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Nevertheless, despite, among them,

举例:Nowadays, with the rapid economic and industrial development, existing cities and growing faster in size, and meanwhile, new cities are steadily increasing in numbers. Despite the various profits urbanization has brought to our country, many problems turn up as a result of the process: environmental deterioration, warming climate, and housing insufficiency, to name just a few. Among them there is a serious social problem I would like to draw your attention to –high unemployment in China.

The human history has been considered as a course of man’s migration from the country to the city, so urbanization is seen as the symbol of human civilization. Nevertheless, as we enjoy the convenience of urban life, we also have to suffer many problems that urbanization brings to us. Among them, the environmental pollution is one of the most serious.


Nowadays, university students are being encouraged to establish themselves in western China, and many universities are even selecting and preparing juniors and seniors to work there as volunteers for one or two years. But does it really help the development of both the chosen students and the underdeveloped region to the most? A careful consideration of the question may lead to a negative answer.


With easy access to the Internet, there are more and more people getting online and having fun every day. In the virtual world, they set up their own rules, build their communities, and even develop their own slang. Indeed, term s originating from the Net such as “PK”, for competition and “dinosaur”, for ugly women, have become household words around China. In response to the situation, a new regulation has been introduced in Shanghai to forbid the use of Internet slang in official documents, news broadcasts and textbooks. Though many citizens do not welcome the regulation, I hold that it has come out for good reasons.

From where I stand

Faced with the question whether it is worthwhile to …. many college students would...However,

I will give an affirmative answer without hesitation

a negative answer without hesitation

When asked whether…., different people may have different things to say, but personally I think/I don’t think…

Here comes/arises the question…? My answer is positive/negative, for….

…is growing in popularity…However, we should not let these benefits blind us to the problems it may pose

When my eyes caught this topic, my mind began its search for … Then the best choice--… --occurred to me

The definition of education may vary from person to person. Some people consider…. , while others regard it as… . I agree with the latter/former viewpoint for the following reasons

The answer to …may vary from case to case. Some people … while others… I agree with….

What if you…? What if you …? What if you …? ... may be the first answer that …. flashes through many youths’ mind, and they have good reason for that

What we have been told since childhood about… is … But the facts don’t support this

…seem to be two apparent opposites…Ho wever, the contrast between the two is misleading and damaging, for in fact, one may enhance the other in the present day society

But on campus you can also see the sights:



In short, I think the disadvantages of making friends online outweigh its advantages

Addressing these issues is not a luxury that can be postponed until a more convenient time. It is a short step from … to …

Only when we treat plagiarism as seriously as it deserves to be treated will we accomplish the first step toward


As the above has shown

To sum up, seen with a positive attitude, an interview can be a win-win situation for both the employer and the job-hunter

In conclusion, interview cannot always serve as an efficient means of recruitment due to its short time span, possible partiality and high costs on interviewees.



Admittedly, some youths admire their idols so excessively or imitate them so blindly that they suffer cognitive disorders, lose themselves and ruin their life. However, this can be avoided if parents and teachers set involved and offer prompt guidance. They can help the youth to understand their idols more rationally and objectively; they can draw the young’s attention from the pop star’s glamorous life to his or her previous and present struggle; they can also help to set a limit to what the youth can do as a huge fan.

But it is believed that these disadvantages will be disposed of with the improvement of modernization and our life will be more healthy and more comfortable.

Stand by each other for better or worse

It might quite safe to say that money is not the barrier but the touchstone of real relationship

Is Plastic Surgery the Right Choice?

Nowadays, with the rapid improvement of life standard and the great progress in medical science, all kinds of surgery operations are much easier to conduct than before. Nevertheless, here arise the problem that more and more people are infatuated with plastic surgery, because of the easy access to the operation. From where I stand, the plastic surgery is unnecessary for most of people for health, financial and ethic reasons.

First of all, despite of the beauty the plastic surgery may bring to people, it is a surgery after all, there is great risk for health. It is not uncommon that we see the news on TV or news paper about people who get permanent hurt or scar after the plastic surgery, especially those who conducted at some illegal personal clinic or local beauty salon. For one hand, in order to get better looking, people are willing to pay high price to get the surgery sometimes, on the other hand, some business men or doctors take this kind of surgery as a profitable business, which lead them to conduct the surgery regardless of health of

the patient. Even in a reputed hospital, no doctor can ensure that the surgery can be one hundred percent safe. Therefore, getting the plastic surgery is really risky.

