当前位置:文档之家› 冠词的使用规则及练习



一、使用定冠词the的场合Page 1

1. 表示自然界被认为“独一无二、唯一”的的名词前, 如:

the sky/ moon/world/earth/Milky Way/mountain/ seaside/wind/rain

2. 特指

①熟知或心照不宣的人或物: Where are the shoes?



the road to sucess

He is no longer the man that he was fifteen years ago.


The boy was crying for milk, but the bottle (of his) was empty.

3. 类指

①“the + 单数名词/复数名词” 表示属类

②“the + 形容词/分词” 表示同一类,或者抽象概念

The rich/aged/good

the seeing/previleged/unknown



The unfortunate deserve our sympathy.

The unknown is yet to come.




the Atlantic 大西洋the Thames 泰晤士河

the House of Lords 上议院(英国)

The Daily Telegraph《每日电讯报》

②“the +姓氏的复数”表示一家人the Smiths 史密斯一家

③the + 有修饰成分的人名等专用名词

He is the Shakespear of the age.

The Asia of the 20th century suffered from a lot of desease.

④the + 商铺、场所名the baker’/dentist’/barber’

5. 其他规则:

①the+ 形容词/副词最高级, 序数词;only, main, sole, same,following, last, next, opposite,

present, usual, wrong, ultimate, right, principle修饰名词


first cousin/vilion/child/prize/sight on second thought second to none



④“ by/to the +单位名词”表示“每,每一”注意区分:by the day by day

⑤the + 逢“十”的复数形式in the 1950s

⑥用在表示人体某一部位的名词前,形成习惯用法。如: pull sb’s by the ear/slap sb.

across the face等,该种表达方式强调sb.这个受动者,表示某人被别人拉耳朵,



to the ear to the eye at the same time in the end

二、使用零冠词的场合Page 19


Blood is thicker than water.

Dog do not eat dog.

There is no place like home.

2. 用于一日三餐;

3. 用于日期、节日、季节

4. 学科、语言、运动及游戏类名词注意:the English/Chinese language

5. 同位语或主语补足语,以说明身份、职位、头衔或某种抽象概念。见课本第21页第9条

He is son to my neighbour. (亲属关系)

He was appointed dean of the department.

(dean of the department 是主语补足语,补充说明he的职位)

He turned writer in 2005.

(turn 是系动词,在句子中做表语,补充说明brothers 的身份) 与课本第36页第14条联系起来注意:


He is dean of the department.

He is a dean of the department.

②名词抽象化,具有形容词的性质, 这些词前面或者后面有very, fully, enough, thoroughly,

less…than, more…than修饰时

He is friend enough to give me timely help.

She is more mother than wife. 与其说她是贤妻,还不如说她是良母。


Old man though he was, he never stoppped writing.

5. bed, church, college, court, hospital, market, prison, school, sea 和work 等具体名词转化为抽象的名词,指有关活动时。见课本第26页,注意区分

go the church 去教堂祷告at school 上学

go to the church 上那个教堂去了at the school 去那个学校了

6. 方位名词做状语

The window face north.

7. by+ 交通工具,方式、手段by air/ship/letter

8. 形容词的最高级前有时也可以用零冠词。


She was in closest touch with us.

He is a most learned scholar in electronics.


Y oungest though he is, he is the wisest.

③at (the) least/worst/ best/ leaest/utmost/farthest

9. 以人名作为书名、剧名、电影名时,或者以作者名表示作品时

I’m reading Einstein. (书名时要用斜体,《爱因斯坦转》)

I’m reading Shelly. (雪莱的诗)

10. 被认为是不可数名词的或复数形式的疾病名词, 如:flu, toothache, gout(痛风) , backache,

shingles, hepatitis(肝炎),measles(麻疹) 参见课本第52页第10条He was in bed with flu(流感) for ten days.

I’ve had toothache all night.


I’ve got a headache/cold.

She’s got the flu/the measles.

10. 注意常用的一些习惯性表达方式。

best seller by heart in return

三、使用不定冠词a, an的场合Page 31

1. 用在单数可数名词前表示一类人或者物,注意区分:

A many should love his country. (a = every)

The air-conditioner has become very popular. (the= every)

2. 用在姓名或者姓氏前表示“某一个,某一位”

She has married a Jackson.

