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蓝鸽英语 单词测试 大学英语3 第三册 第7单元

蓝鸽英语 单词测试 大学英语3 第三册  第7单元
蓝鸽英语 单词测试 大学英语3 第三册  第7单元

1.The old man was in ______ of doubt.

A. agony

B. the agony

C. agonies

D. the agonies



2. He’s in ______ that he’s won the Nobel Prize.

A. ecstasy

B. bliss

C. rapture

D. transport



3. However, at times this balance in nature is _______, resulting in a number of possible unforeseen effects.

A. troubled

B. confused

C. disturbed

D. puzzled



4. Learn to ______ before you leap.

A. creep

B. climb

C. mount

D. rise



5. We welcome rain, but a (an) _______ large amount of rainfall will cause floods.

A. extensive

B. extremely

C. specially

D. constantly




6. My pulse was ______ with excitement.

A. throbbing

B. pounding

C. striking

D. knocking




7. Where did you ________ your English?

A. push up

B. pick up

C. pull up

D. pulls off



8. He is fed up with the skyscrapers, noise, pollution and traffic jam that are part of _______life..

A. rural

B. suburban

C. urban

D. usual



9. My complexion remained pale and _____.

A. pasty

B. pasta

C. paste

D. patter



10. Someone who likes to spend a lot of time sitting or lying down while watching television is sometimes called a _______.

A. couch tomato

B. potato crisps

C. tomato couch

D. couch potato



11. Too much ______ to the sun is bad for the skin.



12. His body temperature has been _____ for three days, the highest point reaching 40.5 degree centigrade.



13. People have been reluctant to make formal ________to the police.



14. ___________ this, several other benefits are offered.



15. ______ he works hard, I don't mind when he finishes the experiment.



16. The higher I got, the deeper I _____ into a dark, lonely place.



17. She said her husband _______ her.




18. It seems certain areas in the brain are responsible _______ drug dependence.



19. The experiment indicates they are willing to give up things like food and water just to continue receiving the _______ stimulation.



20. The bank robber has been sentenced to a ten-year imprisonment ______ he had known the consequence before he committed the robbery.

A. as if

B. only if

C. if only

D. as only



21. A few large mirrors in the room would give the ______ of extra space.

A. illustration

B. illusion

C. illusive

D. illumination



22. Learning disabilities may help explain why some students do not _____ as well in school as intelligence tests suggest they should.