Second, even though the medical technology for the plastic surgery in today’s society are not uncommon, the fees of the surgery is still not affordable for all walks of life, which can be a financial burden for the family. As the plastic surgery grow in popularity, many people may get misleaded and go after the fashion without consideration of their own life standard, especially the youth.

At last but not the least, many movie stars get plastic surgery , which is ethicly unacceptable. Among the movie stars and singers, quite a few people get their popularity by their fabulous looking, while many of them were not born with the looking they have now, in another words, some people get famous after they have plastic surgery, which is unfair and unacceptable for the public.

Admittedly, there are also good reason for plastic surgery to exist, such as recovery the looking after fire burnt, car accident or removing of marks. But as far as I am concern, it is unnecessary for normal people and we shouldn’t let it develop excessively for the good of the whole society.

Of course, it is also worth mentioning that plastic surgery is not the best cure for all our problems which seem to be connected with appearance

Should we compare ourselves with others

What we have been told since childhood is that we should do everything better than people around us, for example many parents tell their children to get higher scores than other kids in neighbourhood; while teachers will set goals for the students in the class to perform better in the university entrance exam than other classes in school . But does the compare really helpful to us ? A careful consideration of the question may lead to a negative answer.

To begin with, blind comparison with others drive to one-sided conclusion about ourselves. Everyone has their own unique personality and ability, therefore, the diversity should always be taken into consideration. However, we usually compare with others blindly, for example compare with another person at a certain aspect regardless of everything else. As a result, we may get self-conceited or, in the contrary, self-abased.

Moreover, we should know our advantages and disadvantages clearly and set our own life goals, rather than getting the sense of achievement by comparing with others.

Admittedly, some people get more motivation from comparison with others, however, this kind of comparison can be misleading for us. Short after the establishment of Chinese Republic, we set the goal to make high steel output than America, which caused considerable waste of time, energy and nature resource of our country. Later on, we made prompt plan according to our situation at that time instead of compare with other country and by now we have got great progress at all aspects.

Without a second thought, some people may rush to dispute this. However, give more rational consideration and careful observation, it has to be admitted that financial disparity is a barrier for friend

This notion of life, as far as I observe, is closest to truth and does apply to almost all aspects of life

To sum up, ambition can benefit us tremendously if wisely and correctly channeled, otherwise it may ruin others and ourselves.

A person can make his life beautiful, meaningful and rewarding and stand out as a respectable personage if he is motivated by a well-orientated ambition

Take myself for example

Numerous stories of success tell us that there is no royal road to great accomplishment


英语专八写作技巧 (1)审题 在写作考试中要写出符合题目要求。高质量的作文,第一步是审题。所谓审题,就是通过阅读写作题目及相关信息或要求,准确领会 题目的含义,了解题目要求,为构思合乎具体写作要求的文章思路及 框架打下基础。数年来TEM-8写作项目已形成自身的特色。这个特色 就是,该项目内的几个部分(观点、情景、标题、写作要求)具有内 在的联系,从而构成一个整体。所以,审题就意味着不是仅仅浏览一 个标题,而是要兼顾其他部分。只有这样,学生才能真正明确写作目的,领会写作要求。 以TEM-8—1997的写作项目为例。该年的标题是 SOWING THE SEEDS,NURTURING GROWTH AND HEARVESTING THE REWARDS。如果我们 孤立地看题目的话,就很难领会该篇作文的具体要求和目的。但是, 一旦我们把标题与前面的情景与观点部分联系起来,这个标题的含义 就变得清晰:它要求学生用标题所含的耕作过程来比拟获得大学学业 成就的过程。同时,对具体语篇模式的要求(即ANALOGY)也显示在这部分中间。至于对作文修辞框架的要求,则出现在标题下面的一段文 字中。总来说之,提升审题的准确性有利于学生理解题目含义,了解 写作要求,进而有针对性地构思作文内容、布局等。不过,在历年写 作阅卷中我们发现,审题有误仍是学生经常犯的错误之一。 归纳起来有以下几点: 1)不熟悉TEM-8写作的设计特点,以为只看标题即可着手写作。这常常导致在文章内容上出现严重偏差。 2)对情景观点部分的理解一知半解,未经仔细斟酌就提笔写作文。这往往会造成学生采用错误的语篇模式。 3)忽略写作项目中对作文修辞框架的提示。这容易使得作文思路 或结构混乱或失衡。?


