贝加莱ACOPOS 使用手册
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1、AC120: EnDat encoder and sine incremental encoder interfaceEnDat编码器和正弦增量式编码器接口模块1、1 EnDat接口是HEIDENHAIN专为编码器设计的数字式、全双工同步串行的数据传输协议,具有传输速度快、功能强大、连线简单、抗干扰能力强等优点,是编码器、光栅尺数据传输的通用接口。
Description编码器类型EnDat 单圈EnDat 多圈EnDat单圈EnDat多圈EnDat单圈EnDat多圈分辨率512 line 32 line 512 line 可识别圈数--- 4096 --- 4096 --- 4096 精度±60" ±400" ±60"频率≥ 100 kHz (-3 dB) ≥ 6 kHz (-3 dB) ≥ 200 kHz (-3 dB) 制造商网址Dr. Johannes Heidenhain GmbH www.heidenhain.de 制造商产品型号ID ECN1313 EQN1325 ECI1317 EQI1329 ECN1113 EQN1125贝加莱EnDat编码器带AB增量信号电机接线如下图如EnDat编码器不带AB增量信号电机接线如下图1、2 正弦增量式编码器正弦波编码器也属于增量式编码器,主要的区别在于输出信号是正弦波模拟量信号,而不是数字量信号。
PP41型壁厚控制器使用说明书贝加莱工业自动化(上海)有限公司目录系统特性简介 (3)1系统特性介绍 (3)2控制系统各部件介绍 (4)2.1控制操作面板 (4)2.1.1 面板 42.1.2 接口 52.1.3 性能 62.1.4 安装 62.2功能按键及指示灯 (7)2.3控制器及接线 (9)2.3.1AI351 (9)2.3.2 Am351 (10)2.3.3 PP41自带输入 (10)2.3.4 PP41自带输出 (11)3画面操作说明 (12)3.1登陆画面 (12)3.2连续式型胚曲线设定画面 (12)3.2.1 操作按钮 (12)3.2.2 输入参数 (13)3.2.3 输出参数 (14)3.2.4 插入与删除设定数值点 (14)3.2.5 微调设定数值点间的曲线单元 (15)3.3储料式型胚曲线设定画面 (17)3.3.1 操作按钮 (17)3.3.2 输入参数 (18)3.3.3 输出参数 (19)3.4曲线跟踪画面 (19)3.5标记画面 (20)3.6存储画面 (20)3.7文件改名画面 (21)3.8参数存储画面 (21)3.9文件调出画面 (22)3.10监控画面 (22)3.11数据1(曲线点)画面 (22)3.12数据2画面 (23)3.13初始设定画面 (23)3.13.1 输入参数 (23)3.13.2 模式转换 (24)3.14型芯设定画面 (24)3.14.1 输入参数 (24)3.14.2 输出参数 (25)3.14.3 手动调校 (25)3.14.4 自动调校 (25)3.14.5 调校提示: (25)3.15储料设定画面 (26)3.15.1 输出参数 (26)3.15.2 手动调校 (26)3.16增益设定画面 (26)3.16.1 按钮 273.16.2 输入参数 (27)3.16.3 输出参数 (27)3.17时间设定画面 (27)3.17.1 输入参数 (27)3.17.2 输出参数 (27)3.18中英文切换画面 (28)4机器操作说明 (29)4.1开机步骤 (29)4.2系统参数设定 (29)4.2.1 初始设定 (29)4.2.2 型芯设定 (29)4.2.3 储料设定 (29)5故障处理 (30)5.1故障对应 (30)5.2干扰处理 (30)6电源 (30)7附件 (30)系统特性简介1 系统特性介绍这是一款50点型坯壁厚控制器,用来控制中空成型机型坯的壁厚。
硬件故障判断指导手册贝加莱工业自动化有限公司2008-11-10目录一面板和通讯卡部分 (3)三 X20 系列硬件 (9)四 ACOPOS驱动器 (14)附录:伺服驱动器故障明细表 (17)一面板和通讯卡部分1 面板面板正常工作必须接入准确的24VDC电源,电源接地端一定要有可靠的接地,请在给面板上电时,认真检查24V电源,电源范围不能超出-15%/+20%;接上电源后面板背面的指示灯,User Power会常亮黄色,如果已经接上电源,而电源指示灯User Power不会亮,可能24V电源电压不正确,检查电源是否在正常电压范围内;亦有可能是24V电源电压的超出正常范围,或电源本身的短路,造成面板内部电路的烧坏,导致面板不能正常启动。
面板在启动或运行中如有发生以下状况,请按下面的方法排查:1 启动不了,检查以下事项:⊙检查24VDC供电是否正常,电源范围不能超出-15%/+20%;⊙通讯卡连接是否可靠;⊙CF程序卡是否正确插好;2 通讯不上,检查以下事项:⊙通讯卡连接是否牢固,可靠,把通讯卡卸下重新装上;⊙确定通讯卡是不是好的;⊙通讯电缆线有没有掉落或者通讯电缆线开路;⊙通讯电缆接头接触是否良好;3黑屏,检查以下事项:⊙检查24VDC供电是否正常,电源范围不能超出-15%/+20%;⊙通讯卡连接是否牢固,可靠;⊙检查屏幕有没有类似上面启动步骤的画面。
2 通讯卡通讯卡直接插在插槽上,通讯卡的状态指示如下:X2X Link 状态指示灯 RxD,TxD 常亮橙色;Powerlink状态指示灯 Status常亮绿色;以上状态指示判断出通讯卡是好的;指示灯不正常,请检查通讯卡与插槽处的连接是否良好,如果通讯卡连接没有问题,说明通讯卡已经损坏。
PP41型壁厚控制器使用说明书贝加莱工业自动化(上海)有限公司目录系统特性简介 (3)1系统特性介绍 (3)2控制系统各部件介绍 (4)2.1控制操作面板 (4)2.1.1 面板 42.1.2 接口 52.1.3 性能 62.1.4 安装 62.2功能按键及指示灯 (7)2.3控制器及接线 (9)2.3.1AI351 (9)2.3.2 Am351 (10)2.3.3 PP41自带输入 (10)2.3.4 PP41自带输出 (11)3画面操作说明 (12)3.1登陆画面 (12)3.2连续式型胚曲线设定画面 (12)3.2.1 操作按钮 (12)3.2.2 输入参数 (13)3.2.3 输出参数 (14)3.2.4 插入与删除设定数值点 (14)3.2.5 微调设定数值点间的曲线单元 (15)3.3储料式型胚曲线设定画面 (17)3.3.1 操作按钮 (17)3.3.2 输入参数 (18)3.3.3 输出参数 (19)3.4曲线跟踪画面 (19)3.5标记画面 (20)3.6存储画面 (20)3.7文件改名画面 (21)3.8参数存储画面 (21)3.9文件调出画面 (22)3.10监控画面 (22)3.11数据1(曲线点)画面 (22)3.12数据2画面 (23)3.13初始设定画面 (23)3.13.1 输入参数 (23)3.13.2 模式转换 (24)3.14型芯设定画面 (24)3.14.1 输入参数 (24)3.14.2 输出参数 (25)3.14.3 手动调校 (25)3.14.4 自动调校 (25)3.14.5 调校提示: (25)3.15储料设定画面 (26)3.15.1 输出参数 (26)3.15.2 手动调校 (26)3.16增益设定画面 (26)3.16.1 按钮 273.16.2 输入参数 (27)3.16.3 输出参数 (27)3.17时间设定画面 (27)3.17.1 输入参数 (27)3.17.2 输出参数 (27)3.18中英文切换画面 (28)4机器操作说明 (29)4.1开机步骤 (29)4.2系统参数设定 (29)4.2.1 初始设定 (29)4.2.2 型芯设定 (29)4.2.3 储料设定 (29)5故障处理 (30)5.1故障对应 (30)5.2干扰处理 (30)6电源 (30)7附件 (30)系统特性简介1 系统特性介绍这是一款50点型坯壁厚控制器,用来控制中空成型机型坯的壁厚。
