler autour du cou de l'enfant. L'épaisseur du matelas utilisé dans le berceau ne doit pas être supérieure à 8 cm, et sa longueur et sa largeur doivent être telles que l'espace entre le matelas et les côtés du berceau ne soit pas supérieur à 3 cm lorsque le matelas est poussé dans un des coins."(5) Every product shall have indelibly printed on it, or have in a pouch that is permanently affixed to it, instructionsand warnings that clearly state, in both official languages, the following information, with line drawings or photographs illustrating the sequence of steps where needed:(a) how the product is to be assembled, if the product is sold not fully assembled;(b) how the product is to be folded and unfolded, if the product is capable of being folded;(c) how to adjust the height of the mattress support, if the height can be adjusted;(d) a list of parts; and(e) a warning stating that parents should ensure a safe environment for the child by checking regularly, before placingthe child in the product, that every component is properly and securely in place.(6) In addition to subsections (3) and (4), every product shall have, permanently affixed to it, a pouch in which the applicable warning set out in subsection (3) or (4) is contained.(7) Every move-away side shall have indelibly printed on it or otherwise permanently affixed to it, in both official languages, a warning statement, clearly and prominently displayed in letters not less than 2.5 mm in height except for the title, "WARNING", which shall be displayed in letters at least 9 mm in height, that the child never be left unattended when the move-away side is not in the vertical position designed to provide sleeping accommodation for an unattended child. SOR/88-560, s. 2.GENERAL AND PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS5. No standard crib or cradle shall have any of its mattress support mechanisms deform permanently or disengage or have its mattress support dislodge when tested in accordance with Schedule I.6. (1) Every latching or locking mechanism of a movable side other than a mattress support mechanism, shall(a) require two separate positive and simultaneous actions on the part of the user to release the mechanism; and(b) engage automatically.(2) Every move-away side shall have(a) at least two of the latching or locking mechanisms that meet the requirements of subsection (1); and(b) two latching or locking mechanisms that engage automatically where each latching or locking mechanism requires(i) a force of 35 N to disengage the mechanism where disengagement occurs as a result of a pull or push forceapplied to the mechanism; or(ii) a torque of 0.8 N.m to disengage the mechanism where disengagement occurs as a result of a turning force applied to the mechanism. SOR/88-560, s. 3.7. Every product that rocks or swings shall be so designed as to prevent the product from rocking or swinging beyonda 20° angle from the vertical.8. (1) The distance above the upper surface of the mattress support in its lowest position to the upper surface of the lowest stationary side shall be,(a) in the case of a standard crib, not less than 660 mm; and(b) in the case of a portable crib, not less than 560 mm.(2) Every movable and move-away side shall have at least one adjustment position in which the distance above the upper surface of the mattress support in the lowest position of the mattress support to the upper surface of the movable or move-away side shall be,(a) in the case of a standard crib, not less than 660 mm; and(b) in the case of a portable crib, not less than 560 mm.(3) Every stationary or movable side shall, in every adjustment position, have its lowest surface below the upper surface of the mattress support in the lowest position of the mattress support.(4) Every move-away side, when in a position which meets the requirements of subsection (2), shall have its lowest surface of the move-away side below the upper surface of the mattress support in the lowest position of the mattress support.(5) Where the lowest surface of a move-away side is in the lowest adjustment position above the upper surface of the mattress support in the highest adjustment position of the mattress support, the distance above the upper surface of the mattress support to the lowest surface of the move-away side shall be not less than 360 mm. SOR/88-560, s. 4.9. (1) The distance above the upper surface of the mattress support in its highest position to the upper surface of the lowest stationary side, or the upper surface of the movable side that has the lowest adjustment position, in the lowest adjustment position of the movable side, shall be(a) in the case of a standard crib, not less than 230 mm; and(b) in the case of a portable crib, not less than 130 mm.