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第二部分电路创新制作一、项目描述(一)项目1(电路创新设计):根据组别用一套“百拼电子世界”在规定时间内,正确、快速地完成 4个(小学低段5个)现场指定电路的改造、创新及设计的实验,并显示电路的功能。
4、匹配跑位足球场上有6 个机器人及若干目标点(大于或等于6),每个目标点都有相应的分值,参赛队单个机器人小车到达其中一个目标点可获得相应的分值(每个目标点只计一次分),在给定时间内获得分数最多者获胜。
比赛场景随机决定,计算10 个球的得分率(以传出球为准)。
(三)比赛计分方式1、路径规划本项目比赛时间为1 分钟,具体场景(各机器人位置及目标点)在比赛时公布。
1. 总决赛分为初赛和复赛两个阶段。
2. 初赛
4. 复赛
1.比赛场地图1 场地3D示意图图2 国际多米诺骨牌尺寸图图3 场地尺寸图(场地深度为50mm)⑤①②③④图4 蓝队半场俯视图(1)比赛场地为木制,内场地面涂有黑色亚光漆,其他表面涂白色亚光漆。
浙江省大学生机器人竞赛运输机器人对抗赛·规则文档1. 比赛任务简介场地上有很多货物——8个黄色的方砖(每个1分)和5个绿色的方砖(每个3分)。
红蓝两队的机器人将同时从本队的“START 区”出发,并在4分钟的比赛时间内,将场上的方砖运送到与本队颜色相同的“HOME 区”中。
比赛时间用尽时,结束比赛,并根据比赛结束瞬间各队“HOME 区”中方砖的数量计算比分。
但是,在比赛过程中,如果某队的“HOME 区中”同时出现至少3个绿色和3个黄色方砖时,那么比赛会立即结束,并且此队获得全场的方砖得分(23分)。
另外,每队的机器人在第一次启动时允许携带1个与本队颜色相同的方砖,称为“双倍砖”,在比赛过程中,机器人需要把自己的“双倍砖”放入本队的扇形“HOME 区”中(在场地中间的圆形转桌上),当比赛结束时,“双倍砖”在本队扇形“HOME 区”内的队伍,其得分将会翻倍。
2. 比赛场地运输机器人对抗赛比赛场地示意图比赛场地为木制,大小为4m ×3.2m ,周边有5cm 高、2cm 厚的围栏。
场地正中心放置了一个距离场地表面约20cm 高、外径64cm 的圆形转桌(桌面可在外力作用下旋转),圆形转桌厚4cm ,转桌下面的台柱高约16cm 、直径40cm 。
场地地面喷涂了黑色哑光漆,并用宽3cm 左右的白线划分成若干边长40cm 的正方形区域(以白线的中心线为测量标准)。
各队的START 区和HOME 区都张贴了代表本队颜色的深色哑光贴纸。
场地两侧的长条形HOME 区中间部分与场地黑色地面直接连通,但两侧的HOME 区域都有3cm 高、2cm 厚的围栏保护。
圆桌上扇形HOME 区的十字边线围栏与正下方的场地十字白线是对准的。
The 15th Zhejiang Provincial Collegiate Programming ContestSponsored byContest SectionApril 29, 2018Problem ListThis problem set should contain 13 (thirteen) problems on 17 (seventeen) numbered pages. Please inform a runner immediately if something is missing from your problem set.Prepared by Zhejiang University ACM/ICPC Problem Setter Team.Problem A.PeakDescriptionA sequence of n integers a1,a2,...,a n is called a peak,if and only if there exists exactly one integer k such that1<k<n,and a i<a i+1for all1≤i<k,and a i−1>a i for all k<i≤n.Given an integer sequence,please tell us if it’s a peak or not.InputThere are multiple test cases.Thefirst line of the input contains an integer T,indicating the number of test cases.For each test case:Thefirst line contains an integer n(3≤n≤105),indicating the length of the sequence.The second line contains n integers a1,a2,...,a n(1≤a i≤2×109),indicating the integer sequence. It’s guaranteed that the sum of n in all test cases won’t exceed106.OutputFor each test case output one line.If the given integer sequence is a peak,output“Yes”(without quotes), otherwise output“No”(without quotes).Examplestandard input standard output7515732 512121 41234 44321 31213212512312Yes No No No Yes No NoProblem B.King of KaraokeDescriptionIt’s Karaoke time!DreamGrid is performing the song Powder Snow in the game King of Karaoke.The song performed by DreamGrid can be considered as an integer sequence D1,D2,...,D n,and the standard version of the song can be considered as another integer sequence S1,S2,...,S n.The score is the number of integers i satisfying1≤i≤n and S i=D i.As a good tuner,DreamGrid can choose an integer K(can be positive,0,or negative)as his tune and add K to every element in D.Can you help him maximize his score by choosing a proper tune? InputThere are multiple test cases.Thefirst line of the input contains an integer T(about100),indicating the number of test cases.For each test case:Thefirst line contains one integer n(1≤n≤105),indicating the length of the sequences D and S. The second line contains n integers D1,D2,...,D n(−105≤D i≤105),indicating the song performed byDreamGrid.The third line contains n integers S1,S2,...,S n(−105≤S i≤105),indicating the standard version