-1 1 Once more! 再来一次 1-2 Stand up! 请起立 2-2 Lower your head 低头 2-3 Hold up your head 抬头 2-4 Turn head to left 向左侧头 2-5 Turn head to right 向右侧头 10-left arm & leg 左臂和左腿 10 Turn the other side! 反方向重复一次 10-right arm & leg右臂和右腿 The End 结束 7 7 8 9 Sit down and raise the left hand! 请坐并举起左手 9-right up & left down 右臂上伸左臂下伸 9 Turn the other side! 反方向重复一次 9-right down & left up左臂上伸右臂下伸 10 cross the left leg! 将左腿置于右腿上 Computer & Desk Stretches 办公室保健操 Approximately 7 Minutes 大约7分钟 Sitting at a computer for long periods often causes neck and shoulder stiffness and occasionally lower back pain. 长时间坐在电脑前经常导致颈部和肩部僵硬甚至腰部疼痛 Do these stretches whenever you feel stiff. 当你感到疲劳时可以做做以下伸展运动 After you do it, You’ll feel better! 当你做完时会感到身心舒畅! 2-6 2-7 1 Once more! 再来一次 2-8 Lower your head 低头 2-9 Hold up your head 仰头 2-10 Turn head to right 向右侧头 2-10 Turn head to left 向左侧头 2-11 2-12 3 1 Once more! 再来一次 3 4-left side 左侧 4 Turn the other side! 反方向重复一次 4-right side 右侧 5-1 5-2 5-3 6-right arm & hand 右臂和右手 6 Turn the other side! 反方向重复一次 6-left arm & hand 左臂和左手