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在第一、三人称单数主语后可为was 所取代
If it was to rain,the game would be put off.
但是,在If I were you 这一分句中,通常倾向用were,而不 用was。在某些倒装句中只用were。
Were I to do it,I should rely on you. He is my best friend,my second self ,as it were .(好像,宛如)
If the rumor be true,everything is possible。 If the rumor is true,everything is possible。
Whatever be his defense,we cannot tolerate this disloyalty. Whatever his defense may be,we cannot tolerate this disloyalty.
IT 句型!
出现于表示气候、天气温度、时间、地点、距离等意义 的句子中。
It is very warm and wet in south china these days. 表示一般的笼统的情况
To think that he would marry such a nasty woman.
提到条件句,人们一般会想到if引导的条件句,而英语中某些假设的条Baidu Nhomakorabea句不是通过if从句 表达出来,而是包含在某些短语、上下文或其他方式中,其谓语也常用虚拟语气,我们称 此种结构为含蓄条件句。
I prefer Mary to type the letters. I prefer that Mary type the letters.
b.用在advisable,appropriate,desirable,essential, obligatory,proper,imperative等形容词之后that分句中。
3.表示对将来的主观愿望,通常用情态助动词的过去式形式。 I wish you wouldn’t smoke in public places .
I hope (that)也表希望,但并不表示假设,随后的动词形式 除表示委婉口气外,很少用过去式。
I hope you are coming to our party.
(-ed 分词做条件状语,暗示: If the tree had been given more attention) Ⅴ.I was too busy at that time, otherwise, I would have called you. 我当时太忙,否则我就给你打电话了。
(副词otherwise暗示条件) 由此可知,在特定的上下文或一目了然的情况下,if条件句可以省略,或使用介词短语、
这就是说,在某些语境中,如果不表示假设意义,就不 必用过去式形式。如: The apple tatses as if it is sour.
e)I wish (that)
1.与过去相反的主观愿望 I wish I hadn’t said that .
2.与现在相反 I wish you were coming with me,Peter.
b)I would rather/sooner(that)you/he/they...
I’d rather he told me the truth.
c)if only ...
If only I knew her address.
d)he behaves as if /as though...
在这一用法中be-型虚拟式能与should+不 定式,to-不定式交替使用。
He order that the books be sent at once =He order that the books should be sent at once =He order that the books to be sent at once
It is essential the all the facts be examined first.
c .用在decision,decree,demand,instruction, resolution等名词后的that 分句中。
The board has given instructions that the agent fly to Boston.
? I hope the weather would be favourable.
If I were you,I would not miss this opptunity If you should change your mind, do let me know.
it’s illegal to drive without a license. 后置的真正主语可以取代先行it的位置,而出现句首。 To drive without a license is illegal.
It was a parcel that she brought . 说话人还可根据上下文和语义意图分别强调主语、间接宾语、直接宾语。 分裂句的谓语动词be还可以采取复杂形式。
单一方式副词通常不做分裂句中心成分 It was very reluctantly that she agreed to agree to help。
主语补语通常不被强调,但是宾语补语可以 It is beautiful that she is. It is chairman of the committee that he is . It is chairman of the committee that they selected him.
Be-型虚拟式用于某些公式化语句中可表示祝愿、诅咒、禁 止的意思。
Long live the people’s Republic of China! Far be it from me(我极不愿) to spoil the fun 。
He will remain here if need be .
“But without the impressionists, many of these painting styles would not exist.” 这里假设的条件没有通过条件从句表达出来,而是隐含在without介词短语中,故名含蓄条件
Ⅱ. It would be only partly right to follow in this way. 如果用这种方式,仅仅对了一半。 (动词不定式暗示了条件)
Ⅲ. Having known in time ,we might have prevented the accident. 要是及时得知的话,我们也许能阻止这场事故。
(-ing 分词做条件状语,暗示条件:If we had kown in time) Ⅳ. Given more attention, the tree could have grown better. 如果多留心的话,这树本来可以长的更好。
They are staring at me as if I was /crazy.
在as if /as though结构中的动词形式通常决定说话人 的意图。比较:
I feel as if I was /were going to faint.(我感觉我好像要晕倒了) I feel as if I am going to faint.(我感觉我(真的)要晕倒了)
It may have been at Christmas that john gave Mary a handbag.
分裂句可以强调多种状语成分。如时间、地点、方式、由because引导的 原因状语等。 It was when she was about to go to bed that the telephone rang.
用于表示命令、决定、建议、等词 语后的that分句中
用于由if,though,whatever, lest,so long as等引导的分句中
用于某些状语分句中 用于某些名词性分句中
1.用动词的过去形式表示假设意义 2.用情态动词过去式表示假设意义
If I were you ,I should wait till next week.
常用于wish,would rather,suppose,imagine之后的that-分句

Suppose the earth were flat。
the ambassador will stay there if necessary .
the ambassador will stay there if need be .
. It suffices to say that the open policy will remain unchanged.
? 这里的should是什么意思、作用。表如果?if 不是这个意思了么?或仅是修

But for your help, I couldn’t have achieved anything.
Anyone who should violate the law would be punished .(同第一个should)
a .用在,demand,suggest, decide,prefer,vote等动 词后that分句中。
Conggress has decided/voted that the present law be maintained.
It was dull when Mary was away. 常见于下列结构
It looks as if the college is very small . It seems as though our plan’ll be perfect. It’s my turn. 习惯用语中
You will catch it (=will be scolded )for breaking the glasses. Hop it (=go away ).you are in the way here.等
Suffice it to say that the open policy will remain unchanged.
(只需说什么就够了) Home is home ,be it ever so homely.
1.用于某些状语分句中(if,if only,as if ,as though,though 引导的)
现代英语中,许多改用虚拟式的地方常为陈述式所取代。 Imagine you are the salesman for Franco’s product.
a)It is time (that)...
It is time we went to bed.
用于由if,though,whatever,lest,so long as等 引导的分句中表示推测、让步、防备等含义。
If he be found guilty ,John shall have the right of appeal .
上述用法现在只适用于正式书面语体,在非正式语体中通常 用动词陈述式或者用should或may+不定式。如: