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目录1. 产品简介....................................................................................................................................... - 2 -2. 产品特性....................................................................................................................................... - 2 -3. 产品外观....................................................................................................................................... - 2 -4. 技术参数....................................................................................................................................... - 3 -1.产品简介烟雾探测报警器(BL-WJX-YG01)是一款用于检测单位面积内烟雾浓度数据,当烟浓度达到设定值时报警器会触发报警信号输出,在固定面积空间内安装符合量的报警器,可有效监测空间内火灾发生情况。
此安装说明介绍VESDA-E VEU-NTF吸气式烟雾探测器的基本安装信息。
系统组件探测器含有以下组件:• 1个吸气式烟雾探测器• 1个安装支架• 1个直接在安装面安装探测器的模板• 1个用于监控式GPI 的线路终端电阻器• 1本安装说明书安装基本条件• 完整的系统设计。
• 24V 直流电源,符合当地法规与标准。
• 适合安装面的螺钉与衬垫。
• 两端分别为A 型和B 型USB 口的线缆,用于进行探测器的初始设置。
• 系统设计指定的标签,例如采样点标签• 符合探测器防护等级的电缆戈兰。
• 依据系统设计的采样管道。
• 24AWG-12AWG 控制器回路接线规格。
• 安装Xtralis VSC 的电脑或笔记本以进行初始配置。
遵循的标准UL 和ULC对于开放空间,开放空间的高气流和管道保护必须设置启动疏散信号的火警阈值(设定的)时,通过ASPIRE 软件验算的采样孔灵敏度要高于10% obs/m 。
电源功耗(18 - 30 VDC 电源)静态警报中吸气器速度设置1设置5设置10设置1设置5设置10VEU-A00-NTF-CH 7.0 W 8.8 W 14.7 W 7.8 W 9.6 W 15.5 W VEU-A10-NTF-CH8.2 W10.0 W15.8 W10.4 W11.6 W16.6 W控制器回路线功耗控制器回路线电流消耗:8mA.环境要求• 探测器环境温度: 0°C 至39°C*• 采样空气温度**: -20°C 至60°C • 湿度: 10-95%*UL 产品认证环境温度0°C 到38°C 。
注意:注意:如需了解其他操作环境参数,或在正常操作环境下采样空气持续超过0.05% obs/m 时的配置参数,请咨询您的NOTIFIER 代表。
© 南京物联传感技术有限公司,2012出版号:2012-0392.1Ⅰ.产品简介WL-FD-A物联无线烟雾(火警)探测器,主要用于检测室内外空气中的烟雾浓度,并通过ZigBee无线网络自动向移动智能终端等控制设备发送报警信号。
Ⅱ.功能特点支持ZigBee HA协议ZigBee设备类型:中继器安装不需要任何电缆兼容wulian报警设备可固定在室内的任何位置专利设计、体积小、重量轻、美观大方智能分析真伪火情抗干扰能力强,灵敏度高Ⅲ.功能图示说明多功能按键主体 绿色LED 灯红色LED 灯 底座12V 电源接口Ⅳ.安装步骤(一)用两颗螺丝,将本产品的底座固定在合适的位置;(二)接入12V电源适配器;(三)将本产品的主体对准底座上的卡槽,顺时针旋转,直到固定。
Ⅴ.使用方法一、联网设置1、本产品需要与通信网关配套使用;2、快击【多功能按键】4次,加入ZigBee网络;单次快击时间不超过1秒加入ZigBee网络后,绿色LED灯长亮2秒后熄灭3、加入ZigBee 网络后,设备向网络中的CIE 设置发送登记(ENROLL )请求(注:此功能选配);4、长按【多功能按键】10秒后,恢复为出厂设置。
登记成功后,绿色LED 灯快速闪烁3次绿色LED灯连续闪烁4次(恢复出厂设置默认为不加入ZigBee网络)二、下载软件(一)、请根据不同的移动智能终端,选择对应的操作软件:1、Android用户请到“Play 商店”中搜索“wulian”或“智能家居”,选择“智能家居”软件下载;2、iPhone、iPad用户请到“APP Store”中搜索“wulian”,选择“Smart Home”或“智能家居”下载;3、用户也可直接登陆官网下载:。
光电感烟火灾探测报警器(485型)PR-3000-YG-N01Ver2.0目录第1章产品简介 (3)1.1产品概述 (3)1.2功能特点 (3)1.3主要参数 (3)1.4系统框架图 (4)第2章硬件连接 (5)2.1设备安装前检查 (5)2.2接口说明 (5)2.2.1传感器接线 (5)2.3安装说明 (5)2.3.1适宜的安装位置 (5)2.3.2应避免安装的位置及环境 (6)2.3.3安装方法 (6)第3章配置软件安装及使用 (6)3.1传感器接入电脑 (6)3.2传感器监控软件的使用 (7)第4章通信协议 (7)4.1通讯基本参数 (7)4.2数据帧格式定义 (8)4.3寄存器地址 (8)4.4通讯协议示例以及解释 (8)第5章常见问题及解决方法 (9)第1章产品简介1.1产品概述PR-3000-YG-N01是一款光电式的火灾烟雾探测报警器,本型号产品通过性能优良的光电探测器来检测火灾产生的烟雾进而产生火灾报警。
1.3主要参数供电电源:10~30V DC静态功耗:0.12W报警功耗:0.7W报警声响:≥80dB信号输出:RS485通信协议:Modbus-RTU烟雾灵敏度:1.06±0.26%FT符合标准:GB4715-2005工作环境:-10℃~50℃,≤95%,无凝露壳体尺寸:1.4系统框架图本产品也可以多个传感器组合在一条485总线使用,理论上一条总线可以254个485传感器,另一端接入带有485接口的PLC、通过485接口芯片连接单片机,或者使用USB转485即可与电脑连接,使用我公司提供的传感器配置工具进行配置和测试(在使用该配置软件时只能接一台设备)。