of the song.It’s guaranteed that at most5test cases have n>100.OutputFor each test case output one line containing one integer,indicating the maximum possible score. Examplestandard input standard output24123423465-5-4-3-2-1 543213 1NoteFor thefirst sample test case,DreamGrid can choose K=1and changes D to{2,3,4,5}.For the second sample test case,no matter which K DreamGrid chooses,he can only get at most1match.Problem C.Magic12MonthsDescriptionIt’s New Year’s Eve,and it’s also the best time of the year to play the card game Magic12Months to pray for good luck of the coming year.BaoBao has just found a deck of standard52playing cards(without Jokers)in his pocket and decides to play the game.The rules are as follows:1.Setup1.1.Remove the four‘K’s from the52cards.1.2.Shuffle the remaining48cards and divide them face down into12piles(4cards per pile)withequal probability.2.Gameplay2.1.Let p=1.2.2.Flip the card on the top of the p-th pile,check its rank r,and discard the card.2.3.If r is a number,let p=r;If r=‘A’,let p=1;If r=‘J’,let p=11;If r=‘Q’,let p=12.2.4.If the p-th pile is empty,the game ends;Otherwise go back to step2.2.When the game ends,having all the4cards of rank mflipped and discarded indicates that the m-th month in the coming year is a lucky month.BaoBao is in the middle of the game and has discarded n cards.He wants to know the probability that the i-th month of the coming year is a lucky month for all1≤i≤12when the game ends.Given these n cards,please help him calculate the answer.InputThere are multiple test cases.Thefirst line of input contains an integer T(about100)–the number of test cases.For each test case:Thefirst and only line contains an integer n(0≤n≤48)–the number offlipped cards,followed by the rank of the n cards r1,r2,...,r n(r i∈{A,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,J,Q})separated by a space in the order they areflipped.It’s guaranteed that the input describes a valid and possible situation of the game.OutputFor each test case output one line containing12numbers separated by a space,where the i-th number indicates the probability that the i-th month of the coming year is a lucky month.You should output a probability in its simplest fraction form A/B where A and B are coprime.Specifically, if the probability equals0,you should output0;If the probability equals1,you should output1. Please,DO NOT output extra spaces at the end of each line,or your answer may be considered incorrect! Examplestandard input3309Q10J Q10J10J J85765767663A24A2424472A3A4A Astandard output12/32/511/212/32/52/52/311/211/21/21/21/21/21/21/21/21/21/21/2100000000000Problem D.Sequence SwappingDescriptionBaoBao has just found a strange sequence{<s1,v1>,<s2,v2>,...,<s n,v n>}of length n in his pocket. As you can see,each element<s i,v i>in the sequence is an ordered pair,where thefirst element s i in the pair is the left parenthesis‘(’or the right parenthesis‘)’,and the second element v i in the pair is an integer.As BaoBao is bored,he decides to play with the sequence.At the beginning,BaoBao’s score is set to 0.Each time BaoBao can select an integer k,swap the k-th element and the(k+1)-th element in the sequence,and increase his score by(v k×v k+1),if and only if1≤k<n,s k=‘(’and s k+1=‘)’. BaoBao is allowed to perform the swapping any number of times(including zero times).What’s the maximum possible score BaoBao can get?InputThere are multiple test cases.Thefirst