当前位置:文档之家› 【专题汇编】2021届上海高三英语一模16区:概要写作


Beyond Identity

We often think of ourselves as our body, mind, and emotions. We take these three elements and make a combination. However, we also often talk about a person’s soul. Is there any scientific basis for the soul? Surprisingly, there is. Each unique personality a person has (even in circumstances of memory loss and other illnesses), the feeling and identity of the self beyond age (especially experienced as we grow older), and our inevitable subjective experience as an individual consist of a scientific foundation for the soul.

Despite the constant shift in the links between our brain cells, we remain essentially the same personality. This consistency is most obvious in the case of mentally ill patients or people who have experienced memory loss. According to Scientific American: Basically, no matter what happens to our brain, our unique personality seems to shine through.

Besides one’s personality, the soul of a person can be identified through one’s consciousness. Though we commonly identify with our body and what we see in the mirror, we also have a sense that we are not a certain age—as our sense of self usually leans less on age and rather on our subjective feeling of who we are essentially.

Lastly, each person is inevitably subjective about his or her experience. Despite humans being very, very similar to each other in DNA and overall composition, our understanding of reality is vastly different from individual to individual. According to Psychology Today, “While science has made tremendous progress explaining the functioning of the brain, why we have a subjective experience remains mysterious. The problem of the soul lies exactly here, in understanding the nature o f the self, the “I” in existence that feels and lives life.

The soul of a person is incredibly challenging to prove scientifically. However, we can say that the soul has some basis in science. These realities of our behavior, character, and the way you notice things might not be tested strictly, but they are very difficult to deny.

答案:One possible version:

The personality, the feeling and identity of the self, and subjective experience comprise a scientific basis for the soul of a person. Whatever happens to the brain, the personality seems to exist. The soul can also be recognized mainly through the sense of the self and their own understanding of the nature. There is no reason to deny it scientifically. 60 words

Train Your Brain

When was the last time something important slipped your mind? Fortunately, memory can be improved. People’s ability to remember has less to do with natural talent than it does with training and practice.

When students want to prepare for a test, they often try to study by simply reading over the material again, copying notes, etc. But these methods of remembering are not always effective. People remember more when they actively engage with the material they are learning rather than passively receiving it. One great way to do this is to test yourself on the material. Come up with questions about the topic, and try to answer them without looking at your notes. It also helps to try to engage with the material in different ways. For example, you could write your own outline or study guide. The more you use the information, the more likely you are to remember it.

My music instructor said that it’s better to practice for five minutes a day, seven days a week, tha n for two hours on one day. The same goes for remembering information. The more you spread out the time you spend reviewing information, the more likely you are to remember it.

A psychologist, Hermann Ebbinghaus, made an important discovery about memory and forgetting. He found that people tend to forget information in a regular pattern. They forget the most information shortly after learning it. The rate at which they forget then slows down over time. Every time the person reviews the information, it causes them to forget less of it—which means they remember more. So it is essential to review things you want to remember shortly after learning them. Over time, you can review them less and less frequently.

Applying these strategies will help improve your memory so that you can access everything you learn whenever you need it.

答案:Your memory can improve if properly trained and practiced. Firstly, instead of receiving what you learn passively, use it actively and frequently in various ways, which helps you remember it better. Secondly, spend less time reviewing it each time but more frequently. Lastly, review it soon after the learning. (49 words)


Population Change of European Birds

The breeding bird populations in Europe have seen a great shift over the past three decades, driven by both climate crisis and human interferences, according to one of the world’s largest citizen science projects on biodiversity.

Overall, 35% of birds increased their breeding range. Dr. Iván Ramírez, senior head of conservation at BirdLife Europe and central Asia, said: “Those birds that have been legally protected have been doing better than those which are not protected. This is a really important message within the European Union. We have one of the oldest policies – the Birds Directive –and we can prove that it works.”