A. undertake

B. hold

C. play

D. perform



23. John Dewey believed that teaching must _____ the curiosity and creativity of children.

A. seek

B. stimulate

C. shape

D. secure




24. He strongly believes that it’s not ______ to judge a man only by his looks.

A. reliable

B. convenient

C. dependent

D. convincible



25. I found myself ______ by a pack of wolves.

A. surrounded

B. surrounding

C. been surrounded

D. surround



26. IQ is an abbreviation for ______ quotient.

A intellect B. intelligence C. integrated D. inclusive


27. The factory has been ______ the new boss for five months.

A. in charge of

B. in the charge of

C. with charge of

D. with the charge of



28. It was reported that the oil company was ______ collapse.

A. by the edge of

B. above the edge of

C. on the edge of B. beyond the edge of



29. We must ______ a thorough plan before we launch the campaign.

A. lay

B. lay in

C. lay out

D. lay off



30. The police suspect him ______ killing his colleague.

A. about

B. on

C. with




31. Research suggests that children whose parents ______are more likely to drop out of high school.

A. spit up

B. spit upon

C. split up

D. split array



32. Chinese scientists ______the expedition to the Antarctic.

A. pulled off

B. pulled of

C. pushed off

D. pushed of



33. Hardly___________________ a student came to visit her.

A. she had gone out when

B. had she gone out when

C. she had gone out than

D. had she gone out than



34. The prisoner will be _____by the judge tomorrow.

A. murdered

B. implemented

C. executed

D. excused



35. Nothing _____, nothing have.

A. virtue

B. virus

C. vented

D. venture



36. He asked for ice for his whiskey and _____ to get contentedly drunk.

A proceed B. processed C. proceeded D. processing



37. We love peace, yet we are not the kind of people to yield ______ any military threat.

A) up B) to C) in D) at



38. Which sport has the most expenses ______ training equipment, players' personal equipment and uniforms?

A) in place of B) in terms of C) by means of D) by way of


39. The relationship between employers and employees has been studied ______.

A) originally B) extremely C) violently D) intensively



40. Since the matter was extremely ____, we dealt with it immediately.

A) tough B) tense C) urgent D) innocent



41. Having decided to rent a flat, we ______ contacting all the accommodation agencies in the city.

A) set about B) set down C) set out D) set up




42. He hoped the firm would ______ him to the Paris branch.

A) exchange B) transmit C) transfer D) execute



43. As a result of careless washing the jacket ______ to a child's size.

A) compressed B) shrank C) dropped D) decreased



44. The car ______ halfway for no reason.

A) broke off B) broke down C) broke up D) broke out


45. Now the _________ is appealing for witnesses who may have seen anything suspicious last night.

A) detect B) detector C) detective D) detecter



46. The soldiers met severe resistance and need ______ forces.

A. immediate

B. forward

C. back-up D heavy



47.The newcomers found it impossible to ______ themselves to the climate sufficiently to make permanent homes in the new country.

A suit B. adapt C. regular D. coordinate



48. He was ______ to take over the position of party chairman.

A. designated

B. designed

C. named

D. pointed




49.As a result of _____ the three people were charged with possessing illegal drugs.

A assault

B attack C. invade D. raid



50. You cannot search my house without a search _______.

A. warrant

B. license

C. passport

D. certificate

【参考答案】:A 【学生得分】:2.0


大学英语四级阅读:选词填空技巧汇总 选词填空的考察形式 一篇280词左右的文章,文章中挖出10个空,并统一给出A-O 15个备选答案。选词填空区别于完形填空,有更大的解题难度,原因在于: 1. 完形填空每题都是四选一,选词填空第一题要十五选一,就算用到排除法,最后一题也要六选一,而且在十五个选项中还有五个根本不会用到,难度加大; 2. 完形填空每题的四个选项都是统一的词性,只需要辨析词义、搭配就基本可以作答,而选词填空的十五个选项有多个词性,解题时需要同时判断词性和词义,难度加大; 3. 完形填空每题的四个选项往往都是统一时态,统一形式,而在选词填空中会涉及选项的动词时态、第三人称单数形式、被动主动语态,名词的单复数等的辨析,难度加大。 针对选词填空的解题方法分为三步 1. 预览选项,了解词义并把选项分为四大类词性:名词n,动词v,形容词a,副词ad,在每个选项后作词性的简要标记; 2. 精读全文开头,把握文章主题,并以三个空或一个段落为一个单位,利用前后文判 断每空的词性; 3. 把对应词性的选项逐一带回原文,含义通顺,时态、主谓搭配一致的为正确选项。 四级考试的常用后缀在判断选项词性时可以有一定帮助作用。在根据前后文判断每空的词性时,一些经常考察的形式如下: 名词:通常来说,冠词(如a,an,the)、形容词、介词后面搭配名词,即"a/an/the/adj./prep. + n。", 举例说明:Education soon became a _____. 冠词a后面加可数名词的单数形式,正确答案是nightmare,这句话的意思是"教育很快成了一种噩梦。" As the trade winds lessen in _____, the ocean temperatures rise causing the Peru current flowing in from the east to warm up by as much as 5 degrees. (06-6) 介词in后面加名词,正确答案是strength,这句话的意思是"当信风强度减弱的时候,海洋温度上升,导致从东部流入的秘鲁洋流上升了5摄氏度之多。"较难的一个例子:Husbands and children now do some of these jobs, a ____ that has changed the target market for many products. (06-12) 这里可以用两种判断方法来判断横线处所填词的词性。第一种方法,用句子结构来判断,前面一句话,husbands and children now do some of these jobs,这是一个完整的句子,主语husbands and children,谓语动词do,宾语some of these jobs;后面的that 引导的是一个同位语从句,它所修饰的中心词就是a后面需要填的词,而定语从句的中心词是名词,所以横线处应填一个名词。第二种方法,根据刚才所说的"a + 名词"的语法规则来判断,横线处应该填一个名词,而且是一个可数名词的单数形式。正确答案是situation。这句话的意思是"丈夫和孩子现在也做一些这样的工作了,这种情况就改变了许多产品的目标市场。" 动词:动词的考点很多,我们来看其中三种: 1. 主语后缺谓语动词。举例说明:He ____ from his teachers, came home in tears and thought about dropping out. 在这句话里,主语是he,本来后面应该有一个动词作谓语,但是这里没有动词,而是在横线后面出现了一个介词短语from his teachers,这样这句话就缺少谓语动词,所以横线上应该填一个动词。正确答案是hid,这句话的意思是"他不愿见老师,