line of the input contains an integer T,indicating the number of test cases.For each test case:Thefirst line contains an integer n(1≤n≤103),indicating the length of the sequence.The second line contains a string s(|s|=n)consisting of‘(’and‘)’.The i-th character in the string indicates s i,of which the meaning is described above.The third line contains n integers v1,v2,...,v n(−103≤v i≤103).Their meanings are described above. It’s guaranteed that the sum of n of all test cases will not exceed104.OutputFor each test case output one line containing one integer,indicating the maximum possible score BaoBao can get.Examplestandard input standard output46)())()135-132 6)())()135-10032 3())1-1-13())-1-1-124 21 0 2NoteFor thefirst sample test case,the optimal strategy is to select k=2,3,5,4in order. For the second sample test case,the optimal strategy is to select k=2,5in order.Problem E.LISDescriptionDreamGrid is learning the LIS(Longest Increasing Subsequence)problem and he needs tofind the longest increasing subsequence of a given sequence a1,a2,...,a n of length n.Recall that•A subsequence b1,b2,...,b m of length m is a sequence satisfying b1=a k1,b2=a k2,...,b m=a kmand1≤k1<k2<···<k m≤n.•An increasing subsequence b1,b2,...,b m is a subsequence satisfying b1<b2<···<b m. DreamGrid defines the helper sequence f1,f2,...,f n where f i indicates the maximum length of the increasing subsequence which ends with a i.In case you don’t know how to derive the helper sequence,he provides you with the following pseudo-code which calculates the helper sequence.procedure lis_helper(a:original sequence){Let n be the length of the original sequence,f(i)be the i-th element in sequence f,and a(i)be the i-th element in sequence a}for i:=1to nf(i):=1for j:=1to(i–1)if a(j)<a(i)and f(j)+1>f(i)f(i):=f(j)+1return f{f is the helper sequence}DreamGrid has derived the helper sequence using the program,but the original sequence a1,a2,...,a n is stolen by BaoBao and is lost!All DreamGrid has in hand now is the helper sequence and two range sequences l1,l2,...,l n and r1,r2,...,r n indicating that l i≤a i≤r i for all1≤i≤n.Please help DreamGrid restore the original sequence which is compatible with the helper sequence and the two range sequences.InputThere are multiple test cases.Thefirst line of the input contains an integer T,indicating the number of test cases.For each test case:Thefirst line contains an integer n(1≤n≤105),indicating the length of the original sequence.The second line contains n integers f1,f2,...,f n(1≤f i≤n)seperated by a space,indicating the helper sequence.For the following n lines,the i-th line contains two integers l i and r i(0≤l i≤r i≤2×109),indicating the range sequences.It’s guaranteed that the original sequence exists,and the sum of n of all test cases will not exceed5×105. OutputFor each test case output one line containing n integers separated by a space,indicating the original sequence.If there are multiple valid answers,print any of them.Please,DO NOT print extra spaces at the end of each line,or your solution may be considered incorrect!Examplestandard input standard output46123243 052433123515512131 100200 200300 200400 400500 10050071231142 030303030303032111223123253 200300200500200 012003122Problem F.Now Loading!!!DescriptionDreamGrid has n integers a1,a2,...,a n.DreamGrid also has m queries,and each time he would like toknow the value of∑1≤i≤n ⌊ai⌈log p a i⌉⌋for a given