JTY-GXF-GST4E 吸气式感烟火灾探测器使用手册目录说明 (3)关于文档 (3)预期用途 (3)执行标准 (3)设备型号命名规则 (4)第一章概述 (6)一、产品特点 (6)二、应用领域 (6)第二章探测报警系统原理、组成 (7)一、探测报警系统原理 (7)二、系统组成 (7)三、显示操作面板 (7)1、按键说明: (8)2、指示灯说明: (8)3、液晶显示器说明 (9)4、液晶显示器显示内容 (9)四、外部输出 (13)第三章采样管路设计 (14)一、消防规范的遵循 (14)二、灵敏度确定 (14)三、采样管设计 (14)1、设计极限 (14)2、设计要点 (14)①尽量使用对称结构 (14)②考虑最大传送时间 (14)③采样孔数量限制 (15)④采样孔径合理配置 (15)⑤方向的改变 (15)3、标准管路设计(用于立体空间保护) (15)4、有强制气流的管路方案 (16)第四章探测器安装、参数设置 (17)一、工作参数设置 (17)二、采样泵电压设置 (17)三、主控板与外部连接 (17)四、继电器板与外部连接 (18)第五章功能操作 (21)1、报警复位: (21)3、环境自学习: (22)4、时钟等参数设置: (22)5、继电器测试: (22)6、指示灯测试: (22)第六章采样管系统安装 (23)一、空气采样孔 (23)二、强制气流环境下的安装方式 (23)三、空气过滤器 (24)四、气水分离器安装 (25)六、防爆装置安装 (25)第六章系统调试 (27)一、气流自学习 (27)二、气流监控 (27)1、采样管断裂识别 (27)2、采样管堵塞识别 (27)第七章技术参数 (29)第八章系统维护 (30)一、目测检查 (30)二、采样管系统 (30)三、烟雾探测与报警传输 (30)四、气流监控 (30)1、采样管断裂识别 (30)2、采样管堵塞识别 (30)五、面板显示的故障、故障排除方法 (31)六、维护周期 (31)★感谢您购买海湾吸气式感烟火灾探测器。
User ManualCOMBINED STROBE & VIBRATING PADW2-SVP-630LINTRODUCTION IMPORTANT: If you are installing this product for use by others, you must leave this manual (or a copy of it) for the end user.Wi-Safe 2 technology enables wireless interlinking between Wi-Safe 2 products.The Strobe and Vibrating Pad, when interlinked with Wi-Safe 2 smoke, heat and/or carbon monoxide (CO) alarms will provide warning of danger from smoke and/or carbon monoxide.In addition to the audible sound from your smoke, heat or CO alarm, the flashing Strobe and Vibrating Pad will be triggered to alert those who may not be able to hear the audible alarm. The flashing strobe provides a visual warning for waking hours, while the vibrating pad is designed to be placed under a pillow or a mattress and is suitable for waking an individual to alert them when an alarm sounds. If placed under a mattress, ensure the thickness of the mattress does not cushion the pad to the extent it cannot be felt adequately.KEY FEATURES• Wi-Safe 2 products can be interlinked to createa network, meaning if smoke or CO triggers any alarm in the network, all other networked alarms and ancillary devices activate.• When used with Wi-Safe 2 enabled smoke, heat and/or CO alarms, the kit provides additional protection when sound alone may not be enough.• Provides a simple two button “learn in” process to wirelessly interlink with Wi-Safe 2 smoke, heat or CO alarms.• The Strobe provides a remote low level testing facility for testing interlinked smoke and CO4alarms, avoiding the need to reach up to ceiling mounted alarms to test.• Mains powered with rechargable battery back-up (must be replaced after 5 years).• The Strobe will detect and demonstrate a fault or low battery warning with any smoke alarm or CO alarm within the interlinked network.• The Strobe is suitable for wall mounting with 2 screw fixings or free standing.• Designed for use with smoke, heat and CO alarms from the Wi-Safe 2 range.Wi-Safe 2 Strobe and Vibrating Pad pack contains:1. CP-LED - Strobe light with integrated control unit (referred to as “strobe”)2. CP-VPAD - Vibrating Pad to be placed under pillow or chair (referred to as ”pad”)3. AD-DC12V05A - AC mains adaptor, 12V, 0.5A rated output4. B-450L - Replaceable, rechargeable 5 yearlife battery5. Wall fixing screwsNOTE: The Strobe and Vibrating Pad is only compatible with Wi-Safe 2 alarms from FireAngel Safety Technology Limited.I t cannot be wirelessly interlinked with other manufacturers’ products. I t is not compatible with products from FireAngel Safety Technology Limited original Wi-Safe range.I