新编大学英语 1 词汇测试 2

Vocabulary Test 2 (Unit 4--Unit6) I. Directions:Choose the most appropriate word or phrase to complete each of the following sentences. 25% 1. All the ______ to the Palace were guarded by soldiers. A. means B. ways C. approaches D. methods 2. The baby’s first step caused great ______ in the family. A. stimulation B. distress C. inspiration D. excitement 3. The living room is usually ______ with flowers three days before Christmas. A. provided B. furnished C. decorated D. equipped 4. Since he _____ refused to discuss the matter any further , we had to look for other ways of solution. A. absolutely B. nearly C. fairly D. relatively 5. Early ______ education , schooling for young children , usually beginning at age three , intended to prepare them for elementary grades. A. childhood B. childish C. childlike D. childless 6. I find the British legal system extremely ______ and its really difficult for me to understand it. A. complicated B. sophisticated C. influential D. objective 7. Most of the old people don’t want to be taken out of their daily ______. A. frustration B. routine C. trifle D. reluctance 8. The clock can be _______ for one year. A. guaranteed B. ensured C. assured D. insured 9. Although the main characters in the novel are so true to life, they are entirely _____. A. imaginative B. imaginable C. imagination D. imaginary 10. Air pollution ________ to many kinds of diseases. A. confirms B. contributes C. communicates D. consumes 11. Flexible working hours __________ parents to spend much more time with their children. A. permitted B. convinced C. caused D. denied 12. I hope this will _______ you to change your mind. A. convince B. instruct C. predict D. upset 13. Barbara _________ in doing it again though she had failed more than a dozen times. A. consisted B. insisted C. persisted D. assisted 14. I seem to have _______ two copies of this book. A. required B. approached C. applied D. acquired 15. The picture ____ to me my school days. A. remembered B. recalled C. reminded D. memorized 16. The president refused to _______ on the rumor that he had planned to give up his position. A. relate B. treat C. comment D. state 17. I spent the whole day repairing the computer. The work was _______ easy.