3. 用在表情绪的抽象名词前表示“一种,一类”

It is a shame to behave like that.

4. a/an +单位名词=each/per I go back to my hometown twice a year.

5. a/an +名词+of + a/an +名词前面的名词用来表示后面名词的性质,特征,意为“像…一样的”

a mountain of a wave a palace of a house

a hell of life a treasure of a son

6. a +人名、地名等专用名词


The fellow is a Shytlock. 那家伙简直就是个夏洛克。(莎士比亚笔下的夏洛克是个吝啬的商人)She drove a Ford. 她开着一辆福特牌汽车。

7. 表示“那种”,相当于such , 也表示“任何”,相当于any

She is not a girl to do such a thing. 她不是做这种事情的女孩。(a=such)

A thing worth doing at all is worth doing well. 值得做的事情就值得做好。(a=any)

8. 有些名词通常成对出现,联系紧密,被视为一体,一套

a needle and thread 针线 a horse and cart 车马 a dustpan and brush 畚箕扫帚

a gin and tonic 加奎宁水的杜松子酒

9. 区分

at a time

at one time

more than a year

more than one year

10. 习惯表达

have a way to a turn to a degree have a say


1. It’s ____shame to behave like that.

2. The falling of ________ apple from a tree helped Newton to discover ______law of gravity.

3. My friend is interested in __________ science.

4. Lucy can play _____piano as well as ______violin.

5. After ______dinner, we went for ____walk by ____sea.

6. My mother goes to ____church every Sunday, ____church she usually goes to has _____seats for

over ____thousand.

7. This is ____most useful textbook I have on this subject.

8. ____dead no longer need ____help, we must do our best to look after ____living.

9. I can not remember _____exact date of ______accident, but I know it was _____Sunday because everybody was at _____church.

15. After being elected ______ President of _____ United States, Barack Obama moved with his

family into _____ White House.


一、选择题 1.I’d like ______ orange, but I don’t want _____ orange juice. A.an, / B.an, an C.a, an D.an, a 2.— ______________ chocolate bread you want is done now. —What ______________ delicious smell! A.A;the B.A;/ C.The;a D.The;/ 3.—What did you do yesterday? —We took a trip to Water Park by ____ bus and went for ____ walk around the lake. A./; a B./; / C.the; a D.the; the 4.Going to ______ high school for one year in Britain was quite ______ exciting experience for me. A.不填; an B.a; a C.不填; 不填D.the; a 5.— Did you watch the movie Amazing China? —Yes. It’s one of most popular films this year. A.a B.an C.the 6.You are such __ honest kid, and I would like to invite you for __ dinner.. A.an; a B.a; the C.an; / D.a; / 7.—How is he getting along with ________ experiment? —Not smoothly. Though he failed three times, he wants to try ________ fourth time. A.the; the B.an; a C.the; a D.an; the 8.--I hear there will be______ talk on teenage problems next Monday. --Do you mean______ talk our teacher asked us to listen to? A.the; a B.a; the C.the; an D.an; the 9.There is ________ “o” and ______ “n” in the expression “positive energy”. A.an; a B.an; an C.an; the D.the; a 10.---Linda, have you heard _________ song Little Apple? ---Is it the one Chopsticks Brother s sang last year? Maybe it’s ___most popular song in 2014. A.a; the B.the; the C.a; an D.the; a 11.Hainan is _____ island with fresh air and bright sunshine. A.the B.an C.a 12.--- Look at ______ boy wearing a brown hat. Is he _________ university student? --- Yes, he studies in Beijing University. A.the, a B.a, an C.the, an D.a, a 13.Today is my little sister’s ______ birthday. My family will get together to celebrate it. A.nine B.ninth C.the ninth D.the nine 14.---Kate, are you only child in your family? ---Yes, but new baby is on the way.