贝加莱培训指南2021by B&R Automation Academy目录1概述 (3)1.1典型的培训过程 (3)1.2特别提示 (4)1.3如果你。
(4)2培训路径 (5)3培训课程介绍 (6)3.1基础培训 - PLC控制基础课程 (6)3.2基础培训 - PLC控制中级课程 (7)3.3基础培训 - 运动控制基础课程 (7)3.4专题培训 - 多轴运动控制 (8)3.5基础培训 - 人机界面之mappView (9)3.6基础培训 - 可视化界面之VC4 (10)3.7专题培训 - 终端用户诊断 (10)3.8定制化培训 (11)4 2021年课程计划 (12)4.1上海培训中心课程计划 (12)4.2 西安培训中心课程计划 (12)4.3北京培训中心课程计划 (13)4.4广州培训中心课程计划 (13)5培训报名流程 (14)5.1 标准培训报名流程 (14)5.2 定制化培训报名流程 (18)6流程和报名注意事项 (18)7附录 (19)贝加莱软件下载地址 (19)贝加莱培训手册和培训视频 (20)贝加莱上海培训中心周边住宿推荐 (20)贝加莱大中华区培训中心地址 (20)1 概述您好!首先十分感谢贵司对贝加莱一直的支持,基于增强双方技术交流的考虑,以下介绍贝加莱2021培训报名流程,欢迎您的参与。
8V1016.00-21 General information•Modular mechanical design using plug-in modules•Integrated line filter•Integrated braking resistor•Integrated electronic restart inhibit2 Order dataTable 1: 8V1016.00-2 - Order data 3 Technical dataTable 2: 8V1016.00-2 - Technical data1)Achievable safety classifications (safety integrity level, safety category, performance level) are documented in the user's manual (section "Safety technology").2)In the USA, TT and TN power mains are commonly referred to as "Delta/Wye with grounded Wye neutral".3)If the module is operated with a mains input voltage of 3x 230 VAC, then automatic nominal voltage detection doesn't work for the DC bus. The UDC_NOMINALparameter must be set to 325 [V] by the user in this case.4)Limit values from EN 61800-3 C3 (second environment).5)The permissible input voltage range is reduced when using motor holding brakes. The input voltage range should be selected so that the proper supplyvoltage for the motor holding brake can be maintained.6)The current requirements depend on the configuration of the ACOPOS servo driveThe inrush current is significantly higher than the value for current consumption and can be estimated according to the input capacitance.7)Valid in the following conditions: 400 VAC mains input voltage, nominal switching frequency, 40°C ambient temperature, installation elevation <500 m abovesea level.8)Value for the nominal switching frequency.9)If necessary, the stress of the motor isolation system can be reduced by an additional externally wired dv/dt choke. For example, the RWK 305 three-phasedv/dt choke from Schaffner () can be used. Important: Even when using a dv/dt choke, it is necessary to ensure that an EMC-compatible, low inductance shield connection is used!10)The module's electrical output frequency (SCTRL_SPEED_ACT * MOTOR_POLEPAIRS) is monitored to protect against dual use in accordance with ECregulation 428/2009 | 3A225. If the electrical output frequency of the module exceeds the limit value of 598 Hz uninterrupted for more than 0.5 s, then the current movement is aborted and error 6060 is output (Power element: Limit speed exceeded).11)OSSD (output signal switching device) signals are used to monitor signal lines for short circuits and cross faults.12)Continuous operation of ACOPOS servo drives at elevations