大学英语精读3 unit6单词

zombie n.还魂尸 Whiff n. 一吹, 一阵香气, 香烟的一口violation n.违反, 违背, 妨碍 vested adj. 既定的 underworld n. 黑社会 undercut v. 削弱, 廉价出售 ultimately adv.最后, 最终 troop n.群, 组,军队, 大量transportation n.运输, 运输工具, 运输系统symptom n.症状, 征兆 stigma n. 耻辱, 污名n. 柱头 stamp v.镇压,压制 smuggle v. 走私, 偷运, 偷带 sin n.原罪v.犯罪, 违反(教规) sentiment n.情绪, 感情, 观点, 感伤segregate v.分离, 隔离, 分凝adj.分离的segment n.部分, 弓形,瓣, 段, 节vt.分割sane adj.心智健全的, 明智的 sanction n.批准, 约束力,处罚 rum 朗姆酒 reverse v.逆转, 倒退, 互换;改变 repeal n. 废止, 撤消v. 废止, 撤消remove v.消除, 脱掉, 免除, 搬迁relentless adj.冷酷无情的, 不间断的reduce v.减少, 缩小, 使落魄, 简化, 还原recreation n.消遣, 娱乐 rebuttal n. 反驳, 反证 rationale l n.基本原理, 基础理论 pusher n. (毒品等的)非法销售者 pump v.用泵等抽出或压入 proverbial adj. 众所周知的 prosecutor n.公诉人, proponent n.提倡者, 支持者 prohibition n. 禁止, 禁令 premium n.额外费用, 奖金, 保险费 plus prep.加, 加上 persuasion n. 说服, 劝说, 信念 permanent adj.永久的, 持久的 per prep.每, 每一, 经过, 按照paradigm n.模式 outweigh v.比... 重要, 比... 有价值opium n. 鸦片, 麻醉剂 narcotic n. 麻醉药 multifaceted adj. 多层面的mount v.,举行 moralist n. 道德学家, 卫道士 mission n.使命, 代表团, 任务, 布道minimize v.将... 减到最少, 贬低 mild adj.温和的, marijuana n. 大麻 mainliner n. (静脉中注射毒品的)瘾君子logic n.逻辑, 逻辑学, 条理性, 推理 lift vt.解除(法令等) kick v.剔除,戒绝(恶习)intoxicant adj. 醉人的 insight n.洞察力 impoverish vt. 使贫困, 使贫瘠, 使枯竭impose v. 加上, 课征, 强迫, 征收(税款) illusory adj. 虚幻的, 幻觉的 illegal adj.非法的, 不合法的n.非法移民hooked adj.,吸毒成瘾的 heroin n. 海洛因 gaping adj.敞开的 exhortation n.劝告, 训词, 讲道词enforcement n.执行, 强制,实施 dwarf vt.使矮小 dramatically adv.戏剧地, 引人注目地 divine adj.神圣的, 神的 disprove vt.证明... 是不对的, 提出... 的反证demon n.魔鬼, 恶魔, deglamorize vt.使失去迷惑力criminalization n.(制定法律)宣告为非法criminal adj.犯罪的, 刑事的, 违法的 cop n.警察 antismoking adj. 反对吸烟的 confiscation n. 没收;征用;充公 coke n. 可卡因 cocaine n. 可卡因 citizenry n. (总称)公民, 市民catastrophic adj.灾难的, 灾难性的 cartel n.卡特尔,联合企业, bureaucratic adj. 官僚的, ban v.禁止, 剥夺权利 bail v. 往外舀水, 使摆脱困境 anew adv. 重新, 再 analogy n.类比, 相似, 类似 alcoholic n. 酗酒者 advocacy n. 拥护, 支持, 鼓吹