美国文学 part 1 1607-1776 北美殖民时期 Colonial Settlements John Smith A Ture Relation of Virginia《关于费吉尼亚的真实叙述》(美国文学第一本书) 美国文学史上第一个作家 Part 2 1776-1783 独立革命时期 Revolution of Independence Benjamin Franklin Poor Richard’s Almanac穷查理历书 Thomas Paine Common Sense常识(独立战争宣传册revolutionary pamphlets) Rights of Man人的权利(支持法国革命) The Age of Reason 理性时代(基督给他名誉带来的影响) 美国独立之父 the father of American revolution Thomas Jefferson 独立宣言 Declaration of Independence Part 3 浪漫主义时期 Romanticism Washington Irving The Sketch Book见闻札记(标志浪漫主义开始) The Legend of Sleepy Hollow睡谷的传说 Rip Van Winkle里普?万?温克尔(李伯大梦) 美国文学之父 James Fenimore Cooper The Pilot领航者The Spy间谍 The Pioneer拓荒者 Ralf Waldo Emerson Nature论自然 The American Scholar论美国学者 Self-reliance论自立 超验主义 Henry David Thoreau Walden瓦尔登湖 Nathaniel Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter红字 19世界影响最 大的浪漫主义小 说家 Walt Whitman Leaves of Grass草叶集 Song of Myself 自我之歌 part 4 现实主义时期 Mark Twain The Adventures of Tom Sawyer The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Henry James Daisy Miller The American The Portrait of a Lady Theodore Dreiser Sister Carrie An American Tragedy part 5 现代主义时期 American Modernism Ezra Pound In a station of the Metro在地铁站


1.主谓一致 就近原则 1.由并列结构或连词(either…or, neither…nor,not…but, not only…but also, or 等)连接的并列主语,谓语动词与靠近的那个名词或代词保持一致。 2. 在倒装句和there be句型中,谓语动词与后面的第一个主语保持一致。 例句:There is a book and some pens on the desk.桌子上有一本书和几支钢笔。 3. 在强调句中,连接代词又在句中作主语,这时它应与被强调的主语保持一致。例句:It is Mary’s brother who was injured in the car accident. 是Mary 的哥哥在车祸中受伤了。 意义一致原则 1. 当主语与谓语动词之间插入along with,with,as well as,together with,no less than,besides,except, but, including等短语时,谓语动词不受这些插入语的干扰,依然和主语保持一致。 例句:I, along with my sister, am going to Shanghai next month. 我,还有我姐姐,打算下个月去上海。 2. 英语中有一类单、复数同型的词(people,means,sheep,deer,fish等),其单、复数取决于它在句中的含义。 例句:All of the people in the country have been prepared for the great reformation.这个国家的人都已经为大变革做好了准备。 3. 多数情况下,由“what”引导的名词性从句作主语时,其后的谓语动词通常用单数形式。 例句:What I want to say is just “ Take care!”.我只想说:“多保重!” 4. 当主语与all, none, any,some等不定代词、形容词连用时,应根据具体句意,来决定其后的谓语动词的单复数。 例句:All I know about this company is what he told me yesterday.我对这家公司的了解都是昨天完他告诉我的。 5. “…+ (of) +名词”结构描述数量时,如果“of”后的名词为单数(不可数名词),则谓语动词用单数,如果名词为复数,则谓语动词用复数。 例句:Most of the water here is clean.大部分的水是干净的。 80% cotton has been sent to America.80%的棉花已经被送往美国。 Half of the apples are red.有一半儿的苹果是红的。 6. 词组“a number of, a great/good many, a group of +可数名词复数”的结构作主语时,谓语动词应用复数;如果冠词a变为the,则谓语动词用单数。 例句: A number of ancient buildings are destroyed in the war.许多的古代建筑在战争中被毁。 The number of the visitors has decreased this year. 游客的数量今年减少了。 7. 英语的集体名词(committee, crowd, family, public, group, party, team, class, club, company, union ,clergy, mankind,militia,police,people,poultry等词),指代“整体”时为单数;指代“其中的各成员”则为复数。 例句:My family was very poor when I was a little girl.当我还是一个小女孩儿的时候,我家很穷。

大学英语四六级作文专四专八作文Science and Technology 中英文对照(280字)

Science and Technology Human life can not continue without science and technology. For many years, human society has developed with the advance of science and technology while the development of science and technology has in turn brought the process to mankind. So the life we are living now is more civilized than that of our forefathers. Firstly, the development of science and technology have brought about many changes in people's life. For example, the invention of television and space rocket have opened a new era for mankind. Owing to the invention of spaceship and rocket, the dream of man's landing on the moon has now come true. Through the use of TV people can hear the sound and learn the events happening thousands of miles away. Secondly, through the wonders of modern technology, our world is more connected than ever before. Ideas can cross oceans with the click of a button. Furthermore, companies can do business and compete with companies across the globe. And we can text and email with people on every continent. Besides, you don’t need to get on a plane if you have an internet connection in your home, school, or