number p,where⌊x⌋=max{y∈Z|y≤x},⌈x⌉=min{y∈Z|y≥x}.InputThere are multiple test cases.Thefirst line of input is an integer T indicating the number of test cases. For each test case:Thefirst line contains two integers n and m(1≤n,m≤5×105)–the number of integers and the number of queries.The second line contains n integers a1,a2,...,a n(2≤a i≤109).The third line contains m integers p1,p2,...,p m(2≤p i≤109).It is guaranteed that neither the sum of all n nor the sum of all m exceeds2×106.OutputFor each test case,output an integer(m ∑i=1i·z i)mod109,where z i is the answer for the i-th query. Examplestandard input standard output232 100100010000 1001045 2323223123123 123232423511366 45619Problem G.JUMPin’JUMP UP!!!DescriptionTired of solving mathematical equations,DreamGrid starts to solve equations related to strings:for two strings x and y with the same length consisting of lowercase English letters,calculate f(x,y,n),which is defined as the number of nonempty strings z consisting of lowercase English letters such that xz=zy and the length of z does not exceed n.DreamGrid has two strings s=s1s2...s n and t=t1t2...t m.He would like to ask several questions about the value of f(t,s[x..(x+m−1)],y),where s[x..(x+m−1)]is the substring of s starting from s x with length m and y is a given number.InputThere are multiple test cases.Thefirst line of input contains an integer T,indicating the number of test cases.For each test case:Thefirst line contains three integers n and m and q(1≤n,m,q≤105,m≤n)–the length of s,the length of t and the number of questions.The second line contains n lowercase English letters denoting the string s.The third line contains m lowercase English letters denoting the string t.Each of the next q lines contains two integers x i and y i(1≤x i≤n+1−m,1≤y i≤1018)denoting the i-th question.It is guaranteed that neither the sum of all n nor the sum of all q exceeds106.OutputFor each question,output an integer denoting the answer.Examplestandard input standard output1 423 abcd ba12 22 321 0 0Problem H.Game on a TreeDescriptionBaoBao is playing a game on a rooted tree with n vertices and(n−1)weighted edges.At the beginning of the game,a chess piece is placed on the root of the tree,which is vertex1.In each step,BaoBao can perform one of the four operations:1.Move the chess piece along an edge from its current vertex to a child vertex.This operation willcost BaoBao w units of value,where w is the weight of the edge.2.Jump the chess piece back to vertex1.This operation is free and won’t cost BaoBao any unit ofvalue.3.Set a“save point”on the current vertex of the chess piece.If a save point has been set on someother vertex before,the save point on the old vertex will be removed(so there will be at most one save point on the tree at the same time).This operation is free and won’t cost BaoBao any unit of value.4.Jump the chess piece back to the save point(the save point must be set before this operation).Thisoperation is free and won’t cost BaoBao any unit of value.The goal of the game is to visit every leaf vertex of the tree using the chess piece.Please help BaoBao calculate the minimum units of value he has to spend to achieve the goal.Recall that a leaf vertex of a tree is a vertex with no child.InputThere are multiple test cases.Thefirst line of the input contains an integer T,indicating the number of test cases.For each test case:Thefirst line contains one integer