第一单元 get by 过得去frustration 挫折;令人失望 suburban 郊区的suburb 郊区contentment 满足honey 蜂蜜 make it 成功 canoe 独木木舟sunset 日落(n) sunrise 日出(n) hawk 鹰 cornfield 玉米田haul (用马车,卡车)搬运 firewood 木柴 sled 雪橇 retile 重新用瓦盖longoverdue overdue 早该有的;早该发生的improvement 改进supplement 补充;增加indoor 室内的 spray 喷;洒 orchard 果园 barn 谷仓 chick 小鸡typewriter 打字机freelance 自由撰稿人pursue 努力去获得,追求 household 家庭的;普通的;家庭 oversee 看管beehive 蜂窝 organ 风琴;器官stack 一堆 wicked 邪恶的;坏的overflow 溢出;泛滥swamp 淹没;压倒freezer 冰柜cherry 樱桃 raspberry 悬钩子;树 莓 asparagus 芦笋 bean 豆;豆形果实 canned-goods 罐装品 cupboard 食橱;碗橱 plum 李子;梅子 jelly 果子冻 squash 南瓜属植物 pumpkin 南瓜 gallon 加仑 at that point 就在那 时 decidedly 肯定地;无 疑地 blessing 祝福 bless 为……祝福 on balance 总的来说 den 兽穴 illustrate 举例说明 hitch 用-具套住 dogsled 狗拉雪橇 monster 怪物;妖怪 digest 文摘;摘要 boundary 边界;分界 线 widerness 荒野;荒地 generate 形成;产生 dental 牙的;和牙有关 的 insurance 保险;保险 费 policy 保险单;保险契 约 pick up 付(帐) minor 较少的;较小的 premium 保险费;奖 金;奖品 aside from 除了 cut back 减少;削减 appreciably 能够感到 地,可观的 lower 降低;减少 dine out 外出吃饭 patronize 光顾;惠顾 ballet 芭蕾舞 extravagant 奢侈的; 浪费的 suspect 怀疑 solitude 孤独 budget 预算 requirement 要求, 必要条件 scale 规模 on a small /large scale 小规模地 resist 抵制 temptation 诱惑(n) device 设备,装置 machinery 机器,机械 horsepower 马力 rotary 旋转的 cultivator 耕耘机 rotary cultivator 旋 转式耕耘机 profit 利润(n&&v) invest 投资 primarily 主要地;起 初 第二单元 slender 苗条的;细长的 settlement 新拓居地; confident 有信心的;确 信的 give up 放弃 creator 造物主,上帝 devotion 深爱的,挚爱 cabin 小棚屋 ironically 具有讽刺意 味的是 symbolize 象征,标志 racial 种族的 sellout 背叛者;背叛 unwilling 不愿意的; 勉强的 stand up (for) 支持


新视野大学英语4选词填空答案及翻译 一 Have you ever known anyone famous? If so, you may have found that they are remarkably similar to th e rest of us. You may have even heard them object to people saying there is anything different about them. “I’m really just a normal guy,”protests an acto r who has recently rocketed into the spotlight. There is, of course, usually a brief period when they actually start t o believe they are as great as their worshipping f ans suggest. They start to wear fancy clothes and talk as if everyone should hear what they have to say. This period, however, does not often last long. They fall back to reality as fast as they h ad originally risen above it all. What will it feel like to soar to such altitude and look down like an eagle from up high on everyone else? And what will it feel like to have flown so hi gh only to wake from your dream and realize you are only human? Some only see the cruelty in losin


第二版新编大学英语Book II Unit 1 adjust cling to complain about coordinate despite be envious of frustration indignity kid v. pace precisely punch reluctance severely trifle unworthy urge sb. to do engage in let on now that see to it that subject …to // commodity confidentially dependent devotion gaze at impulsively insecure monopoly overnight pill recognition shift slide staff stroll tuck…in watchful withdrawn wrinkled deprive…of turn up additional appreciation be capable of be entitled to interaction popularity pressure relaxation remark scratch security therapy touching identify with in return Unit 2 acceptance assistance assume conflict convey emphasis exaggerate factual ignore literally misinterpret mislead quit react feel like lead to on the verge of pull out take…lightly// accomplish ment admirable cheerfully determination distinguish exhaust fatigue gratitude memorize neglect possess promising sacrifice solely burst into tears hold back in a different light pull over turn out Unit 3 appropriately capability capacity contribute to cruelty dependence dominate evaluate flexible genuinely guilt


Glossary lesson 1 academic 学院的adolescence 青春期adolescent 青少年时期adulthood 成年 affection 喜爱 affirm 断言 agenda 日程表 anxiety 焦虑 attitudinal 态度的 baptist bounce 跳跃 capability 能力contribute 贡献 counsel 建议 crisis 危机 definite 清楚的developmental 发育的distinct 区分,差别distressed 悲伤 dorm 公寓,宿舍(大学生)

encyclopedia 百科全书endeavor 尝试endowment 天赋 ethical 道德的ethnic evaluate 估算,评估excessive 过分的,极度的feminine 女性的 financial 财政的 functional 职务的 genetic 基因的 guilt 内疚 heighten 提高 inherit 遗传,继承inhibition 压抑的情绪interact 交流 interaction 合作 involve (成功的)必要条件journal 期刊 masculine 男性的 maturity 成熟 mistrust 不信任

newscast 新闻广播parental 父母的 peer 同龄人 perceive 理解 position 工作 prejudiced 偏见 project 规划 rebel 抗议 relate 理解,同情某人resentment 怨恨 role 职责 seminary 学院的separation 分开 sexual 2性的 shrink 缩水 stressful 有压力的superior 优秀的theological 神学的unquestionably 毫无疑问的lesson2