ranging from 500 m to 2000 m above sea level is possible (taking the specified continuouscurrent reductions into consideration).13)Continuous operation of ACOPOS servo drives at ambient temperatures ranging from 40°C to max. 55°C is possible (taking the specified continuous currentreductions into consideration), but this will result in a shorter service life.4 Status indicatorsACOPOS servo drives are equipped with three LEDs for direct diagnostics:Figure 1: ACOPOS servo drive indicatorsDescriptionSolid green The module is operational andpresent and booted, no permanent or temporary errors).Blinking green 1)The module is not ready for operation.Examples:•No signal on one or both enable inputs•DC bus voltage outside the tolerance range•Overtemperature on the motor (temperature sensor)•Motor feedback not connected or defective•Motor temperature sensor not connected or defective•Overtemperature on the module (IGBT junction, heat sink, etc.)•Disturbance on networkSolid orange The module's power stage is enabled.Solid red 1)There is a permanent error on the module.Examples:•Permanent overcurrent•Invalid data in EPROMTable 3: ACOPOS servo drive - LED status indicators1)Firmware V2.130 and later.If no LED is lit up, the ACOPOS servo drive is not supplied with 24 VDC mains voltage.Danger!After switching off the device, wait for the DC bus to discharge for at least five minutes. To avoid a hazard, the current voltage on the DC bus must be measured with a suitable measuring instrument and less than 42 VDC before starting work. An unlit operating LED does not indicate that the device is de-energized!4.1 Status changes when starting up the operating system loaderThe following intervals are used for the LED status indicators:Width of box: 125 msRepeats after: 3000 msTable 4: Status changes when starting up the operating system loaderTable 5: Error status with reference to CAN plug-in module AC1101)Possible errors:- The ACOPOS servo drive is defective.- The plug-in module is defective- The plug-in module is not connected properly in the slot.Table 6: Error status with reference to POWERLINK V2 plug-in module AC114 1)Possible errors:- The ACOPOS servo drive is defective (plug-in module not detected).- The plug-in module is defective- The plug-in module is not connected properly in the slot.- The plug-in module works but is not automatically detected by the ACOPOS servo drive (old bootstrap loader).5 Dimension diagram and installation dimensionsHanging verticallyFigure 2: Dimension diagram and installation dimensions1)For proper air circulation, at least 80 mm clearance must be available above and below the ACOPOS servo drive. Approximately 100 mm clearance isrequired under the ACOPOS servo drive to prevent cabling problems.6 WiringPinout overviewFigure 3: ACOPOS 1010, 1016 - Pinout overview6.1 X1 - PinoutTable 7: X1 - Pinout1)The wiring is not permitted to exceed a total length of 30 m.Information:To obtain a defined reference of ground to ground potential, B&R recommends grounding the COM connections (5-7, 14, 15) on connector X1.6.2 X2 - PinoutTable 8: X2 - Pinout6.3 X3 - PinoutTable 9: X3 - Pinout6.4 X4a, X4b - PinoutTable 