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一、初次会面打招呼A: Hi! I am Tom. Glad to meet you! 你好!我是Tom。
B: Hi Tom! I am Peter. Nice to meet you too! 你好!我是Peter。
A: How are you? / How are you doing? 你好吗?B: I am fine. / I'm doing great. 我过得较好。
/ I feel terrible. 我感觉糟透了。
How about you? 你呢?A: I am great. Thank you! 我较好。
谢谢!二、与孩子打招呼A: Hi Tom! How are you today? Tom,你今天好吗?B: I'm very happy. Thank you teacher Michael! How are you? 我今天很开心。
你今天好吗?A: I am good. Thank you! Do you like the lunch today? 我较好。
你觉着今天旳午饭怎么样?B: I like it very much. It’s very delicious / yummy. 非常好吃,我很喜欢。
三、老师之间互相交流A: Hi Lucy! How are you doing today? 你好Lucy!今天好吗?B: l am OK. How about you? 还可以,你呢?A: I am very busy. I have 3 periods this morning. 非常忙。
B: Oh, sorry to hear that. Take care of yourself and drink more water. 很抱歉听到这。
A: I will. Thank you! 我会旳,谢谢!四、餐桌上旳交流A: The food today is so delicious. I like the fried chicken very much. What do you think about it Tom? 今天饭较好吃。
全英教学课堂用语100句4. We have one weekly meeting on Monday afternoon.周一我们有一节班会。
5. The head teacher of our class is Mr.Zhang.我们的班主任是张老师。
6. You must be polite and say hi to them when you see the teacher.见到老师要礼貌,要问好。
7. When you come into our school, you must speak Putonghua.一进学校,你就要讲普通话。
8. The Chinese lessons are very important。
9. We should study it more carefully than before.我们要比以前更加认真地学习。
10. If you study Chinese it’s very easy, but if you don’t it’s very hard.对于汉语,你学它就不难,你不学它就显得挺难。
11. Chinese is our native language,we must learn it well.汉语是我们的母语,我们必须把它学好。
12. This is our first Chinese class of this term. 这是我们本学期第一节语文课。
13. We’re going to learn Lesson One (the first Lesson)。
14. Don’t make any noise in class,or you may trouble the others.课上不要喧哗,那会影响别人。
15. Open your text-books to Page 10. 打开课本第10页。
英语简单对话100句1. Hello, how are you?2. I'm fine, thank you. And you?3. What's your name?4. My name is [Your Name].5. Nice to meet you.6. How old are you?7. I'm [Your Age] years old.8. Where are you from?9. I'm from China.10. What do you do?11. I'm a student/teacher/doctor, etc.12. Do you speak English?13. Yes, I do. / No, I don't.14. Can you help me?15. Of course, what do you need?16. Excuse me, where is the bathroom?17. It's over there, on the left.18. Thank you.19. You're welcome.20. Good morning.21. Good afternoon.22. Good evening.23. Goodbye.24. See you later.25. How was your day?26. It was good, thanks.27. What did you do today?28. I went to school/work.29. What time is it?30. It's 3 o'clock.31. I'm hungry.32. Let's go eat something.33. What do you want to eat?34. I'd like some rice and vegetables.35. Can I have a glass of water, please?36. Sure, here you go.37. How much does it cost?38. It's 10 dollars.39. Do you have change for a 20?40. Yes, here you go.41. I like your shirt.42. Thank you, I got it at [Store Name].43. Where is the nearest supermarket?44. It's just around the corner.45. Can you recommend a good restaurant?46. Sure, try [Restaurant Name].47. What's the weather like today?48. It's sunny/rainy/windy.49. Do you like reading?50. Yes, I love reading books.(接下来的50句)51. What's your favorite book?52. My favorite book is "To Kill a Mockingbird."53. Do you watch movies?54. Yes, I enjoy watching movies.55. What's your favorite movie?56. My favorite movie is "The Shawshank Redemption."57. Do you play any sports?58. Yes, I play basketball.59. How do you spend your weekends?60. I usually go hiking or spend time with friends.61. What's your favorite color?62. My favorite color is blue.63. Do you have any pets?64. Yes, I have a cat named [Cat's Name].65. Where did you go on vacation last year?66. I went to Thailand.67. What do you usually have for breakfast?68. I usually have toast and coffee.69. Can you drive?70. Yes, I have a driver's license.71. Do you like music?72. Yes, I enjoy listening to music.73. What's your favorite song?74. My favorite song is "Hotel California."75. Are you married?76. No, I'm single.77. Do you have any siblings?78. Yes, I have a brother and a sister.79. What's your hobby?80. I like to paint in my free time.81. Have you read the latest news?82. Yes, I read it online.83. Do you prefer tea or coffee?84. I prefer tea.85. What's your favorite season?86. My favorite season is autumn.87. Do you celebrate Christmas?88. Yes, I celebrate Christmas with my family.89. What's your favorite holiday?90. My favorite holiday is the Spring Festival.91. Do you speak any other languages?92. Yes, I can speak a little Spanish.93. Can you teach me how to say "Hello" in Chinese?94. Sure, it's "你好" (ni hao).95. How do you stay fit?96. I go to the gym and run regularly.97. Do you like to travel?98. Yes, I love exploring new places.99. What's your dream destination?100. My dream destination is Paris.。
英语常用口语交际100句1.Hi, how are you?2.What’s up?3.Long time no see.4.How have you been?5.I’m good, thanks. And you?6.What do you do for a living?7.Can you help me with this?8.Could you please repeat that?9.How was your weekend?10.I’m sorry, I didn’t catch that.11.That’s interesting!12.What do you think about this?13.Excuse me, could you pass me the salt?14.I totally agree with you.15.I’m looking forward to it.16.Sorry for the inconvenience.17.What are you up to this weekend?18.I’m just hanging out with friends.19.Could you give me a hand?20.I’m not feeling well today.21.I don’t think that’s a good idea.22.Let’s go grab a cup of coffee.23.Do you mind if I take a rain check?24.I appreciate your help.25.Let’s keep in touch.26.It’s nice to meet you.27.I’m not sure about that.28.How was your day?29.I’ve been swamped with work lately.30.I don’t really feel like going out tonight.31.How’s everything going?32.Can you believe what happened today?33.Let’s make a plan for the weekend.34.Would you like to join us for dinner?35.I can’t make it tonight, sorry.36.Do you want to go see a movie with me?37.I had a great time with you.38.This weather is awful, isn’t it?39.I’m not a big fan of this restaurant.40.What’s new with you?41.Do you want to go for a walk?42.Let’s have a chat over a cup of tea.43.Do you know where the nearest ATM is?44.I can’t wai t to see you again.45.I need to run some errands today.46.Let’s grab a drink after work.47.How did your meeting go?48.Can I borrow your pen for a moment?49.I’m really looking forward to the summer.50.Would you like to come over for dinner?51.I’m not sure if I can make it to the party.52.Did you hear about what happened yesterday?53.I’ll call you back later.54.I’ll let you know as soon as I have more information.55.Can you give me a ride to the airport?56.Sorry, I have other plans for tonight.57.How was your vacation?58.I’m sorry to hear that.59.Let’s have a picnic in the park.60.What time are we meeting tomorrow?61.Would you mind if I joined you?62.This