综合教程第三册 Unit 1 Changes in the Way We Live 1. get by:be good enough but not very good; manage to live or do things in a satisfactory way过得去,尚可 It is a little bit difficult for the old couple to get by on such a small pension. 2. just about: almost 几乎 It’s just about the worst mistake anyone could make. 3. haul: vt.transport, as with a truck, cart, etc.(用卡车、马车等)搬运 The rescue team hauled medical supplies and food to the flooded villages. 救援队把药品和食物运到被淹的村庄。Rescue workers hauled passengers out of the crashed train. 3. improvement:n. the act or an instance of improving or being improved.改进,改善The improvement in the job market in the past few years has been remarkable. 4. supplement. n. sth. add to sth. in order to improve it (followed by with) 补充,增补 Peter does occasional freelance work to supplement his income. 医生建议在我们的饮食中增加维他命E 和A. The doctor suggested supplementing my diet with vitamins E and A. 5.indoor a.situated or used inside a building室内的 Tobacco smoke is considered as an indoor pollutant. 6. pursue: vt. Strive to gain or accomplish 努力去获得(或完成);追求; 追逐;追踪 People earn a living during the day and pursue vocational and intellectual interests in their spare time. The police are pursuing an escaped prisoner. 7. wicked:evil or bad邪恶的,坏的 We are all born good, but can be taught to be wicked. 8.get through:come successfully to the end通过,度过 She got through the entrance examination and was accepted by the college. 9. at that point: at that very moment; right then就在那时 The train was now only a couple of yards from the kids on the track. At that point, Anthony threw himself forward and pulled them clear. 10. on balance: with all things considered 总的来说 I think, on balance, I prefer the new operating system. 我想,总的来说我更喜欢新的操作系统。 11. illustrate: vt.provide with visual features; clarify by use of examples, etc. 加插图于;举例说明 Let me use another example to illustrate this difficult point. 12.digest: 1) n. a short account of written materials or data文摘,摘要 Reader’s Digest is a popular magazine in the US. 2) v: change sth. into a form that the body can use;think about sth. carefully and understand it消化;融会贯通 Mary can’t digest fat.玛丽吃肥肉不消化。 It often takes long time to digest new ideas.吸收新思想往往需要很长时间。 13.generate: vt.bring into existence; produce 形成,产生 When coal burns, it generates heat.煤燃烧时,产生热量。 14.insurance:n.guarantee of compensation for loss, damage, sickness, death, etc. in return for regular payment 保险;保险费 Does your insurance cover damage by flooding? Our firm carries fire insurance. 15. minor: a. lesser or smaller in amount or importance, etc.较少的,较小的,次要的 They only encountered minor problems in their first space flight. 16. premium:n. a sum of money paid regularly to an insurance company to protect sb. against some risk of loss or damage 保险费;奖金,奖品 He is complaining that car insurance premiums have increased too much this year. 他抱怨说,今年汽车保险费增加得太多。


