1. 形态 单细胞 群体 丝状体 叶状体
2. 结构 (1)细胞壁
少数营养细胞前端有鞭毛,能运动 绝大多数不运动
内层:主要成分是纤维素 外层:果胶质,常粘液化
Three genera of siphonous green algae (class U!vophyceae). (a) A species of Codium, abundant along the Atlantic coast. (b) Ventricaria, common in tropical waters; individuals are often about the size of a hen's egg. (c) Acetabularia, the "mermaid's wine glass," a mushroom-shaped siphonous green alga.
② 有性生殖 多数为同配生殖
(2)盘藻属 形态结构 群体型绿藻,每个个体与衣藻相似,平行排列 在同一个平面,被发达的胶质包被 繁殖及生活史
无性生殖:所有细胞同时产生孢子 有性生殖:同配
Several colonial Chlorophyceae. (a) and (b) Two views of Gonium, (c) Pandorina, and (d) Eudorina.
(a) and (b)Sexual reproduction in Spirogyra follows the formation of conjugation tubes between the cells of adjacent filaments. (c) The contents of the cells of the - strain (on the left) pass through these tubes into the cells of the + strain.