n(2≤n≤200),indicating the size of the tree.The following(n−1)lines each contains three integers u i,v i and w i(1≤u i,v i≤n,1≤w i≤109), indicating an edge connecting vertex u i and vertex v i with weight w i in the tree.It’s guaranteed that the given graph is a tree,and the sum of n over all test cases will not exceed2000. OutputFor each test case output one line containing one integer,indicating the minimum units of value BaoBao has to spend to achieve the goal.Example standardinputstandard output 381213112425426223738338121231341351261671681812100231341351261671681148107NoteThe trees of the sample test cases are shown above.For the first sample test case,BaoBao should perform the following operations:go to 2,save on 2,go to 4,go to 5,back to save (2),go to 6,back to root (1),go to 3,save on 3,go to 7,back to save (3),go to 8.For the second sample test case,BaoBao should perform the following operations:go to 2,go to 3,save on 3,go to 4,back to save (3),go to 5,back to root (1),go to 2,go to 6,save on 6,go to 7,back to save(7),go to 8.For the third sample test case,BaoBao should perform the following operations:go to 2,save on 2,go to 3,go to 4,back to save (2),go to 3,go to 5,back to save (2),go to 6,save on 6,go to 7,back to save (6),go to 8.Problem I.Magic PointsDescriptionGiven an integer n ,we say a point (x,y )on a 2D plane is a magic point,if and only if both x and y are integers,and exactly one of the following conditions is satisfied:•0≤x <n and y =0;•0≤x <n and y =n −1;•x =0and 0≤y <n ;•x =n −1and 0≤y <n .It’s easy to discover that there are 4n −4magic points in total.These magic points are numbered from 0to 4n −5in counter-clockwise order starting from (0,0).DreamGrid can create n magic lines from these magic points.Each magic line passes through exactly two magic points but cannot be parallel to the line x =0or y =0(that is to say,the coordinate axes).The intersections of the magic lines are called dream points,and for some reason,DreamGrid would like to make as many dream points as possible.Can you tell him how to create these magic lines?InputThere are multiple test cases.The first line of input contains an integer T (about 100),indicating the number of test cases.For each test case,there is only one integer n (2≤n ≤1000).OutputFor each case output 2n integers p 1,p 2,...,p 2n in one line separated by one space,indicating that in your answer,point p 2k −1and point p 2k is connected by a line for all 1≤k ≤n .If there are multiple answers,you can print any of them.Example standard inputstandard output32340213142536061938410NoteThe sample test cases are shown as follow:Problem J.CONTINUE...?DescriptionDreamGrid has n classmates numbered from1to n.Some of them are boys and the others are girls.Each classmate has some gems,and more specifically,the i-th classmate has i gems.DreamGrid would like to divide the classmates into four groups G1,G2,G3and G4such that:•Each classmate belongs to exactly one group.•Both G1and G2consist only of girls.Both G3and G4consist only of boys.