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We see
We did not see
Glass is so important to us
So, What is the glass constituted of ? (玻璃的主要组份) How is the glass classified ? (玻璃的分类) How is the glass work made ? (玻璃的制备方法) What are the properties of glass ? (玻璃的性质) What is the structure of glass ? (玻璃的结构) What are the major applications of glass ? (玻璃的主要用途) New types of glass and new applications ? (新型玻璃和玻璃的新用途)
400-500 到 1200
欧洲的中世纪,拜占庭玻璃Hale Waihona Puke Baidu据主流地位
1200 AD 到 1900
1900 AD 到 现在
Great events in the history of glass
Natural glass (1)
The volcanic outflow (火山喷发) of the molten magma (岩浆) get cooled and form glasses.
Natural glass (2)
Impactites (击变岩) are natural glasses formed from crystalline materials rendered amorphous by the shock of meteoric (陨石) impact. Glasses formed from impacted melts are known as tektites (玻陨石).
— ASTM 1949
熔体在冷却过程中粘度逐渐增大而得的不结晶的固体材料。 — 汉语大词典
Features of glass 玻璃的通性
Lack of the periodic (long range) order of a crystal
Infinite unit cell (no repeating large scale structures) 3D network lacking symmetry and periodicity ISOTROPIC 各向同性: same properties in all directions
The Second Period: 100 AD through 400-500 AD
Glassblowing technique discovered, and glass manufacture becomes a more practical process.
The Third Period: 400-500 AD ~ 1200 AD
Major applications of industrial glass 工业玻璃的主要用途
Now commonly applied for:
Containers (容器) Windows Decoration Lenses (镜头) Fiberglass (玻璃纤维) Fiberoptics (光导纤维) Road signs Composites
The world of glass
1. 掌握玻璃的主要类型 2. 了解玻璃的主要用途 3. 学习玻璃的生产工艺 4. 熟悉玻璃的结构和性质 5. 了解光电转换材料的最新进展
Preparation of glass Structure and properties Applications of glass Optoelectronics materials (光电材料)
Common oxide glasses
Soda - Lime - Silicate Glass (钠钙玻璃 钠钙玻璃) 钠钙玻璃
Composition: 10-15 Na2O + 5-15 CaO + 50-70 SiO2 Uses:
Classification of glasses according to compositions 玻璃的分类: 按成份分
Oxide glasses Chalcogenide Glasses (硫属化物玻璃) 特种玻璃 Thioborate glasses (B2S3) (硫硼玻璃) 是指除日用玻璃以外的、采用精制、高纯或新型 Halide glasses (BeF2, ZnCl2 etc.) (卤化物玻璃) 原料,或采用新工艺在特殊条件下或严格控制形
Date 650 BC 1,200 AD 1,590 Place and Activity 1st Glassmaking handbook Venice glass center dominates in glass production Glass telescope and microscope lenses are developed in Netherlands and used for the first time Galileo Galilei uses telescope to investigate planetary motion
Great events in the history of glass
1,665 Hall of mirrors in Versailles is built
Great events in the history of glass
1875 Technical glasses are developed in Germany by Carl Zeiss at Jena, Germany becomes a major glass science and engineering center. Arthur Wood and David Gray of Corning Glass Works develop the “399” machine, later called the “Ribbon” machine to make light bulbs at speeds of 1000 per minute.
Great events in the history of glass
1932 William Zachariasen publishes the “Random Network Hypothesis” of glass structure and his rules of glass formation in J. Amer. Chem. Society Pilkington Brothers patent the float glass process and introduced in England and will ultimately revolutionize flat glass manufacturing. 1st silica optical fiber produced at Corning Glass Works using chemical vapor deposition techniques to reduce attenuation (衰减) and improve signal transmission
(2)将常规特性发挥至极点; Metallic glasses (金属玻璃)
Glass-like (3)将上述某项特性以另一种特性置换; Carbon (玻璃碳)
Oxide glass
More than 90% of the glass in use is based on oxides and in particular silica.
Part I: The world of glass
Section 1.1: Introduction
Definition of glass 玻璃的定义
Glass is an inorganic product of fusion which has cooled to a rigid condition without crystallization
Glass objects used as everyday goods; large scale manufacturing.
人类应用玻璃的历史根据生产工艺的不同可以分为以下几个阶段: 公元前1700 到 公元后100年
公元100年 到 400-500
A brief history of glass According to the methods of the manufacturing process:
The First Period: 1700 BC through 100 AD
Primitive method of making glass using molds.
Metastability 介稳性能
Compared to its crystalline form
无固定熔点 (no fixed melting temp.)
Can be either solid or liquid / viscosity (粘度)
Continuous and reversible(可逆的) changes
成过程制成的一些具有特殊功能或特殊用途的玻 Heavy metal fluoride glasses (ZrF4) (重金属氟化玻璃) 璃,也包括经玻璃晶化获得的微晶玻璃。 (1)使玻璃具有特殊的功能;
Oxy-halide glasses (氧卤玻璃) Oxynitride glasses (氧氮玻璃)
Middle Ages, characterized by Byzantine glass.
The Fourth Period: 1200 AD ~ 1900 AD
Venetian glass, foundation for modern glass making is set.
The Fifth Period: 1900 AD ~ present
《材料概论》 Introduction to Materials
Ch. 4,
武汉理工大学 材料科学与工程学院
Most time, we did not realize
Can you count how many things in this classroom that are made from glass ?
Silica and silicate glasses (硅酸盐玻璃) B2O3 and borate glasses (硼酸盐玻璃) GeO2 and germanate glasses (锗酸盐玻璃) P2O5 and phosphate glasses (磷酸盐玻璃) Complex oxide glasses
Common oxide glasses
Vitreous Silica - SiO2
Composition: SiO2 Very expensive Uses:
Low expansion chemically resistant tubing Light bulbs where UV transparency and high temperature limit is necessary Ultra-low loss telecommunication optical fiber Low expansion mirrors and mirror blanks