unit5 I like noodles 说课稿
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教案Unit 5 I like noodles.一、教学内容本单元主要围绕食物展开,学生将学习如何表达对食物的喜好。
教学内容包括食物的词汇,如noodles, rice, dumplings等,以及句型"I like"来描述自己喜欢的食物。
二、教学目标1. 知识与技能:学生能够听懂、会说、会读本单元的词汇和句型,并能用它们进行简单的交流。
2. 过程与方法:通过图片、实物等直观教学手段,让学生在真实情境中学习英语,提高他们的语言运用能力。
3. 情感态度价值观:培养学生对食物的喜好,激发他们对英语学习的兴趣。
三、教学难点1. 食物词汇的发音和记忆。
2. 句型"I like"的正确使用。
四、教具学具准备1. 教具:PPT、图片、实物等。
2. 学具:单词卡片、句型卡片等。
五、教学过程1. 导入:通过图片或实物展示不同的食物,引导学生说出它们的名字,并引出本节课的主题。
2. 新课呈现:通过PPT展示本节课的重点词汇和句型,让学生跟读并模仿。
3. 操练:通过游戏、角色扮演等形式,让学生在真实情境中运用所学知识。
4. 巩固:通过听、说、读、写的练习,巩固本节课所学内容。
六、板书设计1. Unit 5 I like noodles.2. 重点词汇:noodles, rice, dumplings等。
3. 句型:I like七、作业设计1. 听力练习:听录音,选出听到的食物。
2. 口语练习:和同学一起练习句型"I like",描述自己喜欢的食物。
3. 写作练习:写一篇小短文,介绍自己喜欢的食物。
i-like-noodles教案教案题目:我喜欢面条 - 一门有趣的中文课教学目标:1. 学生能够听懂、会说、会写“我喜欢面条”这个话题。
2. 学生能够通过阅读图片故事和练习口语表达出自己的喜好。
3. 学生能够熟练使用“我喜欢”、“我不喜欢”等基本句型。
4. 学生能够在学习中体验到学习中的乐趣和成就感。
教学步骤:第一课时:1. 先让学生看“面条”的图片,以唤起他们的兴趣。
2. 教师通过问答,引导学生学习“我喜欢”、“我不喜欢”等基本句型,如:“你喜欢什么食物?”“我喜欢面条。
”3. 让学生跟读这些句子,直到熟练掌握。
4. 教师布置作业,让学生写一篇关于自己喜欢什么食物和不喜欢什么食物的小作文。
第二课时:1. 教师让学生互相交流自己的作文。
2. 学生观看一段以“面条”为主题的视频或图片故事,鼓励他们尽可能多地用中文表达出自己的感受、意见和想法。
3. 教师与学生一起讨论有关“面条”的话题,鼓励学生彼此之间互相分享自己的观点和经验。
4. 教师再次强调“我喜欢”、“我不喜欢”等句型的使用,让学生不断巩固这些基本语法。
第三课时:1. 教师设计一些与“面条”有关的游戏,让学生在游戏的过程中体验中文学习的乐趣和挑战,如“点名答题”、记忆游戏、“我说你画”等。
2. 通过玩游戏,让学生感受到语言学习与生活的联系,同时学生也可以通过这些游戏提高他们的语言交际能力。
3. 教师看清学生在游戏中的表现情况,也让学生自评自己的学习情况,以便帮助学生寻找到自己的差距和不足,为下一步的提高提供支持和帮助。
4. 教师最后鼓励学生在课外及日常生活中坚持使用中文,逐渐提高语言表达能力。
教学用具:1. 关于“面条”的图片、视频和故事材料。
Unit 5.《I like noodles.》- 教学设计一、教学目标•知识目标:掌握谈论食物的词汇,学会使用like来表达自己的喜好。
三、教具准备•PPT、黑板、白板、图片、音频四、教学过程设计1. 热身(Warm-up)- 5分钟•让学生看图片,提问“Do you like noodles?”, “What’s yourfavorite food?”等问题,让学生连续回答。
2. 新授(Presentation)- 15分钟•使用PPT展示一些食物图片,引导学生看图说话,运用句型“I like…”、“I don’t like…”、“I like noodles with…”等。
3. 讲解(Explanation)- 10分钟•介绍前置代词和形容词的比较级和最高级,并给出相应的例子。
•引导学生把学过的句型,加上形容词的比较级和最高级进行表达,例如:“I like spicy noodles the best.”4. 操练(Practice)- 20分钟•给学生一些有关食物喜好的问答和填空的练习题,演示并指导学生如何使用新的句型。
5. 交流(Production)- 10分钟•将学生分成小组,让他们利用学到的知识,自己设计一个“我的最爱”食物海报,学生分组展示,班级打分选出最佳海报。
四年级上册英语说课稿-Unit 5《I like noodles》|湘少版一、教学内容本节课主要教授学生有关“I like noodles”的知识点,包括: - 掌握各种面条的英文表达; - 学会询问及回答自己对某种面条的喜好; - 培养学生的英语口语表达能力。
二、教学目标•能听懂、理解、朗读并模仿课文;•能灵活运用所学词汇进行简单对话;•能用简单的语言描述自己对某种面条的喜好;•能够合理使用句子“I like…”、“I don’t like…”表达个人喜好。
三、教学重点•本课教学重点是让学生掌握各种面条的英文表达,以及如何用“I like…”、“I don’t like…”表达个人喜好。
六、教学过程1. 导入 (5分钟)•通过播放一段视频或者展示一些图片,让学生自由讨论关于面条相关的话题,如他们最喜欢的面条种类、口味等等。
2. 学习词汇 (10分钟)•通过PPT的展示,教授本节课的生词及发音,包括:–noodles;–beef;–vegetables;–chicken;–fish.•进行示范性朗读,并让学生跟读熟悉发音。
3. 听读对话 (10分钟)•播放PPT上的对话,并让学生自己跟读。
4. 情景模拟 (15分钟)•让学生两人一组进行练习对话,询问彼此对面条的喜好。
5. 自由表达 (10分钟)•让学生说出自己喜欢的面条种类以及口味,并用“I like…”、“I don’t like…”进行表达。
6. 课堂总结 (5分钟)•通过小黑板的形式,总结本节课学到的知识点,让学生回忆巩固。
七、教学反思本节课通过多种教学手段,让学生掌握了有关“I like noodles”的知识点,同时通过情景模拟的方式培养了学生的口语表达能力。