•The total number of gems in G1and G3is equal to the total number of gems in G2and G4.Your task is to help DreamGrid group his classmates so that the above conditions are satisfied.Note that you are allowed to leave some groups empty.InputThere are multiple test cases.Thefirst line of input is an integer T indicating the number of test cases. For each test case:Thefirst line contains an integer n(1≤n≤105)–the number of classmates.The second line contains a string s(|s|=n)consisting of0and1.Let s i be the i-th character in the string s.If s i=1,the i-th classmate is a boy;If s i=0,the i-th classmate is a girl.It is guaranteed that the sum of all n does not exceed106.OutputFor each test case,output a string consists only of{1,2,3,4}.The i-th character in the string denotes the group which the i-th classmate belongs to.If there are multiple valid answers,you can print any of them;If there is no valid answer,output“-1”(without quotes)instead.Examplestandard input standard output5112103101400007 1101001-1-1314 1221 3413214Problem K.Mahjong SortingDescriptionDreamGrid has just found a set of Mahjong with3M suited tiles and a White Dragon tile in his pocket. Each suited tile has a suit(Character,Bamboo or Dot)and a rank(ranging from1to M),and there is exactly one tile of each rank and suit combination.Character tiles whose rank ranges from1to9Bamboo tiles whose rank ranges from1to9Dot tiles whose rank ranges from1to9White Dragon tileAs DreamGrid is bored,he decides to play with these tiles.Hefirst selects one of the3M suited tiles as the“lucky tile”,then he picks N tiles from the set of(3M+1)tiles and sorts these N tiles with the following rules:•The“lucky tile”,if contained in the N tiles,must be placed in the leftmost position.•For two tiles A and B such that neither of them is the“lucky tile”,if–A is a Character tile and B is a Bamboo tile,or–A is a Character tile and B is a Dot tile,or–A is a Bamboo tile and B is a Dot tile,or–A and B have the same suit and the rank of A is smaller than the rank of B, then A must be placed to the left of B.White Dragon tile is a special tile.If it’s contained in the N tiles,it’s considered as the original(not-lucky)version of the lucky tile during the sorting.For example,consider the following sorted tiles,where “3Character”is selected as the lucky tile.White Dragon tile,in this case,is considered to be the original not-lucky version of“3Character”and should be placed between“2Character”and“4Character”.As DreamGrid is quite forgetful,he immediately forgets what the lucky tile is after the sorting!Given N sorted tiles,please tell DreamGrid the number of possible lucky tiles.InputThere are multiple test cases.Thefirst line of the input contains an integer T,indicating the number of test cases.For each test case:Thefirst line contains two integers N and M(1≤N,M≤105,N≤3M+1),indicating the number of sorted tiles and the maximum rank of suited tiles.For the next N lines,the i-th line describes the i-th sorted tile counting from left to right.The line begins with a capital letter s i(s i∈{C,B,D,W}),indicating the suit of the i-th tile:•If s i=C,then an integer r i(1≤r i≤M)follows,indicating that it’s a Character tile with rank r i;•If s i=B,then an integer r i(1≤r i≤M)follows,indicating that it’s a Bamboo tile with rank r i;•If s i=D,then an integer r i(1≤r i≤M)follows,indicating that it’s a Dot tile with rank r i;•If s i=W,then it’s a White Drangon tile.It’s guaranteed that there exists at least one possible lucky tile,and the sum of N in all test cases doesn’t exceed106.OutputFor each test case output one line containing one integer,indicating the number of possible lucky tiles. Examplestandard input standard output439 C2 WC4 69 C2 C7 WB3 B4 D2 3100 C2 WC9 39 C1 B2 D32 4 7 25NoteFor thefirst sample,“2Character”and“3Character”are possible lucky tiles.For