10: X4a - Pinout1)If the holding brake is connected via an additional external relay contact (ground-in e.g. via connections S1/S2) instead of only via the internal transistor, thenthe internal quenching circuit has no effect! In this case, the customer must make sure that neither the relay contact nor the braking coil are damaged when switching off the brake. This can be done by interconnecting the coil or - better still - interconnecting the contact with a quenching circuit.Table 11: X4b - Pinout1)If the holding brake is connected via an additional external relay contact (ground-in e.g. via connections S1/S2) instead of only via the internal transistor, thenthe internal quenching circuit has no effect! In this case, the customer must make sure that neither the relay contact nor the braking coil are damaged when switching off the brake. This can be done by interconnecting the coil or - better still - interconnecting the contact with a quenching circuit.Danger!The connections for the motor temperature sensors and the motor holding brake are safely isolated circuits. These connections are therefore only permitted to be connected to devices or components that have sufficient isolation per IEC 60364-4-41 or EN 61800-5-1.Caution!If B+ and B- are swapped when connecting the permanent magnet holding brakes, then the brakes cannot be opened! ACOPOS servo drives cannot determine if a holding brake is connected with reverse polarity!6.4.1 Wiring the connections for the motor holding brakeThe power supply, enabling and monitoring of the output for the motor holding brake can be carried out in three different ways via the wiring of connector X4a:Table 12: Enabling the external holding brake1)The two jumpers are already wired on connector X4a supplied with ACOPOS servo drives.2)External dry contacts can be connected between S1 and S2 and between S3 and S4. This makes it possible to enable the holding brake via external safetycircuits independently of the control integrated in the ACOPOS servo drive.3)Configuration takes place using ParID 90 (1 ... Internal monitoring active, 5 ... Internal monitoring not active).4)Disabling takes place using ParID 90 (5 ... Internal monitoring not active).8V1016.00-2 6.5 X5 - PinoutTable 13: X5 - Pinout6.6 Additional protective ground connection (PE)The protective ground conductor is connected to the M5 threaded bolt provided using a cable lug.Terminal cross sectionsCable lug for M5 threaded boltTable 14: Protective ground connection (PE) - ACOPOSDanger!Before turning on the servo drive, make sure that the housing is properly connected to ground (PE rail).The ground connection must be established even when testing the drive or operating it for a short time!8V1016.00-26.7 Input/output circuit diagramFigure 4: TriggerFigure 5: LimitFigure 6: Enable8V1016.00-2Figure 7: Input/output circuit diagram - ACOPOS 1010, 1016。
