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WhyIs It So Hard toLearn Math?



Language ishard. In fact, it’s infinitely hardera nd more complicatedthanmath. And yet,nearly every smallchild canlearn andmaster language.


Why is math so overwhelmingfor so many students?And how high isthe price wepay from havingsomany math-terrified or even math-illiteratepeople in oursociety?Too high, especiallyas the ability to

grasp dataandpursue advanced workthat involves mathis becomingincreasingly important forboth citizens and job applicants.


It often startswiththe problem of teaching ma th inthe abstract. Thismisses theremarkableamoun tofmathematical knowledge that wehumans alreadypossess. We knowhow tosolve forunknowns,for example. That’s algebra. We also are able to think in termsof three dimensionalspaces—that’s geometry and trigonometry. Sothismathematical language istheanalytical expressionof the way we already think.


But how manyofusfeelincapable,rather than poorly taught, when we areconfrontedwiththe rigo

rs ofmath?Howmany children who struggled to grasp mathconcepts, who lackedthenecessary tool kit, we reledto feel stupid, even demeaned?


Compare it tospoken or written language. When you make a mistake, a teacher correctsthe part that iswrong. And then youproceed. With math, if youdo n’thave the correct result, it is typicallytreated as wrong. And, as mistake aftermistake builds up, too many students simplygiveup: I can’t do math.


Butmath isnot about intelligence. It’s a language thattoomany peoplenever learn,oftenbecause the education process misses the number of ways that a given person can arriveat a given solution.

不过数学无关智力,而是一种许多人都未曾学习过的语言。很多时候就是因为教育过程不注重因材施教的方法,才会让数学变得那么“难”。That’s not afailure of children to learn.That’sa fa ilure of teaching. It’s a failure ofthe school. We should not blamethestudent. (These are children, after all.)


Partof the challenge is to identifythe gapsinknowledge, to clarify thatthe challengeis not that astudent simply doesn’t understand algebra or trigo nometry or whatever. There may be aparticular basicconcept that stands inthe way ofgoing forward in math, as well as other fields such as social sci ence or engineering.