英语专八写作经典句型20例 一、~~~ cannot emphasize the importance of ~~~ too much. (再怎么强调...的重要性也不为过。) 例句:We cannot emphasize the importance of protecting our eyes too much. 我们再怎么强调保护眼睛的重要性也不为过。 二、Nothing is + ~~~ er than to + V Nothing is + more +形容词+ than to + V 例句:Nothing is more important than to receive education. 没有比接受教育更重要的事。 三、~~~ the + ~ est +名词+ (that) +主词+ have ever + seen ( known/heard/had/read, etc) ~~~ the most +形容词+名词+ (that) +主词+ have ever + seen ( known/heard/had/read, etc) 例句:Helen is the most beautiful girl that I have ever seen. 海伦是我所看过最美丽的女孩。 Mr. Chang is the kindest teacher that I have ever had. 张老师是我以前遇到最仁慈的教师。 四、There is no denying that + S + V ...(不可否认的...) 例句:There is no denying that the qualities of our living have gone from bad to worse. 不可否认的,我们的生活品质已经每况愈下。


专八人文知识总结(终) 英语专业八级考试人文知识 -- 文学 Ⅰ英国文学 一、 The Anglo-Saxon period古英语时期的英国文学(499-1066) The Song of Beowulf(贝奥武甫):英国的民族史诗(epic),口头文学遗产 二、 The Anglo-Norman period中古英语时期的英国文学(1066-1350) 1、 allegory非常盛行 2、 Romance(传奇文学):Sir Gawain and the Green Knight 高文爵士和绿衣骑 士 3、Geoffrey Chaucer乔叟: “Father of English poetry”被誉为英国诗歌之父,代表作The Canterbury Tales,首引入“英雄偶句体”(the Heroic Couplet),。 4、Ballads 民谣:Robin Hood and Allin-a-Dale《罗宾汉和阿林代尔》。 三、 The Renaissance文艺复兴时期的英国文学(伊丽莎白时代)(14-16世纪) 1、 Thomas More托马斯·莫尔: Utopia《乌托邦》 2、 Thomas Wyatt 最先将sonnet引入英国文学。 3、 Philips Sidney锡德尼:An Apology for Poetry((also known as The Defense of Poetry)《为诗辩护》,这是伊丽莎白时代文学批评的最佳之作。Arcadia《阿卡迪亚》描述田园生活;现代长篇小说的先驱。 4、Edmund Spenser斯宾塞: The Fairy Queen《仙后》, the greatest epic poem of the time. 5、William Shakespeare莎士比亚:plays and sonnets 四大悲剧:《哈姆雷特》Hamlet《奥赛罗》Othello《李尔王》king Lear《麦克白》Macbeth 四大喜剧:《威尼斯商人》The Merchant of Venice 《仲夏夜之梦》A Midsummer Night's Dream《皆大欢喜》As You Like It《第十二夜》Twelfth night 7、Ben Johnson 本·琼森风俗喜剧(comedy of manners)《人性互异》 8、 John Donne约翰·多恩metaphysical poet“玄学派”诗歌创始人


非谓语动词的其他考点 1.接不定式或动名词做宾语都可以,但在意思上有区别的动词的用法 mean to do想要(做某事) mean doing意味(做某事) propose to do 打算(做某事) propose doing建议(做某事) forget to do忘记(要做的事) forget doing忘记(已做的事) remember to do记得(要做某事) remember doing记得(做过) go on to do继而(做另一件事) go on doing继续(做原来的事) stop to do停下来去做另一件事stop doing停止正在做的事 regret to do(对将要做的事)遗憾regret doing(对已做过的事)后悔 2.不定式的习惯用法 句型:cannot help but do cannot but do cannot choose but do can do nothing but do have no choice/alternative but to do上述句型的意思接近,即“不得不做”、“不禁做”、“不由自主地做”、“不能不做”、“只能做”。如: Nobody can help but be fascinated by the world into which he is taken by the science fiction. When I consider how talented he is as a painter, I cannot help but believe that the public will appreciate his gift. 3.动名词的习惯用法 句型:be busy/active doing sth. have diffi culty/trouble/problem doing sth. It’s no good/use/picnic doing sth. have a good/great/wonderful time doing sth. spend/waste time doing sth. There is no point/sense/harm/ use doing sth. cannot help doing sth. There is no doing sth. I know it isn’t important but I can’t help thinking about it. There is no use crying over spilt milk.


