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| 1Elsevier ScienceDirect 电子书使用指南(2021.11)技术支持:**************************1618国际法及海洋法鼻祖Hugo de Groot关于托勒密和哥白尼两大世界体系的对话1635Galileo Galilei1650René Descartescogito ergo sum我思故我在Elsevier ScienceDirect 电子书简介ScienceDirect 电子书资源包含从大航海时代至今超过41,000种电子书,包括专著、丛书、手册、教材、大部头参考书等类型。
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Paper structurePapers should be prepared in the following order:Introduction: to explain the background work, the practical applications and the nature and purpose of the paper.Body: to contain the primary message, with clear lines of thought and validation of the techniques described.ConclusionAcknowledgements (when appropriate)ReferencesAppendices (when appropriate)Section headings: should be left justified, with the first letter capitalized and numbered consecutively, starting with the Introduction. Sub-section headings should be in capital and lower-case italic letters, numbered 1.1, 1.2, etc, and left justified, with second and subsequent lines indented.Please use US English throughout.i. 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For references with more than two authors, text citations should be shortened to the first name followed by et al., e.g. Jones [1] discovered that...; Recent results from Brown and Carter [2] and Green et al. [3] indicate that (?).Only essential references, which are directly referred to in the text, should be included in the reference list.References must be listed in numerical order at the end of the paper. Do not begin them on a new page unless this is absolutely necessary. They should be prepared according to the sequential numeric system making sure that all material mentioned is generally available to the reader.Journal references should include: author's surname and initials; initials and surnames of remaining authors; article title (where provided); abbreviated journal title (in italics), year of publication, volume number and page numbers.References to books should include: author's surname and initials; surnames and initials of remaining authors; the book title (in italics); the place of publication and the name of the publisher; and year of publication. References to multi-author works should include author's surname(s) and initials, the chapter title (where provided); "In:" followed by book title (in italics); initials and name(s) of editors(s) in brackets; volume number and pages; the place of publication and name of the publisher, followed by the year of publication.Here is an example of some references listed according to the sequential numeric system:[1] Van der Geer J, Hanraads JAJ, Lupton RA. The art of writing a scientific article. J Sci Commun 2000;163:51-9.[2] Strunk Jr W, White EB. The elements of style. 3rd ed. New York: Macmillan; 1979.[3] Mettam GR, Adams LB. How to prepare an electronic version of your article. In: Jones BS, Smith RZ, editors. Introduction to the electronic age, New York: E-Publishing Inc; 1999, p. 281-304.vi. FootnotesFootnotes should be avoided if possible. Necessary footnotes should be denoted in the text by consecutive superscript letters. 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Elsevier Science Direct期刊全文网络数据库使用教程Elsevier Science Direct期刊全文网络数据库是由荷兰著名的学术期刊出版商Elsevier Science公司推出的电子期刊网络版,它是将该公司出版的全部印刷版期刊转换为电子版,并使用基于浏览器开发的检索系统Science Server,通过互联网向用户提供检索和全文服务。
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外文科技期刊数据库(爱思维尔)使用指南1 数据库简介Elsevier SDOS是荷兰Elsevier Science出版公司开发研制的,完全基于Web的电子期刊全文数据库检索系统。
Elsevier Science是一家设在荷兰的历史悠久的跨国出版公司,是世界享有盛誉的学术出版商。
2 数据库检索步骤2.1 下载安装阅读器2.2 登录方式吉林农业大学图书馆首页电子资源→外文数据库→单击“爱思维尔 Elsevier Science Direct (全文) ”2.3 检索指南Elsevier Science采用布尔逻辑检索,布尔逻辑运算符(AND、OR、NOT)和位置算符(ADJ、NEAR)不分大小写。
如“micro3”可以检索“microscope”或“microcomputer”等;改变运算顺序:优先算符“( )”,半角全角不区分。
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但结果只出现computer aided design词组形式。
要想查全称和缩写,必须表示为:CAD OR (computerADJ aided ADJ design);词组检索:用“检索词”形式表示,双引号的半角全角不区分。
如:“multimedia mail”,检索结果只包含这个词组;如果键入的是没有使用引号的multimedia mail,则相当于multimedia AND mail;名词的单复数:具有自动单复数检索功能。