Unit 5 I like noodles 说课稿Good afternoon, everyone. It's my great honor to have this opportunity to share my teaching plans. Today my topic is Unit 5 I like noodles. It includes 7 parts: Teaching Material,Students Analysis,Teaching Aims,Key & Difficult Points,Teaching Methods,Teaching Procedures,Blackboard Design.Firstly, I will talk about the teaching material. The lesson is Unit5 I like noodles, which is from Xiangshao Primary English, book4. The lesson is play an important role in this unit. What's more, the topic of this lesson is about food. The topic is close to students' daily life, so they will be interested in it.Secondly, it's about students. Students have learned English for one year, but they are still at the stage of developing their interest in English. So I will design games to attract their attention.Next, I will introduce the teaching aim. It includes knowledge aims, ability aims and emotional aim. Knowledge aims: 1. Students can master the new words such as:hungry, noodles,biscuit, dumpling, milk, bread,rice. 2. Students can master the sentence structures: “What do you like?” “I like/ don’t like…”Ability aims: 1. Students can improve their listening and speaking skills. 2. Students can improve their communicative abilities. Emotional aim: Students will know the importance of saving food.Now, let's focus on the key and difficult points: 1. Students can master the new words and the sentences. 2. Student can distinguish between singular and plural nouns.In this lesson, I will use four teaching methods: Communicative teaching method、Game teaching method、TPR method and Situational teaching method.Now, let's come to the most important part-- teaching procedures. I will divide into 5 steps.Firstly, I will introduce myself with a rap. Are you ready?(Rap: ....)This a good way to stimulate students’ interests and create the relaxing atmosphere.After warming up, I will have a free talk, just like “I’m tired and hungry now, I need something to eat.” This free talk is related to our today’s topic. Then, we will learn the new lesson: I like noodles.The second step is presentation. In this step, I will teach the new words and sentences by using the objects, I will bring noodles, dumplings, bread, milk, biscuits and a pot! Can you guess what are we going to do with the pot? Yeah, we are going to cook noodles and dumplings in the classroom, it’s unbelievable, and when we cook them, I will bring the bread and biscuits for students, they will smell the food, taste the food, and then express what do they like? This part is aims to engage the students’ senses. And the topic is close to students’ daily life, so we practice the key words and sentences in this way can make them vivid and interesting. And students will be interested in English. And in this part, I will also teach students save food in their daily life.The third step is practice, I will let students play two games. The first game is “The Hungry Caterpillar”, this game is aims to practice the key words, let me show you this game. The second one is “Let’s fry eggs”, in this game we can practice the words and sentences, this game will develop their speaking ability.After playing games, I will share a funny cartoon of minuscule, the cartoon’s name is “noodle battle”, it’s about a spider and two flies, the two flies are fighting for a noodle, but at last, the spider pick it up and put it on the spider web, and both of the flies have no noodle. From this cartoon, I will teach students“You can’t fight for your