NSTALLI NG THE STROBEAND VIBRATING PADPREPARATION: Please ensure you have read and understood this manual before installing your Strobe and Vibrating Pad.It is recommended that for optimum protection from smoke and/or carbon monoxide, one Wi-Safe 2 smoke alarm is fitted in each living room of your home, including bedrooms, and oneWi-Safe 2 CO alarm is fitted in every room containinga fossil-fuel appliance, connected to your Strobe and Vibrating Pad.510TESTI NG THE WI -SAFE 2 STROBE AND VIBRATINGPAD WI TH SMOKE /CO ALARMSTesting the network from the smoke alarm or CO alarmBriefly press the test button on the smoke alarm or CO alarm and release (fig5). The alarm will give an audible sound (consisting of 2 cycles of 3 loud beeps on smoke alarms, 2 cycles of 4 rapid beeps on CO alarms), then stop automatically. The red (alarm) LED on the alarm will flash rapidly during the audible signal. Any other wirelessly interlinked alarms which are also part of the network will also give an audible alarm, and then stop automatically.3. T he red LEDs will then perform a sequence of two long and three short flashes. T he amber fault LED will illuminate continuously to confirm that the Strobe is no longer interlinked to the wireless network.4. Press the test button on the Strobe. It should not cause other Wi-Safe 2 alarms to sound. If the Strobe is still interlinked, repeat the above procedure.IMPORTANT : If you wish to remove the Strobe and Vibrating Pad from the wireless network, it is important to “unlearn” the unit from the network. Failure to do so means that the unit continues to try and communicate with the removed unit, and will result in a system fault.12Position the Vibrating Pad:• Under your pillow.• Under a cushion on a chair where you are likely to fall asleep.Test and check that the Vibrating Pad can be felt in all circumstances where you may fall asleep. Ensure it is placed securely and cannot fall out – ideally within the pillowcase or cushion cover.Position the Strobe:• Close to a power socket where it can be easily plugged in and the cable does not create a tripping hazard.• Where you can see the Strobe flashing from anywhere in the room.• Where you can see the LEDs on the front of the unit.NOTE: The Strobe can be fitted to a wall or it can be placed on a table.POSITIONINGWhere should the Strobe and Vibrating Pad be installed?If you have one Strobe and Vibrating Pad, it should be installed in the main room where you sleep. You may wirelessly interlink additional Strobes and Vibrating Pads to the network and install them in any room where you may need to be alerted in the event of an alarm. It is important that if you install additional Strobes and Vibrating Pads you test each of these upon installation to check they are “learned in” to the rest of the network.Wireless Range: The wireless range of Wi-Safe 2 products is over 200 metres in clear air/clear line of sight.However it is recommended not to exceed 35m as the maximum distance between any interlinked Wi-Safe 2 smoke alarm or carbon monoxide alarm and the Strobe and Vibrating Pad. This is because the range can be reduced by walls, and other obstructions in the