your manuscript for publication.Figure sizesProvide files at approximately the optimal display size, as indicated below.T ext• All text should be sans-serif typeface, preferably Helvetica or Arial.• Maximum text size is 7pt. Minimum text size is 5pt.Colour• Original research content should be supplied in RGB colour mode.• All other content (including Perspectives, Progress Articles and Review Articles) should be supplied in CMYK colour mode.Chemical structures• If you are supplying a composite figure in a format other than .cdx butit contains ChemDraw structures, please also supply the ChemDraw elements in a separate .cdx file following the style guidelines. Pleaserefer to theChemical Structure Guide and use thedownloadable template to format your structures.Stereo images• In the final accepted version of the manuscript, submit stereo images at their final print size.Permissions• Clarify the source of any images that you do not own.• We cannot publish any third-party images without securing the appropriate rights.• Wikimedia and Flickr: These public sites should be avoided as the information of who holds copyright is often absent or unreliable.• We cannot publish images downloaded from the internet unless they are released under the correct Public Domain licence .Difference between high-resolution and low-resolution imagesThe pixelation becomes more apparent on low-resolution images the closer the reader zooms in.Includes:Analysis, Article, Brief Communication, Consensus Statement, Hypothesis, Letter, Perspective, Progress Article, Resource, Review Article, T echnical ReportAll other contentOriginal research and review contentBitmapExample of a figure with both vector and bitmapped partsExample of overlaying vector elements onto bitmapped imageMicrosoft Office• Word: We do not recommend using this because layers and vectorised formats can downgrade and flatten depending on how an image will import or paste.• Excel: Please convert figures to PDF.• Powerpoint: We can accept this if the figures are fully editable.• Do not add graphical effects (e.g. drop shadow, 3D rotate and bevel) to objects, as these are exported as low resolution bitmaps Adobe Photoshop• We do not recommend Photoshop for creating figures. It is a ‘raster’ picture-based application, files are often large and difficult to process, and vector data can easily become flattened. This causes further delay when the production team have to retrieve editable files from authors.• If you do decide to use Photoshop, PSD, TIFF or EPS, files will work provided that all text remains fully editable in ‘type layers’, and line-art (e.g. graphs, diagrams and symbols) are preserved and embedded within 'vector smart objects’.Combining vectors and bitmaps for final layoutCompiling final figures• When combining different figure parts into one file for layout, use a vector-based application such as Adobe Illustrator or Microsoft Powerpoint. - We recommend: AI, EPS, PDF, PPT• Do not use applications that do not support vector format. - We do not accept: BMP, GIF, GIMP, JPG, PNG, T ex, TIFF• Place all bitmapped images into the layout application at 300 dpi or at the native resolution if captured at less than the optimal 300 dpi.• All text, and any overlaying elements, such as lines, axes, boxes, arrows and scale bars, should be in editable vector format and laid over the bitmapped images in the layout application.• Try to keep each final figure to a maximum of 50 MB file size.bN88a10203040010203040CDRH3 length (AA)% o f s e q u e n c e s N234Vector parts that should be separate and editable.Bitmapped parts that should be separate and at least 300 dpi resolution.All elements have been flattened and are not editableAll overlaid elements are separate andeditablePlease take particular care to follow these guidelines for your final submission. Figures submitted in inappropriate formats will cause delays in processing your manuscript for publication.Nature Protocols figure sizesOur protocols have a single column layout and figures are displayed as either full page or single column widths, with no surrounding body text. Other content such as Perspectives, Tutorials and Comparative Analyses Reviews contain two columns. Figures should be designed with this in mind. Provide files at approximately the optimal display size, as indicated below.Includes:Protocol, Protocol Extension, Protocol Update figures use a single column width at 135mm and and a full page width at 180mmOther content such as Perspectives, T utorials and Comparative Analyses Reviews figures use the regular two column guidelines for 'Original research and review content' found on page 1Protocols content。