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1. 词汇积累:要通过课堂学习、背单词书等方式积累足够的词汇量,并理解词义和用法。
2. 语法知识掌握:要熟悉英语基础语法知识,包括句型、时态、语态等,通过练习题巩固和提高自己的语法运用能力。
3. 阅读理解技巧:针对阅读理解题型,要掌握快速阅读和理解文章的技巧,包括略读、精读、找关键词等方法。
4. 写作技巧:要学会写作常用句式和段落组织,提高写作表达能力,注意语法和拼写错误。
5. 听力技巧:要训练自己的听力理解能力,包括听力材料的准备,注意关键词等。
6. 口语表达能力:要通过口语练习提高自己的口语表达能力,增加词汇量和语法运用能力。
7. 模拟考试:要通过模拟考试来检验自己的考试能力,了解自己的弱点和不足,有针对性地进行复习和提高。
8. 多做练习题:多做一些中考英语的练习题,巩固和提高自己的知识和技能。
解题技巧:通读短文,领会文章大意,理解文章结构层次及细节,特别注意:1. 五个W (who ,which ,when ,where ,what )和一个H (how );2. 数字、**期、时间等;3. 注意加强语气的词。
解题技巧:1. 正确理解题意,从短文中找到相关的词、短语或句子,根据特定的语境来判断理解,推敲斟酌和最后确定其准确含义。
2. 根据上下文猜测词义的技巧:(1)注意定义和解释;(2)同义词或近义词的提示;(3)近义词和反义词的提示;(4)利用悬念的属种关系;(5)借助已有知识或生活常识。
解题技巧:1. 分析文章的主旨。
2. 分清文章的主要思想及次要思想。
3. 寻找文章的逻辑思路。
4. 核对问题中各项选择与文章中有关词句的联系。
二、答题步骤1. 先看问题,再读文章。
上海中考英语阅读完型讲解完型讲解一、解题基本步骤Step 1:通读全文,通读全文过程中确定文章体裁,确定文章主旨以及作者情感态度。
(能够体现作者情感态度的词:副词、形容词)Step 2:在通读全文过程中研读第一段。
Step 3:在通读全文过程中研读题目所在句,并在题目所在句查找你选的答案的线索。
Step 4:把你的答案代入文章检查,看上下文逻辑是否通顺、合理;若通顺合理则为正确答案。
如:disadvantageous词根—advantage,优势、好处,所以这个单词肯定跟“优势、好处”有关前缀—dis-,表示否定,决定这个单词对词根的感情态度是否定,也就使之变成了“劣势”后缀—-ous,为形容词后缀通过上面解析,可以大致猜测该单词为“不利的”意思2)文章单词不认识①词根词缀②上下文推测如:The war made him separate from his families,which made him miss his families very much.总结:让学生总结单词不认识时候的处理思路2、句子看不懂根据图片讲解例句讲解:先把句子划到最简,再翻译出意思。
关系代词(that,which,who,whom,whose,as)引导的定语从句一、把从句翻在先行词的前面,译为“......的”二、把先行词待到从句中去翻1)Then they made a map of where the treasure was or wrote down other clues(线索)that would help them or someone else2)Then there is the true story about a man who had to travel overseas for a year.3)And then there was a woman who buried her savings, all in bank notes, in a waterproof(防水的)bag4)And of course, these are stories about people who bury things and either forget where they have buried them or lose the map.5)And there is an application fee(申请费)which helps to pay for running the HOST program.6) As表示正如引导的定语从句:①As you may have heard from my parents, I’m in China right now on a cultural exchange program.7)which非限定性定语从句翻译We may also have problems with the tablets breaking, which would be very expensive to repair. This is in addition to the cost of buying the tablets in the first place.关系副词引导的定语从句:The way做先行词的定语从句1)What does Margaret think of the way food is served in China?2)Another interesting aspect of eating out is the way food is served.3)One thing that makes me confused is the way people pay for food at a restaurant.4)The way you stand and act tells people a lot about you. When you’re talking with someone, stand up straight and look them in the eye.定语从句省略关系代词的情况:1)Back home in America, the food portions are usually larger than those I’ve seen in China.2)Then, using tablets in the classroom could reduce the time it takes for them to complete tasks. Additionally, there are endless tablet functions(功能)which could provide interesting teaching approaches3)You could also comment on(评论)something you’ve done recently. O状语从句:1)I’m must encouraged to eat until I’m full and enjoy different kinds of food. Eating out in Asia is often a big social affair(社交活动).2)Another problem is that, while many students can use tablets already, many of our teachers are not good at it and would need to be trained.3)we often ask for separate(分开的)checks, so we each pay for our own meal.of结构:One of the most obvious(明显的)cultural differences is the size of food portions in restaurants.What’s the culture difference in the size of food portions between China an d America?介词短语较多:1)A local primary school is considering using tablet computers(平板电脑)in all classrooms from next year.2)The use of tablet computers(or simply“tablets”)in the classroom has become an increasingly popular choice in many primary schools across the country, including many in our local area.3)Because of their familiarity with computers and mobile phones, many of our students can type faster than they can write by hand.For example, we could play computer games to teach Maths, or make simple flashes to show how magnets behave. Also, students could take photos outdoors and then use them to write tasks.it做形式主语:1)It is important that we consider this opportunity, but we must also be aware of the problems.2)All in all, even though using tablets in the classroom may have many problems, it seems that it would be a wonderful opportunity for students and teachers at our school.Instead1)But here, if diners decide to pay separately, they typically don’t request separate checks. Instead, they give money to one person who pays the bill. People also don’t tip the server. Instead, there is often a service charge added to the bill.2) Some students may play with the tablets instead of focusing on their work.插入语:Company staff in big cities, for example, frequently work sixty to seventy hours a week.Because true workaholics(工作狂)would rather work than do anything else, and they ___75___ have no idea of how to relax, that is, they might not enjoy movies, sports, or other types of entertainment.三、例题讲解1:看思路B. Choose the words or expressions to complete the passage(选择最恰当的单词或词语,完成短文)(12分)Most people have work to do. With work, they can earn their living. They are busy with their work all day long. Workaholism(迷恋工作)is now very common in our society. Some people no longer do their work in order to live, but they live in order to work.文章主旨?通过本段最后一句话,作者想表达什么?Company staff in big cities, for example, frequently work sixty to seventy hours a week. From time to time, huge amounts of work is waiting for them to complete. Workaholism can be a serious problem, Because true workaholics(工作狂)would rather work than do anything else, and they ___75___ have no idea of how to relax, that is, they might not enjoy movies, sports, or other types of entertainment. Most of all, they ___76___ to sit and do nothing.75. A. still B. probably C. politely D. excitedly76. A. dream B. decide C. intend D. hate工作狂对待生活的主要态度?When workaholics are not at work they feel ill at ease(局促不安),jumpy and nervous(神经紧张). The lives of workaholics are usually stressful(有压力的),and this tension(紧张)and worry can cause health problems such as heart attacks and stomach diseases. ___77___, typical workaholics think about their work while driving, falling asleep or when others are talking. Many workaholics are afraid that if they don’t work hard they will lose their job or be a failure.工作狂不工作时的主要表现?Is workaholism always dangerous? Perhaps not. There are certainly people who work efficiently under stress. Some studies show that many workaholics have great energy and interest in work. They feel work is so pleasurable that they are really happy. For most workaholics, work and entertainment are the same things.77. A. Therefore B. Hardly C. Anyway D. Besides工作狂对工作的看法?Their jobs ___78___ them with a challenge and this keeps them busy and creative. Why do workaholics enjoy their jobs so much? There are several ___79___ to work. Of course, work provides people with paychecks(工资),and this is important. But very often it offers ___80___ financial security(经济保障). It provides people with self-confidence. Workaholics have a feeling of satisfaction when they have produced a challenging piece of work and are able to say“I made it”.工作给工作狂带去了什么?78. A. equip B. pack C. provide D. offer79. A. means B. advantages C. steps D. ways80. A. no more B. more or less C. less than D. more than总结:让学生总结做题思路例题讲解2 :看综合B. Choose the words or expressions to complete the passage (选择最恰当的单词或词语,完成短文) (12分)It was a very fine day , Jane went to the theatre on her birthday with hersister and brother-in-law, Bill. It was a historical play, set ___75___theeighteenth century, so all the actors were wearing costumes of the period.The first act was quite exciting. It was about a gipsy(吉普赛人)who hadhypnotic (催眠)powers. At first he had used these powers to help peoplewho were ill. But now he used them for the sake of (为了) money. Hehypnotized a nobleman and put him under his ___76__ as part of his plan. When the curtain fell for the intermission(席间休息), the audience clapped loudly. Jane had ___77___ been to the theatre before, so the acting and costumes made her quite excited.During the intermission, she looked around at the rest of the audience in the balcony(戏剧院楼厅). She looked down to the stalls(正厅前排座位)and along the boxes. Suddenly, her gaze stopped. A man in one of the boxes ___78____ a gun and aiming it at the editor. “Look over there,” Jane whispered her sister. “Whatever do you think he is going to do ?”“It must be a(an) ____79____ of the play,” replied her sister, “No one has been shot in the theatre since Abraham Lincoln.”“I suppose you are right,” said Jane. “ You’ve seen the play before, Bill. Does anyone get shot during the second act?”“I can’t remember. Anywhere the director could have introduced it. Don’t worry. I’m sure it’s all right.” Halfway through the second act the gipsy had an argument and then a fight with the nobleman. In the middle of the fight, the gipsy fell down on the stage. The audience gasped(惊吓得屏住呼吸). They ___80___ that he had fainted. Jane looked at the box where the man with the gun had been. He had gone!75. A) on B) for C) in D) out76. A) order B) arms C) control D) reach77. A) seldom B) always C) often D) regularly78. A) brought out B) was carrying C) was holding D) raised79. A) part B) character C) result D) end80. A) hoped B) thought C) observed D) realized总结:如何把完型做的更好?四、课堂限时训练(一篇6-8分钟)B. Choose the words or expressions to complete the passage(选择最恰当的单词或词语,完成短文)(12分)There was once a little boy who had a bad temper. His father gave him a bag of nailsand told him that every time he ______75_____, he must hammer a nail(敲钉子)into the back ofthe fence.The first day the boy had driven 37 nails into the fence. Over the next few weeks, as he learned to conlrol his anger, the number of nails hammered each day gradually reduced. He discovered it was______76____to hold his temper than to drive those nails into the fence.Finally the day came when the boy didn't lose his temper at all. He told his father about it and the father suggested that the boy now_____77_____out one nail when he was able to hold his temper. The days passed and the young boy was finally able to tell his father that all the nails were ____78_______The father took his son by the hand and led him to the fence. He said,“You have done well, my son. but look at the holes in the fence. The fence will____79_____ be the same. When you say things in anger, they leave a scar (伤疤)just like these holes. You can put a knifein a man and draw it out. It won't matter how many times you say Tm sorry,' the wound is still there.The little boy then understood how _____80____ his words were. He looked up at his father and said, “I hope you can forgive me, father, for the holes I put in you”.“Of course I can,” said the father.75. A. told a lie B. lost his temper C. lost his way D. made a noise76. A. pick B. worse C. harder D. safer77. A. pick B. point C. pull D. find78. A. sold B. stolen C. found D. gone79. A. never B. always C. still D. certainly80. A. simple B. accurate C. amusing D. powerfulB. Choose the best answer and complete the passage.(选择最恰当的选项完成短文)It’s a hot school day. One of your classmates is suddenly having a nosebleed(流鼻血).What can you do at this moment? If you know some basic first aid(急救)skills, you can ask him or her to learn forward and pinch the nose.If the bleeding doesn’t stop after five or six minutes, find your__ 75____ for help.First aid is an important life skill that everyone should learn. Sept.13 is World First Aid Day. It’s time for us to learn more about this useful skill.Just as its name suggests, first aid is the first step before a person gets expert medical help. It includes staying safe, helping someone feel better and staying calm. It also includes getting help---either by telling an adult__76___ calling 120.Recently in China, about 1.2 million emergency cases have taken place each year, according to Xinhua News Agency. Experts say that the first 10 minutes after an accident are important for saving a life.CPR(心肺复苏)is one of the most useful skills to save lives during these10 minutes. It can help people who’ve suffered cardiac arrest (心脏骤停).According to the American Heart Association, about 92,000 people in the US are saved by people who___77____CPR every year.____78____this, there are some other first aid skills that are helpful for daily accidents and illness.Broken bones may happen as you play outside. You can support the injury with your hands or clothes to stop movement. Then, find an adult or call 120 for___79___help.What if someone sprains(扭伤) his or her ankle(脚踝) ? The right way to__ 80___ first aid is to put something cold on the ankle, such as an ice bag or a cold drink bottle. Then, go to find an adult for help.75. A)nurse B) doctor C) teacher D) parents76. A) and B) but C) as well as D) or77. A) make B) learn C) perform D) practice78. A) According to B) Besides C) Including D) Except79. A) nearer B) futher C) deeper D) quicker80. A) offer B) get C) study D) accept词汇总结:课后作业B. Choose the best answer and complete the passage(选择最恰当的选项完成短文)(12分)Imagine going to your doctor with a complain of frequent headaches. Your doctor takes a prescription pad(药方)and writes a word on it. The word isn't "aspirin", it's "Mozart".The idea isn’t so far-fetched. Many kinds of music can stir(激发)the imagination and ___75___ strong feeling. Scientists have found Mozart’s music to be excellent in its ability to calm its listeners.Many cases have been known using Mozart as a healing aid(治疗手段). ___76___, a tiny newly-born baby Krissy, who weighed just 1.5 pounds at birth, was on total life support.Doctors thought she had little chance of survival(幸存). However, Her mother kept on playing Mozart for K rissy, and thought it could save her daughter’s life. At last Krissy lived, but she was very small for ___77___ and slower than the average child. At four, she was fond of music and her parents gave her violin lessons. To their great surprise, Krissy was able to play musical pieces from memory, which was far beyond the ability of an average four-year-old child. Playing music ___78___ her improve in all areas of her life.And there are other stories. Officials in Washington State report that new arrivals from Asia learn English more ___79___ when they listen to Mozart.Even animals respond to Mozart.In France, cows listening to Mozart give more milk.Why do people choose Mozart, rather than Bach or the Beatles? Any kind of music can have an effect on some people. But Mozart has more ___80___.It isn’t too fast or too slow; it’s just right. Don Campbell, who wrote a book called The Mozart Effect, says, “It’s like food. A hot spicy meal will affect you more differently than a sweet dessert. And while you might love these foods, they aren’t good for you to eat every day. You need simple, nutritious(营养的)food on a steady basis. That’s the way Mozart is. It’s like a balanced meal that does good to your body.”75. A. prove B. predict C. prevent D. produce76. A. In fact B. At first C. For example D. After all77. A. age B. height C. weight D. body78. A. required B. helped C. invited D. ordered79. A. happily B. correctly C. quickly D. loudly80. A. balance B. energy C. power D. wonderB. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage(选择最恰当的单词完成短文):(12分)Technology provides more than a way of communication. However, it is becoming the only way to communicate for our teens. It has made face-to-face interaction ___75___ often and has made a negative①effect on the social abilities of the teens.These days we communicate on websites like Facebook, but I wonder why we have no in-person friendships. I see teens texting②____76____. They text while talking to someone else, at the dinner table, in the car and at the movies. This tiny piece of plastic is distracting③teens from the real world.As you can see, I am very much ___77___ technology but there are ways that helps. It helps many people stay in touch with friends that might have moved away. In my life, I will have to more from my friends from time to time. With the help of Wechat, it can be easy to ___78___ them and to ask if they would like to do something in person. Staying in touch can be done in person as much as over technology.Some people have ___79___ making new friends and the internet provides ways to meet new people through chat rooms. I believe relationships built online can be a little eccentric④.One study suggests that online relationships simply take longer to developthan those face-to face.Online relationships can be ___80___ because you never knowwho’s on the other side of the chat. You can become more open over theInternet if you don’t have a cha nce to meet others in real life. Meetingpeople online can give ou confidence, but I believe it also tears you down. Online relationships will either build you up or break you down. Most importantly, don’t let keyboards be the key to your heart.75. A. too B. very C. less D. more76. A. here B. there C. somewhere D. everywhere77. A. for B. against C. with D. behind78. A. reach B. lose C. win D. control79. A. fun B. time C. trouble D. trust80. A. convenient B. dangerous C. important D. necessaryB. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage .( 选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文)My daughter Alisa has had a long journey of swimming which is also beautiful. Alisa suffered some terrible illness in her early childhood. After years of regular treatment, she (75) became healthy.Two years ago. while Alisa was watching the Olympics. a dream came into her sweet little head—to be a swimmer. Last summer, she wanted to join our local swim team. She practiced hard and finally made it. The team practice. (76) . was a hard start. She coughed and could hardly survive(幸存) her first few weeks. Hearing hercoughing bitterly one night. I decided to pull her from it all. But Alisa woke me up early next morning, wearing her swimsuit ready to go! I told her she shouldn't swim after a whole night's coughing, but she refused to (77) and insisted she should go.From that day on. Alisa kept swimming and didn’t miss a single practice. She had a firm(坚定) intention within herself to be the best she could be. My ten-year-old daughter was growing and changing right before my eyes, into this: determined human being with a passion and a mission. It was difficult for Alisa to accept that she wasn't a (78) . But that didn't stop her from trying.Then came the final awards ceremony at the end of the year. Alisa didn't expect any award but was still there to cheer on her friends. As the ceremony was nearing the end. I suddenly heard the head coach (79) ."The highest honor goes to Alisa!" Looking around, lie continued. “We all encouraged by her will and enthusiasm(热情). (80)skills and talents bring great success, the most valuable treasure one can hold is the heart."It was the greatest moment of my daughter's life. With all she had been through in her ten years. this was the hour of true success.75. A. usually B. finally C. firstly D. quickly76. A. however B. therefore C. so D. or77. A. put up B. look up C. give up D. show up78. A. beginner B. learner C. partner D. winner79. A. talking B. explaining C. announcing D. asking80. A. Although B. Since C. Once D. BecauseB. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文(12分)Shakira Mebarak Ripoll, a young Colombian superstar, grew up in Barranquilla. Colombia.a coastal city of about one million people. From a very early age, she was surrounded by (被包围) by the music of different ____75____ . Her father is from the country of Lebanon in Asia and her mother is Colombian. She remembers giving her first public show at the age of four, when the music in a Middle Eastem restaurant encouraged her to get up and dance. “I ____76____ with the sense of being on stage(舞台)”, she says. “It was all I could dream of and enjoy."Shakua devoted(投身于)herself to learning ____77____ to dance, sing and play guitar. By the time she was 18, her songs were on the radio all over South America. She gained fans of all ages, including the world-famous Colombian writer Gabriel. “Shakira’s music has a ____78____ character that doesn’t look like anyone else’s.” says Gabriel. “And no one can sing or dance like her”.Shakira’s next ____79____ was to reach an even bigger a udience. In 2002, she released (=published) a new album(唱片集) with songs in both English and Spanish. The songs mixed many musical styles: from Andean flutes and Argentine tango music. to Middle Eastern dance music and American and British rock and roll.Now that she has fans all over the world, Shakira ____80____ that her music can one dayhelp bring people together. She says, “I hope that I can bridge those differences between us. It’s an adventure, a dream.”75. A) seasons B) prices C) cultures D) events76. A) made a living B) fell in love C) kept in touch D) got tired77. A) when B) what C) how D) why78. A) personal B) common C) similar D) general79. A) course B) chance C) manner D) goal80 A) pretends B) predicts C) proves D) protects75. B 76. D 77. D 78. C 79. B 80. D75. C 76. C 77. A 78. C 79. A 80. B75-80 BACDAD75-80 C D C B B A75-80 CDBABA75. C 76. D 77. B 78. A 79. C 80. B75-80 BACDCA完形填空:CBCADB (2016年二模静安、青浦-顺着来的)。
近年高频单词的考查:动词:(备注:后面的数字代表考的次数)allowed answer attract appearedbring(2) becomecall(2) catch come(2) correct collect closed care(2)completed cleaning changed confuses choose(2) complain causeddisappeared deal/do decided discoveredenjoying encourages(2) exchange end examinedfinds follow failed followed flew(2) finish falling feelgive(2)help hurried happened hideis(3) including invented improvedjudgeknownleave locked love like(7) learned look(2) live/lead lie losemeans(4) makesnamed need(2)offered opened(2)Proved played(2) protect(2) planned payrefused relax(2) read received realize repair rememberspend(3) stopped shout sleep seem showed Suppose spread sell suffered searched stepped saved(saving) swim smell stop smilethink try(2) talks(2) turningused(2) understand(3)works(3) want written walking worry形容词:any(2) angry another(3) active asleep alone(3)beautiful best black blue broken bettercloser certain(2) common(4) cheap(2) confident cold careful crazy/curiousdaily different(3) difficult(2)easy excited(2)(exciting) enjoyable(2) every empty enough(2) everyone's/everybody's/each(2)/every free few first(3) fullgreater goodheavy happy highest hungry healthy(2)interested(2)(interesting) important(4) impossiblekindless(3) little(2) long(3)(longer)lower(2)many/most modern muchnoisy/noisier natural/necessary noown other(2)prefect(2) prettier pleased possible popular publicright(2) reasonable real(2) rude recentsafe sorry(2) same(4) special small(2) sick(2) safe sick straighttwo(3) tired traditional these/three thicker thankful topuseful(2)variouswrong wonderful wise warm worried(2) worseyoung副词:along around always(2) almost(2) also according actually(2) again anywhereback(2)completely carefully/closelydownexactly(2) especially(2) easily even everfinally(2)furtherhardly(3)how(2) hardinside instead(4)luckily late(2)not(3) never(4)only(5)off outsideprobably(2) Perhaps properlyquietly / quickly(2)really(4) ratherstill Slowly(2) seriously(2) sometimes(2) soon seldom safely simply Softlyterribly(2) through(2) then together(2)usuallyWhen well(2) withyet名词:address actress(actor) amount (2) arrangement area/attraction Army arm(s)bus bedroom buildingcountry(2) culture class customers chance colour collegediseases dream days difference(2)exercise experience example endfilm future friendship flatgame gradeshousework happiness hobbies homes/houses history hole hair hopesinformation(2) ideajourney jackets joblesson list living life luck(2) leg lengthmilk moments (moment) minutes men money messagesname(2) numberpopular part problems(2) people(2)/persons performanceradio rest(3) responsibility rule reasonssummer story(4) smile stars saying surprise side skillstrouble(4) thousands typeswriter way(2) wordsyear代词:anyone(2) anything(2) either(2) nothing(2) ones(2) himself herself hers Ourselves others(2)mine myself nothing nobody something(2) self These/They them yourself(2)介词:about(4) above between(3) Besides(2) except(2) for(2) from on over than without(3)behind连词:As(2) (After) and before(8) because(5) but(7)however(4) until(3) since unless whether(3) though so(2) that what(2) when(2)/while。
回答问题解题关键点:1.注意时态与人称2.不忘其所以连词与副词例如:2019二模长宁94. Why did the hundreds of birds die in the Pacific Ocean? __________________________________________.原文对应:hundreds of dead birds that had died because they had accidentally (意外地) eaten the plastic thrown into the sea.解析:注意问题的时态是一般过去时,因此答案应该写成:94. Because they had accidentally eaten the plastic thrown into the sea.3. 介词绝不能遗漏例如:2019奉贤二模阅读篇•97.How do smells bring back memories?•回答注意介词: By using a process to create a picture in your mind from the odors you smell.二、专题精讲例题1:Every month, junior high schools in China choose one hero of the month. This person is a hero because he or she has done something to help protect animals in danger. Huang Jing decided to write a letter to the President of China.Dear Mr. President,I have been doing a project at school recently about animals in danger. I think the situationall over the world is really awful. I am writing to you to suggest what China should do to helpprotect animals more.I know that there are nearly 2,000 nature reserves (保护区) in China, which is good. I livein Beijing and there are about 30 reserves outside the city. We visited one of them last monthto see for ourselves.I feel so sorry for the giant panda. It’s one of the most popularanimals in the world and a real symbol of China. We learned that pandasmainly live on bamboo, and that a panda can eat half its body weight ofbamboo in 24 hours! That’s a lot of bamboo. I think we should try to domore to stop cutting down their forests. Pandas are already a rare animal and it would be so sad if they became extinct (灭绝) forever.The other animal we should try to protect more is the Chinese alligator(扬子鳄). These creatures live in some parts of eastern China. Thesebeautiful animals live in freshwater rivers and lakes but the water in someplaces isn’t clean enough for them to live in. It’s really dirty in fact. Thegovernment should stop factories polluting the lakes and rivers.If we protect these beautiful animals in China, more people may wish to visit China to see them. They could be an important tourist attraction. It would be good if more people came tovisit our beautiful country, especially to see the quieter areas in the country. Now most visitorsjust see the cities.I hope you will encourage more people to think about such an important subject.Sincerely yours,Huang Jing93. What’s Huang Jing’s project at school about?I t’s about __________________________.94. What animals did Huang Jing talk about in his letter?__________________________.95. How much bamboo can a panda eat in 24 hours?__________________________.96. Why is the water in some places too dirty for alligators to live in?__________________________.89.To get into a company / The previous one / The first one90.Three91.In order to comfort her92.I have succeed/ I am employed93.Be polite and never give up.