is a great opportunity for us.63.Let’s book our tickets in advance.64.I’m running late, sorry!65.Do you have any suggestions for a good restaurant?66.Let’s not waste any more time.67.I haven’t seen you in ages!68.I can’t believe it’s already November.69.I need to check my schedule first.70.Have you been to that new cafe down the street?71.What’s the best way to get to your place?72.I’ll have a cup of tea, please.73.My phone battery is about to die.74.Let’s go for a walk in the park.75.Can you take a look at this for me?76.I have a lot of work to get done.77.Let’s meet for lunch tomorrow.78.Can you give me a ride home?79.What do you like to do in your free time?80.Let’s go explore the city together.81.I need to finish this report by tomorrow.82.Did you watch the latest episode of that TV series?83.What do you think of this idea?84.Let’s have a barbecue in the backyard.85.I’m not sure how to get there.86.I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to offend you.87.Let’s go shopping this weekend.88.Can you believe it’s already Friday?89.I’m so tired after a long day at work.90.How about going for a bike ride?91.Can you recommend a good book to read?92.Let’s go watch a movie at the cinema.93.I have a doctor’s appointment tomorrow.94.I’ll have a glass of water, please.95.What do you think of the new music album?96.Let’s go for a hike in the mountains.97.I have to prepare for a presentation.98.Can you pick me up at the train station?99.I’ll let you know if anything changes.100.It’s always a pleasure talking to you.以上是一百句英语常用口语交际,对于提升口语能力和社交技巧非常有帮助。
校园英语100句(100 Sentences about School English)※打招呼与告别用语(Greeting and Saying Good-bye)1.-How are you ? -I’m fine, thanks.2.-Nice to meet you. -Nice to meet you, too.3.-See you later!※介绍(Introductions)1.I’d like to introduce my parents to you.2.Jim, meet my sister Anna.3.Please let me introduce myself. I’m …※家庭(Family)1.How many people are there in your family?2.Where do you live?3.Do you have a sister/brother?4.What a happy family!5.I look like my mother.※假期和旅游(Holiday and family)1.What are you going to do this summer holiday?2.Are there any places of historic insterest in Sanshui?3.I will go to Guilin with my parents during the National Day.※天气和季节(Weather and seasons)1.-How is the weather today? -It’s sunny/snowy/rainy/windy/clou dy.2.-What’s the temperature? -It’s 30°C.3.There are four seasons in a year.4.Summer is very hot in Guangdong.5.What a cold day!※抱怨(Complaints)1.You shouldn’t make so much noise.2.Why don’t you wear more clothes.3.I just can’t stand it.4.The movie is boring.※事故(Accidents)1.I’ve lost my wallet.2.He broke his legs in a car accident.3.I am sorry to hear that.4.Please dial 911 if you are in an accident.※谈论时间和日期(Talking about time and date)1.-What time is it? /What’s the time?-It’s 7:00/a quarter to seven/ten past seven.2. -What day is it today? -It’s Tuesday.3. -What’s the date today? -It’s October 30.※谈论频率(Talking about frequency)1. I always wash the dishes after supper.2.I ususlly go to school by bus.3.I never eat onions.4.Sometimes I ride my bike.5.-How often do you eat donuts/watch TV? -Twice a day.※喜欢与不喜欢(Expressing like and dislikes)1. She likes /dislikes going for a walk.2.Sandra loves to eat many different foods.3. I hate getting out of bed sometimes.4. -What’s your favourite colour? -My favourite colour is blue.5. Brian enjoyed collecting stamps.※问路及指路(Asking and directing the way)1.Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to the cinema?2. How far is it from the cinema to the People’s Park?3. Go down this street. Turn right at the second crossing.4.From there, you can see the movie theatre.※谈论次序(Talking about sequences)First, you have to finish your homework . Then , you can play basketball.※确定和不确定(Certainty and uncertainty)1. I’m sure/ not sure.2. Perhaps you are right.3. Maybe you should do this experiment outside.4. It can be helpful to you.※电话用语(Making telephone calls)1. Hello! This/It’s Xiaofang speaking.2. Hello! May I speak to LingMing ?3. Hold on, please./Please wait a moment.4.Can I take a message for you?5. I’ll ring him up again.※祝愿与祝贺(Wishes and Congratulations)1.常用的祝贺◆Best wishes to you◆Wish you all the success!◆Enjoy yourself/yourselves!◆Happy birthday to you!2.节日祝贺用语◆Happy New Year! Merry Christmas!◆Happy Spring Festival! Happy Mid-Autumn Day!4. 常用应答语◆Thank you.◆The same to you.※购物(Go Shopping)1.售货员用语◆What can I do for you?◆How much/many would/do you like?◆What color/size would you like?◆What(How) about this one (pair)?◆Here’s y our change.2.顾客购物用语◆I’d like the bule one.◆ That’s too much/expensive, I’m afraid.◆Let me have 5 kilos.◆Do you have any other kind/size/colour, ect.?◆Is the shirt made of cotton?◆That’s fine. I’ll take it.◆How much is it/How much does it cost?※看病(Seeing a Doctor)1.医生询问病情◆What’s the matter(with you) /what’s wrong?/what’s your trouble?◆Do you have a fever?◆Have you taken your temperature?◆How long have you been like this?2.病人陈述病情◆There’s something wrong with my (eyes)◆I ‘ve go t a pain here.◆I feel terrible(bad/awful)◆ I can’t sleep well.◆I don’t feel like eating anything.3.医生的遗嘱、安慰及建议◆Take this medicine three times a day, after the meal.◆It’s nothing serious.◆You’ll be all right/well soon.◆Get up early and take more exercise.◆Eat less fat food and more vegetables.※运动(Sports)1. -What kind of sport do you like? -I like playing football/basketball/tennis.2. School sport meeting will be held next month in our school.3. Look, the match is going to start.4. It’s a neck and neck race!※邀请(Invitation)1. Would you like to go to the concert with me?2. That’s very kind of you to invite me to the football game.3. Welcome to my party!4. Let’s go to the museum this weekend.※表达恐惧(Expressing fear)1. Help!2. How terrible!3. I’m scared!※提建议(Giving suggestions)1.表达建议的用语1. We’d better go now. What/How about playing badminton now?2. Why not put off the meeting till tomorrow? Would/Could you do it, please?3. Shall we go to the park? Let’s go to school.2.应答建议的用语肯定回答:What a good idea!/Yes, I’d like/love to.否定回答:No, thank you./Sorry, we can’t.※能力与不能够(Ability and inability)1. 询问能力◆Can you ride a bike?◆Will you be able to join my birthday party?◆Is she unable to come to my birthday party?◆Did n’t you know how to swim?2. 表达有能力、无能力◆ I can manage it myself.◆ I can’t manage to work out the maths problem.◆ There’s nothing I can do about it.※道歉(Apologies)1. 表达道歉◆Pardon?◆Excuse me!◆I beg your pardon.2.回答别人的道歉的应答语◆That’s all right/Ok.◆It doesn’t matter./That’s nothing./Never mind.◆ No problem./Don’t worry about it!※同意与不同意(Agreement and disagreement)1.完全同意◆Certainly./Sure./Of course./All right./Ok.◆Yes, please./Yes, I think so./That’s true.◆That’s a good idea./ I agree(with you)./I’m sure you’re right.2.不完全同意(Partly agree)◆Yes , maybe/perhaps.◆ You may be right.◆Yes , I suppose so.3.完全不同意(Disagree)◆No, I don’t think so./I don’t agree./I can’t really agree with you.◆I ‘m afra id not./ Of course not.※就餐(Having meals)1.主人征求或建议对方吃什么◆Would you like something to eat/drink?◆which do you prefer, rice or noodles?◆What would you like to drink, tea or coffee?2.主人让客人随意用自己喜欢的食物或饮料◆Help yourself/yourselves to soup.3.客人的应答语◆Just a little, please.◆I ‘ve had enough. /I’m full, thank you.◆It’s delicious, but I can’t eat any more.※职业(Occupation)1. -What do you want to do when you grow up? -I want to be a nurse/polit/tailor.2. -Why do you want to be a doctor? -Because I want to help sick people.英语课堂教学用语(Classroom English)※开始上课( Beginning class )1.Let’s get ready for class.2.Let’s start a new lesson / Lesson 1.※问候(Greetings)1.Good morning / afternoon, class / everyone / boys and girls.2.How are you today?※考勤(Checking attendance )1.W ho’s absent / away?2.Where is he/she?3.Why is he / she absent today?4.Try to be on time. / Don’t be late next time.※向值日生提问(Asking the student on duty)1.Who’s on duty today?2.Could you clean the blackboard, please?※复习功课(Reviewing the lesson)1.First,let’s do some revision.2.What did we learn in the last lesson?※提起注意(Directing attention)1.Look over here.2.Listen to the tape.3.Any volunteers?4.Pay attention to your spelling/pronunciation.※课堂活动(Classroom activities)1.Now you,please./It’s your turn.2.Practise the dialogue,please.※课外活动(Outdoor Activities)1.It’s time for morning exercises.2.Let’s go upstairs / downstairs.3.Be careful. Hands to yourselves.e together.5.Ready? Go!6.March forwards.e to this side.8.Stand in two lines.9.Eyes to the left/right.10.One arm’s distance apart.11.Look forward , holding hands.12.Look forward! At ease. Attention.13.March to you please, left, right,left….14.Spread out.※请求(Request)1.Who wants to try? I want to try.2.Will you please help me?3.That’s not quite right,any other answers?※命令(Order)e and write it on the blackboard.2.Please answer my questions.3.Please put the napkin in the bin.4.Please clean off your desk.※禁止和警告(Prohibition and warning)1.Stop eating/ talking/ playing.2.Don’t talk./Everybody quiet,please.※评价(Appraise)1.That’s fantastic!2.What a lovely drawing!3.Excellent./Great!/Well done.※布置作业(Assigning homework)1.For today’s homework.。
国外常用英语口语100句1. Excuse me, can you help me find the nearest bank?2. How much does this item cost?3. Could you tell me where the nearest restroom is?4. What time does the restaurant open?5. Do you accept credit cards here?6. May I have the menu, please?7. Could you recommend a good local dish?8. Can you give me directions to the train station?9. Is there a pharmacy nearby?10. Do you have any vegetarian options on the menu?11. Could you please repeat that? I didn't understand.12. Are you from around here?13. What's the weather like today?14. Could you help me with my luggage, please?15. Is there a Wi-Fi connection available?16. Can you speak more slowly, please?17. How long does it take to get to the airport?18. Can I have a glass of water, please?19. What is the recommended tipping percentage here?20. Excuse me, but I think you've given me the wrong change.21. Do you have a map of the city?22. Can I try this on, please?23. Is there an ATM nearby?24. Could you suggest a good place to visit in the area?25. How often does the bus run?26. Is there a post office close by?27. What time does the last train leave?28. Can you speak English?29. Is there a nearby taxi stand?30. Can you recommend a good hotel in town?31. Where is the nearest grocery store?32. What is the local currency here?33. What time does the museum close?34. Excuse me, but I think you've overcharged me.35. Do you have any recommendations for local entertainment?36. How far is it to the nearest beach?37. Is there a doctor's office in the vicinity?38. Can I have the bill, please?39. How do I get to the city center?40. What is the best way to get around in this area?41. Can I have a receipt, please?42. What is the local time?43. Is there a reliable public transportation system here?44. Excuse me, where can I find a taxi?45. Can you wake me up at 7 am tomorrow?46. Do you know where I can find a good bookstore?47. How much does a ticket for the movie cost?48. Is it safe to walk alone at night in this neighborhood?49. Can I have a table for two, please?50. When is the next bus to downtown?51. Is there a swimming pool in the hotel?52. Can I have some extra towels, please?53. Is there a gym in this building?54. What is the maximum weight limit for baggage on this airline?55. Do you have a reservation for the name Smith?56. How much does it cost to rent a car for a day?57. Is there a café nearby where I can work?58. Can you recommend a good book to read?59. What time does the library open?60. Is there a park in this area?61. Can I have a seat by the window?62. Can you take a photo of us, please?63. Is there a shuttle service to the airport?64. Where is the nearest train station?65. What is the best way to get to the city center from here?66. Can you help me book a table at a fancy restaurant?67. Do you have a charger for my phone?68. Is there a nearby laundromat?69. Could you please turn down the volume a bit?70. How often does the subway run?71. Is it possible to extend my stay for another night?72. Can you recommend any local festivals or events?73. Where is the closest parking lot?74. How can I file a complaint about a service?75. Can you suggest a good place to go shopping?76. What is the best way to get to the airport from here?77. Can you recommend a reliable taxi company?78. Is there a pharmacy that is open 24/7?79. How long does it take to walk to the city center?80. Can you help me translate this document into English?81. Is there a tourist information center nearby?82. Can you suggest a good place to have breakfast?83. Where can I find a good place for nightlife?84. Is there a nearby park for jogging?85. How much does a one-way ticket cost?86. Can you help me find a lost item?87. Is there a car rental service close by?88. Can I have a window seat, please?89. Where is the nearest police station?90. Can I have another set of keys, please?91. How do I get to the nearest shopping mall?92. Can you recommend a good place to watch the sunset?93. Is there a nearby gas station?94. Can you please speak louder? I can't hear you.95. Where can I find an ATM that accepts foreign cards?96. Can I have the check, please?97. Is there a nearby place to rent bicycles?98. How much does it cost for a day pass?99. Can you suggest a good walking trail in the area? 100. Is there a nearby museum worth visiting?。