In addition, as the climate warms, forests are stretching into northern and agricultural regions. In parts of northern Europe, there has also been tree planting (mainly for wood and paper) and land abandonment (specifically in Mediterranean areas), which benefited many woodland species such as woodpeckers and warblers but caused damage to a number of other species as well. The research shows a total of 25% of birds now occupy a smaller area.

Generally, farmland birds are bigger losers, suffering overall declines in population and reduced distribution because agricultural intensification means there is less food, such as insects and remainder from harvesting. The State of Nature in the EU 2013-2018 assessment showed 80% of key habitats were in poor or bad condition, and intensive farming is a major driver of decline. The UK’s farmland birds have declined by 55% since 1970.

“Predictably, there are winners and losers. We can see how some species have expanded across the continent rapidly and have begun to colonize UK wetlands. In contrast, we can see ranges shrinking as species of northern Europe feel the impact of climate change, and species su ch as the dotterel are declining in numbers and range in northern Britain,” he said.

答案:European bird populations have changed dramatically due to climate change and human intervention. Over one-third of birds have expanded breeding range, especially those legally protected. Global warming enables forests to expand further, benefiting woodland inhabitants. However, intensive farming and climate change caused reduced number and range of some bird species, farmland birds in particular.(54)


Want to be a Smart Gift Giver?

During all kinds of holidays, millions of people will buy gifts for loved ones, which is great except that tons of those people will make the same glaring mistake, and buy the wrong gifts. What’s going on?

Gift buying has become a deceivingly selfish pursuit. We don’t actually look for things people want to receive. Instead, we tend to look for things that we want to give. It’s a subtle, but pretty significant problem.

Research has shown that givers tend to value the gifts they buy considerably more than receivers. Gifts are valued roughly 10 to 33 percent less by receivers than what givers paid for them. Joel Waldfogel noted this in Scroogenomics: Why You Shouldn’t Buy Presents for the Holidays, his 2009 book on gift-giving.

The difference seems to come from a simple misplaced belief that thoughtful presents are the best presents. They are not. In fact, they might just be the worst presents. The more thought you put into a present, the more likely you are to stray from buying what the person you are buying the presents for actually wants.

In other words, people let their gift-giving egos (自我) get in the way of great presents, especially when the receiver is someone they want to show they know really well. Fortunately, the answer to our collective insistence on guessing what people want is simple: stop it.

If that’s too impersonal, there’s another helpful rule of thumb (经验之谈). Instead of buying restrictive gifts, like

gift cards for specific stores, buy gifts that allow for flexibility, like gift cards that can be used more broadly (or, better yet, cash). People tend to prefer gift cards to actual gifts, and cash to both, Steffel explained. Steffel’s latest research, which focuses on gift card giving, points to exactly this point -- that versatility ( 用途广泛) is the key to better gift giving.

答案:Although many people buy gifts during holidays, some may choose the wrong gifts. They buy what they want to give instead of what recipients prefer. As research shows, recipients value / appreciate gifts far less than givers. Actually, thoughtful presents turn out the worst ones. Therefore, stopping buying gifts or picking flexible ones, preferably cash, may work. (55w)


Singapore’s Information Technology Strategy

Singapore’s information technology strategy rests on two major legs. The first leg is world-class basic facilities. Being a city-state, it is relatively easy to connect every home, office and hotel room. Our objective is to provide broad-band everywhere, either wired or wireless. We will make it a readily available utility like water, electricity, gas and telephone. We are well on our way there. We now require, by regulation, every new home to be equipped with broad-band in the same way as it is required to have water and electricity.

The second leg is the education of our entire population in IT(information technology). Like reading, writing and arithmetic, computers are best learnt when we are young. Today’s children can click the mouse faster than we can blink. In many countries, children of middle-class families have no difficulty with this new technology. But, without special effort, there is a danger that children of poorer families will miss out on the opportunity to learn IT. Like the piano and violin, one can still learn the computer as an adult. But rarely does one acquire the same facility. The strategy in Singapore is therefore to teach information technology to every child regardless of his family background. The Education Ministry now has a multi-billion dollar programme to provide one computer for every 2 schoolchildren in Singapore from first grade onwards. Every teacher will have a notebook.