favorite food,you can get food by sharing it.”Next step, I will let students to summary what they have learned in this class, and I will make a supplement, it can help them to understand and absorb the knowledge.The last step is Homework, the homework is ask students to draw a picture of foods about they like or they don’t like.The last part is the blackboard design, it can help students master the key words and overcome the difficult points. Here is my blackboard design. It’s clear and easy to understand.That’s all for my presentation, thank you for your listening!。
Unit 5 I like noodles.(教学设计)1. 教学目标1.1 知识目标•学生能够听、说、认读并书写与餐桌有关的单词:noodles, beef, chicken, fish, pork, vegetable, egg, soup。
1.2 能力目标•发展学生的听、说、读、写能力,提高学生的语言应用能力和交际能力。
2. 教学重点和难点2.1 教学重点•听、说、认读并书写与餐桌有关的单词。
2.2 教学难点•听力材料的理解和表达能力。
3. 教学过程3.1 导入(5分钟)1.老师放一段关于面条的短视频,激发学生对面条的兴趣。
3.2 学习新知(25分钟)1.听力培训:老师播放一段录音,让学生听到单词noodles、beef、chicken、fish、pork、vegetable、egg和soup。
3.3 练习和巩固(15分钟)1.游戏:老师分小组,根据老师的描述图画,让学生猜出对应的单词。
3.4 展示(10分钟)1.负责人介绍各组谁猜对的单词最多。
3.5 总结(5分钟)学生交换当前所学到的餐桌用语,进行回顾总结。
4. 教学反思本节课采用了多种形式的教学方法,如短视频、听力培训、读、写、游戏和对话,让学生能够在语言中感受食物文化的魅力。
unit5 I like noodles 说课稿本节课的教学策略主要包括以下几点:1.任务型教学策略:通过情境设计和任务设置,让学生在实际生活中运用英语进行交流,提高学生的语言运用能力。
2.导入:通过展示食物图片和实物,让学生研究新单词,并引导学生用“What do you like?”“I like/don’t like…”表达自己的喜好。
Unit5 I like noodles.说课稿一、说教材1、教材内容本节课主要学习的新单词有biscuits, dumplings, milk, bread, rice, noodles,句型是用like和don’t like表达个人喜好和用what do you like?询问他人的喜好。
3、教学目标①、知识目标:掌握词汇:biscuits, dumplings, milk, bread, rice, noodles,like, don’t like。
以及运用此句型:I like/don’t like……表达自己的喜好。
Unit 5 I like noodles一.教学目标1. 语言目标A.词汇:能听懂,会说,认读,会写新单词noodle(s)(复数);能听懂,会说,认读新单词biscuit, bread, dumplings, hungry, rice.B.句型:能用“what do you like…?”I like /don’t like…”询问他人及表达个人的喜好。
1. 指认食品单词。
2. 能简单区分单词的单复数形式。
3. 能听懂,会说A部分的对话。
二.教学重难点.1.重点:能听懂,会说,认读,会写新单词noodle(s)(复数);能听懂,会说,认读新单词biscuit, bread, dumplings, hungry, rice. 能用“what do you like…?”I like /don’t like…”询问他人及表达个人的喜好。
三.教学准备幻灯片,多媒体课件四.教学过程Step1 warm-up/Revision.1. Greetings.2. Sing a song: If you are happy3. Listen to the story about Guang TouqiangStep2 Presentation1.Show a gift box in the screen and ask students to guess. Lead to “noodles” and the title “I like noodles”.Guang Touqiang opened a shop, some animals came to his shop.2.The first one is Bear senior. Then the teacher shows the word rice, and playa game high and low voice. Let’s chant “rice, rice . I like rice.”3.The second one is Bear junior. The teacher uses the same way to practice the word bread.4.Then, Jiji. Maomao. Bengbeng.Tutu also came here. The teacher uses the same way to practice some words, such as noodles. dumplings. biscuits and milk.5.Teach students “noodles” and “I like noodles”. Show some pictures and according to the pictures to teach the new words:dumplings、bread、biscuits、milk、rice and the patterns: “What do you like?” “I like/ I don’t like......Step3 Practice1.T:Wow, there are so many food. Let’s play a game—Magic eyes.When I point one, you sit and read; when I point two, you stand and read; when I point three, you clap and read; when I point four, you should keep silent.2.Let’s go the Guang Touqiang’s shop. There are so many food, what do you like? Let’s play another game- Rock, paper, scissors.3. Competition ----ChantTeach students to read the chant and then Group A compete with Group B.What, what, what do you like?Mingming, Mingming, what do you like?Dumplings, dumplings, I like dumplings.Peter, Peter, what do you like?Milk, milk, I like milk.Lingling, Lingling, what do you like?Noodles, noodles, I like noodles.Rice, rice, no, no, no!I don’t like rice, rice, riceStep4 pair worksT: The business of shop is so good that Guang Touqiang must hire a waiter. Who wants to be the waiter or waitress.? Hands up.Ok, we need four students to be waiters or waitress. This is a competion. Other students just sit down and hands up. For example:A: what do you like?B: I like…A: Here you are.B: Thank you!Let’s begin.Step5 Homework1. Listen to the tape for 15 minutes;2. Use the patterns “What do you like?” “I like/ I don’t like......” to ask your family and your friends.五.板书设计Unit5 I like noodlesBread Biscuits --What do you like?Milk Dumplings --I like…Noodles Rice。
Unit 5 I like noodles 说课稿我今天说课的内容是湘教版四年级英语上册I like noodles第一课时,下面我就按教材分析、学情分析、教学策略、教学过程等方面来谈谈我这节课的教学设计。
根据总目标,结合本课教学内容及学生实际,我确定这节课的教学目标为:1.Knowledge Objects(1) Key words and phases:noodles, biscuit, , milk, dumplings, rice, bread.(2) Target Language:“What do you like?”“I like/don’t like…”2.Ability Objects提高学生听说的能力,培养学生自学的能力,在学习表达自己喜好的同时培养合作的能力。
3.0Moral Objects:让学生在学习过程中了解食物的重要性,引导学生养成节约粮食的好习惯,同时在活动中让学生体会学习英语的乐趣,激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣,树立学习英语的信心;模拟生活场景,在交流中增长学生生活经验,促进人际交往。
(三)说教学重、难点1.用“What do you like?”“I like/don’t like…”询问他人及表达个人的喜好。
2.会读、会认、会写新单词noodles, biscuit, , milk, dumplings, rice, bread,hungry。
湘少版小学四年级上册Unit5 I like noodles Period 1 说课稿Good afternoon,everyone. My name is Tan Caixia. I come from Anren Siyuan Experimental School. I’m very glad to standing here and sharing my lesson with you. Today I’m going to talk about Unit 5 I like noodles Period 1,which is from Xiangshao Primary English Grade 4.In this class I will teach the children through dialogue, draw pictures and some activities. Encouraging students to participate actively, stimulating the students’ enthusiasm for learning English and improving the students’comprehensive ability of using language.Today, I’ll talk about my lesson from six parts:Part1 Teaching contents (教材分析)Part2 Analysis of pupils (学情分析)Part3 Teaching methods (教法及教学策略)Part4 Teaching materials (教学资源)Part5 Teaching procedures and purposes of my designing(教学流程及设计意图)Part1 Teaching contents (教材分析)This lesson includes two parts: Part A Let’s listen and say and Part B Let’s learn. Then according to the new standard and curriculum and syllabus, I think the teaching aims of this lesson are the following:1 Aims on the knowledgea) To make students read these key words: noodles, hungry,dumpling, milk, bread, rice, biscuit.b) To enable students to be familiar with the sentences pattern: I like…I don’t like…c) To enable students to understand and speak the question “What do you like?”and the answers. Make sure that students can use these sentences in real situation.d) To enable students to distinguish between