(2) The upper surface of a move-away side shall, in every adjustment position, be(a) below the upper surface of the mattress support in the lowest position of the mattress support; or(b) in the case of(i) a standard crib, not less than 230 mm above the upper surface of the mattress support in the highest position ofthe mattress support, and(ii) a portable crib, not less than 130 mm above the upper surface of the mattress support in the highest position of the mattress support.(3) Every move-away side shall have one adjustment position that is(a) at least 150 mm below the adjustment position described in subsection 8(2); and(b) not less than, in the case of a standard crib, 230 mm above and, in the case of a portable crib, 130 mm above, theupper surface of the mattress support in the highest position of the mattress support. SOR/88-560, s. 4.10. In any advertisement for a standard or portable crib with a movable or move-away side that depicts a child in the crib,(a) the upper surface of the lowest side in the highest adjustment position of the lowest side shall be, in the case of astandard crib, not less than 660 mm above, and, in the case of a portable crib, not less than 560 mm above, the upper surface of the mattress support in the lowest position of the mattress support;(b) the lower surface of any side shall not be in an adjustment position higher than the upper surface of the mattresssupport in the lowest position of the mattress support; and(c) the sides shall be in the adjustment position designed to provide sleeping accommodation for an unattended child.SOR/88-560, s. 4.11. In a product, no space(a) between a slat and any adjacent slat, and(b) in any component above the upper surface of the mattress support in its lowest positionshall permit the passage of a solid rectangular block measuring 60 × 100 × 100 mm in any orientation through the space when tested in accordance with Schedule II.12. Every corner post in a standard crib or portable crib shall be designed in such a manner that no part of the corner post protrudes more than 3 mm above the upper surface of the highest side of the crib when measured from the lowest point on the upper surface of that side within 70 mm from the centre line of the corner post.13. No standard crib or portable crib shall be contoured in any way that, or have any projections, attachments or mechanisms above the upper surface of the mattress support that, could result in the occupant's clothing becoming entangled therewith.14. The size of the openings in any mesh on a product shall meet the requirements of subsections 5(1) and (2) of the Playpens Regulations.15. Any mattress supplied with a product(a) shall not be more than 30 mm shorter and 30 mm narrower than the respective interior dimensions of theproduct;(b) shall not be more than(i) 150 mm in thickness, where the product is a standard crib or portable crib, or(ii) 80 mm in thickness, where the product is a cradle; and(c) shall be stitched using lock-stitching.16. No standard crib or cradle shall have any visible signs of damage, disengagement or deformation when tested in accordance with Schedule III.17. Every component of a product that is small enough to be placed in a small parts cylinder of the type described in Schedule IV shall be so fitted or affixed to the product that the component will not become detached from the product when subjected to a force of 90 N applied in any direction. SOR/2004-65, s. 12.18. No slat of a standard crib or portable crib shall turn, disengage, deform, deflect or become damaged when tested in accordance with Schedule V.19. A product shall be so designed and constructed as to preclude injury from shearing or pinching to infants and children.20. (1) Every exposed metal part of a product shall be free of burrs or sharp edges, corners, points or projections.(2) Every cut edge of the metal tubing of a product that is accessible to an occupant of the product shall be smoothly finished to eliminate rough or sharp edges, corners or points or shall be protected by a cap that will remain in place when subjected to a force of 90 N applied in any direction.(3) Every exposed wooden or plastic part or part of a similar hard material of a product shall be smoothly finished to eliminate rough or sharp edges, corners and points and be free from splits, cracks or other defects.