作业2:2019年二模闸北区D. Answer the questions(根据短文内容回答下列问题): (12分)Super SingersImagine yourself singing in front of an audience, performing in other countries, and having your music put on a CD! All this excitement isn’t just for rock stars. Joining a children’s chorus gives kids the chance to do these exciting activities. What does it take to get into a children’s chorus? You don’t need years of singing lessons. You just need to have a love for singing and be willing to learn and follow directions.It all starts at the audition(试唱). The choirmaster, or conductor, will have you sing with a group of kids. As the group sings, the conductor listens to how your voice comes together. You’ll also probably be asked to sing by yourself. The conductor wants to figure out what type of voice you have. A girl with a high voice is a soprano while a girl with a low voice is an alto. A boy with a high voice is a tenor, while a boy with a low voice is a bass. When the whole chorus sings together, the different types of voices sing different notes to the same song. This is called “singing parts”.Once you pass the audition, you might be assigned to a specific group. Beginning singers are often grouped together in a “Treble Chorus”. More advanced singers might be in a “Concert Chorus”. Different choirs have different names for these groups. No matter which group you’re in, you’ll need to go to rehearsals. Most children’s choirs rehearse once a week.93. What do you need to join a children’s chorus?_____________________________________________________.94. What are you required to do at the audition?_____________________________________________________.95. What will Jane probably be if she has a low voice?_____________________________________________________.96. Beginning singers are often grouped together in a “Concert Chorus”, aren’t they?__________________________________________________.97. How often do most children’s choirs rehearse?_____________________________________________________.98. What good is being a member of a choir?_____________________________________________________.答案:93. You need to love singing and be able to follow directions.94. You sing with a group of kids and by yourself.95. An alto.96. No, they aren’t.97. Once a week.98. Any reasonable answer is acceptable.。
- 熟悉上海中考英语6选5考试的要求和试题结构,包括题型、题量和时间限制。
1. 阅读题:先快速浏览全文,了解文章大意,然后回到题目找
2. 完形填空题:先通读全文,找到文章的主题和脉络,然后根
3. 改错题:仔细阅读句子,注意语法错误和拼写错误,修改错
4. 信息匹配题:仔细阅读材料和问题,通过定位词找到所需信
5. 句子转换题:根据所给的要求和提示,改写句子,注意语法
6. 词汇题:根据句子和文章的上下文,选择合适的词语填空。
7. 补全对话题:根据对话的语境和提示,选择合适的句子进行
- 在阅读和听力的过程中,遇到关键信息、关键词或难点内容时,用铅笔划出或在答题卡上做记号,以便后续查找答案。
- 多做一些模拟题目和真题,熟悉不同题型的要求和解题技巧,提高答题准确度和速度。
- 合理分配时间,针对不同题型设定一定的时间限制,以确保
- 制定科学的研究计划,合理安排时间,按照重难点进行有针
- 在答题前先通读一遍试卷,优先选择自己擅长的题型先做,
1. 首先,我们需要快速浏览全文,以掌握文章的全貌。
2. 细读文后的题目是非常关键的一步。
3. 细读文章并掌握短文的细节也是非常重要的。
4. 对于那些表层理解的题目,我们可以果断选定答案。
5. 最后,复读全文并核对答案是必要的步骤。
•词组搭配:需要掌握常用的词组搭配,如“take a shower”和“have a shower”。
•固定搭配:需要掌握一些常用的固定搭配,如“look forward to”和“get along with”。
上海市初中毕业生统一学业考试英语试卷阅读部分F. Answer the questions(根据短文内容回答下列问题): ( 12分)08年English is an important international language, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy to learn. Many experts have tried to make English easier to learn —but they weren’t always successful.In 1930, Professor C.K. Ogden of Cambridge University invented Basic English. It had only 850 words (and just eighteen verbs) and Ogden said most people could learn it in just thirty hours. The problem was that people who learned Basic English could write and say simple messages, but they couldn’t understand the answers in ‘real’ English! It was also impossible to explain a word if it wasn’t in the Basic English word list.R.E. Zachrisson, a university professor in Sweden, decided that the biggest problem for learners of English was spelling, so he invented a language with the name Anglic. Anglic was similar to English, but with much simpler spelling. ‘Father’ became ‘faadher’, ‘new’ became ‘nue’ and ‘years’ became ‘yeerz’. Unluckily, Anglic never became p opular.In the age of international communication through the Internet, who knows what will happen? ... a new form of English might appear. A large number of the world’s e-mails are in English and include(包括) examples of ‘NetLingo’ like OIC (Oh, I see) a nd TTYL (Talk to you later). In another fifty years, English might not be used. We might all speak fluent Internetish!104. Many experts have tried to make English easier to learn, haven’t they?________________________________________________________________________ 105. Who invented Basic English in 1930 ?________________________________________________________________________ 106. How long could most people learn Basic English according to Professor Ogden?________________________________________________________________________ 107. What was the biggest problem for learners of English according to Professor Zachrisson?________________________________________________________________________ 108. What might happen to English in another fifty years?________________________________________________________________________ 109. What do you think of the experts’ ideas of making English easier?________________________________________________________________________Kyra Komac, 28 years old, now has 25 furniture stores all over the country. The new store, in London's Camden High Street, takes her back to where it all started. She tells us about how the business began.When I was little, my mother began selling flowers in Camden Market. She couldn't leave me at home on my own, so I had to go to the market with her. "To begin with, I didn't have to do anything. I just sat there, and my mum told me jokes and stories so I didn't get bored. When I got older, I gave my mum a hand and I really enjoyed it.Then, one year, my grandma gave me a book for Christmas. It was all about making candles and I loved it. I was 14,and I didn't have to go to the market any more because mum could leave me at home on my own. I spent my free time making candles of all shapes and sizes. I made hundreds of them.One day, my mother was ill so I had to goto the market on my own. I decided to take some candles with me and see if I could sell them. They were sold out in twenty minutes! The next week, my mum gave me some money to buy some wax(蜡)to make more candles. They sold out really quickly, too.Nine months later, we decided to stop selling flowers. My mum and I couldn't make enough candles during the week, so some of my school friends started to help us. I paid them one pound for every candle, and we used to sell them for three or four times that. It was fun and my friends worked with me in the market.At the age of 22,my uncle lent me some money and I opened my first shop in Portobello Road. Since then, I've never looked back, even in difficulties. In the first store, we only sold candles, but now we sell everything from designer furniture to paintings. Oh, and candles, of course. .99. How many furniture stores does Kyra Komac have now?________________________________________________________________________ 100. Where did Kyra's mother sell flowers?________________________________________________________________________ 101. What did Kyra do in her free time when she was fourteen? '________________________________________________________________________ 102. Did the candles sell well on the first day in the market?________________________________________________________________________ 103. Who helped Kyra and her mum when they couldn't make enough candles during the week?________________________________________________________________________ 104. How did Kyra's uncle help her to open her first shop?________________________________________________________________________ 105. What do you think of this story?________________________________________________________________________Mary Donaldson is worried about her 16-year-old daughter. Sophia. Six months ago. Sophia came back from a party, upset and unhappy. From then on. she thinks of nothing but how to lose weight and become beautiful. She refuses to eat and keeps on doing exercise. Sophia had always been a little heavy, so when he decided to go on a diet, Mary encouraged her. She felt that her daughter would look more attractive if she lost 10 kilograms. However, Sophia has lost over 20 kilograms until now. Her eating and exercising habits are having a harmful effect on her health. She is too thin and is often sick.Her mother is trying to prevent her from going on a diet and losing weight, but Sophia thinks that she is still too heavy and refuses to start eating as usual. Sophia's mind is full of the idea of looking like a model (模特). Every day she goes to a club to do exercise. When she is not there, she spends her time reading magazines like Fashion & Beauty (《时尚与美》). The models in these magazines are very thin and beautiful. Sophia says. "If I look like these models, I will be happy and all the boys will like me"Mary doesn't know how to help her daughter. She feels sorry for having encouraged her at first, because Sophia no longer feels good or pleased with her body. She's afraid that Sophia will never be happy if she keeps comparing herself with the models in the magazines. Mary tries to tell Sophia that true beauty comes from within. Common people are not supposed to look like models. The most ordinary face becomes beautiful when the person behind it is filled with confidence (自信), wisdom and the joy of life.99. When did Sophia decide to lose weight?