初中英语冠词专项训练100(附答案)及解析 一、初中英语冠词 1.There is ____old piano in ______corner of the living room. A. an; the B. an; 不填 C. a; the D. a; a 【答案】A 【解析】【分析】句意:在起居室的角落里有一架钢琴。in the corner of在···角落,固定短语,可排除BD。不定冠词表示数量一,old的第一个音素是元音音素,元音音素前使用an,可排除B;故选A。 【点评】本题考查冠词。能在语境中熟练运用冠词。 2.— Do you know how to spell word “expensive” in English? — Yes. It begins with "e". A. the; a B. the; an C. a; an D. the; the 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:——你知道如何用英语拼写单词“昂贵的”吗?——是的,它是以一个字母e开始。第一句话特指expensive这个单词,应使用定冠词the,第二句指的是一个字母e,应使用不定冠词,e为元音使用an,故答案是B。 【点评】考查冠词用法,注意表示特指使用定冠词the,表示数量已使用不定冠词。 3.Bill bought ________ useful book. ________ book is very interesting. A. a; The B. a; A C. an; The D. an; A 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:Bill买了一本有用的书。这本书很有趣。表示泛指一本有用的书,且useful以辅音音素开头,用不定冠词a,第二次出现book,表特指,用the,故选A。【点评】考查冠词的用法。注意定冠词和不定冠词的用法。 4.Benjamin has learned that it is not polite to make _____ fun of others. A. a B. an C. the D. / 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】句意:本杰明已经知道了取笑别人是没有礼貌的。make fun of,取笑……,固定搭配,故答案是D。 【点评】考查零冠词,注意识记固定短语make fun of的用法。 5.We usually go swimming in _____summer. But in ______summer of 2018, we didn't. A. /; / B. a; a C. /; the D. a; / 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意:我们通常在夏天去游泳。但是2018年的夏天,我们没去。第一空泛指夏天,不加冠词;第二空特指2018年的夏天,用the。故选C。 【点评】考查冠词的用法。


冠词 一.不定冠词 1.不定冠词a,an A用于以辅音因素或半元音因素/j/,/w/开头的单词。 An用于元音因素开头的单词 注意:元音因素开头的单词,首字母不一定就是元音字母例如,hour,honest等单词,看起来是以辅音字母开头,但是发音时辅音字母h没有发音,而是以元音开头,因此前面应加不定冠词an。而有些单词如university,uniform等单词,是以元音字母u开头,但是读音时u 发半元音/j/开头,所以前面应加a。 2.不定冠词的用法。 (1)用于可数名词的单数前,表示数量“一”,如: I have a new pen. (2)表示一类人或物,如: An elephant is big and strong. (3)第一次提到的人或物,如: Look, a dog is running to us. (4)表示“每一”的意思,如: I go shopping once a week.

3.不定冠词的固定搭配 have a look 看一下have a good time 玩得愉快 take a break 休息一下take a walk 散步 in a hurry 急匆匆地half an hour 半小时 a lot of 许多,大量 a great deal of 大量+不可数名词a number of 许多+可数名词 a few 一些+可数名词 a little 一些+不可数名词 二.定冠词 1.定冠词the的用法 (1)特指某些人或物,例如: The woman in red dress is my mother. (2)特指前面提到过的人或物,例如: I have a dog. The dog is cute. (3)指谈话双方都知道的人或事物。 What do you think of the novel? (4)指宇宙间独一无二的东西,如: The moon is bright at night. (5)用于单数名词前表示一类人或物,如: The horse is a useful animal. (6)用于序数词前,如:、


冠词练习题 一、基础题 1. There is _______ house in the picture. There is ________old woman near______ house. A. an; a; the B. a; an ; the C. the ; a; an D. a; the; an 2. He has already worked for ______ hour. A. the B. an C. a D. 不填 3. Alice is fond of playing ______ piano. A. the B. an C. a D. 不填 4. Beyond ____ stars, the astronaut saw nothing but _____space.