Most Singaporeans now understand the importance of IT, if not for themselves, at least for their children and grandchildren. Over 40% of households in Singapore now own PCs. Over one-third of households in Singapore already enjoy access to Internet. What we want is for every Singaporean to be computer literate so that he can function effectively in any bank, factory or restaurant, just as one would expect an employee to be able to read, write and count. An employer in Singapore in the future should not have to worry that his employee does not know how to use a computer or the Internet.


Singapore’s information technology strategy depends on two major ways. One is to construct world-class basic facilities by providing broad-band everywhere. The other is to teach each child information technology whatever his family background is, providing computers to students and teachers. The strategy has aroused the recognition of most Singaporeans and the employers will hopefully have computer literate employees.

Tai Chi Can Reduce Falls in Old People

Old people who took part in a structured programme of Tai Chi found that their balance and physical strength improved, reducing the risk of falls, according to a paper in the latest Journal of Advanced Nursing.

Researchers studied a group of fall-prone (易摔跤的) adults, with an average age of 78, living in residential care. 29 people undertook a 12-week Tai Chi programme and the other 30 formed the non-exercise control group. The exercise programme consisted of 10 minutes of warming-up exercises, 20 minutes of Sun-style Tai Chi movement and 5 minutes of cooling down exercises. During the exercise, traditional instrumental music was used. It helped the group maintain slow and continuous movements and provide a comforting effect.

Both groups underwent a series of tests before and after the 12-week exercise programme. They measured their muscle strength, balance and confidence in avoiding falls. Researchers analyzed the data and compared them with those of the non-exercise control group. They found that the physical fitness of the exercise group showed significant improvement, with stronger knee and ankle muscles, improved flexibility and better balance.

Tai Chi, an ancient Chinese martial art ( 武术), consists of a series of slow, gentle, continuous movements. It is particularly suitable for old people as it helps them to develop stronger muscles and better balance and concentration. “Our study shows that low-intensity exercise such as Tai Chi has great potential for health promotion. It can help old people to a void falls by developing their balance, muscle strength and confidence,” says Professor Song. “We believe that regular exercise should be a fundamental part of caring for old people living both in the community and in residential care.”

答案:A structured Tai Chi program can help old people avoid falls. Researchers divided 59 fall-prone adults aged 78 on average into two groups. The exercise group receiving 12-week Tai Chi programs showed remarkable improvement in muscles, flexibility and balance compared with the non-exercise group. Researchers suggest old people should practice Tai Chi to promote health.

Will people reduce car use in 20 years?

Nowadays, the ownership of cars is no longer being recognized as a symbol of one’s wealth and social position. Tracking back to the past when only the rich were qualified to possess private cars, we couldn’t help marveling at the historic change such a convenient invention brought to people’s daily lives. Nevertheless, the increase in the number of car owners is spelling many negative effects. These rising problems also cause some people to predict that the use of cars might be reduced in two decades.

Above all, the use of cars remarkably threatens our environment, if such a tendency is not brought under control in time, the Earth will no longer be a suitable place for humans to survive in the future. People have to face the consequence. It is a reality from which no one is able to escape. Every day, thousands of private cars are emitting tons of exhausted gas that seriously pollutes the air. The carbon dioxide leads to the worldwide greenhouse effect, which causes the sea level to rise and produces negative impacts on weather. In addition, more energy is being wasted because of the production of private cars. In order to build a resource-conserving and environment-friendly society, people ought to reduce the use of cars.

In fact, diversified measures are being taken by the government to limit the use of cars. If such a tendency continues, the effect will be shown in the near future. For example, to reach the goal of building a safe and harmonious society, Beijing Traffic Management Bureau has restricted regional traffic in rush hours on working days. A number of private cars are prohibited on no-driving-days.

Last, the advancement of public transportation systems also helps change car owners’ way of travelling. Efforts are being made to construct more agreeable networks of buses, subways, trains and airplanes. In the meanwhile, advances in technology might help cut down the cost of travelling in public vehicles.

