段落写作主题句 芳芳 - 修订

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topic sentence
• However, the internet will not replace
traditional media like newspaper. For one thing, not all readers like using internet or can use it,especially the ages. For another, newspaper is easy to handle, which is a good experience for them.
B 完整: How to write a composition is not an easy thing to talk about.
eg:不完整: How A

4)关键词是直接表达主题的词汇,它决定段落的 内容和展开的方法,引导整个段落的发展。
other benefits have been found, in addition to the green tea’s heart-healthy, anticancer, stress-reducing effects.
主题句一般位于段首。通常为一个完整的句 子,用以概括,叙述,说明该段的主题。
topic sentence

It is no doubt that Internet has played
an important role in our daily life. Firstly,
it provides us with a more convient way
3.讲述一次你或你的朋友想家的经历 引出经历。 His story reminds me of my similar experience.

1)主题句要概括一定内容,不要空泛,否则扩 展句将难以说明和支持它。
A eg:空泛: English language is very important. B 概括: English language is very important in our daily life.
There are two reasons why Canada is one of the best countries in the world. First, Canada has an excellent health care system. All Canadians have access to medical services at a reasonable price. Second, Canada has a high standard of education.
Summary2: A paragraph is made up of 3 parts:
1.Topic sentence; (主题句 ) 2.Supporting sentences;(扩展句/阐述句 3.Concluding sentence. (结论句/结尾句
sentences to give more detailed information about the topic sentence.
Paragraphs Writing
Topic Sentence
改进:1.深度,难度,将主题句与 拓展句一起。 2.注重思维的开发,英语提纲要点 提练。
Writing a topic sentence I need a water bottle for the hike in case I get thirsty. A sweater is useful if it gets cold. A compass will help me go in the right direction. Sandwiches will be an easy-to-carry snack. I can use a camera to take pictures of unusual or attractive places.

There will be a lot of wonderful activities . First, we can take part in the English play to build up your confidence. Then, we can also join in reading classical English poems and I think it will help us enjoy the charm of English.
How to write the topic sentence
1. the patterns(模式) of topic sentence. 2. the techniques(技巧) of writing good topic sentence.
How to write the topic sentence
主题句的模式 直接翻译 回答要点 主题句模式
明确观点 “重要性”表达
直接翻译要点, 表达“重 要性” 1.建设绿色校园的重要性。
It is of great importance to build a green campus.
2.你怎么看待老师对学生的影响。明确观点 A good teacher plays a really important role in students’ lives.
Q: Is it a paragraph? A: No, it isn’t.
Writing a topic sentence
I need a water bottle for the hike in case I get thirsty. A sweater is useful if it gets cold. A compass will help me go in the right direction. Sandwiches will be an easy-tocarry snack. I can use a camera to take pictures of unusual or attractive places. Can we make it a paragraph? How can we make it a paragraph? We can make it a paragraph by giving it a central idea, or a focus. We give it a focus by stating the central idea in one sentence, which is called the topic sentence.

stamps is her hobby.
A eg:简洁: Collecting
B : 复杂 She likes collecting stamps whichwenku.baidu.comis her hobby.

3 )主题句应该做到句子完整和表达的主题思想完 整。
to write a composition.
a sentence to end a paragraph or to summarize(总结) the ideas.
随着时代的发展,看电影成为非常重要的一种休闲方 式。有人喜欢去电影院看电影,有人选择在网上看电 影。请根据以下信息写一篇短文,分析人们选择不同 观影方式的原因,并表达你自己的看法。 不同的选择 原因
of searching for useful information. Secondly, it saves our time which benefit us a lot.

There are three reasons why John is not going to university. In the first place, his family is quite poor and, since he has four topic young brothers and sisters still at school, he sentence feels he should help his family financially as soon as possible. Secondly, if he went to university, his mother would be left alone to look after the young children. Finally, he has been offered a good job with excellent chances of promotion. Consequently, although he wants to go to university very much, John is going to take the job instead.
eg : Three
write down the topic sentece of the paragraph
I had a wonderful summer. First, I started sleeping in every day. I would then go swimming with my friends. I stayed up late watching TV a lot, and I went to camp for a week. I wished my summer would never end!
topic a sentence to tell the reader sentence what the paragraph is College life is an important stage in our life. It mainly about.
is in college that we begin to live and study by ourselves. It is in college that we learn to be independent of our sentences parents. It is in college supporting that we, like sentences Newton, are searching for to give more a sentence a paragraph or beautiful shells to on end the beach of knowledge. detailed information about Meanwhile, it is in college that we become to summarize( 总结) the ideas. the topic sentence. matured and fully grown up, both physically and mentally. Consequently, we should cherish it and make the most of it. concluding sentence
topic sentence

I need many items to be ready for a safe, enjoyable hike. I need a water bottle for the hike in case I get thirsty. A sweater is useful if it gets cold. A compass will help me go in the right direction. Sandwiches will be an easy-to-carry snack. I can use a camera to take pictures of unusual or attractive places.