A. 不填;the B. the ; the C. 不填,不填 D. the; 不填 5. ______ terrible weather we’ve been having these days! A. How a B. What a C. How D. What 6. —Where is Jack? —I think he is still in ______ bed, but he might just be in ______bathroom. A. 不填;不填 B. the; the C. the;不填 D. 不填; the 7.When do you have _____breakfast every day? A. a B. an C. the

D. 不填 8. Many people are still in _____ habit of writing silly things in ______public places. A. the ; 不填 B. 不填; the C. the ; the D. 不填; 不填 二、加强题在空白处填入/ 、a 、an 或the。 1. _______ milk is food. ________ milk in this cup has gone bad. 2. ---Do you like playing _________ football? ---Yes. But I have only _________ basketball. 3. Do you know _______girl on ________another side of ________ lake? 4. There's ________ "u" and ________ "s" in ________work "use". 5. She says ________animals cant's live without __________air, either. 6. His father, who is ________honest man, is teaching in ________ university. 7. Which is heavier, ________elephant or ________ horse? 8. ________ cold wind was blowing from the north. 9. He is always ready to help _________ old and ________ young. 10. ________ Greens are traveling in _________ South Chin A.


初中英语语法:冠词的讲解冠词的用法讲解:(a ,an ,the ) A和an的用法的和区别. A用在以不是原因开头的单词,an是以元音开头的单词,(a,e,I,o,u) A book , an apple ,an orange , an egg, an icon, an umbrella . 一些固定的词组; A piece of cake , a cup of water, a glass of water. The的用法 1,特指的物体,大家都知道的物体. 例如:The pen is in the box . 2.在文中第二次提到的单词. 例如:I have a book, the book is on the table. 3,在世界上独一无二的事物前面. 例如:The sun is round. 4.在乐器的前面 例如:I play the piano. 5.在序数词的面前 例如:He is the first one . 6.在形容词的最高级的前面.

例如:He is the tallest boy in my class. 7,在形容词的前面加the,表示一类人例如:The young (年轻人) 8,在姓氏的复数的前面,表示一家人.例如:The Peters(彼特的一家) 不用冠词的用法 1,在不可数名词的前面. 例如:Beef is good for us . 2,在称呼,职位,头衔的前面 例如:Peter , Doctor Li 3.在人名,地名,国名的前面. 例如:Tom is a good boy. He is in Beijing . I am in China 4.在球类,学科的前面 例如:I play football. 5.在星期,节日,月份,季节. 例如:I am happy on Sunday . On Teachers’Day. In Spring


初中英语语法专项练习之冠词: 1 ( ) 1. Han Meimei is ___ Chinese girl. Lucy is ____ English girl. A. a; a B. an; an C. a; an D. an; a ( )2.A little boy wrote____ "U" and___ "n" on the wall. A. a; an B. an; a C. an; an D. a; a ( ) 3 _____ old lady in brown is____ university professor. A. An; a B. An; / C. The; an D. The; a ( ) 4 There are sixty minutes in____hour. A. an B. the C. a D. / ( ) 5 This is ____ interesting book and it is also ____ useful one. A. an; an B. an; the C. ah; a D. a; a ( ) 6 A computer is useful tool in 'o world today. A. an; the B. a; the C. the; the D. a; a 2 ( ) 1 We have never seen ____ interesting film. A. such B. such an C. so D. such a ( ) 2 Mrs Smith is ____ friend of __ A. the; mine B. a; me C. the; my D. a; mine ( ) 3 He is___boy. A. a seven-years-old B. an eight-year-old C. the seven-year-old D. an eight-year-older ( ) 4 Fsaw____ accident in the street yesterday. A. the B. a C. an D. / ( ) 5 Now he is ___ artist. 1 have known him since he was ___ one-year-old boy. A. a; an B. a; a C. an; an D. an; a 3 ( ) 1. Which bigger ___ elephant or ___ horse? A. a; the B. an; a C. the; an D. an; the ( ) 2 ____monkey can climb____trees. A. /; the B. A; / C. The; a D. /; / ( ) 3 ____ rains are faster than ____ buses. A. /; / B. The; / C. /; the D. The; a ( ) 4 -Have you learned German? -Yes. It's ___ language I've ever learned. A. a quite difficult B: quite a difficult C. difficult quite D. difficult a quite ( ) 5 Some animals, like ____ cat, ____ dog or ____ wolf, do not need to hibernate (冬眠). A. /; /; the B. the; the; the C. a; /; the , D. the; /; / 4 ( ) 1 Yesterday we held____ talk with them in the hall. A. the B. this C. a D. an