_________________________________________________________________________ 100. Besides doing exercise, what else does Sophia do to lose weight?_________________________________________________________________________ 101. How much weight has Sophia lost until now?_________________________________________________________________________ 102. Did Sophia give up going on a diet after she had lost some weight?_________________________________________________________________________ 103. Where docs Sophia do exercise every day?_________________________________________________________________________ 104. Why does Mary feel sorry for having encouraged her daughter to go on a diet at first? _________________________________________________________________________ 105. In your opinion, what is "true beauty"?_________________________________________________________________________11年John Brown, an office worker, lives in Washington, He inherited(继承) $ 1,000, 000 when he was 23. He didn't feel happy at all His college friends were looking for their first jobs, but he didn’t h ave to. John decided to keep living a simple life like everyone else. He didn’t tell any of his friends and gave $ 100, 000 of his money to a charity(慈善团体)that helped poor children to live better lives. Today he is 36, the still wears cheap shoes and clothes and owns a small car only, but he is much happier.Up to now John has helped 15 children from poor countries all over the world, $ 200 a month for each. The child does not receive the money in cash(现金). The money pays for the child's school expenses, food, medical care and clothing. John receives a report each year on the child's progress. They can write to each other, but usually the children do not speak English.When John first heard about these children, he wanted to help them. "It was not anything special, "he said. "Until I had the chance to go to these countries and meet the children I was helping, I did not know anything about the type of life they had"Once John went to meet a little girl in Africa. He said that the meeting was very exciting. "When I met her, I felt very very happy, " he said, "I saw that the money was used for a very good plan. It brought me closer to the child in a way that giving money alone cannot " "I want to do everything I can. I will go on helping those children in need, " he added.Questions(根据短文内容回答下列问题,不超过五个单词:1. What land of life is John living?He is living a ;.2.Did John want to look for a job or stay at home after he got the money?3.Does John only help the poor children in Africa?4.The child receives the money in cash, doesn't he?5. Why did John say that the meeting with the little girl was very exciting?Because he saw his money was well used and this made him .6.How do you like John Brown?He i s12年It's March, 2050.Frank and Mary Smith wake up in their comfortable house in the morning and switch on the bedroom computer to get the latest news. They used toread the Times, but changed to electronic newspapers many yearsago.There is the usual news about space: another space flight hasreturned from Mars and scientists have discovered a new planet.Then they turn to business news: the US dollar has risen greatlyin Shanghai, one of the world's leading business centres. Marytells the computer to buy 5,000 dollars, and there is a quick response that it has been done.As they watch the screen, Mary orders one of the household robots to make coffeefor them. Frank disappears into the study to join a video conference with his partners around the world. He is a computer engineer, working for severalcompanies. This is his third job: he used to be in marketing and thentelevision.Mary has a quick look at the shopping channels - the usual selection of electric cars, household robots and cheap travel offers -before picking up the video phone to talk to her assistant. She also has ajob and she is doing medical research. Both she and Frank used to havean office desk in London, but in 2014 they decided to move to the seaside and work from home.Frank and Mary have one daughter, Louise, who also has her own workstation at home. She goes to school only one day a week, mainly to play with other students. Classrooms disappeared in 2030 because there was no longer any need for them: communications systems have made it much easier to learn at home.Louise, now thirteen, is studying Chinese at present, which has become a world language as important as English. Louise has many Chinese friends. They communicate by computer.According to the family doctor, Louise will live to at least 130. Her wish is to work for a few decades (十年) and then spend her time on music and painting.93. Why do Frank and Mary switch on the bedroom computer in the morning?Because they _________________________________________________ .94. Does Mary read space news or business news?__________________________________________________________95. Who makes coffee for Mary and Frank?____________________________________________________________96. How does Frank work with others from home?_____________________________________________________________97. What are the two world languages in 2050?______________________________________________________________98. What do you think of Louise's life in 2050?I think her life in 2050 is ____________ because ________________________上海市初中毕业生统一学业考试英语试卷阅读部分E. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给):(14分)08年Do you have bright ideas? Ideas for inventions that change the world or, at least, make life easier for somebody? P 97 we all do sometimes, but we don’t often make the idea a real thing. Recently, there was a competition in a country, which encouraged young people to make their bright ideas come true. There were t 98 groups in the contest: Group A was for school children under 16; Group B was for those o 99 16. And there were eleven prize-winners altogether.Neil Hunt, one of the prize-winners, was c 100 “Sunshine Superman” by one newspaper writing about his design. When people study the we ather, it’s important to be able to record the sunshine accurately. We need to know how many h 101 of sunshine we have and how strong it is. Most sunshine recorders o 102 record direct (直接的) sunshine. Neil’s is more accurate and this is very import ant for research into ways of using solar power. Neil plans to keep inventing.The ideas in the competition were so g 103 that we are surprised that the industry (工业界) doesn’t ask more school children for suggestions.09年THIS MONTH'S GOALS FOR HELPING TO SAVE OUR PLANET!1. Save electricity2. Recycle3. Save water4. Save gasWeek 1 This week, my family tried to save electricity. We never left the lights on when leaving the rooms. We switched off the TV when n 92 was watching it. Mum only used cold water in the washing machine.Week 2 We started recycling this week. We tried to write on both sides of our paper, not just on one side. We also divided our rubbish into d 93 bags (or bottles, cans, paper and food. Mum kept the plastic shopping bags from the supermarket io use them a 94 as rubbish bags. These are great ways to help our environment.Week 3 , We stopped taking long baths and had short showers i 95 . We flushed the toilet with used water. When mum dad made tea or coffee, they used I 96 water in the kettle (水壶).My sister and I didn't leave the tap running when we brushed our teeth. Week 4 Mum used to d 97 us to school, but now my sister and I have started riding our bikes to school. It's hard work but good exercise! This week dad and a few of the people be works with also started to go to work together in one and share the cost. This should help r 98 greenhouse gases!My friends and I became volunteers at school. We help make our school more earth - friendly.10年A survey has been published which shows that British people don't like their neighbours very much. 80% of the people who took part in the survey feel that their neighbours h 92 ___ pay attention to others" feelings. 