答案:Despite its symbolization of wealth in the past and great changes to people’s life, cars have caused many negative effects. First, by emitting greenhouse gases, they threaten the environment. Besides, energy-consuming cars are not sustainable to the society. Therefore, the government has taken various measures like restrictions. Last, public transport is a good remedy thanks to the high-tech. (58words)

Surveys indicate that a third of Britons regularly eat on their own. OpenTable, an online restaurant booking app, found that solo dining in New York increased by 80% during the past 5 years. And in Japan, the world capital

of solo dining, a trend for "low interaction dining" has taken off. Restaurants are opening which facilitate the ultimate solo dining experience: passing bowls of noodles through black curtains into individual booths.

Is this a worrying trend? We think so. Research is revealing the negative impacts of eating alone, which has been found to be linked to a variety of mental and physical health conditions, from depression and diabetes to high blood pressure.

So it's cheering that hundreds of food sharing initiatives have sprung up around the world. There's London's Casserole Club, for example, whose volunteers share portions of home-cooked food with people in their area who aren't always able to cook for themselves, in which case they put an end to food waste. Or there is South Africa's Food Jams, social gatherings in which participants are paired up, preferably with strangers, and given a portion of the meal to prepare. Many participants interviewed mentioned that their loneliness was greatly relieved. Such initiatives offer lessons of all kinds to those thinking about how our food systems need to change. They also somewhat compensate for the undesirable outcomes sole eating brings.

So why do people stop eating together? There are a variety of reasons. Authors such as Michael Pollan argue that it is due to the fact that people attach less value to home-based labor, including cooking. The widening of the workforce, which brought many women out of the kitchen and into the workplace during the 20th century, also contributed. Meanwhile, the growth in insecure and inconsistent working patterns among a growing proportion of the population also discourages meals eaten communally.

答案:The trend of sole dining is catching on in major countries. However, it does harm physically and mentally. Fortunately food-sharing programs make up for its bad effects by avoiding food waste and combating loneliness. Eating together has declined because of people’s undervaluing of cooking at home, more women’s entry into the workforce and weakening work relationships.

Perhaps you’ve heard the old saying “curiosity killed the cat.” It’s a phrase that’s often used to warn people, especially children, not to ask too many questions. Yet it’s widely agreed that curiosity actually makes learning more effective. In fact, research has shown that curiosity is just as important as intelligence in determining how well students do in school.

Curiosity can also lead us to make unexpected discoveriesand open up new possibilities. In science, basic curiosity-driven research can have unexpected important benefits. For example, one day in 1831, Michael Faraday was playing around with a coil (线圈) and a magnet (磁铁) when he suddenly saw how he could produce an electrical current. The discovery changed the world.

However, curiosity is currently under the biggest threat, coming from technology. On one level, this is because technology has become so advanced that many of us are unable to think too deeply about how exactly things work anymore.

In addition to this, there’s the fact that we all now connect so deeply with technology, particularly with our phones. The more we stare at our screens, the less we talk to other people directly. All too often we accept the images of people that social media provides up with. Then we feel we know enough about a person not to need to engage further with them.

The final—and perhaps most worrying—way in which technology stops us from asking more has to do with algorithms, the processes followed by computers. As we increasingly get our news via social media, algorithms find out what we like and push more of the same back to us. That means we end up inside our own little bubbles, no longer coming across new ideas. Perhaps the real key to developing curiosity in the 21st century, then, is to rely less on the tech tools of our age.

答案:Curiosity determines one’s academic performance and can lead to new discoveries(1 分). However, technology seriously endangers curiosity (1 分). It prevents people from thinking deeply and engaging with each other (1 分). Worst of all, it keeps feeding us what it thinks we like instead of exposing us to new ideas(1 分). Therefore, to develop curiosity, we need to rely less on technology(1 分). (57 words)


Solving the Problem of E-Waste

One of the problems damaging our planet is the number of things we throw away. A more recent addition to the list of things we chuck away is e-waste – electronic items that are broken and not recycled.