8V1090.00-21 General information•Modular mechanical design using plug-in modules•Integrated line filter•Integrated braking resistor•All connections are made using plug-in connectors•Integrated electronic restart inhibit2 Order dataTable 1: 8V1090.00-2 - Order dataTable 1: 8V1090.00-2 - Order data 3 Technical dataTable 2: 8V1090.00-2 - Technical data1)In the USA, TT and TN power mains are commonly referred to as "Delta/Wye with grounded Wye neutral".2)If the module is operated with a mains input voltage of 3x 230 VAC, then automatic nominal voltage detection doesn't work for the DC bus. The UDC_NOMINALparameter must be set to 325 [V] by the user in this case.3)Limit values from EN 61800-3 C3 (second environment).4)The permissible input voltage range is reduced when using motor holding brakes. The input voltage range should be selected so that the proper supplyvoltage for the motor holding brake can be maintained.5)The current consumption depends on the configuration of the ACOPOS servo drive.6)Valid in the following conditions: 400 VAC mains input voltage, nominal switching frequency, 40°C ambient temperature, installation elevation <500 m abovesea level.7)Value for the nominal switching frequency.8)If necessary, the stress of the motor isolation system can be reduced by an additional externally wired dv/dt choke. For example, the RWK 305 three-phasedv/dt choke from Schaffner () can be used. Important: Even when using a dv/dt choke, it is necessary to ensure that an EMC-compatible, low inductance shield connection is used!9)The module's electrical output frequency (SCTRL_SPEED_ACT * MOTOR_POLEPAIRS) is monitored to protect against dual use in accordance with ECregulation 428/2009 | 3A225. If the electrical output frequency of the module exceeds the limit value of 598 Hz uninterrupted for more than 0.5 s, then the current movement is aborted and error 6060 is output (Power element: Limit speed exceeded).10)OSSD (open signal switching device) signals are used to monitor signal lines for short circuits and cross faults.11)Continuous operation of ACOPOS servo drives at elevations ranging from 500 m to 2000 m above sea level is possible (taking the specified continuouscurrent reductions into consideration).12)Continuous operation of ACOPOS servo drives at ambient temperatures ranging from 40°C to max. 55°C is possible (taking the specified continuous currentreductions into consideration), but this will result in a shorter service life.4 Status indicatorsACOPOS servo drives are equipped with three LEDs for direct diagnostics:Figure 1: ACOPOS servo drives - Status indicatorsDescriptionGreen (lit)The module is operational andpresent and booted, no permanent or temporary errors).Green (blinking) 1)The module is not ready for operation.Examples:•No signal on one or both enable inputs•DC bus voltage outside the tolerance range•Overtemperature on the motor (temperature sensor)•Motor feedback not connected or defective•Motor temperature sensor not connected or defective•Overtemperature on the module (IGBT junction, heat sink, etc.)