building.all other alarms in the network, for a period of 2minutes, except the alarm that has sensed smoke or carbon monoxide. This will enable theinstigating alarm to be located. UNPLUGGI NG FROM THEMAI NS / POWER CUTThe Strobe and Vibrating Pad is designed to bemains powered. The internal rechargeable batterywill still provide power if the mains is disconnected.A fully charged battery will allow the Strobe and Padto continue to operate for three days. Only use thebattery supplied in the pack or a genuine FireAngelreplacement. Other rechargeable batteries maydamage the equipment or create a safety hazard. WARN I NG: When the mains power is disconnected, the green power LED will no longer illuminate and the amber (Fault) LED will double flash every 5 seconds. Plug the Strobe back into the mains as soon as possible to recharge the battery and maintain operation.f the amber LED is flashing once every 5 seconds when the green power LED is off then URGENTL Y restore power to the unit as battery status is very low, and may fail to operate in an alarm situation.NOTE: Once the Strobe is plugged back into the mains, the amber (Fault) LED will continue to flash once every 5 seconds until the battery has fully recharged.16PRODUCT INDICATORS (LEDs)STATUS STROBE/PADACTIVITYPOWERGREENSMOKEREDFAULTAMBERCOREDACTIONNEEDEDStandby mode Illuminated None requiredMains not connectedor on battery power Double flashevery fivesecondsReconnectStrobe to mainspowerVibrating Pad not connected to Strobe Illuminated(providing Strobeis plugged intomains)Flashing once persecondReconnectVibrating Pad tostrobeMains notconnected and battery capacity low Strobe will chirpFlashing onceevery 5 secsURGENTL Yrestore powerto unit asbattery status isvery lowAlarm mode Smoke Strobe flashing/Pad vibratingIlluminated(providing Strobeis plugged intomains)FlashingAlarm – fire- evacuatepropertyAlarm mode CO Strobe flashing/Pad vibratingIlluminated(providing Strobeis plugged intomains)FlashingAlarm – CO –Open windowsand evacuateproperty17If after proceeding with extreme caution you have been able to confirm that your Strobe and Vibrating Pad System was triggered by a nuisance alarm (which may occur from time to time from cooking or other non-emergency situations) you should silence the alarm that has been triggered. T his will stop the Vibrating Pad from vibrating and the Strobe from flashing. It is important to practice escape plans and show everyone in the house, including children, what to do in the event of an alarm.WHAT TO DO IN THE EVENT OF A CARBON MONOXIDE ALARM TRI GGERI NG THESTROBE AND PADAssume carbon monoxide has been detected in your home!WHAT TO DO IN THE EVENT OF A CO ALARM WARNING: A loud alarm is a warning that unusually high and potentially lethal levels of carbon monoxide are present. Never ignore this alarm; further exposure could be fatal. Immediately check residents for symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning, (see product manual) and contact the proper authorities to resolve all CO problems. NEVER IGNORE ANY ALARM.What to do during an alarm• Keep calm and open the doors and windows to ventilate the property.