英语专四专八考试结构分析 英语专四专八考试结构分析 专业四级属于尺度参照性标准化考试。考试的范围包括基础阶段教学大纲所规定的一至四级除读音和说的技能以外的全部内容。由于目前尚未具备口试的条件,暂且只进行笔试。专业八级是一种测试应试者单项和综合语言能力的尺度参照性水平考试。考试的范围包括大纲所规定的听、读、写、译四个方面的技能。由于大规模口试的条件目前尚不具备,所以有关“说”的技能暂缓测试。 关于专四专八考试结构 TEM-4专业四级考试 听力部分(30%):含15%全文听写+5%对话+5%短文+5%新闻 语词部分(25%):含10%完型+15%词汇语法题 阅读部分(20%):四篇精读 写作部分(25%):含10%便条写作+15%作文 TEM-8专业八级考试 听力部分(20%):含10%迷你演讲+5%对话+5%新闻 阅读部分(20%):四篇精读 人文知识部分(10%):含10道选择题 改错部分(10%):含10道改错题 翻译部分(20%):含10%中译英+10%英译中 写作部分(20%):一篇文章 关于专四专八考试中公认最难的题目

TEM-4专业四级考试 全文听写:文章(约150词)播放四遍之后,要求你全部写出,连标点符号错误都要扣分 新闻听力:如果你搞不清楚巴以为何冲突,伊拉克为何总有爆炸,穆斯林内部也有纷争……的话,你有麻烦了。 语词部分:要求你辨析四个长的极像但是你都不认识的词汇… TEM-8专业八级考试 迷你演讲(Mini-Lecture):1200词的文章,听完一遍(听时可以 做笔记)后得到一张被挖去10个空的.卷纸,你需要做的是:靠你的 笔记,来填那十个空。问题是:听了,很难同时笔记;记了,但是很 难看懂;看懂了,但是发现不是答案……纠结中 人文知识:语言学、英美文学、地理……什么都考,包罗万象。经典题目:加拿大第二大城市是? 翻译:规定考试时间共计60分钟,你就知道是不是很好做了。2010年的考题中,你需要将南怀瑾先生的文章:“朋友之间,情趣 相投、脾气对味则合、则交;反之,则离、则绝。朋友之间再熟悉、 再亲密,也不能随便过头、不恭不敬。不然,默契和平衡将被打破,友好关系将不复存在……”翻译成英文 什么参考资料比较好 英美文化概论,新闻听力突破,听写专项训练,翻译技巧实践和理论…最有用的,还是2000-2010年之间的真题。 专四专八报考条件有专业限制吗? 请注意,未必只有英语专业的同学才可以考这个考试,在北外、二外、北语、上外、广外等等外语类院校,非英文专业也可以参加 考试。一些综合性大学也允许大家考,但是要看学校教务处的统一 安排。


英国文学 一、古英语时期的英国文学(499-1066) 1、贝奥武夫 2、阿尔弗雷德大帝:英国散文之父 二、中古英语时期的英国文学 1、allegory体非常盛行 2、Romance开始上升到一定的高度 3、高文爵士和绿衣骑士 4、Willian Langlaud 《农夫皮尔斯的幻象》 5、乔叟坎特伯雷故事集(英雄双韵体) 6、托马斯.马洛礼《亚瑟王之死》 三、文艺复兴时期的英国文学(伊丽莎白时代)(14-16世纪) 1、托马斯.莫尔《乌托邦》 2、Thomas Wyatt 和Henry Howard引入sonnet 3、Philips Sidney 《The defense of Poesie》 《阿卡迪亚》描述田园生活;现代长篇小说的先驱 4、斯宾塞《仙后》诗人中的诗人;斯宾塞体诗节; 5、莎士比亚: 长篇叙事诗:《维纳斯和阿多尼斯》、《露克丝受辱记》 四大悲剧:哈姆雷特、李尔王、奥赛罗、麦克白 7、本.琼森风俗喜剧(comedy of manners)《人性互异》 8、约翰.多恩“玄学派”诗歌创始人 9、George Herbert 玄学派诗圣