(4) The threaded end of every bolt of a product that is accessible to an occupant of the product shall be protected by an acorn nut or other suitable device.21. Every open hole in a metal, plastic or wooden component or in a component of a similar hard material of a product that is accessible to an occupant of the product(a) shall be of such size or shape that if it admits a rod 5.5 mm in diameter it will also admit a rod 10 mm indiameter; or(b) if the minor dimension of the hole is between 5.5 and 10 mm, shall have a depth that is not greater than theminor dimension.22. Every coil spring accessible to the occupant of a product shall be covered or otherwise designed to prevent injuries.23. No product shall have applied to it a decorative or protective coating that contains any of the following substances:(a) lead pigments;(b) more than 0.5 per cent weight to weight of lead in the total solids contained in such coating;(c) any compound of antimony, arsenic, cadmium, selenium or barium introduced as such if more than one-tenth ofone per cent of such compound dissolves in five per cent hydrochloric acid after stirring for ten minutes at twenty degrees Celsius; or(d) any compound of mercury introduced as such.24. No component of a product made in whole or in part of a textile fibre shall, when tested in accordance with method D1230-61, the Standard Method of Test for Flammability of Clothing Textiles, a standard of the American Society for Testing and Materials, have a time of flame spread of(a) 7 seconds or less, where the component does not have a raised fibre surface; or(b) 7 seconds or less, where the component has a raised fibre surface and exhibits ignition or fusion of its base fibres.SCHEDULE I(Section 5)TEST FOR MATTRESS SUPPORT SYSTEM1. The method to be used for testing the mattress support system of a standard crib or cradle is as follows:(a) omitting accessories that could hinder the implementation of the test, assemble the crib or cradle according to themanufacturer's recommended instructions;(b) secure the crib or cradle to a horizontal surface in a manner that does not impede the test;(c) apply and maintain for one minute an upward force at one corner of the mattress support, within 150 mm of thetwo sides forming the corner, such that a force of 250 N is applied on the mattress support mechanism;(d) note any dislodging of the mattress support or disengagement or deformation of any mattress supportmechanism;(e) repeat (c) and (d) at the other corners of the mattress support;(f) apply and maintain for one minute an upward force, as close as possible to each corner of the mattress support,such that a force of 250 N is applied simultaneously to each mattress support mechanism;(g) note any dislodging of the mattress support or disengagement or deformation of any mattress supportmechanism;(h) apply a force of 200 N on one of the mattress support mechanisms in a manner that will facilitate disengaging themattress support mechanism;(i) note any dislodging of the mattress support or disengagement or deformation of any mattress support mechanism;(j) repeat (h) and (i) on the remaining mattress support mechanisms;(k) apply a force of 200 N in any direction and at any point on one of the mattress support mechanism in a manner that could cause a deformation of the mechanism or any component thereof;(l) note any dislodging of the mattress support or disengagement or deformation of any mattress support mechanism;and(m) repeat (k) and (l) on the remaining mattress support mechanisms.SCHEDULE II(Section 11)TEST FOR SPACING BETWEEN SLATS1. The method to be used for testing the spacing between the slats of a product is as follows:(a) assemble the product according to the manufacturer's recommended instructions;(b) if the mattress support is adjustable, adjust the mattress support to its lowest position;(c) place a right triangular prism-shaped metallic loading wedge, of the design and dimensions shown in Figure 1, inthe space between a slat and any adjacent slat of the product midway along the greatest dimension of the space;(d) apply a pull of 90 N and maintain the force for 10 seconds on the eye-bolt of the loading wedge in a directionperpendicular to a plane passing through the points of contact of the wedge with the two components;(e) attempt to pass, without forcing, a solid rectangular block measuring 60 × 100 × 100 mm through the space,anywhere above or below the loading wedge;(f) repeat (e) with the block in different orientations; and(g) repeat (c) to (f) for all other spaces between other slats and adjacent slats.FIGURE 1GRAPHIC IS NOT DISPLAYED, SEE SOR/86-962, P. 4131SCHEDULE III(Section 16)TESTS FOR STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY1. The method to be used for testing the structural integrity of a standard crib under dynamic conditions is as follows:(a) assemble the crib according to the manufacturer's recommended instructions;(b) secure the crib to a horizontal surface in a