• Stop using all fuel-burning appliances and ensure, if possible, that they are turned off.• Evacuate the property leaving the doors and windows open.• Ring your gas or other fuel supplier on their emergency number; keep the number in a prominent place.• Do not re-enter the property until the alarmhas stopped. When exposed to fresh air it can take up to 10 minutes for the sensor to clear and the alarm to stop depending on the level of carbon monoxide detected.20• Get medical help immediately for anyone suffering the effects of carbon monoxide poisoning (headache, nausea, drowsiness), and advise that carbon monoxide poisoningis suspected.• Do not use the appliances again until they have been checked by an expert. Contact a Gas Safe registered engineer in the case of a gas appliance.REPAIRWARNING: DO NOT attempt to repair your Strobe and Vibrating Pad System. Y our Wi-Safe 2 Strobe and Vibrating Pad is a sealed AC electrical device, and no attempt should be made to open the casing on any part of the system. Attempting to open any case will:• Damage your system.• Possibly result in exposure to a potentially lethal electric shock.• Impair its operation.• Invalidate your warranty.If your Wi-Safe 2 Strobe and Vibrating Pad is not working correctly and you are unable to resolve the problem after consulting the “Troubleshooting” section, please contact T echnical Support.The battery provided has been chosen specifically for this application but will need to be replaced every 5 years under normal operating conditions. If during normal operation (i.e. connected to the mains supply for at least 72 hours) the amber LED flashes once every 5 seconds while the green LED is illuminated, contact T echnical Support for advice. IMPORTANT: Do not replace with any other type of battery.21To remove the Vibrating Pad from anestablished network:Switch the power off at the socket and disconnectthe battery. Disconnect the Vibrating Pad from thestobe unit (Fig.3). Press and hold the test button ofthe Strobe. Whilst doing so, switch the power onand continue to hold the test button. After about 5seconds, the Strobe will beep and both red LEDswill flash. You can now release the test button andconnect the battery. No fault conditions, indicated bya flashing amber LED, should be present even withthe Vibrating Pad disconnected.PLEASE NOTE:The V ibrating Pad can be reconnectedat any point and will operate correctly. If the VibratingPad is then removed the system will show a fault,indicated by a flashing amber LED once per second.If this occurs and you require the Strobe to operateindependently, please follow the steps above.23TROUBLESHOOTINGThe Vibrating Pad does not vibrate when testing Check the Vibrating Pad is correctly connected to the Strobe. If it is correctly connected and the Fault (amber) LED is flashing after 2 minutes, contact T echnical Support on ***********.The Strobe is connected to the power supply but the Power (green) LED is not illuminated Check the power supply is plugged in and switched on at a working power socket.The fault (amber) LED flashes once every 5 seconds continuously Urgently restore mains power to the strobe unit. If the strobe unit is plugged in to