•Disturbance on networkOrange (lit)The module's power stage is enabled.Red (lit) 1)There is a permanent error on the module.Examples:•Permanent overcurrent•Invalid data in EPROMTable 3: LED status - ACOPOS servo drives1)Firmware V2.130 and higherIf no LEDs are lit, the ACOPOS servo drive is not being supplied with 24 VDC.Danger!After switching off the device, wait until the DC bus discharge time of at least five minutes has passed.The voltage currently on the DC bus must be measured with a suitable measuring device before be-ginning work. This voltage must be less than 42 VDC to rule out danger. An unlit Run LED does not indicate that voltage is not present on the device!4.1 LED statusThe following timing is used for the indication diagrams:Block size: 125 msRepeats after: 3000 msTable 4: Status changes when booting the operating system loaderTable 5: Error status with reference to the CAN plug-in module AC1101)Possible errors:- ACOPOS servo drive defect- Plug-in module defect- Plug-in module not inserted correctly in the slotTable 6: Error status with reference to the POWERLINK V2 plug-in module AC1141)Possible errors:- ACOPOS servo drive defect (plug-in module not recognized)- Plug-in module defect- Plug-in module not inserted correctly in the slot- Plug-in module functioning but not automatically recognized by the ACOPOS servo drive (old bootstrap loader)5 Dimension diagram and installation dimensionsHanging verticallyFigure 2: Dimension diagram and installation dimensions1)For proper air circulation, at least 80 mm clearance must be available above and below the ACOPOS servo drive.6 WiringFigure 3: ACOPOS 1022, 1045, 1090 - Pinout overview6.1 X1 - PinoutTable 7: X1 - Pinout1)The wiring is not permitted to exceed a total length of 30 m.6.2 X2 - PinoutTable 8: X2 - Pinout6.3 X3 - PinoutDanger!Servo drives are not permitted to be operated directly on IT and TN-S mains with a grounded phase conductor and protective ground conductor!Table 9: X3 - Pinout6.4 X4a, X4b - PinoutTable 10: X4a - Pinout1)If the holding brake is connected via an additional external relay contact (ground-in e.g. via the connections S1/S2) instead of via the internal transistor, thenthe internal quenching circuit has no effect! In this case, the customer must make sure that neither the relay contact nor the braking coil are damaged when switching off the brake. This can be done by interconnecting the coil or - better still - interconnecting the contact with a quenching circuit.Table 11: X4b - Pinout1)If the holding brake is connected via an additional external relay contact (ground-in e.g. via the connections S1/S2) instead of via the internal transistor, thenthe internal quenching circuit has no effect! In this case, the customer must make sure that neither the relay contact nor the braking coil are damaged when switching off the brake. This can be done by interconnecting the coil or - better still - interconnecting the contact with a quenching circuit.Danger!The connections for the motor temperature sensors and the motor holding brake are isolated circuits.Therefore, these connections are only allowed to be connected to devices or components with at least safe isolation in accordance with IEC 60364-4-41 or EN 61800-5-1.Caution!If B+ and B- are swapped when connecting the permanent magnet holding brakes, then the brakes cannot be opened! ACOPOS servo drives cannot determine if a holding brake is connected with reverse polarity!6.4.1 Wiring the connections for the motor holding brakeThe supply, activation and