the second sample,“8Character”,“9Character”,“1Bamboo”and“2Bamboo”are possible lucky tiles.Problem L.Doki Doki Literature ClubDescriptionDoki Doki Literature Club!is a visual novel developed by Team Salvato.The protagonist is invited by his childhood friend,Sayori,to join their high school’s literature club.The protagonist then meets the other members of the club:Natsuki,Yuri,and the club president Monika.The protagonist starts to participate in the club’s activities such as writing and sharing poetry,and grows close to the four girls.What a lovely story!A very important feature of the game is its poetry writing mechanism.The player is given a list of various words to select from that will make up his poem.Each girl in the Literature Club has different word preferences,and will be very happy if the player’s poem is full of her favorite words.The poem writing mini-game(from wikipedia)BaoBao is a big fan of the game and likes Sayori the most,so he decides to write a poem to please Sayori.A poem of m words s1,s2,...,s m is nothing more than a sequence of m strings,and the happiness of Sayori after reading the poem is calculated by the formulaH=m∑i=1(m−i+1)·f(s i)where H is the happiness and f(s i)is Sayori’s preference to the word s i.Given a list of n words and Sayori’s preference to each word,please help BaoBao select m words from the list andfinish the poem with these m words to maximize the happiness of Sayori.Please note that each word can be used at most once!InputThere are multiple test cases.Thefirst line of input contains an integer T(about100),indicating the number of test cases.For each test case:Thefirst line contains two integers n and m(1≤m≤n≤100),indicating the number of words and the length of the poem.For the following n lines,the i-th line contains a string consisting of lowercased English letters w i (1≤|w i|≤15)and an integer f(w i)(−109≤f(w i)≤109),indicating the i-th word and Sayori’s preference to this word.It’s guaranteed that w i=w j for all i=j.OutputFor each test case output one line containing an integer H and m strings s1,s2,...,s m separated by one space,indicating the maximum possible happiness and the corresponding poem.If there are multiple poems which can achieve the maximum happiness,print the lexicographically smallest one.Please,DO NOT output extra spaces at the end of each line,or your answer may be considered incorrect!A sequence of m strings a1,a2,...,a m is lexicographically smaller than another sequence of m strings b1,b2,...,b m,if there exists a k(1≤k≤m)such that a i=b i for all1≤i<k and a k is lexicographically smaller than b k.A string s1=a1a2...a x is lexicographically smaller than another string s2=b1b2...b y,if there exists a k(1≤k≤min(x,y))such that a i=b i for all1≤i<k and a k<b k,or a i=b i for all1≤i≤min(x,y) and x<y.Examplestandard input standard output4108hello0world0 behind0far1be2spring10can15comes20 winter25if20055collegiate0 programming-5 zhejiang10 provincial5 contest-4532bcda1bcd1bbbbb132a1aa1aaa12018if winter comes can spring be far behind15zhejiang provincial collegiate programming contest 3bbbbb bcd3a aaProblem M.Lucky7DescriptionBaoBao has just found a positive integer sequence a1,a2,...,a n of length n from his left pocket and another positive integer b from his right pocket.As number7is BaoBao’s favorite number,he considers a positive integer x lucky if x is divisible by7.He now wants to select an integer a k from