Tonnes of televisions, phones, and other electronic equipment are discarded chiefly because we lack the skills to repair them. Fortunately, now solutions are being found to give e-waste a new life.

There’s a growing trend for repair events and clubs which could be part of a solution to the growing amount of electrical and electronic junk. A Restart Project in London, is one that many found around the world. One of its volunteers, Francesco Calo, said that "this project allows you to reduce waste, extend the life of objects, and it helps people who cannot afford to get rid of items that have developed a fault."

As many electrical items contain valuable metals, another idea is e-waste mining. An experiment at the University of New South Wales involves extracting these materials from electronic appliances. It’s thought that doing this could be more profitable than traditional mining.

These projects make total sense --- collections of e-waste for recycling are “depressing or even decreasing”according to Ruediger Kuehr, of the United Nations University. And in countries where there are no laws, much of it just gets dumped. However, the European Union, for example, is trying to tackle the problem by insisting manufacturers have to make appliances longer-lasting and will have to supply spare parts for machines for up to 10 years.

答案:E-waste is one of the damaging problems due to lack of repairing skills. However, here are some solutions. First, it is a growing trend to repair electronic junks. Besides, e-waste mining is more profitable to abstract valuable metals. Furthermore, manufacturers should make longer-lasting electrical items and supply spare parts for them. (51words)

How to Protect Your Personal Privacy Online?

Cyber crimes are now part of today’s digital era, affecting people’s lives professionally as well as personally. It is annoying but true that you do not actually have absolute control over who might be watching you online. More than ever, government agencies have focused on fighting against illegal surveillance ( 监控) programs, raising concerns about protecting online privacy. Here are some suggestions for you to follow.

Evaluating your online activities is the most crucial task towards protecting your online privacy. You need to assess what personal or private data you are storing or sharing on your computer/mobile devices or online platforms. It is important to identify the value of your information and analyze the risks such as: how safe is your data offline or online? What happens if your personal data gets leaked? These are some basic questions so that you can take necessary steps to solve your online privacy issues.

Everything you do comes out once you go online. Your data is being misused by some advertisers and online marketers. Some illegal programs make your system threatened, invade your privacy and steal your confidential information. So, installing genuine and latest anti-virus software is critically important to protect your devices from such threats. That is to use original or latest anti-virus software, browsers, etc. Also, stay up-to-date with the current tools, methods and technology. You can reduce the risks by becoming more educated on the leading tools, and methods available in the digital world. You should learn and follow the security rules and pay attention to the information you share on social networking sites.

To prevent unauthorized access to your system, you should choose a strong password string that will never be easy for hackers to get. That is to enforce a strong password. And do not use one common password for multiple services because if one service is broken, you’ll lose control of the others. Tony, a security software maker, suggests that consumers should use different email addresses for different purposes so that hackers cannot match an email stolen from a website to one from a bank.

答案:There are several ways for people to protect online privacy. First, evaluate online activities to make sure the online information is secure. Second, it’s better to use original antivirus software and browsers and keep up with the latest technology. Third, use a sufficiently secure password, and use different passwords and different email addresses for different purposes. (56 words)

Changing Times Bring New Standards

The Academy Awards, popularly known as the Oscars, have long been one of the film industry’s most famous awards. However, despite its 92-year history, the awards show has come under fire in recent years for not recognizing enough multicultural performers and directors.

In response to this lack of representation, the American Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, the group that oversees the Oscars, has announced new diversity (多样性) requirements for future films to be submitted to the Best Picture category in 2024.

They require nominees (提名者) to meet at least two out of four sets of standards, aiming to increase inclusion for underrepresented groups —people of color, women and people with disabilities —both on and off-screen. These standards include a minimum requirement for underrepresented groups at the executive level.

Four years ago, OscarsSoWhite quickly drew attention, highlighting the absence of minority representation among previous nominees. It also pointed out that the voting committee has been largely white and male for decades, noted The New York Times.

Ever since, the Academy has looked to increase its diversity by promising to double female and minority members in 2016. For example, the South-Korean film Parasite (《寄生虫》), which features an all-Asian cast, won four Oscars at the 2020 Academy Awards.