10、弗朗西斯.培根现代科学和唯物主义哲学创始人之一 《Essays》英国发展史上的里程碑 《学术的推进》和《新工具》 四、启蒙时期(18世纪) 1、约翰、弥尔顿:《失乐园》、《为英国人民争辩》 2、约翰、班扬:《天路历程》religious allegory 3、约翰、德莱顿:英国新古典主义的杰出代表、桂冠诗人; 《论戏剧诗》 4、亚历山大.蒲柏:英国新古典主义诗歌的重要代表;英雄双韵体的使用达到登峰造极的使用;《田园组诗》是其最早田园诗歌代表作 5、托马斯、格雷:感伤主义中墓园诗派的代表人物《墓园挽歌》 6、威廉、布莱克:天真之歌、经验之歌; 7、罗伯特、彭斯:苏格兰最杰出的农民诗人; 8、Richard Steel和Joseph Addison合作创办《The tatler》和《the spectator》 9、Samuel defoe 英国现实主义小说的奠基人之一;《鲁滨逊漂流记》;《铲除非国教徒的捷径》,仪表达自己的不满; 10、Jonathan Swift 《一个小小的建议》;《格列佛游记》;《桶的故事》; 11、Samuel Richardson 英国现代小说的创始人;帕米拉;克拉丽莎;查尔斯.格蓝迪森爵士的历史; 12、Henry Fielding 英国现实主义小说理论的奠基人;《约瑟夫。安德鲁》;《汤姆.琼斯》,英国现实主义小说的最高成就; 13、劳伦斯、斯特恩:感伤主义小说的杰出代表,《项狄传》,第一部开创了意识流小说的先驱之作品;《感伤的旅行》 14、Oliver Goldsmith:《好心人》;《屈伸求爱》;《威客菲尔德牧师传》,感伤主义文学; 诗歌《荒村》从新古典主义向浪漫主义过渡的标志; 散文作品《世界公民》; 15、谢里丹:《造谣学校》,莎士比亚之后最杰出的英国喜剧,是整个英国史上最优秀的作品之一;达到英国“风俗喜剧”之巅; 五、维多利亚时期的英国文学(19世纪)


英语专四语法重点总结(适合短时间提高) 英语专四语法重点总结(适合短时间提高) 一代数名词数词 1 在使用两个以上的人称代词时顺序是:第二人称第三人称第一人 称 2 everyone后面不可以跟of短语 every one 就可以 3 以‘名词/动名词+介词(短语)/形容词/副词/动词不定式’构成的复合名词, 它的复数形式是将作为主要部分的名词或动名词变为复 数直接来源于短语或以可数名词结尾的复合名词的复数形式是将最后一个构词部分变为复数以‘man 或者woman+名词’构成的复合名词的复数形式是 将两个组成部分全变成复数以不可数名词结尾的复合名词无复数形式如:homework 4 物质名词一般不可数,但用于表示‘各种不同品种’时几乎都可做可数名词如:different teas 当抽象名词前后有修饰语表示‘某一种’或‘某一方面’的抽象概念时其前可加a/an 6 名词所有格要点:必须用’s的场合 1)’s属格用于表示时间,度量衡,价值的名词之后 2)作为一个整体的词组在最后一个词加’s 3)人或物为两人共有,在第二个名词后加’s 4)当所有格后面的名词是人们熟悉的建筑物如商店,住家,教堂,医院等,此名词常省略 5)复合名词在最后一个词后加’s 6)当被修饰的名词后有同位语时,必须用’s 7 当用来表示类别或属性时,要用’s children’s shoes 儿童鞋,必须用of的场合 1)名词后跟有后置修饰语或同位语时 2)以定冠词加分词或形容词表示一类人时 如果dozen/score/hundred/thousand/million前有基数词以表示确切数目时,都不能用复数形式如果用来表示很多有不确切的数目时,须用复数,而且后面加of 8 表示顺序的两种方式: 1)‘名词+基数词’,不用冠词,如Chapter four