the mains supply and has been switched on for at least 72 hours, the battery may be faulty. Call T echnical Support on ***********.The Power (green) LED is illuminated, and the Fault (amber) LED is also continuously lit The strobe unit is not interlinked (“learned in”) to the rest of the network. If you have learned in the unit, and this is happening regularly, call T echnical Support on ***********.The Strobe and Vibrating Pad does not respond to a smoke or CO alarm that is being tested Check that the alarm and the Strobe and Vibrating Pad have been interlinked (“learned in”) correctly. Check that the units are in range, see “Positioning”. If the Strobe and Vibrating Pad still fails to respond, call T echnical Support on ***********.The Fault (amber) LED double flashes, rapidly One or more alarms in the network are missing, faulty or disabled (removed from its base).Unit chirps once per minute Refer to product indicators for LED flash pattern. If in doubt contact Technical Support on ***********.24DISPOSALWaste electrical products should not be disposed of with regular household waste. Your Strobe and Vibrating Pad should be disposed of in line with the waste electronic and electrical equipment (WEEE) regulations. Please recycle where facilities exist. Check with your local authority, retailer or contact our technical support team for recycling/disposal advice as regional variations apply. Please “unlearn” the Strobe from its wireless network and disconnect the battery within the Strobe before disposal. Failure to do so could result in a system fault. WARNING: DO NOT ATTEMPT TO OPEN. DO NOT BURN.WARRANTYFireAngel Safety Technology Limited warrants to the original purchaser that its enclosed W i-Safe 2 Strobe and V ibrating Pad alert (W2-SVP-630L) be free from defects in materials and workmanship under normal residential use and service for a period of 5 (five) years from the date of purchase. Provided it is returned with postage prepaid and proof of purchase date, FireAngel Safety Technology Limited hereby warrants that during the 5 (five) year period commencing from the date of purchase FireAngel Safety Technology Limited, at its discretion, agrees to replace the unit free of charge. The warranty on any replacement W2-SVP-630L will last for the remainder of the period of the original warranty in respect of the product originally purchased – that is from the date of original purchase and not from the date of receipt of the replacement product. FireAngel Safety Technology Limited reserves the right to offer an alternative product similar to that being replaced if the original model is no longer available or in stock. This warranty applies to the original retail purchaser from the date of original retail purchase and is not transferable. Proof of purchase is required. This warranty does not cover damage resulting from accident, misuse, disassembly, abuse or lack of reasonable care of the product, or applications not in accordance with the user manual. It does not cover events and conditions outside of FireAngel Safety Technology Limited’s control, such as Acts of God (fire, severe weather etc.). It does not apply to retail