manner that does not impede the test;(c) place on the mattress support a 100 mm thick sheet of polyurethane foam having a density of 30 kg/m3, a 25%indentation load deflection (ILD) of 144 N and a length, width and thickness that meet the requirements of paragraphs 15(a) and (b);(d) using a 20 kg test load, 200 mm in diameter, with a 260 mm bottom curvature and with cambered edges, of thedesign and dimensions shown in Figure 2, allow the test load to fall freely from a height of 150 mm 150 times at a rate of one impact per second at the geometric centre of the upper surface of the polyurethane foam, in such a manner that the upper surface of the load remains parallel to the horizontal surface referred to in paragraph (b);(e) note any visible signs of damage to the crib, any disengagement or deformation of any latching or lockingmechanism or any lossening of any screw or fastening;(f) repeat (d) and (e) at each corner of the mattress support such that the centre of the test load is 150 mm from thetwo sides forming the corners; and(g) repeat (d) and (e) at the mid-point along the edge of the mattress support on all adjustable sides of the productsuch that the test load is 150 mm from those sides.2. The method to be used for testing the structural integrity of a cradle under dynamic conditions is as follows:(a) assemble the cradle according to the manufacturer's recommended instructions;(b) secure the cradle to a horizontal surface in a manner that does not impede the test;(c) place on the mattress support a mattress having the length, width and thickness required by subsections 15(a)and (b);(d) using a 13.7 kg test load having a square contact area of 929 cm2, allow the test load to fall freely from a heightof 150 mm 500 times at a rate of one impact per second at the geometric centre of the upper surface of the mattress;and(e) note any visible signs of damage to the cradle or disengagement or deformation of any latching or lockingmechanism.3. The method to be used for testing the structural integrity of a standard crib under horizontal force conditions is as follows:(a) assemble the crib according to the manufacturer's recommended instructions;(b) secure the crib to a horizontal surface in a manner that does not impede the test;(c) with the adjustable side or sides of the crib in the fully raised position, if the crib has an adjustable side or sides,apply an alternating horizontal force of 120 N in the transverse direction on the top of one side, at the mid-point, not more than 50 mm from the top of the side being tested, at a frequency of no less than 150 cycles per minute for a total of 9 000 cycles;(d) note any visible signs of damage to the crib or disengagement or deformation of any latching or lockingmechanism; and(e) repeat (c) and (d) for the remaining sides of the crib.4. The method to be used for testing the structural integrity of a standard crib under vertical force conditions is as follows:(a) assemble the crib according to the manufacturer's recommended instructions;(b) secure the crib to a horizontal surface in a manner that does not impede the test;(c) with the adjustable side or sides of the crib in the fully raised position, if the crib has an adjustable side or sides,apply an alternating vertical force of 120 N on the top of one side at a frequency of no less than 150 cycles per minute for a total of 9 000 cycles;(d) note any visible signs of damage to the crib or disengagement or deformation of any latching or lockingmechanism; and(e) repeat (c) and (d) for the remaining sides of the crib.FIGURE 2GRAPHIC IS NOT DISPLAYED, SEE SOR/86-962, P. 4133SCHEDULE IV(Section 17)SMALL PARTS CYLINDER1. A small parts cylinder of the design and dimensions shown in Figure 3 shall be used for the purpose of measuring components referred to in section 17.FIGURE 3GRAPHIC IS NOT DISPLAYED, SEE SOR/2004-65, S. 13SOR/2004-65, s. 13.SCHEDULE V(Section 18)TEST FOR SLAT STRENGTH1. The method to be used for testing the strength of a slat of a standard crib or portable crib is as follows:(a) assemble the crib according to the manufacturer's recommended instructions;(b) secure the crib to a horizontal surface in a manner that does not impede the test;(c) apply a torque of 8 N.m (newton metres) and maintain the force for 10 seconds on one of the slats;(d) note any damage, turning or disengaging of the slat;(e) repeat (c) and (d) with all other slats;(f) apply a vertical upward force of 500 N and maintain the force for 30 seconds at the middle of the top rail on one ofthe sides of the crib with slats;(g) note any damage or disengagement of any of the slats from the top rail; and(h) repeat (f) and (g) on the remaining sides that have slats.。