潍坊外国语学校校园英语100句-初次见面1. I'm very glad to meet you.2. It's a pleasure to meet you.3. May I have your name, please ?4. I am sorry, I didn't catch your name.5. I have heard a great deal about you.6. I have been looking forward to meeting you.7. I think I have see you before, you look very familiar.8. We have talked of you very often.9. What do you think of China?10. It's really different from what I expected.如何打招呼1. How are you doing?2. How is it going?3. How is everything with you going?4. How have you been doing?5. How are things with you?6. What's up?7. How are you getting along?8. Are you making progress?9. Have you gotten over your cold?10. Why are you in such a good mood?赞扬1. You did a good job.2. You are the right man for the job.3. You have got a point there.4. You look young for your age.5. You have a good memory.6. You are lovelier than your pictures.7. I am very proud of you.8. For a beginner, you are pretty good.9. You look nice in your new shirt.10. You flatter me immensely.感谢1. Thank you very much.( Thanks a lot.)2. Thank you for your kindness.3. I'm extremely grateful to you, Mike.4. You are very helpful.5. Thank you anyway.6. I really don't know how to thank you enough.7. It's very kind of you.8. Don't mention it. It's a pleasure.9. You're welcome.10. Thank you for your trouble.告别1. I am afraid I had better be on my way.2. I think it's about time we got going.3. I am sorry, but I have got to be on my way.4. I really enjoyed talking with you.5. I enjoyed every minute of the party.6. I had lots of fun tonight.7. Can't you saty a little longer? Please don't be in such a hurry.8. You will have to come and see us soon.9. ——If you are ever in Changshu,look me up, I would love to see you again.——Sure, I will. You can coun't on that.10. I will miss all of you. Let's get together some soon.道歉1. Oh, I'm terrible sorry. Sorry, sir. Are you all right?2. I'm all right. Don't worry.3. Please forgive me for forgetting your birthday.4. I'm sorry to have kept you waiting so long.5. I apologize for what I said just now.6. Excuse me for interrupting.7. I'm sorry to bother you.8. I apologize for being so late.9. I'm sorry, I really feel bad about it.10. I'm sorry, it was entirely my fault.邀请1. Are you going to be busy this evening?2. I was thinking of going to a movie tonight. Would you like to come?3. Are you doing anything tonight? I was wondering if you would like to go to amovie with me?4. I am going to play with a group of friends. Would you like to join us?肯定的回答1. That would be nice.2. I would love to.3. That's a good idea.否定的回答1. Sorry, I am afraid I am busy tonight.2. Tonight's a problem, what about tomorrow night?3. Sorry, I have got people coming over tonight.如何表示同意或不同意表示同意1. Exactly.2. I could't agree more.3. That's just what I was thinking.4. You know, that's exactly what I think.5. That's a good point.表示不同意1. Yes, that's quite true, but …2. I'm not sure if I agree …3. Well, you have a point there, but …4. Maybe, but don't you think that …对熟悉的人1. Are you kidding?2. Don't make me laugh?。
龙盘湖国际学校校园英语口语100句课堂用语1.Hello/Hi/ What’s up?2.How’s your day? (用于一天结束后的询问)3.How’s it going?4. How are you?5. Pretty good/Just fine/Not too bad/Same as ever. 很好/不错/还行/老样子6. How is the weather today? 今天天气怎么样It’s sunny/cloudy/rainy. 晴天/阴天/雨天7.See you later./tomorrow.回头见/明天见8.Take care, bye.保重9.Not bad - good - very good –great –excellent –brilliant –terrific –fantastic –amazing(程度从低到高)不错-好-很好-很棒-好极了-杰出的-太妙了-简直不可思议-惊艳10. Chinese语文English英语French法语Korean韩语Politics政治History历史Economics 经济Geography地理Physics物理Chemistry化学Biology生物Maths数学Calculus微积分Computer Science计算机科学Music音乐Fine Arts美术P.E.体育11. Your behavior is disturbing the others and making it difficult for me to do my job.你的行为影响了别人,使我难以开展工作。
12. I can see that you worked really hard我能感觉到你学习非常努力。
13. I like the way you answered the question, but you had difficulty with the middle part.我欣赏你回答问题的方式,但是你的答案还是有点问题。
咸安区外国语实验小学校园英语100句交际篇:1.Welcome to Our School! 欢迎来到我们小学。
★★★2.Nice to meet you! 见到你很高兴!★3.Follow me. 跟我来。
★4.We love our school. 我爱我们的学校。
★★5.Y ou first. 您先请。
★★6.Where are you from? I’m from China. 你来自哪里?我来自中国。
★★★7.This is our campus.这是我们的校园。
★★★8.Where is the washroom? 洗手间在哪里?★★★9.This way ,please. 请这边走。
★★★★10. I'm in Class one, Grade two. 我在二年级一班。
★★★★学习篇:1.Class begins. 上课! ★2. Stand up ,please. 起立。
★3. Sit down ,please. 请坐。
★4. Are you ready? 准备好了么?★5. What's this ? 这是什么?It's a dog . 是一条狗。
★★6. Let me see. 让我想想。
★★7. I don’t know. 我不知道。
★★8. What is three and two? 3加2 等于几?Five. 五。
★★★9. What is she ? 她是干什么的?She is a doctor. 她是医生。
★★★★10. Do you like English? 你喜欢英语么?Y es,I like English very much. 是的,我非常喜欢。
★★★★11. Who's on duty today ? 几天谁值日?I am. 我。
★★★★12. May I come in ? 我能进来么?★★★★★13. I’m sorry. I’m late. 对不起,我迟到了。
英文经典口语100句I am excited to present to you 100 classic English phrases that are essential for everyday conversations. These expressions cover a wide range of topics and situations, from greetings to expressing emotions, from asking for directions to making small talk. Whether you are a beginner looking to improve your English skills or a seasoned speaker wanting to brush up on your conversational abilities, these phrases will prove to be invaluable.1. How are you doing?2. What's up?3. Nice to meet you.4. Can you help me?5. I'm sorry.6. Thank you very much.7. You're welcome.8. Excuse me.9. Where is the nearest restroom?10. How do I get to the train station?11. I don't understand.12. Could you repeat that, please?13. I need some more time to think about it.14. Let's grab a cup of coffee sometime.15. It's a pleasure to work with you.16. Have a great day!17. What's your favorite movie?18. I love traveling to new places.19. How was your weekend?20. Let's catch up soon.21. That's a great idea!22. I completely agree with you.23. I disagree with your point of view.24. Can you pass me the salt, please?25. I'm feeling under the weather today.26. I'm looking forward to the weekend.27. What's your favorite food?28. I can't believe it!29. I'm so proud of you.30. Let's go out for dinner tonight.31. How was your day?32. I'm feeling overwhelmed with work.33. Could you lend me a hand?34. I'm feeling a bit stressed out.35. I need a break.36. Let's go for a walk.37. I'm so excited for the upcoming vacation.38. I need to relax and unwind.39. Can you recommend a good book to read?40. I'm in the mood for some ice cream.41. I'm feeling inspired to start a new project.42. Can you believe what happened today?43. I can't wait to see you again.44. I miss you so much.45. I'm so grateful for your help.46. Let's make plans for the weekend.47. I'm feeling motivated to achieve my goals.48. Can you give me some advice on this matter?49. I appreciate your honesty.50. Let's celebrate this special occasion.51. I'm feeling optimistic about the future.52. I need to make a