高考英语冠词练习题及答案 高考英语对冠词的考查几乎每年都有一道题,而且都设两空,以增加覆盖面和难度。考生在冠词试题上失分较多,主要是缺乏语感,对一些知识点掌握不够透彻。高考英语冠词主要考查其基本用法,包括定冠词与不定冠词的区别用法、名词前省略冠词的场合、特指与泛指的区分以及习语中冠词的用法等。以下搜集整理的,供大家学习参考: 考点一、考查不定冠词a / an表示个别或泛指的用法 1. How about taking_____short break?I want to make_____cal l. A. the;a B. a;the C. the;the D. a;a 「解析」答案为D.take a short break“休息一会儿”,make a call“打一个电话”。 2. Christmas is_____special holiday when_____whole family are supposed to get together. A. the;the B. a;a C. the;a D. a;the 「解析」答案为D.a special holiday指“某一个特别的节日”;the whole family为特指。 考点二、考查定冠词the特指某一个人或事物的用法 1. I looked under_____bed and found____ books I lost last week. A. the;a B. the;the C. 不填;the D. the;不填 「解析」答案为B.此题中的the bed和the books都为特指。the bed 指“所看的床”;the books指“所丢的书”。 2. I like_____color of your skirt. It is____ good match for your blouse. A. a;the B. a;a C. the; a D. the;the 「解析」答案为C. the color指“你衬衫的颜色”;a good match泛指“和你的外套相配的一种好颜色”。 考点三、考查不定冠词及零冠词的习惯搭配 1. George couldn‘t remember when he first met Mr. Ande rson,but he was sure it was____ Sunday because everybody was at____ church. A. /;the B. the;/ C. a;/ D. /;a 「解析」答案为C.a Sunday泛指某一个星期天;at church为固定搭配,不用冠词,意为“在做礼拜”。 2. Many people have come to realize that they should go on_____balanced diet and make___room in their day for exercise. A. a;/ B. the;a C. the;the D. /;a 「解析」答案为A.a balanced diet泛指“一种平衡的饮食”;make room为固定搭配,意为“腾出空间”。 考点四、考查不定冠词在具体化的抽象名词前的用法 1. —How about_____Christmas evening party? —I should say it was_____success. A. a;a B. the;a C. a;不填 D. the;不填 「解析」答案为B.the Christmas evening party为特指刚结束的圣诞晚会;a success考查抽象名词具体化时的不定冠词用法。success 原为抽象名词,不可数,但在此处已经完全具体化而变为可数名词。题中a success意为“一次成功的晚会”。当抽象名词表示具有某种特性、状态、情感、情绪的人和事时,这个抽象名词已经变为可数名词,再如What a pleasant surprise you gave us!意为“你真的给我们带来了惊喜”。 「精选试题」名校模拟题及其答案 1(盐城中学高一年级12月份阶段考试,21)We‘ll be traveling by ________ camel across the desert before we go to ________university. A. /;the B. the;/ C. /;/ D. the;a 2(沈阳二中2008—2009学年度上学期12月月考,8)Richard Powers‘ The Echo Mak er,____ novel set in ___ small t own of Kearney,Nebraska,US,has won the 57th US National Book Award for fiction. A. the;the B. a;a; C. a;the D. /;the 3(辽宁省营口市08-09学年普通高中高二上学期期末质量检测,1)He is in ____ control of the company. I mean,the company


冠词习题精选 1.One afternoon he found _______ handbag.There was _______“s”on the corner of _______ handbag.() A . a; an; the B . a; a; the C. an; an; an D.the;a;a 2 .This is _______apple .It's _______big apple.() A. an; a B.a;the C. a; an D .an;the 3.I can play __________ piano well, but I can't play __________ chess well.() A. the; the B. /; / C. the; / D. /; the 4.After watching ____ TV, she played _____ violin for an hour. () A. 不填,不填 B. the, the C. the, 不填 D.不填, the 5.There is __“ h”in the word “ hour,”but__“ h”doesn’ t make a sound.() A . a, a B. a, the C. the, an D. an, the 6.Beyond ______ stars the astronaut saw nothing but ______ space.() A. the, 不填 B. 不填, the C. 不填,不填 D. the, the 7.She is _____ newcomer to ____ chemistry but she has already


