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1. 水源:冷热水镀锌管各一根,离地高度300mm,出墙装截止阀

2. 电源:AC220V/50Hz,单相三线制,BV=3,离地高度400mm,装10A防水插座

3. 在离地高度130mm左右,产品外侧装电源控制开关。

4. 排水:下水口应位以图示排水口为中心,半径200mm的范围内(不要在中心位置),并用软管连接


1. 确定产品安装位置:请参考水电参数表及水电安装图布置下水管道、电源插座、给水管等。并确保有足够的位置连接。然后将浴缸至于安装场所,调节底部平衡螺母使缸体保持水平。为了下一步安装方便,先将浴缸移出少许,待安装完成后再移回安装位。

2. 连接下水道:排水管在浴缸底部,是11/4喉节塑料管,可任意角度弯曲,连接时请将末端固定在下水道上,然后使用胶带或者玻璃密封。注意不能打折,以免影响排水

3. 连接进水管:进水管为耐热高压耐高温网丝管,请按接头处标识连接冷‘热水接头,不要接反,为了维护方便,建议冷、热水接头处各装一个阀门

4. 连接电源:本产品适用于220v交流电源,请参照水电安装图位置装漏电开关及插座,注意防水。将插头插入电源插座,按下漏电保护插头的复位按钮,其指示灯亮即可。注意保证浴缸接地良好。

5. 检查清理:以上步骤完成后,检查各管道接头是否密封,确保无误后清理缸内杂物,打开排水装置,用水清洗浴缸(务必清洗干净以免损坏水泵)。

6. 加水测试:确认缸内无杂物后关闭排水,然后蓄水加电测试(参照使用说明。)

Jacuzzi installation instructions (in English)

(1) the need to prepare material

1. Source: cold galvanization each a root, from the ground level 300 mm, the wall with globe valve

2. Power: AC220V/frequency 50 Hz, single phase three wire, BV = 3, from the ground level 400 mm, with 10 A waterproof socket

3. From ground level in 130 mm or so, the product with the power control switch.

4. Drainage: buccal should be a drain on here as the center, the radius of the 200 mm range (don't in the center), and hose connection

(2) the installation process This product components adopt standard part, when installation, please refer to the product technical parameters, according to the following steps to installation:

1. Determine product installation position: please refer to the water and electricity parameter table and hydropower installation figure decorate water pipe, power outlets, pipes, etc. And to ensure enough position connection. Then will bath crock as for installation place, adjust the bottom to keep balance nut cylinder level. In order to the next step of convenient installation, the first move out of a bath crock, to install complete to move back to install a.

2. Connections sewer: drain in bath crock bottom, is 1 throat section plastic pipe, can be arbitrary

Angle bending, connection will be fixed in the sewers please end, then use adhesive tape or glass seal. Note can't discount, so as not to affect the drainage

3. Connect feed line: feed line for heat resistant to high temperature high pressure pipe net silk, please click joints connected cold 'hot water mark joint, do not take the, in order to maintain convenient, the proposal within the cold and hot water to install a valve

4. Connect the power: this product is suitable for 220 v ac power, please according to the installation drawing with electricity and water leakage switch and socket position, note waterproof. Insert the plug into the power supply socket, press the reset button leakage protection plugs, the indicator light can. Pay attention to ensure good bath crock grounding.

5. Check the cleaning: the above steps after completion, check the pipe joints is sealed, make sure clear after the cylinder is sundry, open the drainage device, water to clean bath crock (be sure to clean in order to avoid damage the pump).

6. Adding water test: confirmation without sundries in cylinder closed after drainage, then water storage, electric test (see instructions.)