monitoring of the output for the motor holding brake can take place via the X4a connector in three different ways:Table 12: Activation for the external holding brake1)Both jumpers are already on the X4a connector delivered with the ACOPOS servo drives.2)External potential-free contacts can be connected between S1 and S2 as well as between S3 and S4. This makes it possible to activate the holding brakeusing an external safety circuit independent of the control integrated in the ACOPOS servo drive.3)The parameters are set using ParID 90 (1 ... internal monitoring active; 5 ... internal monitoring not active).4)Deactivation takes place using ParID 90 (5 ... internal monitoring not active).8V1090.00-2 6.5 X5 - PinoutTable 13: X5 - Pinout6.6 Additional protective ground connection (PE)The protective ground conductor is connected to the M5 threaded bolt provided using a cable lug.Terminal cross sectionsCable lug for M5 threaded boltTable 14: Protective ground conductor (PE) ACOPOS 1022, 1045, 1090Danger!Before turning on the servo drive, make sure that the housing is properly connected to ground (PE rail).The ground connection must be established even when testing the drive or operating it for a short time!8V1090.00-26.7 Input/Output circuit diagramFigure 4: TriggerFigure 5: LimitFigure 6: Enable8V1090.00-2Figure 7: ACOPOS 1022, 1045, 1090 - Input/Output circuit diagram。
贝加莱全数字智能伺服驱动器ACOPOSmulti发布时间:2008/8/20 16:42:12 修改时间:2009/3/5 14:00:54 浏览次数:1198ACOPOSm ulti是贝加莱 (B&R) 2007年推出的新产品,它采用了最前沿的共直流母线驱动技术,并融合了高速实时通信技术、逆变技术于一体,共直流母线驱动技术、新的安装方式及冷却方式等使其成为高性能伺服驱动器的杰出代表,给客户带来了实实在在的利益。
ACOPOSm ulti具有创新性的性能亮点:1、智能的电源模块设计。
具有很强的电压波动性适应能力,即使供电电源3×220-480V 10%波动,直流母线电压仍可恒定在800V。
安装背板模块化设计,可以选择三种冷却方式,如循环风冷、穿墙式冷却、循环水/油冷却,大大加强了ACOPOSm ulti的环境适应能力。
安全技术在生产中日趋重要,ACOPOSm ulti符合Cat.3, EN 954-1安全认证标准。
采用的Ethernet POWERLINK通信符合IEC 61508 SIL 3 安全认证标准。
系统直接集成了Ethernet POWERLINK接口,可兼容Heidenhain Endat2.1/2.2编码器,嵌入式参数芯片,集成24V控制电源等,都代表了伺服驱动的最先进技术。
目录系统简介┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄2键盘使用说明 -------------------------------------------------------- 3-4开机步骤 -------------------------------------------------------------- 5-6模具参数设定 --------------------------------------------------------- 6-8顶针参数设定 -------------------------------------------------------- 9-10喷嘴、射座参数设定 ----------------------------------------------- 11-12射胶参数设定 ------------------------------------------------------ 12-16抽芯设定 ------------------------------------------------------------ 16-17自动产量设定 ---------------------------------------------------------- 17维护菜单----- ------------------------------------------------------- 18-19系统特性简介:贝加莱公司基于多年从事注塑机控制系统的开发经验,结合中国机器制造公司的特点,推出了高效,可靠,高精度的、适合不同用户要求的注塑机专用控制方案。
培训报告目录一、5月24日 (2)1、贝加莱公司概述 (2)2、控制系统产品介绍 (3)二、5月25日 (4)1、Automation Studio 3.0软件工具介绍 (4)2、新建Task任务 (9)3、启用模拟器测试程序 (14)三、5月26日 (16)1、结构文本(ST)(参考贝加莱资料TM246) (16)1.1、ST介绍 (16)1.2、操作符优先级(图19) (16)1.3、数据类型转换 (16)1.4、常用语句 (17)1.4、功能块调用 (21)2、ST语言练习(答案图25) (22)四、5月27日 (24)1、数据存储 (24)2、通讯 (27)2.1、B&R产品CPU之间通讯 (27)2.2、帧通讯。
(28)3、自定义函数库 (34)一、5月24日1、贝加莱公司概述主要内容是贝加莱公司的历史、企业结构、产品线介绍。
贝加莱(B&R)工业自动化有限公司是一家自动化技术领域的领导厂商,总部位于奥地利Eggelsberg,于1979年由Erwin Berneker先生和Josef Rainer先生共同创建。