However, the latest move has its doubters. Some have said that the awards body should be focusing on awarding what they consider to be the best film, rather than limiting what can be nominated, noted Forbes. Richard Grenell, the current US ambassador to Germany, also criticized the move, saying that “It’s no longer the Best Picture, it’s the Most Politically Correct Picture.”

Others, though, have praised the initiative. Culture critic Sonny Bunch wrote that, “The academy is finally — finally! — doing something to ensure that underrepresented groups have a shot.”

Arguably, The New York Times said it best. While it noted that the requirements were “easy for most studios to satisfy”, the initiative will show voters the extent to which diversity standards were met.

答案:Recently Oscars have been blamed for not representing enough minorities, like people of color. To make up for the lack of diversity, the governing body of Oscars has issued new criteria intending to include more underrepresented people. Doubters argue Oscars shouldn't focus on political correctness but quality of films, while advocates think the initiative will give minorities more opportunities. (59 words)

71. Storytelling

The art of storytelling is a respected skill. Over the course of history, community elders and their stories have been regarded as treasures of society’s knowledge, history, and wisdom. Today, medical and social science researchers are interested in more than just the importance of storytelling as a means of teaching, but also overall health.

There have been lots of studies that have looked at the psychological and therapeutic effects of storytelling. Perhaps one of the most interesting things in the world of the research of long life, however, is the growing number of people with dementia (痴呆) who are benefiting from participating in group-based community storytelling. Studies of the use of reminiscence ( 怀旧) therapy with people suffering from dementia have looked at the impact the therapy has on both mental function and quality of life, which are positively influenced by the use of storytelling.

Experts say that storytelling also effectively fights against the initial denial that can arise when a patient learns of a new diagnosis, or is asked to change deeply fixed behaviors which are definitely influencing health in the long run. Patients may react to this news by thinking, “This is not directly related to me,” or “My experience is somewhat different.” Stories help break down that denial by engaging the listener, often through some degree of identification with the storyteller or one of the characters. The magic of stories lies in the relatedness they promote. This is why many stories in advertisements are being made full use of to reach the target customers.

Patients and doctors have understood the power of storytelling. Whether among patients in peer support groups or between doctors and patients in the exam rooms or even between doctors during consultations, storytelling is always playing the essential part.

答案:Besides being educational, storytelling is found effective in promoting overall health. Studies show people suffering from dementia function better psychologically and their life quality is improved through storytelling. Moreover, relatedness in storytelling can successfully help patients accept new diagnoses and change deep-rooted behaviors. And its effects have been recognized among patients and doctors. (53 words)


汇区Things to Do After You Study

Many students study with little thought about what comes after their study session. But what you do after studying could have an effect on how well you learn and remember new information. Today on Education Tips, we will explore two no-cost ways that can help you improve your learning: wakeful rest and sleep.

When many students finish studying, they often go straight to another activity. But research suggests that resting after you study may help you remember what you studied. The basic idea is this: by reducing your activity after the study session, your brain gets a chance to rest. Resting is difficult when you have too much stimulation from electronic devices, games, lights and so on.

While this might sound unusual to you, many studies have explored the benefits of resting after learning - what is called “wakeful rest.” A 2019 study found that both young and older adults were able to better remember, or recollect, information from prose passages after doing wakeful rest. The findings appeared in Neuroscience Letters. This study involved 45 younger people and 40 elderly adults.” Wakeful resting led to higher overall recollection in b oth age groups,” the researchers noted. If you want to give “wakeful rest” a try, here are a few simple things to do. Rest quietly for five to ten minutes. Do not look at your phone, read stories or play games. Just limit the amount of stimulation you get. It is really that easy!