the singular and the plural of English.2 Aims on abilitiesa) To develop students abilities of listening and speaking.b) To train the students abilities of working groups.c) To foster students’abilities of communication and their innovation.3 Aims on emotiona) To foster students’ consciousness of good-cooperation.b) To help students cultivate their abilities to analyze and solve problems independently.c) To foster students’ initiative and creativeness.Key points1 To enable students to listen, read, say, and write the new words.2 To help students ask and answer the question: What do you like?3 To make sure the students can use the sentences pattern correctly.4 To develop students’ interests in English.Difficult points1 To enable students to distinguish between the singular and the plural of English.Part2 Analysis of pupils (学情分析)Our students are in Grade 4. They are active and curious, interested in new things. After learning English for1 year, they have little basic English background knowledge. So the teacher should attach importance to the communication with them, providing them the chances of using English.Part3 Teaching methods (教法及教学策略)It is not a long history that English is as a subject in primary school in our country. So it‘s very important to develop the students’interest in English. As we all know, the main instructional aims of learning English in primary school is to improve the pupils’basic abilities of their listening and speaking and their good sense of the English language. So in this lesson, I’ll mainly use the following teaching method:1 Communicative Approach2 Task based teaching methodPart4 Teaching materials (教学资源)In order to practice my teaching method well, I need the followingteaching aids:1 some cards2 the computerPart5 Teaching procedures and purposes of my designing(教学流程及设计意图)I have designed the following steps to train their abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing.Step 1 Warming up (It will cost 5 minutes)1 Greeting2 Sing a song: Greetings3 Review: Quick responseTeacher shows some food cards we have learned words and asks students read them quickly.Purpose: It’s important to form a better English learning surrounding for the students by singing an doing some total physical response and at the same time it provides situations to review learned knowledge for the next step.Step 2 Presentation (It will cost 20 minutes)1 PPT shows the part B. And learn about the new words: noodles, rice, milk, dumplings, biscuits, bread. Teacher explains the different between the singular and the plural.2 PPT shows the questions. Let the students listen the part A andanswer the questions.How many foods in this text? (Five)What are they? (Dumplings, milk, bread, noodles, rice)3 Let students listen and repeat the part A.Purpose: Train the students’listening abilities to grasp the general idea of a dialogue.Step 3 Practice (It will cost 12 minutes)1 Pair work: let students read the text in pairs.2 Role play part A.3 Game: Draw and sayLet the students draw the foods they like and dislike. Then write and read the sentences pattern: What do you like? I like…. I don’t like….Purpose: To improve the students’interest and check the knowledge have learned in this lesson.Step 4 ConclusionIn this step I will guide the students to conclude the key words and sentences pattern. Then I will set the homework: to read the text and copy the new words five times.。