贝加莱冗余系统使用手册日期: April 10, 2015版本: V2.0We reserve the right to change the content of this manual without prior notice. The information contained herein is believed to be accurate as of the date of publication, however, B&R makes no warranty, expressed or implied, with regards to the products or the documentation contained within this document. B&R shall not be liable in the event if incidental or consequential damages in connection with or arising from the furnishing, performance or use of these products. The software names, hardware names and trademarks used in this document are registered by the respective companies.I 版本信息Table 1: VersionsII 分派信息Table 2: Distribution III 安全注意事项Table 3: Safety noticesIV 目录1介绍 (4)1.1 贝加莱的冗余方案 (4)2硬件配置 (6)2.1主站配置 (6)2.2 I/O站配置 (8)2.3第三方通讯 (8)2.3.1 POWERLINK iCN挂接通讯模块 (8)2.3.2 POWERLINK总线控制器挂接通讯模块 (9)2.4 I/O总线网络配置 (9)2.4.1 单网 (9)2.4.2 双网 (12)2.4.3 环网 (16)3系统组态 (17)3.1建立冗余项目 (17)3.1.1 CPU配置 (17)3.1.2 X20IF2181-2配置 (20)3.1.3 X20IF10X0配置 (22)3.1.4 添加I/O站 (22)3.1.5 冗余授权狗配置 (30)3.1.6 配置过程网络 (35)3.2程序编写 (37)3.2.1 同步变量 (37)3.2.2 如何选择同步变量 (38)3.2.3 烧卡与自动下载 (38)4 Index (42)1 介绍1.1 贝加莱的冗余方案贝加莱冗余系统是一套硬件冗余系统,可以实现控制器冗余以及网络冗余。
硬件故障判断指导手册V1.01贝加莱工业自动化有限公司2008-11-10目录一面板和通讯卡部分 (3)三X20 系列硬件 (9)四ACOPOS驱动器 (14)附录:伺服驱动器故障明细表 (17)一面板和通讯卡部分1 面板4PP420.1043-75面板正常工作必须接入准确的24VDC电源,电源接地端一定要有可靠的接地,请在给面板上电时,认真检查24V电源,电源范围不能超出-15%/+20%;接上电源后面板背面的指示灯,User Power会常亮黄色,如果已经接上电源,而电源指示灯User Power不会亮,可能24V电源电压不正确,检查电源是否在正常电压范围内;亦有可能是24V电源电压的超出正常范围,或电源本身的短路,造成面板内部电路的烧坏,导致面板不能正常启动。
2.1 面板在启动或运行中如有发生以下状况,请按下面的方法排查:1 启动不了,检查以下事项:⊙检查24VDC供电是否正常,电源范围不能超出-15%/+20%;⊙通讯卡连接是否可靠;⊙CF程序卡是否正确插好;2 通讯不上,检查以下事项:⊙通讯卡连接是否牢固,可靠,把通讯卡卸下重新装上;⊙确定通讯卡是不是好的;⊙通讯电缆线有没有掉落或者通讯电缆线开路;⊙通讯电缆接头接触是否良好;3黑屏,检查以下事项:⊙检查24VDC供电是否正常,电源范围不能超出-15%/+20%;⊙通讯卡连接是否牢固,可靠;⊙检查屏幕有没有类似上面启动步骤的画面。
2 通讯卡3IF789.92.1 通讯卡直接插在插槽上,通讯卡的状态指示如下:X2X Link 状态指示灯 RxD,TxD 常亮橙色;Powerlink状态指示灯 Status常亮绿色;以上状态指示判断出通讯卡是好的;指示灯不正常,请检查通讯卡与插槽处的连接是否良好,如果通讯卡连接没有问题,说明通讯卡已经损坏。
PP41型壁厚控制器使用说明书贝加莱工业自动化()目录系统特性简介 (3)1系统特性介绍 (3)2控制系统各部件介绍 (4)2.1控制操作面板 (4)2.1.1 面板42.1.2 接口52.1.3 性能62.1.4 安装62.2功能按键及指示灯 (7)2.3控制器及接线 (9)2.3.1AI351 (9)2.3.2 Am351 (10)2.3.3 PP41自带输入 (10)2.3.4 PP41自带输出 (11)3画面操作说明 (12)3.1登陆画面 (12)3.2连续式型胚曲线设定画面 (12)3.2.1 操作按钮 (12)3.2.2 输入参数 (13)3.2.3 输出参数 (14)3.2.4 插入与删除设定数值点 (14)3.2.5 微调设定数值点间的曲线单元 (15)3.3储料式型胚曲线设定画面 (17)3.3.1 操作按钮 (17)3.3.2 输入参数 (18)3.3.3 输出参数 (19)3.4曲线跟踪画面 (19)3.5标记画面 (20)3.6存储画面 (20)3.7文件改名画面 (21)3.8参数存储画面 (21)3.9文件调出画面 (22)3.10监控画面 (22)3.11数据1(曲线点)画面 (22)3.12数据2画面 (23)3.13初始设定画面 (23)3.13.1 输入参数 (23)3.13.2 模式转换 (24)3.14型芯设定画面 (24)3.14.1 输入参数 (24)3.14.2 输出参数 (25)3.14.3 手动调校 (25)3.14.4 自动调校 (25)3.14.5 调校提示: (25)3.15储料设定画面 (26)3.15.1 输出参数 (26)3.15.2 手动调校 (26)3.16增益设定画面 (26)3.16.1 按钮 (27)3.16.2 输入参数 (27)3.16.3 输出参数 (27)3.17时间设定画面 (27)3.17.1 输入参数 (27)3.17.2 输出参数 (27)3.18中英文切换画面 (28)4机器操作说明 (29)4.1开机步骤 (29)4.2系统参数设定 (29)4.2.1 初始设定 (29)4.2.2 型芯设定 (29)4.2.3 储料设定 (29)5故障处理 (30)5.1故障对应 (30)5.2干扰处理 (30)6电源 (30)7附件 (30)系统特性简介1系统特性介绍这是一款50点型坯壁厚控制器,用来控制中空成型机型坯的壁厚。
1.贝加莱ACOPOS电子凸轮CAM在裁切方向的应用 [J], ;
2.贝加莱ACOPOS系列驱动器:实现智能运动控制 [J],
3.贝加莱(B&R)推出ACOPOS驱动系统 [J],
4.贝加莱ACOPOS电子凸轮CAM在裁切方向的应用 [J], 宋华振
5.贝加莱工业自动化(中国)有限公司全数字智能伺服驱动器ACOPOSmulti [J],因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。