stores, service centres or any distributors or agents. FireAngel Safety Technology Limited will not recognise any changes to this warranty by third parties. FireAngel Safety Technology Limited shall not be liable for any incidental or consequential damages caused by the breach of any expressed or implied warranty. Except to the extent prohibited by applicable law, any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose is limited in duration for 5 (five) years. This warranty does not affect your statutory rights. Except for death or personal injury, FireAngel Safety Technology Limited shall not be liable for any loss of use, damage, cost or expense relating to this product or for any indirect or consequential loss, damages or costs incurred by you or any other user of this product.25(UK)********************************** (DE)*************************(FR)********************************** (NL)******************************** (INT)**************************************。
应用和特点● 源自Apollo ,型号SL-2000-P 。
安装在通风管道中,探测进入道内烟雾状况,结合防护区设计,有效探测进入风道空气中的烟雾量● 感烟探测器采用光电技术对采样空气中的烟粒子进行探测,当空气中烟雾达到一定值时,探测器就会发出报警信号,同时可联动报警和关掉风扇/风机等系统,以阻止有毒气体和可燃气体进入防护区域● 报警触点用于与控制器或其他设备联接(报警、启动),HVAC 控制及其它辅助功能。
探测器也为各种远程附件提供了输出端子,如喇叭、闪光灯、远程指示灯和测试/重置开关或按钮 ● 探测器的上盖有漏装警示功能 ● 采样管有多种长度可选,建议长度至少等于风道宽度的80%,或整体贯通风道,以达到较好采样功能技术指标传感器:光电式烟感探测器风管风速:0.5~20m/s (100~4000 ft/min) 应用环境:0~60°C, 0~90%RH(非冷凝/结冰)电源:24VDC/AC ,115/240VAC ,详细电源参数及供电电流负载参数见说明书 接线:4线灵敏度测试:参照产品标签 报警触点:2xSPDT ,10A@115VAC ,5A@230VAC ,5A@30VDC(阻性);1xSPST ,0.5A@230VAC ,2A@30VDC(阻性)故障触点: 1xSPDT ,10A@115VAC ,5A@230VAC ,5A@30VDC(阻性)电气连接:螺丝端子外壳:灰色PC 底盒及透明PC 上盖(UL94-V0) 外壳防护等级:NEMA1 重量:1.13kg(不含采样管) 认证:UL ,FM ,MEA本文为安装简要指南,由原厂英文说明书简写而来,仅适用于一般楼宇自控等基本监控应用。
功能特点●手动测试●自动复位●采用专用微处理器控制●防尘、防虫、抗白光干扰●环境适应性强●采用工艺制造,稳定性好SMT 光电式烟雾探测器使用说明书产品概述式(以下简称探测器)是采用探测火灾,电路主要由红外发射部分和接收部分组成,发射管与接收管置于光学迷宫中,光学迷宫可屏蔽外界杂散光的干扰,但不影响烟雾进入。
报警电流:报警声压:≥85dB/m 独立型或无线型环境湿度:≤95%RH (无凝结现象)监测面积:20平方米无线信号315MHz 或433MHz(无线型)继电器常开/常闭(联网型)发射距离:空旷距离100m(无线型)报警指示:红色LED工作温度:-10℃~+50℃报警方式:声光报警(独立型)外型尺寸:107*35mm执行标准:GB4715-1993Φ≤20mA ()1产品的安装与测试1、(独立型或无线型)请将电池与电池扣连接,装入产品内的电池盒,保持电池供电,产品进入正常工作状态。
●断电复位/自动复位可选●电源正负性输入(交流、直流)●报警输出NC/NO可选●联网输出/LED指示报警●SMT工艺制造,稳定性强●防尘、防虫、抗白光干扰设计●金属屏蔽,抗射频干扰(20V/m—1GHz)技术参数工作电压:DC9V~35V待机电流:12mA(继电器常闭)500uA(继电器常开)报警电流:10mA(继电器常闭)18mA(继电器常开)报警指示:红色LED常亮传感器:红外光电传感器工作温度:—10℃~+50℃环境温度:最大95%RH(无凝结现象)抗RF干扰:10MHz—1GHz 20V/m报警输出:常开/常闭可选,接点容量DC28V100Ma 复位方式:自动复位/断电复位可选覆盖区域:当空间高度为6m—12m,一个探测器的保护面积对一般保护现场而言为80平方米;空间高度为6m以下时,保护面积为60平方米。
执行标准:GB4716—2005,EN54—7灵敏度:0.5db/m(±0.1dB/m)外形尺寸:104mm(直径)* 51mm(高度)产品安装1、选择合适的安装位置,一般安装于探测器覆盖区域中央的天花板上。
功能CS-T4-B 独立式光电感烟火灾探测报警器具有火灾探测及报警功能,产品用内置电池(随附)供电,不需接交流电源,正常使用情况下,电池寿命10年,适合一般家庭应用。
CS-T4-B 安装简单,能在火灾早期提供声光警报,是保护人身及财产安全的上佳之选。
产品各种状态下的声光指示如下表:声光指示正常待机状态下,测试(TEST )按键附近的红色LED 灯每320秒闪烁一次。
监测到烟雾时,LED 开始快闪,同时蜂鸣器被激活发出声警报警示住户。
DS284/DS284TH 安装手册P/N:29315GDS284/DS284TH光电烟雾探测器1.0 概述DS280系列为UL认证的光电烟雾探测器,可与商业和住宅防火报警系统共同使用(见NFPA72,“国家火警代码”部分)。
报警时,LED 将锁定在ON(亮)位置,用户可方便地确认单个探测器的报警状态。
2.0 技术指标•DS2822线式光电烟感探测器DS282TH配有135°F热传感器的2线式光电烟感探测器DS2844线式光电烟感探测器DS284TH配有135°F热传感器的4线式光电烟感探测器RC1-10可更换烟室(10个一包)•工作环境温度工作环境温度:0-38℃;相对湿度为0-95%(无霜)•工作电源电压:2线式烟感探测器为8.5-33.0伏直流;4线式烟感探测器为10.0-30.0伏直流。
•待机电流: 12伏直流时,为80微安;24伏直流时,为90微安;30伏直流时,为100微安。