decision soon.53. I'm feeling a bit nervous about the presentation.54. Can you support me in this endeavor?55. I'm so impressed by your talent.56. Let's go on a road trip together.57. I'm feeling proud of my accomplishments.58. Can you believe how fast time flies?59. I'm feeling overwhelmed with emotions.60. I need some time to reflect on my actions.61. Let's go on a hiking adventure.62. I'm feeling grateful for the opportunities I have.63. Can you believe how far we've come?64. I'm so excited for the future possibilities.65. I'm feeling inspired by your creativity.66. Let's create something amazing together.67. I'm feeling confident in my abilities.68. Can you share your thoughts on this topic?69. I appreciate your feedback on my work.70. Let's explore new horizons together.71. I'm feeling determined to succeed.72. Can you lend me your perspective on this issue?73. I'm so happy to have you in my life.74. Let's cherish the moments we have together.75. I'm feeling blessed with the people around me.76. Can you imagine the endless possibilities ahead?77. I'm feeling content with where I am right now.78. Let's dream big and aim high.79. I'm feeling grateful for the experiences I've had.80. Can you see the potential in what we can achieve?81. I'm so appreciative of the support you've given me.82. Let's embark on a new journey together.83. I'm feeling fulfilled with the progress I've made.84. Can you envision the bright future ahead?85. I'm so thankful for the lessons I've learned.86. Let's embrace the challenges that come our way.87. I'm feeling inspired by the beauty of nature.88. Can you feel the energy of positivity surrounding us?89. I'm so excited for the adventures that await us.90. Let's savor the moments of joy and laughter.91. I'm feeling motivated to make a difference.92. Can you sense the potential for growth and success?93. I'm so proud of the person I've become.94. Let's seize the opportunities that come our way.95. I'm feeling optimistic about the future ahead.96. Can you believe how far we've come on this journey?97. I'm so grateful for the love and support I receive.98. Let's celebrate the victories, big and small.99. I'm feeling confident in my abilities to overcome challenges.100. Can you see the endless possibilities that lie ahead?These 100 classic English phrases are sure to enhance your conversational skills and make you feel more confident in various social situations. Practice using them in your daily interactions, and watch as your communication skills improve significantly. Remember, language is a powerful tool that can help you connect with others and express yourself effectively. Enjoy exploring the beauty of the English language through these timeless expressions.。
口语交际英语一百句Here are 100 example sentences for spoken English that are commonly used in daily conversations:1. Hi, how are you?2. What's up?3. Hi, how's it going?4. Hi there, how are you doing?5. Good morning/afternoon/evening.6. Nice to meet you.7. Pleased to meet you.8. How do you do?9. What's new?10. What have you been up to?11. How's everything?12. How's life been?13. How's work?14. How's school?15. What's your name?16. My name's [Your Name].17. Nice to know you.18. It's nice meeting you.19. See you around.20. Catch you later.21. Have a good day.22. Take care.23. Stay well.24. Take it easy.25. Don't hesitate to contact me.26. Give me a call if you need anything.27. Let's grab a coffee sometime.28. Would you like to join me for lunch?29. I'm sorry to hear that.30. I'm sorry about that.31. Don't worry about it.32. Don't stress.33. It's not a problem.34. No big deal.35. No worries.36. Don't mention it.37. Thank you.38. Thanks a lot.39. Thank you so much.40. Appreciate it.41. I owe you one.42. Could you please help me with this?43. Would you mind passing me that?44. Excuse me, could you tell me where...?45. Sorry to interrupt, but...46. Mind if I join you?47. Do you mind if I sit here?48. Could I borrow a pen?49. Do you have a minute?50. I have a question for you.51. What do you think about...?52. How do you feel about...?53. What's your opinion on...?54. Do you agree with me?55. I disagree.56. I think so too.57. Absolutely.58. I'm not sure.59. It's hard to say.60. I'll have to think about it.61. Let me know what you decide.62. Keep me posted.63. Can you believe it?64. That's amazing!65. That's incredible.66. Unbelievable.67. That's so cool.68. How cool is that?69. That sounds great.70. That sounds like a plan.71. Sounds good to me.72. I'm excited about it.73. I can't wait.74. I'm looking forward to it.75. Let's give it a try.76. Let's see how it goes.77. Let's hope for the best.78. I hope so too.79. I'm crossing my fingers.80. I keep my fingers crossed.81. Good luck!82. Break a leg!83. Wishing you the best.84. Congratulations!85. Well done!86. Nice job!87. Awesome!88. That's awesome!89. Fantastic!90. Great work!91. I'm proud of you.92. You did it!93. You're welcome.94. Anytime.95. Don't mention it.96. It was my pleasure.97. You're very kind.98. That was nice of you.99. It means a lot to me.100. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.These are just some basic and common sentences that you can use in daily conversations. Remember, speaking English fluently requires practice and exposure to different situations and contexts. Keep practicing and soon you'll be able to communicate confidently in English!。
100 Sentences You Must Know in English with Translation1.Hello! 你好!2.How are you doing? 你好吗?3.What’s up? 有什么新鲜事吗?4.My name is John. 我的名字是约翰。
5.Where are you from? 你来自哪里?6.Nice to meet you. 很高兴认识你。
7.How old are you? 你多大了?8.I am 25 years old. 我今年25岁。
9.Where do you live? 你住在哪里?10.Can you speak English? 你会说英语吗?11.Yes, I can. 是的,我会。
12.No, I can’t. 不,我不会。
13.Do you understand? 你明白吗?14.I don’t understand. 我不明白。
15.What is this called? 这叫什么?16.How much does it cost? 这多少钱?17.Could you help me, please? 你可以帮我吗?18.I need some help. 我需要帮助。
19.Thank you very much. 非常感谢你。
20.You’re welcome. 不客气。
21.Good morning. 早上好。
22.Good afternoon. 下午好。
23.Good evening. 晚上好。
24.Bye-bye. 再见。
25.See you later. 待会见。
26.Where is the restroom? 洗手间在哪里?27.I am hungry. 我饿了。
28.I am thirsty. 我渴了。
29.Can I have the bill, please? 请给我账单。
30.What time is it? 几点了?31.Do you have the time? 你知道时间吗?32.How was your day? 你今天过得怎么样?33.It’s a beautiful day. 今天天气真不错。