25% don't talk lo the people who live next door and 10% don't even know their names. In fact, one million people in Britainwould like to m ____93__because they don't pet along well with their neighbours.According to the survey, the b 94 problem is noise. Many of the complaints about noise came from people who live in flats and old houses. These places often have thin walls which can't s 93 the noise from next door.The other main problems are disagreements (不和) about car parking spaces, and old people complaining about the young. Some disagreement last a 1 94 time. In one case, people who live in the same building haven't talked to each other for fifteen years. Sometimes the disagreements end in violence. In one of the worst cases, a man killed a neighbour because he kept parking in "his space".Another survey shows that 90% of the neighbours never share a meal, 80% have never had a drink t 97 ,and 20% have never even spoken. However, when neighbours become each other's f___98___ , they are often ready to offer help, as we can see in many parts of the world.One solution to such problems is to talk about them with a professional organization and if necessary, to sign a written agreement. Now people can get this service in more and more towns.11年Of ten, doctors tell some people to go on diets (节食). The doctors hope the diets will make the people feel b 1 . They hope the diets will make the people healthy.Alana was on a diet, but she didn't like it at all. She was not a 2 to eat her favourite food by the doctor. While her brother Frank ate chocolate, she had to eat an apple. Alana was on the diet for two months. Her doctor was pleased with her. "You have been very good, "he said. "You can eat some of the foods you like best But only a little. Don't eat too many sweets. Don't eat too much ice cream. If you do, you will get a lot of weight a 3 . "Then the doctor put Frank on a diet It was a different kind of diet "You c 4 eat chicken or eggs. Frank, "said the doctor. "These foods will make you in trouble. ""How long will I have to be on the diet?" asked Frank."A long time, " said the doctor. "Maybe for the r 5 of your life. ""But I really like chicken, " said Frank. "You said it is one of the best meats to eat ""It is a very good food for most people, " said the doctor. "But when you eat it, it makes you sick. It is not a good food for you. ""You're right, " said Frank "Well, I'll eat more cake i 6 . "12年The 2012 London Olympic Games are on the wa3'. You mayhave a nice trip in London with the help of the followinginformation.上海市初中毕业生统一学业考试英语试卷阅读部分Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage(选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文):(14分)08年All about Britain’s TeenagersSchoolBritish teenagers can leave school at sixteen after taking their GCSE exams. They study for exams in as many as ten subjects, 90 they have to work pretty hard! Today’s teens spend more time doing their homework than any teenagers in the past, studying for 2.5 – 3 hours every evening.Free TimeIt’s not all work, of course. What do British teenagers do to have 91 ? They love watching TV, going out, meeting friends in Internet cafés and listening to music. CommunicationsIn addition to the Internet, teenagers in Britain use their computers to play games and do their homework. They 92 love their mobile phones, and spend hours texting (发短信) their friends and chatting. Today, phones are getting smaller and lighter and you can do a lot more 93 them than just talk. Text messaging has become the coolest and most popular way to communicate. More than 90% of 12- to 16-year-olds have a mobile, and experts say that this stops 94 from spending their money on sweets and cigarettes. Fashion(服饰)At school, almost all British teenagers have to wear a school uniform. However, in their free 95 they can wear whatever they like, and what they like is designer names such as Nike, Diesel and Paul Smith. In fact, 40% of British teens say that they think it is important to have the latest fashion. Looking good doesn’t come 96 , but many teenagers think it usual or easy to spend more than £100 on one item of clothing.90. A) but B) or C) so D) because91. A) lessons B) sports C) advice D) fun92. A) never B) already C) also D) no longer93. A) with B) for C) at D) in94. A) teachers B) relatives C) friends D) teenagers95. A) day B) time C) week D) month96. A) cheap B) expensive C) special D) ordinary09年Sometimes you may not understand your parents. One minute they're friendly, the next minute they're shouting and screaming loudly enough for the whole street to hear. So who makes them so 85 ?You, probably! Is your room untidy? Do you leave things on the floor? You may find it hard enough to keep one room tidy. So imagine what it's like for your mum and dad trying to keep a whole house in order.When you take your clothes off, remember to 86 . Get into the habit of taking glasses and plates down to the kitchen. Before long you'll be doing it without thinking.Even though you may not realize it, your parents have bought you many clothes. But they're not buying themselves new things every week, are they? The simple truth is that there are more __87 things to spend money on, like the electricity bill and food.You may hate missing a party to visit some boring old relatives. They may go on and on about what a sweet baby you were. You have no choice but to listen. Even if you __88 ,your parents won't change their minds. Parents like to show off their family. The best thing you can do is to help entertain your relatives. Your parents will be so pleased with you afterwards that they'll probably allow you to go to the next two __ 89 .You might not want to eat, but think of it from the parents' point of view. If you cook two meals a day, it means 730 meals a year. Can you imagine how boring this can get? Imagine how your parents feel when you say you're not really hungry. 90 , your parents are probably worried that you aren't eating enough.Eat fewer snacks "and leave room for your meals. Finally, offer to 91 after the meal. Your offer may not be accepted, but your parents will be pleased.85. A. friendly B. lonely C. changeable D. comfortable86. A. hang them up B. leave them aloneC. put them onD. throw them away87. A. interesting B. difficult C. important D. surprising88. A. agree B. complain C. listen D. win89. A. concerts B. meetings C. classes D. parties90. A. In addition B. In return C. At most D. At last91. A. do the cooking B. lay the tableC. buy some snacksD. wash the dishes11年During the time of the Second ! World War, a woman from New York was one of the many who had a son in the army in 1. The son wrote home once a week. His mother was always pleased to receive his letters, so when the letters 2 stopped coming, she became worried She soon learned from the Home Office that her son was 3 by the Japanese. And he was now in prison (监狱). A few weeks later, the mother was very 4 to get a letter from her son. He wrote that he was in a Japanese prisoner of war camp, 5 he was treated well and was in fine health, At the end of the letter, he added, "PS Steam off the stamp and give it to my little brother for his collection. "As the boy was her only son, the mother steamed off the stamp at once. She was surprised to see a message, saying, " 6 , we' re starving(饿)to death!"1. A. Ask B. America C Africa D. Europe2. A, quickly B. suddenly C. finally D. quietly3. A. sent B. chosen C heard D. caught4. A. sad B. happy C. kind D. angry5. A. or B. for C. so D. but6. A. Look B. Listen C Save D. Help12年Tiffany, a 16-year-old girl, was very, shy. Last September, her best friend, Sophie, moved abroad with her family because she had to continue her studies in America. She even said she would not come back for at least a few years. Tiffany became 80 andhelpless. "I was really sad the moment I heard the bad news and I didn't know what to do," Tiffany recalled (回忆). "I 81 myself in my room for a whole week. It was then that my aunt took me to a sports club one Saturday and I saw' so many young people playing various sports there. I signed up for a beginners' course in volleyball and since then I have been playing this sport. Now I practise twice a week there. It is wonderful playing sports in this club and I have made lots of 82 as well. What's more, I feel I am much healthier than before."The most basic aim of playing sports is that you can improve your health even if you are not very good at sports. 83 , you can get to know a circle of people at your age while playing sports. Tiffany used to be a very quiet girl. Since she joined the sports club, she has opened up herself and now she has become very 84 and enjoys meeting and talking with others.For most people, that is one of the attractions of joining a sports club. You can get to know other young people who have similar interests. You don't have to sit down and talk to strangers.You go in for sports and it is easier to understand your partners on the same team. Now Tiffany is quite 85 her friends and she has also gained more confidence.Try to do regular sports. The mind needs exercise as well as the body.80. A) angry B) lonely C) tired D) surprised81. A) shut B) hurt . C) enjoyed D) helped82. A) trouble B) mistakes C) money D) friends83. A) So far B) In addition C) Once again D) After all84. A) active B) strong C) lucky D) independent85. A) generous to B) different from C) popular with D) disappointed in10年Every day cars kill or hurt many people on roads. Sometimes the drivers drive too fast or do not drive carefully enough. Some of them85 the traffic rules and cause accidents.According to some researches, it is usually the pedestrians (行人) who cause the accidents. A lot of road users are very careless.They walk or run across the roads 86 the cars. They walkin the roads but not on the walkways. They get into or out of carsin the middle of the road. Some do not take the trouble to _ 87 thegreen lights and simply cross the roads against the red lights.Many people think accidents often happen in busy roads in large cities, but this is not always true. 88 , Tokyo is one of theworld's largest cities and probably one of the busiest cities;however, there are 89. accidents to pedestrians. The reasonis that the police there are very strict and the pedestrians are verycareful. Pedestrians never cross against a red light and they 90follow traffic rules.Do you know alcohol(酒精) is another main cause of traffic accidents?It delays people's response. Those who have drunk alcohol are 91in making decisions. They need a few more seconds to react (反应).Alcohol drinking is especially dangerous for motor car drivers. Itis not only drivers who may have accidents after drinking, drunkenpedestrians may put their lives in danger as well.( ) 85. A. make B. break C. follow D. remember( ) 86. A. at the end of B. in the centre of C. on top of D. in front of( ) 87. A.turn on B. worry about C. wait for D. point out( ) 88. A. In addition B. For example C. By the way D. On the other hand ( ) 89. A. few B. many C. enough D. some( ) 90. A. even B. never C. almost D. always( ) 91. A. slow B. active C. interested D. excited。
上海中考英语A篇阅读理解解题技巧讲解一、知识框架二、知识点梳理Ⅰ. 细节理解题一、解题思路1.凡属针对特定细节的考题,其正确答案大都可以在阅读材料中找到对应的文字部分作为验证。
【案例分析】Lin's enjoyment of basketball actually began in Taiwan, where his father started watching it. Lin's father moved to U.S., and passed on this love of basketball to his son, the young Lin spent much of his youth playing basketball for fun, learning from his father and older brother. But his family taught him about more than basketball. After games, his parents would discuss not only hisscore but also his conduct toward other players. This taught Lin that character was more important than playing well.74. Lin’s enjoyment of basketball started in .A. TaiwanB. the U.SC. Harvard UniversityD. NBA【解析】1.断案—extract the key word in the questionLin’s enjoyment ; basketball; started2.去案发现场寻找蛛丝马迹—find the original sentence in the passageLin's enjoyment of basketball; began in = start3:找到证据,破解案情—get answers near the sentenceLin's enjoyment of basketball actually began in TaiwanⅠ. 理解推断题一、解题思路推断题就是根据某个事实推断结论,主要考查学生的理解力和推断力。
重难点15 阅读回答问题解题技巧(原卷版)(建议用时:30分钟)属于主观题性质的任务型阅读,要求考生回答问题。
1. 通读全文。
2. 按题查读,即根据问题去寻找答案。
3. 简练作答。
如需引用原文,要作适当改动,最好不要整句照搬.4. 认真核查。
5. 答案形式要符合提问方式。
一、阅读回答问题Ten year-old schoolboy Alex McTeer was so angry about having to do homework after class that he wrote to Prime Minister(首相)David Cameron, in the hope that he could take action.Dear Mr. Cameron,I am writing to ask if you will change the law so that children don’t have to do homework, especially on a Friday. I work really hard at school every day and think that when I get home it should be my time play with friends.Please write back.Alex McTeer,10, From Sheffield Dear Alex,I’m writing on behalf of(代表)the prime minister to thank you for your recent letter.While homework is not compulsory(强制的), the government believes that learning from school is animportant part of education. It is not just about strengthening what you learn in the classroom, although that is important . A good, well organized homework program helps children and young people to develop into successful, independent learners throughout their lives.The prime minister knows that many schools set homework for their pupils because they believe homework gives them the chance to practice what they have learned in school and helps them to make progress with their learning. The amount of homework time varies(存在不同之处)from school to school, depending on the age and needs of pupils. It is up to your teachers to decide how much homework you should be asked to do and I’m pleased that they are encouraging you to offer your views on this issue.Mr. Cameron certainly wants you to be able to enjoy your time at school and also have time to do other things which you enjoy after school, and over the school holidays. However, he also thinks that properly set and marked homework can help you with your learning.Thank you again for writing and I wish you well with your future studies.Yours sincerely,Stephanie Correspondence Officer(联络官员)Alex was happy to get the reply from 10 Downing Street and he now understands that doing homework will help him to get a good future.1.Alex was a schoolboy, wasn’t he?2.How did Alex feel about having to do homework after class?3.Why did he write to the Prime Minister?4.What does Mr. Cameron think of homework?5.How do teachers decide the amount of homework pupils should do?6.Do you agree homework is an important part of a good education? Why or why not?How much do you payyour kids?Many children in America try to find the jobs during their holidays to earn their pocket money, including President Obama’s daughters Natasha and Malia. Obama gives them just a dollar a week each for the jobs they do. They help to do housework such as setting the table, washing dishes, and cleaning their play areas and bedrooms.Some people question if it is reasonable(合理的)to give children allowances(零用钱)in this way.But most of the American parents believe that everyone in the family should be responsible for the housework. The people who agree with this point(观点)say that kids shouldn’t just get allowances for nothing, and that such payments can help kids learn it is not easy to get money—this is the first lesson of their money management skills.Most of the children in America are allowed to spend their allowances on the things they like.Many people think that kids can start receiving allowances around ages 4 or 5, when children start to understand how money works in life.How much should the children get from their jobs is another problem. One way here can help the parents to decide: write down how much you spend on your children daily for two weeks and set an arrangement based on the average daily expenses. Then you will get the answer.7.Why do many children in America try to find the jobs during their holidays?______________________.8.How many children does President Obama have?______________________.9.What job do President Obama’s daughters do?______________________.10.It is easy to get money from the parents, isn’t it?______________________.11.When can kids start receiving allowances?______________________.12.Do you agree with this point “kids shouldn’t just get allowances for nothing”? Tell at least one reason.______________________.AlphaGo(阿尔法围棋), a computer program has beaten a master Go player Lee Se-dol 4-1 in a competition. Lee, one of the greatest players who has won 18 world championships for 21 years of his professional career. It is seen as a landmark moment for artificial intelligence. The AlphaGo system was developed by British computer company Deep Mind which was bought by Google in 2014.Mr. Lee had we expressed his confidence ahead of the match, but after losing the first contest, he said “I was very surprised because I did not think I would lose the game”. Lee Se-dol said he felt “regrettable” about the result of the contest. At a press conference held after the final match, Mr. Lee said he did not necessarily think AlphaGo was superior humans. But he said he had more studying to do, and admitted the matches had challenged some of his ideas about the Go game. And the victory of the computer has led to some introspection.Go originated more than 2,500 years ago in ancient China, and it’s one of the oldest board games playedtoday. It is considered one of the most complex board games. It is played on a board made up of a grid of 19 by 19 squares. The game opens with players taking turns to place black and white playing pieces, known as “stones”, on the vacant intersections, known as the “points” of the board. The aim, as the translation of its name means, is to surround a larger total area of the board than your opponent by the end of the game.The contest was held in Seoul, the capital of South Korea, and has attracted huge attention. The first match was live broadcast and watched by 60 million viewers in China alone, with an estimated global audience of 100 million. The AlphaGo’s developer will get 1 million US dollars in prize, which will be donated to charities. 13.Lee Se-dol hasn’t won over AlphaGo in the game, has he?______________________________________________.14.Who made the AlphaGo system?______________________________________________.15.How did Lee Se-dol feel before the match?______________________________________________.16.Where was the contest held?