In addition to wakeful rest, sleep is also important for learning. The Division of Sleep Medicine at Harvard Medical School notes that sleep helps people to learn in two ways. A report on the school's website explains that “a sle ep-deprived person cannot focus attention optimally and therefore cannot learn efficiently.” It also says, “sleep itself has a role in the consolidation of memory, which is essential for learning new information.” Robert Stickgold, a doctor and sleep exper t at Harvard Medical School, noted that new memories can be hard to keep. “When we first form memories, they're in a very raw and fragile form,” he said. Sleep is important for forming memories.

Now you have two suggestions for how to learn new information. Try to get some “wakeful rest” after a study session. Then try to get a good night's sleep. That's a simple way to help you remember what you learn.

答案:There are two no-cost ways to help you improve your learning: wakeful rest and sleep. Resting after you study may help you remember what you studied. By reducing your activity after the study session, your brain gets a chance to rest. In addition, sleep is also important for learning and forming memories.


What Is Zero Waste?

T he goal of the “zero waste” movement is to get rid of all waste from products. “Zero waste” means using every part of a product. Today, the zero waste idea can be found everywhere from food to fashion.

Creating a zero waste restaurant is a challenge. It is very difficult to use every part of produce and leave nothing behind. Creating a soup from unused ingredients is a popular way to use up extra food items. Other ways are more advanced. Some restaurants use coffee grounds(咖啡渣)t o flavor dishes. Some cooks also crush shrimp shells and reuse them in sauces. While it’s challenging, zero waste restaurants appear to be on the rise.

In the fashion industry, zero waste isn’t a new idea. But in today’s world of fast fashion, zero waste is growing mo re popular. Usually, cutting cloth creates lots of waste. In zero waste fashion, designers try to avoid this. One way to do so is by adding these extra pieces of cloth to the final design. A nother way is to design clothing without wasteful cuts.

Beyond restaurants and fashion, there are many other possibilities for zero waste products. All restaurants need utensil(s器皿).Bakey’s is a company that is developing edible(可食用的)utensils.After using them,you can eat them! Their spoons are made of flour and come in all kinds of flavors. While these spoons are not hard enough to cut meat, they are perfect for rice dishes. Meanwhile, Air New Zealand is experimenting with edible coffee cups that are made by the company Twice. They have already introduced a line of flavored cups. After you finish your coffee, you eat the cup, just like a cookie!

Whether products are made to be edible or reusable, hopefully the movement will help reduce waste all over the world.

答案:71. Zero waste means eliminating all the wastes from a product and the movement is gaining popularity. Some restaurants are using creative ways to use unused ingredients or food leftovers. Fashion designers either avoid unnecessarily cutting cloth or finding new uses for extra cuts. Besides, Many companies are creating edible products especially utensils. Hopefully, zero waste campaign can help reduce waste worldwide. (60)


If you’re like most of the world, you make time for following friends on social media. That is not a bad thing at all. Positive posting and communication can help improve your confidence and sense of connection to others. It can be surprisingly easy, though, to unconsciously slip into less healthful behavior on social media, and that can lead to anxiety and depression. New research has identified which habits can lead to troubles.

Do you feel jealous every time you read on social media about your cousin’s beautiful new home or your boss’ exciting European vacation? “Surveillance”(监视)of those you know in order to get an inside look of their material success is a potentially destructive behavior, according to researchers at the University of Missouri. Measuring material or lifestyle achievements of someone you know can lead to negative feelings, and can easily lead you to create tension in a relationship where there was none.

A second study by the University of Missouri found that people who post often -- about anything and everything they are doing -- experience more troubles in their marriages and romantic relationships than those who don’t post about their lives in detail. Another study by researchers at Boston University also found that heavy social media users are 32% more likely to think about leaving their husbands or wives.

This is most likely because over-sharing your life with others by direct messaging and posting images can create relationship conflict. Not only are you potentially developing bonds with new people, but also that bonding may deepen and affect your own relationship, according to the study of a doctoral student, Russell Clayton.

答案:It’s normal to follow others on social media. Positive behaviors on it help improve your confidence and sense of connection to others while inappropriate behaviors may make you feel anxious and depressed. Reading too much of others’ material success may cause negative feelings, and over-sharing your life with others may also create relationship conflicts. (57 words)

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