英语日常口语交流100句大全1.Hello! How are you?2.What’s up?3.I’m fine, thank you. And you?4.How was your day?5.I’m just chilling at home.6.Have you eaten yet?7.What are you doing this weekend?8.Can you help me with this?9.I’m sorry, I don’t understand.10.See you later!11.Where are you from?12.How long have you been learning English?13.What’s your favorite food?14.What do you do for a living?15.I love traveling, do you?16.Let’s grab a coffee sometime.17.Could you repeat that, please?18.Nice to meet you!19.How do you say this in English?20.It’s rai ning cats and dogs today.21.I’m feeling under the weather.22.I’m so over this situation.23.You can count on me.24.I can’t make it to the party tonight.25.I’ll give it my best shot.26.What a small world!27.Would you like a cup of tea?28.I’m so hungry I could eat a horse.29.I’m feeling on top of the world today.30.Do you need a hand with that?31.I’m over the moon!32.Are you pulling my leg?33.It’s a piece of cake!34.The ball is in your court now.35.I have a frog in my throat.36.Let’s hit the road!37.I have a sweet tooth.38.It’s not my cup of te a.39.I can’t wrap my head around it.40.This is the last straw!41.Don’t cry over spilled milk.42.I’m on cloud nine!43.Let’s play it by ear.44.I can’t make heads or tails of it.45.Don’t beat around the bush.46.That’s a blessing in disguise.47.It’s high time to leave.48.It’s a r eal eye-opener.49.I’m flying by the seat of my pants.50.Let’s call it a day.51.I’m behind the eight ball.52.That’s music to my ears.53.It’s a shot in the dark.54.It’s like finding a needle in a haystack.55.Let’s break the ice.56.I’m a fish out of water.57.I’m on the fence about it.58.It’s a tough pill to swallow.59.I’m digging my own grave.60.It’s a catch-22 situation.61.Let’s give it a shot!62.I’m head over heels in love.63.It’s a thorn in my side.64.It’s a walk in the park.65.I’m burning the midnight oil.66.I’m going back to the drawing bo ard.67.It’s Greek to me.68.I’m pulling my hair out!69.I’m at the end of my rope.70.It’s a long shot.71.I’m burning my bridges.72.It’s a blessing in disguise.73.Talk is cheap.74.I’m barking up the wrong tree.75.It’s a piece of cake!76.I’m in hot water.77.I’m stuck between a rock and a hard place.78.It’s a pain in the neck.79.I’m walking on thin ice.80.It’s water under the bridge.81.I’m running in circles.82.It’s time to face the music.83.I’m out of the loop.84.I’m living in a dream world.85.It’s a lost cause.86.I’m out of touch.87.It’s a slippery slope.88.I’m at my wit’s end.89.It’s time to shape up or ship out.90.I’m in the same boat as you.91.It’s a diamond in the rough.92.I’m in deep water.93.It’s a snowball effect.94.I’m on cloud nine.95.It’s a tight fit.96.I’m all ears.97.It’s a rollercoaster ride.98.I’m all thumbs.99.It’s a bitter pill to swallow.100.I’m under the gun.以上是100句常用的英语口语,在日常交流中使用这些句子能够让你更加流利地表达自己的想法,也能够更好地理解别人在说什么。
英语口语交流100句简单1.Hello.2.How are you?3.What’s your name?4.Where are you from?5.Nice to meet you.6.Good morning!7.Good afternoon!8.Good evening!9.Goodbye.10.See you later.11.How was your day?12.What do you do?13.I’m a student.14.Do you speak English?15.Yes, I do.16.No, I don’t.17.Can you help me?18.Please repeat that.19.Could you speak more slowly?20.What does that mean?21.How do you say that in English?22.Where is the restroom?23.How much is this?24.I don’t understand.25.What time is it?26.Can you show me on the map?27.Can I have a glass of water?28.Where can I find a taxi?29.Have a nice day!30.I’m sorry.31.Excuse me.32.Thank you.33.You’re welcome.34.What’s your favorite food?35.Do you like sports?36.Where did you go on vacation?37.How was your weekend?38.Can I borrow your pen?39.I’m lost. Can you help me find my way?40.Where can I buy a ticket?41.How long have you been studying English?42.What’s the weather like today?43.Have you ever been to [name of place]?44.What’s your favorite movie?45.What’s your favorite music genre?46.Can you recommend a good restaurant?47.What are you doing this weekend?48.I like your [item of clothing].49.Do you have any siblings?50.I have two brothers.51.Are you married?52.I have a boyfriend/girlfriend.53.What’s your favorite color?54.How do you get to work/school?55.Where do you live?56.Can you cook? What’s your specialty?57.Do you have any pets?58.Do you like to travel?59.What’s your dream vacation?60.Can you swim?61.Do you play any musical instruments?62.How do you relax after a long day?63.Do you like to read? What’s your favorite book?64.Can you dance?65.What’s your favorite holiday?66.Do you speak any other languages?67.What’s your favorite season?68.Do you like to exercise?69.What’s your favorite dessert?70.Can you ride a bike?71.Would you like to go out for dinner sometime?72.Do you enjoy cooking?73.What’s your favorite TV show?74.Are you a morning person or a night owl?75.What do you do for fun?76.Are you a cat person or a dog person?77.Can you juggle?78.Do you like spicy food?79.What’s your favorite type of cuisine?80.Can you do a handstand?81.Do you like to go camping?82.What’s your favorite hobby?83.Do you like to watch sports?84.Have you ever tried bungee jumping?85.What’s your favorite board game?86.Do you like to go hiking?87.What’s your favorite outdoor activity?88.Can you solve a Rubik’s cube?89.What’s your favorite childhood memory?90.Do you like to sing?91.What’s your karaoke song?92.Do you enjoy going to concerts?93.What’s your favorite type of music concert?94.Can you do a backflip?95.Do you like to go to the beach?96.What’s your favorite beach activity?97.Do you enjoy going to museums?98.What’s your favorite type of museum?99.Can you do a cartwheel?100.What’s your dream job?这份简单的100句英语口语交流练习可以帮助你更自信、流利地进行日常对话。
下面是100句常用的英文口语,适用于各种日常情境,包括问候、购物、社交、旅行、工作等方面:问候和自我介绍1.Hi, how are you?2.I’m good, thank you! And you?3.Nice to meet you.4.What’s your name?5.Where are you from?6.I’m from [your country].7.How’s your day going?8.It’s nice to see you again.9.What have you been up to?10.How’s everything?日常生活1.What time is it?2.I’m feeling a bit tired today.3.I need some rest.4.I’m running late!5.I’ll be right back.6.It’s getting late, I should go.7.Let’s take a break.8.What do you like to do in your free time?9.I love to read/watch movies/exercise.10.Do you want to hang out sometime?表达喜欢和不喜欢1.I really like this!2.I’m not a big fan of that.3.I love it!4.I don’t really enjoy it.5.That sounds great!6.I can’t stand it.7.It’s my favorite thing to do.8.It’s not my thing.9.I’m crazy about it.10.I’m not into it.请求与帮助1.Can you help me, please?2.Could you do me a favor?3.Can I ask you a question?4.Excuse me, do you know where [place] is?5.Could you tell me how to get to [place]?6.Would you mind if I asked for your help?7.Can I borrow this?8.Could you give me a hand with this?9.Can you show me how to do this?10.I need some assistance.购物1.How much is this?2.Do you have this in a different size/color?3.I’d like to buy this.4.Can I pay by credit card?5.Is this on sale?6.Do you have a discount?7.I’m just looking, thank you.8.Can I return th is if I don’t like it?9.I’m interested in this one.10.I’ll take it.