Unit 2 一、填单词 1、China’s economic success over the past three decades has raised the living standards of hundreds of millions of Chinese citizens. 中国在过去三十年取得的经济成功提高了千百万中国人民的生活水平。 2、Citibank(花旗银行) picked the chief executive of https://www.doczj.com/doc/3612012234.html, as its first Chinese customer Thursday to open an account at its new branch in the historic Peace Hotel along Shanghai’s fabled waterfront. 花旗银行星期四 选择了易唐执行总裁作为它新分行的第一位中国开户客户,该分行在位于上海外滩著名的和平饭店内。 3、The United States last Wednesday imposed tariffs of up to 30 percent on a range of foreign steel imports to help protect its domestic industry. 美国上星期三对外国进口钢材征收30 %的关税以保护国内钢产业。 4、Although he was raised as a Christian, he’s not really very religious.虽然他被当做一个基督徒被养大,但他不是非常虔诚的宗教信徒 5、You can distinguish between frogs and toads in the following way: frogs have slender bodies, long limbs, and a smooth skin, and toads have stouter bodies, shorts limbs and dry skin. 你可以从以下方面区分青蛙和蟾蜍:青蛙身体细长,四肢很长并且皮肤光滑,而蟾蜍身体粗壮,四肢短,皮肤干燥。 6、From the airplane window I could see a web of city streets. 从飞机的窗口我能看到城市街道的网状图 7、Aunt Pat smiled at her little niece and bade her to eat. 帕特阿姨笑着

新编大学英语 第三册 单词

第一单元 accent 强调;口音;腔调;重音acquaintance 泛泛之交;了解adversely 有害地 assurance 信心;保证 assured 自信的;感到有把握的circulate 周旋;循环 concept 观念 constant 不断的;始终不变的contrast 对比 converse 聊天 criticism 批评;评论detrimental 有害的 dwell 详述;居中 eliminate 排除;淘汰encouragement鼓励enthusiastically 满腔热情地esteem 尊重 excessively 过多地 hobby 业余爱好 impression 印象;印记improvement 改进

inadequacy 不够格;不充分inferior 差的 inferiority 低劣 interpret 解释;翻译isolate 使孤立 numerous 众多的overcome 消除;压倒overdo 低头 overweight 超重的passive 消极的reasonable 合理的reevaluate 重新评价rejection 拒绝 self-esteem 自尊 shyness 害羞spontaneous 本能的statement 陈述 swirl 旋转 thoughtful 经过缜密思考的timid 害羞的 unattractive 没有吸引力的uncomfortable 不舒服的

worrisome 令人忧虑的 a great many 很多 come along 出现;与某人一起来到dwell on 谈或想的太多 hand in hand 相伴;手拉手地 have something at heart 对…深切关心 in contrast 与…截然相反 of one’s choice 中意的 set aside (为某目的)节约(时间或钱)aptitude 天资 attach 连接;缚;认为有(重要性)awe 敬畏 brand-new 暂新的 confine 限制;监禁 convinced 确信的 crib 有围栏的婴儿床 deafness 聋 despair 绝望 disagreement 分歧 dismissal 解雇 divorce 离婚;分离;与…离婚employer 雇主


《大学英语精读》(第一册) - 上一课第 1 课 1 average['?v?rid?] a.普通的;中等的 2 intelligence[in'telid??ns]n.智力 3 necessarily['nesis?rili]ad.必定 4 case[keis]n.实情 5 additional[?'di??n?l] a.附加的,额外的 6 addition[?'di??n]n.加,增加,加法 7 weekly['wi:kli] a.每周的;一周一次的 8 schedule['?edju:l]n.时间表 9 chart[t?ɑ:t]n.图(表) 10 commit[k?'mit]vt.指定…用于 11 aside[?'said]ad.在旁边;到(向)一边 12 etc.[et'set?r?]等等 13 normal['n?:m?l] a.正常的 14 reading['ri:di?]n.阅读 15 assignment[?'sainm?nt]n.(布置的)作业 16 occupy['?kjupai]vt.占用 17 relaxation[ri:l?k'sei??n]n.休息,娱乐