英语专四专八常见问题解答 1.现在的专四专八考试分别有哪些题型?具体时间应该如何分配? 专四考试主要题型有听写、听力理解(对话、短文、新闻三种)、完形填空、语法与词汇、阅读理解及写作(分为作文、便条)。 考试时间及计分比重为:听写考15分钟占15分;听力理解考15分钟占15分;完型填空考15分钟占10分;语法与词汇考15分钟占15分;阅读理解25分钟占20分;大作文考35分钟占15分,便条10分钟占10分。总考试时间为130分钟,满分100分。 专八考试主要题型为听力理解(讲座、对话、新闻三种)、阅读理解、人文知识、改错、翻译及写作。 考试时间及分值比重为:听力理解考25分钟占20分;阅读理解考30分钟占20分;人文知识考10分钟占10分;改错考15分钟占10分;翻译考60分钟占20分;写作考45分钟占20分。总考试时间为185分钟,满分100分。 2.能否说一下详细的考试时间安排及收卷时间? 专八考试流程:8:15进考场,发草稿纸、试卷、答题卡。先做听力(35分钟)第一部分MINI-LECTURE,老师放录音,学生先在草稿纸上做笔记,等放音完毕,发答题纸(ANSWER SHEET ONE)答题。10分钟后收听力试卷;然后就可以按部就班做听力第二部分INTERVIEW和NEWS BROADCAST,以及阅读、人文知识。65分钟后第二次收卷(收答题卡),发改错试卷;15分钟后第三次收卷(收改错试卷)。然后发翻译答题纸,做翻译;60分钟后收翻译卷发作文答题纸,开始写作。45分钟后收作文答题纸,草稿纸,试卷,考试完毕。 专四考试流程:首先听写15分钟后第一次交卷;然后做其他听力和选择题目,包括完型填空、词汇语法、阅读三部分,70分钟后交第二卷;最后写作文便条,45分钟后交卷,考试结束。 3.非英语专业的不管在校或者离校,是否都无法报名参加专业英语考试? 不是。教育部规定重点外语院校非英语专业的本科生中当年参加英语六级考试且通过的,可以参加当年专业英语四级考试,也可以报名参加专业英语八级考试。专四专八是对在校英语专业学生的英语水平进行的测试,以衡量该校教学水准,所以非英语专业的离校学生一般不能报名参加。 4.能否推荐一下专八的听力、翻译、阅读的书? 目前市面上出版的很多模拟练习等与大纲相去甚远,有的只相当于大学英语四级水平,所以考生们要慎选材料。在听力方面推荐考生可以做一些托福方面的听力练习,如中国大百科全书出版社的《托福听力全真试题详解》等,翻译应该背诵一些美文,比如环球时代《英语专业应试必备美文》、译林出版社的《散文佳作108篇》等,阅读方面可以多看看新概念四。 5.还有近3个月的时间,怎么安排复习? 这段时间里要着手做历年的专八真题和一些预测试卷。针对自己的薄弱环节进行专项练习,并研究以前做错的题目,分析原因,加深印象,反复强化训练,应该可以收到意想不到的效果。 6.有没有必要背单词?记专四专八词汇有什么技巧? 《教学大纲》规定专四考生要掌握8000词汇,专八考生要掌握到13000词汇。四八级考试对词汇的要求主要体现在两个方面,一是在语境中掌握单词,二是具备词汇的自我扩充能力。所以背单词是非常有必要的,关于记忆方法可以通过词根记忆,背过的词汇要不停的复习,


开头 模式一:由宏观到微观过度,最终点明关键词,中间使用过渡词 Nevertheless, despite, among them, 举例:Nowadays, with the rapid economic and industrial development, existing cities and growing faster in size, and meanwhile, new cities are steadily increasing in numbers. Despite the various profits urbanization has brought to our country, many problems turn up as a result of the process: environmental deterioration, warming climate, and housing insufficiency, to name just a few. Among them there is a serious social problem I would like to draw your attention to –high unemployment in China. The human history has been considered as a course of man’s migration from the country to the city, so urbanization is seen as the symbol of human civilization. Nevertheless, as we enjoy the convenience of urban life, we also have to suffer many problems that urbanization brings to us. Among them, the environmental pollution is one of the most serious. 模式二:说出现象,提出反问,段尾提出结论 Nowadays, university students are being encouraged to establish themselves in western China, and many universities are even selecting and preparing juniors and seniors to work there as volunteers for one or two years. But does it really help the development of both the chosen students and the underdeveloped region to the most? A careful consideration of the question may lead to a negative answer. 模式三:重述题目所给材料,变换说法,段尾提出自己的结论 With easy access to the Internet, there are more and more people getting online and having fun every day. In the virtual world, they set up their own rules, build their communities, and even develop their own slang. Indeed, term s originating from the Net such as “PK”, for competition and “dinosaur”, for ugly women, have become household words around China. In response to the situation, a new regulation has been introduced in Shanghai to forbid the use of Internet slang in official documents, news broadcasts and textbooks. Though many citizens do not welcome the regulation, I hold that it has come out for good reasons. From where I stand Faced with the question whether it is worthwhile to …. many college students would...However, I will give an affirmative answer without hesitation a negative answer without hesitation When asked whether…., different people may have different things to say, but personally I think/I don’t think…


英语专八人文知识考试总结 1 专八考试人文知识考试内容总结 其中英美文学包括英国文学和美国文学。英国文学主要分为六个时期: 1. Old and Medieval English Literature(中古英国文学)。 2. The Renaissance Period(文艺复兴时期)。 3. The Neoclassical Period(新古典主义时期)。 4. The Romantic Period(维多利亚时期)。 5. The Victorian Period(维多利亚时期)。 6. The Modern Period(现代时期)。 美国文学主要分为四个时期: 1. The Literature Around the Revolution of Independence(独立革命前后的文学)。 2. American Romanticism(美国浪漫主义文学)。 3. American Realism(美国现实主义文学)。 4. American Modernism(美国现代主义文学)。 语言学,考生不光要知道语言的本质还要掌握语音学,音位学,形态学,句法学,语义学和语言学的知识。 关于英语国家概况,英语专业的学生都会开设英美概况这门课程,但是专八考试的中需要考生了解的是英语国家概况,不光包括英国和美国,还有其他一些说英语的地区,包括爱尔兰概况,加拿大概况,澳大利亚概况和新西兰概况。 3专八人文知识:英国地理概况 the english channel: the channel is a narrow sea passage which separates england and france


英语专业四级语法汇总 语法回顾篇: 专四语法考点虚拟语气、情态动词、非谓语动词、复合句、倒装、小语法(省略,时态,反义疑问句,代词,强调句,主谓一致,冠词,形容词及副词)、as 的特殊用法。 专四英语语法考点串讲之一虚拟语气 一般说来,有下列几种考点需要考生注意(十考点及两备考点) 考点1. 与现在事实相反 从句谓语动词用did (be用were), 主句谓语动词would (should, could, might)+do; 考点2. 与过去事实相反 从句谓语动词用had done, 主句谓语动词用would(should, could, might)+ have done; 例如: 43. I _________the party much more if there hadn’t been quite such a crowd of people there. A. would enjoy B. will have enjoyed C. would have enjoyed D. will be enjoying KEY: C 49. All of us would have enjoyed the party much more if there _________ quite such a crowd of people there. A. weren’t B. hasn’t been C. hadn’t been D. wouldn’t KEY: C 考点3.与将来事实相反, 从句谓语动词用:did (should + do或were + to do), 主句谓语动词用:would (should, could, might)+do。


专四专八英语写作句中表原因的句型 (分析利弊)常言道:“事物总是一分为二的”。如今人们从科技发明中得到越来越多的好处。另一方面,科技进步也给我们带来了很多麻烦。现在很多国家的人民饱尝公害之苦。 As a popular saying goes, "Everything has two sides." Now people (the public)are benefiting more and more from scientific and technological inventions. On the other hand,the progress of science and technology is bringing us a lot of trouble. People in many countries are srffering from public hazards. 6. For example, ...(举例阐述)For instance, ...Let's take ...for examlpe. 就拿汽车为例。汽车不但污染城市空气,而且使城市拥挤不堪。此外,汽车造成很多交通事故。汽车所产生的噪音使居住在街道两旁的居民日夜不得安宁。 Let's take cars for example.They not only pollute the air in cities,but make them crowed.Furthermore,they carse a lot of traffic accidents. (..., they are responsible for a lot of traffic accidents.) The noise made by cars disturbs the residents living on both sides of streets all day and night.


专八写作热点话题范文三例 Private cars With the fantastic spur both in industry and in economy in China, the number of people who own private cars is on the rise. Some people have bought cars of their own, and others are planning to buy cars. But there have been two quite different views on this phenomenon. Some claim that there are many advantages brought about by cars. First, the automobile industry provides jobs for countless workers and strong support for other industries. Second, if conditions permit, owning a car can make us work more efficiently. Finally, life will become more convenient. A car allows one to move freely and with a car there is no need to wait for the bus in the cold or under the burning sun. However, others strongly object to the increase in developing private cars. They hold that automobiles will give rise to a series of problems. In the first place, as more and more cars are produced and run in the street, a large volume of poisonous gas will be given off, polluting the atmosphere and causing actual harm to the health of people. Next, private cars contribute to traffic congestion so greatly that the advantages gained in comfort and freedom are often cancelled out by the frustration caused by traffic jams. The last problem is the increasing number of car accidents that have killed and will kill a lot of people in a friction of a second. In my opinion, although automobiles have been playing a vital part in the daily activities of our society, they also bring us numerous troubles such as more serious environmental pollution, more traffic accidents and more angry consumption. They drink up huge amounts of fuel and throw out huge amounts of pollutants. Traffic accidents kill thousands and thousands of people each year and cripple more. Jams waste our precious time. Therefore I am against developing private cars. Studying Abroad: Hardships and Rewards There is no denying the fact that studying abroad is a hotly debated topic today. Obviously, studying abroad has a number of rewards/advantages. In the first place, a student can have access to advanced science and technology as well as desirable working conditions which might not be available at home. In the second place, he can be exposed to entirely new ideas and trends. Last but not least, by living and studying in a foreign country, one can improve his foreign

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