Unit 5 I like noodles.一、教学目标1、能够认识:noodles、biscuit、milk、dumplings、rice、bread.准确地掌握其发音。
2、运用句子:what do you like?/I like…/like …and…进行基本的对话。
二、教学重点和难点1、教学重点学会part B中的单词,并结合本课单词用句子:what do you like?/I like…进行交流。
三、教学准备ppt课件、食物卡片、磁铁、音乐、调查表、厨师帽、篮子、各种食物水果四、教学过程Step 1 Greeting.T:Good morning , boys and girls!S:Good morning , teacher!Step 2 Warming upOne to tenWelcome to the Food Shop.Step 3 Lead in1、Show the pictures of the boy who is hungry.Ss guess,what’s wrong with the boy?Lead out the word:hungry.2、T teaches the word,Ss read it.Step 4 learn the new words.1、Please S1 act the “hungry boy”.2、T asks S1 “What do you like?”,S1 answers “I like …”Lead out the first word.3、After lead out three words, read them all group by group.4、Lead out the late three words as before.Read them group by group. (规则如上)5、Play a game to 巩固the words.-------Quick Responce.6、Read the words all together.Step 5 Practice the conversationPractice the conversation between the group.(每组选个waiter,提着老师准备好的食物,在小组之间分发)Step 6 Conclusion1、Review the conclude.2、Play a group pictures about the people who are hungry,and who are wasting the food. (呼吁学生不要浪费粮食)Step 7 Homework教师制作一张食物喜好调查表格,给每个学生发一张并让学生带回家后调查家人对食物的喜好,在家长的协作下规范的用英语完成此表格。
《I like noodles》说课稿尊敬的各位评委、老师们:大家好!今天我说课的内容是《I like noodles》。
一、教材分析《I like noodles》是教材版本教材中单元名称的重要内容。
本节课主要涉及到了“noodles”这个单词,以及句型“I like”来表达个人的喜好。
但是,对于句型“I like”的运用还不够熟练,需要在本节课中进行重点练习。
学生能够理解并运用句型“I like”来表达自己对食物的喜好。
熟练运用句型“I like”表达个人喜好。
unit5 I like noodles 说课稿
我今天说课的内容是湘教版四年级英语上册I like noodles第一课时,下面我就按教材分析、学情分析、教学策略、教学过程等方面来谈谈我这节课的教学设计。
1.Knowledge Objects
(1) Key words and phases:noodles, biscuit, , milk, dumplings, rice, bread.
(2) Target Language:“What do you like?”“I like/don’
t like…”
2.Ability Objects
3.0Moral Objects:
1.用“What do you like?”“I like/don’t like…”询问他人及表达个人的喜好。
2.会读、会认、会写新单词noodles, biscuit, , milk, dumplings, rice, bread,hungry。
Step 1 Warming up
游戏——Guess, guess, guess! (猜一猜)
一组做动作扮演小动物(a beautiful bird, a big elephant, a strong tiger, a tall giraffe, a small squirrel, a fat pig),另一组猜一猜他们演的是什么。
Step 2 Presentation and drill
T: Boys and girls, can you guess what I am?
Ss: You are a cook.
T: Yes, I am a cook. What time is it now? Oh, it’s 11 o’clock. It’s too late. I am hungry now. Are you hungry?
Ss: Yes, I am hungry.
T: What will you do when hungry? Right! Eat something. What do you like?
I like cake.(笑脸). I don’t like rice. (哭脸)用身体语言让学生理解like和don’t like的含义和用法。
T: What do you like?
S2: I like hamburger/French fried/rice/cake/…
T: What don’t you like?
S3: I don’t like milk/fruit/…
Step 3 Practice
H-U-N-G-R-Y,I am hungry.
Bread, please. Cake, please.
I like bread, I don’t like cake.
H-U-N-G-R-Y,I am hungry.
Apple, please. Bananas, please.
I like apple. I don’t like bananas.
游戏——Quick response (快速反应)
出示多张水果(oranges, apples, pears)图片,学生以最快的速度说出句子“I like…/I don’t like…”。
Step 4 Consolidation
Step 5 Homework