18 relax[ri'l?ks]v.放松,(使)休息 19 hobby['h?bi]n.业余爱好 20 entertainment[?ent?'teinm?nt]n.娱乐 21 entertain[?ent?'tein]vt.娱乐,招待 22 solve[s?lv]vt.解决(问题) 23 aware[?'we?] a.知道的;意识到的 24 furthermore[?f?:e?'m?:]ad.而且;此外 25 enable[i'neib?l]vt.使(某人)能(做某事) 26 activity[?k'tiviti]n.活动 27 adequate['?dikwit] a.充分的;足够的 [di'str?k??n] n.分心(或分散注意力)的28 distraction 事物 29 concentrate['k?ns?ntreit]vi.全神贯注(于) 30 skim[skim]vt.略读 31 preview[pri:'vju:]vt.预习 32 content['k?ntent]n.内容 33 organize['?:g?naiz]vt.组织 34 later['leit?] ad.后来;以后 35 skip[skip]vt.略过


。全新版大学英语综合教程第三册单词 第一单元 get by 过得去 frustration 挫折;令人失望suburban 郊区的 suburb 郊区 contentment 满足 honey 蜂蜜 make it 成功 canoe 独木木舟 sunset 日落(n) sunrise 日出(n) hawk 鹰 cornfield 玉米田 haul (用马车,卡车)搬运firewood 木柴 sled 雪橇 retile 重新用瓦盖longoverdue overdue 早该有的;早该发生的improvement 改进supplement 补充;增加 indoor 室内的 spray 喷;洒 orchard 果园 barn 谷仓 chick 小鸡 typewriter 打字机 freelance 自由撰稿人 pursue 努力去获得,追求household 家庭的;普通的;家庭oversee 看管 beehive 蜂窝 organ 风琴;器官 stack 一堆 wicked 邪恶的;坏的overflow 溢出;泛滥 swamp 淹没;压倒 freezer 冰柜 cherry 樱桃

。 raspberry 悬钩子;树莓asparagus 芦笋 bean 豆;豆形果实canned-goods 罐装品cupboard 食橱;碗橱plum 李子;梅子 jelly 果子冻 squash 南瓜属植物pumpkin 南瓜 gallon 加仑 at that point 就在那时decidedly 肯定地;无疑地blessing 祝福 bless 为……祝福 on balance 总的来说den 兽穴 illustrate 举例说明 hitch 用-具套住 dogsled 狗拉雪橇monster 怪物;妖怪digest 文摘;摘要boundary 边界;分界线widerness 荒野;荒地generate 形成;产生 dental 牙的;和牙有关的insurance 保险;保险费 policy 保险单;保险契约 pick up 付(帐) minor 较少的;较小的premium 保险费;奖金;奖品aside from 除了 cut back 减少;削减appreciably 能够感到地,可观的lower 降低;减少 dine out 外出吃饭 patronize 光顾;惠顾 ballet 芭蕾舞 extravagant 奢侈的;浪费的suspect 怀疑 solitude 孤独 budget 预算 requirement 要求,必要条件scale 规模 on a small /large scale 小规模地


大学英语四级选词填空练习(二十七) Some years ago I was offered a writing assignment that would require three months of travel through Europe. I had been abroad a couple of times, but I could hardly __1__ to know my way around the continent. Moreover, my knowledge of foreign languages was __2__ to a little college French. I hesitated. How would I, unable to speak the language, __3__ unfamiliar with local geography or transportation systems, set up __4__ and do research? It seemed impossible, and with considerable __5__ I sat down to write a letter begging off. Halfway through, a thought ran through my mind: you can't learn if you don't try. So I accepted the assignment. There were some bad __6__. But by the time I had finished the trip I was an experienced traveler. And ever since, I have never hesitated to head for even the most remote of places, without guides or even __7__ bookings, confident that somehow I will manage. The point is that the new, the different, is almost by definition __8__. But each time you try something, you learn, and as the learning piles up, the world opens to you. I've learned to ski at 40, and flown up the Rhine River in a __9__. And I know I'll go on doing such things. It's not because I'm braver or more daring than others. I'm not. But I'll accept anxiety as another name for challenge and I believe I can __10__ wonders. [A] accomplish [B] advanced [C] balloon [D] claim [E] constantly [F] declare [G] interviews [H] limited [I] manufacture [J] moments

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