the sequence such that(a k+b)is lucky.Please tell him if it is possible.InputThere are multiple test cases.Thefirst line of the input is an integer T(about100),indicating the number of test cases.For each test case:Thefirst line contains two integers n and b(1≤n,b≤100),indicating the length of the sequence and the positive integer in BaoBao’s right pocket.The second line contains n positive integers a1,a2,...,a n(1≤a i≤100),indicating the sequence. OutputFor each test case output one line.If there exists an integer a k such that a k∈{a1,a2,...,a n}and(a k+b) is lucky,output“Yes”(without quotes),otherwise output“No”(without quotes).Examplestandard input standard output4374563747652 25252 426 100124No Yes Yes YesNoteFor thefirst sample test case,as4+7=11,5+7=12and6+7=13are all not divisible by7,the answer is“No”.For the second sample test case,BaoBao can select a7from the sequence to get7+7=14.As14is divisible by7,the answer is“Yes”.For the third sample test case,BaoBao can select a5from the sequence to get5+2=7.As7is divisible by7,the answer is“Yes”.For the fourth sample test case,BaoBao can select a100from the sequence to get100+26=126.As 126is divisible by7,the answer is“Yes”.。
第二部分电路创新制作一、项目描述(一)项目1(电路创新设计):根据组别用一套“百拼电子世界”在规定时间内,正确、快速地完成 4个(小学低段5个)现场指定电路的改造、创新及设计的实验,并显示电路的功能。
二、场地场地:木质外框长240cm,宽120cm,高9cm ,内侧为黑色亚光,场地内铺有一张240*120cm的塑胶纸,塑胶纸上摆有相应的任务模型,其中一些任务模型是要使用3 M公司的子母扣固定在场地上的。
2018中国机器人大赛比赛规则空中机器人项目无人机大战水果项目2018中国机器人大赛空中机器人项目技术委员会2018年5月31日目录一、项目简介 (2)二、技术委员会 (3)三、赛项说明 (4)四、比赛场地及器材 (5)五、机器人要求 (6)六、评分标准 (6)七、赛程赛制 (7)一、项目简介近年来,空中机器人技术在各行各业的应用日益广泛,特别是民用无人机出现井喷式的发展,在航拍测绘、电力管线巡检、物流与农业植保等方面显示了强烈的需求预期。
2018年第五届浙江省大学生工程训练综合能力竞赛暨第六届全国大学生工程训练综合能力竞赛预赛的通知(第二轮)浙科竞〔2018〕21号各高校:为了推动高等教育内涵式发展,促进大学生工程实践和创新能力的提升,促进浙江省高校创客教育工作,根据教育部《关于开展全国大学生工程训练综合能力竞赛的通知》(教高司函﹝2009)78号)和省教育厅《关于公布2018年浙江省大学生科技竞赛赛项的通知》文件要求,经研究,定于2018年11月30日-12月2日在杭州电子科技大学(下沙)举行2018年第五届浙江省大学生工程训练综合能力竞赛暨第六届全国大学生工程训练综合能力竞赛预赛,第一轮具体事项通知如下:一、组织机构主办单位: 浙江省大学生科技竞赛委员会秘书处单位:浙江大学承办单位: 杭州电子科技大学二、竞赛主题1.竞赛主题:智能物流本主题主要是模拟离散制造业的智能物流小车,小车具有车间作业中的物料扫码识别、搬运、码垛和循迹等功能。
项目设置及比赛限时§1.2 竞赛项目简介探险游:要求机器人在规定假期时间内,穿越险境、游历尽量多的景点,获得尽量多的得分,并在假期结束前回到出发地。
§1.4 报名要求参赛对象:本次比赛分两个组别分别报名比赛,自制创新组和集成组,为鼓励高校教师、学生自制创新(希望同学们能学到更多),两大组别在奖项设置上应有所区别,数量侧重鼓励自制创新组。
禁止通行板:禁行板为白板(宽≥400mm 、高≥300mm ),上面可能有红色圆圈或横线。
网咖平台:500mm ×500mm ,高100mm ,标记为2号平台“震”,有坡道。
相当于加油站、超市、热 身区、展现区。
第1个宝物藏匿于3/4平台,地址密码在2号平台的标识牌右格中;第2个宝物藏匿于5/6平台,地址密码在第1个宝物所在平台的标识牌右格中; 第3个宝物藏匿于7/8平台,地址密码在第2个宝物所在平台的标识牌右格中。
三、门、减速板、翘板桥、倾斜路面、长桥 §3.1 门4个门均跨越道路,摆放于所选道路段的中间部位。
机器人到达红色虚线位置时,该门可能自底板:门下有一块连接固定用底板,长500mm ×宽300mm 、厚25mm 的密度板,表面涂刷深灰色亚光漆,上有白色引导线;上下有1:2斜坡。
门槛的截面为:宽30mm 、高15mm 的矩形。
蓝色门板:宽240×高160mm (上面有一条红线,约26×100mm ),机器人在运动中遇到蓝色门板,表示此门不通,不得冲撞。
§3.2 减速板底板为宽300×长300×厚25mm 木板,表面涂刷深灰色亚光漆,上有白色引导线;上下有1:2斜坡(底板用2-3mm 铁板时,没有上下坡)。
底板上面有2根等腰三角条,长120mm, 三角条表面为黄色。
三角条截面:高15mm ,底边30mm ,2根等腰三角条间距100mm 。
减速板可能连续摆放,但与其它设施之间的距离不小于300mm 。
§4.3 景点的标识牌1、直角梯形景点用标识牌:表面为白色打印纸,高100mm ×宽210mm ,标识牌安放位置固定,下沿高200mm 、上沿高300mm 。
标识牌上居中为一个长方格70mm ×170mm ,表格边框线1.5磅,白底黑字,字体“黑体”,居中,字号“72”,标明该景点编号和名称。
2、平台景点用标识牌:表面为白色打印纸,高100mm ×宽210mm ,标识牌安放位置固定,下沿高200mm 、上沿高300mm 。
标识牌上居中为对称两个方格各70mm ×70mm ,表格边框线1.5磅,白底黑字,字体“黑体”,居中,字号“72”,左格中数字为该景点编号,右格中为下一个宝物所在景点编号。
§4.4 平台型景点500mm ×500mm ,平台表面涂刷深灰色亚光漆,上面有23-26mm 宽的红色边界线,中间为八卦符号,详见下图。
100平台6个,高度100mm ,有500mm 宽一级连续坡道;450平台1个,高度450mm ,有300mm 宽坡道,可能是一级连续坡道,也可能是多级坡道; 900平台1个,高度900mm ,有300mm 宽坡道,可能是一级连续坡道,也可能是多级坡道。
所有坡道的坡度均约1:2(即坡高1,坡底2),坡道表面涂刷深灰色亚光漆,坡道与平台高度大于300mm 时,两侧有若干50mm 高防护栏杆。
景点面对坡道连接方向后边沿有景点标识牌,悬挂在框架上,上沿高300mm 。