餐厅和食物1.I’m starving!2.I’m not hungry right now.3.What’s on the menu?4.I’ll have the [dish].5.Could I get the check, please?6.Is there a vegetarian option?7.This looks delicious!8.I’m allergic to [ing redient].9.How spicy is it?10.Could I get a glass of water, please?旅行和方向1.How do I get to [place]?2.Where is the nearest subway station?3.Is it far from here?4.I’m lost, can you help me?5.How long does it take to get there?6.What time does the last train leave?7.Do I need to buy tickets in advance?8.Is there a bus to [place]?9.I’m here for vacation/business.10.Do you have a map?工作和学习1.What do you do for a living?2.I work as a [job].3.What’s your schedule like?4.I’m in a meeting right now.5.I have a deadline to meet.6.I’m wor king on a project.7.Could you send me that email?8.I’m studying for my exam.9.How’s work going?10.I need to finish this by [time].表达意见1.I think it’s a good idea.2.In my opinion, …3.I agree with you.4.I don’t think so.5.I’m not sure about that.6.That makes sense.7.I d on’t agree with that.8.I see what you mean.9.I believe that’s true.10.I’m not convinced.情感和感受1.I’m so happy to see you!2.I feel a little down today.3.That’s amazing!4.I’m so excited!5.I’m really sorry to hear that.6.I’m proud of you!7.That’s heartbreaking.8.I’m frust rated with this situation.9.I feel great today!10.That’s really touching.这些句子覆盖了日常生活中的常见情景,可以帮助你更自然地进行日常英语交流。
100句口语英语1.After you.你先请。
2.I just couldn't help it.我就是忍不住。
3.Don't take it to heart.别往心里去,别为此而忧虑伤神。
4.We'd better be off.我们该走了。
5.Let's face it.面对现实吧。
6.Let's get started.咱们开始干吧。
7.I'm really dead.我真要累死了。
8.I've done my best.我已尽力了。
9.Is that so?真是那样吗?10. Don't play games with me!别跟我耍花招!11. I don't know for sure.我不确切知道。
12. I'm not going to kid you.我不是跟你开玩笑的。
13. That's something.太好了,太棒了。
14. Brilliant idea!这主意真棒!这主意真高明!15. Do you really mean it?此话当真?16. You are a great help.你帮了大忙。
17. I couldn't be more sure.我再肯定不过。
18. I am behind you.我支持你。
19. I'm broke.我身无分文。
20. Mind you!请注意!听着!21. You can count on it.你尽管相信好了,尽管放心。
22. I never liked it anyway.我一直不太喜欢这东西。
23. That depends.看情况再说。
24. Congratulations.恭喜你,祝贺你。
25. Thanks anyway.无论如何我还是得谢谢你。
26. It's a deal!一言为定!27. May I come in?我能进来吗?28. Come in, please.请进。
英语口语交流100句1.Hello, how are you?2.What’s your name?3.Where are you from?4.How old are you?5.Can you speak English?6.Could you please repeat that?7.I don’t understand.8.What time is it?9.How can I help you?10.Excuse me, where is the nearest restroom?11.Do you like this place?12.What do you do for a living?13.Can you recommend a good restaurant?14.How was your day?15.I am sorry for the inconvenience.16.What’s the weather like today?17.Let’s grab a cup of coffee.18.Have a safe trip.19.Where can I find a taxi?20.How was your weekend?21.I look forward to seeing you again.22.What are your hobbies?23.Let’s meet for lunch.24.Is there a bank nearby?25.It was nice meeting you.26.Can you lend me a hand?27.Do you need any help?28.Have a great day!29.What’s your favorite movie?30.Could you pass me the salt, please?31.Let’s go for a walk.32.What’s your favorite food?33.Please wait a moment.34.I have a question.35.What do you think about this?36.I hope you have a wonderful day.37.Can I have a glass of water?38.Could you tell me more about yourself?39.Let’s go shopping together.40.Do you have any plans for the weekend?41.Can you recommend a good book?42.I am looking for a hotel.43.How do you take your coffee?44.Do you have any siblings?45.Let’s take a selfie.46.What are your plans for the future?47.I am feeling under the weather.48.How do you like your steak cooked?49.It’s nice to see you again.50.Can you recommend a good place to visit?51.What’s your favorite color?52.Do you like traveling?53.Let’s have a picnic.54.How do you stay fit?55.I am sorry for your loss.56.Are you free this weekend?57.What’s your favorite sport?58.Let’s go for a hike.59.Can I have the bill, please?60.How do you like your eggs cooked?61.It was a pleasure meeting you.62.Can you play a musical instrument?63.Can you recommend a good music band?64.I need some time to think about it.65.I will be there in a minute.66.I am looking for a job.67.What’s your favorite place to relax?68.Let’s go dancing.69.Do you have any pets?70.I like your outfit.71.Can you help me with my homework?72.Do you have any allergies?73.Can you recommend a good TV show?74.Let’s go for a drive.75.What’s your dream vacation d estination?76.I am sorry to hear that.77.Can you recommend a good place to study?78.Do you have any phobias?79.Let’s go to the beach.80.How do you like your tea?81.I am sorry to bother you.82.Can you recommend a good place to work out?83.Let’s go for a bike ride.84.Can I have a pen, please?85.What’s your favorite holiday?86.Do you like to cook?87.Let’s go for a swim.88.How do you like your pancakes?89.I am sorry for being late.90.Can you recommend a good movie theater?91.Let’s go sailing.92.Can I have a piece of paper, please?93.What’s your favorite season?94.Do you like hiking?95.Let’s go to a theme park.96.How do you like your salad dressed?97.I am sorry for the confusion.98.Can you recommend a good museum?99.Let’s go for a run.100.It was nice talking to you.以上是100句常用的英语口语交流句子,希望对你的英语交流有所帮助。
英语交流口语100句1.Hello, how are you?2.What’s your name?3.Where are you from?4.Nice to meet you.5.How old are you?6.Can you speak English?7.I’m learning English.8.What do you do for a living?9.Do you have any siblings?10.How long have you been studying English?11.What are your hobbies?12.Can you help me?13.What time is it?14.Where is the nearest bus stop?15.How do I get to the train station?16.Can you repeat that, please?17.I don’t understand.18.What does this word mean?19.How much does this cost?20.Can I pay with credit card?21.Can you recommend a good restaurant?22.Are you free this weekend?23.What’s the weather like today?24.Where is the bathroom?25.How was your day?26.What did you do yesterday?27.Have you ever been to this city before?28.What’s your favorite food?29.Do you like traveling?30.Can you show me on the map?31.How do you say this in English?32.What’s your favorite movie?33.How do you spell that?34.What are you doing tomorrow?35.Where did you go on vacation?36.What time do you usually wake up?37.What time do you go to bed?38.Can you help me with my homework?39.What time does the movie start?40.Can you speak slowly, please?41.What’s your favorite color?42.Can you cook?43.How was your weekend?44.Do you have any plans for tonight?45.Can you drive?46.What’s your favorite book?47.How do you celebrate your birthday?48.What’s your favorite sp ort?49.Can we meet for coffee?50.Where do you usually go on weekends?51.How do you like your coffee?52.Can you recommend a good book?53.What’s your favorite animal?54.Have you ever been to a concert?55.What do you like to do in your free time?56.Can