______________________________________________.17.How many cross points are there on the Go board?______________________________________________.18.Do you think computer can completely take the place of humans? why?______________________________________________.Answer the questions (根据短文内容回答问题)Sun Ruifeng, a mother in Beijing, changed some of her plans for her 8-year-old son’ssummer vacation. She looked for an English training course, but in the end, she changed it to a swimming training class.“Due to the stricter regulations (规定) on subject-training classes, many parents like me choose sports or other projects for developing interests instead,” Sun said.Sun’s choice is part of the result of the government’s growing efforts to lighten the academic pressure on young students.On July 24, Chinese government introduced a guideline (意见) to ease the burden (负担) of excessive homework and off-campus training for primary and junior high school students. It lists requirements in areas suchas reducing the amount and the difficulty of homework and improving the quality of education and after-class services provided by schools.For example, homework for children below the third grade is not allowed, while homework for junior high school students should take no longer than 90 minutes to finish.According to the guideline, training institutions (机构) cannot teach students content that is too advanced for the school curriculum. No training courses can be taught on weekends, national holidays or during winter and summer vacations.According to Global Times, more than 75 percent of Chinese urban children, from Grade 1 to Grade 12, are enrolled in training programs. However, some training institutions take part in anxiety marketing, selling unnecessary programs that increase the burden on students.Many parents showed their support for the new moves. “Subject learning is enough at school and we hope to improve the children’s overall quality of life during holidays,” a parent surnamed (姓) Zhou in Guangzhou told Xinhua.However, there are also some concerns. A parent surnamed Chen in Shanxi said that although she agreed on new moves, she worried about 6 .At present, nine cities, including Beijing, Shanghai, Shenyang and Guangzhou, have been selected to carry out the guideline. It will later be rolled out nationwide.19.Sun Ruifeng didn’t choose the swimming training class for her son at last, did she?________________________________20.What does the guideline require primary and junior high schools to do on homework?________________________________21.How long do the children below the third grade spend on homework?________________________________22.Who increase the burden on students by selling unnecessary programs?________________________________23.Why did many parents show their support for the new move?________________________________ 24.What might be filled in the blank in the last second paragraph?________________________________Read the passage below and answer the following questions. (根据文章内容回答下列问题)Hi, honeyI know you’re very busy at work and I’m sure that’s why you haven’t returned my call, so I am sending youthis e-mail. I always get a little sentimental (多愁善感的) this time of year since our family doesn’t celebrate Christmas. But if you felt like making the trip this year, I would be happy to pay for half of your ticket, but no pressure. I don’t feel lonely, especially since I made friends with the woman who moved in across the hall. Did I tell you about Loni? We have discovered that we both love movies, and have been seeing a film almost every day. I’m sure you don’t have much time, so I thought I would send you my “reviews” of the season's top films to help you figure out which ones are worth watching.“MARTIANS”This is the best film of the year! Matt Damon is perfect. He is exactly the kind of man I would love to see you end up with, someone who is patient and could take care of you even in a dangerous situation.“HARFA KOZY”It is an independent Polish film that Loni and I saw at the Museum of Fine Arts. It's about a young poor girl who lives with her uncle in a small house and spends her whole life dreaming of playing the harp (竖琴) at the concert. Unfortunately, her family was too poor to afford it, but when she turns ten, her uncle makes her a harp from the bones of her pet goat. It’s a wonderful film about the power of family and music, and it ends with some fun singing and dancing.OK. It’s getting late here, so I’d better go to sleep. As you know, I would like to see any of these films again if you decide you are interested in coming home. Loni will visit her daughter in Chicago for the holidays so she cannot be my film date for a while, but no pressure, I can always just bring my notebook to the theatre and take notes for more "reviews", and that’s all the company I need.Love,Mum 25.Did the daughter return her mum’s call?__________________________________________26.Who is Loni?__________________________________________27.Why did the mum send her daughter “reviews” of the season's top films?__________________________________________28.What kind of person did the mum want her daughter to marry?__________________________________________29.How did the girl’s uncle make the harp in the film?__________________________________________30.If you were the daughter, what would you probably reply after you receive the e-mail? (Write three sentences.)__________________________________________。
解题技巧:通读短文,领会文章大意,理解文章结构层次及细节,特别注意:1. 五个W (who ,which ,when ,where ,what )和一个H (how );2. 数字、**期、时间等;3. 注意加强语气的词。
解题技巧:1. 正确理解题意,从短文中找到相关的词、短语或句子,根据特定的语境来判断理解,推敲斟酌和最后确定其准确含义。
2. 根据上下文猜测词义的技巧:(1)注意定义和解释;(2)同义词或近义词的提示;(3)近义词和反义词的提示;(4)利用悬念的属种关系;(5)借助已有知识或生活常识。
解题技巧:1. 分析文章的主旨。
2. 分清文章的主要思想及次要思想。
3. 寻找文章的逻辑思路。
4. 核对问题中各项选择与文章中有关词句的联系。
二、答题步骤1. 先看问题,再读文章。
3. 复读全文,验证答案。
细节类问题的命题方式有以下几种:(1) Which of the following is NOT true according to the information in the passage?(2) Which of the following is mentioned in the passage?(3) What is the example of . . . as described in the passage?(4) The author mentions all of the following except . . .(5) The reason for . . .is . . .(6) The author states that . . .(7) According to the passage, when (where, why, how, who, etc. ) ..解题技巧:1、通读全文,领悟大意,理解文章结构层次及细节,特别注意以下几个方面:五个W(Who, where, when, which)和一个H(how)以及其他特殊之处;数字、日期、时间等;同位语、破折号、括号、省略号等;表示附加说明的词,如:by the way, besides, what’s more, in addition to, including to, as well as等。
倒装句及加强语气的词,如above all, mainly, mostly, certainly, indeed等。
Example :72. How many factors are mentioned that may contribute to the good health of these long-lived people?A. TwoB. ThreeC. FourD. Five本题是考核学生根据止下文全面理解和进行正确判断的能力,问的是本文论述导致这些老人长寿的几个主要因素。
考生审题时,应注意以下几点:(1)、问到who, what, which, when,where,how,why等的问题时,往往有according to the author(passage)这样的限制语。
(3)、如果问题中含有否定意义的词语,如有not,except (for),least, never等,要特别留心,不要理解错了,而选择相反的答案。
(4)、要准确把握指代关系,阅读时我们常常遇到一些代词,如it, its, they, them, their,this, that, these, those, one, ones等,用来代替上文提到的人、事或物。
2 要熟悉常见的设问形式:1) The underlined word in the … paragraph refers to /means ________.2) What does “______” in paragraph … stand for /mean?3) “______” could best be replaced by which of the following?4) The expression /phrase “_______” means ______.5) The word “______” is closest in meaning to ______.Examples:Another factor(因素) that may contribute to(促使) the good health of these people is their isolation. Most of them are kept off the modern world.74. What does the word “isolation” means in Chinese?A. 自我封闭B、与世隔绝C、独立D、淡泊通过通读文章,从后面句子可以推断出这个单词的汉语意思是B。
点晴:Words, like people, are frequently known by the company they keep. A word’s context or surroundings, can provide clues to meaning.三、推理判断题主要对短文的结论、隐含意义(寓意)、作者的倾向、文章的论调、写作的思路及目的等进行考查,纵观全文,在汇集短文提供的各项信息的基础上,严格按照短文陈述的观点或描述事实,进行正确的、合乎逻辑的推论和引申,包括事情的前因后果、人物的目的动机和性格特征、作者的倾向态度、语言中的语态和语气等。
2、熟悉常用的设问方式:1) We can infer /conclude from the passage that ______.2) It can be inferred /concluded (from the passage) that ________.3) The passage /story /author /paragraph implies, but does not directly state that _______.4) The author strongly suggests that__________ ______.5) What do you think would happen (to…) at the end of the story?四、归纳概括题此类题主要针对的主题、中心思想、文章的结构层次(主题句或题段)、作者的写作目的(purpose)等方面,要求考生在准确理解全文后,归纳短文要点、概括中心思想,也分析和归纳段落大意、重要情节、人物特征和环境特点等。
一般而言,英语文章的话题往往用很少几个词加以概括,通常具体反映在文章的题目或一段短文的小标题上;不少文章一开头便展示出文章的主题,特点是新闻报道,第一段通常是故事的梗概(lead paragraph),这一段往往表达了文章的中心思想,但也要注意,不少文章的中心思想也常贯穿于全文之中;主题段通常在文章简要概括文章中心思想,而主题句(topic sentence)常在一段的开头,也有可能在段中或段末。
这类题常见的命题方式有:(1)What is the main idea (subject) of this passage ?(2)What does this passage mainly talk about ?(3)The main theme of this passage is ___________.(4)The main point of the passage is__________.(5)Which of the following is the best title for the passage ?(6)The title that best expresses the theme of the passage is ___________.(7)The purpose of the writer in writing this passage _________.(8)Which of the following best describes the passage as a whole ?1、关于主题型找中心(Main Idea)Example 1:68.These two passages are _____________.(07中考第68小题,阅读理解A篇)A. diariesB. reportsC. newsD. ads本题问及文章的体裁。