初中英语冠词的用法 冠词 冠词不能单独使用,也没有词义,它用在名词的前面,帮助指明名词的含义。冠词分为不定冠词"a, an"、定冠词"the"和零冠词"(/)"三种。 这三种冠词主要围绕“泛指”、“特指”与“类指”展开。 1. "a和an"的用法 1). 用于可数名词的单数形式之前,表示"一" There is a tiger in the zoo. 动物园里有一只老虎。 A hundred and more people attended this meeting. 100多人参加了这次会议。 2). 表示一类人或事物 A tiger can be dangerous. 老虎可能有危害性。 3). 表示"某一个"的意思 A gentleman wants to see you. 有一位先生要见你。 4). 表示"同一"的意思 They are nearly of an age. 他们几乎同岁。 The two shirts are much of a size. 这两件衬衫大小差不多。

5). 表示"每一"的意思 We go swimming four times a week. 我们每周去游泳四次。 6). 用在作表语的单数可数名词前,表示身份、职业 My mother is a teacher. 我妈妈是教师。 7). 第一次提到的人或事物,但不特别指明是哪一个 Long long ago there was an old king who had a very beautiful daughter. 很久很久以前,有一个年老的国王,他有一个非常美丽的女儿。 8). 在英国英语中,以"h"开头的多音节词,如第一个音节不重读,其前亦可用"an" He plays soccer for an hour. 他踢一个小时足球。 9). 在感叹句 what...的句式中 What a pretty girl she is! 她是一个多么漂亮的女孩呀~ 用在某些表示数量的词组中: a lot of 许多 a couple of 一对 a great many 很多 a dozen 一打(但也可以用 one dozen) a great deal of 大量 10).用语习惯用语中 all of a sudden 突然 as a result 结果 a little 一点;一些 a bit 一点


【英语】高考英语冠词练习题及答案 一、单项选择冠词 1.In _______ gesture to help preserve history, the locals are repairing _______ large percentage of the historic sites steadily. A.the; the B.a; a C.the; a D./; the 【答案】B 【解析】 考查固定短语和冠词。句意“为了保护历史,当地居民正在修复一大批历史古迹。”in a gesture to do sth.“为了做某事”,是固定搭配;排除A、C;泛指一大批用a large percentage of...。故选B。 2.“Long time no see” is _____ sort of informal, but it is part of _____ language that Americans use daily. A.the; a B.a; the C.不填;the D.a; a 【答案】C 【解析】 考查冠词的用法。第一空考查短语:sort of 几分,有点,所以前不加冠词,第二空是特指,后面有定语从句修饰,所以先行词前需加the。因此答案选C。 3.—What about _____ job? —It’s too difficult _____ job for me. A.the; a B.the; the C.a; the D.a; a 【答案】A 【解析】 试题分析:考查冠词。本句第一句使用定冠词the表示特指那份工作;第二空使用a泛指一份工作。句意:—那份工作怎么样?—对我来说这是一份太难的工作啊!冠词的考查集中在定冠词the表示特指;不定冠词a/an表示泛指。另外要注意一些固定搭配中冠词的使用。特别注意抽象名词具体化的用法,如honor,success,failure,surprise,pleasure等名词抽象名词具体化的用法。故A正确。 考点:考查冠词 4.Mrs. Taylor has______ 8-year-old daughter who has_____ gift for painting --- she has won two national prizes. A.a; a B.an; the C.an; a D.the; a 【答案】C 【解析】 试题分析:考查冠词。泰勒有一个八岁的女儿,8的英语发音为eight,首字母发音为元音,应该用an修饰;have a gift for …有做、、、的天赋。故选C。 考点:考查冠词