you play a musical instrument?57.What’s your favorite season?58.Can you swim?59.Do you like the beach?60.How do you relax after a long day?61.Can you dance?62.What’s your favorite holiday?63.Do you have any pets?64.Can you ride a bike?65.What’s your dream job?66.How do you stay healthy?67.Can you speak any other languages?68.What’s your favorite type of music?69.Do you like going to the movies?70.How do you like to spend a rainy day?71.Can you sing?72.What’s your favorite place in the world?73.Do you like to cook or bake?74.How do you stay motivated?75.Can you do a handstand?76.What’s your favorite board game?77.Do you like to go hiking?78.Can you do a cartwheel?79.How do you overcome challenges?80.Can you do a backflip?81.What’s your favorite type of art?82.Do you like to go camping?83.Can you recite a poem?84.How do you handle stress?85.Can you do a magic trick?86.What’s your favorite type of dance?87.Do you like to go to the gym?88.Can you draw or paint?89.How do you show gratitude?90.Can you juggle?91.What’s your favorite type of comedy?92.Do you like to go to the theater?93.Can you knit or crochet?94.How do you learn new things?95.Can you act?96.What’s your favorite type of cuisine?97.Do you like to go to art galleries?98.Can you play a sport?99.How do you make decisions?100.Can you ride a horse?以上是100句日常英语口语交流常用句子,希望对你有所帮助。
龙盘湖国际学校校园英语口语100句课堂用语1.Hello/Hi/ What’s up?2.How’s your day? (用于一天结束后的询问)3.How’s it going?4. How are you?5. Pretty good/Just fine/Not too bad/Same as ever. 很好/不错/还行/老样子6. How is the weather today? 今天天气怎么样It’s sunny/cloudy/rainy. 晴天/阴天/雨天7.See you later./tomorrow.回头见/明天见8.Take care, bye.保重9.Not bad - good - very good –great –excellent –brilliant –terrific –fantastic –amazing(程度从低到高)不错-好-很好-很棒-好极了-杰出的-太妙了-简直不可思议-惊艳10. Chinese语文English英语French法语Korean韩语Politics政治History历史Economics 经济Geography地理Physics物理Chemistry化学Biology生物Maths数学Calculus微积分Computer Science计算机科学Music音乐Fine Arts美术P.E.体育11. Your behavior is disturbing the others and making it difficult for me to do my job.你的行为影响了别人,使我难以开展工作。
12. I can see that you worked really hard我能感觉到你学习非常努力。
13. I like the way you answered the question, but you had difficulty with the middle part.我欣赏你回答问题的方式,但是你的答案还是有点问题。
14. Don't worry, you got a few wrong but I see your improvement.没关系,有点小问题,但是我看到了你的进步。
15. You're getting better every day!你每天都在进步!16. Let’s start class. = It’s time for class. 上课17. Next, please.请下一个。
18. Any volunteers?有谁自愿做这件事吗?19. Let ‘s review what we learned yesterday.我们复习一下昨天所学的内容。
20. Can you follow me? /Am I clear? 听懂了吗?21. Please look at the blackboard/picture/slide. 请看黑板/图片/幻灯片。
22. Say/Read after me, please. 请跟我说/读。
23. Practice in pairs/ groups, please. 请按两人一组/小组练习。
24. Put up your hands, please. 请举手。
Hands down, please. 请放下手。
25. demonstration class公开课/观摩课教学supplementary exam补考excellent优秀/ good良/ average中/ fail劣26. Don’t worry, we are here to back you up = we are here to help you. 别着急,我们来帮助你.27. That’s not exactly right, but you’re in the ballpark.不是很对, 但是基本正确.28. Do you remember where did we stop off last time (how far did we get last time)? 记得我们上次讲到哪里了吗?29. Okay, you are up. Let’s hear your presentation. 你上去吧. 我们来听听你的演讲.30. You are so diligent/ hard-working.你真勤快. You are so clever/smart/bright/intelligent你真聪明31. I am very proud of you.我真为你感到骄傲. Let’s give her a round of applause.我们给她掌声.32. It’ll take us two periods to grasp (master) these. 这些内容我们需要学习三节课才能掌握.We have three study tasks to do this class. 这节课我们有三个学习任务.33. Let’s take a break, see you later, everyone. / That’s all for the class. / Time’s up.我们休息一下吧. 这节课就讲到这里. 时间到了.34. Everyone, you’re doing a great job.大家干得漂亮.35. Read the text to yourselves. / Read it out aloud. 默读/ 读出声音.生活用语36. Good morning!/Good afternoon!/Good evening! 早上好!下午好!晚上好!37. Welcome to Yichang International School, Longpanhu. 欢迎光临龙盘湖国际学校。
38. Can I help you? 我能帮你吗?39. Please allow me to introduce myself.请允许我介绍我自己。
40. My name is______. I’m a/an _____teacher. 我是_____,我是一个老师。
I’m from Class____, Grade______. 我来自_____年级_____班。
41. A: Nice to meet you. 很高兴认识你。
B: Nice to meet you, too. 我也很高兴认识你。
42. Have you done any sightseeing of the school? 您游览过学校了吗?Not yet. 还没呢。
43. Let me show you around our school. 我带您在校园到处看看。
44. Shall I carry this for you? 要不要我帮您拿件东西?It’s very kind of you!/No, thanks!有劳了!/不用了,谢谢!45. This way, please. 请往这边走。
46. Turn left/turn right/go straight. 向左转/向右转/直走。
47. Here it is. 就是这儿了。
48. We hope you will enjoy your visit here. 祝您在这儿过得愉快。
49. Any comments and suggestions are welcome. 请提宝贵意见。
50. Could you do me a favor? 您能帮我个忙吗?Certainly. 没问题51. Would you like to have a look at this map? 你要查看一下地图吗?52. This is our school/playground/Administrative Building/classroom/office/ playground. 这是我们的学校/行政楼教室/办公室/操场。
53. Let me/ Allow me to introduce ____ to you. 请让我/允许我向您介绍_____。
54. This is our headmaster, Ms. Bao. 这是我们的鲍校长。
55. This is the dean of the Curricular Department, Mr. ___/ Ms.____. 这是我们课程部主任___主任/_____主任。
56. This is my colleague / student. 这是我的同事/学生。
57. This is our Chinese / Maths / English /PE / Art / Music teacher. 这是我们的语文/数学/英语/体育/美术/音乐老师。
58. Our school is very beautiful. 我们学校很漂亮。
59. We have teaching and research activities/ extra-curriculum. 我们有教研活动/课外活动。
60. Excuse me. / Pardon me.请原谅I am sorry to bother you. 很抱歉打扰你。
61. It’s fine (OK). / Not at all. / It doesn’t matter. / That’s all right. 没关系。
62. I’m very grateful for all you’ve done. 承蒙关照,不胜感谢。
63. You are welcome. / Not at all. / It’s my pleasure.不用谢。
64. No, thanks all the same. / Thank you anyway. 不必了,但还是谢谢你。
/ 无论如何,谢谢你。
65. Any time you need help, just let me know.不管何时有困难,我都乐意帮助你66. It’s your call. (It’s your decision to make. It’s up to you.)随你.67. You’re thinking about applying for the football team? Go for it! 你想参加足球队? 支持你去!68. Let’s go play some hoops. 我们打篮球吧.69. What position do you play?你打什么位置?70. Wait a minute! Timeout!等等, 暂停.71. Okay, you go! / You are up !(体育课比赛中途换人时)换你上!72. Gather in the playground / gymnasium (gym) / basketball court / soccer field.在操场, 体育馆, 篮球场, 足球场集合.73. Please throw the paper in the garbage can/ dustbin垃圾请入篓.No littering请勿乱丢果皮纸屑.74. Don’t tease others.别嘲弄同学.75. You deserved the award: 你实至名归.First medal / champion 第一名Second medal / runner-up 第二名Third medal / the third place 第三名76. You are wrong / you did wrong / you are doing it wrong你动作做错了.77. Stand straight, please.请站直.78. Attention (Stand at attention!)立正79. Stand at ease稍息80. Let’s go to the canteen. 咱们去食堂吧81. Stand in a line.排队82. Be patient and wait for your turn./take turns.耐心等待/轮流83. Don’t push, be polite.不要推,要礼貌No running.不要跑No shouting.不要喊叫Eat politely.文明用餐84. Don’t talk when your mouth is full.嘴里有食物时不要说话85. Take your things away before you leave.离开时把你的东西带走86. Save the food.节约粮食87. It’s a buffet breakfast / lunch.是自助早餐/午餐。