初中英语语法冠词 Prepared on 24 November 2020

初中英语语法讲解——冠词 一、冠词的概念 冠词是一个虚词,它置于名词之前,限定名词的意义.冠词可分为定冠词,不定冠词和零冠词三类. 二、不定冠词:a/an 用于辅音发音开头的词前,而不是辅音字母前面, 如:a book, a desk; 有些单词虽然是以元音字母开头,但需用a修饰,这些单词可以连成一句话:In a university, a European united a one-eyed man to steal a useful thing, then ran away along a one-way road. This is a usual thing.在一所大学里,一个欧洲人联合独眼龙偷了一件有用的东西,然后沿着一条单行道逃跑了。这是一件平常的事。 用于元音发音开头的词前,而不是元音字母前,如:an apple, an hour. 有些单词虽然是以辅音字母开头,但发音却是以元音开头,这些单词可以连成一句话:An hour ago, an honest man accepted an honorable task.一个小时以前,一个诚实人接受了一项光荣的任务。 a/an的用法: 1. a/an 用于单数可数名词前,表示“某一”“一…”或者“一个”的意思. a book a boy a man a bird a dog an hour an interesting book a big dog a dangerous animal 2.表示类别:这种用法是指某人或某物属于某一种类,或者指某一种类的 人或物中的任何一个或一件,或者指某一种类的人或物,但不具体说明是何人或何物。例如: That is a pen, not a pencil.那是钢笔而不是铅笔。(指属于某一种类) Give him a pear, please!请给他一个梨。(指某一种类中的任何一个) An elephant is bigger than a horse. 大象比马大。 和 one 的区别: a/an 表示类别种类,而one强调数量


初中英语语法大全——冠词一. 冠词的定义、位置和种类 在英语中a,an称为不定冠词,the称为定冠词。名词前不用冠词时称为零冠词。有时名词前的冠词可以省略,这与零冠词不同。 二.不定冠词的用法 不定冠词a/an与one同源,表示微弱的一的概念,但并不强调数目,只表示名词为不特定者。不定冠词a/an的用法如下: ①

1. 泛指某人或某物,但不具体说明是何人或何物。 A leaf falls much more slowly than a stone. I saw a man in the darkness, but I couldn't make out who it was. 2. 指代一类人或事物。 该用法并不表示具体的某一个人或事物的,而是表示一类人或事物,一般不译为“一”。 A doctor is a person who saves people's lives. A knife is a tool for cutting with. 3. 表示数量中的一。 意义上接近one,但数量概念比one弱,此时常译为“一”。 There is a table and four chairs in that dining room. There is going to be an English lecture this evening. 4. 表示单位量词的“每一”。 用于表示时间、速度、价格等含义的名词之前,有“每一.......”的意思。 Take three pills a day and you'll get better soon. The light blinks once a second. 5. 用于集体名词、物质名词、抽象名词、专有名词前。 (1) 用于集体名词前 ②


【英语】英语冠词练习题及答案及解析 一、初中英语冠词 1.—Have you seen the movie Wolf Warriors II? —Yes. This is educational film and it has become one of most popular films in the world. A. a; / B. a; the C. an; the D. /; the 【答案】C 【解析】【分析】句意:—你看过电影《战狼II》吗?—看过。这是一部教育片,它已经成为世界上最受欢迎的电影之一。一部教育片表示泛指,educational是以元音音素开头的单词,前面用不定冠词an表示泛指;most popular是popular的最高级形式,形容词的最高级前要加定冠词the,故选C。 【点评】考查冠词的用法。 2.—Who is ________ woman in red? —She's our chemistry teacher, Miss Li. A. a B. an C. the 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意:——穿着红色衣服的女人是谁?——她是我们的化学老师,李小姐。指说话人双方都知道的人要用定冠词the,故选C。 【点评】此题考查定冠词用法。注意定冠词的使用规则。 3.Learning is ________ lifelong journey because every day brings something new. A. / B. a C. the 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:学习是人生的旅程,因为每一天都会带来新的东西。journey,旅行,可数名词单数,此处表示泛指,其前要用不定冠词,其前有lifelong以辅音音素开头的词,要用不定冠词a,故选B。 【点评】考查冠词的用法。根据句子结构和表示的含义选择正确的冠词。 4.There is ________ map of China on the wall in my bedroom. A. a B. an C. the 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:我卧室墙上有一张中国地图。map,地图,单数,用不定冠词表示数量一,map以辅音音素开头,因此用a,故填a。 【点评】考查冠词的辨析,注意冠词的用法。 5.—____Smiths are used to living in Shanghai now. —We hope more and more foreign friends live ____better life in China. A. /; a B. The; an C. The; a D. /; the 【答案】 C


初一英语冠词的用法 Document serial number【NL89WT-NY98YT-NC8CB-NNUUT-NUT108】

冠词的用法I、冠词的分类 冠词可以分为不定冠词(a/an)、定冠词(the)和零冠词(不用冠词)。 I I、冠词的用法 一、不定冠词的用法 不定冠词a(an)表示的意思是“一个”。a用于辅音音素开头的词前;而a n则用于元音音素开头的词前。 例如:Thelittleboyeatsanapple,andthelittlegirleatsabanana. 1.用于可数名词的单数形式前,表示“一”。 T h e r e i s a n a p p l e o n t h e p l a t e. 2.表示一类人或物。 A t i g e r i s a d a n g e r o u s a n i m a l. 3.第一次提到某人或某物。 T h i s i s a n E n g l i s h-C h i n e s e d i c t i o n a r y. 4.在一些固定搭配中 a l o t o f/a l i t t l e/a f e w/a p a i r o f/a s e t o f等 二、定冠词的用法 定冠词(the)是this/these/that/those的总称,放在名词前,表示特定的事物或人。 1.第二次提到某人或某物,用定冠词the Look!Thereisaballunderthetable.Theballismine. 2.用于指说话双方都知道的事物或人。 Wouldyoumindclosingthewindow? 3.放在序数词前。 Mondayistheseconddayoftheweek. 4.放在形容词最高级前。 Heisthetallestboyinourclass. 5.表示世上独一无二的事物。 Theearthgoesaroundthesun. 6.定冠词放在姓氏复数前,表示“……一家”。 TheGreensarefromAustralia. 7.定冠词后接单数名词表示一类人或物。 Thedogisakindofcuteanimal. 8.定冠词和形容词连用,也可以代表某类人或物。 thepoorthebadtherichthegood 9.演奏某项乐器时,乐器前需加the。如: playthedrums/playthepiano/playtheviolin 10.在一些固定搭配中。如: inthemorningintheafternoon在下午 intheevening在晚上alltheyearround一年到头


【英语】英语冠词练习题及答案含解析 一、初中英语冠词 1.I spend_______ hour playing _________drums everyday. A. a;the B. an;/ C. an;the 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意:我每天花费一个小时打鼓。本题考查冠词。a用在辅音音素开头的可数名词单数前,an用在元音音素开头的可数名词单数前;hour的第一个音素是元音音素 /a?/,故排除选项A;又因为乐器前使用冠词the;故答案为C。 【点评】考查冠词的用法,弄清a与an的差异。 2.—Judy, how was ________ camping? —The other campers were nice, and we had ________ fun time together. A. a; a B. a; the C. the; the D. the; a 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】句意:——朱迪,这次野营怎么样?——其他的野营者很友好,我们在一起玩得很开心。第一个空指谈话双方都知道的事物,用定冠词the;第二个空考查固定搭配,have a fun time,玩得很开心,固定搭配,故选D。 【点评】考查冠词的用法。掌握冠词的使用规则,根据语境选择合适的冠词。 3.The Wandering Earth, _______Chinese film, has become one of _____ most popular films this year. A. a; 不填 B. a; the C. a; a 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:《流浪地球》,一部国产电影,成为今年最受欢迎的电影之一。第一空表示泛指,film以辅音音素开头,所以用a;one of the+形容词最高级+名词复数,表示最……之一,固定搭配,故选B。 【点评】考查冠词辨析,注意平时识记one of the+形容词最高级+名词复数。 4.—He is planning to walk on the wings of the a flying plane. —What? I have never heard of ______idea before. A. a crazier B. the crazier C. a creaziest D. the creaziest 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:——他打算在正在飞行的飞机机翼上行走。——什么?我以前从没听说过比这更疯狂的主意。现在与以前比较,要用比较级。疯狂的想法很多,此处表示泛指,且crazier是以辅音因素开头,要用不定冠词a,故选A。 【点评】考查形容词比较级和冠词的用法。根据句意和句子结构,选择正确的选项。 5.I'm going to have picnic on Sunday. A. the; an B. an; the C. a; / D. an; /

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